Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1906, Page 4, Image 4
1 TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, OCTOBER ino. KINKS IN (.RAIN TRADE IntsrsUU Comnrssioj DrawiOnt Evidence f (avert! Fifftrrnt AUiticrt. RAILROADS DISCRIMINATE AGAINST CITY lore Canreraa Fix ' Trices and la fnnjanetlou with Hallroade f"om llne to hat Ont Ihr Photfl (Continued from First Page.) ' on the'sam term with th Oreat Western. W' collect from the t'nion Taclfle for un loading cam. If we did not thus recover from the a took yards company we would be compelled to 'close our elevator. "V.' have a line of elevators on the Northwestern railroad and come In com Petition with the Nye-Schne-ider-Fowler company. Last year all roads lend Ins to ' Chicago got more for their grain than If It was-shipped through Omaha. Senator j Millard 1c a stockholder In the Updike itiraln company. As In' M. M. Tenner. gent or the Northwestern at Sioux City. 1 thlnk'lha latter has fifty share In the company which Is capitalised at $1,000,000. Mr. Termer paid for the share.. $6,000 In rash." Mr. I'pdike also thought that Horace n. Hurt waa interested In the train busi ness with the Nye-Schnelder-Fowler com pany. Kat In Railroad nnalneaa. Nathan Merrlam of the grain firm of Mer rlam At Holmqulst of Omaha said he had been in the grain business for about twen 1 ty-Hve years, the corporation of which he was a member has been In existence since 190.' or 1W3. "None of the stockholders of the Arm is In any way interested in any railway com pany nor docs any own stock in a railway company," said Mr. MTriam. "The Arm operates two elevators In Omaha, which are terminal elevators located on the Mis souri Pacific railway, but the elevators are owned exclusively by the Merrlam & Holm qulst compuny. The company 1 an Inde pendent company, the capacity of Its elevators being about SO0,WO bushels, and while the company generally controls all ol the grain stored In these elevators storage capacity Is furnished tor other customers. The company usually ships all of Its outgoing grain over the Missouri Pacific, and the firm receives 1'A cents per hundred from all outgoing grain shipped by that railroad. The contract was made with the Missouri Pacific befer the last one of its elevators was built. The con tract Is still in force and these payments have been made until tha recent agitation In grain matters, but are under temporary suspension now. This contract was made in 1906 and has not since been repudiated, nor l the contract limited as to time, game Terms with Others "It is understood that the same agreement prevails with all other elevators similarly situated. There Is no other elevator ex cept the Merrlnm A Holmqulst elevators along the Missouri Pacific In Omaha. The volume of grain shipped by the company is about 500 cnr per month, or about iOO.OW) bushels. The switching charges are re funded to the grain company by the rail road company when shipped over the Mis souri Pacific and any other switch ing, charges.. are... - governed., by by local legislation. : This rule has been the custom for years. All switching charges are refunded by all roads to all shippers with one exception and that applies to the rules adopted by the Bouth Omaha Stock Yards company, which controls the switch ing facilities at South Omaha, where the rate Wns charged at the rate some time ago of $1 In and. $1 out for each car of grain. A short time" ago the stock yards company raised the rate to $5 per car and then reduced it to . $4. This materially jeopardised the Interests of the Merrlnm ft Holmqulst company, Mr. Merrlam said, and . then the rate ww changed to $2 in and $1 out per car. . I prilkea Control Month Omaha. The V'pdlke Grain company controls the South Oniuba elevators and the Merrlam A Holmqulst company is not charged with that service down there," said the witness "I understand that another rate is charged the I'pdike company there, but I do not suppose they have to stand for any mora i f it than we do at Omaha. Such a chaise of $4 for switching is not made against any other commodity at Buth Omaha. We have supposed that some of the grain car witching charges get back to the elevator company somehow or other. A bid of Yt of a cent per bushel would put a competi tor in possession of the business, and we are. hence, at this advantage. "We buy our grain largely on the Union Pacific, Klkhorn, Minneapolis & Omaha and Burlington rouds and are an absolutely dependent compuny. Mr. Holmqulst Is in terested in line of several elevators on the Minneapolis ft Omaha road. His con cern Is known as the HolmqulHt Grain and Lumber compuny. We have no hesitancy In buying of country eftvators and maita no discrimination against them. We do very little receiving, as we buy almost wholly from dealers and, we ,di not ask them where they get their grain. Most of our bids ale made by telephone." Mr. Merrlam went at considerable length as to the ' elevation charges and the cost of handling grain at terminal points. He said Omaha is the only market that has I. (it mi cletaViun charge. He did not know of any combination in Omaha to fix the price of grain and h knew of no deals w hereby prices were fixed and did not lake part in any such deals. The Union Pacific paid l' cents for unloading to the Meniiim & tlnlimiuMt company on all gialu brouKht In by that road and the Missouri SJpon Every Dottle snd wrsrr-r t tbe (emilae Dr. flail's Pine-Tar-il.iiiet 1 i'rtBtJ the boe iettia It la 1mm b irfela-mark ettd eusmalee e var raaa mat lu taeUivlne iweuiUtrd la tbe bn. V.e will wre cuugtis. colds and all lung. Umi aiut tici iroui'lns autre qulwkiy aadcitMfcuaiif Uuts au eianr reaasar. Er. Dc!l'o PBNE-TAGt- la sold ke all dramrista, aft.. too. aad Si as par fcviu. atsuaiacturad by THE E. E- SuTMEHlAaiD MEDICINE CO. 'Uta. IIWTDCIT. Si aasaj.iBttiWiry' Pacific paid It cents for loading out. The coot of handling grain at the elevators Is approximately i cenia per 100. " la ( nmslar. J. W. flnlmqiilat of the firm cf Merrlam Holmqulst of Omaha, and the head of the Holmqulst Grain and Lumber com pany of Oakland, said none of the stork holders In 'either of the companies with which he was connected had any stock or Interest In any railroad company. The Holmqulst Grain and Lumber company owns eight In Nebraska. He said: "I make the prices that are bid for grain at our elevators. We have competitors at nil of these points, but we haa no com bination of prices with them. Most of our ompetltors are' buyers for Minneapolis, though there are some country buyers. No pool Is entered Into; we are all open competitors. If we can get more than our share we do so by bidding higher than our competitors and then drop back to the cur rent prices. We seek to make about 4 cents a bushel on wheat, yet seldom ex ceed i cents. A fair profit on corn would be about t or 1. crop season we made less than 1 cent on corn. gays Mhos-el Haase Are lafalr. "We do not consider shovel bouses fair competitors. We have often given better prices than the shovel houses even at an actual loss. There Is no discrimination by the railroads In the matter of cars against the shovel h ounce. At the terminals we do not buy from shovel houses if we can help It, but are not averse to buying from Independent dealers, suoh farmers' ele vators. "There la no general understanding not to deal with unfair dealer. The only unfair dealer I now recall in our territory Is P. F. Detners of Emerson. Shovel houses are unfair competitors. "The establishment of the Grain exchange at Omaha and the establishment of ter minal elevators have been to give the farmer more for hia grain. The reason we do better with the Missouri Pacific is bo cause our terminal elevators are on or adjacent to their tracks. There Is no rule against our cars being switched In pref erence to other cars. The fact that the Omaha Klevator company has its elevators largely on the Union Pacific does not give that company any advantage over us." Van Dora Test I flea. J. E. Van Dorn of Council Bluffs of the Cavert-Van Dorn Elevator company said: "We have one elevator at Council Fluffs and' two at other points In Iowa. We have competitors at each of these points and try to get . our share of the buslnesa. We have no agreement with our competitors as to prices, though prices are generally based on cards sent out by W. D. Case of Dee Moines, who is a market expert, but he has no Interest In our elevators, nor In any railroad that I know of. We aim to get a profit of I cents on corn and I to 4 cents on wheat. Last year we got but '1 cent on corn and from 2 to I cents on wheat. We ship mostly to Council Bluffs and Omaha, A party by the name of Flynn made us some trouble for a while at Neola, but Mr. Cooper, our manager, hired him to run our elevator for us and then the trouble ended. At Council Bluffs we have made claims for switching and outgoing charges of Hi cents, but they were rejected. These claims were against the Rock Island, Burlington and Great Western. We have an outgoing claim against the Union F clflc, but have heard nothing about it. We have been running our Council Bluffs ele vator since September IS. On the Bur lington. Union Pacific, and Milwaukee roads the reoonstgnment charges are ab sorbed by the outgoing roads; In fact, by all roads except the Wabash. Ho Railroad Plants There. "No elevators In Council Bluffs are owned by any railroad. Our company owns Its own elevator. The objection to grain from the shovel houses Is Its qual ity -and cleanliness.- . W feel safer in dealing with regular dealers because of their better facllltlea for handling grain. We do not discriminate against tbe shovel houses only for this reason and often buy from them. We buy grain for export and very often pay more for It than our competitors, and, as they think, often more than we ought to pay. For this reason some of the Omaha companies undertook to drive me out of business In 1804 and 1805. The companies active In the matter were the Updike Grain company, the Kansas City Grain company and the Omaha Elevator company. "These companies handle about $0 por cent of all the grain coming to and going out of this market. I have some times thought that the railroads have some in terest in the Updike Grain company and base this reason from the special priv ileges that company get at South Omaha. I know we pay $1 per car to the Union Stock Yards company and $1 to the out going roads, none of which Is returned to us in any way.' The others get ' it all back." A. C. Zimmerman, head bookkeeper fer the Merrlam A Holmqulst company, testi fied that the last claim paid by the Mis souri Paclflo for elsvatton was August it. He believed that- the contract between the Missouri Pt'ciflt and the Merrlam ft Holmqulst company was still In force. Mr. Phllllppl, in his testimony on this point, stated that ths. contract, between Merrlam ft llolmqulat had terminated July $. Loosened Ip aa Farmers. Cuthbert Vincent of Omaha, manager of the Farmers' Grain company, testified that his company owned two elevators in Buf falo county one at Pleasanton and une at Millar. The stock In these elevators was owned by about 100 farmers. The company buys grain also at Callaway, Lodl, Amherst and Oconto. At these lat ter polnta they have shovel houses, hold ing about 2,000 bushels each, though the business at Amherst ceaaed during ihe last year, because of leasing the shovel houae to other parties. At the .outset tl.e company had much trouble In getting sites for its elevators and car facilities, but it is all right now. The company sets Its own price for grain and gets what it can. The company began business lsst October and the result liaa been to In crease the price of grain in these locali ties 2V4 cents per bushel above what It was prior to the establiahment of the company. J. E. Johnson of Kearney, a retired farmer, la prealdent of the coin- pany. There are other farmer elevator rompantea In the atate, all doing a good business, and all at the outset had trouble with the railroad companies re garding altes and car facilities. A rule of the company Is that if stockholders sell to competing elevator at tha same station they must pay a penalty of 1 cent per bushel Into the treasury of the com pany, which goea to keeping the ma chinery greased for thern when they come hack. Other farmer elevators are located at Bee, Bladen, Goner, Vonak, Strausvttl and Upland. tirala gold la Omaha. At present the fsrmers' elevator com panies have no difficulty In finding a mar. ket for their grain. In the early hlatory of the company they did have trouble, and the first two car ot grain that wltneea company sold to the Omaha Grain exchange he had to let go at I cents less than Us value. But the exchange is treating th ' coivpany fairly now. Most cf their grain j 1 sold on the Omaha, Grain exchange. F. S. Cowgtll. president of the Trana- inlstalipi Uraln company, with an ele vator at Council BlulYa. tenilned that hia company operated elevators at fifty. two stations; tainty-four on the Union Pacific, three on the Illinois Central aad the others ou dl-le.'eia loada.. "1 : make ;ice for my customers snd give thetfl Informa tion whan they ask for It. We are In competition with the Nye-Hchnelflcr-Fowler, Omaha Eelevator and Updike Grain companies. 1 do not always agree with them. 1 Instruct our agents to pay the same that our competitors do. There la no pooll". W'here there are two ele vators at a station I think We ought to have half the business and gn after It. Sometimes we get more than our share and sometimes less. wltrhlss ( harnea Absorbed. At our terminal elevators all switching charges are absorbed by the outgoing roads. All my buslnesa Is In shipping. We do not recognise shovel houses as fair com petltors and personally we pay no atten tion to them. 1 would not buy grain from track shovelmen, but do not hesitste to buy from farmers' elevators, though I think that the farmers' elevators are in some instances unfair competitors. The al lowance of 14 cents to us by the r'ai'roads, particularly by the Union Pacific, does not give us any advantage over other dealers. I do not believe In railroads operating ele vators; would sooner see the railroads rent their elevators to others. 1 do not pay Up to any railroad except to Pullman porters; neither do I engage In "buying empties." The witness was a member of the Iowa Grain Dealers' association, but Its pur pose was not to raise or control prices, but to improve the grain growing conditions of the slate, wherein it had already accom plished much good. Continuing Mr. Cow gill said: "I was a party to the suit brought against the Nebraska Grain Dealers' asso ciation. The suit waa brought against the association on the ground that It was an unlawful combination. I do not know that the suit has been dismissed and believe It to be still pending." , Elevator Sit Denied. M. Andreas of Manley, Neb., testified that he was a member of the Manley Co operative association. "Manley," he ra.d, la on the Missouri Paclflo. We have had a hard experience with the railroad. We couid not get an elevator site on the right-of-way of the railroad company, and ob tained a site adjacent thereto and built our elevator. We have not yet been able to get a siding or track to the elevator. We have brought suit under the state laws and the hearing- was had Tuesday, but I do not know the result as yet. We have to haul our grain to the cars and scoop-shovel It Into the cars. We do not get our fair hare of the cars sent out there." G. C. Thompson, in the grain commis sion business at Omaha, was the last wit ness of the afternoon. , He understood an Irregular dealer to be one connected with an association that had a penalty clause attached to Its agreements. He described an unfair dealer aa one who goes around among the farmers, buys grain and scoop It directly Into the car. A a dealer the wltneea waa glad to buy grain from any one who had an elevator. The witness had In the past trouble with the Nebraska Grain Dealers' association, - but he now understands that the association has dis solved and gone out of bunt news. The hearing then adjourned until 10 o'clock this morning. Iowa Gettlaa- Into the Game. FORT DODGE, la., Oct. 24.-(Speclal.)-Alleglng the existence of grain trust In Iowa, C. O. Messerole of Gowrie, secretary of the Co-Operatlve Grain Dealers' asso ciation of Iowa and manager of a farmers' elevator at that place. Is arousing the farmers of Webster county and surround ing districts to action. Urgent requests o be furnished with any Information at hand tending to prove boycotts, discriminations or favoritism on the part of railroad are being made to farmer all over this part of the state. Mr. Messerole Intends to' lay all information gathered by him before- the Interstate Commerce commission at It meeting- In' Dea Moines this week. DES MOINES, Oct. 24. Secretary Oeor'ge A. Well of the Iowa Grain , DealerY association waa served with a subpoena this morning ordering him to appear and give testimony before the Interstate Com merce commission in the federal court room here at 10 o'clock Friday morning. Three other Des Moines, men whose Identity Is not known here were subpoenaed. Werklac at Las Aneles LOS ANQt-LES. Oct 24.-The foacl&l grand Jury today resumed the Investiga tion of charges that the Banta Fe Railroad company is guilty of granting rebates on freight charges to certain Los Angtles furniture and Implement dealers. It is as- surttid that the Southern Pacific and possi bly the Salt Lake railroad will be drawn Into the investigation. LAXB1 ASD CLARK DE1V INTERVIEW Commissioners Hint that Chleaaro Man Has tlterlor Motives. "The Interstate Commerce commission Is vacillating and Incompetent. The new rate law as thus far construed and applied la a railroad law. Railway tramc men and their lawyers have unscrupulously resorted to every conceivable technicality to prevent the jaw from proving of advantage to ship pers and the public, for whose benetlt it was passed, and the commission thus far has proved utterly Incapable of heading them off. The only, concerns that have profited thua far by the rate legislation are the railroads, and I fear they are the only onea who will prop; cy It, at least for years to come." The foregoing sentiments were expressed yesterday ly the traffic manager of one of the largest manufacturing and shipping concerns in Chicago. The speaker is a prominent member of the Illinois Manufac turers' association and tiie American Ship pers' association, and waa In the delegation of Chicago shipper which appeared before the Interstate Commerce commission st Washington the day the new rate law went Into effect to present to that bodv the Ideas of the shipping Interests regarding the in terpretation the commission should put upon disputed sections of the new law. He declared his views are shared by many other large local ahlppera. This Is from the Chicago Tribune of Mon day. It Is the Introduction of a longer Interview. . The entire story was shown to Commissioners Lane and Clark In Omaha Wednesday morning. Mr. Ine said: "Tbe whole matter is so grossly" absurd that It does not merit an answer. The writer evidently did not understand his subject. Since It does not contain facta I do not care to enter Into a detailed dis cussion of the matter." . . "Commissioner Clark waa more extended In his expressions, thougli he coincided with Mr. Lane in pronouncing the atate- I menta false. In the course of the Tribune s Interview story It says: The oommlRHtnn, Instead of taking the bull by the horns and prohibiting the ronda from charging a 'through rate higher than tiie sums of the lochia, haa ruled that un til Iecemler- tl they may reduce the through rate to the umi of the locals on one day s notice if they choose. This is taken to Indicate that after that date the published through rata will prevail. If that la true it means a permanent raise in the average freight rate all ovt- the '.'nlted Stales, which lll add million annually to railway revenue. "This,'' said Mr. Clark, "Is totally wrong. "As a matter of fact we have not made any rat final yet. We hav asked the rail roads to Join us In providing the lowest uniform rate commensurate with a fair profit for transportation and until we have definite responses to our inquiries or re quests and hav made a complete canvass ot the situation we shsll not know just ex actly wl at rate will go into effect. We are aiming st uniformity at all events. We have certainly not made the ruling as at tributed to us In thla Interview, that until December 1 they may reduce the through rate to the sums of the locals on one day'a notice If they chooar. That much Is strictly incorrect. To get down to bed rock what the com mission uaa done and la doing 1 largely n the way of experi ment aitd Investigation la our general eo- deavor to sift out and arrive at the best possible basis of operation." The Commissioners both professed to know exactly who it was making these as sertions and what his motives were. HYMENEAL Chmnlea-ftpaldlnv. SIOUX CITY, la., Oct. 24.-SpecUl Tel egram.) Mr. Mile Preston Chumlea of Omaha was married to Mlsa. Marie Spald ing of Sioux City at1 7 o'clock thl even ing. The wedding recurred at St. Thomas' Episcopal church, Rev.' Ralph Smith of ficiating. It wan one of the prettiest wedding of the year. The beautiful church waa dec orated In green and white, the color scheme being carried out through the structure from the outer door to the chancel and altar. Mr. Chumlea was attended by Mr. C. N. Crow of Denver aa his "beat man," and Mlaa Spalding had for her bridesmaids Miss Alice Spalding, her sinter, and Mis Floronc Hobeln of Esthervtlle, la. ' Mr. Fred White of EathervlUe waa matron of honor, and Mr. Rufus E. Hani and Mr. Lloyd Scruggs of Omaha were ushers. The ring bearers were Master George Lawrence Avery and Master James Spalding White. The bride, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James D. ' Spalding of Sioux City, looked moat charming; as she came down the aisle on her father's, arm to meet the groom . at the altar, where the ceremony was said. After the ceremony 4 reception was given at the home of th 'bride's parents, where many guests assembled' to greet the bridal couple. A great many from out of town were present, among them being Mrs.. John Cheney, Fort Dodge, "la.; Miss Olson, Fort Dodge; Mr. and Mrsi,..Jf. F Rohrer, Mrs. Tbelnhart, Cduncn'Rfuflrs; Min . Louise McMillan, Onawa, Ia.T'Mrs. Mary B. Garde, Mies Eleanor Garde, , Cincinnati; Mr. and Mr. W. 8. Lysaght, Cherokee. la.; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Whlto, Esthervllle. la.; Mr. Kail Kahler, Des Moines; Mr'. N. R. Xenny and Mr. J. A. Elliott, Omahai Mr. Chumlea is one of the department managers at Armour's big plant at Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Chumlea will make their home at the Uintah after a wedding trip. Bet hone-Mai mqalat. . A simple, but very beautiful wedding was that of Miss Nora Edith Malmquist, daugh ter of Mr. Ernest W: Mr.lmqulst, to John Martin Beth une, which was solemnised Wednesday at high noon, October 24th. at 1 the home, of the bride s father, 4807 Capitol avenue. twv, 11. u. 11 erring ot the First Congregational church officiating. Mra J. Hardin sang a vocal solo "I Love Tou Truly." and the wedding party entered the parlor to the strains of the wedding march . t i i , . ... ... . . j,,,, y miss Aii Dei I Box No. Speclar-Mr. and Mrs. E. I'pdike. Cedar. The attendants of the bride were Miss Updike, Robert B. Updike. Janet McLellan. ring bearer; Grace McLl- J Box 19 Mm Hargens, Mltti 'Mohler, Mr. U? ilf'vT.1"- r",b0n teM;'JLK,Mrili!,V,a,. Miss Nellie Kitchen and Mlws Lynne Malm- ' win. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar H. Scott. N. P. qulat, bridesmaid MlPs Elisabeth Wil liams, maid of honor.1 Mr. Harry Bethun waa best man, ' At the conclusion of the ceremony, the guests were entertained at a buffet luncheon. The out-of-town gueats were: Mr. and Mrs. J. Bethune, Mr. and Mr. W. B. Be thune. Misses Anna and Agnes Bethune. Mrs. Jamea Akin. Miss Nellie Kitchen. Miss Mabel Codar, and Mr. and Mrs. R. McLel lan, all of whom are from Lincoln, Neb.; Mr. Harry Berthune, Pittsburg. Pa., and Mlsa Elisabeth Blnxhsm. Sheldon, la. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Bethune will re side at 407 Capitol avenue. Bowl by-Drake ST. LOUIS. Oct. :.-(Speclal Telegram.) In the presence of about 100 society people, Charlea E. Bowlby of Crete, Neb., tonight Decame tne nusband of Miss Anna M. i Drake, at the home of her aunt. Mrs. S. H. H. Clark In Westminster place. The Rev Dr. Mcleod of the First Congregational church officiated. The bride, who wore white embroidered linen had only two at tendants, Mr. and Mrs. Hoxle Clark who acted aa best man and matron of honor. After November IS Mr. and Mrs. Bowlby will reside st Wilbur. Neb. They became acquainted In Nebraska about two years ago, when she was visiting her mother, Mis. Sarah Drake, who resides in Ne braska. For many years the bride, who Is a graduate of Montlcello seminary has realded In St. Ltiula with her aunt. Doaarlaa-Dew. TBCUMSEH; Neb.. Oct. 24. (Special Tele gram.) Mr. Oscar Douglas, a prominent young attornev here, and Miss Jennie M. Dew were married at the home of the bride' parents, Mr. and M:-a. Robert Dew, In this city this evening. The ceremony was performed by Rev. T. D. Davis in tb,e presence of a few relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas departed on a late train for Omaha and will return to Tecumaeh within ten day and go to housekeeping on North Third etreet. ( toae-Moorc COLERIDGE. Neb.. Oct. 24.-(frrlal.)-George Stone, the champion, batter of the American league, waa married to Miss Pearl Moore at the residence of the bride's mother here last evening at t o'clock. Kev. John Shlphnrd officiating. Both of the yong people grew from childhood In this community. Wllaaalwaaser. Henry Wilson and Mlas Edna B. Manser, daughter of Eugene Manser of Florence, were married st I. p. m. Tuesday at tha hotel in Florence by Rev. C. W. Savldge. Omega OH Is a Fleaslas; t Hhramatlea U bas relieved thousands. Try a lvc bottle. Why Syrjp.offks ike- best family laxaiive It is pare. It is gentle. It is pleasant. It is efficacious. It is not expensive. It is good for children. It is excellent for ladies. It is convenient for business men. . It is perfectly safe under all circumstances. It is used by millions of families the world over. It stands highest, as a laxative, with physicians. If you use it you have the best laxative the world produces. HORSE SHOW FROVES WINNER AtUnsaBO Third Night IkliptM the FriTion Eroniiiri. SPECTATORS ALSO MORE ENTHUSIASTIC Nebraska Hanter Sarprlses Pa bile aad , Other Exhibitors by Jam pi as; , Away with the Bias Ribbon. (Continued from, Second Page.) bolero of the velvet. With thla was worn a large white hat with uncurled ostrich plumes. Miss Ruth Brandels, who drove, was charming In a gown of cerise silk, trimmed wltli embroidery and lace. With this she wore a -long white coat and black hat, trimmed in cerise and black plumes. OCCl PASTS OF HORSE SHOW BOXES Namber of People from Ontslda the City Are Noticed. It Is noticeable that the Omaha Horse Show Is attracting many from other cities. Following were the occupants of the boxe last evening: Box 1 Mr. and Mrs. T. J. O'Brien. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Larsen. Box 2 W C. Sunderland, Mrs. C. T. Dlldlne, Kearney, Neb.; Mrs. Julius Kessler, Box ZA Harry K. Moore, miss . tan- ; non, Chicago, 1 Box S Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Belden, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Negele. Box 4 Mrs. O. S. Ward, Lincoln, Neb.; , Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Kddy. Mr. F. Q. Caldwell, Lincoln, Neb., Mies Edith Apgar, Box &-H. 11. HulTaker, W. A. Wllkena, Silver City, la.; Mlas Aldlne Ho'.ler, at. Joseph,' Mo.' -t' .. I Box. 6 Mr. and Mrs. .John MacDonald, Alan MacDonald. ' Hat ih Villain and Mrs. R. L.' Ham- I in"n- iViliiL" ,M.'5." nMi.5m'?- mure. Miss Marion Connoll, Mr. Beaton. OUA V AVI 1 uuii a, vjiiliiui i, tr u - Box 11 Miss McCormick, Mr. and Mr. Wm. Hill Clarke. Box 11 Mr. and Mra. John L. Webster, Miss Mary Peck, Chicago, Miss Flora Webster. Box 14 Miss Frankle Halei Miss Pauline Schenk, Miss .Aftee Frederick, Mr. Grover Davis, Dr. B. A. McDermott, Richard Sie mon. . Mux 15 Ralph Hayward, Mrs. Albert Krug. Mrs. Howard Uoulding. Ralph Hay waril Mr. H. M. Gouldlng. Box 15A 8. K. Leonaru, C. O. Blandln. Box 1 Mr. and Mrs. 1. C. Condgon. Mrs. R. Carrier, Mlsa Caroline Condgon, Mr. and Mrs. Clement Chase, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. ""n-Mr. and Mrs. Barton, Mrs. Har- rfon, Mrs. Bcurke. Box 17A Mr. A. T. Austin. Mrs. A. T. Austin, Mrs. Charles Ogden, Mrs. George F. BIdwell. Box 18 Mrs. E. Loring, George Byrne. Lucll Hay den, Ray Burn, Ester Burn, Mr. 1 Burn. Dodtre. ir, Box a Mr. and Mrs. G. L Hammer, Miss Pauline Burke Mica Mildred Butler. Miss Ruth Hitchcock, MIhs Ruth Hammond. Box 21A Mlaa Keellne. Mlsa McShane, Mr. Clarke, Mr. Brlnker. Box 22 Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Moorhead, Dr. and Mrs. Patterson, Miss Patterson, Misa Moorhead. Box 23 Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Brand 'la, Mr. and Mra Arthur D. Brandels, Mlas Gladys Blow-man, Cmll Braneels. Box 2 Ruth Brandels. Box 24 Miss Davis, Miss Hughes, Mlas Congdcm, Mr. F. B. Wllhelm, V. B. Rob erts, H. T. Burns. Box M Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cudahy, Visa Lomax. Mlsa Roe, Mln Brady, Mr. Davis, Mr. E. A. Cudahy. Jr., Mr. KeoKh. Box 27 E. P. Peck, box holder; Mra. Tower, Chicago: Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Fuuk houwer, Mr. und Mrs. Maurice Smith, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. H. Bell. Mrs. Peck. Box 30 Mr. and Mra. W. 11. Garrett, Ml"a Funkhouaer. Miss Darlow. Box 31 Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Howe, Mis Marlon Howe. Robert A. Howe. Box S2A Mr. and Mrs. A. i. Linasey, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Daugherty, John C. and Frederick Daugherty. Box S3 Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Cowglll, Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Palmer. Mr. T. I.. Cockle. Box 33 Mr. and Mrs. W. J. C. Kenyon. Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Summers, Jr. Box -82 Mrs. Ella B. Nash, Mrs. B. W. Cotton, Frank Haskell. Eira Millard. Box 33A Miss Klla May Brown. Mlsa Jeanne Wakefield, Mr. Charles Beaton, Georae H. Prltchett. Box 34A J. 11 Eckler, Master Fred Ecker, Hurry Decker. G. D. Harman. Box 55 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dundey, Miss Juliet McCune, Mlsa Jeasle McCune. Will Brown. Box 36 Dr. and Mrs. 8. II . Summer. Mr. and Mrs R. K Huntley. Box 37-M'ss Alice McCormick. Miss Woodward; Mra. MicWilliaiiia. Denver. Colo.; Mrs. W. J. Bui gees. Mrs. O. C. Redick, Mr. and Mrs, F. A. Nash. Box J8 General and Mra. i!owln. Mrs. Milton Darling, Mr. and Mra. Arthur Sndth. . ltf JA Misa Richardson, Mra. Edward O Smith. Mr. Rogers. Mra H. W. Yats. Jr. Box Srv-E. A. Cudihv. Mr. and Mra. Mr. tin. Mrr Helen CuHiihv. Mlus Florence f'udahv. M'ss Alice Cudihy. Box 40-Mrs. G. M. Hitchcock. Mr. snd Mis R B Howell. Mr. snd Mrs G. C. MMntyre. M!a Bnlcomb. Box 41 Mra. A. Harriett. McOook, Neh.; Using Dr- Graves' V, Tooth Powder twice daily wll remove tartar,, .vhiten and brighten, the teeth, narden the gums and make brown teeth white. Host people use it twice-a-day. Ask a dentist why. la haatly nvetaJ cans ar bottles. tSe. 0r. Craves' Tcclh Pordsr Ca. BcCDaNiZSCl Its component parts are all wholesome. It acts gently without unpleasant aftereffects. It is wholly free from objectionable substance. It contains the laxative principles of plants. It contains the carminative principles of plants. It contains wholesome aromatic liquids which are agreeable and refreshing to the taste. All are pure. All are delicately blended. All are skillfully and scientifically compounded. Its value is due to our method of manufacture and to the originality and simplicity of the combination. To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine. i Manufactured by (aufqrnia Itg LoUt111s, Ky. FOR SALE ST ALL LtAVlSO Mr. and Mrs. Ben Robldoux, Mr. C. . I. Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. George Kelly. Box 42 Mr. and Mrs. C. . Smyth, Mr. J. M. Metcalf. Mrs. Ada Hertscha. Box 42A Mr. and Mrs. C. F. McGrew, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mors man. Box 43 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Darlow, Dr. and Mrs. James E. Kelby. Box 43A Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brady, Mr. and Mrs. H. JU Cummlnga, Hall McCord. Box 44 Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Hull, with Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Davis. Box 46 Mr. and Mrs. George M. Peck, Mr. and Mr. E. M. Morsman, Jr.; Mlsa Helen Millard, Mr. Brogan. Box 4fr Mrs. N. Merriam, Mis Merrlam, Mrs. F. A. Cole. IJeutenant Butler, Miss Rees, Mr. Samuel Bees, Jr. Box 47 Mies Carlson of Copenhagen, Mrs. Oscar Anderson of 1 Kansas City, John Husklnd of Copenhagen, Harry Larsen, Ester Larsen. Box it-Mr. ' and Mrs. C. B. Bogus, "Mr. and Mra. J. Clark Colt, Mra. F. J. Rnppal, Jr.. of Chicago, Mrs. H. A. Trice of St. Jo seph. , Box 49 Mr. and Mm J. P. Stewart, 2d, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wllklns, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Foye. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Burns. Box 60 Mary Carey,- Marguerite Bowen, Dorothy Eckhart. Llman Peck, Arthur Lewis, Aubery Potter. Box 61 Dr. and Mra. Donald Macrae, Mr. and Mrs. George Mayne,of Council Bluffs, Mr. and Mra. J. L. Paxton, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Remington, Mr. Arthur J. Cooley, Mrs. Barker, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker. Box 53 Mrs. Burns, Mr. and Mra. Me geath, Mr. and Mrs. Kountse, Mr. and Mra. Burgess, Mr. Campbell. Box 64 Mr. and Mra. M. T. Barlow. Mr. and Mra. Theodore Ringwalt, Mr. and Mis. W. T. Page. Box 65 Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pratt, Mr. and Mra. W. B. Bancker, Mr. and Mrs. P. B. My res. Box 66 Mra. C. C. Allison, Master Charles Allison, Miss Grace Allison. Mrs. J. D. Creighton, Mr. E. A. eTeignion. Box 67-Miss E. Creighton, Mlas Creisrhton. Mrs. H. J. Foy, Mrs. J. C. A. Schenk. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Kinsler. Box H-Mr. and Mrs. Charle E. Johan nes, Misa Mary Fitch. Judae and Mrs. Erv lng X. Baxter, Charles W. Russell. Box B9 Mrs. William Hayden, Mrs. Ed ward Hayden, Miss Marie Holllnger, the Misses Hayden, Master Waiter Hayden. h an Mr . R. Tvler. Misa Marion Tv- ler.r Mrs. - Ryburn, Mrs. - Everett, Council Box'65 Mr.' and Mrs. C. F. Mitchell, Creighton, Neb.:- Mr. and Mrs. William Franke, Fremont; Mr. W. E. Hllliker. Fe mont; Mrs..D. O. Gilding, ArTOwsmlth. III. Box 67 Dr. and Mra W. N. Dorward. Miss Maud Hoagland, Council Bluffs; Ml? Daale Bllnn, Miss Beatrice Cole, Mrs. J. J. Dorward. Box 68 Philip Chase, Miss Butterfttld, Miss Mellona Butterfleld, Miss Norma Har ney. -.'-. - r Box 69 F. S. Heyward, Miss Laura Dale, MrT and Mra. B. F. Marshall, Mrs. T. A. Thompson. Box 7(-W. Runyan. Mrs. Runyan, Harry Kock. Ijiwrence Gibson. Box 71Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Edwarda, Master Robert Edwards, Mrs. M. A. Wil liams. - Box 72 Dr. and Mra. 8. F. Connon, with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Mahoney. Box 7:-iMr. James Williams, Denver; W. J. Burgess.' Box 74 R. C.. Cunningham," MMst Mar garet Cunningham, Box 75 Mr. W. G. Colling. Mr. T. P. Haller, Mlas Kenny, Miss Alius McShane. Box 7 W. L. Ulxlcker, Alice Auld. Box 78 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hiller. Mlsa Florence Hiller. Mle. Georglana Michaela. DOCTORS. ELECT OFFICERS Iowa and Nebraska Veterinary Asso ciations Hold Joint Conven tion at City Hall. The Iowa and Nebraska Veterinary Medi cal association held their annual meeting, at the city hall yesterday. The two 'or. ganisatlona are distinct and are holding Joint session only for the purpose of ob taining better facilities. The Nebraska association elected these officers for the year: President. Peter 81 monson, V.. M. D., of Fremont; vice presi dent, I. W. Cochran, V. M. D., Geneva; secretary and treasurer, H. Jensen, V. M. D., Weeping Water. The lowa association elected these officers: D. H. Miller, V. M. D., Des Moines, president; O. R. Toung, V. tl. D., Omaha, vice president; A. O. Peters, V. M. D., Lincoln, secretary and treasurer. ' " ' Among th speakers were Dr. C. E. Stew art, Charlton, la.; Dr. James Vincent, Shenandoah, la.; Dr. H. T. Hahn, Falls City; Dr. H. Tomson. Newman Grove; Dr. V. Shaefer, TeKamah. Wednesday after noon Dr. F. H. Davis of Chicago and Dr. J. H. Gain and Dr. A, F. Peter of Lin coln spoke. Before adjournment a resolution was passed thanking Mayor Dahlman and the Water board for the use of the room in th city ball, and thanking Mr. Ramacclottl for his ahare In making the meeting a auc cesa. NOW FOR THE BIG MEETING Woman's Fertlfa Missionary Society Will Begin Its Work This ' Morning. The general secretaries of the Women's Foreign Missionary aoctety of the Metho dist church brought to au end yesterday afternoon the work preliminary to the reg ular meeting of the society, which begins at :3U this morning at First Methodist church and contlnuea until November 1 The Last subject to engage the attention of the secretaries waa that of their puu llcatlona. There are four of these, all monthly megastrea the Woman'a Mission ary Friend, the Children's Friend, the Ger man's Friend and the Study. They are published in Boston. The editors and pub lishers hsd submitted reports of their sf fairs to the secretaries, which furnished the basis of deliberations. Plans for in creating the circulation of the niagatinee, particularly 'the Woman' Friend, were adopted. It la the purpose to bring thl circulation up to li.iOO. , If you have anything- to trau idvertts It In the For Exchange column of Tbe Be Want Ad page. 5yrvp (9 Nw York N. Y. DBUOGISTS. THREAT TO BLOW UP TRAIN inonjmoni Letter Writer Prmandi $.5,000 from Lak (bore Eailrcad. EFFORT MADE TO TRAP BANDITS Dammr Train Filled with- Arned Men la Ran ta Point Desig nated and Search Begtaa. CHICAGO, Oct, .--Threatened by an anonymous letter writer with the blowing up of one of Ita passenger trains unless It paid over 15.000, the' Lake Shore road to night ran a "dummy" train filled with armed men out of Chicago and at a point in Indiana, designated by the bandits, the train was stopped, but no one was found In the neighborhood. As soon as the train slowed up Superintendent Wilson, with a score of United States deputy marshals and railroad detectlvea, ' leaped from the coaches and began a manhunt that Is still In progress. Three posses are searching the Indiana - marshes In the vicinity of Pine, Miller and Aetna. Two employes of the Aetna powder works have been ar rested. Their . arrest, waa caused bv the findings In their room of a bottle of nitro glycerine. , . : The andlt, In, his letter, Instructed the railroad company to carry the money to him on the Limited $xpresa, which leave Chicago at 6:30 In the evening. "I . will be at the side of the track,": he wrote, "somewhere east or west of Pine. Whe,n,the limited approaches. i. I .will fire, two shots from my. revolver. Have the money in a bag and drop it off the hind end of the train. If you don't do a I say your train will be blown to atoms with dynamite." Three letters In all were received from the mysterious writer and the railroad officials turned the matter over to the United States postal authorities, who planned the ."dummy" train to trsp th bandit . DEATH RECORD, Emit Langr. BEATRICE. Neb., Oct. " 14. (Special Telegram.) Emil Lang, head of the Lang Grocery company and president of the Lang Preserving and' Canning company. died suddenly here today of apoplexy. He wa a pioneer resident of this section and did much for the upbuilding of Beatrice In an early day. He was 67 years of age. Mark A. Harts. Friends of Mark A. Kurt have received word of his sudden death ar Nampa, Idaho, Tuesday. The message was brief, not stat ing any details of the death. Mr, Kurt had made Omaha his home. He owned a ranch In Idaho. ' Awn H. Coaaor. ' ' CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia.. Oct. 24. -Amos H. Connor, mayor of Cedar Rapids, died tud denly today of heart failure. v Federal Balldlagr Notes. Harry E. Slegrlat of Council Bluffs anu Robert E. Strong of Omaha have been ap pointed regular substitute clerks to the miinuv mud ufrvif u mi are now on duty In the ottlce of tbe chUf clerk in Omaha. The railway mall servloe Is ladly disor ganised west and north of Julusburg and Cheyenne because of the storms and the railway mall officiate are having all sorts of a good time in ring to icet affairs straightened out. With clearing weather in that section it Is thought that the troubles will be remedied today. Hn(1(Br , , For Wont wi . v rim lirvcrc a w Mnvn b km SMALL FURS FUn UNED COATS- Fab K4an iih'' FUR COATS rnn.i turn rrKT -vi1'1 auiomccile rua COATS SMELi'-lJNED COATS Sold by ihe leading Dealer ?m mvery tewn. LANPHER SlUNNEIl 45. COMPANY STPAUL fa) V" J V.: n n Ul'JJ I