Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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w t i R v niw r: nv n in u rc ? -t m
lout Orgj'z)tai Utmbg'ti w"oulr'3g
Banco t,elrante Irf te Ititrtr Etrrf
ibiu; white oikri r Ther '
tnnt Wllkoit Ktnttl
fylng 'Fheaeaetve,
on, cxiirtilttM n act of
f-iring vi.i.rtv to" other ire.luoia
with a vtw to preferring 1'i-ni over Ttt r
ri-ertltor ard tli petitioner ssk co.uU
shts relief Id the tifmlwu.
Fertile Flelae r Seen Whrrf
lit We flarren TahleUnd
la ehraaka.
Western Nebraska tableland, which
few year a,o wr good only for graatng.
art producing alfalfa, wheat, rye, good
potato and avail corn that yield twenly-
' ., . ; nv bjehcla an c.r. Ther I a houe on
Candidal for ttia igilnuii ar bcine ! bo",t every third section, whet one on
aarriped with circular Htri fvom variou i ,n,ht have traveled a huff day without
Viaganlaatlon cutechlslng them m . qwi
ilvtim auhtiiiited in lout Hits. Medical
soclfttlons want to krow the attltad of
the'. tdi.ite ori U,! pi-op.Hlou ml
labor organisation ara eater to ascertain
what would be dona It such a meaaur
.arhe' up, while buslnea mtn'i league
woAjia like to know if These candidate are
safe prn 'to entrust with tha Interest
at t burine world, and than fraternal
combination!) have a list of question to
fira at tha candidate.
'"Tha fact ts." remained a candidal, "If
t war to. anrwef all .tha Inquiries msde of
ma I'd hava to employ a stenographer aii'l
; work' hard from bow till 'eleetioa ttnje on
- that aloua."
Iloeia f Eepub'ir a ti Itundtd
lostta and Woodltnd.
DAHlKAfi circus is getting busy
Ringmaster Jimci Cat Oat Little
Sidelight that Ara Calculate
ta 'Heinle the Per.
ill; J. K. Milium n, Hmitli Tweiny
ninth avenue. ; Charles Anderson, i.Vj
V t North Sevenfentii, lv.
tMth Mf. K. l-KIIin. 3f! l"'atur
rairlca tlmman, fvntii air! Maon, 14;
Krrt I.lnn-rnan. 17;$ Kovith r:tlit-ntli.
tnofitha; ftartwra rlcli, r.Javeiitn ana
eJnf human habitation. Th" hoaa aia
comrortahlj' (urnlabrd ai:d are the boina
Of tarifty. aatlmied farrnsr.
8ueh ate cma of tha . ot.itrvailona of
Oaorra a. Wtllaor, an 0,ir.l:a rel trial
Irian, wl), aint a part of lust weak iti
tha territory around 6idny.
"The people are learning liow to favm
that region," ald Sir. Wallace, "and In
b.t f.w r.r, more boiieflertitty. than aha . att.ntim, law whlrb
"Don't foi-t to regltter Ftlday" i tin
alogan bflng; winded hy Chairman Dono
hoe and Pcretary Woodland pf tha re
publican committee. Binca the fttK te'a
tratlon a wJt aro cerda hara been ant
to etei-y votr who failed to register tho
flrat day, when over a.100 regleterad. It la
the preent purpose to ft many to reg
ister Friday a poeatble, that the work ma
be the lighter on the third reglatratton day,
which will be a week from Saturday.
In connection with tha regiatration, City
formerly did. I drove forty ni!le through
a rrorrou farniinr land; It waan't In
tha valley, either, and every bnuee I .-Kited
'm f'lrrout'.ded by eleu atock. atacka of
hay and atvww and bin of gntlu and pota
to!. Wheat, oata and rya are commonly
Liig -tr.seUni' urea ;ubnilt a ' prupoacd i intra and alfalfa la raining foothold. I
lefle, whirl; , tftiyioMg their Intention ti Wow tvna man oi tTi tableland wha ban
ght for tha iirac of a bill giving a ! five n-ea of a!ffi)fa and tl baa done to
l-can rvlh-oaYar all pvr tha atal. . ;ll that ha expects to get ah entire
Somit candhiMeg a;a,tlolng ,tli.'lr utmost
to' anawar avary (jucntlon gubmlttfd.
Otiie at not, taklns the po?iHcn l!u.t
tfcey cotrfd 14 bent do n'othlns but alultify
tl.rnac;Veg Tt aue they , to commit them
Ivea aa tha vaiiona ctgxrilzitloni would
like ftn every ustian ubinlttfU. aim Hit
IntnT ta ot oro of the organizations are
otiljrary.' Aa one candidate put It, "They
haB eot:u on tha run, and aoma of oijr
'C''f vp a tree."
' , . of tt Haerlea.
r4'ha Traut-nal BwefliiiJiy ProtetU w-
vletj-, Joompoted of averl piornltusnt ben
e.'ghtj arreg eded , within a year or two.
"The Influx of land buyer from eastern
Xebratk and from otnr states Is large.
Soma ara buying merely to get cheap land,
which 1 going ft In thla country, but a
great many are becoming bona Ode set
tler. Wbererer possible they ere availing
themselves of liomeatead privileges.
"In buying they consider the fact that
the district was very dry a few years ago
r.l t; y r.g tie ou the poflb:tlty of droiuh
year In tha future.. Still, the land is so
cheap and the soil to fertile they expect
to nmke enough moimy lu good years to
provides that any one having thirty day
before election declared hia lntontlons of
becoming a citizen may regiter. . On Uie
poRtai cards Clerk Bntler stated. "It hue
Xra Hantavlag aerle
1'blerea. ! F.MKlarve mi
haw Cosany,
Wednesday night, C. J. Inoae of Pen
der and I'M Warren, Forty-third and Center
atret. were arrested on comrleint of
Watohman Kelly of the Euillivgton rallroiU
yards, who ld ths two men had broken
Into a car at Flirhth. and Vougla -street
and had stelen three cage of wild animals
which hid bt "ahlpprd In the rare. At
tha time It s not known whether the men
Intaiulrd to tart a pH-ate museum or had
gotten Into the wrong car by miatake. From
later development It apptare the men were
hired by the conafgne of the animals to
remove them where they couM be properly
oared for pending the adjustment of the
freight charge and that Mr. Barns, the
Owner, bsd obtain.! the consent of the rail
road i fflf lals for th-1r renihval and that
tha arrrst occutred from the eff ri of an
J. k"crn!d fy. Ke Entiieu
OTtrdssa t Titbit.
'ns y- "'n"on mat in several rcg- pIcltta offlrrtl who h,j ,,ol been fully ad
slratlon districts part!? wishing to reg- j V,M(, ,n te pr,mla.
ir-ifi, wiiu jma inpir nisi pun-Tw, rrr i
to refuse to register electors, at section 1
of article vll of. the slate constitution will j
icWf o4ganliat1ons, under the names of ; Offset tt:e bad, and they believe the coun-
C. H. T. ttlepeifi, p:aldant, nd t. P. illckJ", ti y I constantly growing better Jn , the
a.ietuj; hubmlt this li?t of nuestlons:
'Are you a member of ahy frHternitl bent
'j,infy socletyf
ii va, wiiat aoclety-T
matter of climate."
L. .von untriniiy toward frateinjl
Weneflr-Iary aVicletle
If a blll was Intioriitcrd li tlie leglalaiui 1
jrct!n such societies which this oriranii
. ition uen:a dttHmntal to fraternal txne-
I'itrawH Oat f t'aart Reriai t
abaeare ! Lllllaat Berk.
Mat t'ltneaa.
for wsnt of prosecution the Ctse against
Henvy M'.irphy, the South Omaha attor
ney. Indicted Jr the May grand Jury on a
charge ofcollcting money from the keener
of a disreputable resort for police profc-
auiv lirfoje you -ote a any bill of lion, wa dismissed Thurslay nfternoon by
Th.i joltit .g;:tivu cornmitiee of the
TravClei-' Protective' Association of Amei
r.cmry societies Would you s.uirHrt 'Jch
in-iaaMte'; ,
If k hi!) wms reported by the comtriitte
to the l-1lHiure utotred linf voivible liv
thla organisation lo our ititet, how
yp.uW you vote on tli measurer .
. if, elected would you reco-nix this or-SHTilr-j'tt.iii
an fialern.! bene.
tinlar ordwrs ot ionrins county and en
l.t "fend Vtiltrd Commercial Travelers cf
America, cnre4 of H. V..' Moss, C. Y$.
'JVft'kU, Kred liairkar.'M. 3. Wangh. ub
nilt ("ilS pledge to be signed -by each can
dMa'tt: ' ' " .
Tf alented,' I tirby tdt n.y support in
tli. tomiiif s imlou of I'glslatur to Hie
nai?ti::it 'f a law compelling the railroads
rt the tt lo SHI to the puhllo tickets
1n mileage book frns In' denomination of
rot lcs tha:i mlies nor noie tlipn
.'ni) miles at a flat rto of S cents sier
mil, witii no . iuie, and gocd on ell
roads of 'he slate. . i
. Haslaa Mea'a aae-clala. . .
Judge Button. Mi. Lillian Beck, the prose.
ciitlng witne, from whom Murphy -a
alleged to have collected the miner, failed
to appear and Deputy County Attorney
Muidouk declared lie was unable to locate
her. It is understood she 1 outside the
stste and beyond the retch ot the court.
The case was tat for ttlal at the May
term of court, but Mrs. Beck did not
appear then It wag continued until this
term. It wn et for Thursday morning
and continued until afternoon In the hops
the shwiiff 9 office could find the wltnoss.
j At & o'clouk Mr- Murdock said he was no
' neater a clue to where aha Is than b was
at the beginning. Joseph Pptlt.s, one Of tho
Y pusLnea .Men' atuOiat!on .n3s a I witnesses, ald she wa out of the state,
Ici'.ii- bearing tae nam of Charles ci ! and as she ha refused to come volun-
Montgoiriery, secrutary, son of C. S. Mont
gomery, YkmcciaUc candidate for the- en-a(,-
wilV'lUe qustloi.s: . ..
' Will 'you "or will -soa not represent the
Interests Of the eltlsen of Xebraska', and
particularly of Douglaa county andOint'.a
mL whole, and see, to protc. t them from
clMa' legislation, wnthcr by oi gaiitzation
of labor or oigatilxatlou of capital?
ltave.vou jwught or are you e-klng the
jxdamtvc,-4 my primary . aioidoiv e-
cept that epeclfl.-allj authorir.ed by thu
ii.tutee pf the etate of Nebraska T
' Are lou in for of legislation reatrlctlna;
lU rights ot uinilover and employea lu
their freedom of contract In t:ia matter of
cnwlorment ? ' . -
Are- you In fav'or of th passage by con
gi of antl-lr-Junctjon lana, hlaU either
ltoeih-r ahoUsh tlie right of the federal
-oori to ! Injunction In cane Of labor
ilieputoa-. - ivlrtch--require such eervi. e
upon tli defendant a oul.l make tti
Ipjunmlon suit u-i to prwent h evilg
jsuiiglit to be enjoined?
Are '0ll In f.t. of ,i lir granting -to
metrrpolitan clil the t wel ve-;iour shift
for all fire department employee?
" Secretary Montgomery add- : . .
"I . shall try . to see you In regard to
these question, but want to have your
lew' in writing , a well as by word of
' l
h4 (' Matrta fur C ktllaraa.
The season for csnigii and cold jla now
at'' hand, and too'.mucli care caonpt be
tised to ppftiect he children. A child 1
mueh raor likely to contract diphtheria or
rlt fevwr when he ha a oold, The
quicker you cure hi cold the Tewi the risk.
CbamberUin's Cough Remedy 1 the sole'
reliance of many mother, and few of
thc-m 'Who have tried ft are willing to tire
any other. Mr. Y FC Siarvher of Ripley,
W. Va., as: "I hard never uaed anything
other than Chamberlain' Cough Remedy
f-.r , my children, end 'It baa alway given
gocd satlafaction.". .Tbia reaiiady. eontain
'opium' or other ' narcotic and may b
given (.enftdently to a child as to an
adult." . .
tartly it wa conaidered of no use to at
tempt to get her. Judge Button therefore
dismissed the case. -
Chief at Police Btiggs. who was named
with Murphy in the Indictment, wa de
clared not guilty In an instructed verdict
last week. .
The entertainment committee of
democratic county committee Thuvly
morning hit upon wlit w believed It I
the time to be a ten-strike, that of Inject- ,
Ing Into the present campaign such fea
ture a the Dahlman Rifle, Pahlrr.n.i
Quartet, Ijaeso Jame and uch other
ct a the democratic committee think
will turn down the edge of reat Issue
of the campaign, At last the democrats
have arrived at the logical conclusion that
when it become Impossible to reason with
people It may be possible to entertain
them and then tak the unfair advantage
of asking those entertained . to - "plena
vote the democratic ticket on Novem
ber ."
Bo Thursday morning the plan of giv
ing the voter a "free how In the lobby"
wa decided upon by the campaign man
ager. Th campaign circus feature will
be inaugurated at McKenna'a hall, Six
teenth and Locut atreet. Friday evening.
The Dahlman Rifle will give a militant
aspect to the occasion, whlla the quarwt
will lend vocal eclat to the program. Th
committee need a good sleight-of-hand
man to balance out the program.
Mayor James C. Dahlman, O. M. Hitch
cock and T. D. Fleharty will do the verbal
legerdemain, and' while the patient are
under the anaesthetic the entertainment
committee will endeavor to trepan ft few
democratic platitude under the scalps of
those present.
Next Monday evening Mayor Dahlman
will entertain the democratlo cireu at hi
home on South Twenty-ninth street.
I Wsai ) Hash ltd 1
J Her Matter te e
tho : far lt-re.
Pe-lm lug her husband has Imposed heavy
financial burden upon her by taking n
unasually large number Of depoeltlon at
different places, making It necessary for
her to hire attorneys to represent her. Mrs.
Fannie R. BaaMtt has filed a motion In
district court gsklng that her husband be
compelled to furnish her more money with
which to pr.wecule her divorce case. She
ay the $200 already llowed her by the
court ha been exhausted and the ha no
other niearm to pay court expense. The
affidavit In support of the motion ay her
husband ha served notice on her to tako
deposition of evnty-fur wiluesao In
Washington. New York. Baltimore. Atltntio
City, Crotton, Va., and othr places. She
nay she has expended 1130 tn attorney
fees, need )150 more and ha not paid all of
the expense of taking the deposition. .
AI1bT4 TVf MBtr Want
ret'tta Dislsed Partial
la f Itaiti.
Argument on th two motion mad by
the defendant In the Cost trust Injunction
cast occupied th entire foremoon Thursday
In Judge Troup' court. At. the close Judge
Trona announced he would take the mo
tion imrttr advlaomant and would decide
them Friday- morning at :30 o'clock.
. Tha flrat motion, mad by about fifteen
of the dealer, was to dlsmlaa th petition
a to tham, beeaua of an alleged technical
error in not giving their full names la
the summon. The initial alone were
used, sad It la the contention of th de
fense that this I cot aufttclent to giro tit
court Jurisdiction over tham, inasmuch a
their full Brat name could hava been se
cured by th county attorney. The second
motion wa to require th county attorney
to niafce hi petition more definite by set-
Ci4 llrt Setae Ctke Pleaa, Wha
Caafease ta Steallag
Cat iflse.
" Ded, ooss, my coniuienc prick tn
and I e Just got to tell you the truf 'bout
uyaef. Tederday I don took gome, gat
pip from a place down heaii by the rail
road track and sold it to buy coke wlf,
and I wants to oontca to my perjury."
This was th tory told to Chief of De
tective Savage .Wednesday.' afternoon by
p. VJ. Moo, e, a colored , man from Wall
Kill.' who weit to the , police .' station,
effervescing with cocaine, to recite ih his
tery of his perfidy, although he said it
was perjury. Moore went to the otlce of
Chief Savage, and When he first started
his confession Mr. Savage said he thought
it waa a murderer, possibly, that of Miss
Rummelhart, who had come to confea hit
Moor was locked up for the night, and
In police court Thurdy morning wa en-
tenced to thirty days In th county Jail.
When sentenced Moor remarked, "I guess
that will get all the coke out of my ay
Urn, aU right, all right."
Bfterta Recaaeillatlua' Betwoaa Man
tit Wtats stj Dlrtrtt Cttt
I WlaedvOat.
Through th effort of Eish.ip Scannell a
reconciliation h taken place between
Mary Cronln and Michael Cronin and th
divorce cae started In Judge Kennedy's
court by tha former ha botn wiped off the
docket. Mr. Cronln charged her husband
with extreme cruelty and Mcured,- a re
training order to prevent his injuring her.
Mr. Cronln daolared he still loved his wife,
but that sbe had a bad temper and was
hard to get along with. He also said sh
encouraged their son )n living In Idleness.
Both are members of , the Catholic church
and member of the clergy sumed th
offico of peacemaker and succeeded In
bringing about a reconciliation.
Boss! B. Mlddleton has begun suit for di
vorce against Otto G. Mlddleton on the
grounds of nonsuppoit,
Itetaras Home at -Mkt Drwak and
Haas ..TVlfa.iaad Ct".drea
' ' Oar1'cid.
Me tire a Mala at Kaaally Mare lat
ireiaea ,tJH Waatea Flaa
Hat 1'laa Aaytklag
Klae Aseerlcaaa.
D. J. M'-DonaM. formerly a well known
Northwestern rallwny conductor running
out of Omaha, arrived st the Millard hotel
Thursday morning, enroute from Puebla,
Met., his present place of business, to
Pihuyler. where h will visit with hi
father and mother for a few days.
Mr. Mctxmald b a member of the Amer
ican" colony In Fuebla and one of two
American boot and shoe- dealer In that
city. He hs been successful In President
Diss' domain and speak In optimistic
term of the country a a business proposi
tion and looks for many change for the
bitter to lie wrought in that country. With
Mr.' McDonald are hu wife. Infant daugh
ter and Tasquala Itevea, a Mexican maid.
Mr. McDonald and family will return to
Mexico in a week. They are registered at i
Nie Millard. I
"After seven years' business and obwrvu- .
tion In the southern and southeastern por- !
tion of Mexico I can say that no form of
bi.siness it being overdone there. There ts
plenty of rcom and opportunity for enter- j
prb-lnj An erleans, a working knowledge of
the Spanish language being necessary. The .
Mexicans are becoming more friendly than I
ever toward Americans and, Just for an j
Instance, In our city they seem to prefer i
Amerlcau footwear to any other kind.
There Is much room for development in
the stock and farming industries.
Dla U'orklsc Oat Refarata.
"President Dlaa and the federal governor
ate working out reforms, beginning with
tbe City of Mexico, where Sunday closing
ot public drinking resorts and such places
I being enforced.
Mr. McDonald describe J Puebla a the
third city In Mexico and having a salu
brlotia cllmato at an elevation ot over
S.C0 feet. The hundred American famili
In Puibla have an organltatlon known us
th Ur.toii" club.
raaqual i Ileye. the . young Mexican
woman with the McDonalds, Ih of the peon,
clan and is on her first trip to the Unit-id
States. Asked t-hat Impressed her the
most on her trip to Omaha he,i through
Mrs. McDonald, replied that to see every
woman wearing a nice hat was the most
Impressive tbjng In her mind. That no
where should she see women going around
In bare- feet with little shawls over their
head, aa with her rifts at home, was
something atratige to her.
With all Its attraction Tasquala did nut
think she would ' care to remain lu till
country. She waa gskad uch a question,
to which she replied by nodding her head
and looking bahfully at tho carpet. She
was thinking of some one back In Old
Mexico.1 Mr. McDonald said!
E22tfs Fall mi WIMer
. WT Tt
JN th matter of 'Underwear alon$
, it'6 excel L our stock are per
hapk the laret in tit city and,
embrace ever; veil himcn make of
Cndincear that ire can be justified
in recommending to "r cuxtomtrs
Yo'i ivill find here onl;f the better
kindit. such an Merino, Wool, Cash'
mere, 1 1 'orstedd, Merce rized, tiitk
plated, cotton ribbed, fleece lined
Men Cotton Ribbed form-fitting FH
Weight I'nderwisar. finished m r
hi the best possible 4)C
manner, per garment
Men's Wool and Merino I'nderweat
In flats and ribs, 'natural an.l cam
. el's hair. In pink, blue, rtovi and
tan shadea; come In medium or n-
exceptlo'nal Value75clt00
Men's' Jersey Ribbed Form-Kit Ilr.g
Wool t'nderweai' Made of the fin
est domestic yarn. In the varlo-is
wanted shades: eieguntly tailored
ami atrictiy mat a - i-
quallty, pecll
Comblngtlen Suits
fl.OO Men's fin quality" me
rino comb suits. In natural g
Siay an. I ecru, a per- I. (Ill
feet fitting .
gl.SO Men' heavy Uevhy ribbed
i:t;ptlnn Italurlggan comhinatioa
anus. eife-t .fittlna. mietly ii'm
slitlnkshle and n excellent gl""
moht for ihos who do not caie lo
wear wool
regulr $.'.00 value.
ut anil
(U.OO Men's medium weight Hbhed
. merino combination soils, 3- tm
wool. aeninne l-..vitian com-n.
practical welgnt lor
: enrlv winter wear,
. 12.00 and
t rtbhed
3-4 r;i
eoiton. a
173 en's Cloves
We ara headquarter for Meu't Gloves. We ask particular men ta tea
our "Xcbra.k Siieelil" $1.00 Glove.
Cor. Famam and 15th Sts.
JIM J.l!?ll a t ,8kl! AUMI 18 Ji ' .BL'ggg!
at a Oautt Maa Charged with
Craalty ta Wife I Taraed
The cfce gair.t W. T. Wertslor Of 1M
Kim treet. South Omaha, who wa bj
rested last Bunday by Officer Dibble on the
' rreft-r Kile pettHoa.
Th creditor of' C It Bwanson Co..
n.r l..i,t of S,it, Nb., ha filed a
petition in the United State district court
asking that he may he declared a bank
rupt. The petitioning crodltora ar th
t'rited Stt :tior.l bank of Omaha,
14 4i 44; Midiapd Oiata rompeny Omwlin,
S4.7. and rt. .Ilerrold Manufanturlna?
uompauy, I'Vorla, l.S4. The petition
f Jchi C. DfCacl
' k. V- :
V,n Zr t a. Zi J. ? "I'Charg, of a-ault and battery upon the
i TH1 ' v" lia by Judge
th petition charges a general conspiracy i JV-.- i mi.. ,1. . , . , v,,r.
to control coal prices and res-train coinov ., . . ' . ... ,
Utjon , continued from day to day without an sp
'.. . ... . . . , , . . I penrancei bv the defendant, who is up-
.?J""J lS :,. .dri,r." in1lol1 bylp-.sed tJ have been released on a traw,
11--Li Z . J l . wTVl? " boad. Wertxler was charged with havlna
peared In court and furrlahed bond fori . , . . . ;
; " ,r .,., ,. . . . , pulled hi wlf around by the hair and
their appearance when wanted. Some of . . , . . ,
. ,w. .1." . , ne 0,herwiBB abused her because he w dt-
-' " i v i ijr ana .nave prom- i
laed to how up as. sooa aa they return
Friday night Sherman Richardson went to
his home at 29H Decatur street carrying an
overabundance of "nose paint'.' and shame
fully abused hi family, He made hi wlf
and children get out of bed gnd drove
them Into the street In their bare feet and
would not let them Inside the house until
an officer arrived and placed Richardson
under arrest, air. . nicnaraaon was so
frightened that she , would not appear
against her husband In police court, a she
wa afraid such a course would lnelt him
to further outrage, but after listening to
the evidenr of th officer Judge Craw
foid eed a fine of t3 and coat. In de
fault of payment of which Richardson will
pond several day in jail.
For fiere Tbroat ana Celrt la Chest
use Omega Oil. Trial bottle Ie.
Aaaoaaeeateats of the Theater.
"The Umpire," which' make Its bow to
Omaha at th Boyd on Sunday evening,
come proclaimed a one of the greatest
successes ever sent out from Chicago. The
piece ha been played all summer In the
Windy City, where- It was a tremendous
hit. it oomes to Omaha trith the original
cast Intact,. some of the best known come
dians and singer taking part In th pro
ceeding, while it offers the original ' foot
ball ballet. In this a ' number of - good
look! njs girls play the-game In dead earn
est, the winning side getting the prise, each
night. The engagement la for three nlghtai
Beat are now on sale.
Th closing performances of "Mr.
Smooth" at the Burwood are drawing good
crowds, and the people seem to enjoy the
pleasing fcrce Immensely. Next week the
bill will be "Alice of Old Vlncennes." .
The No Nam theater, the new vaude
ville theater at 14th and Douglas that
opened Bunday last, is doing very nlc
business and Is pleasing the people with
It entertainment. A new bill la promised
for i,ext week and It Is said to be better
than thfs.
They are
bond. .
furnish U.OOO
George C. Wallaee Thlake Ilaatag
alt far Mlestag Caaaeetiea
Waald Be Popular,
George G. Wallace hold th opinion that
pleased with something on of her sleters
had done. It Is report that Wertsler
holds a responsible position with a larg
South Omaha firm.
Alt easy Milt Ba Made - Bratkera
aad Siatera af art hat
C. Maeller.
An attempt will ic .uade In district court
It la a matter of only a short time tint II to have set aalde the ruling of County
ome Nebraakan, having lout money and j Judg Leslie dmylng the validity of th
of Political f aiu aad Kautout a
a Sho JX!c... Thl Same
J.,Uk it a Great "'Merviaa.
l-'amou. todl are thou Kali Suit
thtt deily leava cur toi-g. Perfect
sijle g!eaa,g tiomx every seam.
NVe fcave in eaa'ern eoi respon
deat wbo Keen rit potted on the
lafea. N CrI? tljleu. Bujlgg g
gal! ia Omaha to wr east you
aWt-ld ft it froji ut. Be taauied
It wt!l be at atylUh and at well
utlorvd at the clothe of j our bt
dressed ear.ero fiiead.
Suit and Overcoat ta OrUrr.
'i.OO to f su.ou
TA:ic:u:;a co.
'Pi.-jf. lni!. 1 t 4-tug !'h St.
.t Vut to &h i. V.ct, er ...
auiTerea inconvenience vy Having inled a
railroad connection, will bring suit taatrtSi
tbe rallroaU for having run train behind
time. ........
"Whoever might begin an agitation
against the railroad on account of 1st
trains would find effort would me'Jt
with the approval cf a k.'ig-tofforing pub
lic," remarked Mr. WalWe. referring to
ome cf hi recent rallrcad experience. "I
never go 1t certa'n pert of the sfate
without beli.g several hiu: lat In arriv
ing ar my destitution and evrl hour
late In getting away. It is th' exception,
rather than the rule, when a train 1 run
on achedu'. time, and this condition I a
great lo both In time and money to the
traveling public."
Barteader Tabaaea hy gaath Omaha
Pal Ire 1 ataalaelaa Brlaa
, . ,.ti'i Agalast Latter.
Becuse i:e aays tiie BoutU Omaha hV
and polK board notified Saloon keeper
( thay could not got a llcen If tby m
plued him as barkeeper. Charles Carlson
II i;lrg th hoajd snd'Mai-tln Jetter
, dauiagt. .,'inw cgsajfi Vetng heard
in Judge rtclle court.
Carlton Waa working for ChrUt Gravel n
sen, but t'ay in May, th board
told hia. employer ba would have to die-
charge Carlson If he wanted a license
Oravernaeti premiatd to do so. Carlaoa
way h applied for woik at otLar aaloons
but owing to th action of th board ha
could not eccir employment. He chatge
a conapiraoy t-etween Martin Jetur and
to ooaiq to. irijui iiiiu. jle aay It Wa
r.eeiy for him til leav Hmnh Omlia
No iv
' th tit. to .nali your
Uti( ,!i II Hft V aut AJ y
want i
will of Arthur C. Mueller on the ground
ho wa Insane at the time the will wa
made. The case ha been taken up on ap
peal by William II, Bt-hmoller and Amelia
St.radley, beneflciartea under the will, and
John S. 8ieger. one of th executors named
In th will. The will aa Hacked by Muel-
lr' brother and sister, most cf whom
were entirely Ignored. After deciding ther
was no legal will Judg Isll appointed
Joseph B. Fredenberg gdmlulistiator cf tbt
elate. i
Cataatragihe Mar Dire Thaa F.arth
aaahe Awaits at (Least One
A few week after thq Ban Francisco
dtsastar Jme Olbb, a refugee, obtained
employment driving a milk wagon for the
John II. Bchnell Brother company, dairy
man, at Fifty-ninth and Center etreets, and
had given entire a tie fact Ion until last
Saturday, when he came to Omaha, hired
a hor and buggy from livery (table
rid collected over $300 from customer of
th milk company. Gibb couldn't stand
prosperity and absconded with the cash.
Ills employers said he would suffer ven a
greater cataatruphe . than the earthquake
tf th police ucreed rn rapturing him.
Draaalst Says One Hendres aad Fifty
Peraan Are BasTerlagr with
tha Malady.
"Better be very careful about that cold."
said a Sixteenth street druggist a he
wranoed a bottle of llsterine for a cu
tomer. "There la diphtheria 11 over the
city; In fact, one phyalclan told me yes
terday there are at preaent no fewer than
150 eases. Several of the physicians bring
the sputum of their patlenta here foa ex
amination for diphtheria germ and an
average of ten teat tube a day ar left
her for ua to examine. The best thing
for a person with a very tore throat ta to
I tee a doctor at once.
Railroad and Steamship Ticket
If yoiare going to spend the Holi-.
daysf in your old home in. Great ,
Britain, Scandinavia or the Con
tinent, or intend to spend the wip-tsr-in
sunny Italy, you can buy a
through ticket and secure the best
service via the
Ohicaco, r.lSkvauUcc
, Paul Railway
Reservations made on train's east
of Chicago and on any Trans-Atlantic
Steamship.. Three trains
daily from Union Station Omaha
to Union Station-Chicago. Leave
- 7.88 o. m, 8,40 p. m., 3:03. a; m
Carter al Western Agent
1S24 Faroem St., Omaha
Very Law Rates ta tha West.
The Chleego Great Western railway will
11 ticket to point In Alberta, British
Columbia, ' Idaho, Montana, Oregon and
Washington at about one-half the Usual
fare. Tickets on sate dally August 27 to
October J1, inclusive. Get full Information
from H. H. Churv-hlll, general agent, 1512
Farnam St., Ofnaha, Neb. '
Sat lea.
Beech Camp 14i4, M. W. of A. Neigh
bor: Tou will please be advised that we
ar noW meeting every Friday evening In
our new hall. In th Rohrbough building,
lth and FasnSm etreeta. Your attendance
Is requested. Come, get acquainted and b
neighborly. W, M. THOMAS, Conul
N. J. MARVIN. Clerk.
Mangum 4k Co.. LBTTEK BPKCIALI8T8.
Clarence Sylva, proprietor of a aaloon t
1707 North Twenty-fourth tret, refused
to cloa his saloon at 1 a. m. Thursday
when commanded to do so by sn officer and
waa locked up on th charge ot keeping his
establishment open after, hour in violation
of the closing law. The ca wns set for
trial before Judge Crawford next Tuesday.
Varicocele: Under our treatment th! Inslaieu
dia.a. disappears. Pain -aae almost instantly. y
Tho stagnant blood ts driven from tha dlltad
veins and all aorenes and awelllng subside.
. Kvery lndlctlon of Varicocele vanish, ojid in
stesd comes th pleasure of perfect health. Many
ailments are reflex, originating from otliai oU
easea For luatanc. Innumerable blood and nrv
ou dlteasaa result from nolaonou iaint In th
system. Varicocele and Hydrocele, If nexUctad,
will undermine thphyslel trngth, dapre tho
mental facultiea. derang the pervou a stern, and
produce compllraled result. In our treatment w
alwav cur the effect- well aa th cause. Kvry
person affltctad with these disease should rail on
u lo learn our method of cure, whlcii are safe
and permanent. Consultation I free, and our
chargea for a perfect cure are no more than yoii
will he able and willing t pay for tha benefit
canfeerred. Certainty of cur I wt you want. W guarantee to cure sou.
X. W. Cor. ISth and Farnam Bt., Om!i, Neb.
hr )
A bth, traveling sixty mil an hour, a
have, hair cut, manicure aarvtce, laat-.-t'
maid, stenographer, bufft-librry car,
oompartment-obsen-atlon-eleeplng car, all
furnished on "Knlcl .rhocktr Special" from
St. Loui to Indlanapoll, xtuffaio, Niagara
Fall and New Tork. Leaving St. Lou la
dally I p. m., arriving Buffalo f:A) a. ni..
New York p. m., via Big Four-New York
Central lines. Address Big Four rpreea
tat'ves tor ;articulrs.
Very Law Rate latWti,
Lvtry Tuesday, balance of th year, tli
Chicago Great Wtern ra'lrcad will all
hometeekei ' tlcWa a to Mlnnttota, North
Dakota and Canadiau northwest at about
half rat; to ther territory, first and third
Tueadaye. Write W. H. ChUrchlll, G. A.
Hi.' Far nam tireet. eiial number la parly
mi when gii;g.
Kashaag at Maaeailll
So maiif local men are und.r subptA4
witnesses In tlia grain trule, Ra
tion at the federal building, and so ni-i.v
others want t h.r the te.ilnionv t!,-t
tr&oe on the Ortaina Orain has
been almost at a ianlull tr two days.
I quolatloua w.i made on the op(i.,n
lit lltrt Patty Agerta Health.
ailcknesa usually staita with a cold -the
reault of an uneven temperature In the
room. Stove putty falls out of the attaint,
causing a lack of control of the lire, hence
the heat cannot be kept uniform. The
stov which has no putty In tts construc
tion and is therefor airtight andat all
times under perfect control la Cole'a Hot
Blast. It requires but half tbe usual
amount of fuel and keeps hard eve l heat t
Aai mwA nla'.il. Fur eflft Cttj.1. ul.irl; ,.iil
lignite or wood. Ask to see it at Milton
Rogers Bwis Co., 14th snd Farnam Sis.;
Orchard WUbelm Carpet Co., 414-16-19 8. j
Uth Ut,; John HUaaio Hardware Co.. -.MoT j
Cuming St.: K. I.. Jone ge Co., 1T( I.etv- j
nwcrth Bt-l O. F. Beaver. 4J4-U1 N. 24th
St.. SoutU Omaha; H"on tiro.. Buson.
Neb.; Paddock Ha.ndschy Hard war Co.,
41 S. Main St.. Court II Bluffs, la.
HI" 0 9W ALL
aSBt. a
Vklitflul tlel gttiaf
A tat of Artlalla
Ecuvcnir Pest C:rds
with avery eae
A Chlcaio Train for Omaha People x
Vt'alta for bo otker train. Leavea Omaha L'aloa
Statloa aroroptly at 0i4O avery eveolng. arrives
Chicago ftil3 tho tteat morning. Hectric Likhtel
thro)hout, f ntlmaa Drawlaa Rooo Sleepiatf
Care, tcl!aloH Chair Cars. Observation Eud
farlor Car wlih Dlnta. Room, serving Dinner and
IWaefaat a ta carta.
7lckti at 1312 Farnam St., Omaha
Be Want Ada Proauc Result.
ttrth a Ueath.
'Itje fallowing Llrth tcl datl,t were i to '.lie Hvaid of litatlu ounng li j tuinol ila .oiiian
altrltar I Miartta
Th poiice have been to appre
hend It. H. Tomer, as-ed is year, who wa
emploved a a licitur for a patent rm
Iigut burner, aiul lie tiiaappt-jired with six
cf the patent burner, which are valued at
II Mil). When hia absrtu-e was first n.j
tictfd hi. emplovtr W;s IricHn-d to "mul
I I a h t r tn arfair aim oniv reported ti t
i thft ftr a Up of severe 1 d vs. Tom.r
h-d f-iimeily wo- ked f c-f tlie Ki:ii:-.11 An
il four Orocar ttaaa nat
Keep it Addreea
Sloan Grocery Go.
Lciiind the unsuroassetl Lome circulatioo of
id Lat inaLfB ad vei titers know that it pays to use
TLe Dee advemsiuj columns libernilj. .
The Omaha