Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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OITlrc, lO l'earl St. Trl. 43.'
Arrasemoests 'for Army of Tnne.s
, Enion Approved Him.
Ittii Feet 'orrn1: the Orimlit.
flow. Whose Thirty-. x Meet-.
in U n- Ilrl.l Here
i. Sfit Month.
j iy. General rtrenvHle M."- Dorbxe, president ot
VsJje Society- jf .Vi;Xrfpy of'the Tennessee,
arrive rn-. t.he-.i-Jij yesterday morning and
wlfl remain Jnntlt ef-rf the tnlrty-Blxth an
nual reunion of trfe orRsnlistidtr, to be
beld here NA'rThbci' S anrH.-'Gervrai lul.
waa accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. R.
E. Montgomery,, luf lrs. John A.. Logan
and daughter, Mr. Tucker, who. were ex
Bwcted to reach-here ( thin lime with him.
will &ot Jn'qou.ncilUdfr uriill Novem
ber 8. - , . v
General Tlodtre on reaching the city at
nee heja'a CQnfrohe with' the locil fx
eutlve committee, nt which Major O. II.
Richmond la tiafrman.'wwl shortly after
headquarters of the committee were estab
tlahed In. h Grand tiatel. The general fir
prrased himself a rnfich pleased with the
arrangsmfnta' which 'have' been made by
the 1WH1 e oTnnti'ttee for 'flie entertainment
f the tot-let , . r " "
' General .Dodge -Sias- received-.from Gov
ernor Cummin an assurance that he .will'
la here to extend on behalf of the s'ate of
Iowa the "address of welcome to -the vlalt
ln veteran. The committee hopes to be
able to Induce Governor Cummin to lay
over for the I'aihi'.iM on the eocond e-rn-l;ie
of the reunion. Covet nor Cummin
Willie to (r"ll"IH tlitdge HH follow:
Inmmlm Arrrpla lnltatlen.
My Tar tlT-ml: l'n my r.myn tn
tlie office after eome div' Bhfliie 1 find
Jf urn of ilu- 4th loot. 1 huve ricelved mi
I'lvltmim I mm our oiiitunl friend, Jungc
Heed, tn a1- nil nihlrep oT welcome Ht
Hie meeting of tlie Army of tlie Tennere
tn (ouucli jluft. 1 njt.ure ei. my dear
S"ncrnr, thai even tiinugli 1 should 'r
inn-f to n shM'lo'v In toe campaign now
in pregrr,., W j . with you In ouni II
IlhirTi If t liuve to lie ctrrled there on
etreiebt-r. The n-caslnn Is one of ileep wlg
tilll.niiie tn m nnd to every loyal citizen
if the state. I feel en especial Interest In
It. not only because it In a reunion of the
best end hravewt ni"n who ever fought for
a .lust entire, but because you are the com
mnnder of the gray-haired, age-enfeebled
veteran. Vnti know me wll enough to lie
sure that I shall never lone an opportunity
to tli you honor. All Iowa unitea In af
feciion for her ntot distinguished soldier.
With the highest regird. 1 am. yours very
truly. AI.HKKT B. ("1'MMINS.
' Klght of the Iowa representatives In con
gress have screptefl Invitations to attend
the grand bjinniKt on the second night of
tlie reunion. They nre Congressmen B. r.
Uirdsall of the Third d. strict. (J. N. Haugen
of the Fourth. R. O. Cousins of the Fifth,
J. A. T. Mull of the Seventh. V. P. Hep
burn of the Kighi h. "Walter I. Soilth. of the
Ninth. J. P. Conner of the Tenth and R.
11. Hubbard of the Klnv-nth.
The following concerning the Army of
the Tennessee, wb'ch .the cltigena of Coun
cil Bluffs will be cHUed upon to entertiln
next month, Is i'f general Interest:
SuftVrrd for ,2:.',Y
uning Mitnout "fyramidaf
,;- Ikolnjt, tlMfv Work. '
big. Washington, T. C. Qttnber 1S and K.
thlrtj-fifth netlng, Cincinnati, O..
( ii tore-i 6 and . inoR.
The nienilwrshlp Is now about t'". tvrr
i.' oiiglnal nieniliers of the society aie
Rattles Participated In.
Tb follow tug at e the battles In nhi.-h
the Army of the Tennessee w engaged:
Belmont. Fort Henry, f' rt Ioneson,
Bliiion. Corinth, Inka, Chlekasaw hnvoii.
Arkanss Kot. Port Hsniorul,
Chmnplon Mill". iig Bla.ii. ViiKfliur.
.lat ks.m, ( hiittnn'gii. Mtou Rh.k.
Knoxvllle, M riilian. H'somi, Hxlln. New
Hope Cliurt-li, Kenesnw. N'ickajai k. Atlanta,
Kxra Churcli. I toy Creek, l -vatuf. Tatla
batchle. Jonesboro, l.ovejoy, Allatixitoi,
March to (he 8a. C.rlswolrtvill", Savninth,
I'oi otnlUo. Coinbsliee River, Hulkahatt hlo.
-iingf-lut g. Columbia, Chcraw, Ilcnion
vllle, Johnston's suri-ender.
a F.nalneer tn was not prepared to
n.ake his report.
After allowing some small bills the
lolnt tiontd adjourned to November J".
More Coles Origins! Hot Blast stoves
doing satisfactory service In Council BUilT.
than of all other kinds together. Don't buy
an experiment. We have the tested and
tried Cole's original Hot Blast Stove for
all kinds of fuel In twenty-four styles and
ie. Paddock Hardsell- Hdw. Co., 41 S
Main Ft.
Matter In District i nwrt.
Juilge Maey In district court yerterday
denied the writ of hala-as eorpu for I A.
M'Ponnld, now In the county Jn II await
ing the action of the grand Jury on th
grave charge preferred against him by his
Hep-danghtrr, Goldle Curry. Co.msel for
Mi-Iiouald based the application for release
on the grounds that the girl's mother being
d"id dissolved the relationship Iwtween
Hie defendant and the complaining wit
ness and left the Intter free If she f-lt a
disposed to marry the former. Judge Macy,
however, held that so fur as the law wa
Intended. It made no d'fferi'iice whether
the defetidnnt's wife was dead or living,
and that tbe l.iw was never framed wllh
the Intent of preventing the mnrringe of a
man with his step-daughter, only while her
mother was living, for it would be mani
festly Impossible for hint to contract more
I tlinf. nnn 1 1. rr n 1 nmrrlnirA At a 1 1 1 , i - T 1
law Judge Mn-y held, a as designed to
protect the young and for the good of so
ciety In general and was evidently applic
able Itt the case under consideration.
Do not t hi nTT" because our lumber yards
are In Council Bluffs that wi? are not In
It. U enables us to handle your lumber
with lesa cost. C. Hafer. -
Look llu foe t.- ( hlna C.lrl.
China-a-Ijic demonMratlon, See Peterson
Schoenlng windows next week for great
demonstrations. Chlna-a-Iic. wonder of
the age; makes everything old look like
new. Gel wire. Peterson & Schoenlng Co.
Picture for wedding gtrts.
andcr, 333 Broadway.
K. Alex-
' The grainiest oppoftunltv ever known
for saving money on hlgh-clnss pianos
haa brought many buyers lo A. llospa
company. " South Main street. Co. Bluffj.
A TrlaJ -PaeLwga Mailed Free to All,
The rcturi,'lik the, mouth la lined' with
i that aoft. natrny htttrlal known a Ynu-
j' oou niemjrane.' Vllca" la a (Ilsease of; that
nambrane h.nd the , hjood vesnel that, lit, it
Ftasor fi'nd FlHtul affsct Jhe jaamV.piem
bra no and, beloh(t -toi the. same fantlly. Py.
ramld,' jlle. Cure allp'pcd Into 'the bowel,
melt and ' sprea thprhaelvea over the dls
aaed.ajid painful' ir.face and net just, as
a aajvs-would If - the, trouble- was , on the
outside of nh'"body "and could be" easily
aeerf and .'gbttiffi )f, .' v . ' "
The. loiBiedlat j-el)f they Ijlve even -In
the moat ajfontalnC'caJiea "will atartle you,
aa It haa already 'aiaftled! many thousands
at ydvvbtinc ThomaeeaT before you, who
have tried everything, and aent for the
ample parage, firmly nvlnced' that they
would again be disappointed.
But'tfx'y wereit.' Pyramid . Pile . Cure
don't J dlvn.ppolnt. , They . cure. They are
for al atiall tdrugiKtata ut 60 eefits a box
and are worth an even hundred 'tS the Der-
"sv A gon who needs them. ' '' " ; "
imm m Thia.Ja to certify that I ha,ve uaed three
too boxes ot fyramid File Cure and It haa
benefited me .more 1 than- any other pile
remedy. I ha,r - even' used. . .1 used 'the
ample which you aent me, together with
the three 80 cents bojres, gad i am ao much
enty-three year a 'standhig-. I
did not expect to get cured all at once. I
had1 almost' Iostv all' htrpV tf ever ' getting
' any remedy. -that-wiunldA help -me- until I
tried Pyramid Pile Cure. I believe they
wlH entirely cure me If I continue their
use which I Intend doing ao long as I can
get the money to pay for fhem.- I do not'
think antfone eerr wuffered very much
more than r fiavil af times.' 'f'hen I would
be so nervous I could not' get any ease In
any position I could place tnyaelf.
I cannot express my gratitude for the
good your medicine has done me." "I will
continue to tell vny friends -of their merit.
Tuurs, Emma "Bodenhanler, Bedford, Ind."
Or' If yotn want to' prove this matter at
(our expense, before -purchasing, sentl your
name and addrewa to the Pyramid Drug
Co.( W Pyrwtnld Building. Warshall Micblr
gan, and receive uXVIhI packuge free by
. rstorn Inriil. - " '
better, u Jfy ntlrejy, jc.ured,9 , Wy,
la oM of twenty-three year's 'standrni
History of the Society.
The soclelj' Whs born at Italeljth. N. "..
in W1. when the urniy was In camp around
tbe stnte .house. A meet In of the ofttcees
of our Hrriiy was crilled by G-neral Frank
P. B'nlr !o orgrinUc ,i Focicty to be styled
im !t now i. It mot first in the sta'o
house utxin April 14 and ng:iin itrvn Apt II
25, when ' a pmitanent organlz-ition was
General John A. Rawlins was elected Its
prcsMent, General Andrew Hlckenlooper
was fleeted its corresponding secretary,'
Colonel L. M. Dnyton was elected it.s re
cording secretary" and General M. F. Force
was e'.ected its treusur.-r.
Cpon the death of General Rawlins in
1S Gereral Shermhn whs "lected prevl
dent a-d each year thereafter until his
death In 1S1. Successlvtrly since then Gen
eral Grenvlllo M. Dodge ha been elected.
Cpon the death of Colonel I M. Dayton
In 1X91 Oolonel Cornelius Cadle waa elected
recording secretary. Cpon the death of
General M. ,t Force In 1SIQ Major A. M.
Van Dyke was elected treasurer, and upon
the death of Ooneral .Hicfcculuuper in 1.4
Major It. Chamberlin was elected oor-respo-ndlng
wecretary.' In'short, the otigli'ul
officers o! the society were always re
elected and so with their successors until
death. . ' '
Twelve, vie -presidents are elected at each
reunion and others succeed them. A woman
a wife or daughter is muUc a. vice presi
dent, and some of these always lespond to
a tonwt at the annual banquet. .
The. sonety itas held thirty-five reunions
as follows:
M-eiing for organization. Raleigh, N. C-,
April 14, lSiio; ineellng for ot ganlxatloh,
, RalelgTi, X. c, April 1(6. 18t6; first meeting,
Cincinnati, O.. November 4 and 15, lhw.(
aecond meeting. Hi. Louis. - Mo., Novenikx-r
13 and 14. lt.7; third meeting. Chicago, 111..
December 15 and 16, 1SHH; lourth meeting,
'joulBvllle, Ky November 17 and IS, isos1;
fifth meeting. Cincinnati, O., April 6 and 7,
1H71; alxth meeting, Madison. Wis.. July
ami 4, , isis; sevent.l meeting, Toledo, CJ.,
October 15 and in, 1H73: eighth meeting,
Springfield. - 1H.-, - October - 14 and 15. I(ii4:
ninth meeting, Des Milnes, la., September
l- ana ji. iit; tentn meeting, waaningion,
D. C, October 18 and 19. 1870; eleventh
meeting, Ht. Paul, Minn., September 6 anil
6. 1H77; twelfth meeting, Indianapolis, Ind.,
ueioner 30 ana si, jktx; tlilrteentn mueting
Chinusn III I'l nA 14 lU7b
fourteenth -tncetlng. Clnulnnatl, O., .April
and T, 1H8J: -fifteenth niecling, St. Louis,
Mo., May Itt and 11. 1 8SJ ; alxteenth meet
ing. Cleveland. O.. October 17 and 18. Itiii3;
seventeenth tuwllng. Lake Mlnnetonkn,
Minn., Auguat 13 nnd II, 188-1; eighteenth
meeting, C hu ago, 111., September and III,
lsiw; nineteenth meeting, itock Island, 111.,
September 15 and 1, 1SK6; twentieth meet -J
mg, jjeiiou. Mien., nepieniDer 14 anu u,
lli7; twenty-flret meettng. Toledo, O., Sep
tember 5 and a, 1SMI; ta '.Tty-aecond meet
ing, Cincinnati, O., September 'A and 'Ai,
l(vs9; t wenty-tlilrd meeting. Chicago, III.,
October 7 and 8. 1K91; twenty-fourth meet
ing, St. Louia. Mo., November 16 and 1",
1JJ: I wenty-rlf til meeting, Chicago, II!.,
September 1:1 and 1.1. lb); twenty-sixth
meeting, Council Bluffs,-la., October 8 and
4, 1.V14; twenty-seventh meeting, Cincinnati,
O., ii-ptemter IS anil 17, t wenty-elglith
meeting, St. Louis. Mo., November 18 and
It, lMsi; twenty-ninth meeting. Milwaukee,
Wis., October 27 and 2S, 1SIT7; thirtieth nieet
ing. Toledo, )., October 26 and 27, IWt;
thirty-first meeting. Chicago, III., October
10 and 11, lsy.t; thlrtv-second meeting, De
troit. Mich.. November 14 and 15. l'.aj;
thirtv-third meeting. Indianapolis, Ind., No.
vember 13 und 14, 1801; thlrty-fourtU meet-
s ' fhtf forests 'arid fields are abnndantly .-supplied with vegetation of Vari
ous kinds; 'not aloiSe" to beautify the land, but to furnish the ingredients for
makinff ft remedy for, every ill and ailment of mankind. Medicines made
from, tucopis, sbarks, which nature has placed at the disposal of
man, act better in every way than do strong: mineral mixtures and concoc
tions ithe products -of the -chemist's., shop. Mineral medicines work danger,
ously on the delicate parts of the system, especially the stomach and bowels,
by eating out the lining membrane, producing chronic dyspepsia and often
entirely ruining the "health. S. S.' 8. enjoys the distinction of- being the
only purely vejetah!-' remedy on the niarket. 'It i3 made entirely of gentle
acti rig-, healing, purifying "roots, herbs and barks, possessing properties that
build up and invigorate all parts of the system, in addition to retnoviug all
impurities and poisons from the blood.' S. S. S. cures Rheumatism, Catarrh,
Scrofula, 3ores and Ulcers, Skin Diseases, Contagious Blood Poison, and all
disorders of the'blood, by cleansing the circulation 'of the cause, ' and it cures
afely as well as permanently. It is as safe for children and old people as
for those jn the, prime of .life, and js the one blood medicine that may be used
without fqir of bad ifter-effects.. Book on the blood "sent free to all who
writ-. , ... . '.;, SWIFT SPEGirBC CO., ATIANTA. GA.
liny or Objects to Their firing; lr
eeletl Oat lir Wards.
The que.Mlon of the distribution or the j
twenty additional lights under the i.ew
contract with the Cltlxens' Gas atid Klec-
trie company and the proposed relocation
of some of the old lights was brought up
nt the. meeting of the city council last
night by Councilman Yonnkerman. chair
man of the committee on tire and light.
Councilman Younkerman moved that each
councilman report at the next meeting
where he desired the three lights proposed
to be assigned to each ward located In
order that they might be installed by the
lighting company. The. motion brought
Mayor Macrae to his feet with a protest
and he reminded the councilman from the
First ward that at the last meeting the
question of the distribution of the new
lights nnd the relocation of some of the
old ones had been referred to the commit
tee on fire and light, together with the
mayor and city electrician, to report on.
The motion. Mayor Macrae Insisted, tended
to take the matter out of the hands of the
committee and should not have been made
until the committee had been heard from.
Following up bis protest against I the
motion of the councilman from the First
ward. Mayor Macrae spoke at length on
the advisability of relocating some of the
old lights. The lighting question, he ar
gued, was one for the whole city and not
for the individual ward. After more or les.s
desultory dlscusaion It was decided to de
fer action on the matter until the commit
tee had had time to report, which It prom
ised to do at the next meeting.
Through Councilman Younkerman. Con
rad Gelse asked that the city engineer be
directed to estimate the expense of opening
Washington avenue from Frank street to
Oak. The Geise brewery building occupies
the street for a distance of two blocks.
The recent changing of the plant into a
cereal mill has made the opening of the
street now possible. The city engtneer was
instructed to comply with Mr, Geise'B re
quest, the council conceding that the open
lng of the thoroughfare would prove pf
'much benefit to the city at large.
Bids for brick and cement sidewalks
were received from John Skinkle. P. -Nel-on
a,nd E. A. Wlckham and were re
ferred to the city engineer for tabula
tion. -.-
It was decided to meet as a council
Thursday afternoon and inspect for the
purpose of assessing up the cost of the
recently completed paving on Mynster
street and Falrvlew avenue against the
abutting property.
The communication from the State
Board of Control calling mention l-o lb
failure on the part of the city to provide
street car facilities for the Iowa School
for the Deaf was read. The councllmen
decided that the council bad not made
any promises as claimed by the Staie
Board of Control and that It was a mat
ter for the Commercial club to attend to.
The request of a committee represent- r.
lng the West Knd and West Council
Bluffs Improvement clubs that the city
council co-operate with the two organlxa
tlona in securing a 5-cent fare between
this city and Omuha, wlth transfers to
and from the line in that city, was con
curred In and a committee consisting of
Councilman Wallace, Hendrlx and Knud
sen was appointed to confer with the
Committee from these clubs. Accom
panying' the recueet was a copy of a
petition forwarded by the clubs to the
Interstate commission relative to the
II. Jensen, the artist who painted the
picture of Council Bluff whmi it waa
but a trading post, fifty years ago, which
now adorns the walls of Hie council cham
ber, appeared before the meeting to as
certain if the council had yet decided
to purchase the painting for the city.
He stated be bad spent six years paint
ing the picture, but waa willing to it
the city have It for 1200. The matter
was referred to the finance committee to
ascertain where the necessary caBh could
be secured.
For Imported wines. llq ior and Bud
welser beer go to L. Roscnfeld. wholesale
liquor dealer, 519 South Main street.
CICNTRAI. FLOUR-il.1... Every sack
warranted. Central Grocery and Meat Mar
ket. Both 'phone 24.
AitA(; is ;ik a t i,i:t Hil l.
Police Could Kind lhlna
, tlie Denver Man.
R. J. Aragan. the yonng man from Den
ver whose stock of diamond rings, atuds
and other expensive Jewelry aroused the
suspicion of Detectiv; Weir, was given
a clean bill of health yesterday by the
police. He told Chlif Richmond that the
buying, selling and trading of diamonds
was his business, and ns-they lad nothing
to show that he did not com by the stones
honestly the police were forced to release
him yesterday afternotHi. The $150 which j
was taken from . Aragtih, together with the j
diamonds, was returned to him yesterday
morning and the jewelry wns later in the
day turned ovor to his attorney, G. S.
A peculiar feature of the case is that
while Aragan was taken Into custody Sun
day forenoon by Detective Weir and later
given his liberty after - the- officers had
taken from him J150 In cash and diamonds
valued at about $1,000,"' perhaps more, no
report of the arrest was made to Chief
Richmond, who knew nothing of the cir
cumstances surrounding the case until he
read the report of the arrest In The Bee
yesterday morning. .
r jl
Unparalleled Barg&ms w
no o nn n ti n j n 2r
Wednesday Morning, Oct. 24th
9 o'clock to 11 is the time set for the most sensa
tional selling of $15.00 Suits ever known.
gets your choice of any of our $15 Suits. Stylish Garments Fault
lessly made every one crood at $15 value. For two hours on Wednes,
nesday morning. October 24th, from 9 o'clock until
11 no sooner no later you get YOUR PICK of our large assortment
of $15 Ladies' Suits for.
Talk about going elsewhere for bargains in suits. It's up to you right now to decide
on the most remarkable bargains ever put forth in this or any other community. See
the suits today in our Pearl street windows. ,
Til 2 Store
That Keeps
So Busy
33 and 35 Pearl 32 and 34 Main
The Store
That Treats
You Fair
. ikfS, tonal" iny-iHTi V. tMW . Cn -toV
Swanaon Mosle Co.
I'lanos, organs and musical merchandise,
4u7 West Bdway.
satisfaction guaranteed.
has become one of the most fa
vorably known gentlemen in
the traveling , world. He h&
been - chosen from among the
thousands of his fellows for his
ability to prepare the repasts
that help to make traveling via
the Midland such a pleasure.
See that your ticket reads be
tween Denver and Salt Lake
City via the Midland feoute and
enjoy superb train service and a
journey through theeart of the
F. L FEMINS, Gen. Aflent,
.; Y21J $o. la St.t OKABla "
C. U. SPEERS, G. P. A.
. ,tlAIR, I'CtO.
A. Metsgrar Co.
New Location of Wholesale Bakery.
61S Mynster Street. Co. Bluff. la.
Home-made Bread a Specialty.
. Visitors Welcome.
' Let us show you the patented Eclipse
grate. U never clogs. You will find it in
the Red Cros bae burner only. Swaine &
Mauer. 30ii and 33s Udway.
. If you want a guod position, finish a
course at the Western Iowa college. Day
Vid evening school. Enroll at any time,
'fhone for information.
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. XO. Night, tOl
More- Time Ditch C'untrarl.
- The supervisors of Pottawattamie and
Harrison counties. In their Joint session
yesterday as a drainags district board,
granted Pollard. Uoff AV Co., who have tbe
contract for the Allen creek ditch, an
rxtension of time from November 1 to
December 20 In which to complete the
flrst section of the work. Ketli Dean,
engineer in charge of construction, re
ported that the ftnn waa making excel
lent headway and wa doing. If anything,
more than the specifications actually
called for.
The Western Dredging company, which
has the contract for the Willow creek
ditch, has met with numerous obstacles
I and hs made alow progress, according to
the report of Engtneer Dean. This com
pany, Mr Dean stated, had already ex
pended . about $40,000 In preparing for
the work and now found Itself compelled
to change all of its machinery, which
would etuse another dvlay of about three
aeeks. In reply to a question from the
board. Engineer Ixan said he would not
retumniend that tbe company's contract
he annulled.
The matter of the W.' A. Smith claim
for work don undor a former contract
eu the Bocr river cul-ofl aa laid ovor.
Mrs W. A. Doyle ef-Pleasant Street
j Prefera t hargre.
Charles Thompson, solicitor ,for the
Adams Installment houao, Omaha, Is be
hind the bars at the city jail, charged
with attempted crlmiaal aaaault on Mrs.
W. A., Doyle of i2Plea:sant.- Btree
While soliciting at the. iioise Thompson,
It la charged, made Improper proposals
to Mr. Doyle with a .tender of money.
When Mrs. Doyle Indignantly -. refused
Thompson, It Is said, caught hold of her,
but Mrs. Doyle ma'nugefl to wrest herself
from his embrace ana ran from the house,
calling fur assistance. Thompson, be
coming alarmed, ran to Muin street, where
he boarded a car for- Omaha. Olrlcer
Woods was on the Main street beat when
apprised of the allegvd assault by J.
Morgal, who had taken up the pursuit of
Thompson in his wagon. The officer
Jumped into the wagon and succeded in
overhauling the motor at Broadway and
Pearl streets, where he placed Thompson
under arrest.
For Sale.
Lot In Ferry" addition,-$100.
Lots 33d St., near Broadway, $100 each.
Lots 21st St., near Broadway, $1S0 each.
Lots K. Washington Ave., $300 each.
Lots th St. and 2Ttlt Ave., $50 each..
Best Jot on Glh Ave., $1,800.
Tel. (SI. Chas. T. Officer, 419 Broadway.
Revival Meetings Assured.
At the regular meeting-yesterday morn
ing of the Council Bluff Pastors' associa
tion It was practically decided to hold a
aeries of union revival, meeting In this
city. The committee which had the matter
under advisement reported that It was
likely the services of Rev. Henry Ostrlm,
an evangelist, now conducting a aeries of
meetings at Rounoke, Vt, could be secured
for here.
Final action on the matter was, after
considerable discussion, -postponed until
next week's meeting, at which time the as
sociation will determine whether the meet
ings shall be conducted without outalde
assistance or whether some evangelist of
repute be secured. It 1 possible that the
pastors may determine to begin the meet
ings themselves, and when well under way
and the enthusiasm worked up secure the
belD of an evangelist to complete the
Weod or Wood You otf
Would you like to buy better wood and
more of it for less money?- We sell
stove lengths and chunks. Missouri oak
wood at $1.60 a rick. . This Is a bargain.
Bridensteln & BmltU, ltlh Ave. and Cut
tit. Tel. Ml. '
Davis, drug.
Clark's, soda.
fetockert sells carpet.
Tine engravings at Leffert'a.
Ed Rogers' Tony Faust beer.
Get those aew photos at Schmidt's.
Plumbing and heating. Blxby & Bon.
I-ewls Cutler, funeral director, 'phone Vil.
Wood i tug Undertaking company. Tel. 329.
Hot and cold drinks. Kresh oysters on
hand. Clark Drug Co.
Council camp. Woodmen of the World,
will mret tonight in Danish hall.
Park lodge, Independent Order of Odd
Toolh Poivdcr
your twice-a-day friend ) it will
make you many admiring friends
those who , have keen eyes fot
bright, white teeth and pure breath.
Your sweetheart knows why.
la handy mat a eaaa ew bottles, Sfte.
Ef. Crst :s' Vc.ih Pc v;d:r Co
uoie s uri
-Hot Bl
Up the Chimney is Where Half Your Fuel
Money Goes When the Ordinary Stove is Used
Stove putty is universally used by stove (manufacturers for making
tight joints in , heating stoves. While the stove is brand new the putty
does the work asked of it. A hot fire for a few . months cracks the
putty, it tlrops out- of place, leaving the stove' full of air leakingcracks,
allowing the gases and the fuel and a big part of the heat generated to be
sucked up the chjmney and thus wasted. . , ; ?
''More than one-half of all the' fuel-you put Into the putty jointed
stove is lost in this way. If your old stove eats up more fuel and doea-
not keep fire as well as it did at first, the reason is the 6tove putty has
aroppea out or tlie joints.
Stove Saves all Fuel and Heat Wasted by
Other Heating Stoves .
Burns Soft Coal, Hard Coal, Crushed Coke, Lignite, Slack or Wood.
No stove putty is used in the construction of
this ecouomical stove; it ia not necessary, owing
to tbe patented construction which makes tbe
stove practically jointless. Cole's Hot Blast is
the only beating stove iu tbe world which ia
guaranteed ta remain always alr-tlght. On
account of th absolutely air-tight construction
of Cole's Original Hot Blast Stoves, gases and
the fuel are held back until they are consumed
l? ue patented top Hot blast dralt, ana both
gases and heat which escape up the chimney
with other stoves are thus saved to your profit
and comfort soft coal ia Half gas. As a result
of this saving' the fire ii never out and the
rooms are heated for two or three hours in the
morninjr with tbe coal put in the Cole's Hot
blast Slove the night before.
Scientific Construction
' - 1
I-.' II I -I I ct ,1
" nyiiiwwn- i i, t fJl
-it iniiii . ,.
l. . iw. ai ,--Ar v, c .'W
Cfc-g1 J if CUT Ne. ifs4
a t.
Hot blast
btinibtg Soft Coal
Isote tne straignt steel jacket encasing the heavy cast
iron fire box inside, and the guaranteed smoke-proof feed door placed at tba front
of tbe top in Cole's Hot Blast Stove, shown by cut No. i, doing away with
air-leaking putty joints at top and bottom of fire pot and around the door
frame on other atoves aa shown by cut No. 3.
The water-tight steel bottom and patented compound hinge for ash door, alto
the patented steel collar for joining tbe ash door frame to the heavy steel body so
that it cannot be loosened by action of the fiercest heat, while of only technical
interest, are special features in the Original Hot Slast Stove which combine to .
make it the most economical beating stove in the world. Wa are Exclusive Agents avoid Imitations.
Cnmrrx C FA fit 4 n Ofifi flfi You cannot afford to say to yourself, "My old atove or an
OUVC pDU.uU IU 5UU.UU imitation stove at a little less price will have to do this winter."
Other style stoves and all imitations of this Original Hot Blast are made with stove putty joints, and when yon
stop to think that $r.oe saved on the first cost of the stove means the loss of f so to f 200 in fuel during the life of
tbe stove, you will readily see the advantage of buying Cole's Original Hot Blast, which holds fire just as well aud,
is lust as economical in fuel after years of use as the first day it was put tip.
feEMEMBER that the words "Cole's Original Hot Blast from Chicago" appear on the feed door of tbe
Origin.-'l P.itrntrd Hot Blast stove. None genuine without this.
For sale by Milton Rngora & Sous Co., 14th and Famam; Orchard A Wilhed Carrx-t Co., 414-16-18
South 16th ; John HuhnI Hardware Co., 2107 Cuming; K. J.. Jones & Co., U709 Leavenworth; G, F.
lU-avrrs, -121-120 North N St., South Omaha; Heydcn t llro., Ilenwon, Neb.; Paddock & lUndschy Hard
ware Co., 11 South Main St., Council JUufTs, Iowa.
Ly LIAKV JOiriT-'"
CUT Ne. . Shows air leaklne putty
Julnt coostruciioa of olaer staves.
Frllnws. a ill meet In regular session tills
eveijinr. . .
B-e Stephen Bros, for lire brick and flie
clay, saaer llpe, IlltiiiK and garden hose.
Tissah society, No. will meet Thura-daj-
evening at the resldi-tve f Mrs. V.
V. ilall, 15 Stutsman urei l.
Do you want it dune right? If you d' let
liurwiik, I'll ri. Main, do your pdiHiing.
IKiiniiiig snd interior d.-curuilng.
1 pay 1L1 p-r ton for c-aki lion; mixcil,
lib; stove, t; rugs, lu ix r lb.; lulilxr,
74-; copper. lt- p.-r ll. J. Kalelmaii. wtj
il.iln, both, 'phones UoO
Miss Mary Iolan, formerly of BireBfnrd,
8. I)., died yesterday si Mercy tioxillul. 01'
which Hhe hud ben on inmate for the lnKt
four yearn, ugi d M yi-ain.
We have the fluesl line of sample menu
menls U) select 11 0111 in Hie wesi. 8heel. y
& I-iie Mai bit and Uianlie moikH, ill
ttiil HroaUttny, Counvil ttlufts. la.
boLUi MAIN HTHKtT. Tt.1-
Have yu thought of that winter suit and
overcoat'' iel ihi-in il.arird and inuua
nice eud pew. Il us-clean Kiur iix-i
and make iioiir- ileniiing rv for j-)U.
Prices re-rtMHinlue.. Council lilarTs t'leamng
Co. and Hug 1 tt. toiy, il S. Main 81. toili
'phoues tlu. ... .
A marriage liceme s kiMied vfrtei,l.,y
to C. V. hneramut. ug.-d :. f t ie.h, la.,
Slii iiiiliU Hill), aged U, of louleuei.
Ih. They were married by Rev. Henry
lie Long at hi residence u:i Kabt Broad
way. Frank Kimball was brought from Neola
yesterday and placed in the county Jail lo
-rve twenty days for Hjau It and bHttery.
II" was i-ominlted by Mayor Fred toss.
K. Horn (if Avoca, I., was in tlie city
yeiJterday seeking hi dHiighter. Mary, snd
a companion. (JUidys Bandiland. The girls
liad run away from hwn withnut warning
and hHd been traced to t'oi.mll HlufT.
h'roni here It Is bellnvctl Ihey went l-
Oinuha, intending to go to Fremont, N-b.
Tom rarter, the "man newsboy. was be.
fori Judge Macy yesterday, charged with
heing u dlpieniianlHC. n hi promixe to
abstain from Intoxlcaling Hnuor. a nmnn'e
of one year n the slate hoapllal for i in
ebriates al Knoxvllle was suiendeil dur
ing good behavior.
Roy Ore-en. the alleged hotel worker, was
discharged yesterday In Justice Field's
court on the charge pf breaking and enter
ing the Grand hotel, from which be mad
a seneational escape after being caught In
one of the corridor. Green took a c hange
of venue from the court of Juwtlre Gardi
ner to that of Juatlce Field.
The pcrsonaJ Injury damage ult of Mia.
Hermes against the motor company .- w
dismissed in the superior court yesterday,
having been fp-ttled out of court. The castt
of Chrisinan ugalnut the motor company,
one of the Ixke Manawa suits, was con
tinued until next term, or until the supreme
court hit iased on tbe other ault Involv
ing the same uuestton.
F. 8. Murch of Mallawau. Mich., waa tlak
gueni cf hi cousin, J. M. Flagler, en roiu
10 Oklahoma. Mr. Murch is one of the
very few Krsons who ha experienced the
e.uHaiii n of il.li0 volt of electricity pa
through him and live to tell the tale. Mi.
Murch wa working on the Hptinn field A
bl. I.ouls electric line, when in plcklne up
a pn-ce of lion he; became ronnecpsd w ith
a live wire. - -,
T hey
Ayer'a hills art liver piUs. Ihey act directly
on the liver, auks more bile secreted. This
is why they cure constipation, biliousness.
dyspepsia, sick-headache, Ask your doctor
" T"i 11 ' knows a better laxative pill. W cer-
lfisf '--'i-, talnlydo not. If he does, then use Ms kind.
iiJtZI 2 w er I We uk'!h J C.imrf.,
m I. i(J th,fbrwuMof ll .urpnMr.:Mih. l,o. 1 tmm
-t1 . mi is