Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 8, Image 20
V 8 TIIB OMAHA' SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 28. 100(5. B CRIB AND PRODUCE MARKET Owd Bemand for Whsat by Ebort Comei at Openinc. PRICES STRONGER AND HOLD TO CLOSE Reeelpt at ot-thneat folate Mach Lighter for rk Than trif Ago Com Firm, Despite Good Wealber Predictions. ' Oaf AHA, Oct. T7, l!o. The bulk of the wheat trade came olT at the opening, prices started higher, with offerings rather limited. Shorts were made uneasy by the strength In cables, based on the light shipments to Lira-pool. The same fart rendered holders mora confident. The northwest sold at iulcrvals, but prices held up well. Jterelpts at Winnipeg. Minne apolis and Duluth were nearly S.000 can for the last week, which Is 1.60 cars less than or tho corresponding period u year go. Higher cables, considerable rain through the weit, particularly In Iowa, and light receipts gave tho corn market Its opening Impetus. Later, when the forecast for sev eral days of tine Weather became known, n easier trend developed, but persistent buying of the May prevented any material decline. Reports were again circulated of dry rot, but are confined to a strip In Illinois and western Indiana, where the crop has never been first-class. Advices from other sections are flattering. Bhorts covered under The Influence of other grains, giving the oats market a Arm tone. Trade was light and there icemi little possibility of any material pain. Pur chases In the country are quite llleral and there undoubtedly abundant supplies at sta tions to como forward. Primary wheat receipts were 97S.O0O bush vis and shipments 872,000 bushels, against receipts last year of 1.237,000 bushels and shipments of 5tt,000 bushels. Corn recelp were 45S.00O bushels and shipments 3w,'i0 bushels, against receipts last vear of 2M.000 bushels and shipments of 4t5.O0l) bushels. Clearances were 134.000 bushels of wheat, 28.000 barrels of flour, Bfo.uuo bushels of . corn, S7.O0O bushels of oats. Liverpool closed Nd higher on wheat and "i'V;d higher on corn. Exporters say bids are tame and business Is hampered by car shortage. Shippers everywhere acting with great caution be cause of transportation difficulties. Con tract for. specified time shipments are made only where the most liberal allow ance Is permitted. New York reports ru mors of good-sixed export business worked over night. A special bulletin of Modern Miller says today: "The Indianapolis correspondent of the Modern Miller reports damage by fly to wheat and some counties complain of damage to corn by dry rot." Local range of options: Artlcles.1 Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Ycs'y Wheat I Pec... 6Ri finn (Raj) (WH SEti May... 10 70-14 70; 70 704 Corn I Pec... 37H S7H STHI 3"V4 37H May... 38 38' 88 I 83 38 Oats Hec 31 May I 2V4 Omaha Cash Sale. WHEAT-NO. S hard, 1 car, lWc. OATS-No. i, 1 car, $0Vc; No. 3 white, 30Hc. i Omaha Cash Prices. WH EAT No. 2 hard. Wfl67c: No. 8 hard, KKiW4c; No. 4 hard, (XcgesHo.; No. 8 spring. 63'.') l;ijo. COKN No. 3. S9t4ifirv.c: No. 3 yellow, 40 4Jf4W,r: No. 3 white, 4OV40H,c. OATS No. 3 mixed, artiflnv.c; No. S white, SoVnftc; No. 4 whit". sowfraotie. BrE-,No. 2. 58c; No. 3, 6iHc. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats, Chicago 61 183 iM Kansas City 171 81 11 Minneapolis 2? Omaha 'J9 16 88 Tuluth 213 6t. Louis 75 7& 118 CHICAGO GRAIN A5U PROVISIONS Features of the Trading; aad Closing Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Oct. 27. Firm cables and wet weather In the United States caused strength today In the local wheat market. At tho close wheat for December delivery was up He. Corn was a shade higher. Oats were 10110 higher. Provisions were unchanged to 2yBfi6c lower. Trading In the wheat pit today was more active than at any time during the last month and prices showed considerable buoyancy. Local traders who have been hammering prices for several days turned to the other side early In the session and scrambled energetically to cover their short ales. Offerings were few. The. bullish factors were smaller receipts In the north vest, the arrivals today at Minneapolis and Duluth being 288 cars leas than for the corresponding day one year ago, and higher prices on the curb at Minneapolis. Foreign markets were also strong, wheat at Liverpool closing d higher, while at Paris there waa a somewhat sensational rise la the price of flour for October de livery, as well as a substantial gala in wheat value. In addition to these In fluences weather conditions In the United Btatts were far from Ideal for the crop movement, many localities In the west and nprthwet reporting heavy rain. During the last hour of trading prices fell off somewhat because of realizing sales, but the close was ftrm. December opened & So to &c higher at etc to 73io. ad vanced to (Jo and closed at TSifrac. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 258,000 bu. Primary receipts were 970,000 bu auainst 1.237.000 bu. for the correspond ing day one year ago. Minneapolis, Du luth and Chicago reported receipts of 6fl cars, against 794 cars laet week and 884 cant one year ago, Sentiment In the corn pit was bullish and the volume of trading waa quite large. Bhorts and commission houses were active bidders, but offerings were not large. Firm (ables. small local receipts, wet weather throughout the corn belt and the strength of wheat were the chief reasons for the flrmnet-s. Late In the day realizing sales lowered the market somewhat, but the clese was steady. December opened W'hSc higher at 43ic to 4S sold off to 435 4.;c and closed ai the low point. Local receipts were 183 cars, with luo cars of contract grude. Oats were quiet and firm. Wet weather and the strength of wheat and corn were the muln incentlvea to buyers. Cash houses were the principal bidders. December oats owned WilV higher at 33We, sn'.d up to ttr. and closed at S3He. Local receipts were iS4 cars. Provisions were firm at tho opening be cauae of a 5c advance In the price of live hogs. Bhorts were good buyers early in the ilav. but later the market rawed off on selling by local packers. At tho close January pork waa a shade lower at $13 "Vu Lard was unchanged at IUba were iV.rn6 lower at $7.4t7.47Vt. Estimated receipts lor Monday: Wheat TD cars; corn, 2?l cars; oats, 302 cars; hoa-s 13.eiio head. ' The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open. High.) Wheat ! i Dec. p,lt 7W Way 77V Com 1 j Oct. I 4VI, 4V Dec. 43, ir3 4.'SI May 44 faJ 41V oats I I ee. May 347t ii Ifi',1 July JoH 3j-V Fork- . , J,in. 13 .) 1.1 f Hy 13 feb U . Lard 4 let. f 73 9 TTj Nov. !TVi 9 37VI Jan. 8 .IT' 8 40 May J:'Vi! 8 STtfr Ribs- (K-t. 8 8 30 Jan. 7 t 7 ftt May 7 Si I 7 tii j 73 TSkWttS i. 14 7777-ai, 4vJ 4.-0 4rH 4:n.'Vir-i 4vJ 44 '43i44 33' i ssi :n7; :M'v 341''7' 13 r;vj 13 7:'J 1J 71 11 77H' 13 77SI li 77V4 CS I ft 5 73 9 35 8 37H 8 8 37 V: 8 8 30 I 8 SO k 15 n l, 1 i 7 '5 I 7 47V,I 7 o'; 7 671 7 55 No. 1 fsh nuotstlons were as follows- FIA5l'H r-'ti o-lv; winter )teins 1 5,1 i34.: winter Kiralehts. 3 io.-,,a . ' ,.(' wirmi, .i "iTing siralghls. 83.3KO' ! : Inkers. U.S Ij' 90. WHICAl No, : rM-ing, 7M7c- 0 SprlK. 74i77c; No. 2 re.l. 7l'.Tic CORN No. 4'.Uc: No. 2 velljw,' 46c OATS-No. 8. No. 2 white-, Siw.Xic- No. S white. 3'J-,itiv. KY B-N1. S. 61M,c Cc. BAKLKV Uo.M feeding. WH-; fair to rlixiee r- al'tng, 4vt.Mc. SKIDDS No 1 l'x. 81.H: No. I north, wenu rn, 1113. Prime tia.othv, II lm, -5 Clover, . t gtade. ti; "0. p!t( iVl.wltNS -Pliuit r.'.m. 'd Onoei, iS tt.'Si. 87' M as f'tk. tar bbi., is lrd. tfr lii tl . 39.CS. Slicrt clear iil.-4 (boxed). $,S.!i.ilj(.C.'H. Follow ing wei-e the receipt and ship ments of Hour uud grain: Becelpts. Bliipnients. Flour, bills 24 4) Wheat, bu HI M) 7'i turn, bu ?.r.rt li CaU, bu i.-j.o) 8v.24 Rys bu lnont) J.ono lirley. bu 13.0U0 35.2oO Jn tne Produce eichanse txtay the but ter market was steady; creamery. Ilu2i)'c; dairy. IhtySCV. Kfcsi, firm; at mark, cases Included, 2,iC2c; firsts, 23c; prime firsts, i3'u .; exliai, 27c. Cheese, steady; LiVrli KKW YORK (IRIERAt MARKET Qaetatloas ef the Day Tarleas Commodities. NKW TORK. Oct. W.-FLC-UR-Reoclpts. . bbls. ; exports, 13.212 blN.; sales, 4.H0U packages; market steady to firm but quiet; winter patents. .i.Wf4.H: winter straights, 13 :"(w3.M; Minnesota patents, lt.lWi4.36; winter eztrae. U.&'tiQ.iO; Minnesota bakers. $3.Kui.8ii; winter low grades. t2.7iVT3.u6. Rye flour, Arm; fair to good, 3 .fio'itM choice to f'.lr. Hnckwheat flour, r'-ijUy. tl 2 3f, sjiot snd to arrive. HI CK WH KAT Quiet, tl-2S per 100 lbs. COHNMKAL-FIrm; fine wtille nnd yel low U.t.ia; coaise, tl.ltl.K; kiln dried, tZ7j. R VE Firm ; No. 2 western, Kle. e. I. f.. New York; Jersey and state. 66-u'i7ViC, de livered. BARLEY Steady; feeding. 43(ff44c, c. o. I., Buffalo; malting, 4fj9c, o. I. f., Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 18!.0OO bu.; exports, 29,202 bu.; sales, X60.000 bu. futures. Spot market firm; No. 2 red. 7Mfcc, elevator; No. 2 red. 81140, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 north ern Duluth, 804o, t. o. b., afloat; No. 2 hard winter, 82",c, f. o. b.. afloat On account of higher cables, prospects for smaller world's shipments, light northwest receipts and and commlaslon house buy ing whsnt waa considerably higher today, closing 333t4c above the previous night. Pales included No. 3 red May at 83 8-1-V9 8.W.O, closed at 83Hc; December, 81Si881"sc, closed at 81c. CORN Receipts, 87,725 bu.; exports, 2S.664 bu. 6pot market steady; No. 2, 5ac, ele vator, and 6ftc, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yel low, 664c; No. 2 white, dbhic. Option mar ket waa without transactions, closing net unchanged. January closed at 6114c; May closed at 014c; December closed at 53o. OATS Receipts, luu.OOO bu.; exports, 24,0 bu. Spot market steady; mixed oats, 28 to 32 pounds, 88c; natural white, 30 to 83 pounds, RSV40c; clipped white, 38 to 40 pounds, S"43o. F E ED Fi rm ; spring bran. $21.80, prompt shipment; middlings, $-1.85, prompt ship ment: city, t21.5O((i.50. ' HAY Steady; shipping, 80c; ood to Choice, tl.0O4fl.O6. HOPSr-Steady; state, common to choice, !!. 20m 25c; 10o, 104U3c; Paclflo coast, 1906, 1&TH 80; 19U5, 12C(il3c. HIDES Firm; Oalveston, 20 to 25 lbs., 20c; California, 21 to 25 lbs., 21c; Texas dry. 24 to 3ft lbs., 19c. LEATHER-Firm; acid. 272!?c. PROVISIONS Beef, firm: family, $12 60 ff13.(Jo; mess, $).Oikt.(i0; beef hams, $21 .$ i2.6o; packet, $10.6ufcll.00; city, extra India mess, $19.6of2u.oo. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, $10.26312.60; pickled hams, 12.iMo.l2.5o. Lard, firm; western prime, t9.70 S9.8i; refined steady; continent, $10.2fi; South America, $10.76; compound, $7.7&tf COO. Pork, steady: family. $; short clear, $li.75?;l8.50; mess, $18.0W18.7&. TALLOW Strong: city (CtV per pkg.), Sc; country (pkgs. free). Slt'Sc. RICE Firm: domestic, fair to extra, SH'U'i'iC; Japan, nominal. BUTTER Firm; street price, extra creamery, 27o: official price, creamery, com mon extra, l!K32t54c; held, seconds to extra, 2V(i2fic; state dairy, common to fancy, 19 421l4c; renovated, common to extra, 15V4 y-2c; western factory, common to firsts, lVu-26c; western Imitation creamery, firsts, CHKESE Steady; state full cream, Sep tember, small fancy, 13V.c; state, fair to good, 12ViS12-lic; state, October, best, 13c; large, September, fancy, 13c, fair to good, lJVy'l-c; state, Inferior, ltH4itfll-Tc. EGGS Steady; state, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white, :i'(j33c; state choice. 80-aaic; state mlxe dextraa, 28Cu2iic.; western first, 26c; official price, 24!y25c; seconds, 22'24c. POULTRY Live: Market Irregular; west ern chickens. 0c; fowls, 10c; turkeys. 14c. Dressed: Market weak; western chickens, !H'Ulc; spring turkeys, l&yl&c; fowls, &w 12c. Bt. Loals General Market. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 27. WHEAT Higher; track. No. 2 red, cash. 74U'()0; No. 2 hard, 71W4c; December, 71Vijp?2c: May, 76'4iti,o. CORN Higher; track. No. 2 cash, 44rd 44-c; December, 41c; May, il'ifcCio; No. i white. 44Vy46c. OATS Higher; track. No. 2 cash, 83c; December, 33V4c; May, 34c; No. 2 white, 84'&34Hc. FLOUR Quiet and steady: red winter patents, $3.653.80: extra fancy and straight, i3.acnf3.G0: clear. $2.6O'o290. Br.rU. Timothy, steady, I3.25tj3.75. CORNMEAL Steady, $2.40. BRAN-fitrong: sacked, cant track, f9391c. HAY Quiet and steady; timothy, $13.00 17.00; prairie'. $10.00fi13.0n. IRON COTTON TIES $L 08. BAGGING-"c. HEMP TWINE 9c. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; Jobbing, $16 55. Lard, lower; prime steam, !9.2;ii Irv salt meats, higher; boxed extra ahorts, t9.62V4: clear ribs, $9.75; short clears, $10.1214. Bacon, higher; boxed etra shorts. $10.374; clear libs. $10.00; rtiort clear. $10.K714. POULTRY Firm; chickens, 7V4e; springs, c; ducks. 8(i9c; geese, 6714c; turkeys, 12c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, ai4i224c; dairy. lS-a'Jc. EGGS Steady at 20c,' case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbla i;.coo 13 .003 Wheat, bu 60,000 ("1.C0O Corn, bu 75,OuO 2.C)0 Oats, bu 138,000 73,000 illnieanolla Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 27. FLOUR First patents, $4.204.30; second patents, $4.06- 4.15: first clears. t3.2Ml3.35: second clears. $2.4o5C.). , BRAN la bulk, $15.50015.75. (Superior Board of Trade quotations for Minneapolis and Chicago delivery). The range of prices, as reported by F. D. Day & Co., 110-111 Board of Trade, was: Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Wheat Dee. ,. May .. July .. Flax Oct. .. Nov. .. Dec. .. May .. . 78fl784 !7SS'14 1 1 73, 73H 78H 77V, 78 V4 1 13 1 13"-, 1 nt4 1 15 ' 78lj 1 13 Tl 7814 1 l!'i 1 13'4 1 13-tJ! 1 "HI 1 16 1 u 1 15it 1 1314! 1 11V4I 1 lo Minneapolis Cash Clcwe Whee.t : No. 1 hard. TTlic; No. 1 northern, 7054c; to ar rive, 784c; No. t northern, 74; to arrive, 74'4c; No. 8, 72Vt&73'4c; No. 1 durum, 64c; to arrive, SSVic; No. 2 durum, sl4c; to ar rive. f'c. Corn: No. 3 yellow. V:r-. No. 3. 42HC. Oats: No. 3 white. 314c- No. 3. "j:iiic. barley: J67c. Rye: MSjfr.TSo. Flax: $1.11',4. Kansas City Grain mmd Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 27.-WHEAT-De-reinber, tiTc Mav. 71,c; cash. No. 2 hard, 68!,"u;me: No. 3. 65'altv:: No. 2 red. 71c: No. 8, tWniwc. CORN December. 37r,c; May, 3Stc; July, 3c; cash. No. 3 mixed, 8!'(j 40',c; No. '2 white. 424C. OATS No. 2 white. 831,tl034c; No. 2 mixed. X-'-b 3214c HAY Firm ; choice timothy, $12.50? 13.00; choice prslrle. $11 2f.i 11.60. TiVPgteady; 67'itjiX'. EGGS Firm; extras. 3c, cases liicludcd; flrxl-. iVc; secomu, 15c. BUTTER Creamery, "tie: packing. Hie. tRecelpls. Shipments. Wheat, bu lrti.K lb.frio i Corn, bu 33.000 28 () Oats, bu 17,000 2S.000 Peoria Grain MaVket. PEORIA. Oct. 27 -CORN-Market higher: No. 3 yellow and No. 3 old. 45'ic; No. 4 old, 1 44Uc; new. o-; no graao otu. isc; new, 3ti'4 4l39. t )ATS Market firm; No. 2 white, 33Vc; No. 3 white. S3'Jlt3r: No. 4 white. 3 443214c YK Market Inactive; No. 2, 044. W111SKY-$1.3. Mllnankee Grala Market. MII.WAl'KEli, Oct. 27 WHEAT Steady; No. I northern, 78ii7c; No.! northern. 74 77c; December, 71 c asked. KYK Higher: No. 1, till U 6 c. BAHLKY Steady; No. 2, uovSBElic; aainvle. 404i r.bc. COKN HU-her: No. 3 cash, 4S046Uc; Ieceruber 43 tf 43 Sc. Liverpool Grala aad Provisions. LIVFRPOOU Oct. TT. WHEAT-Spot. firm: No. I red western winter, 4s. w. tuies. r.i-ni; Ie.iemter, taod; Mar h, s Si,d. CiiRN Boot, oulet; American mixed, 4s 4d. Futures, firm; Octob. r. nominal: December. 44-i,d; January, 4s 1.1 Duluth (irala Market. DULUTH. 0 t. 27 WHKAT On trak. No., 1 northern, T6ic; No. ! northern, 76c; October, 76c; December, 74Wn: May. 78c. OATH October, tl'fcc. ftuaar and Uolaaaei, NEW YORK, Oct. 27. Bl'GAR Haw, steady; fair rellnlng. tc; centrifugal M teat, 4c; uiolaaoes suksi-, 3c. Kenned ateady; No. (. 4.4"c; No. 7, 4 Hoc; No. ft, 4.9k; No. S. No. 10. 4 lac; N 11. 410c; No. 12, 4.0jc; No. 11. 4-; Nu. 14. -; coii- .".luIeis A, 4..ue; mould A, b.&-; out loaf. .ouo; cruslied. tsuc: powdtied, 6c; gtanulated. 4.nv; culwa, 6.1c. MuLAbtjES Jinn; New Ofleaju. sucb UiU, guod U cUuica. swda. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS riUnsivs Liquidation Cautet ifrict to Tall Durim: Tint Htor. CLOSE STRONG AND MODERATELY ACTIVE After Appearance ( Itank statement Showing Big Increase in Deposits . . Valnea . Are. Bid jl p Sharply. fffiW TCRK. Oct. 27. Transactions were not large In the two hours' sessl 'ti of tho slock market today. The msrket was under pressure for a time during the first hour, apparently of sftecula'.ive liquidation, but this waa completed lefore the appearance of the bank statement, and after the pub lication of that buylnp: orders appeared, especially In United States 6teel, and prices were bid up sharply. The cloning was In consequence strong, but only moderately active. Tho bank return show a reduction of $27,34,5i0 In the deposit item, und at this upwards of $20,000,000 was in the credit account. How the clearing house Institu tions were able to effect this showing was the subject of mystified comment. The fsct has been well known that heavy pay ments were being made this week of matur ing loans In London, and It has been as sumed that borrowing wua being done In New York with which to meet these obli gations. It haa been reported that a single Stock exchange house purchased $'.v.0uo,ui0 of sterling exchange bills this week for this purpose. A possible explanation of the failure of the foreign exchange operations to affect the loan Item of the banks lies In the suggestion that payments of the Iiondon obligations were not completed In time to figure In this week's bank state ment, pending the arrival of securltlen shipped from abroad, but will be thrown over Into future statements. It Is not believed that the week's liquidation of securities will account for the $2o0o0 loan reduction and it Is assumed that other Institutions, especially tho trust companies, have taken over credits to a large extent from the banks. Three-fourths of the total loan reduction Is accounted for In the re turns of three of the largest banks. The time money market was reported strong today, but money brokers reported that funds were- offering again "against sterling loans." The foreign exchange market was weok and discounts eased In London. The Bank of London shipped $1,727,000 to Egypt, but a consignment of over $5,000,000 of South .American gold In gold arrived In England. Total sales of bonds, pax value, $2,00O. Quotations on the New York Stock ex change today were as follows: gales. High. Low. ClnM. A4ttiu Exprass 175 AmalminatMl Copper 1 111 110 11114 Am. C. A F 700 44 4J Am. C. F. Pfd 1"0 am. uoiioa oil Am. Cotton Oil p(d Am. Express 340 Am. H. L. pfd 100 Jf 15 Am. Irq securities 800 H ' Mtk Am. UnMed Oil 1 Am. Llnneee Oil pfd It Am. LoeomotlT ?4A Am. Loeomnilra P'd 100 111 111 110 Am. 8. R (,200 U414 liS 44 16414 Am. S. A K. pfd .lit Am. nustr Refining 400 1JS14 1U WH Am. Tobacco pfd etfa 4 Anaconda Minlnf Co 4,700 Mai 2474 Atrhlaon 1.300 10114 101 K1 Al.-hl.on pfd 100 Atlantlo Coast Line 100 134 1S 13 Baltimore Ohio i.loo U lit li Bal. Ohio pld tl4 Brooklyn Rapid Tr. I.SnO 7 7114 78 Canadian Pacttlo 1.800 17444 174 1744 Central of N. 1 120 Cheeapeake Ohio 400 M K74 bS Chlraso Gt. Wecteni too 1744 17H 17 '4 rhl.-K A N. W 300 1024 2C14 too Chicago, Mil. St. P 4,t0 171H 1704 171 Chicago T. A T 11 Chicago T. T. pfd 24 -., C, C. & St. L 4 Oolerado F. A 1 1.200 2 tlU 41-14 Colo. A Southern 2 34 144 M Colo. A 80. lit pfd 200 H SK '4 Colo. A 80. Id pfd I74 Cnnaoll'Uted flaa 10 lit U 181 4 Corn Products, rfs loo 1'4 114 114 t orn producta pld, rtf log 7B 76 T4 Delaware A Hudson mn 2i( HS14 114 Denrer A R. G (no 4014 40 4014 D. A R. O. pfd 100 M a ti Dlatlllers Securities 1,!00 4H K44 Erie 700 43t 43 43 Krle lit pfd 74 Brie 2d Pfd M0 47 47 U General Electric 173 Hacking Valley 11G Illlnola Central 100 173 173 173 International Paper 200 17 17 17 Int. Paper pfd SI Int. Pump 100 44 44 44 Int. Pump pfd 100 11 Si (l Iowa Central 2 Iowa Central pfd '. 1 Kauua City 80 100 27 7 24 K. C. 80. pfd 200 it H 6S Loulrrllle A Naahvlile 404 143 143 143 Mexican lemrai i.zuo 22 si zi Minneapolis A ttt. L 200 47 47 47 M., St. P. A 8. 8. M 144 M., St. P. A 8. 8. M. pfd 1(7 Mlaaourl Pacific 2.00 44 3 M Mlaaourt. K. A T 200 14 33 13 M., K. A T. pfd an 4 National Lead I.loo 14 74 74 National R. R. of M. pfd.. I,0"0 64 M S4 New York Central 1,700 128 117 121 N. T.. O. W 4f,u Norfolk A W 100 44 M M Norfolk A W. pfd to North American 100 li J in Pacific Mall 84 Pennarlvanta T.2 140 139 140 People's Uaa 400 a U itu P.. C, 0. A 8t. V 1 Preened Steel Car 100 14 44 64 Preaaed 8. C. pfd, n Pullman Palace Car lno ii i ji Heading 41.000 141 11 140 Reading 1st pfd g Heading 2d pfd ..... ..... M Kepubllo Steel 10 16 K e Itupubile Steel pfd 461 Hock Ialand Co 400 27 27 27 Rock laland Co. pfd io (4 M 4 8t. L. A 8. P. 2d pfd 1I0 4 4 4 8t. Luula S. W io u ui 24 Bt. L. 8. W. pfd (7 Southern Paclflo 7,000 1 11 11 So. Pacific pfd W 80. Railway 100 u u 13 80. Railwajr pfd a Teuneraee C. A I i(a Toxaa A Paclflo 200 36 s 14 Toledo, St. L. A W 7u0 16 13 14 T., 8t. L. A W. pfd MO 64 44 63 fnlon Paclflo 17,400 12 ii U3 Union Pacific pfd lue 1J 12 12 V. 8. Kipreaa. ., in l:. 8. 'healty $0 I'. S. Rubber 10 10 M 48 C. 8. Rubber pfd 101 in iwa. f. B. Steel 10.400 47 4 47 It. 8. Steel pfd 1,14 iik im- jnait Va--Carolloa Chemical 1041 37 17 tjtl Va. -Carolina Chem. pfd ., los Wabaeli 7ns la ,(u Wabaah pfd 4ua 44 44 44 ella-Kargo Expreaa 244 Weatlnghouae Kiectrta un Wettern Union 200 $4 Shu u Wheeling A U E ..." Wleromln Central t g Wla. Ceutral pfd 01 Northern Pa. Ifw 2.6"0 Jio lo 110 Central Lalher .10 a6(a m,u 115 Central LwUuer pfd tin 101 J021- Slnae-Hhrffleld Bleel 600 71 ;u ;j (ireat Norlhem pfd 1.7iK J; Interborough Metropolitan.. KM 37 J tZ lut. Met. pfd 30 7 Jjt Tolal salea for the day, 244.000 abarua. Bostoa Stocks aad Bonds. BOSTON, Oct. 27.-Call loans, rent; time loans, tifltp per cent 6if6 per oiflciai re: S6I -' ? 14 23 S 24 17 7 2 ' 124 2 low 14 loo 11 44 10 11 160 11 4 20 H It 1 24 quotations on stocks and bonds v. Atchlaoa adj. 4a . Cal. A HecU... .100 Centennial . T7 Copper Range ., .10lpaly Weal do 4a Mex. Central 4a.... At.'hleon do pfd Rnetou A Albany., Hoalna A Malue... Hoeton F.le'ated run, burg pfd .... Mexican Central . N T.. N. H. A H Pare Marquette .. t'nton Pacific A mar. Paeu. Tube. Amer. Sugar do pfd , Amer. T. A T.... Amer. Woolen .... lo pfd Kdleoa Elec. Illu. Maaa. Electrlo pfd Mate. Uaa , I nltrd Krult Inll.d Shoe Macb. do pfd I' 8. Steel do pfd Adventure Alluuel mw rrenklln .141 .11 .1M .111 Oreo by lele Royale ... Maaa. Mining . Mlrhlgau . ItS Mot.awK ,.l2!Mont. C. A C. M is Dominion . .1J lOeceola .. I4 Parrot 1SJ Qulu. y .481 Shannon .ir7Tamaratk 4 Trlnlly .101 Ui tutted Copper i . h. Mining.. I'. 8. Oil t'tan 6J im.1 victoria 7wiwinoua .... t IWolverlne .... 47Nv.rtb. Uutte .. ....lWvilBurle Coalltloa .... 4 Nnada .... a IMIU-hell ....110 Teruiueea .... IB jArtiutia Com . Amalgamated Atlantic bti.itham Did. "Asked. ureeae Cos ... Nee Verk Mlalaar Stocks. NEW YORK, Oct. 27.-Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Adams Coa Alice ..' Hreet-e Bruuawlck Con .. Couetock Tuonel Coa. Cal. A Va.. Hura stiver Iru.1 Silver Leadville Coa ... .. to ..6;i .. .i .. to. .. 14 .. 7i ..laa Uttls Ckief ... Ontario ........ ... I ...sue ... 14 ... to Olililr Potoal Havage Hlerra Nevada Small Hupee .. Standard I Treasury Ktatewaeat. WASHINGTON, Oct. J7. -Today's sute ment of the treasury balanc-s In the gen- . rrui I uuu. -iiuitx iiin etai..lti,) VI gold I reserve, shows: Available cash balance $.-J0.ta.r.,7: gold coin and bullion, $10b,OM,oi.i: koul certificate. tlLSr.2L laaports aad t: a ports. NKW YORK. Oct.' 17 Total Import of merchandise and dry goods at tl.a nort tt Now York lite tU k sudlug tuUay were valued at $l4.z75,277. Total Imports of sierle at the rrt of New Vork for the week ending today were tM.trt.t sliver and tl.7r5.'l gold. Tots) exports of secle from fho rnirt of New York for the week end ing today were $n46.&6 silver and $;o,o) sola. Sw Yark Mnmey Market. NTTW YORK, Oct. 27-MONi:T-On call, nominal; no loans; time loans, strong; sixty days, tifaOH per cent; ninety davs, 6 fjyt;. per cent; six months, per cent. I HIM K MtCltCANTim I AffcK-fill'i per cent. STERLING KXCHANOE Weak. with artual btislnesa In bankers' hills at $fn76A d.RTiXii for demand snd at f f.an7fi4i4 for sixty-day bills; posted rstes, 14 HH-g and $4M,14; commercial hills, $4.rv,M.0. HILVER liar, 7; Mexican dollars, W!ic. ItONDS Government, steady; railroad, steady. Quotations on bonds today war aa fel low: V. 8. ret. 4s rag 104 do coupon 104 tl. 8. St. reg 11 do coupon ins U. 8. old 4a, reg... .10: do coupon lor tl. 8. new 4a, reg. ...II do coupon 131 Am. Tobacco 4a 74 do e 110 Atchleon sen. 4s 100 do ad). 4a ea Atlantlo C. U 4s so Bal. A Ohio 4a ln do la Brk. R. T. c. 4a as 14 Central of C.a. (a. ...11.1 do let Inc t0 do 2d Inc. 12 do Id Inc. 7a ches. A Ohio 4a...lof, Chicago A A. !... 7 C, B. A Q. n. 4a.... C, R. I. A P. 4m... 70 do col. (a ti CCO. A. St. U g. 4a..lOS1 Colo. lnd. 6e, ear. A. 73 Colorado Mid. 4a..... 7lt Colo. . 80. 4a Cuba 6a , 103 I. A R. o. 4a ss Matlllers Sec. 6a.... 1711 Krle p. 1. 4a s do gen. 4a o Hmklqe Val. 4a....lon Japan la a?.. Offered. iJapan a. Id aeries 7 do 4e ctfe , do 4 He rtfa do td sertee .. 12 .. 11 .. N ..103 ..100 .. 10 .. 21 .. S"4 .. r f A N. nnl. 4i. Man. e. g. 4a.... Mex. Centml 4a. do let Inc Minn. A St. b. M., K. A T. 4a.. do 2a KT. N. R. R. of M. o. 4a. 11 N. V. C. g. M N. 1. v. aa... ...127 ...10S ... 75 ... f ... t.r. ...100 ... w. No. PaclSv 4a.... do le N. A W. e. 4a.. 0. 8. U rfdg. 4i Penn. conv. 8e Reading gen. 4a It .U A I. M. e. te..11.1 St. L. A 8. r. fg. 4a 3 St L. 8. W. c. 4a l'i Seaboard A. L. 4a.. 14U So. PacUlc 4e 11 00 let ctra.... .. 911 ..117 ,.11'4 .. 7 ..103 ..101 Ho. Railway 6a.... Texaa A P. la T., St. L. A W. 4a Colon Pacific 4a. . IT. 8. Steel Id 6i. Wabanh la Ill do 'deb. H i Western Md. 4a. 13 A U . 4 13 Wla. Central 4a 89 London Closing Storks. LONDON, Oct. n.-Closing quotatlona on the Stock exchange were: Conaole. money M., K. AT... .... 14 ....131 .... 17 .... II .... 44 .... 72 ..:... .... 72 ... 14 .... n .... 44 ....11J .... 14 .... 44 ....104 .... 20 .... 44 no account 14iN. Y. Central. Anaconda 13 Atchiann 10 Norfolk A W do pfd do pfd 104 Ontario A W PenuaylTania .... Baltimore A Ohio. ...Ill Canadian Paclflo Chee. A Ohio.... Chicago Ot. W... C. M. A St. P. IH Beera LI. & R. O do pfd Erl do lit pfd do 2d pfd .1X0 . 61 . II .171 . 20 . 41 . 84 . 44 . 74 . St .171 Rand Mine ...... Reading Southern Railway do pfd Southern Pacific . Union Paclflo .... do pfd U. 8. Steal....... do pfd 'abaah do pfd Illlnoli Central Loulivllle A Naah 141 SILVER Kar, steauy, 82-16d per ounce. Munn-fen per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is 574 per cent; for three months' bills, 6T4 per cent. Bostoa deppfr Market. Closing quotations on Boston copper mar ket, reported by Logan A Bryan, 1 Board of Trade building, Omeha: Adventure ( Mohawk 47 Allonea 1 Nevada Conaolldatsd.. 2 Atlantis 16 North Butt 111 Bingham 11 old Dominies 41 Black Mountain 10 Oeceola 12 Ronton Consolidated.. 12 Pneu. Service II Butte Coalition 34 Pneu. Service, pfd... 11 Calumet A Arizona.. 14Qulncy 101 Calumet A HecU ...IV) Shannon 14 Centennial 2 Tamarack 100 Copper Range 0 Trinity 11 Pally Wert 14 United Fruit 104 Rait Butte Ill Totted Statea, com.. 44 Franklin 12 United Statea. pfd... 46 Oreene Copper 2.rl'tah Consolidated .. M Granby 11 Utah Copper IS Helvetia 4 Victoria 4 lai Royal 14 Winona 11 L. 8. A Plttaborg.... 23 Wolverine 160 Maaeachueetts Nip , 17 Michigan 17 Cananea 11 Foreign Financial. LONDON, Oct. 27. Money waa still scarce In the market today, but was ob tainable at slightly easier rates. Dis counts were firm on further exports of gold to Egypt. Trading on the bfock ex change continued cheerful, with good in vestment purchases of home rails, which Imparted steadiness to the rest of the market. Consols were maintained. For eigners were quietly firm. Americans were well supported for New York and local account. Baltimore & Ohio, Union Pacific and Canadian Paclflo led the ad vance. The market closed steady at aboui the best quotations of the day. In the mining market Vaal River was again 2 points dearer. Japanese Imperial 6s of 1904 closed at 100. BERLIN. Oct. 27. Prices on the Bourse today were firm on easy monthly settle ment. PARIS, Oct. $7. On the Bourse today a rumor that an attempt has been made on the life of Emperor Nicholas and the death of M. Leon, a speculator on aTTtrge scale, adversely affected prices. Russian Imperial 4s closed at 72 and Russian bonds of 1904 at 485. Clearing Honae Statement. NKW YORK. Oct. 27,The statement of the clearing house banks for 'the week Shows that the banks hold t5,73.675 more than the legal reserve requirements. This Is a decrease of tf27.275 as compared with last week. The statement follows: Amount. Deereas. lioans H,0t;2,333.2fl0 $20,025,100 Deposits l,034,i8.1O0 27,634 500 Circulation 4.7-'4.0OO ?-,-ov Legal tenders nS.SSS.tiOO 1.389 V Specie 194.34.o S,04i 100 Reserve 2fl4.348.2riO 7,435 900 Reserve required 258,r74,s;5 6.f S(V;5 Surplus 5.6T3.675 627j5 Ex-U. S. deposits 11,684,325 1.20S.$75 Increase, Bank C'learlnars. OMAHA. Oct. 27. Bank clearings for to day were $1,643,948.79 and for the correspond ing date last year $1, 400,319. 69. 1906, irr.. Monday ....tOlSWo.M $1,911,317.36 Tuesday 1.5f..V19n.82 1.4U.174 01 Wednesday 1,421,084.1 1,402, 4r). 31 Thursday l,4tt3.M7. l.ftC'.csi.fs Friday 1,715,878.18 l.R2,tJ02.8. Saturday 1,643.948.79 1.400,349.69 Totals' 19,768.300.37 $9,482,895.70 Increase over the corresponding date laat year, $285,404.67. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 27.-OOTTON-Spot closed quiet, 10 points higher: middling up. lands, 10.75c; middling gulf, lies Salea, tione. NEW YORK. Oct. !T.-OOTTON-Spot closed easy. Sales, 1,925 bales. Low ordi nary, 7 5-lGc. nominal; ordinary, 7 13-16, rii'iiuiim , vKiiuai "c, iiuuunng rair, llie. nominal; fair, l?c, nominal. Receipts 14. 1I bales: stock, 147.4S4 bales. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 27.-COTTtN-Qulet, un changed: niiddllny. U!c. Shipments, 1,064 bales: "lock. 7,643 bales. LIVERPOOL. Oct. . 27 COTTON-flpot, nulet. prices IS mints lower: American mhhlling fair. 6&5d; low middling. 6.13d; middling, t9d; low mlddlinc 6.77d: good ordinary. 6.14d; ordinary, 6.17d. Tho salea of the day were 6 000 bales, of which 6'K) were for sneculatlon and Included 4,500 American. Receipts. 2,400 bales, all Amer ican. Oils aad Koala. NEW YORK. Oct. 27. OILS Cotton seed, easy; prime crude, f. o. b. mills, K&24c; prime crude, yellow, f. o. b. mt'ls. 6fle, nominal. Petroleum, steady: refined. New York, 17 60: Philadelphia and Balliinore. $7.45: Philadelphia and Bikl more, in. bulk, 1.3.". Turpentine. 69 C9c. ' Hohiv Firm; strained, common to good. $4 26 OIL CITY. Pa. Oct. 27. OIL Credit balances. II. K8. Puns. 11181 Mils.; aver are. 911. 233 bbls. Khlpments 147,825 bbls.: averse. 1M f bbls. SAVANNAH Oct. 27. OIL Turpentine, firm: 6c Md. Koatv-t-irm. Quote: A B. C, Ts $S; T. 3.90; K. 14.05; F. 14 07 u. tr 4 1 ft- o 4.1K: M. 14 17U4.20: I 4.eB. k. 4 ts M 4.85; N, $5.10; W. O. 1.78; W. W. $6 00. Eraanralrd Apples neiel rrle4 ). NFW YORK. Oct. 27. EVAPORATED APPLF.H Market firm and most holders ate asking hlerher prices. Choice ate quoted at srSVie snd rrlm el 1,4tm.r ("At TFORNf DR'ED FR1MTH ITune are firmly hld, with nuotatlon ranging from 8 c for California irra, . Oregon prunes are nuoteil at SUtitOc for 40s fo 20s. Ar-rlcots are nomlnilly uri rhansed, with t'hol.-e quoted Lt 16.. extra choice at 17o and fancy at Ittrilc, Pea-hes are unchanged, with old crotv ch.'tce. quoted at lie. extra choice at 1? ''12c ad fancy to extra fancv at 12 12V.c. Raisin continue firm, with loose muscatel nuoied at Vl7V,c. seeded raisins at J'4c and London layers at $1.45 1.65. Wad Market. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 27 WOOL Steadv: medium grades, combing and clothing, 24 ft 27 He; light fine. 1! if fie; heavy flua. 14 4 17c; tub iukl, tldtlo. OMAHA LIVE STOCR MARKET All Xiidi of flttl Stronr and Actitt for Wek. HEAVY HOGS SELL fVl CENTS LOWER Fat Sheep and Lambs Hare Com raanded Very Illsh Price All the Week. V with Feedera Ateraglag Steady. BOlTll OMAHA, Oct. "T. 1 receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 3ft4 2.217 17,973 Official Tuesday 4 j:8 3.03 2.9.7 Official Wednesday 4 ts3 2.3.S 10 611 llfflclal Thursday 8 Ml 2.:'51 .6) Official Frldav 3,717 4.4H 89a Official Saturday 140 4.700 113 This week 19.223 TAt week 36S Two weeks ago 32.601 Three weeks ago ...30.611 Four weeks ago 28.320 Same week last year 34.839 18.920 27.77,2 2i,:ui 21,1a 2fi 9Vt 47.179 101. M 90.7'.'2 1.1 99.253 W,9 34.402 The following table shows the recelr-ls of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omna for the year to date, compared with Inst year: irvj. 19 m. Inc. Cattle 844.637 Si.0l0 16.627 Hogs 2.0M.665 1.9 4.33 Sheep 1,754.018 1.504.3 CATTLE QUOTATIONS. 170.3S2 160,056 nood to choice corn-fed steers... Fair to good corn-fed steers Common to fair corn-fed steers.. Oood to choice rnnge steers Fair to good range steers , Common to fair range steers , Oood grass cows and heifers.... Fair to good cows and helfets... Common to fair cows and heifers Good choice atockers and feeders h air to good stockers and feeders Common to fair stockers Bulls, stags, etc .$T..8(v;?6.35 . 6.251 :.! . 4.5"l'6.25 . 4.750(6.50 . 4.004.75 . 3.60u4.00 . 3.25'n4. . I.ii5'(j.?.25 , L5m!2.65 . 4 0001.50 . 3 2i4 00 . 2.753. 25 4 0X86.00 ' The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omafa for the laat several days, with comparisons-. Date. I 1906. 1906.1904.1903.1902.1901.1900. Oct. 17., Oct. 18. Oct. 19. Oct. 20. Oct. 21. Oct. 22., Oct. 23. Oct. 24. Oct, 25. Oct. 26., Oct. 27. Oct. 28., 6 16 5 10 5 021 7 06 6 23! 311 4 64 6 19 10 4 9SI 7 02 6 27 4 62 6 20 6 12 6 02 5 12 6 23 4 52 6 17H 6 20 $ 14 6 08 6 82 U 26 4 U 6 20 5 04 6 OS 6 82 6 26 t 18 4 6 18 6 16 6 70 6 K 4 63 6 13 6 14 6 14 6 761 6 99 4 61 6 12 I 101 5 22 5 14 6 74 6 01 4 51 1 124 6 01 6 20 6 71 6 05 4 18 lb 4 91 I (H 5 25 00 4 4 &S 6 01 6 1SI 6 62 4 64 4 92 4 95 S 08 6 61 i 6 89 'Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Hogs. Omaha $1.65&4i.oo $6.oiii.30 Chicago 1.4(Kif7.0O 5.S07J6.&5 Kansas City 2.0("i.75 5 oVj6.37V4 St. Louis 2.0O7I.7.O0 6.906.V Bloux City 2.54ytj.0O 6.O0436.I6 The omclal number ot cur of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. BUeep.H'r's. C. M. St. P. Ry.. .. i Mo. P. Ry 4,1 U. V. system 4 22 C. & N. W. (east).. .. 6 C. A N. W. (west).. 1 18 1 C, St P., M. & O.. .. C. B. & u. (east) I .. 1 C, B. & Q. (west) 12 C, R. I. & P. (east).. .. 4 C, R. I. St P. (west).. 1 1 Illinois Central 1 Chicago Ot. Western. .. 3 Total receipts U $2 1 1 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the Hum- tier 01 neaa inaicatea: Cattlo. Hocrp. Sheen. Omaha Packing Co 431 Hwlft and Company ... 26 1,210 24 102 1.420 11 153 1,355 ..... 140 49 1 26 1 t 73 131 143 942 tlo20 137 Cudahy Packing Co. ... Armour Co Cudahy Pkg. Co., K. C. mil mon F. P. Lewis Huston & Co Mike Haggerty Hulllvan Bros Sheridan Meat Co Krey Pkg. Co Other buyers Totals CATTLE There was the usual absence ot anything like a cattle market today, there being no cattle here of consequence and practically nothing doing In the yaras. ine total receipia tnis weeg snow a tail ing off of almost one-half, due almost en tirely to the heavy storms In the west, which not only delayed the arrival of such stock trains as were In transit, but pro vented the loading ot many hundred of cattle ready for shipment. While it la impossible 10 speak with certainly, much uiiger receipia are anucipatea tor tne com ing week. 1 he market on beef cattle has been In very satisfactory condition as viewed from a seller's standpoint all this week. The receipts being light in the face of a vety good demand, strong prices have been maintained throughout the week. While nu very marked advance has been made in tne market, aa prices were high in the beginning, any chanae that lias takuri place haa beeii In the way of improvement. Oood coin-led steers have sold up to $.; and ringers us high as $6.26. ine must marked change of the week has taken place In the cow market. The re ceipt of last week were the heaviest of me year, wun tne result t iat nn. ea ri. clined rapidly, the market at the close of the week bding quoted I0&I60 lower. With the heavy falling off in receipts this week conditions were exactly reversed and prices steadily tinned up until at the close of the present, week the market Is 2ofi4ixj higher than the low point laat week, ihe trade 011 both cows and heitera waa active practically every day of the week, the market as a whole being in a good, healthy condition. Some very good western cows sold as high aa $4.00. While tne Inclement weather prevailing uu.m., met iioai ui wie weeg would have a natural tenrie nPV tO ke.n 1 1 1 r. 1 r r buyers at home, there waa nevertheless a very fair demand for stockers and feeders throughout the week. The demand was ejuuu iur ine oener grades that prices were tlrong every day nnd are at the present time a little higher, if anything than one week ago. It will be remembered though, that prices a week ago were high and that no further advance was neces sary, at least not according to buyers' Idrtaa. Kvcn Uie fair to medium kinds have sold very well and at the close of the week the yards are practically cleaned up. COWS. N. Av. Pr. Ne. a. Fr. 14 147 1 44 HEIFERS. atO 1 44 8 ) T3 BTO'Ki,K3 AND f'KJiUfc-rfS. 4 t HI 1 44 as i S J 40 Wtl TKHN8 NEBRASKA. 44 cows 911 a 10 27 feeders.. 935 4 10 1 bull ltw 1 60 4 calves... iU lii co s 875 2 3J 2 feeders.. 99.S 3 00 a cows lu.7.1 I vo HOGS The nfarket opened with buyers picking out the better kinds of light and butcher-weight hogs at steady prices Hogs of that description sold largely at 16 Lw,a 6.25. with a top at $6.30. The ma. kei Z heavy hogs Was very slow and dull and fully 60 lower right at tho outset. Some bids were even lower than that. Sellers were slow about making any concessions without a struggle and a good aharc of the forenoon wuj consumed before a clear ance waa effected. Heavy hogs uold vet v largely at . I" ";. 10, as against tti.oi and upward yesterday. The mixed and medium-weight hugs brought gunerally about This has been a week of light hog re ceipts, there being a decided falling off even compared with the small ruu of the previous week. The week oix-ned up with an eas.ur nutrket and prices were still lower on Tuesday, when hogs sold close to 60 lower than at the close of the previous week. From Tuesday on the hog con tinued about ateady up until Friday when there waa a slightly stronger market. Tho decline today wipes out all the Improve ment and more, too, so that the week closes with the market generally 6c lower than it was on last Saturday, although the. lop Is the same. itepreaentative sales: K. Av. . Pr. No. v. tl t ... f II 64 274 n M ... IN 41 u,t Tl 4 ... I tl a;i 41 3UU ... 4) M 44 Ui 61 ili 1M IW 60 2.1 W U . . 4 W (A 2M 16 U4 M i tl 63 2M 64 11 lit 4 0 61 40 1:4 (0 fo at 2,1 64 Ml ... 4 . 44 2H1 4 a 14 i ; 6j 44 6 210 4 04 61 -M 40 )lu Ijj 4 Oli 41 2.7 6 M ... 4 06 11 zvu 44 106 14 0 6 Sf,i 61 Jit w 4 06 14 lit I" 310 1:0 4 06 Tl -la, 60 l:o ... 4 0T 44 2i Tl 201 16 4 1 66 Ik 64 21 a 07 Tl 241 60 - 1- 4 7 4 161 II 272 14 1 61 241 61 : ... 1 40 2 66 21 12 1 H 234 41 60 12 1 0 It 61 ' 4 1 T4 M) 61 W4 ... I tl 144 41 24 ... 1 M 11 4 .64 g III 14- Ut ... I 4 10 ... f 12 i.t 1; 4 t 14 ... 12 0 12 2.1 lev 12 VI 4 12 W li V li M Ili 10 16 40 4 11 ... 4 11 4 ) I 29 ... 4 to 0 4 1 III l I ... M ... 2 40 to ... t ... to 4 4 1.- ... tit 4 li M 1 V4 J.ti 1 f! ft :i t l 1: n 1 4 171 iy i tt in ... 2.1 171 10 I in 10 )4 ... rs ft. 2) 1?0 ID ;..g 41) ft, t' 274 ) 4 1 66 2 4 60 (17 76 744 140 10 14 !Ul 60 I 4 8HKK1' There were no sheep hero this morning, although six cars were o!d yes terday for delivery today. Owing to some hitch In loading they had not put In a'l appearance up to a hue hour. 1 lie total receipts for the week have been the lightest Fine the last week In August, only 47,066 being reported as against lo, Inst week. It Is hardly necessary to add that the enormous fulling off litis been due very largely to the storm which pre vented loading. All advices at hand would seem to Indi cate a moderntr- run for tho coming week nnd sheep men generally are of the opinion that the big western run. of shiep Is al ready In. '1 here will undoubtedly be days when re.-elt.ts will lie large, but the aver age runs from now on are expected to he, quite moderato compared to the previous weeks. The very light receipts this week forced packers, very much ugalnst their will, to pay extrsvagm tly high prices fur 'the few sheep and lambs nvnllable. While tho average market on fat ytuff could hardly be quot-d more than 15ig25o higher for tho first half of tho week, there wcre mitny cases where utiles looked a good deal higher than that. As a matter of fact, packers were lorced lo buy a good deal of tho slufT than ordinarily, with receipts llbertl thty would not even have looked at. On Thursday they took ofl some of the ad vance, but prices are still very high as cu'iipared with all eastern markets. Receipts of feeders during the week were so light that comparatively few country buyers thought it worth their while to coino In. Tho absence of buyers naturally made the trade a little slow, but still everything was kept well cleaned up. As lo prices, some of the medium and com mon klnos of lambs sold lower, while the best feeder lambs, on the other hand, sold higher. Feeder ewes wore also higher. Still the general market on feeders Is being quoted as about steady by most salesmen. While there ore undoubtedly a good many sheep In the west that owners would like to market, the Impossibility of secur ing sufficient cars Is likely to cut down the number very materially, while in sonic localities a good many sheep Intended for market have been turned back by the storms. In view of the existing conditions sheep men are generally advising parties desiring feeders to get their order In at once, so as to be In a position to take advantage of any big rtina or weak spots that may occur. Quotations on killers: Good to choice Iambs, $7.O0(fr7.26; fair to good lambs, $6.75 i7.0w; good to choice yearlings), $6.6o'(i6.W, fulr to good yearlltiRs, to.2.Vm.r0; good to choice wethers, $5. 0041. 40; good to cholc ewes, $4.H5.25. Quotations on feeders: Lambs, $6.20ff.6E; yearlings, $5.25(fn5.7o; wethers, $; owes. 3.60j4.6O; breeding ewes, $4.75.26. Representative sales: CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady Hogs Strong- to Higher Sheep and Lambs Steady. CHICAGO, Oct. 27. CATTLE Receipts, Roo hei-d: market steadv; beeves, $3.857.00; cews and heifers, $1.40?i6.16; calves, 5.O04li 7.75: stockers and feeders, $2.0V(j4.60. HOGS Receipts). 8.000 head; market strong to 6c higher; mixed and butchers, $a.96'ii; o.oo, guoa neavy, n-tt"j.t)a; rougn neavy, $5.96(&.20; light, $"!.0W6.60; pigs, $5.6tot.2oj bulk of sales. t6.1o(ft.45. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3,000 nenu; maraei steady; sneep, 3.ayeio,bo; year- .' ev.TVUO.W, 1UI1109, .DAgt'l .OO. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Oct. 27 CATTLE Receipts 114 tiMrl VfnrtrAt nnmlnnllv .,.,.., tlves, $5.00476.76; cows and heifers, $1.26'd) 4.75; stockers and feeders, $2.504.30. HOGS Receipts, 4,106 head. Market waa teaay to strong; iigni, .S)'gH.o; bulk of salen, lfl.ai6.3214. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 25 head. j.uo.1 itu. iioiiiinai. Slonx City Lire Stork Market. SIOUX CITY, la., Oct. 27.-(Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 200 head. Mar- get uncnangea; Deeves, 4.00ii6.oo; cows, bulls and mixed, $2.603.83; stockers and feeders, $0.00X04.00; calves and yearlings, $Z6ufc3.75. HOGS Receipts, 2.800 bead. Market steady, selling at; bulk of sales. e).wiv.iv. Stoek In Sight. Receipts of live stock at tha six prln- Hogs. Sheep. 4.7"0 113 2,800 4,300 i 00 4.108 266 1.600 8,JU0 3.000 26,408 1969 South Omaha 140 Sioux City 2oo Kansas City LOOO St. Joseph 114 St. Louis 1,000 Chicago ... 600 Totals 1,954 OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Condition of Trade and notations an Staple aad Fancy Produce. EGGS Perdox., 22c LIVE POULTRY Hens, 8c; roosters, tc; turkeys, luc; ducks, -jc; spring chickens, SO. BUTTER Packing utock. 17c; cholc to fancy dairy, JiS2c; creamery, 22g.2io. HAY Choice upland, $S.o0; medium, $9.00; coaise, $s.utMi.6o. Rye straw, to.&oWfl.W. UHAN Per ton. $16.00. VEGETABLES. SWEET POTATOES-Per tbl., $2.25. TOMATOES Home grown, per basket of 20 lbs $1.00. WAX BEANS Per markst haaket rf aooui lo it)., n.26. TLKN1PH, BtETS AND CARROTS Per bu., 76c. LEAF LETTUCE Hothouse, per dox., heads, 40o. r.l.iiKY Per dox., 25040c. CUCUMBERS-Hot house, per dog., $1.60, ONIONS Home grown, 6c per bu.; Spanish, $1.76 per crate. GREEN ONIONS Per dox. bunches, 25c HOKtsKP.ADJHH Case of 2 dox.. $1.90. RADISHES Per dox. bunches, 25c. NAVY BEANl.- Per bu., $1.85; Nu. 2, ti.". L'MA BEANBi'er lb., 6V4c. GREEN PEPPERS-Per market basket, 75c. fARSLET Hothouse, per dog. bunches. 25c. CABBAGE Holland seed, home grown, per lb., lfco. EGG PLANT Per doi.. 76c. l'OTATOES-Per bu., 4(r46oc. FRUITS. PEACHES California Salway, per box, $1.10. PEARS Winter varieties, per bog, $2.23 3.00. G R A PES Tokay, $1.76. .eT'r' Ben Duvls. $2.3; Jonathans, $3.25; New York apples, $3.25. CRANBERRIES-Per bbl., $8.6009.50. TRKF'ICAI. FrtlJITS. OR A KG ES Florida oranges, $3 26. LEMO.VS Llmoniert. extra fancy, 210 slxe, 17.50; 800 slxe, St.00; SM size, $8.00; other Dm mis, $l.fJ less. GRAPE FRl'IT-Slz 70 to . $5.00. HAN, VAS-l'er nieditim-sUed bunch. fl.764.2h; Jumbos, $2.60ra3.00. Dates i'er ib., (ko,c. BEEF" CUT PRICES. No. 1 ribs, 12c; No. t ribs, 8c; No. 8 ribs. 64c; No. 1 round, 8c; No. 2 round, 7c; No. $ round, tc: No. 1 loin. 16c: Nn -i (rj vi-.- No. 1 loin, 8c; No. 1 plate. SVirc; No. 2 blate, 3c; No. I plate, 214c; No. 1 chucks, 5Vfcc; No. 3 chucks, 4Mc; No. I chucks. 3c. MISCKI.lNEOUS SUGAR Granulated cane. In sacks, 15.S1; granulated beet. In sacks. $3.21. CHEESE SwisH, new, 16c; Wisconsin hrlek, 14c; Wisconsin llmberger, 13c; twins. 144c; Young Americans, l.Vic. COFFEE Roasted. No. 35, 26c per lb : No. 30. 21o per lb.; Nu. X 19u per lb.; No. 20, 16c per lb.; No. 21, 13c aer lb? SYRUP In bbls., 27c per gil.; In cses. 6 10-lb. cans, $1.70; cases. 11 6-llj. cans. $1 So cases. 24 2-lb. cans, $1.S5. 1 IONEY Per 24 frames, $3 50. :ANNF:D GOODS Corn, standard west ern. 654j6oc; Maine, $1.15. Tomatoes, 3-lb. cans, fl.10; 2-ib. cans, 974c,Jl.o. Plne ap)lKS. grated, t-lb., $.V06ij2 3ii; sliced, $1.90 t2.20; gallon ariples, fancy. $-'C5; California apricots, $1.9tKa2.iu; pears, $1.75i2.60; peaches, fancy, $1.7.a2.40; H. C. peaches, jfuxjCW. Alaska sjlmon, red, $1.25: fancy Chinook, V.. $2.10; fancy sockeye, F., $1.96; sardines, quarter oil, $2.75; three-quarter niuatard, $3.00. Sweet potatoes. $1 lo(al.25; sauerkraut, $1.00; pumpkins, oik 451 00; wax beans, 2-lh., tV.rolc; lima beans. 2-lb., 75cigtl.5; ailnuch, $1 35; cheap f-as, 3-lb., 60c; extras, 95t.W41.lw; fancy $1.351.75. Cl'RED FISH Family whlteflah. per quarter bbl.. It lbs., $4 00; Norway mack eral, No. 1, $:.'8.00; No. 1, $J6.00; No. 3. t-D.w; Irish, Nc. I till 00; herring. In bbls., 20 lb, each, Norway, 4k, $900: Norway, tk, fj 00; Holland herring, in kegs, milkers, to.-: kegs, mixed, 70c. FISH Buffalo, large dressed, 8c: trout, medium or large, dresacd, 12c; pike, dressed, 11c; halibut, tine stock, lie; cattail, dressed, 15c; bullheads, dressed and skinned, l:'c; white perch, dretsed, 6c; crapples, large, 12c; sunfish. pan sixe, tc: white bass, extra choice, 12c; pickerel, 9c; salmon, Chinook, 11c; whlteflsh (fruren), 12c; mackerel (Span ish). 16c; native, p r fish, lt'ri&c; codfish, fresh, froseu, I2c; (launders, fresh, fiKt-u, 11c; bluefiah, fresh, froxen, 15c; haddock, fresh, frc.xcn, pic; redanapper, dressed, 12c; smelts. No. 1, per lb., lie; I 'balers f boiled), per lb., 4oc ; green, 37c; eal, per lb., li:j frog legs, per dos., 2&c: roe shad, $1 each; shtid roe, pulr. 45c. t HIDES AND TAI.IOW Green salted. No. 1, Uc; No. 3. llc; bull hides, 9410c; green hides. No. 1, lie; No. . luc; horse, I150i(it76: sheep pelts, btH.jti 6. TttliOvr, No. 1. 4o; No. Z, te. WCrOLr-Pr lb., Ur CONDITIONOFOMIHA'STRADE Dsipitt ltd Weather, Volnm ii Very Lre. r rait HORSE SHOW BRINGS COUNTRY DEAltRS House Haainr, Consequently, Rans Exceedingly Good, Wnll Orders from Salesmen Hold I p Few ' Changes Noted lu Price. Tha Horse Fhow Is not altogether a mat ter o fpleasuro with tho.n Omaha, jobbera wh.j are members of tho Horse Show asso ciation, though at first thougflt lt would ceeni to be. They S4y that many dealort' from the stale havo come in for the show, -and on this account their hotiso trade hits bcon Incrensvd tminonssly. This lucreasa In trade was In spite of the fact that tha first three days of the week were unfavor able in tho matter of weather. Dry goods houses report a much larger buslmva than a year ago, shoe men soy thuir trade waa brisk, hardware sales were heavy and tha grocery trade ran along with Its usual heavy volume. In addition to the bou tratUi traveling salesmen pent In liberal orders. Collodions are reported quite satis factory. The dry goods men are wall satisfied with the season's trade so far. Houaa trade haa been better than usual for a couple of months, and thera Is no diminution in tlia number of orders sent In by traveling sales men. The distribution of goods extends lo all llnr. and most of the popular lines are In strong hands and hard to g. On ac count of tho light supply of goods nnd tha high price of cotton, goods of cotton make are very strong. The Jobbers am placing tolr ndvance orders with the manufactur ers on bleached and brown goods. Tha Omaha houses have not made any advance on bleached goods lately, though a rise In price In primary markets Is noted. Spring udvanee order business is pood. Last week advices received from Belfast an Jother linen centers have announced further advances and a hardening of tha situation In the primary markets. Retailers are becoming anxious to secure deliveries of goods 011 order. Importers are urging manufacturers to make quicker shipment of all orders. The Hardware) Market. Insistent activity- is prevalent In all hardware lines. The continuance of open weather In the middle west has pre vented any marked failing oft In builders' hardware and fall goods. Retailers all over the country are anticipating a most active season, commencing with the first fall of snow, and they are completing their mi., in pi-uuarauon lor 11, ua every hand there Is an Insatiable demand for it every land for larvested etc., and fencing ond the -ry. JobJ"" cks. but wire materials. with crops har tanners irs ousy repairing fences, et the demand for open and woven fi nails, nettings, etc, is far beyond productive capacity of the countrv. , bers everywhere report low stocks, but with a car shortage in evidence, labor scarce and raw material greatly In arrears makers are not In position to satisfactorily copo with the situation. Deliveries will b slow all through the winter, aji jobbers and retailers are advised to lay in aa itirge Biuc-KB as ineir means ana capacity will permit. This applies with equal force to all forms of hardware, as te wire ma terials and ether iron and steel products. Palnta, Oils and Glass. Tha glass nuuket remains tha same as last week In ail lines. Prices are firm and an advance Is anticipated at any time on account of tha advance recently made by the factories. The demand continues good. OH remains unchanged, linseed boiled being 88c; white raw Is Stic. Turpen tine Is quoted at 73c. Carter's lead Is still ic, and Southern Is 7;c. The paint trade In some, of tiie western states haa fallen off some on account of the recent storms. The sales of brushes for next spring ore the largest aver sxperienoed by local Jobbers. Both house and road trade; In shoes haa born good. For goods for spring delivery orders are coming In freely from traveling salesmen. The wet spell brought a large sale of rubber goods, aa many country merchants had neglected to lay In a tup ply and had only what was left over front sprlrg. Leather Is firm. No advance has been quoted lately, but a higher notch Is likely to be reached at any time. Coffee eased off H cent laat week. Bra slllan stock Is arriving freely now and there Is some prediction that the market will soon suffer a further decline. Sugar remains unchanged In price, as far as refined Is concerned, though there Is a tendency to easiness in tho raw market. Kansas City Live Stock Market, KANSAS CJTY. Oct. 27. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,000 bead; market steady; choice ex port and dressed beef steers, $5.50'i.75: fair to good, $4.0Mf4.50; western steers, fS oiva) 6.30; stockers and feeders, $2.60f4.b5; south ern steers, 13.Ouy4.76: southern cows, 11001 $.25; native cows, t2.0Oa3.6O; native heifers. $2.6CX&4.76; bulls, 110iij3.50; calves, $2,504' 6.26. IIOGB Receipts, .sio neaa; marKet, steady; top, $6.32; bulk of sales, tti.2Mf) 6.30; heavy, $H.26u0.324; packers, 6.324: pigs and light, t5.6o.jjij. 30; receipts for the week, 43,300 head. SHEEP AND LAMHB Receipts, eoo head; market nominally ateady: lambs. $5.75(&7.85; ewes and yearlings, $4.605.40; western readings, $5.26tiu.75; western sheep, $1,604 .X; stockers and feeders, H.76fu6.I5; re ceipts for the week, 34,900 bead. St Loots Lire Stork Market. BT. LOUIS, Oct. 27. CATTLE RioelptB, 1.000 head. Including 250 Toxaus. Market steady; native ajilpping and export steers, $4.9fy7.00;' dressed beef and butcher steers, t3.oOU(.50; steers under 1,000 lbs., 13.1ia4.30; stockers and feeders, cows ana heifers. ri.&o-iirO.OO: canners, tl.i&S2.35; bulla. 12.354i3.26; calves, $2.00fq6.25; Texas and In dian steers, $i7i6.25; cows aad heifers, $2J0 (Jti.50. HOGS Receipts, 1.500 head. Market was strong: Pigs and lights. $6.9)aj6.3i; packers, $6.2ofc6.40; butchers and best heavy, $6,254) 6.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Nona on sale. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 27. COFFEE Market for futures opened steady at unchnged Slices to 10 points higher on a better de mand from scattering sources, which was attracted by sleody cables, tui advance lit the rate of Brazilian exchange and the recent bullish crop news. The close was at about the best and steady with the general range, net unchanged to 10 pilnts higher. Bales wore re)orted ot 92,750 bags, Including November at 6.30c. December at 6.S04i6.8ec, January at 6.40c, March at .55n 6600, May at .7ofi6.75o and September at 7.004j7-5oc. Spot, steady; No. 7 XUo, 80. Metal Market. TCirW TDRJC Oct. 7. METALS 1 The markets were quiet In the absence of ca v,l. hut nriees were firmly held. Spot lln was quoted at $42.65 bid. $42 85 asked. I-ak pper was quiet at et. irriij-p-r, rieciioiytm 1.3. fruit 22.00 and casting at $21.2fc(f'.n.7iY I.n.l was nulet and unih;niged at o..5'i 595 and speller at ttf.20tj6.3O. Iron waa firm and unchanged. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 27. METALS Lead, ateady at $6.90; spelter, steady at $6.20. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. O, Oct. 27. BEKD Cosh clover, $8.16: October, $1.16; December, $8.22 Timotiiy, aibibq, 91.1v. Nebraska Prisoner Kot Wanted. CHICAGO. Oct. f7. The police today re ceived Information that the man now under arrest at Falrbury, Neb., Is not Leonard Leopold, who is wanted here In counectlon with the murder of Mrs. Margaret Leslie. The man declare that his name Is Edward Englec of this city, and In several Impor tant particulars h does not correspond with the description of Leopold. V. Farnam Smith & Go. Stocks, Bonds, Investment Securities. W offer subject to UNION STOCK YARDS STOCK. 1320 Farnam St.. Tel. Douglas 1408 F. D. Day t Co. Stock. Grain. Provisions Skis Ysnr Grata ts Vs. ' Cbleaga and Minneapolis Delivery. One-lghth commission on Grain, on quarter on Stocks. Prompt and careful attention given to outside accounts. Writ 110-111 Hoard ( Trad kidg, . OMAHA, NEB. (or our dally Market Letter, mailed ran. Mala Ofuoe, Least DUtssM 'rasas, HsnaUee) ! 4