TilK OMAHA 1AUT nKE: MONDAY. OCTOHKK 2P. 1!HK i I i 3 K .C GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Demand for Wheat by BhorU Comes at Openinr MtlCES STRONGER AND HOLD TO. CLOSE Receipts at nrbwet rnlata Much Lighter for Wftk Than luc Ago Cera firm, Despite fiond Hralhrr Predletlssne. OMAIL.. Oct. 27, 1t. I'll e hulk of fro lifli rilc rame off at the opening. PrH-es slain d higher, with "Tertrigs rather limited. Shorts wire mode til;iy by ihu utrrnelh In ciilih s, bawl un ' twlipht shipments to Llvwpoel. The sstik: ' I is rendered holders mure confident. The northwest seld nt Inti rvuls, hut price hwd up well. Hecclptu hI Winnipeg, Minne apolis anil liiluth were nearly ."" mm lor the last week, wh i ll In l.fiiD cars l-rs than lor the corresponding period n yitt IJCO. Higher cables, con-dderahlo" rnln through the went, particularly In Irtwa. and light receipts, gave lire Torn market lt opening Impetus. La tor. when the forecast fur eev. eral duys of fine wrnther became known. n easier trend developed, but persistent buying of the Mny prevented any material decline. Reports were agilit circulated of dry rot, but are confined to ii strip In Illinois; and Western Indiana, where" the Top hs never been firn-elnss.. Advices from other seetlnn am flittering. FhorlK covered tinder th" Influence of nther gr.-iln"!. giving the oata market a firm tone. Tr.idn was 1 1 k h t atid there arem l't tlt poaalhlllly of any malerlnl pain. Pvir ehapes In the rftuntry ape qnlt llteral nnil there iihdouhtedly abundant auppltea nt M.i tlona in come forwnrd. I'rirnnry wheat lereipta were S75.0 Intsh rln and" ahlpmenin H7I f bmh.-lM, apalti""! rerelptji last year of .23, biwhela nud ahlpments of 5d,mf bulv ls. Com ren-lpM were 4W0 tuiHhela and Khlninenl-i 3i!i.ii bushels, ojjalnst receipts last vear or fcm.neo lniHhela and Hhlpnient" of 4fi5.0i) bushels. 'learanees were 1:;4,im" bualielM of w heat, IW.iiCiu barrel of tlour. 235,ti't; bushels of corn. "7 "i' buahelB ot oiitw.. . IJverimol cloHfKl ;wd higher on wheat and d hlsiher on coi n, Kxiortera sny bids are tame and business Ii hampered ny enr ahortage. SlilppeYa verywhero iirtltiK with ureal rautidn c aline of transportation dlltloultiea. Con tracts for npnc!ned time thlpmenta are mudu only where the most liberal allow, nnce Is permitted. New Vnek reports ni Jiiora of Rood-nliied export business worked over niRhf. A peelil bulletin of Modern ' Miller says today: "The Indianapolis correspondent or the Modern Miller rrports riuinnR-e by fly to wheat and some counties complain of damage to corn by dry rot." ixM-ai rang or options:' Articles.) Open, High.! Low. I Close. Yes y lyVheat-l I I JJOO.. May.. Corn Pec. Mty.. Oats Dec. May.. 70V, 7tVi,v- ,70',' 704' , i . . : VV 37V :3Tti! 37l "7! 31 3S' 8S t S3 J 3S '.; I niv..V..... -I 32' i" Omaha Cash ales VlTKAT-No. 8 hard, 1 car, i". OATS No, 2, 1 car, 30c; No. 3 white. Omaha Cash rrleew. WHEAT No. 2 hard, CMi;7c; No. 3 tiai.1, iW4e:- o. 4 hard. rtitf3"4o: No. Mrtn. CtlDN No. 3. n'V.'(i?.v.,.: No. 3 yellow, 4' fHir.: No. 8 trhtte, Vc. OATS No. 8 mixed, im:n".c; No. 8 white, Kiiydttc! No. 4 white, .," 31114c. RVl-:No. 2, 58c; No. 3. Dtt'sc. Carlot Revel pta. WIHa! f.1 Corn. )S2 :il Oati. Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis i Omaha nuluth ...... Ht. IiuH .... :?l ..171 ..27 .. 11 rmcAcu ;ri ami imiovimiixs Features of the Trad loir and ( losluii Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Oct. 27. Firm cables and wet weather In the Cnlted Stales, cuusv-d atrenglh today In the lM-al wheat market. At the close wheat for December delivery wMtin-' ?.'"- Corn -wits a badr "higher. Oats were 1 rd 1 Ut: hlk-hcr. I'roylslonn .were ,tmilirge,J to V-tv'V Inwer. ' 't'Tradlng in rtio wheat rlt to (daywus Inore active tlian ut .any .time, .dining the last month and prices sliitwyd ' considernble buiivan-". Local traders who have lieen liammering priceH for. several days turned ti the otlur side em ly In the session and jwcrainblerl nergetlcally to cover their sl.oj-t aales. Offering' W. le few. The bullish lai'tors vjc siiieller receipts In the norMi wrst. the arrils today at MinneapoH nd 'Dtiluth being t3 cars less than if the t,rresroiuling (luy'one ymr ago, ttd Jllgher prices on ihe curb at Minneapolis.. Foreign market were also strong, wheat nt Liverpool closing vnd higher. whlPvat Paris tlo re was u somewhat aensatlotml rie in the price of Hour for Octol r de livery, ax well as a substantial g ilil-. In I wheat value. In nddltioii to these In- I lluencea weather conditions In the 1'nlted j Statrs win far from Ideal for Hie nop ' inoveinent. many lucalitb s In the west and northwest reporting heavy rain. Imrin tho last hour of trading prices fell off i toniewhat lacauso of realizing aalcs. but the close waa ftriii, December opined '4i a to ts'fio higher at 73c to 7:i'e. ad vanced to 73c and closed ut 7:!S''l7:U1e. ;iear-.inces o( wheat and four were equal to if.it bu. Primary receipts were S75.0 u bu., against 1,33.i.i.4 bu. for the -corresponding day one year ago. .MlniieapohM. Du luth and Chicago 'reported receipts of ,'.S1 cars, against "71 I cars last week and Hi cars one year ago. Sentiment in the corn pit was bullish and the volume of trading was quite la'g. Khovts aim commission nouses were active bidder, but offerings were not larg. Finn abs. small local receipts,-, wet weather throughout the corn belt and the sir ngth of wheat were the chief reasons for the ttrmuesH. Late in the day realising sales lowered the market somewhat, but the eh so was steady. December opened l,'ic higher ut WSe to I3"c. old off to ll'if xc and closed nt the low point. Lh-sI lereipta were 1S2 'ar, - with Jul 'cais of contract grade. i Oats were c,ulet and llrm. Wot weitlur and the strength of wheal and corn wen- I tne nisln incentive to b.iyers Cash houses i ware the principal bidders. December i.am I opened VMle higher at ',:, soM up to R3'ie and closed at V2e. local reccli.tg were 234 cars. Provisions were firm at the opening be cause of a 5c aiKatire in I he price of live hogs. Shorts' were go,.d buyers early in the dav, but later the market ' eased off on selling by local packers At the close January pork ass a jshsde !oirer t lU.Tji,. Lard was unchanged at IV.;',. Ribs were Vi6: lower at $7.4.Vij 7.47V,. tstimated receipts for Monday: Wheat, 70 car; coin. U4 cars; onts. aS2 cars; hugs' R3.f'n) heat. ' The lcrding futures ranged as follow: Articles. Cp-n.. High. Low. J Cloat.j Yc'y. AVheat I ec. May Corn fk-t. Pec. May Oata D.-C May July May trd- Oct. Nov. . Jan. May Ribs Oct. Jan. May 1 ' ! 7:1 I73U411.' ITti.fii.l ji'iiiAsI I ' 4H.1 4.t-1,liS' 44 Si 73 7'. . 44',: 33-l 45. 4i 4,d, 43" 4 4,1 4.::,: . 14 4T,i44 Mi-,' 3T,ft :6 2"T "4T, 344 . I ' i Sll 13 72U,i 13 ' 13 77V 13 ' No. 2. - Cash cuiota lions were a follows FI-OUR Steady; winter nait-nt t -t -it. t e$40: winter straights. ri.l'.i3.!r.; si.rn ' it-n". a."-" -"i, us e-raignts $J.:r hikers, li!'ii . . . WHEAT No. 2 swing 7.'-i7lc: No. s sprier 74f7Tc: No. 3 1 eel, 71172', UKN-IM). 1',C, P.O. 1 Veil oats N. 2 s;t": ihlt. $l'ryYj. No whlta. S2l.9v. rTK-7io Z. eiStnLc. BARIJ-iV UoikI feeding. rh.i-- "'ne. 4"o1c 445c: fair to 8rUDS-r-No. 1 flx. 81'tW:, No, 1 nrth- Wes'ern. I'll. Prl-oe "n Hhy Clever, cnnlrecl sade, ' )IX sj. 8l.loj4.2i. FROVls'oNS- Short PI s'd- flooxrl. IS AO 13 sr. I I1U 13 US I 7fi 9 7R j 9 371 8 :7V " I 8 32', a' S7',l S 3o I s 30 I 7 bo I 7 T 65 I 7 65 13 I 13 9 65 I fiS 975 I i' V'J '., .tj 1 JS7SI RSi's! KS74 8 00 1 k 30 1. g 15 I H 11 ! 1 r, I J5 I 7 4,iv 7 5i I j Tfs. 7 55 t, lsrel t.er ' is., f A3 Short clear subs t Vbesredl, 8H.n0?. i Following, were the receipts and ship- ) 9 "ins of flour and grain: I M Recuinls. Shipments I'lour. bbls '.'4 o at : , 'm ! , A Wheat. Iiu 113'. l.7ii 1 Corn, bu 9si rl .i -Ts.J Oats, bu v...'sji sr. .'.:-'.'-- Hvr. hu 3 Unil'V. hu l."3.) 35,?" u the 1 riidine ixrhtfbge inlay the but t,r murk"t was stMd ; rrramery. litiZh1 : dairy, lSVd 2.V. Eggs, firm: at nwrk, ti inrliird, k,ij.; msts iie; prime firsts. 2-.i2Vi extras, 27c. Cheese, steady; I-M:'1' ll'sC SEW MIRK 4.F.ERAI, MARKET i Qnotationa f the Day 4 emmodlf lea Tarlona n;;v YORK. Ort. .'T-l-t.nl R Heeelp's. t-xport 1.1.JU bbls : sal. s, 4.H") . Hag. wini.-r p, nun kit siiaily to turn but unlet; tetiis. -i.i'iii (ki; ulnlef straights. Jainnesntii patents. M.ihi4.X5; ( wlntrr rxtrus tJ.NiMi.t P': Minm si.tn bakers M.x.ki; wlnti:i low grades. u.,yaiM. Kye hour, firm; fHir to iun1, i.f i; cholco to fair. 3 st4 in Kin kn-heat flotir, steady, K .'Vn i ni. spot and to arrive. H""K WMKAT-Wuiet. per 1 11. I'OH.VMKAU Klrin; fine wtilte and yel low, ll.Jirtjl.i); coaise, l lo'.il.l.'; kiln dried, $2.75. R V K Firm ; No. 2 western, c. r. 1. f.. New nk; jersey and atate, GiV10. llvered. 'HAftLKY Pteadv; feedlnr. 4:'.fitto. e. o. f., Itufialo; roaltlnir. HO'ifiae, c. I. f., Fuffalo. WUKAT Receipts. IW.imo bii.; exports, rfl.i-J hu .; sales. f,0.ifiO hu. futures. 8pot market Arm; No. 2 red, 7fe, elevator; No. 2 red. H'jo. f. o. b., afloat: No. 1 north ern Dtiluth. tAr. f, o. b., afloat; No. 2 hard winter, K'tr, t. o. b., afloat. On wrniint of higher cables, prospects for smaller world s shipments, lijrht northwest ree(ps and and mnilssloii house buy- In wheat was considerably higher today, closing D'riS'jc above the previous night. Kales Included No. 2 rd Mav nt M MUI fi.)c. dosed at S.:Sc; December, MHtflHc closed nt SlSc. CORN Receipts, K7.72S hu. : exports. 2S.W4 hu. H)t market steady: No. 2, 55c. ele vator, find Km; f. n. b.,' afloat: No. 2 yel low, nni4.-; No. 2 white, wtic. Option mar ket was without transactions, closing net tint Imnged'. January closed at filWc; May i lon1 at :',; lwircmhcr closed at o.)S'". OATS Receipts, irwl tin.; exorts. 24i hu. Spot . market steady; mixed oats, & to 32 pounds, ."W-; natural white, to !U pounds. Siu.iii4i'c; clipped white, 3 to 4l uoiinds, ;Wj43c, KKKD Firm: spring bran, $21.(0, prompt fhipinctit ; .middlings. $'-'l.S5, prompt ship ment; city, 821.5iKrtJ6.50. MAY Steadv: shipping. 8oe: good to choice, $l.,vi ns. HOPS Steady; stale, common to choice, 2-(i;Rc; 1!si5. linjl.lo; Padrtu coast, 19Jtl, WitlMn; r.mo, 12Tl3c. r HIDF.S Firm; Galveston. JO to 25 lbs.. Joe; California, 21 to 25 lbs., 21c; Texus dry, 24 to lbs., 19c. I.KATHKR Firm: acid. 27(9 21k:. PROVISIONS Reef, firm; family. $12 50 rfi'l'l.eii: mess. H.tiOi.IO: beef hams. f-il.OMF 22.60; packt; in.6nf ll.ta); city, extra India mes. llflfKj-Ai.'"!. fill meats, steady ; pickled U'llief, $in.2iVTj 12.50; pickled hams. flUiHil'loii. Lard, firm", western prime, .71 'dt.Su; refined stcnilv; continent, $lft.25; rloiilh America. $10.75, i-otnpuund. $7.76ft C.tti. Pork, sn-adv; fuindy, Ils.ovjl9.5o; abort clen:J, $11.oViTlt.nii; mess. 818.0WO 18.75. TALLOW Strong: city C per pkg), $; country (pkgs. frecl. 6'gt'c. HICK Finn; domestic, lair to extra, a'ynvv; Japan, nominal. VU1"1TER Firm: street price. extra creamery, 27c: official price, creamery, com mon extra, l!j)26'tc; held, seconds tu extra. 21 ' -tic; state tlnh, common to fancy, l ih2l'ic; renovated, common to extra, LVi i2;c; western factory, common to firsts, li.'n2Rc; weutem imitation creamery, firms, twi 2! Vic CHKICSK-Steady; state full cream. Sep tember, small fancy, Wic; state, fair to good, 12iil21!4C; state, October. best, 13c; large, Hep'.emlier, fancy, 13c; fair to good, 12'"il24c state. Inferior, lotll4c. L041S Steady: state, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected while, 32'q33c; state choice. 3"'o.11c; state inlxe. dextraj, 28'oiiii-; western firsts. 25c; oHiclal price, 24l2Voc; secoials, 22:'t24c. Pul'LTf V Live: Market Irregular; west ern chickens, lac; fowls, 10c; turkeys. 14c. lresed: Market weak;, western chickens, '.:('lle; spring turkeys, W'n !!; fowls, !W lie. St. Lwals General Market. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 27. WHKAT Higher; track. No. 2 red. cash. 74riiDc; No. 2 hard, 7Ki74c; December, 71T1t72c; May, ;sHK.sf. CORN Higher; track. No. 2 cash, 44-4tf 4'ic: Dec-mihcr, 41e; May, 4Hiflt2c; No. 2 white. 44V4oc. OATS liighcr; - track. No: Decemla-r, ;av. May,. SISc; 2 caelb Me; No. 2 .white1. 4'(7.'HMiC -. FLOl'R Quiet and steady; red winter patents. 83.Wrtr3.80; extra fancy and straight, fcl ii 3. fin: clear. $2. tfa ?.!. SKF.I i TiniotliV, steady, t3.2ttf3.7!i. CMRNMEAl Steady, 840. LRAN'-BtTimg; sacked, east track, s!itj91c. HAY tjulet and steady; timothy, $13. w , n,; prRlrfo. $ltMia.fc-V ' IRON COTTON T1KH $1.02. HAfiOINO-JJ,!', ' I H KM P TWI NIC 9c. PROVISIONS-Pork. ateady: jibbing, ! $1V5S. I-ard. lower: prime steam, !9.2iVi. Irv ealt meats, higher: boxed extra, ahort. 0.t2'-; cler ribs, $i.7S; short clears, Jli).12Vs. Hacon. higher; boxed extra shorts. $10.S7i; . clear libs. Ilo im; short clears $h.87V1. I POl'L'l HV- Firm: chickenn, Hc; springs, ! iv ; ducke, Mil ; gesc, 5'lt71,j : turkeys, lc. I Hl'TTKR Steady; creamery, 21h22'-c j Ou iry. IV ''122'. ' KG(3 Steady at 2oe, case count. Receipts. Shlpiren's. Flour, bbla 12. 18.000 Wheat, bu oO.timi i'.M) Corn, bu 75.i.i 1I2.0IO Oats, bu liS,i 73,flt: Sila-ieMitntlB RniH Market. MlNNEAIOLlS. Oct. 27. FLOUR First filttPls. $t.20ii4. '; second palents, $4.0utfJ 15; hist clears, $3.25113.35; second clears, $2.4iii2.fio. liBAN-In bulk, $15.50ii 15.75. (Superior Board of Trade quotations for Minneapolis and Chicago delivery). Th langM r prices, us reported by F. V. Day I & Co., 110-111 Botu'd of, Tfooe, ws: Articles. Open, High. Low. Close. Wheat Dec. Mav n., .lulv Flix- JTrtfrTS', .'77VHV .:s-Vrf'1; .1 nas, l 13-a !" l us . 1 15 I 7HI 7t. 73, 77 ii 78., 1 1?' 1 is! 1 US 1 15'' 7S"J' 1 n'j! 1 i;f.2i 1 H14I 1 15 ; "4 i' Oct. Nov iioc : I May 1 13i 1 13Ji 1 11i 1 15 MlnneaOoils Cash Clo Wheal : No. I hard. 77'ic: No. 1 northern. 76,Hc; to ht nve, 7"iSc; No, 2 northern.' 74V; to arrive, 7V: No. 3, 72Vi73ic; No. 1 durum, 64c; liV arrive. &31, c; No. 2 durum. 613,c: r live. CO'-sc Corn: No. 3 yellow. 4'.'ie: No. X 42-,c. Onts: No. 3 white. 31'ic: No. 3, 2!ilii29'';v Bi'iley: 36'i'47r. Rye: 5ti"ifi57,c. 'Tu: Jl.ll's. Kansas t ilj tirnln and Provision,. KANSAS CITY, Oct. 27-WHEAT-De-cenihor, r'4-- May. 7Hc: cash. No. 2 hard. OV'i 71'yC, N's 3, Bo'H 7u--; No. 2 red, 71c; No. 3. Unh9c. CORN- December. 377,c; May. 3ST,c; July, aii.c; (dh. No. 2,iaixui, 3aii4likc; No. 2 white. 42'nC. "ATS -No. 2 white. 331s'5;c: No. 2 mixed. 3-"032VC- HAY' Finn; choice timothy, $12.5i h lt.lv; choice prairie. 11.2.Vnil.5". vi--. Siaily ; 57"iilOc. , Etiofl Firm; extras. 33c. cases included; llrst". .'.; ' seconds. 15o. BUTTER Creamery, Sc; racking. ,lt rteceints. wnipn'enis. Wheat, bu Corn, bu Outs, bu ...i llW."""! S3. lis! 17,A'0 16" ! 23 ' 2.is) Peorlis tirstn Maiket. I-F.ORIA. Oct. CT.-CORN Market hlghr; No. 3 ellow and No. 3 old. 45'c; No. 4 old, 44 r; ntw, 40c; no grade old. 4ic; new, M'j 4l'.V. HATS Market flrni: No. 2 while, 33V; No. S whl'e 33"33 c: No. 4 white. 3.1& Uc. jvp.-Market lnacive; No. 2, tXt.pKic. WlllSKY-81 29. Mlltsankee .rala Market. MILWAUKEE. Oct. 27. WHEAT Steady ; No. 1 northern, 78tf79c; No. 2 northern, 7 44" 77c: December, 73c askei". RYE Higher: No. 1. 6(fj66V4i-. BARLEY Steady; No. '2, 65$&5Vac; mple. 4osi 00c i 'uHX Hia-her: No. cash, 45 , f 46 lie; December, 43 U "l 42Sc. Llveroool Grain and Proylaloaa. LIVFRl'OOU Ovt. 27. WHEAT Spot, ftrm- No 2 red western winter. Os. . F : tiire" fi,m: Decemtier. osS.1; Mar -h, s o,d t" iRN Soot, unlet; American mixed. 4s 4d. Futures firm; ix-tober. rominal; December, is 4d; January. 4a !d Dnlnth Oralis M-rln. DULUTH. Oct. 27 WHEAT tin track. No. 1 northern, itic; No. 3 nonnern, 7 5".ic; October, 74", c; IXcember, 74l-; M v. 78c. OATS October. 3flTc Kvaparaltd Awplea and Dried Krai",. NEW YORK, Oct. 27. EVAPORATED APPLES Market Srm snd most holders are asking higher prices. " Choice are quoted at 6iSlae and prime at 4Q$x,c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes are firmly held, with quotations mnging from 3V,ft&tC for California gradoi. Oregim prunes are quoted at 9V,(ftl0o for 40s to 20s. Apricots are nominally un changed, with choice quoted at 1st. extra ebolce at J7o and funy at Hj23c. peaches are unchanged, with old crop, holes, quoted at 11c. cxV rhnlc at 1 .' l.'r. end fancy to extra fatu r t 12 il2c liaiflns continue firm, with loose binscatet qnotefl at ft 4 7 c. seed -d raisins at S ' "j S and Lontlon layers at $1,45 3 1.63. ," ' OM AHA HOI.K.sAI F 1MARNKT. t eutllH of Trade anal (tnatatloae on Utaple anal Faaey Presset, Kf.4H-perdog . v2c. - ' L1YF, POl lIRY II lis. ; roo-lrrs. tf ', turkeys, lot; ducks, Uc; spring chickens, fco. Bl'TTEK Packing stock. 17c; choice to fancy rialrv. 2"ii.-e; creamerv, 22i2l''. HAY Choice upland, )i fin; mcdluin, f w; coarse, .i"ii8 So. liva straw, J'i.ts.'oT.ijO. iSRAN Per ton, $ioOu. VECIBTABLKS. SWFET POTATOE-Per bbl.. $2 io. TCiMATOES Horns grown, per basket of 20 lbs.. 1 oo. WAX HEAN8-rr market basket of about 1R lbs., 81 2a. TLRMP8, bth-TS AND CARROTS PeT bu., 75e. LEAF LETTL'CE Hothouse, per doi., hearts, 4V. i iwL.l-.nf-Per dm., 26ii40c. CL:Cl'MBER8 Hot house, per dos., $1.50. ONIONS Home grown. Sic per . bu.; 8pan!h, $1.75 per crate. GREEN ONIONS Per dog. bunches, 25c. liOKM-.RADI-M- Case ( 2 dos . 81.90. ' RADISHES Per dog. bunches, Sic. NAVY HEANk. Per bi., $t K5; No. 2. $1.T5. LIMA LEANS Per lb.. Vjc. GREEN PEPPER8-Per lnarVet basket. PARSLEY Hothouse, per doi. bunches, 2Se. CABBAGE Holland aeed, homo grown, per lb., lc. KGu l i.ANT Per dog . 76c. I'OTATOES- Per bu.. ?i66c. FRI11T8. PEACHES-Callfornla Salwrty. pT box, $3.10. PEAP.S-Winter varieties, per Dox, $2,289 3.0O. GRAPES Tokuv. $1.75. APPLES Ben Iavls. $2.2i; Jona-Uians, $3.25; New York apples. $3.25. . CRANBERRIES-Pf r bbl., $S.5ViT?.50. TROPICA!. FRUITS. ORANGES Florida oranges, $3.25. LEMO.NS-Llmonlers. extra .lane, 210 lie, $7.50i 300 size, $8.oo; 3t size, $8.00; other Drnds, $1.00 less. GRAPE FRCIT-SIze 70 to 80, $5.00. BAN, NA8 Per inedlum-slsed bunch, $1.7ft(ii2 2o; Jumbos, $2.aiwi3.00. DATES Per lb., 641514c. BEEP CUT PRICES. No. 1 ribs. 12c; No. 2 ribs, SHc: No. 3 ribs, Hc; No. 1 round, 8c; No. 2 round, 7c; No. 8 round, 6e; No. 1 loin. I60.; No. 2 loin, 1214c: No. 3 loin. 8V4c: No. 1 plnte. 3V,c: No. 2 Pints, 8c; No. 3 plate. 2Hc; No. 1 chucks, $Vtic; No. 2 chucks. 4Hc; No. 8 chucks, 3c. MISCELLANEOUS BLOAR Granulated cane, 1n sucks, $5.31: granulated beet, in sacks, $5.21. CHEESE Swiss, new, 16e; Wisconsin hrli k, 141:; Wisconsin limberger, 13c: twins, 14Hi:; Y"oung Americans, l.li-c. COFFEE Roaated. No. 35. 26c " psr lb; No. SO, 21c per lb.; No. X IHc per lb.; No. 20. 1c per lb.: No. 21, 13c per lb.. BYRUP In bbls., 2,c per gil.; in cacs, II 10-lb. cans, $1.70; cases. 11 B-!b. cans, Jl.Stu; cases, 24 2'-lb. cans, $1.85. HONKY-lfr 4 frames, $.1.50. CANNED GOODS-Corn, standard west ern. G576'k:; Maine. $1.15. Tomatoes, 3-!b. cans, $1.10: 2-lb. cans, Wigrtttl.W. Pine apples, grated. 2-lh., $2.06ti2 .'); sliced, Sl.iiO ?i2.20: gallon apples, fancy. $2.C5; Cnlifornin apricots, $1 Oi'f2.25; pears, $1.75'n2.5ij; eachen fancy, iljitfil.to; H. C. peaches, $2.tif2.FiO Alaska salmon, red. $1.26: fancy Chinook F., $2.10; fancy sockeye. P.. Sl.d.i; sardines, quarter oil, $2.75: three-quarter mustard $3.00. Sweet potatoes. $1 lOril.25; sauerkraut 81.0O; pumpkins, 80c&$1.0o; wax beanr, 2-lb fiC.'fWc; lima beans. 2-lb., 75cft$1.25; spinach! $1.35; che:ip peas, 2-lb.. Wc; extras, f5i i $1.10; fancv, $1.351.75. CURED FISH Family whlteflsh. per quarter bbl., loo lbs.. $4.00: Norwav mack ernl. No. 1. KS.oo; No. 2. $26.00; No. 3, $XiO' Irish. No. 2. $lfii; herring, in bbls., ?on lbs. each. Norway. 4k. $ii.00: Norwav, :n, 5S.0O; Holland herring, lu kegs, milkers, ?): kegs, mixed, 70c. FISH Ruffalo, large dressed, Sc; trout, medium or large, dressed, 12c: pike, dressed 11c; halibut, fine stock, 11c; catfish, dressed 15c: bullheads, dressed and skinned, 12c; whlto perch, dressed, 6c; crapples. large. 12c; suntlsh, pnn sire, S; white baas, eytra choice, 12c: pickerel, flc: salmon, Chinook, 11c; whlteflsh (froren), 12c; mackerel (Span ish, lHc; native, per fish, lS'rf3r,c; codfish, fresh, froxen, 12c; flounder, fresh, frozen, 11c; bluetish, freah, frosen. 15cj haddocl;. fresh, frozen, 10c: redsnnppef, dressed, 12c; smelts. No. 1, per lb., 12c; lobsters (boiled), per lb., 40c; green, 37c; eel, per lb., lSc; frog legs, per dos., 25c: roe shad, $1 each; shad roe, pair. 45c. t HIDES AND TALIJW-Ureen salted. No. 1, 12ic; No. 2, Uc; bull hides, MGOc; green 'hides. No. 1, 11c; No. . 10c: horse. $1.60itJ.7D; sheep pelts, 6V4i$1.25. 0 .Tallow, No. 1. 4c; No. 2, 24c. " AVOOL Per lb.. 15W22c. Cotton Market NEW YORK, Oct. ,27. COTTON Spot closed ouiet.'lO points higher minaung up... lands, lo.75c; middling gulf 11c. Sales, none. NEW YORK. Oct. 27.-OOTTON-8pot closed easy. Sales, 1.925 bales. Low ordi nary, 7 5-lfic. nominal; ordinary, 7 !3-16c, nominal: good ordinary, "c; middling fair. 11V. nominal; fair, 12c, nominal. Receipts. 14.1" liaies: BIOCK, 141,4.1a. oaies. ST. 1OUI8. Oct. t7.--COTTON Oulet. un - changed: middling, llc. Shipments, l.ut bales; stock. 7.543 hales. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 27. COTTON Spot, quiet, prices 13 points lower: Amerlcun middling fair. 6.55d; low middling, 8.13d- middling. 5.90d; low middling. E.77d: srorwi brdlnary, 5.14d; ordinary, S.ld. . Tho sales Of the day were 5.000 bales, of which 600 were for speculation and Included 4.500 American. Receipts, 2,4(J bales, all Amer (tail. a i Oils and Hoaln. NEW YORK. Oct. 27. OILS Cotton seed, easy; prime crude, f. o. b. mills, 2,i 29i4c; prime crude, yellow, f. 0. b. mills. 50c, nominal. Petroleum, steady: refined. New York, $7.50; Philadelphia and Baltimore. $7.45: Philadelphia and Balti more, In bulk, $4.35. Turpentine, 69S ROSIN Firm; strained, common to aroort 4 5S. - . ViV ciTr r.u n,.e c.rr i . o. " a i 1 S V5T KiTif J ' m.!- iiVt!-: K,V,er pmenta iti.k.a bbls.; balances. $1 5S. Runs. age, 96.233 bbls. Shipments 1 average. i.t.422 mils SAVANNAH Oct. 27. OIL Turoenflne. llrm; 66c bid. 1 ROSIN Firm. Quote: A. B. C. $3.85; D, $3 90; E, $4.05; F, $4.07 4 fjf 4.10; G. $4.15; H. $4 17'4f4 20; I $4.25: K, t4.S5; M. $4 85; N, $5.30; W. G. 5.7J; W.W. $6.00. : . ' ( leuriiis llonae Mnleraeuli NEW YORK. Oct. 27. The sUteijient Ihe clearing house banks for the weeTk .hows that the banks hold $5,673.67$ more than the legal reserve requirements. This is a decrease of $527,275 as compared with last week. Tho statement follows: ' Amount. Decrease. Loans $1,(.533.3 $.026.8oo Deposits l.!4.l8.10i 27, 634. 5m) Circulation .......... Legal tenders Specie Reserve Reserve required .. Surplus Ex-U. S. deposits.. Inert a?e. 4.7'.'4.hflO W.9K V0 19,3iA ?!4.34s.5iO lSI.tf74.62S , 5.673.675 ' U.584.S25 2f.2.9"0 1JSS8 6.H; 100 I 7.4:a.90 ' 1 if 7i Cage Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 2l-COFFEE-iUrke t for futures cpened steady at unchvngfcd prices to 10 points higher on a better de mand from scattering sources, which was attracted by steady cables, an advance In the rate of Brazilian exchange and the leccrt bullish crop news. The close was at aoout tne uesi ana slew 11 - with the general range, net unchanged to 10 pilots ingner. em tea w ere reporiexi or sj. jro h.r, Including November at ti.3ue. December nt . 8. January at tS.toe, March at 8 55,8 ijoe. May at s.7oti4J.' and September J.uo'(i7.it't'. Spot, steady; No. Rio, 8c. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 27. METALS The markets were quiet In the absence of ca bles, but prices were nrnily held. Spot tin wan quoieit at ,-i.uo 01a, 11. b copper was (inlet at 821.7,V(-J2.50, 8(2 85 asked. Lake electrolytic at 82l.MM3Z.un and casting at $21.25il.'l Lead waa quiet and unchanged at $5 75f 5 96 and spelter at 86-2"'ai.3i. Iron was nrm and unchanged n'f. LOUIS. Oct. 27. MKTALS Iad steady at $4.90; spelter, steady at $6.20. lisaai and Molassea. NEW YORK. Oil. 27. SUGAR k,w steady: fair refining. 8V; centrifugal 86 j teat. 4c; molasses sugjr, 3i,c. Reiined 1 steady; No. ti. 4 4"c; No. 7, 4 35c; No s' ! 4 ; No. 9. 4 25c; No. 10. 4 15,:; No. 11. JlO, ' No. 12. 4 05i'; No. 13. 4-; No. 14, 8 95c;' cod feciioners A. 4 Joe; mouiu A. S.V.'; cut loaf. 56oc; crushed, S.tic; powdered, 5c" granuiatefi. 4is-; cunes. 0 use MtiLASSES Firm; New Orleans. oien kettle, good to choice, 3t'a3!c. Ininorta and K,nrts, NEW YORK. Oct. 27. TotaJ linisirts of merchandise and dry gmwl-i, at the port of New York for Ihe week ending tod.iv were valued at $14,275,277. Total lui)Mru of specie at the r nt of New York l.,r the wck ending today were fW.tV-l sler and $1.775.'l gold. Total exsrts of Hpacle from the port of New Y'ork for the week end ing today were $". sdinr and gold, OMAHA LIVE STO MARKET v 1 V' '" ' All Kiadi of Cttth Stroocr and ActiT , ' for W.ek. ' asasaaB-asa HEAVY HOGS SELL..F.V. CENTS LOWER Fat ."beep nntt I. am ha Hate Com manded Very lllah Prleea All the Week, Tilth Teedera Averaging, teady. SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. 27. irJ. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. ....... .gS4 2..nr 17.8.3 Receipts worn: Official Monday Official Tuesday Official Wednesday "Uncial Thursday Official Friday Official Saturday Th(s week Irfist week Two week ago ....... Three weeks ago 3.1VW !.! 1 JO.'.ll 8.85 113 r our Weeks ago Same week lant year. The following table ghowa the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Oml' for wie year to oate, compared, witn last yrai 1. 1!"3- Inc. Cattle Hogs Sheep ,.....' S44.S37 . R2S.010 f.fl4. 1 M'A.m 1.754.018 l.B4.iaa l.tV27 170.3:12 IC',055 CATTLE QUOTATIONS. GoimI' to choice corn-fed steers $5.8'Ji".35 Pair to on,i rnrn.fpil steers 6 fr-i' . Common to fair corn-fed steers.... 4 5"ii5.2I Good to choice range steers.-. 4. 75x5 50 Fair to fi-nori ranne stertrs. .i. j....- 4 imf-t.i.) Common to fair range steers 8.5OU4.00 Good grass cows and heifers S'ilO Fair to good cows and heifers ' Wri'?"! Common to fair cows and heifers'. 1.5if(2.65 Good choice stockers and feeders.. 4 C'tj ' Fair to good stockers and rreders.. 3 2VH 00 Common to fair stockers... 2.i.vif3. Bulls,- stags, etc. 4.0O26.00 The following table) shows the averaga price of hoes at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons'. Pate., 1 1906. il906.!llK4.lO3.ilSO2.U0LU900- Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oot. Oct. Oct. Oct. 17... 18... 19... 20.., 21.. tai'.l !'t.. 26. . 2.. 27. . 2.. 8 18 6 19 6 20 6 101 S 7 081 i 231 7 021 I 8 82 t 82 8 70 6 301 4 G4 8 I0 .4 9l 8 271 4 52 8 23 4 52 (I 2l 4 18 6 2S 4 6 03' 4 C3 5 !9 4 61 S 12 8 0.'' 5 12 6 08, 5 OH 17Ji 6 20 f 14 E 2d 6 04 6 164 5 13 6 12 B 16 5 G o 14 5 14 741 7i; 8 01 4 51 Oct: Oct. Oct. Oct. 12Vi! a 01! 5 20! J li 3 08 4 88 ' 6 01 05 c oo 4 18 4 58 x wl er" 4 51 4 32 4 95; 5 ( 6 51 5 8l Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES. . Cattle. , $l.tiji. 140ii7.W Hogs. . $r, iKr,(i.;'o 5 K'un.37',4 5.9in,4.1o S.iXiti 15 of stock Omaha Chicago Kansus City St. Ixiuls .... Sioux City :.. Tho official 2.VO'(ii.7G 2.0ii'u7.ii ......... 5.5irj!ii number of vara brought in today bv ench road was: Cattle.. Hogs. HheeD.H'r'g C M. te St. P. Ry,,.,.-. 2 Jlo. P. Ry. 1 . P. system C. & N. W. (east).. C. N. W. (wet).. C, St. P., M. O.t C, B. ei Q. (east).... C.r M. & Q. (west I. ... C R. I. A P. (eastLt C. R. 1. 4k P. (west).. Illinois C-ntral Chicago Gt. Western. ii . 1S $ :i 12 t 4 : i-l . , 1 3 H2 . Total receipts ..... 11 1 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated; . - Omaha Packing Co. Swift and Company Cudahy Packing C. Armour & Co Cudahy Pkg. Co., K. Hill 4k Son ..: F. P. Lewis Huston & Co 14 11.., I 1 ,i crirevt V . 431 1.210 1.4.V 1,355 24 , 1"2 -si UJ . . 1 10 :i A I . e 1 1 ..ue--- ..... Sullivan Broe I Slieridan Meat Co. . ' Krey Pkg. Co 131 Other buyers J4S Totals CATTLE There '.-j .ni '4.ti2t 137 was 1 gey usual absence a cattle market today, of anything like I there being no cattle hero of consequence and practically nothing doing In tne yaraa. The total receipts thlal wic snow a fall, lug off ot almost onc-hcU. duo almost en I tlrely to Ihe heavy ' snriMH in the wcat, 1 which not only delayed the arrival of such I stock trains as wert'ltrlratislt, but pre vented tho leading of many hundreds of I ... r i cvHv ftr hlitntcctr A'hllA it is imiKisslble to speak with certainty, much larger receipts are anuqapttieo iok mo com ing week. The market on beef cattle has been in very satisfactory condition as viewed from a seller's standpoint -nil! this week. The receipts being light- Id lhV-v.fucc of a very good demand, strong prices have been maintained throughout tho week. While no I very marked advance vhas been made in ' the market, as prices were high in the beginning, any change that nas taken 1 place haji been In the.. way at Impiovement. ' Good corn-fed steei'M hAv sold up to $(.2o 1 and rangers as high as $6 25. I The most marked chango of tho week haa taken placej In the cow market. The re- ceipts of last week were tho heaviest of the year, with tha result that prices de clincd rapidly, the market at tho close of the week being quoted 10615c lower. With the heavy falling off in receipts this week conditions were exactly reversed and prices Bteadiiy firmed up .mtH a.t 'the close of the . present week ;thu.' jnmrket " is 2o4J4irC higher than the low pdlnt laat week. Tha trade on both, cojvs and heifers was active practically every day ot .the week, the market as a whole bei;ig ut a, good, healthy condition. Some very ..sued western cows ; soul aa high as $4 00. While tne Inclement weather prevailing I ."J,..si fv. trS .1 , it , n . r r.t na r . r , n . h- ... . t I . " " " - . L - . - . '" - ' ". . v ' ouyera at jiu.ne, iwi o was . nevenneiess buyers a ho.lie, ttv-re wa . nevertheless a very fair demand for stockers and feeders i throughout th weeV. The. demand was i so gooa for tho btvteprrdes that prices were atrong every, day and are at the present .. time a little- higher. If anything, than one week ago. It will be remembered though, that prices a week ago were high' and that jio further advance waa neces sary, at least not according to buyers' Ideas. Even the fair to medium kinds have sold- ve.-y well and at Ihe close of ths week.ttte- yards-aro practically cleaned up. COVS. Ne. Fr. - X.- . At. Pr. I si HEIFERS. i $ Id 8 ie j;i 8TO" KEKS AND FEEDERS. -. M IM 444 8 M B S I 40 WESTERNS NEBRASKA. 40 cows.. v. 911 "3 10 t ows 875 J 35 2T feeders.. 9,15 -4 10 '"2 feeders.. Wn 3 00 1 hull. .'. ...1'W 2 40 if dows 1039 2 90 4 calves. . . il2 3 25 ' . HOQB-i-'j'ljs niajket ' opened with buyera picking but .the better kinds of lnht butcher-weight Hogs at t teady prleea. Hogs ,.r that ricucrintii.u siM luT, 18.25, -with a lop at $.J. The market on I heavy hogs was very slow gnd dull and I fully. Jc lower , right at. the ouumm. Some bids were even lower tpau that. . Sellers were slow about making any concessions without a struggle and .a good share of tne forenoon waja consumed before a clear anca waa effected. Heavy hogs sold very largely at tm.was.10, as agalnat $6ij6 and unward yesterday: ' The iule,i . ,,.1 ..... dhim-welglit hogs Jirouht gcucrall aboat I a-,.,. .. . n . Vulr' ft 1 1 -L . . ' K.in o rtiia.. ii,... " .re" .Z2 . LrhA wiTh 4h .r.,.n i.T""? .V1 at previous' week. The week ouened un m-iK an csbici umi c, ni ti ices were lower on luesaay, when boas sold ei,A ... 5o lower than at tho close ef the previous week. From . Tuesday on- the- hogs con tinued about, steady up until Friday, when there waa a slightly stronger marker ti,. . decllna today - w'lrcs ouL- ail the imurova. nient ond nioio, . too, ao that the week closes witn tne mainat generally 6c lower than It-was ou last Saturday, although the top is the saints. Representative sales: - . 4 .1'Jt 1 4.(3 2.3" . 3.041 2.2M . 3.717 4 ill . 140 4.7it .IS 223 , 18.K2") 47.179 .PBd-W 27.752 101 4 ..12(101 2I.!"3 00.722 .30.1M1 24.125 12O.10H "S 320 25 'i"' W,2.a .34.8W 34.403 S2.0S0 K. Av. 16. Pr. o. At. Sh. Pr I 'A ... lis J74 tis 4 10 11 s4 A l :6I ... t 10 " r i , 71 Jli 40 4 1 7 .jne'... 4M 44..: JJ ... ill. 3....,.'..:4 ls 4 " " 272 1.0 1:4 I lie ... 40 12J. 1) .'..S44 . IS I CO 61.1...... -. . li)j. it li l 4 es i.1 :;t to 1 p 40.....'.. 3: OS ( M ..... .J71 iso 4 12.. 4 1V ... 4 04 M 2J M 4 j,. 44 !4 IK S7 1.M M ( . 4 ... :. -s on 4k. :m 11,1 it 4" ...;ia 1:4 S OS CI M 40 t 17 i-2 0 ... IM "1 270 10 tl', 4 )i is M T ,.... 4 oiTi. l.. ......1-0 U lit .. . Tl..a,....M ... 4 a". l 130 7-1 ...':.. 10 I m ... I 07H u ....... ,!ii so 1 ;n 71.' 2l 14 I IIU, IS is ... f so H 1 M I UTS 71 212 a.1 4 ;,. i" ...li I JO !', 04, ,..3i UO 70 273 I 10 (I :ij ... I tu 2 .v..t 4 10 It. ....... .'J44 ... 120 ('. 27" l-'O 4 10 "n ;i4 " i , -v t ! l-'O 4 W 4 '...4 ... 2 .S2 J"4 40 l 74 M ... I 2.. 51 " 4 "... 4 1 tl 2.4 M IS.',' 4 .'. . ! M J.I ... i-t, SV.l..... JSO 40 4 IS - 14. ...... .ta, SO I 3 2', I t, t' I . ;s iff t to i;n t" ;.s .JM 1" V its 1" US .'.'it n a m 1 1 7t in r7t .IH'I FMEbi' I lu re were nrt siie. p here th'.s morning, although six ears were sold yes tcrony lor delivery telay. Owing to soma hitch In loading they had not put In a'l sppesrance up to a late hour. I h" tot,u receipts for the weeg lime been tne lightest since the last week In August, tuny 47,n; being reported as against pd.sKt last week. It is hardiy nece-sry to add that the enormous falling off has been due Very larsely to the storm which pit vented loaning. All Advices at hsnd would seem to Indi cate a moderate run for the coming week and sheep men generally nrn of Ihe opinion that the big western run mf shfen is al ready In. '1 her will undoubtedly be days when receipts will be large, but the aver age runs from now on are expected to be quite moderate compared to the previous weeks. The very light receipis this week forced packers, very much against their will, to pay extravagat tly hlgn prices for the few sheFp ar.d iambs available. While the average market on fat stuff rould hardly be quoted more than li,tt26c higher for thi first half of the week, there were many cases where sales looked a good deal higher than that. As a matter of fact, pacsers were forced to buy a good deal of tho stuff than ordinarily, Willi receipts llbertl they wjuld not even have looked at. On Thursday they took 6ff some of the d vance, but prices are still very high aa conpaied with all eastern marKets. Receipts of feeders during the week were so ligiu that comparatively few country buyrs thought It worth their while to come in. Tho absence of buyers naturally made the trade a little slow, but etlll everything was kept well cleaned up. As to prices, some of the medium and com mon kinaa of ltimbs sold lower, while the best feeder lambs, on the other hand, sold higher. Feeder ewes were also higher. Still the general market on feeders la being quoed as about steady bv most salesmen. While there are undoubtedly a ood many sheep In the west that owners woul l like to market, the Impossibility of secur ing sufficient cars Is likely to cut down tho number very materially, while in some localities a good many sheep intended for mark't have been turned back by tho storms. In view of the existing conditions sheep men are generally advising parties desiring feeders to got their order in at once, so as to be In a position to take advantage of any big runs or weak spots that may occur. Quotations on killers: Good to choloe lambs, 87.0ojj7.25; fair to good lambs, $6.75 fo7.00; good to choice yearlings. $.6'vfl5.0: fair to good yearlings, $5.25i6.W; good to choice wethers, $5.005.40; good to choice ewea. $4 5ooi5.25. Quotations on feeders: Lambs, $5.2C'otl.ii5; yearlings, $5.'25?r5.70; wethers, $47iV55.15; ewes. Vt.6tfi'4 0; breeding ewes, 84.75tn".2o. Reureientatlve sales: CHICAGO I,IVK 8TOCK MARKET Cattle Meady Hogs Strong; to Higher heep and Iambi ("teady. ClhCAGO Oct. 27 CATTLE Receipts. r00 head: market steady; beeves, $3.857.00; cows and heifers, $1 4ir5.15; cnlvea, $j.t'0t 7.75; stockers and feeders, $2.Ho'u4.3. HOGS Receipts. S.W.iO head; market strong to So higher; mixed and butchers, $5.05ti (1.65: good heavy, $.S.Vj;.f5: rough heavy. 85.95itti.20; light. $0 .orgti.50; pigs, i.etr&6.26; bulk of sales, $ti.l5(R6.45. SHEEP AND LAM MS Receipts, 3.000 head; market steady: sheep, 8.l.t."H6o.5o; year lings, $5.4o'rti.50; lambs, J4.60xjj7.ti5. Kansas City Live gtovk lrt- KANSAS CITY, Oot. 27. CATTLE Re ceipts, J.iiOO head; market steady; choice ex port and dressed beef steers. $5.50 6.75; lair to good, $4.0 1i4.50; western steers, $1.5ii ii.:w; stocker." and feeders. $I.0fu4.B.i; soutn s. n.tiorin.iw; snurn- em steers. $'I.oikh.7S: southern cows. fl.H'tv 3.23: native cows. $2.0flfi3.:i: native heifers $2. .4.76; bulls, ?2.1"3.50; calves. $2.& .25.; HOGS-Receipts. 4.3iO head: market, steady: top, $R.324: hulk of sales. Kio'tt ti..': heavy, 8u.2.VM"i.$21t; packers. $ii.2t I t.32V: pigs and light. $3.8nA8.8o; receipts j for the week, 4.1,300 head. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. -W head: market nominally steady; lambs, $5.75i7.3": ewes and yearlings, $4.o85.40; western yearlings. $5.256.75; western sheep, $4.&sty ! R.26; stockers and feeders, 83.7&.2S; re- ceipts for the week, 34,900 head. fit Louis Live Stock Market. BT. LOUIS. Oct. 27. CATTLE Recel pis, 1,000 head. Including 250 Texans. Market steady: native shipping and export steers, 84.95ih7.00; dressed beef and butcher steers, $3.&O'Hti.50; steers under 1.000 lbs., 83-10aj4.&'i; stockers ani! feeders, $2.sWN.5; cows and heifers, 8ii.5O5j5.00; canners, 81.2.V92.35: hulls. $2,353.25: culves, $2.0oija.25;, Texas and In dian steers, $2.754J5.26: cows and liolfors, $3.20 (&3.50. ".-'' HOGS Receipts, l.Soi) head. Market was strong; pigs and lights, $5.9016.35; packers. Jo.i(ni.4o, butchers and. best heavy, 8j.253' O.lo.- SHEEP AND LAMBS None on gale. ' : Sit. Joseph Lire Mock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Oct. 27 CATTLE Receipts, 114 head. Market nominally steady: na tives. $5.006.75; cows and hellers, tl.iod 4.75; stockers and feeders. $15o:-4.30. HOGS Receipt a, 4.H head. Market was steady to strong; light, $.25'ffti 36; bulk of sales. $;.2iyfiH S2i,. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, SA head. Market nominal. Klonx City Lire Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ta., Oct. 27.-Spec.lal Tele gram.! CATTLE Receipts. 20" head. Mar ket unchanged; beeves, $4.0Htet.00; cows, bulls and mixed, $2.50113.85; stockers and feeders, $3.0Oy4.o0; calves and yearlings, $2.5ofri3.76. HOGS Receipts, 2.900 head. Market steady, selling at 8G.0O&6.15; bulk, of sales, 86.O5'uG.10. stock in eight. Receipts of live slock at ths six prin cipal western markets yesterday: (.attic, uogs. nueep. South Omaha Sioux City .... Kansas City .. St. Joseph St: Louis ; Chicago Totals 140 4.7fJ 113 ... 3i ...1,000 ... U4 ...l.Ooo ... 600 2. w 4.3TO 4.1" 1.M0 8,001) 600 254 aioool !,9M 25,408 8,969 ' ew York Money Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 27.-MONEY-On call, nominal;, no loans; time loans, strong; sixty days, tii6-j per cent; ninety days, tut per cent; six months, 6 per Cent. PKIMU MtiRCANliLE pAf'h.tt ut)t3 per cent. STERLING F.XCHANGE Weak, with actual business in hankers' bills at $4 857.Vi)' 4.o,W for demand and at $4 H'j7t'a4.srh6 for slxtv-day bills; posted rales. 84 8114 and 14. tm; commercei duis, 84.8iV4.80U. 81LVKR Bar, 70c; eiko- BONDS Government, steady. Mexican dollars, steady; railroad, Quotations on bonds today wars as fob lows: V. 8. ref. 4s rog. ..104 Upas 10, 2d oeriso.. 7V ..104 do 4s ctfs - .11114 do 44s ctfa Si's ..10314 40 '.'d otrlaa tD: ..lftjii LAN. unl. 4s 1"2 ..10 Msn. r. f. 4s lOil'a ..lit Msx. Colrsl 4s SO-, ..ill do 1st Inc.. .'1 ' .. 7S'i Mlnn. St. U 4s... rrt ..110,M.. K. 4k T. 4t ..10UH do 2 Id, do coupon V g. Js. rti do coupon r. R. old 4,, res do coupon U. t. 11 sw 4a, rag do coupon An. Tuba cio 4o.... do la Atiblaon ges. 4j.... do all, 4a Atlantic C. U 4a. gal. Ohio 4a do 14s Brk. H. T. c. 4s... Csnlral of Go. ta.. do 1st IDO ue 2d loc do Id luc Thn. 4t Ohio 4Sa. Cklcsto A. JWs. C, 8. tk Q. a. 4s.. C, R. 1. se P. 4a.. do col. is . MS,N. H. K Of M. C. 4S. il . 0 IN. Y. C. f. 3Hs kt'i .101t,'N J. C. g. As 127',J . I No. Pacific 4a If', . 64 do 3, 7f.S 1134 N. at W. c. 4o 00 , . OO 1(1. g. L rfdf. 4a V. . aTilijPe&n. roar. i,k luni, . 7S,Ka4lng gen. 4s .lo.lst .U At 1. M c. ii. Ill', . 7l',ISt. U 4 1. r. f(. 4s S3'. S,S' I B. W. c. 4s 00, 1 7 Seaboard A. L. 4a.. Hi M ISo. PaciOo OC. Colo. II St. L. g. 4s. .11124) 0 1st 4o ctfs. Ind. r,, s,r. A. 7:Klso. Ksllwajr b. .117', . 74 .lu.1 .101 .111 . i: . fi . SI . lH Colorado Mid. 4s. 7S T,xas Or P. 1, .. Colo. go. 4s Cuba Is D. R. 0. 4 ntatlllera' Bac. ta.. Erie p. 1. 4s oo gn. 4s Hockliu Vsl. 4'sa.. Japan sa Offered. . 0214 .IMVi . 0S . 87k, . 04, . 'U, .10114 . 7Y T.. St. U 4V W. 4s. C0I011 Pacldc 4s.... I'. . Slael Id la.. Wabaah Is do dab. B W,rf,io Ud. 4l w. 4Y It. . 4a Wis. Central 4s Jew Ynrk Mlnlac storks. NKW YORK. Oct. 27. Closing quotations on mining stocks wete: Adam, Cos Alio, s)iMe Brunewlrk Cos .. ComaUx-k Tunnal Con. Cal. At Vs.. Horn Sllrer Iron surer Ucadrlll, Cub ... ILitllo Chief ... IO,t,rlo . 8 . .370 . 1 . 00 . 4 . SO .20 ..ill opbir Potol S4a( blsrra KoradA Small Hop,, .. IrLsadard ..ISO . 4. .. I Perelra rtnanrtal. LONrON. Oct. 27. Money waa still scarce lu tha market today, but was ob tainable at slightly , eaier rates. Lis touuis were firm on further exports of gold to Kgypt. Trading on the Stock ex change continued cheerful, with good in vestment purchases of hums rails, wnb-h Imparted steadiness to the rest of the maiket. Consols were maintained. For eigner were quietly firm. Americans were well supported for Near York and local account. Baltimore 4V Ohio, Uulon Pacific and Canadian Pado 14 tha ad- ie I unci. The market closed si. i.lv at i about the l,"st quotations of th h In j the mining market Vaal River m nffaiu 2 points dearer. Japanese Imperial ot 18"4 closed at 1004. MERLIN. Oct. 27 Prices en the Bourse) today were Ann cm easy monthly settle nient. PARIS. Oct. 27 On the Bourse tod.iv a rumor that an attempt hss been bind. on the life of F.tnpernr Nicholas and the death of M. Leon, a speculator on a oiro'i scale, adversely affected prices. Russian Imperial 4 closed at 72 And Russian bonds of IsOl at 485. Boston torka and Bonds. BOSTON, Oct. 27. Call loans, 5fi: p, r cent; time loans. Ro'I'-i per ce,n. iifllciai Quotations on stocks and bend" werei Atrhl.os 4J. 41 v. It'll. 4k Heels.. do 4f 1''4 Onisnnul Ma Ontrl 4s T7 Corper Rantt . Atchison 1H ll wt 4n efd 1""' franklin pettoa at albanr Ut itlranhv IWion Maine !! Mr llntl. ... Boatoo Herslrd . iM Mining . i . 7" . to, . Tl . HH ."' ' . IT . 47 - -'4 . !, .l;t . :, .1"" HH .1"I It's . ' . S4 . Iff . .-. s . 11 .16 . It . :', . ;n -V, . 11 . Fllrhbsrs sfit 1H 'Vli-lilsia lots Mohawk Mont. f. C. r. oa Dominion . sj ChiaIs NX rnrnil SWilran Ci.tral N. T.. N. H. II. Pr starquell t'niofl rariflc Arasr. Pnsu. Tube.. Amur, susxr ... do pM Amcr. T. a T. Amer. Woolen . do vM . .1M Qulnev ..Ill Shannon Tains-Sik .. 34i Trlnllr ..lns, t nlteij Tipper . 1M . Mining.. pr1lon Klc. His. VIM. Klaetrlc Him Oaa I4... is t 8. "Ill Hah 10414 VMorla 1 nlted Fruit Inlitd Shoe alach. do prd I'. 6. ami , do pfd A'tvanturs ......... Allouet . ?:if Wtnons .... . iivrine .... 47(4 North Butte .. ...A" A K'l'l Cnslltlon .... l Ovsn's .... ) Mltrhfll ....tin a, :Teumseh .... II" Arlotia I'nm . .... S".'i Creena Con ... Amatsamatsd Atlantli- BHisliam London Closlnar Htneka. LONDON. Oct. 27. Closing quotations on the stock exchange were: Conaola, money M., K. - T.. do account M'4 V. T. Central Anaconda l. Norfolk & W. Atctllann I'l do rt1 1.11 t at t t's do ptd i.IM Onlsrlo W. Baltimore Ohio.. Pennsylranls Hand Mlnu Itradlng Southern flatlwar do pld Southern Pai-lflc .. Canadian Psolflc thai. Ohio.... Cbtcaso Ot. '... C. M. Pt. f. Di Hears ......... D. R. U do pfd Erla da l.t pfd do kd pfd Illinois Central . 7'.", . J"S . 9 . !HV4 .174 . ? . 4KI. .1IW . l . 4H ..1 41 S Inlon Pacific tnii do pro t u. s. sieei.. ft do pfd Wakaah , du pfd ....in LdulnTlll A Nah....lir SILVER Bar. steafty, 32 8-Vid per ounce. MONEY 4u5 per cent. The rate or a.rcouui .n the open market for short bills Is 5't per cent; for three months' bills, 6"i per cent. Boston ejoppee Market. Closing quotations on Boston copper mir ket. reported by Logan - Bryan, 1 Board of Trade building, Omaha; ,lvantur ( Moliawk " Mlouai 31 Nevada Consolidated,. Atlantic 1.1's North Butte 1UH fttnthsm Black Mountain Ho.ton Con-villdated.. OHIO Coalition ...... SI Old Dominion 10' Os, sola ?if Pnau. serrlve 3s Pneu. Bervlce, .. :'4 .. is .. i, .. ti ..jot .. H's ..10 .. n ..lCSis pfd Calumet ft Alisons. Calumet A Heels ... Centennlsl Copper Range Hull)' West Kft Unite Franklin Green Copper Granny H si vet Is Iftle Hoys.1 L. S. At Plttlhuri... alulncy S50 Shannon Tsmsrack .... SO Trlnllr lSV t'nlled Fruit . ill t'nited States, ;'."4tnltU Stales. com pfd. , 4 . 43 . H . u - 4 11' ?1( tah Conaolldatsd . PH ( lah Copper , 4 Victoria . U Wlnons .... , ss Wolrerlne Bank Clearings. OMAHA. Oct. 27. Bank clearings for to day were $1, 643,948. 79 and for the co,respond- r- : f. si aeotio. an "' ' ' 1905. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday ..$2.028,t.25.2O 81.911.317.Kri 1.5f,o.lim.(i2 1.421.0K4.16 l.03.5s7. 1.715, 87$. 1H 1.643,918.79 1.423. 174. l i 1.492.400.31 I l.''2.'.'8'i.f.5 j 1.3H2.SH2.8S ! l.no.s-ig.es ; Friday i Saturday I Totftls $9.7fis.3fl0.ir7 89.12.8M.7i' i I Increase over the correspojiajng aate last J-car, $2$d,4n4.C7. Treasury Ntntement. WASHINGTON, Oct. 27. Today's state ment of the treasury balances in the gen eral fund, exclusive bf the $15fi.o00,ooo gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance, $220,861,727: gold coin and bullion, $10,GM,(I06; gold certificates, $41,00,32o. Toledo Seed Market. TOIJEDO, O.. Oct. 27. SEED Cash clover, $8.1R; October. $8. 15; December, $8.22V4. Timothy, $Lfi. AUIko, $7.40. RAILWAY TIME CARD ISIOJI 8TATIO!"! TKSTH A5D MARCV talon Pclo Leave. Overland Limited a 9:40 am The China and Japan Fast Mall a 4 15 pm Colo. Calif. Ex a8 lopm California A Ore. Ex.. a 4,2a pm Los Angelea Limited.. all :30 am Fast Mail a 1.55 pm Colorado Special a 7:46 am North Platte Local.... a 8:10 am Beatrice Local b3:lapm Arrive, a 8:18 pm a 5:10 pm a 9:30 am a 6:10 pm 010.45 pm a 8:30 pm a 7:44 am a 4 50 pm b 2:04 pm Chicago at Korthwestorn Cedar Rapids Pass a7:0oam Twin City Express a 7:50 am Chicago Daylight a 8:00 am Chicago Local all :30 am Bioux City Local b3:cflpiii Carroll Local a 4:32 pn Bloug City Local ,-. Chicago Express a 5:50 pm Fast Mall a S:23 pm Fast Mall ,'. Twin City Limited a 8:25 pin Overland Limited a 8.3S pm Chicago Limited all:0op:n Norfolk-Bonesteel a7:4iair. Uncoln-Long Pina b .:40ani Deadwofd-Llnccln a 3.00 pm Casper-Shoshon a 8:00 pm Hastlngs-upertur ....b 3:0 pm Fremont-Albion b 8:02 pm a 5 :(, pm al0:00 pm all:15 pm a 3:45 pm a 9:35 am a 9:50 am b 3:45 pm a 7:30 ain n 8:30 am !I"3:00 pm a 7:oo am a 8:15 am 1 au:ik am al0:35 am blO:35 am a 6:05 pm a 6:06 pm b 5:06 pm bl2:40 pm IhlrasD. Milwaukee at St. Panl- Chi. and Colo. Bpecial...a 7:56 am California and Or. Ex.a 8:45 pm Oveiland Umlted a 8.35 pm Marlon at Cedar R. Loc.b 6:46 am Caleago Great Western a 7:30 am a 8:lo pm a 8:30 am bU :00 pm 7:10 pm U 50 pm s 8:uu .1111 St. Paul 4fc Mlnheapolla. 8:30 pm St. Paul Chicago Chicago Chicago Chicago f Minneapolis. i :v am Imlted 6:40 pm Kxpreoa 7.44 am 11:60 pm 38 80 pal Express 3:30 pm Hock Island A Paciao EAST. Chirago Limited .-..a 3:26am a 7:10am Iowa Local .a 7:00 am a4;30pm Chicago Mail a 6:16 am a 6:45 piu lowa Iocel bl2:lBpm b 8:56 pm Chicago (Eastern Ex.). .a 4:06 pm a 1:46 pm Chicago (Iowa Limited!. a 6:85 pm al2;10 pm W EST, Rocky Mountain Llm. ..a 7:20 am a 8:18am Colo, and Cal. Express. a 8:01 pm a 3 56 pm Okl. and Texas Ex a 4:40 pm all.iojpm Lincoln. J'alrbury and b'lleville a 8:50 pm alO:00 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. MUsaarl PaclSo Bt. I-ouls Exprass a 8:00 am a 80 pra K. C. and Bt. L. Ex..-..ail:U pm a 6.00 pig Wsuass- fit. luls Express a:30pm a 8.40 am Bt LauIs lOcal (from Council Bluffs) :. a 1:15 am alO JO pm Stanberry Local (from Council rilufts) b 6.00 pm bU:Mam Illinois Centrnl Chicago Expreta a 8 00 am a8:6tpm Chicago Limited a 8:011 pin a7a4B iHRLINGTO STATIOM lAlh at MASO.f Barllngtan Leave. ..a 4:io pm ..a 4:10 pm ..a 4:10 pm ..all 10 pm ..a 8:10 am ..a 8:oo am Arrive, a 8:80 pm a 6:30 pm a 8:e am a 6:30 pm a 7.40 pm a 1:06 am a 12:01 pre bio i am a 8 :30 am a 7 10 am a 8 30 am a 1 50 pm a T 26 am a 8 55 pm a 7:25 am alO 58 pm all '1 am a 6 46 am 6:10 pm Denver A California,. p.lark Hills Northwest Special ., Northwest Express .. Nebraska Expresa ., Nebraska Local Lincoln Local Lincoln East Mail... .b 8:00 pm Pt. Crook A Plattsm'th.b 8:60 did Rcllevuo A Plttsm'th..a 7.60 am Denver Umlted betlevue it Pao. June. .a 8:30 am Pellevua & Pao. June. ..a 8 10 am Chicago Fpecial a 7:36 am Chicago Express a 8:45 pm Chicago Flyer a 8:06 pm Iowa Local a 8:le am 6t. Louis Express a 4:45 pm Kansas Clty-8t. Joe....al0:46 pm Konsaa Clty-t. Joe. ...a 6:1 am Kanawa Clty-Bt. Joe.. ..a 4:46 pm WEBSTER 8TATIOJ-ISt, aft WEIITER Chlragn. St. Panl. Mlaaeaas Jt O sua how Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger.. .b 6. am b 6:10 pm Sioux City Passenger. ..a t oo pm on am lnerson Local b 8 30 pm b 610 am Emerson Local ...e 6.46 am c 6:68 pin Mlssonrl Pacltte Nebraska L a a a I, via Weeping Water b 8i0 pm blJ.JO pm a Dally, b Dally ei' opt Bjndsy. d ra1Iy except Saturday, o ttunday only, e DaJly sacept aluiular. List ol News Stands and rari?s IN LARGE CITIES. WHERE FIE HE IS FOR SALE OR ON FILE Boston, Mass. Public Library. Buffalo, N. Y. Public Library. Samuel Coho, 155 silicon 81. Chicago, HI. Auditorium Newg Stand. Joseph H?ron. 454 8. California Avtj. Great Northern Hotel. Post Office Newg Stgnd. ITS r.r. liiirn t. Palner House. Brigga House, 185 Randolph 8L' O. E. Barrett, 217 Dearborn Bt. Cincinnati, Ohio Public Library. Colo. Springs, Colo. H. H. Bell ft Co. Denver, Colo. Julius Black. Cor. 16th and Curti. Kendrlck Book and Stationary 0 1 17th St. The Brown Palace Hotel. Edmondton, Alta, Canada Crosa News Co. Ftad Daly. Excelsior Springs, Mo. Sislc k. Clevenger. Hot Springs, Ark. Cooper 4 Wyatt, 620 Central Ara, C. H. Weaver Co. Hot Springs, S. D. Emll Harsens. Kansas, City, Mo. Publio Library. Butcher News Co. Rlcksecker Cigar Co.. tth and Valnut. Tha Toma News Co., 1th and Main. Jeaklna Clear Co.. 8th. and Walnut Raid's News Agency. 818 Wall 61 Los Angeles, Cal. Public Library. B. E. Amos. Abe Berl Newa Co. . . Milwaukee, VVU. - Hotel Pfiater. Frank Mulkern, Orand At, and Ird Bt. Minneapolis, Minn. M. J. Kavanaugh. 48 S. Jrd Bt West Hotel. Hotel Opera, 331 1st Are. 8. Century News Co.. 6 S. Srd. St New York City Astor House. Oakland, Cal N. J. Wheatley News Oo. Ogden, Utah Boyle. 110 a 5th St. . D. U Lowe Bros., Depot News StasA Ooddard ft Petty, 866 85th St Pasadena, CaL a- T. Hornung News Depot. Pittsburg, Pa. Schafer News Co., 107 8rd H. A. Avenue. Portland, Ore. Carl Jones, 275 Waahlngtaa 81 T. Badcr ft Co. pregon News Oo., 17 6th St. Rockford, HI Tublic Library. St. Joseph, Mo. .. Berger, 618 Edmund St Brandow's News Stand, Til Kt stand St. St. Louis, Mo. Southern Hotel. Newg St. James Hotel. E. T. Jett. Public Library. St. Paul, Minn. C. L. Miller. N. St. Marie. 66 E. 6th. 8L Salt Lake City, Utah Mrs. L, Levin. 14 Church Bt Harrow a rog., 48 w. ind. bo. m Ball Lake News Co. San Diego, CaL B. E. Amos. Seattle, Wash. Hotel Seattle. International Newt Co. frank B. Wilson. 167 Pike St, J. a. Jusuca, no Columbia Ut, Spokane, Waxh. Joha 'W. Ortvham. Tacoina, 7ash, A erne News Co. Washington, D. 0. iieker ft OmdorB. li.h. and 9 Stav Lib