Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tim OMAHA" PATLY BEE: FTUPAV. OCTOr.ER 2fi. .100(1.
I.. v'W P1
and Phelton. IT hsd tried to buy sn ele
vator there, but cniild not. nor could he
gt the V'nton Parlrie to let him have ft rite
Admitt Lecsmne. Cash to Dinnim Enit , ,t n ov1 Rlv.r fcnown tnfl (orird
elevator end the other as the trnisha
Atminit Grain Vn.
tts4tnser Shows Hnrrutt Was fa
Forct Aaslsst the Farmers' K,l
atera for ot Belasj oa
' "Rtnlir" Met
(Continued from First Pago.)
tSi a track wan afierwards laid tothw
levator. . .
H. T. Mulhsll of Ctifcingn, general man
ager of the BouthwcRicrn. Elevator com
pany of Kansas City, nn Arnioitr concern.
present on hl own reqw-at to refute
arrrae of the alienations biade In the hear
ing at Kansns' City to rthe Effect that his
onmpany wti In fhe cciMnntlnn to control
trade. He wir. asked by Attorney Murbl
why it was hi x company had" shipped so
little groin over the Milwaukee road.
because, snxi Mr. Muinali, "we were
F.lrvntor company elevator. Witness had
about fl.flrrt invested In the business at
WnrnJ River. In hie office and scales. Aside
from this he had about $S,W or W.m In
terest invested In that place. Continuing,
the witness wild:
"Previous to my going Into business for
myself I ran the Omaha Flevator com
pany's elevator for that rompanv at Wood
River. The Conrad elevator wn there
then i but was tn reelltv owned by the
Omslia Klevator company "and the two
elevators hid against eacn oiner in mwi
to scare away any competition. The Conrad
elevator was originally bought from parties
who had built It through their being driven
out of business by the Omaha F.levatof
company. The elevator was bought for
J7.0OO of H.OX."
Mr. Teck of the Oirmh Elevator com
pany here asked Mr. McMurray If the price
paid for the elevator was not s.Son.
Foreel to Cat Him Oat.
The wltnesa told of Denver customers
being compelled to decline contracts with
him because he was a shovel house man
manager, and an artlye stockholder In an
other grain concern that operated whst
wus known as farmers elevators, but these
were operated along the seme conditions
as line elevators, and that Is what brought
on the unpleasant relatione between me
and the Clraln Dealers' association,
P Dark erf la Season.
"I am a democrat by pontics and a Con
grrgatlnnallst by religion. I believe In
the policy of maintaining price and ft di
vision of business. A tmnsaction of this
kind In Kansas, where the mannger got
Into troubla and Into Jail f.T thirty days,
convinced me that if the association busi
ness was wrong- In Kansas it was unlawful
shown of record on h -laim book and f
which was Introduced tn evidence showing .
claims running all the way from M to
12.010 against a'.l the rmids which wn-e
submitted to the Missouri Pacific m It'll the
expectation of the Missouri racinc reim
bursing him. Many of these amounts had
been paid and all of which he bcllevfd
would be paid.
X. B. Vpdike was replied and gave a
brief opinion of country elevators and
how ha had undertaken to persuade track
buyers and shovel hemes competitors to
go out of business either by overbidding
them or buying them. out. A rasa was
given where the Vpdike company had ad
dressed a letter to a Mr. Murray, a store
Gained Ten Pounds in Two Weeks
In Nebraska, and that time to cloew the keeper at Little Sioux, la, stating that If
allowed to operate a transfer elevator on ""' how Charley Jjine. Assistant general
tha Burlington and got an allowance of
i cents from that road. Wi could not
o;et It on thr-' Milwaukee.!' ,
'. Or eat Western' F.levator.)
Charles hi Martin, clerk of the Chicago
Great Western, nest Ifled that the .elevator
M owned and operated by the Chicago
Great-Western R.iilway company and waa
used as a public transfer house, where
gratn w f cleaned,-, 'stored, clipped and
mixed, and that all operations of the ela
vaior were for. the benefit of the general
public. The Identity of the1 Individual
blpttf-r's grain Is not . destroyed in the
levator If the shipper" wants Ha Identity
preserved. About 10 per -cent of the grain
received here Is cleaned and treated. The
proportion was .about,-the same, last year.
The elevator has eight' tanks, with 100,000
bushels' capacity each. The elevator does
not pay elevation charges, neither does
it. rarry Insurance on grain. This ele
vator cannot handlo grain quite as cheaply
an ' elevators who buy and sell grain.
Ko. charge la mado for transfer service.
nd witness knew nothing about the ab-
orptlon of switching, or other charges.
wilnees stated fut-ther that the capacity
these elevator wan l,2S0.0f0 bushels, and
the, . aggrrtt jeoiit of handling. Including
IlJtert charges, would reach "H cents per
fcuadrod. - . ' r. , ,
, Confesses to "Arrasirisest."
Tl K. Huntley of Omaha said he was In
tKo grain and brokerages business and was
formerly connected with the management
of a line of country elevators, being in
business at Salix, la. This wna about one
and a half years au. He entered Into a
pooling arrsrtKement with .hla competitors.
Tha arrangement provided that if one firm
got more than lis .eo,ual share of business
that the dlffcrenc1 -should he paid at tho
r&te of 2 rents a bushel on wheat and I
mt on' orn. This arrangement waa mada
with the TransmlselFstppl Grain company,
Tha volume of business at Salix waa suf
ficient to admit paying this difference.
I. W. Jacoby of Havelock told hl expe
rience with the railroads and line elevators,
Je said: . , ' - .
"l,am a farmer and a shipper of grain.
have an office a pair of aoalea and a couple
ff good -sioop jthovejik'-I do not buy eruln
only ahip my own grain, and ship moetly
t Omaha, particularly since the market
opened up at Omaha in February. 1904.
have not been able to get cars all the time
and have not been fairly treated by th
elevators. V.'e have been unable to get an
levator at Prairie Heme, a station on tha
Rock Island, our' nearest- shipping point,
though I have applied for a site three dtf
RrertcT tnetoo.sNefther would? IheV let'tis
ttave a site cn their right-of-way for'
scale house, so we now haul our grain
right across t lie - Hock tracks to
Waverly, where w have smite and an of
fice, and ship direct to Omaha,"
Submits tha, Correspondence.
Mr. Jacoby submitted the correspondence
with the Rock Island people relative to the
request for a sito and the refusals give
by that company on various pretexts. The
correspondence was accompanied with
blue - print diagram of the station. Mr.
Jacoby waa granted the privilege to tnr
over to the Intt-rstate Commerce commis
sion the copy of his evidence given In th
AVorrall .cose against the Kebraska Grain
Dealers' association. He did not know that
the case- hud yet been tried, and was of the
opinion that it .was still pending In some of
tha court. .
p. , McMurray, a scoop shoveler from
Wood River, testified tha he transacted
buslnera In that manner at Wood River
BaaJth Ttus Vovt Is Eeatorexl by Lydlgj
B. Plnkbam'a Vaetatl Compound.
freieht agnt of the I'nlon raclflc. declined
to let him have adequate cars, because tr.a
elevator men were forcing his hand to
eep him from furnishing me eaT.'
In apenklng - of the' Irresponsibility -or
scoop aliovelers, the witness said: "I own
more property at 'Wood River, than the
Oriaha- Elevator company does, and within
the twenty years past -every leading ele
vator' man in Omaha has been a scoop
shoveler. Including the Omaha Elevator
company and t'pdlke."
The -witness waa of the opinion that It
Wfcs possible for the farmers' elevator com.
panies to go Into a combine with tha line
elevators against the stoop shovelers.
J. A. Blliss of Omaha, general agent of
the Chicago Great Western. , Introduced in
vldence the tariff sheets of that road op
erative In this locality and' as applied, to
elevator charges. The switching charges
to and from tha elevator to South Omaha
were 12 per car in either direction. Tha
witness was - not acquainted .with . the
methods of absorption charges, as he had
been In the city but a few days.,
Commissioner Ijne It does not seem
that there is anybody here that knows any
thing about your company.
A. D. Jaqulth of Omaha testified that
he was in tha grain businesa, doing a com
mission business In buying and selling
grain. He did not now dascrtmlnate be
tween shovel men, farmers' elevators and
line elevators.
1 How many women do yon know who
ar perfoct-y well and trong'? AVa
hear everyday tho same atory over snd
verapain. " 1 do not feel wall ! I am
so tired all the time ! "
S, lis Ha teA UUonaidl
More thsn likely you speak th same
wonlsyourself, and no doubt you feel
far from wtil. The caase may be easily
traced to some derang-ement of the fo
laale orifaus which manifests itself in
Ceprestiuu of spirits, reluctance to go
anvwhere or do anything, backache,
bearing down pains, flatulency, nerv
suiutM, &Wplcsaneas, or othar far
pnale v akness.
I'f e-ke eymptoms are btit warnlnfrs
that ;-ro if danger ahead, and unless
keei- 1 l'fa of aunVruig- or a serious.
o,rertioo is the Inevitable result.
Tie. nevrr failing remedy forall these
vni"toius is Lyilia E. Pin hum's Veg
etal !e Compound.
M t- hate McDonald f WooUbt-idfe,
N. J., writes:
pMrMn. P.i.Kliain'.
ileured hwlUi bus meant so much to nta
that 1 cannot Ltrlp fn.m toning a I Mot it for
tu,e niHeof otlii sufTerin woiuea. t
" r,r a Iodc time 1 sutlereii lidtold Sifony
wirii a feiua.o t-cn-.ble and irrejri.laa utca,'h n ,-. i me a M vMi-al wrei k and u utte
tDoi Ut 1 vol In lei -iirr, bat Ly l. ii. iTi.k
luu.!, Vt?rtt io IViiipuend hu enu-riv
tui- 1 me, ih1 ii.j1 ui wtU ant rfiTn,r arij
I tv -I it uiV d 1 1 v ti t ll ottier SMrtriu uiuma
bat a sj,!.-ti.ii.I moUi iue liit" , .
For twnt v-fi' years r. l'itikliam,
daufhter-irt Uwol I-ydia B I'inUtiam,
has uiulcr diivctiuo. and aiuce her
drcean. l-rcn SMtvifcinir aicUvomen frt-a
of I.! .! ! . sr a ::ee is fies an 4
si s U't fiU. A'iiica, Lj utt, ilfc,
Chances His Oplaloa.
He" admitted, however, that there was i
time' when' he held a different opinion,
through the agitation caused by the Ne
braska Grain Dealers' association. Now
he would accept grain from anyone, even
from a farmer, who sought to make up a
car of grain from, among his neighbors,
nd would accept a consignment of graiit
from anyone. He said: I have never lost
dollar by a shovel man, but have lust
from regular dealers. I waa manager of
the Omaha Elevator company for fifteen
years and resigned on . account of my
health. I was afterwards solicited by Mr.
Wells, Mr. Montgomery and Mr. George
Peavey to take charge of the company.
did not leave the company from any other
cause than, my own volition and solely on
account of poor health. There wna a rumor
that I was asked to quit.- This Is untrue,
for the records of the company will show
that a resolution was "adopted by It com
mending my management, which was sc
compsnled by a check: for U.600. I after
wards became a member vi director of
the Omaha Grain '.exchange.- It Interest
was to advance Qrnaha as a market center.
I no mu mucn nuinees as any oiner rrom-'
mission firm tn Omaha. I think the switch
ing charge of from $1 to 17 made by the
rallreads la for the purpose of discrimina
tion against Omaha, and from the evi
dence produced at this present hearing I
understand that It Is restored back to the
elevator ring. I have heard It stated hers
that demurrage charges sre laid against
shippers, but In my opinion the elevators
sre not charged with demurrage.
. . . Has His Troubles. .
"We have tur troubles as commttmlon mer
chsnts. and ! recall a recent instance where
the Union Pacific required seven days to
transfer a car for me to Council Bluffs. I
think this trouble comes through the Inter
ference of the elevator ring. A committee
of. the Grain exchange expects to take
these mutters up and Investigate them. The
railroads were la the past antagonistic to
track buyers, but are not so now. I think
that the elevators would like to see matters
better eauulised, but tho elevators do not
care to be the loaders. In any movement
against the railroads. There waa an effort
mnde to boycott me In Chicago. T received
this Information In Chicago, while, there
nd was told that Mr. Cowgill and Mr.
Updike were in Chicago at the time to
influence the J. Roaenbaum Grain company
to cease buying from me. . I saw these
men In Chicago at the time and believed
they were there for that purpose then. All
of the leadlns grain dealers now In On in h a
were within the last twenty years scoop
shovel houses.' I think the i cents paid
by the railroads , to the elevators Is dons
to protect business out along their llnea. I
do think that there la an agreement now
prevailing to hold down prices among the
elevator men In order that they psay make
a S and f cents margin on, corn snd oats
and about a g-cent margin on wheat. T
know that for sixteen years no transfer
charges were paid In Omaha. If transfer
charges have to be ' paid the elevators
should pay for It. . I think that the clean
ing rate at the Great Western elevator t
H . cent per bushel. It would be de.
cldedly beneficial to Omaha if the allow
ance charges were cut off. The crops could
be handled without the big elevators. The
biggest com crop ever known in Nebraska
was some yeers go. when the production
was 3UO,000,000 bushels, snd It was very
comfortably handled without the aid of big
Association TirseJ Warratl.
Thomas D. Worrell, land dealer and
farmer of Lincoln, told that he left the
grain business in rbruary last. He said:
"I left it because It was not profitable to
me.- I had been in the grain business. sines
lspn. I started ss a scoop shoveler and
later became a minority stockholder In s
grain corporation which owned a line of
elevators. I helped build up the Nebraska
Grain Deiders' ssaoclatloi and then It
turned and smote me. This association wss
organised In 1W or 18W and was a veritable
grain comolne. My dntl-e in connection
with It were of a general supervisory and
advletiry diameter,"
lr. Marble I believe you w-ole a book?
Mr. Worrall--Tee; I wrote a book. My
observations regaidlng the Nebraska Grain
Dealers' association Wore strictly true, but
there were some side remarks in the volume
tlist were not wholly of explicitly true,
but they bordered very cloevly onto the
truth. The result was to show the tenners
ahvreiu lay , the success of the Nebraska
Grain Dealer' association. Now. as a mat
ter of fai t, I do not think that the farmers
-t ss bad!)' used ss the farmer said he
i or ss the Hi- r made htm out to be.
Th asaoclatl'iti did nuns good. I think
t and cents ta a pretty fair profit even
in the grain buainca The Jttndrru-y cf the
association was m -inuuce ini oeaiees to
cuinbiiif. lu some cases It, d'd ieurt to a
mora!, never a plivsiial. Prtve, imd did
i onsideral.le lajohug. When they gut after
a H1U tie. 4uJ to r-y ot; he cuuM not
aii4 ii'Wi eitartsnc ee.mae
doors of a penitentiary n when you are
on the outside. I then closed a deal In
conjunction with a couple of men at Klgln
with the ' Nya-Schnelder-Fowler company
for a farmers' elevator, bought it and then
the Nebraska Grain Dealers' association
proceeded to boycott me." They would not
buy grain of me, or If they did they bid
less than to others, so this was a big
loss to me and subsequently mined me. I
then brought suit against forty-five or
forty-six of the association. Tills was In
June. I!. 1 believe the suit is still pend
ing, though I . did some time ago sign a
stipulation for. Its' dismissal. Oh. yes; I
received some compensation, but I do not
like to state the amount of the considera
Commissioner Ine: "You need not do
so." .
Mr. Worrnll: "I could do so If you Insist,
but I would much rather you get the tip
from the other fellow. Tea. the compensa
tion was substantial."
Mr. Marble.: "We have received the tip
from the. other fellows at Chicago."
Mr. Worrall: "The reason I stlpulat'd to
withdraw the stilt was that first It was
better proposition, snd second was that I
was dead broke. I would not like to give
all of the transactions, as 1 expect to get
Into the grain business again shortly. I
want to see tho terminal charges elimi
nated, .1 did own an elevator at Council
BlufTs, but the road did not compensate nie
for elevation sllownnces. I put In a claim,
but they refused to pay It."
OraanlsatloB of farmers F.levotors.
J.,G. Going of Mlnden stated that he was
connected with the Farmers' Co-Operatlve
Shipping association, which owned thirty
eight elevators, the line extending south to
Billings' Okl., and north to Rising City,
Neb. The head offices of the association
were at Ku'nsas City. The association did
not enter Into pooling arrangements with
competing line elevstors and does not con
cede a part ot. the grain of any locality to
competitors, nor does it raise the price of
grain., Each competitor tries to buy Its
prorate ' share. The capital stock of the
concern Is $110,000, and money borrowed on
mortgages to operate the concern will bring
It up to $125,000 more. The expense of op
erating the entire line of elevators is about
C7S per day, "We buy, grain on a strictly
he did not ceaae track buying In compe
tition with the Vpdike company that "we
will put in a new department store at
River Sioux, where your, store Is. We
went to hear no more complaints of your
buying grsln."
Mr. Updike hsd forgotten about the let
ter, but remembered It when K waa shown
him by Attorney Marble. He explained
the transaction In effect that bis company
had bought sn elevator from Mr. Murray
wlth the understanding sthat he was to
discontinue buying grain at that place,
but after a while Murray resumed buying
grain, and this letter was sent to dlssusde
him from doing so. i
Asked as to ths amount of Senator Mil
lard's holdings in the Vpdike. Grain com
pany, Mr. Vpdike. stated that Senator Mil
lard held $10,000 stock In the company,
equivalent to ltO shares.
Wtnui Gets Hit, Too.
Mrs. K. A. Keogh of Plstte Center testi
fied that tho was In the grain and Imple
ment business) there, and owned another
elevator at Karnov. She had been In the
grain business since the death of her hus
oa.nd, in IKK.- 8he first operated a shovel
house at Platte Center, and had no end of
trouble getting cars and suffered strong
competition from the line elevator men at
that and other points. If she had depended
on the grain burfnesa for a livelihood she
could not have remained there. The . Ne
braska Grain Dealers association was In
force at this time and made her all tha
trouble It could, she said. She built an ele
vator at Platte Center four years ago and
the one at Karnov the following year. Then
the railroads treated her fairly Well, but
the competition against her by the other
line elevators Is as bsd as ever. However,
she Is not having serious trouble now.
Rudolph Beal of the Nebraska Hay and
Grain company of Omaha, testified that the
Nye-Schnelder-Fowler agents' once came to
Um and aeked him to quit buying grain at
Bennington. They did' not threaten him,
but merely wanted him to quit. He still
continues to buy there, and has no trouble
now. This) wss four or five years sgo.
Ko Allowances Graated.
C. G. Crittenden of the Central Granaries
company of Lincoln said his company op
erated a terminal elevator at IJncoln.
Mr. J. D. Cooper ot Sc ri ts
villc, Ark., who was! 3 J
a way from 180 pounf: to
150 pounds in a tew
months, prnises Duffys
Pure Malt Whiskey for
restoring his health.
It required only two bot
tles to effect a cure and
increase his weight 10
pounds, according to his
own statement, written
June 6, 1906, which fol
lows:' "During my seventeen years as a
salesman of general merchandise 1
have lost about six months' time only
until recently, when I contracted a
severe attack of bronchitis which
made me feet as tbough I had con
sumption. "I had been bothered with a sllftht
cough for eight or nine months. I lost
In weight, from 180 to 150 pounds. My
doctor recommended Duffy's Pure Malt
Whiskey as the best cure for consump
tion, so I decided to try it, and after
using two bottles sweetened with rock
candy, I gained ten pounds in two
"It certainly does all the doctor told
me it would do, and Is the most ef
fective tonic and stimulant 1 have ever
taken. The doctor had rue order some
of It for his patients, so you may see
what he thinks of it."
Respectfully yours,
" 1 1 . """" mmm mmmmmmmm
V 1 !
. ; ly
fig- -nH.s
utffy'G Pure IQaS'i
Is an absolutely pure, gentle and invigorating stimulant and tonic. It builds up the
nerve tissues, tones up the heart, gives power to the brain, strength and elasticity
to the muscles and richness to the blood. It brings into action all the vital forces,
it makes digestion perfect and enables you to get from the food you eat the nour
ishment It contains. It Is Invaluable for overworked men, delicate women and lkly
children. It strengthens the system, is a promoter of good . health and longevity,
nukes the old young ami keeps ihe young strong. Duffy's Ture Malt Whiskey 1, a
food already digested, it centalns no fusel oil and is the only whiskey that is re
cognised ss a medicine. This is a guarantee.
Sold by all druggists and grocers, or direct, in sealed bottles
only; never in bulk. Price $1. Insist on the genuine, and see that
the "Old Chemist' ' trade-mark is on the label. Beware of refilled
bottles and spurious malt whiskey substitutes offered for sale by
unreliable dealers. They are positively harmful and will not cure.
Medical booklet and doctors advice free. Duffy Malt Whiskey
Co., Rochester, N. Y.
n n
competitive basis. There Is no penalty t There Is no switching allowances granted
clause attached to our association. The
furmera' elevators have benefited the farm
ers and brought back more money to them
than tne regular line' elevators. The cost
of operating a 30.0IW bushel capacity eleva
tor is about pew month each. One eleT
vator will handle about 150 cars during the
crop season. The grain Is bouglvt st a cost
of sbout 1 rent a bushel at the elevator.
If we go to X or 3 to market it, we
must ' necessarily buy at a loss. We can at lty cents without loss and
oats about the same." ' .
"As a rule the country merchants sre not
favorable to fanner elevators. We have
good facilities at our elevators for handling
grain up to a broker's standpoint. The
by the railroads at IJncoln, ss all the
elevstors are directly . on the Burlington
' "We pay only for cooperage. No allow
ances are granted us by the railroad com
panies. The company owns Its elevators,
no railroads being interested in them In
any way. I am opposed to scoop shovel
grain buyers In territory where there Is
no grain In sight. ,V are not-bothered
with scoop shovel houses In our territory.
I do not sell grain in Omaha and am not
Inimical to the Omaha market. We have
up to last summer received the li cents
per hundred allowance' for outgoing grain."
F. M. Terry of Llttlrt Sioux. Ia., dealer In
general merchandise and' grain, told of his
lack of finances prevents us from building t troubles with the ITpdike company and
terminal, elevators. There sre -no scoop
shovels where we continue to do business.
Sometimes a .loss occurs where there are
more elevators thau ,the locality wlll. Jus
tify.' We forpe the other elevators to pay '
a better price ,than if we were not there."
E. P. Peck ea the Ktsi. "
The hearing was ' resumed Thursday
morning at W o'clock, with ,E. P. Peck,
general manager of the Omaha Etc ?ator
company, as the first witness. ' He said he
had been a member of the Nebraska Grain
Dealers' sssoclatton and that" the purpose
of that organisation waa to consult ss to
prices snd ss to the best methods, of buy
ing, seJling snd marketing grain. Among
the grain companies members of it were
the Central Granaries company, Nebraska
Elevator company, Nye-Bchnelder-Fowler
company, Transmlsslsalppi Grain company,
others, who tried to persuade the milling
companies at Missouri Valley, Logan and
Marshall town to quit buying grain from
him,' otherwise they rtwMild not tmy grstn
from' the elevators eVwhd by his competi
tor. There Is no e'evstor at Little Sioux.
The millers consequently refuse to buy of
him on various specious pretexts. He waa
asked to become a member 'of the Iowa
Grain Dealers' association, but declined, as
he wants to do business In his own way.
Mr. Merrlam waa recalled to the stand
during the afternoon to further" explain
certain claims In the claim book of the Mer
rlam 4c Holmqulet company against the
several railroads. On several of these bills
were notations asking reimbursement for
"South Omaha and Updike manipulation,"
these bills aggregating for these "manipula
tions" anywhere from 1300 Jo teJO, which
he wanted the Missouri Pacific to make
Updike Orain company and Omaha Ele- rooJ , order that h, mlght b, pIace(,
vator company. All of these companies
hsd elevators at country stations. fThe as
sociation dissolved about a year u and a
half ago upon the advice of the United
an equal footing with the t'pdlke com
Upon the conclusion of Mr. Going's evi
dence the hearing adjourned. The commls-
States district attorney, who advised that ,lonen, ,nd pan, i,ft Thursday evening for
It wss a combinstlon and might be amen
able under the anti-trust laws. No agree
ment was made by the association to pool
business at any station. . Witness knew of
the Worrsl 'hult .against the association,
but thought It was still pending. He said
he did not know It had been dismissed; bad
received no notification to that effect. J
rtaews of ,a Moaey Deal.
"I do not know of any money being paid
by the association to Worrall to withdraw
the suit. There had been no agreement at
any meeting of the association to pay
Worrall for dropping the suit. I do not
like track buyers or shovel houses. I
would buy grain of a responsible merchant
lu sny country town who had an elevator.
I was of the party, as testified by Mr.
Von Dom Wednesday, who went to Chloago
to induce the J. Rosenbaum Grain company
to cease buying grsln from Von Dorn. nor
wss I a party to any such agreement."
Nathan Merfiam waa recalled and teatl
fled as to his contract with the Missouri
Pacific, which he held was still In effect.
There had been no modification of the con
tract, nor had it been abrogated July I.
The contract was entered into some time
In October, 19. The contract called for
reimbursement for sll transfer service
elsewhere on the same basis ss at Omaha,
on the basis of l'-i cents per 100 pounds to
points esst of the Mississippi river and
practically "the same for all points west
of the Mississippi. A special reduction was
made for the principal Missouri river
points, and the price was proportioned to
the Income of ths railroad from business
coming through the Merrlam 4e Holmqulst
elevators o,i the basis of $1 for Incoming
snd 11 for outgoing cars on all roads that
rendered set-vice to the Merrtsm company.
Aiaoaat of Selfkl Charges.
The ordinary switching charges are U
per car." ssld Mr. Merrism. "The system
Is to pay II for Ins and 1 for outs. If we
have to pay 13 for 1ns we render a bill of
14 for outs. In our esse ths Missouri p.
clflc collects from alt outgoing roads and
e get It back from the Missouri Pacific.
The road taking the grain out absoiba the
switching ohargfcs; in fact, we do not pay
directly for any switching charges except
as provided In a supplemental contract
with the Missouri Pacific, where we pay
ft In aud ft out. Very little grain comes
In ever the Missouri Pacific. The Missouri
Pacific pays us 1 cents per hundred on all
grain we send out over their road. This
rate was la effect until July S, aud after
that we rendered bills for only, cent per
hundred and have put in our claims on
tliat basis, or for 14 per cer. Ws think we
sre Justified In doing this on the barls ef
our contract."
Mr. Clark asked the witness:
"Why should you philanthrope ally re
duce your claim
Des Moines, where a slmllai hearing will
be started thW morning.
Denies Wrltls to Te-rTT-
DES MOINES, Oct. . (Special. )-Oeorge
A. Wells, secretary of the Iowa Grain
Dealers' association, today denied that the
association fixed prices and declared that
he did not know F. M. TVrry of Little
Sioux. Ia., who testified In Omaha today
that the Iowa association fixes prices. Mr.
Well said today: "The Iowa Grain Deal
era' association does not fix prices. ' State
ments to the contrary are erroneous. I
have no recollection of any man named
Terry of Utile Bloux and I'm almost cer
tain I never had any correspondence with
hira." .
. i - .'-
i . " .
Leave Omaha 6;00 P. M.
Arrive Chicago 7;50 A.M.
Connecting with all early east bound trains..
Union Depot connections.
Steamship tickets to all European and Asiatic
Cafe Car Service.
Reservation and Information at City Ticket Office,
1402 Farnam Street, Omaha.
Partly C'loasly la, Nebraska Today,
.Warmer ta Westera Pcrtloo
l-alr Toasorrow.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 26. Poreca-st of the
weather for Friday and Saturday:
For Nebraska Partly cloudy Friday, with
warmer In western portion; Saturday, fair.
For Iowa, Missouri and Kansas Fair Fri
day and Saturday.
For 8outh Dakota Partly cloudy Friday
and- Saturday.
For Wyoming Rain Friday, warmer In
southeast portion; Saturday, partly cloudy.
For Colorado Partly cloudy Friday and
Saturday; warmer Friday In northeast por
tion, Loaal Record
OMAHA, Oct. 'A Official record of temper
ature and precipitation compared with the
corresponding day of the lsst three years:
1. 19(14. 1m3.
Maximum temperature ... fi it Si U
Minimum temperature ...87 36 (6 44
Mean temperature SI 47 44 ;u
Precipitation OU .00 .00 .ut
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March I
and eompariaon with the last two years:
Normal temperature 49
hlxcess ftr the day 2
Total excess since Msrch 1..... II
Normal precipitation 07 Inch
Excess for the day 07 inch
Precipitation since March 1 24.48 inches
iH-n. leacy since starch 1 a i!7 Inches
Iieficlency for cor. period, 16... S Z'i Inches
Leniency for cor. period, I... I. n't Inches
Deserted Bride , at Altar aad
Now Wonts to Sell
Robert Mulvihill, the faithless bridegroom
who secured a marriage license to wed
Miss Phoebe Colwell. 3801 Dodge street, and
then disappeared Juht before the ceremony,
leaving the bride in her wedding gown and
the minister and friends all ready for the
feast, appeared yesterday afternoon at
County Judge Leslie's office and wanted to
sell the marriage license back to the
county, as he could not use it. Ucense
Clerk Harry Morrill explained to him that
unused Mcenaes were Just like old Junk to
him and of no value whatever and refused
to return the money. Mulvihill left the of
fice very abruptly, without explaining his
The wedding was to have taken place on
the evening of October 10. It waa that aft
ernoon Mulvihill got the license, but he did
not show up, at the bride's house, where
the ceremony was to take place. This led
the bride to believe lie had met foul play
and she reported his disappearance to the
police and they have beeu searching for
him. Mulvihill la from Shoshone, Wyo.
In Faahlon 100 Years Ago With
th Aztecs of Old
i A
in i i
cr rnn
) run bud
Report Irons Slattoaa at T H.
Station and (State Temp,
of Wealiier. 1p.m.
Plaiuarck, clear tiu
Olmenne, cloudy 44
t'hh ao, cWr fc.'
ravenort, eloar &4
Iinver, cloudy 4
Havre, cli.udv t
liWeoa, cloudy j
Huron, partly cliudy M
Kansas City, clear M
Norih Platte, partly cloudy i
n,;iha. cloudy tc
nt if you have hd ' J"'?'4 1 Uy- ,c"r
i ,- .i,,..ii,.n ,1.. ... . -"-
Mr. Merriam was unable to answer
clearly. The remainder cf Ms evidnnce
III te il4a erti traLnsttisaa as
Bt. 1'aul. partly iiouay.
ldlt lke t ity. c'.ear
alentum, iloudy
tviiusion. raining
Ii-iis ra--
a- A. .f-i.
... 52
Ia I ii
4all. T
.... 40
The drawing for the turquolne Navy Bean
commenced yesterday at Frandson's Jewelry
store, snd Ave ladles, so far have been
lucky. Among them wss Mrs. Btorkwell.
of the Douglas block, a dealer In ladles'
corsets. The lurquojid Is perfectly round like
the pearL is unobtainable St any price on
account of the mines . failing to pioduce
them In commercial quantities. After years
( I experimenting by the world s gieatest
chemists, they have 'succeeded In re-con-X
structlng the imperfect stones, making
tht-in perfectly round, and retaining meir
original hanlnera and color, thus again
sfier 1j0 years beii.g able to place the gem
which the Old Aitecu valued so highly
once mure on the market. Many Wdles
alio mere unsuccessful tn the drawing paid
tne regular stlling price of the ring, which
ia f!3 a. ll U a lu udauiiiu Jewel iudeed, the
collar being navy blue arid s imafowl
The Reliadle Specialists
Men whose vitality Is exhausted, those who have soma private diseases or
weakness lurking in their system, and who sre prematurely old while still
young in years broken down wrecks of w hat they oujrnt to be, and who want
to be strong and to feel vigorour as they did before they wasted tdair
Strength to enjoy life again to win back the vim, vigor and vitality lost
should consult with ths eminent specialists of the ritate Medical lnst.tute
, before it is too late.
It is humiliating to know that your manly strength ts slipping away to
be weak, nervous, fretful and gloomy; have pains and aches in (iirfereut
parts of the body, your sleep disturbed, weak back, headache, despondency,
mi lam holla, too frequent urination, palpitation of the heart, uituolo to con
centrate your thoughta, poor memory, easily fatigued, specks before the
eyes, aversion to society, lack of ambition, will power depleted, disiy speika,
vital losses, pour circulation, to feel cold, lifeless, worn out, pmnariiy in
duced In many cases throukii abuses, excess, overwork, etc.
Vigorous tiuiiiitood Is tiie stepping stone to success In life. The man who
has preserved tne vitality given htm by nature, or having lost it ima regained
It by securing the proper titatinent In time is enabled to shove annie barnem
which inipedu his progress, both commercially and socially. It forces men to
the front in all walks of life. Do you want to be strong, possess nervea of
steel, self-conhdencR, strength In every muscle, ambltiuii, Krll, energy anil
end u is nee in older to make your life complete? We have gladdened the hbaria
of thousands of young and middle-aged men who were pluna-ing toward the
?;rave, reatorlng them to apeclniena of phyetritl manhood. If you are lacking
n these sssenttal elements of manhood, you should consult us at onus befuie
It is too iate.
We successfully treat and cure
Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility,
impotexscy, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal,
Eidnsy and Urinary Diseases,
and all disomies and weaknesses of men due to evil habits, excesses, self-abuse,
or the result u( specific or private diseases.
Fret CansuK-tlaa mi Eiulnallca-; ti TST
1203 F2xnaa Ct., Bstween 13th and 14th Eta., OisaLa, ITeb.