Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1906, Image 1

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    Daily- Bee
VOL. XXXVI -XO. 111.
Tim Omaha
lutersuta Commerce Commission Diicloea
Ividesct of Several Different Alliaaots.
""""" "
lUintiin Ptt( that Ktcp (jertain Grain
. Cut of Qmaha MTket
Tbsy, with Eailre.di. Unit. U I rests Ont
LboTel Hcates.
(iimmliiliiitn Ian aud Clark Con
dnct Investigation nllh Attorney
-tin r Me I adcr the LaFollette.
senate Resolution.
'J'nai t.iu railroads combine to discrlml
nnic tgalnst the Omaha grain market by
maintaining certain rates that prevent grain
from curtain localities from entering thin
market l that the railroads and line clu-
vators combine to frecxe out of bueines.
tho email or so-called "shovel houses;"
that the big elevator firms combine to reg
ulate the .rice ot grain; that the Updlko
Grain company enjoys special privileges
from the Bouth Omaha Stock Yards com
pany these were a few of the principal
points of Internet which evidence tended
to bring out yesterday In the first day's
Investigation by the Interstate Commerce
commission of conditions of grain and ele
vator trade at Omaha.
vstor trade at Ort
The hearing wa
10 a. m. In the n
Vk fore Commission
yLine of California
a begun Wednesday at
north federal court room
ners Clark of Iowa and
la. The court room was
crowded with grain men and lawyers In
terested lu the outcome. The hearing Is
being had under the LaFollette resolution
adopted by the United States senate on
June 27.
The Inquiry is being conducted by At
torney John H. Marble of Washington, at
torney for the Interstate Commerce com
mission. Stenographers J. J. MeAullffe and
F. M. Young of Washington are reporting
the testimony for tho commission and
Charles W. Peursall la keeping a steno
graphic record of the inquiry for the Omaha
Uruln exchange. Among the Interested
spectators are numerous members of tho
Uruln exchange, including Secretary Mc
Vann. '
Commissioner- Clark of Iowa announced
at the outset that the hearing was being
bad here and elawliere' pursuant to the
senate resolution.
Discrimination by Railroads.
"We are friendly to the Omaha market,
but I should say tho railroad are not
friendly to this market In that they have
persistently made a discrimination against
Omaha In the matter . of freight rates. It
btiM always been this way la Omaha.
"Because of railway discrimination all ter
ritory tributary to Omaha don not ahip
here. The g.-aln men urn. not in a position
to bring the grain to Omaha because of thi
mllroad discrimination. This la particularly
true, ftt - northern mut"Yuthro Nebraska
and of that territory along the Una of the
St. Joseph & Grand Island railroad and In
8-'uih Jmliola points. We have given up
any hope of being able, to receive or ship
fnim St. Joneph V Grand Inland points.
The switching; charges are .generally re
funded to the operators by the roads taking
the grain out. This in a universal rule
with the railroads, I believe. . . .
"I would like to ask that the eomnilwRlon
will that thin dirtrriml nation am lnt
Om.r. In the matter, of Train uml nlhpr
freight rates by the railroads he stopped
and that we te givei) some protection."
This bit of testimony was giver, by N.i-
tnun .Mcrrumi 01 mo grain aitu elevator
firm of Merrlum 4 Ilolmqulst.
Goold Road AsfKlnst "Shovel."
Mr Mi-rrlam wa tin- first wltne. ..H...I
at the morning session. J. O. Phllllppl.
aiul ail utniful frflaht uupnt ttt thf Xtia.
sourl Parllle lallwa', who testified in the
nfternoon. ilin losd the fact that his road
I uin: hi t't the snovi l House. ! i 1 rer e statistics will be utilised by those
;ild: 'who are agitating for the openln of the
We make nu liUi rl'iilnation between eb-- I frontiers to the importation of foreign cat
vi'ors, I'lit we do dibcrlmlnatn uKalnst the 1 tie. as Indicating the necessity for Imme-
y r ii .:r 11 k tsr.- wiu r in i si inn mil Willi a
"V Khovel li hi hsnd. He is not entitled to
mv coiield.-ration of a tnn wlio has
s I I inv ti.d In nn elryalor. At all coun-
4 J 'tv sljl.ons hi-re wv have facilities we
ir.i it .wivise uiu. e is in ills hut with a
He is not entitled to
on line Uio-e lacillil.a to two elevators!
. id cll,eoir;iv the small shovel houses. !
1 lnvc imvised agalUKt the granting of
i es tur tut merH" t levators where we have
sulute I wi ll 1 1 H for the grpln elevators
i. lady there. I should not recommend the
I iildirig of siiilngs on tho tracks foe
I Jrh farmers."
. umiiiisHioiier i.ane Vo you think this Is
tie proper way or the right way to dis-t-..i,rige
laimeis from erecting their own
l. vitoi s along your road, even though
ilir-rc lie tsu elevators at the station? Why
should It hu to your Interest to exercise
the right as a railroad to dlsi-ourage me
from Investing money In an elevator at
itch a station?
' ii niajtitiTi . : , , . .
Mr Phi'limd-Have you a case in inli.,1 de'lalon "f ,he ourt of caseation In July
,, 11 V , I . '"'"'"'.annulling his condemnation without trial.
mmlaeloner I.ane-I think there are a Tn. f0n U1. he.,-in .
tat manv cases or that kind. . I, . . K P neailng a
M-. Phlllippi-I have no further answer " .1
to :0.1k.-.
t pdlkes (iel Klght Thousand.
N. B. rpdika. of the t'pdik (iraln coin
l-.iry inti-udiiced the contract between bis
company und the South Omaha. Slo.-k
. jiuiiwOTjuiry, relating to certain prlvl-
Lyicii'-S gli'l the I'pdike roninanv In ihe
matter of trackage and switching facilities
to anJ fitrni its elevators because of It h.
it.g u terminal elevator snd in consider-
.1 ... . 1 ....... "
iion ' 1 ..uiiuiua me eievttor at South
t lniali. , The object of the contract 1..
give to, tills terminal elevator the same
liiOiiilng snd outgoing advanUges accorded
to ether elevators and put It on an equal
b.isi Willi me free elevation t.rivlliMU
privUcK i
Mrantod 10 hiDDers and riii ... ... .
elsvator. s.aLllshad by ,h. G,t Weste, ,,
hi that uie general vicinity. Till con-
tract culls for
a relniburseiiieni nr h..
VI. porno "'i' "m equivalent v0 the
allowan.-en made to other grain huulir.g
-."Vsds ai:d shippers. On this bis Mr
I pii ke t.uiJ:
Updlko company
Sum .nnliul.,.! . ... .
"V. c b.liwil on the Union Sioi k Tarda
company for claims on the basis of
U.e culruct which was pwj us by thai
cu...Ft.r durlnjr the l.,t crop ifar.
same selirhl.a (kif1M,
"Ws pud Mll lti-hlng thstses
a.. p.:J l.y other complies "hi. I, i"
for in and ti for outgoing cars. We also
Pxy f..r i .rs st the rate of n
. in..
. t. ...-. ....4 i me eievstor
r : e di, r. Ly tLta t' r. t t a. 1. 1 no part of the switch-
U K i-h.ig.-e uiv Teiniiieo to us, i-tui
in 'L. l.y this I- pi iced
ti. oo . 111 j 1 oil fourth I'jji.j
n Who Dlnlirh Houe of
Common Create Scene lu
Pel Ire Cesrt. ,
LONDON. Oct. 24. Ten women suffra
ges who were arrested for rioting In the
ptencta In the House of Commons were
arraigned in police court today and bound
over to keep the peace for six months.
Such a commonplace outcome of the affair
did not meet the views of the suffragists,
who apparently desired to assume the role
Of martyrs by being committed to Jail, and
when the magistrate announced- his decis
ion a great uproar broke out In the court I
room, and ultimately the women had to be
removed by force. Borne of them were
Iltei-ally thrown out among -the crowds
waiting outside the building. ;
The shrieking women continued to make
a demonstration outside the police court
until Mrs. Psnkhurst, who took a prom
inent part' In the disturbance In the wo
men's gallery In the House of Commons in
April, was again arrested.
Borne of the women who had been tem
porarily looked In an anteroom by the
police bad a momentary revenge. They
managed to secure a key and released
themselves, but were again locked In by
their Jailer, who walked off with the key.
When the disturbances had somewhat
e"-'-slded the police reassembled the de-
Mils, who were then informed by the
'y -ate that they must Immediately
Titles for their good behavior or
, -ed for two months. The whole
'' refused to enter Into recog
wcre removed to Holloway
ten ,
jail. -
Sew Frrtrh i ..stern Meet to Devise
Plan for Government of
Nation. '
PARIS. Oct. 24. The Clemenceau cabi
net has begun' the formulation of Its pro
gram, and the indications are that it will
be very broad and that possibly some sur
prises are in More. In well-informed cir
cles the Impression prevails that the plana
of the government lnude. besides the com
plete carrying out of the law providing for
the separation of church and state, legisla
tion establishing workmen pensions, the
state purchase of the western and some of
the southern railroads and the creation of a
state monopoly ot petroleum and alcohol.
The draft of the budget, as presented by
the budget commission under the Surrlen
ministry, which has been bitterly assailed,
especially by. M. Polncaire, the ex-foreign
minister, an being Improperly balanced,
probably will be revised.
"White "lave" Cansreo Adapt Soma
Susjsrestlons for Elevation) 'of
People's Morals. - -
PARIS, Oct. 24.s-The congress for the
suppression of the traffic In women today
decided to adopt a telegraphic code for
the transmission of wurntnjrs and adopted
resolutions to ask the authorities ot all
clvlUied countries to suppress lotteries, ex-
; cnamame purpose, to Pttok
the- delivery to minors of letters tn coir
Of , the general delivery of postofflecsv un
less they were' accoinpnntel by thnlr pa
rents; to Hupptess nmsfa ht!ls ond dives
where vice flourishes; to prohibit com
munication between, actresses and audi
ences during performances; to prohibit
proprietors of music halls from
and lodging performers and lo
"ai Untie posing" In theaters.
. .
ernuitis Irani Wll. They
i Admit American Meals Across
I the Border.
j RERUN, Oct. 24.The Statistical Corre
i spondence Mairastne. aiiplvsliiK today ttv?
official returnn of the slaughter houses of
I Pr,,..!. f- vmw; fl.nt. tv.ot h.. .i.n.hi.rin
.i,. i. N .t ..,
I that of horses W per cent over the figures
I nf 1ni th tnlil nttmhas i f Atxttm. aitlnn t ',
ISniS being 1.5W and the ntimlier of horses
j SI. SI 2. ' j
. uim
j von
; Jexa
. aiate government action toward giving the I
' wonting people cheaper food. Chancellor
Buelow has been considering the sub
for some time past.
' " "
RME. Oct. 24.-Dr. liionl. notwith-
tand(nsT the unsatisfactory condition of
1 ow '"uilh, iniim on visaing tne pope
thin morning. He found that the pontiff of gus In setting off a blast. Most of the
had Improved, the pains In his knees de-j vlct'ms are foreigners. The explosion oa
creased, end his temperature, which yes- ; curred In a heading three miles from the
terday was above normal, had diminished, 'mouth of the mine shaft. An official atatc
Iu view of his improvement the pope de- ment given the Associated Press tonight
elded to receive the English pilgrimage to- by the msnager of the Csmbrla Steel corn
morrow morning. ! pany says:
; I By an explosion in the rolling mill mine
Dreyfas ( lies Libel Cae. ! of ,he Cambria Steel company tnis even-
iT!ia o,.i vi i. k.trA i Intr sven men are dead and two are paln-
PARIS. Oit. .-Major Alfred Dreyfus j fJIy l(Ut not ratnlly Injured. I'p to the
has brouKbt suit against the Libre Parole present time only one of the dead has
for refusing to correct statements made in been Identified. He tn an American born
that paper which were at variance with the 1 .TZl.f? "' "o1'" ,Ll b.HI
j New Anatrlaa Minister. (
I VIENNA. Oct. 24. After a lengthy audi
; ence nlth Emperor Francis Joseph this
' nioriiing Baroi Aehretithal. the Austro-
! Hungarian ambanador to Russia, definitely
accepted tn roreign ministry portfolio. In,
I sii'-cesslon to Golnchowiki. who reeonilv i
I r signed.
' Xnaath Radge gahmltted.
i uitiRin rw-i "1 Th. k, ,.1.-. ..i.
i - iumi. ,
of lh B"Vrnment, which were read at the I
' Pnin vt Parliament yesterday. Involve
I w,,lil" "'tanc'al re forms. Including the
'. institution of the gold standard.
1 Z
tievrso uuaia la St. Louts.
i c,'j: ' ld StSI
j olbcUls. arrived tonight In private
made a dayllaht Insinx tmn ; various
VNatiash from I'hiiajju. Hi!1 h
a few hours and left t mill-!'
of the
, k, I,,
' nisht for r
I biter inspec t
Wabash sysl.
New Yik. Ml. Uoulii
t tlie western Portion of
I " '
m - l . 4 - r 1 I
ICCglSlCr rTIUay.
u gwOrr to vote at t!. coming eU-c-
. UoB ,nJ nl suUsequt-nt primaries
' i . ij r. i ,
' "" l"0' "
t Uia"t ,l', IXTSoiuJJjr before
i the registration board for bis voting
i. .. .. ..
i district ana nave ins name peoiirrly
-Bi...,io. i
. i ..!.. . t,-ii.. . .
i ""u" ' "" rriu.i,, isrular
! eOi ' " "-x'siisihiii uay,
! rter lo VutO
1 You Must Rcnistcr.
United State Cat airy Awaits Rsinforce
mnU Before Gorrallirn: Indiana. -
Three Hundred rally Armed Braves
May Make Trouble Sew on
Little Powder River En
raate te Dakota.
nn.i.r-TTP v,. n. 9anrln1 Tele-
gram.) The Vte Indians are still at latge.
One company of the Tenth cavalry from
Tort Robinson Is now in camp at Olllette
awaiting reinforcements from the cast be
fore proceeding against the reds, as the
Indians are silll moving north. Captain
Johnson, who Is In command of the troops
now at Gillette, left early Monday morning
to visit the Inrlisn camp, accompanied only
by no orderly and one scout to assist in
locating the reds. They struck the trail
on the Little Powder river and followed It.
coming up with the Indians forty miles
north of Gillette. The Indians were bre ak
Ing camp to move onward, but seemed to
be awaiting the officers, whom they heard
coming. i
Captain Johnson- Miceeerted in holding a
pow-wow with the Ute chief and his fol
lowers, hut they would not listen to any
thing concerning return to Utah, but said
they Intend to go to some point in the
Dakotas. Fully 300- braves, well aimed,
with a large supply of ammunition. wP.l
certtilnly resist any small, number ' of sol
diers who may try to check them.
One company now at Gillette will remain
to protect cltliens from a possible night
attack, as cowboys report the Indians hav
ing had a war dance and to be getting
very savage. They continue fo rob cattle
and sheep enmpe and rounded up a herd
of 2S0 antelopes, allowing only one to get
Unless they are checked they will soon
get . to the bad lands, where their mode
ot warfare will be to their advantage.
Clerks and Machinists Go Ont and
Tronble May Extend to
Other Place.
NEW ORLKAN8, Oct. :i.-Clerks em
ployed by the Texas it Pacific railroad left
their places today, conferences with repre
sentatives of the road having failed to ad
Just their grievances, which are similar
to those of the Southern Pacific strikers.
Following the discharge- of ten men by
Master Mechanic Nolan, all the machinists
and laborers employed by the Southern
Pacific at Algiers struck today.
Fourth Vice President Wilson of the In
ternational machinists, who is here from
Washington, says the strike will extend
over all the Southern Pacific lines unless
the trouble is adjusted.
, President O'Connell of the International
Association of Machinists is . expected to
seek a conference with Mr. Harrlman In
New York today. In the hope of securing
his. personal influence toward a settlement
of the grlevancea of the wn. '..
Arthur J. Slobbart of St. ' Paul woa to.
fc, t Minp0,tled major general of . tho
T - ... ' ' ,. ,
uniformed rank for the-Term oMwjn-years
"by' the supreme chancellor. The new regu
lation permlithiff the uniformed rank a
voice In nomination, the jpajor general will
not go Into effect until otl he Boston con
vention two years hence. C. F. 8. Neal
of Chicago, William Ledew of New Tork
and Z. , M. Host 6f Wisconsin were re
elected ' to the Hoard, of Control, Endow
ment rank.
NEW YORK, Oct. 24. At the office of
E. II. Harrlman & Co. in this city It was
I said that Mr. O'Connell hud not been there
) ., . , . , . v. ... ,
' mm uifi - vt 1 1 vj . 41VIMU1S wna nuuwii
j alout his reported Intention to visit Mr.
i Harrinutn in behalf of strikers at Algiers.
, It was said the matter would come under
the direction of Julius Ivruttschnitt at Chl-
c1?l '
i KNOX V I LJ.,fc Tenn.,
Oct. 4-At noon
today 900 machlnlats in the shops ot
ln But"'r' railway In this city walked
because nineteen strikebreakers ar-
"vva ,oua ,rol" nrannnn.
Seven Men Killed and Two Badly
Hnrned ta Colliery Near
Johnstown, Pa.
j JOHNSTOWN; Pa.. Oct. Si.-Hy atl cx
I ploaion in the mine of the Cambria dteel
company ntre tooay seven men sje re-
ported to be dead and two painfully but
not fatally burned. The explosion is
tnougni to nave oeen cauaea Dy me Ignition
i u v- f r n iivt utHn o t as xj ti lui vrigiii id, t.T
are the two Injured.
The txplosl.m took place In heading No.
considerable distance from the lil-
, fHtl.d Klol)dlKe n,in where 114 men lost
! "f. "VJL i".' J" ..aVT.''?
exact cause is not know, but It la supposed
that the gas was fired by the putting oft
of a blat. All the. men when found hail
their safety lamps in proper trim, showing
that the accident could not have been
caused by neglect ' ill that direction. No
damage, whatever, was done to the wotk
lugii anil the mine will be run tomorrow
as usual.
! 1 rlnml,l-,,
! Plttshara Workers Would Have
Elght-Hoar Day with Pay
for Overtime.
j PITTSBURG, Oct. . Committees repre
senting the Bi other hood of Railroad Traln-
I men in me r-iitsouig switching district
the eighteen division su
scale of wags to
lierlntendents of the
railroads. The scale provides for
hours' work, with pro rata pay for
will ! overtime, and an ansmer is requested on
'be I or before November 4.
- The demands are about the same as those
I of th Chicago district and afreet men em
ployed In th yards only, the roadmen hav.
J lug a differ nt wage st ale.
Illinois Supreme Court Ipbolds Ordi
nance to Prevent Overerundlua;
Htrret Cars of City.
SPRlNGFIKLu, III.. Oct. H.-The valid-
... .. . w-, ..... v v. -1. .nr aiia-
,lly of ,he Chicago ordinance compelling the
I til. 1 1 ity nanway coiiiiXtny to pi-ovlde
siifficlent cars so that the rar should n t
b. overcronded is upheld h, u-tliou ut
it.s uprui touit twday.
Rifles Surrendered by Cohan Inanr
stents Placed Where They Will
Do X Harm. ' i
HAVANA, Oct. :.-Th statement made
by Secretary of War Taft on the eve ot his
departure from Cuba that he would put
all the arms surrendered by the Insurg'-nts
where they would do no further harm was
verllled today when a company cf the Cu
ban artillery spent the afternoon throwing
these weapons Into the sea from the outer
bastion of Moro castle. Thousands of
rifles and carbines were punk In thirty
fathoms of water.
Some unrest continues to prevail In the
provinces jf Puerto Principe and Sor.ta
Clara, where small armed bands are roving
and committing minor depredations. The
residents of Holguln requested protection
of troops against a body of former rebels,
who are reported not to have disbanded,
and a battalion of Infantry reached there
this sftrnoon.
Tho mayor of the"'town of Aguacate. to
the province of Havana, who. was ousted
from office, was restored to his position
Tuesday and ordered an armed escort of
twenty-five men, alleging that he feared
an attack by the moderates.. Governor
Magoon tonight ordered Governor Nunes
to proceed to Aguacate and compel ths
mayor to surrender the arms of his escort
aud bring the weapons to Havana.
Ex-President Palma is now In Matanra
preparing a manifesto which win cover the
events of his administration.- This docu
ment will dmvll especially upon his rela
tions with the American administration
and his reasons for appealing- for interven
tion. It is addressed to a prominent mem
ber of the moderate party for -circulation
among the friends and- supporters of the
ex-president. It probably wiil be made
public later. i
Millionaire's Widow "ays He Was a
Resident of California, and
Claims Half of Estate.
NEW YORK. Oct. J. Mrs. Herman Oel
rlchs of this city today filed an objection
in court to the probate of the will of her
late husband, Herman Oelrlchs. Her ob
jection is based on the gronnd that Mr.
Oelrlchs was not a resident -ot New York,
but of California. Mr. Oelrlchs left tlie
bulk of his estate to. his brother and sis
ters. '
Mrs. Oelrlchs son, Herman Oelrlchs, ir.,
through his guardian, Paul U Klernsn,
also filed an objection to probate ot the
will on the same grounds.
In an affidavit filed by Mrs. Oelrlchs,
she declared that at the tirres of her hus
band's death he did not have a residence
In New . York, and she has no knowledge
of or Information sufficient to form a be
lief as to whether ho. died . leaving any
property In the city ot New York. Mr.
Oelrlchs residence at- the time of V' -death
was in San- Francisco, the affidavit ; con
tinues, and h had property in that stat.
"and at the time of decedent's death he
left creditors In the state of California
who are now .creditors of his estate and
residing in that state." '
The affidavit goes on to say that lu Sep
tember Mrs. Oelrlchs was appointed spe
cial administratrix of the" 'estate by the
courts of Callfotnia. apd the' tawilf CaTi-'
fornla are -quoted ti' show that upon the
death of her husband one-hal of the
community property shall go to Uc surviv
ing wito or widow and that thei. surviving
widow cannot be deprived of such interest
by testamentary disposition
President ' f National Association
Says Thera Is Daager of Too
Many Repressive Laws. ,
NEWARK. N. J.. Oct. M.-At todays
session of the National Liquor league's
convention President Hugh Dolan made his
report. He urged that the organization
strengthen Its means of defense. Ho said
lit this connection:
So much haa been accomplished by the
Antl-Sa-on league that it would seem
unnecessary to all attention to the great
danger that confronts us, but the fact re
mains that there are those engaged in the
business who appreciate the gravity of the
situation only when It Is too late to pre.
vent the passage of repressive laws.
Secretary Robert J. Halle submitted a re
port on the condition of the. liquor traffic
throughout the country and on legisla
tion affecting the traffic. He thought a
bill should be passed by congress pro
hibiting the issuance of government cer
tificates In instances where applicants had
not compiled with the state laws.
Wreck on the Pennsylvania Liue Near
Ptttahnrsr Serionsly Inlnres
set era 1 Persons.
PITTSBl'RG. Oct. 21. Running at a
speed estimated ot fifty miles an hour the
fast train between Cleveland and Pittsburg
oa the Pennsylvania railroad, known ss
the "Cleveland Flyer," was side-swiped by
the caboose of a freight train near Belle
vue station shortly after noon today, five
trainmen being injured In the wreck, all
of whom will recover. A score of passen
gers were cut by flying glass, but none
was seriously hurt. They were brought to
this city on a wreck train which reached
the scene eighteen minutes after the acci
dent and proceeded on their Journey. The
collision with the caboose threw the en
I sine down an embankment thirty feet
I high and It slid into the Ohio river. .
BUI Filed Says Alleged Crime Was
-Committed Before Elktas Law .
Was Effective.
NEW YORK. Oct. 4. Counsel represent,
lug the American Sugar Refining company
today tiled demurrers to the lu.lictmer.ts
recently found against that company on
a charge of accepting rebates on sugar
shipments In violation of the Elkins law.
Counsel for tlie company declared that the
crime is alleged to have taken place before
the Klkins law went into effect.
Register Friday. '
In order lo rote at trie turning Hco
tioa and at sulieexjucnt pi'liiiaricvi
every elector in Omaha, and Mouth
Omaha muit appear pfrsoitilly before
t'ao rt'gfctlraliou biiaril for tils voting
district aud have his name properly
enrolled. : No previous registration
holds good lals year. Friday, CKtober
'M, is the next reKlnlradon day. Jn
! onler o vote
i You Must Register.
Consul Qaneral to Montreal Comint Horn
to Sebmka to Vote.
Eathaslastlc Ahont 'the Fntnre of
Canada, Partlcnlarly the Western
Portion Likes Ills New
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Oct, 24. (Special Tele-gram.V-Major
Church Hows, consul gen
eral at Montreal, arrived In Washington
today. Mr. Howe comes to the capital on
matters connected with his office In Can
ada's big city. . On succeeding to the
position he found many things needed tor
his office and the State department, realis
ing the demands of Mr. Howe were Just,
asked him to come to Washington and pre
sent in person his requirements.. Church
Howe has made a distinguished success In
the consular positions which ho has held
and he is regarded by the State depart
ment aa one of the most efficient men in
the consular service. As election Is com
ing oo In Nebraska and as he has not had a
leave of absence for two years, Mr. Howe
has been granted sixty days' leave and he
begins his leave by taking up with the
State department matters In which our
country Is concerned with Montreal. He
expects to complete his work with the
State department In the next day or two
and then leave for his homo In Auburn.
Major Howe has nothing . but pleasant
words to say of the treatment he has re
ceived at the hands of the people of Mon
treal. He was especially distinguished the
other evening by the Board of Trade of
that city giving a banquet in his honor,
a courtesy never accorded an American
consul previous to Mr. Howe's appoint
ment. While Major Hwe was entirely
satisfied with his position tn Antwerp his
transfer to Montreal waa looked upon as
a promotion and as It brought him nearer
home he accepted the transfer with quiet
satisfaction. Major Howe believes the fu
ture of Canada is exceedingly bright and
he said tonight that if he were a young
man he would Join forces with tho men
who are building up the great empire to
the north of the United States.
Mshlesbfrg at the Capital.
Lieutenant Colonel John C. Muhlenberg
of the pay department of the army has
arrived In Washington and taken up his
duties bs post paymaster. While It Is not
settled whether Colonel Muhlenberg will re
main In . Washington' permanently his
friends In this city hope that conditions
will permit his retention here. Colonel
Muhlenberg succeeds Colonel Charles IL
Whipple, who is now chief paymaster of
the army In Cuba.
George E. Hlggins has been appointed
postmaster at Amherst.- Buffalo county,
Neb., vice Frank M. Kenney, resigned.
. Rural carriers - appointed for Nebraska
routes: Cook, route t Ira C. Martin, car
rier; Lewis Richards, substitute. Tecuni
seh, route 1, George B. - Harmon, carrier;
Frank Harmon, substitute.
(.'.. rrn mi . ' t
f Attempt- os Indiana Mine' t . akt
Suspicion on IiSbor Lender ,
- Prove a Bnamernna;.
TERRE HAUTE. Ind.. Oct. 't.-Rcplvlng
to the eharre tht th. nffl.iBi of
No. M. Vnited Mine Workers of America
had not acted In the interests of the or-
41 X-..I I 1.1 . Tl... U
auiHiiuii, ,a Liniimi iciviutriii JUUI1 iilHlll.
ell In the special convention her today
accused the dissenters of an effort to dis
rupt the union.
The denouncement was precipitated when
Delegate T. C. Llewellyn t. Linton spok
of the top question. Llewellyn criticised
the decision of the national officers ot the j
miners' union In ths top coal quesiion and
by Inference declared that the national
officers. Including President Mitchell, were
not above suspicion. Ths words wero
hardly spokea when President Mitchell'
lnm n III Un I . . . .1 hum all. . '
was on his feot. He had been silting at
one ride of the hall as a spectator of the
events of the convention.
President Mitchell said that Llewellyn
had been the recipient Of credentials for
the Industrial Workers of the World and i
possessed them at this time. Mr. Mitchell j
said that Llewellyn was allied with the j
Western Federation of Miners, snd ss its .
ally was doing all In his power to break
the supremacy, of the united mine workers
In the Indiana field.
The denunciation of President Mitchell
eated s. sensation. When he finished he
was cheered to the echo.
Speaker Says Farmers Are Oaly Pro
ducers Who Do Not Fix Prices
oa Their Prodncts.
EAST ST, LOUIS. HI., Oct. 14 The fea
ture of today's session of ths first annuaV
convention of the American Society of
Equity, which la composed of fanners, wss
the address of M. F. ' Sharp of Narrows,
Ky. H strongly urged the farmers to
perfect an organization. ,
"The trusts and combines, which are th
agencies of the infernal regions, . call us
jays, hayseeds, rubes and mossbacks, and
I say that even If we-do organise, we won't
J stick," he said. "I tell you that when
organisation raises the prtce of products
I It l the lies stirkins i.lMjiter tn- tli. wnrlil
I know the .farmers will stick. Equity
means a fair deal. All manufacturing lu
duatriea fix the price ot their products
and know whst prtce thoy are going to get
for them. ' The farmer, the backbone of
the Vatiun and the world's greatest pro
ducer, has been going on the theory that
j he will taka whatever he can get for his
I products. Equity intends that the farmer
I shall take his place with the world's mo-
J ducers and fig a profitable price for his
products. That can. only be dope by a plan
of marketing products to control and regu-
late the market prices."
j Today's stsslon was devoted principally
to addresses along the line of forming an
jaaikulturtBts organisation to fix and maln-
tain prices on farm products.
' v ice President, aa Tour of Stale, Will
Deliver several Addresses
Darlaar (he Day.
I FORT SMITH. Ark.. Oct. 14 -Vice Presl-
dent Charles W. Fairbanks delivered
apeeches t.lay at Greenwood. Jenny Lid.
Pari.. Central City snd laivaca. Ark. lit,
arrived In Fort Smith early this morning
from Oklshoma and was met here by a
committee of prominent republicans.
j ll waa imrn.-dlately transferied to an-
f otlier train uii.l niiirw-d for (lr nwoo.l.
jnhere the first speech was made. Mr.
i Fairbanks will renirn to Fort Sniliii t his
It-veiiing, making the Tnal pt-ch of the day
!.. x
Fair Tharsdny and 'rlda slowly
Rising; Trmprrittre,
Temperature nl Omnha Yesterday!
I p. m.
-a . m.
S V m.
p. m .
ft p. ta.
W p. m
T p. ra .
N p. m.
t p. m .
. . -,
. . 41
.. 41
. . 43
.. 44
. . 4.1
. . 4t
.. 40
. . Htl
S a. m. . .
a. m. . .
T a. an . . ,
N a. m...
a a. m. . ,
10 a. m . . ,
11 a. m..,
1 m
Defendant In Divorce Case Testifies
Against rgrn Wltaeaa Charged
with Perjary.
PITTS BVRG, Oct. Z4.-Mrs. Mary Scott
Hartje, respondent In the recent sensational
divorce stilt Instituted by her husband,
Augustus Hartje, a millionaire paper manu
facturer of this city. Was the principal
witness today for the commonwealth In
the perjury case against Clifford Hooe, a
negro and former coachman of Hartje. She
emphatically dented the allegations of In
timacy made by Hooe In a deposition. Sha
was subsequently eoiToborsted by her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Scott, and a
number of former house servants of the
Charles T. Fullwood, for thirteen years
a court stenographer, was called. He took
the deposition and said the man who had
made it looked like the defendant. As the
witness began to read the deposition from
the official notes, the court room was
cleared, only those connected with the case
and reporters bnlng permitted to remain.
This was done because of. the nMure of
the deposition. The testimony of Mr. Full
wood Caused seversl sharp arguments be
tween Assistant Plstrlot Attorney Robb
and Attorney Ferguson, the debate becom
ing so heated at times that Judge Frnscr
Was compelled to Interpose.
When court adjourned until tomorrow
Edgar Ray, private detective, was testi
fying as to Hooe's trip through Ohio Im
mediately after he is alleged to have mude
the deposition.
Nebraska Spends Srreaaoas Day In
Northern Part of State and
Leaves for Ohio.
INDIANAPOLIS, Oct. 24. William J.
Bryan cloted a three-days' tour of Indiana
tonight, tipeaklng at a mass meeting at
Fort Wayne, Ind.' According to the demo
cratic managers Bryan's present tour
through Indiana was ono ot the moat un-
' 11111 In vrin XI Tlrvnn n srenm-
panled on his trip today by his son, Wil
liam J. Bryan,. Jr., who Is a student at Cul
ver, Ind., military academy. , At elphl
this afternoon Mr. Bryyan made an ex
tended talk on what he termed the "stand
pat" policy of the republican party.
After hla speech' at Fort Wsyne tonight
Mr. Bryan left for Ohio, i where he will
speak In the Interest of the democratic
ticket of that state. " .
FORT WAYNE, Ind., Oct. 24. Wltllnm J.
Bryan spoke to well attended meetings
here tonight. The principal meeting; von
at' the rink and Rrytn later, addressed sn
overflow athertng- at the- -ourt house.. At
the rink Mr, Bryan denounced government
by Injunction. V'f. trial by Jury Is so sn
cred that It cannot lie denied to I be rnoan-
est thief, why does the republican party
I d"r U to the lborlng man?" he asked,
1 A committee of Ohio democrats met Mr.
! rfata here tonight to escort him, into
! ?h,' when he bes,n" a thre do'B tour
Comumnder at Battle of I'lae Ridge,
5. D"bls of Paralysis at
Colombo, O.
COLLMBl'S. O., Oct. 24-Ja!ms W. For
syth, major general of the United States
;army, retired, died at his home here, to-
' ntirl.l ,i f nurulvulu Tho linmpfll V. I Ii
, wn, heM t
noon and Intermetit will be made In Green
Lawn cemetery.
General Forsyth had a distinguished mil-
ltary career. Ha wan horn In Ohio 72
years ago, and graduated from West Point
inlS5i. He nerved In McClellau's staff
during the Peninsula and Maryland cam-
i palgns In the civil war. Later he waa
j chief of staff to General Sherldiui. For
gallantry at the battle of Chlr.kamauga he
Was breveted a major. After the civil
,, . . """--."u "
,f,'n Bh" f;"nt"r ""rvk A co'on'J
- n n.n.M I CVvm..1u' I .. 1 I . . .1 . 1. . 1 l ..
"-' -"
against the Indians at Pine Ridge. Dakots,
In 1890. when the ghost danca erase was
started. In the conflict that ensued al-
... U..U1 u inuians waa wipeo.
out. He was promoted to brigadier gen
eral by President Cleveland and was sp
polntd major general by Presidtnt Mckin
ley In 1H97 when be retired.
Colorado Is Turned from Nnlton Sen
Into the Onlf of Cali
fornia. IMPERIAL. Cal., Oct. J4.-Today
waters were turned liack into the old then
nel Inadlns to the Gulf of California the
I first water of the Colorado river that hus
no wen mere ror iwo years, nix years ago
that portion of the Colorado deert known
as Imperial valley was colonised and water
waa brotiBht in from the Colorado river
for irrigation. Two years ago tho Colorado
river broke through Its bank und flowed
Int othe Balton sink, compelling the South-
ern Pacific to remove Its tracks several
times. Tl. company then undertook to
turn the water Into lis old channel and
have at last, niter many discouragements,
succeeded at a cost of Il.buO.voi).
General Forsyth stricken.
COLUMBUS, O.. Oct. 24.-Major General 1
Jamt W. Foisyth, one of the best, known
retired army Hirers, suffered a stroke of
paralysis Tuesday, and his condition, con- 'by the spectators when they gave th. bla
aidering his advanced sga. Is regarded as ' g-t ovation to Muiray as he rounded the
btrlous. General Forsyth served In the ring with second prie, must have made the
civil war with distinction and since his re--j Judges at least uncomfortable. The cash
tlrement he has been living In this county. ' prize wais the higher he 0f tne evening.
. . . . I Kvrryf hlny on Time.
, . j One remarkable feature is the rromptnos
liCglStCr Friday. with which the show begins and end.
,u orer to YCC at the coming elec-
on .a t aubselueut pHwarie,
, . i , .
j 'vor' Wi ti" ,n U'nut boulh
! Omaha must appear personally before
' (he rea;i.ratiin board for his voting
i triol and Iwvc his nam 4 properly
I , . x. ..rvi. , ,.
I rnr" AO pretious rt gutratlon
I holtla Kiol tltis )ear. Friday, October
' UtI, is the next registration day.' In
I on(,.r to Vole
; . . .
1 You Must Register.
Attendant) is on the Increase with Each
Bcoctedinc Mcbt
Appeirggoe of Favorite Whip er Bene the
Signal for Applause,
Judtrei Have Nothing But Fra'te for Show
tad Omaha Spirit.
Fentnre of the Evealnn Was hs
Capture of First Prise la Ilanter .
Clnss - Joseph Cndahr with
Nebraska Horse.
Raddla Xorse
Woman's Tandem
. .431. X. Crawford
. .Osorgs Veppe
Ball Bros.
Second. . .
Bond star
.V ......... .A- I. Braadsle
B. 9, rsok
o lley
Hon filer
Third Davis ft Small y
Heavy Harness Pair
plrat XfSWranc Jonea
Seoond Crow ft Mureay
Third Oeorgs Pepper
O sited Saddle Boras (looal)
First A. X. Brandais
Keoond Mrs. O. O. Allison
Third George W. Meg-eath
Bunabout (appointed)
First W. H. MnOord
Second ...Weir ft Bogrs
Third Iswreaos Joans
B:ffn B tapper
First Lknrrao Jones
Seoond ......Crow ft Nnrrsy
Third ....i Oeorgs Pepper
Bload Fonr
First Crow ft M array
Second -.-i Osorga Peppsx
Brougham Pair (local)
First W. S. KoOord
Seoond A. D. Bmadeis
Third .....Ward ML Barges
Banters, Middleweight
First , Arbor Iodga
Ssoond Oeors-s Feppsr
Third S. H. Weatherbes
Best Woman Stiver -First
Mrs. Joseph Barfcsr
Around the tanbnrk ring society gathered
last night for the third time this week
and the evening was. If possible, more bril
liant than tho previous ones. Some new
faces were there, with most of the old,
and new comers and Horse Show habitues
seemed to enjoy themselves alike. It Is a
thing that grow on one, this pleasure of
the show, and each succeeding night and
each succeeding show seems mors charm
ing than the last.
The attendance was the best ao far this
season, the boxes and the seats of ths lower
floor being filled, as usual, while scarcely
a place in the balcony was left vacant.
For popular priced seats there was a gen
eral demand, aqch demand that if . a few
more people come tonight the "standing
room only" sign will of necessity lie hung
"at (he "'en trance. " . . - .'. ''
By far-he'' most, gfatlfylng rusdit. of the
three nights of the show was ths capture
by a Nebraska animal of the blue ribbon
In the homing class. The luclcy mare was
Gaiety Girl of Arbor lodge, Nebraska City,
and her proud owner Is Joseph Cudahy of
Omaha, who rode her. She won In com
petition with somo of the beet hunters of
th world, -among them Pearl,, the cham
pion jumper, owned by Weatherbes of New
Praise from Judavea.
The excellence; of the show, the good at
tendance and the evident Interest and en
thusiasm were frequently the subject of
private remark among the Judges. "You
have here," said one of them to a member
of the Horse Show association, "what I
call -a real Madison Square Garden show.
And that crowd of eager spectators there
tells me you have a real town, as fur ss
love of the tanbark Is ooncerned.", The
man to whom these remarks were ad
dressed, having seen the New York ex
hibition many times Itself, emphatically ex
pressed his sgreement.
It was Council Bluffs night and to say
that maoy citizens of that city were pres
ent would not be doing them justice. Many
Is an Indefinite term. A walk around the
promenade . and a glance here and there
st the boxes showed so many faces from
' across the river that no doubt was po-
slble It was Council Bluffs night. Mayor
across the river that no doubt was pos-
Oonald Macrae was among the many.
i KnthuMaam at tho how grows with the
i Wetk. Monday, while the spectator
showed the warmth of Interest along ty-
j warJ tn, ast yt.t . the early part cf the
evening many deserving entries wer given
a chilly reception, simply bemause the real
splr't of tho show had not been born. That
spirit Is now a lusty one. Last' night so-
Lciety lost no chance to applaud its favorite
whips whenever they appeared, and When
a new horse of merit mado its debut In tho
ring society was not slow to accord It th
recognition It deserved.
Woman was queen In the ring sn well as
In tho boxes. Tho right of a haiidsoma
woman managing a spirited animal la in
spiring, and the f nilnlne whips - always
brought an expression of the warmest en
thusiasm from boxes and balcony alike.
One Award I'apepular.
Only one. of tho musciillue drivers elicited
r,ulDI,, "ue lnu Plaudits th.! women
! brouint forth. That was the Irrepressible,
j Murray of Toronto who has a latge number
cf rlep and whose affable manner an.i
Inexhaustible, fund of good humor has cap-'
j ,urd the hearts of the Omaha ehow-gouig
' Public. H la always the unexpected that
i Murray does, and his sallies Intenselv
amuses. Ho never cares when the Jurtg
"call him down." Just smiles at ths lxes
and drives on with a characterlntio
shrug of his shoulders. Lust ulglit th
judges gave him the blue ribbon in the
heavy harness class to tho Junes team, an
unmatched pair, and the disapproval shown
,a!" "vent " 1 program my
;- mlnutea later than the Si lieduled
(time, the whole evening runs along pras-
1 tl. ally aa mapped cut, and this Is gratify.
1 I ng Indeed when It Is recalled that In the
' Hi st year of the show the program ra on
v'a, ociasions drugged out a half hour
ovr tho set time. Everything on time, la
,U1 nil)(0 ,hu,lu 7 his Is aa it should
i be, for promptness is one of the element
of suiartm-ss in tht Hrae Show; It Is the
correct thioif. and no town can feel Itself
roiiuiopolitan without It.
I.lbnal um s - raaja cf the pivuisu.
: i
) !
i ;