I ! THE OMAHA DAILY r.KK: NATl'RPAY. OCTOBKK 27, lOOfi. 13 NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWAIf t .J"1! .,..ii,.r .r., iina,! i':f"T:l"!!;;i:l!I!:'!!l!l'!IT'lllin'll!l:illll!V... - - -r .rr-.-r -.Xiriiiiiiiiliilill 0 I J lev M l, 1 1 1 I : I . . , I ' ' ill I 1 . 1 I 1 I I I 1 I 1 1 i I . ' II i 11 1 1 ' I ' I - w" "-a Ifll 1 I ! il . as" II r b i COUNCIL Office, to Pearl MINOR METIOX. Davis, dniga. Clark's, sode. stockert sells carpets. , Fine engrsvlngs at Ixffert's. , VA Rogers' Tony Faust beer. Ot thou new photos at Scheldt's. Plumbing and heating, t'.lxby A Hon. Iewls Cutler, funeral director, 'phone 97. woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. 83?. Hot and rold drinks. Fresh oysters on I. and. Clark Drug Co. DIAMONDS AS AN INVESTMENT. TALK TO LEFFERT ABOUT IT. Sea Stephen Bros, for tire brick and firs clay, newer pipe. fitting and garden hose. TINNERS AND PLUMBER WANTED. F. A. SPENCER, K8 W. BHOALAVAV. When In need of COAL, call 72, either 'phone. The Council Bluffs Coal and Ice Company. ' I repair" talking machine, bicycle, and sewing machine. 17 South Main struct. H. M. Williamson. An Infornifltlon charging Henry J. 8teln beracr of Twenty-sixth avenue with being a dipsomaniac, was tiled yesterday by .Malnda Bloinburger. 1 puy il person for tut lrot(; mixed, 410: stove, s; rags, 1 io per lb.; rubber, V':; copper, lto r lb. J. iUklnian, bv.: Main, both 'phones tiM. We have the finest line of sample monu ments to select from In the west. Shecl'y A Lane Marble, and Granite work. 17 East Broadway, Council Bluffs, lit. r. 8. Kerr ha farina for sale, farina for exchange, honxea on monthly payments; noes rental business. w Hroadway. coun cil Bluffs, la.. Tel. 417 and 41 lied. WME.N OUlMJ TO BLJt.D fit) lO GL'.O. A. HOAOL.AND, TUB PIONEER I.Uil bnR MAN OF COUNCIL BLUFFS. Ti.4 SOUTH MAIN STREET. TtL. :45. Piano boxes make good coal bine. Bourl ciua (IK aume. Their pianos come in boxes, you know. 'US Broadway, Council Bluffs, where tho organ elands upon tlio bulldlnjj. The police have been caked to assist in the aeaxch for Richard Kane, an old man !lvlng at Twent v-tifth street and Avenue ti, who rms beAi inlawing from hla home since la I Monday. The bent evidence that we are In line on prices In thin: We have thirty men and iweive teams tho year round In our whole sale and retail yards- at Council Bluffs, la. -. Hafer. Council Bluffs. Avoca yesteroay to proaecute ilarry Bncllcr ujul Fred Wave, the young men charged with tho abauctlon of Mary Horai and Ulauya Uanuliand, the Avoca girls toiind at I'laiismoutU lu company wltti the, young tellowa. ( . Owing to her being quarantined for meisie In the county jail, the preliminary heaiiiiK of Umma Rlpke, tht youg woman hi'lcl tor the death of Frank Keith Pott, will not bo held, but the citae will be given to the grand Jury, which will convene next Tuesday. Do not forget wa are the sole agents for the Radignt Home base burner, the most f:onoinli'al slovo on the market today. Will save one-third of your coal bill. CuJl v v rui u as i va J nui iiraar-j iv show you. We are also the sole agents for LI I All store ana we will be pieaaea to ina I:xlngton steel ranges, the beat In the vwurlu. Petersen A Bchoenlng Co. Wo have a new box of codush. Silver (Jem, 14 cent package. It Is very nice. We also have In h new line of cookies Irom Independent factory, only IL'1 cents r Kuml. Salted waters, 11 cents Ixix. Wo . nave new graham flour, whole whwut and pincake flours. We havu dill pickles, large, sweet pickles and aauer kraut. We have sweet appl-s, 40 cents peck. Potatoes, in 0-bunhcl lots, tX) cents. Cranberries, 11 cents imirt. Cobbages. pumpkins, squaehns, sweet JK-itatoes. We are unloading another ear of Goldtn Rule flour; It wins fil-iids every day; only 1, per sack. Bertel it .Mlll."r. Tel. So9. Diamond Rlnsj Contest. A beautiful diamond ring worth Hi will be given to the lady receiving the Largest number of votes, One voUs given with every cent's worth of candy purchased at ' our store. - Purity Candy Kitchen, Vm W. Broadway, you do not need to watch us if you give us th contract to paint, paper op do your Interior decorating. We want your trade In the future, so we sea that It Is done right.' Lorwlck. 211 South Main street. Let us show you the patented Eclipse grute. It never clogs. Tou .will find It In the Red Cross base burner only. Hwalne & Muuer. gas and &IS Bdway. V A marriage license waa Issued yealurduy ' to W. W. Kicker, aged ait, of Chicago, ami l-eora Clare Lewis of Lincoln, Ni'i ntitd 1 IK. 'I'hey were married by Rev. Henry De 1 w LonK at tltt court houue. j' Abslstant County Attorney Rosa went to en&al rocery and EU3eaft yJartsett BOTH 'PHONES 24. Pork Loins, pol ound Fancy Hand Picjted , Apples, per bu. Jersey Sweet Potatoes, per pk 4 . . . Diamond "C" Soap, 1 0 bars .- Sweet Pickles, per qt . Uucolored Japa' 1 Tea. per lb i . . Tea Sifting, per lb Strictly Freeh Eg, per doz Navy Beans, 10 lba. for ,40c 2Qs 20: 10c 23c ...Oc 20c 20s Try our Central Flour, every sack warranted, . per sack Qrvis Market BOTH 'PHONES 46. New Kraut, per quart Orvis be fet Flour, i.00 per sack Navy Beau. i lbs. Ileal Km-AU and Swift's Pride Soap, 8 bara Soda and Oyster Crackers, ter lb Good Butter, per H) Bacon. per U) Oysters, per quart Tea Dust. 2. lbs Good ..'tflet per lb 25c 25c Ec 25c 13c 25c 25c 15c i BII.K O VST MIS, - i.-h Siip(,y " Fruit n u (I i - u. BLUFFS St. Tel. 43. CUMMINS TALKS PLAINLY Doi Not AtUmpt to Vine Matters Con ctrnii tba Csmptits. GENERAL DODGE GETS AN OVATION Dlattnaolehed (itsersl Interested ad Interregna; Aodltor Opera Hon Crowded to Hear Address. the democratic candidate for governor. ! man ror wnom 1 entertain .inmr , r.oo.v, friendship, and whose character nnd nt- , Laiiiiucnis i nolo in ninn ivrin i. wui - opposed at this moment, imd I dislike to say It, by every polUlea! railroad In the state of Iowa. In their opposition to me they are conducting a bureau In Ls Moines us an adjunct to the democratic state com mittee," declared Governor A. B. Cummins last night during tho course of hts speech at the New theater. Referring to the democratlo candidate for governor, Mr. Cummin said: "Mr. Porter hopes but does not expect to be elected. There Is a great difference between "hopes" ami "expects." I hope and I expect to !. 'elected. I will be elected." It was follow, lng this that Mr. Cummins spoKo of the opposition of fhe railroads In Iowa o him before and since bis nomination. "Despite their opiwpltlon. nothing will be said tby me between this and November 6 to draw these Influences to me, and I would not have their support, even If I could. I will be elected by the people of the grent state of Iowa," wai the emphatic declaration of the governor. The meeting at the opera house partook more of the character of a love feast than a political rally and Governor Cummins' speech differed greatly from those he had been making elsewhere throughout Tft state. Except towards the close of his speech Governor Cummin refrained from touching on the state campaign, and spoko mainly on national Issues, describing In his usual eloquent way the prosperity of the country at large and the factors re sponsible tor this prosperity, Trlbote to General Podsre. The presence of General Grcnvllle M. Dodge in ono of the boxes near the stage and a number of veterans of the civil war In the body of the houses prompted Gov ernor Cummins to pay not only the famous army commander but the old soldiers also un eloquent tribute. To Oeneral Dodge he i .. , , . a ii. I raid him the compliment of calling him the greatest living soldier of the republlo, which tribute the audience re-echoed by prolonged applause. To the old soldiers grouped In front of him the governor, speaking of them as the heroes of 1861, declared that the old soldiers were still the leaders of the republican party... Hon. diaries M. Harl, who presided over the meeting, referring to the presence of General Dodge when Introducing Governor Cummins, said: "It Is a great pleasure to the republicans of Council Bluffs . to have as their guest the most distinguished soldier of Iowa and greatest citizen of Council Bluffs. Today General Dodge registered as a voter In Council Bluffs and will pledge hla fidelity to republicanism and the republican candidates by voting the entire ticket, from Cummins to con stable." Mr. Harl then called upon the audience to salute the general and the audi- sues roas to Its feat as one person and with ringing cheers saluted , the famous soldier. General Dodge a soon as the applause had subsided and the audience was reseated stood up and gracefully acknowl- edged the compliment. In Introducing Governor Cummins Mr. Harl said that while there might be a dif ference, of opinion among republicans as to tariff, there was none as to protection and prosperity. Mr. Cummins, he said, stood to- 600-602 W. BROADWAY. Hic Spring Chickens, 12c 253 8c Be 30c lie lie L.per lb Good Lard, 3 lbs. for Skinned Hamn, per lb picnic Hains, per lb. Bologna, per lb. . Oystars, solid packed, per qt Pork Sausages, per lb Hamburger Steak, per lb. .......... . 1.15 UBsnBatt and Grocery 537 BROADWAY. 5 Round Steak. 10c 10c iOc Vie 25c 25s 12c .5c per lb Lola Steak, per lb Porterhouse Steak, per lb Fresh Side Fork, p r Jb Pork Sauaufie, link or Vulk, 3 lbs Snare Ribs. i lba Fresh Dressed Chickens, P r J Pot Koa.t. per lb , Boiling Beef. per lb. . ) . . . , FISH -M t F.I.KHV ice tables ltM-elved F.verjr Morning. day as the Henry Rurr of republicanism In Iowa today. What differences there nre shouhl be settled In the council chamber of republicanism and not by giving aid and comfort to the enemy at tho ballot b"X. Ovation to famanlas. Mr. Cummins was given a tremendous ovation on rising to apruk. In opening he eeld: "I think t.s I pleas' and say Just what I think. It la a habit of mine to look both men and situations squarely In tho eyes. This course I have pursued through this cam paign and I will not depart from It this evening. The preliminary contest which re sulted In my nomination was earnestyes, more than earnest. It vw a hard-fought battle. There was a great deal of feeling In It' and. unfortunately, some acrimony. Many republicans were sorely disappointed s In the outcomo of the convention, for thtlr j preferences were pronounced and, to : j tho least, most emphatically expressed. To I an c n rr,iii"iicnna my oniy nwwpi is mm although I waa not their choice for gov- ! lnor i was nominate by a republican con vtmtloni 8ft(r R falr Khu ,,, T ftn t(J th(,(r mlpport ,f ,npj. brl),ve tnat I lican supremacy In the nation and the stats will promote the welfare of tlva country." Corporations In Polities. Regarding the harmful Influence of cor porations lit politics, he said. In purl: "The jiiosl Important subject to whloli the if jvci iimervt must glvo Its attention, la the control and restriction of the great cor porations, of whlcii there are two classes, tho industrial and the transportation. The Individuals who compose corporations have precisely the same rights that tyll citizen have in publio affairs and .they should be permitted to exercise them with the same freedom and Independence as uuy other cll lsen, but corporations as such should bo rigorously excluded from politics as such associated Influence Is a most harmful in fluence. Corporations are necessary to the business of the country and are the result of the vast basinets of the country. I care not how large they may become, they are to be protected, defended, but must bo regulated and ' controlled by the law, to that they be not permitted to make lle laws or administer them. They cannot be permitted to run the affairs of the United States and they cannot so long as Theo dore Roosevelt is president." The mention of President Roosevelt's name was greeted wltii prolonged applause. Governor Cummins before concluding seized the opportunity to pay an eloquent tribute to Congressman Smith, Senator Dolliver and the Iowa delegation In con gress. ' Following Governor Cummins. lion, H. W. Byers of Harlan, candidate for attor ney general, made an address In which he tc viewed the situation In Iowa and made , strong plea for harmony and for republi cans to stand by the entire ticket. Soelal Wide of Visit. Governor Cummins arrived In the city hortly before 4 O'clock from Mitchell, S. D. On reaching the hotel the. first nersnn to greet him was General Dodge. After a short talk with the general. Governor Cummins retired to his room to secure some rest, as he was somewhat fatigued from his Journey. Before the meeting Mr. Cummins was, tendered an Informal recep tion In the rotunda of the hotel, music being furnished by an orchestra. Headed by the band the governor was escorted by a number of old soldiers and others to the opera house, where an audience which filled the lower floor and balcony, was awaiting him. Mr. Byers reached the city during the afternoon, contrary to expectations, as he had not been looked for until late In the evening. The announcement that he was it speak yesterday afternoon at Wlota ptlved to be Incorrect. ! IlPr mee,ln Governor Cummins and ,r" Ei'1" were guests of honor at a "PP" served at the Grand hotel. Among thos Preent were In addition to the guests of honor, E. E. Hart, K. B. Smith, county , l"'llu', eea, city cnnirman, and the members of the city central committee, Councilman Wallace, Spencer Smith. Judge O. J. McManus, Judge W. R. Green, Su pervisor H. C. Brandes, Wllloughby Dye. J. W. Mitchell. W. C. Cheyne, Sheriff Can ning. K. R. Jackson, G. G. Baird. H. V. Battey, County Attorney Hese, Captain L. B. Cousins. W. S. Balrd, S. Snyder, I. Chernls; the following from Avoca: Hon. J. H. Jenki.' John Fletcher. Dr. Bpauldlng. A. L. Preston. J. M. Tollinger, Dr. Williams, Henry M.aer, R. Frost. H. E. Read; from Oakland: F. Collard. J. Q. McPherin, Pherin, A. Heckm.n. R. H.ckett. Evans. I. X. Gardiner and O. M. C. L. Bruce of Walnut. . I Tou can t afford to have vour ,.H ' . ,, . ,". : ' . . ,1V. -,.1 S. I - 1 . 1 via v. iib.q menu inorouguiy cieanea Dy our process at such moderate cost, without r,,i , . ,,' ' nlures, injury to the flne fabric Bring down C tt'oun yesZ T$ your last winter", suit and let us make It Fltaglbbon was also about to dlspo' of Srtort' ,rWo Ma-t "naB,,'.hU Th5 Amertc JyZ. Factory. J4 No. Main St. vanv bondsman for the three defendant. ni.-wTt.ir. T.,. .. - . vk. ti.u. every ruck warranted. Central Grocery and Most Mar ket. . Both 'phones 24. Coal Oil Starts Fire. In order to hasten the lire for hroaklast Mrs. Case, wife of Rev. F. A. Case, pastor I of the First Baptist church, poured hero- , ," .' lnS'r"nP. ". 5c; sour plck sene In the kitchen stove at their home, ' """'" ),c! new" ' hum. per can. lie: rX) Mill street, yesterday morning. The pncake floi,r' Pr kf.. c: new bu, Uwheat. I lire coals underneath the wood csused an i eiplosion, which bl-w the stovepipe down and Idled th house with smoke and soot. The fire department was called and was ready to make the run when Mrs, Case telephoned that there was no fire. A burning chimney at the residence of A. T. Rice, at the corner of Fourth stre-t and Willow avenue, gave the fire depart ment a run at a late hour Thursday night. There was no damage. A. Mttigir v Co. Xew Location Of Wholesale Bakery. ! Mynster Street, Co. Bluffs, la. Home-made Bread a Specialty. Visitor. Welcome. The famous Acorn stove; nothing In tha j market like It for heat, .economy, dura- ! jblllty snd neatness. We make the most reasonable price ou stoves In the city, con- j I slderlr.g the quality. We handle a large ' stock cf carpets, linoleum and oil cloth. ! D. W. Keller, 109 South Main btreet. Real Kstale Transfers. These . transfers were reported to Ths ' Bee October Itf by the Pottawattamie County Abktract company of Council Bluffs: E. If. Lougee and wife to John H. Ep- rsrson. lot !. block J. Burk s add. to ouncll Bluffs, w. d $i5o Iowa Land and Lot Co. to William Arnd. lots . 19, j), a. ii 23 and St. block 24, Omaha add. to Council I l'luffs, q. c. d Iowa Ijind and Lot Co. to J. P. GrVnl i Meld, lot v4, 1,1, ick 0. Benson's 1st add. to Council Bluffs, q. c. d 1 Heirs of Henry l'nlincr to Emma M. palmer, lot 1, aubdiv. of lot IA, orig inal plat of Council Bluffs, q. c. d 1 Four transfers, total $15J Odd lace curtains at less than cost. We want to get rid of them to make room for others. Wsj still have some remnants of carpets and mattings, foot stools, 2cc to 7ic; door mats 4oc to 12 50. Stockrrt Carpet C. Dekato al Hlaa ftehool. "Resolved, That the young man of today ini Kreaier opportunities tomake life ,, financially than his t, n f .the- - 4 1 . 5 tLu o,ueaUou dibulcvl b) llii. L',.u.i:rt- thlan society cf the high school yesterday afternmin. Charles Arnold and James Fonda, who took the negative side, were given the decision against Charles McCon nell and John Howe, who spoke on the affirmative side of the question.' Adam lllchmond gave on Interesting tulk on Culm, while Irving Snyder contributed a reading 1 to the afternoon's program. More Cole's Original -Hot Blast stove doing satisfactory service In Council Bluffs than of all other kinds together. lon't buy an experiment. We have the tested and tried Cole's Original Hot Blast Stove for all kinds of fuel In twenty-four stylos and sises. Paddock Handschy Hdw. Co., 41 S. Main St. Tor Imported wines, liquor and Bud. .elser beer go to L. Rosenfeld. wholesale Liquor dealer, 619 South Main street. Pictures for weddins nrta. C. K Alex- 3jj Broadway ' OCIF.TY EJPKCTII TO K PAD !Hy Onleera of Army f Tenneeaee. ot Sow Menihera. The reunion of the Hoclety of -tho Army of the Tennessee In Council Bluffs next month Is expected to result In a material Increase 1n the membership of the orgnnt atlon. Major Richmond hs been ad vised br many different officers of the Armv of the Tennessee who nre not numbers of the society itiat they will attend the re union here and It is expected they will become members. Of the 394 living members of th-3 roclety. about SftO are expected to attend the re union. There are nearly 910 more officers who served In the Army of the Tennessee who are eligible to membership and In vitations have been sent as far ns possible to each one to attend the reunion lu Comtcll Bluffs. Major Richmond received word yesterday that Mre. Leg-gelt, widow of General Mor timer D. Leggett. the last commander of the Seventeenth army corps, would attend tho reunion and annual, banquet. Mrs. Leggett Is a resident of Sandusky, O. Major Dickey of this city, who was a 1 captain In the Forty-sixth Illinois at the close of tho war. will, it Is understood, become a member of the society at this reunion. At the close of the war Captain Dickey, as he was then, was brevetted maJr V President Johnson for gallant and meritorious services during the war, These are the present officers of the So ciety of the Army of the Tennessee: President, General Grcnvllle M. Dodge; vice presidents. General Fred D. Grant, I', fi. A.; Colonel W. U Harnum. Chicago; Captain G. H. Richmond, Council Bluffs: Major A. Sabine. Garden City, Kan.; Cap tain J. C. Banks, Cincinnati: Mrs. Jsme A. Pexton, Chicago: Major Leo Rainier. St. Louis; Cantaln W. L. Cadi", Berwln, III.: Captain R. M. Campbell. Peoria, 111.: General James G. Wilson. New York City; Captain T. X. Steveis, Btunton, Mich.: Captain K. B. Soper. Einmetsburg. la.; corresponding secretary. Major W. H. Chmborlin. Cincinnati: treasurer. Major Augustus M. Van Dyke. Cincinnati; re cording secretary. Colonel Cornelius Cadie. Cincinnati. ( Our highest ambition Is, when we frame a picture for you, to do It right . and please our customers. Perhaps yeu have j a picture that needs framing. Bring It to our store and let u see what we can frame it for. "We'll do It as reasonable as it possibly can he done. Council Bluffs Paint, OH and Glass company, Merriam block. The path to your economical piano pur chase leads directly to the A. Hospe Co. store, 6 South Main street, Co. Bluffs. nrety f ompanr Aaks Protection. Tho American Surety company secured In the district court here yesterday after noon from Judge Orctn an Injunction re straining George J. Oumb. M. J. Fltngtb bon and J. X. Fitrglbbon, three saloon keepers of Missouri Valley, from disposing of their property. On behalf of the Amer ican Surety company It was represented that tho three defendants were seeking to dispose of their property ir. order to avoid liability for damages for the death of H. H.immond and thereby throw the liability on the plaintiff company. Mary K. Hammond, widow of H. Hani mond, broug-ht eult mraimi i,a saloon keepers last month for tl2.600 darn- ages, alleging that her huslwnd, wldle In- toxicatcd with liquors secured from the - uuuun io care ror mmselr, wandered upon the tracks of the North western railroad and was killed. Since the suit was started It is alleged the three saloon keener ho-u . . . dispooe of their property. George Oumb It Is sllesed. t ran. ... ; t0 hl8 1 " " '. motner covering hi. stock u' gooaa ana fixtures. J. X. FtUarlbbon. ! a chattel mortras-A In favor of hla Kir. nn hi. - m lne uni Of J,0tO. Halnrday l.rore,, Npeclals. Peachea, per dos.. 10c; new figs, per pkg., 6c and 10c; new dates, per pkg.. V; manic ". J',' , " ' n'aj),e R,,-UP" Pr can. . J per ,b" new "uer " c: n"1" """eemeat, pkg., He; Ingush walnuts, lb.. l!)c. J. Zo.r Mpr Co iwjt-im uroaaway. Ihcnes to. Pla-eoa Cage la Rubbed. Thieving vandals broke Into the pigeon ' ctige at Falrmount park Thursday night and stole between firty and seventv-nve birds, many of them being fancy ' bred pigeons., The wire surrounding the cage wag cut In several places. The peacock s , cage was also cut open, but the birds were '. not molested. , A nttmh., tt A Jt - a i . , ,,.,,., nave been com mitted recently In Falrmount park and the need of a night watchman Is now realised. Oroivn s C.O.D.Uct 12! W. Brea.wii Both 'puones 65 Specials for Saturday FRFPH DRESSED ..I2jc 10c 10c 10c ..5c-6c 4c CHICKEN!, per pound S1R(X)IN riTEAK, per pound PORTERHOUSE STEAK, per pound ROUND STEAK. per pound BEST POT ROAST BEEF, pound 11KHT RIB BOILING REEF, pound HOME-MADE SAUSAGE. f pay pound ItlC Pont forget, aay aad all Beef Pot Boasts, So to Sc. Mass avei to; regular prioo, 10a pei pousd. a to It tr: .,,l.air ,, 17 '!'' ;,i tit ,;rf " '7 ' n Vr' vmi .'i ! ' .'IV : I, V.. i, !' ii'H s JX'- t Trouble J have got to stop advertising at least until we can discover some new way WE have got to stop advertising at least until we can discover some new way to do it. The trouble is by the old method we cannot keep our advertising within gunshot of our contents. We cannot expect to sell a weekly ten hours old with advertising ten days old. This advertisement was written just ten days ago. We had to write it ten days ago in order to have it appear all over the country this morning. Now that yoii know what Kidway's is trying to do, our only reason for further ntlvertising would be to call your attention td the special features in each number as it is issued, but if we are obliged to write the advertisements ten days before tho num ber which wc wish to advertise eomcs along, we cannot talk in our advertisements about these special features for the simple reason that wc ourselves do not know ten days before what the special features are going to be. With our mobile organization we expect to be able to turn Eidgway's inside out any time big developments make it necessary up to within a fe'w hours of going to press. Very often it will happen that the most interest ing feature in Ridgway's will be something that your local editor has dug up, something that the rest of the country would not have reason be as much interested in as you are. We might ask each of our local edrtqrs to write the advertising for his section, but they are so loaded up with things,to do now we wonder when they find time to visit their families. """"i It is a pity if we have to give up advertising. Possibly we could figure out some way to send the advertisements by telegraph the same way that we edit the weekly. That sounds good. It's new, too. Wonder how much it would cost. Wo shall look into it. Heigh ho! How trouble heaps up for the fellow who tries to do new things. Maybe you will remember to. buy Ridgway's every Saturday. It is bound to be better every week. Just compare the issue this week with our first number. 1 Buy Rldswoy's About a year ago the park commissioners erected a dwelling house In ,the park at a cost of considerably over $2.00"), ostensibly for the accommodation of a park watchman or care taker, but Instead of being devoted to this use the family of a relative of Park Commissioner Graham was Installed In tho house at a nominal rental. Farms for bale. - 12u acres near Logan, Improved and fenoed. $b0 per Acre. 80 acre, in north central Missouri, well im- proved, 155 per acre, PiO acres In north central Missouri, well Improved, $.'5 per acre. Tel. til. Chas. T. Officer, 419 Broadway, Council Bluffs. Ia. MALOXEY CIGAR. CO., 30 PEARL ST.. COUNCIL BLUFFS, 1A.. DISTRIBUTKRS FOR THE ROBERT BURNS' luc CIGAR AN.O LITTLE BOBBIE, OLD TIMEH AND ERR13 5c CIGARS. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 26 Night. ttl yo PrM,.,c nLCKPTIOl FUR BRV tl ' Cmpalgn U strennons Bnongh Wltfc- ! oat It. DCS MOINES. Oct. . (Special. ) Ar rangemenis have been completed for ex. Congressman Waiter Butler to meet W, J. lirjan at Grlnnell with other democrats of this city. They will arrive in Ds Moines over the Rock Island at 4;10 and retire at once to the Savtry. There will be no at tempt to entertain Mr. Bryan, as it is un derstood his speaking campaign Is a stren uous one. lie will speak In the evening, October 29. at ths auditorium. Special sc-nts have been reserved in the first lew rows for old soldiers. I Litigation over the building of a dam at Marshalltown Involves the question of the water supply for the soldier's home at that place. Tho question has been up for some years and was thought to be on the point of settlement when the propertyown eis who would be affected by the construc tion of the dam raised the price of the land the city troke off negotiations. An at tempt waa mado today to get an lnjunc tion against the city condemning the land. The State Board of Control is Interested with the city as the supply for the home depends on the erection of the dam. The supreme court, which has been In session for two weeks, closed Its labors to- j day and the members, except the two liv ing here, left for their homes. Xo de cisions were handed down today. Mood or Wood Von Self Would you like to buy better wood and more of It for leas money? We sell stove lengths snd-chunks. Missouri oak wood at 11.60 a rick. This Is a bargain, Brldensteln A Smith, 14th Ave. and Lh i St. Tel. IS 2. Hepbarn at Kidney. SIDNET, la.. Oct. 26. (Special.) Con gressman W. P. Hepburn delivered a po litical address here last night. Most of It was In the nature of an euhwy of the pro tective policy of the runibllcan party. It was atandpatlsm pure and unadulterated, but at tho close he exhorted all republicans to get together and vote for Cummins. He declared that this mas a natlonrl election and of great Importance. He devoted con siderable attention to W. J, Bryan and some, to Hearst, and d' fended his own po litical record from traducers who he said had been barking at hla heels until he was tired of It. The house was crowded and he was heard with attention and deliver J an able speech which waa generously ap- i plauded. Swansea Moate. Co. runn;, organs and musical tr.erchanu.se. 407 West Bdaay. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO PI ANO TUNING AND REPAIRING rnd , satisfaction guaranteed. Jndn Oliver to Donate Sekoula. OXAWA. la.. Oct. M. (Special.) Judge AiIiIIfou Oliver, who donated the public library to the town of Onawa and who is well known for his liberality and intue-it Ir everything pertaining to tho development i of the town and County, has madi a prop.i i ritloit to the Onnaa HU-ho.,1 bord to es pial "lh a deourtniei-t if nirtnual training. tar1 l.l0 d'.llTS),,-. .-I - rrtvr. t -. i .With lb Cuart schooU. The boaid ,, atk. Get It Early The Ridgway Company Publishers of Everybody's Magazine cats pointed C. E. t'nderhlll and S. A. Uowaid, directors, a committee to confer with the Judge In regard to tame. At tho confer ence held yesterday the matter was fully discussed and It Is now up to tho school board to accept or reject the offer. There is row a department of manual training In tho Onawa schools In charge of Prof. Rjy, but the proposition of Judge Oliver will en large the scope of the department wry much. The 'Judge proposts to glvo 15.10-1, or more should it bo necessary, to establish the dipftrtm(snti the MniP to'be-uscd for building, apparatus, etc., in getting the de partments well established. t.lrl Arrested for III eft. ATLANTIC, la , Oct. 3d. (Special.) Leo-lioi-a Hawkins, alias Leonora Mason, n young girl 17 years of sge, who ran gwuy from her home In Menlo last week, was arrested here on the charge of robbery. She had been staylngt the" home of Mrs. Rose l'ates on Cedar street, and when her parents found out where she was and took her back home-, she carried with her from the house wearing apparel valued at W. Ilaagbtei-s of Revolution Fleel. IOWA CITV, la.. Oct. 26. (Special Tel. gram. ) The Mississippi valley conference of the Daughters of the American Revo, lutinn have elected the following officers: Treasurer, Mrs. Luella McMenry, Des Moines; registrar. Miss Ora Cole, Keokuk; historian, Miss Kepler. Fort Dodge. (iraln Dnmaaed In Staek. VERMILION, 8. p., Oct. fi. (Special )- Somewhat discouraging conditions greet the I farmer of Clay county today, rind he Is not so sure but that a portion of his summer's crew of the Minneapolis will be divided be work ts wasted. Thoss t'nrmera who 1iinUe,t. tween the cruisers Washington and Ten- ,, . . , , - , .. . well to the stacking of their small grain ..Glen Avenue Grocer;.. BOTH 'PHONES 108. KXTRA FANCV ALUKUTA PEACHES, per rrate. i!0 pounds Canei Sugar strictly Fresh Kkkh, per dozen Extra Flue Country Butter, per pound Sweet Potatoes, per peck.... 20c Extra fine large Onions, peck.SOc 4 cans Atlantic Corn 3 cans Peas 2 cans Bartlett Pears 25c 3 cans fancy Wax or String Beans .-..a.'K! 2 cans 20c Salmon 2.V Extra fine Hams, per lb..,.0)sc 3 quarts Cranberries 25c All kinds Patent Flour, per sack $1.03 Meadow Gold Flour, per sack -m 1.00 We liamUe all kinds of Vegetable at the lowest market price), fiive us a trial order and convince yourself. lO-lb. Hack Cornmeal J5 Advo, Aau t Jemima's, Square Brand Pancuke Flours, or Saturday only, three packages for "25e Everybody has a chance to save money on our SATURDAY SPECIALS. Pt Parent Flour, per sock. . . .11.0s lrly Ohio Potatoes, per bushel. .. inesap Apples, i pcka Ban While Turnips. 2 wck B&o lAat Vear'a Popcorn, per peck . , . . 8(V Kreah Hulk Oatmeal, pounds . . . .Sso Dry peas, I pounds !.. SBc Lima Beans, 4H pounds too Jaian Rica, 4 pounds 9&o lrge also Raisins. I pounds tt&e Currants, packages Sao KVEKVTIHXO GUA11AXTEF.B. C. O. D. GROCERY, ILt-ll Phone 013. I nde-penrienl Phone r)'l. !i Ten Cents are not worrying, but the man who hurried through Kvlth his work Is likely to be a heavy loser. In some poorly constructed stscks the grain is rotting, while In others it has commenced to grow. Threshing has Just started In Clay county. But the ex tremely wet weather has caused n setback all around. In a great many field, corn Is down pretty badly, and at present Is cov ered with, water. Tho fields are thoroughly soaked front the- three days' rain which ended today. It will be at least a weel, before huskers can get Into the fields. With the season already two weeks late for com husking, the big corn growers will not gel through before winter Is on In full Mast. One of the most serious problems thnt eon fronts the farmer Juct now is that of secur ing corn huskers. Ialorers are mighty scarce, and thoso who arc here have long since been engaged. Corn Is a fine yield this year, and the man who can work from sun up to sun d'.wn will moke unusually large wages. Change In Board of Agriculture. PIERRE. 8. D., Oct. 20 (Special Tele gram.) George II. Wnillng of Yankton has resigned as member cf the State Board of Agriculture and Governor Elrod has named H. C. Warren- of Forestburg as hi. suo :t.or. . American Marines Como Howe. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. J. With nearly 4(4 marines on board whose terms of an llbtment arc about to expire, the United States cruiser Minneapolis passed In the Delaware breakwater today from Havana for tha League Island tiavy yard. The cruiser will arrive at the navy yard tonight and will be placed out of commission. Tho I iieaeee, which are to act aa a convoy to president Roosevelt on his visit to Panama. 236 W. BROADWAY. , ... .4K 81.00 e.p Ii3 6 lbs. hand picked Navy Beans. 25c 4 lbs. best Japan Rice ZSe 2 combs Honey 2Ac 4 lbs. best Oyster Crackers. . .2.V 4 lbs. Soda Crackers 2.V 4 lba. beat Ginger Snaps 23c Syrup, per gal , . SOc 40c bottle Maple Syrup 25c Extra fine hand-picked Apples, per peck .'15c Cranberries. S quarts fsa Square Brand or Grandma's Pan cake Flour, t paoaavts IM Baking Powder. I -lb. can, I cans.. ass I'ajiton Sweet Corn, cans Bs Peaa, J cans toe hundrled Japan Tea, too grade, on aula, per pound SS Iowa Honey, 2 combs Six Best Lard, i pounds S6 Heinle Vinegar 1'lckles, per gl..S6 132 W. Droadvvoy S. ( IIEltNE.S, Irop. V i ! t ; i t , t i ; r I f If