Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1906, Page 11, Image 11

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, NEWS OF INTEREST FROM: " 'iOWA1llKES lsriE I,,-:,'tE
Offices 10 rear.
' " ';
trtrj lldkttWt ToiltltO t Eig; Crowd at )
' w Tbeats: Tuniirht. i
J Hmm. M... Mreri of Marian Kauecled
,n aeek Darlna Krealaa-. 1at
, Will Arrive la lae CHy
I. ate In Krentag.
. j
'''ht r,yrSor Cummine will be tendered
tt lousing, reception this evening- when he
speaks ,-t. the New theater seems assured.
It will b the only occasion on which Via
win. rpeAk lr Pottawattamie comity during
the camp.aign, which Is iteming; a close.
an.l indications are ha will be greeted with i
an audience which will fill the house. Chair-
fr.n Pnilth of tl:e gonial y coninilttee haa
been ad1xcl that targ". dlfxatlona are
1 eomln .fro-n W'alri'.K, Avoc.i. Hnnw.-k,
iikland and olhrr pxr'a of the cemty.
- Governor (ummina ia expected to a.rrivo
In the clly abdut I o'clock tl)i afteino'n;
ver tha Northwetcm, when he will be
met at the depot by Chairman Stnlth and
number of olhei a, w ho will i coi t him to
the Grand hotel
Tha meeting at the New thenler Is
planned to tx-a,in a.1 S o'clock end the -rnor
will be eeoorted from the hotel to the
opera, houaa by a. band,' which will give n
ahort comet t at Uia hotel prior to the meet.
General' G. M. Dodgp will occupy on- of
'tha baxea, while Othia will be reavrvod
for the veterans of the Grand Armv. who
expect o attend n a lody. From fifty to ,
eventy-flve leading republlcana will ovtnpv
eeata on tho atafa. '
While H ia undeiytoml thai Hun. H. W.
Pyera of Harlan, republican nominee fnr
. attorney general, is to epeak at the inet
1 Ing this evening, nothing definite wu
y known yesterday aa to the time of hla
-Arrival here. Mr. liyera is billed to spaalc
f with Congressman Smith nt Wlota thin
afternoon and will probably not reach
Council Bluffs until 9:30 p. m., consequently
he will have to apeak after Governor
For Imported wlnea, liquors 3nd Bud
welser beer go to -I. Rosenfeld, wholesale
liquor dealer, US Bouth Main street.
- Xtoo r Woad Yoa Kott I
Would jou like to buy better wood and
more f ll for less money? We sell
jtoye lengths a.nd ;chunkB. Missouri oak
wood at 11. SO a rick. This Is a bargain.
Brlfleisteln A Hinlth, 1UU Ave. hii-1 iu .
ft. Tel. in?. ,'
t . xjurs Wasted la lili-aaro.
I'eUt- Marx, a youth of IS years who haa
ticjn 1n Ihe employ of Sherman Humphrey,
jitnitoi:.of the county court house, ar
restcd . yeeteidny afiernonu by the police
at thC'icjU'-T!t of the Chicago authorities.
Marx, according .IO; the Information re
ield here, wns ludlcted three weka ago
by the Cook county grand .lurj" oa a c harge
of griiip( Inrcctiyl ; It la said he was re
leased .on, . b,ij.tds after .Vurniiis; slate's cvi
deiKe 'tu JiimpeJ his bonds. .Vn . fRc.-'i'
from ChU-aen li
here lorfi.v lor I
. '
him. .
Marx w hen '.Me left Chicago was bound
Tor- ilonastvel, B. D., having been furnished
Islos I
Leave. Arrive.
OverUnd Limited a:4Aam st:llpm
The China an" Japan
l ast Met! a 4 1 pm aS:10pm
Coll.. Calif. Ki....a Vlipm a8:)a,ii
California Ore. tOx. .a :lo pm ft6:10pm
rfs Angeles Limited.. all :.') am al:45piTi
Fast .Mall- ...;.... 1:M ptn a :. pin
Colorado SpecUl i:m aj:44ain
N'orih Platte Lucal....a :)Oam a 4 50pm
Beatrice Local H:lif b:J0pm
t ktcaau A ortwealersi--
Cedar Rapids Pass a cwam a:uopm
Chicago Kxpreas pin i .m m
Fait Mall ...a, 1:2 pm l:M am
kast Mall ....... ... Jl-ffP";
-cm citv Laniuta : i" '
Overland Limited
a S:ds Dm a :lo am
Chloago Limited ..
. .Korfolk-Boneateel
Uncoln-Long Pine
' Lteadwood-Llhtoltl
CASper-Hhoshonl .
...slLCOpin alLliam
...a 7:40 am sl0.3b am
...b?:40am bJ0:3&am
,.. S tXlpni a t .oi pm
... i:i3pm asioSpm
b I:K) pm B .- pn
f Itoekr' MbithtaJn XJm...a T:30am . a 1:1lam
:Co!a.'hd OU. F.xpmss. 11:01 pm a I to pm
T'jokl. and Texas Ex a 4 40 pm all:Jpm
'- Colorado Fssl Mail ..'.. I.M pm
a Pally, b Pally except Sunday.
1 Mtsaaarl Parlsle "'
t Louis txrrss........a l:0im tI Mpm
C. and 6t' L. F.r all :1a pm a t W pm
, a tea a v, at . ral
','i-ii Sroll...a T:6 era a7:S0ain
CalifortiU and Ota. Eg P" l:Wpm
. Overland Limited a : pm
- Marion t Cedar R. Loo.b am
' allleola talral
Chloago Kxpreas ........a i:ts) am
CbiinLgo I-lmlted.... at.tMpui
a :20 am
bll :tiO pm
t:io pm
a :Hwana
Kt. louls Fxpress.. ..,. .. pm a:4m
atv'iuls Local' rfrotn
. ComioU Bluffs) .....a:Uaiu alOJWpm
Aianbe.rry . Local (from
Council Blutts). ....... .b 5:1)0 pm bU.Kam
t klMg Ureal W tiHrs-
stt. Taul Mlnnsapolis. 1:30 pin 7:10 pm
8'.. I'aul ft Minneapolis- 1:46 am ILsupni
1'Mcat.u Limited.., b 19 pm l:Wiii
Clilcaao Fxpress ioain .11 Ji pm
hlc-i Kxprsss I.M pm W:I0pm
hi Hti.vuiui sr. rio.i km a a mau
' Leave. Arrive.
!enver CeJtfornla.... 4 It pm a 0 pit
Plack Hilla li ltpm 1 pm
Njorthwest Special a 4 pin a am
Sorthwt F.xpreaa all :10 pm a l:M pin
Nebraska, Kxpraae a :10 am a 7:40 pm
MvbrasKa Lau a :w am
Lincoln Local
Libco Ir'ast Mail b Z.'M pm
ft Crook Plaltani'th.b t:S pm
ftelleru Flattsin'tb. .a 7 50 ana
i ...v Limited
a i am
U.0 pm
S 10: 25 am
. am
a 710 am
a am
a 1 M pm
a 7 am
a 1 &a pm
a :ii am
a!0 M pm
all.. am
a i ti am
a :J pm
lifllievue .- rc J'ino.
.a t-M am
. 10 am
.a 7:i6 am
.a l a pm
.a l:ut pm
.a :!& am
.a 4:46 pm
.aio 45 pin
Twin City express,... .--
Chicago Daylight .....a l:tam alLli
1 i-liicaau Loi.a.1 all:Som a
I sli on City Local ta:.opii af:jia
.-.rrTdl Local a4:3Inm a:IV0a
w rtiv rftil. b xiAh
FYemon t-Aloion -v i council mime, ia.. w. a Sd
. h.,,. stack Islaae at racle James 6. Wllllaina to J. W. Squire.
. 1 Caloaara. " " west :h feet of lot 4. in block 6, lu
i . A - '.... -a-0-4- .csi . r m., I McMalion, Cooper and Jeffetia' addi- .
t .y hlcago Liiraiian.. ..(. r; -": rit-i"" tioii to Council Bluffs, Ia-w. d fruu
V' Iowa Local , -" 5. ?g"4. ft Heir of Smith Saunders to Kdgar A.
V . - Chicago- Mall t .Vi t'.li K a'-sl n. Nelson, lots 1, 2. i. 4. 6 ana . lu
I - Iowa Local i- t": 5 ? ?'J? ' '-" -". Omaha addition to Coun-
ohimin Kastern Ex.) .a 4 06 pra Hep pin, i,i,. j
I CWcagO aowUmlied.a:3Spm al.:10 pm x.allonB. Eate" and" Investment
ylieilavue Pac. Juuu
I til.ig SiXK-ial
Ciduago 1'ipiess
Chloaao Hyev
inwa Loo'
' ft. Louie Win"'
Miimi Cnv-rf... Joe.
rc. iiuuu.
U.uaes CI y-t.
Kansas Oty-Bt.
Joe. ...a tt lk am
Joe., ..a : pm
wcMTtn TAno lata sa cbsi er
-BMS, l. Foal, MisBHsh A
Oaa -
Leave Arrive.
' am CS'T Paangtr...b am b i rn
Soa City Paaeogr...a ! f" pin alLjeam
i-inaraM IxKial b 30 pm b t 10 am
":neoii Local c I In ai.r o .VW pm
Uleaaari raaja-.
Nebraska Local, Via.
Veapin4j Water .al.Sspm b!;.3o pm
l,li. J' Poll;- e-.ep Kn.dav
.1 Pa.'-.-e
St. Tel. 43.
by a lnlir Btencv, but i
he ch.itn. by the r.n of th
gnr it Missouri Valley. Ho niw!M in
making Ms way to titlo city mil rerlng ll
sign ' a r.'an rnu'wl" I. aiming on the C-.JU
l1"r "pp"" lV- '"rk und w lr""
a J h. Including boerd. and lOm. by Janit' r
(xxansen Wanlr Co.
Pl.nin.--. organic und musk'Sl n ctchunuist. i
4"7 IVmi Hdwsy. I
satisfaction guaranteed.
Let us aliow you the patented Kcllpse
grste. It never clogs. You will find It In j
the Hed Cross base burner only. Swalne
Mauer. and ttt Bdway.
trmy of Tenaeaaea Reaiiloa
C aparlty of City.
The e:vecmie committee In charge of tiie
arrangements for tha meeting of the So-
ciely of tha Army of the Ten-
tienire i confronted with the fii't
1, '
that the hotels) of the city will
Inadequate to accommodate all the.v!ito;a
expected here during the three dajs of the
reunion. Tha committee hae already been
overwhelmed with rqueata for reservations
at the Grand and other hotels, and ft now
realizea that accommodatlorf for many of I the committee on streets and alleys was
the expected visitors must be obtained out- ' Instructed to continue the cement walk be
side of the hotels. This being the situa-jtween that bridge and the one on North
lion, the committee requests that all pri
vate boarding and rooming houses advise It
Ot once as to the number of rooms they can
place at the disposal of the committee, it
also requests that all private families who
can place a room at the disposal of the
committee notify T.'r. M. A. Tinlcy, chair
man of the hotel committer.
Arrangements have been made to estab
lish registry headquarters In the vacant
siure room In the Shugart building, opposite '
the Grand hotel, where the visitors on ar
riving may register and be assigned u"-r-tcrs.
M. jor Richmond, chairman of tli" local
executive committee, stated yesterday that
he believed the reunion of the Society of
the Army of the Tennessee in Council Bluffs
next month would be marked by one of the
lai-g-est gatherings nf the veterans of the!
civil war over seen here. An invitation
hae been extended to all veterans of the
Grand Army of the Republic to gather her
during the reunion und greet their old
commandcts. ,
In order that veterans of the civil war
may be fully ndvised, publication of the J
following flm tiie Invitation sent by the ,
coninilttee to Abe Lincoln
Army of the Republic, of t!
post. Grand
Is city. Is n-
quested by the post commander:
A feature of the occasion will be a re
, Kryy.iir.i 1 1 hit- im I 1 IIUIIIl fj I UVeUOer
In- Ihe renersl officers nre.ent i i. ,il
vats soldiers who served In any of the sia.-s. Paddock Handschy Hdw. Co.. 41 S.
j.milcs of t:ie Cnlted Statea in the war or ; Main St. . .
J8ti1-lfc--5. 1 - ' ' -
A cordlnl' Invitation Is extended to sll I u... i . i mi
comrades to be present on the oecaslou Haraje l.lae ta carry wii...
and rec-ive the greetings of dear a com- I According to advices from Kansas city
rcanders. i jne T.-l1Cle 8am Oil company, which re-
tmpfires for the visiting veterans wiil ', ccntly concluded the purchase of a largi
be held the evening of November 7, one tract of ground In the western part of this
probably in the large hall of the Masonic city, with trackage for the location of its
temple and another nt the Podge Light storage tracks, it planning the establlsh
Guarda armory or the post's headquarters ment of barge lines on the Missouri river
on Pear! street. The committee In charae i between Atchison and Council Hluffs for
from the Abe Lincoln post consists of Kd-
Joseph B. Davis, P. F.
, Dryden, H. 8.
Alexander and James Hoon.
Ma.lor Richmond has been advised that
the Central Passenger association, com- i
P'lslng railroads operating, oast of ' Chi-J
-(eago.-'has 'announced "cerrtflcate': rate of '
I one and one-third fare for the round trip.
' i he western association haa alreadr
granted this rate and the Illinois Cintral,
a nieinbrr of the association, baa. gone
so far as to grant an open rate or one
and one-third fare.
Homemade Candy.
Special candy sal Saturday.. Fine candy,
luc a pound; Tankee peanut 10c, but1. r
sootch l'V, angel food taffy Inc. cocoanut
le. horehonnd 10c. Purity Candy Kitchen,
4S Broadway.
Our highest ambition is, when we frame
a picture for you, to do it right and
please our customers. Perhapa you haye
a picture that needs framing. Bring it to
our store and let us see what we can frame
it for. We'll do It as reasonable as it
possibly csn be done. Council Bluffs Paint,
Oil and Glass company, Merrlam block.
Real K state Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The Bee
October 25 by the Pottawattamie County
Abstract compajiy of Council Bluffs:
Henry C. Flower and wife to M. B.
Snyder and wT.'e, aV of lot 6. In block
in uaytiss Heoond addition to
company to Exlgar Nelson, lota 7, 8. K.
1. 11 and 12, In block . in OmaJiu.
audition to Council Bluffs, la w. d .
Omaha Safe pepoatt and Trust com
pany to lxf Iaw, lot 14, in block 'SI.
in Central aubdlWaion ill Council
Bluffs, la. s. w. d
J. Francisco and wife to T. K. Huff.
lot 1H, in block is. in Mullln a sub
division In Council Bluffs, la. w. d..
It G. and wife lo T. J. Shugari,
F. W. MlHor, John Kllllns and J. M
Oursler, tnistees, lot 11, in block .
In Mornlngidde addition to Council
Bluffs, la.--qc. d
Hugh A. McCarger and wife to James
F. McC&iger, two-thirds Inlerrst iti
lota 1, S. 4. 5 and ti. in block .'. In
Wright's addition to Council Bluffs,
la. qc. d
Omaha National bank to Omaha Safe
lpoit and Trust company, lot 14, in
block 31. In Central subdivision in
Council Bluffs, la. a. w. d
Counly Treasurer to K. A. W lckham.
lots 1 and X in U, and lot -. in
14-74-44 tax d
Ten transfers, total...
You do not need to watch us if yoa give ,
us the contract to paint, paper or. do our
Interior decorating. We want your trade
in the future, so we"ae that It Is done
right. Borwk-k. 211 South Main street.
Pictures for wedding girts
gnder, &3 Broadway.
C. K. A!t-
luiBrwresueal 4 lab ClertloM.
The West End Improvement club at lu
meetinar lut nirht elected Uie following vt
rt .rs: Pre-ldent G W first vh.
ZZX k salary. C. C.'chf- tVl LFRTol'1'"'1"-
ton; treasurer, W. C. B.iyer. See Stephen Bros, for fire brick arid file
clay, aewtr pipe, fitting and garden host).
You can't afford to have your carpels and '11NNFR9 AND PLl 'MBKRH WANTtP,
rugs betn in the old-fashioned way when!'- A- BPKNCEIt.- 1J4 W. HKOAPWAY
yo can hare them thoroughly cleaned by
cur proc-eas at BJch moderaie ix-st, without ' ! ert.
Injury to the fine-, fabric. Britg ooswtl When in need of COAL call 7: i'i!,er
vour '.asi wiiier'a suit aiid let us make il I 'phone. Tiie l ouncil Bluffs Coal and l.-e
I....... ... O.. Wlnff. l-.nlr, 1 R- t COi.lpaU.
Kuctoiy. l Na- Main Bt.
CENTRAL FLOlT.-Jl.L. tveiy aa
wairantsd. isntrai vtxjceo sun acti aiar.
ke'. LoiU 'phones S4.
lllake llrsrlsg t'waiouard.
The preliminary hearing of Kuimu R.pKe.
the youni; woman held for the l-.itu nf
Frank K. Pott, which had been st for
(his ii. orn!ii; ! (il! Justice lia'd.ner St
c'.uiity M'iici; ((.,. to i'i le.e l- ;.. j.-.i.-1-ii.
ca. i,... -v 1 '--li.. iii jUj, s''
held at. tlii t'ounty JhI1 a witness against
hr fathei, t A. McPonnlit, Is suffering
. from a severe attack of mwk, and es
mil' occupies quarters In the imwn'i de
j partment with Miss Rlpke the latter Is
J necessarily under quarantine.1 Th" cunty
physician sMrlscd agiclnst takiua I1kb
Ripko frmn the Jail for t'ie pt elimlnsry
hearing and it cr.nsefiuently will he post
, potied for a week or ten days.
Hia Samoa Rlaa; leatest.
A beautiful diamond Hug worth Ha'wlil
he given to the lady receiving th largest
number of votea. One vota given with
e cry cult's rprtli of candy purchased at
our stare. Purity Candy Kllehen, 5W W.
The path to your economical pluno pur
rliase leads directly to the A. Hospe Co.
atore, M Bouth Main street, Co. Bluffs.
Assessing Coat of I'avlaK.
The city council yesterday afternoon
' hcid a session fop the purpose of Inspecting
the recently completed paving on Mynster
street and Falrvlew avenue and curbing
on Park avenue, and assessing the cost of
fame to the nbutllng property. On Myns
ter street It waa found that the city would to bear only about 300 and about
$ti on Falrvlew avenue. On Park avenue
the property will stand the cost of the
cubing, but when the paving is completed
the city. It la expected, will have to bear
considerable proportion of the cost.
The oounnilmen at last decided that tha
opprosches to the bridge over Indian creek
at Mynster Btreet needed attention and
Mnln fit reel and to put up a suitable rail
lng in place of tha old. tumblo-dow ti,
wooden fence which lias done duty alnce
the bridge was constructed several years
The streets and alleys committee was also
instructed to renew the three crossings
on llroudway at Pearl street. The cement,
which baa become badly wofu In places,
will be replaced with natural stone slabs.
The contract for brick sidewalks was
awarded to K. A. "Wlckham on hla hid
of 8'4 cents and that for cement walk was
divided between Wlckham and P. Nelson,
thoy having bid alike, namwly 13 cents cash
and i:v& cents for certificates for fotir
im It and 14 cent cash and 15 cents for
certificates for fire-Inch. , '
The famous Acorn stove; nothing In the
market- like It for beet, economy, dura
bility und neatness. We raake the ning;
reasonable price on stoves In the city, con
sidering the quality. We handle a largo
stock of carpets, linoleum and oil cloth.
P. W. Keller, 1"3 South Main street.
More Cole's Original Hot Blast stoves
: doing satisfactory service In Council Rliifrs
. tll0n of aU other kinds together. Pon t buy
I , . " , . , . .
an experiment. We have the tested and 1
tried Cole's Original Hot Rlast Stove for
1 ail Kinns oi ruei in iweniy-rour suies snci
the transportation of its oil.
If. H. Tucker, general manager of the
company, Is quoted aa stating that the
company will as soon aa possible either
buy or build four large barges, each 100
feet long and sixty feet wide. -These will
be equipped, with tanks, so that each
barge' will be able to carry from ff.fHO to
lO.WX) barrels of oil. The barges are not
expected to draw more than six lnehee
to a foot of water and will be towed by
steam tugs. Correspondence between the
Uncle Sam OH company and the Commer
cial club Indicates that the company plaps.
to make Council Bluffs its distributing
point for Iowa.
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 0. Night. I)X
A. Metsgcar tt Co.
New Location if Wholesale P.akery,
II Mynster Street, Co. Bluffs. Is.
Home-made Bread a Specialty,
Visitors Welcome.
Vandextlle for the 4 reelie.
Mrs. M. Wollman and the women
charge of raising funds for the new creche
building of the Associated -Charities, yes
terday fixed on Thursday evening, Novem
ber 1. for the society vaudeville entertain
ment to be given at the New theater for the
benefit of this fund.
A large number of the society matrons
and young womer. will take part In the en
tertainment, and it ia said many stunning
gowns will be seen that night on the stage.
Carl Relter of the Orpheutn promised the
committee yesterday to appear on the pro
gram, as did Jo Burton, the well-known
Omaha singer.
Odd lace curtains at less than cost.' We
want to get rid of them to make room for
other a We still have some remnants of
carpets and mattings, foot stools. 25c to 76c;
door mats 4c to I- SO. Stockeit Carpet Co.
Registration la Mailt.
-i I Registration for the eleeil.-in In
the several precincts of the city yesterday
itilwss not very brisk and comparatively few
, new- names were added to the lists. Twenty
registrations was the maximum in any
precinct. This, linwever, was to be ex
i pected. Thi-.rsday being the first regular
;day for registering, and voters as a rule
put off this duly mull the last day. The
registrars will be In session again today
and Saturday, November 3.
Pavls. drugs.
Clark's, sodas
Stockeit sells carpets.
Fine engravings at Leffeit's.
Ld Rogers' Touy Faust beer.
Oct those new photos at Schmidt's.
Plumbing and heating. Bixby at Sou.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director, 'phone M.
Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. itS.
riot ana cold drinks. ' Frssh
baud. Clark Irug Co.
o) sters on
R. Beckman,
t npalr ldtkils
tealng msc i.ines.
I M llllkll ..!.
11 Soutii
bicycles aud
Main street;
- .lt marriags license is issued yes:er.lay
: bB,i i, Hn,i .f
Ji.rdo.c, aged 31. both of this citv.
Joiiii M. Work. aocialKt cnduiat lor
nmeriair two )rrr ago, will spruk cm an.
I c-iauaiii Sunday aficrnuvii si -' uc.ock iu
I L'Jiil.- i hall.
I 1 pay flu pi- ton for ci: nun: mlv.,i,
I f :u: sue. $: lags, J ic e- '.-.. rubo..
.opper. lie pur ii.. u. i...eimu'i. -i
. s
T e
-I 1 IcSi.iji tviiacu
social this afternoon In the churr h parlors
Mrs. Dntk.a will be chairman . . -
We have the fihest line of sample nionu'- i
nients to select Iron! In the we;. a.lieel',y
Ine Marble and Grsnile woiks. 1U
Kast Ilroadway, Ceunrtl niuffs. In. J
P. B- Kerr has farms for snle, farms for
"chang-; rf"' n .""hl''Vr"i I
til Uhiffs. Is.. Tel. 417 and Hel. i
SOI Til MAIN 8THKKT. Tf.h. C. j
lMano boxes make good coal bine. Bouri- ;
clus hi. sonic. Their pianos come tn boxes. :
you know, ?. Hroadway, Council H'i:(Ts, j
ii ii. i i . . vn.., ..... . . , ' i. -
The best evidence that we are In line on
prices Is this: We have thirty men nnd
twelve teams the yesr round in our whole
sale nnd retail yards' at Council lllurTs. la.
... llafer. Council muffs. .
J. C. Mitchell, local pasfenger and freight
agent of the Union' Paclile and North
western roads, arrived home yestmday
from Salt Lake City, where ha was re
cently called by the serloue Illness of his
brother. '
The funeral of Hie lale'Mrs. Martha
Woodworm will be held from the residence,
2'A Avenue A. this afternoon at 4 o'clock.
The s.-.rvloes will be conducted by an elder
nf the Latter lHiy Paints' church and In
terment will be in Fairvlew cemetery.
Heniy Her. claiming in le a cement
worker In Omalva, was takn Into custody
yesterday and is being held for Investiga
tion. The fact that he was trying to pawn
an overcoat was regarded by the iillce
J. W. Hell, a former resident and well
known architect of this cliy, now located
in Mlnnespolis. Is the guest of Council
'llluffs friends. Mr. HHI is on his way to
I toad wood, S. I. . where jie- has the con
trad for a large- court houso and iil
T. YV. Cassiell was before Judge. Green
yesicrday on complaint of his brother, who
charged him with being a chronic Inebriate.
Cnssell admitted hi brother's charge was
correct and gracefully accepted a commit
ment of eighteen mouths In the Slste-Ilori-
pllttl for Uipsomaiilacs at Jvnoxvuie.
J. O'Pounell, who told the court that he
bad coine to Council HlutYs from OninJni
to attend the wedding of a friend, was
found at 4 o'clock Thursday morning pre
empting part of the sidewalk on South Main
street for a sleeping place. A twenty days'
sentence was suspended to permit him to
return serosa the river.
l)o not forget we are the eole agents for
the Kadlant Home baae burner, the most
economical stove on the market today.
Will save one-third of your coal bill. Call
at our stole and we will be pleased to
show vou. We are also tho sole agents for
the Lexington nteel ranges, the best In the
world. Petersen A Schoenlng Co.
CountV Attorney lies yesterday quashed
the Indictment against P. C. Hainter. who
was charged with breaking Into a car in
the L'nlon Paclllc yards and stealing a
case tif whisky. Th Indictments against
'A. O'Hearn and J. r. Moredlck. saiu to
i have been Implicated in the same rob
j bery. however, are allowed to atsnd.
Mrs. Henrietta Johnson, wife of George
Johnsni. died yesterday morning nt her
home in Hasel Iell township, ageu 40 years.
Besides her husband she leaves one son.
The funeral will be held Sunday, leaving
tne famllv residence at noon for the Orange
church It) Uoomer "iownshlp. where the
services will be held. . Hurlal will be 111
Ihe Grunge cemetery.
William Rolph. who was acquitted by a
Inrv In the district court on the charge
j of stealing a number of phonograph records
n1 other articles from fj' "
store on lower Broadway and against whom
an incuoimern on inr emerge
.nrl rilerinsr Is still ripndlne.
of tires King
was released
from the county .tall yesieraay on oau.
His trial on second charge is set for
the next term of court.
The Council Bluffs Aerie of Fegles will
give an entertainment and dancing party
this evening in ita hall on Pearl street for
tha members of the aerie and their wives.
Among the features of the entertainment,
which will occupy the earlier part of the
evening, will be mandolin and guitar selec
tions by the Evans brothers, a cornet solo
by A. A. Covalt. pjano solos by Kddle
Christ of Bouth Omaha and Miss Dorothy
Hoag, piano duet by the Misses Martha
Hardegen and N-lUe Wise and a monologue
b Kd. Cos-ley. ... K'.,'
In the district court, yesterday Judge
Green began the ' hearing In the divorce
suit of Carrie M. Smith sgainsi Fred C.
Hmiih. The nrlnclDal Question involved ap
pears to lie the ownctship of th home. Mrs. ,
Smith elalme to have furnished the greater
part of the mones-."wit wnicn tne piace
was purchased, whew- the defendant and
his witnesscft-jassprCYOW whatever-money
the wife had camar'Trrtri her hvwband and
that every dollar of flic purchase monay
was furn'shed by him. .jne case is to
last another day. ;
- -
Two Members of t-oraolegTPosse Are
, Wsssdei,
GRAVITY, la.. Oct. 'SB. (Special. Sup
posed escaped convm and specially dep
utized officers engaged In a fierce battle
two miles northeast" of here at. 7:30 o'clock
today, and two cliieens were sholH and
seriously wounded. ,
The injured:
George Irwin, depui.y, 'shot in the leg.
Walter Mulford, tdeputy, wounded in the
- Two suspicious characters, thought to be
pick Todd and Ward Skinner, escaped con
victs from the IllWl"' penitentiary, were
followed from town and -overtaken on the
Keokuk & 'Western ''tracks.,' Ordered to
throw up their, hands, the two men com
menced firing. When two men dropped,
the supposed convicts ran Into a cornfield
and escaped. "( . '
Posses of men from Gravity and Bedford
are now eeom-ir.a; the cotintry In all di
rections In hopes of apprehending them.
1 haiaaloa Corahaaker Pies.
8IONEY. la... Oct. .25. (Special.) Charles
A. Rennack, who' wag killed in a railroad
accident near Everett, Wash., was buried
last week at his old borne In Shenandoah.
In making announcement of the fact some
newspapers referred to him as the cham
pion ooriihuskcr of the world. This claim
Is erroneous! The facts are as follows. In
the fall of Wfl Mr. Rennack husked 8tl
bushels and sixteen pounds In ten hours, a
feat which up to that time had riot been I
equalled. But 'one year later. Rennaclt's j
record was broken by Ora Hopkins of Fre
mont county, who hukl 21" bushe's and
twenty pounds in ten hours. The J.tdges
and timekeepers were chosen from among
the most reliable citizens o? "the county
aid the feat was witnessed by about 100
persons and as to' the correctnesa of the
lecord there ia no doubt whatever. The
Shenandoah World a few days- ago cor
rected the erroneoua statement alluded to
above. Mr. Rennack announced himself
last spring as the cornhusker candidate for
the nomination for sheriff of Page county,
but was badly beatefj In the primaries.
Hospital Bite at. Fort Doris.
! FORT POPGE. Ia., CVt: 2J.-iSpecial.-
Three members of the State Foaid of Con.
trol arrived in Fort Podge jesterday to
j investigate regarding the locslion of the
stale tuberculosis noepuai. i ne crant
larm. a beautiful site avfew milee from
the city, has been offered for the hospital.
This Is the third visit of the board here
and It la supposed that final action will
be taken this time. The building- of a spur
track from the line of the Great Western
to the Grant farm, 'which hiMter is still
In doubt, will decide whether , or nol the
hospital will be located. heie.
Investors I coiUlsr Over GgusaMi I. aad
FORT POPGE. la-. Oct. K.-lSpeclal.)
G. F. Mills and O. M. Wing of New York.
representing the United Realty company.
a $Uj0.jUJ New Yoik concern, are In Fort
Podge Investigating gypsum iartds near tin
c ity with the view of erecting a ir.u.:inioiti
plbSter plant here. Mr. Wing superintended
lie erection of the A I Us cement mills at
Hannibal. .Mo., and should the project be
pushed through here will have charge of
V.. election of tho mill hete.
- Wllsua raatiat Mosae lo loir.
WAHII1NG1 ON. Oct. n-Bec-r.tary Wil
..i.. r,t III, of tali, nil ire
l.-ac-fc Wushiuatoii tonioriuw - nltht for
Iowa, where he will spend the time until
cii :mn da. The secretary " til
a fe-r lHH.ifsl spc-ecUcs. iii.iiiit'
in tne
', faiiu'iig d.aiiuia.
Atl af ttmt Miad at to law, but Pifr at
n te Itt Application
, .
t alf I. Another Sehject Whirl.
Hrfwata the Jaalflal MlsS-Wsr-rant
for IHstrlrt Jailae
Held IP.
1 1'iom a fitaff Correspondent.!
I.' KS .MOINES, tx-t. :0.-(Beclal.) Tin vtf t
were ' three dtasei
illng opinions In the II ' . !
,i i,v thn snnreni !
ed down l- the auprem
each case points of law
of decision handed
court today, in ca
being not so much at issue as the av:il
cation of them. The court decided" t!ut
the abandoned railroad bed between Alh.a
and Moulton could not rev.rt to the par
tits owning ' the land through which it
runs, the opinion being written by Decmor
nnd McCIain and Weaver dissenting. The
court has been bothered by the problem
of abandoned roadbeds for years and the
court has a', ways been divided upon the j
question. The case before the court today
was that of John Spencer, appellant,
tigalnst ihe Wabash railroad, the appeal
being from the Monroe district court. In
May. ISM. lCleanor H. Moore deeded a right-of-way
to he Central - railioad "with the
express coudl'lon t.iat If .id premises
tire not used for said railroad purpose It
is to revert and rest In said Kloanor H.
Moore." The Central deeded It to the lowi
Central, and, being unused, was condemned
by thn Moulton Albla. which s,ld to
the Purlinglon, which finally tore up
the tracks and then sold tiie right-of-way
o the Wabash, which reconstructed the
tracks. Hut from 1SS8 lo 1SP9 It was un
used and abandoned. Judge Dennier. who
wrote the opinion of the court, holds that
since the land through which the right-of-way
runs has changed hands a number of
times and in fvery deed had the excep
tion of the right-of-way, If there' la any
reversion It would be to Eleanor H. Moor
and hot to the present owners of the land
through which it runs. Judge Weaver die-
sents from this conclusion and holds that I
the abandoned bed should revert to the
holders of the land and that this was
contemplated by the statutes. Chief Jus
tice McClaln holds the same opinion. ,
In a public sale In Omaha In March,
l!i3. J. W. Wrilta of Shelby county, la
bought a fine Aberdeen-Angus cow and
calf for I3n0 from W, J. Miller. The cow
was known as "Cloverland Jet," s.nd waa
warranted a breeder. The cow and caif
were sold as one animal and when the
cow failed to breed White demanded his
money back. He had, however, already
sold the calf to other parties and Millet
refused to take the cow unless the calf
was also returned, as they wera sold as
one animal, peemer. who wrote the opin
ion of the court, held with Miller thai
the calf should also be returned to ob
serve the contract. McClaln dissents and
I.add concurs In the dissent that the calf
waa an immaterial consideration, all agree
ing on the principles of law, but' disagreeing-
aa to their application.
Eight Haadred Kxamliiea.
Reports from Ihlrty-four counties to the
state superintendent Indicate that there are
2fiii teachers taking the examination this
week In these thirty-four counties, or an
average of eight to the county. For the
ninety-nine counties of the state. If th-
average Is kept up. there will be a little
less than ) examined. About thirty read
era will be required to examine th papers
and grade them and th.ese will be selected
at once this week.
Jadge ot Arrested. ':
. Judge James A. Howe nf the district
court 4as net been arrested on the informa
tion sworn to before Jtrstlce of the Peace
Zell O. Roe by D. T. Blodgelt, who claims
that Judge. Howe's Instructions to the
grand Jury demanding an Investigation of
the charge that Rlodgett's paper. Th
Secretary, was libelous, amounted to op
pression. The Justice, before allowing the
warrant to go out of the office, took the
matter under advisement, and la still de
bating It. Judge Howe made a statement
today that the act of Blodgetl is politics
of the dirtiest variety and charged Judge.
Spurrier, Blodgett's attorney, with being
implicated with Blodgett In trying to die.
tate who will be the next Polk county
district JOdge. "
tlarlnda May Uel Rale.
It Is not Improbable that Clarinda may
get its assembling rate on poultry from
the Iowa railroad commission. It Is known
that. Commissioner ' Ketchum has been
giving the subject gome study and looks
with a groat deal of favor on the Idea. It
is furthermore asserted that the opinion
of the attorney general given some ttmo
ago In the matter of coal was on a different
point and involved the rlsht of the railroad
commission to nx a zone rate on coal, so
that the Iowa coal field could ship coal to
Omaha at aa low a rate or lower than the
Illinois coal la shipped to Omaha by Inter
state freight rates. There is some conflict
of opinion of legal minds with the opinion
of the attorney general on whether or not
the gone rate would be Illegal. The as
sembling rate is another matter, however,
and involves questions similar to the Joint
.ate question, the desire of the poultry men
hring to have an assembling rate on poultry
to darln) with a. view to reshlpplng from
- Ilea Molaes C,ets lustker I.iae.
Pes Molnee business men expect to secure i
another line to CI ilea go In the building of i
the Chicago, Joliet etc Kansas City railway, ,
as told In the Railway Age. The line is lo
be built first from Chicago to Kelthsburg, ;
III., and Pes Moines railroad men believe (
that the parties back of It are the same i
as built the line from Oskaloosa to Kelths
burg and really represont the Iowa Central j
interest, which have for years been want-
lng a line to Chicago. Kansas City ultl- j
matety is to be the southwestern terminus i
of the line. .
Wants Reaorls of W reel, a. I
Slate Railroad Commiaaloner N. S. Ket- I
chum has decided to ask all the railroads
to milts to the Iowa commission duplicates
of the reports that they make to the Inter
state Commerce commission of the wrecks
on their lines. When the code was re
vised in 1&7 by mistake or deceit on the
part of some one the section requiring a I
report to the Iowa commission of all wrecks j
was left out. Since then the commission j
has been without such reports. j
Mothers' C'oagress Closes. i
At the closing session of the Iowa moth- 1
ers' congress here today Mrs. Walter Brown
of this city was elected president. Her j
selection was so unanimous that no other i
name waw suggested. She succeeds Mra.
lkuac Hillrt, the founder of the society, j
who retires because of her strength not j
permitting her to do the work. Mra. lllllls ,
was made honorary president. The other!
officers i are:
First vice president, Mrs.
Frank Watia, Audubon; second vice presl-
dent. Mrs. C. R. McCandleaa.- Pevenport;
thin! vice president. Mrs. W. W. Annis.
Algon; corrccpoigiiiig secretary, Mrs. Kd-
wards. Ies Moincv: recording secretary,
Mra. BoardmaJi, Mamtiailtown; treasurer.
Mrs. A. O. Rusie. Charles City; chairman
(Xiens:oii committee. Mrs. Kaillh Payne'
, Parot.ns, Pes Moines; auditor, Mrs. John I
I11 Richards
WeLmter City.
Trala strikes Tws
loie running i blgli sied in order
I get biakeinan Kd t (julnii. whom It had;
s-ruck ai d i.miIv killed t'i a .urge.jn. ths j
ilcck laUud Fljar ci uck and Insiautl
killed Joe Fillson. a nsg.0 of this- cltv. j on application of John Huthc. land the su
Quinn. the brskeman. wns struck by th. I" '"" 1 ;vcnl. g gvarted an order
l-'Iver hl. niAI,.. . II,. I. K.,f..r. 7 n'rlni'lt '
! thirty miles east of this cltv. at Kelloeg.
His legs were cut off and ho may die. He
-i iim' ii on 1HW114 me iibiii b hih i
. , . i ,i luiiiii v iimii'hiuiii-i r in mrj bu.i
Seed the train came Into this city III the I
hope of getting him to a hospital In time I nmlsterV al Witt eafcera.
to save Ills life. At str-et tiie train APKRDKLN. S IV. Oct. S.-iSpei-'aU
struck Flllsvn. whose attention w xs at- I T!)r trri, annual meeting of the Ml!s
trscled 'n a different direction by another t c-v-lst 1 association of th rlouth fakos
train, lie was Inritantly killed. ', church for Aberdeen district
wlU o)(j a our ,-Ti- Kesslon at Wltten-
X o l.merty rer Weltour. I
KliliT DOHliK, la., Oct. -cSeci:cl.l -
Keb-ased from Jail hint two heirs, where;
he had served u ser.teme of thirty days for
l-.rceny. Charles Ivltonr tiMisy was nablnd
the slieilff of Cajroll counly on the,
'''a' f forgery mi l taken :o th:U place, j
lel!our Is but Jji years old. j et bus hicl a j
checkered -ii. .
deddciij checkered car.r. Ho stole I
horse here lasl vc-iir and In his i ffort lo
evade the law Went clear lo the Paclflo
coast. The sheriff learned of his where
abouts and raptured hltn. ITe was brought i
bick to Fort Dodjjo nnd sentenced. 'Ihen.
Just on the expiration
ir I. is senti nee.
waa arrested again. n
above s.atcd.
Atlantic to I'ntertain Teachers. j
ATLANTIC. Ia., Oct. -9poclal.V-.The ,
people of Athmlic have thrown their homes j
pen for the reception nf the l. -o or moral
tegcliera who are rxp.ctcd to lie here
during tiie tct-ions of the Pout h western J
Iowa reaehfti V association, which meets
here on Noven.ber 1. 2 mid S. The pro
gram Includes some of the icosi noted
educators of ihe state and nation, a num
ber of popular lecturers and fifteen round
tables or conferences on subjects of In
erest to the teachers, lo be conducted by
leaders of national reputation.
K I op era "Go Broke.""
CLINTON. Is., Oct. 2T..-(Speclal Tele
gram. ) Mary Garnett, a colored girl aged
VI. and Jame.a Drake, aged "S. eloped from
Mollne to Stu-liug. 111. The man sent Ihe
girl to Clinton. Intending to coine later on
r. freight train, as his funds were gone.
He was arrested on the charge of abduc
tion and the girl held for her parents.
terra Sent oles.
WOt 1P.INIC A republican rallv will b.
held here on Saturday night, October i7.
- B-liil. n..K , C..1.1. e
council Bluffs will lie the orator
IOWA Cfrv Fire of unknown brigln last
niant tolailv rtestroved the pomomee at
liffln. II also burned llogan's grocery
store and entire contents. The postoffice
supplies were saved. The loss will be
liO.iAW; insurance, two-thirds.
ATLANTIC That Cass county land Is
valuable baa been again demonstrated In
a recent sale of eighty acres, known s
the Tillman plate, near the cltv, or pine,
tioally unimproved laud, though well sit
uated, to a Mr. Fox of Audulioii county
for $110 per acre.
SHENANDOAH-Either Pes Moines or
Pella, college will he dropped from the
support of the Baptist State association,
according to the action taken yesterday
by the oonrentlon.. -It was voted to adopt
only one collage and a mils ted schools, and
it la taken to mean that Pella will be
laJGAN The democratic counly central
committee has placed K. B. Johnston on
the county ticket for clerk of the district
court to fill tr.e vacancy caused by the
withdrawsl of (eorge I., (taiiiet of Mon
damln. Johnston lives at Logan and was
formerly manager of a department atore.
COLFAX Mabel Ross of this city was
married In Council Bluffs Punday to Wal
ter, Paul, the lover foe whom she left
her husband last spriag. Psul left her
In Chicago after a week and the marriage
Sunday followed after a divorce secured
I by the husband, Roy 8. Roes of this place.
at isewton last week.
ATLANTIC A fire tht caused rjitlMlt
tle damage flnamia lly, seriously burned
Will KiicKSon, a coal wagon driver of this
place, who was asleep upon a hissing mat
tress at ihe lime he was awakened sod
Jumped through a two-story window. He
was seriously burned about the face and
hands and cut on the hip by the glass.
The loss will not exceed InoO. partially !
covered by Insurance.' The fire was In the ,
Collins building on Walnut, street.,
Colorado Railroad Boried I ader Tons
of F.arth aad TralHe Is
Isif esses.
Several thousand tons, of rook and ilrt
crashed down on the tracks of Ihe Colo
rado Springs tt Cripple Creek District rail
way near Puflleld's last night und traffic
on that line Is completely tied up today.
All Short Line trains are routed via the
Colorado Midland road.
- The slide extends for a distance of seventy-five
yards and covers the track to a
denth of twenty-live feet. It m.y require
two or three days to remove the rock and
repair the track.
Fight far Place Ticket.
PIERRK, S. P.. Oct. 35. (Speclil Tele
gram.) On account of alleged Irregularities
tn the 'petition filed for George W. Harris
as an independent candidate for state sena
tor for this district. County Auditor King
refused to place the name upon the ballot.
An Imitation
fmm7mnB,mmm Give Imitation Heat
I Avoid the cheaply constructed, putty jointed 6tove u you would
counterfeit money, because it is just aa worthless and in many
cases even more so. For not only does it radiate heat badly, but it
wastes its original cost many times in fuel.
The majority of manufacturers, attracted -by the phenomenal
success of Cole's Original Hot Blast Stove, have imitated and copied
it ever since it was put on. the market. But in looks only hare they
been able to reproduce this wonderful heater.
For the features which make Cole's Hot Blast so
! '- I
gases f roin soft
go up the
it AAf '
Cola'a Hot
Blaal Stove
Burning Soft Coal
- ii r
I ii Culs'sMolTJ
The big expense of beating your home ia in the fuel and not tb first coat of
your stcve. pon't let yourself be perauaded to buy anything- but Cole 'a
Original Hot KW.
Ask for free booklet on "Scientific Couibustioti." which will W wax Vr
c -i-i j"". uuiiii mice: mm cwcxmjr uiuiy ei ouc-naii uie preacoi Coat
C A I iTIflBJ nam "c,' Mt Blagt from Chkc."
VXa. J lull the feed door of each stove. None genuine without it.
For sale by Miltou llofors
Wilhelin i arpel Co.. lil-U-U S.
I'urnina: K. I.. Jones ax Co.. S7i-
to I
I4th ril . South Cimalis: Hejdaa a Uru..
liirdware I v.. 41 t. Mum hi., C onn.
"""" 1,1 " "'
lie pi iced upon the ballot, and tha aams Is
nmde returnable Monday nft. The legality
of the district primaries for the aer.tle.n
. . . . . . . , . .
berg. S. IV, beglnnltiR today, and delegatea
I will be present from all parts of the tw.
I Iiaknt.xs. The district Includes all ,,(!,
1 Iknta and a portion of North Pakots.
floras ..real lhea.
IM-.TKOIT, Oct. C.slea are reported
on all the great lakes tdny and vasaolman
tear that lose of life and ships my be re-
, t result.
Catarrh of the Stcmsch
Pleaaint, simple, but 5af
effectual Cur for It.
Caiarth of the stomsch has long beaa
I considered the next thing to Incurable.
The usual symptoms are a full or bloal
i lng sensation after eating, accompanied
' sometimes with sonr or watery risings,
! n formation of gases, causing pressure on
1 the heart and lungs and difficult breath
j lug. headaches, fickle appetite, nervous
iicks and a general played out., languid
I fueling.
I There is otlen a foul taste In the
month, coated tongue and If the Interior
j of the stomach could be su II would
show a slimy, inflamed condition.
The cure for this common and obsti
nate trouble is found in a treatment
which causes the food to be readily, thoi
oughly digested bef-jie It has tima t
ferment and Irritate the delicate muooua
surfaces of the stomach. "To secure
I prompt and healthy digestion ia the otie
' necessary thing to do and when normul
I digestion la secured tha catarrhal condi
I Hon will have disappeared.
' According to Or. Harlanson, the safest
j and best treatment la to use after each
j meal a tablet, composed of Piastase.
Aseptic Pepsin, a llttla Nu a. Golden Seal
and fruit acids. These (able is can now
be found at all drug stores under .the
name hluart's pyspepsla Tablets and net
being a patetit medicine can be uaed wltfc
perfect safety and assurance that healthy
appetite and thorough ' digestion will fol
low their regular use after meals.
Mr. R. 8. Workman, Chlcsgo, III.,
writes: "Catarrh la a local condition re-
suiting from a neglected.cold in the head,
whereby the lining membrane of the ness
becomes inflamed and the poisonous dis
charge therefrom passing backward IntJ
the throat reaches tha stomach, thua pro
ducing catarrh cf the stomach. Medical
authorities prescribed for ma for three
years for catarrh of atomaeh wtthom
cure, but today I am the happiest of tnaa
after using only one box of Stuart's Pys
pepsla Tablets. I cannot And appropri
ate words to express my good feeling. I
have found flesh, appetite and sound rest
from their use."
Stuart's pyspepsla Tablets Is the aafest
preparation as well as the simplest nd
most convenient remedy for any form of
Indigestion, Catarrh of stomach, bllloua
neies, sour stomach, heartburn and bloat
ing after meals. -
Send your name and address today for
a free trial package and seo for yourself.
Address F. A. Stusrt Co., Dl Stuart Bldg..
Marshall, Mich. ,
Ycunj, IV.dili Agtd, D2rty
If tou are weak, no matter waat
cause drstss, Debilitating
dreams, tired feeling, falling
memoir. ' lost rigor, eerraus
debih'tr, rariooesltt disease of tae bladder,
kidneys, stomach v skins pimple, seisms
blood poison you sboald consult
1015 Frederick taisi,
29 Years Exae'lanes.
Ovsr 23,000 Casta,
Moiarn, Sclentlflo Math tig.
foaseltatlee froe sa4 letters
ga.esrea la elgia eatsles.
Msdiolne sent by mail frea
Charges Lew
from gaxe.
a fnr BoJei.
Food for
Week and nervous maa
who find their power to
work and youthful iger
sons as a result of ex
cesses or Indiscretions should take GRAY'S:
NERVE FOOO PILLS. They will mags
you eatniid sleep and bt a man again.
91 Bos: 3 Boxes 99.80 by Mall.
Sherman 21 McCoanell Drug C
Stove Will
economical infuel.feoeffectiveinheating', andsodur
able in construction, are all patented and protected.
The joints of the ordinary ttove are plastered with
stove putty in an endeavor to make them air-tight.
When the putty dries up and falls out, cold air i
sucked in through the cracks and the valuable
or hard coal , which should be burned,
chimney, along with most of the beat.
wit o viiiiiai
Hot Blast Stove
Burns Soft Coal, Llfnlt. Hartl Coal or Wood
Made without stove putty. It remains
air tight during the entire life of the
stove, and is sold under the following
guarantee, which cannot be made on any
beating stove m the world:
I W. ruruikw mrrtmi ! m Iv4 omI a k bi
.iiUird la Ih mi h, ak. a, intl Mm.
leww Srtft Mrt, f K. -. ewnaM tfi St.
er ill m! OMrtU Sun
w fuarssftM Oiil.'. guS wnsi ln m tm.
tuu.Ua 14 Ml g w. iuwim. ostsana
tur M.Uii( . aM kalhwt,ltlfine
ttim aii kM karat mi ji, kw4 Ml, m liM,
Sons Co., 14th and Far nam; Orchard 4k ,
isih: John Hussie flardaara Co., 2107 "
I-vaiiworlb; O- F. Bvr, 4.4-41 N. i
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4V JiAQOcl.y
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a. lut'us, sm s, mmm ...inii.p w.
rooact van aa .., I tremm a, Uaf as ,.i
SM to Kr a'k I Saraamaaa:4 Da,,. ll ot mI a a, an4. aaS 4aM ,m
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