Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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    Till: OMAHA DAILY "DEE:. 'l'KllUY. OCTQlUlU -JC.
5 ! f
i ! v
! 'I
Tobphono Punn'ss 61 S.
That wi
liav the Inrgest Corsot
."itiK best has mnd It. largest itnd keeps it growing. Thi-i store is head
uusrters for most every worthy nuke,. 'e have gained the ronftdenoe and
patronage of our customer by serving them boot. Expert fitters who will
see that eery Imjor (who stop lo be fitted (shall . get the model best
iidnptod to her figure. ' '
An; so well known that It U a waste rtf good material to Hound their praUe.
Xot no. Yon doubtless wear ft rhtr? model of this make, but we are talking to
ihe "don't knows. " Thorn nr sltll Bome of them. A few are culled from
Hie ranks of the "grown um." All
start. them ilitht. Cnique in thplr perfection ot lit and finish, they unite
nl UnU-ls J;rr jw-tbo I'lrnh aha pes, with the proper proportions for the
mMrnn .WO.Ill,"ll )f foi-TIl ' frVntn h -
..: onnar sli 1, to 4ho sit-ons. fljni modol of the statuesque lines, for the fash
.' jcmaijl matron, ',hi' Hticd to generous. picr-onlons, the Iinst, ' Proof Hue shows
the- :brt shaio. ".very" pair guaranteed. YVaruer's Itust Proof -Corset,
551.00 .S.I.CO i'"h. , (Second Tloor.V ' ' . .
" i ' .. ' . Open Saturday Evenings.
......... .. . v-y.
Howard. Corner
-hli:n shows n- iiioie that ths exhibition
la as much a- woitmn liow an It Is a horae
bow. ;.,
Alot silii-ii,g of !' fn'iiini s ffaltues
was a pola'o rue: , In whlrh a doaon or
more in'-a, ttifir,tl on sioik yards ponies,
luirsfd ui.'nb(i doTvti th nirna with
wI':ii hiriiVs. 111." kniKhis of old. Tnr-lr
Phi foRe waijw '-ii-ry a many fwialor'S as
possible frntn'oii" unii of the ainx to tha
ollur on sp.r points in a alvni
length of tiice. To, the n s who rnrriril
the niort pofto the. priiea wfi ti warded.
There was imlhiint low about (lie ponls.
and the war tin y bishe,i together mni'lo It
il wonder Uv . 'hTy eould wheel quirk
fciMMigh to ke-'p fj of-.i tirintt hurt.
Rrpbttrr ti Krl.o M Inner.
A ifltuer Mii'::ifw id"-nt a-etirru when ;
.1. ntimbfr.'6 r-,rjt .wer.j l-lng shown j
gig. in inur -r,-; it.- iippoii-tt-icms wcie .
i.irole to i ' imh In. tli. ci;ii:idei ntion for :
prlien, Th? Jii!i-i-f, .'l.j looking over me
appointment t t.ic-..Jrf.wivnce Jones giii.
fuund a nqiut bottiv oX Pant Jones' rye
whisky ami. h revolver, which looked bke I
a mall cannon." ' (ii y coii'lscftleil ;tlte I
two articles- u t.-oijlt-Hlwud. Tho j-cvolver j
was later wu.rt mil a drawing cn,sued j
on the whs" -itud t ae Ixittle fell lo th- I
lot of a i tirbHiir.'.-wfw : carrlwl it -off In. tri- j
"7 , .,. ' ;-' , ,
Murray oT 'loronto -was not nulla nt gjy
, , . ,
last night. 'Tie d;d inif att'inpl to rut l;v
. ., uiv iiiinic iitum nii'j vyini'miriiii..,
h wss not 'c.-illed' to tusk by the iiifliic.i. !
He slill ptoves a favorite with the spec- I
tatois. ,''"' -' - . I
! BjturJay afte-ivon-.tbe mnnagemeiit will!
-give a popular-fiord, mat hue. This la
primarily for -the benefit' f'f the women and
chfhTren-'.fltif ,is i:i.-in-.iiuu.t III. Ii welcome,
ss ish'to fcil.nKl, 'ii.el i ti 111 be twelve iiui, -,i INVI' try in. ujoir. niiio-inf" lliv.ll
p.TforiHa.tvi rt'ord, au-.tlte spf cunur
be b!e. to ,-ger UJ sv fid of-rartety. Though
l here w'Tr ihrio Itifttlneea last year, only
on one tx'cu'sloij wrre'.the seats ofTercfl et
the popular prb .'-. i.-h will prevail for
Satureia .' . (""tri'i sr-t !tl features not on
the rM-m a,re to I announced: for thi
oec'.Tlin." . '
Tonhpl.t Is .'St, Josephlght. ' end. as' a
nvimlier of PsHuVirl horvtVare being shown,,
It Is not unlikely ther' wl!T. be a good' a t-
tf ndn-itc-e-froiu Sf. Joseph,
v ' '.'. ,'' '' . ,:'
,. 'y
Oiinkt 'tll TSpni Ont tn fee oVeNlorsa
r"'tf j. Mow, ' ly
Joseph M. Cudahy agidn rode Gaiety oivft
the Arbor lotlge entry, to a ribbon over
..the Jumps at tho Horse Show, and w'uu lUii
' (ilauOil of Tli4 largest' Vi-uwd of' the week
', at every Jump the tuare. took. , The apeota-
:.iors are becoming ret far and play (heir
f -favorites, show Ing ,rli:arjy by thelc uwpluu'
win-re they think the ribbons belong.
Ir at S o'c'o k as the Lug er so. n a 1
. !he blast,- th ponrtert.or.' slx-liorse ' t.-ums
',f Hwlft'and r.impunj nnd the Htorr. Brew.
li ctunpiiny swtiiig.liiro the tanbark arena
I tn lie viewed by tlie (litlcul eyes which sm
, .rounded the mils. .Tito! Swift team, is the
'JnH. lf the town, and tli-we. dapplf d beau
, .ties a.fiii to be proud of Mic attention they
, attrjiot. 'It la a really stirring wight to see
ttent' swing fii a tirde pn the run at one.
i( end ot tlie arena-, making complete circles
while thp Wagoii l practically at a atanU
tltl. ThW exhibit sinus, to b an attrae-
('flon whh h hs a tendenoy to bring the
wapretato ro the sliow early, and when the
bugle -uHd last night the vast auiphlthe
.. 'iter waa nearly filled. ,l,ater In tlie tveu-
. Ing eveij taewt In the entire house was oc
cupied and standing room was at a pie
mlum. It was a nre'tv sJaht to c i
le-nnernys teams cutting (n and out around
tha. arena. Xaat night was the first night
, th- Stors leant tiled to do fancy stunts
and-the exPntlon was perfect, and showed
, th driver accustomed to his horses.
' After the exhibit of , the pocking house
glante,and tha brewery six the local park
norwea were given tlia rtnir ....l ,
4 hkndsoma steppers circled the arena the
ast'erowd iwcame quieted and waited for
tha. Judg to pass their learned opinion s
to which they the best-. E. P.
( r-eca was trie flrsft In with ;!s handsoBie
j chestnuts, Rmka'. and ; TUura. followed V.ard Burgrs with Piclrle gii-n, and
V'ltoelpif and- v: j; ,vcCmd with Young
, Bol and 1rin.!e Ifhr' Tli' owners had
ito dtita thetr own 'liorses In thir rlaas.
'-ToutiB Bob Is a misnomer, for he Is now
-Is years. old snd ha been 1 he. standby' .f
f,,b Sw-Ooii Stables' fui,e:ns, drivlnj: the
'"treets in sunshine and rain. Mr Mc.Conl
Girls and Misses' Furs
Stts yt
(. hild s
loya' r ur Oauuilel Uioxes
ii.z-i ii..-.o i.ou
', '.
t --'A,
Write for Illustrated Catalog.
. J , . I ,
pr if . ,r m ' ,
Pee, October 2S, 190J.
bualncs-t In Omaha la n uquestioned.
must b corseted, and our 'aim 1b to ;
,.hli - UHln t.iiiA. frlfHlA fi-o- tha rislntv .
Sixteenth Street
won first,' Mr. Burgess second and Mr. Perl;
third.,. . , ' . .
Wnmes flitter lmlrefl
All was expectsney when the rail wns
made for the next rlasa, which was for the
b'st woman's horse, to be ridden by 11
" "" """- ' """' -
women and It wns demonstrated last night
thv o not afraljl to iilinv tbMl aLIII 111 i
the arena. While the riding wax
In progress last winter nnny en loved th"
opportunity of learning to handle a s.iddln
horse, although the women who rode last
night have ben riding their ponies and
horses since childhood.
IW11 Bros, sent a mngnirlcent bunch uf
( Ameriean Heaitty rosea to Miss Helen
; t'udnhy, whu ride their Glad-. s I, O-i"
(Jf the .tiidges remarked after awarding tho
blue ribbon that one. would have to go 11
joll, way a before finding a more pet feet.
lady's saddle, horsa than Gladys V. M
Ounter Yates Smith cf St. Joseph rode
Oewge rcpner's Olendule and did it well,
These to were the only horses hi this
vent, the Jones entry and the Ai lmr IjuJh
having been drawn fw some reason,
The high steppers arc always a. w Iconic
exhibit at an Omaha show, and laat ni'ht
proved no exception 10 the rule. This class
again brought out the best the big sli.blcs
",u ' ' ,'
c-loaa, the horse being anything over fifteen '
, , . . . , ., ,
handstand atylp, confoi-tnatlon, action uml
, ' '
pace w 1 " f,.miiiwi "u. i iicj munn uttui
was a pair of beauties, one being The
I'rosldetit, a horse picked up Just before the
Omaha, show last year, and the oilier, j
Honor iiilght, being a horse Murray went,
clear to Oklahoma to buy. He had heard
of the horse as being a possible good iiiate
to. The President, and i'juTn-yeil all Hie j
way from Toronto- to Oklahoma, to
UU' .
- 'ii-t j i' n inii ,n- di'i ir-n,. ii
when H comes to high stepping, one being j
H. IIClllllll Ul UltJ, MOO lllO ULIiri M "ill UlUNIl.
Mr. McCord's Only One, the horse which
hurt bis tongue on the first evening and
which has been gated for manners twice
during the week, was on his good behavior
.ljt night. -" '"" hu,'1 '"V '
difllrulty In handling him and his mate. The.
two Crelgbtons of the Pepper stables also
BRve Rn exhibition of their high stepping
qualities. The blue liblion was pinned on
the Jones entry. Murray was given second
and the Pepper entry third.. McCord's team
did not show in its usual form and was not
placed. ; .
i .'-.i'i k." w
nallt-il Kaddl Horses.
Tn the- gattied sad lle mare class .the rule.jr
Of. -the ' American Saddle HorsO'rtreeders'
amtK-latlon governed, the conformation
rr"inted 40 per. rent, the . maoners ,2li. vr
eent and the performance 40 per cent. The
mnre bad to show five distinct gnlls. thp
walk, trot, rack, canter and running walk.
- og trot or slow pace. Four beauties faced
, the Judges, who bad to use their little note
books In figuring n hrra the
ribbon lie-
long-d. Ball lros. won first with their
5-year-old beauty, American Girl, one of
the fluent hot-sea ni-r shown In an Omtha
ring Tom Bars, with Twilight, was second,
and Helen Walker, belonging to Mr. O. -I.
Mooers of Columbia, Mo., was third.
The unicorn team Is a unique contrivance,
which originated from an accident. M'lord
'st one of the horses from
his four and
had to get home, so bad three boraes -lo
lh.,ln,fi, r,. 1.1,-r r. .1 ,1. -I,.l
...... , . , , .
so well It has been adopted us a horse show
number, but Is not used much In practice,
Four unicorn entries swung Into the arena
,..,.'.,,.,. , .
lust night and made a pretty picture as
they lore up the tan balk. The Jones entry
hud a little mixup ahurtlv aft-r entering
the rtng but son,, got straightened -t.
after which they wo.ked well. -Judge Kuv-
KenfllU allowed he knew how to handle tl-e
reins when he took the various teams and
dnra each several tlmea around. Whllo
the Judge was driving the Murray entrv
Murray, who was sitting on the box beside,
H hi hat cocked so far on the side of his
head It fell off,. The judge did several
fancv atunta w th tha r bhom as h to.k
the various unicorns around the ring,
1 Murray was given first with his magnificent
! entry, having- ihm , )ui-aa -Honor Bright In
i 'he lead. W, H. McCord's entry w second
and Ijiwrence Jones', entry was third.
- Tha combination class brought out some
osl rni-a, tor. the horse had to have a
capacity for t-urrylnn up to 3V pounde, and
was first shown to sn appropriate vehicle
and jtidaed first us a banians horse. He
was then unhirnesned In the arena en4
shown and Judsed under saddle at the
walk, trot snd canter salts. The prize was
to go to the horse best suited for Loth
Muff ami Neck Piece, Alv Separate
Searfs, ( ratnts said Moles.
few of the prominent numbers In the
t the Fur counter:
liases.' Natural Brook Mink, pillow
muff and scarf, set .-
Misses' Electric Erruiue Set, scarf
and pillow muff, sei
Child's White Ermine Set, cravat
aud pillow muff, like Hit
Sams style, larger siae,
Child s sittlu lined China I-anib luid Angora
Sat, flat, muff with purs, ' f C
Same style, iu larger size, with extra heavy
choice stock,
set of
Natural Huok Mink, cravat
ti--t'art aud itobes
9I.1.5U. $7.SU, Jv.Wl, 5,
m M-
purposcis. Morning Gloiy, I he best we!ht
carrying horse In the roiinty, whs picked
hy the emwil so t lie wlnn
nnd for Lnwrrnce J..e. and Giends.e look XV 7", Tha ..1st w. W
Ih'td for Opotro frj.prr. Iiirli trlmtifil nd vm adornpd 1pT
... . ... ! Iiertha with yMnxr of x-elvet enclina- In J'.t
Roadater .el f.larf Hand. - ; ,lrnnnin.. Vlth this w-. worn n onvic
I'.innia It. nml The Klna- were roundly ,-,,nf,r nlr) ronih. hUik bal nd a hnndmm
applnii'loil as tli-y pnlered ttie ring- tn the
r'Adner pnlr rliips. for nil ro -odnlspd them
ss the wlnni rs fit previous shows In Omaha
jnrt.H" also the horsey whlrh wont fmm
the wst and took all the top rlhbotis awny
from Hip fnt on-s of the millionaires of
the enrl at both the Cbloaaxi and Madison
. Souart! shows. The pair nik"H an idi.l
fr , ... .-. i rivimr ar id excite attention
wherever tiny bo. They hiate perfectly
; nmt tpP jn unison.' so wt the Judge
i i 11..,-
bnd little difficulty In defining upon flrst
place. Mr. F. rno was given the rd ribbon
wlth.AII'-e Wilkes and Mls Atborton, and
the Cowles entry wa third.
The pip hiss tirought forth u stylish lot
of fellows who put-nded around the ring-,
throwing their front feet to their chins
and tnakinir a hid for applause at every
I Ibrn.' The hojsrs were to be 13.J hands
J hiKh or ovt Willi proper appointments,
t tli- ht and the appointaients to count
' 50 . tx-r cent., ench. Mrs. MUton w as the
only woman driving- In thin class. The
Jones entry, Kentucky appointed, whs
first. Mr. MoC'ord won second With Sturm
King and George Pepper third with Creth
tom ' -
Rittliii(t for the honor of currying tho
riiout potatoes, ten stulwiiit .ouths from
the. slock ) aids at South Omaha furnished
a bushel of real fun la th arena lat night
and weip moie tluin nr-piatided for tbctr"
icfTorts. f,.r the entire nWmbJage, and thero
1 , , ,i,i.,- -..i -,,,1
! yeUol during the rnjire r:ice, if rnce It
; should he called. '. Ah the man who could
enrry the greatest number of polattx-s from
one end of tlie arena to the other was to
receive $L'5 the prize war worth golnir after,
and tho way these youths tore tip the tan
burk In their effo-ts to inirry potatoes and
to ston tlie othftr fellow front carrying
potatoes was a caution. Two were tied for
first place and the. judge had them race
onea Bi-ound th" arena before giving a deci
sion. J. O'lbiurke was set back for fudging
I and Ita JacolM Was given first. J. O Uourke
second and M. II. IJcthum third.
Just as the drsert Is kept for the finish
so the hunters were saved as a grand
finale to a splendid evening s entertainment
and tlie lithe steeds. saemeU to realize what
was wanted, for they ran at the Jumps na
though, they meant business, and most of
them cleared the bars' by a good margin.
The event waa for the best lady's hunter,,
and again did Joseph M. Cudaby carry' off
the lionora with his Gaiety Girl, as he had
, , , ,,,.. -,...... , 1,
on W ednesday nlrlit. t row Ac Murray tool;
. , , , ... ... , , ,.
second and third with Wasp and Jenny
I Und. '
j Interest Increases as the show progresses
i and better attractions are on the bill for
1 tonight and Saturday, ntpht. Tonluht will
' be St. Joseph night and several good num
bers are on the card. K. A. Nash will Jump
Into tho limelight with Ids )i"W speed
t 1. ,T . 1..I ll I f t " A rt(tl-,lf:-
1 1 !,- ..,.,r... M-I.r.1.. T -.! Trill.,,, H
. ..i i ,v,w r.
Mp - (,rlv( 8iul)p N
! road wagon.
I and as this Is a speed class: there will be
I Un...Al.ln.r .loftier
, .,.,:;...., ..ei.c. to the boot
i club number tonight, nt Which time it Is
understood both Mr. iiiul , Mris. Joseph
Cudaby will ride the Jumps
1,1st of the Winner.
Clnss 2
Pair Tark llorses for Man's
te. Owner -to Drive. Iocal Firt, .".0,
Y'oung Rob and Prince Regent, w. H. Mc
eord. driven by Air. Mct'ctd. Second. t-V
Prairie Uueen and Roseleaf. . M. Bur
gess, driven by Mr. . Burgess.' Third, 'J).
Hen and Henna, Ii. P. peck,; driven b
Mr.. Peek.
Class W. Saddle Horse. t4.3 or Oyr, to R
Jthldcn bv a YVoman-rlrft.' mC,ladya I
Ball Bro., Versailles. Ky., ridden by Mrs.
Smith of St. Jnseph. Second, -M, Gleildiile.
George Pepper, Toronto, ridden by Miss
JIele.1 Cudnliv. '.
. Cars 17.. Rest Pair Hieb,- StpppwH. 15
Hands or Over, Style. - 'conformation.
Artlon and Pace Considered. First. IPO.
Gallant I .ad and Gallant t.ord, Tjiwience
Jones. Louisville. Ky.. driven by Mr. Jones.
Second, , Honor Bright and President,
Clowe & Murray. Toronto. driven by
.lames Murray. Third. !, Creighton and
Cr.ght.ui. George Pepper, Toronto, driven
bv groom,
tiHis (ii. Gaited Saddle Mar. Conforma
tion to Count 40 Per Cent, Mantv-rs 2t per
Cent. Performance M I'er Cent First, Jlin',
American Girl. Rail Bros.. Versailles, ky.,
ridden by Gua Ball. Second, -t''1. Twilight.
Tom Bass, Mexico. Mo., ridden bv Mr.
Buss.. Third. $40, Helen slker. Mrs. o.
J. Mooers, Columbia, Mo., ridden by Mr.
Moot rs.
Class 3'i, I'nleorn Team First, $73. Crow
! A Murray entry, driven bv Jim Mtirrav.
Second. t"0. W. It -Mi Cord entry, driven
by Jhiik s Pealxidv. I bird.
jores l-iun j oriven i- mr. n"-n.
. ,.,,, Combination Horse. 15.2 Hands
j Hih and Cp to Carrying :n0 Pound First.
575. Morning Olory. G. I,. t:rawford, St.
Louis, ridden by tins R.i'.l. Se-ond. Fri',
. 1(ign , kMp Iwrence Jomia. lulsvllie.
I ridden by Mr. fioberls. Third. (Henrtsle.
! G--o,'ae Pepper. Toronto, ridden by gr.v.m.
j r..aTa.V1
' v-jillrs. lit.: Masternle,-,.. Genres Peti-
per, Toronto; Kiiinrney. .Miotpn mora,
J e'JJ',!,"M),'t''1 Kia' V" l li, y(h"' Nar-
fc class ?' Blandard or Nonstandard P,oad-
j sters; lloree to Count c Per Cent and
! Appointments i per Ccnt-Firtt Ihn Kmnia
mo .driven by Mr Trie". Second. Jt.Aflce
. Wilkes und Miss Allerion. T. C. Ryrne,
'timana, uriven o r .r. n.i rnc i niru
! lv Harry M. and
Hirry Gtattun. W. J.
(owl.-, Asluur.u
III., driven by Mr.
Class 11, Park Hore Over 15.2 with
Ani-olntments. Kach to Count fO Per Cent
PI I'M. SUvi, GUiant Ijtwrenee Jont-H.
IxiuiHvlllc. Ky.. dr'ven by Mr. Roberts.
Second, .ii Storm Kins. W. II. Mot'ont.
'.in. 1. 1, u. driven by Mr. M.-Cord. "Othor en
trie were Kildurr. JoM-t.h M. I'lulaliv,
Oiiiuha; Ronnie Riinr. Mr-". Thomas Mil
ton. M. I'uiil; ForRnt I'l-tiiccs?. Weir ft
JloBers. 1e Mnrs, la.; Merrv Alary, Jiw - I Ari lull- tniiltn.
rencc Jones. l.iiiis llle. bv.; Mess:ka. K. I'.,1 Ilox H.A Mr. anH
1'e. k. On.ahn: l.sdv Koai-berv. llcoice I1. iSlm. Moraan, Miss
no,- Tni'iiiii,.' il nine Crow Jtr Uiirni-
I lass Ki e.ial Class l'olato Race
First. Jl.V ha .Ininiw; s-eond. J.
O Hoiirke: thin!. Sli. M. Iiy it.-tliHin. Other
entries vr e Arthur Tii-e. Arthur,
Harvey wriciii. . 11. Horn, Joun . Boles,
illtHin Irvine, Aim Jj.-obs.
ci... i:q tv.. ii..ntr i -., ... c......
lug l'li I'oiicns to Mounds. Conformation to
fount r l'er lent, t'erf-u'iiianc-s r
Fences aud iKiiners 70 lJcr ccnt Fin.t.
Cal.'iv tliii. Arbor IyidK", Nebraska
City, ridden by Joseph M. C'jduhy. Kc iikI,
.!. -W-n.-p. C-.ow V M"ti-h. Toronto, rid
den by fcronui. Tinrd. .n, V'yoiiing. t'ruw
K- Miiriay, Toront . i-iiKb n by KriHini,
Other rntriis were Senator. K. H, Weather
bee. Xv Yolk; Kiipert, K. H. Wcathcriee.
New 1 wk; t-'an To . Iv.
New York: Lord Minlo.
Tiironto; Oietifl tic. -e 'lrise
MyopiM. liirg.. l'-.p,-i,, Crow & Murray.
II. Ve:v.tlierlie.
(icorwe Pepper,
'-i.per. Toronto;
Toronto; Jenny
Krlila Juse,li.
Mi,.. Uh.
t p. m.-Fix-horse laialnesa team exhibit.
)i.ll p. 111. ( uri'l.tKe pelr, purse 1-
fer-d by O lMtiidhoe-Iiedine-uii-Norniile t.'o.
S.'jU p. lo. iuK.s tK peedMiiy iitjrs-, purse
l.j, offered by the I'uion block Yard Na
tional Ikllk.
p. in. Class 1C. high su ppcr, purse
s hi p. m. Clios 'o, hunt club team, purfce
I 'J :d p in. Chilis !". . l.i!i tiair, puie
1 Sl.'O. ofTci-t d by ti.c ric in lund SeWf-d
tln.a i otniKiny.
li.iril p. . iHr l-i, lon.l boiv.-, -purse I:e0.
i.-.! i. In. t in, i. p.i'K four, pulse $.'JU, I
offered b the Ilt nu'etL coii)iuto. '
lu io p. iii. - t ints 4a, li woman rider,
is. lo . hi. Cidh ll. Wi:nn'if pair i local i, j
lo.iM! ii..1, oftrii'l by Bcinia Omaha 1 .g
COIll-l,l.. . j
lu.:u p. rii.-Clui4 ,i. nigli Jump, p.irso 1173. j
l.Ukiirsie Tullrta tuallaa tw H a '
The fouitn evening of the Hoine Know j
was fully as brilliant a any of Its prcde- i
(MU't i
Mii. J. ll. Kcoki was attir--! In a suit
Of t,tj.y Willi hat to lUUUil llln::,yd Vi I i ll
yi . ii 1 1
M . I-' A. N.ih Tore it prel'j' i,iM
p-i.-v iik. ti-'.:- i .lll. ue rut h l.irg
i H a. 1 1 h . . 11 i U ll',-- .1 1 . I v in ' e I -wi I
M.S. i. ll. J liil a sUikii.a ii
In A handso.ue Imported "n of h'rielt
pet, trimmed with little pleaten si's Tnm--
w '""".at th foot, while band- of exniils-'te rose.
ner. and the indues L point Isee. alterne Una with hands of black
lassie won sec- 1 isee heavily embroiders d In Jt. extended
coral eveniiiR wmp. :
Mrs. Arthur filttenden Smith wore a I
hnn'Nonie en'pJra Ifiwn of pink and white
flowered chiffon loth with lace yoke
and eleeves ni with white hat with pink
rn. a. With this was worn a white broad- I
cloth riu ond ermine furs. I
Mrs. Arthur Melt whs gowned In hello
tropo silk, trimmer) with point lace, with
wlille bat adorned ylth plumes and white
broMdoleth coat with trimmings of green.
Mls Marlon 'onnell Oow n of while em
hroiflery over pink, with black velvet hat
trimmed with plumes.
Mrs. V. J. '. Ken von wore s handsome
gown of white broadcloth, elaborately eni
brnlderod with eyelet embroidery. with
bfi llce or. white 'chlfToti. With this wss
worn a handeome novelty coat of white
Irish lnce and lurce. blnok picture bat
with aweeplng pinnies and ermine f;irs.
Mrs. tjeorge II. I'almer wore a. nanneome ;
gown of green cloth, embroii'errd in shades 1
of green, with trimming of lace, and 11 tan
coxt and large black hat. I
Miss Webc'.er wore the costume which j
nttrncted so much attention tho opening-1
evening. It Was of American Hrnuty vel
vet, elaborately trimmed with binds of
velvet in tha same shade and banda of er
mine. Ermine furs a.nd a largo black hat
with plumes) rmn-.iletcfi her toilet.
Miss Peck, the guest of Mies Webster,
wore a beautiful gown of white lace, with
black picture hat and ermine furs.
Mrs. W. T?. Mclkie Unautlful gown of
bniion colored marquisette. elalHirate'.y
trimmed with Venetian hipe inset In bands
In the skirt. Willi this was worn a hat
and coat In the dahlia shades.
Mrs. W. 9, I'oppleton Princess gown of
white voile trimmed with lace: black hat
with plumes and white feather boa.
Indteates i lllmloalloa
of laterest
' In sr.-v.
The boxes on th" fourth evening- of tha
Horse Show were, ell crowded. Following
Is a list of the occupants:
Rox I Miss Marguiet Malonev, MlfSGra'e
Ixionan. Mr. Hert Murphy. Mr. James 1.
Heed. Mr. arid Mr. T. J. O'Urlen. .
IIok 2- Mr.- and Mrs. Mori t a Meyvr. Misi
Minna Meyer, Mr. sud Mrs. Carl Relter.
I'.ox .'A Miss H, Meyer of Newport, Aik.,
Mr. and Mrj. Martin Meyer, Mr. Saitn
I'.ox 4 Mr.- and Mrs. M. J. Malone, Mr.
and Mrs. A. M.. Ualdrige, Mr. and Mr.
William Kennedy.
Rox 5 f 'tilonel end Mrs. Pratt. Ma lor
AlK-rcromble, Mrs. Whslen of Fort CrcoK.
Rox 6-Mr. and Mi-s. H. J. Penfold.
Rox" 7- Mr. J. W. Mo.jyer of New York,
Mr. W. Faniuin Smith.
Rox 10 Mrs. Goetschlns, Mrs. R. ' 1
Hamlltivn. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Edwards.
Rox 10A Ur. end Mrs. Robert Gllniore,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Keellne, Mr. and Mrs.
A. J. Reaton.
Rox -11 Mrs. K. MoOormlck. Miss Alica
McCormick, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.
Rox 13-Miss W ebster, Miss Brown, Mr.
Stockton Heth, -Mr. A-.- J. Cuoly.
. lox H Mr. Hnd Mrs. John Parish. Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Metz. Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Metz. Mr. ii nd Mrs. Arthur Metz
Rix 15 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Aekerhiati
of South Omaha, Mr, and 'Mrs.. Fred II.
Krug, Mrs. A. II. Itnwitser. Miss KeeJIne.
Mr. J. 8. Kirscbberur of Sun Francisco.
Rox 16 Mr. and Mrs. ronard of Mneoln,
Mr and Mrs. J.. K. Baum, MIks l'reutls
of I.lpcoln. MIk Kloke, Mr. Cl.e.rleg Shlvo
rl'-V. Mr. Frank Wllhelm.
Rox 17-Mrs. rtur C. Rarton, Mrs. W. R. Mr. and Mrs. Lurain,
Rox 17A-Mr. and Mrs. George f. RidweP, i
Mrs. t,. W. Wattles, Mr., und Mrs. Georgo
A. Joslyn. ' '''
Bex l-H Mr.- and -Mrs. P.- . Fbller. Mrs.
A. I .. Thomn-i. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Ryrne,
Miss Kallrer Byrne.
Special Mr. Robert Tt. Fpdike. JTIsS
Marlon .1-hnscm, Mirs Marlon Hughes, Mr.
I Paul Gallagher. ...
! Rox IS Mrs. Haigtais. Missf.Roe. Miss
lmia. Miss Mohler.
Rox &' Mrs'. K. Otbson," Mr.
r!.l.Br.n Mr. I traun O l.i-l.v- , .-
j;x 's'iK- Mrs, John ,W. lialdwin. Mr.
Horace E-verett, !iss Dodge. Mr. and Mis.
K. II. Boott. - '
RovilIr. nod- Mrs. Ti Pesvey of Counr(l
111 u ITs, Mr. and Mrs,.'", N. Robinson.
Bos 21 A Miss" Keellne. Miss Mary Leo
TMcHhane. Mr- Frank Haskell, Mr. Walter
ii. Roberts,, 'r w '" '
Rox '.'.'-Misij.JVIfiprhen!. Miss Ruth Moor
bead. Miss Mabel Ma'rr," Mr. lewij Jjorlng.
Mv. and Mrs': ThMas'.T-. Kelly. "
,.,Ufx 4r-M,.,iV- Brandels.i M1ss Until
Riandeis. fr. a ill Mrs. H. tohn. Mr. , and
Mrs.- H, -RosenslVW-ti'.ilrs. R. Krahier.
Rox i'i Mr. and Mrs. John 8. Brady,
Mr. and Mrs. I. F C'ongdon. Mr. and Mrs.
F. H. Ivavls. - , t
.Box Sir. -'and tMrs. A. T.. Beed. Mr.;
and Mrs. A.' G. -.Jiccson. Mrs. John 1 .
Miller, Mr. Mary M-. Reed; !
Rox 2fi Mr, and Mrs. J. M. Cudahy. Mr. I
and Mrs. C. T. Heuel, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Smith. Or. and Mrs. .Vr W-. tjrne,
Rox i7 Mr. snd Mrs. Peck. Miss T,otise
1'e. k. Miss Kllzabefh Patteisou of Uenison,
Mina R-th Congdon, Mr. Jack Duniont,
Mr. Uodnjr I'nrkee, ' Mr. Junius Brown,
Mr. l.yinun Peck. .-
Rox 29 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Milton of,
St. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harding,
Mr. and Mrs. Banwtt.
Box 30-Mrs. A U Mohler, Mr. and Mrs. '
E. T.. TOmax. .
Hox 31 Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Howe, MIhs ,
McCormick. ...'
Rox 31A Dr. and Mr. C. C. Allison. Mr. -
I and Mrs. John M. Daugherty, John and
Fredrick l'auahertv.
Box 22 Mr. and Mrs. F. 8. Cowglll. Mr.
and Mrs. F.dwtn T. Hwole. ,
Box :u Mr, anil Mrs. W. J. C. Kenyon,
Mr. ;ind Mrs. Q. H. palmer. j
Box 33 Miss Klla Mae Brown, Mias I
Jeanne YVakedrld, Ptotkton Keth, Ben .
Itobidoux. ,
Box ;a.S Miss F.ldiedRe of Brooklyn. Mrn. i
Kil t C. Nash. Mr. Jerome 1'. Magee, Mr.
Klmer A. Cope.
Box 34 Mr. and Mrs. William O. Gilbert.
Mrs. Leroy M. Tavlor of New York, Mr.
and Mrs. YVIIllam B. Meikle.
Box oiA Mrs. Joseph H. Olarkson, Mlsg
Helen Forbes. Mias .Margaret McPherson,
YV. H. Mcl'herson.
Box gv-Mrs. H. F. Kloke. Mrs. R. D.'YY'ih
ship of Chicago, Mr., and Mris,. R.. 0.
Box S5A Miss T,ouse Diets of TJneoln,
Mrs. Leonora Nelson. Mrs. ,G. YV. Megeatb,
Mr. K. B. Coe, Jr., bf New Tork City.
Box So-Mr, and -Mrs. I). P. Benedict,
Mrs. R. 8. Fge, Miss Mary llarlng-.
Box 3A Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Bessbe, Mr,
n.,,4 tr. W l.-tllcv
Box S7-Mr. 'and Mrs. V. A. Naali.' Miss
Nash. Mr. a.nd Mis. A. ll. Hoblnsori. Mr,
and .Ms. Herbert Wheeler, Mrs. H. 'J'.
CI. u l-e. ir.
Box Mr. and Mrs. James Tome. Mr
1 and -Mrs. uiluiii foppeilon, mt. ann aiti,
Mrs. Henry YV. Gales.
Jx, roth v Morgan. .
Mrs. H.J'. Whit more.
1 Hox .CI M r. and Mrs. H. JJ
'air. ana 3ii-s. it. v. uuiKiey, aiism riuiaie,
' M" Agnes Uurkley.
Box 4n Mr. and Mrs. ITarrg Doorlj', Mrs.
1 K licl;,. Mis Ki.hnrilHnn
Miss Janet
I r iiiin'i ". air. i una- t uwuii.
1 " " 1 ,'...-.-
'd Mrs. .-NelSfm B.Lpmue, .r. nu .-irs
' Ii. tsuith. Mm. nenianun r. ijoweii
" Colorado H. rings, Mr. and Mrs. HoIlnfS
' -Hiae.
Box 4.1 Mrs. B. R. Uovla entertaius Mr.
und .Yli-a Charles Callanan and Miss Lora
Box t'A-Mr. and Mra Frank Boyd, Mrs.
II. A. Neelv, .Mr. II. Fav Ne-iv.
Box 4-r Mr. - and Mrs. ' clement Chase,
Mrs. Byers. Mm Burgess, Mls Ruth
Box 4ZA-Mr. and Mrs. AlTred Darlow. Iji-.
and Mrs. J. M. Buiglum, Master Clarence
I'm i low.
Box 44Mr. and Mra. Joun i-orues, nr.
and Mrs. B. B. .Davis.
l4ex4tA-Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Rawitser.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Huteson, Mrs. Theresa
M-rges. . I
Box 15-J1". and Mrs. Georse N. y-f..
Mr. and Mrs. Cb.arles T. Kountxe, Mles
Ualdwln. Mr. Wlllard Hosford.
Bix (fi-Mr. ami M'Tt. Merrtam. Miss
Natnlie Merrfam. Mr. Barton Millard. Mr.
George lb dick.
IV, x 47 .Mr. and Mrs. J( hn M- Irson Mr.
and Mrs. A. G. Munro, Mr. and Mrs. J. ti.
Box 4h-Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Austin. Mr.
nml Mrs. K. A. Benson. Mr. and Mrs. It. .
Biefkcnriih:.-. Mr. aisl M-s. J. T. Baker.
Box -Mrs. E. C. McShane, Mrs. U . .
Is a llnhtt,
y Lhiuid lotd.
"There's a. fleaso-i." -
" "f ii .
lf ' our
Art Needle
Work Deft
(I Floor
Visitors to the
thouU visit tha hiw Diylihl
it is our weekly bargain day
i nn I'rmr i
10c Black und
KtrHortiinarjr bargains in ltw-cw,
r-nibroldt rlesi and trimmings Fri
day. Kvery dnf offers fperlals !
day will orfrr rrmarkable raluen
at rout prices.
Bargain .No. 1 Embroidery edges,
Insertions and applique, narrow
and medium widths, regular Do
quality Friday's Sale price
a ard 2r
llargain No. Another good val
ue in our Immense Val. late
atotk over 300 bolts of A'al.
edges and Insertions, worth up
to 10c a yard. Friday s Bale,
per bolt, 3 2c; at, a yard. , . -3
llargain No. 3 New up-to-date
trfmmlng braids, in all the nov
elty cords snd draw braid
fancy and plain colors, - worth.
Tto 25c aard-Friday-s . .ale.
a yard . . . . . 15s 10 5
Meu's Worsted Derby
Ribbed Underwear
Natural gray or sahuon
colois, refrular price icr
yuit, $2.05 Horse T T
Show week
...... v-
Men's Vienna Hanltary AVool
I nderwear Regular price 13
per suit Horse show
.. week. ..,,.. .
.Ylen'is Jersey Klbbed
t-inits Regular price
per suit" Horse '
Show week ' . ... . . '.
S 1.50
Men's JJuckhkln Sanitary .lersey
Itibbcd I'nUerirear-r-Itegular
price $4 00 per suit
Horse Show .week, .
Burns, Mr. Harry Tukey, Mr. and Mrs. YV.
J'toW-5tr. and Mrs. J.,, Ml
Maiiun Council, white embroidery ov.-r
pink, black Iimi; Miss Howen. Dclpbl. lnd.,
blue raoiuin, with Valenciennes lace, blue
Inn; Miss likhert. Chiraao, Kr.n ciiirton,
black hut; Mr. Charles Benton, Mr. l'aul
Beaton, Mr. William Bchnoii, Council
Il.i1 h SUSS rilUKlUBOIl. Ulinn , ,
J M. Raldrltre, Mr. Itwrence Uvlnkor, a
'. und Mrs. J. I.. Paxton. T ;
;ox W iu-SvJor.t-iili iiarKer, jr.; Mrs. U I i
p Vunkhouser. Mr. and Mrs. 11. II. Bald
rlge. Mr. and Mrs. Aillltir Kemington.
Box b&-Air. and Mrs. btewarl, Mr. and
Mr. Wilklns, Mr. Cantleld, Mrs. Megealh,
Mr. and Mrs. Borey. .
Box Si Mis, llss Helen Millard.
Mr. Milton UarlinB, lh. W. U.- Bridges,
Mr. and Mrs. W. i. Page.
Box no Mrs. Pratt, Judge Mnsonhuler.
Mr. Vlnsonhaler. Mr. and Mis. Hochstel
tler, N--d Montgomery. -
Box 6-Mr. F.dward Crcij!.ton. Miss lln
sel Council, Mr. Arthur Lewis. Miss Kb
anor Pierce, Fall Hivcr, Mass.; Mr. and
Mrs. C. H. Crvighton, Mr. and Mrs. E. V.
Low la. '
Box o Mrs. Thomas McShane, Mr. James
A. Tsssert, Mrs. James A. 'laBRort, Miss
Margaret Mcf-hane - ' '
ll, X 6H Mrs. William M. Spence. Mlsa
Jessie Spence, MUs ierlrud Patterson,
Mr. and Mrs. YV. It. Burns, l.Tr. J. Bhc-r-
rB'x nd-Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Kmythe. Mrs.
L. YV. Haydon, Mr. and Mrs. William Hay
don, the Misses Haydon.
Box 60-Mrs. C. K. Tyler. Miss Tyler.
Mrs. El well, Mr, Frederick Llwcll.
ivir .ml Mrs. F. J. Hobtnson,
! Mlas Oayley
Mr. H'I1 v einoerg. wji.-i. 1.1.
Honlrir. Ml. and Mrs. r. nanionii.
I Ainea, la.; Miss 1. o!t, Pr. J. H. Mi
I Netl, Ames. la. ' .
Box t-Mr. and MrB. C. S. Hayward.
MIssKllen L. Haskell.
I .KMe n,i Mrs. I W. Kendall, Mr.
I and Mrs. W. A. McWahl. Atlantic la
j Box 7-Mr. and Mr.. H. A. r"tor- ' "
I Proctor, Mr. and Mrs. t. Mitchell.
creignion, im-ii. ,
Box i,s-Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Johnston, Miss
Klla Meitser. . , . .
I Box 7:-6. (J. Hessiuan. Mr, ana, si is. j.
C. urns, ilea ohh, -
L). North ru p. South Omaha.
Box 7-Mrs. George Hollund. Atlantic,
la.; Mrs. Calvin 8. Sill. Mr. and Mrs. .
K. Mslony. Mr. and Mrs. Dwiaht Beck,
Mpiox7-Mr!' and Mrs. Arthur H. Fetters.
Bix To Mrs. Frank lxmohoe. Sioux City;
Mrs K. O. Rodgeis, Miss Kodgers, Mr.
William G. Collii.a. Mr. 'I . P. ll'1"-
Box n-Mr. and Mr-. K. J. Tate. Miss
Blanche Parker. Fremont, Neb.;
Louise Saton. -,.
Box 78 Mr. and Mrs. Feidlnand Adlcr,
Mrs. Pan Dcgcn. Mrs. Harry Fellh.luier.
Mr. Fellhelmor. Mrs. Degeu, -Mrs. F, Art-
'T-tox 7-Prof. and Mrs. Vv 3. L. Taylor.
Lincoln: Prof, and Mrs. G . TV Avers Lln
colm Prof. F,. A. Burnett, IJueoln; Mr.
H. C'Urfc, Lincoln.
All bat Oat tas-tala Has ? Placa
t'adrr Order frs fosi
tilssloBer. NEW VtilllC, Oct. iS.-Prubnbly the most
nsational elvakeup which the New Y'ork
police Jrnartmenl has ever experienced will j
go Into effect tomorrow --morning-, whea !
evi ry raptani excfpl cine in the five hoi.
' oiighs in ti:e city will lie traiiBierrriJ. by
order of Comm'sioner Bingham. . '
i The changes are maiie "lor tha good of
i lbs strvice," the cunimtt titiiK-r announced
! tuduy. The one oaptain k-ft uudlsturbed is
t'ap'.itiu 8f h'.ottman. who coiumands tt(
Tenderloin precinct. There a;s elahty-fiva !
crollce captains in Greater New Tork.
i 1 I
Now is tha timo to make ' yuur . wants ;
known thruuxb the Bee Want Ad pag,;.
Ml aer a l-'vuad l-il
11 vi- f, ,1,1,1 i Im mi,"- .lu-
II ,'.,-. '.., ,.,i.i,r, w hi) lo w-K in iic -I c-
if v: 1 1, 1. i.,-u It ,- Ai.
, u.4 ai uli-.neia ai,d imj
City during Horse Show
D ipartmsni 'Store-,' Friday will
every aectioa will hecve ita attractive barjj&ins.
Interesting Millinery News
!33-30-(as PATTll BATS, tl.0o--Saturday we offer you cholca
of u pattern hat tn the bouse at nineteen .()
dollars , qIV
la,B0 TRIMMED VATS, 8.50 These are all copies of our iiiora
exienslve bats, and made of our best materials, elaborately trim-
'. niea with ostrich plumes, fancy wings and large aigrettes, jj t .
a splendid collection to select from Saturday, at w
OU TEMPT t0 gS.OO HAT OITEm Again we bring forward a
fresh gathering hi snies for Suturday selling and we believe thesa
to be tho best values ever offered hera or elsewhere K , a
at. tha price u.vry
.Elegant Trimmed Hats at gl.g-W-8-g3.S0 14-Inch Amaaon Plumea 'S2
tl.bG Velvet Hats .....r .'. .. '
( or ed lis r en I'luines. ail colors
Whtto gulll Knds
. yard of sliks in remnants, front
4 to SJ yurds lu a piece.
Pretty patterns for children's
dresses, fancy vrork, etc., worth
" from 50c to 75C yard, all go
Friday, at, yard ;..-10
Spwial Purse Bale Friday we .
will place on sale three gross of
-new Japanese leather. Peter Pan
Purses that sell regularly at 25c,
while they lsst. each. .. . .10f
Indies' Ui.lon Suits, 45c This is
a snap. "Over fifty doren heavy
fleece lined union suits, nie-
' diiim sles, In gray and Cream
color, to be sold Friday, - al.
suit 45c
Ladies' Percale Wrappers for 6c
All sizes, all colors, ruffles
over shoulder, deep flounce,
heavy percales, worth up to
$1.50, odds and ends, special
Friday at G9
Muslin Underwear Special
Gowns, chemises, corset covers,
drawers, sUlrts, short and long,
' embroidered, ot lace trimmed
also tucked. Pieces that sold
up to $1.25,"speelal Frid'y.75
Ladies' lilauket Ilobes All colors
in newest designs, all the latest
models, at $9.90, $7.95. $.V9.'t
and ... . .. . . .$4.05
8-4 fringed Table Cloths, red and
white, and plain white, with red
. borders, worth $1.00, Friday
only, each G5
Twilled crash Toweling in the half
bleach, Friday only, -yd.3Vi
Bleached and unbleached Muslin,
good 'fine qualities, free from
x dressing, worth 10c a yard,
Friday only, a yard
Full stee white crochet bed
spresds, worth $1.00, for Fri
day only, each '-75
. 200 . pairs 10-4 cotton blankets
In gray, tan and white, worth
. 6.5c a pair. Friday only . . .43
Extra heavy, 11-4 double, fjeeced
cotton hlaqkeu fn tan ud gtay ;
. , 'regular '"$1.33 quality, for Frl- j
day pnli-.'a pair;,. .. '.','. 81.00
OOYD'G w'SSrgV.VM M3rs
Saturday and Saturday
Comino Thro The Rye
fresentea Dy
Stella Mayhew Frank Lai or
The rtelgniug Musical Success
Beauty t.'horus of W).
nimth atu
Tonight, Tomorrow and Mattnes
n'OODW-ARR M'lltK, CO.tlPAM'
III William Collier's Farce,
game Prices -. ...lue-SiJo
Next week: Alice of Old 'm
cennes." Mondsy night. Oct. 2S, luitli
I'erfornianee Wouveulr Photo of Miss
KHiott. ,
14th and Bonglaa .
Admission, 10c
A Few Choice. Reserved Seats, if Kxtra.
Matinees. 3:00 p. m. dally except Saturday
and Sunday, S:50 and 4:0f) p. in. Evenings
7:T,J -and , 9:00. Saturdays and Suuciai,,
7:00, :UJ and 9:00 p. m.
me CJicsapsalte
1510 Howard St.
The Only popular-Priced
Itestaurant in the City
91 tttw iil Im ! for
n iMasrs ttajurlnun t
Milk folu4 Ilk 4 .
'tys 'fvtmf'.kc thk Tv3 .Waa
Coea CuU Lu Oaa hy 3 ty
ried on-tl.o ,y rolls by numlirr only their
names arv; tut known to ojluials,- . .. i .
WOBCKSTFII. Mis.. if t. .-Ilerre-
K-Hi.tlve Bl ::.' Homer cotili.-Miea teiy
e. t '. i N" a-.arofiis i-'-'H' In b.a
io..oi,-c-u es wjUU Ubiu.g lwi u uU I
.SuH'inJ JJe't
, no to
bt an especially od divy at
30i llnibroiderle, 2e This lot
consists of allovers, corset cover,
flouncing widths, wide dress
bands, good 60c values, and
wide fancy headings, for Fri
day's big sale, a yard . . . .29
at less than roat prieAH-'-
- short lengths v of Panamas,,
voiles, batistes,' nun's veilings,
serges, mohairs, Sicilians, hen
riettas, fancy mixtures, checks
and plntds. Some fine "waist
snd skM patterns hi this lot.
Worth fromBOo to $1.25 yard.
All go Friday at,, yard. . , , 5g
- Sho
AVe are showing a ;
nobby liue of Ladies l'at
cnt Colt, girn jnrtal and
vici shoea, in the tailor
made patterns.
Tliey come in lace, butf
ton and blueber, in regu
lar or college cuts, at
$-.(X), $3.50"", $3.00, $2.50.
They are bfauties, call
and look them over.. , : .
Special for Saturday
Boys' .School Shoes, 9 to
.12 and 13 to 2- . .
regular price Qflj.
Pcpubr Prices ;
Flsnty of Goad Seats,!
With Privilege of Promenade
Doors Open at 7:15 P. M. Com
mences fl: 00 P. M. Kharp
Wild West Show
Week rI.owinj the Ccr se Stow
October 30 In loveir.ler 4
- - ,.,.
Cowboys, Indians, Buffalo. Wild
Meera and liui king )ir bus
Most Thrilling and JtU-alistic l hl
billon of liruiii l , Jtiiling mud
hleer Hoping Ker Witneasisil
Great Fight Itetween Cowboys and
Indians In the P-ig Arena i
PIUCKS 250, flOVand 75r
Seat Bale begins Monday morn
ing, October 2th, at the Audi
torium. . '
p'.iooe t'oug. 44.
Tonlfcht and Satn!3y Night and Matinee.
sf assess ai, Mag Bolsy, Xditb alsleaa,
rtkka StcXjoDOna a, Badsnl and His Xog-.
I I-stTy, vs to, x,d tba KlBodroasa.
rrtcea 1 a)c BOO.
- . . I
l U.Miiit i : i
The prsmiw t oloecd Coirlefiltns,
Williams & Walker
l Mllt-ll.iMii, n.-.-.l..
' hiiiiiis.ismh rs nnminissiamisiiimnaaili