Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 11, Image 11

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Offlo. 10 lpnrl
Yen f th Lis, to B IUinemliTd at
,' - Amy ef th Tenneim Xuoio.
)r. John A. Ixtcan Prnt and
', Prtnltn to' Muttt a, nceli at the
rw raunr Refreshment t
Be Nmt,
.'. . Everything poHsibl"; fqf. til r,r and en
rtalnment of the veteran of tha Grand
. Army of the .Republic who ' may vlalt
v Council Bluffs, during the .reunion of the
' Society of the .Army of the- Tenneeaee will
', l done by the local "committees. A epeclnl
.,, Invitation ha been extended to tne enlisted
f ihn to mtne here during- the reunion and
. meet their old commanders end nothing
i. will be left' undone to give them a -good
lm-while guests xf the city. i
J ' At meeting" yesterday of the executive
? cbmmittec, of which Major O. U. Richmond
"is chairman, and the committee from Abe
; Uncoln post. Grand Army of the Republic,
and encampment No. , Union Veterans'
Ijeglon, arrangements were made for the
vamp fires to be held the evening of No
vember ft the dny preceding the reunion
if the Society of the Army of the Ten-
neasee. According to present plans, two
' amp fires will be beld, one in the lurg?
'ball of Maaonlo temple and the-other In
th Dodge Light Guard armory. It Is ex
pected that all of the members of the
Hottety of the Army of the Tenneaaee will
attend the camp .fires and greet their old
comrades of the line. '
Mrs. John A. Logan, In a letter to Major
Richmond yesterday, stated she would ar-
. rive In Council Bluffs on November 7 ami ,
I that she would gladly speak at the camp '
l lire that evenlr.a. There will lw nlhnr
lpeeches, but the program has not yet been
.1 fringed.
F Refreshments will be served at the camp
, Ores anJ the menu will partake somewhat
of the nature of old-fashioned rations. For
instance, pork and beuna. potatoes, dough
nuta, bread without butter and coffee will
practically constitute the bill of fare.
Our., line of umbrellas has niaie
uimorini1 ie. ml nfhnra hv tliaa a4f11lsn t9 a i
.Urga, aasortjnent of Graham umbrellas.
handles In sterling silver, pearl and gold;
alt .coverings in silk. Guaranteed erd
prices , reasonable At Leffcrt's, reliable
If you want the best light to be 'had
buy your burners and mantles at W. A.
Maurer's. Lindsay burners complete, 75c.
' " 'Unnqart to General Dutlwe
At 'the close of the Cummins meeting at
the. Nww theater Friday night General
Orenvilhi M Dodge was the guest of honor
t a banquet given by the members of, the
locnl encampment of the I'nlon Veterans'
Tjg!on ad the Woman's auxiliary at
j ,r hall. The baitouet was served In
The , lodge room and at Its rloe General
For Governor,
. Centervllle,
, Kr Lieutenant Governor.
IXlbuque, la.
Knr Secretary of State.
. J. 8. Mo LURE,
' I Guthrie Center. Ia. '
for State Auditor,
Oskaloosa, la.
f"nr State TrKurer.
I,nk City, Is.
For Attorney General.
Albia. Ia.
For Judges of Supreme Court,
F.. M. (,'ARH,
Manchester, la.
, . I.. M. FISHER.
Itavenport, Ia.
For Clerk of Supreme Court,
Shenandoah. Is.
eport ;r of tl.e Kupreme Ceurt,
MuirtlMK. la.
For Railroad Commissioners,
Iee Moines, Ia.
. -" ' ." K. K. 8TAHL.
M(unt Pleasant, la.
For Superintendent of Schools,
Rock Rapids, la.
Far Congressman-. Ninth Iowa
Harlan, la.
' For Judge ef the District Court,
Pottawattamie County, la.
For Representatives.
i ouiioll Bluff. Ia
Oakland, Ia.
For Treasurer, ,
t'ouncll bluffs, la.
For Au1ltor.
Neoia, la.
For fnerlff.
Council Bluff. Ia,
rer Clerk of Inetrlot Court,
FRAN Left bCR,
Walnut, Ia.
For Rooror,
FiO- r, r.R.
Mlndsn, Ia.
For County Attorney,
Avoia, Ia.
For Superintendent cf Schools,
Oakland, la ,
For surveyor,
Council Bluffs, Ia.
Vor Coroner,
DR. 1. F. bPRINK,
Council Bluff, Ia.
Fur Kuprv!ors,
C. H. Met RKADT,
Maoedenla. la.
!") .N K GKoS.
PleaRtit, la.
Valley. Ia.
r. M. t RIPKEN.
. 'i-oune'l Klet. Ia
Caruer losnshlp.
. For Jurfg of Superior Court,
KAhkKT fi. ul.RF.N.
Council Bluff, la.
For Justice ef the Peace,
Council bluff, la.
.BAMlfcU A. ORtN, .-
Jxuueii Hiluff, la.
For Contails.
Cuunell BiMtT. In.
v Counell Blult. la.
For C'srk.
' H I ' JV,
.. 4 uiti- !l Bluff, la-
or Aror.
Vl!ON Ih.'Nl'AX.
Kon Townhlp.
tor Trustee.
J H 11 KBU.N.
Kane Toniilp
I. I- OAKKtlMlS,
'-imjf 1outtta. -
fit. Tel. 4.
ioiljt gave o short talk on thr military
career of General Phil Shoridan, with nhnm
hn wa closely associated during the wnr.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl 8. Plough entertained
th company with several will known war
songs and the a (lair was a moat cnjoyfthle
on. General Dodgi la a member of th
ton't nils seeing the wonderful Cole's
colelsed steel hot blast range. It's made
heavier, made better, does a wider range
of work, does It better, does It with leas
expenae, than any other range. Don't fall
to come and Investigate this wonderful
range. Paddock A Hnndachey Hardware
Co., the beat place to buy stoves.
Ask to see the twenty-year1 gold tjlled
Elgin or TValtham watches we are offer
ing at 13.50. See our window for specials.
Leffcrt's, reliable Jeweler.
CENTRAL FLOUR-41.1!, Every aacg
warranted. Central Grocery and Meat Mar
ket. Both 'phones 24,
Bandar aervlees.
First Presbyterian church. Rev. Marcus
P. McClure, pastor. Preaching sen-Ices at
10:J0 a. m. and 7:S0 p. m. In the morning
the pastor will take ns the subject of his
sermon "Some Inspirational Facts and
Forces Governing the Christian Life."
Bible school will be a v noon and meeting
of Young Peo'ple's society at :Xt p. in.
At the evening service the pastor will
preach on "The Laboratory of the In
finite." There will be preaching services at 11
a. m. and 7:30 p. m. at St. John's English
Lutheran church. "A Wise Course" .-will
be the subject of Rev. " O. W.- Snyder's
sermon In the morning and "An Important
Admonition" his theme In tho evening.
Sunday school will be at 9:45 a. m. and
young people's meeting at 7 p. m.
Swedish Lutheran church. Rev. B. N.
Glim, pastor. Services at 10:30 a. m. ; Sun
day school at noon; Bible class at 7 p. m.
and evening aervices at 7:4o o'clock.
First Church of Christ, ' Scientist,
will hold services In the Temple Emmanuel
at U a. m. when the subject will be
"Kverlastlng Punishment." Sunday school
will be at 12:13 p. m. and the usual mid
week testimony meeting Wednesday even
ing at 8 o'clock.
8econd Church of Christ, Scientist, will
hold services at 10:45 a. m. In Woodnan
hall. In the Merrlam block, when the sub-
Ject will be "Everlasting Punishment."
J"Buna,y "cho01 "at l:
m. anu
the' regular mid-week testimony , meeting
will be Wednesday evening at 7:45 o'clock.
Rev. O. O. Smith, pastor of the First
Congregational church, will preach this
evening at 7:30 o'clock at the People's
Cnlon Christian church. Thirty-fifth street
and Avenue B. .
Rev. C. Copeland, pastor of the' People's I
Unlcn Chrlatiun church, will preach this '
evening at 7:30 o'clock at the Woodbury
Avenue mission.
First Congregational church. Dr. Otter
bein O. Smith, pastor. Morning services
at 10:30; evening veeperi at 6 o'clock; Sun
day school at noon; Toung People's Study
club folloaing vespers; morning subject,
"The Holy Spirit's Gift of Endurance;"
vcaper subject, "Face Builders." In addi
tion to the anthems by the choir, . Miss
Chambers will sing a solo In the morning
tnd Mlm Sherlock will sing at vespers.
First Christian church. Rev. W. B. Clem-
mer. pastor. Preaching services at 11 a., m.
ind 7:30. p. m. In the morning the pus
tor's sermon theme will be "Redeeming
the Times," snd In the evening "God."
Bible school will be at t:45 a. ni. and meet
ing of. Christian Endeavor society at 6:30
I p. m., when a report of the recent state
convention will be given by the delegates
who attended.
Rev. J. M. Linn of Casey, la., will con-
( duct services at 10:?J n. ni. snd 7:S0 p. m.
i at the Second Presbyterian church.- Sun
day school will be at noon. '
Owing to the absence from tlie city of
the rector. Rev. II. W. Starr, there will be
no services nt 8t. Paul's Episcopal church
f day. Sunday school wlil be held as usual
at noon.
Rev. J. M. Unn of Casey. Ia., wlio will
occupy the pulpit of the Second Presby
tc Inn church today, has been Invited as a
candidate for the pastorate which has been
vacant since the resignation of Rev. Har
vey Hosteller several months ago. Itev.
Linn has been In Iowa for a number of
years, having been president of Buena
Vista college and pastor of the Fresh
teilan churches in Storm and Colfax.
Before coming to, Iowa he held pastorates
In I-ake Forest. Chicago and Qulncy, Hi.
For Sale. .
A good paying shoe store; will Invoice
about $3,000.00; sales, tl.50H.00 monthly; will
take .c on the dollar until Nov. 1st. Dun
can Dean. Council Bluffs.
You can't afford to have your carpets and H )m, ge,.,,,,,,,,; WMii pHp.r , lll0
rugs beaten In the old-fashioned way when ,atc.L effeclll. picturs-the latest novel
you can have them thoroughly cleaned by t,8 fram and framing. Now Is the time
our process at such moderate cost, without to ,et your photos enlarged; pictures In
Injury to the finest fabric Bring down the luteBt Sepia style, very well done and
your last winter s suit and let us make it at little cost. See W. S. Hewetson. Ma
look like new. Co. Bluffa Cleaning and Rug -oni,. Temnle. 'Brondaav. Council
Factory, 34 No. stain Bt.
Marrlaare Licenses.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to
the following:
Name and Residence. '
Chris Petersen. Omaha
Mary Larsen, Council Bluffs ,
Spencer I tar rod. Olenwood, I
(iertrude liutclieua, Miavouii Valley
H. O. Hannah. Council Bluffs.
Myrtle K. hlttlg. Council Blufs...
M. T. Miller. Alliance, Neb
Alma L Weldener, Alliance, Neb..
Henry R. Ole, Omaha
Jessie M, Lankford. Omaha
Oscar L. Bock. Council Bluff
Georgia B. Corlies, Council Bluffs.
la.. "
Diamond Rlnaj Contest.
A beautiful diamond ring worth (4s will
be given to the lady receiving the largest
number of votes. One vote given with
every cent'a worth of candy purchased at
our store. Purity Candy Kitchen, 646 W.
For Imported wine, liquors and Bud
wetaer beer go to L. Rosenfeld, wholesale
liquor dealer, 611 South Main street.
Raratara Break 4Slaas. 1
Supposed" burglars broke In a section of
plata glaaa in one of the doois of Council
man John Olson's store at 73 jWest Broad
way at 4. JO O'clyck yesterday morning. The
suuud of the breaking glass aroused, oue of
the occupants of the flat over the store
Our bus!na waa establ ilc4 sfarl 20 rears ago (18&S).
We loan oa horses, cattle, ttonseholil furniture and tbr chattel.
Our reputation and the business' we enjoy Is the result of fair and liberal treat
ment of our patrons ourtug thee no years. Our rates are uniformly lower than
other cmcea. Our loans are mauls in our own name and never sold or negotiated
Ramen.ber our new eftices are opposite slile of the hall from our old vibe kre
convenionlly arranged wlih private consulting rooms. We wlh to warn the publla
tint we have no cuimeciloa with the hrm doing purines under the name of the
Clark Mortgage Co.. now occupying our old office. It Is a compliment we appre
ciate guni our nam to their bualneaa, twit it 1 coofualng to ttie public.
Our 'It one I 217 DWt rtemfsoa it with the TeL of Clark Mtg. Co.
nd he tals'd bis window, Tlila frightened
the mm, of whom er three, away.
There were rvldn.ncJ'a ' that ,the men hud
attempted to, force an entrance by . the
rear door, but had failed.' Whether' the
men wore burglais or rtrnnk la a question,
as the noise they made In breaking ,tlte
glass nmused peple" living serosa .the
street. ,
The famous Acorn store; nothing In the
market 'like It for hent, economy, dura
bility and neatness. We make the most
reasonable price on stoves In the city, con
sidering tho quality. We handle a large
stock of . carpets,, linoleum and off cloth.
D. W. Keller, Mi South Main street.
' " . ,, - ir, . i
Are your eyes causing you trouble? 'Per- 1
, Imps you, peed a pair "of eyeglaxso to
remedy the defect In vision. Our opticians
are fully competent to test your eyes and
we assure you absolute satisfaction if you
wear Leffert'g glasses..; . '
Odd lace curtains at less than cost. ', We
want to get rid of them to make room-for
other - We still have some remnants of
carpet sand mattings, foot jrtoola, 25c to' 75c:
door mats c to 12.50. Stockcrt Carpet Co.
Investigate the A. 1 loupe Co. plan of
selling pianos. It's a system whereby yon
get the best possible musical value for the
least money, it So. Main street, Co. Bluffs,
Mrs. Donald McLean la (II).
Mrs, Donald McLean of New York, pres
ident general of the Daughters of the Amer
ican Revolution, will bo the guest today of
Mrs.'Prayton W. Bnshnell of this city, vice
president general for Iowa. Members of the
order and their husband at e Invited to meet
Mrs. McLean from 4:30 to 6:30 this after
noon at the home of Mrs. Bushnell, 127 Bluff
The Council Bluffs delegates to the state
meeting of the Daughters) of: the American
Revolution at Iowa City arrived home yes
terday morning. Mrs. W. H. Dudley of this
city was elected state secretary at tha
The Council Bluffs chapter will hold Its
regular mlng Thursday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Thomas Metcalf. Luncheon
will be served before the meeting, which
will be called to order at o'clock.
A. Met agar v Co.
New Location of Wholesale Bakery.
SIC Mynster Street, Co. Bluffs, la.
Home-made Bread a Specialty.
Visitors Welcome.
Two Carload of Bed for Our Firm.
The Peterson A Sehoenlng company han
Just received two large carloads of beds.
The shipment contains the latest designs
In beautiful brass and Iron , beds. The
styles are strictly new and the finish Is
produced by the lattst and most improved
methods. It is flnejs You are rordlnl!y
Invited to ltmiect this new stock of beds.
For the men there is nothing niore of
service or to be appreciated by men than
toilet articles In genuine ebony, sterling
trimmings, such as military brushes, hat
and clothes brushes, comb?" juid mirror.
Wt, just put In stock a tine new line of
such goods and would be pleased to show
you. Leffert, reliable Jeweler.
One thing we guard closely and that itt
to be sure to give a full ton of coal.
When we get your order we want you to
be satisfied. We want your trade In the
future. Council Bluffs Coal and Ice Co.
Heal Estate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The Bue
October 27 by the Pottawattamie County
Abstract company of Council Bluffs:
Emllne J. Melton to Clurcnce O. Grif
fith, ndi sw-ti 14-75-42. w. d. .'...'. 13.000
Daniel W Braden and wife to Samuel
Relmand, e4 lot 5, Martin's resub
illv. of blocks 1 and 4, Macedonia,
w. d 1,0.4)
Llllle Andrews and husband to Alice
Gorrell. s'4 se' and se'4 sw4 9-I6- -41.
q. c. d 1.1.5
Heirs of John Mitchell, deceased, to
William Arnd. lots 15 and lti, block
31. Central suhUlv.. w. d '. 73
J. Macrae to M. W. Raymond, lots
and 10. block 5r. Railroad add., w. d.
Sarah Woodruff to J. Macrae, same,
w. d
, J. J. Barnes and wife to William Xutll,
I lot 18. block 1-'. McClelland, w. d
Iowa Townsite comimny to William
Nath. lot 17, block 12, McClelland,
w. d
Frank Phillips und wife to F. J. Dhv
and J. P., lot 11, block 11,
Pierce's subdtv., w. U ."
Nine tranafers, total.
, Iwimoa Moste Co.
Pianos;, organs and niusieul merchandise,
407 West Bdway.
satisfaction guaranteed.
t.effer'ta Jewelry stock, consisting of the
best and most desirable patterns of late
manufacture, is the largest In this section.
Spend a few hours with us and be con
I vlnced. We know we will please you and
I price and quality are always right at
Leffcrt's, reliable Jeweler.
You do not need to watch ti if you give
us the contract to pulnt, paper or to your
Interior decorating. We want your trade
In the future, so we see that It Is done
right. Borwlck, 211 South Muin street.
Wood or -Wood mm Sotf
Would you like to buy better wood and
tuore of It for less money? We sell
stove lengths and chunks. . Missouri oak
wood at II. 0 a rick. This Is a bargain.
Bridensttln Smith, 14th Ave. and Itb
St. TeL 112. t
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. SO.
Night, 6tt
:. E. Alll.
Picture for wedaing gifts,
ander, 133 Broadway,
Foaad Dead la a Barn. . .
An unidentified man, whose name is be
lieved to be Walter Craig, wag found dead
yesterday afternoon in a bam on the prem
ises of Cbarlea Swift at Avoca, la. The
body was discovered by Mr. Swift on enter
ing the barn shortly after the diruief hour.
There was a bullet wound In the man's
breast over tho heart, which muit have
caused lnsunt death. A tt-callber revolver
lay within a few Inches of the lpft hand,
but no powder marks were visible on the ,
body. ' '
Coroner Treynor was notified and be gave
Instructions to have the body cared for by
tho local undertaker and he will prnbibly
hold an Inquest Monday. The man was ,
said to be a stranger In'Avocn. and It Is
believed to be a case of suicide.
Our highest ambition Is, when we frame
a picture for you, to do It tight and
please our customers. Perhaps you have
a picture that needs framing. Bring it to
our store and let us see what we(can frame
It for. We'll do It as reasonable as It
posalbly can be done. Council Bluffs Paint,
Oil and Glass company, Merrlam block.
Watch our windows for the newest, and
best creations In Jewelry. Specials In
broochns. Ilk solid gold, with genuine stone
sets, go nt 3.25, $S.00. WOO and J7-50.
nmher of Weddings Mark the Pass.
InaT of October.
Mrs. J. B. Atkins Is vlalting with friends
In Sioux City.
Miss F.1na Keeline has returned from .1
visit to Chicago.
Miss Josephine Jennings Is home from a
six months visit in the east.
Mrs. Ida Stockwell and her mother lef
Friday evening tor Clatskenie, Ore.
Mr. and Mrs. John Keller left Saturday
for their winter's sojourn in Los Angeles,
Mr. Anos Hess of Fresno, Cnl., is in the
city, the gueat of his brother, Mr. J. P.
Mrs. Ray Hardeetv has gone to Walnut,
la., for a week's visit with relatives and
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A. F.uipkie have
returned from their wedding trip through
the east.
Mr. and Mr. Victor E. Bender left for
Chicago Thursduy evening for a short visit
with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude, Mattlml returned
Thursday evening from their wedding trip
to California.
Miss Lillian Bell of Ashland, Nnb., is
the guest of Mrs. Frank T. True, 92a
Second avenue.
Mrs. S. B. Hpelce of Columbus. Neb., Is
visiting her mother, Mrs. Caroline Sprlnk,
of Park avenue.
Dr. nnd Mrs. H. B. Jennings returned
Tuesday from a ten days' trip to Chicago
and northern Ohio.
Miss Orettlo of Chicago Is the guest nf
Mr. nnd Mrs. T. 11. Sullivan, lOi South
'1 wenty-tlilrd street,
Mr .and Mrs. "H. J. CMttendcn of Sioux
City ore the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. V.
Mikesell on Avenue C.
Mrs. O. Talbott entertained the Woman's
Relief Corps Aid society Friday at her
home, 3."rti b nton street.
The 4'" club held its Weekly enrd party
at the homo of Mrs. C. J. Stillwell. 444
Glen avenue, lust week.
Mr. G. H. Wlnslow of Grand Rapids,
Mich., Is the gutst of his daughter, Mrs.
G. T. Pilling, ill Curtis street.
Invitations hae been Issued for a Hal
lowe'en niH.iuerade party lit the home of
Miss Nell Knephcr, US South Huventh
Mas. H. A. Wetks of Minneapolis has re
turned to her homo after a vlvlt in this
city with Mrs. George Carson of Frunklin
avenue. , ...
Mrs. Charles Miller of Sioux . City la
visiting Mrs. Fred Gelse, en route to Kock
Island. 111., for a short visit with her
Mr. Snyder, who has ln the guest for
several days of Mrs. E. , L. Scott, MH
Mynster street, returned to hr home Frl
iiuy in Hastings, Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. C. f. " Byera entertained
at the Grand hotel Friday evening Ho.v
If. W. Bvers or Harlan and Mr. and Mrs.
M. C. .VanDerveer of this city.
Mr. Harry Hrtworth. a former x
of Council Bluffs, is the guest ot hH
son-in-law, : Deputy County .Auditor
rrank W. Reed, and family, 1018 Fourth
Philip Paschel of San Francisco has ar
rived In the city for a visit with his
brother, Charles F. Paschel, and other ril
atlves. This is his first visit home for sev
eral years. . . . v '."
Mr. and Mrs. J.' D. Carson, who have
been visiting the family of Mr. Carson's
brother, Juuge George Carson, on Frank
ing avenue, have returned to their home in
Baiir.a, Kuu.
Mrs. Dora has returned to her
home at Las Vegas, N. M., after a visit
to n. r sister, .Mm. William Hughes. Mo
i'lierson avenue, whose guest she has been
since July l.
The Klatter Kluli, which was to have been
entertained last Friday, by Miss F.lesnor
Blown, 7.'4 First avenue, has postponed
the event until next Friday, when it will
meet with Mi Brown.
The University club was- entertulned
Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. Meyers Han
sen, 3Uf Sherman avenue. Mrs. Akera
acted a leafier, and the topic of discussion
was "Theology In the Colonies."
. Miss Helen Baldwin Is visiting: relatives
in this city. Since her-last visit here jwiss
Baldwin has spent some time in the Philip,
pines visiting her brother and has been
traveling in California lor her health,
Mr. and Mrs. F. A Woods of Mornlngaide
svenue entertained at cards Saturday even
ing. About thirty guests a ere present.
Mis. Hancock and Mr. Kllllan were
awarded tho priies. After the game a
two-course luncheon was. served.
Mr. and Mis. M. F. Rolirer entertained
at dinner Sundav. Cover were laid tor
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Vlerllng and daughters.
Mr. Frank Vierllng and Mrs. I. Caady of
Omaha, Miss Laura l.ansberg of Crcston.
Ia., and Mla Sherman.
The Council LluTs people who attended
the wedding of Miss F.lla Marie Spnhling
of Sioux Cliv and Mr. Mile Preston Chiun
lea of Omaha In Sioux City Wednesday
wto Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Rolirer,- Mra.
Robert ThelnhurUl und Mrs. J. B. Atkins.
The Young People's Society of Christian
Endeavor of the Flnet Presbiterlan church
gave a social Friday evening which proved
most successful. A program wus g.ven
aner which games were enjoyed and re
freshments were served during the evening.
Mies Dora thy Hoag entertained a number
of her college friends from Omaha and
South Omaha, at her home on Bccona ave
nue yesterday evening. Cards and music
were the special features of the evening.
At the close a dainty luncheon was served.
Miss Ale Francis entertained the Wednes
day Cant club at her home laat week, at
which Miss May Weaver won the first
prlae and Miss Ines Dorland received the
consolation prise at a game of high live.
Miss Maud tioagiuna win ue tne next
Mr. George J. Bell and Mrs. Minnie
Jordan, both of this city, were united In
msrriage Wednesduy sfiernoou at the home
of Mr. James M. Bell. )- Lust Pierce
street. Rev. Harvey Hosteller ofHclathiR.
The newly married couple left for a trip to
Chicago. .
Mlaa Lucy Boyles of Columbus, ()., la In
the cltv veiling with her sister, Mrs. J.
C. Woodslde, f. Mill street. She wli
leave Wednesday for Kansas Cliv, wh-ria
she will meet tier mother ami with her go
to Durango, Mexico, where she will remain
for the winter,
Mrs." Bruce Reals of New York City is
visiting her parents. Judge and Mrs. K.
E. Ayiesworih. When she returns homo
she will take with her her two children,
who have been with thejr grandparents
for several months,, on account of Mrs
Beats' ill health.
Mies Orpha Qulnn entertained about
thirty-five of her young friends Saturday
evening at a Hallowe'en party at her home,
I'iU Oakland avenue. The evening wus spent
in Jollity and the young people enjoyed
the "early Hallowe'en" immensely. Dainty
refreshments were served ill the tioso of
the evening.
A pretty wedding occured last Wednes
day at t lie home of the bride, . lla West
Pierce etreet, when Mr. L'dgur B. Junra
Hud Mis Kstella Duiilap, both of this
city, were united In marriage by Justice
1 1. H. Field In the presenca of a number
of guests. After the ceremony a duinty
wedding dinner waa served.
Mr. Walter Luts entertained the Sweet
Sixteen club at hia home TburJ.iy even
ing. Hlgh-hve was the game of the even
ing. Mif Mable Hoag won the first prixe
for the girl and Mm Phoebe Juuaon tha
uord prise. Mr. alt Durfce won the
hrm loy" prtxe und Mr. Worth the second.
Mia h,Uiei vtutuou wu awuidud the conso
lation prize,
Mlu Helen Augusta Dudlev, sister of
Mr. W. 11. Dudley of tin cl'.y. and Mr. Nason Martin were united lu mar
riage laat Wednesday. October Hi. at Wind
aor. Vt.
Mr. Martin was well known
thi city, huving bwn director of (lie cliolr
of I., Congn-Katmnal church and later
acted In a similar capucltv in the Presby
terian church. Mr. ami Mr .Mortln mil
muke their home in Mount Holly. N. J.
Mrs. E. J. Gilbert and Mrs. H. A. "Julnu
em.-r Inliied at a curd jiurtv lust Fritit-r
tlviui-vu at I tie uoui ot Air, tumu, M
Thi illut rates th plain anl
dainty package in which GOLD
packed an I eell everywhere C I p
for per pound U I' U
. VfuiitifJ" (lold Mtdal Chncoli(U$ aft equal
to the rcry btt tatttm miAf ond tnperior
to a ffreoi ninny thai tire, higher n price,
llwy are made from the bfft and purttl
ingredient faixrrvd villi pvir fruit juice.'
Kitch box contain an uortmntf of th;
(Hrpvlar fimor.
Gold Medal Choeulate cud bo had in
ninny different kitu)$ of 1ienutfnl fancy
txx-n. Jnfferent izc. Different price.
lolS-M Fmrnam St.
Oakland avenue. Mrs. William Tipper won
the "twenty hand" prise; Mrs. Findley of
lko (ieneva, Wis., won the first price;
Mrs. Bnttey the oecond prise and Mrs.
Robert Peregoy the third prise, while Mrs.
Hicks won the consolation prise. The party
was for the bonetlt ol the Creche building
Invitations nre out for the marriage of
Mr. Grenvlile D. Montgomery and Miss
Anne Carrlnglon Allen, the wedding to take
plHce November 4 at Ardmore, Pa. Miss
Allen la the daughter of Rov. George
Pomeroy Allen, rector of St. Mary's church
at Ardmore. Mr, Montgomery, who1 Is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kgllngtnn
Montgomery and the grandson of (ienornl
O. M. Dodge, was born In this city, but
has for some years been living in Phila
delphia. Miss Olive Jones, daughter of Mr. and
Mra. Jones of Missouri Valley, and Mr.
Martin Alieshouse were united In mar
riage at S o'clock Wednesday evening In
the presence of thirty guests. Rev. Dr.
A. K. Grifilth conducted the ceremony,
while Miss Cora Richards, cousin of the
bride, officiated at the organ In the rendi
tion of Mendelssohn's wedding march. Mrs.
Alleshouse waa formerly a teacher in
Warren and Harrison counties. Mr. Allea
housi has been In the employ of Joe
Smith & Co. for the last four years. . They
have gone to housekeeping In their cot
tage on Glen avenue.
- At the home of Mr. and Mr. Mads Peter
son. J4:.'4 South Sixth street, Tuesday even
ing, their daughter. Miss Emma C. Peter
sen, was united in marriage to Mr. Boude
Wleant of this city. Rev. Mr. Rclcfienbuch
outdated. About twenty-five guests wit
nessed the ceremony, most of them being
relatives of the bride and groom. Among
the out-of-town guests were Miss Arim
Er-k of Spencer, la., and Mr. Henry Peter
son of Des Moines, brother of the brld.
Mrs. Wleant has been until recently in
tho employ of the Beatrice Creamery com
pany In Omahft. Mr. Wleant holds a posi
tion with the Omaha Crockery company In
that city. They will be at home at B15
Twenty-fourth avenue alter October S.
. Davis, drug.
Cork's, sodas,
Stockert sell carpets.
. line engravings at leffert'.
Ed Rogers' Tony Faust beer. .
Get those new photos at Schmidt's.
Plumbing and heating. . Blxby & Son.
Lewld Cutler, funeral director, 'phone 9P7.
. Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. 33S.
Hot and cold drinks. Fresh oysters On
bund. Clark Drug Co.
Miss Nannie Hardin, principal of the
Bloomer school, is on the sick list.
bee Stephen Bros, for fire brick and fir
clay, ewer pipe, fitting and garden hoe.
Do not buy until you give Hufer, the
lumberman, a chance at your bill. Council
Bluffs, la.
1 reiair talking machines, bicycle and
sewing machines. 17 South Main , street.
S. M. Williamson.
Tho further hearing In the Smith di
vorce suit In the district court was post
poned yoi-terday until next Tuesday.
Build vour hope on the Royal Red Cross
base burner and you will be nappy the rest
of yi.ur uavs. Isold at Swaine Matter's,
i8 and iwti rn-oauwuy.
1 pay tii rr ton tor cet Iron; mixed.
tlu: stove. )t; lbga, lc is-r lb.; ruuiMjr,
(4c; copper. 14c per lb J. ivaielman,' 01
Main, both 'phones 6oC
M.' T. Mailer and Alma U Weldener.
both from Alliance, Neb., were married
in this city e'.e.rue,y by Rev. Henry De
Long at the county court house.
W have the finest line ot sample monu
ments to select from in the west. Bhey
at Lane Marble and Granll work. 217
East Broadway. Council Blurts, Ia.
D. 8: Kerr has farms for sal, farms for
exchange, houats on monthly payments;
does rental busineas. J4U Mroudway, Coun
cil Blurts, la.. Tel. 417 and 4ou Red.
'1 ho regular meeting of the Woman's
guild of .-t. Paul's Episcopal church will
e held Monday afternoon t the home
of Mrs. E. iticKH, willow avenue.
Orlo Davidson, the '17-yeur-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. J.,'D. Davioson, 113 East
Pierce street. ' died yesterday. The body
will bo taken to GlenwooU. 1., for burial.
General -Dodge will' - address Council
Bluffs lodge No. 49. Independent Order of
Odd Fellows, at its-meeting ThurSsy
evening of till week." The general is a
charter member of the lodge.
Mrs. Luella Lookabill. wife of William
IXMjkaMIl, lilt Avenue K, died yeateroay ,
morning, aged 31 years. Beside her
husband three sons, survive her. The
poriy .will be . taken to fiilver City, Ia,
for burial. ' i
Judge Greeu yesterday notified II V.
Battey, clerk of the district court, that
tho opening of the October term sched
uled tor next Tuesday would be postponed
until November 7 and that the grand Jury
be nottned not 'to convene until the later
date. . - . . , . .
C. Coyle, member ef a construction gang
on the Northweatern, in . camp near
Honey creek, wa arrested by the police
yesterday in this city on complaint of E.
P. Carroll, a fellow member of tho gang.
Carroll charged Coylu with tho tlu it of
a pair ot shoes and a pair of trousers.
I Shafer, the farm hand from Keg
Creek township, recently committed to
St. Bernard's hospital by the commission
ers on insanity for observation, wus yes
terday adjudged not Insane and ordered
discharged. ISIiafer served through the
Philippine campaign and Is somvwliat of
a physical wreck.
William Cruson of Duncan, Buffalo
county, South Dakota, baa written H. V.
luitley, clerk ot the dlatrlct court, warn
ing him not to laeue a marriage licenae
to Arthur Cruson of Duncan or of Anita,
la. lie says the boy is only 16 years of
age. Up to date young Cruson bus nut
upplled for a license to weu. , i
Do not forget we are the sole agent for
the Radiant Home base burner, the most
economical stove on the market today.
Will save Qne-tbtrd of your roui bill. Cull
ut our store and w will b pleased to
show you. We ar uleo th Bole agent for
the Iexmgton steel ranges, the l:t in the
world. Petersen at bVlioenlng Co.
Rev. Henry DeLong performed the mar
riage inrtmiony . yeaierday for Henry It.
(He and Jessie M lankford. a colored
couple from .Omaha. The groom, stated
he hud bttrii ogarltraiaster and postmas
ter ut Fort N Hilu ui uud hud served
untv.evA v,irl in Hie United rilute
in army, part of th lime In the Twenty-
fourth infantry und part in the Truth
cuvalry. It wus li' third matrimonial
I-a.lis' und gents' f -li lu gold or,
with or without charms or lockets, at U
and up at Leffcrt's, reliable jewtltr.
S isr" '5gL , 1
irreitsf Editor of geeraUrr Liktl; to Cut
Figure ia Judicial Election.
Oetogeaarlana Hold to
Celebrate the Ttrat State Flec
tion In lown. Sixty ,
Year Ago.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DKS MOINES, Oct. 27.-8peclal.) The
Indictment of D. T. Blodgett on a chwge
of criminal libel Jins been dragged Into tha
politics of Polk county till It mav be the
determining factor in the election of at
least one of "the Polk county district Judges.
Blodgett was the editor and publisher of
The Secretary, a little weekly publication.
Judge James A. Howe called the grand
Jury before; him for special Instructions on
tho matter before the Indictment was re
Then Blodgett s attorneys do-
murred. because they asserted the Indict
ment waa on the orders of tho district
Judgn. and moved that it be set aside.
Furthermore, Blodgett made the effort to
get the judge arrested on a charge of op
pression. Judge Howe came out with a
statement to the voters that politics was
being played to defeat him, and aceused
Judge Spurrier, attorney for Blodgett, with
being Interested In the publication of The
Secretary also, und with attempting
through it to run the politics of Polk
county. Judge Spurrier denied being part
owner of The Secretary and demands that
Judge Howe either explain himself or else
admit himself to b a "self-confessed
falsifier." Judge Howe, in the meantime,
has called upon his friends to be at the
polls and uphold the hands of the law and
give no sanction to such publications es he
describes The Becrctary to be. In Polk
county the contest between the democrats
and republican on the state ticket Is being
overshadowed by this contest over the re
election of A district judge. The Secretary
has Issued but four numbers and in each
of them there are attacks on men In public
office who hare always born excellent repu
tations. ( ounieinora te First Flection.
In commemoration of the first election
held In the state of Iowa, October ft, 184t,
Juiit sixty year ago, the Octogenarian So
ciety of towa, met at the Chamberlain
hotel last night for a seven-courso ban
quet. The election resulted in th selection
of Ansel Brlggs, the democratic candidate,
for governor and the defeat of Thomas
McKnlght, the republican candidate. Ad
dresses were given by a number of mem
ber of th Octogenarian society, some of
whom were living In the state at the. time
snd voted. Among these were Judge P.
M. Caesady and Hon. Isaac Brandt, ex
deputy state treasurer.
Farewell to Rreeden. -
At the Central Christian church last
night a banquet to Rev. Dr. H. O. Rreeden,
Who ha been the pastor nf the church
for twenty-one years, was held as a fare
well. Dr. Breeden leave the pastorate tor
other fields of religious work.
Internrban to Maraknlltown.
The Polk Interests In Des Molne deny
that they have determined to build an
mtcrurban line to Marshalltown. It Is ad-
Art Garland Case Burner
We guarantee the Art- Oar-'
i -j
r 1
ft ,
Opera ft mi Field GUt&e
n u Uut Sum A m NT
fold illegal
Tt A. -5?
The tre for yinl thimj
mltted, however, that they have been In
consultation with the Browne-Gllck Inter
est at Marshalltowrs and If they dctermln
to build south- to Des Molnea the Folk
interests will meet them and give them en
trance Into the city.
- Capitol Policeman Married.
Thomas Longshore of Dallas county, chief
of the cnpttol police, was married four
weeks ago to Miss Pearl Pickett at Wood
ward. The matter has been kept secret
till today. Mr. Longshore has bought a
home at 1323 Buchanan street, where they
will go to housekeeping.
Farms for anle.
120 acres near Logan, Improved and fenced,
'i0 per acre. v '
80 acres in north central Missouri, weft. im
proved, K35 per acre.
1 acres in north central Missouri, well
Improved, 13 per cre.
Tel. 61. Chaa. 1'. Officer, 419 Broadway.
Council Bluffs.' Ia.
Organs? We have some taken In trad
on pianos. Reasonable prices; some second-hand
ones almost as a gift; easy
terms.. Buurielu' Piano House. R15 Broad
way. Council Bluffs, where the organ
Inlands upon the building.
Farmers' Instltnte Dotes.
LOGAN, In.. Oct. i7. (Special.) At a
meeting of the executive committee held
her It was decided to hold the next an
nual session of r the Harrison County
Farmers' Institute at Logan on December
18, 19 and -0. A good program is being ar
ranged for the occasion.
Twelv Identified Dead Hay Boon
Token from the Bnrnad
Kansas City Honse.
KANSAS CITY, Oct. :7.-Four additional
bodies were removed this forenoon from
the ruins of the Chnmber of Commerce
building In Kansas City, Kan., making th
total known dead to date twelve. Four
persona are still missing. ,
The bodies removed today were Identified
as th&se of:
fed Jt
a ton
The bodies of Mrs. Brlgman and her twn
children were found close together. They
were not badly disfigured. Th bodies wer
located by W. H. Allison. Mr. BrigmaA
brother, who had aided the firemen in the
search of the ruins. The Brlgman lived
on the fourth floor of the building. Mrs.
Brlgman came here from St. Joseph. Mo.,
two months ago with her children.
Boy's Death Excite Indian.
LANDER, Wyo., Oct. 37. (Special Tele
gram.) A lti-year-old chool boy wa killed
at the Shoshone agency at li o'clock this
afternoon. Two boys were sawing wood
under direction of the engineer, when the
saw broke and a piece struck th boy
on the Up. HI head wm split to tha
car and he died in a few minute. A big
crowd of Indian Immediately collected
and for awhile looked troublesome. They
were dispersed by police.
Prayer gbold Be Short. I
TOPETCA. Kan., Oct. 27. In an addres
today to the delegates to th sevntv-nlnf li
annual convention of th national ."rthodlst
Sunday school convention Biahop John H.
Vincent advised against the holding ot long
family prayers.
land Base Burner to uae less
coal than any base burner'
made, of the same size The
revolving fire pot, a special
patenter) feature : found ( on .
Garland only,, the patented,
flue construction, and many;
other special features; ona
ble ustq make this, claim.,,
You want the best. Get A
Garland. , - . ' x
; We Trnst the People
P. C. D2V0L
The Leailna Slave Ceslers
hXKf -