Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1906, Page 2, Image 2
Tin-: OMAHA. DAILY BEE: .THURSDAY. . OCTOBER 2-V lOOfi.,. .-V TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 61 . Women's and Children's Underwear. Now Is the important time, between seasons. Not quite cold enough for heavy wool gar ments, and a little too cool for summer garments. For between season's wear we have the poft cotton flefcfd garments-which : are very. elastic and warmth giving, 'the ideal garment for right now. We have the wool garments if you prefer them. All onr garments Are carefully made, ftylish and well up to the standard quality. Modestly priced. ffimwi'i fUse co'loft. vests, ecru rotor, hlfH nek. long sleeve, drawer to match, ankle length, French bund, 25c each. WflinrtT fae.ay fleece cotton vests, cream or white, high n"k; lohg sleeves, drawer to imnleh, ankle length, nothing better for cold weather. Children' tine ribbed fleece wool shirts, high ne-k; long sleeves, drawers and pants tj match, ankle length, a good heavy gar ment, SO each. Main Floor. Knit Skirts. Vniia'ual showing t the warmth-giving, garments, .fn-e.ttjr new pattern!, elastic knit, fits snugly t the body, an Ideal protection' for then cold, damp days.,' Knit sfclrt of plain gray, navy, red and black,. - teo btak With red strlpei and gray- with . UWck strip, price n.W, ?. and tlCS each. tklrt of Outing Flannel, rdaln pink. light blue itrid white, !o plain white", with pink' embroidered ruffle, price, BOc and $1.00 each. Second Fleet.- . " Free Lessons,' Art Embroidery. Miss Bfeenstnip. expert needle artist, gives free Instruction . In art embroidery every day from I to B p. m. All th newest slltchts are taught.' Materials must be pur Chased here. Class meeta on aecond floor. CUSTOMERS DEPOSIT ."ACCOUNT DE PARTMENT. We pay 4 per cent Interest on your an pent, balance. . compounded . every three months. Thl la not a bank. Auk about It when In the- store. Balcony, Main Floor. lien's Union Suits. If you once wear union suit, you will asv "Good-bye, forever" to the two-pleee Many toilet which had not been seen pre viously, made their appearance last night And sprinkled themselves through the boxes and along the arena rail. Visiting between boxes was' general, and an air of (.-as. and sociability pervaded the whole scene. ! . "I am agreeably "surprised, at the excel lence of the show and also at the generous patronage," said J. M. Kuykendall of Den ver, one of the judges. "It Is very fin. A hors show Is a good thing for a town and Ha reputation, and It Is a good thing for the country round. You Omahau are sduos ting tbe people of Nebraska und Iowa In the matter of fine horses, and the edu cation will tell In the Introduction of many irrwul horses'lnto the Kate. "The Omaha show Is an Inspiration to the horse lovers of the country to the west of here. ' My city of Denver r building an auditorium, and we.eVpect oiw day. to try for entrance to the horse show circuit.". Cte.T DIUPtAlf OS THIS TAXBABK ..i rj i ''.- Xebraek Entry ta Haatlasr Class a ' , lirsr$ie .;'. '-"' 'Jovftpo M. Cudahy rode his uhestnut mne li a blue, ribbon, last night and showed to tlie world that Nebraska has some Jumpei w hich Cn take the as well as the vaunted horne of New York and Cnnad. No prtU"r exhibition of horsemanship' wjs ever given In an Omaha show ring than Hut nltfht when Mr. Cudahy took the jumps with his favorite hunter. As the mare ap proach the bar ihe nover hesitated and Mr. Cu daily sat thn saddle In perfect form, nemlng to be almoet a part of the animal and the bars wre olcsred. He was given an-ovation en. every Jump and Ju lge Borden had little difficulty In deciding to give him the first place. , When it, la con sidered that he rxat such horses as Prarl, Cltndale, Wyoming and Glenwater It ran be realised what Nebraska has In the way of hunters. He had another entry rhld'n FULL LINE OF SILK and oUNLAP. HATS ESPECIALLY FOR THE ., Horse Show EDWARD ZEISS Soccftsor t C FEED ERICH Ct. l Soma Nebraska Farmers And a few la Iowa have availed them selves -of the advantages we offer for the investment of money and are well pleased with their semi-annual divi dends, paid January st and July 1st, at the rata of per cent per annum.. They understand that w offer an ideal Investment, because it Is safe, profitable, easy to car for and readily turned Into cash. , We receive Investment of from $100 to 15,000 any day and allow divi dend from tbe date ct receipt of money. Resource, 91,001,002.. llMrne, 970,000. A card will bring you full information. Th C:?4s:m!in Ss.Lies sr. ' ' Lean Assc:lai!:3 v,. S05 feouth hixtrruth Strrcl CVMAH., garment. No shirts rolling up, no draw era sacking down, wh1 you wear a union suit. Your cloth will fit. better and you will feci a great deal better without a Jot of bundlesome clothing around your waist. We have carried the "Sterling" and "Su perior" union suit for the past ten year. Thla fact alone should be sufficient recom mendation aa ta their fit and wearing qual ities Pa sure to get the right else. If you don't, you will feel uncomfortable. Thel salesmen In our Men's Department are very careful about this, and will see that you get the right alia. ' Superior make Vnlon' Bulta, $1.00 to $3.00 per utt. Sterling make fnlon Bulta, $3.60 to 13.00 per suit.' . ,; '.' Before buying your winter underwear come to our More. Ws will be pleased .to show you our entire line. ,' j . Main Floor. r Sweaters for Boys and Girls. Our department of wearable for the little folks la ready with a plentiful array of cold .weather wearables. Sweaters have always been more or less In demand, but right now they, are at the height of popularity. For romping, playing or .achool wear there could be. no better, garment, yry protecting and warm, too, for thee cold days. Have you seen the Howard atreet window display? Pretty dollies, daintily togged in dresses from Thompson, Belden t: Co.' Infants' wear department. Bring the chil dren; they will enjoy It. PETER PAN No. 161 Is a handsome all round garment for boys or girls between the ages of t and 12 years, knitted In hinCwtn stitch., and Is wade for service; comes . In whit, navy, cardinal, maroon and oxford shades, with braes buttons 82.00 -each. - Open Saturday Evenings. Howard Cor. Sixteenth Street. by a groom which took the jump e'ear enough, but approached In poor form. The competition we not a keen last night as on the two previous nights and some of the entries were drawn, seeming to thereby say the prizes would go to the crack stables. The heat horse were pres ent, but many cf the lesser lights were not sent to the ring. Murray waa present and was again the favorite with the crowd, buV did not drive the big coach a on the ptwloua night. . The. potato race is soheduled for tonight as well as the. fnlcorn. the piir .of road sters, the women', hunter and the xslt'd mares. Ten classes re on the bill for to ntght beeildes the exhibition by the big slx horwt teams. , Bis; Kellaws - Arc Favorites. The dappled beauties belonging to Swift and Company again opened tho evening's en tertainment by a fine exhibition around the arena. With them wa shown the six of the Stom' Brewing company" and although these are smaller twrse and. qot of th class' 'of the Bwlft team they mad a jood allowing. When It Is considered that the six' hore 6ft the Bwlft (earn average over a' ton apiece the evolutions they ere put through are truly remarkable. The ponder ovia giants step as glibly around the arena as do some of the horses In the lighter clasoes and most of the time are kept on a Irot. The driver got some wonderful work out of them and showed to what j degree of perfection a' heavy horse can be brought for business purposes'. He Is ablo j to turn his wagon In elmost any space' and the big fellows make complete circles I at one end of the arena, aometmng wnicn I not often done by the Aery tour-In- ; hands. This number . Is put on promptly at S each evening and the spectators have learned they must be oft hand promptly i or tl.ey will miss this Interesting number. Judge Kuykendall of Denver took a hand at driving the four last night and demonstrated he was no novice with the j i . - v OPERA Farn&m Street P,ve, October, 24, 1906. "LA DDI K KNIT COTE" No. 141 1 as cute a garment for beys and girl as la possslhle to knit. Thl also comes In all slses, from i to 12 years, and in the fol lowing colors white, navy, cardinal, white with blue trimmings, navy with cardinal or ottford snide, trmmed In brans buttons $2.00 each. .. . "PA8TIME BLOV8K '-No. MI, Is one of our most popular numbers .for boys and s"irls between the age of t and 12 years. It Is an absolutely practical garment for hard wear at play or In school, has a pocket; comes In white, , navy, cardinal, maroon and oxford shade,' brans buttons $.'.50 each. NO. 61, In red and navy, plain knitted, from I to 12 years, brans buttons $1.50 each. Mnin floor. " 1 Something . New The Beacon '-' Jacquaxd Comfortable. Take health and warmth as the first consideration. Manufacturers' have spent much time and patience In perfecting bed coverings. 1 The Beacon Manufacturing company have succeeded In producing an artlcje of cotton that Is the acme of perfection. They come to us marked . JACQT.'ARD COMFORTABLES. -These being made of the choicest, thor oughly beautiful design and borders, and the colors mode, gray, light blue, pink, cadet, pastel greens are absolutely un fadeable. Price, $3.00 and $1.00 and per haps you'll do as others are doing, pick out Christmas gift while the assortment is t Its best, We'll do our port by care fully storing It for you, and delivering It the day before Christmas If you wish. 8ee them In our Howard street window. Feel of them at our blanket store. West basement. ribbons. He has road and park horses of his own at Denver where he Is used to driving over the stony country thereabouts. Large-sized saddle horses took the place of the business team In the arena nnd started the judges with something at the onset. The horss had to be XR.t hands hlfth or over and up to carrying 200 pounds. Two post entries appeared In Onlety Olrl. .owned and ridden by Joseph M. Cudahy, and Red Wing, owned and ridden by E. L. Heydon. Lawrence Jones hod a stylish-going entry In High L-tSsle. lAcey Crawford had. a splendid. bl?- horse In Morning Glory, which looked like the money, na the requirement were to carry 200 pounds. Joseph Cudahy's Gaiety Girl was also a magnificent sorrnl and looked the part. Morning 31ory evidently looked best to the Judges, for he got the blue rib bon. Masterpiece was second and Modesty third. Women Ilrlte Tandems. The tandera class Is always an Interest ing class, but when driven by the women t is doubly,, . While" "th entry a tint lii this class last night was small., Jt was blah class and -was a thlnff'of bearityv'to afeo the women drive the spirited teams around the arena. Two set of prlies were givn In this event, the set for the hoi so by tho association and the one for the best woman driver, given, by H. P.. Whltniore. Three tandem teams paraded for honors and the purses, the first to enter being Miss Ruth Brandel wlth her father's Chler and Chatterbox; the second, Mrs.. ( C- Kountze, with W. H. McCord'S Rsjnh nnd Young Hob, and Mrs. Joseph Barker, with E. P. Peck's Commodore and mate. Mrs. jo.Dh Barker whs awardnH thn dr.t nri , the best woman driver. She handled hr team like a profesnlonnl and made the drives without a hitch. Miss Brandeis had difficulty with her beautiful blacks, hut managed to handle them well. The first prlxa was awarded to the McOord entry, the second to the Ilrnndels entry and the third to the Peck entry.- The roadster class for standard or non standard trotters brought' out srfme good ones and the- judgeit had their hands full In deciding where to place the . ribbon. Winners of mn a. tanbark arena were there to compete with the local horses and some good local ones were there to make them step before taking away the ribbons. Don Riley of St. Joseph had en tered Emma R and The King," the fast ones with which he has been able to win at the , Chicago ahow, at Madison Square and ail over the country, Omaha was well reprt sented by Sadie , N, F. A. Nash' speedy chestnut mare, and Alive Wllkqs, the rangy trotter belonging to Thomas C. Byrne: Mr. Byrne drove Don Ttiley'a Emma K. This !arge list of eleven starters-was quite an enlgwa-for tu Judgrn to solve. The Judgeic, however, decided to give the honors to Don Riley's two beauties, put - ting Fjuma R first. The King second and Red Tlmoku, belonging to Davis & Sinai Icy of Ladoga, Ind.. third. nrlnars Oat the fleet Ohm, The heavy iar for park pair brought the givxl pairs at the show for the. purse was $.Vi and was worth going dfier. The best that Lawrence Jones, W. II. McOord, Crow & Murray and Oeoige Pepper had were pent out to win tho co veted prize. The aise cr sex did not count against the horses and they were Judged for their adaptability aa heavy harness horses. Style, aetlon, pace, conformation and manners wore especially consldeied. The ownsrs could show to a denil-mall, spider or Stanhope phaeton. No prettier ring of horses waa ever shown In the " V. ' ". ' .... .. T ,, 1 bated breath to see If the Judses decided to place the ribbon wIutm each individual would. Only One, the winner of previous events. who hurt his tonguo Tuesday nljtht, again ! got to cutting up and decided to run away, j He and hla mate were gated for manners, ' leaving but throe rigs In the arena for . the Judges to choose between. (Several drives were made by the udge ' before attempting a decision, for the in terest was keen and it was sure that whatever way the Judge went mar.y would think different. Lawrence Jones was given the blue ribbon, but the applause of th crowd wss for Murray, who was given second. The Pepper pair waa third. The local suited saddle horse class showed that Omaha ha. some ddl. horse. the equal Of any In country. The Brandeis entry waa a spris-htly bay geld ing, bought Just before the last Hork Show In Missouri by Emit BrauUelj nj presented to hla nelce, Mlra Ruth Bran dels. At the show Ut yoar ha was rid den by Fred Bork, who condjeted a rid.ngl deore Pepper, driven by groom. thii school in Omaha during th. winter but - TU who Is ktpt away from the Omaha Horse ton ft, Foiet ITmce-.. At Show becau of an accident at th. Kl. I Ki sis, lmari. la : Storm King. W. H Louis show. O.O.,. W. Megyth eMered i thf '"" Highball, a magnificent ila;ipi.d gray hore, . , Uht , .-..i'r-in-Hand, h id Tem whlth was ridden at the lari Omal.a Ilois 1 F1't S1 Crow M i'i v enuy. Jnn Mu' Phow by Dr. Su-luer of pt. Mt. J," ' ;"! """ ''' l '"r -" C. C Jdi'-toa i.l;icJ Lvt CjIuu-jI. Iwu ItSM rod the Brandel horse snd rode It well nougM to csptur the ribbon. Col onel, Mrs. C. C. Allison's bmwn gelding, was second -and Highball third. l.oeal Ratrr a Wlsser. The runabout class bsd large entry list and some good ones faced the Judges. The horse were to be between 14. t and 16.$ hands high and .were, Judged for conforma tion, style sll-around action, speed snd manners. . Rxcesslve action wss not re quired. Thfl horse . counted but 80 per cent In the Judging snd the appointment counted the other 40 per cent. James Murray drove Mr. Miles' Peacock of Kan sas City and led the string a merry chase around the arena, setting clip which was hard to follow. W. H. McCord was awarded the first place with Rajah, The Laird O'Cochpen second and Lawrence Jones' Clementine third. The Judges found a boot missing from .the appointment of Mr. Miles' entry and did not further con sider that, horse. I - Thn high steppers) walked ' around the ring, stepping so high It looked for a tlm aa though they would step pver the railing. How some of these horses are; ever trained to step so high Is an enigma to most people, but an Omaha man ha figured out Just how lt i done. An arena Is fixed On the farm and covered with straw and ths horses are driven through this until the lifting muscles ef their legs are well de. veloped. Sometimes brush Is added to make them step. Thl Is one Idea, but tha fact Is most of them are born steppers. There I One "horse at thl show which Wss working on a farm, pulling the plow dur ing the early summer' and used by the farmer's srn to go see his girl In the even ing. When this horse was discovered by a horseman ha was already a hlghtteppor and can now step as high as any at the show. Two women 'drove In this event. Mrs. Joseph Barker driving E. P. Peck Bessika and Mrs. Thomas Milton driving her Bonnie Briar. Royal Salute wen the plaudit of the multitude and yet few rec ognized th horse as Cricket, the hot shown as a roadster by T. C. Byrne cf this city. Murray nought the hors. and has made a high stepper of him that, Is a wonder.' After the blue ribbon had been awarded to Gallant Lad, the red to Royal Salute and the yellow to Crelghton, Mur ray Showed some of the speed qualities of his horse as well as the high stepping at tainments. Some ta.ri.; Combination. The road four class brought out as pretty ahd loud a team as It is often given one to look upon. The Crow h. Murray entry consisted of cross hitched seal browns and blue roans. Murray Is a dealer at To ronto and Is always on the lookout for something new In the horse line. This year I he returned to Omaha with but two of the j horses he showed last season, outside of i the hunters.. When asked what he had done with the little bay mnres which won so many ribbons' last year Murray replied, "Oh, you know, the Judges get tired look ing at the same horsee every year and I have to get something new." The blue roans are worth going good distance to See. A road team Is supposed to be In color, . the more the better and Murray surely has a marked, team with his blue roans. , HJ. nigh lead' horse la Baron Buckner, a roadster he had Ust year and when Murray, .wa making his famous drive Tuesday night this borse never-left his leet buttrotted as fast as the others eouli ..riajij. Muhras js ' always wi:ing to buy a. new horse and payn a good price when he can get a ftood one. The bugler wdjth his long hoVn IS 'always a feature of the road four, altlfhukh the. harking dog Murray had" last .yearwas' missing. Murray was awarded first prlzq and the Pepper entry , Wif)ifsocond. Murrey wno hltcheff to a hrafce'wht"ti was high In 11)" air Vn'd e did ,1191', drive" as on Tuesday evenlntr. P ' ' ' . 1 'The' Judge' came-W'lhe press hox Aft-f thl 'evnt rtd'Srs?hcer Burden, speaking for the 'Judges, said: "You might say for u that the'Judges think Mr. Murray lias a good 4 road four a anybody ha and will make it Interesting for the best of them when he goes east." Th local class' for horres suitable for town work to a statfon wagon, brougham, victoria or similar vehicle aroused con siderable Interest and newcomers at the show ' were ' surprised ' that Omaha could send such ' splendid horses Into a hors show arena. Every pair was well mated, and blacks, bays and chestnuts nil v)cd with each other for the honors. W. II. McCord' Storm King and Tempest were awarded the blue ribbon, the Brandcls "en try second and Ward Burgess' ' Prairie Queen und Roseleaf third. The hunters shown were the middle weights, tip to earning lo5 to 1!W pounds to hounds.' 8pencer Bordtn Was the sole Judge In this class, and ns so many of the Jumps were made without a hitch he hud to rely upon conformation In reaching his decision. Joseph M. Cudahy was first, amidst the plaudits of the multitude, with Gaiety Girl, one of jhe Pepper entries war second and the chamslon Jumper of tho world. Pearl,, was third. ' Later in the' wk these horses will be sent over the higher Jumps and will be given an Opiortuntty to show Just how high they cart Jump. , . Award of Wlaaera. Class 66. Baddle Horses to Carry 208 Pounds- First $76. Murning Glory, G. 1-. Crawford, bt. Ixiuls. Mo., riddan by Gus Lull; st.iond lut), AJiiaterplcce, Georg. Pt rT, Toronto, ridden by groom; third I'Jfi, litli'Hl. Hull Bros., Versailles, Ky., ridOfii by 11. Ball, tith.'-r'entrics were: Galetv i ljlr- Josoph M." Cudahy; Biink, Ponevcp Inisville; Had King. E, K Hughes. . I. 34, Tandvnis (localt, Ioy to Drive r irsi . ll. Mftora enirv, ariven nv Mrs. C. O. Kountce; second 13', A. l. hrandets entry, driven by Miss Rutn lirandei; third J30.- E. P. Peek entry, drlen by Mrs. Joseph Rarker. .ClabS 3, Hoadsiaa. Standard or Non standard Btulllon, k.lare or Gelding (horse M pt-r cent, appointments 40 tier cent) I Klret ISO, Emina R., lon Riley, Bt. Joseiih. I Mo., driven by Mr. Trice; s.-cond tn, The King, Don Riley, Ft. Joseph, driven by J. C. Byrne: third $J. Red Timoka, Davis v owtinry, liiaogu, illil., unven ov ... A Davis. Other entries were: Columbia Girl. J. A. hi.wart, Columbia, Mo.; Harrv M. W. J. Cowles, Ashind. 111.; Delaard, Weir A Rogers, Umi.r, la.; Sadie N., K. A. Nash, Omaha; Alice Wilkes, Thnmn f tl.-t-ii fin, aha- I run ,ti,.H., Tlr Hull W. l'laiul'lton. Council Bluffs, 'la. :' Miss Pickwick. GfKrg.. Pepper. Toronto. Can. : Bellalre H.. H. C Kernan. South Omaha. - Class , Pair Harness Horsos. Purse. 1500 (nuy B,ze or horses alone considcredl- Flist .00, Gallant Iid and Gallant Lord, .' Iwrence Jones, driven by Mr. Hoberts; Crow St Murray, Toronto, driven by Jim Murray: third ITn, Creiuhton and t'reitth ton, Gtorge Pepper, Toronto, driven by groom. Class 82, Oalted Saddle Horses tlocaH-. First KO, Gee V,'hls, A. D. BranCeik, ridden by Tom B 'sa;' so-ond, S0, Colonel. Mrs. C. C. Allison, ridden bv f. 1. Mooei-es; third $.i. Highbalt, George W. Mcgeath, ridden by gioom. Class 9 Runabout Horse fhorse SO per cent, appoint mem a to per cent First 1VO. lUijuh, W. H. McCord. dinaha: second 1" The 1-airn o o hpen, eir r n.'Kr, I briars, la., driven by Mr. Weir; third Jia. Clementine, Lawrence Jones. Lnuln ville. Ky.. driven iy Mr. Rotrta. Otlicr entrlea wert: Ja.-k o' liuhn. Mr. Thom-.s Milton. &t. Paul. M-n.. peaom-k. Mrs. V ! Sit? Nu.e. T ?l" y' MCK ! ion, Ueurse Peppr-r. Toronto. Can.;. The Roii't. Crow 1 Murtsr. 1 orontu. Can.; T..xaay. Tawusend. Merryvllle. Class 15, Hisrh Stepiwr. Harnesa Class Ovur IBi F:t 1'J, Osllant iid. Utt, : n'lic Jones, driven by Mr. Ruovrts; sec ' ond hit, Itoyal Salute, Crow si Murray, dnveti by Jiin Murray: third 140, Oelghton - i..."si . .. iu',,.,,! Cia i i'aii l Hoiv J Tj Shu. Telcplicnc S31 What Will Just Read and Sec! Every Article Listed in This Ad Will Be Found Just as Described! LADIES' WALKI.Nti SKIRTS Black and colort, new pleated effects, la checks, plaids snd plain colors LAD1KS' FLEECED DHESSINO 8ACQVES Oriental and Persian patterns, faced with'- . CflW plain cloth tc match ................. . . . . JUC LADIES' LONG FLEECED KLMOXOS AT. 91.00 . Pretty designs in oriental colorings, made 1 (f , extra full special at. - lUil ' LADIES' KNIT FETTICOAT ' Extra heavy skirt, fancy weaves In assorted colors., fine quality of yarn, shaped yoke, 75c . C(J value ' .....0)C ' FUR NECK TIECES AND SCAltFS Every new Idea, from the smallest stock to the most elaborate neck piece, will be found in our large as sortment, In all prices, from $65.00 to BLACK DRESS GOODS. 4 6-Inch Black Chiffon Taffeta, beautiful soft finish, dust-proof, $1.00 quality, only. yard OJC Five pieces strictly all wool Black ture, th tight material and weight for street wear, always sold at 75c yard, only. RLACK BROADCLOTH 54-inch Black Broadcloth, rich luster, our regular $1.50 quality, only, yard. . OCR 93.00 TRIMMED !IAts Our $5.00 Trimmed Hats have created a sensation amongst the ladles of Omaha wno' have visited our second floor department. Thursday we bring forth an entire new assortment In the popular1 .."Peter Pan," Vesta, Tilly and Marguerite styles and all will be offered at our popular . f rtrt price Dtti BLACK TRIMMED HATS 9108 TO $5.00 For Thursday we offer some tempting values In black hats. They are made of silk velvets, laces, mallnes, ' fancy Jets and braids, trimmed with ostrich plumes. natural wine and ornaments ' a special offering for Thursday $5 to. .': .-, 9150 OSTRICH POMPOMS OOc 25 dozen Black Ostrich Pompoms, with large aigrettes, our regular $1.50 quality, for. . . ; Buitable for Town Work-First r. T empest end Btorm King, W. H. McCord: second peacock and Chatterbo-x, A. D. Bran dels; third Prairie Queen and Roseleaf, Ward M. Burgess. . t ' j Class 7. Hunters' Middleweight Flrsf Galetv Girl, ' Arbor Lodae, Nebraska City, rtdd'en by Joseph -.Cudahy; second t-V. Nicholas. George Pepper. Toronto; third 3C. Pearl. R. H. Weatherbee. New York. Other entrlen were: Roubldonx, Joseph M. Cudahy. Omaha; - Lord Mlnto, George Pepper Toronto; Glendale. George Pepper, Toronto;- Wyomlnsr. Crow & Mur ray; Glanvater, Crow & Murray. Toronto. Tlrsta-I.lncol. Xisrht. : 8:flo p. m.-Slx-hoine b.l ifsa team taliibjti nurse Xl(). offered by Nebraska Clothing company, ... j . fc:20 p. nil. Class M. saddle horse, purse I 'io p. m.-Class' 17. pair high steppers. Durs.J. orletea uy rirsi fiaun uu...n.. h;4Z p. m. Class til A. galtcd mare, purse ll'A offer. . y Armour & Co. ):00 p. m. -Class M. unicorn, puree offered bv Omaha Natlcnal bank. :20 p. 'm- class 6, coniblnutlon horse, P9:ST p15i Class B. pair roadsters, purse offered by Omaha Klectrla Light and r'rJrpCmClss 11. Park horse, purse . offered by M. .niltli & Co. Hif. P. m. Class potato race, purse V offered by Nebraska Clothing company. 10: p. m.-Clas.flit.. lady s hunter purse Ilia, offered by King, Graham Manufacttir. tug' company. " ItAJIDSOME GOWNS IX KVlDESt'B Tblisl Slltht. If Anythlaar. More Brtl llaat This Predeeesaars. The third evening of the Horse Bhow brought out fully es many handsome gowns as on the preceding evenings. There was h noticeable predominance, of blue cos urtnes last evening. If one color more than any other might be mentioned. Mrs. Jo seph Cudahy a box might have been called a studv in blue for ail the women of her party were attired In blue. Mrs. Cudahy w.!r was in' a llaht blue gown, elaborate ly .eimmwi with lace with blue hat trim ..... .i.k ni.,m vi Iks Ioniax was In ilU'U Will. blue with large black hat trimmed with plumes, and her guest. Miss Roe of Kan sas City, wore a gown of the same shade with blue hat with blue plumes, while Mir Bessie Brady wa also In blue, with blue hat with blue plumek Allss Marie Mohler was all In white, her tfUWII belli ll Willi Cjep U I ui-uo, i,r''r!y trimmed with rose la.icro effect. NVlth this M i ins and a larae whttu hat point lace In wore crinuii trimmed, witn ? Mrs. J. C. Cowln wore an embroidered suit of gray with baby Irish lace bodice and blacK hat with roBe colored plumes. Mrs Alfred Harlow wore a gown of pate blue iiiiM.dc.otn witn walsi ui '';'' lance lace with chiffon and velvet White lai t hat with blue plumes and white broad riot n coat and chinchilla f"r- . Mrs. George H. 'auiier-Handsonie aown of blaf-k chiffon over pink ana wnue Irish lace. li.,wre1 SIIK irimnifu - Black liat with pink plumes Mrs. Arthur Crlttenoen h.nilaonie town of black 8mlth wore a la,-e witn iiac u, coat and black velvet net witn pink rosns. 'mtV George L. Hammer-Black and white sinned veiling over white silk In princess Vt wth trUn.lng. of .Irish lace Black velvet hat .rimmed with blue and white "'Mr.'' W. J. C. Ken von. always' well aowned. wore a beautiful coetunie of pale . m -en broadcloth. The kirt made -witn ; uvcrskirt eftect. was inset witn meaainoiis of eyelet eintiroldery and the little jacket made w ill cape eneci w """" med and lo bands of ac- coidion plaiting and French knots. This was worn over a pooice ui 'r". v i .i t. r.ke1 and inset with l and h -.1,1, i,irl llttlu Dowa ana fc""i buckle. With tl.ta was worn a white left hat Trimmed with flowera and ermlu atol "M,sri1lamMae Gowen-Plnk broadcloth with pink lace waist and deep pink m-uie. Brown velvet coat and hat w ith plumes nd rilr.o!,p.' Moorhead Gown of black veil ing trimmed with velvet and lace. Black hat with pluinta Mim Gertrude Moorhead Gown of iciu crepe de chene. black hat with plumes and Cost cf white broadcloth. Mi Eoa cotton rn w ... prini." gown of lavender chiffon tr.mmed with silk , lac, with lavender bmadciotn Ooat and black hat trimmed with I n Dlomes. With this was worn ermine lur. Mrs. Ben Cotton wa all In white, her giMn being of white chiffon cloth, tucked and shirr, d and trimmed w lih Maltese !a-e. With tills she wore a whit hat with white plumes and a while f.ather boa. Mi E A Cudahy wore a Milt of black velvet, trimmed with ermine and ermine fura, with w'.ite aatln waist and large blsck hat with plumes. vi,. !.,... l.ov Paxton wore a hind of blu meKiline with waist of lace si.rapM-d with bunus of blu-. tin with green and trimmed with VHieiiSenn Th. .knt was adorned with flotii.c With this h wore a black vtlvrl ht. trimmed with plume and a cm if whit., j bf.adcloth. ' Mi. V. T. Burn -Costume '-f tan broad- (i.ilh t;lmn-.d il.h 1 n veuei ai.u eiu k, .. .1. w I '...- e, . 1 In.,, e M.. j'. U Wtls.-.k was UtlU Ui Uht We Offer Thursday?, THURSDAY MILL BE A BAROAIN 1AT IN OUR BEDDING DEPARTMENT . ; , Cotton Fleeced Blankets, Worth f 1.&.V 110c Each 100 pairs, extra heavy Fleeced Blankets, grays. white and tan, very large size, worth $1.25 Qf pair, Thursday pair J ..... . . .V-.' OJC Extra heavy twilled cotton BlankeUrin taos, grny and ' white, regular $2.00 grade, Thursday., 4 ffi fair .....n.j..I.pU;. Full size all wool gray Blankets, very flue T 7 C $5.00, quality, Thursday pair. J, I D flWd Comfort 91-2 Each Extra Jarse Bed tonrforts,' ...filled with a nice white cotton, .covoed wJtU pretty -floral sllkollne, both sides alike, cheap at I 7 C $1.75, special Thursday each. . . . . . . 1 Full Slwd Comforts Filled with nice wWte cotton. covered with sllkollne, our $1.25 Comfort, QQ ' Thursday, each. , . .yPC ; NECKWEAR SALE, B. ..--j.-w Thursday we will offer a cut prlcesole of pretty neck wear, about 6 gross of fancy" Stock Collars and Turnovers that sold for 10c each wilt go for . f this sale, each. DC SEE THIS LOT OF EMBROIDERIES -- Which we will have on sale Thursday over 3,000" yards of fine Nainsook and Cambric Edges, 2 to 10 inches, worth up to 20c yard; 15c and 200 Insef-- 4.95 down 1.95 Panamas, firm tex 48c tlons, I9c Bands and ftne Appliques all in f ' one lot, your choice a yard. . . -. . . 1 .. . . . . .'1UC DRESS TRIMMINGS ' ; A big stock of fancy little Venice Bands, Appliques and Festoons. In creams, ecru's and white, 'worth 25c ysrd, must be sold Thursday a ,, r yard , . V. . OCf LADIES' FLEECED HOSE .' ; ;r . An excellent heavy cotton fleeced Hose, . with, jeln . forced heel and toe, worth 15c special for - a Thursday pair 1UC ,v CHILDREN'S' HOSK 4 ' " ' Heavy ribbed cotton Hose, boys'.' and glrlsV doni -heel and toe, fat dye, that sell for 15c pair Our Leader Thursday pair. . . . . . .. . v ";l. . lUC .1.00 '. . - MISSES' FAST BLACK LISLE HOSE Spliced heel and toe, a 25cvalue special for:' Thursday pair 1.98 CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR 25c .. Heavy fleeced Union Suits, mlssee' fleeced. Y' n(1 Pants and boys' heavy fleeced underwear,, &U zes, '' 'worth to 40c the garment sale ,p rU-e . '"C Thursday garment , . . . . . . , . , v J C 69 c blue satin trimmed 'with ' cream Spanish lace, with hat of wnlte moire and lace. Mis lary Peck of Chicago, the guest of M las Webster, wore a hanoaome suit of black velvet, with waist cf black lac and black velvet hat . trimmed witn pink feathers. Mm C. C. Allison Gown of blue with lace trimming..- Black , hat with ' plume. Mr. Leroy. Taylor of New York, t ho guest of Wr. ,W,. Ct-. Gilbert,, wore a handsome gown ef whit lace, with while hat i imined wtUi long canary- colored plumr. Muss Marlon fount 11 wore a atwn of blus silk trimmed -with lace and pink hat with iplume and ptnk feather bwa. , Mm A. V. Klnsler Yellow orepede chenc. L wlt)link hat trimmed with plumes. . iMws. fljury , pie sAioenaac-riiown oi t Diue sjlk, black , ha; trUHnied with,. Bower. . -Mrs. W. H, Clurke-Pln!c;own, trlinmed wnrt' iacv. j-ina nai witn.ijiaca piuines. Mrs, Edward Binitn or m. joaepn, mu guest of Mrs. H. w; Yates, wore a beautl rul gowti of pink silk, elaborately trimmed with chiffon and lace. With this was worn a large pink hat with pink plumes and roses. : ' . ' v. Mrs. Hargens of Ijot Bprtnrs, 8. D., was all In' white, with large white hat with plumes and white boa. Mrs. B. H. Sxu Pale blue gown, trim med with , lace. .Black hat with pmmes. Mrs. B P. Peck White gown with large white hat with plumee and white boa. Mrs. Charloe lomtze, who drove, wa gowned In a suit of heliotrope broadcloth with hat to , match, trimmed In shade plumes. Mrs. Joseph Barker wore ft suit of green broadcloth, with Grebe turban. Mrs. P. B. Myers Gown of blue Change able silk, with blue chiffon hat, trltiimud with blue plumes. - Mrs. Milton Barlow White silk with lace applique. White hat with white pluipts. Mrs. Samuel Burns Gown of black lace with white yoke, with white gloves and black hat with white plumes. I Miss Jeanne WKeneld-Mown vi r-u,,.! m-iih lure and white hnt j faced with black velvet and trimmed with i white plume anrt gold braid. Whit broad I cloth cape, with silver Egyptian ern- broidery. . . t . . . Mrs. W: I. rs-un white hat. trimmed with pink osprey and tips and while boa. w .t T.enion colored rAA slik i rimmed with auplique. White ' hat, trimmed with flowers and wings. Mrs. 8ara Mgesth of Franklin, Pa., who Is the guest of Mrs. Ward Burgess, wore a handsome gown of old rose chiffon vel vet, the ekirt pleated.-with lace bodice and 7 'iConttnucd on fourth Page.) t i ' ' i Headaches and Rearalgta Fresa .CoIs. Laxative Brom Quinine, the world wide r...ia and Hrtn remedy, removes cause. Call for- full name.. Look for signature Grove. . , , t E. W. BOILED DOVII WB WON'T mince words about our handsome display of -Fall-and Winter fabrics. Discerning- men about town tell us that our showing Is by far the best In tbe city: WHY NOT? Who else can boast of i -- ......Hn.n... . r oft an aori.iiiru., 6sit6 choice selected aeiens-r-irom mo pem mills at home and abroad? Tromrt 55 to 512, Su;!.520 tj $50 A 11 H fr- VVILUAM JERREMS' OON13. 200-11 U 15U Ht. DEPUTY STATE VET ERIMAHIAN, H. L RAMACCIOTTI. D. V. S. CITY VF.TEBISt AfllAH. Office and' Infirmary, Sth ana Mason St. OMAHA NEB. Teleplvon Harney W. "It "i it w' T 'sitfClics 1510 Ilownrd 5t. The Only Popular-Priced Restauriuu in tho Cily m aneake 1, Rplivprlrs to ' I ,(.0U. -.l, ..South Omaha, Ccnson. ll 15c ' AdVrtl lr ". A V. THE OMAHA DUE Best West ?:i AMI SKMKTM, J DOYD'3 w'gV.V".'1 Tonight,; Friday, Haturday ,,nd Sat urdajrMatlnee fTh Distinguished'' ;Mus1cal'itirtii'c&y r.,' " . Success; :r r "i,i. Coming Thro' The Ry t Presented by '"' '" " THE GREAT ORIGINAL" CO. OF SB Including. Stella Mayhew . . . .Frank Lalor. 81'NDA Y, MONDAY, 'TT.'KSDAT The Reigning Musical- gueces. THU UMPIRE With , - j,-. FRED MACE , ,. . ' Beauty Chorus of B0.' ' OURWOOO NINTH Bia. ... vyse . TONIGHT AND ALL WEEK MATINEE TOMORROW.-. ' WOODHAHU STOCK IUHPAM' In William Collier s Farce, , .. MR, tiMOOTIt. Same Prices '...iflc-Rc Next week: "Alice of Old i Vm eennea." Monday night, Ooti 23. lfih Prformance Souvenir Photo pf Miss Elliott. .-.-.' - - ' -r - SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS TO-MIGHT" AT THE IIORSESK cpuial nluLji r Flsnty of Good Seats: With Privilege of Pronrcnade ' IVtmra OiM-n at 7:13 P. M.' Vtny nienres HlOO P. M. Sharp " 'Phone Doug. iM. MODERN VAUDEVILLE MATINEE Jyt TODAY of Hous CHILDRCN 10. : TOiaaMTSiia. '' Prices loc, 26c, SOe. ' ' '' ' 20c IfiUG THEATER aBW'ei . X8o-flS-0-T TONIGHT: 16 , , The Premier Colored Comedian,' Williams c Walker ABYSSINIA .- IDtl-Hamti ile.rls. 110 SAME THEATER 14th and toorls Bt. KflULli VAlfclVlitl Admission. - l')c A Few Choice Reserved H-ats. oEttra. P- 1 snd Kunny, 1 JO and 4,'l p, 111. 1 SO and :0ft, Saturdays and 7 :U0, S OU and Ml p. ni. Kvenlos rBiiday, Hon. Geo. n. Wendlinil Of Washington. D. C ( AT- ITllC TISATSB, i Kevait,r , at SiOO V. X. ublect Klrabea sad tk Treaeh BVev. oluUwS. Tickets to ud 73 easts. Tbet 111 ik hi Ci-oh'ii a H'n"heu Jew!, ir. '" s : t. l'HIi ai. a. iuiir lu t,UM tkkcis. H " ft cfitioMTbi;'. . 7 i V v