Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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TnnpsBtor r'cLauztlta 'tit Diplomtrj
Pb'u'd Be Used with Utss.
II P.nrlj Whilrr ete In Pedant
Inrllam Mill Hp .lnl In Take ;
,d,.n,ae f H.,rr..
ment'a Comforts. .
(From a Staff Corres pondcnt. I
TV A SHIM '.TON. Oct :T. (Speclnl Tele
ram ) M.ilm Mclaughlin, special Indian
Inspector, who hns recently returned from
hi mission to WynmhiR tn endeavor to
Induce the wandering White River Vtcj
to return to IhHr reservation In Fiati. ta
now preparing his report to be submitted
'o the secretary of the Interior.
"The return of these Indians to the
homes selected for tliPm hy the govern
ment the Uintah reservation In I'tah
cair.iof be accomplished by force," said
Major McLsughlln today. "Should an at
tempt bp made to force them by soldiers
there would almost surely be flghtl.ii?.
During my visit to their tamp ! was able
to Indue forty-six I'tes braves. iiia;vs
and their children to return home. There
remain wandering" about ins men. well
armed, with their Sijuaws and ehildren,
ready. If molested, . to flfrlit at the drop
of the hat. This band la under the leader
ship of Appah, Redcap and Socclft. Much
may be accomplished to bring these I'tes
to obey the government and return to
their reservation throuirh diplomacy, but
little or nothing by force. Today Lay
White Bull, a Cheyenne brave, was sug
gested to co-operate with' Ahierlcan Horse
and the army officer In an endeavor to
indue the I'te leaders to go home. I
think a solution of the question will be
brought about by the elements. If an
early winter seta In In the country where
the I'tes are now they will be froicn into
submission and be glad of the comforts
which the government stands ready to
provide them with If they are good."
rear lies Will Inelte Cheyenne.
HERIDAN. Wyo.. Oct. 27. (Special Tele
gram. )--The cavalrymen from Fort Robin
son are camped tonight at the mouth of
Alinsted creek, a tributary of Little Powder
liver. Theindlans are on the hills nearby.
Old-timers here say that should the I'tes
reach the C'heyennea they would fire the
hnnd Into revolt and serious war might
result. The Cheyenfes. who are bud fight
ers and have Paused the government much
trouble, were removed" to Oklahoma, but
despite Intimidation of troop they returned
to the reservation.
Two companies of Infantry left Fort
Mackenale this morning, going north. It
Is admit ted tonight that they have gone to
Intercept the Indians In Case an attempt
Is made" to reach the Cheyenne agency
before the arrival of troops from Fort
Moude. This lends color to the theory that
the military authorities fear the I'tes will
reach the Cheyenne reservation and fire
that tribe to revolt. J
The troops leaving Fort Mackentle this
morning In command of Captain Smith
started directly north. Last night Captain
Hmlth made Inquiry concerning bridges
crossing stream north of here.
A second detachment of cavalry from
Fort Roblrfson left Gillette at midnight
' and unloaded this morning at Kendrlck,
three miles west of Arvada, and have In
structions to "march dose on the heel
of the Indians," but not to fire unless
absolutely necessary. They will await the ,
arrival of troops from Fort Meade before .
making a demonstration. The train was
ordered , to return to Crawford, which Is
taken to mean that other troops will ba
. .
caiieo into ww new.
WTUIe th troopa were unloading at Ken-
drlck-a cavalryman told a railroad em
ploye that they expected to he fighting
within thirty hours. '
Chief Bweet Mouth, a friendly Crow.
camped oUtslde Sheridan tonight with 110
Indlsnr. They say they are here on a I
friendly niisclon, but seem to have full
knowledge of the movements cf the I'tes.
"They no go back," said Sweet Mouth.
"They fight flint. Indians want to hunt and
flh 1n Rig Water."
The I'tes havs disposed of nlmofd 1,(I
Bad Odor of Indigestion, Siuokiug,
Drinking or Ealing Can Be
Instantly Stopped.
Oilier peoplu notice youi" bsa breaih
wbi-ie you would not notice li at all. It
u nauseating to other people to stand be
fore the ii while you are talking, give
them a whiff or two of your bad breaih.
It .. usually come from food fermenting
on your stomach. Sometimes you have
It In the moi uliig that awful sour, bil
ious, bad breath. You can atop mat at
once by (wallowing oue or two Btuait
Charcoal Laaengee, the moat powerful
gas and odor aonorbers ever prepared.
Sometimes your meali will teveal them
stives in your breatb to those who talk
with you. "You've bad onions," or
"You've been eating cabbage," and all of
a sudden you belch In tha face of your
friend. Charcoal it a wonderful absoiber
of odori, us every one knows. That 1
why Stuart'a Charcoal Lusengea are SQ
quick to stop all gasea and ouuis or odor
ous foods, or gas from indigestion.
Don't use breath perfumes. They never
conceal the odor, and never absorb the
gat that causes the odor. Besides, the
very fact of using them reve la the reason
for their use. Stuart's CharcoaJ Loxenge
Hi the first place stop for good all sour
brash aud belching of gas. and make your
breatb pure, fresh and sweet, just ajttr
you've cattn. 'J ben no one wiii turn bis
' face away from you when you breathe or
talk; your breatb will be pure and fresh,
. and besides your food will taste so much
better lo you at your next ami. just try
' M.
Charcoal does other wonderful ihlngi,
too. It carries away from your stomach
aud tuuatines. all the Impurities there
niHeteJ together and which causes the
bad breath. Charcoal Is a purifier as well
' as an absorber.
Charcoal Is now by far the best, most
( easy and mild laxative known. A whole
; boxful will do no harm; In fact, the mors
you take the better. Stuarts Charcoal
Loaenges ar made of Pure willow char,
coul and mixed with just a faint flavor
i.f honey t the. ii pjlalabta for you.
bui net too sweet You Just chew them
like candy. They are absolutely harm
less. Get a i.e. pure, tweet breath, freshen
your stomach, for your next meal, and
keep the liuei!nee In good working order.
This to mints are the secret of good
health and long life. You ran get all tho
charcoal necessary to do these wonderful
but simply things by getting Biu,tt
Charcoal Loxenges. We want you lo
th'e liiile minder workers yourself
before yo;i buy them. So atnd us your full
name and saJiets for a free sample of
rUurat's Charcoal Losengea. Then afi,r
ou have tried the sample, and ben con
vinced, go to your druggist and get a' 2&c
box tf them. Youil fel better all over,
rt ore comfortable, and "cleaner" inside
rtrnd us your name and lojay
and e will at once send you by mail
saifiple package, free. Addrrsa F A.
Ktusrl Co.. W PUiart Bldg., MhJl
Cut Price Notion Sale Monday
Merrlik's snn-vard Fpool Cot- fttm
ton. K spools for "-
Non-rustabl. Invlslbl- Hooks and
Eyes, black and whit, ail O I p
sliea. special, a card " "
Canfield's Stockinette Press dhields,
all sises. special, 25C
i "
Pink Mourning Pins, 3c value,
sneclnl. a box
Silk covered Fcathcrbone, black 71p
and white, special, a yard "v
Brush Edge. Corduroy and Velveteen
Minding. 8c quality, all colors, e
special, a yard..
Monday Morning Will Show Great Improvement sn
jrors all gone,
pleasure and
of the plei
Every new idea in la
dies' coats in loose and
fitted backs, in blacks
and all the new color
combinations, in plaids,
checks and mixtures
special Monday, at
$p795 $ C95
g - nd 3 -
Petticoats. Dresses
VAIA'K at $0.00 Beautiful lace
trimmed garments, all extra full,
light evening shades and white,
trimmed In black, whole flounces
of cascades of ruffles, our finest
skirt that sold at 117.50, $20,
$22.50 and $25, some slightly
soiled by moving; all go In this
great sale Monday at. . .$9.90
SACQl'ES In fancy stripes,
checks and Persian patterns,
trimmed around sleeves and
down front; special Monday
at 50
Very large assortment In num
berless styles and colors, all
bright and new, at $2.95, $2.50,
$1.98 and $1.00
i h..uH nf hnrit. salnce their arrival at Oil-
Mte o moMy hM ,)eeu x.
p), ff)r ammul,ltlon. They offer,d a
nnchman on tne IJttle Powd(r to trau
ft fof a r,fle and m rounds of ammu.
The Indians camoed last nlnht on Hang-..
,... .,,... , I
"I" " ' " "IT, , , ,ul
Sheridan. They still refuse to consider the
question of going back. Chief Appah says
he will not. Reyond killing stock for food
I and robbing an occasional sheep camp th
Indians are commuting no depredation.
No reports have been received from the
i Fort Meade cavalry. None are expected to
j reach the wene of the Indian roundup be
I fore Sunday or Monday.
I DES MOINKS. Oct. .(Special Tele-
gram.)-An order was received at Fort Des j
Moines tonight for the squadron of the i
Eleventh United 8tates cavalry remaining j
here to prepare at once for duty to drivel
i-. i ji v i. . .v. i
i lie i 10 illinium uat n , iiiT-ii irfn aiiun,
and Inquiring how many men of the squad
ron can be detailed for that purpose.
Whole Regiment la Field.
CHEYENNK. Wyo., Oct. 27.-Accordlng
to advices received by the Wyoming Stste
officials, the War department has decided
to take no chances In rounding up the
hand of I'te Indians and has dispatched
an entire regiment of over 1,000 men to
capture the I'tes.- The two troops of the
Tenth cavalry first sent out hsve been re
inforced by four more troops of the same
regiment from Fort Robinson, and six
troops of the Sixth cavalry have now been
ordered from Fort Meade, South Dakota,
under Colonel Hughes, to reinforce he
troops already In the field.
The Sixth cavalry la marching overland
from South Dakota toward Powder river,
where the Indians are camping, and will
probably Join the Tenth cavalry near the
camp and surround the redskins.
(Continued from Second Page.)
of pink rajah silk, muds in prlncesa style,
and trimmed with real lace. A while
broadcloth coat, ermine furs and large
black hat adurned with plumes completed
her costume.
Miss Hid ridge of New York, the guest of
Miss Hlgglnson. was striking In a gown of
sUmon pink silk, embellinhed with lace,
with white coat, black hat, trimmed with
ruchlngs and ermine furs.
Miss Flora Webster attracted much at
tention in a gown of chlfTon and velvet
In the American Beauty shades, trimmed In
ermine. With this she wore a large black
hut trimmed with while plumes and er
mine (urs.
Miss Peck of Chicago. Miss Webster's
guest, was gowned In a pink and white
pompadour silk, made In princess style, and
trimmed with baby Irish Isce. Her hat
was of white lace, with long plumes, and
she wore a coat of white broadcloth and
ermliw furs.
Mrs. l.lla Cotton Nssh w gowned In
pink broadcloth with Uee trimmings, with
a hat uf American Beauty shades, trimmed
with long shaded plumes.
Miss 1011a Mse Brown wore a pretty
suit of brown velvet, trimmed with lace
and braid, wiih large pink hat. trimmed
lih ribbon and rose, and ermine furs.
Miss Jeanne Wskefleld wore a handsome
suit of black and white checked novelty
i trimmed with bands of grey, black braid
anu Miiif unaocioi n enioroioereu m green
and gold With this was worn a white i
,Uln waist and while hat trimmed In black.
Miss Alice McCormick liown of pink
taffelu. wiih white nt and white bat,
trimmed with ostrich tips and pink velvet,
ermine furs.
Mis McCormick wore a gown of white
broadcloth, with coat of hue and white
turban, trliiini'd In Dink.
Mrs. E. McCormick was all In black, her
gnwn being of black net and, with
small hat and black coal.
Mrs. A. J. lleaton Princess gown of grey
checked novelty cloth, trimmed Willi tuck
ing aini (ordlng. Willi boohe of white ac
cordion, ple.ued and shirred chlfTon with
touches of blu and black. The jacket
was il I mine. 1 wl'h lace and little pink and
blue rosebuds. Willi this was worn a black
Katm hat. trimmed wllh silver lace and
white plumes underneath the brim. A white
feather boa and muff wllh onyx and p ari
necklace, brucelet and brooch completed the
Mrs. J. H Pratt Beautiful costume of
white Japanese crepe, th s4ilrt trimmed
wllh Irlch lace and I lie lodl- adorned with
a yoke of Irish lace, heavily embroidered
i.i wisteria and butterni-s In tolor. lieen
girdle of Irish lace over yellow siiln and
cuffs of the same Hla It toque with hl.iek
iplumea, handsome necklace of c-'vei ivyiy
visit our
Prompt Attention!
Prompt Service!
Prompt Deliver)!
carpenters nearly through and the plumbers putting on finishing touches. Every 'day hring new evidence
profit in trading in the new Daylight Dept. Store. Monday hargains are the most attractive we Have offered.
Dlack Dress Goods
4.Vin. Itlack Roxlana Cloth, very
rich ltiBire, and dust proof. Par
ticularly adapted for street wear.
Regular price, $1.25 a yard; re
duced to only, yd 85
Every Yard Reduced.
Strictly all wool Batistes and Pa
nama, in all the new shades for
street and evening wear, sold for
75c a yard, reduced to. . -48
46-1n. Chiffon Taffetas, soft, silky
finish. Very popular this sea
son for dressy gowns. All the
new shades, including black.
This is a regular $1 cloth, re
duced to, yd 69C
We are showing the best line of
Cloaking in Omaha. The newest
color combinations and (leNign.
SocinI values Monday at 1.50
$2.00 nd $2.50 yd.
beads. Princess coat of gre-n messal'ne.
trimmed with Irish lace collar and lined
with figured chiffon.
Mrs. Howard Baldrlge wore a handsome
white lingerie gown elaborately embroid
ered and inset with lace, with large black
hat, trimmed with blue plumes and ermine
Mrs. Leroy Taylor of New York wore, a
handsome suit of white lace, with tlb'lit i
mttng coat or ngnt blue orocaue satin anu
large black hat with plumes.
Mrs. Walt-r I.. Shelby A costume of 1
pineapple tissue over Ivory white silk with j
applique trimmings, white hat with willow
Mlhl of the Horse Show
Brlnss Many Oat.
Following Is a list of the box occupants
at ,ne ri08ing night of the Horse Show:
bx 2 H. B. Peters, Mr. and Mrs. B.
Latta and Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Peters.
-:' ','". " r-
penter, Isaac Carpenter and Carroll Bel-
Box l-Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Rennettt, Mrs.
J. C. Huteson, Mrs. M. B. Wade. Mrs. K.
Brldenbecker. Miss Agnes Weller and
Harry B. Wade.
B ix 7 Mrs. F. E. Loomls and Mrs. R. A.
Box 10-Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Her and Mrs.
J. S. WlelxeM.
Box 10A Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Mclaugh
lin and lr. and Mrs. Robert Ollmore.
Box IS Miss Webster, Miss Peck, Dr.
Bridges and A. J. Cooley.
Box 14 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mets. MU
Elisabeth Pomy, Arthur Men, Louis li.
Mets and Dick Slemon.
Box 16 Mrs. Max Becht, Miss Lena Hoff
man, Max Ueciit, Jr. and Mlws Vera Becht.
Box 16A Mrs. Ralph Haywaxd, Mrs.
William Segelke. Mrs. Howard Uouldlng
and Howard Uouldlng.
Box li Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Klrkendall.
Miss Margaret Baum with Mr. and Mri,
J. E. Baum, Adrian Rancker, Dudley
Bancker and Donald McWhorter.
Box 17A Robert Dempster. Air. and Mrs.
A. A. Schenck, Miss Jackson. Barton
Millard, Mrs. W. B. Millard, Mrs. John
Williams and Miss Silver.
Box 1K-Mrs. A. L. Thomas, Alta Thomas.
i O. n Inananinanana n Inf
iy a BHBQyfl y a i
li ' ! "ill I I! I .'! I ':!
H "'-- ' J'.'L--!.! i a Jil-ill-J 14- K!J4
I fT1 in; r" t - ' - r-' m; im rpr, rr: n
Proposed - i7T st - facade
..... .
Our Great Lace Sale
Begins Monday
Manufacturer's sample pieces of
imported Allover Laces at 50
off In two big lots
Lot 1 Consists of Oriental net,
I'aragnays, Clunys, Normandy
Vals., German Vals., and imita
tion baby Irish Allover Laces,' in
creams, white and ecrus; cannot
be duplicated at 75c a yd.; sam
ple sale price, yd 39
Lot 2 Consists of heavy Venice
Allovcrs, in creams and white,
4o-in. fine black dress nets, ex
cellent values at $1.25 a yard;
sample sale price, yd G9C
Lace Edges and Insertion Ilar
Kain Square filled with wide and
medium width Normandy Val.
Laces and Insertions, dainty Ve
nice appliques and band trim
mings, worth 15c to 25c a yard;
for this sale Monday, yd. . . ,5
New Ilclfje Suitings Our new
Beige Suitings in pretty grey
plaids, bought to sell for 18c yd.,
reduced to, yd 12 He
Silks at. a
23 pieces of fancy silks for suits
and waists, in neat stripes, checks
and small figures. In all shades,
including black. These silks are
worth from 50c to 75c
a yd. On sale Monday
at one price
Dlack Taffeta and black Peau do
Sole at f. bargain. The regular
Ci5c quality, 19 inches T("k
wide, on sale Monday J C
at, per yard J
Helen Cudahy, Mr. and Mrs. Byrne and
V nt her 111 me
H.x lV-K Ivard 1'pdike, Mrs. Edward
In like. Miss fodlk" and Robert fpdike.
Hex 1!-Mrs. Ilnrgeiis. Miss Mohler, Phil
Dodge itnd Kzru Mlllurd.
ltox ;( Miss Baldwin and
Oeorge i.
I right.
Rox il Mr. and Mis,. Chirk Colt
niiini'in St Paul- Mr Rogers. I.ockpo
N y H1, Mr alld Mr!,. r. Robinson.
, v f:.nrn,ii. MomheHd Mish
Miss UlggliiMon, Harry Tukey
Van Tassel anil Mr. Brlnker.
Box L':t Mrs. Herman Colin. Mrs. II.
Hugo Brnndels, Mr. and Mrs. II. Rosen
slock, Miss Florence Kicmer and H. Kid
man. Box 24 Mrs. Charles A. Sweet, Mrs.
Znnncr. Miss Sweet, Mrs. F. H. Davis and
Mr. Davis.
Box 2." Miss Hancock. Miss Grace Han
cook. Miss Elllabetli Reed. Miss Ernn
Reed. Mrs. A. I.. Reed and Burdette Kirk
es:dull. Box 2i! Mr. and Mrs. George Palmer and
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Cudnhv.
Box P. Peck; Mrs. I,. P. Funk-
houser, Lincoln; Miss Bishop. Rev. and I
Mrs. R. B. 11. Bell. Miss Louise Peck. Eu
gene Huse and Mrs. Peck.
Box 2 Mrs. H. E. Sloan. Minneapolis,
Minn.: Miss Katharine Searls. Lincoln; Mr.
and Mrs. D. C. Kldredge.
Box 3a Miss Lomax, Miss Clare Belle
Rx Mr. and Mis. K. L. Lomax.
Box .11 Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Howe, Mr.
ami Mrs. M. D. Rrucker.
Box :ilA Mr. John 1). Cielghton, Mr.
Itner, Fred I laugher! v.
Box 33A-Mlss Marv I-ce McSiiane. Mrs.
Ella C. Nnsh, Mr. E. A. Cudahy. Jr., Mr.
Jerome P. Magfe.
Box 33A .Miss Brown. Miss Wakefield,
Mr. Hnrry Clayton. Mr. O. C. Redlck.
Box 34 Mr. and Mrs. O. Gilbert. Mis.
George M. Taylor, New York; Mr. Harry
E. O'Neill.
Box 35 Mr. and Mrs. Ed Benson, Mr.
and Mrs. W. L. Selby.
Box 3ie-Walter 8. Griffith. Robert K.
Schenck, J. Ralph Wood, Seal ie F. Holmes.
Box 36A Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Danforth,
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Howell.
Box 87 Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Creighlon,
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Nash, Mr. Charles
Creighlon. Mr. Edward Creighlon, Misa
Ellen CrelKhton.
Box 38 Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Smith, Mrs.
. c" -' ' ' - t
i - '--- '1 i Li !! li J !
At the Linen Dept.
Pure grass blenched Table Damask
2 yds. wide, very heavy quality,
the newest patterns with full 18
In. open borders; our good $1.00
quality reduced to, yd....g9c
22-in. Napkins to match above
linen, worth $2.75 a dozen, re
duced to, yd (. .$2.19
Fine quality cream Damask, GO-in.
wide, our good 7 5c quality, ie
duced to, yd 59
Sale of Good Towels 100 dozen
of good huck towels, fine 20u
quality, reduced to, each.,15c
Fancy TIckinR Our fine quality
of fancy tick for feathers, worth
23c yd., reduced to, yd . . . .15
Reduction Sale of Flannelettes
Fancy flannelettes for house
dresses und kimonos, the best
colorings made, small, neat
Oriental patterns, our 12 Vic
quality, reduced to, yd. . . -10c
Plaid Silk, in beautiful and
smart colorings, including many,
pretty black and white effects,
our entire 85c line on
sale Monday, at, per
36-in. Imported Pongee, In shades
of old rose, natural, reseda
green, old gold and myrtle, tha
regular selling price
is $1.50, on sale
.uonaay, at, prr ju. . . .
Poorly. Mr. Rodney 1). Durkce, Mr. Milton
' Uurllng.
I Box asA-Mis. and Mi s. Henry W . Gates.
Mie. Jol.n R. Kingwuil, Mrs. rxiwaru i. .
i hmlth.
Box I'l-Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert M. Hltc
cock. Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Whllmon
Mli llulh Hitchcock. Miss Congdoll
Box 41 Mis. Olive Latta Watsou. Friend,
Neb.; Mr. Joe Baldrlge, Mrs. Hedrb'k Ren
tier. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Yetter. Mr. and
Mrs. George II. Keily. Mr. nnd Mrs. Holmes
t'pdlke. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Judson.
Box 4J Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Smyth, Mrs.
J. M. Metialf. Mrs. Ada Ib rtsche.
Box 43 Mr. and Mrs. Allied Darlow, Mr.
und Mis. S. M. Sadler. ,
Box 43A Mrs. Scobie. Mrs. Ben Qal
h.Mier, Air George Keogh.
liox 44- Dr. and Mrs. Sward. Oakland,
Neb.: Dr. and Mrs. B. B. Davis.
Box 44A Mr. nnd Mrs. Lon Roliei ts, Mrs.
Theodore Jones, Leah Jones. !
Box 4r-Mr. anil Mrs. Georg- W. I eck,
Mr. and Mis. Joseph Barker. Mr. and Mrs.
Dick Stewart.
Box 4S Mrs. Curtis. Colonel Curtis, Miss
Merriam. Nathalie Merriam. Mrs. Merriain.
Box 48 Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Peters, Mr.
nnd Mrs. R. W. Breckcnrldge. Mr. and AI i jf- i
J . I,. IH nn.
Bex ,i-Mr. and Mrs. William Tracy j
Burns Mrs. K. E. McShnne, Mr. and Mrs.
T. F. 'Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. Von Twiller, 1
Mr. and Mrs. Yctsom Gldap. ,
Box 50 Miss Howcn, Miss tCKneri. mi"
Connell. Miss Carey. Mr. Junius Brown,
Mr. Edward Creighton, Mr. Robert Bums,
Mr. Frank Wllhelm. . , , .
. , "x o'i::J " :: I' wuWeVe' iC :
Robert Dempster. Miss Allen, Miss Wake -
ley. p( Beeson
Mr "flurry McCormick, Mrl'and Mrs. Rem-
ington. '
No. 5.1-Mr. and Mrs. Kountie. Mrs. Me-
BBox M-MrKHnd Mrs!"' m" T. Barlow Miv
and Mrs. George. Mi . and Mrs. W. T. Page.
Bor 5S Mrs. J. . i'ratt, wis. i.ui i ok.
Mr. Ned Montgomery. Mr. Herbert Wil
liams. Mr. Alfred Montgomery.
Box ES Mr. W, A ChalUs. Mrs. Ava I
Wood, Mrs. W. A. Challls.
Box 57 Mrs. V. L. Axtell, Mis Axlell,
Miss Frances MrGavock. Miss McOavoek.
Box 6V Mr. and Mrs. George A Joslyn.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wllhelm, Dr. and
Mrs. F. N. Conner.
" ' 1 1 1 n i
ery from
2 to 5 p. m.
No charge.
Prompt Attention!
Prompt Service!
Prompt Delivery!
New Daylight
Jusl a Word About
Our Milllnory Iwimrtnint Is one of th
largest In the wrM. We huy direct from the
manufaituriT. t you save the middle man's
profit. It Is n fact universally roncdod that
thp hrsl plaip to tradn Is at a larRt- tstai
lishtnent one jiorfpctly piilppi'd to supply
pvcry npnd of tlm patron and possesions: the
"trlrd and true" foundation of reltahillty.
These nre 'estures that you should consider
before you purchase your millinery. IVj
cordially Invite you to visit our second Hoot,
whether you purchase or not und see how
temptiiiK our MllUmry is priced.
Our Elaborate
Trimmed Hats at
Just a glimpse nt our line of trimmed hits
we offer at Five Hollars, and It will uruvt to
you without further doubt we offer the belt
values to the ladles of Omaha and
vicinity thai Is possible to be gotten
together ui
Dig Reductions on
Blankets (SL Comforts
Full bed size Rrey woolen ISlatiW
ets, pretty border, our $4.85
quality, reduced to, pr..$3.75
Full bed size heavy cotton twilled
Hlankets they come in white
and grey and are our $2.25 qual
ity, reduced to, pair. . . .$1.75,
100 pairs of fine cotton Blankets
in tans, grey and white, our best
$1.25 blanket, reduced to.9S
Full size bed Comforts, filled with
a nice white cotton, covered with
pretty silkoline, our good $1.50
comforts, reduced to. . . .$1.25
Extra large Comforts, covered
with a very fine quality of silko
line, both sides alike, filled with
a fluffy white cotton, our good
$2.50 quality, reduced to gl.95
Box .V Mrs. William TLiyden. Mrs
ward Hayden. the Misses Haydcn
waller Hayden. .
Box fin Mr. C. R. Tvler. Mr
E. J. Johnson. Miss' Marion Tyler of !
ouncll Bluffs. I
Box HI Miss Agnes Durr. Miss Luetic I
7,lnk. Dr. J. H. McNeil. I
Box Mr. and Mrs Doyle
Box 6X Miss Lelle C. Clark of Kearney.
Dr. A. C. Stokes, Dr. and Mrs. Palmer of
Bex ffli Mr. M. F. Rohrer and Mr. R. F.
Theinhe.rdt of Council Bluffs.
Box 71 Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Edwards.
Master Robert Edwards, Mrs. M. A. Wil
liams of Chicago.
Box "J-Miss 8. J King Mr. and Mr.
C. H. King. Mr. D. L. Bradford
Box 75-Mlss Julia .Coburn. Mr. H. C.
Ji ssen. Miss Mabel Marr. Mr. L. R. Lorlng.
Box 7H-Mr. Frank L. Mack. Miss Wini
fred Mack. Mr. and Mrs. Edward McMalion,
Miss Van Camp.
Box t7 Mrs. W. Randall, Mrs. Guild,
Mrs. J. E. White. Mrs. M. C Mitchell.
Promoters Kipect to Make C Itlseas
Pay Handsomely for Second
.Omaha has no more use for a second
j telephone system than a dog has for a
fifth leg. If by any chance the voters
fifth !pR. oy any cnance
, of Omaha should put this proposed fran
c' iBe on, ,he 8houl'1'r" ot the coming -
' generation. It wilt prove the sorriest use
'Of the ballot they ever made. like whisky,
j wm (astc K.n worse coming up than
; " IM K'ing down; and before the lapse of
half Its term It la bound to come up many
times to confront una conrouna tne citizens
of Omaha.
The franchise, worth hundreds of thous
ands of dollars to Its "promoters," would
not bring a penny of Increased profit, or an
atom of Increased comfort, to any person
outside the company to be organixed to
build the plant ON THE CREDIT OF THE
CITY OF OMAHA. Read Section 7 and
Its PROVISO for the proof of this state
ment. Should the voters give these outside men
this franchise, they can force a doubling of
the cost of telephone service at the same
time they feather their own nest by
the voters.
And fur all this including the privilege
of laying CONDI1TS in the BOP LE
city Is to receive, not 6. nor 4. nor 3 per
cent on gross earnings, but 2 TER CENT.
It Is wholly a one-sided proposition, as a
reiding of the ordinance must convince
anyone. It Is giving three OI'TSIDE
"PROMOTERS" the milk end of the cow,
while the city gets the horns. (Adv.)
Marriage l icenses.
The following marriage licenses
been Issued:
Irving W. Pope, Omaha
Ixiis M. Nason. Omaha
Charles H. Franz. Omaha
Mae E. Jordan, timaha
Anton J Ondracek. Omaha
Mary Krelnla. Omaha
George C. Clnrey, South Omaha
.... II
... Su
. .. 2
... .6
... II
... i;
Annlo Jascat. South Omaha
a mother ahould be a source of joy to all, but the iuffering and
danger incident to the ordeal make its anticipation one of misery.
Mother's Friend u the only remedy which relieves women of the great
pain and danger of maternity ; thi hour which it dreaded at woman't
severest trial is not only made painless, but all the danger is avoided
by its use. Those who ue this remedy are no longer despondent or
gloomy, nervousness, nausea and other distressing conditions are
overcome, the system is made ready for the corning even!, and tht
serious accidents so common to the critical
hour are obviated by the use of Mother's
Friend. "It is worth its weight in gold."
says many who have used it. i.oo per
ootue at arug stores. Jiook containing
Taluable information of interest to all women will rTarwS W jr?!
be sent to any address free upon application to i B cS Peh g
aiAortria xlqulator oo.t
Full count dressmakers' Pins, Sc
finality, special, a paper
It. me linir I'lns. on don. In lox.
pPr1;l 1
lioning Wax. special.
a dnsen
8tef.j Hair Pins. c value.
Speelnl. a hex
l.'.uen Tape, all widths.
two for
Hand Scrubs, he kind,
Tooth Brushes, worth to Hoc,
only, nuii
Dept. Store
Our Millinery Dept.
S5 'uj
For Men Only
Men's Half Hose, fine cashmere
and camels'ialr, in black, oxford
grey and natural grey; Monday
prices, 25c and 20
Men's Shirts, fancy colors, nobby
patterns; Monday special.. 50
Men's Neckwear, 4 -In-hand ties
and teck shields and bands,
splendid values; Monday.. 25
Men's Gloves, best dogskin, ex
tra values; Monday ... .1.00
Commencing Monday, Miss D.
M. W'ickersham, manager of our
Are Needlework Department,
.will give lessons in embroidery
and lace work, between the
hours of 2 to 5 p. m. Ladles of
Omaha. South Omaha, Council
Bluffs, Florence, Benson and
Dundee are Invited to join the
class. No charge will be made.
r. nnd Mr I
obert V. Snyder of Kansai Oity Ifeeti
Eeath Fhile Epeediti? Over BtuUTgrd.
In Effort to Avoid Hint Owner la
Thrown Against Iron Trolley
Pole Inder Indictment
for Roodllng.
KANSAS CITY. Mo., Oct. 27.-Robert M
Snyder, millionaire capitalist of this city
and under Indictment in St. Louis on a
charge of bribery, died at Agnew hospital
In this city tonight as the result of Injuries
received In an automobile accident at In
dependence boulevard and Park avenue a
few minutes before. Snyder. In his own
automobile, whlrh was driven by Frank M.
Schroeder, n expert chauffeur who came
here recently from Cleveland, O., waa tid
ing eastward and Just passing a moving
trolley car when the chauffeur saw a small
boy Jump from the car directly In the path
I of the machine. In an effort to aave the
boy Schroeder turned the machine toward
the curb, and aa It struck the curb Snyder,
! who was In the renr seat, wai thrown
against an iron trolley pole and hla skill
I fractured at the base of the brain. The
bey, whose name is Arthur Rodall. was
knocked down and fatally Injured.
Schroeder was not hurt. Mr. Unyder was
taken to Agnew hospital, nearby, but dbd
without regaining consclounneas. Young Rr.
dell, who Is II years old, suffered a fracture
of the skull and Internal Injuries, and died
Schroeder says that he was driving the
machine not faster than ten miles sn hour.
Rntwrt M. Snyder was Indicted for hood
ling In St. Louis during the crusade con
ducted by Joseph W. Folk, who waa then
circuit attorney there. Snyder was con
victed, but he appealed the case to the su
preme court of the state and It was re
manded for a new trial. The case never
came to trial, as It wae dismissed for wint
of necesrary testimony a few weeks ago.
A new Indictment against Snyder was pro
cured about a month ago. when the neces
sary witnesses werf- again brought within
the Jurisdiction of the court. That Indict
ment Is still pending. The specific rharg
against Snyder was that of bribing mem
bers of the house of delegates In 8t. TiOiils
to get a traction franchise.
Notwithstanding Bchrofdir's statement
that the machine waa not going faster thi
ten miles an hour, witneowa of the ace
dent aav that the automobile driven hv
Schroeder was running at a ternne rats or
speed and that Schroeder wns racing with
another automobile. The accident occurred
directly In front of the Bnnaventure hrt-l
and the guests there aaMrt that both ma
chines were running very rapidly.
Erry mother feU
gregt dread of the paia
and danger attendant upoa
the moit critical period
of her life. Becoming
Atiantm. at
la. Ui HVi.aii