Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 3, Image 15

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! i
. nuuui m
s" to In I
f now In
Yilmi ef Land lm "
Wett Still Lsoted at
tine L -
Hf Wne Oa(ht to Kitw Say fnat
Demand as Well a Inoome Jnstlfy
Kven Hlalier Prtees The
Are Ashed.
recent number of Bond and Vfortgg-8i
Ualned letters on the ptrnuwnor oi
present inflation In land valuea from
conservative bankers and loan brokers lt
many of the western and middle went era
tales. The tenor of these letters Is shown
Mn the following editorial on them:
Tt will bo noted that they are practically
unanimous in saying that the advance in
rmU estate haa not reached a point oC
danger, and the argument Is similar In
all sections of the west, being baaed upon
the increased return of western farms,
the new methods of agriculture, which in
sure permanent crops and the constantly
increasing tide of Immigration from the
elder settled states.
These threa elements ara so generally
recognized in every part of tl-e west that
wa must believe that they are Influential
In fixing and maintaining present prices.
Western land la worth as much as Its Itf
come justifies. Eastern land la frequently
worth more than its Income Jtmtlfle, be
cause of its location Ud its advantages fur
the home life. The west Is rapidly ap-
firoarhlng the aame condition as the ea-t
n this respect and farms are being held
at figures far In advance of the natural
return from the fields because of the op
portunity given to dwellers thereon to en
joy the good things of this world aud to
snare In the community's bapptne&s.
With the more corriDlete anitlament of
the western states this condition will be
come mora com mo r ana we shall learn of
land prices that weorn extravagant, but
which are really only the expression of
opinion concerning the desirability of the
farms as homes.
This, of course, is but one phase of the
Increm n lnnd values, and one that Is
only partly reHponsible for the present ad
vance. The other reasons are much more
regular in their operations, and, as our cor.
reporiutnts point out.
not likely to
be li-sneDed as the years g on.
an. The indi
cations are that land values are by no
moans greater than all the condition war
rant and that the Investor In mortgagee
on western farms need borrow no trouble
on this account.
Interest to western Nebraska
the letter of B. F. Clark
Cola, who says:
that the nrlcee now ob
taining for western lands, and I mean the
went, half of Kansas and Nebraska, the
Jja. jtas and all of Colorado, are reasonably
safe, and will never suger a decline like
the lime you refer to. I have the opinion
mar all lands under any soil of reliable
Irrigation systems must gradually Increase
In price for a few years yet. Lands in
what Is known as the dry belt have risen
very rapidly the past three years, due
to the Improved condttian of the seasons.
Phould we hav3 a short oyols of dry years,
this section must undoubtedly suffer a de-
cllne. In that case ft would seem that
the Irrigated section ahauld at least hold
V Its own, as there Is a remote possibility
N that such sections weuld ever be caught
so dry that a fairly good crop weuld not
be raised. In northern Colorado we do
not rely upon the summer precipitation,
but rather the winter and spring. We
might have a very wet winter or spring
and a very dry summer. Ws rely upon
storage very largely. In the Arkansas val
ley the reliance is more on the run of
the river, but lr; that case the water
oomes very largely from the Arkansas
river with a long head back in the Rocky
mountains, where it might rain almost
dully for days, but out in the valley
where the crops are growing the country
would be parched. A thlnklna ' nersnn
should not attempt to conjure up In their
a case parallel to the one referred
the 'is. People are getting richer
western Kansas where they starved
during the times referred to. They have
In my practice I closely follow com
mon ense methods.
That la, I do not hurt my patients
and I ask a reasonable price for my
I'm practically painless In my oper
ating because I've made a study of
that feature (painlessness) of den
tistry. y My prices are reasonable and safe,
f Reasonable because they are just
1 Safe because they cover the cost of
V time and material of suitable quantity
and quality.
DR. FICKE8, DENTIST, 838 Bee Bid.
'Phone, Douglas 637.
of h better and safer Investment you
tbould place your Idle money with the
and let it work for you. Tour pocket Is
a poor place to keep money, because the
temptation to spend It doubles while you
hae it on your person. Better begin to
lay up a little now, week by week or
month. by mouth, and drop In and deposit
regularly your surplus cash. Savings
accounts earn ( per cent per annum.
Monthly payment homestead loans are
alvo made on short notice.
Full Information furnished at the near
location, 8. E. Cor. lfth and Dodge bis.
W. XiOOsCXS, President
M. imilOU, Secretary.
Shinier & Chase Go.
I Ecslicrs cf .!ci:rn Houses
VE it ever so humble
Thsre's na place like home."
Tour meeng must detersalne Cm
slxe of your Investment HappV
neea and contentment is quite as
cuen ioudu id a cottage as a
palace. Draw a pencil sketch of
the house you would build. We
develop ideas and relieve you of
all the details of conatructloa.
!!l!.'.En & CHASE CO.
'UV:.:i Sites, t.l:ihi kimii, Eiia
1S59 Farnsm. Ground Fir
Doug.! 38S7
Of much
I land holders Is
Iff Fort Collins,
My opinion Is
Homes in Which Modern
1 J
1 s
' i
learned what to raise and how to raise
it. The growth and development of tb
west is so rapid that the average person
can scarcely comprehend It. I am a bear
on prices at all times, but the values held
on our lands In this section under Irriga
tion are just aa aafe aa the prices in tne
middle states.
The Vncle Bam Oil company of Kansas
has bought through the Bcila cempany
1M feet of a lot on the Omaha aide of
the Missouri river Just below the Union
Pacific bridge. This company has an
nounced Its Intention of extending Its busi
ness to the northward, Kansas City now
being Its farthest north distributing point,
Omaha will be the distributing point for
Nebraska and the northwest, according
to representatives of the company. ' The
concern has also bought land on the Coun
cil Bluffs side of the river. It is the in
tention to haul the oil up the river on
Real estate and rental men are Interested
by the announcement that the Commercial
club desires new and larger quarters, and
many of them are looking about to find
floor spate to offer the club. "The nicest
arrangement that could be made," said one
member of the club, "would be to have the
owners of the property Immediately west
of the Board of Trade building erect a
five-story structure and rent us the top
floor. In that way we could double our
room and yet not be. compelled to move
away from Sixteenth and Farnam."
Orders have been received at Omaha to
proceed with the construction of the North
western freight depots in the Third ward.
These orders call for an expenditure of
SGOO.OOO, In addition to tbs grv'ng, and
even this figure does not Include all the
work to be done. The construction of the
depot will afford employment for a good
many men. It is the intention to have the
work completed by March 1.
The building movement keeps merrily
on In Omaha, Friday a permit was granted
the Union Pacific for the erection of shops
to cost $160,000. This is a part of the pro
ject in which the company expects to spend
about 11,000.000 in shop buildings and equip
ment. The company is now taking bids
on a brick paint shop a story and a halt
high and 60x300 feet In dimensions. An
other structure on which bids are being
taken Is a two-story bottling house for the
Mets Bros, brewery.
Mrs. Ben Gallagher' three lots at the
southwest corner of Fortieth and Farnam
have been' sold to C. A. Foster of 8t.
Louis for 17.000. What Mr. Fenter will do
with the property is not known.
Thomas Brennan reports last week's sales
as follows: Thirty-three feet and brick
barn on Douglas street, between Eleventh
and Twelfth, 8,000; a lot and two houses
on South Tenth street, near Center, $2,400;
a lot and two houses at the southeast
corner of Twenty-eighth street and Wool
worth avenue, $2,900; a house and lot at
704 South Thirty-sixth street, $2,300; a house
and lot at 2452 South Twentieth street,
$1,500; two brick buildings at 1143 and 1114
South Thirty-second street, $17,260.
The Burnham flats at the corner of
Twenty-fourth and Hamilton streets, a
two-story brick building, have bean aold
by Robinson Wolf and A. P. Tukey &
Bon to J. Vangrould for $12,500. The pur
chase Is for investment.
In addition, Robinson A Wolf report the
following recent sales, aggregating $65,000:
House at till Cass, Dr. Somers to II.
Reuben, for a home; lot on North Eight
eenth street, Robinson & Wolf to C. La re
sell, for Investment; house at 1107 North
Eighteenth street, Jacob K and is to H.
Hollander, for a home; row ef flats at
northwest corner Twenty-third and Mason,
W. L. Parker to Ed F. Morrison, for In
vestment; two cottages st 2S20 and
Ohio street, Ed F. Morrison to Siegbert
Kahn; two cottages at 290$ and 2910 Sahler
street, Robinson Wolf to T. P. Ma
hamltt, for tnvestmeit; four cottages at
the northwest corner of Thirty-first and
Seward, Robinson & Wolf to Emll Flan
agan; 11. 1138 and 1140 North Eighteenth,
brick flats, Joseph Batt to S. Newman;
2215 Webster, through Byron Reed Co.,
Henry Rann to 8. Tabor, for a home; two
houses at southwest corner Twenty-second
and Howard, Judge Kennedy to B.. Bom
berg of Graff, Neb., one house for home
and other for Investment; four houses at
southeast corner of Twenty-sixth and Bur
dette, I Goldsmith to A. P. Tukey Bon.
A few of the recent sales reported by the
George P. Bemis Real Estate company:
Two lots at tho southeast corner of Twenty
first and Chicago streets to Jacob Kattle-
man for $7,600; lot and house at 191$ St.
Mary's avenue to J. E. Baum for $7,000;
lot and house at S200 Be ward street to
Richard Golden for $2,200; lot and house
at $228 Seward street to Morris Mortenson
for $2,250; 211$ Grand avenue to A. E. Brnlth
of Council Bluffs, for a home. $3,000; 431$
North Thirty-sixth street to J. A. Frye,
for a home, $1.W0; 2602 Fort street, two lots
and house, to John aa, Ryder, $1,200; 4013
North Twenty-sixth street to John Clausen.
$1,875: 4513 North Thirty-sixth street, to A.
E. Brown. $1,700; 43U North Thlrty-aHlh
street, to Anna Bohan, $500; north loo feet
of tax lot I, in section 24-15-13, to the Vncle
Sam OU company of Kansas, being a little
south of the Her distillery and Union Pa
ciflo bridge, near river. They have also
bought property on Council Rluffs tide of
the river. Lot 1, block $. Parker's addi
tion, to A. Richardson, $700; lots i and 4.
block 1. Bowers' addition, to Thomas Ksn-
dricks, $350; loU 1 and 20. block 1. Bowers'
addition, to Stella and Edith Williams. $240:
lot 1, Phelans" addition, to D. R, C. Smith,
$400: lot W. Phelans' addition, to W. 8.
Fitch, $200; lot 4. block $, A, 8. Patrick's,
t T. F. Wiles, Ivwii,
i -
or ttiomas n. ktmbatj
Exptrti on Horn Economics Tell What
U leit to Do.
Most Important Room la the Horn
Too Frequently Scrimped Es
sentials for Cleanliness,
nd Labor Snvlng.
The first of a series of "Home Btudy"
papers, prepared by the home economics
department of the University of Nebraska,
la appropriately devoted to a discussion
of "Convenient Kitchens." The author,
Rosa Bouton, discusses the slie of the
roost Important room of the home, tho ma
terials for floor and walls, the value of
nht nrt ventilation, and the equipment.
with a view to diminishing the labor of theH
housekeeper, promoting cleanliness an.i
health, and thus increase the appetizing
quality of the foods prepared.
The paper, In part, follows:
The percentage of kitchens In which no
unnecessary steps need be taken because
of inconvenient arrangements Is very low.
In planning house it often happens that
the kitchen Is the last room to be consid
ered. On the contrary, It should be con
sidered first, because the health and happi
ness of the family Is dependent. In very
large measure, on whether or not the work
done In the kitchen be carried on success
fully. Kitchens vary greatly In s'se, from the
large, airy ones of the olden time, which
served also as dining room and living room,
to the very compact affairs in connection
with railroad dining cars, scarcely large
enough for a man to turn around with
outstretched amu. The location of doors
and windows and the arrangement of furni
ture must be kept in mind in planning the
size of the kitchen. The large kitchens of
pur grandmothers were light and airy, and
were admirably suited to the conditions
of their day. But times have changed and
the majority of people do not eat in the
kitchen, nor do they use It aa their living
room. For this reason targe family kitchens
are no longer necessary. Moreover, there
Is a decided objection tn large kitchens,
because oi the long distances that must
be traveled and the many unnecessary
steps that must be taken In doing the
work. It seems a very small thing to take
a few extra steps in walking across a room
that is three' er four feet longer than It
need be, or In passing from table to sink
or stove not conveniently near each other.
If, however, one will take the trouble to
multiply these short distances by the num
ber of times one travels them in doing
the day's work and then multiply the prod
uct by the number of days in a single year
It will be evident that many miles of un
necessary steps are taken by weary work
era A kitchen should be large enough to give
sufficient window and door space for good
light, air, and easy passage to other rooms
and out of doors, also room for the con
venient arrangement of those articles of
furniture which will enable one to do her
work with the greatest possible ease and
dispatch. A kitchen larger than this Is
too large. If on the other hand the reera
be so small that there is not sufficient cup
board space within easy reach, and ono
must often climb on a stool to get things
on high shelves, or there Is not enough
table and sink room to do the work with
out being crowded, the room la too small.
Just what the dimensions should be depend
on the kind and amount of work to be
done. If the family washing Is to be done
In the kitchen, and meals prepared at the
same time, It must be larger than If there
were another room for laundry purposes.
In deciding on the size of the kitchen one
must also couslder the amount of cooking
to be done. On the farm at certain sea
sons of the year there are the harvest
hands and the threshers to be fed. Com
pany must also be provided for In many
a delightful farm home. There must
therefore br more room than If only the
needs of the family were to be considered.
In the town or city home where much en
tertaining Is done, the kitchen must be
larger than If the family live simply and
have very little company.
The dining car kitchen Is perhaps the
best example of wise utilization of space
and compact arrangement of any kitchen
of modern times. "While It Is not ad
visable to pattern home kitchens exactly
after those of the railroad dining car, yet
many valuable suggestions may be gotten
from a careful study of their plan and
equipment. '
Ltsht ssd Ventilation.
Every kitchen should be well lighted and
ventilated. Good air and sunshine are ab
solutely necessary If the one who does the
cooking and the cleaning is to keep in the
best of health. As the worker runs down
physically, so will the efficiency of her ser
vice be reduced, whether she be mother,
daughter or hired helper. It is so evi
dent that good light and air are essentials
that It would seem unnecessary to mention
these as requisites, were It not for the fact
that many kitchens are defective In these
particulars. Sometimes house are so ar
ranged that there Is but one window In
the kitchen and that one Is shaded by a
porch, snd the porch. In tjrn, Is shaded by
a targe tree or vines. When such are the
conditions prartlcally no direct sunlight
finds Us way Into the kitchen, snd the air
is Impure the greater portion of the time,
and often uncomfortably hot.
When rooms are so small that there Is
Insufficient wall space for the windows and
furniture, high windows may be put In,
thus giving room for sink, tables, etc.,
beneath the windows. Additional light may
also be secured by putting glass . In- the
4.mpr pert ef the outaUs door. AU kitchen
Ideas Blend With Traditional
fc t
windows should be hung with pulleys 'that
they may bo easily raised from the bottom
or lowered from the top. For summer's
use there should be close fitting wire
screens extending from top to bottom. The
adjustable shade holder is a great con
venience In lighting and ventilating the
kitchen, for with Its help the curtain roller
may be lowered from the top as easily as
the curtain may be raised from the bottom,
thus enabling one to lower the window
from the top and have It at the same time
shaded without the curtain flapping.
Not only are good light and air essential
to the well-being of the occupant of the
kitchen, but they are also necessary In
order that the room Itself and all that It
contains n:ay be kept in a sanitary con
dition. Pure air and sunlight are not con
ducive to tho growth of bacteria. Where
there is an abundance of fresh air and
sunshine the probability of the presence
of musty cupboards, moldy bread, dirty
corners and cockroaches Is greatly re
duced. Sunlight is an excellent germicide
and also an important factor in the pro
duction of an atmosphere of good cheer,
which atmosphere Is essential If the best
of work Is to be done In the kitchen.
Inside Finish.
Kitchens should be so finished on the In
side that they may be kept In a sanitary
oondltlon with the least poeslble expendi
ture of labor. Careful attention should be
given to the finishing of window and door
casings, floor and baseboards and the walls
and built-in furniture, such as cupboards,
sinks, etc. The doors should be as plain
as possible. Their casings and the window
casings should be plain, free from grooves
and beading, aa plain, smooth surfaces are
much easier kept clean. Grooved casings
and beaded wainscoting and celling are ex
cellent dust collectors, much work being
necessary to keep them clean. All interior
finishings made of soft wood may be filled
and varnished or painted. If painted it
should also be varnished, thus producing
a glazed surface, which is easily cleaned
with a damp cloth. . The so-called enamel
paints are made by coloring varnish with
paint. Care must, however, be taken to
use a varnish which will stand water, as
some kinds turn white when exposed to
water.- Floor varnish coats about $3 a
gallon, is made to stand water and is
equally good for casings. There is also an
expensive varnish at about $4 per gallon
which will stand water. This Is designed
for an especially fine finish.
Dark colors should be avoided in the
kitchen, as It la desirable to have the
room well lighted. Tints of blue, gray.
green and yellow are well suited for the
If the floor be of soft wood It should be
painted, of hard wood oiled. In oiling the
floor It is well to put on at least two coats
of boiling hot linseed oil. This may be
put on very easily with a mop. The hot
oil permeates the fiber of the wood very
much more thoroughly than If cold oil
were applied. If desired a stain may be
added to the oil.
The hard maple floors of the old-fashioned
kitchen, which our grandmothers
used to take so much pride in keeping
spotlessly white, are decidedly objection
able, because many hours and much elbow
grease must be expended by a woman on
her knees in order to keep the floor in this
Immaculate condition which was consid
ered desirable by the housewives of fifty
years ago.
Perhaps the most satisfactory manner in
which to finish the kitchen floor la to cover
It with heavy Imported linoleum. .The dust
may be aa easily removed from this with a
damp mop as from the oiled or painted
floor. ' None of these finishings require the
old-faabloned scrubbing done on one's
knees, neither la there any excuse for
splashing water on the baseboards. The
dirt does not sink In and may In ten min
utes be easily wiped off the floor of a
kitchen twelve feet square. The linoleum
has the added advantage of being much
easier to walk on than painted, oiled or
polished floors, because Its chief Ingredient
is ground cork.
The walls should have a hard, smooth
finish so that the dust may be easily wiped
off with a damp cloth. Glazed tiling la
the Ideal flniBh, but it la so expensive that
its use la not ordinarily recommended.
There are, however, some fine cements, of
which Keene's Is a good example, which
make an excellent substitute for the tile.
These cements form a hard, glased sur
face, which may be left plain or marked
off to represent tiles. They may be tinted
any color desired. The white, smooth fin
ish of ordinary plaster may be painted any
color which harmonizes with the wood
work. If it does not match it. A light drab
or gray seems to be one of the most satis
factory colors for the kitchen. There are
some glased wall papers which cun be
washed, but ordinarily they do not give
as good satisfaction as the painted walla
If a kitchen be finished according to the
above suggestions the work necessary to
keep it neat and clean will be reduced to
the minimum.
Kltehen Kqnlnment.
There are wood, coal and gas Steves and
ranges, with baking and warming ovens,
broilers at convenient heights, and hoods
connected with ventilating flues to carry
away the fumes produced in cooking. In
warm weather, in localities where gas Is
not available, there are gasoline and kero
sene stoves. The gaaollue may be turned
on like gas and lighted la a few seconds,
without waiting to heat the burner in the
old way. There are the wlckleaa kerosene
stoves and also those provided with ssbes
tos wicks, both of which are guaranteed
not to give off bad odors If kept clean. Now
that denaturlzed alcohol has by act of con
gress become free, improved alcohol stoves
suited for home use will doubtless soon be
provided by dealers in household fuinleh
iiigs. The success of a cook depends in a large
measure upon her knowledge ef th stove
and tbs fuel with which sbe work a Borne
people use twe er three times as uueu fuel
as Is necessary In doing a certain amount
of cooking. Under such conditions the tem
perature of the kitchen is raised to an un
comfortably high degree, likewise the tem
per of the occupant. The coffee boils over.
the bread burns black, the dinner Is spoiled
and the cook Is cross, all because of the
lack of knowledge or care, or both. One
often hears an excellent cook, after giving
detailed directions for the preparation of
some favorite dish, close with the remark, .
But there Is a great deal in the baking.
The inexperienced worker hears the words,
but does not appreciate their, significance
until she has tried to prepare the same dish
and haa spoiled it in the baking'.
Many steps may be saved, and the work
of cooking made easier. If on the wall above
the stove, or at one side, there be, wunin
easy reach, a shelf six or eight lncjies wide.
On this shelf may be kept, near at hand,
manv thinas that will be needed in tne
cooking at the stove; for example, salt and
pepper shakers, flour dredge, a dox ior
spoons, knives, forks, etc. Under the shelf
there should be hooks upon which may
hang a measuring cup, potato masher, etc.
It Is convenient to have several holders
hung near the stove, so that there may al
ways be one at hand when needed.
Kitchen Wagon.
Many steps may be saved in serving
meals and clearing tables by the use of
what Is often termed a "kitchen wagon."
This article of furniture Is a small table,
with ball-bearing castors, so that It may
be easily moved in any direction. It is
well to cover the top of Uio table with
zinc, so that the coffee pot or any hot dieU
may be put on It from the stove to be car
ried to the dlnlng-table for serving, which,
of course, Is protected from the hot dishes
by mats arranged for the purpose. In
one trip, a person could take as many
things to the dining-room, by the aid of
this wagon, as would require half a dozen I
trlp3, or more, if thev were carried in by
This wagon is also a convenience in fry
ing doughnuts, croquettes, etc. The mold
ing board, upon which are placed the
things to be fried, may be put on the
wagon, close to the stove, and the steps
between stove snd table, which are ordi
narily taken to get Die material to be
fried, are saved. It may also serve to
provide more table room when extra work
Is to be done. If this wagon be used, it
may be moved more easily from kitchen to
dining room If the threshold between the
rooms be replaced by a strip of rubber.
Kitchen Cabinet.
in the preparation ot food for cooking,
the time and labor ordinarily expended
might be greatly reduced If the food ma
terials and utensils to be used were within
easy reach from the place where the mix
ingjs to be done.
If one plans very wisely before build
ing, she may devise cupboard shelves, work
table, and molding board, which shall be
so conveniently arranged tliat she may
stand in one place, or, better still, sit
on a high stool with a low one for her feet,
and reach nearly everything she needs In
. i. J ... . .
oven. But it often happens that one does
kitchen. The room In which one must i
work was built long ago, and the arrange
ments may be decidedly Inconvenient.
Under such conditions the kitchen cabinet
is a boon. "Kitchen cabinet" Is the name
applied to a combination table and cup
board, or one might put the name store
room In place of cupboard, so complete are
some of these cabinets. They are made
In many styles, by different manufacturers.
They save a great deal of walking and
many of them are marvels of compactness
and convenience. They vary in price from
five to fifty dollars, according to material,
mechanism, convenience and finish.
A sink In which the dishes may be washed
and from which the water may be drained
is a great convenience. It should be large
enough so that a pan for washing and an
other for rinsing the dishes may be placed
in It side by side. Three feet Is a good
length. Many sinks are put in too low, pretty dishes and help Mamma. The larger
requiring the dish washer to bend over girls would take s much prids in exhibit
while at her work, which position Is very Ing their accomplishments In the kitchen,
tiresome. The top of a kitchen sink should ! which la beautiful, as they now do over
"For over tKirty yean,' write a
gecdemaa in Los Angclc. " I have
used AibuclIcY Coffee. Many times
my family bat tried other coffee only to
comoback to our olJ reliable, unchange
able Aibudle. No other coffee hat
tIJ uniform never fdiling aroma, I care
not at wliat price. I have often wished
I could tell you thi." Many other
peoplo have the tume opinion
Arbudlas was the fg roaaej peclagwi
ceeeo, aai Is sals eaoasj all tLe etLort put
not be less than thirty-three Inches from
the floor, and a tall woman would find a
higher one more convenient.
The opening leading to the drain should
be screened, so that no solid material can
get Into the pipes and clog them. It is
well to take the precaution of flushing the
pipes once a week with hot water. In which
lye or sal soda has been dissolved. If this
be done and the drains have been properly
made, there Is practically no danger of
their being stopped,
The pipes under the sinks should not be
enclosed by ' cupboards; such places are
apt to be moist, and as they are also dark,
they form good breeding places for Insects,
and are likely to conceal soiled cloths and
other dirty articles which a careless person
desires to put out of sight.
At the right of the sink there should be a
shelf or table, on which the dishes may be
placed as they come from the dining room
to be washed. If a shelf Is made, It should
be as wide as the sink and come just over
the edge of the same. It should be at least
a foot long, and longer If spaoe will per
mit. Under it there may be a dry cup
On the left of the sink there should be an
Inclined plane on which to drain the dishes.
This ought also to be of the same width as
the sink- snd extend over the edge of the
same, so that no water may drip between.
The drain should be at least a foot long,
at the left of which there should be a level
surface, on which the dishes may be placed
after wiping. This may be a table con
veniently near, or a drop shelf, sr an ex
tension of the drain board. If the latter,
there may be under it a drawer, and be
neath this and the drain boartt, a cry cup
board.' If this plan be followed the drain
board and shelf should be mads of one
board, an inch and a quarter thick, as wide
aa the sink and at least two feet long.
Tne r)tht hand ha,f of the nppep Burface
of thb board should be planed so as to
form an Inclined plane, the right hand edge
of which, where It comes over the side of
the sink, to be one-half Inch thick. On
the upper surface of this Inclined plane
there should be fastened at the front a
cleat, one-halt inch thick and three-fourths
Inch high, at the right hand, ' the upper
surface of this cleat to be In the same
horizontal plane as the shelf at the left.
In the same horizontal plane another cleat,
one-half inch thick and one-half Inch high
should be fastened, one-fourth Inch above
and parallel with the end of the drain
board which extends over the side of the
sink. There will then be a space one
fourth Inch wide between the cleat and the
drain board, so that water may run off
the board. The object of putting on this
cleat Is to prevent knives, forks and spoons
from sliding back Into the sink, when one
Is working rapidly. This space Is enough
so that dirt will not collect In the opening.
I Th, nlaat nn t Vi fmnt tfl A 1rAn tbe
water from dripping down the front.
Most drain boards have grooves to allow
the water to run oft. But a grooved board
is harder to keep clean than a plain one.
With an Incline of three-fourths of an Inch
the water readily runs off, hence there need
i be no grooves In the drain board,
. . .
I Pegs an Inch In diameter and three
Inches high placed three or four Inches
apart are a great convenience as supports
In draining dishes.
A shelf eight Inches wide and two or
more feet above tbe sink, drain board, etc.,
is found to be very convenient. This is a
good place to keep such washing and
scouring substances as' lye, sal soda, sa
polls, polishing powders, etc. These, of
course, should be kept In neatly labeled
bottles and boxes.
Underneath the shelf may be hung the
soap tray, brushes for cleaning vegetables,
and even the dlshpans.
A Pleasant Place,
If kitchens were made sanitary, con
venient and beautiful, in their plain sim
plicity and harmony of color', much would
be done toward solving one of the most
difficult problems of the day, namely, the
domestlo service problem.
The little girls In tbe home would like
to go Into the kitchen and work with the
ovc Trim Anbrnei ana
23 6VC THcn A.iftfnei Ans thi I
POVCS TXCT TUrSSJ tmc wilco-
togruW. Tast k cone jtm less is ens snasry
lo ots eotfoe Kuiioei Leg so Biak arealcr
thaa say coopetaon, ia (act, it is larger thes the
next (our largost arms ia the weald combined.
Wo aatuially raa sad actually do gits better
coOee ia ARIj3X than aaycaecLe caa (ire
(at its price i Being lbs standard ankle it is
sold at tb
Some groceri will try to tell
you instead loose coffee which the
routes' i AihauicJ to tell ia a
the chafing dish In the beautiful dining
If housrkeer could be Induced to try
this plan thry n.lght find that they could
enjoy their daughters In their own kitchen
It la powihle that there might coma Into
the heart of both mother and daughter the
Joy of comradeship In doing together, In
a pleasant way, in a pleasant place, thing
ordinarily considered prosaic. They might
learn that there Is pleasure In mixing
bread, roasting meat, even In the despised
work of washing dlshca They will not be
compelled to step down out of their social
circle because they enjoy the doing of
thcoe thirds, but will be all the more re
spected for their accomplishments. Soma
bright morning they may awaken to
realising sense of the fact that they hava
no domestic service problem, for they
think, with George Eliot, that they like a
clean kitchen better than any other room
in the bouse.
Indnrrs Mother and Father to Forget
Grlevaaeee and Retarn to
Home Together.
As a result of the Intervention of the
juvenile court the marital difficulties ot
William H. Brisbane and wife may be sU
tied and a reconciliation between the twe
effected. Both were tn Juvenile court Sat
urday morning when tbe question of the
disposition of their three children came up
and Judge Button urged them to forget old
grievances and for tbs sake of the children
make up and go to living together again
For half an hour they were locked up to
gether la the Judge's private office. At the
close of the Interview Mr. Brisbane ln
dloatad he was willing to take his wife
back, but she would not give final d
Mrs. Brisbane filed a suit for dlvoroa
several weeks sgo. Her husband charge!
sbe left home with William Howard aad
went to living at Twenty-third and Pa
cific streets. He could not say . there was
anything Improper In their relations, but
he wanted the children taken away front
her. . About a week ago he called on his
wife and when she refused to let htm see
the children he pushed open the door,
picked up one of them snd got away with
It, his wife trying frantically to get pos
session of the child an the time. The
sequel was the hearing before the Juvenile
court, which haa not been finished yet
Mrs. Brisbane denies there was anything
Improper In her conduct and charges her
husband did not support them properly.
Cordial Greeting Planned by Local
Italians for Their Country's
Celebrated Composer.
Tbe Italian population of Omaha, which
Includes many of Omaha's best cltisens. Is
much Interested In the coming ef the dis
tinguished compatriot and composer, Leon
cavallo, the composer of "Pagllaccl" and
other operas. He is to lead the great or
chestra from the La Bcala theater, Milan,
Italy, when it appears at the Omaha
Auditorium November 12. In view of Leon
cavallo's coming the Italian residents of
Omaha are arranging for an appropriate
demonstration In his honor. V. P. Chlodo,
Dr. Ramaclotto. the Roc Co brothers, P.
Coldeslna, John B. Conte and other Italian
cltisens are about to call a meeting for tbe
purpose of taking steps to appoint a dele
gation to receive Leoncavallo on his ar
rival In Omaha and show him and the lead
ing artists every attention possible. Fathee
Colanerl, who is a great lover of musio ae
well as a distinguished ecclesiastic, haa
expressed himself as greatly pleased with
the idea of receiving Leoncavallo, as has
also Father Btenson of St. Phllomena's
cathedral, who has more Immediate oharge
of tbe Italian Catholics of Omabs.
Poor Plaeo for Money, Thinks He
braska City Man, Whs Loses
Forty Dollars,
. Clyde Kelsey of Nebraska City has more
pronounced views than soma people on tho
wisdom of using One's stocking or sock for
a pocketbook. Mr. Kelsey takes no excep
tion to the tradition of hanging up the
stocking at ths merry Tuletlde as a re
ceptacle for old- Santa's goodies, but When
it comes to a fiscal depository Kelsey is
unalterably convinced that a stocking Is
not tho thing. A steel vault, fire and bur
glar proof, would. In his Judgment, bo far
Those convictions en the part of Kelsey,
to bo sure, were born over night; never
theless he thinks they are based upon good
seasons. Friday night Kelsey did not
hold to these views. That evening he
placed $40 In one ef his half hose and went
on a Journey to see a friend. When he
returned unto his couch and was preparing
for the sleep of the Just he discovered the
utter unreliability of a sock for a bank.
He didn't have any more money than a
Find 1st as How Being; Prepared for
nhmlssloB to tho Dis
trict Ooerrt.
- ' 1
No formal session of the grand Jury wae
held Saturday. Tho Jurors met for a few
minutes in the nomlng and adjourned until
Monday mornlni'. It Is said the final report
to the court la now being drawn up and
will bo presented Monday or Tuesday and
then an adjournment taken. Tbe Jury still
has several trust cave under Investigation,
but no evidence was Uen yesterday. It is
said practically all of C? witnesses ob
tainable have been examined.
-as"- - -
roe you".
package bearing hl name.'
Doalul k, eciiLar lbs tooLs not dtspsiee
iadicats iu cup euaCry. No BuOer wLets yoe
Ury AiUdU ARIOSA, or wist jam pey
lot k, a't ibe um oil auXxa AdwdW
If your grocer wi3 not Hro?y. write I