Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1906, Page 9, Image 9
TIIE OMAHA DAILY REE: FRIDAY. OCTOBER 26, 1906. r CHAIN AND PRODSCE MARKET v 2 nortrern, 74He; An tmck. Kn. 1 northern, ; No. 2 northern, 74r; October. 7f4c; IlrrfmWr, T5"r; May, 77 4c: Jvlly. 78'-. ui-10 aniv and fKlohw, 3lc. NEW YO.tR STOCKS ANDBONDS Leat Holdi Tit a Tons Early Under atl CprratioDi. tUACLQN AND LOSS OF ALL ADVANCE Cash Prices Bid I p la Xorlkwrat aad Spot aitualloa 4,eaerallp Firmer lorn Tikri gpart, bat Closes U llhoil tiala. OMAHA. Oct. 26, 1906. Vlieat held a firm tone ml. tnorrung and L,ii rn advanced o by bull opera wMr. tnough Liverpool u lower and i. -iv. tin ! u generally bearish. 'Ins novum t h 1 1 id to bold una price declined l, yeoietaay s close. Receipts In the north ft uie still matl and cash premium ti.c.e were auvancea :. Hottitiwesiern it- la ceipis T( ahead of last year and stock mu k lMir increase. Th car situation la nut improved. 1 lie coin market ai strong, being up 'jo at dnr time, but at tne close reacted to aoout jtstrrday'a price. Despite favorable weather and moderate receipt lentlment emod bullish. Borne signs of Improve ment m liown In the caah market. Primary wheat recelpta were 1.021,000 bu. and shipments 575,000 bu., against recelpta last year of 1, 246,000 bu. and anlpmenta ot li.lK.ono hit. Coin receipt were 413,iOO bu. and shipments 6Hf,ouw tru.. against recelpta last year of 379.UK) bu. and Hhlpmenu of 2ti,0ut bu. Clearance wera ttw.ouo bu. of wheat. L-4.f bu. of- corn, ll.ono bu. of oata and hour and wheal euiial to 647.000 bu. Liverpool cloed ViHd lower on wheat and unchanged on corn. . Kanaaa City 1 -getting new report of loxa to stacked wheal rn Kansas, whore the kiain waa supposed tft. have been all right, These reports ara largely from southwest ern part or trie state and are liable to in creiu In number aa toe threshers get Into 1 ne stacks. . Atlantic and gulf porta cleared 3,736.000 liuanelH of wheat and flour for thia Brad street If Canada and the Pacitia coast show tiu Well, clearances tula week will be the record for thin vear. The Von Dorn Commission company had the following message from Prtngle, Fitch Rut, kin: "Mr. Danvers, our Argentina agent, cables that tha locusts are still threatening the crop In the northern and central districts. 80mA measures are be lng taken to destroy tha Insects, but they ara Ineffective. Locum have appeared In the south and ara threatening damage to tha wheat crop. Rain did little good In Buenos Ayrea and mora moisture Is wanted In Santa Fe. Tha ofik-laj estimate of tha wheal trnp has been .raised, making tha crop isib.iiw.uou busneis. Locai ranga of options: I Articles. I Open. Hlgh. Low. Cloa. Tes'y V ;.Vl.eal- Dec.i. May... Ma,.. rec.,. May,. . 66V 7H 71s. S7 37; m si1 82. 71 4 37 87 1V4 2W ( Omaha Cash Sales. WIIEAT-No S hard, 1 cars. We, CORN No. 8 yellow, 1 car, 29VC OATS No. S white, 1 car, ' Oniaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 6&4S74; No. 3 hard, MMrKfcr; No. 4 hard. WHMMic; No. spring 6.K0 "fc. CORN No. 1, 8WSSc: No. I yellow, 39ci No. 3 white. 3iHk'(Htc. OATS No. 3 mixed, 2Mti830c; No. I white. 3rc; No. 4 white, SO-MOsc. RYE-No. 1, 68c;,. No. 3. 57c. - f Carlot Receipt. ;-'. Wheat. Corn- Chicago 1. 61 KanHuj) City 112 .Minneapolis 2b7 . oinuha 84' Dulutn ..aa til. Leuls 77 SEW 1 OR K KKIF.R l. JitRKKT 173 14 Oat. 201 Oaofatloaa of the Par Varloaa Commodities. NEW YORK, Oct 3n.-rTX"tUR-ncelptf, '. 2T'I hbl exrirts. MS bbls.: siil"e. 1..k) pks:. , market stesiy with trndo; Mln ne,ta patent.. It )Mi4..: hnkers. ti.7iii I winter tuitfiit. m ?r4 winter stralKlits. t fWl, winter extra, li9f.'o3 1; winter low uricich, ,, oft. Kye Hour. mm. m.r 10 food, $3.Ahfi3.Mi; choice to fanty, $.1 H-".4i4 K. Muck wheat flour, steady, Vl.XAt'i. for spot n l to arrive HICKWHKAT Market ete.dv. 11.25 per 1 pourd. c. t f ,Nf V"tK. COR NM KAIr Market Arm: fine white snd yilow. tl jwi a, coarse, i l'nil.l-; kiln dried. ! 75. Rrii-Msrket firm: Jersey and state. 66H tic rtellferd. HAR1,EY firm; feeding, tac, c. I. f. Buffalo. WHE AT Receipts. XM.ftufl bu.: exports. 345,105 bn. : sales. l,wl,(mo bit. futures: spot. bsrelv steady; No. i red, T9,c elevator and S0'(? f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 northern, Tju luth, Hr t. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard, KFc f. o. b. afloat. During the forenoon wheat was firm and fiMc higher on small north west rtcelpts. bull support and covering. Later It yielded to realising and a bearish Argepilr. crop estimate, clowlng e net nwer. Hales Included No. 7 red. May. M'Vir e34e, cloaed at (Uc; December. SI 5-ltVrf1 81 lH-lBc, closed at c. CORN Receipts, (0.125 bu. ; exports, J,"n bu.; sales, 50,000 bu. futures; spot market, steady; No. i, M4c elevator antf Boc f. o. b. afloat; No. 3 yellow, fi64c; No. 2 white, ofiVic. The option market was run up near the clos by January shorts and was finally He to lc n't hlsher; January, BlVuC'1. closed at BISc; May closed at 60.c; De cember, o2it(.2''i,r. closed at 527ic. OATS Rw-lpts, 110,m0 bu.; exports, 2,lfi5 bu.; pot market, steady; mixed oats, 26 to 33 lbs., 38c; natural white, 3 to SI lbs., .W4.&4OC; clipped white, 38 to 40 lbs.. 39 FEED Firm; spring bran, prompt shipment: middlings, lor prompt shipment. HAY Market firm; shipping, WcfrSSc; good to choice, l.no91.06. HOPB Market firm; state, common to choice, lfos, zik?I26c: 1906, liyfiUc; racilio coast, 1906, lS'fllSo; 1(05, 12'14c. HIDES Market steady; Galveston, 10 to 25 pounds. ; California. 21 to 25 pounds, 2lc: Texse dry. ?4 to 3" pounds. lPc. LEATHER Market firm; acid, 27(g2i PROVISIONS Market for beef, Arm; family. 112 Soft 13 00; mess, IS.0fv-aH.C0; beef hams, 21.0Ofc22.&O; packet, $10.50111.00; city extra India mess, 119. 51X3 3)00. Cut meats, market steady; pickled bellies, 110 SB 12.): pickled hams, 12.0iW2.50. Lard, firm; western prime, $7.7oti9.t); rotiiiea. tirin; continent. 110.10; 8. A.. $10.75:' compound, $7.tT-T'7.75. Pork, market firm; family, $!.0ou'19.60; short clear, $16.7iittl!.50; mess, $lH.Otai8.75. TALLOW Market strong: city. (2 per package), (c; country (packages free), '4 RICEJ Market firm; domestic, fair to extra, SHV'-.c; Japan, nominal. POULTRi" Live, steady; chickens, 10c; fowls, 10c; turkeys, 14c. Dressed, demor alised; . western spring chickens. 9V&'14c; spring turkeys, lfi18c; fowls, 10Vtai2c. BUTTER Irregular. Street price, extra creamery, 27c; official price, creamery, com mon to extra, held, seconds to extra, 21'flvWc; state dairy, common to fancy, 194f214c; renovated, common 'to ex tra, 16WB'lu.'c: western factory, common' to flrs-s, ltrVq'.'oc; western Imitation crea-nery, firsts, 2tXa21Vc. first, 16i 2 c; western imitation creamery, firsts. 20421V4o. CHEESE Steady; strte full cream, Sep tember, small fancy,; Slate fair to rrood, 12Jijil24c; state October bet:, 13c arte September fancy, 13c; fair to good 12.4n2Vc: state Inferior. 10A.iS1l4c. KUus Bteady; state, Pennsylvania ana neat by fancy selected white, 32&33c: state choice. 80i.31c: state mixed extras, 2S29c western firsts, 26c; official price, 24Vx326c; seconds, 22'u?Ac. Market Eipaodi Eliehtlj, bat Frice Ut ment ii Iranoiiibie. BANKERS fROWNiht. oN SPLCULATlON RI.e Is Met with Lame Os7erlos aa4 Drl.e tla Sapportlac Orders Klnnnrlal gltaatloa Abroad. be dir the ac- $?100 for fl.5& 21.85 53 '91 ( CHICAGO .CRAfl AND PROVISIONS -atores of tha Trading; and Closing: Prices on Board of Trade.-' CHICAGO, Oct, 25.The local market waa firm iiHiay because of continued small re ceipts, in the northwest. At the oloae wheat lor tne December delivery waa op c. Corn was Vac higher. Oats were unc.nanged. ProvliMons were unchanged to 6c lower. Despite lower prlcee at Liverpool, the wheut market here held firm all. ,ay, Thiers vua (f active demand and the: volume of tracing wus much heavier than for some time past. A number of leading holla bought heavily and tiiere was tree covering by snorts. Arrivals- today at Minneapolis and Duluth were more tnan cars less loan for the corresponding day one year ago and the total primary receipts were ttinallet' by 15 per cent than for the corre Kpopcing ' time, last year. Minneapolis iniim s were reported aa good buyers of ca&iV wheat, and this strengthened the local inurkeL. Another bullish factor was a report from Kansas City that stacked whnat had been damaged by wind and rain, lite In the day prices yleltied aomewhat lo realising sales, but the close , wus firm. December wheat opened unchanged to Vc higher, at 72-to o 72Vl'2'V auvanced to ...kLuc and closed at 72'c. Clearances of wheat and nuur were euai to mi.jou bushxls. Prinisry receipts were 1.021, o0 buahcis, against l.SI&.O'iv bushels for the ume lime last year. Minneapolis, Dululh and Chicago reported receipts of 549 cars, against iuu cars last week and 749 cats a aps ago. Bteady cables and atnall local receipts riuaed moderate strength In the corn niar et. Throughout true day there' waa an active demand by pit traders and commla sioit huuBe. but oiteringa were not large. Light acceptances from the country a.l had. a bullish effect. The recent unfavor able weather has had considerable effect on tha movement of the new crop. The close waa llrm. uecemner upeiimi uuih.iib,m Local receipts rs of contract St. Louis General Market ST. LOL'19. Oct- 26. WHE AT Weak ; track. No. Z red. cash. 74VIJJ775C ; No. I hard, 7174c: December. ilMKle: May. 76c. ' CORN Higher; track. No. 2, cash. 44g 44V; NO. 2 white, 44WBH4c; uecemoer. 40fl40tc: May, 41HO. OATS Steady; track, No. 2. cash. SSttjc; No. white, 34c; December, 33Vc; May, 4He. PLOCR Bteadr: red winter patenta, fS.nOij3.80; extra fancy and straight, $J.2 3.50; clear, xj.tKrrz.uu. SEEI Timothy, quiet, $3.2604.75. rnuUMRl r t? fVl PRAN Steady ; Backed, east track. 88(690. HAY stnady ; tlmotny, xiz.iukhio.w; prai fie. $10.0012 50. ' 1 BAGOir 0-9V.C tlPMP TWIN'K n. PROVISIONS Pork, lower; ." Jobbing t 4fc Ird. hirher: Drlme stesm. law. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra short. $9.26; clear sides, $9.62; snort clear, iv.MiVk. Hacon, Bteady; boxed extra short. $10.W; clear ribs. $10,624: short clear, $10.87Vp. POULTRY Steady; chickens, 7Hc; springs. 8c; turkeys, 10fl2c; , ducks, ,8Vii3' jCfcc: geese. 7(171. BUTTER Steady; creamery. 2127c; dalrv, 18022c. EGOS Steady at 20c. l-ieceipts. onipmrnm. ir:i,PVTO; goll coin VW, gold certifioatcs. snd hutllon, $1oJ,(n,. NEW Vt)RK, Oct. 25. It would firuit to extract a meaning from tiou of today s BtocK mareet beyond tne negative interence of tne determined ab stention ot all operators ( any importance. 1 tie total sales tor the aay expanued slightly over those of yestetuay, but the imrea.e was made during the first nour. Kor most of Hie day the market had a more Magnant appeurance than for a long time past. 1 he outlness was partly attributable to the u.Verntandliig tnal banking interests frowneu upon tne luea of any present speculative activity, such efturts as are iaue by trauers to Initiate a price move ment In the 1 resent market bringing to light practical measures to hold tne nur- Kt in its suspended state. A rise in prices brings out stocks In sufficient volume to check it, wnlle a drive ugainst prices will meet support In tne shape of buying orders. The political campaign is con ced"d to have some Influence still In re pressing the speculation and In suspending unan.'iHi plans which were supposed vi be working out and were relied upon to iimuiate a speculation, some anuuionai attention waa given today to reports of friction with workmen ot various cia 1 ?s on some of the Important railroads as tems, both west and east. Denials were ottered on behalf of some of the rallroada attected that any serious conaeguences were expected from the demands being made, but reports by telegraph of in tended demands persisted. '1 he Increasing Hhoriuge of freight cars waa said to bo reaching a slagu where some Industries found themselves short of supplies In consequence and some of the railroads were reported to be refusing grain onereu for transportation. 1 ne progress or tne inoon sememem was watched with much Interest. Money loaned at higher ratee In London today. Tomorrow Is the date for the payments on the stock market settlement and nnai difficulties would be disclosed at that tlis-. A process of heavy transfera of stocits carried from the London market to the New York market Is. taken for granted from the cheaper Interest rates now ruling here. All three of the great central banks of Europe made returns of conditions to day. The Imperial Bank of Germany showed substantial recuperation and die counts receded In Berlin. The Bank of England showed a further shrinkage In its proportion of reserve to liability In spite ot the per cent bank rate ruling since the last statement. The Items In the Bank of France statement showed unimportant changes and that Institution refrained from advancing Its discount rate, as was feared yesterday It would do. The price of sterling exchange also recovered a fraction at Paris, but It Is explained that the Bank of France Is protecting Its stock of gold by meeting demands for bullion with payments of sliver, as It Is privileged to do. Its continued disinclina tion to take upon Itself the demands made upon the Bank of England Is thus to be inferred. Call money was again easier In this market, notwithstanding further remittances from here to London and to the south for cotton moving purposes. Chicago exchange receded further to 40 cents discount, at $1,000. oompared with 35 cents discount yesterday and 20 cents discount earlier In the week. The govern ment's report on cotton ginned was re garded as satisfactory, but made no Im pression on stocks. Reading was heavily ofTered at the last and the closing was easy. , Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, $1,484,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. . Quotations on the New York Stock ex change tndav were aa follows: niN. n iK"- wow. Kew York Money Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 2S. MONEY On call, firm at S'u1 per cent; ruling rate, 4Vfc per cent; oft-ren at $ per cent. Time loans, very dull and strong; sixty daya. la per cent; ninety days, per rent bid; six months, I per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE rAPrR-4CS4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business In bankers' hills at $4 .R&Wif 4 8nt for demand and at $4 cWtl4 8oT0 for slxty-dsv bills; posted ratrs. $4.8o',fi4 SI and 44M W, commercial bills, H.W'Vi 4 SILVER-Bar, Wfcc: Mexican dollars, 54c. BONDS Government, Bteady; railroad. irregular. Quotation! on bands today wera as lows : ,.1M IJtp.n (a. t ssrle. ..104 an 4. ftti ..intHI no 4. r)f. inV So id KrlM fob 4., reg. 0. S. erf. 4 4o coupon C. f. to. ri do founoa V. I. old so eoupnn V B. now 4, ref. So coupon ....... Am. Tnhsnro 4..... do Ab-hison gs. 4s... an adj. 4. Atlantic r. U 4s.. B.I. A Oslo 4s ... do la B. R. T. a. 4a Central or Oa. 8a.. do lrt Inc do td Ino do M tnr The.. On 10 4Ha. Chlrasa A. IS.. C, H aV Q n. . C , ft. 1. P. 4.. do rol. &s ccc. a M. k 1. ..K.I ..1l ..Ill .. TM, !.. A N Man. e. g. 4 Met. antral dn tat I.e. Winn. St. T xnl. 4a. U 4a l"VM.. K. ..loom do at .. M4 14. R. It. at M .. 17 N. T. C. Has., ..101 IN. J. C. B- .. tlS'No. Paclln 4a.... .... I da la ,.flH (4. a W. e. 4a .. 0 R. U rfrtj 4a... ., llH 'fenn. rony, IVta... .. Tl I Reading son. 4a . 1W4 St I,, ft I. M. e. la. . . UN X .inn .lnti . . 14 Oil All A 'LIVE-STOCK MARKET Cat tit f ' ill ' Kiadi Commaai 0od' - Etroic Prioai. HGOS MOVE IN YESTERDAY'S NOTCHES Fat Sheep e High as to Make Top hearp Market; Parker Plot Want lac Maar at Rallas rrlees Feeders Steady. ROUTH OMAHA. Oct. , 190. 4 i n t ... f I A. I Toe; rnenild A, t 2; rtit loaf. I a; ... i Tt tT ... (K powrlered. fe; grsnulaied, 41c; mbea, ail. tH i ' MOI.AS3I Jl-Htrady; New tirleana, open 1W I IN 44 ? M IfcMtle. good to choice, 3.U.Ic. Receipts Of aheen fnr the first 1 . four days this week foot up less thsn 40.9)) mu a.un mi an aiaure head, or a falling off of over one-half as, MUi.r.ii.B3 pinnn,r. M HS 11 r( f IM II tu fnr.Fi necetpts were. Offlclnl Mondsy .... Otflclni Tuesday ... Official Wednesday Official Thursday ., Cattle. Hogs Sheep. 3 84 4. J..S 4.IK1 1.900 4a. M4) I ... nwj ...lit ...1H ... n ... " ... IS lf4 1US Four davs this week . Id I Same day's last week. .. .I4.4M same days 2 weeks ago.. 26,567 Same days I weeks,14s Same days 4 weeks ago.. 444 J217 J.W.1 2 . t.Mlfl a- H .. 19M 16.6-JK 17. 23. 21 17.973 1.9-7 lrtrii T.fiiO S8.M1 llii'it 79.T4 111.17 91 168 71.2 1HHt. L. A F f 4a. S'a Hi U B. W. r. 4a. 71 S Seaboard A. I 4a. It 180. Paclflo 4a .miV do lat 4a nr.. Colo. Ind. la. aer. A. II So R.Uv.t na Colorado Mid. 4a T 'Taiaa a P. la ... Colo. Be. 4a It Bt. L. A W. fuha la lc4 Vslan Paclflo 4a.. P. A R. O 4a. MHll'. S Steal M la. Matlllen' gee. la.... IWabaah la Brie p. I. 4a H" do d.b. B do sn. 4a na!Weetern M4. 4a.. J'orliirt Val. 4Ha....l04vjjw. L. R. 4a.., JPn 4 H'Wla. f.ntrml 4a... Offered. 10 4 in aii nw ii it' m 100 H lt." u 74 lM Boston Stocks aad Honda. BOSTON, Oct. .-Call loans, tWit per cent; time loans, 6'fff.Vi per cent. Official quotations on stocks and bonds were: Atrhlann adj. ta M IBInsham do 4a 1'WtiUal. A Harla.. Mei. Central 4a Tf (Oentennlal AKhlann l(X Copper Ransa . on pi a ii Dili Weet Franklin .... Oranhr Irla Rnrala Ma... Mlnlni I Itirhlaan 11U Mnhavk 114 Mont. C. A C IS Old Dominion 434, naieola V.t Parrot iT Shannon 1H Tarsarark 104 Trlnlir United Onpoer "4 V. B. Mining Ui V. 8. Oil tOkt t'tah 44 viotoiia t Winona 11 Wolverine 1U North Hull Hli Butte Coalttloa tl Nevada 10 Mitchell 5H Cel. A Arliona Ill Terumeeh 154 Arlaona ('ore 40 Greene Con II Same days last year. .. .11.471 The following table shows the receipts of esttle. hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: in 19 5 In.- Cattle I40.6'! M7.S18 2.3? Hogs 2,0N.2 1,912.011 Sheep 1,746,30 1.576.81 CATTLE QUOTATIONS. uood ta choice corn-fad steer. rair to good corn-fed sleers Common to fair corn-fed steers... Good to choice range steers Fair to good range steers Common to fair range (.leers...... Good grass cows and heifers Fair to good cows and heifers Common to fair cows and heifers. Good-choice etucuHi-H 11 .,.1 l,..iera. Fair to good stockers and feeders. . $.2.Vij4 .00 Common to fair stockers 2.7ixft.t Jj Bulls, stags, etc ,...'. 4.ftxa.0u The following table shows (he average price of hog at South Omil-i for the lust several days, with comparisons: 172.961 16,664 .$o.76ijf 3i , 4 Miio.2a , 4 tw u & , 4 0H-U4 6-) , g kg4 00 , 3 0o.t 2 B"M .).! 1 5iti 2.M l.iwi 4 J wss when receipts Date. I l$0f. U) Bneton A Albany HI RnHtnn A Maine 141 Boaton Elevated ...lf.5 Fllrhburt pfd .134 Meilcan Central .... I11V4 N. T., N. H. A H...1M Pere Manjuette .. I'nlon Pai-lo , Amer. Pneu. Tuba. Amer. Buaar do pfd Amer. T. A T Amer. Woolen .... do pfd Dominion I. A S. EC'on Rlec. Illu. mm. Klectrto .... do pf .. Masa. Oaa I'nlted Pmlt I'nlted Shoe Mich. do pfd V. B. Steel do pfd Adventure Allouea , Amalgamated Atlantic Bid. "Asked. Adame KxpreM Amal. Copper, ei-dlv Am. C. & P Am. C. A P. pfd Am. Cotton OH Am. Cotton OH pfd.., Am. Expreee Am. H. A U pfd American Ice , Am. Llneeed Oil , Am. Llneeed Oil p'd. Locomotive ...... Lociiraetvr EW- 8. A R B. A R. pfd.... Sugar Reflnlnf.. Totmceo pfd etfa Mining Co rf , 1.71K) toe HIS 4a us 100 t404 "o" Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. 12. W0 ino POO 71 t IMS lllSt Clnee. Ill 11H 4W M 140 .... 1. .... II 74, 74 ..X.JlOtf 11R 44j lans I40V4 'iivi Flour, barrels .. Wheat, bushela Corn, bushels ... Oats, bushel ... 9,000 77. OX) 82,000 144.0110 10.000 67,010 81.000 68,0u0 K waa lirm. ueceinut-i uon V v,c higher, at 4w" to 4--c. a I and closed at 44-'-,c. were ii3 cara, with !i cai V"r grade. f . 1 Trading In the oata pit wai Minneapolis Grain Market. (Superior Board of Trade quotations for Minneapolis and Chicago delivery). The range of prices, as reported by F. D. Day & Co., 110-111 Board of Trade, was: Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low, Close. Wheat Dec.. . May .. July .. Fi'x-i Oct. .. Nov.. I 'PC May .. I 72fi" ,76 V(17 7l'Ve 1 14 1 144j 1 IS; 1 lBVil I 78H 77'4 78VI 1 14 1 HH 1 us 1 UHI 72 7 78 I 1 13h' 1 13m 1 Hv,, 1 16SI 727, 7r 78 1 13 1 13' i 11s 1 154 .4 ii.. mrk.i au nrni, led In the buying and the strength of and com was tne principal iacior the market. December oat opened a shade lower, at TOVic, advancfd to 3;tVc, and closed at 83V,i3Sc. Local receipts were 201 car. pruvlMions were firm early In the day on a 6c advance In the price ut live hogs and a good general demand for lard. Selling by packet a and local longs caused a moUeiate rectiou late in the session. At the cloe ,-no-rv nork was uti 5c. at (13.6a. Laid Waa unchanged, at $.3o. Hibs were up a , shade, at i.42Vfu7.43. 1 Eatltnated receipts for tomorrow ate: Wheat. 44 cars; coin, 2: cars; oats. 2JJ cma: lioss, lu,x head. The lendina future ranged as follows. Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No. 1 a. ,,l and the "ara, ic.. no. 1 nuiumii, , iu urnn, as quiet and tne , . nnrthrT1. -.v.,,. to -rrlve. 7Skc: .n u. e. -1 ' vl - " - v rive, 63c; No. 2 durum. 61ij.c; to arrive, 6te. Corn: No. $ yellow, 42c; No. 3. 4:V; Oats: No. 3 white. S1V; No. 3. ISlifflK'V. Barley, StiiS47c. Rye: &6iS67Tc Flax: $1. US- Articles. Open. 1 IllgU j Low. Close. Yes y. Wheat Dee. May 1 01 n Oct. lec. .May t luts lvc. Mny July pork Jan. M-.iy Laid - Oct. Nov. Jan. May Itil-a- oct. Jan. May 72flT ii1'' I1 42Vn. I 4.V., i33 331 J4 JV 7hh; 7( 4.-.V 43 I 33U: 77s; 42'., 13 75 13 76 9 96 9 20 I 32l 8 3',a! 7 4o 7 AO I 13 75 I 13 7: 4."i. 4Js 4J' M Vtr'.S I S3'4lrav'fi tcvn, 34 . MV ; 4ll'v. ' I II S3 13 7JWI Kansas) City liralu and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 25-WHEAT-De-e;nbr, 6;o: Mav, 7T4c: cash. No. 2 hard, O'iiSo: No. 1 red. 70f71c; No. 3. a8i)c. CORN-December. 37Sc; May. 3V: July. S94C; cash, No. 2 mixed. 894'ti404C; No. 3, 3l.if,Si4c: No. 2 while. 4241rU4c. OATS-No. 2 white. 83Ht;t4c; No. 2 mixed, SlV-i'c I KYE-Stesdv. 57fi60c. HAY Strong: choice timothy, $12 513 00; choice prairie, $11 254(11.50. I KGGS Mrm; Missouri and Kansas stock, new No. 2 whltewood cases Included, extra., I iS-: firms. 22c; seconds. 15'c. k HfTTER Firm; creamery, 26c; pack. inW. 16c- Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 121. rmo (' rn. bu -4 i0 ID ) Oats, bu 8.000 l&.Ooo 13 Hf. IS r.'Hl 9 8S 1 It 3o 8 37J 8 : 7 50 7 tU, , 77:4 20 I 8 B 1 . 27HI 6 30 I 7 42 7 5?4l 9 t 10 8 30 8 SO 8 35 7 45 7 o7,j 13 70 71 .) 8 30 8 0 7 l 7 67'i Mllwaakee firala Market. MILWAUKEE. Oct. 25. WHEAT Mar- ket etendy; No. 1 northern. 7lt'79c; No. I northern, ivui. v ieceniner, ,i-c. HV E Higher; No. 1. uftiu6c. BARLEY Firm; No. 2. 56rj56c; sample, Stid'Mc. CORN Firmer; No. 2 . cash, tv'64fj4c; Icemher, 4:c asked. Anaconda Atrhtaon Atchlaon pfd Baltimore A Ohio Ral. A Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian PacIRe Central of N. 1 Cheeapeake A Ohio...., Chicago Ot. W Chlrego A N. W Chicago, Mil. A St. f. Chicago T. A T Chicago T. & T. pfd ... C, C, C. A Bt. l Colorado P. A I Colorado A So Colo. A So. lit pfd.... Colo. A 80. Id pfd Conaoltdated Oaa Cora Produeta Corn Produeta pfd Delaware A Hudson.... Delaware. L. A W Denver A Rio Grande.. D. A R. O. pM Dlatlllera' Securities .. Erie Rrle lat pfd Brie id pfd General Electric Hocking Vallrv llllnoli Central International Paper Int. Paper pfd Int. Pump . Int. Pump pfd Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd Kanaaa City Southern. K. C. 80. pfd Loulavllle A Nanhvllle Mt-xlcan Crntral Mlnneapolla A St. L... M . St. P. A 8. S. M. M., St. P. A 8. M. MlMourl Pacific Mlaaourl. K. A T M . K. A T. pfd National Lead Natloual R R of M pfd N Y.. Central) N. Y. . O. A W...'. Norfolk A Weetern Norfolk A W pfd North Americas Pai-lde Mall Penn.ylvanla People'. Oaa P . C C St. L Preeard Steel Car Prraaed 8 C. pfd Pullman Palace Car Raa.llng Reading lat pfd Reading 2d pfd Rrpuullc S'eel Republic Steel pfd Rock Inland Co Rock Iilaud Co pfd ... ft. I. Jk 8. P 2d pfd.. Lou la 8. W Loula 8 W. pfd.... Pacldc Pacl flc pfd Hallway Railway pfd Tenneaaea C. A I...... . Tim A Pacl6c Toledo. St. L A W ... T . si. U A W. pfd t'ntos Pacltlo t'nlon Parlfte pfd 14.100 MV 1.100 100S 4000 101 t.KOO HIS 117 loos lnos ins pfd. Il4 7IS Tl'i 4.100 174S 17!S ion trs 121 7I0 61 61 S 700 17S "S too K lots ll.ioo ms lios 100 n 11 '"ioo 'lis' "ii" 4,710 II IIS O0 MS " i ioo f,i" 600 131 1.T7S mo io us " ioo 'io" 'i4 " ioo iis ii 14.100 43S S 1,000 16 76S "tOO i7" 17t" 00 174S iris 100 17 ITS ' "frie ii' si " IU0 143S iS 1.M0 !t)S 10 MO IT 17 aiiob "ii" 'lis 4u0 ass s-'S I. too l.oou l.l'O 100 l.loo tl.400 ' 4' A 74 124i 46 414 M iS 2.7 144, lis 140 76 S US IMS 46 S MS 141 M too ..161. Slit) Ml MIS St. 8t. So. So. Ho. So. No. C:inh tiuotatfon were as follows: KLOL'R Steady; winter patents, $130 J Htiaighta. (J J0ri.l 20; spring patents. J.'.-vl J Ml. lights. U 3t((3.ui: bakers. $2 Ju " WHEAT No. 2 spring. 7iftV)';e; No. I sprtrrr. 7mH77c; No. 3 red, TV. u'72',c. IXIRN No. 2, 46V; No. 2 yellow. 46nt6',c. (TS-No ! 3iS-; No. 2 whllte, UIJ 8ic; No. 3 white, .'(i4c. RYK-No. '. lu-Wc 11 4 KI .1' ' ,u choice malting. 4t'.'&Mc. 8 FEDS V" 1 " tl "lli'- No. 1 no tfi Sniern, $t 13. Prime timothy, (LloullS. Clover, contract gruJe. $1.1 ti. PitO V I S t'. 'N 8- -l'oi t nb. aides (loose), $4 ju, .. 4 7.".. ,Vf.4 IX' Pr bbl.. $16.50. I nl. per 1') . t". Sbiin clear sides tboxed), i iov Following were the receipts and ship ments of Hour and grain: Receipts. Shipments F our bb! S.VJ 17 K) Wheat, bu - Ti.) 15 7'a t in. bu Stl.tMl 4-ilil 4 kits, bu WvO 3l2. lir tu """ nrle. bu 1M1.KJ 23.70 ,:i tiia Priduce exchange today the but- niHit'ct w,is steady; crearnery. litKl'.'vc; ilrv, lKis.('..V. Kurs. firm; st mirk, c ises . I uled. 2oMi'-; hists. 23'.: prime firMa, i'-m ; extras, t7c; Cheese. S'Cjidy I-'ti'U1 iC. Peoria Market. PPX1RIA. Oct. 26 -CORNHlgher; No. $ 'yellow and No. I. V; No. 4. 4;ic; new I No. 4, 39c: no grade. 4J'a42c; new no grade, Sj-iic , OATS Strong; No. 2 white. 33V(;CSjC I No. 3 white. S3c: No. 4 white, S-'fc3.Vc. ' i RYE-Steady. No. 2, 64c. I WHISK V-$12. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Oct. !5.-WHEAT-Spnt firm; No. 2 red western winter. 6s. Fu tures, steady; Decern her. Sa4Trt: March, 6a 6d. CORN Spot, quiet; American mixed. 4 4d. Futures, quiet; October, nominal; December, 4.4 4d; January, 4s l'd. Toledo eei Market. TOLEDO. Oct 15 -SEEDS Clover, cash and October, tt 27; timothy, $1 95; alsike $7 45. Ualuth f.rele Market. liUI.UTH. Oct. 25. WH EAT No I h-rd T7'ci lo arrive. No. 1 northern. 7vi'.c; No, Krapnrated ipplea aad llrle.l Kralla. NEW YORK. Oct. 26 -EVAPORATED APPl.KS-IUnher. with choice iiuoted at iV. fair to good at 7tt7c and prime st w1e. CALIF41RNIA rRIF.D FRUITS-Prune 7 i I ir In light supply on el it, with quotations ranKing iroei .tr to ikc for California fruit. OreKon e to 2' are uold at S-TtlOc. Apricots arc nominally unctiargod, with choice uuotcd at 16c. extra choice at 17c and fancy at 1TAV. I'eat-he romain firm. - Old crop chi-ice are quoted lit lie, extra choice at l'-ti!'-1-? nd fant-v to extra fancy at li!'.--e. KmUIii tir .tc.idy. with l04e niLlsc.itel tiuoted at tr-tf'TC. neeilej raiin .t l4f'-C and I-ondon layer at H.tUui.A 700 IIS 6S Son ii 17 l,no 17 sjt, ioo at gc 100 44 M44 14, HK) 'lis lf run l:S lls i.OKO 33 s 33S 90 M . so 4o iii, 'iu fJU 14 34 it. toe ins iii " Kipreaa. . . Realty Rubber , Rubtier pfd Steel. Btrel pfd 'Carolina t'kemK-al Carolina Chem. pfd. V. 8 r. s f. 8 f. s p l'. 8. Va. Va. Wabaah Wla.h pfd VCelln-yargo Kxnreaa Wextlngbouee Electrle Weetern lulon Wheeling A L. B Wla. Central Wla Central pfd Northern Purine Central leather , Central leether pfd SlnM-FhrOleld Steel ... Oreat Northern pfd Inlerbornugb Metropollt mi Met. pra too ins .116 ' . .0o 1W iiiii i 100 4 )rr 4 S lias 11 IIS 44S Ii me us 100 l.ioo 100 10 lot t' II in4 II '71 s' 'S ns T7 Total aalra for tha day, 70S 404 aharas. 41 107 44 . 46 S 10f, 17 'iis 44S li-O M tios 71S Hi', 17 71 111 aa MIS loos loos H7S It 7S 173S Hi US 17S lot 17S 11 14 14 us s 41 ns ms us n s 117 126 lS s 43 S 15 B7 174 S III 17IS 17S 1 41 liS US at 27 6S I) M 14S 1IT IS J3S a 74 61 !.'S 46 IMS SOS MS 34 INS as 3 MS s xxa 99 .7 lS ' 4S 14 67 H 11S S3S aS 1F4 34 S 36 M 11 I2S 1M M 104S 46', 106 s 17 101 . '' ' 44 Ml 160 us 17 2I0S ii loi s 71 S 111 Ma; 74. . . 61 ..HiH .. 14 ..IMS, ..1J ..137S .. 14S ..101 .. 21 ..ill .. II .. .. MS ..104 .. 71 .. i .. 46S ..lot ... IS .. us ..110S Oct. Oct. tat ,uci. 71 I Oct. 1S ! Oct. it's Oct. n t Oct. Oct. Oct. I.oadon Closltigr Stocks. LONDON. Oct. 25. Closlna auotatlona on the Stock exchange were: Console, money .. M 11-11 M.. K. A T do account 66 16-14 N. Y. Central.. Ar.econda 1.1 'Norfolk AW... Atchleon loss I - de pfd do pfd llMS. Ontario A W... Baltimore A Ohio I21S Pennaylvanla ... .I31S . ns . M . ar. . 7IS . s . 73S . s . PS . 13 S .IMS , M 47 .101 S Canadian Paclflo 17IS Rand Mlnea cne.. a Ohio 6S Reeding Chicago Ot. W I sm. Railway C. M. A St. P 171 do pfd .... DeBeer. X R0. P.cHc .. D. A R. 0 4S Union Faclo do pfd MS do Bfd .... Erie 44t U...B. steel.. do lirt pfd TTS 'dor pfd .... de 14 pfd 41 . Wabash Illlnola Central 171 do pfd .... Loulavllle A Naah. .. .I47U ;8pasleh 4a 14 SILVER Bar, steady, bUd lr ounoe, MONEY tntftt per cent. The rate of uiacount in the open market for short bills In .xr cent; for thre months' bills, 6T(fJj pep cent. Boston Conner Market. Closing quotation orr -Boaton copper mar ket, reported by Logan V Bryan, I Board or Trade building, Omaha; Adventure Altnwee ,hn,,A... Atlantle Bingham , Black Mountain .... Boot en Consolidated. Butte Coalition Calumet A Arlaona.. 140 Calumet A Hecla. ., .ISO centennial , Copper Raoga .... Daly Weat Eaet Butte Franklin Oreene Copper ... Granby ' Helvetia lale Royal L. 8. A Plttaburg Maeeachueette .... Michigan Mohawk S Oeooel At ertew servtoe II Pnen. Servtcs, U 4.U1SOI- K'S Shannon ...... IIS Tamarack ' 17S Yean. Copper , Trinity , United Fruit pfd. .118 , 14 . ...lia .... it ' ....101 .... 47 .... ...,10S tS United Statea, com.. MS 7 I'nlted Statea, pfd.... 46 s . l North Butte Ills . II Old Dominion 44 S . 21 Nevada Consolidated... 10 . ts Cansnea 23s . 11 New Houaa ....149 16 4 W;nena 10 . II Wolverine 164 . MS Victoria 4 . IS I'tah Copper 16 . 17 Utah Conaolldated ,.4 . 41 17... 18... 1... 20... 21... 22... 23... 24... 25... I 18 I 19 ( in) 17V, ( 164 ( 13 6 12 5 101 5 021 7 081 5 23, 8oi 4 64 t lOi 4 Wl 17 021 6 271 4 62 t 12j i U2 I 12, I ( X3 53 s vai a- -o ce t m i m t t 20i 6 14 6 30l t 04 6 18 6 14 6 lul 5 22 t 01 i ; 16 S 14 I 14 26 t 70, 03' 4 63 76 5 9l 4 61 ( 741 Oil 4 61 71 8 Ob, 46 Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. On aha t.-. io Chicago 1.5O.'(7.10 Kansas City 2.0(j )aO St. Louis l.m(C7.0y Sioux City i-6-iy6.5o The official number of cars brought in today by each road was: cattle, rioga. sneep Hogs. 86 t .,m 2' 57.iifii.46 (taiiUo.SiVi .'X'4J.10 ot stock C, M. 4 St. P Mirnourl Pacific -.16 Union Paclno 8 10 C. dt N. W., east i C. A N. W., west 49 V C, St. P., M. A O a 2 C, B. Q., east 2 1 C, H. A SI., west 21 7 U K. 1. at P., east 4 8 Illlnola Central 2 I Total receipts ...102 35 16 25 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing tne num ber or head Indicated Buyers. Oman Packing Co... Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour 4k Co '. Cudahy, from K. O Vansant A Co Carey ok Benton Iibmsn & Co McCreary A Carey W. I. Btepnen Hill & Son F. P. Lewis Huston At Co Hamilton & Rothschild... J. B. Root A Co . T. B. lnghram Sullivan Bros.... Jacob Other buyers Cattle. Hogn. Sheep. oo l,0o7 616 616 44 618 663 24) 77 60 148 81 zrt 66 67' 37 38 23 I 2 60 48 Mi9 607 819 4,848 Foreign Financial. LONDON, Oct. 26. Money was much wanted In the market and supplies were scarce. Prices were sustained. Trading on the Stock exchange was dull and un interesting. The settlement was concluded satisfactorily, but the uncertainty regard ing the money outlook checked business. Quotations were only slightly changed. The low level of home rails attracted Invest ment purchases and the prices ot these securities Improved. Americans were dull and uncertain. They opened easy and moved to a fraction over parity In the forenoon on local buying. Norfolk A West ern and United States Steel received the most attention. Later the New York ad vices caused a sagging tendency and the market closed dull. Foreigners hesitated early In the day, but grew firmer later, especially Japanese and Russians. Cupper shares were weaker in sympathy with h metal market. The dealings In Mexican rails were excited .on unexpectedly good dividend announcement. After the close of the Stock exchange a large amount of business In Mexican rail was transacted closed at liivi " 35 feeders. . 9! C nBi'rVrT;, iei. .v.. ' 44 feeders. .1023 todrxy were generally depressed. PARIS, Oct. 26. On the Bourse todty Russian Imperial 4s closed at 72 and Ru slan bonds of 1"H at 43. Totals .., ...1.158 2,618 7.1S3 CATTLE Receipt of cattle this morning numbered 117 cars, aa against 244 on Thurs day of last week. Tb total for the week to date Is considerably less than one-half what It -evae-'last weekr ' " The market opened In good seAson Oil fat cattle and everything In Bight Sold quite freely at good, strong prices. The trade was active at the advance and the early arrivals aoid In good season at prices entirely satisfactory to ownera. Good beef, however, was scarce, so that the sales do not make an especially good showing on paper. ... Cows and helfere were strong and active and the early arrivals changed hands about a fast a they put In an appearance. The market for the week Is 26'aJw higher than the low point last week. As will be readily understood, the advance has been due en tirely to the very light run. The supply of feeder In the hands of speculators waa pretty well cleaned up yes, terdny and they were free buyers again thin morning, so that good kinds com manded firm prices, with others fully steady. Representative sales: REEK 8VEERS. N. . At. Pr. No. A. Pr. I 120 I II 41 1201 I II 1 1011 4 11 47 1371 4 1 1 120 4 N 1 1131 I 14 COWB. M It 14 I 00 4 '....1110 I II I 141 I 40 ' 1 161 I 10 1 176 I 10 4 1077 I 00 it ui la io hi in 14 110 8 10 1 100 3 10 I. 1064 I M 1 1060 I 21 I lOUt I 00 II 1044 8 15 HEIFERS. 1 410 10 7 C30 18 BULLS. 4 1012 I 10 1 1100 I 06 I 126 8 71 ' I Ill I 0 CALVES. I ! t 60 I 121 I M 1 MO I II 1 140 4 09 1 404 I 10 STOcKEHS AND FEEDERS. I 171 I 40 704 I 26 II 171 I 00 14 3 40 WESTERNS NEBRASKA. Bank ot Hnarlnnd Statement. LONDON. Oct. 26. The weekly statement of the Bank of England shows the follow ing changes: Total reserve, decrease, A'6"4, Oou; circulation, decrease, 72.000; bullion, decrease, 746,746; other securities, increase, 374,oOo; other deposits, decrease, 1,604,000; public deposit, increase, 1,306.010; notes reserve, decrease, 592,000; ex-government securities, unchanged. The proportion of the bank's reserve lo liability this week la 36.64 per cent, a compared with 37.70 per cent last week. Bank of France Statement. PARIS. Oct. 25. The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows the following changes: Notes In circulation. Increase, 47.95o.ouO francs; treasury deposits. Increase, 6.1,0',JO franc; general detMslts, Increase, 3x.9;6.Ui0 francs; gold lu hand, decrease, 45OOII0 francs; sliver In hand. decrease, 6.600,000 francs; bills discounted, inert nsw, 6,tr75,OiO franca; advances. Increase, 3,976, 000 franc. Baaktof Germaay Statement. BERLIN. Oct. 26 -Th weekly statement of the Imperial Bank of Germany shows the following changes; Cash in hand, In crease, 62,760,000 marks; treasury notes, In crease, 6tiO.0oo marks; other securities, dr crease, 85.660.0ttt maras: notes In circulation, decrease, 53,0ju,0oo marks. 6 feeders.. 7M 15 feeders.. 768 61 Blockers. 844 4 cows low) 3 heifer... 7(0 19 cows 946 82 feeders.. 979 3 K5 t 85 8 50 3 50 1 50 2 90 2 75 2 90 3 70 6 feeders.. 9 82 steer.. ..1180 MOUTH ..1316 6 00 617 094 918 TS5 630 814 606 6 steer 7 steer.. ..1245 6 00 6 steer.. ..1346 6 00 10 steers.. ..12K5 6 00 4 cows 1152 3 85 6 cows 1094 3 65 . W. N. Wendt, 4 steers.. ..1)75 4 55 32 steers.. ..1214 4 55 W. M. Hlgley, 19 steer.. ..li8 4 90 20 steers.. ..L'67 4 65 42 feeders 17 feeder. 8 cows 6 feeders. 12 heifers.. 7 cows...i 12 feeder. DAKOTA. 10 steers.. ..12S0 2 teer....12.6 ( steers.. ..1341 4 steers. ...1'.'62 5 cows Iu6& Bouth Dakota. i cows 1078 South Dakota, t steers.. ..13: 4H steers.. ..1J64 Nelson Fish S. D. 972 3 35 25 steers. ...1101 Booth, Wyoming. 3 46 14 rs A hfrs 937 4 30 38 feeders.. 846 3 40 I. Brown Wyo. 10 cows. W. J 27 cs ft hfrs 9"5 Jt feeders.. &V) lo calves... 46 8. 4 cows 1003 2 50 Rocsy Mountain 53 heifers... h 3 60 61 feeder.. 1097 4 50 4 feeders. .KiO 3 25 17 steers. ...1163 46 steers.... 962 t 90 H. Ixckett. Nebraska. 12 cows 93 2 40 12 eow ... W. E. King-Neb! 11 feeders.. l'w vo I cows 3 25 95 4 10 4 00 3 20 3 VI 2 75 t 00 3 60 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 3 85 1 60 6 00 4 70 t 81 2 50 4 35 15 cows flit) 3 38 Cattle Co.-Wvo. 40 cows W) I.Vi 164 feeders. f6 4 38 4 30 Kew York Mlalnar Stork. NEW YORK. Oct 23 .-Closing quotation on mining stocks were; Adams Con Alice Breece Drunawlrk Con . . . Comet cx k Tunnel Con. Cal A Va.. Horn Silver Iron Sliver Leadvllle Con ... . ss . J . 11 . 76 lau . . I I'.title Chief ... !ntar1a 1'H.hlr Poioel Savage isierra Nevada fmall Hope. .. Standard . I .125 .2.4 . 14 . In . 64 Baak I'learlaas. Oct. 25 Rank elearlna-a foe tn. OMAHA day were $1.40?. 587. 22 and for the rorre- i balea. spending date iaat er $l.b2.9M r. Cottaa Market. . NEW YORK. Oct. 25-COTTON-Spot. dull, closing 10 points decline; midland up lands, 10.9oc; middling gulf, 11.2oc. 6alea, loo bale. j NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 25.-COTTON- Spot cloned easy. Sales, 2,200 bales. Ixiw ' ordinary, 7Sc, nominal; ordinary. lc, 'nominal; good ordinary, $7-16c; low mid dling fair, HSc, nominal; ralr, 12c, nom inal. Receipts. 11,260 bales; stock, 162, tut bales. LIVERPOOL. Oct. $6. COTTON - moderate business done, prices 79 points lower; American middling fall', 6 54(1; good middling. (42d: middling. (2xd: low mld- i rtlmg, iiakl; good ordinary, i.iud; ordinary. The sales or the day were 7.000 ties, of which 4o0 were for speculation and export and Included s,300 American. Re celpta were 7.000 balea, including 4,900 Amer ica r. ST. LOUIU, Oct. 26. COTTON Stesdv: n-iddllr.g. ll'.c. Hales. 9 balea; receipts. 7uD bnles; shipments. 103 bales; stock. (,0;i t cows. H cows... 30 feeders. AiG 8f0 2 00 t 80 compared with the corresponding days of sat week. The ssme storm that kept the i sheep from striving also kept feeder buy ers st home, so that the demand for feed- i era fell off In about the retina proportion aa j the receipts Therefore no great Chang. has taken place in the feeder market thl week, except that the quite as active as It were larger and there were more buyer here. This morning, with only t enty-flvr-cars all told reported I" the market on all kinds of feeders wss rather dull, there be ing no very urgrnl order on hand, and rdill good prices were psld for everything that seemed to sntlsfy orders In the hands of comnilsalon men. The trade on killers wsa also (lull, but for a diffetent reason. Th demand for ft sheep and lambs has not decreased with the receipts, hu '-g fully as large ss usunl the light t S ingp have forced prices upward rapidly. . i that nearly .very thing has been selling right up to l 'fib-ago. The heavy ct at of mutton on the hooka as coin pared with tha cost at other packing point, mads packera a little backward shout tak ing hold this morning. Th fesllng seems on their part to be that Ihey have ben paying far too high price and that there ought to be a reaction In their favor. BtHI they paid strong price thl morning for such stittY a they had to have, heavy old wethers going st 86.60 and lam ha at $7.26. it waa very evident, though, that packers were only buying what they wer abso lutely obliged to and that they did not want any great number of either sheep or lambs at the present extravagant prices. Quutsiions on killers, itoua (o choice lambs. 7. OtiU 7. SO; fair to good lamns, e.7ctf 7.00; good to choice yearlings, 86.60446.00; fair to good yearlings. $5.trtti.6f); good to choice wethers, .0ui4!6.5U; good lo choice twos. $4.Dt to 6.30. Quotations on feeders: lamtii, p3"vtJ50; yearlings, K 2oti".); wethers, ll.IOnS.lS, ewes, I4.00j4.t; breeding ewes. 84.700a.'je, NO. 14 Wyoming ewe 73 Wyoming ewrs, 675 Wyoming ewt. 311' w yomlng 906 Wyoming li7 yomlng 196 Wvomlna- 57 Wyoming yearlings and wethers . STO Wyoming 663 Wyoming Staple aad riser I'rodare. EGUB-Per tlos., 20c. . LIVW lOL'LlMV-Hens, 8H0; rooster. 6c; turae), loc, auck, c; spring chickens. trade hss not been i ewes ewes, ewes. ewes yearlings cull feeders feeders feeders feeders,..., feeders ewes, feeder wethers 51 Wyoming wethers 94 Wyoming lambs, feeders.,,. 41 Wyoming lambs, feeder.... 147 Wyoming lambs, feedcra.... 159 Wyoming lambs, feeders 404 Wyoming lambs, feeders 274 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 6S7 Wyoming yearlings Sol Wyoming yenrllngs 104 Wyoming wethers 40 Wyoming twes, feeder 61 Wyoming ewes, feeders 211 Wyoming ewes, feeders 207 Nebraska lambs, feeder..,. 403 Idaho lamb 60 Idaho lambs AV. Pr. 55 i 50 76 8 50 96 4 85 87 4 85 . I 40 9S 4 75 107 111 I 83 I 40 97 l 97 6 46 92 6 45 ,60 6 60 , 52 S o ,60 60 , 5 I 15 ,66 16 56 I 18 ,93 I 60 ,9? M0 ,108 I 40 NO 8 26 ,92 4 40 ,87 4 40 ,66 8 10 ,68 7 25 ,71 7 26 Xevr York Lire Stork Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 26.-PEBVE8-R-celpts. 6,600 head; market feeling weak; 5f0 car expected on tomorrow' market; drei-eed beef, lower; common and medium, lower; native aides, 6V7c per lb.; Texas beef, 714ie: Liverpool market, steady. CALVES Receipts. 846 head: market for veals, steady; grassers. Blow; westerns, nominal; veals, 4.0r&8.00: few choice. $8.80 ?8.50: grassers, $2.5oH3.00; dressed caivea, quiet: city dressed real, Rt&12Vic per lb.; cotintrv dressed. 615n4c: choice, 12c. HOOB Receipts, 3.W8 head; market feel ing firmer; state and Pennaylvanla hogs, $6.HOp6.70. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 2.2S1 head: market for sheep, 25ijii60c lower; choice lambs, barely steady; alt others lower; nheep, $3.00M.7S; few choice. $5.00; culls, U.OOl.M; lambs, $6.004jr,.75: two cara of choice sold at $7 00; culls, $4.00a4.60. CHICAGO I.IVK STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady Hoars Ten Cent Higher Sheep Steady. CHICAGO. Oct. 25. CATTLE Receipt, 10,000 hed; market for best steady, others weak and dull; common to prim steers, $4.0067.30; cows, $2.654i4.7R; heifers, $2.60tf 6.35; bulls, e2.40ti4.50; calves, $3.004j7.o0; Blockers and feeders. $2.4o4i6.40. HOGS Receipts, 18.000 head; market, inc. higher; choice to prime heavy, $6.4686.50; medium to good heavy, $6.S0rSi 40; butcher weights, $6.4!b6.bft: good to choice mixed, $6.2d&6.40; packing. $i).OOfi6.20; pigs, $5.60 6.20. PHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 20,010 head; market, ateady: sheep. $4.00&6.76; yearlings, $6.50i(6.25; la nibs. 36.tOS7.60. St l.lre 'lock Market, ST. LOUIS, Oct. 25.-CATTLEReeetpt, 4.5(0 head, Including 1000 head of Texans; market steady: native shipping and export steer, $4 90U i.OO; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.6065.26: steers under 1.0C0 pounds, $3.5tU4.50; stockers and feeders. $2.0tJj4.5i; cows and heifers, 82.60r34.25; canners. $1.00 (TJ2.20; bulls, $2.004.26; caivea. 83.0Oir7.5O; Texas and Indian steers, $2. 76-66. 26; cows and heifers, $2.26-i3.60. HOGS Receipts, 6.000 head; market strong; pigs and lights, Hi . (XKu 6 . 0 ; pack ers, $C0o&6.30; butchers and best heavy, $6.2Kfi 274. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 600 head; market higher: native muttons, $3.00 (16.26; lambs, $3.6CS7.00: culls and bucks, $3,001)6.10; stockers. t2.76iS4.00. rU.TTER-Pscklng ateck. 17c; eholca fancy dairy, Mti;ic, t rcuiner, iy'.'to. HAY Prices quoted by I'msha eed) com pany: Choic upland. (AAo; medium. I 0j coarse, 6 tvul6o. Rye straw, r wkf 1 oa HHAN-l'rr ton; $16.00. VKOK I AULK.fl. SWEET POTA'IOKS-Per bbl.. $2 16. ToM A TOES Home grown, per basket of 20 lha.. $1.00. WAX BEA NS Per market bssket ot about 13 lbs., "60. TURNIPS, BEETS AND CARROTS Per bu , in. LEAF LETTUCE Hothouse, per doa hesils. 15c. CKI.EltY-Per do., 2f-tI40c. CL'Cl'MBKHS Hot house, per dns., $1 50. ONIONS-Home grown, 660 per bu.j 8pnnish, $1 "6 per crgte. UK EES' ONIONS Per do, bunches, 16c. HOHf KRAI 1?H Case of ! aos.. 1190. RADISHES FT dos., bunchea, 1&J20C. NAVY HfcANL, Per bit.. $1 86; No. 2, $1.7. LIM RE ANS Per b GREEN PEPPKR9-Pr market basket, toe. PARSLEY Hothouse, per do, bunches, 20c, C A BR ACE Home grown, per lb., EGO PI.ANT-Psr dos , 76o. POTATOES Per bu., vy64o. FRUITS. PEACHES- Colorado. (Wr'J$1.nn; MIsaouH, ' per -baak t crate, $1.00Q1.26; California Sal ' w v. prr box. ti 06. PLUMS Oregon Itallsn prunes. $11. PEARS Winter varieties, per nog, t9 son. URATES H"me grown, pp--lb teakV . 25c: Tcky, $1.76. APPI.E8-Per bbl., $2 BAffl W CRANBERRIES Per bbl . $7-78. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANQES Valncln, M-112, $5 0: Florida oranges, $t.76. LEMONS -Llmonler. extra fancy, 249 ise, $( 60; S09 size, $8.50; 360 site, $8 50; other brsnds, $1.00 lees, GRAPE FRUIT-Sla 70 to 80. $6.00. BANANAS Pr niodlum-slaed bunch, $1.764i2 26- Jumbos, $2 81413 03. DATES-l'r lb., 8fi6c. tjettf cut rnirrs. ' No. t ribs. 12c; No. 2 ribs, Sifrc: No. I ribs BHc; No. 1 round, 8r; No. I round, 7c; No. 8 round. 6c; No. 1 loin. 16c; No. 1 join, 124c: No, 3 loin, 8Vic; No. 1 plate. 84c; No. I flate, 3c; No. 8 plate. 2Hc; No. 1 chuck. 4"i No. I chtickg. 4e; No. t chucka, $c. MISCELLANEOUS SUGAR Granulated mite, In aacka, R.S1: granulated beet. In sacks, 85 21. CHEESE Swl. a, new, 16c; Wisconsin brick, 144c; Wisconsin llmberger, Uc; twins. 14Hc; Young Americans, 154c. COFFEE Ronsted.' -No.-85. '2e pep Ih.t No. 90, 210 per lb.; No. 28, 19c per lb.; No, 20, 16c per lb.; No. 21, 13c per lb. BYRUP In bbls., 27c per gil.; In oaee. $ 10-lb. cans, $1.70; case., 11 6-lb. cans, $1.80; cases. 24 2S-lb. cans, $1.66. HONEY Per 24 frames, $3.60. CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west en., 6oQ0c; Maine, $1.15. Tomatoes, 3-!l cans. $l.10i 8-lb. cans, 974ci$1.00. Pine apples, grated. 2-lb., $2.052 30; sliced, $190 2.20; gallon apples, fancy, $2.65; Csllfornla nprlcots, tl.HO4i2.20; peara, $1.75-fi2.60; peaches, fancy, $1.7.ya2.40; if. C. peaches. $2.ottfi.n0. Alaska salmon, red, $1.26: fancy Chinook, F.. $2.10; fancy sockeye, F., $1.95; sardines, ' quarter oil, $2.75: three-quarter mustard, $3.00. Sweet potatoes. $1 10iQ1.25; sauerkraut, $1 00; pumpkins. aOcftfl.QO: wax brans. 2-lb.. (o40c; lima besns. 2-lb.. 7ocii$1.35; spinach, $1.36; cheap peas, 2-lb 60c; extras, 8uc$1.10; , fancy, $1.3631.75. CURED FISH-Family whlteflsh. per quarter bbl., 100 lbs.. $400: Norway mack erel, No. 1, $28.00; No. 2. $26.00; No. 8. $J0.": Irish. Nr. 1. $16 00; herring. In bbls., PO lbs. each. Norway, 4k, $.0.00; Norway, 8k. $9.00; Holland herring,, in kegs, milkers, 80c; kegs, mixed, 70c. FISH Buffalo, large dressed. 8c; trout, medium or large, dressed, lie; pike, dressed, 11c; halibut, fine stock, 11c; catfish, dressed, -15c: bullheads, dressed and skinned, 12o; white perch, dressed, 8c; crapples, largn, 12c; sunflsh, pan else, 6c: white bnaa. ertra ' choice, 12c; pickerel, c; salmon, Chlnonlt, ' 11c: whlteflsh tfrosen), 12c; mackerel (Span, Ish.), 16c; native, per fish, Hfj25c; codfish, fresh, froaen, 12c: flounders, fresh, froten, lie; bluefisli, fresh, froien. 15c: haddock, fresh, froaen. 10c: redsnnpper, dressed, 12c; smelts. No. 1, per lb., 12c; lobsters (boiled), per lb., 40c; green, 37c; eel, per lb.. 18e; frog legs, per dot., 26c' roe shad,' 1 each; shad roe, pair. 45c. t HIDES AND TALIW-Oreen BRltecl, No. 1, 1SHc: No. 2. 12Sc: bull hldee. 94'!? J04c; green hides. No. J. 1214c; No. I, HUc; horse. $1.50XS.75; aheen pelt. 50cfi$l.25. Tal low. No. 1. 44o: No 2. Hc. - WOOL-Pir lb.. l!t25c. Kansas Cltp live flock "ivWet. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 25. CATTLE Re. celpls. 13,000 head, Including 2.000 southerns; stesdv to weak: choice export and dressed teef steer. $5.40fi.7o: fair to good, $4.on 5.00: western steers, $3.5075.25; stockers and feeders. $2.50194.60; southern steers. $2.7T.fl 4.75: southern cows. $;.tv03.25; native cows, $2.0O4j3.76; bulls. $2.10ft3.60; calves, $2.75'V60. HOGS Receipts, 6 800 head; strong to 0. shade higher; top. $6 30; bulk of sales $6 2"i 6.274: heavy. 86.2ft6 274: packera. $6.206.30; pla-s and light, e5.80f?6 .10. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 8.flnf) head; market trong: lambs, $5 7Mf7 36: ewe and venrllng. $4.5O((it.50; western vearllnss, $f.25i5.76: western Hhee". $4.5045.26; stock era and feeder. $3.7566.25. St. Joseph l ive Stork Market, .. ST. JOSEPH,' Oct. 2. CATTLE Re celpta, 1.996 head: . market sttady; native teers. $6 00f(j6.75: cow and heifer. 11.254? 4.75: stockers and feeders. $2.5tU-4.0. , HOGS Receipts, 4.353 head: 5c hlgrher; top $6 274: bulk of sales. $6.16(7i.2o. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 701 head; market steady. 966 1 10 A. Lundberg Neb. .1&6 1 15 6 cow M ; r . 9117 8 66 HOGS-There was no great change In the bog market thl morning. Eastern market looked a little belter, but the fart mat hogs of some quality have been selling at Uils point right up to Chicago prices pre vented there being any improvement of ronsequence at this point. In fact, the best thut could be aald of the market would be to quote It ateady. Outbids of the good light and medium-weight hogs prices. If anything, were barely ateady. As Slonx City Live Sfne-k Market. SIOUX CITY. la.. 6ct t3.-(Srvecla4 Tele gram. )-CATTLK-Pecelpts. 1 800 he-r1: market steady; stockers, alow; beeves. $4. ti.50; cows, bulls and mixed, $2.5uB4 00: stockere and feeder. $3.00ti4.1O; calves and yesrllnga, $2.50a3 75. HOGS Receipts. 1.000 head; market steady, selling at e6.O647tl.lO: bulk of sales, $6.05. Metal Market. V NEW YORK, Oct. 26. METALS Thor 1 was a decline of 0rul6s in the liondon tin market, with spot cloning at 197 6s and ' future at 19 10s. Ixwally the market was quiet and lower In sympathy, with -spot quoted at $!2.&6a 43.26, tne Inside price being bid. Cupper was unchanged In th local market, with lake quoted at $21.75t 22.50, electrolytic at $21 60ffi-J2.00 and casting at $21.25r(7l'2.75. The English market was lower, with spot quoted at 97 6a and fu ture at 97 10s. Lead waa 2a 6d lower, at' 19 7a 6d In London. Locally the market waa unchanged, at $5.75'ii&.96. Spelter was 6 lower, at 28 In London. Locally th market waa quiet at $6 2oiji.80. Iron waa lower in the English market, with standard foundry quoted at 67s 2d and Cleveland warrants -at Sis 74d. Locally the market waa firm and higher. No. 1 foundry north ern la quoted at $2t.25(,(j'36.o0: No. 2 foundry northern at $'-'3.7(i 24.60; No. 1 foundry aouthern at $24.0tfp J4 50. and No. 1 foundry aouthern soft at 24.04j 24.60. ; BT. LOUIS, Oct. 26. METAlyfl Lead, quiet at $5.90; spelter, steady at $6.30. Coffee atarket. ' NEW YORK. Oct. 25. COFFE& Mar ket for futures opened steady at unchanged prlcea to an advance of 10 polnta and eold up to a net gain of about 10 to 16 point during the middle session on bullish crop news from Rresil. wUlcb stated that the commissioner appointed, by 1 the BrasnllAn government to estimate the crop had al most finished Its work. It la said that th crop was an extraordinary failure. There wss considerable realising at tha advance, however, and the market eased off slightly toward the cloee, which waa ateady at A net advance of 6 to lo points. REAL F.9TATK TRANSFERS. Stork In Sight. Receipts of live stock st the six principal western markets yeMerday: Cattle 2.9t . 1.30 .13.000 . l.fSej . 4.501 ,.10,000 ' Hogs. 2.100 1.000 8.600 4.3T4 5 00 18.010 Sheen. 7,000 ..43.G96 I7.M3 Ella J. Butler and husband to Thoma . Gaule. w34 ft lot 4, block 6. Drake' s $ 2,3nO Peler E. Her to Omaha Electric Light and Power Company, part gov. lot 4. sec. 23-16-13 , St Hugt 8. Thomas and wife to Charles lidd Thomas, lots 11 and 12, block 113, Florence 460 Barah A. McOavork et al. to Anna' McGavock. e',t lot t, block 4; n4 ', lot 8. block 12; s4 lot 4. block 8, 8. E. Rogers', and other lots 1 Charles Harding and wife to William E. Bradshaw, lot 7. block 17, Hana com Place ' 6,500 0 V. Pumphrey et al. to Thoma ' Wolfe, nl ft e60 ft lot L blook 8.000 H.caH'B Sub 1.8u0 "01 I E. . Oral ton to E. R. Hume, lota 5n0' J and 3. Dennett's Sub iOlMl Commercial National Bank to Elisa- , i beth Allen, lota -K, 19 and 10, block Sti.aB ! 1, Avondal Park 1 ' n,, . . . . 1 - ..... . TI- - 1 nomae v. . rveimruy iv oiiii i. linn-, kell, lot 22. block 100. Dundee Place. 1 Bertha C. Plxton to Edward C. Gate, lot 3. block 34. Kotintxe Place 2,9fi Alexander C. Montelth and wife to. Elletv R. Hume, lots 2 and 3. Den- nett's Sub t Jowph F. Murphy to Catherine A. ; Murphv. lot 6. block 8. First Ad. ot South Omaha, snd other lota l.OuO Minnie Chrltie IehnholY and huslwnd South Omaha Sioux City ... Kansas City , St. Joseph .. St. Louis Chicago Total OH and Roaln. NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 23 OllJi Cot tonseed, Arm; prime crude, t. o. b. mills, 3oc: prime yellow, nominal. Petroleum, steady; refined New York, $7.ISt; Phil adelphia . and Baltimore, $7.45; Phil- delphla and Baltimore. In bulk, $4.05. j Turpentine. Arm at iX 4 6 69c, ROSIN Firm' (trained, common to I iVAVVAW "fi. Oct -2!tOIIT..rnen. I o Ella M. Croft, part lot 10. block lire. firm. 6bv,c. D. G. osi W RCSIN-Firm; A. B. C. $S9CjMr:4., J 9 (1 '.;i;4; E. $4 (iOtP4 or; f. n.c&; ' i 1,c,tJ -.!), H l4 i:-h4 22U: I 14 25: K. 14 4 ty; M. $4.75; N, $j.U-3'i.26; W G. $5.75; . $i..i'. OIL CITY. r-. Oct. r OU. Credit bl nnce. $1.58. Runs. U8,0-f blls. ; average, 91.219 bbls.: shlnmenls, 1(,8 bbls.; av erage, 152,416 bbl. 6. Park Place 460 Anna ,M Crosby to George E. Crosby. -lot 7. block 14. Park Forest 1 R. H. Hall and wife to Home Miller, lot 8, block 133. Omaha JO.l'.sl I Matilda A. Detwller to Charles I I Usmpel, w 4 lot 8. block 6. Reed a , 1 First ,2.450 Cber'es Perirsall and wife to Nora ! O Nell, lot 6. block 14. Druid Hill.." 1 I Franklin H. Harris to George K. Har-, 0. biocK 1J. tvhinns ... sou Treasary Statement. Philadelphia Prnd-re Market. Olllf A lifTT bill i rYriA 4MC tT lT"r l. r WASHINGTON. Oct SSTodny' state- Fin,.: extra weetern creamery'. r7fi?c. ment ( the treasury balances in -he gen- KxGS-F1rm: fresh wrelern. To at mark. "", i-i-ive v.i . n,. -... ,...i.w d . inKKSaV-lIrm; Nw iwrk full rcecive, suuwu; AliilaW caah baUucei, " L,:.yji-g. c t ii 11. a. rim tllL tot Wool Mitrket. wwiiend Kesltv Company to Walter F.08TON, Oct. 25 WOOL-The volume of H. Slenner. lot' 8. block 14. Dwlght , iMiuinitua eoitrwl nAuti In fhaa liksal iitn h"inl M. 1 t't.itan'al . . was the cane yesterday, go.wl butcher and 1 market the last week, which aggregated 1 H"gh o Nell and wife to Maynsrd - T"u . vr .jui.o.w. oiui fi v 25('.)'0 iioundi. is the lararst week 1. V"on e-n wife, lot ji, bna a - of the vear and equals. If It does not ex- '."'.. Bedford Pl.ce ceed. the recoid for this market. There ; Nor hwretern Mutual Life Imurance have been seversl week, during the yeir; Company to leraei Pairlman. lot 2, when the aggregit of wool trannfrrs has ! bWk 81. Omnhn been between P'.Co.OH) and Ijmjn.oO faun-la. , 0"tri'dr Criwfnrd and husband to bjt tlie only previous transfer of 25.0vi.i-a), lh McCagje I nvf nmont Company. s- far a knewu. was in November, lotl. . w"- let 8. block , E. V. Smith's. In this weel a as the b-jlk of the . srd other lots business ws In Itrrltuiy and fleece wool... HT ini'lS. fict. t'.. WOOL-Mlaadv me. d'um grade., combing and clothing. 2V b'ock 31. VMh-nx Second.. 1.74c; light fine. l'-O'.lc; heavy fine, lt-.i ;7c; ! "'- I.edd Thomas to I OUI'iee. iin 1. ,.1. , heavy butchers and rough load selling from $6 10 down. The market opened slow and was at no time active. p.epre urinative sales: No Av. 8s. Pv. Ns Av Sh. Pr 17 al ... I a 44 jtj ... 1 i;uj 14 1!4 ... 6 Ot 14 17 40 4 12 14 110 m I 04 43 ;r,7 40 I 16 47 121 ... t 247 30 4 II II 36 300 I (I I'-: 247 K I II 54 1J0 ... I 0. 4 MO ... 4 16 64 II ... I 04 II "...1ST 40 4 16 14 1'4 ... 4 04 77 27 ... 4 II 64 3W 10 101 71 21 uo in It lat to I e?s u li ko 11 14 1.4 ... 4 7S II fM 10 4 11 44 Iff M I 07S t' I1 10 I II 64 1:1 . . 4 to 74 !7 4 6 16 n tu 4 4 1 i an uo 1 -i i :-, no 10 i: :o . . in II ...... 12 ... 6 1 61 PVI 120 17 eo ..... .274 ISA I I 14 rt IK I TU 4....,. r-l K I in i '.': Ill I 2 ID 1.1 4 ( 1 M 171 ... ' KmlMe V. Preston and husband to I ( in. lies vvJi'son tmn. lots 11 ana 13. lub waehtd, Mtrjjc. ' Saara aad Uolasse. NEW YORK. Oct V SUGAR Pn quiet; fnl' refining. SVvr; cnti lfii"al r8 fs 4-; mcu's sugnr, j.e; r nntn. sea y. No t. 4 ie; No.. ' IJtc.. Nu. 6- 4.:t ; Nu I 9, 4 :5c; No. Ii, 4 16c; No II. 4 10c; No 2 ' t ufeci No. IX ic, N. It, IJjt, coiifec'.l-. n.ia' j llueh 8. snd lots and 10 bl-iok 7.' Byndi.c'at Hill ' Nele G. llallinhura and wife to Km j rexte M Eai le, Jot 7. . Uyck t Pat- r,rk' '., ... . fd-ih E'evntor rnirny ! N , fi'e'x I h- h'r feit panv. lor). 1 and ' 1. block . A'tllage if-WetvrlvO;.-..... 460 1.500 5.0i0 1,600 450 8.O1O tW Total ...UiMI '""V