Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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    TIIK OMAHA DAILY V.V.V.-, TIIt'KKhAY. oCfOP.Kli l', lfa
JTi i s; 0. i a n a Da i i.y NllV
i.ntereil at 'Omaha postoITlca a second
Cith snatterv
J'llly Pea (without PinJv). on yer..H
I 'any and Sunday, one year
It- imlKjr ye, on year.; r
b'KuMur lice, on year
1 'Oily 1 (including Runiliiy). per
I nlly I(e (without Sunday), per week... loo
I vning F (without t-uiinay(. P" "
evening h (with 8'iiida)). P'r week...l"c.
lundir Pea, pr ropy
Address complslnts of lrreiirHIs in dc
llvny tit City Circulation Department.
Omht-The Bee building.
Pouth Omhn-city IUH building.
Council Bluffs 10 Pearl street.
t'ht:nto 1W0 Cn!;? butidlnf.
N Vork itm Home IJfe Inn. huildinc.
, Washington l Fourteenth street.
Communications relating to mwi and edi
torial matter should b sddreased: Omaha
He, Editorial Depnrtment.
ftemlt by draft, epres or postal order
cybl to The Bet Publishing compr.y. 2rent stamps received as payment nt
pmll account. personal check", except on
Omnhs or estrn nchnn. not ncceptod.
State of Nebraska, Douglas County, sa-.
1'hsrles C. Rose water, general manager of
Ths Bee Fubllahinc company, being duly
sworn, esys that the actual number of full
and complete copies of Tha Dally. Morning,
livening and Sunday Bee printed during
tha month of September, l, was t'
li.wi: I .....34,430 I 30,570
S i... .20,39 IT 90,880
i f-si.oea it..... 80.T1C
t ,....30,830 1 80,850
....80,370 JO 80.850
. .30,720 -- 31 ZCJ,0
1 30,480 It 41.140
1 i.. 3040 IS ;.. 30,410
...,30,470 14 '.30,710
1.......... 80,860 li ...8O,60
11 80,840 t S0.640
II 80,430 17.
II 20,330 II H7
14 ..3009 SI ,.. 800
II . .30,850 " ....... . .8000
. Total .............
Lass unsold copies
. Nai total aalas 87.848
Dally average ao,i
.-! General Manager.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn
to before mo thla 1st day of October.
l9. -' -
(Sai) , U. B. irUNOATE,
' . , ; Notary fubao.
Satekcrlaers leavtwc Ik city tesa
vorarlly shoald hay Tha fie
naikew them. Aireas wUl b
snLisj5."'iiL.i-- ; a - -
II you have not yet registered make
an engagement with yourself, to reg
ister tomorrow.
In Inviting KalnouU to restore order
In Morocco, the saltan seems to take
seriously to the Idea of setting a thief
to catch & thief.
People Who were previously in
doubt may now mark it on their;
calendars ' that Thursday, ' November
2P, will be Thanksgiving day. ' ,
Those London women who Insisted
on being ejected from Parliament
house, are evidently of the opinion
that suffering must come' before suf1
trage. "
Thai theatrical manager who killed
one of his actresues will probably find
that he carried the idea of sensational
advertising methods beyond the limit
fixed by law and good taste.
At last Colonel Plcquart ha access
to all the secret archives of the French
War department and the world will
watch for new Dreyfus developments
with moreUljan usual interest. .r
Failure to confirm. charges of politi
cal graft before -a New York grand
jury excites suspicion that Attorney
Jerome may have been baited Into a
trap, artfully set by agents, of Mr.
Hearst. - ...'
After, auvumlng .othce the ' French
(kblnet meets to adopt, a program of
government" The "Issues of the cam
paign" must be as Vague in France as J
ttome people would have them In the
L'clted States. , ' , '
If Colonel Uryan is to compare his
dreams with those of Joseph in FgJT"!;
he will be compelled to change his at
titude on the subject ot monopolies, as
Joseph engineered the first recorded
"corner"' In grain. . ' .
The Board of Regents of the state
univerolty will ask the legislature to
appropriate only 1948,000 for that In
stitution during the coming blennlttl.
The university believes in the adage,
"Nothing without asking."
1 it la such a terrible offense tor
office ' holders to .'contribute to the
political campaigns, why not call off
the d(mx rath; soliciting committees
that are taking slices off .all the sal
aries paid in the city hall. '.'
Colonel 3rvan evidently could not
ait until he got back to Nebraska
to deliver his advertised lecture' on
"Dreams," but had to let loose of it
at Indianapolis. Some "dreams" will
not kep,tven In cold storage.
It looks as if the first practical
slep in the direction of reciprocity
with Canada were belrg taken In Nova
Scotia, w here a project ia outlined for
the devt'loptoeot of the natural re
sources cf the colony ith American
Formal aut.uunc mcDt of prospective
changes in the iirestdeot'a cabinet
cannot fa'l to bring dimiiay to the
ranks of itio political gossips la Wash
ington who have heretofore filled -In
dull dea before the meeting of coii
srri'ts vtlth "information from hijth
authority" n this subject.
Itfifhbe of convicts Irom the peni
tentiary they may work for men
w!io fctcuie their re'enne naturally
faired the quebllon of bt will lie
..e with tVetn If they desire to eek
. i her
, .h
f peor..
'I he
J to
plan HuuK Ua
Le k4'U'i.
' rur KKAMiArntc! cAnr skt.
Tlie cabinet ch8iia'S JiikI announcod
lit antiriiinl'on of tbe reilrrment of At
torney General "Moody atid Secretary
Shaw have obviously been (',ierm!ned
from conl('.'rlions of administrative
efficiency based upon the pr.riildf nt's
own peronl knowledge and ittniU--iailty
and not upon partisan e xiicdien's
or political geography. The new presi
dential advisory board will have three
members from the state of New York
and only one from the ilate of Iowa,
but It may, however, be confidently ex
pected to prove itself a working rabl
net of high potentiality. .
The transfer of Secretary Bonaparte
from the navy brings to th( head of
the Department of Justice not only a
lawyer of distinguished ability, but a
man of remarkablo force of character,
known to be in complete sympathy
with President Roosevelt's policies and
certain to direct the machinery of that
department with unremitting energy
for the enforcement of the law, espe
cially against defiant corporations and
trade conspirators. '
Likewise the transfer of Postmaster
General Cortelyou to the treasury port
folio must be viewed as a move put
ting him in a place where he will fit
even belter than he has as the head of
the Postofflce department. Mr. Cor
telyou' rapid rise in political prefer
ment is unique in having had no out
side propelling force behind it in the
form of political becking or pressure
from influential friends. " -
Ae secretary of labor and commerce
Mr. MetcaJf, who will soon be secre
tary cf the navy, proved himself in
dustrious and level-headed. Ilia ex
perience in congress makes him a val
uable man in the cabinet without re
Bpect so much to the particular duties
assigned to him.
The gelectlpn of George von L. Meyer
as postmaster general is probably more
of a personal Choice than, any of the
others. Ambassador Meyer has bad
the favor of President Roosevelt for
years, his association with the presi
dent dating from their college days at
Harvard. It is safe to say that his
demonstrated ability in the diplomatic
service la ample assurance that he will
make good as postmaster general.
In naming Oscar 3. Straus of New
York to be the new secretary of com
merce and labor the president has set
another new precedent. Mr.. Straus
will be the first cabinet officer of Jew
ish faith, an honor which cannot fail
to be. duly appreciated by the large
body oi his co-rellgionists. Further
than this, he is a comparatively recent
convert to republicanism, having
served as minister to Turkey by ap
pointment of Grover Cleveland. That
he is eminently fitted for the place to
which he has been called goes without
Such' a rearrangement of the cabinet
is to be particularly distinguished from
j .
a disarrangement. Tne cnanges are
all caused by voluntary retirements
and promotions and- not by enforced
dismissals, r The strategie yoints in th
cabinet will continue to .be manned by
veterans like Root, Taft, Wilson,
lytchcock'and Cortelyou, bearing with
them the great prestige' of success.
The new cabinet will be without doubt
more closely Identified to President
Roosevelt himself, who, after all, Is
the active force ot the administration
and will share the. resjon8iblllty for
all important action in whatever
branch of the government service.
Wisconsin presents the . extraordi
nary spectacle of a state that is able
to remit for the coming year all state
taxes, except the school tax, which la
reduced to only one-half a mill. What
has enabled the state board to take
thla action is a surplus of, over 12,000,
000 in the general fund, out of which
the general expenses of the state are
paid, and the prospect of a revenue
excess of 12,500,000 over expendi
tures during the coming year. In
ahort, the treasury can pay out of
funds on hand $1,818,335 that will
fall due the next twelve months on ac
count of common schools, stnte univer
sity, etc., without a dollar of taxation
in the meantime save a one-half mill
school tax. But for the fact that Wis
consin ia beginning construction of a
$6,000,000 state capitol, there would
be no occasion to call upon the tax
payers even for a half-mill contribu
tion and the state levy could be to
tally remitted.
This remarkable situation has been
brought about chiefly by compelling
railroad corporations to bear their fair
share ot the tax burden, although to
do so a most, arduous and protracted
struggle waa required. Under the old
assessment laws the aame methods of
evaaioa and abuse that were then
universally and are still employed In
many states enabled, the .Wisconsin
roads to shirk just taxation in large
part for decades. The result bore
Grievously upon the taxpaylng masses,
and deficiency cf revenue was tn al
most constant feature of etate finances.
And this abuse, grown flagrant and
chronic, waa the main inspiration back
of the popular reform' movement led
ly I-aFollette, which only three years
ago at lenjth succeeded in securing
legislation for liuting railroad property
like other property for taxation on
the basis of real value.
ino railroads accordingly now pay
annually about $2,600,000, which is a
third more than lu the old tax shirk
ing days, the additional revenue being
such, since the levies had not been
correspondingly reduced, as to pay all
current expenditures and pile up the
great surplus which make possible
the reuilnoloa ot any atate levy what
ever, except the half-mill school tax,
for the coming ti'r. It is to be as
sumed that there has been honest and
emcltnt admlultitraiion of the state
government la other respects to make
; poaaible suia .llu, but incuiui.arably
mue than mwn a mre temporary
rMK-inent of their pavkets ere the poo
plt and taxpayei cf Wisconsin, lo be
congratulated upon th substantial
proftrefis toward equal taxation whlth
it signalizfs.
At tMs distance a new French cabi
net la ordinarily a matter of no great
Interest, but one feature of the cabinet
just organized by Clemenceau ihould
stir the enthusiasm and gratitude of
civilized mankind everywhere, namely,
the selection of General Plcquart for
minister ot war. For he is the hon
est and courageous French offieor.
then a lieutenant, colonel, who dared
to stand for the truth concerning the
iunocent Captain Alfred Dreyfus
against the infamous conspiracy in
high army circles to destroy htm and
blast his reputation. Picquart, to his
everlasting honor be it said, did this
in the face of the absolute certainty
that the conspirators, at that time all
powerful in' the' government and sus
tained by insensate popular prejudice,
would turn npon him to rend him with
equal fury and ruthlessness. ' And he
accepted as the penalty for following
conscience degradation only less cruel
than that which was meted out to
Dreyfus, himself being expelled in
disgrace from the army,, ostracised
socially and his very life, as well as
his name, put in extreme jeopardy.
There is no blafker page in modern
history than the terrible maltreatment
of Picquart and Dreyfus in the guilt
of which one of the great advanced
nations so strangely permitted itself to
be involved. Some atonement has
been officially, though tardily, made
by restoring the wronged officers to
honorable standing with promotion to
high rank under circumstances that
amount to conspicuous national con
fession. The elevation to premiership
ot Clemenceau, himself next to Zola
the most intrepid protestant against
the historic outrage, when all France
seemed to join In it, is a notable vin
dication of Justice. That General Plc
quart should at the same time be put
at the head of the same great depart
ment that was prostituted to such base
ends against him for refusing to ac
quiesce In that ontrage, ia a triumph
for the right that should not pass un
When the taxpaylng citiiens of
Omaha and Douglas couuty come to
decide how to cast their ballots next
month they should find it worth while
considering some facts connected with
their county government.
The management of the county
business has been ia the hands of
republicans for two years, previous to
which there was a protracted riot of
reckless extravagance under 1 demo
cratic county boards.
For the year 1904 with the demo
cratic county board in control . the
county found itself in debt $100,000
. .i . -: . . .
wnen tne balance saeec was . pirucn
October 1. For the year 1906, with
republican county board In control,
the democratic legacy of debt has
been cleaned up and the balance sheet
showed on October 1, $183,000 on
hand to pay bills for ten months to
In the democratic year, 1904, reg
istered county warrants were out
standing October 1 against the gen
eral fund to the amount ot $225,000
and the board had $35,000 to meet
expenses for ten months. In 1906
the registered warrants against the
general fund outstanding October 1
amounted to only $38,000 and the
board. had $183,000 to meet the ex
penses for the ensuing ten months.
In 1904 the county tax levy was
15.8 mills, while in 1906 it had been
reduced to 15.4 mills. As between
these two years, the county had be
come the beneficiary of the collections
under the scavenger law and the
gradual increase in the assessment
roll, but It also had to meet several
large items of additional expense
such as for the juvenile court and for
primary elections, with which the pre
ceding democratic boards were not
bothered. (
On such a showing the taxpayera
who are specially Interested in good
government on its financial side
should be able to count the cost of
democratic misrule and guard them
selves against recurrence.
Of course it is only a coincidence
that the city governments of Omaha
and South Omaha happen to be in the
hands of the democrats this year when
the democratic state platform for the
first time declares in favor of munici
pal home rule.
It must have been a coincidence
that the fusion legislature of 1S97
restored the power to appoint mem
bers of Omaha'a police board to the
fublon governor instead of to the then
republican mayor.
It must have been only another
coincidence that Governor Holcomb
was cajoled luto appointing the Herd-ruan-Peabody-Gregory
combine on
the eve of a city election in Omaha
so that the police force could be put
to work to help the democratic city
It must have been merely a co
incidence that the supreme court, as
soon as it came under democratic con
trol, took away from Omaha the
municipal borne rule which bad been
given to it by a decision ot the repub
lican supreme court.
It is only a coincidence, too, that
the democratic thief justice Joined In
calling a special session of the court
to hand down this decision in the face
of another city election in Omaha in
which the new board was again to
help the democratic city ticket.
it is only a ' coincidence that Can-
didate Hitchcock's
Woili Herald
failed to V!tr a word of protest
Agalnxt this invasion of constitutional
rights and now suddenly becomes an
ardent advocate of home, rule in the
hope Of having the loaves and fishes
of the fire and police department dis
tributed to faithful democrats.
These are, doubtless, all coinci
dences, but there seems to be a
strange method In their competitive
ness. ."
In pelting himself with bouquets
because the proposition for a second
telephono system is, to be submitted
to the voters at the coming election,
Candidate Hitchcock is entirely ob
livious of the fact that the frenchlse
ordinance ' would never have gone
through except, for its championship
by Councilman Zimmari, the only
republican member of the body. If
any bouquets are to be thrown, they
should be directed at Councilman
Over 100 republican legislative
nominees throughout the various Ne
braska districts are publicly on rec
ord, promising to redeem every pledge
ot legislation made in the state plat
form. In the meantime the democratic
orators are declaring that we need
no new laws on the statute books.
People who want reform legislation in
Nebraska will cast their vote for a
republican legislature.
Candidate Abbott is still scoring
the republican party "for asserting
that the present maximum freight
rate law Is not enforceable." He
should score Judge Holcomb, who as
fusion governor made the same as
sertion, and he should also score C.
Smyth, who as democratic attorney
general must have advised overnor
Holcomb as to the status of the law.
The report of the latest committee
considering the subject ot marriage
and divorce seems to place more em
phasis npon uniformity ot laws than
upon restricting the practice ot di
vorce. As members of the committee
are lawyers they may have In view a
better division . of lees rather than
their abolition.
Governor Mickey is taking his time
to digest all the arguments that were
showered upon him during his hear
ing of the charges against his Omaha
police board appointees. The gov
ercor does not know whether to sur
prise himself or to surprise the pub
lic. - ? .
If the city of Omaha Is to be held
for damages for , injuries from bill
boards erected in the streets without
its consent, it certainly ought to have
recourse for reimbursement upon the
parties directly responsible. The only
question is as to 'he' most effective
way to enforce the, city's rights.
The Indictment "of the- members of
the local coal como'lne for Infraction of
laws against trusts ' and combinations
In restraint of trja,J . is another credit
mark for County Attorney Slabaugh
in contrast with his" -predecessor,
County Attorney English, vvho O.' K'd
the, coal dealers' plan of operation, .
A Itahloas' Prospect.
New York World.
If a British holding company shall swul
low the American Meat trust we shall all
have to eat "the roast beef ot Old England."
Iisnlintioi , of t orporatloas. ,
Philadelphia Ledger. . ,
It seems that every rogue of a corpora
tion . intends to. r4n to England. That
country should strengthen its law restrict
ing Immigration.
Prosperity tbat Stands Aaalysls.
St. Louis GlobevDemocrat.
Comparing 1904 with 1905, the United
States bureau of lubqf finds that tha aver
age wage per hour has. increased il.5 per cent
and the average hours worked per week
have decreased S. per cent. The average
purchasing power of the wage ' has m
crestoed, notwithstanding the higher price
of many commodities.' Prevailing prosper
ity is the sort that ctanda analysts.
A Corasaoa K4.
Baltimore American.
The growing need ot small bills, especially
five and ten dollar notes, aa brought be
fore the bankers' convention in St. Louis,
is a strong Indication of the country's pros
perity, for it shows it la Increasing among
the mass1 of the people who do not handle
the big sums In bulk, but who constitute
the great arteries of circulation through the
country. The quick recovery from disaster,
the flow in sums large and small toward
objects of popular subscription, the gener
oua response to various charities all prove
the Increase of resources In all classes and
that the nation at large is in an era of un
excelled prosperity.
IaatrartlTC Resells of an lwvestla
tlaa cf Soot.
8t. Louis Globe-Democrat."
A scientific investigator In Cincinnati has
been trying to arrive at a definite Idea of
the amount of soot deposited -in the city
In the course of a year. One of his tents
was to place buckets, three-fourths filled
with water, on eleven roofs In different
purls ot the city. At the end of three
months a careful analysis was made of the
contents of the buckets to ascertain the
amount of carbonaceous matter. The final
computation l that in the downtown area
the falling snot amounts to Ml tons a
month, or eighturn tons dally. On a square
miles of the city the soot deposit is 171 tons
a mouth, or au'tta pounds, an average of
several pounds to each Inhabitant. In one
of the suburbs the soot In the bucket waa
AA grains to tho square foot for a period
of thirty day. For the same time the de
posit at a central point In the city was
3i.tiA grams to the square foot.
Other titles that burn soft coal need not
flatter themselves .that they fare much
better A glance out at the windows tells
the story. In many parts 'of a. sooty city
tha trees and flowers Are coated with grtme
and often refuse to grow. The smoke cloud
injures health in severfl ways, one of
which is the shutting out of the sunlight
that destroys disease germs. That soot is
4epsiled in human lungs is a fact well
known to surgeons. ' These figures were
laid before a atmike-alatement league meet
ing in Cincinnati a lew days ago, and Jt
wsa rosulviKl to ak the next legislature
for 'more stringent anti-smoke laws. The
pjesetit methoJs of sincke abatement are
vUibly unsatisfactory, and the op'uton la
widely held that reli.f mut come throutu
,iouu) muni not tt aUalr.t-4
Same) f'ratwrea ( fka rsmsalsn tr
the c;TerrKI.
The battle for tha governorship of New
York state trows in Intensity ss election
dy trproschea. Both Hughes and Hesrst
r drawing great crowd wherever they
appear, and each Is etttmplng tha slate in
cv.-y dlfV-cUon, ' Kinking- from two to five
speeches a dy, beh1es tho tisunl back
platform talks. Opinions as to the f'.rtft
of popular sentiment varies wlde'y. ' Staff
corrrsnondents of the Chicago Joter-Ooesn
(rp , the Wsshlpgtnn Poet (Ind.), and the
ImtUnapolis News (Ind. rep ), sgree that
the situation h not an favorable s re
publicans hope for, especially In the. coon-
try wbere republican strength, predomi
nate. The reason, for this pessimism Is
the fear that Hearst will receive a large
proKrtlon of the republican labor vote.
This belief Is sharply contradicted by local
correspondents of the New Tork Hcral
Their reports show there is no basis for
statements that a Hearst landslide Is Immi
nent outside ot New York City. One fact
Is apparent. Many reports favorable to
Hearst are made by correspondents of pa
pers supporting Hughes for the purpose of
arousing republicans to action. While there
is wide difference of opinion as to the ox.
tent of tho labor , drift to Hearst, It Is
adiplttrd that the drift of democrats to
Hughes is strong and raining hourly.
"New Tork Is, of course, a republican
state when political conditions are nor
mal," says the correspondent of the In
dianapolis News, "but the vote of the last
few election has demonstrated that on
can not foretell what will happen; it shows
that the people nre quirk these days to
register their opinions without regard to
party allegiance. Four years ago Odell,
the republican candidate for governor, had
a plurality ot only S.8G3. Two years ago
Hlgglns, the republloan candidate for gov
ernor, was elected by a plurality of K0.5U1.
The democratic nominee, Herrlck. did not
appeal to the mases because he was looked
upon as a corporation candidate. At that
election the social democrats, the prohibi
tionists, the social labor and the people'
party candidates for governor polled a total
of Tt,838 votes. It is conceded that this
year practically all these scattering votes
will go to Hearst. Rut, after all, statistics
of one year ago, or two years ago, or of
any former election, are of smalt value In
trying to figure out what will happen thla
year." , ;
A report from a correspondent who his
made a tour of northern counties says
that "the democratic party has been
practically wiped off the map." This
statement, on the assumption that It la
an absolute fact, must not be taken to
mean too much, for, while the up-state
democratic organisation may be weak in
the sense that there Is no directing cen
ter. It Is to be borne In mind that the
Hearst league Is active, and as represent
ing the cause of the candidate tor gov
ernor In question it takes the place of
the democratic party.
Writing from Albany a political obeerver
of many years' experience, whose analysis
of the situation In other campaigns has
been generally accurate, says:
"Mr. Hearst has had good audiences
Whenever he spoke to the working men,
as he had also good audiences when he
spoke to the farmers. But there was
no such enthusiasm as be had been led
to expect, and his uncertainty aa to his
standing In the communities waa such
that ho was not satisfied with once visit
ing them. Either In person or by clevnr
representatives he repeated hla arguments,
it Is reported, and is now relying on hia
newspapers to keep his promisee before
the element from which he expects to
draw hla greatest strength." ',
The correspondent, of the Chicago Hec-
-ord-Heraid calls-attention to the heavy
registration in up-state cities as a sign
distinctly favorable to republican suc
cess. "It is evident," he saya, "that the
entire republican vote of the state is
registered. It Is clear also that demo
crats who are dissatisfied with the nomi
nation of William R, He ire t have reg
istered. If there had bran a consider
able decrease the natural Interpretation
would be that the dissatisfied democrats,
angered at the situation in their party,
would not voto at s'.i. The great ques
tion Is how the republican vote is going
to be cast, ot rather how great the re
publican defection to Hearst will be."
In New York City the situation is "con
fusion worse confounded." Tho demo
cratic organisations in the various bor
oughs, even Tammany, are principally
superseded by Henrst's leagues. So-caJlcd
democratic leaders are publicly flouted or
Ignored, and rival Hearst candidates put
In nominative and Judicial offices. Demo
cratic headquarters are As lonesome as an
undertaking shop 'and no campaign funds
are volunteered. ' On the other hand, the
Hearat headquarters at the Gflaey house,
la crowded and busy every hour of day and
night, and money Is abundant. No one
familiar with the traits of New York polit
ical leaders can imagine them turning the
other cheek to be stricken by one who alms
to deprive them of a livelihood and erect
on their graves a political monopoly sur-
passing anything the country has seen.
The only political sign that remains con
spicuous Is Wall atreet betting. Odds on
Hughes' election, starting at S to 1, have
advanced to 10 to S. with few takers. Lat
Saturday bets were made on pluralities as
Oven money that Hearat will not get "l,00
plurality In the greater city.
Odds of 6 to 6 that Hughes will carry
King's county.
Even money thut Hughes wlll carry
King's county.
Even money tli.t Hearst will not carry,
more than four counties In the entire state.
Odds of S to I and better that Hughca will
be elected governor.
One of the most prominent republican
politicians In the state bet 13.UO0 against
1S,W that Hug-he wnuld carry New York
City. William Barnes, Jr., of Albany Is the
A wager whs made of $?.&" sgalnst a
like sum that Heirst would not carry New
York Cliv. Walter Sweoney, a hotel
keeper, look the Hughes end of the bet.
Sweeney, who Is In close touch with many
of the hotel-keepers throughout the city,
mid that he did not believe Hearst would
carry a single sldermaulc district In New
Regarding the reliability of belting as a
forecast of the result the New Tork Even
ing Pout recalls these facts: "At this time
In 1!M the odds on were two to
one; by the opening of November they were
Ave to one. The curb had evidently hod
the situation in band. In October. 19,
odds were four and a half to one that
Bryan would be defeated, four to one that
ha would lose Ohio and five to four that
McKlnley would carry Kings county. In
the natlor. Bryan waa overwhelmingly de.
feaUd; he l"t Ohio by e,ono and Kings
county by i.l'A. The ami-election odds had
told the story. In IWT, In the hotly eon
tested Low-Tracy-Van Wyck contest for
the mayoralty, odds on Van Wyck were
ten to four at a time when almort every
newtjiaper was predicting Low's Success.
Van Wyck won by a 72, Plurality.
"In luit tlie betting bcga, on 'airly even
terms. On the eve of elt-llon ;;,,-e to
one waa rffered against Bryan, and en
even bet on the luprokj proportion that
I Mckinley would cwry by 15,u plurality
0 J
r . 1 1
tV r : ' ' 'V
, a -nwi -
1 )
Pure, Wholesome, Reliable
Made from cream of tartar derived . .
solely from grapes, the most deli- '
clous and healthful of all fruit' acids.
Its use Is a guarantee of perfect food
and a protection against the ills that
, follow the use of alum, alum-phos-phate
and other low grade powders. '.
- v - ;'.. ' .
The mixtures "called baling powders that. eU for , tea, cf
twenty-five centa a pound, or a cent an ounce,' ro all aliir
roade from alum and costirm less than three cents a pound,
New York county, which had gone demo
cratic by 86,009 In 1903. Both bets were
won. In 1S2 the betting started even, hut
waa ..ten to nine on Cleveland at the. Inst.
The givers of the odds were right, though
they underestimated the movement of the
west. In JK&S the odds were ten to eifht on
Cleveland until Quay ''fried the fat" out
of the Pennsylvania manufacturers; then
they suddenly changed to ten to eight on
Harrison. Both bets correctly measured
the nott known situation of the day. This
is a pretty convincing record."
aerial Need of a Rally la Rapport of
. t Roosevelt Policies.
Leslie's Weekly.
There Is an especial need for Intelligent
organisation by the republicans In 1906. The
sweeping victory of 1904, under Rooeevelfs
direct leadership, has made them over
confident. Under Roosevelt'a leadership,
too, in the recent session of congress they
enacted more legislation of supreme value
te the country than waa passed in' any
previous eession since the civil war, and
they aro likely to think that this will give
them the victory this year, whether they
made any systematic effort to win or not.
This mood has perils. It defeated the re
publicans In 1W2. The whole machinery ot
their party the national committee, the
state committees of many commonwealths
and the county and ward groups Of many
communities la all parts of the country
was badly directed in . that year. The
republicans had made a good record under
Harrison. There waa prowperlty all over
the country. . But what the republican
spellbinders called "apathy" met them In
every state. It Intelligent precautions had
been taken to marshal the entire party
vote, Harrison, and not Cleveland, would
have carried the country In 18M. The same
thing has hit the republicans , In several
congressional campaigns,
Thirteen republican members of the pres.
ent house of representatives were elected
by pluralities of less than 1,000 In 1904.
Twenty-six republicans had;, margins of
less than ' A lead of less than S.000 for
a republican congressman in a boom year
Ilk 1904 la a dangerously small margin to
work on for an oft year like 1906. Unless
the republican organisation, from the na
tional committee down to the precinct
group:. Is especially active? and vigilant,
many of these scats will be lost to the re
publicans this year.
The difficulties among the republicans In
New Tork. Pennsylvania, Ohio. Delaware,
Wisconsin, Iowa and other states suggeet
a danger which the national and local lead
ers of the party should endeavor to meet.
We caw how the introduction of extrane
ous Issues Into the Maine contest cut the
republican lead on September 10 to low fig
ures. All that peril would nave been
averted If the republican potty In that
state had been Intelligently directed.
The fact that the fight la practically be
tween Roosevelt and Bryan this year for
Bryan will be the democratic candidate
two years hence, and the republicans must
put up Roosevelt or . some man of the
Roosevelt etiimp to defeat- hlrrv should be
kept before the mind of every republican
voter In this campaign. T7nlee the repub
lican carry congress by an adequate ma
jority In 19u they may lose the presidency
In 1W8.
Twelve women were seriously Injured
during a bargain counter rush In Louisville,
nowever, the unwounded got, some bar.
gains. j
.A London man played the t plane forty
eight hour consecutively, proving his phye.
leal enduranco, his idiocy and the patience
Of his neighbors. ,
Judge W. 8.. Kenyon.of Fort Dodge. Is.,
has been appointed Iowa attorney for the
Illinois Central railroad. He Is compara
tively a young man, being less than 40, and
la one of the best known politicians In his
Dr. J. M. MrBryde, president of the Vir
ginia Polytechnic Institute of Blarksliurg,
Va., lias been planed on the retired lint as
a pensioner of the Carnegie foundation.
He is the third educator from Virginia to
receive this distinction. (
Dr. William II. Allen has been conducting
examinations of school children In New
York on behalf of the Association for Im
proving the Condition of . the Poor. Ac
cording to Dr. Alton, two-tblrds of the
school children In the poor districts are
mentally Incapacitated because of critics!
Ir. Alexander Petrunkevltch, head of the
department of aoology at the Indisna uni
versity, Is a member of the Russian no
bility. He Is a son of Ivan Petrunkevltch,
the leader of til constitutional democratic
party, and one of the leading officers of the
Duma. He' I recognised as one of the
best coologists In the country.
Joseph Jenkins Ia. American minister to
F.cuador and the youngest tfflfer of his
rank In the dt.ilomatle service of the l'
States, bos just been elected a member of
ths Royai fjaogiapnleal society of Great
Britain In recognition of his services In
the cause of geographical Science at the
time of his expedition to Acre.
, L. R. Wllfley of St. Louis, recently ap
pointed Judge of the t'nlted States court
for China, with besdquarter at Shanghai,
Is in Waahlngtoo to receive final ImMruc
tlnna. Ha will sail shortly. He occupied
the high position as attorney general of the
Philippines for five years. Jits court will
cover the entlra celestial kingdom.
ttrlplaa ia lloaae I'reaavt.
Washington Post.
It's another case of that ill wind blow.
Ing good. The Havana tobacco crop- has
txn seriously damaged by the- hurrh-ane,
asstiriiig belter pries for the Havana
tuttaceo mined In Counectlcut end Penn-
Ivaiua, t t ' . ' - - -
"w' -
r.-t lnv..I.Kth'nnMt " SOjflt
r B i iiiii .m i 1 j 11 . . -
the deep thinker. , "and I believe It a boa
Cause tho re eo senstuve nxnii.iucit taw
"I don't see wbnt you mean.'
i'urii te ih.v vVu-.tilit He rinhnneat
get caught at It tbey mljrht have to wear
C-onVICl SUIIS Wim ir.O wrHTS I'lnninj i.i
most unbecoming manner Baltimore Amer
"Pid you intend to Inaugurate any great
reforms this year, .senator?', asked the
beautiful alrl. , . , '
"No," replied the statesman. "My present
term will not expire until 1." Waahng
ton Star.
"Well. I have finally obtained your fath
er's consent." ssld the young inn, "Now
will you agree to be mine?"
"I guess so," answered the maiden, doubt
fully. "I wouldn't, though. If I thought pa
was trying to get iid of me." i'liutourg
Samson was shout to 'do bis lifting act.
"Is the sporting editor of .the Gonsorrab,
Globe here?" he asked.
"Yes." replied the great won manager.
'Then bring on the weights," cried the
crack thlete of his time. Cleveland Plain
"What, my friends." voieantcaiiy oe
msnded Thomas Rott. ''does the old party
atand for?" ' ,
"Well, you for one thing, replied a pes
simistic voice from tho back of the, halL
"He's a verv plavful dog, but bo careless
in bis habits." - " -
"In what way?"
"Wv, yesterday he bit two rag-men and
a garbage collector." Cleveland plain
Dealer. "My speech was received with enithusastlo
.1,1-. I ,1 . O. (b.vt,,IW,. 1'lhtfft
doesn't mean that you made any convert.
People are more likely to applaud you for
telling them what they already believed.'
Washington Star.
Huoston Post. , . . , ,
Jurt be' a good fellow -. ,
Whatever you do;
The akiee may be gloomy -' '
Or shiny and blue.
It doesn't at all matter,
' The hue of tho skies. .' ' ..'
.. Just bo the sun elilnee -: ''
In your heart and your eyes..
Just so the sun shines,
.nd you whoop and halloo
A "Hello!" to people
Who "Helhr lo you. " " '
And "Howdy!" to children
You meet down the way, . .
It don't at all matter
The hue of the day. '.''''
The harvests are gathered.
The corn is all shocked, '.. , . .
Tho doors to tho storehouse
Of plenty unlocked. '
The strings of tho fiddle .. . ,
Vibrating in tune.
And the world Is dew wet ,
In the light of the moon!
Bo laugh and be glad.
For life's only a Joke;
Find the ribs of the world
And junt land them a poke)
. The skies may be dark .
Or sunshiny and blu. ,
But the hue of the skies
MuKn't mater to you. '
"Gijod cUAht affect not uradoM
afon," raid Jleau Brvmmel, "out
all vhom v meet. "
Our "Ultra" Overcoat,
with its wide shoulders
aud narrow waists, ia the
fashionable garment for
Fall and Winter. .
In light grays and light
weights for light weather,
or in darker and heavier
fabrics for the severer days
to come 125 to f 4&.
The "Glamour .is the
up-to-date modification of,
the Regular or Chesterfield
Overcoat for all around f
wear f 15 to 50. , "
Raincoats, l to 30.
T7BroWrirg- ;
R. S. WILCOX, Mgr.