Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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Tel. Douglas 61S.
A Great Sale ol $1.50 Mixed SiriUngs, 56-in. Wide, Now in
v Our Basement Brcss Goods Dept., 79c a Yard
Let us make it very plain. We have as
many fine values in Dress Goods from time to
durability this exceeds anything we have ever
Worthy Notions at Little Prices i
In our basement you will find a complete
took of Notions, all worthy goods; no i
room for trash here. j
A food quality of pins at &c per paper. ;
Mohair Skirt Binding, all the staple col-1
otlns. at 10c per roll.
Whits r.astlng Cotton, Eoo-ynrd spools, io j
a spool. '!.." i
Two-hole T'earl Buttor.s, 1 doz. on card,
eitra quality, 6c per card Basement.
Women's Hosiery j
Nut only a complete line, but the best
values. In both . domestic and foreign
Hosiery afe shown by us.
Women's Black" Cotton Hose, with maco
pllt soles, spliced heels and tots, excellent
.Values. at 26c, 3Go and 50c per pair.
Fanny Hosiery, In all the new stylos,
from 50c to H.00 por pair.
Infants' Silk' and Wool Hose, silk inside
siid outside., wool, center; now initiating,
JOo per pair Mala Floor.
Our Men's Furnishing Depart
ment is conveniently located on Slain Floor, in
tha south aisle. Tou can look or buy here
In daylight; no artificial light to deceive
colorings, quality, etc Use either Itlth
street or Howard street entrance and you
will find yourself In tha men's suction.
There is alwajs nonjiethlng new to show
two more than have been on during the
Lincoln nhjht at the Horse Show opened
with tr.e exhibit of the two big alx-horse
teams, it hose of Swift and Company and
the Stora Brewing company. The horses
were put around the ring at a clip which
" tried thk Walla of the arena and tested the
const ruj Ion of the ring.. Omaha was for
tunate fti.s year In bavins one of the best
rings ever built. The clay was secured
vhen l waa Just right and wus put In the
ring without getting wet. The result was
the dl'ft packed well and but little tan bark
' Is needed, Just, enough to keep the dust
down..' Several of the exhibitors from abroad
have expressed their admiration of thn
ring and have sold It is the best they have
come in contact with this yettr. Both the
Kansas City and the Ixiulwvllle rings had
tj have considerable of the dirt removed
and concrete put In before It would stand
the work.. The monster teams, surely gavo
It a good trial last night ami showed
Superintendent of the Arena Austin hurt
doie his work well. No ribbon wont with
the exhibit of six-horse teams, as it was
simply an exhibition. Judge Kuykendatl
of Denver . again .gave an exhibition of
fancy driving.
The horse owner of Omaha competed In
the first claasof the evening and brought
out ,om. good onoa with splendid sppjnt-
taenia, which counted for half while the
other half went to the hones. Pour uplendtd
equipage mad. the parade, and four fine
rt they were. Practically perfect In ap
pointments. In which the people of Omaha
have been educated since the question ot
the first Hone Show was considered. Mr.
McCord had his large team. Storm King
and Tempest; Mr. Ward Burgers his
smaller mares, Prairie Queen and Roseleaf;
Mr. W. J. C. Kenyon exhibited Star and
Peacock, and Mr. A. D. Brandel. his big
blacks. Peacock and Chatterbox. The Judge
made a careful examination of the llveiles
and appointments, but apparently found
these aa they should be. W. H. McCord
we olven first on the "hitch." Ward M.
Burgess second and Mrs. W. J. C. Kenyon
third. Both Mr. Burgess and Mr. McCord
were highly complimented by the Judges on
their appointments.
"ewa Class Attraetloa.
Fred A. Nash, with his Sadie !s, waa
the center of all eyes In the speedway class
tor he was driving u four-wheeled wagon
which weighed but thirty-five pounds. This
wagon baa quitea history, for U waa to.
this Lou Dillon was hitched when she made
tho world's record a wagon. To be
eligible the Iwscs must have been, driven
on tho Omaha, or some other speedway
or to bo owned by a member of some rec
OKnlxed gentleman's driving club and be
shown to a speed wagon. The horses were
to be Judged for conformation, stylo of
going a lui appearance In the riug. The
gait counted for 25' per cent, the manners
'.'5 per cent, tho soundness 15 per cent, the
conformation lo per cent ami the equip
ment SO per cent. Harry I. Is a former
racer and Red Tliuolta iis a track ncutJ
of better than :::. Sadie N. Is well
ktiown to Omaha horsemen as the fastest
In this section, of the country and Is al
ways In racing condition. - the h.-.s a rec
ord of 3:!8. Miss Pickwick form-rly xx
owned Vy W. Y. CorUug of St. Paul and
Saturday is "Wooltex"
Day in the Cloak Section.
We're proud of the lines for
Saturday's celling wa're
sure of the i vices. You'll
understand when you see
and try on a few of the new
Stylish Jaunty Coats
For age
10 to 16 .
Fur i(U
5 to 8 . . ,
8.90 to $20
.$5 to $15
ct.:.3.95 to $12
Write for
Yiit o'ir Mens Department Satur
Kxrellnt showing of fall-weight Xes.ll-
n puou i iorimeni. 01 uiuck ana j
whites, fancy -'blues and tans. Every shirt!
la new, bought for this season; no left
overs. Buy now while assortments are
best. Prices, $1.00 and 11.60 each.
A new line) of Stiff-Bosom Shirts, the
newest of patterns in checks and stripes.
Ask to see therti 11.00 each. Plain white,'
pleated Shirts, extra value at H.00 each.
Our assortment of every class in as
complete as care and pains can make
It. The range covers all qualities from
the finest of Imported kinds, through me
dium ond down to the lower domestic
grades a superb collection which for va
riety, fheTlt and attractiveness Is without
a rival elsewhere. Just now there is a
new pattern wa call attention to, givos a
pretty ribbed effect when worn, comes In
new greens and tans, also white and black.
Ba sure to see thorn. Tha price Is 6-o per
pair. -
Itlchness. elegance, originality in opposi
tion to the cheap, tawdry and common
place. The new reds Just Introduced will
take place in the color 'line. Ak to see
them. Price, 50c. each.
Open Saturday Evenings.
Howard Gor. Sixteenth Street.
la now owned by George Pepper, that i
she was until T. C. Byrne bought hor a
kha show from llr. Penoer. 1 Km ma u. it
well known In Omuha- Bnch . th
j ring from all over the country which faced
Judge Kuykendall. Mr. Cowles rcfuwn.
$7,000 for Harry M. less than a week ago.
Emma R. wus aiven the hlu rlhhnn ui.
I though she lacked the speed, Harry M.
second and Red Tlmoka third. The crowd
.showed It liked Harry M. best..
j No prouder horses circled the ring last
night than those in the high-stepping
class. Style, action, conformation and
pace was considered In this class, In which
the hofses were shown to a gig. As the
beauties whirled the two-wheeled gigs
around the tanbark area exclamations were
heard on all sides, for the horses surely
stepped some.. All entries except Gladstone,
tho second entry from the Lawrence Jones
stablr, appeared, and were given a good
warming up. The Brandel entry. Cashier,
waa gated for manners. W. II. McCord
won first with his new stepper. Lord Cecil;
Lawrence Jones second, with King Fashion,
and Crow Murray third, with Honor
niU:Ut. . ... . .. ..
I y Hunt Teams Cast Stir. ' ' '
All was expectancy when the hunt teams
entered the arena, for no prettier exhibi
tion is given at a horse ahow than when
three hontvra abreast are put over the
bars. Three tans were entered last
night, being thoso from the stables of L.
H. Weathcrbee of New York. George Pp
per of Toronto and Crow & Murray -of To
ronto. The riders were arrayed In their
gaudy hunter's uniforms, und aa they tore
down the arena three abreast to approach
the Jumps the vast assemblage held Its
brouth, and many exclamation and "Alls'."
were heard on all aides as the bars were
cleared. Hounds vwere missing, but some
rider had a trumpet. The Weatherbeo
entry was the first over and looked pretty
as the three cleared the bars, although
Rupert, ridden by Joseph Cudahy's groom,
held back. When the Pepper entry ap
proached the bars Ulendale refused to
make the Jump until th second trial.
Murray's entry had the best mated horses
and Jumped In the beat form. Judge Bor
den threw out the Murray entry because
Murray had borrows! a groom from Pep
per, and then hod the Pepper and Weatli-erbee-
entries Jump over. The Weatherbee
horsve did better on th socond Jump. The
Pepper entry acted badly all the way
through, as Glendale had to have a second
trial. Weatherbee was given first, Pepper
second and Crow & Murray third.
The same enigma faced the Judges In the
class for best pair of. park horses and in
other harness classes, the only difference
from previous evenings being the horsei
counted for half and the appointments for
half. The Jones grooms got their coats
mixed and thn driver had the three but
tons in the back while the footman had ou
the coal with the two buttons. This was a
grave mistake and tho Judges gave Mr. Mo.
Cutd first. I4twrenc Jones second and
Ward M. Burgess third.
By request Tom Bass gave a sr-eciul ex
hibition in high school xiork on Leu's A.
owned by Mr. Baa putting him througii
alt' sorts of stunts. -While this exhibition
was going on George Green and his lnd.
which from Its station In the west gallery
inU!LdBMkAL T f VS4L
Wear Is Guaranteed
Many parents fuss and fret over
th. boys' clothes th. others get
"Lilliputian" Clothes. There's all
the difference in the world in
clothing you know it. '
Special values for Saturday in
boys' suits sod over- CC
coats at $6.50, $6 and
Young Men's CUihes
Newest models from
Northrop & Curry
, and
.Samuel W. Petsv Co.
We believe there's none so good.
$20, 17.50, $15
13.50. $12
Bw, October 26, 1906.
you know given you
time. For service and
offered you 79c a Yd.
bath robes.
A line pf broad scope, selected with great
care from the best eourcos. Buy them
now and we will store thein for you until
Christmas. Qrest many sr. doing this.
Come and see them even if you are not
ready to buy.
Women's Knitted Underwear
It U Hire you were puttlrjr on your
heavy weight undergarments. If you are
not supplied we are ready with a most
complete stock of women's . garments
most every weight and price desired.
Women's Swiss ribbed silk and wool
vests, color cream, high neck, lung sleeves,
drawers to match, ankle length, made with
tape top, $l."j per garment.
Women's fine ribbed merino vests, high
neck, long sleeves, medium weight, draw
ers to match, ankle length-.- made with
tape top. Sixes, 4, 6 and 6, $1.00 per gar
ment. Kites 7, 8 and 9, fl.iS per garment.
Women's fine ribbed medium weight
merino union suits, high neck, long sleeves,
ankle length, $2.00 each. -.
Main floor.
&lss' and children's cape to be sold at
on-haIf original prlo. Trices, 60e, $1.00
nd $1.75.
Second floor.
Note Watch Sunday's paper for great
selling event.
had been discoursing sweet music, kept per
fect time with the horse.
A different proposition faced the Judges;
in the next class, for the horses ranged all
the way from fifteen to sixteen hands high
and were Judged on their suitability for
road work. Ability to get over tho road
counted for considerable In this class and
the Judges had their hands full In deciding.
Tho parado was exciting and almost do.
veloned into a race led by Mr. Kenyon's
Star. W. II. McCord cut the corners and
boat tho bunch In the race. Merry Mary
was given, the blue. Honor Bright the Ted
and Rajah the yellow.
Park Poar-ln-Haad.
The foar-in-hand class was for the team
best suited for park purposes and the
colors cf tho horses and tho rigs them
selves were supposed to be quieter and less
flashy than In the previous classes of the
week, which have boen mostly for road
work. There the moat highly marked and
vurlod and colored of tha horses the bet
ter. Threo entries faced the Judges, the
Murray, the McCord and the Jones entry.
Mr; McCord -Won the plaudits of the ou
lookers a lie drove around the arena with
his little daughter Marjorte by his side.
He had substituted ,his fractious leaders
for two of his more steady horses. Law
rence Jones won first, W. H. McCord sec
ond and Crow and Murray third.
Th class for the best woman rider is
ons all like at a horse show, for what is
morexgraceful than a pretty woman hand
ling a spirited horse. Miss Esther Byrno
was winner of this prise last year, but
has not been riding as much this summer.
Miss Helen Cudahy rode her Contralto
und showed she knew the horse, which re
sponded to her every command. Miss
Frances Nash rode the sprightly Lady
Babble and gave a good exhibition of horse
manship as the spirited creature fairly
danced to the music. Mrs. L. F. Cro
foot rode her Gena, a horse which re
quired skill to handle, although Mrs. Crow
foot was able to put h through the re.
quired gaits. Miss Helen Cudahy won the
blue, Miss Frances Nash theVcd and Mrs.
Crowfoot the yellow. f ,
Again did the women appear In the local
harness -class, for the number required the
entries to be driven by a woman. Miss
Ruth Brandela drove her fsther's big black
team. Peacock and Cliattetbox. and showed
she waa not afraid, although the team was
high spirited. Mrs. Joseph Barker, who
won the priie Tuesday night aa the best
woman driver, drove A. C. Smith's chestnut
pair and Mrs. Ward Id". Burgess drove
her Prairie Queen and Roseleaf. As the
decision of the Judges rested on th. suit
ability of the horses for women to drive, the
Judges had to take this into consideration.
Mrs. Barker won first. Mrs. Ward M.
Burgena' second and Miss Ruth Brandels
The Jumpers' class last night depended
solely on the ability of the horses to take
the high Jumps. The bars were placed at
Ave feet, then five and a half and then
mis.-'d three inehus at a time until won.
Three trials were given the horses up to
Hfe and one-half feet, and then Ave trials
were given. The bars were not held, which
made the opposition harder. Pearl won
the honors by skimming the bars at lx
Shoes for Doys
and Girls
At this store you get the best
shoes produced for the children.
Our line is most complete, with a
great variety of styles and leath
ers. Brtng ia the children Satur
day and have them fitted lu our
famotis foot shape shoes they
will outwear two ordinary pairs
of shoes and retain their shape to
the last. A large, new shipment
just received in all sizes and
widths which will be arrsnged for
quick selling Saturday. Every
foot correctly and scientifically
Sires 2Vs to 5 82.50
Sixes tm to 2 3.25
Elies 8V to 11 l.5
Sines' 1 to m $2.50
Sizes 9 to 13, ii.OO
StetsoA Hats are
feet four Inches. Senator was second an4
Myopia third.
Two teams from the Omaha fire derrt
ment will exhibit PM unlay rliht for a purst
of 175, presented by J. W. Thomas, a mem
ber of the Fire and Police board. The
dinner of the first nrlse will receive I'd I
and the second 2S. Th. horses to be
shown are Tom snd Jerry, the heavy enslne
team of company No. S, snd hook and lad
der team No. S, I-adrty and Mike. Thrso
are not the best teams In the department
from a horseman's standpoint, but th best
that can be spared. The engine tAam
weigh J.M0 pounds and are not for speed,
but for hauling- the heavy engine.
W lasers f Awards.
Class Pa!r tf horses 'for private us,
horties to count 60 pr cent snd sppnlnt.
ments 60 per cent, hx-al: Klrwt, VJ), Htorni
Kins snd Tomr-st, W. H. McCord; svond,
TO. Prslrte Wueen and Hoselest, Wind M.
Biirrross, third. IJ), Star and i'eacock. Mis.
W. J. f K.nyon.
Class s Trotter, must have been driven
on speedway, ftajt to count 25 pr cent,
manners 25 per cent, soundness 16 per cent,
conformation K per cent and equipment
la per cent: First. I4, F.mms H., Ln
Hlley. Ht. Joseph, driven by Mr. Trite;
second. V. Red Tlmoka, Pa vis Pmalley,
Ladoga, lnd., driven by Bert Isvls; third,
tw, Usrry M., M. v . Cowles, Ashland, lnd.,
driven by Mr. Cowlrs. ,
Class ltf-Hirh stepper, 15.1 hands and
undr style, conformation, action and pace
considered: First, IOO, Lord Cecil, W. H.
McCord, Omaha, rirHen by Jumen Fore,
head; second, lt. King- Fashion, Iawrence
Jones, Lsiulsvllle. driven by Mr. Roberts;
third. Honor Bright, Crow A Murrav.
Toronto, driven by Jim Murray. Other
entries were: Jack O-Cluhs, Mrs. Thonuis
Milton - Ht. Paul; The Ilrrt O'Ooehpen.
Weir A Rogers, I.eMars, la.; Cashier, A. l.
Brandets, Omnha; Gladstone, Lawrence
Jones Loulsvlllo; Crelghton, Ueorge Pep
per, Toronto.
Clasa 70 Team of three hunters, perform
ance counted 60 per cent, appointments W
per cent: First. IIO), K, II. Weatherbeu
entry; socond, M, George Pepper entry!
third, t-5, Crow & Murray entry.
Claps 1 Pair park horses, over 1S.S hands,
horses 60 per cent, appointments 60 por
cent: First, Sso, Storm King and Tempest,
W. If. McCord; second, o0, Uallnnt Lad
and Gallant Lord; third. 130, Chirp and
Class 19 Horse for rosd Work, between
15 and 16 hands high: First. $100, Merry
Mary. Lawrence Jones, Louisville, driven
by Mr. Roberts; second, J60, Honor Bright,
Crow & Murray, Toronto, drlveu by Jim
Murray; third. Rajah. W. H. McCord,
Omaha, driven by Mr. McCord. Other
entries were: Jack O'Clubs. Mrs. Thomas
Milton. Bt. Paul; Forest Princess, Weir
Rogers. IMars, la.; Mariorf. L. P. Cro
foot, Omaha,; Pesika, E. P. Peck, Omaha:
frHar. Mrs. W. J. C. Kenyon, Omaha;
Crelghton Ocorg Popper, Toronto; Henry
MrVera, I. C. Gallup, South Omaha. .
Class Four-ln-hands, horses 50 per
cent, tig 25 per cent, harness 15 per cent,
liveries 10 per cent: First, 11S0, Lawrence
Jones' entry, driven by Mr. Roberts; sec
ond, ISO, W. H. McCOrd's ehtry, driven br
Mr. McCord; third. 1W, Crow A Murray's
entry, driven by Mr. Murray.
Class 45 (Special class, side saddle, local,
best lady rider: First, r5. Miss Helen
Cudahy, on Contralto; second, $15. Miss
Frances N'ash. on Lady Babbie; third, $10,
Mrs. L. F. Crofoot, on Genu. y Pair of horses over 14.2 hands,
suitable for a lady to drive and driven bv
a lady, local: First, $50. A. C. Smith's
entry, driven by Mrs. Joseph Barker; sec
ond. $:!0, Prajrle Queen and Roseleaf, Ward
W. Burgess, driven by Mrs. Burgess;1 third.
$10. Peacock and Chatterbox, A. P.
Brsndeis, driven by Miss Ruth Brandels.
Class T2 High Jumpers, bars not held:
First, $100," Pearl. R H. Weatherbee. New
York, S feet 4 Inches; second, Senator, K.
H. Weatherbee, ' New York; third, $25,
Myopia, George Pepper. Toronto. Other
entries were: Rupert, li. II. Weatherbee,
New York; Wasp, Crow & Murray; Jenny
Lind, Crow & Muvray, Toronto.
Conttsmes t. Brlaa Oat a Display of
Elaborate Toilets.
As tbe Horse Bhow draws toward Its
close there is no diminution of the attrac
tive and beautiful toilets.
Mrs. Frederick A. Nash wore a prince
g-own of black chiffon cloth, trlmmr-d with
Irish lace, with hat of white Irish lace,
trimmed with plumes,
Mrs. William Sears Poppleton was strik
ing In a handsome (own of black velvet,
relieved with a bertha of Cluny laoe, with
brown volvet hat, trimmed with rose
plumes, and brown gloves. '
Miss Jeanne Wakefield was attired In
areen liberty saiin, with deep sluuled
Slrtlle, with blank and white hat. With this
was worn a beautiful Chinese Mandarin
roat of heavy white silk, elaborately em
broidered li blue and sold with touches of
black, and a whlto martbout boa.
Mrs. W. J. C. Kenyon wore an exqulnite
Sown of black net, over silk, heavily eni
roidered In chenille and velvet In a-rap?
design. With this she wore a large black
picture hat wtlh many long plumes and
ermine boa and large muff.
Mrs. John L. Webster wore a gtwn nf
black net over white silk- flock hat with
black plumes.
Mrs. Bn Cotton was charming In a gown
of lavender crepe de chene, made princess
style. Baby Irish lace formed the yoke
and a long pointed vest In both front and
back, snd over the shoulders straps of the
crepe de chene were embroidered In violets.
A black velvet coat, black hat with plumes
and white feather boa completed her cos
tume. Mre. W. O. Gilbert wore a gown of sheT
frray material, trimmed with lace, with
arge black hat trimmed with a large steel
buckle and ribbon.
Mrs. Leroy Taylor .f New York was
gowned In lavender silk, elaborately
trimmed In lace, and her hat was a large
white felt trimmed with a beautiful li-r.g
uncurled ostrich plume. A coat of lace
completed her contume.
Mrs. A. L. Mohier wore a handsome
gown of gray chiffon cloth, trimmed with
French embroidery and lace imtet In serpen
tine design. With this she wore a black
feather boa and large white hat adorned
with velvet lace and aigrettes.
Miss Mildred Merrlam was attired In
black chiffon broadcloth, with large bktck
hat trimmed with crimson velvet morning
Mrs. Nathan Merrlam wore a gown of
heliotrope broadcloth, with black feather
boa and black hat trimmed with black
Mrs. John A. Wakefield wore a handsome
gown of white grenadine, with alack am
broldersd dots, trimmed with lace, and tan
evening coat, and hat of white velvet and
Mrs. Joseph Cudahy wore a gown of
brown chiffon f'loth. In empire style, with
brown hat trimmed with plumes and ermine
Mrs. J. It. Butler w-. all In black, her
gown being of black chiffon with trimming
of black lace. With this she wore a blade
broadcloth coat, large hat and lung whit
gloves, and black feather boa.
Mlns Klia Mae Brown was In pink, with
Inrge brown velvet hat trimmed with pink
plumes, and brown velvet coat with ermine
Mrs. -O. N. Clayton wore a gown of black
cloth and silk trimmed with ohlffon, with
black lace hat trimmed wtlh plumes, and
black marl bout boa and muff.
Disagreeable Weather Casta. Keep
Crowd Awa.
In spite of the disagreeable weather th.
Horse Show drew a big crowd last night
and tha box parties were th. least effected
by It of any other class. Following were
ths occupants of the boxes:
Box 1. Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Welch. Mr.
and Mrs. P. C. McOrath.
Bos -Mr. R K. Harris. Mr. Lloyd
Borugga, H. ti. Hoyt, H. K Peters.
No, l-ilr. snd Mrs. C. B. Reynolds, Miss
Leila Shaw, R J. Flanke.
Bog F. T. Tunlson. Miss Blanch Tuni
son, John Oaughey, Mrs. John Caughey,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Van
Bos I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mclaughlin,
Mrs. Jamea Howard, Mr. W. J. Coad.
Box 7 Mrs. J. J. Bennett, Sioux Falls,
a f ; Mr. and Mr. J. T. Burke.
Box li-P. K. Her, Mrs. R. L. Hamilton,
Mrs. H. J. Edwards, Captain K. L. Hamil
ton. Box 10A Tr. and Mrs. Robert Gilmore.
Mrs. Mary Beaton, John II. beaton.
Box 11 Miss McCormlck. Miss Alice Mo
Cormlek, Mr. W. A. C. Johnson. 8t Paul.
Box 1 Mr. snd Mrs. John L. Webrter.
Mr. and Mrs. Boecher Howell.
Boat 17 G. W. Pnvls, Mr l. W. Iavls,
Alloc V. Lavis, Clark tavls.
Box 17 A Mr. and Mm B. K. White, M as
Ruth White. Master Ktene White.
box U-Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Byrne, Mr.
and Mrs. C. B. Keller, Miss Emily Keller,
Mr. L. W. Byrne.
Special Mrs. Edward fpdlke,' Mls Louise
Vpdike. Mrs. Robert Dempster. MUs Bess.
G. Allen.
Box t-Mrs. A. L. Mohier, Mrs. L. N.
Bunnell. Mrs. . L. Lomax. Mr. K. L. Lo
in JX.
Hox -Ilr. McPhsrson. Mr. xnd Mrs.
Supp, Miss Baldwin.
Box B-Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Powell, Bt.
Joseph, Mo., wuh Mr. and Mrs. G. ' L.
Box A Mr, and Mrs. George A. Kee
ltne, Mib Keelli.e, Mr. C. H. rer.s.
liax .':-iiif iiootbtad, Uji iui.i, MUi
Horse Show Visitors ta.r
Daylight Department Store. Ask for some of our Illuminated Postal Cards to
mall your friends. No charge. :: :: t: :: . ::
Saturday Night Bargain Sales
.1.00 Ostrich Plumes. .gl.flS
0 doz. 18-in. French curled
.Ostrich Plumes; they come in
black, white, brown, gray or
blue, pink, garnet and green.
Onr regular 15.00 qualities
at 81.08
sATimi.iv Menu.
8.V Fancy Braids 12i
We will sell all our regular 30c
quality Silk, Chenille-, Oilt
and Silver Braids for, per
yard 12fk
A Neckwear Snap.
Half price sale of fancy em
broidered turnover Collars;
over 50 different patterns;
worth 15c each; on sale Sat
urday, 7 to 10 p. m each
Embroidered Handkerchief,
at 10c.
J to 10 p. m. Saturday w will
sell a pretty embroidered
hemstitched sheer Handker
chief, worth 19c each, at
on,y 10
Fancy Ribbons.
7 to 10 p. m. Saturday w'e will
place on sale 76 bolts of fancy
plaid silk and pompadour silk
Ribbons, 3 to 6 Inches wide,
that sell for 25c yard regular,
for this special, a yd.. 17c
Fine Dress Percales, in nice
dark colors, worth 8ic a
yard, Saturday night, 7 to 10
p. m.. yard 4W
Bod Blankets In greys, white
and tans, nice heavy quality,
worth 66c, Saturday night. 7
to 10 p. m only, pr 39
10- 4 Cotton Blankets, good
heavy quality, worth 76c;
this sale, pair. 59
11- 4 Cotton Blankets, extra
heavy quality, double fleece,
worth $1.60. Sat. . . .SI. 10
Our 3.00 Trlmmod HatH have created a sensation among
the ladles of Omaha who hav visited our second flooi
department. Saturday we bring forth an entire now
assortment, in the popular "Peter Pan," p g g
"Veeta-Tllly" and Marguerite styles, and all j II II
will be offered at our popular price v
For Saturday wo offer some tempting- values In Hlaci
liats. 'iney aro made of silk velvets, laces, mallnes
lancy jets ana braids, trimmed with ostrich,
plumes, natural wlneo and ornaments. A
special offering for Saturday $5.00 to
ti.60 ostrich roMrom, esc
Twenty-five doa-n Black Ostrich pompoms,
with large aigrettes, our regular il.DO
Black and colors, In light and medium shades, can tnatol;
most any color. In good quality taffeta, ruf- 1 t
fles snd dust ruffles, a Tegular ti.bO valuer l J
special Saturday
Black and cream nuns' veiling Waists,
nate stripes of baby Irish lace and embroid
ered nunc' veiling, tucked cuffs and yoke, a
regular $4. 85 value special Saturday
Plain Tailored Waists, In all wool batistes. In
every shade and black, at 12. SO
In navy, red, gray and brown, with knit bands to
pull over ears, a regular So Tarn special
Saturday at
Kennard, Mr. KInier Cope, Mr. Harry
Tukey, Mr. A. J. Cooley.
Box 23 Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Brandels.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Bra minis, Mss Hull)
Brandeis, Mr. Kmil Urandcls.
Ifiix 24 Mibs McBhane, Miss Brady, Miss
Davis, Mr. Keogh, Mr. Wllhelm, Mr. pa vis.
Uox 26 Mr. nrd Mrs. F. P. Klrkendall.
Mrs. O. W. Wattles, Mr. F. A. lirogdn,
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Reed.
Hox JA-itir. and Mrs. Arthur Smith, Mr.
and Mrs. K. A. Cudahy, Mr. and Mre.
Joseph M. t'udahy.
Box 27 Miss Hishop. Miss Pock, Miss
Kllsubtlh Congdoii, Miss Leila Bcribner,
Mr. Paul Wehrner, Mr. Itusscll Harris,
Mr. Hay Dumont, Mr. Lyman Peck.
Box Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Plerson, Mr.
and Mrs. l'harl-s Harding.
Box 30 Miss Mildred Iomsx. Miss Clara
Belle ltoe-, Kd tieoigo, Mr. Frank J. Has-
! Box O-llr. snd Mrs. It. C. Howe, Miss
Marion Howe, Itubort a. I town.
Box 81A Vret Kaugherty. John Daugh
erty, Gardner Mcyuurtcr, Kayinond Byrne,
Jack Bvrne.
Box Si-Mr. and Mrs. John 8. W-ltl' l. Mr.
and Mrs. T. J. Mahoney, Mr. F. H. tluin-s.
Box 3i-Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Brady, Mr.
and Mrs. B. W. Cotton.
Box S3A-Mr. and Mrs. W. J. C. Kenyon.
Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Inynskl. Frank W.
Lltrhtner of St. Paul. , . ,
Box Sf-Mrs. Georgo N. Clayton, Frank
(Continued on Third Page.)
Piles Care la o 14 Oars.
Paso Ointment Is guaranteed to cure an
case of Itching. Blind. Bleeding or Protrud
Ing Plies In t to II days or money refunded.
Bepreseatatlve Hor s lllsiesa.
WOHCFTER, Mass.. Oct. 26,-No per
ceptible change for the better was to be
noted todsy in the condition of Represents,
tlvs Rock wood Hoar, who has been cHt.
Ically III at his home here from neuralgia
of tne head for some time.
To Car. fM M Oa. Day.
Tak. Laxatlv. Broroo Quinine Tableta
TiruKgiHt. refund monf If It falls to cure.
"L W. Grove's slgnatui. Is on each boa. Ot
&e Chesapeake
1510 Howard St.
The Only Popular-Priced
Restaurant in the City
The Premier Colored comedians,
Williams & Walker
SI MltV-HlMl Hrarta.
f 1 ifith- . ?..1an i non'Ai i g
Rj ... . , v ..W JTL --a -e -.-.'-rJ -m V.w ''Z-u---t'M 4--V titf ,"!.Tr V?
KATtltUAV MtiHl.
100 pairs exlra fine wool
Blankets, full bed size, In
pretty plaids, prey and tans,
our $7.50 quality; Saturday
night, 7 to 10 p. m.. pr..S7
100 doe. Huck Towels, hem
stitched and plain hem with
ted borders, worth 12 Sic,
Saturday only, each. . . . 10
The. best quality of Turkey red
Damask In floral and dice pat
terns, worth 45c, Saturday
only, yard 3()
42 and 45x36-ln. Pillow Slips,
made of a linen finished mus
lin, special for Saturday only,
eac 100
1,000 yards of 3G-in. Outing
Flannel in lengths from 1 Vi
to 9 Vt yards, good heavy
quality, worth 124c, Satur
day only, yard 7Jt
Full sized Comforts, filled with
a nice white cotton, covered
with a fine quality of sllko
line, both sides alike, worth
$1.93, Saturday, one day only,
at 81.50
Ladies' black like silk Petti
coats, 24-in. accord eon pleats,
with ruffles, regular price,
$1.25; 7 to 10 Saturday night
at en-
f adies' outing flanntd and knit
Petticoats, warm and com
fortable, worth 50c; 7 to 10
Saturday 23
Children's Hose, extra fine cot
ton ribbed hose, very good for
school wear, fast black, with
spliced heel and toe, good val
ue at 19c; 7 to 10 Saturday,
the pair 12?i
In white, gray and green, full lines, full box
back, full sleeve special Saturday
hiu, wiiu
ireu wear, blai-K, wnite. tuns. Drowns,
grays and modes. A good value at IJ.50 a
pair, our special, the pulr
One of the newest
ls-outton length
wrist riasps. in
special, a pair
Maysers warranted double finger tipped gloves,
niacK and white,
J'.uO; 16-nutton,
KEVXIICR'S Celebrated L-llu French Kid Gloves
finl-h. two-claep
shades, the best
at .the pair
panel front
sincKs. consists
med and fancy silks, nothing In this lot sold
less tbsn Tfc. some worlh up to $1.60, all
In this lot Saturday, special, each
A big lot of 60c fancy trimmed Block Collars,
silk, lace and embroidery effects, all on bars-it n
square Saturday, your choice each
POYP'O mSZ2Sm4 Mrjrs.
Tonight lJikiit Time,
Msiinee Today.
Coming Thro' The Rye
Presented by
Stella Mayh.w Frank Lai or
Tomorrow, Monday, Tuesday.
Th. Reigning Musical Success
Beauty Chorus of .
rllMTM ia
Tonight Ijist Time,
Matinee Today..
in William Collier's Farce, i
Ssme Prices loe-2So
Tomorrow: "Alice of old Vin
cennes." Monday night. Oct. 29, !'lit
Performance Mouvenlr Photo of Miss
'Phone Douglas iU.
PRICES 10c, 2oc. 60c.
Aug. V. Molzer
In Bohetnun Turner II all
13lh and Dcrcu St:
November 11th. 1906
Admiision 50c tri 35c
Commencing at 8 O'clock
14tk ssd Boaglas It.
lirUtB TiUtllifULI
AuuiUsioii. 10.'
A Pew Choice Rvsrvd Kats. ir Extra.
Matinees. 1:00 p. in. dany except Saturday
nfl b'lnday. ? 30 and 4 00 p. sl Evenings
l.JO and 00. Saturdays and buud--
3.V9, .0J aud r.ou v- i-
frs' 0
sturn home without a
souvenir of the New
- From 7 to 10
MA1LRDA) Muni.
Children's Winter Coats, Rpeg
6 to 12 years, prices $5.50,
$C, $7.60, 7 to 10 Saturdav
n-Ktit at $4.05
f to 10 p. m. Saturday- Sulo
of ladles' fleeced peeler vents
silk taptnl, and shaped draw
ers to match, French bund:
worth 6Pc a garment: for t'aU
sale only, a carineiit . . . 45
smRim NIGHT.
7 to 10 p. in. Saturday Ladies'
pad front and side Kinetic
Supporters, all colors, loc
values, special, pair. . . .'
Medium bust and girdle Cor
nets, white, drab, pluk and
blue: prices were 50c to T3c;
all Saturday 3i)C
Odd Corsets, the best models of
Ksbo, H. and H. & G.
makes; sold from $l.o0 to
5.50; Plzes 2 4 to 30: Satur
day only OS
Drug SundrlcN.
Crejne Marquese, regular price
2oc, Saturday 7 to 10 p. m.
only 10
Perfume in Violet, Lily of the
Valley, White RoRe, Apple
Blossom; regular price, 50c;
Saturday, 7 to 10 p. m..25
AVe furnish the bottle.
Borated Talcum Powder, reg
ular price 15c; 7 to 10 p. m.
Saturday fj
Men's Underehirts and Draw
ers, genulue Jaepor make,
soft heavy fleece. 75c quality,
Saturday night, 7 to 10, for
Men's Outing Flannel Mght
, Gowns, good heavy cloth, best
colors, full sizes; Saturday, 7
to 10. at $1.00, 75c aud.Oc
Men's Suspenders, fine lisle
elastic web, kid ends, placket
clasp and patent buckle, all
colors, worth- 50c; Saturday.
7 to 10.... 2rc
The favorite glove of tho season. The slxteen-bnttoii glaca
(ton jla
ri'ill aai4
ini'-e wrint uniinun, lur urt'fln and
Ideas, which Is really handsome, ts tht
real Alocha Gloves, with two
lilacK and gray,
Long Silk Gloves holds full sway for Informal occasions
and dancing parties. K-button and lS-hotton lengths. In
:iigth. In
jz-uutton special, a polr,
special, a patr ,
wrist, full range of suit
value manufactured,
High class neckwear at very low figures. Big lot of fancy
or real lace, luce and emnroldcrv trim
Popular Prices
Saturday Matinee
Flrt floor, ail seats, 75i
Boxes, all seals, Tor.
Balcony Unit row, Joe.
Balcony, next three rows, 50c.
Balcony, all other rows, 25c.
Doors oien S cluck.
Wild West Show
ttetk Fellow Inj the Borse Show
Octet? r 30 te November 4
Cow boys, Indian. Buffaloi, Wild
Steer, anil Burking liruiirho..
Most Tbrtlllng and ItealMIc Kxhl
bltion of Hroochu Riding and
Kieer Hoping Kver Hncwl
Great Fight Helwen Cowboys and
Indians la the) Big Arena
riUCLl 25c, 50-, aud 75c
Seat Sale begins Monday morn
ing, October 2ttti, at tU Audi
la 1h. U.s.
50c I
25c J