Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6
un: omaiia slxdav ni;i:: orror.KU lfXU). That Crccpu Goat ; of clones! . . J!y A. laylirr-CiUler BILL'S Coat was a lhf whpn the Fheep's Hair In It began working. iThe damp weather played "Tas"' with. its shape In no time. Uwause Bill's Coat had been knocked Into hf with a hot Flat-iron. It had been sewn together, In places, of courae. But, the sewing part had lien done In a- Hurry. Enrauso sowlcs li eiponPlTe. and Flat-iron faklnn la mighty cheap, and conveniently rapid. 80 Bill's Coat, line many othia, had been railroaded fcrtrough, the sewing ffi?p. and then finished in four round of hot pressing by the fay Flat-iron. Take Old Dr. Goose to throw "style" Jnto a garment In hurry. He's, a regular whirlwind In action and he knowa how to fake the short ening of a flabby team in a second or the lengthening of a short one, In- stsnter. He knowa how to stretch out a Coat Collar that'a too tight, (at the back of your neck), or to shrink up a lapel that'a bultrtnr. ' Bat he doea all this by mere heat and liiolature that act upon cloth just as the Curling Iron acts upon hair. And, when a Damp day gets after the flat-Ironed style of a Coat It doea the Mtu aort of thing to that "Style" that the Damp day doea to the Curling Ironed treasea of the Matinee Girl. That casually put a "crimp" into Bill Jones' appearance and popularity. Because his Coat then makes him look like an animated Jokelet. creep ing into a peculiar "Btyle" of its own, The left Lapel bulges out as It did before the fiat-iron. faked it. The Sleeves twist around a bit, and make him look as if his elbows were knork-kneed. The Collar binds at the back of hta neck and puts all the weight of the Garment on his rear collar button. And so many kinks and wrinkles thus creep into that Coat that they are i-hocklng to Wlllinm. Now why is this thus? Iletause of flat-iron faking. 'It costs a Utile more to shape Coats mid Overcoats with painstaking hand- vee.dle-work than with the faky Flat Iron. But that Sincere shaping never wilta out through Dampness, nor Dryness, nor through the careless hanging up of 11 Garment. .More than this, the Sincere Stitching tlu;t. puts the human Curves Into tJn.riient serves to hold them there uitiilnst,. the action of Moisture on the Cloth ItBelf. ; Not many Garments are finished In thin "Sincerity" hand needle-work fnahion. Hut it need not cost you a cent extra to nava a Suit or Overcoat thus fully tlnlwhed and finally-shaped by the Nee dK instead of by the tricky Flat-iron. nciinite all you've got to do is. to I noli 'xharp, when you buy youi, next Snir or Overcoat, for the label of the 1 ' Sli.u rity Tailors" on it. That label icyls as follows SINCERITY CLOTHES MADI AND OUAf.JNTtlO If Kuhf. Nathan 4. Fischcr Co. ' CHICAGO Dinin pynenjp fr MltlV IaluJ cXrcHiS lut IXm Says Diamond Dick, ftany Need a Mind Cure. Twa Retail and Ona Wkolasala Jaw eler Parcbaaad the HanufacturaU Diamond 5old by tba Fam us Diamond Maa. Thuia la only una reaaon. after Mil, tit I ail diamond admirer don't punhiun; Iniumf wturd dtunumd, and tint I U ihltar jf dvtevtlon. IKxta ny one nay timt If It nld b poKflltl for tho puhtto to buy for (ISO) a manufactured diamond that ruulu uot ta told from a 1300.00 jonulne geni. a.nd they wera aura thai no expert could rvr ttll. does kr.y ona gupoia the public would buy the genuine? A Br reporter! v (U In i- ranOBtnn jwi'lr l ti w t-nuih ttltrentha atrvt ciui aayi , j lii-it It. . . Houiux. mayor of t'ler U.kt-, ij., iinl In. Jio lid it four-i-arl. rui . n-ti in his gljvr, mid it nil the ri-ul tbui. lor lit ald Vi't.OU for It. "Jum tame In tor lurkiMiiy tu how good Jour aowed up," waa the contempt uoua remark i:e mui. And when ho went out after ia mood i'h k rovl to Idm hy Mr own dia mond that uiiit'i gtnlu. th conat ruction, tut, color and wt-lght produrrd to yual and ttn better thun that of tiatuiv. In; ild: "Hy Ueirge, 1 in convinced lluil i:rnum ai right when ha auld the Antci v.u.n ppl0 liko to ha humbugged. 1K-i 1 Uvt puld '.v0 for a n'onc. and line yuj tiv lh Mcrti thing. It not liettti. ahlcit joil i felllny for lews than the Intere.-l on my Investment amount to. 1 am a d d fool, but theie'i comfort tn the- fact Ihiu I hn plenty contpuiiy. He ln-ftt Into the inmiTu-h and look with him a half dozen and di lied thi-ni to lie of the jm! iitue . lh: ones ho hud on. A limn Mi-pixd Ituo (he atoi-R aitahbllv ntt9.Mil, and a.-knl to ee a atone. 1 ran I'll it diamond, mid he. "If Jon blow oui uivutli on It and tl come o(T at onon III it !linond." Ha jikiwfd aeverat tlin.a, hn I'.smond Dick uhd hlni how many blow a it took hefi.H he could t-ll. A atoutly bunt Kmi'ii.n Wan nest. He held a atonti up f i the ligli.. and id: "Thut's a genuine i.ji.e, tcui It h.i a iitn hole In it, an-1 us other !luiie !) ti.a.1." "Well," cald tha .I'.kMottd l.utn, "give mo I3..'iO and Hike it hiiig.'' but the man n-fuavd to b.lh-vt his i. w ii tjf and walked out. What tliona la n :;vl mi.t!, iatd lii.tntotid Dick, i it liuirl ' lie tit ttoni ou'idt iiiails 3t hih.g Hie Ktotieg i-dpidly. o-ie fioin Haa -i 'X i-ii from r'r-i.i"Ct and u lo al a i-.uii;jrfmu ti I'tnily tiuvia e9erd'. SOCIETY RETl'KNSTONmU Blx Aftr Eril'i.nt Tttk cl Hon ll.wiid Attendaat Locd Affairs. TtAS AND LUNCHEONS WEEK'S OFFERING llaltlnaj M nraen n Itrwilii Min the IV'rrk mnit Will We linrnta if Mnnor mt ntrmn Km term I Mat a. , Wlrl. A wlrrlrs in(!ifp camp to in From one I hol.l mc.t. clem-. It did not rrm" from or the wi It m1r ws quits near. !t i inio In answer to my rl'. And stllleil rnv tmihtlns; sighs. 'Twa gimplr "yen" and csms to me . From out my sweetheart's eyes. Tlie JSwaln. Bvrlal f'alvndar. HON OAT Mr. Harry O'Neill, thtr iny and aurper for Mm. Leroy Taylor: Mm. Ilowurd llHldrlge luncheon, and hrldRO for Mies innelr ut; Mr. C?. O. Mton. theater party for Ml"1 Con nell'a rnevtM. TLF.mAY MIm Fdna Keellne, 1-inrheon at Oman rluh for Ahfi tinnM rtieatv Mrs. J M. MetoHlfe. luncheon. WEPNLjUA V Wrilxell-Knapp weddlnR-; Mr. W. J. Connell, reception to Intro dura Mti-s Connei!; Mr. and Mr. V. J. I 'i-kri n 1 1 lara-a tfltntt ar Tin ' RSDAT-C'. T. rltib with Mm. A. Warnheri FTt-A-Vlrn club dnnce t w f'hantlier; Mm. J. H. iPrl. tlnnr nd hrirtr, for Mt Eldrldfr and Mr. Iioy rRlDAY-Brldte club with Mrs. W. T. llttrn: BATt.'RDAY Oinikmu Alpha PI dance at . fhnmber: Mr. and Mr. A. D. Brandl. dance for Minn Hlonmn. The Horse Phw, he premltr vnt. of tha pon. haa com and got), and aoclely tan once mora renuma Ita regulation, round of tea, dlnnra, dancea and other func- tlona. which were relegated to the back ground whll king- home fild away. That the Horae Sliow la the big event of th year and that thi year'a ahaw auifed In every way thoaa that hav pracaded it la an acknowledged fact. Much of that auo- coa waa du io th Intereft of the women, for thay wra prnt night aftr night, and. that tha dloplny of their' g-orgeoua gowns and . millinery waa ' not the ofily reaaon for' their presence wa ahown by tha kn enthlaan-i manlfeated In all -the. erenta on. the program. Than, too, the Horns Show la no longer a new thing and aoclpty la thoroughly Initialed.. The atllTness an4 raerve ap paraqt previonaly have entirely disappeared and the vlnitlng among the box and the ue of tht promenade were general. Aaide from the Horae 8how there -haa bean little doing in aoclety the lant week. Practically everything- centered around that and the faw affairs which were given, were complimentary to mm of the visitor who ware here for the week. Mm., Samuel Me rath, who waa the guet of Mm. Ward Burgeaa, waa the recipient of much atten tion, and Mrs. Hargena of Hot Sprint,-,' 8. D., who la vinitlng Miaa Mario Mohler. haa been the honor guet at a number of functions, chief of which was. alias MoU ler'a luncheon at the Omaha club Wednes day. Mia. Ella C. Nash and Mlaa Drown alo gave luncheona In her honor. Mlas Peck, who la visiting Mi Webster, Is an other popular visitor and Mrs. Leroy Tay lor of New York, the ooimin.of Mra.. W. O. Gilbert, and Mlaa Eldridge. who la the guest of Mlaa Htgginaon, have bn enter tained considerably also. ' Many of the guests who came for the Horse. Show will remain for another week or ao. and In their honor many affairs will be given thla week. Mis. Leruy Taylor of New .York ' the guest of honor at aeveral , little things rind Mlsa Connell a gueat will he entertained considerably. while Miss Peck will probably be the hon ored guest at several functions. Hal lowe'en, which occurs 'Wednesday, will fur nish the fecaittrm for a number of novel parties, for there aru many hoHtesaes Who delight to entertain on thla day, ' which iiffonls so tiwtny opportunities for myHtarl ous tloltiga. ' Tlie Omaha club waa the acene of many gay supper parties after the Horse Pliow and these who were not members certainly envied those who wera fortunate enough to have their names enrolled on the clul roster. Omaha la now remily awakening to (he proper club spirit and realizes to the fullest extent the place such a club occu pies in the social Ufa of a city. On several occasion during the week the capacity was tasted and those who did not ree:ve their plaeea early were forced to go elsewhere. For tha first time In Its hlxtm-y tha Omaiia club haa a waiting list, for the limit of ac tive membership, M,-ha been reached and there are many more who desire to be ad mitted to the privileges of tha organisation. From now until the holiday the Introduc tion and entertainment of the debutantes will be tha absorbing feature of society, for there are eight young; women to make their debut, and th Hat may possibly be In creased. The first to make her bow will be Mlsa Marion Connell. the daughter of Mr. and Mra. W. J. Connell, who will be Intro duced at a tea to be given Wednesday aft ernoon of till week at the Connell resi dence by Mra. Connell. Thla will be fol lowed by a ainnar for about fifty young people, and at thla dinner the Mlsst-a Kck hart of Chicago. Bowen of Indianapolis snd Carey of Delphi. Ind., who are vinitlng Mlsa Connell. will also be gueat of honor. The aecond debutante will be Miss Mona Kloke, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Kloke, who recently came to Oniili-t. Miss Kloke will be prevented at a tea to be given the afternoon of November S by Mrs. AV. Tl. Clarke and Miss Clerk, old friend of Mr. and Mm., Kloke. Thla will be followed by a supper. Mra. F. 11. Davis haa announced Novetnber 8 ai the date when she will pre. sent her daughter. Mis Helen Davl. Mia Chambers made her debut early u the Ben son, and the other young women, who will probably not make their formal entrance Into society until later In the month or in December, are Mies Krancea Weaaella, Mia Kllatbeth Congdon, Mi as Marlon Hupheu. Mlsa Alice Royal Pwittler and Miss bell I-'ran. li. Mies Mary Xi.-e Royer. who was to l-,ae Wen among the de butantes, will wait soother year, on ai count of 111 htalih. 1risl (hit (hat. Mr and Mrs. W. J. C Kenyuii expect to leave th last of thi week for Chicago to attend the horse show. Mr. and Mrs. ravid A. Iluni have Klen up their uarter at the Paxton hotel anil are .-veldli.g ut llainey street. Mrs. J. 11. Hvmia has taken the houw at JI3 toulh Tmenty-ninth avenue, hicli has' been occupied by Mr. and Mrs. A. P. tin I Oil. Ivan and Mrs. Ueoie A needier tjm.t to move-th.s weeK from their house on Nineje.enth street ,lo 5!'l North' Twcnly-firt rt; i. Mf. and Mrs. Join R Wehsi.-r liuve taken the house at 2d South Thirty-third street, now occupied by Mr. and Mr. v. A. Ayrrigc. Mr. litlier like add Li. Iliidv;i. have given up their l.ou- on TsriHV-iiUti ave nue und have tak u apainrnrnia at ths. Omaha i lab. Mr. and Mia. Houni'l L.tldriiie. Sir. Joseph Hitldrta-e and Mrs. A. Hull expect to go to Lincoln n-xt V "edrn a.i.ty to at i'-nj the lltilloac en cm i lli,,i. ' Mr. and M r.. AiOur ti il.iu will sive ni tliotr houo- n .iuli Tweiilv-innlh avenua and havs tak-u a houf at i'uuy-t'tal aiij l:ivnrTt Hrwf, h'i tliev In- l home afrr the fitst of the month. Ml Mil" Hamilton. MI- Prion I ntit. rd. M'ss I.sndis unit Mlsa' PtIM piwenshnra; re .nt irrenl !n 1'nrln, -nhi-ii they will i-i-mulii fi-r veni eck. Mrs. .John T. PlfH.irt ami 1 1 n son. D! -k, will lesve Tue-1;iy for Welns Oleti. N. T.. to join Mr. and Mrs. lleniinn Kotintse ami pcnrl a wci-h cr two wltii llisni. Mrs. Y. A. Ay-r-S, who rtninMl from CiJiromH Inst week, eip--t to rt-nn noon to Cnllfornle, with tiff two n!i, td Join Mr. Ayi'i'lKC i ond nmke . their hmno I hero. , . Mr. ami Mm. K. K. Hal h lmv tHken a Iioiihp on North Fortieth 'street hetnee-i I PoftK and Davenport strefts. and ' will itione In from nenenn rurly next week. Mr. and lira. E. II. Bpfng-ne and Mr. and Mrn. Icaao Col will he with them thl winter. 1 Pleasures fast. Mi Ella Mse HroWn gave a delightful lunrheon at th Omaha club Saturday In honor of Mra. Hargena of Hot flnrlns, 8. D., the guest of Mine Mohler. The table, prettily decorated with red roea, was laid for ten guests. Among those who went to the Omaha club for upper after tha Horae Show Saturday evening were Miss Mohler, MM. HargVns, Mr. N. P. Dodge. Jr., and Mr. Exra Mll lurd. Another party Included Mins Web ster, Mies Peck, Mr. Arthur Cooh-y snd Dr. Rrtdaje. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Gilbert, Mrs. Deroy Taylor and Mr. Harry O'Neill were at another table. Mla Irene McCoy gave a pink novelty shower at her home, Mns Decatur, Friday evening. In honor of th approaching; nnir- rlsge of Mlsa Kfne Leroy to Mr- Carl liil- debrand, which la to take place In the near future. Dainty refreshment were aerved in the dlnibg room, the table belna ef fectively decorated In pink, ' The color scheme was also carried out in the refresh ments. Those present were: Miss 1evoy, Ml Kngler, Mint Clara Rngler, Mine Agnes Hansen, Mis Catherine Spellman, Miss Lyman. Mlsa Fay Lyman and Mine McCoy. ; Mihb Uortrude Brady was pleasantly sur prised Friday evening: by a number of her friend. 4he occasion being her birthday. The evening was pleasantly spent In games and music. On , feature of the evening was a guessing contest In which Mr. Lew Nettle was awarded first prise and Mr. Ray Donahey second priie. At a late hour refreshment were served by Mis Mayme Mullen and Mlsa Myrtle Brady. Those present were: Misses Mary Moore, Ger trude Brady, Margaret O'Grady, Anna Quinlan, Bertha Glllan, Alio Zearfoa, Eva Zoarfose. Kate Woire. Mabel Johnson. Kathsrln Barry" Messra. Ralph Donahey, Will Johnaon. Tom Lyons, Kay Donahey, Paul Moore, Jams Mullen. Iw Nettle, Leo Mullen. Max Brodsky and Fred Oillan. In honor of Mra. Donald McLean of New York, president-general of the Daughters of the American Revolution, who la making a western trip, the local chapter of the Daughtera of the Ameri can Revolution, gave .a delightful recep tion Saturday evening at the residence of Mrs. R. C. Hoyt, the local regent. The ruest of. the evening were the Council Bluffs chapter. and, the Omaha and Coun cil f. luffs chaptera of the Hons of the American Revolution. The guests, num bering about I'OO, were received by Mrs. McLean, Mri. S. C. Longworthy of Sew ard, Neb.; Mra. Buehnell of Council Bluffs and Mr. and Mra. Hoyt. Assisting throughout the rooms were Mm. W.' 8. Heller, .Mra. W. . A. Smith, Mrs. E. P. Peck, Mrs. Ktubbs, Mlsa Adama, Mrs. A. P. Tukey, Mra. P. J. Barr and Mrs. J. C Cowln. The rooms were prettily dec orated for the occasion with -a:' profusion at flags, palms and ferns. In the dining room the table had a centerpiece of white cm yuaninnmum, ami tne candle were shaded with red, while In the refreah ments the national color prevailed. Dur ing the evening an Interesting address waa made by Mrs. McLean, and ,Mlsa Gtimhlo san:. , Come aad d Uosslp. Mi. F.jH. Quinea is in New York, to re ilialn aeverat weeks. , Mrs. II. D. Reed is visiting her .mother, Mrs. Fay, f Chicago., Mrs. F. H. Oalnea hua gone to New York to spend ssveral weeks, . Mrs. .Irving Baxter lout returned from an extensive stay In the east. Miss Fannie Kahn of New Yo'k Is the guest of Mrs. Albert C'ahn. Mr. and Mra. O. F. Kpeneler are vis iting friends in Cincinnati. . Miss Bells, Dewey haa returned from a visit of iliree weeks In the east. . Mr., and Mrs. K. B. Williams are visiting friends in Chicago and St. Louis. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Stevenson have gone to Toronto, Canada, to spend a .fortnight. Miss Juanita Woy of Chambers waa the guest of Mra. J. A.. Herahey for the past week. . Mra 1-1. V. Lewi and Miss Lewis Isft i Thursday for New York, where they will spend a month. Mlsa Laura Congdon, who haa spent the last few weeka In the east, Is expected to return home today. . ! Mr. Jamea Reed of Kansas City, Kan., haa been the gueat during the Horse Bhow of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Fry. Mra. Lyman Tower of Chicago, who I the guest of Mr. and Mra, W. H. McCord, will leave for California next Tuesday. Mrs. Olive Watson of Friend, Nb., waa the guet of Mrs.' Howard Baldrlge Satur day and at the Horse Show In the evening B!hop and Mrs, Millfpaugh. who have been the guest cf Mr. and Mra. F. H. Davis, have returned to their home In To peka, Kan. Mrs. J. H. Butler la expecting Mr. and Mrs. Harris Brown of Gallatin. Tenn., to arrive the first of tha month to spend about ten days. Mrs. Samuel Megeuth of Franklin, Pa., who has beeu the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Burgers during- the Horse Show, haa returned to her home. Major and Mra. Arratonlth, who are the g-ucKt of Mrs. W. II. 8. Hughes, will leave today fur Ban Franclsvo, where they will sail fur the Philippines. Mia. S. N. Mealio, accompanied by br granddaughter. Miss Myrtle C. Cole, left on Friday last for a three weeks' visit with relstivea and friend in Chicago Mr. and Mrs. John A. McShane, who have been eojoiirulng at Hot Springs, Ark., for the lienefU of Mrs. MoShsnu' health, are exp-cted to return home the last of this week. Mrs. George t'pdike and Miss Lucy t'p tlike are expected to return from a stay of set-end months in Vermont the first of the week. MIms Phoebe Smith, who spent, ihe (min uter abroad, returned to Omaha the that of the wek. while her mother. Mrs. How ard B. Snil'h. stopped at Chilllcothe, O.. to p nd a few days. WeUalaa and KuMinumti. Miss Kuili Lehmer, daoaliter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lehmer, and Dr. Allen Walker Vrmsoit were 4ulr riy marrU-d last . Wednesday In Newcastle, pa. The wedding of Mr. Edaard A. Knapp and Mine Louise Margaret Weitzel, daughter of .Mis. Margaret L. Wettael, will ! solentnixed Wednesday evening, Ociotrt-r SI, at 7:utl u'lliMlf at the home of tlio bride mother. :oft5 North Nlno teenth street. .V reception from 8 to 1 o'doi'k wiil follow the ceremony. A wed-img which will In! re.t many Omaha people Is that of M! Maijoiia Ulidiie of Cliliaxo and Mr. Fiamts Ferns of Indianapolis, uhuh will ku pa,.e next Xalurday. Mi Hitehiti htr visited her siairr, Mis. i. II. Kyi ague, lu Ouiaha "'erBl times, and Mr.. 8irii will Irave 'ednrmly to attenil the wedding. tnniln Ktralt The Omikmn Alpha 11 HI give a duni e at , Chambers' Saturday evening-. The C, T. Kiit-hre rhib will meet Thursday afternoon at the residence if Mr. A. Wern ht. ' .' 1 ' - - , The twotitl dftnee of the F.l-A-Vltp dub win take plec Thursday evrnlue; at t'hatii brr. Mr. J. M. Metcalfe will alve a luncheon Tuesday at her liome. 12:14 gotith Tcntli street,.- r. Air, Hairy O'Neill will ulve alheater party Monday evenlna in honor of , Mrs. lM-oy Taylor of New York. Tte BrlflR-e club will met Friday with Mm.-W. T.' Bum. This meeting was pom pon from Inst week on account of .the Horse Show. ' ' , Mm. Howaid Bahlrifre will entertain nt luncheon Monday In honor of the Misses Fckhart, . Bowen and Carey, ' who are Jhe guests of Mis Connell. The luncheon will le followed by bridgre. Mr. and Mra. Arthur D. Erandcts have Issued cards for a danclns; party to lie given at their home next Saturday evening In honor of their niece, Miss Oladya SIo inm of Detroit, who Is their ruest. Mr. Charles D. Beaton will give a theater party Monday evening at the Orpheuni, fol lowed by supper at th" Racquet club In honor of the Misses Kckhart, Carey and Bowen, the guesta of Ml) Marlon Connell. Mrs. J. It. Pratt will entertain at dinner ThuMday evening In compliment to Miss BUlrtdare of New York, the artiest of Ml Julia HiKglnon. and Mrs. Leroy Taylor of New Tot k. the guest of Mm. W. O. Gilbert. Miss Edna Keellne of Connell Bluffs will give a1 luncheon at the Omaha elub Tues day in honor of Miss Dorothy Kckhart Of Chloag-o. Miss Marlorie Bowen of Indian apolis and Mlsa Nora Carey of Delphi. Ind., the g-ueat of Miss Marlon Connelu ' w:en in cll'3 m charity The Daughters of the American Re volu tin of Nebraska will hold, their fifth an nual conference October 2 and 3H at Lin coln, upon Invitation of the Lincoln chap ter. Mra. Donald McLean, president gen eral of the national society, will be the guest of the assembly. , As the conference 1 not u delegated body every daughter Is entitled to vote. The. program for the session follows: Monday, October i At 12 o'clock, lunch eon to vlttng delegates, residence of Mis. 8. B. Pound, lfi32 L street. l:3t p. m.: In-vm-atlon, Mrs. J. K. Pollock, chaplain De borah Avery chapter;,, music, "Star 8panrled Banner," Mrs. Kinma Holyoke; address of welcome. Mra. M. J. MaUfc-h, rearent Deborah Avery chapter; response, Mr, a. H. Brash, regent Llliabeth Mon tairue chanter: sreetinsa to the rxesident general, Mra FX C. Iaingwor'.hy, state re gent; address, Mrs. Donald Mr Lean, presi dent general Dauarhtere of the American Revolution; pstriotic airs on the trombone, Mr. Arthur Miller; minutes of last comer mi, Mr. A. K. Oaull, state secretary; prewentation of gavel. General Culver; patriotic addresses. "Grand Army of the Republic," Chancellor K. B. Andrews; "Bons of the American Revolution," Dean RoKcoe Pound; music. "Doris," Nevln. "The -Yenrs st the Sprn:,' Mr.' H. H. A. Black, Mrs. Kmma Holyoke. Reception at the senate chamtier from S to 9 p. m. Tuesday, October 30, 9 a. in. "A merle;" the Iord'a prayer; music. "Bprlnfftlme." , Becker; "The few nn Pone;. Grieg: "Chan son Provencal, u. Ufll Acqua, sums vca I'pton; -minutes of lost session, Mrs. A. K. Gault, secretary; report of atate reaent, Mrs. K. C. Lang-worthy; report of atat treasurer, Mrs. ,C. ,B. Ietton: rports of chapter reaents; reports of committees; miscellaneous business; electioivof onlcer. Always thoroughly alive, the Illinois Fed eration of Women's Clubs, at- its annual convention held at Chicago Inst week, took up the .consideration of several legislative measures which . were unanimously en dorsed. One, entitling Chicago women to vote for, municipal officers an measurer, received enthusUt-U 'endorsement. 'J'Otheis were: An act-"prvijing punishment for wife beating; a law by congress reg-ulntlng and safeguarding the machinery In fac tories where women are employed, and the promotion of a trades school movement similar to that In Massachusetts. The social question and the future f the working girl were aubjects of one of the interesting Siscurlons. "The last census." the speaker said, "shows that more than 6.000. ()0 women ore engaged In gainful oc cupations and that their average wages are less than f-70 a year and that more than 50 per cent of them were less than H years old. The census also shows that the proportion of women working In factories la increasing more rapidly than that of men. At present the working girl 1 woefully ignorant of the Injustice that Is being done her. She is gradually becoming more and more Inured to the hard work and slavery of tha ( factory, and It lies with the club women to advocate and cause laws to M j passed to protect her. The girl workors ( are not getting sufficient pay. They do the same work a a man for half the money. Is It a wonder that they are losing their aelf-respect? A program of unusual excellence waa rendered by the suffrage club of Table Rock, Neb.. Thursday afternoon at the i at - the e subject r." Mrs. red paper EInk read home of Mr. Boscoe Zlnk. The for discussion waa 'Child Labor. Kate Allen read a cs-efully pre par. on the subject and Mra. Boscoe Zln an article from Judge Lindsay. Mrs. Laura Allen and Mrs. A. J. Marble each read poems touching on the subject. The Oinaha Society of the Fin Arts will meet In the public library Thursday morn- lug at 10 o'clock. The program will be in charge of Mrs. John W. Griffith, the topic of study being the artteta contemporary, with Leonardo du, Bernardino Luinl and Bodoma In particular. Mrs. Gardiner Haynea will read a paper on "Angela In Art" and Mrs. Archibald Powell will speak of the Madonnaa by artist of Da Vinci's time. The lereon will close with "The Legend of 8t. Catherine" illustrated by stereoptlcon pictures by Mrs. George Payne. The current issue of The Philanthropist givea th following table of the age of pro tection for girl In the various atates, stating l hat It is compiled from Informa tion from official sources and Is authentla: Twenty-One Wyoming. Klshteen Nebrseka. Washington. Wis consin. Ielaare, New York, Tennessee, Kansas. Colorado, North Dakota, I'tah, Idaho and Florida. V Sixteen Pennev Ivauia. Connecticut, Ver moot, South Dakota, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Illinois. Indiana. Kentucky, New Jersey. Minnesota. laiulsUna. Arkan- 1 a.4S. Maine, Iowa. Montana. Miclitaun. Oregon Ca'lfornia, Massachusetts, Ohio HIM Maryland. ' ' Fifteen Texas. Fourteen Alalianm, Vlrginiii, We-Jt Vir ginia. North Curollnaj South Carolina. Ne vailii, and Misom'. " 'l i n Lfcorgia and MiaKivslppi. The oratory department of the Woman' club will give a Hallowe'en party Wednes day afternoon at :'. o'clock In the flub loom. There will lie a program and re freshment will le serve,!. An admtrsinn of 111 cents will lie charged. Mister Visltur' MrrW l-.aal Hivmr. aioaa. On Saturdays and Sundaya during tk winter the Chicago Great Western railway will yell tickets to point in Iowa at half tariff rati-a. The rates also apply In oppo site dlirclton, enabling your friands to re turn yoor visit. Ask J. A. Kills. Generul Agent, 112 Farnam ft, for information. Tha funeial of 1-auili-r Irons will he h. Id at Masonic le;itple, under direction of Cup. ttol loo-, Kun.lav afternovn at 2 o'clock. Fri-n li ii.tlieu. iatcioient For.-at; pn at. U.UttWc&wicjjjlJ Sale .at A. very. important sale wliich . will open tomorrow, will be of 500 fin tailored suits made by New York'n most celebrated tailors. A sale that will bo remembered by every woman who will visit our store, for these handsome suits eannot be duplicated nt nearly double our price. For months ahead we have been planning for this event, and we expect it to be a great success. . .. Extra sales peoplo and fitters have been secured and we expect to treble our business this week. . ' Two of the stvles are shown in the illustration. , j e :l J li ULT - I TTT - ...Now Open.. Begins this Week Gssscs for Juveniles CrrigUea Institute, . . itl.Soaffc ISUi. BEGISSEKS: ..', Wednesday, 4 : 1 H F. M. - ' AbyxSCK; '' Saturday, :30 1". L ""; ilJATINKK CLAMS: -Saturday, 8:SI P. M, .: . TKRMS Season Bsinaers, til; Uvaaectl .MORAND5, vDANCING ;ciioo! fTEz TTi TH TTTv The Only Exdatlvc a oak Baa Is tht City lii)lijkilnli!ik o) Specials tor Mofflflay- Suits at a Saving ol 25 Opera Wraps Oae-Half Oil Voile and Panama Skirts, All Colors, at Great Reductions I. Plaid Waiets, Id tle-ewtijre for 16. 50' and 7.J0, at t ., f L. We have the Largest Assortment of Cloaks ia the City S. FREDRICK BERGSR lh CO. Cloaks, Sails, Skirls, Furs and Waists n 1517 Farnam Street t v: c 33 EZZJ RECl'LAX PRICE, S75 t.!ISS CLAIICHE Sfl3EtIS0:i Voico Culture and Artistic Singing Studio S48 Rimfi Bill. Tel. Mra t37. Tailored and Chsscs fcr Awaits 13th and Earecy ' a a Iiessona every Tuesday and Friday, 8 P. M. TERMS, 12 Lesfton. Ladies, I; Grades, II Aa8cmBi,rJsa itet WXSaTBSOAT. .. The best dancers attend . regularly, lleyn's Orcheatra. Admission. Z& cents. Frlvat Lessons Ball .Boom or Stage. Hour to suit pupil. ohTop Tl TTI TTT Q Tl . 0a SatarSay Evtalan 1 a'clsrk 198 t r J For Monday, Oct. 29 Only An elegant Black Lynx et(Leipsig dyeid) made to your ordr in any etyle. Thn same reliable work. SrCCIAL PRICE, 550 Vou must sea these to appreciate ita value. Aulabaugh 1S08 DOLCLAS ST. Entrance Through Millinery Stora Business Booster Try tha Want AI OuiiUiB a Tk !. f fSCQFliiLD LL'.X&.SUTCa - i 'X T? TT ?" Nt A "T 300 Stunnica Suits pedal at S35.C3 The atyleg of the Suits are) of that character aa on only finds In the htgheet priced gar-, . ments all chic blotiae or 2 3 Inch tailor Jacket atyles; also many naw styles In the. longer coat effects. They are aimply the work of monthg of careful attention and are most desir able models of the season. Some are elaborately trimmed and some are plain tailored models. The aklrta are either the moat beautiful trimmed styles or plaited effect. 2C9 Beautiful Suits Special at $25.00 The materials from which these suits are, made include the choicest of the aeason's nov elties, all wool fabrics and qual ities which are only used in the riuept tailor-made garments. Among them will be found all the newest shades of red, green, brown, blue and plaids. The black comes In all of the new materials as well a In tha flna broadcloth and cheviots. All these suits are made up In the correct new styles and scores to-select from. Z3 CZ 10c Cigars for 5c The way our cigar sales are Increas ing it does not surprise us that our modern method of selling cigars does not please the average cigar dealer and manufacturer. The extremely. low nrlr. vn urn itiiiktnir nn lllc c-lirars naH Increased our business far beyond on expectation. If you have not already investigated our plan it will pay you lo do so. We absolutely guarantee every thing we sell to be a bigger value than any dealer gives In the United StateB. and will cheerfully refund your money If you purchase a box of cigars from us that is not satisfactory lo every re rpfect. Wc have Just completed one of the largest and most complete Humi dors In the -itv, which -will enable us to keep our cigars In first. class condi tion. We carry a larger stock of cigars than the average exclusive cigar deal ers. We surely can please you with these prices: 10c Flor dt Gounod Perfwtos, 5c or $2.50 per box of 50. 10c Flor de Gounod Invlnclbles, 5c, or 12.50 per box of 50. 10c Kl Afecto 6c, or, $2.50 per box of 50. 10c Hoffman Houbu Peifetto Grand, 5c, or $2.50 per box of 50. 10c Queen Victoria 5c, or $2.50 per box of 50. 10c Inventor 5c, or. $2.50. per .box Of 60. '.'...' 10c La Tonlta 5c, or $2.50 per box of 50. -. ' 10c. Imperial ' Creat 'Boqutt 5c, or $2.50 per box or 60. 10c Imperial Crest Perfecto tc. or $2.60 per box of 50. 10c La Rona Pure Tamils (Selden berg) -5c, or $2.50 per box of 00. 10c La Rosa Conchas Special (Kspa nola) 5c, or $2.50 per box of 50. 10c Virglnlus Rufus 5c, or $2.50 per box of 60. ' 10c Banquet (Blsiutirk) 6c. or $2.50 per box of 60. 10c Banquet ( Invlncibles) 5c, or $2.50 per box of 50. 10c Banquet (Conchas), 5c, or $2 50 per box of 50. f'yers-DIHon Drug Co, Ont Kat Cursr Scalers lath ana ruiM t, onAHA. viau Aug. V. Molzcr Violinist In Eohemi&n Turner IUH 13th and Drcai Sts. November 11th, 1906 WM. M DRENCH. Accompanist Admission 5Cc and 35c Commencing at 8 O'clock Max Landovv Ccncert-FterJst and teacher of (lrtUhlng clasa ol M Stern Conservatory, Berlin. M APPLY FOR TERMS. li M BESICENCE: Saoth OrnxLa. HIS li tit St. It i - . - . see. u M . . irnilfc Arlkaloa Black, Boea 7 ti 4 B ym ' mum m w i Si tew. li