14 THE OMAHA DATLY BEE: SATURDAY. OCTOBER 27, 1906. SPECIflL NOTICES AoWorttoesaeNts for rolemas wlJl be (akra oafll 12 m. for vealac edltloa aad entU p. a. for tbe mum in K mm Soodoy" dl4. Rata 1 l-a worl flrat laoertlon, le a wort thereafter. Nethlac kea for less thea 20e for the arst taser- lea. Those t4Trtlaniriti mast bo mo eonaecattvely. AdTertleers, by reqeestloa, o m ktiM ebeck, east have ttreaseal to a, ianhrrd letter 1a rare af Tha Be. AMfftn ao addressed will bo tourer oa preseatatloa ot eheek. MISCELLANEOUS THE FALL TERM BOTLES BUSINESS COLLEGE 13 NOW OPEN. DAT AND NIGHT. Student arf admitted any day. New Catalogue 1'iw. Tel. Douprl.ta 134. Address H. B. Boyles, President. Boyles Bldg. Omaha, Neb. WIIKI1K TltfXKS ARK MADE Trunks, suit inwa mid shopping hap. Old trunks in exchange. Repairing. FREEING & PTE1NLK. , iM 410 N. 16th St. Phone touring 4!r5. OAS & ELECTRIC FIXTURES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. BURGESS-GRANDEN CO., Bit B. 15th St. Tel Douglas 61. R M923 Grading Contracts Blda will be received for Immediate . removal of 30, 'WO cubic yards. All machine work. GEORGE CO.. 1M -FARNAM. R 419 tt OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a epc- ciaity of lire escapes, shutters, do(4a 'and safes. G. Andrc'n,, Iri.r . 'lot h St. I R-29 , , SIGN FAINTING ,8. II. Cole, X?2. Douglas. . R 6W TRY Kelly's T)wel Supply. i f. Doug. 3530. It-6;a I9"rr.V Sanitary Cleaning Co.. 1019 Karnam. R 1 HEFIJNLocksmlth, moved upstairs; en trance. 134 Farnam. Tel. Doug. BUSINESS CHANCES Do You Wish to Make a Change If vou have a farm, home, business or property that you want to sell or ex change, write uh. ULOUK UNI) AND INVESTMENT CO.. Omaha, Neb., or Kloux City, la. Y 108 M Wo charge for treatment at Creightou Dentsil college. WANTEl.' patients, at Dental college. Treatment true. YM541 Novll MINES and mining and industrial stocks bi.uglit and sold. Robt. C. Druesdow, tituck Broker, S9 N. Y. Life Bldg. Y-M3U6 Nl FOR' HALE At A bargain, good stock of dry goods and millinery, with well estab lished trade, iiv good county seat town. For particulars, address Seward Dry Goods and Millinery Co., fieward. Neb. Y-M402 N3x WE OWN property surrounded by mines In the famous Bullfrog district in southern Nevada. For particulars address the Ne vada Standard Gold Mining and Milling Co., New York Life Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. M396 Nl FOR SALE Drug stock and fixtures; will sell or rent building. Address D. E. Abbott, Pllger, Neb. Y M418C8' A FINE musical class In thriving Nebraska town of 3,000; studio complete. Addreso B, Drexel Hotel. City. Y-S08 2fix IF VOU want to make money or are seek ing Information regarding Nevada min ing stocks write us for our Market Let ter; sent fre on request. Patrick. Elliott &. Camp, bunkers and brokers. Uoldnold, Nevada. Y 603 26x FOR SALE Half Interest in well estab lished real estate business to competent party. U-46. Bee. Y 61! Nl UNPRECEDENTED business chance for a wise man with a little cash; can clear 0,h) yearlv. Herzfcldt, Windsor Hotel. Y-CJ 27x FOR SALE. CASH Hotel, fimrnlture and fixtures, with turty rooms; doing a good business; three years' lease; in town of S.n); southeastern Nthraska; only $1.25 day house In the town; good proposition. ' Address T 51, care Omaha Bee. Y WRITE for our market letter; tent free upon rueHt: complete, renume of Ne vada mining operations. Patrick. Elliott - Camp, Jlunkern and Brokers, Goldtleld, .Kevada. Y it! 27x FOR SALE A fine meat market In a good wentern Iowa town; doing good business; new fixtures of best quality: owner sell ing on account of ill health. Address V 47, Care Bee. Y M&43 Novlx FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS TWO Bcaley letter cabinets. In good condi tion, made of walnut and have two draw era each. Call at lioe huslne.-s office and get u bargalu. vi 4llx WHAT IS LEFT of my beautiful furnished home must be old at a Huciitiee, i nny one desiring choice h!h gruil" furnlturt call ut once at 123 1'ark Wlldu Ave.; goods can be seen nil 9 p. in. daily until add. y M22S 27 FOR SALE New und second-hand billiard and poul tabler.: we lead the world la cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Bruiisw tck-t!alkc Collender, 40. S. Pah St. Q 79S i")l HALE School wai rants. Omaha fteiiool Supply Co., 121 Howard St. Y-9S3 BEND us your null orders for drugs. lrxieht paid on $10 lots. Mycrs-DI Ion Drug Co.. Omaha. Q 6.'l MILK cows, asy terms, 43d and Center. Q-M523 FOR blALU As 1 intend to give up my stable. I wtil sl the entir contents, con sisting of a p-iii of the highest class black coirlua hois.e. one black hipli stepjH'r. one of Hie llnest galled riding hnri.es In the west, two new, up-to-date gigs, one park trap, ono victoria, one funilly car riage, one Brewster rocsaway, one d.-iot wagon, one pneumatic tlre.l speed wsgju, one new (undent harness. To anyone wishing one of 'the Bmi staliies m the city tlds I" a splendid opportunity, (an 1 se. n at my residence, corner ' Dewey , and ssth Sis, Inquire of A. D. Brundeis J. Li. Biandeis & H..ns. (J44J 2s bOl'A FOLNTIN, uuy sire. 1813 Farnaru. Q aJ1ER WIN-WILLI AM3 CO.. beal mixed paint. eriBimun 4c Mi-Connsll Drug Co., Onuiia. Q 73i HALL'S safes, new. Zd-hand. 1818 FaiDircr SJ-- 97 TWO CHOICE cars or hand-picked winter - apples left, at 7o cents mm- ew l. f. o b Block; 50-gal. bhl. elder 6. C. R. fn,'. ker. Brock. Neb. Q M44 31 FOR SALE Empty ink Itum-TaT Inquire of J. R. Campbell, Bee Mall R Mm. Q olS DKNfl.MORH ty""wrlter. In "plemlid condl tlun. Jui-t been overhauled. !S. IwiJ 1 nVeiiwoi th Si 'Phone Red-fewi. Q-51.; 27 FOR SALE Kinpiv packing cases, heap. Ad.irrM U ,s8. Bee ollice. Q 444 WANTED SITUATION WANTFP A position as short order conk; A-I rciei riu i . no Had liaolis; polwr. dreaa I S(. Bee. A-M124 Tx V.'ANTK--Situation ts bookkeeper; fine penmen; best references. Address Box 66, K. D. a. klui f ay, la. A-aLMi Jig WANTED MALF HELP WANTKI-Tumhormn. on who Is fssi and accurate In tsllln; also two Is.ys. Omaha Koi Co.. East Omaha. B 945 WANTED- Chicken pickers; plenty or work; hens and springs, 2c. Apply Swift and Ownpany, 217 8. Union St.. ottumwa. IS. B MliiKiJ I CHICK F.N pickers wonted at Swift and I Company, Falrburv. Nh, ; flue now pick- I Inar room; lot of poultry; hens, 2c; ; springs, 2Hi". Write or come nt oiiok, E. i Byllestbr. Mgr. B M2M 27 : WANTKD Five born; good wages; perma nent Job. A. D. T. Co., 212 8. 13tli St. B-6.17 DRUG STORKS bought and wold; drug clerks wanted. F. V. Knelst, 624 N. Y, I,. , B-638 CIV1I SERVICE Want young men to pre pare. See Underbill, 3330 N. 24ih. B-M774 029 WANTED, SOUND YOUNG MEN, 1 to 3r. to prepare for fireman and hrakemen on new roads and for fall rush; experience unnecessary: firemen lino, promoted to engineers ti0: brakemen $75. promoted to conductors $150; positions now open. Na tional Training association. 620 X Paxton Blk., Omaha. Neb. B HIM Nov2 HUSTLERS out of employment can do well to call on us; pay weekly. C. F. Adams Co.! 1619 Howard. B-M139 Nov2 TOOTHACHE? Free treatment at Crelgh ton Dental college. Crown or brMire work. No charge at Crelghton Dental college except for ma terial. B-M513 Novll WANTED Men to learn barber trade. The woll known Molnr System of Collegia, founded 1SS3, located In fourteen leading cities, offer splendid advantages. Prac tical experience, qualified Instructors, lift, scholarship, registered diplomas, positions and locations. Call or write Moler Barber College, 1J1 Famam St., Omaha, Neb. B MS40 Novlx STENOGRAPHER and bnokkecper, jil Bookkeeper and clerk, 170. Grocery clerk, t(i. Gents' furnishings goods clerk. Ho. WK8TERN REP. BOXD A6S N, INC.. Sultp V--M N. Y. T.,ife. Bldg. " . B SSI 27 HUSTLERS wanted everywhere. 825 to 8i mado weekly, dlstribullng circulars, pack ages, overseeing outdoor advertising. Ex perience not needed. N'w Finn. No chit vaaslng. Address Merchants Outdoor Ad vertising Co., 79 Dearborn St.. Clilcag). B M5S7 2Sx WANTED, for the U. S. murine corps, men between ages 11 and 35; an opportunity to see the world. For full Information see poster In postnfnce of any county seat in Nebraska for the address of recruiting officer thereon. B M129 31 WANTED Reliable watchmaker, in ore of Omaha's leading Jewelry stores; good sal ary to the right man. Address U-33, Bee. B 412 WANTED A few reliable workmen for fnetory positions; steady employment during the winter. Address P. O. box S!9. B M431 27x WANTED Three artists who can1 do first class wnrk In cravon. nastel. ete. Per manent positions. Either Balnry or piece ! work. United Art Co., fourth floor, Sykes Blk.. .Minneapolis. Minn. B M480 37 WANTED Competent Job printer: steady work. Nebraska Newspaper Union. York, Neb. B-M478 27 WANTED Good team drivers; wages $2 per day after 30 days' service; stesdy Job. Sunderland Brothers Company. 2m h and Hickory Sis. B-4S2 28 BOOKKEEPER and Stenographer, $45 Io $nS. Call at once or write. WESTERN REF. ft BOND ASS N (INC.). Suite 840-841-843 N. Y. Life Bldg. B-607 2 WANTED Floor man. horaeshoer; must be a mechanic. Apply Prof. Stewart J. Stocker. 419 Grand Ave., Dns Mdnes. Ia. B-M501 Nov 1 BOY In office of large manufacturing firm; must be. neat, careful penman; experience not necessary; $R to start; state age. edu cation; give references. Address U. 44, Bee. . B498 26 TRY a nerve bracing Cel-Pep-Ko today and see how much better you feel tomorrow. B 520 28 X WANTED One nrst-cluss retail candy maker.- W. S. Balduff, 1530 Knrnnm St. B-MoSt 29 WANTED Competent all round book binder, who can make good. Press Print ing Co..- Riverside. California. R M513 28 MEN WANTED to handle lumber. Gulou & Ledwlch. ISth nnd Nicholas Sis. (B-M5.' Nov2 BOY" WANTED A good opening for an en ergetic boy and a chance to lern bnrtness methods; short hours and good pay; need not Interfere with school duties; steady work all winter. Apply after school at 118 Capitol Ave. B F35 27 X WANTED FEMALE HELP CALLS for Stenographers and Bookkeepers are coming In faster tliau we can fill them at present. Call and register or write ua at once. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N (INC.). Suite S40-841-842 N. Y. Life Bldg. C 508 28 WANTED Fifty girls to work in candy factory; good chance to earn money to buy your Christinas presents with. Tbe Voegale & Dinning Co., 13Jti Jones St. CN-M7JJ EXPERIENCED chocolate dippera wanted at once. D. J. O'Brien Co.. 12'.'2 Howard. C-Mi3o WANTED A competent girl for general housework, amall family. Mra. 11. M. MoClanahan. 1312 N 40th St. Tel. Har ney 1402. .' 413 WANTED Experienced saleslady for cloak and suit department; high a-ilary. Fred rick Berger Co., 1517 Farnam St. C-M426 WANTED Apprentice girl at Miss Wat son's hair dressing parlors. 3.0 Neville block. C 440 26 , , . . WANTED Skirt and waist heliicis and errand girl 646 Hamge Bldg. Miss Ltu ser. C 441 26x AT ONCE, girl for general housework; small family. Room 306. 208 N. 14th Bt. 'Phono Dongl.is 71". C 455 WANTED A straight matter lady com positor. Anchor Publishing Company, I Patterson building, Omaha, Neb. 1 C-M460 WANTED Cook for small family; wages I $6 to $S. 2037 Dodge St. - C 485 WANTED An experienced stenographer; ! Oliver typewriter; answer In person. S. Fredrick Berger & Co., 1517 Farnam. C 41 27 GIRL for general housework. $xs Park Ax e. C 183 31 x COMPETENT experienced stenographer Immediately; references required. Sun derland Brothers Company. C 188 27 GIRLS wanted for assembling calendar sheets, tacking fly nets, turning b;igs; also small girls for clipping thread; steady work; good pay. Bemls Omaha Bug Co., llth and Jones Sts. C M513 2S WANTED Machine operators on panu. shltt und overalla at King-Graham Mtg. Co.. Urmia Bag Bldg.. llth and Jackson. Ann v at fifth floor. C Mt.H 28 I WANTED Finishers on ladles' coats and skirts. Apply at cloak department. Hav des Bros. C 523 26x CASHIER, out of town, $.". WESTERN Rr.r . Bll.Nl ASSN. INC.. Suite 84o-84l-843 N. Y. Life Bldg. . C-552 47 WAN''Er-A lady to truvel with dramatic company and play parts; a talented ama teur niUHl rill th place; preference g yen to one who can sing or assist with plino playing, inquire of M. H. Curls at the Thurston hotel, Mondiy between a. m. and 2 p. m. - C M5S3 28X WANTED Two women to do scrubbing; r moment pr.BltOm. Enquire Mr. Thomas, It. Brandt is 4c Sous. C Mali 28 DETECTIVE SERVICE WETMOHB de'ective service. 'Phone Red 7ol. Rooms 1J and 14 Union Blk , 1Mb STRANGE YOU JUST TRY fl DEE CUSTOMER. C j FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS j DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. I E 639 Doug. 611 O. M. E, Haul Trunk E 4 10 PLEASANT room, mooern. prlvste fam I1.V. 64 Bo. I6th Ave. K 349 2x CAPITOL HOTEL, 18th and Capitol Ave.; American or European; meam hc:it and modern eonvenlencea. u 473 TJVO nicely furnished llRlit housekeeping rooms, modern. MS S. isth Si. E M 4-' OR 3 beautiful furnished rooms for light housekeeping. l.ilii; No. 2"th. E Atr;4 2S NEWLY furnished rooms; new house; ono block north of Furnuni car; gentlemen only; every modern convenience; hoi water hoat. 107 B. 31st St. K 115 novlM TWO largo, light, modern rooms, JS and $:; phone: bnarU near. Mrs. li. B. Corliss. yt S. Mth'Ave. FMTlVi Lflx FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611 O. M. E. Haul Trunks F -641 VIENNA hotel; private dicing rooms, cafe. F 644 THE ROPE, 2030 Harney Bt.; plnasanl, warm rooms; good board. F440 i'U BRIGHT, MOUTH room for two persoiih wishing good home board, private, hj? Park Ave. K 527 is FOR RtNT HOUSES j SIM Wirt St.. B rooms, all modern. $25. 3527 Charles St., 8 rooms, modern except heat. 2S; furnace for t'M. I rt38 Hamilton St., 9 rooms, modern except I heat, $25. i 113S S. 3uth Ave.. 11 looms, modern. $45. li4 ix Mt st., rooms and barn, modern except heat, $26. 3217 Cuming St., 8 rooms, modern except heat. $24. . 2?67 Farnam St., 8 rooms, $2H.o0. HASTINGS fc HEYDEN, 1704 Far nam St. D 528 27 WE DO expert piano moving at lowaat prices. Tel. Douglas lb25. Schmnller & Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. D 640 IlflTTSPS in all parte ot tha city. R, 4J.VJ4JO.Lii3 C- petetlJ & Co., Bee Bldg D 647 rTnTTSFS In H parts of the city. Tha 0 F. Davis Co.. Bee Bids. D iU HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt. Barker Blk D 649 OMAHA Van & Storage Co., pack, more, ttore H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-2! N. 19th. Office. 1511 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1559. D 65') STOR i fil'' Household goods, l.-inr-OIUAAUJj cliandlFe, etc., Fred Bush Transfer Line, 1003-5 Farnam St. D Mj8 Nov. li). WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor i Co. Tel. Doug. 14S6. Office. 171S Web- as ater.St D-CSl FEB us when shipping household gooda tu large el'les west. We can save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO., 214 N. Sixteenth St. Tel. Doug. 11!. D-6j2 NEW APARTMENTS 25th anfl Half-Howard Sts., ' 3 and 6 rooms each, modern In every respect. Rent, 537.50 and $40. GEORGE CO.. l'-Ol FARNAM. Phone Douglas 756. D 450 Nov4 FOR RENT room house, nil modern; fur nace; $25. C. 21. Bachmann. 436 Paxton Blk. V-2- COUNSMAN-VAN BURGH CO., storage and transfer. Best storaga housa in the city. Immediate attention given. lo29-31-33 N. 16th Bt. Tel. Douglas-1619. 9-r. mod., very choice, 241(1 Sherman Aye., 6- r?'mod., good condition, ififlR Corby, $?o. 8-r. mod., good condition, 2204 Maple, $23. 7- r. mod., choice, 3103 Man y, 0. 6-r.. partly mod., 211 So. 2Sth Ave., $1. 4-r.. new, two lots, 4.M4 Grant. $10. Russell 1 & McKitrick Co., 433-83-34 Ramge Bldg. 13tb and Harney Sts. D 44B 26 FOR RENT Fine flat, all modern; good furnace; 405 S. 26th Ave. William K. Potter receiver, 3ol Brown Blk. D 19 FOR rent. October 16, to responsible ten ant, 7-room houiie. 257 Farnam St.; mod ern except furnace; $26.50. Apply at o7 N. 19th St. D Mb4a COLONIAL residence, opposite Hanscom park; modern; after Nov. 1. Phone Douglas 522. D 108 FIVE-ROOM house. 1312 So. 4th St.; now being put In perfect condition; rent. $10. Bern is, Paxton Blk. D-M399 FOR RENT To responsible tenant. 21i3 Locust St; modern 7-room house with re ception hall, cement basement, cement walKS, gooa ourn; ihmuuc nv i"'"- Ise D M4i5 NEW 5-room cottage, strictly modem, ex cept furnace, south front. block from Harnev car line, 3226 Seward St., rent $22.60. Bemls, Paxton Blk. D M4ii4 FOR RENT- Barn. 2504 Chicago St. Tel. Doug. 3. D- M468 27 IF YOU ere unsuccessful in finding a ten ant for your house see. us. We have de niable tenants wanting 5, ( and 7-room houses. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1704 Farnam St. D-M5HB 27 FOR Rent Modern 3-rooiu apartment; steam heat; electric light; close In. Ad dress V. 45. Bee. D-M497 27x 2624 1624 2215 $). ll: 2i2i Wirt St., 6 rooms, all modern. $25. Wirt St.. 6 rooms, modern, new $.10. Dodge St., 9 rooms, modern but heat, H. 8"th A.. 11 rooms, all modern. $13. Hamilton 81., rooms, modern but f urna ce, $25. l.M'j S. 26th St.. rooms ana nam, moaern but h eat. $--5. 2867 Farnam ut.. 6 rooms, HASTINGS HEYDEN, 1704 Fains m St Dl'i 26 CENTRAL, steam, modern TiiHid, 2J0 N. 2:id. -room house. D-M516 , I - $32 50. STRICTLY house. 1801 So. Harney 1767. modern 8-rootn brick 2th St. Telephone D M566 2IIX WANTED AGENTS NEW sleeve protector for office and house work; samples free this week; oilier novelties. Ladies Supply Co., X'l Pi.ciri. Ave., O.. Chicago. J M635 Novl2x SALARY and commission will be paid to an old line Itfe man ot experience. Ad diesK Box 1195, Lincoln. Neb. J-773 NovlJ WANTED Bright man or woman to travel; salary $15 weekly: expenses advanced; re liable school; some knowledKe of music preferred, not essential: red renees. Ad dress Jot. 11. Moore, Omaha, Nth. J 26x MAN or woman to distribute samples and employ agents; $18 a week: expenses ad vanced; permanent. Ziegler Co . 221 lo cust St.. Philadelphia. J Mfw8 2M AUTOMOBILES YOU can afford an. automobile If you gei one of our bargains in ui-e,l cats; now In the time In buy; send drin-rlptioii of car and let us anhinil some imps. The Auto mobile Ejchduge. lti MiUilga:! Ave., CUcagu. tot 26X CAN'T GET OUT IVW AD AMD QUCKLV FfD A CASH 9 X X X X FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 40TII ST. IUOSIlfEXCE. 10 rooms, thoroughly modern, hot water hc;it. two good east front lot., hirge trees, near car lino. No. 356 N. 401 h 8t. l'rlce. $10,iio. GEOItGK & CO.. 1G01 FARNAM 8T. Rl -4it0 28 REAL ESTATE BARGAINS FOR QUICK SALE $4,0m buys the pair of two-story 7-room frame dwellings at 1.(10 and 1.112 B. 2Stli St.; nil Kutk in except furnace now renting at $tso per annum. $3,oon buys 9-rooin frame dwelling at 2K09 1'oppletoti Ave.; fully modern: now vac.int; was rentea ut P1 r annum. $7, (eo for 5"9 um1 ull N'. ISth St., two S-ruum fully modern ftanio dwellings, with 4 room cottage in the rear; rents lor $&t9 per annum. $1,200 for 2!i2 Charles St.; 6-room cottugt; full lot. or: corner. Apply to W. B. MEIKLE. 206 Ramge Building. RE 906 Business Property Investment 13GS-11 - Howard, 3-story and basement, brick, modern. Good Income. C. 11. GLOVER & SON, Sole Agents. RE M472 2i Home and Investment 2TH8 N. 30th St., ten rooms, modern, and two acres ground (12 lots), on c;ir line, for $7,500. Y'ou can't beat this, C. R. GLOVER & SOX, Sole Agents. Room 8, N. Y. Life. Doug. 133. RE-M473 28 Fine Home at Sacrifice Ten rooms, strictly mod ern, onk finish, good repair, lot 60x130, largo barn, drive way, paved street, permanent walks and atone steps. Former price $v5: now $4.7,tO. Must be sold yet this month. C. R. GLOVER & SON, Sole Agents. Room 3, N. Y. Lite. Doug. 1)3. RE M471 28 $l5 DOWN, $5 PER MONTH Fivo lots In a thickly settled part of Omaha, 2 blocks from car line, hahdy to South Omnha. Owner bound to sell; has rut the terms and authorized us to cut price $100 per lot. The first customer gets "a. lot for mo, Just as good and $50 cheaper than the others. That's as cheap bs lots are offered in the outskirts of the city. J. H. DUMONT & SON, )5-tt N. Y. Lifo Bldg. Phono Douglas U!W. . RE-C05 26 Don't Wait on This. -room partly modern cottage In the beau tiful Orchard Hill district; hirgir la.wn. nlc shade trees. This property his be-n listed for immediate sale and owner says take $2,200. II. R. STRINGER, 27 Neville Blk. Phone Douglas 7554. RE-StS 27 320 ACRES Boyd county. Nebraska, land; loo acres Texas county, Mlswnurl, Im proved and fenced and cross-fenced, also 120 acres of Polk county, Nebraska, land, improved, any one of the above we will exchange for good general merchandise, good town income property, or western land, or hnrdwore stock: live stock also ronldered. Address Hastings Bros., Os ceola, Neb. . , KE-M4M 27x GOOD BRICK BUILDING. SIX COMPLETE APARTMENTS. Sherman Ave. near Grace street, modern conveniences in each suite, good locality; splendid Investment at $12,ooO. Don't liother ttnunts, see me. W. T. GRAHAM, 604 BEE BLDG. RE 624 29 FOR SALE! A 9-room hcuso $2.ooo A 6-room house 52.600. A 6-1 oom house $1,500. A 5-room house $1,100. Will sell the above snaps If taken at once. GI.OBt: LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Patterson Block. RE M397 BEAUTIFUL Wirt 8LJ modern home; hot water heat; 76 feet front; space to build another house; strictly first-class condi tion; large barn; must sell; make nfTer. See owner. 1921 Wirt St. RE M'J63 TWO modern houses at the southwest cor ner of 31st and Cass Sts., with ground on which to build another house. f'avnd street, east front, nice shade trees. Make mo an offer for ore or both. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1. N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-M814 ANOTHER GOOD ONE O-room modern cottage, right on 24th St. car linn; lots of shade; licuse remodeled for ' owner's us'. A good buy at $250o. II. R. STRINGER, 1 227 Neville Blk. Phone Douglas 7554. RE P4!l 2i TOWN SEND Really Co., Fremont. Neb., -buy, sell and exchange lands, city prop erty and merchandise; try us for deal. RE M241 Nov.bxv C. G. CARLBERG, real estate and Insur ance 911 N. Y. Life. 'Phone Red-7497. RE M17 KERH-SHALLCROSS CO.'S ABSTRACTS OF TITLES are the safest. You are pro tected by a $10,0110 bond against loss by errors. You don t buy a law suit when vou buy a "Kerr" abstract. 1614 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 6487. RE PARTY' leaving city offers for sale nice home, fine yard and trevs; price reason able. Address B 436, cure Bee. RE M532 2Sr CHOICE HOME, ( rooms, modem; paved street; worth $0,0"0; will sell for $4.5nO on account owner leaving city. Hutchinson Bollard Co., ir.23 Farnam. RE M534 29 i MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam, ( and i' per cent anus on real estaie; no oeiay. W-67 MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Inveatment Oa Vv 608 WANTED City loana and wariants. W. Farnam Smith Ik Co., 1320 Fainam St. W-fci BUILDING loans on residence property; 4 per cent. V,. B. Uclkle, Ramge Bik. W-674 i LOWEST RATES Bomls, Paxton Block. PR1VATI5 MONEY-F. D. Wead. 15) Doug. SV-6J2 I1.O0O.OUU TO I-OAN on bualnesa and real dence properly in Omaha; luweM rates; no delay, ihomas Brenuau, K. 1, N. Y. Life. W-473 WANTED City loana R. C. Peters Co. W-474 City at farm loans. O. t Carson Co.. N.V L W-47& LOANS on Improved city property. W. IL Thomas, 5u6 First National Lank Bldg. W 7S LAW AND COLLECTIONS 1. M. MacfarUuuL M li. U Bldg. Tei -4W4 Nov OF BUSINESS A A! A A J FOR SALE FARMS WESTERN LAND A Chance to Speculate 10,(rt acres In western Ne- , braska, 10 miles from the main linu of tha Union Pa cific Railroad and about 16 miles from the B. & M.J mostly all good, smooth Kind; good soil; no sand; will bu used for agricultural pur poses soon, at the rate peo ple are going west. Price, $5 per acre; easy terms. PAYNE ' INVESTMENT CO., 1st Floor N. Y. Lifo Bldg., Omaha, Neb. H-M496 28 YOUR OPPORTUNITY for a safe and profitable-investment. The Union Pacific H. R. Co. Is fast closing out Its lands In western Nebraska. Colorado .ml Wyoming at to $5 per acre Easy Terms This land consists of fine farm and ranch lands. For descriptions of landa and full Information regarding special excursions apply to LAND AGENCY U. P. R. R Dept. B. 218 So. tfst. OMAHA. NEB. H THREE farm bargains. Write J. T. Camp, bell. Litchfield. Neb. H M915 NIBx FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES Low Priced Offices Ono room. No. 514. I"xl6, Is well lighted and desirable, at $16.50. Two rooms, 520 and W7. at $15 each. A good place to be In the winter or sum mer is in The Bee Building Ask for Mr. Baker, Supt., who will be pleased to show you these rooms. 1322 A VERY DESIRABLE oltlce, room 518, with south and east light. Is pat titloneo, one room being 6-11x19-8 and the other 19-8x21-7; has large siso fir proof vault; Janitor service and electric light free. This is one our best suites of oflloes In the building. See Mr. Baker, Supt. Bee, Bldg-.. 17th and Farnam. 1620 FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hall building, 417 N. 25th St., Soutn Omaha. Apply to manager. 1134 FOR RENT Largo corner store roim, 16th and Vinton Sts., ,$30. C. M. Buch tnann. 438 Paxton Blk. 1 M621 THE two store rooms, with basements, at 703-705 S. 16th street; per month lor both. Inquire R. C. PETERS & CO.. Ground Floor. Bee Bldg. I-MIM BUILDING 1006 Farnam, will be vacant November 15; 22xloo; 3 floors and base ment. Apply 314 First. Nat'l Bank Bldg. I-9S0 DESIRABLE storeroom and base ment. iOxi'iO feet, nrnr 10th and How ard Sts. Vacant about Nov. 15. 1'i6. GEORGE CO.. 1601 FARNAM ST. 1-491 26 DESK room In one of the large olllces, partitioned off. $10 per month. See Mr. Baker, Supt. Ree Bldg. 1-621 WANTED TO RENT WANTED By a music teacher, two rooms, furnished or unfurnished. with hent, within lo minutes' walk of postoillce. Ad dress B, Drexel Hotel, City. K 510 26x MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS EASYTO GET A loan on furniture, pianos, livestock er otjM?r chattels, left In your (Undisturbed Possession) IF YOU NEED MONEY to pay your grocer, landlord, or any other bills which may be bothering you. Our plan the best aa we give yo'j a writ ten copv of the contract with a GUARANTEED REBATE tf paid before the contract expires. SALARY LOANS made to people steodll) employed. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO (Established 1892) Tel. Doug. 296. US Board of Irauo Bldg. IM So. 16th Street. X-M.B $$$$$$$$$$ Pi i i MONEY TO LEND ON SALARIES, FURNITURE. PIANOS. I houses and wagons. i ma ia yuur opportunity to svi and pay those Utile annoying debts. Ar rangu your affairs now so that when the cold weuther comes you will only have one company to owe. You can repay us In small weekly or monthly payments, best suited to your In come; amounts paid before due, full rebata Is ALWAYS a.iowed. Reliable Credit Co. Rooms 8o7-30b Paxton Block. Corner Farnam and Sixteenth Sta. $$$$$$$($$ X-M678 31 SALARIED PEOPLE and others furnished money upon their own names, without security; easy pay menta; offices in 63 principal cllica. Save yourself money by gulling my lei uis tirst. D. II. TULAlAN, 714 New York Lite Dldt. X-374 DR. PRIBBENOW S MONEY, loaned on furniture, salary, piano, horses, etc., in any amount; less than half rales; perfect privacy; immediate aiiention; any iciiiiS wauled. Payments suspended when olck or out of work. 214 Karbach Blk. Ai9 South 15th St. X 441 Boweu, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., Advances private money on chattels or salary; easy to get; no red tape; jou get money same, day asked for at small cosl. Open evenings till 1. X 812 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE; relluhle, accom modating; all bualnesa conuduntial. 13ul Douglas. X 844 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. 1". Reed, 3i0 6. lSlh. X-846 FURNITURE, live slock, salary loana. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker block. X-846 CHATTELS, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St. X 84o CHATTEL and salary loans. Phoenix Credit Co., 633 Paxton block. X 47 LOST AND FOUND LOST One sorrel-roan mare and one chestnut-man horae; weiuht l,20u (annuls. Tel. Harnev -2762. Reward. Lost M530 29 LOST Near Council's drug store. 32d and Farnam, veterinary certificate: 5 re ward for return. Address U 89. Bee. LosU Mt3 2SI PERSONAL $1 WIV.l machines lenlnj. Any make; 75c per week or $2.00 per month. Second hand mac hines for sale, $5 1 and up. Neb Cyclu Co. 15lh and Ikirney. U M4.6 DR. ROY, chiropody" Doug. 4497. 1 J"'. PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME. MrJ Dr. King. 2018 N. 21st St. Tel. Iolfi9- PLEATING Buu"r -ji?.??: ng. WMin ,i Dyeing mid cleaning, sponging and shrink ing; only 6o per yard. Bend for prlca list M.l U,.,r,l. uu oijiie. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO. 400 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglii a 1934. LAUNDRY CITY STEAM. Tel. Doug. 254, 211 S. llth St. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castoff clothing: In fact, anything you do not need; we colljct. repair ami sell, at 111 N. llth St.. for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 4135 and wagon will -all. U oil WORTH a dollar a box Satin skin luce powder costs hut 25c. Arc you using It? (. RAN AWAY Roseoo Wortman. aged 13; short and stoky, dark lialr and hazel eyes, dimple In chin, pug nose; nail mashed off from middle finger of left hand; wore bluo cotton sweater, with vertlcle ribs of red. faded; dark mixed coat, light gray mixed knee pants, both shabby; shapeless light felt hut: a re ward of $10 will be paid for Information of his whereabouts. O. J. Wortman, South Bend, Neb. U M555 28 FREE medrrnl and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college. 14th and Dav enport Sis.; special attention paid to confinement cases; all treatment super vised by col-.-ge professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or night. U-129 THE CITY GARBAGE CO., office 4th and Leavenworth ai. Tel. Douglas liSS7. U-32 SURVEYING, Bllckensdsrfer, 312 Bee Bldg U 833 OHAIIA Stammerers' Institute. Ramge Bldg. U-l WE will find good comfortable homes for babies whose mothers cannot care for , them. See "Mother Lee, Supt." Tlnley Rescue Home. 403 Bancroft St. U 700 oct24 MAONRTTntnfment find bath. Mme. U-M1M MASS A fiF, Swedish movement. 410 N. U M107 novl CHAMPION Carpet cleaning. Doug. 655. 1629 Leavenworth. V M186 Nov8 ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend call or write to tho matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at Ji.24 N. 24th St.. Omaha. Neb. U M100 TRY KELLY'S Laundry. 'Phone Douglas 8520. U 826 PRIVATE home during conilnement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan San itarium. 7L'S First Ave.. Council 1-1 lulls, la. Tel. 774. U 8S2 DRS. VOGEL private hospital for women and for ladies before and during confine ment. 3iU9 U. 13th St.. Omaha. Neb. U-M9J0 OS1 , FOR anything In the aewlng machine line go to P. E. Flodnian & Co.. 1614 Capitol Ave. II M183 Nov3 TYPEWRITERS rented. $2.60 per month; all makes; aatisfactlon guaranteed. Fox Typewriter & Supidy Co., 1822 Farnam St. U-359 Novi A Dollar Free for You. This coupon will be taken as $1 payment on a $10 purchase of shoes, hats or cloth ing; balance paid aa you earn It. lloMr, ( lir.iJH Cl.OTii.lj.Nti COMPANY, 1520 Dodge St., Cor. 16th, Omaha. U-118 N18 PENNEU, Millinery Co.. 322 No7th"iatli St, U M268 Jane RUPTURE CURED-No knife, no pain, no detention from business. Call or write for booklet, etc. QUICK CURE RUP TURE CO., 511 Woodmen of World Bldg., ' Omaha. U (94 Crelghton Dental colleg. Patients free. Free treatment at Cicignton Dental col lege. U M510 Novll IF LUCKY you get your picture enlarged to life slse in genuine crayon free in our drawing contest, every day, 10 a. in. to 4 p. in., guaranteed worth $5. Wallace Bristol & Co., Artists. 620 N. 16th St. U M570 NovlO C. J. PALMQUIST Custom shoe maker. 4124 Hamilton St., and 107 S. loth St. U M6U6 Nov. 10 ECZEMA absolutely cui'ed by W. A. Pas ton's salve. B. J. Suannell, agent, & Ware Blk. - U MZi NovlS CHRISTENSON; carpet cleaning. TeX Doug. 1669. U 874 Nov. 14. THE ACORN Press. TtT! Doug! 3792. Commercial Printers. 1510 Howard St. U M999 Novi.8 HALSTED Show cards and small signs. 61 'Douglas Blk. Tel. Doug. 3H06. U-M100 ALL MAKES of typewriters for rent. $2 to $4 month. Central Typewriter Ex change, 1603 Iavenworth. 'Phone Rcd-6',99. I M547 nov26 MR. X. X. Any information that you ran give me about my boy. or his where abouts will never be forgotten. Write me personal. U M542 2Sx SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall: cut prices; send for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. U 825 MEDICAL DR. PRIES, specialist, women's diseases, weaknesses, discharges. Irregularities, cured painlessly and safely. WithneU block, 16 1 h and Harney, Room 2, Omaha. BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills" $1 box, postpaid. Sherman A McCotiDell Drug Co., Omaha. WANTED SALESMEN WANTED Hustling salesman traveling this locality to sell enameled ware, tin ware, specialties, assortments, etc., as aide line; most liberal commission ; dead onea save stamps. Crlswell Mercantile Company, 108 S. Meiidan St., IndianaoliH, lnd. U-641 27 WANTED Experienced salesman for fur niture trade. January 1st; give references, experience, etc. Address U 17, Bee. L M291 27 x PLUMBING BUY plumbing supplies direct. Wholesale pricea. Save on every article. Only first clana goods handled. Prompt attention to every order. Send for catalogue. B. V, Karol. 235 Hamsun St., Chicago, 111. -4(77 LYNCH BROS. Repair work our specially. 118 N. 15th St. Tel. Douglas 1477. Mill N25 HORSES & WAGONS FOR SALE ONE team of mares. Myers, 1715 Jackson. P M460 28 FOR Sal' High-class (custom made) sta tion wagon; has been used only a few times. It can W seen at A. J. Simpson Ac Son s, 14" Douglas St. P M4: Nov 1 DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING In family or at home. Miaa Sluidy, 2ett Davenport. Phone Har. tiy 2M2. -734 M'DOWELL system of dressmaking and cutting, patterns cut to incisure; lessor s Tuesday and Thursday cveulngs. 1623 Farnam. M512 N'.'l OSTEOPATHY- JOHNSON Institute, 414 N. Doug. 1664. Y. L. Tel. 49 DR. BOWSER, ovet 1600 Faruani. lei. Doug. 63 70. Mill Ntyi iW DEATO NOTICES FERGUSON A. M., t bl" "Te. 223 North Eight' on in street. October 26, I "(US. Funeral notice later. FLORISTS HERS SWOBODA. 1414 Farnam. 494 L. HENDERSON, 1S1 Farnam. Doug. 1253. Tel. 494 MONUMENTS Great Western Granite Co. Dougtss s2L M9d Norlt WANTED TO BUY SECOND-HAND I - WANTED TO BUT. furniture, stoves, carpets, el.,llilnir nd 1 shoes; pay the best pi toes. Tel. Douglas 8971. N-6S4 Novll WANTED 10 span of work horses, 4 to T years old, l.:!'i to 1.600 cwt., well broken, sound in laidy and wind. Name cash prli e pei span snd where horses enn bo sec.i. Address U-1X Bee. N 148 24 P.MM.L modern 5 or -rooni cottage, close In; cash. Address U 37, Bee. N-44.1 27x WANTED To buy a 3 or 4-rooin cottage ta move; south of R. R. tracks. Inquire of Berk Ac Co., 941 N. Y Life. N-M459 27x WANTED Ticket to Chicago. Address U-43, Bee Office. N M504 S7x FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE An up-to-date druif stock, $ti.8i), to exchange for South Da kota or Iowa land. Globe l.nd nnd In vestment Company, Omaha, Nol rnska. -M PHAETON or rtinshout for brick work or carpenter work. Tel. A-3619. Z-M629 2SX IF YOU do not find what you want In this column, put an ad In and you will anon get it. Z 932 FOR EXCHANGE A number of good first mortgage loana and good lands to ex change for groceries or a general stock ' ot merchandise. Globe Land A Invest ment Co., Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Z-M9!8 DANCING WORTH considering, Isn't It, when Mo rand's Dancing School for adults will sell you a ticket good for 12 lessons at the reduced price of. ladies $4. gentlemen $5, which will teach you how to dance per fectly? Former pupils one dollar less. Three assistants to help beginners. Call or Tel. Douglas 1041. Fall terms begins Friday, Nov. 2, 8 p. m. 662 N14X FPINTINC LTNGSTAD High Grade 1907 Calendars, v tr.uirL' g- corner 16th St. and as JOHVE, capltol Ave. 7 COMPLETE line of 1907 calendars! Sue II Printing Co., 310 B. 12th St. -167 Nov3 JOB printing snd binding. Springer Print ing Co., 2us No. 17th. Tel. Doug. 2071. M669 Nov. 10 CENTRAL PRINTING CO.; fine Job work typewritten letters. Ho S. 17th St., 1V4 blocks north Bea Bldg. M644 Novl2 PATENTS V. 1. LARSON & CO., patent lawyers; patent book free. Bes Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 692 6HARPE MACHINE WOHKS-Patents procured, inventions developed, drawings, Satterns. castings, machine work. 6o4-6U . 10th St. -43 PATENTS procured and sold. 1 fee. Nat'l. Investment Co., Douglas - Blk., 16th and Dodge; . M 412 Nov.4 MUSIC AND LANGUAGES MISS IRMA SPRINGER, piano lessons 54 cents. 1320 N. 41st St., Walnut Hill car. M608 Nov. 13 CHATBLAIN School of Languages Day and evening classes, French. German, Spanish; fencing. Davldgs Bldg. 873-Nov. 14 CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA. The leading palmist of Omaha. Revelations of past and future described. Parlors, 113 S. lUth St., Opp. Boston Store. 8-M677 FENCING ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing 6c per foot. 206 N. 17th St. Tel. Red-814. 875 Nov. 11 PROVIDE FOR YOUR CHILDREN The best legacy you can leave them N land. The Union Paclflo M. B. Co is soiling fine farm and ranch lands in Kansas, Western Neb, Colorado and Wyoming at $3 TO 3 PEIl ACKE. . HA ST TEBK8. For Information regarding lands and excursion rates apply LAND AGEXCr U. P. n. R. Dept: B, 318 S. lstb Street. OMAHA. HIGH PRICE JOR HIS MEAL Fellotv Who Beats mink Pays Fivo Dollars to tbe School Board. Equipped with much oiawn and a vora cious appetite, but with no money In his pockets, Thomas Hill of Freeport, III,, went Into the Oriental restaurant at 1203 Dodge street Thursday evening and devoured every morsel of an order for a porterhouse steak with bacon and eggs over hard, on the Bide, and knocked the Chinese pro prietor down with his fist when he Insisted on remuneration for the big gap In his larder. This manner of gaining a liveli hood by tho use of a strong arm and the sweat on his brow being against all rules of trade, the Cinnamon told the police, and after a search Patrolman Aughe lo cated the man and placed hlru under ar rest. Friday morning in police court Judge Crawford gave orders to separate $5 and costs from Hill before giving him his liberty, which would, however, hardly be sufficient to pay for the bounteous repast which Hill got on the outside of at the expense of his Celestial hosts. CASKET COMPANY WINS ' SUIT Gets Verdict by Itlrertloa of Coart Where Kaed by William 43. Marlla. Judge Sears directed a verdict for the defendant in tho case of William G. Martin against the Omaha Cnaket company. Mar tin, tho father of Lucius Martin, who was killed In the collapte of th caaket com pany's building at Thirteenth and Cass streets luring a slorm about a year ago. sued the company for $5,0"0. The evidence showed young Maritn had gone Into the bulljlng to collect a hill, had then gone out and returned wheo he saw the sturnt coniiiuf up. CHAMBERS Now open. Adult begfnners Mondays and Thursdays. Children Wednesdays and Saturdays. Special class strictly for married couples, now forming, every Tuesday evening. Tele. Doug. ls;u 1