Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 13
Omaha ES1T0RL1L SECTIOI Pj:s 1 la 10. NBAY AtfvwrttM I THE OMAHA DEE VOL. XXXVI-NO. l'j. OMA1IA, SUNDAY MOHN1NU, OCTOHER 28, 1W6. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. n n -) nE?rn "1 r Z3 LT U uuuu J Lj 4 "HOT" . -J VJ LJZZj The Bee "ZZ3 4 r A V ( .) t t .1 t. A f IS - ). Monday in Dress Goods DOUBLE GRKKX TRADING STAMI8 WITH EVERY TURCnASE. Those w Broadcloths in plaid Ideas with embroid ered effect, which give these material the latest style, have created much talk In this section you should see the beautiful collection, a yard, from ' $3.00 down to '$1.50 Extra Special 5C-ln. new (Grey SuU Ibks, in plain or plaid effects, either self or contrasting colors, as green and black; these cloths are great val ues; on sale Monday morning, a yard at ..."75 BO-in. Suiting; just the kind you want; enmoa In lltrhr. ernv with overnl&id or lj ' J black, very striking and stylish, reg ular price (la yard, on sale Monday, yard. . . .53 BILKS. Double Green Trading Stamps with Kvery Purchase. Extra Hpectal Hlfch class Silks at a low price. For Monday we orfer $1.60 Chameleon silks itnree-tone effects) in the fall colorings, a yard for 5) These Silks are extremely heavy, elegant for dress suits or coats. Black Taffetas at Special Prices 27-in. wide black Taffeta, the 85c grade, on sale Monday, yd. . . .5.5c Grandmother's 811k, in about 4 5 different shades, the only guaranteed colored Taffeta; sale price, yd.(J9 WASH GOODS AND DOMESTICS. Double Green Trading Stamps with Every Purchase. Dark Outing Flannel, good quality, yard 2 Unbleached Muslin, per yard si 3c Extra good quality Bleached Sheetings, 86-ln. wide; per" yard 5 Best American Prints, at. 5 All wool Blankets, in tan or pink plaid3, will be sold Monday, instead of $5.50 a pair, at $3.95 Heavy Comfort Prints, in all colors, yard 4?c '18c Fleece Down, all colors, for sacques and wrappers, on sale, a yard, at Q Roy a! Society Art Needlework We've a full line. Admits of work being clone in white or colors offers you the best materials to work with on stamped dresser scarfs, pin cushions, 'kerchief or glve cases and corset covers and that ' greatest in the realm of art needlework SHADOW EMBROIDERY. EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS OF SALE FOR OMAHA. Colors are strictly fast all materials at art and yarn counter main floor. Things Thai Are Very Charming Cushion Oorsrs, great Complete assortment tar Assortmsn gpKCZlX, 100 Dosen IM.r' t0 Tapestry Pillow Top.,. ?"?aUoT' Rom'an 18-in oh Batterer embroider, - each 50c ir and stik embrold-f Centerpieces, Jrt each from 980 Mf eaon uc St rnd drslgns. . I Sfi rth from JZJC down to . arul tJ, fromsSoto OScdownto W GLOVES Let us fit you to a pair. We claim the best equipped Glove Section in Omaha, 2-Claap Lambnkin C 1 Gloves, go at .H5 , 2-Clasp Paris Point, OS go at 1-7 Irbp Mannish i Oiovm, srs-at ,,JU t-Clusp Suede, 1 Stf! . go at -Clasp Maggioni, 4,2 go at 8-Button Mouaque- " talre. go at 12-Button Mouaque- K'J talre, go at K-Button Mouaque- . . -Q talre. go at . 1 (-Button Mannish, JL go at UNDERWEAR This cool weather rcmlnfls as that wa rr.nst Save warmer underwear. We carry a complete line of the Foroct lulls Underwear, made la the "Ilar Tard" Mills. Medium and hfavy weight, hand rrorliet trimmed Tests, rants, Union Salts and Corset Covers In cotton, wool And Uk and Wool. If you haven't pmchatod Underwear from us ie us a chance to show you our stock, tuid you'll be a customer or ours all the time. CROCKERY Best Dinner ware Set Bargain of the Year. mi Full 100-piece Set on beautiful French China, pretty rosebud decoration, gold knobs and 1 TK s fl handled, a $25.00 set Monday New Lot Japanese Cups and Saucers Very thin china, r"ed decoration, each 63c, 50c, 25c and. . J .20 An Inch AnoSIier Rsging GoFset Two Cents an Inch Never was such corset selling in the history of Omaha. Never was there a more unique way of selling corsets than the plan which we tackle again tomorrow. Sale 2c An Inch sut" (D Size 19 for 58c "An Inch '''' ' r'ry-y ON UP TO SIZE 30 $3.00, $250, $2.00, $1.50- and $1.00 Corsets all standard makes, all styles, all qualities, all sizes. Thousands on Thousands of Corsets, all piled up on a big bargain table as high as your head 2c an Inch. Sale starts sharp at 9:00 o'clock not one moment sooner -so you ,d better be in line. At the An Inch new corset section Second Floor. V . Two Cents an Inch An Inch Thirty Green Trading Stamps on every Jug sold Monday Prices 69c, 49c, 39c and. ...... .29 Pretty Handed Tabic Tumblers, thin, nice glass; six lor 306 Large pretty shaped Jug, with 6 tumblers to match, very fine set; Monday for only $1.79 i uis oeauuruj ugat effect lOGA WARE In Warwick China, Monday at half marked price. $2 Vases for 31.00 $1 Vases for 50t i r w i v i FURS FURS It's Fox Fur Season 3 3-in. Sable Fox Scarf, two t m large brushtails, four V . claws, at .'. VP 45-in. Babie For Scarf, 1 two large brusb. tails, four claws, at 54-in, Isabella Fox Scarf, two large brush tails, four claws, at , Red Fox. Blue Fox and Grey Fox in Great Varia-Muffs to Match 7.50 Women's Skirts Our Special Offering for Monday Women's Skirts, made of Chiffon Panama, Cheviot and Sergeallthe newest New York pleated models, handsomely tailored, only about 85 in the lot, and will go Monday, at, each. . . . W omen Great Value- Giving in S Tailored Suits Very Exclusive ONE OF A KIND A Mont lie freshing Suit Show for Monday Sample Suits of the Latest Oreation, Just from New York's High Class Tailors. ' Models Are Colonial Blouse, Pcptum Blouse, Eton Blouse, and 23-in. Fitted Coats. - All the jackets are taffeta or satin lined. Skirts New York's, latest pleated models. Each suit has an individuality all its own; Col0r Range Browns, Navy Blues, Greens, Garntts and Blacsh. ( i You won't see a dvplicat in the show windows here or eUewhere, nor see a ' counterpart, on the streets. They go on sale at 9 clock - . Monday : Morning at $3350 53S 29s 25 Is (Q)50 a jv - T.y&. J' " ' :!i - V FURNITURE The Furniture Bargain Center of Omaha, Producing Goods . such as - These at Prices Quoted, Means a Bi Saving to You. SrtiMi (like cut), pretty PTlnce" pattern, top 10 Inches deep, 42 Inches long, mirror Is French bevel, J61IS Inches. One golden XL fit finish specitU at IOJ Big Line Dressers and Chif foniers Reduced for Quick Selling v fill solid oak Dresser, reduced to f9.B0 HI TS Dresser pattern, mirror. . .SS.St 1119 Dresser, lre mirror. .. .99-80 Ci Golden Dresser 99.00 am Library Table (Like cut) Large, massive Golden Oak Table, top 26x40 inches, has one large drawer, heavy round legs, fine f A 25 finish, a $15 value,at. .......... IU- Combinixtion Book Case (Like cut) Made of Quarter-Sawed Oak, polished finish, has fancy mirror, 36 inches wide, 71 inches high, easily a $20 value, only , ,151s Bargains in Floor Coverings for Monday Jiocni size Rugs, made from short ends of carpets and border la eii'v(kna,l!y Vow prices. ftll grades, colors aud slice, at Axntintrt mac, -Ix9. for, , , . VS 'Velvet ? k-ixll, (or , . suestr i.rusls ftnf, . :aitiu-io. rur ; . Buitold Velvet Kdf, -5xl6-, for 9i8.60 Wtitoa YeJvet Baf, S-3ll-5. for ..i9.5 Itut ajtiuiaster Mug, -3sl3-. lor 'a so utord TelTet mar. Mxll-I..M.UI vur iu.cis itur, mi:, tor ..: , 9U-T9 p.Uy BrasscU Kaf, 1-8x11-1 r 17-99 Brassels ur, xll-T. for 91S.BO Aiwluitm Knf, UllO-. .Jl.7S liut a imiiKW 3bus, for 9a-79 Cxtra a sra luster ita-, 10-m-. tor 931.79 tut ajualaater E.uff. 10-0xli-, lor i8.75 . Velvet Kasr, 10-xll. (or '3-78 V.ivet ki, 10-ext?, lor -i.OJ ri IfiA, lV-xli-S, (or i-.u XirasKels Aar, lO-.ill, (or ) 73 kniiMit s.u(. 1 0 to 11-7. for. . vium Teii fciir, ia-xit-. tur . ...3.7S In Drapery Section - 690 KatneA Swiss Curtains, 9 yards lonff, 45 laches wide, all plain Swims with extra full ruttla, well made, sell regu larly for II, Monday, a puir 690 Extra flue Motuagaaia Curtains in nea.t eiTecta, full sue, sell up to, Mon day, a pair 91.63 Coded Atafclaa Curtains, plain centers wun boiooia, Jusi. the curtain for dining rooms or llvlnx rouuis, sell up to M -, Monday, a pair ...9H.7S New style T.lour Cope Fortleres, sold ex clusively by u, extra large roprs and full drai'U to till the largtuil double doors, spoclal for Monday, fa kind 93.75 IT f.u kind Bobiu KtrlpeA Coook Covers with fringe on all sideb, la 0, si) and 40-lnch ha, each, at J1.4V, 91-26 and ka OaHowc'cn It Happens Wednes day Cet Ready Fen lor (he Boys! We Have It! Animal Masks Greatest Things Oat Great Fnn Makers lor Children's Parties, Toy seotiaa Seoaad Floor. ' Women's Waists, Dressing Sacques and Petticoats on the Second Floor stripes; 4.95 95c Bgeablftfl, 4.95 Ladies' Silk Waists In fancy plaids and shadow also fancy grey and black stripes; very hand some and just In, at. Ladles' Heavy . Kiderdown Dressing Sacques, in red, grey, blue; neatly finished, only Ladles Silk Petticoats, in red, gre and blue changeables. made with an under and dust ruffle of silk; extra value, only Big Picture Reductions are Cut to 79c We Need Room, a.nd Prices the Lowest NctcK Fac Simile Landscape and Fruit Pictures In Gold Frames, alie 16x20 Inches, fitted with glass, a $2 value elsewhere, Monday's price for quick selling... Remarque Proof Etchings framed in 16 -inch oak moulding white mats and glass, size 16x30, a 13 ordinary value, our sale price has been $1.60 to close out CO QC Monday for quick selling . . . . Zf O C Fae Simile Water Color Landscapes, copies of the best water color artists, frames 3-inch gold moulding, white mats, size 20x34, a (3 value, Monday, 75 of them, ' for quick selling ROUSIXQ MIRROR SPECIAL. Gold f20 18x40 French Bevel Mirror In Oval Frame, 4 inches wide, ornamented, at. , 1.59 .10.00 www Bennett's QrQCery MONDAY'S COFFEE SPECIAL: Four thousand five hundred 1-lb. pack age Dennett's Cspl tol Coffee, 10. per pkg faU w And 40 Green Trading Stamps. SEil YOUR COFFEE ROASTED WHILE YOU WAIT Bennett's Xxoelsior Flour, sack.. 91.40 And 100 Green Trading Stamp. COMBINATION SFECIAZ.: Bennett's Capitol Oats, pkg lOo Bennett's Capitol Wheat. Ikf lOo Ueiinett s Capitol Extract, bottle. .lUo Bennett's Capitol Pancake, pkj;. . .lUo Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, lb And 1 00 uren Tracing d lamps. WOMEN'S COATS , Made of Plain -.and Fancy Cheviot and Mannish Mixtures 50-ini long some are trimmed in velvets; others in broadeloth, and gtill others handsome ly stitched and tailored, " at $15.00, $12.50, $10.00 ' and .... . ... .... :". . lUlsUOULUC'- 712 WOMAN'S COAT Made of Good Quality Broadcloth 50- in. long, lined with heavy 6atinreollar and cuffs velvet and braid trimmed, one of this season s swagger garments, at .., UV Is A A AAA A VA 1212 Dried Walt drid pounds, Chlnesa LI 11 lei 7 So Vsas, several h im pound, at t bulb & Monday in Hardware Stoves! Stoves! Stoves! IT TOU WASTT A GOOD KIBOI I.ISB. WS UtiUJt TM.S MEb HOT Oak K eaters, up trom Sd.50 Saagss, up from (34.50 Bat Burners, up from. .134.50 Wash Boilers, up from 84o And in Urnu 'iradlng iatamps Complete liue of Tasrmom- Uxs, troui 1.50 to lOo Double Green Trading stamps Monday. OB BTEATZB BXB OVB BiAbT 81'OTS MAP. Oil Cloth Binding iOo And 10 Uieeu Trading bluiups Crydtal btove Boards, wood lined, up fioin aso Aud 20 Ureen Trading btanips Brass Candle Mlcki IOo And 10 lirean Trading Stamp biorni Window Hangers, pair IOo And 10 Green Trading Stamps btove Pipe Wire Coil fro CAPITOL COAL Better than any coal at two dollars more a ton, because U contains mora heat units and tea sulpnur; uui, a clean lire and It-se soot. More eco nomical than coal sold at a less price because It goes furtiter. LUMP Per ton S 85 NUT Par ton : e.00 KAMPl.K SACK CAPITOL NUT Ilivered dlreot frum sturt 30o KANSAS LUMP Per tou $1.50 And One Hundred Green Trading btainps. IOWA NUT ion.ft4.50 And One Hundred Green Trading Stamps. BOOTH Main Floor. f 5 I X ISBsl WOMAN'S COAT Made of Chiffon Kersey 50-in. long, heavy satin lined throughout, collar and cuffs and front trimmed in velvet . and braid, a popular and dependable garment, at A AA IVif VV 1522 EVENING COAT SPECIAL Made of Fine Chiffon Broadcloth 50 iu. long, full satin lined, collar, cuffs and sides of front trimmed in braid and embroider)', cue of the newest models and worth $25 anywhere, at, ...... , 1912 'ItStlU.'lFlOUmiALpATTERNS INDIES iy 0 UR?iALf5OTERNS ipiES HOMUOUIUWLf ATTERNS liMJIESHOIlUOURIJALpAnERKS