Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Snpretn" Court Referees Iavolriac
' Cclicctien of Innlr. CrtiCoat. ,"
tlrimifrila Hope, t ftr ftrjaa
for Speech In Des Malm
on the r;els- of
October .
(From a ElafT Correspondent )
HKS HOINKF. Ucl. E.-tflpe.lnU-The
supreme court todny held that the
mercial National bunk of Council Muffs
did not mske a bona tide purchase of the
W0 certificate of deposit on the, Citizens'
State bajik of Armour. 8. D., and cashed by
Krank Dwyer at the Buck drove trank of
Buck Orov. la., April 6. 1!M, the day the
Buck -Grove bunk went Into the hnnds of
receiver. Aji a result, the case is rc
Versed In favor of the flouth Dakota brink
and Frank Dwyer. The decision la in the
rase of tne Commercial Nntlomtl bunk of
Council Bluff against tjie Cltisens' Stale
miik of Armour. B. P., mid Frank Dwr,
In which the. diTendiint art- the nppellHiits.
1 -ycr ' dposlted- fund with the South
Dakota bank and took a certificate of de
limit for lo0, on which the bank Inter paid
April 6. i:H. Dwyer went to the Buck
I Orove bank of Buck Orove, la., and left
the certificate of deposit for collection and
tha Buck Urove- bank eent the certlfli-ste
'to the" Kjcchanxe bank' of Dow City, the
' proprietor of which waa also the owner of
the Bank Orove bank. "The Exchange
lank sent the certificate to the Council
Jlhiffs bank to cancel an obligation which
the Council Bluffs bank luul against It.
The Maine dny the exchange bank and
Buck Orove bank went Into the hands of a
receiver. Dwyer put up the defense that
lie had not roerlvfd the' money and that
the hank, being Insolvent on the day he
left the certificate for collection, the pa.
Went should come to him. The dlrtrlet
court of Woodbury county directed a ver
dict for the Council Bluff bank. The su
preme, court today held that the Council
Bluffs bank, had received the certificate
only tentatively and would Iravn riven
credit only In the event erf I's payment
by the7 Boitth' Dakota bank and had not
made a bona fide purchase ot the certlfi.
eata. .
El Gatberln at Cedar Hapltln
There were 1,4") teachers and over present
at the Southeast .Teachers' association
meeting n Cedar Rapid last week, which
is a larger gathering; of teachers than wns
ever brought together In the state before,
not excepting the state association meet
ings holiday week. The institute was one
of tha beat In the state.. The Southwest
district Institute will be held nt Atlantic
In Cass county next week, and if the same
large attendance is present it will tax the
capacity. of the hotels and boarding houses
When you have a Bad
Breath Wake up!
rAKE Up I' It's time to take a
dascare't.- ' .
When trie friend you
speak, to turns his face the
Other way. ,
When your Jongue ls coated.
.When you have Heartburn, Belching,
1 Acid Risings tfi threat, '
When Plniplea begin to peep out,.
When your Stomach Gnaws or Burns,
'' That'i the time to check coming Con
stipation, Indigestion and Dyspepsia.
One single Candy Cascaret will do It
W taken' at the right minute, Just when you
Jirst feel the need of It.
Do It nowl
' ''''..'"
to entertain the rrwrd. The Institute at
t'edsr lUptde Is the first of th district
meetings fur this yitr and Its Rtfendance
Is ipected to be. a jrrphecy of the at-,
tendance of aJl. '
Democrats Kill Vaeaaey. , i
The democrats of O'Hrlen rounty huve
filled the vacancy In the representative
ticket frotn that county by nominating
C. C. Cunntm. The oonrentlnn nominated
W. If. Myers, who later withdrew. Tnter--eat
renters' In the O'Brien oontwet Iw-enuse
at the iHSt session Whltmer. the democrat
who mo-ed to Bloux City, whs arnted over
Touile, the republican rlec'td at a special
election. Wbltmer attended but a few
essions of thn house after seated.
' llenioerate After Bryan.
The democratic state central committee
today look an option on the auditorium for
October" I'S, In anticipation of being able
to get William J. Bryan to speak1 here on
thnt date. The committee expects to know
by tomorrow whether or not be will come. ,
That Is understood to be the only possible
date for securing him for this state. j
Teachers' Ksamlnallnns Wednesrin). j
Examination of teachers will he held in
every county In the tate at, the county
seat Wednesday and the program has ten
arranged for the opening of the examina
tion at o'clock. The stnte board has
ruled thnt If a teacher Is not on hand for
the . examination at the hour named she
cannot take the examination In that sub
jncL and may have to wait till next Janu
ary before being able tit take the examiua-'
Hon. ' The brngrum has been arranged a
follows: ......
Wednesday Morning 8 to i.:tn. prelimi
nary: 8;.T) to V: arithmetic: 11:) to 11:1S,
orthography; 11:h to K, reading.
WcKlnesday Afternnnn l:i:i to 3. geogra
phy; to :'.'(l, didactics; 4: td, oral
Thursday Morning to 8:10. preliminary;
8:10 lo l(i:IS. mited Slates history; W:N to
physiology. - ,
Thursday A ft moon 1 lo S. elements of
voinl music; L' to 4. Knglish grammar.
Friday 1 Morning H to 8:lo. preliminary:
8:1D to 10- b. elementary algebra; 1I:U to i:, I
elementary economics... .
Friday Afternoon 1 to 2:4S, elementary
civli-a; i.Kn to 3, element of physic. I
With this program the state board has
prlnti d In capital inters: - "No applicant
fr a ceitlftcate cimll be examined In any
subject at any other time than that "set
forth in the above program." ' :
, .. TWrTn ViHi ii mi , , , ,i i i ., r -MLirv iirirn -- i i n , .11.1 , -,.-,,,-,. .." ,. ., , r""- ""T " I
Cascaret3 don't Purge, nor Weaken, nor
waste Digestive Juices in flooding out the
Bowels, like Salts. Castor Oil, "Physics."
But, they act like Exercise on the
Muscles' that shrink and expand the lutes-
tines, thus pushing the Food on Naturally
to Its Finish. , ,.
When your Bowel-Muscle; grow flabby
they need Exercise to strengthen them
i not "Physic" to pampe- them.
Cascarets provide tlte bracing tone thai
is needed specifically by the Bowel-muscles.
Then carry the little lenient "Vest
Pocket"' bos constantly with you, and take
Cascaret whenever you suspect you need
It. . . :
One. Cascaret at a time will promptly a foul Breath, or Coated Tongue,
thus proving clearly its ready, steady, sure.
but mild and effective action.
Have the little 10c Emergency box oi
CMc&rets constantly near you t
All Druggists sell them over ten mil
lion boxes a year, for six years past.
Be very careful to gt the genuine,
made only by the Sterling Rerr.edy Com
pany and never sold in bulk. Every tab
let stamped "CCC." ;jo
aisjai If you aia weak, no matter what
I .(J j cause dral a, debilitating
at I Is draaio. Uid tecling, f ailing
memory, lost rigor, nervous
lability, vrtoocele; disease of tbe bladder,
kidorys, stumaub ikia; piniples. eaenit
alpod poisoa yaa sboald eoneult
1015 Frederick knm,
21 Years lissrleroe.
Over 23,000 Cases.
f lstf . "1 Mesern Scientific Msthoss.
Prrllmlaary Kraalou . .Held Monday
. . - Errnlag. .
' SHENANDOAH. Ia., Oct. H. (Special.)
The Iowa ?tute Baiillsts' . association be
gan Its annual session here this evening.
The program this evening was devoted to
an address of welcome ar.d 'response. The
program for tomorrow Is as follows:
fl A.' M. Song and pmnr.M
9:15 A. M Address. "Churehjess Pastors
and I'astorlc i.'hurclies; Have We a
Polity of Adjustment?'.' Hcv. P. f. Nelson.
9:40 A. M. Address by. Prof.. Kinest De
Wlttr Buttnii of Chicago. . , .
I:1 A. M.-Kiisinost.', - ,
10:30 A. M. Htate convention called to or
der by. President A. P. Barkr.r. Words of
welcome snd response.
11 A. M. Kducatlonal society. Ir. H. . O.
Rowlands r presiding. Annual sermon by.
Kev. J. D. Vannoy. Cntervllle. . . .
Z P. M. Praise service. Report. on home
liiissinns, Rev. C. K. Tingley. Address; V..
K. rhivcrs, l. P., field secretary A. B. H.
M. H. " .
3:15 P. M. Ten-minute -ritt,en reports
from the schools, giving statements : of
buildings, endowments, student attendance
and movements under headway.,.,
. 3:.Ht P. SI Address, "UlfTcreuqe Between
a Vnlversltv and a College," President
Lioran D. Oshortt.
4 I. M.-Aldret. '.'Object of n' College
t'ourse," President A. Garrison, , D., D.
ltustr.esa session. ' ' . '; "
4.:tn r M Election :bf officers: lie ports
of committees. .. '
7:30 P. M. Devotional , Rev, J.' ' W.
CI raves. Politique. ' '.,
5 P. M.Addrrr.. "Collets and T'nlvcrsity
In Christian Kdiicatlon," I'rof . Ernest De
Witt. Burton,' Chicago. , ..'.V.,
' . ; '
Fnriu fiomnianlt ear- Webster City ,
' leeie of Attempted Robbery. ' '
WEBTRR CITT. . Is, Oct. '.52. -pf Special
Telegram. 1 The famUra; community npftb.
west "of this city Is in a atate ofterrdV. 'A
second shooting affray occurred Jast flight
In which the would-be assassin of Chief of
Police Ash. Friday night, is supposed t(i
have been' the principal" actor. A hfred man
ou the John VanWInkle. farm went to the
bfcm and found a man attempting lo steal
a horse. The man fired, mlasiiig- the hired
man. who returned the fire, but tha thief
escaped. '".-.'..'..
Hahy (ilrl Sole Survivor !it Accident
. on Northwestern In lima.
f'EnAR TlAPina la .. let "? A f.t I
The witchery of the enchanted hour is enhanced the feel
ings mellowed good fellowship promoted and the guest
doubly welcomed, by serving v
a AT.rff.
The Beer You Like
please, for
; "Luxus"
is indeed
with the Hallowe'en: lunch or without a lunch if you
as a refreshing nourishment, is sufficient unto itself.
nourishing, though hot 'heavy or "foody." It is a light 1 beer the lightest
brewed clearest amber in color with a sparkling life, fragrant boquet and
appetizing snap that you do not find in &ny other beer
"Luxus" is the most exquisite refinement of the brewer's art. '
It is essentially a beer for the social circle in the home.
' ...... - - 1
Order a case (from your dealer, or direct) in time have it
ready for your. Hallowe'en guests.
. ' 7 'Z ' ' '
Brewed and Bottled in Omaha by the
'Exponents of tht Fine Art of Brewing"
IT. .-I .iin .... .w, . .(i... ..t,.....
Foinar UniteJ Etatei.Eenator- ?aeua Qii
Eentonce at IrontoB. Vo -' -
wife declares thT she is proud of him
Aeronnianlea I'ouvivted Politician to
MLaonrl PrUon and Mmr n
main in Town I ntll
Ur la Free. ' ''' ' '.' '
' IROXTO.N. Mo., ' Oct. 21 FurniT
United States Senator J. R. Hurtcm- of
KarntaR arrivnl from 8t. I. cm in toniijlit.
shortly after S o'clork, ami aftrr 11iiiiiK
witli hla wife and ntre surrendered hlni
elf to the JhIW and wan aRHleneu to u
ceil in tlic? Irontoir Jail. Mrs. Burton ac
companied her husband to the sheriff's
-. . ' r 'nil
.. JLJ. . ; ' , .
The Storis" Jllue gibbons won two of thilr
Kami') lust 'nlKht,, hut tha Cudaliys nun
.'i(t'd to,nuo them out of one by a ln(tle
Tin. TIhi .brf is iwo not within iiiII'-b of
tlielr umuuI form. sjd uli except Kritsfher
came hack a few'oiv average. He earrieil
off buth the htsrti oinirle game 'nnd total
with Z.'tf nnd Tonight Meti Brothers
vs. Kmp Parks. S-ore:
. , STORZ ULUKS. , .
' . 1st. 2d. Sd. Total.
....'. ana s sc ia
........... is; i;s ihi .Am
' 15R i:',7 201 ;i9
. ., , 210 102 . 1ST ,
.... ..... A177 li5 IT) 542
Unrtley .
Wflirr ...
Wft 80.'
I Chicanu & Northwestern train enstbotind i offl,.e anj then . went to the cottage she ' Ward
! 1 jiu-ili-n veMterrlav fiTterniMin sti'itoL- a I . . . ... ..... ... I t.reen
v 1 y ".' ; nan reniea. wnere sne win remain 11n1.11
carriiiff. containing Mrs. ChaiieR Ieutl, i i,
hrr two ciiimren hiki .Mrs. lutt s brother-in-law,
Wllllani J-rfMitt. All were instantly
killed except a baby . girl. The accident
o.x.'uiTed ut u grade crs!ng..- .."" J
ttHKT IIELIl ii Hll.AV.V,rTR.ilX
. - tjP
OfHcer. r'rar Allenipt to Lrncn Their
. . Prisoner.
MAPU-nOX. Ih., Oct. 22.-Court was held
oil n Northwestern train at Mupieton today
and Oaude Fl-thei. iicriised of asai)lllr.g
Mlsa Minnie Iktker. . was hound over in
Il'.Cm) lu nds and taken to" Jail-at 'Onawa.
The authoritiea feared an'suempl might
he mudc to lynch Fishery ,
Hlarr 'I'alWs to Students
IOWA CITY, ta., Oct. '.'2. (Special
Tflegram.) A. T . . Hisey, wheelbarrow
cuudidats fur governor, received an en
thuslastlc reie'itlon at th hands of the
students of . Iowa univrrsily today.. He
addressed thrf senior law students this
morning and at noon held a giant political
husband lias served ills six months'
sentence Imposed b'y the federal court of
.St. luis. . . , . '
Burton Surrenders to Mnrahnl.
ST. IXII.'IS, Oct- 22.-rormer Vnlted Stales
Senator J. R. Kurton' of Kansas, accom
panied by his wife and niece, arrived this
morning from his home In Abilene, and stir,
rendered himself to- begin serving his sen
tence of six . months in the ronto:i. Mo..
j jail. Apparently he has changed little since
he was tried and convicted a year ngo in
the federal court here of having ncceuted
12, 5M for service 'rendered the Rliilto drain
and Securities company of. St.- lul before
the Postoffice- deniirtment at Washington'
'.in a fraud order proceeding As he srepj.ed
.front the tfain, this infiriiing he siild":
j "l am feeling very well. exoeediiiKly well
j under the circumstances. I had a giod
night's slorp unci am ; greatly refreshed
this morning, l'erhaps the tree.s, the liluffs
and nature generally look sweeter to me
this morning than they shall fur dome time
but .1 don't let myself think about that.
, 19K
, 152
.. .;-..-..: 1S8
992 2.754
3d. Total!
club, but will engage a player manager for
that team.
, Itnuket Bnll nt Humboldt.
HfMBObDT, Neb.. Oct. 22. (Rpecial.)
Th second bssket ball gnmft of the season
occurred uf the operm house and waa wit
nesKed by larce crowd. The contestants
were the Humboldt Athletics and a ti'nra
from the I'awnee City .nademy, ind 'he
former won a deceive victory, the Ihml
score standing S2 to 3. The visitors did
excellent team work, but were unable to
throw gonls and seldom mitde the attempt.
Oct. '.'2. (Sp(nl.)
lllnffs Host
ni.KNWOOI). Is..
Council r.luffs and Olenwqod pluyfcl on
Interesting game of foot bull here Saturday
nfternoon. Council bluffs winning. 16 to C.
(Continued from First Page.)
......... 844 m wt sm
('annan'j Colts ' won three gaim-s from
the Patterson's Hally News on the -Metropolitan
alleys. Hen Hull of the Colte was
high man with .963 and Polcar of the Daily
News was high" on his team with 501. The
t'olts are coming last and are making u
bid for the pennaM. Tomorrow night the
Kl t'nudillos vs. O'Brien's Monte Crlstos.
,.. 1st. J. 7.(. Total.
j,.. l'.C Wi
revival on the university . campus. . Four expect to go to nonion tooay uuu ..rB.,.
hundred students formed In line behind 1 "'' "fe out ,or ,ae ',' '
Ilisey with his wheelbarrow and marched ; Aft'r tnklnr breakfast at the ' union -sta-about
the city, illspey tpeaklng on every ; tlo lhB former senator went to the offices
comer. He declares .that his election 1 n" attorney, F. AV. I-.'hinann, and pie-
two vears from now. as certain, though iiwauous i-buu .
ho msy not win this trip. i .rtndei- to ho
Uainsy, Sprilai nnil Ine.'llngt t'nreil
in November, lwii, I caught cold and I
I'uil'-d StHtcs marshal.
Jlrs. Burton maintained her composure
remarkably well and with credit. "1 never
was mors iroud of nvy husband than (it
Johnson ..
Carman ..
. 133
Rice ..
Hlgains ......
Patterson ....
811 m $73
1st... 2d. . 3d. Total.
751 2,275
feaulUtUa rrM ssa Utters
aar4 la plala itninfM,
Cbargss Low. Medietas seat by nisil tree
trass gius. avsaiel hr ties Met.
1' tt -i.iiuiiiniiiy the v
MtRltl, kern! Ui.
Every Ucrnaa
ihiiwm b maol tn.iw
MAtVft Mtiiriinq 6pry
9ar. tHil Mod tiftntB fu
. I.t.ii.n'nl Uvtvlrf. It SlMS
ful pKuUi, and -iirftw.n 11
. 4St.. ASW SWUSkT.
rot ItaJa Vf
AiiEJUUULN . kioCONNirr.L. uHUQ Ctl
. j lMn tua Ouuii Bis.
. , Mllrs-MLUN LiHUU CO..
.ML Cur. ltu sviut frsvrbam Cbw
had the nolnvy. My throat was swollen so ! t,1', tuoment when he is on his way to jail,"
1 could harUly breathe. : I applied Cham
berlain's Pain Ealm and It gave me relief
In a short time, lnitwn flaji I - was all
right." fays Mrs. I Cousins, Ottetbura.
Mich. Chamberlain's Pain Palm i; a lim
msnt and Is especially valuable for sprains
and swelling , .
Shi1 declared at th- union station. '"'I know
who our i' r lends are and 1 intend lo 1m
friendly with litem but L shall reserve the
right to say who shall be my friends."
Former Senator Hurton spi-nl must of the
forenoon In conferring with his attorney
and in seeing different' person regarding
the arrangement snd settlement' of varl-
Allege Aetress Was Murdered. ms business matters. Ha then, wpnt to the
CHlCAdO, Oct. 52. Several days tigo the 1 Southern hotel and sp nt some time writ-
tug and receiving friends who dropped li.
Heady to I.e,Ton. ... . -
dead body . of Mrs, Margaret Iislie, sn I
actress, waa found In a room in tUe I'alace j
hotel. It was considered at th.- Dine 10
be a case or suit hi,, but.laie.y several
features of the ense have thrown doubt
on th suicide theory, ami the p.ilice have
been invoMilgatiiig- to see if t tie. woman
was muineiea ioo.-ty ths coroners piiy- ) calle
i.iii. iui-i uii i-jiiirupiiv! exaiinnaiioi
i!elaied that the woman probably ,-ras
striiglei to deaiii. Tlicre ia
clue to the murder.
no prejeiii
7 Cm fcif l for
I 4 AWf. y a 4'' aMIM.illlVUftl-ulll,
, ;'HttCnlt"i'r,
t.eVA, ,
ruiiiH, o not
$ eHl f (Ot4Oe0i4.
1 7 IkMfcvi!.
W 9 w r 1 ., r r X JiA- m .
: i )aV
1-Ve-MJ 1
' Ait
t I 1ket.rlrtrt h!ns In mur
A. J b.i'1- litlll ailr. 4 .!. it. k
Tie Ma t VI
l.Aei I i(l a mi
iu 1 ! M ut t .
I ... .1 ... I -. 4 - (4. ! . N
Soon after noon, after having ogaln con
ferred with Attorney Lehman, be walked
to the Missouri Piiclne building and briefly
ta a friend and then took a rtrcr
oar to ihc I'nlon station, wlnie he dined
with Mts. Burton and his i.Uce at the
Terminal hotel. All arrangements had been
completed for him to depart for lroiiti.a
in custody of I'nited Slates Marshal Mors
sey at J:21 p. m. '
Shortly before Z o'clock ' I'nited Stut"i
Marshal Morssey appeared at the 1'ni ei
station and Uurtuti surrendered himself
Into the officer's eiistody. There was no
lereioouy lit the act. MarsLal llntseey
simply shook hands with Pufton and they
talked togclK-r a few niumcnu. Thi 11. ac
xiinpuiled iiy Mrs Hurton and iilec,'
Marshal Morssey and liurton entered the
Iron Mountain tialu for Iron ton. No tears
were shed. Mr. and Mrs. Pur(..n lnh Ap
pealing cheerful. The train h iarted at 2:21
and waa due to arrive at Jtontoii iit, i.aT.
Des Moines .Waoi Will Manage Floor
City llaae Ball Team est Year. ,
M1LWAI KKK. TI.. Oct. 22. The Min
neapolis bas ball team of the American
association was tonight sold to Mike and
Joe. Cuntilhm of this city by A. W. Kovh,
who recently jiunhased It from the Mlka
kclly group of Minneapolis caltalists. The
consideration was not made known. Mlko
CRtuillon will be president and manager
the coming . se.usivu The Cuntlllons will
BUil retain ownership of the Des Moines
said he often talked over the' grain busi
ness with competitors, but he had no . (,-r e
ntents as to price or division of tin grain.
He snld he bought grain from other ele
vators, but he would not buy grain from
a local dealer who shoveled the grain.
"I'll go up to my limit to drive him out
of liUBlrx ss. The scoop siioveler Is a de
inoraliacr here today and gono tomorrow.
He Investment, nnd we drive him
out where we can. Ve raise the prices of
grain on him to get rid of him. , We or
dinarily buy ou a margin to make. 2t cents
a bushel. I don't try to drive out farmers',
elevators that way."
He said his company receives 1' rents
per 100 pounds from the I'nlon Pacific.
He defended the V cents allowance and
declared that the others got just tlx big
advantages from railroads as his company,
only they had better ways of hiding It.
He declared that other systems were un
fair. Instancing Iho Mtlwuiikce. Ho said he
had to go to a comis-tltor, the Simonda
Shlelds coniany, to send a,, car of grain
out over that road.
George K. Walton of the Ixigan drain
company, testified that on September 28 he
ordered five cars of grain to the Mil
waukee elevator with instructions to the
Simonds-Shlelds Grain company to unload,
reload and get the grain out us soon as
possible. It took until Octoln-r 8 to get the
grain reloaded and shipped. During the
time he was urgng action there were 212
cars loaded out by the Milwaukee ele
vator. Thr hearing will be continued tomorrow.
-A -
.' . ''
r '- 7
. . . . r C . . 1 . i
' " . T -t. ..I- .
: . . f: . : , . .:.
' f '. ' v
i-' " . - ; -
' N ' .
;.. :" . '
' ' '
. '
A. B. Ilubermann, only direct western
Importer of diamond.', which are'retailed
at wholesale prices. 13th' and Douglas.
Omrga OH tor -AH Arbti and Pains
thai Vs b' reached ).;riiay. Trial l'.-.
BEER Our Nstlon's Beverase contsios but
a tout 3!.i per seat of Alcohol.
r3 rru
Is brewed an4 aged on honor.
Full of character and beer body.
A hop tonic, malt nourishment
and delicious beverage, all in one.
Try any of these brands
whether on draught or In
bottlesr-wherever you can
II . , inii.'-4.
1 .
2 "It J: (!!!,
Private Ctock, Wiener.
r.Tuonchener, Export
Oinalm l!rancli,
-II) Itougjae St., (';.
'I'hoiie UuuKlas lOHl.
fi Hmrrr
Niibnsv We.Wf
The Reliable Specialists
a visit will tell
Perhaps you are suffering in silence; perhaps you have unsucc.'.ny.-rr-ly
treated; perhaps you anticipate mat relief can be se'-urcd only thiou,:.'V
r. cal surgery; hut more likely 1 ou cotisliler your case bopvleas. or at lav.v.
siibceptlble to only temporary relief. Don't despair even tiiough you liavt
not been successtul heretofore. 'I here may be heaiin 111 store tor you yet-
a useful Uti; of happiness and prosperity. A .visit to our oltu-e will tell. fur'l 1
it la worttt the trouble, as beattli Is a prime necessity, a most valuable astu
and paramount to almost anything a human being can poscis.
i o not be sat'-flcd until you Imve been examined bv the speeln'.ls's .if the
State Medical Institute, the best in the country. l niiHiilt us av.d be e-ianilned
free. You may L sent away bappy, without treatment, but Hdvtce that will
save you tl:ne and money, us well as mental suffering, it you require treat
ment, and your case is a curable one, you will be treated honestly and skill
ful ty snd restored to health within the briefest possible period snd .at the
least possible expense. We will make a thorough, searching and scientific
examination of your ailments, an examination that will disclose your true
pnysnal condition, without a knowledge of which you are groping In- the dark
and without a thorough understanding of nicli no physician or specialist
should treat you.
Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility,
Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal,
Kidney and Urinary Diseases,
and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to evil habits, excesses, self-abusa
or the result of specinic or private diseases.
We make no misleading, st-ati-mcms, 110 di-ci-pHve or unbusinesslike
rxslt Ions to the afflicted, neither do we piniiilse to euro lln-111 in a few
days, nor offer t-lii-ap, worthless treatment in order lo situro their
patronage. Honest doctors of re ofrnltl ability do not resort to aueh
iiicIIkmIs. We ttiuranlo a safe and lasting cure in I he quickest pos
sible time, tvilhotit leaving inJiirloiiN alter effects In Hie system, and
at the lowest cost possible for honest, skillful and successful treatment.
Pra rflnciiMatlnn an Fmlntin Office hours:
iiie vwimuiiuiivii aaif kAuiiuiiuiiVil m
f a. n. to I p. m. Sunday,
If you cannot call, writer
1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb.
Y ' i v" h
By the Old Reliable Dr. Searles & Searles.
Kstabllshed in Omatuv frr 16 years. The many thousands'
of cured by us csys us tha most eitieriencud bic
lakists in the West, in i see see and aliments of men.
Wk know Just what will cure you snd cure ouickly.
WI2 Cl'KU VOl . 7.I1KN VOti I'AV I H IllK rE&
We make no misleading or false statenients, or offer jrou
cheap, worthless treatment Our reputation and name
are too favorslily known, every rasa we treat, our repute
tlon Is at Blake. Your health, life snd happiness Is to
sirious a inaitsr to place In the hands if a "NAMaV
l.F.Sd' 1mm'T.iR. Honest doctors of ability Use
OWN' NAME IN TI1KIK Kl'BIKfcSS. We eao effect for
everyone a life-long i'1'HK for NVeak, Nervous Hen.
Vaj'.euctle troables. is'ervous Debllllv. UIoe4 Prison.
Prostatic- troubles. Kidney, liladder, WA9TIMJ WlAKV
K'ktfS. Ilydroc-le, t'hronlc Diseases, Contracted Disease!
Stomach sr.d 8kin D'.f.eas.
examination snd rona-ilietlon. - sni roe
Symptom Ills ok tor home treatment.
DR. StlAHiasi Jt SKAKLKti. 11th and Uougtaa Hlreets, Otuaha. Nebraska,
V 11 1- 13
hf ii'H. tut
. ao. r l ul- t tv
!'MJ 1 1 H'"
l)lXU.Qija-i.AUullu. Uk and Harnav.