Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8
ft THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. 0(TOBi;iJ 27. l.onfi. ji 2" m r"L J"f J""- i, .' 0 Wo Will Sell At Cash Men's Suits 8 In greys, browns, plain or fancj mixtures; well lined and trim med., (10 and $12 values at 6.98 WOT CASH!ErVS FIRST TRICK , Tif t from Millard Hotel Leads ts Dwelaaara "of Vtgsi Stein ' beck'a Record. Vegas Steinbeck, who waa recently em ployed by Rome .Miller aa .cashier at the Millard hotel and who disappeared a few ays ago with 1190 belonging to tha hotel company, appears to be a most versatile Character and is badly wanted by the offi cers of the Rumford Chemical works of Omaha. About October 1, Steinbeck was bleed by the chemical company aa a trav eling salesman on the recommendation of the American Harvester company of Chl cilko, where be had been employed as an office clerk,' and was given VS5 by the ollt cers of the Rumford company and sent to Wisconsin. No word had ever, been heard of the missing salesman, also the missing l?o, until tha account of -Steinbeck's per formance at the Millard hotel was read in The lis. OMAHA KEEPS HEADQUARTERS M 111 Not Lor Department of the Mia oarl, ?as Major Graeral Greely. There la no dagger of. Omaha losing the headquarters of rhe Department of the Missouri, according . to Major General A. W. Creely. In response to a letter of In quiry, the Commercial club has received this answer from General Greely: Referring to your letter of October 80, I have to nay that the headquarters of the Northern Division la ordered to be trann ferrcd to Chicago and likewise tha head quarters of the Soulhwieiern Diviniun to be transferred to St. Louis. The atdte of Kansas la not trttnaierred to tha Southwestern IXvinlmi, nor has any rout oniaJnlug troopa ben so transferred. The oaUy territorial transfer Is that of tho 1 ' $ igpfei p a Lien s aw X . . -WV ' f 'AL. . v . fc v at ( FSie Wooing of Woman Began in the Garden of Eden and has been going on with all its delicious con sequences ever since. It is the starting point of. a woman's life, the hour in which the sun really begins to shine. Be she. savage or civilized it is the dawning of the great light for which every woman longs. The story of how the world in every clime has done its wooing is the most fascinating that can be told the children of men and women. Read "The Wooing of Woman," by Katherine Leckie in the . November Number of our new magazine Now 10 cents a THO Jf S,V 2? You on Credit & Prices The I'' A LACK CREDIT TLAN is the easiest and best way to hnj Clothing- We mulic any terms to full you. Saturday wp place on Hale tome exceptionally big; values In Suits and Overcoats Men's black or blue beaver cloth OTercoats, Italian lined, well made in every particular. 910.00 and 118.00 r lT7 value at 0O In greys, browns, blacks, etc.; well tailored; $15.00 f) QO values Saturday JtjQ Men's High Grade Suits In all the newest patterns, hand felled collars, hair cloth fronts; $15 and $16 values at .9,98 state of Missouri, in which there Is a gen eral recruiting derot at Jefferson Barracks. I hear no tali cf any change In the. head quarters of the Department of the MI.ouvt. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. . Harry Euston returned from Memphis, Tenn., Thursday. Hon. Charles D. Fulton of Ottumwa, la., was in the city yesterday. Floyd J. Campbell of St. iJouls, formerly of Omaha, is In the city on buslneee.. Superintendent E. IS. Magre of the Ash land public schools visited the OiuhIul schcols Friday with ten teachers of his staff. Tho visitors were on a little Inspec tion trip. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGinn and Miss Theresa McOulre of Omaha left New York City Thursday morning in an automobile to ride to Omaha. They expect to be three weeks on the road. Mrs. P. J. Quenly. wife of the founder of the cities of Kemmerer and Frontier und owner of the coal company bv that name In Wyoming, is In the city visiting her father. P. J. Quealy, on her wav home from the cast. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Reeves of Dead wood, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Ilckerlng of Uncoln. II. Geln, George Smith and Jimeph Iachnll of Humphrey, Mr. and MrSL J. N. Fuller of Monte ViHtu, Colo.; T. A. Ross of Al ladin nnd D. I Owens of Mona are at the M'llard. fchnator Millard has received an Invita tion from Postmaster I'M Hlzer of Lincoln to be present at the functions attending the formal opening of the new federal build ing In that city this evening. Senator Mil lard declined the invitation because of prior engagements. Carl Anderson of Whitman, Grant Berry of Tekamah, C. F. Haack of Grand Island. Mrs. P. K. Pride and Mrs. Sarah Rivet of Lindsay. J. E. Richardson of Bonanza, Wyo.: Mr. and Mrs. J. r. F.ver of Lexing ton, O. E. Richards of Portland and E. C. Gaskell of Fargo are at the Merchants. T. B. Waltemeyer of Boulder, Mr. and Mrs. R. XV. Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Campbell of Huron, Mr. and Mrs. Charles II. Burkes and L. B. Albright of Pierre, J. E. Buck and F. M. Woods of Lincoln, Mrs. 8. A. McCurdv of Ios An. geleu, George F. Doblea and W. H. Dickin son of Lander, W. C. Campbell of Crelgh ton and XV. B. Cook of Caaper are at the Psxtou. Overcoats WO MA on Sale at all Newsstands Copy $1.00 a Year FRANK A. MUNSEY CO.. New York MOORISH SITIATION WORSE Trance and Spain Ready to Send Warship to Protect Citizens. AMERICAN MINISTER REMAINS AT FEZ Condition of foaatrr Makee Forelan Representatives Fear to Vaaer take Trip from Mnroeeaa Capital to Coast. TARIS, Oct. 2R. In view of the situation In Morocco the French government has de- cincn io scna a warsnip to langier. TANGIER, Oct. 26 .-Owing to the dis turbed state of the country the American minister. Gummere. and Dr. Rosen, th German minister, are remaining at Fes. The Moorish ofDcialn, In anawer to the French repreyentatlona regarding- the dl quletlnff dUuntlon. declare their Ignorance of many facts called to their attention nnd dny reFponalblllty for other. Some of the fnrelfro dlpjomata are demanding- tha (litml.'sal of Mohammed el Torres, the rep resentative of the aultan here, on the around Mint he la old, incapable and fa natical. The situation In Morocco city continues TltlPBl. Herr Holnrich. a German merchant whs wu captured ty Moorish horsemen near Rabat, has been rescued by bis personal guard. MADRID, Oct. 26.-In view of tha alarm ing reports from Morocco the Spanish pov etnment has decided to hold several cruis ers ready for dispatch to the west coast for thi) protection of Spanish subjects. A special dltpatrh from Tannler says that a .tn.te of anarchy exists in the regions of Ha but and Casablanca arid that all trans portation of foreign goods has ceased. Tha dispatch adds that RuIhouII, the bandit chief, who Is responsible for the disorder prevailing at Aiiallla, Is in complete con trol of the territory between El Arialvn and Tangier. Bee Want Ada Produce Result. LOCAL BREVITIES. Fred W. Harlow has begun suit In dis trict court for a divorce from Minnie M. Harlow. The tiles were withdrawn by his attorney. The Hallowe'en oial of Ivwe Avenue church, scheduled to be held tonight nt Dr. McClaimlian's home, will not be given, owlnjr to sickness. There will be serv ices at Temple Israel to niKht: sermon by Kabbt Cohn; subject, Children of Good .Fortune." Also services Saturday niuralng at In o'clock. j Aduni Waybright bus begun suit against tho Chicago, gl. Paul. Minneapolis A Omaha railroad for 91-5, the value of a horse that escaped from a pasture, wan dered upon the track and was killed by a train. J:inies McMahon. charged Jointly with Joe I Murphy with holding up-Patrick Curry and robbing him of a lj-eent pocketbook con j talning S cents, will be placed on trial bo i tore Judge Sutton. Murphy was trie and found guilty. Because she was strurk by the aulomo 1 bilo he was driving. Emma J. Bailey has I begun suit In county court against Frank I E. Joy for J!j0 damages. The accident j happened October 5 at Sixteenth and Dodge streets and the plaintiff asserts she was very severely injured. The meat market of Jensen Co., 2S26 Sherman avenue, was entered by burglars Thursday night, who secured only about the proverbial 30 cents in pennies for their trouble. Entrance to the store was ef fected by crawling over a transom which had been left open. For the lose of the end of the little finger of his left hand Robert Mandervllle has begun suit, in. district court against the Dempster Mill Manufacturing company for $2.(Mi.- Mandervllle "was working for the defendant company unloading some tanks. One of them fell on his hand and ampu tated a part of the finger, Early Friday 'morning some miscreant threw a large piece of asphalt through the plate glass window of the Jewelry store of Joseph P. Frenser. -101 South Fifteenth street. It Is thought the unidentified per son Intended to rob the show window Of the Jewelry displayed, but evidently was frightened away before he could complete the Job, as nothing was taken. John Polvlw, one of the quintet of Lith uanians charged with beating and cutting Peter Krlacunas as tho outcome of festivi ties at a wedding feast in South Omaha September 12V waa placed on trial in crim inal court Friday morning. Alex Butkus was recently tried for the same offense and was convicted of assault and battery. The evidence is practically all being taken through an interpreter. . Thursday afternoon John Smith, a youth from Chicago, and' his partner entered the store of Joseph Moses. 418 South Tenth street, and-while -Smith handed Moses a lino of talk that kept him busy the other youth stole-two-shirts. Mosea did not dis cover his loss until the two boys had made their wapp, but later in the evening Smith was captured and on the promise of good behavior in the future was released from custody Friday morning. . The case of Oliver Jacobson against Leo pold Doll, In which Jacobeon is suing for jlloTS for alleged malicious prosecution. Is being heard In Judge Redlck s court room. The. two men had rival claims to a piece of ground. Jacobaou was In actual posses sion and, it is asserted, threatened to shoot Doll if he came upon the place. Doll had him arrested on a peace warrant, but Ja cobson was discharged. He asserts there was no boats for the prosecution. Because John D. Richardson failed to show up in court to plead guilty and re ceive a sentence a capias hiu been issued for his arrert by Judge Sutton. Richardson was charged with breaking into the barn of J. W. Kanatsher. 1338 Georgia avenue, and stealing clothing valued at 144. His partner In the crime has already pleaded guilty and received a sentence and Rlch ardnon was ordered to show up Tuesday. As he had not appeared by Friday morning the sherlq was sent out to And him. WOMEN l!l CLUB AND CHARITY The following bulletin has been Issued by the General Federation of Women"s Clubs: A meeting of the bnrd of directors was hld at Hotel CarlMbad. Saratoga, Septem ber J to every member ol the boprd being present. It was voted to Hold the next coun'il meeting In Jamestown, Va., In June, 1!7. The committee ot arrange ments conelfts of Mrs. Ouy It. C. Allen of West Virginia, Mrs. William P. Orr of Ohio and Mis. Philip Carpenter of New York. It was unanimously voted to accept the Invitation of the Massachusetts Federation to hold tl-.i ;,xt biennial In HoMon In Mrs. Philip N. Moore was made chairman of the biennial committee, with MHn Helen A. Whlttler as a member of the committee. It was necessary at this meeting to ap point the standing commit tes to carry on the department work of tho federation for the noxt two years. The names of the chairmen are given below, fl'wo new com mittees wsre appointed. The outlork com mittee, recommended by Mrs. lecker In her biennial 'address nt St. Paul, Is to In vestigate the new subjects and new lines of work proposed from time to time to the federation. This new work Is under the wise leadership of Mrs. Alice Fletcher, former president of the Iowa Federation. A new special committee was appointed, to be known as the Intel-federation commit tee, corresponding somewhat with the com mittee on federal relations In congress. It Is to deal with the relation of the state, federations to each other and to the Gen- ersl Federation in the hope of bringing anout a still closer relation and strengtnen- ing and perfecting the organization. Mrs. Sherman reported the rules and reg. ulatlonfl for the General Federation state secretary, drawn up by a committee ap pointed for that purpose. These rules will be published later. It waa -otedi to retain Mrs. Mary I. Wood as manager of the bureau of infor mation. After the close of the board meeting the executive committee a trip to Ports mouth to visit the bui-eau ancl talk over its plans and Its needa with Mrs. Wood. They also spent several days In Roston, where they visited the different buildings available for the biennial. Chairmen of standing committees, lftXV 19 6: Art Mrs. John B. Sherwood, 630 Monroe street, Chicago. Civics Miss Mary Knox Garvin, 1930 Wal lace street, Philadelphia. Civil Service Reform Mlaa Anna L. Clark, Booneville, Mo. Education Miss Mary M. Abbott, Water, town, Conn. Forestry Mrs. P. 8. Peterson, corner of Lincoln and Peterson streets, Chicago. Household Economics Mrs. Margaret J. Blair, St.. Paul, Minn. Industrial and Child Labor Mrs. Clar ence Burns, New York City. Legislative Mrs. George C. Avery, 1SS1 Third avenue, Louisville. Ky. Library Extension Mm. A. F. Broomaall, Troy, N. Y. Literature Miss Mary Poppenhelm, 31 Meeting street, Charleston. 8. C. Outlook Mrs. T. J. Fletcher, Marshall town, la. Pure Food Mrs. Walter McNab Miller, Columbus, Mo. Reciprocity Mrs. Herbert M. Bushnell, 1942 South Seventh street, Lincoln, Neb. Chairmen of board and speclul commit tees: Biennial Committee Mrs. Philip N. Moore, 3123 Lafayette avenue. St. Iouls. Program Mrs. Perc V. Pennybacker, 26o8 Whltls avenue, Austin. Tex. jres Mrs. Sarah A. Evans. Portland. Ore. KesolutlonaMrs. J. XV. Johnston, Kan sas. Revision Mrs. John D. Sherman, Chi cago. Transportation Mrs. Edward L. Johnson, Providence, R. I. Intel-federation Committee Mrs. May Al den Ward, Boston. The Lin"oln Woman's club he a plan, on foot for securing a detention home to op erate in ponjunctlon with the Uncoln Juve tile court. The first ' report of the presi- oVemt of tha club was made at a meeting this week. The club is active and large, having over 600 member, and its activity In behalf of a (detention home promises much. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Missionary society of the First Presbyterian church will be haW Friday afternoon, October 26, .t 2:30 o'clV'k. The address will be given by Miss Georgians Baucus of Toklo, Japan. Miss Buucus wil not only tell of the great mission work or Japan, but of the work as It is being car ried on It the various fields under the care of the Methodist church, as she has recently visited many of -Jiem and ran speak from personal observation. Mis Baucus is In attendance at the meeting ot the executive committee of the Woman's Foreign Missionary society, now being held in the First Methodjst Episcopal church In this city. A report will also be given of the aynodlcal meeting held at Hastings last month. Special music has been provided. HOW TO WRITE A WANT AD tome Advice - oa a Point that Will Interest Many People. When Mother Eve "taeted of the appl; and felt she could recommend It to tho rest of the world she sdvertised the fact. The advertising was necessarily don ver bally, but then the number to be reached was limited and it sufflced. , The world has grown since thin, and with it has come the new ways and means of making our wishes known. The want ad has been developed until it hue become a necessity to the business world. If you attempted today to make your wants known by tongue alone you would make slow progress. Suppose you wanted an office boy or bookkeeper, or your wire wanted a reliable cook would you go out on the street and hunt for them? You might do so, but the results would be unsatisfactory. You would be wasting very valuable time with very poor prospects. Thit kind of advertising was effective when the world begau, but the world began many, many centuries ago and yet did you ever stop to think how very little progress had been made by some men in the advertising line, we mean. If your wife wanted a cook, would you hang a card in the front window, hoping that some cook who had been released from her onerous duties by one of your neighbors might pass. And yet that's what many business men do hang a badly printed pasteboard card In their front window sometimes a poorly spelled one, and go ahead doing the office boy's work themselves, or take a clerk away from work' three times more valuable, until the boy wanders by, sees the sign, and stops to inquire whether you offer more money and shorter hours than he now enjoys. And right here we bump into the ques tion of the results. Assuming that a man may succeed in hiring help through office window placards. Does he secure the best In the market? Assuredly not, because the best of help do not walk the streets looking for chance Jobs, the best class of help are not seeking changes promis cuously. Besides, the possible number of people reached is extremely small, con tingent entirely on location. If a business man can afford to pay big rent for a location on a busy thoroughfar4ie can not afford to msrk himself "cheap" by banging help want placards in his window. HU lndow space is worth more for other purposes. If he Is In an out-of-the-way place, as mills and factories generally arc, few, very few people will see his sign of distress. Right here is where the news paper "want ad" comes to his assistance and proves its worth. The first consideration is what to lay and how to say it. Don't make the mis take of being too brief. If you want a man to take care of your books, possibly to handle your rash a man who must have ability. Integrity and Industry to nuke himself valuable to ) ou don't sUeeie your ad. down to the minimum size be cause you can get it for 'JO cents. If your ad. reads: HELP WANTKD Bookkeeper. Address Jones, atreet, It wlU brtof ou .uweta, Ts, but have The most dignified and satisfactory as well as the MOST MELPFUL CREDIT t t.I These sideboards are made to order for the Hartman chain of stores and every effort ha been given to the detail of workmanship and finish. They have extra large French bev eled mlrrcrs, are elaborately carved. W2 Mus.a've Solid 95 Onk ? id rhurd IsWs Money's l'JF'yjt! worm JXtnm r Your f X Back UCV'tT Special Mth. 75 Parlor Chair DxlJ feet Ingrain Rugs, -8x 1 feet Ingrain Carpet, vd Wool-filled Ingrain Carpet, yd Brussels Carpet, yard Velvet Carpet, yd. ,t"i- Carpets yard Exactly like illustration, nicely finished. extra well made, has loose cushions, nicely uphol stered and held to chair with pretty cord and tassel, easily worth ft. Tikis Is not the poor kind, bat the very best Trade enam eled ware, and sold for 75 oasts any other place la Omaha or vicinity. ASTJUi, Hsrlmia Specls Buebarner Most powerful double heaters made. Return flues, patent improved grate und shaker, gns consuming, large, self feeding magaatne, ele gantly nickel trimmed; guaranteed. CREDIT TERMS $25 Worth $2.50 Cash $2 Month $50 Worth $5.00 Cash $4 a Month you considered how much time you will spend in weeding out the good ones? And, remember, your time is valuable; you are getting an ad. for 20 'cents and posaib'y wasting t- worth of 'your time unneces sarily. Ever iook at it in that light? Make your advertisement to the point cover the subject but do so in short, crisp sentences. If you were writing a telegram you would study the wording very carefully to be sure that the entire meaning was made clear, eliminating all ambiguous words. Write your want ad. In the same way. For instance: '. (H. W.) Bookkeeper and cashier, by large western mercantile honae:. business rapidly Increasing: opportunity for ad vancement exceptionally good; must have ability, integrity and willing to work at all times for employer's interest; reason able salary to start. increase rapia as i warranted; state paat experience to In. I sure reply. Address . It may cost a few cents more, but wi reach the man you want. If you were writing a letter to a prospective employe, one whom you really wanted to Secure, you'd make It pretty plain Just what in ducements you could offer to the right man, wouldn't you?' Just remember thnt you are sending a letter through the want ad., to not alone one man, but to thou sands, and you want to make it so plain and so alluring that the best men will want the position. Park Commissioner E. J. Cornish re turned Friday morning from Chicago and will attend a meeting of the park board at 10 o'clock Saturday morning. AN OLD and WELL-TRIED RESU.DI FOR OVgK SIXTY TSAKS. KM. wmLOVH SOOTaTXaTO IXIW ku " tot w sixrr tkahs tr kii lionji iTkoIHtK ler CMILtlHk.M W HI 1.1 1IIU MJ Wilrt IHtHtiT bhi i kki. IT SOOTHES UM CHILD. tunt-SH 1U OHMS. ALLAY lii fLLM. CI kit WIND IOU0. ! ! ik kM wny it blAHMHuKA teU ky t,rusKS la el eka mH4 B ut l UBS. W1XSLOWS titJOTIUXa SYRCF if MEHANDWrjMcN, -t iit.k" I r Kit O foraBDtnrl r Hiviuikvi ul ' ftiuMi,,. Tillltu. or klrtloDft i. MiWiir,. of Ni.clVI Bl.inbfAUM 1 KttHiCMlS :C. ini or po.ui.- CiCiWTI.e I " 1 aotal fcr lraglkla, TTiVA We havn made our Credit Service so digni fied and refined as to appeal to tho most criti cal folkn in the rommnnity, and so lenient and Keneroun hj to make certain that the watre earner Mill jfet tht (clp he needs on all ocra lon. It's confidential credit. It's pleaaant credit, court eons salesmen and office people to serve you and everyone striving to please you. Favor jrrnnt.1 vrliem-vrr asked for no payment required when you are III or out f work. Let us explain oijr plan to yon In pernon. -iM.'tTTTX it - 1 STEEL KANQB. With Hlh Warming Closet 28.72 Steel Range Special Absolutely guaranteed for five years; complete with high warming closot, as hown in above Illustration; absolute- the largest and the best range ever sold In Omaha for less than $86.00; has six large full size 8-ln. holea; has extra large square oven; has new patent grate and shaker; pat p"t dampers and other Improved features: is beau tifully ornamented with heavy nickel mountings, and Is one of the best bakers that waa ever manu factured. , XVOS AJTD CABPZTB Brussels Rugs, bx 10.6 feet $12.73 Axmlnster Rugs. VmAPZBIES AJTD crBTAiira - 60 pairs Lore Cur tains, pair 75c 46 pairs Lace Cur tains 1.16 SS pairs Portieres, fancy colors .... 1.60 40 pairs portieres, , Roman stripes .. i.76 37 pairs Portieres, Bagdnd 3.75 20 pairs Rope i'or tieres at 1.98 24.76 4.7S .23 .61 .75 1.0S Uartm&i5 Great Saturday Special 8-qnart, bine and white triple-coated enam eled preserving kettle, bine on the outside, white inside, jour only opportunity to get one of these useful articles at lens than one. half price. Saturday Only, from 1 p. iu. to 10 p . in. 1,200 of them. Come early ( avoid our usual Saturday ie rial crowd; a 75c value for. . . . 30c aWvSaSSEKal GJtKAT SXOltKS XHKOltiUOt'T '1 TWTiJr ins m 1414-14161418 DOUGLAS ST. D)TL!2S FOu LIQEW "' . X ' ' . . ' A - f i . A , l The Rcliadle Specialists heed the dancer signals Are you weak, don't feel right, nerves shattered, suffering from hlddnu drains and weaknesses, despondent, lifeless, without ambition. Impaired mem ory, easily fatigued, excitable, restless, baggard looking. Irritable, and on llio verge of mental and physical collapse, primarily induced by abuses In youth, excesses In later life or the result of private diseases, which are impeding your progress, both commercially aud socially? If so, you should consult us with out unnecessary delay and escape from the slavery that is holding you captive and depleting your manhood. We niake strong men out of the puny and weak, restoring the vital organs and infiltrating that old feeling of youthful fire, vlin and courage. Do you want to be strong, possess nerves of steel, self-confidence, strength In every mus' ls ambition,' grit, energy and endurance In order to m.ike your life complete? We have gladdened the hearts of thousands of young and middle-aged men. re storing them to spevlmeus of physical manhood, full of vim, vigor and vitality. If you are lacking in these essential elements of muiihood or suffering from Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, or nay dlseane or weakness due. to evil habits, excesaes or th result of specific or private disease. ou aliotild take pi'o-r steps to rid yourself of such a c ju dltb.n. as It may cause io bitter reret and humiliation In afier-llfe. We cure this case of troubles safely and thoroughly. Fret Consaltatloi mi Examination f"1 ft r.uucn,rot,,cJ,i.u.,ri STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1303 Farnani St., Between 13th and 11th Sts., Omaha, Neb. l.Q V Everything Sols al Harlman's Is Guar sitters' Ma Mailer How Uw Ibe Price May Be nmhinalion Book rasf aril Desk 12.4i Made of large flaked solid golden oak, with hand-rubbed polish. It Is fitted with ad justable shelves, double strength, full glass door, large fancy French bevel mirror. It is beautifully carved. Wide, spacious seat and very comfortable. This rocker Is the full roll design and fs very handsome; large girlte men's size; made in large quantities for our 22 stores hence the low price. CHINA CLOSET SPECIAL !2.!f Rec cut. Made of finest ounr-ter-sawed oak. shelves grooved fur standing plates, double thick; bent glass nds, -best of cabinet work throughout; eas ily an li value. HE V. S CREDIT TERMS $100 Worth $10 Cash $S a Month Larger Amounts, Proportionate Terms trr- l- ?T vpr :v Goods Large ka ttan 45 Ift cker at Mi ,J 'pun m,. ),lv a x., I mM I ti i , -- : xr , " X ' : x x: L L-i , iSMgB?I,Mii,ij'i Jjss waasaaaasansaiaisi mini , L ' M Cr AkUt ea tsaaaal.