Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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The rhcnomenal sale of L. T. Cooper' hew preptrafions proves (he many report.
f their marvrloot curative properties.
Th demand for Cooper's New Dlscorerr and Quick
Relief, which have effected such remarkable cures of
stomach trouble, rheumatism, deafness and catarrh,
has become enormous. Newspapers In ery city hare
commented upon the curativ powers and on the un
precedented demand of these remedies. Thousands of
letters coma every day to Mr. Cooper describing some
of the most remarkable recoveriea from the ranges of
disesse that have been brought to ths attention of the
public In recent ytars. A most remarkable letter was
recently received from Mr. H. Jordan, a well known
restaurant proprietor of Scranton, who writes Mr.
Cooper as follows :
B' " i i ii i i " 11
. .- . , . ..
..... s .
(1 S : .
l.morj of ths Tormtr Tells Voters How
Democrstio Thsoriei Wsrk.
"I taa seffered for the ps.t three years with s nr cses of
Stomach troable, I could rat next to nothlns; and snlfered sntold
vonie f rom Indisesiion. My food would soar after eatlnf and I
woald hse sick headachea and dirtr spells. I lout forty ponnda
la wclfbt and grew weak and nerroas. I doctored with tnanr dif
fcrant pby.iciana and tried a number of so-called rented lea, but re
ceived no relief. Reading of the remarkable care, of etomach
trouble effected bv Cooper's New Medicines, I decided to sire them
a trial. I secured a bottle of the New DlscoerT and received al
most immediate relief. Mr appetite has returned and I do not es
perlenceaar difficulty la direntiur anything I eat. All pain and
nerrousnoia have disappeared and lam rapidly (amine la strength
and weight. I desire tn thank yon for the good then remarkable
remedies hare done for me." 8t.ed:
NR. HENRY JORDAN, Lk Pean At., Scradton. P.
Nearly all diseases originate in the stomach. Cooper's
New Discovery acts directly on the stomach and diges
tive organs. It increases the gaslris juices, which are
an all-important factor in the proper digestion of food.
Cooper's New Discovery and Cooper's Quick Relief are
the preparations with which L. T. Cooper effected his re
rnrkabl cures in St. Lonis, New Orleans and other
large cities, and results have amply proven that they can
be used in the home with as much success as though ad
ministered personally, by Mr. Cooper or his physicians.
" Coooer's New Dineovery costs tl.00 per bottle; six for
J $5.00. t Cooper's Quick Relief costs CQc You can get
MR. IL JORDAN, them of
1 ; h .u a w v i wr u a a a t
A& A .UssV t4, 4w m
- ;
Bepublicaci Meet aid Ciganiz a Ositral
Campaign Clut,
Men Who . Havo 'Beeui Tarty'a Moat
EnTerttr Workers -1st the'Pnat
All Joining to Wtm gnrcrss
la Present Campaign.
All ths wheel horses of previous cam
paigns got together last night at Common
wealth hall and organised a republican rlub.
It Is a foregone conclusion .that the club
Is a go and a hummer. ' Attar the speaking
fifty men' pushed to vh front-and signed
their names, to the roster. ."Among them
were the most enthusiastic man 'of the
party; men who never say die. They havo
won campaigns before jn South Omaha, snd
will win them thla time. In all the, his
tory of the organisation of clubs, accord
ing to the opinion of every man present,
ths outlook of this organisation is, more
auspicious than any. The members .'are
earnest workers with no petty ambitions.
The time sppeared to be Just ripe for the
organisation and It arose spontaneously
at ' the suggestion. Every man haa made
himself a committee of one to do the work
of ; organising the whole city into a com
pact and factionleaa front for good, senalbls
government. The character of the men
present Insures that there Is to be a de
mand for full protection to every man's
business; but with backbone enough to re
quire of every citizen the fulfillment of
hid duties as such.
The meeting was called to order by Lew
EHter-snd proceeded at once to temporary
organisation. I-ew- Etter was made chair
man. James AuRtln.' secretary, snd George
Houseman, treasurer. It was thpn moved
that the temporary organisation be made
permanent. The motion fwent through
' with a rush and the ciub proceeded to
regale Itself by listening to some real, live
talks from members. James Welsh, on 3
of the candidates, led off with a sound talk
on the needs of a live organisation made
up of a set of mm whos would work to
gether through thick and thin, fellows wTio
were not too much engrossed In their own
ambitions to take the gcod of the party to
heart. Senator I C. Olbeon continued In
the same strain, saying he was glad to see
such a fine body of the good, old timers out
with their Kleeves rolled up ready for a
fight. P. J. Trainer, the enthusiastic
county commissioner from thla end, had a
good word for the objects of the club. A.
If. Murdock sprung a new grist of his
stories, which did not fall to touch the
point and bring out applause.
After the speeches several Items of busi
ness were transacted. The club Is to he
known as ths South Omaha Republlcnn
club, arid the' ne'xt meeting of the organ
isation will be a 'big rally next Tuesday
night. A delegation will -be made up to
attend tho speech by Judge Taft In, Omaha
on October 31. There Is to be a vlcfc presi
dent in each wsrd snd ench will have su
pervision over the affairs of his ward.
Headquarters for the cluh. will be In 'fie
tlon Will not excuse a member from attend.
Ing this school of instruction and the reason
is mat tne arrangement is different. In
order to qualify at the polls each member
of an election board will have to attend
this school.
Doctors Say
''Drink Beer"
building formerly used fr$ J. M, Tanner chiWren, -the oldeRt of whom Is a
for the Dally Democrat Tne location Isa I years' of age. The members of th
fine one snd the. rooms sre on the ground
floor, where ;" everyone vn se them snd
drop In.
The big meeting for tonight at Frsnek's
hall was announced and a large delegation
of the members will be out. About fX
was raised In five minutes to pay for the
hall In ubs and for the opening of the cluh
rity'a Health Statistics.
The cltv clerk prennred a statement In
sccord with a request from Dr. O. H.
Glennan, surgeon general of the Marine
Hospital corps. The stntement Is to fur
nlsh data for determining the seasonal
prevalence of typhoid fever and the condi
tions under which It most frequently do
velopes. The records of the city go back
eleven years. In' the' past, eleven years
ttiere hss- been "but forty-seven cases of
death from typhoid fever In the city. In
19(5. 1; ifW. 2; 1$9?, ;; 18S8. 6; 189, 8;
1!W0, J; 1901, 1; 1902, 9; 1908. 7; .1904. 10; 1905, 2;
IMA. 2. During this period the city has
enjoyed the use of water pumped from tho
Missouri river, very few people using wells.
From a comparison of the tables It ap
pears that typhoid fever prevails the mont
In' the fall of the year," April,' May, June
and July have very few fatalities. ; In tho
autumn, when the .complication of pneu
monia Is more prevalent the death rate is
much Increased. The ' everage' of deaths
from typhoid for the yesr Is 4 1-11.
Pears Damage to Stock.
A. A, Nixon arrived yesterday morning
from Denver and a trip tn the western
part of the state. He had much to say j
about the severity of the recent storm
through which he passed. ; He Is of the,
opinion that it will do a great deal of 1
daning to the reuses. Many cattle which '
had been partly rounded up for the fall
market will be scuuered over many miles
of territory again and the shipment wilt
be delayed for week Some of the cat
tle my not be In fit condition to ship
when ' found. Therv is considerable loss
amorg the sheep men. The men on ths
South Omaha exchange are expecting large
khlpmrnts next week as the result of the
early snows. All the turpi .! stock of
the ranges Is likely to be sent in if it la
anywhere near the marketing points.
Mealr Cltv fioli.
O B. Qftfford, livery. Tel. Ids. '
Dr. Aberly. 2t'.th and N. Tel. A S21 ;
Miss Ienniti Montgomery of St. Louis
Is the gueet cf Mlsa Kllutbeth T. Hayes.
I . O. 1. Pinch of Oarnell, Mont., is visitlnrf,
with his relatives. He is a guisi yf Oail
jl la mill.
There will be a chicken pie dinner served
I at the I'nited Presliyieiian church Friday
I evening I mm 6 to H p. m.
Q. B. Uafford, moving snd transfer.
Hesrr A. C. Johsiea Kills Himself
Rather Ths a Sabratt to ' ',
Farther Operation. !
Preferring death to undergoing a third
operation for a :'phys1cal , ailment, Henry
A. C. Johnsen, 4015 North Twenty-fifth ave
nue, aged about 40 years,, went Into ah
upstairs room st . his home and sent ' a
bullet through his left temple, dying air
most instantly, at 9 o'clock Wednesday
evening. Johnsen had been a sufferer frbro
gall stones and operations had twice been
resorted to during the last' three years to
relieve , him, and a .recurrence t of the
trouble coming on, his physician' told hits
it wonld. again be necessary- to use ths
knife. "Johnsen brooded over the utipleas
ant prospect until he decided to take Ills
The dead, man leaves a wife and f'iu-
bout ' J
the fam
ily knew nothing of the father's Intention
until they heard the report of the revolver.
and when they rushed into the room where
he lay life was practically extinct.
Johnsen had been employed as fore
man at Swift and Company's car repilr
shopes. , :
Johnsen had been employed as the fore
man of the car repair shops of Swift and
Company. Coroner Brailey will hold an
Inquest at the family home Thursday
evening at 7. It being decided that this
course Is necessary under the circum
stances. The funeral will be held at 2 p. m!
Friday from the residence at 4015 North
Twenty-fifth svenue, under the auspices
Of the Independent Ordor of Foresters,
when ths body wlir be taken to Forest
Lawn cemetery for Interment. ;
Distinguished rhyslcians Are leaders
of the Opposition to Totl
In the United States and throughout the
civilised world there Is a last growing, de
termined, Intulllgunt opposition to the total
abstinence cjuoodc and those persons ars
now recognlwsi as the real temperance
workers temperance workers with a nils
Vrv who advocate the substitution of
mild, bemitlful beverages, like beer, to take
lb place of strong liquors.
The moat learned and distinguished phys
icians advocate the iud.ri the temper
ate, use of atlmulHiiis. and they agree' that
pure beer is best of all. i'rof. C. A. Kaald,
M. D., one of EuroiK's most renowned
t'tenut, says:
"A moderate uxe vt altmuutnts. within
the limits of pruilenne. Is not only permis
sible, but necessary, especially If the men
tal or physical efforts of the Individual are
extreme." ...
We niliiht go on and enumerate thou
sands of similar, expressions from nu n of
squally high standing In the medical and
svli-ntlfle world, but space . torhlda. It
should suffice to say that throughout the
world tbe popularity of beer us a hcaithlul.
mildly stimulating, teuipirate beverage
la Increasing and with the IncreutM-d popu
larity of beer come greater temperance
smung the people.
According to the greatest physicians and i I'M- 104.
soM-nUMs, there Is actual need among ali 1 The burial of James Tounek, Infant agn
people for such a bei-eraue u heer Tin. ! of J"hn 'l'"un,'- U sireet, took place
peopie im- ui n a Deierajje as Deer. !' yesterday afternoon In St. Mary s ceme-
swat beer, i'absl Hlue Klbbun. contains ; tery. Tbe baby died Tuesday.
Uily s little over three per ceut of alcohol Jetter's Gold Top Beer delivered to sll
sUid Is ikli In whol.aoiii food elements, parts of the city. Telephone Nj. t.
II la truly a temperate drink. All doctors i, c- V Shields . In the city from Stanton.
.k . .ii. i . ... "la. He I lurchasrng s drove of freuers.
a re tbat this si..:! percentage ct alcohol , u vMi'nt his brother, v. H. Shields
iot enouxh to be intoxicating Is exceed- j of the South Omaha police force.
Ingly beneficial becu.ube it stimulates digs- ! The body of Eddie Goodro, who drowned
ttve activity and nerve force. The lood hj Missouri river July 11 lay was
. .i w , biought to South Omaha for burl I and
strength of the be?r makes It nourishing laid to rest In St. Mary s cemiat ju
ts body and pilnd alike. teidty afternoon.
Those who apprevi.,c the very finest Chatiel and salary loans HJC N Bt. A'
quality in beer drink r'abut Blue Rloboii Dll,ml'" coi.naeiuiai.
; na acnaunrja or rruu from ine memoera
Of St. Mi. run s church as well ss many
other neruuil things were hljrhly sopre
, dated l y tbe Smith Omaha Itoapltal as-
sot W. Ion. Many glfta were roorlved.
Tuanka are her-by expressed for the
nianv ab.ourar.cea of SMnoathy and kindness
CILuicvat ol all botllml bevr, la the peer to , nt friends and the assistance of the mem
kiu la tour home-tl.e best lirrr t.i .IrU.k beis of the F. 1. K
.- fkiU'ful btiieband.
Earnest Reqoeat for Coattrlbntlons .to
Malntala Work l aser Its.
r .' i , Dlreetloau !, r 'i .,
An earnest appeal Is made by the
board of trustees of the Omaha City mis
sion for funds for the maintenance and
for extra expenses during this coming
year. The follcwlng sre the board .of
trustees: A. C. Kennedy, C. D. Brandets,
G. W. Garloch, Thomas McNalr, Hon. H.
H. Baldrlge. Robert Smith, C. IL Rey
nolds, Mrs. U. K.. Shinrock, Mrs. H. 8.
Cuming, Mlas Mary B. 'Goodman; clerk;
Arthur Chase, president, ana C. C. Ken
nedy, 20V National Bank building, treas
urer. The board, after looking over the field,
finds It necessary to raise ths sum of
12.000 for Its work in tbe future.
The mission, which Is maintained at lit
North Terth t Licet, la In charge of Miss
Nellie Mctlte. and carries on reformatory
work among the women of that district, as
well as other activities.
During the last yeir it has maintained a
Sabbath school, with the average attend
ance of sixty. It has held goepel meetings, ! merit T
street meetings, services at tbe police sta
tion every Sunday, hospital meetings,
slso a-scientific temperance class, sewing
school every Saturday afternoon, work
among the Jtwtsh children, work among
the colored children and mothers' meetings.
Social work has included the-distribution
of clothes snd books, garden seeds, money
and food, finding employment for every
applicant who hss applied to them. A free
bath has been maintained where men who
have been engaged In work In the district,
such as poal work, etc., might have a bath
tree of charge.
Rrpshlins Tarty the Father of All
the Reneflelal l.ealslalloa of ths
raat Fifty Tears of
.National History.
Republican Mdmlnistratior of national.
state and county affairs received sn n-
huMastlc endoresement st the hands of tne
voters r,t the Eighth ward St a meeting
held last night at Sixteenth and Cummlng !
streets. The meeting wss presided over by
IT. B. Balcombe, who Introduced H. H.
Baldrlge ss one of the speakers of the even
"There Is ho reason," said Mr. Baldrlge,
why a msn with a memory ten years long
should vote the democratio ticket. Ex
perience Is worth more than theory. This
Is a matter about which we do not have
to theorise. History speaks louder man
words. Go back a few years under re
publican administration and you will find
the country prosperous. Wages were good
and wage earners could get employment
until Guver Cleveland was elected. Who
Is there with a memory of ten years who
cannot remember those years. Capital was
unemployed snd great armies of men wan
dered back and forth,- unable to find work.
The only times the democrats have been
In power In the last fifty years they havo
demonstrated their Incompetence to gov
ern and yet they ask you to return them
to power to repeat the mlstakea they mads
: "This Is not an off yesr. We are in a
national camnals-n. The democrats are
struggling to control the government. When
Theodore Roosevelt Is president there are
no off years. Ever year is a critical
"The republican party is the only party
that ever did anything to curb the trusts.
In 18S7 It passed ths interstate commerce
act. In 1W3 It psssed ths Shermsn sntl
trust law and almost every democrat In
congress voted against that bill. All of
these recent important trust .prosecutions
have been brought under this law. The
republican party accomplished more In ths
last two years than It, has since the days ot
Abraham Lincoln when It put Into power
over the heads and against ths proteMs of
the trusts, Theodore Roosevelt. The great
est mistake the people could make this year
would be to vote Into power a democratio
congress." . , . , , .
o Corporation Contrlbnttona.
Congressmsn John Kennedy was re
ceived with loud cheers ss he was In
troduced by the chairman. He spoke
briefly, touching mainly questions of na
tional policy. He denied assertions of the
opposition " that corporations had contri
buted to his campaign fund.
"No corporation has contributed a dollar
to it. I only hops' Mr. Hitchcock can eay
the same."
He reviewed briefly a number of meas
ures passed by the last congress, naming
the employers' liability law. the naturali
sation law, the Isthmian canal legisla- j
tlon, laws providing lor irrigation .in tu:
west, the denatured alcohol bill, the state
hood bill and others.
"Talk, about democrats holding up the
hands 'of the president; Jie continued; "if
he had . had to .depend on their support
not one of these ( good measures would
have passenged congress."
. Robert Cowell,, . candidate .for . railroad
commissioner, vwai '.Introduced amid loud
applause. - I- '
..;ypu,re ,gnln$lvVojha,ve tn opportunity."
he aald, "to vote,yonj. new office hls all.
A large number .of, people believe thert Is
absolute need. pr. railroad regulation. It
Is charged, the. railroads have watered, their
stock for 8.000, 000.000 and the people of the
country exorbltant,.,ratea to enable
dividends Jo be paid on this- stock.- It Is
also , charged the railroads . demand too
high rates for freight.. It Is said a farmer
living at Hastings would have to pay 50
per cent more to send goods to Omaha than
he would have to- pay to send the same
goods to , Chicago 00 . miles farther. If
these charges are. 'rue It is time for a
commission. It Is snore important that
the roads should ant own the government
than that the government should own the
roads. Mors Important than a 2-cent pas-seng'-'
fare Is sn equitable and Just freight
He spoke highly of Sheldon and the rest
of the . candidates' and declared Sheldon
would be elected with or without the sup
port of Douglas county. . He urged the
voters of the count), to give loyal support
to the head of the ticket.
Improved Coastty Finances.
J. 3. Ryder spoke particularly of the
Improved condition of county finances un
der republican rule. ...
"Our opponents, sre in such serious
straights," he declared., "that they ars
driven to extraneous matter for arguments
and are trying to get the telephone ordi
nance Into the congressional fight.
"They are also trying to make capital
out of ths transferor county funds. This
transfer was mads to pay up a democratic
deficit- In 1904 a proposition was up to
vote 300.000 bonds to take up the floating
debt of the county. The county board
asked for the bonds, but they were turned
down by the people. Then the floating
Indebtedness was over $200,000, with $193,000
In wsrrants outstanding. This has been
wiped out by the republican county board
and the county haa on hand I1S3.000, enough
to pay the bills until the new levy comes
In. The surprising thing is. what became
of the money in the other years when this
great debt has been taken care of so
easily In so little time by careful manage-
-A i W?
Is a success from very standpoint and this old Omaha firm who
have furnished 90 per cent of the beautiful Carriages, Harness,
Saddles and Stable Supplies, which make up the present Horse
Show, respectfully 'solicit your patronage.
; ' ; czzz..: - j
Wo are now offering a whole carload of high-grade Vehicles
at a saving of 25 to 30 per cent discount from usual prices
Horse Show Runabouts, Stanhopes, Traps, etc. Duggics for City or
Park driving. Harness of every description. ,
Location, 18th and Harney
Charles Green Rainbow and James Fisher
were ordered to see to Mr. Sloan's removal
and he was hustled Into a wagon and
hauled off the reserve, which comprises
some 240 acres. Mr. Sloan was Indignant
at his! treatment and subsequently had the
Indian policemen arrested for assault snd
they " were" tacitly "committed to' Jail ' by
order' of County Judge King. '" '
Now eomes Agent McFsttrldge and asks
the United States to issue a writ of habeas
corpus releasing the Indian policemen from
arrest. But owing to the absence of Judge
Munger from the city the application can
not be heard until his return, and so the
Indian policemen will have to remain In
custody until his return.
Some Vacate Homes Rather . Than
Give l Their Children Inaer
Law's Command.
Probation Officer Bernstein and Asslst
snt Officer Carver visited the district east
of Eleventh street Wednesday afternoon
and served notice on five or six families
with children that they would have to
move or give up the children. They found
eight or ten families already have moved
or are making arrangements to get out of
the proscribed district. At present they are
paying attention only to families east of
Eleventh street, but later they may take
up some cases ss far west as Thirteenth
The movement has spread to South Omaha
and one family that kept a questionable
boarding houBe has promised to move the
children to a respectable neighborhood if
given time.
A complaint In Juvenile court has been
filed agilnst the children of R. Greenbt-rg,
living at 11C North Eleventh street. The
case will be heard Saturday. ,
Appreciation of The Bee. v ,
SOUTH OMAHA, Oct.' 22,-To the Editor
Of The Bee: The writer notes with pleas
ure, in The Bee of the 18th Inst, the full
proceedings of tho' largest and most suc
cessful convention of the Independent Or
der of Odd Fellows' grand lodge ever held
In Nebraska. I am sure that I am but
expressing the approval and sentiment of
every Odd Fellow in Bouth Omaha when I
say you sre ever ready to give any' worthy
society news space in your valuable paper.
But I am very sorry that another paper,
that pretends to hsve "the largest circula
tion and la the best psper in South
Omaha" does not havs one word of com
ment cn our Convention here, after lodges
148 and 261 worked so hard to get the
grand lodge hers and entertained them so
royally sfter they came that every delegate
was satisfied and loud In his praise of ths
local lodges. It was my great privilege to
hear the delegates express themselves, and
1 certainly think the paper referred to owea
It to the citizens to publish the proceedings
of this grand body of Odd Fellows, who
left from $u,0U0 to $10,000 in the city. Ths
Daily Democrat gavs us a hearing at least.
J. O. BLtaaiNU.
Omaha Needs a Hotel.
PUEBIX. Colo.. Oct. 2a To ths Editor
of The Bee: Your editorial of the mh
Inst, relative to ths lack of hotel accom
modations In Omaha was well taken. Be
fore leaving tne east I made out my
Itinerary, which Included Omaha, but cut
It off my list when I purchased my tickets,
the agent having Informed me ot your lack
of good hotels. v
WILLIAM R. M'OILL. Philadelphia.
f . . - i. ; i i' ,' - ' . 1
- Mrs. Bert C. Miner has -gone, te BlootsN
Ington, 111., lo visit her relatives, for. i
couple of weeks.'
Mr. und Mrs. E. I.lnrt 8potts snd daugh
ter Lucille have gone to the Pacific count
for the winter.
(i. W. Wattles, vice president of the
United States National bank, has gone to
California on a short business and pleas
ure trip. -
M. Wulpl, formerly with the- Omaha
Casket company, now commissioner of the
Manufacturers' Credit bureau of Chicago,
Is In Omaha.
J. 8 Nordstrom, a grain man of Wahoo,
Is In Omaha to attend the grain trade In
vestigation made by the Interstate Com
merce commission. .
Mrs. Charles Pollock, Mrs. Ed Chambers
and Mrs. Homer Robinson of Columbus,
Neb., sre the guests ot Mrs. E. R. Necd
ham during the Horse show.
Fred Young, buyer for Bwift and Com-
ny at Bt. Joseph, 18 spending a few days
the city visit ins- friends and lookina-
after business Interests st this point. He
Is accompanied by Mrs. Young, daughter
of the late Judge Lytle of this city. ..
Jory Has Tongh Time Wrestling; with
Evldesr. In the Wlpf
The district c6urt Jury In the John Smith
burglary case spent ths night In the Jury
room snd at noon Thursday had not been
' able to reach a verdict. The case was
given Into Its hands st 6 o'clock Wednes
I dav afternoon. The defense relied mainly
B. F. Thomas spoke briefly on some mat- n the story of Smith to the effect that he
tClks' Mas? sooial.
Thursday, Nov. I. l;. fj:15 p. in. Ama
teur, desiring to appear on this program
and compete for prises will please notify
Frank A. Ftiray. secretary, before Nov. 1.
For further particulars 'phone Douglas
13oJ, or call at club rooms.
' -
.c the very finest
Pabst Blue Rloboii
llw.-r, because they know of ,ta absolute '
ptiilly und cleanliness lis aupeiior food
value derived from I'abat exclusive eight
Cay barley malt, and Ita low percentage of
alcohol. Pubat hlue Ribbon lierr, the
Santa Ke Annual Meeting.
KANSAS CITY. Oct ?S All of th old
dlrtctora were ie-elected st tits an-ioal
meeting of n'.ci kholders of the Ate his n,
Top-ka Ac Santa Ke railwsv held at t e
general offices here todny. There wss n-
opposition, and the block of j.ul ah ires
ters he Intends to present to. the legis
lature. Ha s&ld he would favor an In
crease In the fire and police funds In
order that the police force might be In
creased. He also favored amending the
primary law to provide for only one voting
precinct In a ward, thereby saving a great
expense to the taxpayers. He also favors
a filing tee for candidates and spoke for
the "home rule" bill he Introduced Into
the last legislature, providing for a char,
ter adopted by vote of the people.
Other speakers were County Attorney
Blabaugh, W. G. Ure, Chairman Donahoe.
Mike Lee, A. R. Harvey, 8. C. Barnes
snd Ed I.eeder:
Federal Csart Will Bo Asked lo
Determine the Legality ol
That Thomas L. Sloan should be ordered
off sn Indian reservation la one of the
anomalies of these strenuous times, but
nevertneleas such is the case, snd ttie Win-
wus merely a San Francisco refugee In
search of work and did not go Into ths
house of John Wlpf, the complaining wit
ness. Smith, or Lloyd, his real name, ac
cording to his testimony, denied Wlpf"s
story that he was crawling out of the win
dow when Wlpf came home.
Railway Kotos and Personals.
General Manager Bldwell of ths North
western lines west ot the Missouri river
left Wednesday for a trip to California.
W. R, McKeen, Jr., superintendent f ma
chinery and motive power of the Union
Pacific, is reported to be rapidly recovering
from his recent illness and will be abio to
bs around in a short time.
General Manager and Vice President
Mohler of the Union Pacific left Thursday
for Salt Lake City. Befcre returning he
will make a tour of the west, going prob
ably as tar as Portland before returning.
Word has been received from T. M. Orr,
private secretary to General Manager
Mohler, that he is rapidly recovering from
hia recent sickness. He Is now In Vlciuriu
snd wires he is greatly beuefllud by lua
Secretary of Ilarrlman Lines Will
Not Realsrn, Bays Vlco PresU
stent Mohler. '
"There Is no truth In the rumor from !
New York that Alexsnder Millar, secretary .
of the Harrlman Interests. Intends to re-
sign," said General Manager Mohler. "Wh'n ,
the rumor reached Omaha of lilt Intended j
resignation I at once wired to Mr. Mlllir
as to his Intention and have recWvcd the
reply thnt he has no intention of sending
I In his resignation."
What r: MA .
You Si This
Can sU Oil
Do 'm Hea '
rrj,..ZTk1." I J:'.:.--. ! "'tag- reserve I. the locality from which
Kiiut-y. iso atlenit was apparent cn the
tn the biirial of my
rt of Ihe llurrliiian i.r any other interests
lo n cure hiwH-iHl repreccntutioii i n thfl
hoard. The bonrd of direct' ra liU r met
and approved tlx- Hcllon-i of the ext-cjiive.
coiiiniiilee in Ita rxleraions and porch. is.
ot aUdltl fial line.
snd th moot healthful.
FAUST BHt 1Q CO. . Phone Doug. T
ISOT l,ea.rtb Street. Omaha, Ken.
Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer .
a II; a VHUCHJ.MI A' t'Ott PAOtit
(tisnedi MkJj BENJAMIN DAVID. j
The voting n aclnnes will b placed In I
position tooay by the Custodian, E. i E. .
H OKeway. T!i county cK-i K is sending . Is
out certificates ot appointment to the
boards of election and ail the Judg-.a and
Msrrlnie l.lrrK.n.
The following marriage license haa been
Name and Residence. Ac".
TW11 W Wallace. Norih Rend. N. b it
cierka afe resulted lo eilrnd the school I urace iorn. Allies, nun is
of Inivl ruction which will Ixt held next j
Having Belted at a previous sijg-J DIAMONDS-Edi.onn. ;5th and Harn.yv
Mr. Sloan was ejected. It happened thla
nay. The land leans paytnenta were be
Ing made last Friday to ths Wlnnebagoes
st the Winnebago agency by Agent Mc
Fattrldge. There Is a rule of the depart
ment that no on. aside from the Indians
shall be within the limits of the sgency
reserve when theae payments are being
made. However, Mr. Sloan was there, os
tensibly to roll'H-t rome rlulms for cred
itors, snd got within the prohibited area
snd waa oid'-red reinove-i by Agent Mc--V.u-idgs.
Puliuimwa Peter D.sorsu,
. -..' - ...'
He-,Kllte an Mertlnss.
T A. Holllster, H. C. Brome and N. C.
Pratt will be the speakers at a republican
meeting at M.isnolla hall. Twenty-fourib
and Amea aveiiuw, Saturday evening.
Congressman John L. Kennedy and
County At'.orney Mahautfh will apeak at City balurduy .veiling.
Be Want
Ada aiways -mg the beat
Have Root print It,
DcuxUa Wi Printing Co.. l-th Farnam.
A building permit has been issued to
John F. Kralim for the erection of a H.fO
duelling a.1 i'o ly-Allii and Leavviiwwin
struct. ..
Witto. a Perfection Oil Hester vow. can heat a cold
bed-room, make a sick-room mora comfortable, wsrm a
chilly hallway, heat water quickly, and do many things
better than can bs don with any other stove no matter
what fuel it burns. The superiority of th
Oil neater
(Equipped with Smokeless Device).
He. In th fact that It general miens neat wit none (sou
or smell. The otl loout aau m -
.i Mhirh iBiurM uarDiinr. uiramiiHiiiiiiniii
V ..', k.oil iB.iicator sad handle. Hester I. Haht aud
ooi table. AbMlstely safe and slmpl. wica causal be luracd
too hl.b o to Ion. Urale4 as easily as s lamp. All parte
easilr cleaaed. Two glh.. sick.l sad Jap.a. hrrry fcntf
wsrraated. If sot at your dealer writ nearest agcucy (ut
dcscnptlt circular.
caa b used la see room
i a!l-ronn4
r hrbt. Is
the safest lamp yon can
bar Brass throngnont asd nickel plated. Kquipped wits
Ike latest lnpiord barax Hsaaaomc -simple .tlsctry
Hveri lamp warranted
get It
nfj y T caa be used la ss
R&yO Lamp i::
ans a clear, .leady li
Writ, lo agcacy If you caaaut
frvai your dealer.