Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1906, Page 11, Image 11

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    Till: -OMAHA DAILY nCE:.' THURSDAY, OCTOB?:K -25, 190G.
. K III.W iN Kama, :'',,j'. aged
'i.J'-,', beloved wifn nf Jo in Ek'ion.
i .'m r!"lili nro I,' r 'g In-bi.
I l ;;llii. r.-iL' llecntcr fret
F il' ThK-'Klo v fitu uaivn I o'clock
from the .K-wr,ll"h S ln--('in chnn h. Twrnty.
third and 1 nre i port stive's. Int.rm,-nt it
Forest J.awn; cwimtery., IiiehUs In Had.
florists -v
H Kf K ; P1VOBOUA, Illi- Farnam. - )4
Deug, JafcJ. ,
16I9 Farnam.
69 3
't --A-
Crest Weanern Granite Co.
Doucln tj.
-MS I Nnv'7
pNK teSiji 'of hiate. . Myers. 1!" .Iark5or..
The lt e-ry -ymi n lea- ft
tHAHi ik la n't - r - "Union self to K.
B- Co- la eellttig- nn larm .ml
ranch land la Kinnas, Western
Nih, CWlorado and. vyyomlng at
,,.1M TO J'F.Il ACHE.
-I r- - EASY -
f 'er Information regarding land
iwm excurmon rates apply ,
Lxyv agexcy r. p. it. n.
Acpt. B,. '. Sit 8. Uth Street.
tu.vs 1 iiununAii AME.NL
- ' MKNT.
1Mb fallow inf np.jcd amendment lu
'the innnmuilon ct tne Mate ot NeDraaaa,
lu'reiualier- set turto in lull, la auo
' mitted- io trie elector of -the- biaia of Ne
' urk, lo be voieu 'upon at me general
- election lo be held lavauay, Noveiuoor ,
A.- U-f ISA.
Jr if quanted by tpa. Legislature of the
Btste of Nebraeka:''
-ejection ). .That at tha general election
for state and -legislative ofhoera to la held
n ttTueuay succeeding the tliat Mun-
aay in .Noven.cer, mcu,- the following pro
vision be iuihjc1 ud eubimltcd to the
flteiort ifiii atuta an ainvudment lo
thif cntMltiutUin.
-fcecuon 2. There ahall be a State Railway
...oomuiiadion, cunaiaiiiiir of three member.
- Who-eiuril m nrat elected at the general
; electlnu In lOiK, whom term of oflice, ex
vcjt thua choseii ut the llrat election under
.. thla ptov)jlui ahU be aix yeura, and whose
, t ompiaa,llon ahatl W fixed by the leglala
. iute. . . ., '
' Of the three commlsalonore Drat elected,
the one receiving the highest number of
, volet, eljull hold hla ollloe for alx yeara,
the next highest four eai and the loweut
two years. Tn bow era and dutiea of auub
couiuiinBiun ahull Include the regulation
yf lte, ' aervice - end generl control of
eommon carrier aa the legislature may
pruvhla by law., lint In h absence of
apeoilio Itgislatlon, the commiaslon ahall
exerciKe tho poweia and pertorra the dutlea
enumerated, in this 'provision.
.tinctioiv Th.i at aid election In the
year -tl'X;, on the rwllot of eacn elector vot
Ing theieat; there ahall be prlniea or writ
" ten the ewrdt '''Var Constitution Amend
nient wltji reference to Suae Hailway
-'uiniiiiiiksion'' and "Atainft Conatltutlonul
. Ameudrneat. with reference to State Hail
. way- commisalon' -. And if a majority o
al Jvotea oast, at said tleclion ahall be fur
. ,-euch, Amendment, the.earae ahajl be deemed
.. ) bo adopted.., ., ' " '
, I, A- JJv't'ha, aecVetary ot the State ot
Nebrafika, do Jiareby certify that the fore
, going prupa-vMi amendment to the conatitu
4ion of tlie Stale ot Nebraska la a true and
correct copy of the original enrolled- and
, . . Engrossed bill, aa paused oy tne iwenty
'm , ninth seeuton of the IculBlature of the State
r,i Kehraaltn. arf a tnwui a from ald original
bfll rirt flle ih this ofTloe, arid that tald pro
"pnsd tmendmettl toaubmltted to the quail
(red vot.'pa of the Ktate of Nebraska for
. their adoption or rejection at the general
election to be held-on TueWay, the ith 4af.
of Nevimber,..A. D., 1906.
In twitWhony-whre,of,J J lave hereunto
set my hand and anixed tha. great seal of
the ftate of Nebraska. ... ... .
Vott Llucoln -this Mth y of, July.
In Ihe year ut our Lewi One Thousand1 Nine
,- liundtrj nd Bix. of the Ihdependifice cf
the l.'nited Stale the One Hundred and
-'" .;Thlrly-econ,d...,..and ot ttie. at ate the
.n.J-ortitU. v- . . A. OAUSiU,
(Rel pecretiiry of Stuto.
... Augtlrr-3aepft-U-20-2f-Octf-lt-l-2
- .ter e J )rpartmen, . Jeff ei soivvihe, ind.,
' Oct. 'JA. l'joi-foleU proposal. ,ln triplicate.
i-ndnravd on Kiwr,, rrupuiain ior nuninf
MHHtor's supplies, and addressed lo un
- iii-wiirned.- will lx r-e-lved hre until 10 a.
m.', November Zl. lftfl. for atationery, office
furniture, palnta. ,-WHgona, ranges, lamps,
hardware, leather and miscellaneous eup
plles. requtred for- Manila. K I., oa pt-r
-; Wheflule.. which will-tie furnished on arpll
(Bilosj -td thia depot anU the depota at New
v J'ork and San Francisco. Preference given to
- article of domestic production or inanu-."-.
fkcture. -The rtarht -! reserved to reject
'.or- accept 'Btiv or oil bids 'or any part
" thereof ' J. M. Mamhall, assistant cjuar
lermaater general and depot quartermaa.
-.-tcr; -0;8-24-f5-.!! N'JO-31
.1 1J.a4
tllleSi ' " lepot quariermHSier onice,
Omahir;- Neb.,- September. 26, 1906.
orn mi,. ..!'. cnniii-i. .w,
proposals in duplicate will be received hei-e
until 10 a, n..' 4cni&er -&V 19o, and then
- . opened, -for furnishlug nilacellaneous veter
- Inarji supplier. , V'i"ited' S'ates reserves the
rlxht. to reject any. or .-all bldu. or parts
. thereof. Copies of pronosKl furnished on
' sppllcatlon to Captain Thomas Swobe.
ij.Vrr"'.r-' T.a- 01-84-88
t nlon Pnelge ' '
Iiv." Arrive.
Overfand Trnlted '.(."..a 8.40am .a 8:18pm
. ",Tht China and Japari .
r kstrM.ft' a4.1pm a 6:10pm
" Colo ; C''"'- Ex... .'.:,a '16 pm a8:S0am
' Va'.lfom'k ' Ore r'x,. 42irm a 6 10 pm
"l Anles Ltmlbfd(..alt:;i0 am al0:46 pra
. Fast Mall .a 1.56 pm al:Mpm
. Coiurad' - JrooUI a 7:46 am a 7:44 am
North Platte Local. .. a s:10 am a 4:60pm
Beatrice Local w..b 8:16 pm b8:0Upm
( hli-aao 4 northwestern
. Cd RwiT P.,.. a, 7: am a6:Mpni
" , Twin .t-ity Ex pi Ma J..oui' alo.iiOpm
,. ChKg. Daylight .a 8. il) am ail. 15 pin
t'hicai ,Lo':al .all:S0 am , a 2,45 pm
' Ktoua- fCAf Locl..b 8.50 pm a 9 36 am
, arroll Ixical ....4 AM pm a 9 bo am
Sioux City lyicnl., b8:fcpm
. Chicago Exprea a 6.50 pm a 7:30 am
Fast Mall ............. ..a pm a S ail am
1-ael. lwtl
a 2 pm
,,-Ui'wia Ciiy I.imtled..,-. 8.2s pm 7:iioin
ivriana binuiei b.m iiu 9.10 m
,ChiiKO Limned .,.
Norfo!t-Bonest'l .
Ijiiuoin-Long Fine.
Dead w ood-Lincoln
, Caaer-hoehoiu ...
' liaallngH-Superlor ,
Fremuut'AJbioo ...
.all:upm all :16 am
.....a 7f' am am am
..,..b 7 m bit.:c am
.....a 8 00 pm a 6.16 pm
a KD pin a 5 00 pm
b 3 t pm b 6:06 pm
1 1... b 8.02 pm bl2:40pm
. Chicago,
Rock Island Jk. Par I go
- - EAST.
Chleogo IJmitod.. a I I am a 7:10 am
v imt .M , a 4 1 ra
. . i-iu mji4. r44ll ....,.a 8:io am a S.a ptw
low lxx.i bU 16 pm bl:.6pia
Chig (Eastern Ex.).. a 4 06 pin a 1 pin
ClUcago llowa a S6 pin ali.Wpm
Rocky Mountain' TJm. . a 7 M am a 8:11 am
-olo ant CaU Ei'tt 1 (a rm a 8 06 pm
C hi '"' Texas Ex a 4 40 pm all ot pm
i'..inruiii. Fim Mail a S Ut via '
Vailr b Ijily, except Sunday.,
V '.Mlsaoorl Paclo '
r t lxula Fxpraaa ..a 6:00am a 6
K." C. bL E all :16 pm at.
' I hle(, ltInnWow gt. Pnal
80 pm
Oii pm
jhi. anrt Clolo. rclal. . a T-66 sra a T S0 am
ffcllforro aiij ,.i. guM.m o j n-i a.ivpui
rvwUud IJmitea a a j pm
Marion C4r ft. Ic.b f gin
illtaola C eutral
a 10 am
bU .00 pm
CMoaifO Kipre-n ....
Cl.loaau Limited-. .
..a 00 am a t M pm
..a i.uu pm a 1 iA am
Wnbaah .
St L011I Ej:." :af-pm A 8:4 am
bt. l-i 1 Lo.- i- . .tfrotn
Covin-il liictltl a t Uain aid SO pm
hini.y L-i-l (from
Coui l 'j4"j.. ..,.:. lPm bU SOani
I klcaia l.r- Wlilera-
)t, J al 4. J' nr.rl xlii. 8 50 pia
M Sal..V Sl.M!l-rtwli, 1 III
, I , . I .ll.l.I-d If 1 ' I' "
I .. o , I M'- 'HI
Cu. Lpiea J .'J pm
7 10 pia
II k4 pin
' " P 11
' V'
Olllrf. lO rearl
CiHik's. eodns. - '
Rto krrt 'rl!a carfiots.
Pine engravlnBT? at l.e(Trfs. '
Kd Ittigors' Tony Faust r-nr.
Oet those new photos at Prhmlilt's.
I'lumblng and heatlnR. Pixhy Son.
1 -ewls t'litler. funffal dlrctor, 'phone
W'oortring I'mlertaklng company. Tel.
Hot and cold drinks. 'rcsh oysters on
hand, ( lark t rug Co.
Tai n io lki'h;ut ahoi t ix.
hee Fif phpn Bios for fire brick and flre
clny. sew i.i- pne. fitting pnd gardn hose.
V. A. S't,.sXh;H. If W. UKDADWAV.
'e are- not striving eo hard to get new
cimtoiners hi lo hold the ones we already
Unve. t Hafer, ( ouikU ailufta.. .
The Womun Itellof t'on'S -Aid sox lcty
will m-t t'riony allrnoot ut th- home oi
Mrs. O. Talbot, Soti Benton street.
If you want a guarantee that proterts
yon on your piano, purohase It ot A. Mospe
t'o., i'h South Main street, Council lllufTs.
The city council. will meet this altci uuoii
to lnax i'(, and atoeMa the cot. or tbe re
cenwy cmi'lcli rt puvlng on Wyneter street
and fiurviow avenue.
" I ay u rtf tun for cast Iron; ndxed,
H; eiove, $; rags, lc per Ih. ; rubber,
ic; topper, -14c per lb. j. Katelman,
Alain, both phunsa 6uU.
ve hato the tlnest line of aaTlipIc monu
ments to seiet from In the west. Slieeby
& bane Marble und Oranltn works, 21?
Krtfit Broadway, Council Uluffs, la.
L). 8. Kerr has farma for sale, farma for
exchange, houses on . monthly paynvnta;
doc rental business. 64 HroaJwav, Coun
cil Uluns, la.. Tel. 417 and 4m Red.
Wllli, CiwrjVU '1U o tO UKU.
Jvulge Urceii arrived In the city yesterday
.not will nolu court today lor Judge Maty.
The divorce suit of Can It M. Pmiiu Rgainxi
red C. Hmlth Is arslgned tr a heurmg
lars. ilary Nance of Abingdon. III., Is a
guest ot Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hwiin Ot 3o!
Avenue E. Mrs. Nance ja so years ot age.
hut uettpue this fact la en route home, from
un extenued trip over the- weat.
A mH.rr!ue license was luod yesterday
to N. A. rlltcncocK ot lxjuixvliie, Neb.,
aged 26, and Nona Jackson, aged -3, ot
Vv ashlngton, V. C. They were married by
Rev. Henry at the court houxe.
John t:ownle and J. T. Hamilton of the
Stale Board of Control arrived In the city
last mailt on a tour ot Inspection of the
eiate - institutions. They are accompanied
oy H. E. liiebbe, state architect, ana touuy
will' Visit the Iowa School fur the Oeuf.
'Charles McCoy filed a complaint In the
court of Justice Gardiner yeaterday, charg
ing .O. K. harden, proprietor of a Lwer
broiiuway saloon, with assaulting htm.
Harden gave bonds for hla appearance and
JukUcc Uu-rdlncr will hear too case No
vember 7.
LLave you thought of that winter suit and
overcoat? Met them cleaned and made
nice and new. Let us-clean your carpels
and make house cleaning eaey for you.
Prices i eafouable. Council PiuiTa Cleaning
Co. and Rug factory, N. Main St. Both
'phones ilb.
Mrs; Martha J. Woodworth, ildow of
Charles H. Woodworth, died yesterday at
her home, 2131 Avenue A, aged Ti yeara.
She la survived by one granddaughter.
Mrs. Kathryn Bchley of Persia, la. -De-ceaaed
had been a resident of Council Ekifls
for tblrty years.
C. -W. Callamore was arrested by the
police last -evetilng on compl.Unt of Wil
liam Dalson, who charged him with the
theft' of three watches. Callamore claimed
that he and Daleort were partners In a
shooting gallery In Omaha and that the
timepieces came to them In the ordinary
course of ' business and that he was as
much, entitled to them ft Palson.- .
Homemade Caady. t , ;
Special candy sals Saturday. Fina candy,
Joe a pound,' Yankee peanut 30c, butter
scotch, iOc ar.gil Jood tAffy 10c, oocoanut
loo,, horehound 10c. Purity Candy Kitchen,
848 Broadway. i
. ,i ... i - .'
-, i 1 f - -..-,
lit ub . show you ths patented Eclipse
grate. It never clog. Tou will find it In
the Bed Cross base burne only.. 8waine 4
Ma.uer. 3Jo and 838 Bdway.
frof imported" wines, liquors and Bud
"welser beer' go to L. Rosenfcld, wholesale
liquor dealer, 618 South. Main street. '
Thompson Not Gnllty of Aaannlt.
Charles Tbompaon, the collector for an
Omaha Installment house, charged with
assault of Mrs. M. E. Doyle at her home,
1220 Pleasant street, Monday afternoon,
was discharged in police court yesterday
morning by Justice Gardiner, who occu
pied the bench In the absence from the
city of Judge Scott.- Thompson, when
first arrested, was charged with a grave
offense, but Assistant Couhty Attorney
Ross had the. complaint modified to one
of plain assault and battery. While the
evidence -showed tliat Thompson had been
guilty of making Improper advances, there
was nothing to prove that he had. -even
committed a technical assault on Mr.
Doyle. ' , .
Mra. Doyle's husband' was in the court
room and was highly-Indignant -when ,
Thompson was discharged. . After ad-
Journment, of couqt. gave Thompson a
severe tongue lashing, but was restrained
from attacking him. ThoniDSon. both to
Doyle and-Chief Richmond, ' maintained
that .he could not understand what of.
ferrse he had committed to cause his ar
rest. A Skin of Baauty in at Joy IForwvof.
DPt. T. Foil Oouraud'o Oriental
Croom or Mogiool Boautiflor,'
aVtia, u4 bkia P'WVe .
U frf birriij
ok ktui'. mA d
Im dtction, Ii
iU tvioexl if tM
f ft? Twrt, tuiw
ttttt Lobcturttt
J proprl7 Kaa
Iril i sVauitAI
am, IV i. JL
ferr uutl to
Mr of
t. (ft feftlltDli:
At 70U UtitM
U1 then
I rvem4
H'.mnrnmA trail m M th WM kmful f ii ih.
. istwuO ivaUtu tU Ul V eUri 61Uh, CmU Mti Xujrv(
. rlT.K;fOS,ricm S7 firett Jam S.setlwTt.
Leave Arrive,
.a 4.10 pm a X 30 pm
.a 4:10 pm - a 6 : pm
.a I 10 pm a 6 6 am
.all 10 pm' a 6:30 pm
.a 6:1 am a 7.40 pm
..a 6 uu am
a 9:06 am
Denver California
HU k Hills
Northwest Special .
Northwest Express
Nebraska Express .
Nebraska Local ......
Lincoln Loal
Lincom t-asi Man
...b ":W pm. ai2:il pm
Ft. Crook A PlaUsm'tli.b K SO pm bid ii a
Bellevue A Plxtlsm th..e 7.&0 am a 6 30 am
lenver Uniiied a 7 10 am
Brilrvue A l ac. June. .a 3:30 am a 8 30 am
Bellevue A Pan. June. ..a 9:10 am a 1 SO pm
Chhag Special a 7:ia am a LA am
Chicago Lxprws a 3 in pm a 8 S6 pm
Chicago Elr a 6 06 pin a 7 IS am
lowr, lcal a 8 la am ai0 o3 pm
hi. Louis Express a 4 6 pm all 30 am
Kanvas City-ft. Joe....alo 43 pm a g am
Kmihaa Cliy-fct. Jo it bum a 6:10 pin
liaUMB Cuy-Si. Joe.... 4 6 pm.
Chicago, ht. 1'ani. Mlanoapolla A
Leave Arrive.
Twin City P.isaenger. ,.b 6 M am b 9:10 pm
Pioux Cliy l'aseuer,.. ! pm all 30 am
l-uoi-ljil Local ......... 0 -il pm b 9 10
Eniciaon Local ...C 6 ii am ci.j
id pm
MlMonrl Parlgo ' '
NrloKkka Local. vU '
Werpu.g u-r b I So pm bl; Ju pm
a Illv. b Ilaiiy e.ep4 Bjfcdav.
m-.-ot i.i t , . n .t.. .,l.
d Dally
. at-, Mui.a.
St. Tel. 4S.
Fepnblican Countj Chirmm Smith it
Ilaiird with tbt Ontleck.
Democrat Are WaalnaT an AelT
CisiaaUn anal llinlrmnn Caaady
Say He Regards Ibaneea f
victory 'fine.
The pull of the county which Is being
taken under the supervision of Chairman
Elmer Smith of the republican county can- j
tral committee Indicates incfeased maJoH-
county ticket this year. Reports from all
section of the county Indicate the election
of the entire republican ticket, eald Chair
man Smith yesterday. The democrftts this
year had pinned their faith on the prospect
of a split In the republican ranks,, but this
split has not materialised to any material
extent. Naturally as Mr. Smith said, there
are some sore heads both among ths stand
patters and the Cummins faction but they
are not nearly as numerous a the demo
crat figured they would be.
"The republican county ticket." ssld Mr.
Smith, "Is a splendid one from top to
botlom and every csndidate on It has the
confidence of the people. Take, for In
stance, Sheriff Canning, County Attorney
Hess, County Auditor Cheyne and H. V.
Battey, clerk of the district court. Where
could you get better men for the offices
which they have held the last two , years'
l uey me vapaoie 111011 ui 1111(111, buu
have conducted the affairs of their re-,
spectlve offices In a business like manner.
Mr. Canning, It Is generally conceded, is
one of the best sheriffs Pottawattamie
county ever had. Ho has surrounded him
self with able deputies and the record ot
hi office Is an absolutely clean one. The
same Is true of the other candidates seek
ing re-election this fall. There Is no reason
why they should hot have tbe support of
the republican party and I feel assured
they wlll.
Mr. Mitchell's Cnntpalgn.
"It Is very gratifying to note the favor
with which the candidacy of James W.
Mitchell, the nominee for county treasurer,
has been received throughout the county.
This is Mr. Mitchell's first appearance as
a candidate for office, but he has made
a strong personal campaign and report
from all sections of the county show that
he. has made friends, which, of course,
means votes, wherever he has gone. . I
expect to aee Mr. Mitchell elected by a
good majority'. We will elect all the can
didates for members of the Board of Su
pervisors without sny doubt. The record
made by Messrs. Baker, Bullis, Spencer
and Set Insures their re-election by the
farmers of Pottawattamie county. They
have conducted the affairs of the county
In an economical and' business like man
ner. T. J. Johns, the new candidate for
member - of -the board, I one of the
progressive farmers of the county and
has tha -full confidence of all who know
. Former 01ty Solicitor 8. B. Snyder,, the
republican candidate for judge of the su
perior court. Is making an active ' cam
paign, and: his, friends feci assured , jf. his
election. 'Mr. Snyder enjoys a wide ac
quaintance In the city and ctn couqt his
friends by the hundreds. As city solicitor
be made an enviable record and evidenced
that he wag well fitted for the position
which he now seek. While not a politician
in the accepted meaning of the term, Mr.
Snyder has always stood high In the coun
cils of the republican party.
Democrats Are Active.
While everything points to a republican
victory again this fall In Pottawattamie,
it cannot be overlooked that the demo-'
crats have this year been waging a mors
than usual campaign. Some ot the lead
ing members of the party are like Chair
man Caaady of the democratic county cen
tral committee optimistic enough to
prophesy the election of their county
Chairman' Caaady, when asked -aa to his
opinion of the political outlook In the
county, said: "While wo are not making
extravagant predictions,- still I consider
the chances - for - a complete democratic
victory are exceedingly bright. Our county
ticket Is a good one and It is about time
for a change in the tmanagnment of our
county, affairs. These changes occur every
so often, and, as the republicans have
' beon liv absolute control now for so many
years. I feel safe In venturing the oredlc-
tion that the people of Pottawattamie
, county are ready for a change now. That
this Is the case I believe the results on
November 6 will demonstrate. The normal
republican majority In this county Is
nok so great that It cannot be overcome,
and this we hope to do this year."
More Cole's Original Hot Blast stoves
doing satisfactory service In Council Bluffs
than of all other kinds together. Don't buy
all kinds of fuel In twenty-four styles and
sisos. Paddock Handschy Hdw. Co.. 41 8.
Main Bt. ,
CENTRAL FLOUR-llli,. Every sack
warranted. Central Grocery and Meat Mar
ket. Both 'phones 24.
' Heal Eatato Tranafera.
These transfers were reported to The Bee
October .24 by the Pottawattamie County
Abstract company of Council Bluffs:
Bertha A. Bradley and h unhand lo
Mary A. Shoemaker, lot 4. in Brad
ley's subdivision of lot 10, Auditor's
ubdlillon. b n'i 2S-76-4I. w. d..8 1.'i0
Jennie E. Tor but and husband to K
(i. Hackett, lota 'J5 and iti, In block
31. In Central subdivision In Coun
cil Bluffs. Ia.. w. d ,
C. Frank Rohrer to Jennie & Torbltt.
loth :4 and :i. In block 34. In Central
subdivision In Council Bluffs, la.,
w. d
County treasurer to C. O. Saunders,
lot 14 In block 12. in Kiddie'a aub
diviblo'n In Council Bluffs, t. d
Hattltt O. Hardin and husband to lxl
Law. lot 14, In block XI, in Central
aubdlvlsion in Council Bluffs, la.,
q. c. d
Five transfcra, total
You do not need to watch us if you give
us the contract to paint, paper or do your
interior decorating. We want your trade
In the future, so we nee that It is done
right. Borwlck, 211 South Main atreet.
Picturea for wedding girts,
sudor. S3 Broad wry.
C. E. Alas-
Few Teachers Tuko Examination.
The attendance at the Brat examination
ot teacher for certlficataa under tha new
law yeaterday was mucb smaller than had
been expected. Only twenty-one applicant!
presented themselves at the office of
County Superintendent Mc Manila In the
county court house to take the examina
tion. While tha unfavorable weather may
have deterred some of the teAchers from
lbs rural dlatiii la from making tha trip
to town. Superintendent MrMm.n attrtb
. ..d the :oU UvoUali- tu tni Uwt that
3 I
... $ li3
a majority of the tea,hrr4 f hroughotit the
county hold certificate which have not yet
explltd, so they will noUhuve to take the
examination tintll the January session. The
examination will last over Friday after
noon. , . -,,..,-.) , . , .
Our highest ambition Is, when we frame
a picture for you. to do It right and
please our customers. Perhaps 'you have
a picture tfvU needn framing. Prlng It to
our.storej and let ti see what w can frame
It for. We'll dot It as reasonable as It
possibly can be done. Council Rluffs Paint.
Oil and Glass oonlpany, Merrlam block.
Ix Partlea Are - Represented
Whole or Tnrt nf Ticket.
County Auditor Cheyne received yester
day supply of sample ballots for t'.ie
coming election. It la a somewhat pon
derous affair this year, as there arc six
party tickets republican, democratic, so-
I . I M , nMililhltlnn nn.l 1 , .
" m ' . - ....
' rn ' . . , ,
The republicans and democrats have
state, congressional, Judli'Jal. legislative
and county tlc'-ti, although the demo-
crats have but one candidate on the Ju- j
dlclal ticket, while the republicans liava
three. The socialist party has state and
legislative tickets jonly. while th pro
hibition party hag state, ' congressional,
legislative and county tickets, but no Ju
dicial ticket. The people's party Is con
tent with a state ticket only, while under
the "secular government" column on thfc
ballot appears alone the name of Andrew
Townsend Hlsey of Tama county as ft
candidate for governor. -
The hnllot this vear lack lb circle it
ine Doiiot tnis year iscks the circle at
the head of each party ticket, and the
voter will be required to place a cross In
the square opposite the name of each ran-
v. ,.k. . ,., t-k. . . .
fJldate he wishes to vote for. The ellmlna-
tlon of the circle a cross in which suf-
fl-1 am trirht hsiint tnr tKo sniir.
p.rty tlckettt u exnocted wlll prov,-
an Incentive to a greater amount of
scratching than heretofore. That the new
form of ballot will irtva the clerk and
form or ballot win grtve tne clerks and
Judges of election considerable more work
In counting the rote Is conceded and con'
sequontly the returns from the various
voting precincts this election tvIU be
much later than In past years.
The famous Acorn stove; nothing In the
market like It for heat, economy, dura
bility and neatness. We make the most
reasonable price on stoves In the city, con
sider lng the quality. We handle a large
stock of carpets., linoleum and oil cloth,
D. W. Keller, 103 South Main street.
N. T. Plumbing Co, Tel. 260. Nlglit. 63.
Registration Day Today.
-Today Is. the first pf the regular days for
registration for the election to be held No-
lyember 6. The boards of registration will
be In session from 8 u m.- to' 8 p. m. to
day, tomorrow and Saturday, November 8,
Those who did not vote In the voting pre
cinct where they now reside, ejther at the
general election In November, 1904, or the
municipal eiecuon mat apnng. or wno nave WM pr8ctlcally confined to hearing ad
removed from the .precinct In which they . Ctf:m9e4 delivered by E. E. Rhodes of New-
last voted, must register In order to be able
to cast their ballots si' the coming election,
In order that there, may be no Mtch on
election day every person entitled to role
at the coming election, should see to It
that his name he -on the registration lists.
Only those who are absent from the city
on the three regular days appointed for
registration and aliens who may have been
Issaed their naturalisation papers since the
lost day for registration -wlll be permitted
to register on, lecWon day. f
- The boards 'of' relrttkm W4II be -In 'ses
sion at the following location in the sev
eral precincts of 'We 'clry:
First Ward, Ffrst: ' Precinct 218 East
First Ward. Seoibd ' Precinct 217 East
Second Ward, ''First' Precinct City build
ing. Second Ward, Second Precinct 748 West
Third Ward, First Precinct 2 Fourth
street. -
Third Ward, Second Precinct 811 South
Fourth Ward..v First - Precinct Court
house (election dv fi"S Pearl atreet.)
Fourth Ward. Second Precinct 1212 South
Main street. ......
Fifth Ward, Firs Precinct County build
ing, Fifth avenua anil Twelfth street (elec
tion day, 1128 Fifth- avenue).
Fifth Ward, Second Precinct County
building. South Thirteenth street (election
day, Ii2 Thirteenth street).
Sixth Ward. First Precinct County build
ing, Avenue B and Twenty-fourth street
(election day. 2315' Arj-nue D).
Sixth Ward, Seound -Precinct Fifth and
Locuat streets.- , - .-
A, Meligar v Co.
New Location' ofi Wholesale Bakery,
f1 Mynater Street, : Co. Bluffs, Ta.
Home-made Bread a Specialty,
. Visitors. Welcome.
Odd lace curtains at less than cokL We
want to get rid ot them to tnake room for
othorn, We still have- some remnants of
carrjets and mattings, foot stools, 2Tc to 75c;
i aoor raa,s to 86". . Btockert Carpet co
Dnaa-htera of Revolution Coairatlaa,
Mrs. W Hy Dudley; rcgeht of the local
chapter of the Daughters of the American
Revolution, and Mrs: Drayton W. Bush -
nell. have gone to Iqwa, City to attend the
Transiiibmlaaippl congress of Uie society
which begin a two-day. session there this
morning. They will be-Joined by Mrs. W.
A. Maurcr -of thia city. "who la visiting
Mlaa Iiura Bald-
I win a number of I lw PMirll nii.S.M,.,..
K . . rharee of one of the fr.iermiv
j n0UBeg at ,h, aute'unlvWslty and will
I be one of the Council Bluffs Tepreifnta-
lives at the meeting. Mrs. Kuahnell la on
tho rrogram for the "response to thy ad
dress of welcome at the opening session
this morning. ' ?' -' :
Wood or Wood loo Not f
Would you11ke to buy better wood and
more of It for Use moneyT We sell
stove lengths and chunk. Mlaaourl oak
wood at 8)1.50 a rick. Thia la a bargain.
Brldenatelu A Smith, 14th Ave. and 6iU
St. Tol. 18'.'
(ilrla F.utlred from Home.
Mary Horst, daughter 'of E. Hojst. and
her companion, Gladya Suiidllund. who ran
away from their homes In Avoca. Ia., a
few days ago. were found at Plattsmouth
yenterday. Harry Shefler and Fred Wave,
two young men said to be responaible for
the girla leaving home, were found with
them and placed under aireat. Dvptity
Sheriff Grace of Avoca. arrived in the city
last evening with tha runaways and wili
take them bark to Avoca this morning.
Bhefler and Wave were lojljjed In Ihe
county Jail over night, hut the young
women were placed In care of the Sisters
at Mercy horplta'. '
gwauaoa Mnale Co.
Pianos, organ and musical inerchndise,
07 West Bdway.. '
satisfaction guaranteed, -i
Many t'nac of Meaalea.
An epidemic of meaalea among the ehil.
dren ot the public schools Is feared, a
at present the disease is uulte prevalent
among tiiem. The diaeasa, according to
tha stateoirnt of Ctty Phyalctan Rioe yea
terday, Is especially prevalent in tbe vicin
ity of the North Eight (street school,
among the pupils of which there are thirty
six caaaa. Thia Is the only school. Dr.
( Kit. elated, wlikb is ariluusly articled at
present. Ha! McDonald, the lS-year-old
girl held at the county Jnll sa a wltre
against her father. In suring froU
measles ana has a well developed case.
Aliened Hakker nnaat
IOWA CITT, la.. Oct. Ppeclnl Tele
gram.) Three men giving the names nf
John Tama. Charlie Hewett nd Boh
Smith, alleged safe crackera, who robbed
a store at Hill, were captured late last
night by Sheriff Rowland after a lively
pistol battle. Deputy Sheriff Harrv Row
land captured the two men single-handed.
The men deny tney are Implicated In the
robbery, which netted only a few dollars
and some clothing.
Dies In Hon; Pnn.
SIOI X CITY, la.. Oct. !.-Kpecial Tele
gram.) Belied with an epileptic fit while
he was stopping tu fed the hogs this
morning. Elmer Ebberly. a farmer living
a few miles from Sioux City, fell face down-
'rd In the half foot of mud In the pig
pen and was smothered to death.
lOTra ewe ot.
ATI.ANTIC The city council litis ac
cepted the work on the city sewer com
pleted here thl summer by Dunegnn,
Corey A llrtgg. paid the contractor the
city's part of the amount charged and or
dered the assessment of I1H.72 per lot
against the property abutting on the sewer.
ATLANTIC K. A. Lewis, a photographer
of this place, who haa been experimenting
for the past eleven venr on a nsiimen
priniiiipj pnper, nan periecieu inn iiivrniimi
Hnd now hltn ,t , Bhape wherebv he can
make printing paper out of common bond
writing paper at about half the price It
co"t" to Prod" oer photograph paper.
ATLANTIC The cltlsen of Elkhorn
hllV pidRed 81.2uO for the work
of preliminary survey from this place to
Klkhorn for an electric road. 8) of which
J'"' nunnd madeVrh.
work of survey will be commenced the
first of next week. All that seems neces-
"ar'r to make the proposed road a success
, Ul8 of th- el(.otrlo ,ght piant ner(,,
o the company can bond the road for
enough to complete the construction
LEWIS Throe men have been arrested
snd arraigned on the charge of burglary.
It Is alleged In the Information that they
broke and entered the home of C. A. Ayers
on July 17 and stole therefrom thlrty-twn
el traps valued t about 112. .The trap
Rhondea, and he claimed to have gotten
them from his brother, Francis Rhoadea,
and Jesse Harris, one of whom' has made
a partial confession. They . were sent to
Jail under 8800 bond to await the action
of the grand Jury. All three were trapper
and had been working along Turkey creek.
Xntlonnl Association of Life Insnrnnce
Agent Orders Poblleatlon of -Ofrlrlnl
ST., .LOUIS, Oct. N. The second day s
session of the seventeenth annual conven
tion of the National Association of Life
Ur)at.wrlters was of short duration and
ark, N. J., and Hon. Frederick H. Nash,
former deputy attorney general of Massa
chusetts. After the address the executive commit
tee made additional reports recommending
the establishment and publication of an Of
ficial: organ, which lecommendatlon wag
adopted. . - .
Tomorrow's session will conclude the con
vention and .the. entire day will be occu
pied. A large number of. resolutions have
been offered and referred to the executive
commlttW and "It la anticipated tliat the
report, ot tbe committee tomorrow will de
velop an Interesting session. One-of the
resolutions propones a conatltutlona
amendment providing for the exclusion of
officers of companies from active participa
tion In conventions which would Irt effect
leave the administration of the' associa
tion's affairs In the hands ot the active
field workers. There Is a decided division
ot opinion concerning this resolution and
If it is placed before the convention tomor
row It Is expected a contest of more than
ordinary proportions will ensue.
. Mrs. Florence E. Shaal of Boston, the
only woman having the distinction of being
president of a life underwriters' association
in the t'ntted F ates. Is attending the con
vention as a delegate. She I president of
the New England Women's IJfe Under
writers' sssoclatlon.
A feature of tomorrow's session will be
the. reading of prise essays pn the topic.
"The Relation of the Public Presa to Amer
ican Life Insurance," and the awarding of
prises. '
Maximum Policy Raised to fS.OOO and
Age I.lmlt lnerenaed to
' Hlstjr Years. "
NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 24.-New Ir.nuranro
lava frftli,ir fin flO nnlln-hnMera were of.
!,,., . . h ,. .. ih..
j R , of pyhiM. The feature of theie !
i '
j Increase In Ihe maximum policy f tun '
' Z.Z maximum policy r.o.n,
An Increase In the age limit at which
members can be Inmircd frrmi 50 to 0 years.
The creation of a new fifth cla of In -
surance. This class Involved a complete
change irom the oiu traiernn congress i
the American experience table with inter. St
at per cent.
1 There will be an annual accounting, an
annua! dividend policy, returning Jo ths J
member at the end of each year all over !
and above the cost of carrying the risk; and
expense of management. . I
All policies under (ho new system become
Incontestable after three year.
Privilege is given policy hohlera In the
fourth clnas to transfer Into the new fifth
clai-s, taking the same amount without new
medical examination. '
Washington Hears Present Attornry
i.eueral Wlll Take Place
,ow Vacnnt.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 24 -While no offi
cial statement is obtainable unofficial In
formation confirms the report that tha
president will appoint Attorney ' General
William H. Moody to the vacancy In the
supreme bench made vacant by the retire
ment of associate Justice Henry B. Brown.
The announced Intention ot the president to
appoint Mr. Moody to the supreme court
bench came aa a surprise, as It wss gen
erally understood that he had ellmlniated
the attorney general from conalderation in
that connection bepause of tbe fact mainly
that Maamchusetta haa a representative on
the bench in the person ot Associate Jus
tice Holmes. Mr. Moody's nomination will
be sent to congress when It convene, but
the general expectation is that he will not
take his seat on the bench until about
January 1, when, as previously announced,
ho expects to retire from tho attorney gen
eralship. Cash and Cashier fieao.
Vegas bteinbeek. who was engaged about
a ago by koine Miller to official aa
oaahicr at the Millard hotel, departed sud
denly Tuesday night for porta unknown.
Hia departure would not be the occasion
for auih deep regret were It not (or toe
fact of tho disnifonraaco cf ll&o belonging
to the. company siwullaaouusty wilt)
'UimX Vt UlU Uulllu.
French Dtvici ef Signal Corps to F
TttUd at KtbraxU Port.
Fort Omaha to Be Hrear ot Interest
ing Kxoerlnaent h Army
Offlrera Within est
Few Month.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 24.-Fort Omaha.
Neb., la to be the scene of many Interest
ing balloon experiment within the nest
few month. French manufacturer have
shipped to the signal corps of the army a
new spherical illk balloon, which will be
thoroughly tested at the Nebraska post.
The signal corps already ha ncvrral old
ballooon st Fort Omaha which are to be
used for experimental work.
A large quantity of hydrollte, from which
hydrogen Is generated by contnet with
water, hs been purchased and a generating
plant will probably be built at Fort Omaha,
which will enable the slgnnl corp to pro
duce hydrogen very easily. At present
hydrogen for experimental work Is shipped
In metal tanks.
Practically all the experiments of the
signal corps are made with captive bal
loons. Major Samuel Rebrr and Captain
Charles De F. Chandler, who made a bal
loon trip on October a with the Aero club,
have reported to the signal corps, that the
aerial travel from Pittsrteld,, Mass., to Ben
nington, Vt.. wae highly successful and
wlll later make -a report on the trip, which
It is expected will be of considerable valiro
to officers interested In ballooning.
Stockholders of Trader' Company
Allege that Hla Policy Increase
Their Liability.
CHICAGO, Oct. 24-Expresslons of
dlocontent with the 11 anagement of the
estate of the Traders' Insurance company
by the receivers appointed some months
ago are contained In an Intervening pe
tition filed in Ihe Cook county circuit court
today In behalf of 200 nonresident policy
holders whose claims against the defunct
company represent nearly 2.ono,()no. The
petition charges that the receiver for the
Insurance company ha adjusted hut few
of the losses suffered by the San Fran
cisco earthquake and fire, owir.g lo the
fact that he "has been directed and au
thorised to make every legal objection pos
sible." The court Is told that before its failure
the Insurance company carried on business
In California, and it is therefore governed
by the law of thBt state, which direct
that stockholders In such a corporation
be made liable for losses to the extent of
their stock subscriptions.
Tha complaints ask that the court enter
an order fixing a time for the filing of
claims against the company and that all
assets of the Traders' Insurance company
be collected by the receiver, reduced to
cash and distributed among all the cred
itors. -
Latter glnlta Damage to Former
Schooner and Steamer Collide and
Is Mot Learned.
NEW YORK, Oct. 24. The mnull freight
steamer Hastings, owned by the New
Haven A Bayonne Transportation com
pany, .bound, from T'Jew York to New
Haven-, was burned to the water's edge
and mink In .Long Island .sound off Stam
ford, ConrU ' Ih.s morning.- It ' crew of
eleven men got ' away" in a lifeboat and
were picked up and brought to New York
on board the steamer Mlddletown. . The
Hastings la reported to have been loaded
with steel.
About 4 o'clock,- when off Stamford, the
Hastings collided wMh an unidentified
schooner. An overturned lantern set lire
to tbe steSmer and when (t became evi
dent that It could not be saved the crew
took to their boat. The extent of the
damage suffered by the schooner I not
known here.
Delegates Representing All Quaker
Bodies In ' America, Meet at
Richmond, Ind.
RICHMOND. Ind., Oct. 24. A distinct
epoch In the history of the American
Friends' foreign mission work Is marked
by a conference of all Its bodies connected
with such work now In progress In thl
city. The conference includes delegates
from yearly meetings of the American Con
tinent, American Friend' ' Missionary
board, Afrlcan-Amerlcnn Missionary board,
Philadelphia Missionary board and Ameri
can Friends' Christian Endeavor. Mission
I arlea are present from Afilcn. Cuba and
1 Mexico.
, Many Important toplea were discussed
thl. afternoon and tonight. Conclusions
rpBrhed by this conference wlll be reported
he general conference of - American
hu, mt,.ls pxt ,,, Ri,.h
I rnond. ' ' . ..
; nnirr IC nri risrn
; t.mlt City Ofllelnl Fonnd ot
I Gnllly of Compounding a
SALT LAKE CITY. Oct. 24.Gei ge A.
Sheets, chief of the Salt LaKe police de
partment, was released today In 'the dis
trict court at the close 'of his preliminary
examination under the charge, of com
pounding a felony. Alexander and Wil
liam McWhirter, Scotchmen, were robbed
of tlO.OtO by bunco m.-n In thia city. Chief
Sheets secured the return of 1,0"0 of this
money to the Scotchmen, but permlttrtd
the man who returned the money and who
win accused by the McWhlrtera of being
one if the men who robbed them, to leave
the city and escape arrest. Judge Ann
strong mled that the evidence presented
against Chief Sheet was Insufficient and
did not show prolwble cause to warrant
hia Wing bound over for trial.
' C , H ls a God-send to women; carrying
t j ri I them through their most critical
-UUL-JjLaV-- U ordeal with safety and no pain.
No woman who uses Mother's Friend", need fear the suffering
and danger incident to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its horror
and insures safety to life of mother and child, and leave her in
a condition more favorable to speedy recovery. - The child is
ass rnrni ci? pikr
its weight in eold to every "Li
woman, and will be sent free
man, and will be sent free in plain p r H f,3 P r T"
elope by addressing application to 1 1 ; 3 !-!'
&dn!JRcs-!4torC.AtldfitaCa. Li JuIJLjUULJ
McKihhirt O
a - w a JLSf F
band lailor.'
W by Ihe bs f"
workmen in Ihe i :,
land. f. .
A;k your tJealet .
I a a i -
owyouVver- ; k
ica'a St-indud Fur Jl;
""i- ii as cannot
vvrle us and .
e will direct you
10 one who can.
Drlscoll &
Oorsey .
far Manufacturer
t. PauL Minn. j '
4 jfri5 ttu
, i t. IV, ..ill i
'i'1 a in iibw,
Appeal for City Mission.
OMAHA. Oct. 21 To the Editor of Ths
B".e: An earnest appeal Is made by the
board of trustees of thp Omaha City mi
ston for funds for the maintenance and
for extra expenses during this" coming
year. .The following are Ihe board of
truiteea: A. C. Kennedy, C. D. Brandels,
G. W. Garloch, Thcmas McNalr, Hon. II.
H. Baldrlge, Robert Smith. C. IL Rey
nolds, Mrs. E. H. Shlnrock, Mrs. H. S.
Cuming, Miss Mary U. Goodman; clera;
Arthur Chase, president, and C. C,. Ken
nedy, 20H National Bank butjillng. treas
urer. The hoard, after looking bVr' lite Hel l,
finds It necessary to raise the sum of
8-', 000 for Its work In the futuro.
Let us, for a moment, run over the
history of this work: In the first plit'-e .
it is the only-, mission that IS situated In
the lowest part of the city.. Its work is
wide and varied. Its door are open
morning, noon and nlghl,' aiid willing,
ready and true Christian mission women
are there to answer the calls of the needy
or listen to the cries of the tuie in dis
tress. These, cries corns often And are
met always with a loving heart and ready
srlrit to help.
Cltinens, lmvt you ever stopped to think
that right where this mission Is located
116 North Tenth street there are about
100 poor, helpless girls who are living
lives of shame and degradation, who look
upon this mission. the door cf hop
to a better life, knowing full well that
the moment they art willing to turn from
a life of sin and shame that there Is an
open door provided for . them, with on
waiting, to welcome tlierh.' who has a
kindly interest. , In their", future? They
also know that once they enter that mis
sion door that there la a, home awaiting
them, , whUe everything; will be done to
make their life bright rA- cheerful for
the future. ,.', '" 4 '
The missionary in charge, of this work
Miss Nellie Magee does not watt tor
these glrls to coma to icr., but. If neces
sity demands.' gcies to see them,' night or
day, attending Ih in when they are lck,
comforting them with word of cheer,
urging them to write to their mother,
whom they. tem to hace, forgotten. Many
1 the sad story, that could be told by
this woman missionary who has worked
so faithfully among them. ' Many of
these girls have been rescued from their
sinful life by this mission and have been
provided with homes suitable fpr . them
or have - been returned to' their own
Another branehTJf the mission' work,
and one which has an Important place in
the betterment Of our city. Is the chil
dren's work. This mission haa the largest
chlidrvn'a work that is, tlio. children nf
the lower classes of any organization in
Ihe city of Omuhii. . Under Its guidance
there nre fcomewherf.. n the neighborhood
of l.OcO chlldreia, reached -by its workers,
who, with a bountiful generosity, care for
these little ones by providing them with
clothes, food, present or anything that
will bring gladness or Joy Into 'their lives.
Some time thewe little one .com to the
mission' ragged and dirty auxl hungry and
crying for the necssltiea Of life, knowing
full well that their call will be answered
and thnt whatever their want are their
needs will be supplied." ' ''.
Now, let us copief to. fact In regard to
the work from a practical standpoint thnt
this mission has done. During the year
that is past It has maintained i -Sabbath
school, wilh the average attendance of
aixty. It han held gospel meet Ing. street
meetings, survlce at the ..police. .. station
every Sunday, hospital meetings,- also a
teclcntlhc U-inpciuii4-e clti, sewing M.-liuil
every Saturday afternoon, work among
tho Jewish children,' Work among the col
ored children and mothers' meetings.' 'So
cial work haa included the distribution of
clothes and books, garden seeds, money
and food, . finding employment fjr every
applicant who has applied to them. We
have been able to maintain a free bath,
where men who- liave. been engaged In
work In the district, such a coul work,
etc., might have a bath free pf charge.
And so we make this Hppcat, believing
that silch a' work As this wllf commend
Itself, to every earnest thinking nan and
woman of Omaha. It Is necessary- that
we should raise 32.000 for the maintenance
and betterment ot this work. At the pres
ent time the mission is entirely out of
debt, but It Ih iutcary to meet the de
mands and applications that are i n. con
tinually by the poor people, who loo!; upon
thl mission as a home for thim, that we
Fbould have another, mission worker.
Therefore, this and other necessaries com
pel us to appeal to the public for this
And many other painful ancfecrlona
ailments from wnich most mothers
suffer, can be avoided by the use of
"MalWe rr!o" Tlilr il Tn3l
in plain T