Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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    tut: omaha daily v.v.v.: KnuAY. OCTOKLn CG, lintf.
Tinr Omaha )HY nrrr
H.irxi-tn iiv M;WAtuj kuskwatk.t:.
. . . ... . ... .
VICTOR i:o.vavi-
Ki'trre.l at OinatiS r.istoffit aa second trm t tei. , , . .
TKR413 Of-' l iCltn't JON".
I'ailv K. e (nlllinnl Silli.:av). on? yer. .'?
U' and .Sunday, one yer.
e.imty K", on vp r.
PMunisv lire, mis
ih:lj;ki;u by cahhikk. (Including Puiidjy), Pr wek..l
iMily H- (without Sun.iiyf. per
Evening Ues (without Hnnna) . p"' tl'"':
t.vrnwig i. e (with StmdHy), pe; eK...l''
bjiirtny Bee, per eooy '.-"j''0
Atldiers complaints of li i egu'.ariU'" in de
liver lo City Circulation Dcpsrlnient.
' it.imm T I Bee building.
S"iili Ornahs-'lty llnll building.
Council Bluffs 10 Peart street.
i hudr'--l40 "n!.- building.
New 'Jork15'. Horn l,lf ln. buildinl.
W ahlngton-o.l Fourteenth street.
Conimiinli-ailnna relating to news ""I
torial matter should be addressed- Oman
Bee, tentorial Department.
ltenill by draft, fvptrm or poi-ial eider
pavabi to The Be Publishing enmpsny.
(inly l!-cent atampa reeelved s payment of
mall account. personal .Vi'k, except '.n
Omaha or eastern erhnt. not accepted.
Pia:e of Nebraaka. roulna routily. s:
:htlea ('. RoaewsUr. genarsl manager el
T' a Pe Publishing eonr-sn.v. being duly
a-voni, uri that the ae'ttat number of full
ami complete copies of Th Lslly. Morning.
V.venlng anil "vtnday Fte rrin!ej during
tie month f September. l"1-
if . w ? :
1 . .
2. .
. . .30.MQ
.. .30,370
. . .30,4m
.. .30,340
. . ,30,430
. . .8,S69
Total .;
Ls unsold copies..
Net total aalaa. . .
Dally average ......
General Manager.
Xulmrrfbed In ' tny "flreaenf e and ewortt
to before ma thie I at day ef Octobar,
(SetJ.) i . .. t. B.MCNGATK.
... ' . . Notary Fub;ic
nbaeribera leavlasj Hr taaa
perarilr ahoa! The Be
mailed ( tkaaa. Addreaa will h
ehaaged as allea aa reqaeeted.
Heglster today.
He sure to register. No previous
registration holds good tills year..
The democratic spellbinders should
nil take their cue of their great leader
iiliu luiiuuc -lucuinr i rrs iu tilts, eu ujvvl
of ''dreams. ''" ' " ' I
.The prospect is good that Governor i
MaKoon will make unnecessary the
ni-oloirv of Prnairfent Palma for aaktn
for American Jnterventlon.
KaiHouli need not fear that Minister
,Gummore wants his head, bnt his nerve
might come in handy when dealing
with the sultan of Morocco:-'
Senator Clark of .Montana verifies
the reoort that he will not be a candi
date for re-elottlon. A depressing In
fluence will lie. immediately felt
the market for voles in Montana.
on I
Democrats 'of the north and south
hltould gt- togc-ther on the subject of i
Prty principles or be willing-to.admlt
that their present, ennrpaisn la put a
scramble for, office, as heretofore.
The Interstate Commerce conatuU
sion may not be able to enforce its
orders In ever case, but It seems Just
hi effective us a. grand Jury In dis
covering irregular business methods.
Major Church Howe, now consul
geneial at Montreal. Is. coming back to
Nebraska to vole. A residence in Ne
braska ia good thing to havewhen
oiTWlal promotions are being passed
around. - -
Now that the supreme court of 1111
nola has .decided that Chit ago can atop
lis street cara from being overcrowded
gome means may he devised to make
conductors call streets. Jo. language
that stronger can understand.' i
Reports from all pa its of tho United
States- Indicate that' few people are
permitting politic to . interfere with
business and that those who make
politics their sole business are having
difficulty in finding employment.
For the first time in recent history
Douglas county has a sinking fund
which is actually sinking something
and working as a debt reducer. This
is another result of - republican man
agement of the county's finances.
Life underwriters who want to keep
their organization free from 'home
office" influence may find tbetubelves
In trouble for' reflecting upon their
superiors, as life inaurance magnates
are becoming Jealous of their reputa
tions. v '
AlUiouah the discovery of Senator
Hailey's secret relations with the "Oil
triift" prevented him from replying to
Colonel Bryan'o plea for government
ownership, he seems to have found an
u tlve ally in hia colleague, Senator
The constitutionality ot (he law gov
Hining responsibility of railroads for
speedy delivery of stock having been
upheld, in the 'district court, railway
managers may find it easier to Improve
the service than to convince the su
preme court.
17 go.aeo
U..., 30,710
j$( go. MS
2 30.850
21 3OJW0
J 31.140
21 ...30,410
U 30,710
j .34.M0
27... '...,.. .Nit
21 ...34,079
21.,-.. t.0
tt 30,000
, , , , ;
" Tax the billboards out of existence"
U the slogan that baa been raUsd at
Milwaukee. With a big Jtilsuient for
4iuges by the collapse of a defective
billboard luitiiug over Its head
flnu.h.t I iu r: xnl portion o t.tke up
til haitleri; aud rry U foinard.
A CUAf VT R (.rMMSf.'v.
Tim editor of In Ree l In tecelpt
of lefter, (Ulrlressed to him pctsnnally
from one f the ardent chmplM'ti of.
!the treacherous Williams preventing'
tognt arguments why the nomination
for railway rommlfaiofer. In considera
tion of which he sold himself st the
republican stste conTrgtlon, honld b
rgRhed for tiho 1J the .Voter l the
comlnt election. In sdditlon ' to tht
game denial of the orer belmlnt; evi
dence of his sell-out whi h the pon
pcleneelens WUlIamg has himself nigde,
1 we are jiTen this final H'.ncher:
! Remember, TOU ara rot th IlKPtB
j ),1CAN party of title great atata of Ni"
I biaaka. Tou are only one, and a lnltfhty
IMALIj ONE at that. Don't you know
I that "everybody kno. i tnoi e than any
jbody?" Do yu rolly thjtilt you are batter
than the party? If you j-ally think you
are, you had better "Xorget it" right away.
In conclnaion let me'nay that I have been
Intimately acquainted with Judge Williams
for the part alx years ani I know him to
ha an honorable grentlenian Hia word la
as good aa hia bond.' In fact, hn ha roote
honor and tuatlre In hln little fluifor than
you have In the whole of your fwed-ott '
and hammered-down carcase. ;
This certainly is a cllnchei. It Is
the unsolicited testimony ot one -bou-
orablo" gentleman to the high chsrsc ,
ter. of another "honorable" gentleman.
It Is such a testimonial' ns any thief,
crook or embezzler could readily pro
duce. lfoe Hartley, by the assistance of
the . same influences that originally
notnicaled bim for state treasurer,
should succeed in landing a place on
the republican ticket to reinstate him
in charge of the state's cash box, and
The Bee refused' to support him, wo
are sure we would Ve told that "every
body knows more than anybody," and
that "you" are not the' republican party
of this great state of Nebraska."
If the railroad cappers should have
controlled the last state convention ab-.
solutely and had nominated Jim lllli,
for governor, and The Bee -should- re
fuse ,. to join In the .movement to an
nex the state house to the Burlington
headquarters, the editor would prob
ably be reminded that physically he is
neither a giant nor an Apollo.
If Benedict Arnold could be brought
to life again and smuggled under the
tent of a republican nomination, he
would doubtless hsve the exuberant
support of Williams and his admiring
friend who has written to cs.
In the face of this 'terrific arraign
ment the editor of The Bee has the
temerity to repeat that Williams has
shown himself by bis dishonest con
duct to be utterly untrustworthy and
unfit for any position where he might
I again sell himself for thirty pieces of
silver or its equivalent, and'that every
patriotic republican who has the honor
n ' VI.' .1.1. m. 1. . .V...1J . .... I.
ui -cu
William, and put his crossm.rk after"
4Va k A rF ja fa 1-7 tat 1tM at II wa 4
u"u,,c wl
i commissioner.
AtroRstr gksehai. auor. :
The unofficial corroboration of the
report that it is the president's lntm.
tioa to 'name Attorney General Mood a
for the place on the' Supreme benc.
vacated by the retirement of Justlca
Drown does not come altogether as .
surprise. 3jr. Moody's .character, in-
tegrity and legal, attainments, abun-
kdantly qualify him for uch prefer-
ment.- .but
,thorough . sympathy i
tvith the president
nd .als consptcu-
0s" efficiency in prosecuting the great
corporate trusts and trade conspiracies
jn pursuance of " his chief's" policy
would naturally commend him power
fully for a place at this time in the
court of last resort, notwithstanding
the judicial circuit in which he resides.
is already represented. ...
It ia well known that Mr.' Moody has
remained in the' cabinet at great pe-
i cunlary sacrifice . the )ast two years
or more, only from a sense-of public
duty and at the president's earnest
solicitation. As b JjS tatedl as not a
wealthy man, the president "would the
more appreciate his loyalty tn .thus
putting aside the splendid professional
opportunities which were open to him.
It waa generally understood, and is
no doubt the fact, that at the time
of the announcement of Justice
Brown's retirement from the supreme
court Secretary Taft could take the
vacancy, but he, too. had other im
portant p-.bltc work in hand that
seemed to demand ' bis attention.
Either Moody or Taft is -anilnently fit
and richly merits such promotion, and
it is good fortune for the president
and for the public to hare-two such
men from whom to choose. .
The unequivocal pronouncement by
Senator Beverldge for direct primary
nominations and elections of United
Slates senator by popular vote, evi
dently intended to force the matter
a a practical Issue in Indiana, is the
latest among multiplying marks ot in
creasing demand to make government
more responsive to the. people. Ae
tstahce to change from . nominating
conventions and electing stale lejf.s
latnres has notoriously been greatest
in the. old eastern and New England
states, precisely where the power 'of
Incorporated wealth has been strongest
and most active In manipulating con
ventions and legislatures to thwart
the will of the people, whereas the
south and the west have already gone
far In primary legislation and re
formed party practices which Indi
rectly secure much of the effect of
popular election of senators. Ohio
and Illinois have followed in this di
rection, although mare slowly and less
effectually. It is presumable that
there now exieta strong popular senti
ment in Indiana also, to which Sena
tor Beverldje's pronounced stand i!l
t a powerful stimulant.
The movement loi' universal direct
primary nominations, Including United
States senators, indeed distinctly fol
lows the tentiiil line, of the trend of
our political lifenamely, tbw I'opu-
lrl;Atlon ,of our orernmepi. it. Is a,
rsst sdvsbce In tre IrrecltlMe Maith
of the forces which hare made our
elections of president Tlrlsally popular,
although under. constitutional form
the reverse "of popular',' which lont? ago
Introduced the lnnovstlon of conven
tion nomination of senators as a means
of partial relief, and which the last
few yc-ars has compelled primary nom
ination of senators in so many states
with the Implied moral obligations on
state legislatures to make such popular
choice effective.
The significant and emouraslng
! fact, of which the action of Senator
Beveildge Is one of the evidences, is
that the substitution of popular nomi
nation and election methods for the
anachronisms of the party convention
and legislative choice of senators is 1
now being rapidly accepted as a vital
issue in new quarters. , Nowhere is
the reform ' losing ground. and
wherever popular methods have boen
tried public sentiment, Irrespective of
partlssn distinctions
receives power-
ful Impetus for complete relI?atlon
The legislature of every western and
middle state that meets this winter
will not be permitted to escape the
strongest pressure of public demand
for the direct primary system and all
cognate reforms.
nJILHOAU tax ivasios is ltLiyois.
Members of the Illinois State Board
of Equalization are reported to be
greatly aurprtsed, as they may well
be, at the charges just made before it
of under-assonsment of railroad prop
erty. It is alleged that an average of
over (306,000,000 per annum has' es
caped taxation in Illinois for a period
of twenty years, without taking into
account penalties for failure to report
property at correct valuation for as
sessment. Under the Illinois system
stock and bond values are an essential
element in determining the assessment,
but it Is represented to the board that
those values have been so manipulated
and understated in the railroad reports
to- the assessing authorities as to en
able the roads to dodge taxation on
this Immense agsregste ot. assessable
Although Illinois is one of the states
In which protracted and earnest ef
fort has been made for correct listing
of railroad property for taxation, the
detailed and classified exhibits now
produced before the state board make
out a strong case that the hocus pocus
of railroad experts with the intangible
but essentia .elements, of the proper
ties has succeeded there also in keep
ing hundreds of millions of justly tax
able value off the assessment foil and
correspondingly burdening the mass of
individual taxpayers.
It is a startling-revelation for the
tax-paying public in Illinois, and also
for the railroads which, are cited to
furnish the board with sworn state
ments of the value of their stocks and
bonds as a basis for a searching analy
sis with a view of forcing a more juat
assessment. Tt comes, too, at an. op
portun time, for arousing sentiment
for railroad tax reform in other states
which have been far more negligent
than Illinois,
One ot the candidates on the demo-
trttlc ticket has quoted theu Declara
tion of Independence for authority for
the principle of home rule, and an
other democratic orator declares that
God Himself gave .us that privilege.
All of which ia doubtless true, with
the slight modification that Omaha
once enjoyed complete municipal home
rule until the , democratic supreme
court took It away from ns for political
purposes only.
The aale of a bathtub out ot the
executive mansion is explained by Gov
ernor Mickey with the assertion that
the tub was not being used and had
been stored in the garret for several
years. The real question which may
warrant a legislative Investigation Is,
Which governor relegated the bathtub
tdthe garret?
Local democrats are trying to whis
tle to keep up their courage by con
juring up-apparltlons of feuds within
the republican ranks. A The fact is that
the republicans of Omaha and Doug
las county were never freer from fac
tional feuds, while the democrats are
busy keeping their hands out ot each
other's hair.
Every one who has attended the
Horse Show this year renders the ver
dict that It is far superior to previous
performances in that line In this city.
This should, at least, be gratifying to
the, local managers, who have put so
mnch time and effort upon it, and
should help toward financial success.
When the indicted coal dealers come
up for trial they win preeumably enter
as a plea in bar of prosecution the
O.- K. which County Attorney English
and the editor, of Candidate Hitch
cock's World-Herald put upon their
constitution and bylaws before they j
started out to Imitate a Coal trust.
Cities may ia time be convinced that
criminal negligence alone permits
buildings erected for other purposes to
be used as rooming houses without
being fully prepared for that purpose.
Tho catastrophe at Kansas City might
be repeated Iu almost any town in the
United States.
If the governor of Chihuahua suc
ceed in preventing trouble along the
Mexican border he will prove himalf
bigger than the entire government of
the United Statea, but It Is hardly
probable that he will destroy this
source of free advertising for Mexicans
Ohio people aha commeut on the
fact that a woman and her daughter
traveled li am ColoraJo tu that S'.ale
In a wagon snd were not nmlrptpd
evidently have a mistaken Idea of th"
wrsl. Had they b-en !no1ctt',d that
fact would have boon worthy of comment.
Merry olrm In .
Rt. J.OUIK RepnMlr.
It le -estimates that Anvrlrnus pe.:l
t. "CO In every summer. That la
almcet -enough-1; Justify the Klullr'n, In
alnging "The Oood OH Slimmer Time."
Hampering Kales.
Minneapolis Journal.
Several aotithtrn Jurlatn are wrtlng
pamphlets to shew that the fifteenth
amendment la what la the matter with lt.
TVe ere alto tampered somewhat hy the
ten commandments.
Saurre ot Marti Trouble.
Chicago Tteoord-Heta'd.
The American Cankers' aaoclation couli
not Bgree at ita recent convention on a
plan for netting more money In emergfn
ctes. That aeema to be the principal trouble
with evetybody in this v;rld.
Where Icaarance la Blla.
St. Tu!n Republic.
Mr. Sllveira, .the Oitan banker who left
Havana with a million of bis firm's money,
can't nndemtand why It should have failed.
Thre Is no such word as full In the lexicon
of a man who can get away with a million.
Orcaelon for ttararlie,
St. Louie Olobe-Democral.
A combination of all the big packing coiii
Phia l threatened, but the public will
not be greatly surprised thereby unleae it
Is the purpot-e of the benevolent butcher
to go back to the old plan of giving awjy
the liver..
Yeerilra Worry.
Washington Feet.
It la a little difficult to ur.deralaud why
Wall afreet should b so worried about
"money to move the-crops." while Kansas
and Nebraska banks, m the heart of the
grain district, are refusing- to accept -je-poflts,
plendlng- that, they have, more
money than they can use.'
F.laajaieace of Kaforeeal Vlrlae.
Fprlnerfleld Republican. :
The effect of the railroad rebating prose
cutions has been to so stiffen up the sg-etts
overywbere that business'' men complain
that there Is too great earnestness In hold
ing them up In ways that are even un
reasonable. It is to be eald, however, thst
that kind of virtue hi eloquent.
x .' Tfce Crack ( Doaa. tj . f . ,
Kansas City Times.
Slowly, but very certainly the people a-re
undermining the evils of. Standard 01!. The
day may not be far distant when the whole
malevolent system of special privileges and
power to crush competition will topple and
fall. The recent verdict of guilt in Flndlay,
O., may not in ttsielf menare thts trust, but,
coupled with the previous verdicts of the
people of Kansas, Missouri, Texas and
many other states, H has a sinister mean
lug for the magnates who have difled the
tem'ho the Liability law.
the Cearts Aattclpated br
the Government.
Baltimore American.
' When congress, at it's last session, passed
the employers' liability law it was under
stood by tha lawmakers that they wore
throwing down tha gauntlet to the rail
roads and the latter' would not hesitate to
take It tin. -The effect of the law la wide
reaching In the caaVcif 'the 'transportation,
companies bn aceotlM W their being such
large employers of labor. The Invalidating
of the act of congress bV the courts wo jU
mean a sating In' ptaynwuf of damages of
hundreds ef thousands, p dollars a year to
them. Accordingly. Attorney Oenerr.l
Moody, with the apriroval of the president,
announces hia Intention of aeelclnv tha eon.
sent of the supreme cburt to Intervene- fot
trie purpose or upholding- the constitution
ality and Interpretation of the law when
It shall b brought Into the courts. This
Is likely to be at an early dste, and tt
seems to be the put-pose' of the railroads,
some of which ere enid to be acting" in
concurrence, to mn'te a light either In the
courts of Kentucky or New Jersey.
The stake Is of such proportions that the
attention of the country 'will be attracted
whan the battle begins. Aside from the
bearins tha fight will have upon congress.
Which is, of course, sponsor for the legis
lation, the act touches a wide field of rail
road and associated interests. Prior to the
passage of the law the employer was not
held liable for Injtirj done to hia' employe
through the carelessness or negligence of
a fellow employe under whose direction be
might be workinr. The new law extends
the liability of employ eta over the aots of
their agents tn all such cases, thus In
creasing the probability of law suits and
damage claims, and also- making It expe
dient for the railroads to Invest largely tn
safety appliances and otherwise afford
greater protection to th lives and peraons
of their employes. r
It has been charged that' tha rallroVs
figure out a certain' amount for damage
claims, and are governed by that estimate
An expanding money for tha protection from
Injury of their employes. But It 'Is not
necessary to adopt thte view of corporation
heart! esaneaa to see that -the effect of the
new law In any case will make It greatly
to the Interest of tb. railroads to provtda
for a much larger ajinua.1. expenditure to
safeguard their employes. Labor will be
greatly Interested In the outcome of the
contest that will engage the best legal
talent of the railroads and the resources
of the federal law department, tn connec
tion with the law officers of the state in
which the teat case is brought to trial.
ri;RoAi, NOTES.
The Tarialana already have their little
Joke about eWrrlen'a Illness,- which compels
bis retirement. Tfcey say it is not Sppendi
citli, but Clttmencitis.
An English paper gravely announces that
Sir Kesri Singh, the niHharao of Sroht, lost
his last aw tooth on July ! and had a
diamond one put tn Its place."
Jnms Hnsen Hyde, former vice pieaident
of the Eouftabie, wha ia living tn Paris,
baa arranared for a debate between Har
vard and Tal in Wrench. He ha offered a
cup to th team winning such a contest.
An Algerian now In Baltimore cannot get
hotel accommodations for more than him
self and on of his three wives. Th faith
ful husband Is thus placed in a trying po
sition, for he Is afraid to pick th favorite.
Prof. Tulchlro Honjo Is concluding tn
New Toik a. tour of Inspection of the great
school sryteme' of this country. He was
sent here by Ms government of Formosa.
When he goes home b Is to establish a
gigantic educational Institution modeled
after the American hlgii school.
Senator Lodge la th Oua pnominout po
litical loader tn Maacaxhuxetts who de
cline to b llaled as a telephone subscriber.
He considers K Important to hsv snr.i
period of complete test whils away f-c-ni
Washington, and. tn spile of th grotnbllrg
of lesser political wotkei s, the senator has
never succumbed to the hous 'phone.
A proposition la honor tf John A. P.oeh-
litjl' memory by the erection of K monu
ment tn Trenton, ff. J. I taking a new
turn ami the clt'zen may build a r.w ot Industrial uii and dedicate it In
bis iiaiue. Mr. Roebhng waa ths builder j
if t!,e Brooklyn and otiier susnensloii j
brides and Ciu- cf tie- i-;rmot enfcln-e:
in iii coauti iu t, 4 0.
Mlaar Ar-eaes aad lacldeata Nitelched
n Ike tet.
The iPepartmept of Justice propose ti
intervene in the supreme court In a case
coming up from Pennsylvania Involving the
validity of tho law requiring aafety ap
! pllanres on vnilrnad cars. A braVenian
named Sherman, employed by the IVnii
Mylvunla railroad, was ordered by his con
ductor to couple shovel cr ejulppil
with an 'ordinary draw-head to a caboose
equipped with an outomatlu coupler. The
brnkemsn was a big man. He had t)
stoop am ay down In order to bold up tho
drawhead and guide It to the small open
ing In the automatic coupler. An engltiO !
was used to back the shovel cer down to
the caboose. All during the operation the
conductor wjs orde-lug SUman to Ueiu
his head lower. He could not get it low
enough, so In an hour they tarried the
body of the pcor follow home. to his wife
and two little children with the top of his
hor.d crushed off.
11 was a violation of the safety appllanca
act for the railroad company to use that
shovel car equipped a8 It was with an old
ooupler In Interstate commerce. Tet It
had. having sent tho cor over to Fennnyl
vaiilu from NeW Tork. , '
When tho case came into the courts' of
rcnnsylvanla they all threw It out on the
I ground of contributory negligence. It was
! negligence Tor Sleman to obey' the order ot
the conductor. He should have refused.
I The mere fact that he would not have had
a Job should have made no difference. His
wtfe and children tnight have gone hungry
while lis was trying to get another Job
there are so many railroads other than tha
Pennsylvania. In the Keystone common
wealthbut he would have saved his physi
cal' bead. Po tho Pennsylvania courts
threw him out and the highest court In
the state approved what the inferior court
had done. Officials of tha department con
sider the Pennsylvania, law a reproach to
President Roosevelt is said to ba looking
over the list of department employes with
a view to separating either husband or
wife, where both are employed, from the
government Py roll. Husband and wife
may choosa 'which shall go. If uo agree
ment Is reached one or the othes will be
dismissed. The president will Interpose no
objection to tha employment of women
whose -husbands are living, but are not In
the government service, nor will he at
tempt to reg-ulate the number of members
of any family who shall be given govern
ment employment further than to tnake It
impossible for both the husband and wife
to remain upon the payrolls. If is esti
mated that In Washington alone there are
at least 100 cases where both husband and
wife are In the government service. Iu
some instances the marital relations are
secret and the w ife appears upon the pay
rolls under her maiden name.
After lying at the bottom of the Potomac
river for ten years, a rlns, .which had
plighted fidelity at two weddings and which
had been dropped Jrom the ateamer Samuel
J. Penta by lira. Clement C. Illpkins of
6j3 M street northeast. wa recovered by
Its owner. i , '.''
Tha ring' was highly prised by Mr. Hip-
kins, as it bad been used at the. wedding
of his flcst wife., and also at that of his
second. Mrs. Hipkins waa overjoyed at
Ita recovery, aa she had years ago given
up all hopes of ever seeing it again.
" Tha ring, which was of IS carst. and a
woman's gold hunting case watch, were
scooped up near Anacoatla by tha auction
pipe of a dredging barge. - The valuables
ware found by John Peyton of 51 Virginia
avenue,- who on looking at a pile of dirt
saw something. bright In tha heap. When
be kicked ' the dirt aside he found tha
watch and ring. One the inside of the ring
was engrfived tije following:' "C. C. JI. to
M. E. W..-Ja'n. !, Tl." 1
In speaking of the recovery of th ring
Mrs. Hipkins said: "I had given up hopes
of recovering the ring Jong aso. When my
husband read about a ring being found
which answered the description of th one
T had lost I Immediately went to police
headquarters lo ascertain If It were mine.
There I was told It was in the posaeaalon
of Mr. Peyton. When I went to his home
I had no trouble in Identifying It and con
vincing Mr. Peyton that It belonged to m.
It waa lost tn years ago from my finger
while I was on my way to Klver View
aboard the steamer Samuel J. pent. .
"When it dropped Into- tha wster T noti
fied Captain Randall, who at t,hst time was
In command of the vessel. He marked
the spot and several professional divers
made Ineffectual attempts to Recover th
ring. The ting was highly prUed by Mr.
Hipkins because of Its association. It waa
used at his first wedding, .In 1STS, and also
when he married me."
' '.'There la a wide difference 'of oprnion;"
writes the Washington correspondent of
the Boston Transcript, "between th au
thorltks of the department of the Interior
and tlioao of th Interstate Commerce com
mission aa to- the importance of th evi
dence secured by Intorstat Com ml salon er
Prouty during Ha recent Investigation of
the coal land situation along tha Union Pa
cific. Th Interior depaxtn ent does not
apparently consider that th developments
Incident to th Prouty inquiry are of much
Importance. Tho Interstat commission, on
the other hand, regards them as of so muoh
Importance that It has aent direct to th
president a preliminary report by Com
missioner Prouty aa to th condition he
unearthed. The Interior department people
are disposed to bellttl th irniflcanc of
th Prouty, testimony. On official thcr
declared -that al. Vie Union Pacific land
affair were Investigated years ago by the
officials of th geneial land office, and that
they found none of tha evidence of fraud
which Commissioner Prouty and Attorney
Uarchand developed.
"On the other band, according to Assist
ant Commissioner of Public Land Pollock,
the agent of tb land oRlce long ago
hunted up the original en try men of these
very coal lands, who mad affidavits that
their entries wer mad In good faith, and
not for th benefit or with th Intention of
transferring them to any other person or
corporation. And thos affidavits ara ap
parently regarded by th general land
offlc a final and conclusive; In faet. the
whole Inveatigation by Commlasioner
Prouty. and th evidence of corruption In
connection with the coal lands wh,ch h
brought to light, or plainly regarded by
the publ'o land odlolsl as Impertinence
That department long ago proved to Ita
own satisfaction, and. by its own p-.ocesses,
that thest lands war aecured by tha Union
pacific and It subsidiary corpoiatlona, the
Cnlon Pacific Coal cora.-wny and the Su
perior Coal company, tn proper and legiti
mate faahion; and It manifests amall iym
pathy for an Investigation that now
threatens to bring It conclusions into
question. And besides, It was ex
plained at the general land office, these la
nothing now to be gained by p-jrsulng ths
matter, because these lands hav been pat
ented mora than six years, and patents
outstanding that long cannot b asaalled.
Through th patriotic generosity , of T. J.
CoollUge of Lioston a valuuhl addition r.a
been inado to tb tilt House collection
ef presiiKntlul china, conlxtlng of four
pieces vt Jefferon war, wldch b'
to a blue and white dinner act which IVrsi
dent Jefferson ordered lu France. 5tr.
foolldpe has one r-f ti e mist valuniile ptl
v:'t c'll v'-i'-ns ot vid thin iu U. I'nilt'l
ONLY the most painstaking and expert .work
on prime skins can make a Tilr ncCe worthy
of bein g stamped " Gordon y . '
Gordon Furs are pioneer furs, and have never
lost he margin of superiority that was -theirs
from the first. J,', .
Itk your dtaUr
' Conquest
m;tvspfei is
Laaklaar la Wraaa Oireeltaa
Snare af FaatCa OeSclts. -
Cleveland Leader.
A congressional commission Is now con
sldavlng a number ot reforms intended to
do iwiy with the heavy annual deficit Id
the I'ostofflc department. One Of them
Involves eeeond class matter. In which th?
newspapers are included. The department
estlmatea that t!ie SJO.'aO tons of second
class matter handled annually constitutes
ti7 Per otit of, all the mall carried and
yields only S'i.OfO,") revenue, wiiereas, to
pay expenses. It should j-JeM t'si,0'',(. on
this basis Is set up the claim that t;ie
newspapers ate being carried at a loss.
Tha newspapers . do not wish to ba
treated as objects of charity .by the gov
ernment, 'i'.iey ate able to pay a fair price
lior all services done for them and willing
to Uo so. Moreover, they arc In favor of
pufttal reform. But the commission should
look Into the facts carefully.
In the first place the . bulk ot the ex
pense of handling second class mail Is
caused by the carrying of mafcsslnes,
weekly periodicals and fictitious "news
pupers" . issued for sdvertlslng snd other
purposes than the publishing of news. The
daily newspapers sre. not, extensively cir
culated more than t) miles from the place
of publication. . They ate put up In sacks
and bundles acdressed to agenta and ara
delivered at the trains. About all the
Postofflce department does is to provide
room In the mail cara for them and throw
them off at tu proper stations.
'On the other hand, the magazines and
periodicals and the fake pa pel a are each
addressed separately . snd they go all over
the country and even to the uttermost
parts of the world. JCvefy piece must be
handled as if it were a letter. The fact
that the government la not carrying the
newspapers st a. loss Is proved by tb fact
that the express companies will take them
for the same rates now paid, or lower.
That the Postofftce- department is oper
ated at a loss Is due largely to the officers
of too government. Th department Itself
sends by malt a great deal of material for
Its own use which could ss well be for
warded by slow freight. Then the frank
ing privilege Is grossly abused. It Is even
employed for the transportation of office
deska and sofa. Tons of free seeds are
also distributed by this means. , If the
r.5"wenV.Moe letjV.tnftias Clfc tjl oJ
reasonably expect to find th yearly bal
ance on, th right aid. of tho aheat. r
A. for the newspapers, thay will gladly
pay their fair share of tha, postal expenses,
whatever it may be.
- ' . '
l egal Prafeaslaa Held Resaoaalbl for !
Corporate Abase.
Philadelphia Record.
' It 1 not Strang that the best legal talent
In the land Is soucht by th trust and
public sen-Ice corporations. The latter
need the help of' th sharpest wit to de
fend privileges many of which hav been
wrongfully acquired or outrageously rnls-
ised. ' Nor Is It strange that brllllnnt law
yer should be attracted to' the service ot
clients that can afford to remunerate them
most lavishly. The taking ot an cath Cf
abstinence and poverty Is not a condition
precedent to admission to th bar. But tha
effect of this gravitation of th foremost
jurist to the practice of corporation law
has undoubtedly been a lowering of the
prestige of the profession In lis relation to
public life. To1 the popular mind "corpora
tion lawyer" has become a term of re
proach. To charge a candidate for office
with having held a brief for an industrial
tru"rt or a transportation syndicate has be
rom an effective form of criticism.' The
criticism may be unfair, but the fact that a
prejudice 'exist against persona thus criti
cised cannot be gainsaid.
Nor la this state of mind confined to the
nonprofessional multitude. Th Bar Asso
ciation of New Hampshire was recently
told In an addross by a distinguished guest.
who waa himself a prominent lawyer, that
the profession had suffered "a real diminu
tion Of Its hohj on the public atntlmer.t
of tho American., people" In conseoueace
of th relation of Its shining light with
powerful and unscrupulous corporal
clients. President Ttoosevelt, at Hartis
burg th other day, spok rather more
forcibly In the same strain when he re
ferred to "those ingenious legal adviser
of th holders of vast corporate wealth,
who. In th performanc of what they re
gard aa their duty. Invoke th law at one
time for confounding the rivals of their
Client, and at another ttine atrtve for the
nullification of th law that their employers
may be left free to work thejr unbridled
Will n these ram rivals." a yvh-i
jurists on th bench and at th bar shy 11
become Inspired by the conviction that a
corporation 1 not a citizen nor a person,
but a thing that, th creatur of th law
is subordinate to its creator a lorg s'en
Will hv hen taken toward rehabilitating
th legal profession tn the confidence of the
people. What is needed Is mora plain horse
ena and lesa finesse in th legal forum.
ti matter what tea yua have
If yon are drtnMng Trtby' you bave the IWt, tfa a ret Jiot, f.irn It ai
trial. Von will be the gainer.
McCO?vDJJIIADY CO., Vholejilt AgroU, Omttv
Gordon Fur Scarfs '
W'ora T,ith or without an outer coat, ih
neck-piere snuggles up around" , your . ear (ips "
and warm you all over. . ' .' -
E very Gordon Scarf i a smartly deaigoed
and as carefully made as the most tlafcwaU
The scarf shown here can .be. worn jfi th
manner pictured, or as a four-ia-hand tie, and
can be furnished in various sorts of furs, at
prices ranging from $5 to $50. ! J
v " - - ' -
f tt ocr Kins!
nallraad Sailatil.
Kansas City Star.
Tho evldenc so far secured 'l".tb n
qulry into th grain Commission. buln
amply sustain th assertion of on elevator
operator that th method mployd ,by
the tailroada to secure grain deliver hav
been equivalent to the grant of rebate on
other hiptnenta Whether prosecutions wlU
follow nd whether they can ba upheld ,kn
the rreent state of th law ara questions
which do n'ot ffect the principle In issue.
Enough hss been . developed In thl in
vestigation to support, the concluMon t"mS
by the rebate and other ccndl; That
railway a should stick to tho railway. bu
mus. Tit principle embodied ln;'-th. Klkina
ameniTtnenta to th rate bill should bo car
ried Into effect In every pusstbla applica
tion. A common carrier ahould.-not In law
Us permitted to own : oV operat ra1n .ele
valors or col mine or oil well -or-other
agencies In the production of commodltleo
for shipment. Connection, ot that soft In
evitably foater monopoly or favoritism and
ruins healthful 'competition. '
.The railway business -aion Is vast and
complex enough lo preeent 'trying- problems
Of regulation. But tb 'government could
control it on a qu).del basis if ' If
should not b confused with other, -enterprises.
To separate it from-the alien af
faire and to prevent it from such kindred
manipulations aa land grabs cotvstltuta ,
prime ascential in that policy .toward which
th president is eaertlng his greatest ffort
and in which th government shall coatr!
the railway Instead of th railways con
trolling th government.. I"'.' e . ..." .; .
"There is a deef mute on our block w ha
Is so disorderly that h is continually, being
arrested." ...- ,..,.. .
' Probably hi Idea ta w ft a hearing. '
Baltimore American. , : . , .
"Well,' Bout mugs didn't get th promotion1
he wag expecting."
"I suppose he la. gTeatly" dissatisfied, h?"
. "Oh, I don't know. H1 sot a genula
gnevanco now," Washington Herald. .
- "I' suppose' yen heard 'about 8korchr'a
accident wltn his automobile yeaUerday? '.
"Why, n(x What wa? It?"
''II took a "run 'of 1M) nills and dtdn'jt
Mr a Mil! person.-" P)iKadelphfa-tdaer.
."Your ruling' said tha "attorney ."fo rth
defense, ."is without pfecederif.' '
"Thafa all rlarht," rejplied th Justice, ef '
th peace, "I alw-aj a make my rutin's wtth-
i out 'em, and I want you to understand that
I never ti;e a cnaeer with- tuv whuiay
neilher.'V-Chlcaga fUoccd-tlarald. , ,
Why did you take this Job? Th othr
man offoied you $i0 to atart with, toj."
"The other man offered tne -t(i wager ta
atart with! this man offered 'me -10 -sal
ty. "Philadelphia Prase."
rtemember, th eye of tb public are
upon you.
es.- answered senator Sorghum,
that' what worrlea me. A man 1
closely watched in these times that ha oan't
get away wlta anything.' Washington
Einptihed Thev aay' thart nfh of brains
live longer than otluua - - . -
CvnitHW A ell. ttatra'a . no oeoadna- fat
you to get melancholy about it. You tny
ba one of the lucky exceptions Baltimore
American. -
; Al'Tl'M 8CESES. :
S. K.. Iir in the Record-Herald, .
The brlndle cow la standing with br tail
all full of burrs.
A ad a r-nflve look la filling those 49,
liquid eyes of her'a; ...
Far away across the pasttir is.-th calf
sh had In May; .,
He has atubby horns and plenty of Slf-
confident? today. ... . ;
She has caused to sh e- him comfort, reok-
tessly ha roams t will, . ...
And looks fondly at a heifer grazing 'on a
distant hill.
The mild-eyed
tt, goes -qiKPiog at the
Peepiuc out among the ' briars; She
lost ner lino, a jest , , . .
He has ceased to play . arousd - her", ah
provttjus bis mesis no more,- j
II I dsaf to all her bleating., though fee
never was bef"re; . . : , .
Ah, the vorld ia growing: older, an ..the
year draws to It close ,
With a pathos like th sadneas that a
lonely mother .knows. . rv. -.
Tho old bay mare- go trudging W lh
furrow uo the hpc; . " '
Ther Is nothing in it maflnef 7Plcating
glee or 'hope. .... j y
And the colt that atood on morning ss a
stranger in her stall.
Uallip gaylv through th meadow, think
ing iot of hat. st.." 11;
By the fence, h pnu. looking at th
roacia which wliiaway.
And peincps he thinks;' of Journey b will
take out ther. smp .day.
Through misty eyes Ihe , walclies a hr
darling, wtlh a Jell,
Starta away to achool forgetting all tha
(alee rhe used to tell.
All th tales or !j and falriaa that h
whispered In un-jov
And some girl ere long will flit through ll
the fancies nf ; ftcr hoy!
Ah, the world Is growing older and th
year draw tiv its clbso
With a pathos Vke: h. sadness that a
lonely ir.othet knovs.
u-1 or re itaiiik. oti-wunt tStk B-at,
Mm iaiiaiaaasTan'aaweJ