Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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1 il
i i
i i
tarW, lirer. 0n lA.
' J Tho Cafcst and Host Reliable
.' . ,
A Refreihln. and Pleasant
E6U , Exporters : THE APOLLINARIS CO., Ltd., Londori.
Cm.lia tad Tr-nimiitiitippi Companiei Get
Cvroron Uilwankee Btte.
Tcatlnavnr Now Coming to Surface
Alao Heealla Mlaaoarl Parlllc'a
Mldaicbt Rate Two
Year a Asa.
Along tha Una of thd teatlnKiny of E. W.
fihielda hefora the Interstate Commcrct
onimlaalor.era at Kanaaa City Tuesday,
showing he had Inalde Information of a
rate about to be made by the Milwaukee
railroad and bought over 1,000,000 buahela of
corn before hi competitor were advlaed
of the rate, may be mentioned a peculiar
Incident lu the grain. trade at Omaha last
nn in Miiwuukne, about a year .ago,
announced a special export rate of corn
th Omaha Elevator 'company and the
frnanemlafrtaalppl Grain company were the
only concerns with their line houses aud
termiim.1 elevators full of corn. They had
held their corn for some time and for a
few days had been buying right and left
ta tha country. The -other dealers had
been shipping as usual.
Th result was that the TransminstHntppl
lrln, company and the Omaha Elevator
ompeny, shipped the bulk of the grain
ant out of Omaha over the Milwaukee nn
er that export rate. They had the grain
Mid they got the cars. The other dealers
got themselves Into action and shipped
connldsrabl corn toward the end of the
rat period, but even then they found great
difficulty in getting cars.
"That Vat' of ours was an open rate
ad every grain and elevator man or firm
'could ship by U." said a representative of
th Milwaukee Wednesday morning. "There
was nothing ' secret about It. Certainly
soma on firm or two would ship more
grain than others, because it is perfectly
natural that some one firm or two would
do a larger business than others. There's
nothing mysterious about, that. As a mat-
iter of fact th Milwaukee had nothing to
; oover up and so did not attempt it. Its
tat was publicly announced. If a certain
grain firm of two made more money under
that rat than some others, that's not our
'fault, but their 'fortune." 1
Goald'a MldalsM Hate.
I Two years ago ihej Mlaaouri Paclflo made
midnight tariff by which the Roaenbaiiu
Grain company of Chicago aod the HalU
Baker Grain . company of. Kansas 'City
Shipped an enormous quantity of grain opt
of Omaha to . the exclusion of other ex
porting concerns and the loss of the local
grain men from whom the grain was
bought. These two', concerns paid th
- Omaha dealer above the market price for
grain, and When they' had corralled every
thing in this part of the country the Mis
souri Pacific export rate was announced,
allowing them a handsome profit on tielr
holdings.' ' If Rosenbaum and Hall-Baker
had not bought the grain when they did,
f th Omaha men would have received kv
eral cents more a bushel, that la, provided
th fa f was announced.
This midnight tariff resulted In the blg-
gest corn blockade in the history of Ne
braska. Five thousand cars, of grain prurtd
into th Missouri . Pacific and lltirilly
swamped that road, ao that it had to enlist
th service of the Union Paclflc and Bur-
v j , ' ' '
flow it feels to b pcrfertljr well?
Perfectly well metes a lot. Not an
che, all or protest of any kind from
Vo4y or Eilad.
' The Heaven of perfect pols'3 when
lha life forces drive rich, strong red
Wood through tha veins and fill one
!wlth an Indefinable Joy, when nature
and all the world seems to be sending
Caresses to you.
, Then the sky is beautiful whether It
te gray or a deep restful eternity
reaching blue or covered with softly
moulded, round bosomed clouds lazily
Coating about and the breeze la kind
and sweet whether it smootht your
cheek with the soft touch of the woman
who loves you or energetically fills
your lungs with tha strong tonic of life.
Trees - nod, the fallen leaves frisk
kboilt ta fairy grace, flowers smile and
send their fragrance and every friend
you meet seems a warm hearted
brother reaching out for companion
ship. Perhaps an open fire beckons,
besido which tabby purrs our her soft
aong 'Of peace. Harmony from every
aid greet the harmony within and
thora steals over one from head to
foot the subtile, sensuous tingle of
warm new blood, the perfect poise of
a well-fed nervous system.
1 this is absoluto evidence that the
$o8eor has ' been ' fed ritcht ' and
should stick to that kind of food and
habits Wblch Lava produced the result.
The facts stand fortn snd the conclus
ions are cartain. If trouble, distress
aod. inhariuony fills the days aud blot
Postum Cereal Co..
m Vjec Vwumt-
Uor, RcUere tho Kidney. ,
Aperient for Morning Use.
llnaUm to get the grnln "started out of
Omaha on Its way to the gulf. It was In
the dead of winter, and this added to the
trials of the engine men and train men of
the Missouri Pacific.
Mere Host Tha Preredlns Week, bat
t n Many as Oae
Year Ago.
CINCINNATI. O., Oct.. 24 -(Special Tele
gram.) Price Current says: Thrre la
bat little change in the movement of mar
ketable hogs. Tctal western packing was
fcirt.OOO, compared with 3H5.O0O the preceding
week and 4T,:10 last year. From March 1
th total Is lS.4fiO.0nO, against 14.585.00 a
year ago. Prominent places compare as
Kansas City i.010.ni0
Pouth Omaha I.S1.)0
Pt. Louis I.OVi.eno
Bt. Joseph
.. 1.178.
.. R73.0K)
.. SMS.Onn
. . 4H).(n
.. 32S.iiO
. . 4HO,0il
Indianapolis ..
Milwaukee ...
Cedar Rapids
Sioux City ....
St. Paul
Elks' gtaa Social.
Thursday, Nov.' g, 1806, 8:15 p. m. Ama
teurs desiring to appear on this program
and compete for prises will please notify
Frank A. Furay, secretary, before Nov. 1.
For further particulars 'phone. Dou.Ias
1363, or call at club rooms.
Fair Today Tomorrow la Xe
braaka, Iowa, Soeth Dakota
aad Kaaaas.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 24. Forecast of the
weather for Thursday and Friday:
For Nebraska, South Dakota and Kansas
Fair Thursday and Friday; slowly rising
For Iowa and Missouri Fair Thursday
snd Friday. '
Loral Reeord.
OMAHA, Oct. 4. Official record of temper
ature and precipitation compared with the
corresponding day of the last three years:
10H. 19K. 190 ij.hi.
Maximum temperature ... 46 57 6 70
Minimum temperature ... its 43 40 40
Mean temperature - 42 ft) W 56
Preclpltattot .14 .0! ..00 .00
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March 1
and comparison with the last two years i
ivormai temperature .vt
TVflclency for the day 8
Total excese since March 1, 1908 16
Normal precipitation .07 Inch
Excess for the day 07 Inch
Precipitation since March 1... ...24.49 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 J. 20 Inches
Uetlclency for cor. period. 19nn..3.26 4nches
Deficiency for cor. period, 19o4..4 8.60 Inches
Reports from Stations at T P. M.
Station and State Temp. ' Max. Irain
of Weather. 7 p. m. Tenio. fall.
msmarcK. clear uo
Cheyenne, clear ., 40
Chicago, cloudy 48
Davenport, raining 42
Denver, clear .". 44
Havre, cloudy St
Helena, cloudy 64
Huron, clear :8
.00 i
Kansas City, clear 4 4X
North Platte, clear -40
Omaha, clear 41 45
Rapid City, cloudy ,. 62 5S
St. iouia, cloudy 50 54
Bt. Paul, raining SH 42
Salt ljike, cloudy 64 58
Valentine, clear 36 . ' .IS
Wiulxton. cloudy 56 ' 60
T Indicates trace nf -precipitation.
U A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
Ever ECnow
tout tbe rightful peace every human be-
ing has a right to, change the food.
If your present method of feeding
makes imperfect cells and fsils to
build the soft gray matter in brain
and nerve centres scattered over the
body, look alive, quit the old diet, and
take on a new and better one. That's
plain common sense. Right then is
the exact time to quit coffee absolutely
and select meals wisely. Suppose you
try for breakfast,
A little fruit,
A dish of Grape-Nuts and cream,
Two soft-boiled eggs,
A cup of Fostum Food Coffee. .
fitop at that, it will carry you easily the midday meal, which can be
either a lunch of the same things If
a dinner is expected at night) or the
heavy meal can beNsken at midday.
Take only one heavy meal'ln a day In
addition to the two light ones.
At the heavy meal have one good
meat course, with one or two vege
tables, ud a itch, sweet GrapeNuts
pudding. After a few days of these
meals a change for the better will
come oer the body In practically every
case where the disease has not become
too firmly fixed and chronic
Henienibfr h"altr is a matter of
wisely selected food and a harmonious
mind. It will be tremendous, help
to read the little book, "The Road to
yelKlUe," found in pkgs. of Postum
and Grape-Nuts.
"There's Keason" and a profound
Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich.
Vane aa 4-
I KspoHlCRa aD(l I tision .Tlr;eht Votf j
! Couat in Its Fav.T. I
I j
I ',
Prohibition or SoclallsM Do Vt
I'nnol I nlona Specifically Marked,
na Tlifsr Pnrllee flirt ol
I'.nilorae Amrnilmi'nl.
Krom r (Unit Correspondent.
LINCOLN, Oct. .'4. (Special. )( retaiy
of State tjuluh hla rtclvrd the follow-
j Irw letter 1 r- in the legal department if
th state regarding tho vote nn the consti
tutional amendment
I Wo have your communication submit ;Iuk
to this ntpwrtinent the fnlhmrlng proposi
tions relative to cotlnK on tliM cintitu-
tloral Ki7-.-i,(1nint to he aulitnutiti at no;
comint; elerliun and reiiueytirm an opinion j
tlii'ieon: .'
1. hether all '(Iralnht" vot oa enst for I
ine republican. der.;ocr.uic or people I""'-
within tha narty'a circle at th" head of the .
ballot shwll be onm rued to he for the
; unii naincnt una recorded nna . oumea e ,
l"-'h?. . . i
Bliculd h mark within tin- party circle j
either of the panics. cich having d- ;
rlarvd in Its pirty platform fur the iiiin-nd-;
ini'ni. rie counted tor vucii MiiM noranii u .
the voter ha.o 'scratched" his Hike; rt'ii! .
placpfl crnes In the sniars iipnoisite the '
names of candidates of the other parties?
The attorney general quotes the . sections '
oi in rtututes and consul utlon ic-:irina on i
the case and says: , rt.
I r rom the fnreu-ciit ir itntviMM.lis of the:.i.
statutes we reach the ' following o.nclu-
Klors: :
1. Thai since the democratic, republican i
!!i,-Lj?'i1Pl.".'',t,nl.,T",,r".V ,"rt",1VhVcor i
dared in their state plat forma mr the cO'i-
siuutional amendment wrlth reierence to
a state rnllwa vt commission, and such at-:
I'.lv .btrn ',',ul.y 'T",!1 ,", tnTTj;
tty of state, all "straight votes cast for
these party tickets should he con-trued h
for the amendment and recorded and
counted as such. . . .
z. That a murk within the party circle '
of either the .lmo.iatlc. repul.lican or
people's lndcpendnt prty should h
counted for the amendment', uniess the ;
voter has nlacpd a cross in the winare op
posite the word.4. "Against constitutional
amendment with refertnee to state railway
J. ai "straight" prohibition or a ''straight
soclalM " party vo,',' 'Vhcs; panres nArha;-I
Ing declared In their state platforms either
for or against the amendment, will not he
a vote for the amendment; but such voters
may express their will for or against the
niendinent by imiklnir a croup in tnn
squares provided opposite the wolds, "For"
or "Against."
lasuranee Company on Hack.
The Provident Accident Insurance com
pany of Omaha Is passing under the In
surance department limelight and may be
compelled to haul down the flag and turn
Its toes to the daisies. An examination of
the affairs of the company bag Just been
completed by George Anthes and It shows
very little of. the coin of the realm ha
been handled by- this concern. The collec
tions alnce January have amounted to
$1,452 50, while it has collected In all since
its organisation the sum of $3.2410 and
it has disbursed a total of 13.2S4.92. The
company violates the law in that It Id
doing business with only 153 members,
when the law says It should have 25a It
now has on hand claims being adjusted
amounting to a total of 1150. It has cash
on hand reaching the enormous sum of
19.89; premiums In process of collection,
1131, and furniture and fixtures valued at
1125, making its total assets reach the
sum of 1265.69, startling figures In these
days of (rensled finance. It has collected
In advance assessments to the amount of
178; It has on hand claims Inherited from
th old company amounting to 110; It has
an open account from the old company
amounting to 118S; it has other accounts
outstanding reaching !i62.. Mr. Anthes
found that one premium had been collected
for which there had been no policy Issued.
If the company shows signs of getting on
Its feet the Insurance department will not
close It up, but according to Mr. Pierce
It looks like It Is all In.
Warden After Wisconsin Banter. Warden Carter now has a violation
of th game laws which probably he will
have to prosecute under the federal laws.
The violator is Robert Wall and he Uvea
In Beaver Dam, Wis. Recently Wall billed
out from Hay Springs a' box containing
twenty grouse and four ducks to De Kalb,
111. The express messenger discovered the
contents of the box and refused to accept
the shipment, throwing the box out of tho
car. In the meantime Wall ordered the
box reahlpped from the Illinois town to
Wisconsin. The deputy game warden at
Hay Springs, Dr. Shepner, took charge of
the birds and notified the game warden's
office. Mr. Carter la now figuring how to
reach th Wisconsin hunter.
Commissioners Do Not Visit Governor.
W. J. Broatch of the Omaha Board of
Fir and Police Commissioners was here
the first of the week, and yesterday-
JSpratlen of the same board was also
here. What they were doing here Is not
of record, but according to Governor
Mickey neither of them called upon hiin.
The governor has not yet received the
transcript of the proceedings of the hear
ing in the matter of the charges against
the board members and haa therefore
taken no action on the demurrer.
MeBrlen on To or.
State Superintendent MeBrlen went to
Kearney tonight to apeak at the State
Normal school, and tomorrow he will go
to Keystone Co assist the Woman's club
In establishing a library In the public
school. Friday he will attend the meet
ing of the Western Educational associa
tion at Sidney, and on Saturday night
h will speak at Chappell. Sunday lie
will speak at a church in Oahkosh on
educational matters.
Coks Loses Commission. 1
Governor Mickey will revoke the notary
commission of Max Conn of Nerra-nka
City, who la charged with having attached
his seal to an Instrument which h failed
to see the party sign. He will suortly
Issue a statement. In which he will re
view the testimony and give his reasons
for revoking the commission.
Trains Delayed at Stella.
STELLA. Neb., Oct. 24. (Special.) At 10
o'clock yesterday .forenoon as the local
frelrht was switching In the yards the
track spread, letting the engine, one of the
largo battleship type, down on the ties
An Avtrc frnlphl c;inie : 1 1 1 11 IT and trtpil In
pull the engine back on the ral's, with
the result that It cut deeper In the ground
and stuck with the pilot so near the main
track that it blocked yrafflc completely.
Several hours were spent In trying to raise
the englue, which was then given up and
a temporary '-rack built around th wreck
and traffic was resumed after a delay of
seven hours
Storm Prevents Meetlna
ST. PAl L. Neb., Oct. 21. (Special Tele
gram.) Notwithstanding the bud roads a
good-sized, enthusiastic crowd had assem
bled till stttrnoon to hear Hon. George
L. Sheldon and iw micli disappointed
when the report reached litre that he was ! Voids Man Shoots Himself,
still snowbound somwnt r In the western '. BGNKELMAN. Neb Oct. 24. 8petlal.)
part of the state, consequently the rally i Clarence E. Siona. a young farmer resld
did not take place as advertised. I (.jy about fivx milts west of Benkelnian,
. ! went to the house of his sweetheart yes-
Entieed Olrls from Home. j irdy evening and shot himself three
FLATTS-MOI'TH. Neb., Oct. 24.-i8pe. il times, fulling on the doorstep. Te young
Last Monday evening two young nw-n, ' nian bore an excellent reputation. He is
accompanied bv lo young gilts ..bout 15 j alive, but his wounds are probably fatal.
ears of age. arrived In this city and p-nt
the night in the Perkins hoi. l, reglatcriiiN ' ' 1 eet!ns at Aabarn.
las brothers and sisters, but failed to give
their residence. Th next day they went to
Mynard. This morning Deputy HheiiiT A.
1 j. Gra arrived from Pottawattamie
miiniy, lows. n1 ti-k the four ynung
! rcoplr hack Mm. Vhr girls jtr their
nn-ncs hk Mary Horsl arA Gadc Band ill nil
aid Mul' d tliat their residence was In
4v..cs. Ia. The young rem were traveling
with carnival' company when they he-
cm acquainted wl:h them. The warrant
rhnrgel the rr.ung m n v.ilh enticing the
girls frcni hr-me for immoral pur-
I"" r.
t onurcMman from First District
Drew llnlr Ilia One.
LINCOLN. iiet. It. Chalrnan Teegarden I
of the First district congressional repub- I
!uin committee, ha lifn (ending 0;it a
rir'i:;tr !. ttrr t- vntrrr rrplytng to lit- I
t:i-:.-5 irvl on C"or.K!T.iiitn Pollard In cfn
;irti.i!i with hi rnliiry. Mr. Tfof:nrdPn
dtfa tl-p uilea ( cinsrai end the atatute
of th t'rltfl Blatta on thp tiplo. ahowina;
th.-it Mr. V- Ilar.l iwcrply conformed to th
i iil rnd tly la- lu hla action, and violated
no vrecraent- whatever
Th circular aela forth thla fart: Senator
,, ... . . ,, . , ,,
Lurkett did ik1 real;n -hlf aeat In the
I on.'- ' until Maich 4, 1!K. tn the v-
t.'cy occurrck To 1111 thl. vacancy Mr.
Pollard waa ehrted. Th rules of the holism
it)'! the I iw of the I' tilted States provide:
"Vlien m ember is elected to till a
.... .... . t.1. I
" o u'ur or re-iniiw.,i..
silarj la cnmptited from when the vacancy
o.-rurs." The e'erk of the house of rep
rHscnt:;t!vc,. Bt Washington writes to Mr.
Pollarl: "In regard to your pay. ynfi
I only received what, you were clearly en-I
title,) to both In law and In equity, and I
pr-cednnts are In your favor " The I
ergeimt nt arms of the house, who Is i
. ... .. ..
""'m T , . T ' , '
'r- Pollard: Permit ni to say that .
Sou were mild salnrv from March 4. 1S"S. ,
1,n,,Pr ,nr f'ton,s and j-ules of the hous, :
... , , ,, ,.
; i - rmati, .n un unr
The court of claims of the I'nited States. -
' V'ftoK on a similar claim, says: "Re- j
' '
'""In' to the. words of the statute.)
! we find that they refer to other vacancies j
'than those caused bv death: 'whenever!
. . . ., , ,
ncap.clcs. occur by death or otherwise
are tho words. Vacancies my occur by
Hrnth rculcnsilnn nr cvnntlon- hcv mv
also occur by action of the house, and the
term 'otherwise' Is a comprehensive one
Intended to cover all other causes. The
,a,e does not make an indiscriminate
provision for the payment of members of
congress. It apportions one salary to each
district or seat, and Its plain purpose Is
that the whole of that salary shall go
to the member of successive- members, who
j .-eprvsent that district or occupy that seat,
and that no part of the foalary shall fall
back Into the treasury."
In another case which was passed upon
by the court of claims, and In which this
eame languuge was used, appeal was taken
to the supreme court of the United States
and the decision . of the .lower court waa
sustained. The Teegarden circular goes on:
In brief, the situation Is simply this:
The salary of congressmen is fixed by stat
ute, and If the congressman Is paid the
salary fixed by the statute It can not be
morally wrong since It is legally right,
unless the democratic nominee contends
that congressmen should be paid on a
basis of the value of their services and
not as provided by the statute, In which
event a democratic congressman would
have difficulty In establishing his right or
claim to any salary. It is quite generally
known that the present administration
has been busy doing things for the general
good of the people, and a democratic con
pressman from this district at this time
would he In the way. No on claims that
ne would nelp the president or Congress In
the work to be done. It must be admitted
that lie would be In the way of getting
the work done, and for that service, if he
would not avail himself of the statutory
salary, he would not get any salary.
Railroad Mast Pay Ten Dollars Per
Hoar for Delay.
BCRWELL, Neb.; Oc 24. (Special.) -District
court has beeij in session fcere
and among other cases' decided was on
of more than general Interest to the stock
shippers of this state. , Tbe action was
brought under the provisions known as
"The Stock Speed Bill," Introduced by
Senator E. D. Qould of Oreeley county
and passed at the last session of the legis
lature. As to the time of departure of cars front
their place of shipment and the arrival
of same to their destination there was
but little dispute between the parties and
the questions Involved was the consti
tutionality of the law. . On this point the
court held that the 110 per hour waa not
a penalty, but was liquidated damages that
the legislature had a right to determine
and that the law of ttjs state Is a part
of every contract; that the liquidated
damages, as fixed by the legislature, was
reasonable. There were many other points
raised, but th cuse seemed to turn on
the qustlon as ststed.
Wilber I. Cram, who Is plaintiff against
the Chicago, Burlington Qulncy Rail
road Company, received a Judgment for
11,640 and we are Informed that this Is,
to be a test case and therefore will go
to the supreme court for final determina
tion. Andrew Sneak at Eissr.
EDGAR. Neb.. Oct. 24. (Bpeclal.)-Hon.
W. E. Andrews spoke In the opera, house
yesterday afternoon. Mr. Andrews dwelt
on the grand work that had been done by
the republican party and that remaining
for the party to do, urging republicans to
take a lively Interest In the present cam
paign, and, as they knew from the past
that republican principle were the best
tor the country, to do their best to elect
republicans to office and thus continue the
grand work of the republican party. Hon.
Charles Epperson, candidate for re-election
to the senate, waa present and also made
an address on the subject of regulating
freight and transportation rates. He
pointed out th wrongs done the farmers
and shippers by the unjust freight rates.
L. B. Bttner, county attorney, and candi
date for re-election, waa also present and
spoke briefly on the political situation as
affecting the local ticket.
Cat Throat with Scissor.
NEL1GH. Neb., Oct. 24-(6peclal Tele
gram.) Mr. A. H. Phillip attempted sui
cide this afternoon at her home In this
city by cutting her throat with a pair of
scissors. Prompt arrival of a physician
saved her life. She seems to be menUlly
deianged, which Is presumed to be the
caus of the act of self-destruction. For
several days she has threatened to end her
I n. . . . m , i . ...... i n .
mo ana siui insists umi uw miu acruin-
plsh this at the first opportunity present-
able. With quick and proper care the at- the aftatr. I tie marsnai naa taken pot
tending physician report. h.r In a fair way j jssjon of th
of recovery, with quiet and continued day nlght " animal had not been
proper care.
Brown Speak at Hastings.
HASTINGS. Neb.. Oct. 24. (Special Tele-
, gram.) Attorney General Norrls Brown
spoke to a large audlenca at the orera
house tonight. This afternoon Mr. Brown
spoke ut Rowland. In hi address h?r
he devoted most of his time to republican
policies, state and national, with respect to
AUBURN. Neb.. Oct. 24. (Social.) Hon.
1 W- D. tl'fonnel. toileiter or the United
j States treasury of Waehlngton. D. C and
I bro'tur of Hon. J. U. O Connel. reputll' an
' . .
the Men's Suits
and Overcoats
from this $
MUUH "Ul 111
candidate for senator, addrefcd the voters
at the court house last night. Hon. T. J.
Doyle spoke at the opera house.
Pollard at Pern. -
PERU. Oct 24. (Special.) Congressman
Pollard and the county candidates on the
republican ticket spoke here Monday night.
Rain had been falling all day and the
weather was very disagreeable, yet a good
crowd of voters turned out and listened
with Interest to Mr. Pollard's address. He
spoke for an hour and a half on the Issues
of the day. Tuesday 'mbrning Mr. Pollard
addressed the students of the State Normal
school In the chapel hall at the regular
chapel exercises.
Sew of Nebraska.
EUSTIS The new building which Is to
be occupied by the Farmers Mate bank
Is about completed and the business will
be moved therein about November 1.
BEATRICE After a trial lasting sev-
eral hours lu police court, Charles Jones,
charged with "driving his automobile to j
.-Air.., mi; wV ....... ... ..
BEATRICE P. M. Hagerman of Fllley,
who lias Just returned from Sycamore
Springs. Kan., yesterday suffered a stroke
of apoplexy and little hopes for his re
covery are entertained.
COLUMBUS Almost every young man,
and the old ones., too, are .Joining the
Youn,g Men's Christian association,
through the efforts of the active business
committee, consisting of twelve.
. BEATRICE The young son of H. "D.
Odell, a farmer living west of .the city,
was kicked In the face by -a horse and
severely Injured. His nose waa broken
and he was badly cut in a number of
COLUMBUS Hubert Burress,' former
editor of the Columbus Argus, several
years ago, has been here visiting relatives
and shaking hands with old-time friends.
He is the editor of a paper at Swea Ctty,
la., now.
BEATRICE Yesterday the trustees of
the Beatrice Aerie of Eugles sold their
gymnasium to the Mary Young Men's
Christian association. They donated $25
to the association in tho transfer of the
COLUMBUS Young Becher, who went
to eastern Colorado last week to examine
the land, came back, reporting that it
was good land, so his lather, (ius G
Becher, with E. H. Chambers, have pur
chased eight quarter sections of It
OA KLAND Mist ess I,ainla and Lena
Nelson, daughters of Mrs. J. L. Nelson
of this city, left here Tuesday morning
for New York City, where they sail No
vember 1 for Merrut, India, to become
taachers In the Methodist Mission school
BEATRICE Last evening at the home
of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Hatesohl, was solemnised the marriage of
Mr. Arthur Reed and Miss Dora M. Hate,
sohl. Rev. J. A Lowe officiating. Mr.
and Mrs. Reed will make their home at
Superior, Neb.
OAKLAND The funeral of Dr. Thomas
W. Leeper, the pioneer doctor of the Logan
valley, was held at the -Methodist Epis
copal church In this city Tuesday after
noon under the auspices of the Odd Fel
lows, of which order he was a member.
Interment was In the Oakland cemetery.
COLUMBUS The Union Pacific Rail
road company haa given Foreman Webb
Instructions to spar no pains or expense
in fixing the culverts by the side of the
Meridian road. This good news pleases
our citizens who live in the south part
of town because It will drain their lots
to the Platte river.
PLATTSMOUTH-Dr. Frank Jensen of
Newman Grove, Neb., and Miss Hose E.
Patton of1 this city were married in the
First Methodist Episcopal church in this
city this evening. Rev. J. K. Houlgate,
pastor of the church, officiating. Dr. and
Mrs. Jensen departed on the evening Bur
lington train for Omaha.
BEATRICE The city council last even
ing passed an ordinance vacating a por
tion of Front street, between Market and
Bell streets, for the Eaton Gas company.
The company will erect its plant on this
ground and work will be started upon it
at once. The contractors say they will
have the plant In readiness In about sixty
days. ,
EUST11 The Odd Fellows are making
preparations to erect a 17,000 building.
The structure, will be a double store build
ing, two stories high. The upstairs will
be fitted up for a hall, to be used as a
lodge room and opera bouse. Tho work
of construction will be commenced as
soon as material and help can b pro
cured. EL'STIS The city marshal Is Indus
triously hunting an individual who left
a horse tied to a hitching post during the
severe storm last Saturday night without
i . , f L , ,. . ,
prominent cltlseiis up In anno ov
PLATTSMOUTH Burglars' entered the
residence of D. O. Dwyer in this city last
i.lglit by prying open a wmc.ow snd enter
ing bis bed room, relieved him of all his
money and departed without diaturbing his
quiet slumbers. They also entered the
bskery of C. L. Hyrger on Main street.
Money was doubtless what they were after,
but Mr. Herger had taken that home witn
him alter locking the store. The citlsen
are reK.rted to be inventing in firearms
for their own protection.
Nail Trust" In Mesleo.
KL PASO. Tex., Oct. 24.-The Jalisco
Times says that a Nail trust, so-called, has
been formed in Mexico, the National Nail
ci .ii, I .any having taken In the San I Alls
potoHl. Guadalajara and Mexico City Dlanu
und .-losed ull down but the Han Luis Po
tosi factory. The uiachinery of the other
plants Is being taken to San LuIn Potosi.
l.rueat Paulsen, mho formerly operated the
Guadalajara factory, la president of 'lie
National company.
Bryaa's Indlaaa Tour.
INDIANAPOLIS. Oct. 24-William J
Bryan made hla hrst speech tody at I.eb
ar:oii. Other trfitechea scheduled for tne
llilid ami lust day of his Indiana tour ar
j 1M ,oUl'n. olumoia i'lty and Koit V.i
at Iiiaelle l'. lphl. l-ogarisi-ort, ulvtr
77-51 4X .I... L
, ... . ., 1 t -w"
I 1. 1 .1. ...1
,', fe 'ir
f ew
I 13 , 1 i 1
cr-j rxt rn fN
A Bought at
All the Nenjs Finest Hand Mde
Overcoats and Suits
ggS up. . $10-12.50
Scow and Eain bid and Bailroad
Traffic is Becoming Normal.
Bloekade on t'nlon Pnelfle and
Bnrllnaton in the Northwest
is Off and Train Are
The storm In the west has abated, th
railroads have thelines nearly brokn rMum-.d ther regular schedule this morn
through the snow ATid trains were run- ,ng Tne weatner ,n Colorado Springs this
nlng last nitfht on all lines. At Cheyenne j mornmg i8.clear and balmy. .
the four days' storm, which ended Tuns- LAKESIDE, Neb., Oct. 24.-(Special Telt-
nay mgnt. was loiiowea oy tair, mnn
weather Wednesday, which seems likely to
continue. p,o losses oi came nave oeen
reported nnd but few sheep seem to have ,
succumbed to the clement. !
rno tnion Pacific has been completely
blocked between Cheyenne and Sidney with
three feet of snow on the level and ten
Inches t North Platte. Snow plows have
been able to punch a hole through the snow
and the line is now open with trains mov
ing! The road was blockaded for twenty
four' honrs and ten passenger trains were
Jn a hunch In the yards at Cheyenne. With
the sun now shining and the track cleared
no further difficulty is anticipated.
The storm also has let up on the Bur
lington Jn the northwest and also on the
line to Denver. All trains are late, but
getting through, and communication is
open now to all parts of tho system, al-
though In many Instances but one wire Is
working. There was no snow on the Sherl
dan division, the snow belt extending from
Newcastle to Broken Bow, with twelve
inches at Bridgeport. Snow plows were at
work Wednesday morning between Edge
mont and Broken Bow and the line Is now
open. This snow belt seemed to be a strip
riinnlnr north and anuth lonv t V, a.
! nart of Nebraska and the eastern mil nf
Union station was bare of trains from
the west and the only sign of the mag
nificent transcontinental trains of the Over
land route was a train of two coaches and
a caboose.
Storm in the State.
NORFOLK, Neb., Oct. 24.-The
still nrevaila In the nnrthwpalrn nn. .
th. .t.te l-n in .m.ih.m H,..i.
There Is a foot of snow on the Rosebud I
reservation. Wires are down on the North
western main line west of Stuart. The
temperature has fallen In the northeastern
part of Nebraska and sleet Is falling.
EUSTIS, Neb., Oct 24.-(8peclal.)-The
fiercest storm In years visited this section
of the country the past three days. Rain
and sleet fell continuously for forty-eight
?0UI- Jrafflc la somewhat Impede d owing
,o . . .e.Cpone
communication la cut off and trains are
from, one to nine hour, late; engineer.
are running without orders. Train No. 158,
a stock special which run. lover this branch
of the Burlington every Monday morning.
was annulled and no stock shipment, wer. -
accented. Stock losses are Mllrht Hut
V ,. a . . T
l mi uviiin ' ' uuiib iu IH..UB M I 111 irUll
tree. Everything Is covered with a heavy
coating of Ice.
LEIGH, Neb.. Oct 24.-(8peclal.) Rainy,
cold weather .till continue. It began rain
ing here last Thursday night and con
tinued at intervals until late Saturday
evening, when It began k steady rain and
has conttnuod ever since. It is growing
colder and gives promise of snow. On ac
count of the bad weather corn husking la
delayed. Many farmers had Intended to
begin the work llomiay morning, but the
weather has delayed them Bt least a week.
Tralna Are Blockaded.
ANSLEY, Neb.. Oct. 24. (Special.) A
severe snow and sleet storm ha. been
raging between here and Alliance, Neb.
All telegraphic communication 1. cut off.
Passenger train No. 41- going through
here at mldnlfiht Monday, is now at
Senaca. Neb., and passenger train No. 41,
going e(t through here Tuesday at (:25
a. in.. Is at Anselmo, Neb. Passenger train
No. 43. due her at midnight, and pas
senger train No. 41, due at 6 o'clock this
morning, were stopped at Ravenna, Neb.,
and turned back to Lincoln. It snowed
all day at Merna, Neb., and passengers
on this train, who drove from Merna to
Broken Low yesterday, claim the snow Is
two feet deep In a onc-nille stretch be
tween the two towns.
Hon. George- 1 Sheldon and Congress
man M. P. Klnkald were unable to get to
Broken Bow to hold their meeting last
evening, they being blockaded at Alliance.
tag. wursiotra aooTKixo irairr,
usc4 lr SIXTf YlAKi bf MILLION
.1 Mul HfcKi tar tUIL.LihSi WHII.S I kSIM.
'Ml Willi I'lHlm r Mil ess It SOUTHS lk
(tllLD. Eo-lk.-. ike Gvia. ALLAYS u rAJA.
ltd WIND i UUi., u u is. baat lsM Lmi
' :SSHuAA SolS br lry, la wjl sj
orl S, ftur, aoa a UM
m -wi .arwr.tfi
C."" a
a Big Reduction J
i j a i
At About
All the Men's Suit
nd Ovcrco&ts from this
stock worth prrjSO
12.50 $15 JJ -
, All freight trains are stopped.' It rained
almost continually her Tuesday, hut the
sun Is shining her this morning- Great
damage Is done ornamental trees by being
broken down with snow and sleet.
PAPILJ-ION. Neb., Oct. 24.-(Speclal.)
A cold, drlxzllng rain for three .days liaa
put the roads In bad condition and seriously
Interferes with tha work of farmers, fust
starting corn husking. ,
COLUMBUS, Neb., Oct. 24. (Special.)
Trains from the west are. behind time,
some of them mors than twenty-four houis
Colorado Blockade Lifted.
COLORADO SPRINGS. Colo.,' Oct. !4.
Th snow blockade on the Rock Island,
which comnletelv tied un that road for
v.irfv.oi hours hn hn lirt.ri anil train
' gram.) A severe snow storm ha been rag
,n) here October 21. blockading all
ing here since Octotx
trains since Monday.
8now has drifted
from on to BlK feet def.p TbfJ weBther. Is
not very cold and most of th stock ha
,tood tne ,torm weU. It ,s clcar tod(iy
and trains will resume soon,
VERMILION, 8. D., Oqt. .24. (Special
Telegram.) The heaviest October snow
storm In many years Is falling ber today.
It will likely continue several hours.
Destruction - in Kloarasjwa.
BOSTON, Oct'M.--Tn United Bute
Fruit company's steamer Llmon, which ar
rived here today from Port Linton, Corta
Rica, reports that Blueflelds, on of ' the
most prosperous towns of Nicaragua, was
In ruins, and that all the banana planta-
i tions had been destroyed. Little Corn
j Island, off Nicaragua, Captain Porter of
the steamer reports, showed no signs of
life when the Llmon passed, but contrary
to published reports, Costa Rica appeared
to have escaped damage of any c m e
Retirement of Asahl Kitlgakl Sar
prlse to Admiral Sands, as
His Record is Good..
ANNAPOLIS, Md., Oct. 24. Admiral
Sands, superintendent Of the Naval acad
emy, today received the Navy department'
approval of the "withdrawal" of Midship
man Asaui jYliiKttiw iroai iu uiibuub hi
I academy. The department's approval
was. It Is understood, "at the request" of
the Japanese embassy. The authorities
here received their first Intimation of the
action on Monday morning, when the young
man tendered his resignation under In
structions from the embassy at Washing
ton. While It cannot be said positively
that Kitlgakl used the word "Instructed,"
this wa the understood meaning of his
action. He was at once granted leave and
Wt whln,ton on Monday afternoon.
At th- uulemy nothing can bt learned
offlclan t0 tne CM. wnll,h d Kltl.
, M Mi ,urtner tn.n , fact
I hag AoM
u ca be .uteJ howcv, hft dl1 not
, on account pf dpflclency n ,tudlc,
n unsatisfactory .landing In th.
i conduct grade.
Qurw tM li. MtaS, U lur Ska.
n.reTT. reB'iY a co.
SUkM 4 C'katt m4 kmia SAlna J
Moans Money lu Your Pocket.
W, sr, tb, only bool last provides ronpiau,
prsutical, mouay-rarDl.'it cud Sioii.y-Bavlns loan
ing by mail, lu oiT&iiug, rilrlng. oustraotnig
aud driiguitif ,i,rji biod oi motor v.bli'l''. ,
to Jnvw a Motor r. lu
rat th. 0ttMiriLB Vnfil, L
m au4 FvdAift, but you t:i
mtm be a C4aivtai rbauflour,
ivr be m(j nn tbe roe 4.
if bie t) give your iuit
niorwle plotter t-4re ut)t4M y
r bv a ttiurouaa auvrxja
!'f of iaotor-TehH'ie joiitrut-tiuai
'V r4 uaKUDii. Our
la-1 V i ro of! em i be aaljr ratKal
tr.etaodl ft learolna Kiai&t'i leron aa th iv-aa
or in our ihoe if dee'red- Our sttnroyuktaA Buree
l:oturt-. iu'Taiive utntout for tiur (ratiuatre.
To t haufTfura, !rivern. Auiv-jubtle tuf!ner, jVj.
rtianu. liepetrtMu and I i Kb era. v ( motof
veil !!- fr,ia in the i;nii4 imt. itifi r. Ur ur
prtMMliii-t Um to 1til, rreetlfia Riret tf-Hiud for Ltm)
rieul aULutrtcbile an. Write iuf trina with free
t tuple ut iefshauns i'pr, in tionaty of Maturing
j lemte Arlir-. jH H K;- P N ( T Nt C ri ' H m l
1 OK Al'TdMt HiLI KNOI SKI.RIMi. 4,il ,4J:, ens
vt l tir i , N Y t k ' I y
I X ill
Vt v
-n S
isinn rnimnrrrrr lilllsiimmi ii unmiiiii