Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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! 7 14
I -.A lit., i J 1
1! ' M t "V- ' from th wholesale stock, worth $18.50 to $25 11111?
S Your Choice of All the Men's
1 worth up to $12.50, at
"r wmw
Dr&ndeis Gives' to Customers These Beautiful
1 1 Mvvcv i 'l
t--'-, - The medallions are given to you without frames and are beautiful &3
and valuable untrained. As most people -wish them framed we will g,3
supply frames at special prices If you desire. pj
Two styles or Sepi a beautiful Drown tint, an tne tone of an etching, r-j
. 1 1 Two styles of Carbon the deep effect of a steel engraving. a
,,Two styles of Water. Color, producing flesh tints, color of hair, eyes,
1 1 , costumes, etc.. For these medallions we charge 25c extra. ,
- Becure a portrait uctei at any counter at wuicn you maxe a pur- j jiKtairs, witn her head resting on her arm.
i cTi a fttr.., with your sale slip to our medallion, counter (center of M She waa unconscious and barely breathing.
J new atore) and have It punched, showing the amount of your purchaae. f'J The poltoa were notified, Police Surgeon
I J When these aggregate $10.60 bring the ticket to the, medallion counter f.J Klmore responding, anl had the woman te-
U togethor with the photograph which you wish reproduced. It is not r I moved to the hospital, where she died In
j .necessary, that; your purchases be
u. uu M u, ......
ii .. . J. L.
i wi w" v
vm c w iwi jrw
Interstate Commerce Commissioners
' Will Desrla Omaha Grain
llearlnar W'edoesday.
Interstate Commerce Conunlssionors K.
K. Clark of Jowa and Franklin T. Lane of
California will arrive In Omaha Wednes
day to conduct a hearing into matters re
lating to the grain trade. Attorney John
If. Marble wHl represent the commission in
tho , hearing. ,
Tho purpose of the Investigation Is o In
o.oire Into the relation..! of the grain, trade
regarding buying.' selling, forwarding and
handling grain la violation of ths trust
laws and under the provisions of the Ia
Foiletto resolution passed in the United
States senate June 25, 19 , which provides
for such investigation. . ,
The Investigation btgan at Chicago last
week and tho commission la holding In
quiries at Kansas City and will close there
Tuesday. Tha hearing In Omaha will be
held lu tha north federal court room and
will last two daya. Witnesses from both
Iowa, Missouri and Nebraska will be sum
moned. It Is not known whether Tom
Worrall will be. summoned us a wltnesa
or not.: He Is. In the city.
It was expected Charles T. Peavey, part
ner of Mi". Wprrall, mttrht be summoned,
but as he was not called before the com
. niistilon at Chicago, It is thought his In
formation will not bs sought here.
The commission will go from here to
Iowa to conduct a similar hearing there.
rear Two-Thirds of Ttl Juwhrr
of ReaUtrattoas Last
. Tknriill).
Monday niuiiilng City Clerk Hutler com
pleted the work of tabulating I lie registra
tions of last Thursday by party affiliations.
The totals for the fifty-four diHtrlols In
Omaha showed: Runublit-anx, J.!-'; demo
crats, 1.816; 'socialist, 10J; prohibitionists,
Independents and others, 1. The total
was ,1'j6. This showing Is particularly
pleasing o the republicans, who registered
two thirds of the totnl 'registration.
pure.'sThe critical ordeal through which the expectant mother must
pa ft, however, it to fraught with dread, pain, turTering and danger,
that the very thought of it fiUt her with apprehension and horror,
Tlrro ' no cecescity for the reproduction of, life to be either painful
or dangeiout. Ths ue of Mother' Friend to prepare tho tyitem for
the coming event that it it tafely pasaed without any danger. Thi
ereat and wonderful '
remedy it alwayt MM
uat Vatlic muuaaiiu
kf wrvnien throitrh
tlie trting criait without tutTering.
siii fur Ire book eocUjmoi taformauoa
of rr!ci vtius U Sil BioU.ri.
?at Efift! ReaaltfUf C, AjJagta. -
067,550 STOCK OF
Bought from one of flew York's Greatest Wholesalers
Thousands ofOnmha men nre taking advantage of this sale to
.iiy fall and winter, clothes. The tremendous stack offers scores
of bargains for every man who needs a suit or overcoat. Make
your rejection now. .
Choice of All the Men's
Your Choice of
worth up to $15.00, at .
ti-t - iC'r'rvvv
w. : ii a. -II
V nign uiass Art jvieaamon, six r'
1i tn.i,. j. j: , i.. ,i I I
'S from any photograph, for all (
purchases amounting to $10. Si
These high art medallions '
are reproduced with all the j
beauty of ivory or porcelain 5 j
miniature. Xo name appears on M
the medallion no advertising
i matter of any kind. It is a gift I !
of pronounced artistic value, j i
made all In one day, or in any one g g
, r
mm wm
A complete abstract of the registration
has been secured by republican and dem
ocratic county committees. Thursday's
registration was a slight Increase over the
first day last year..
Eleven Hundred Dollars . Added to
Fond foa Erection of Jewish
Over $l,Hi0 was added to the fund for the
erection of a Jewish Institute building In
Omaha at a meeting held Sunday In cele
bration of R'nal B rlth day. This runs the
fund up to over fG,0u, a little more than a
ilfth of the amount sought to be raised.
The liberal responses to the first appeals
of the committee have encouraged it and
leaves little doubt of the success of the
project. Tlie .contributors Sunday are as
A. Melcher $K
U Harding ino
I. l.fvL, South Oiimha Mi
t Brandcis .., v , lmi
8. Kugariuan ., .. M
M. ivHleiinan 6U
Burn Nrwnuin W
lr. Chedfk vbt
II. Vergrovitch T
o. Cornblatt Ki
Hen l.uiilii fliaflan
H. Vlsherson
I. Fl'itiiniaii
J. I-vl. snith Omitlia v..
K. V. I .oh rig
Sara rVir
Jacob Bttrcie ,
Abe Kuiiliiiun
Philip Gi-eenberg ,
A. t. KattMman
Alex Filetiman
Sum Adlrr
J. ii. I.linsky
J. Kavlts
J. Marks
J. Komanrr
If. Morwich
H. Miuelnian
I.X-ruiM Managers ta t ll.
Keith Yatter of Chicago, R. A. Klllson of
Lincoln, Neb., and Messrs. Horning of
ivaii. -") i. j --"" " ' , '
mo wfuru uihiiu 141 inniiNKrii fur lite x.iu-
path Lyceum bureau, are in the city lioiil
lug a conference. Rev. Frank 1 Lovelaiul,
paMor of the First Methodist Kniscopul
church, was at one time connected with
the bureau, and tlie visitors ai tended tne
service, at Ills church Hunduy evening In a
No woman's riippi.
nest can be complete
without children ; it
it her nature to lova
god want them
beautiful and
77) j
' ' .
' i , JS -
j i-
; -
All the Men's
- - 'vT - ,
Mm. I. H. Reese Lias Udimi Frem Fatnr
daj Picht Till Monday.
KTldnitlr l'lann Dunn Stalra at
Iloinp, at Bottom of Which
Tiro lhbor ttln
poTfr Her.
After lying on the floor ulnce Sbturday
night without attention at the foot of the
stairs at her home, 1110 South Eleventh
street, where she had evidently fallen, Mrs.
I. H. Reese, aged 30, was discovered in
on unconscious condition Monday mornlntf
and died a few mlnutf after he was re
moved to St. Joseph's hospital. She Is the
wife of I. II. Reese, a horse buyer of South
Omaha, who has not been located as yet.
as he is on a trip through the state on
The .woman was discovered about 9 a. m.
Monday by two of her Intimate friends,
Mrs. Clapper and Mrs. Kuhn, who reside In
the flats, which are. owned by Mrs. Olivia
C. Pelle. The two friends became alarmed
over the prolonged absence of Mrs. Reese,
who was last seen Saturday morntng on
the Mck porch of hpr home. The flat was
searched, entrance being gained thrpugh
the rear door, which was open, but no
trace of the woman was found. The bed
had not been occupied, so the search was
continued and Mrs. Reese was .finally
found. lying !n a heap at the foot of her
Jss than five minutes without regaining
. .
Snpposed Theory of Ftealh.
It a believed Mrs. Reese waa marketing
Saturday evening and. In ascending the
stairs leading to her flat on the second floor,
she lost her balance when near the top of
the stairs and fell to the hallway below, as
vegetables from her market basket were
found scattered on the floor of the hsll.
Her pocketbook was held tightly In hfr
grasp, with the money Intact. It Is re
garded as certain It Is a case of accidental
death, as several diamond rings which she
was wearing were untouched.
Mrs. Reee was subject to sovere skk
spells and It Is believed was suddenly taken
ill while ascending the stairs. The fall In
flicted many severe bruises, her right arm
being broken at the shoulder, her face
badly bruised and several ribs Ix'lng frac-
tured, but no evidences of hr having been
slugged or beaten were discovered.
The hallway In which Mrs. Reese was
found )s a private entrance to her flat,
which accounts for her not having been
discovered sooner. The steps are narrow
and steep, and although she was not a
large woman, the fall must have been most
severe. In the hall were copies of the
Saturday and Sunday Issues of The Bee,
also a chicken In a partially spoiled condi
tion, which had evidently been bought for
her Sunday dinner.
Her husband was In Sioux City a few
days ago, but his destination from that
city was not . known. The maiden name f
Mrs. Reese was Brown and her parents re
cently went to Fort Worth, Tex., to' spend
the winter, and have been notified of the
C.rmer liralley has charge of the body
and ,1s trying ta, find the husband.
J. It. Com in a of Perrr, Iowa, Wnati
to Knint If Thry tiot
County Judge lxslie lias received an in
qulry from J. H. Cowman of Percy, la., I
asking whether a marriage license h:a j
been Issued to Walter Chttk and Krsa Cow-
I license
but was turned down
tierk Harry Morrill aisnccted the signa
ture in the written consent was not will
ten by Clark's father. Clark gave his axe
us making It necessary for him .to se
cure his parents' consent. The couple went
away and did n it return.
Secures Kxclaaite Right tu Title anal
In Janet lua of Vna I'ark
lug Kim r
Tlve IJebig Extract o.' Beef company
may enjoy exciusj,ti .ise jf lis title as ap
plied to the product oi Its manufacturer,
according to a decision handed down by
Judge M linger of the federal court in a
suit .brought by the Llebig company to
enjoin the Pioneer Packing company and
I the Ciuiahy Packing compuiy from appry
j ptiating it rnakli g use of that title.' The
decision punctually enjuina the two de
fendants. Very i.w Mate TarXtr,
Every Tuesday, balanca of ths year, tr.f
Chicago Great Western railroad wUI Mil
fcomesetkers' tlcksls to Minnesota, Nona
i Xjuko'.a and Canadian nortl.wtst at ahuut
Lait rats; to other tertlluiy. first and tblid
iucdys. Writs Ii H CaurcnUl, Cj. A
liii Faruani street. lat nuiubsr la part
Henry W. Istei Stji Banker Did Not
E'eoide Policy a QueitioB.
In Five Mlmln lie ImpresseH Ilia
OI'.Mpprvtal of Klastlrlty I'lan
t pon the St. I, on la
( onirmlfln.
The Omaha bankers who attended tlie
convention of the American Bankers' asso
ciation In St. Ijouis last week have re
turned, all of them declaring the meeting
was the largest and most Interesting In
ths history of the organisation. Some were
outspoken In their praises of the work of
the convention, while others were Inclined
to offer criticism, especially on action, or
rather lack of action, on the subject of
currency reform. -
Henry W. Yates, president of the Ne
braska National bank, Interviewed on the
subject, sold:
"The convention was largely attended as
usual and the socfal features had their
customary prominence, but It cannot be
said that the convention gave any decided
expression on the currency question, which
had been predicted fmm It. Small oppor
tunity was given for the Intelligent dis
cussion of the question In lis numerous
phases. . ,
'T'or years an agitation has been mrre1
on by certain prominent bankers and finan
cial writers In favor of the Insurance of
unsecured hank notes, to give to our system
what is called elasticity a quantity which
It Is claimed It lacks and by Inference at
least the Idea is conveyed that It Is dis
tinguished In this respect from the cur
rency systems of more fortunate nations.
All the addresses delivered and papers read
were along this line, including among the
number one from the comptroller of the
currency and one frovn Congressman Fow
ler of New Jersey, tho latter having made
a specially of the subject for years past.
Only Five Minutes per Sneaker
"The question was opened for discussion
at the conclusion of the report of the leg
islative committee. Only Ave minutes was
allowed to any speaker and as anyone was
st liberty to talk, end there were numbers
present having ttielr. numerous plans to
present, the chaos which followed could
easily have been anticipated. Those op
posing all the plans, like myself, were of
fered tho slimmest kind of a chance to say
,"I opened the discussion Just so soon as
It was possible' and lendavored to present
as forcibly a I oould la the limited time
given, my objections to all the plans sub
mitted. I stated f lnX that any proposition
submitted by bankers must be clearly and
distinctly In the public Interest nad not In
their '"special interest as bankers: that a
distinction should be drawn between plans
which would Increase In nny manner the
volume of currency now existing, and plans
for an emergency circulation, which was
generally favored by all bankers, but which
provided for a currency which It was al
ways honed .would ..never be Issued and
If Issued would be soon retired; that the
elasticity so much written and talked about
hart no existence in any. other country, un
less it might he Franca. In Great Britain,
I said, the greatest financial country In the
world, tht Bank of England can Issue
notes only against tlie public debt or
against an actual deposit of gold. The
Bank of France, which Is the only bank
In that country authorised to Issue notes.
Is practically a part "of the government
Itself. '
Bar to Farther Expansion.
"I then declared that tlie existing volume
of 'credit money wiUis absolutely . pro
hibited any further .expansion, its volume
and the per capita larger than any
country on- earth exoapllng only one small
South American state which was not on a
metallic basis.
"Figuring all our circulation which de
pended upon the gold supply for Us parity
therewith and Its volume aggregated
$l,e00,00,000, with a per capita of nearly
$19. In Great Britain the per capita was
about t&; In France, $13, and In Canada,
about $12.
"I then proceded to show what I thought
the effect upon the country would be if
bankers should fornyilly declare the ncces
slty of having more money. I said tho
silver question was declared to Je not an
Issue at present, but that it was not dead.
and those who forced Its fiee. coinage
could with this evidence easily claim their
contention to have been right. It was, I
declared. In the power of any administra
tion, in cae our gold stock was depicted
from any cause, to put us oft the gold
standard, and that Instead of proposing
schemes for adding to our paper circulation
It would be wiser to get rid or a part of
what we already had, which constituted a
standing menace to the fundamental basis
of our money system.
Here niy time expired, before I could
clearly show my conclusion. I was sur
prised at the expressed approval niy talk
received from the convention. Judging
from all that had been said before, I ex
pected a frost. A delegate from Kansas
added to what I had said concerning Ne
braska, that the bankera-were unanimously
opposed to all schemes which would In
crease the volume of paper circulation.
"The convention finally side-tracked the
"The Blood Is The life."
Science has never gone beyond the
above bimple statement of scripture. But
it has illuminated that statement and
given it a meaning ever broadening with
the Increasing breadth of knowledge.
AY hen the hlooU is "bad" or Impure it
Is not alone the body which suffers
through disease. The brain Is also
clouded, She mind and Judgement are
effected, anu'Jitnjr an evil deed or Impure
thoghtVuJhvSkrctly traced to tha
lmpurTy at the Clbvi Foul. Impure booi
can ne m:iae mire fy tlm i.. ,,f ir
Pierce's Col'Jen Medical Discovery. It.
mncTifi and mir-.tir the ,,. tifrehv
cunug, piuipleg, blotches, eruption and
other cutaneous affocllons, as eczema,
tetter, or salt-rheum, hives and other
manifestation!) of Impure blood.
, s
In the cure of scrofulous swellings, en
larged glands, open eating ulcers, or old
tores, the "Golden Medical Discovery "has
performed the most marvelous cures. In
cases of old sores, or open eatins ulcers,
it Is well to apply to the open sores Dr.
Pierce's AU-Heailng Salve, which pos
sesses wonderful healing potency when
used as an application to the sores In con
Junction with the use of "(iolden Medical
Discovery "as blood cleansing consti
tutional .treatment. If your druggist
don't happen to have the "All-Healing
Salve In stock, you can easily procure It
by inclosing fifty-four cents in postage !
stamps to Dr. R. V. Pierce, 6V3 Main St.,
Uuffalo, N. Y., aud It will come to you by
return pot. Most druggists keep It as
well as the "Golden Modlcal Discovery."
. .
Yoa can't afford to accept any medicine
of unknown com poult iin as a substitute
for "Golden Medical Discovery," w bich is
a medicine or jtxowK coxrosiTioir,
having a complete lUt of lngr?dienU la
plain Knglifh on lis bott!e-wrapT, the
ytoiil a.iiHiictt vu wivic-viai'iri, utv
1 uum brtlug atlesteni as correct uuderoath.
Ir. r'lerce's I'leafiant Vellet regulate
gad iuv iterate Umacu, liver and bowels,
F V ": ' J '' i
f'te; '1
' . ! :: "
V:-; f
a 44 J"'
subject by referring It to a commission.
The only objection to the resolution
adopted was In Its preample, Which 1 do
not blleve represented the views of a ma
jority of tho bankers present, but It Waa
too late to provoke further discussion."
Lather Drake's Views.
"The matt- of . currency refornV was
taken farther than at any previous meet
ing, though nothing definite waa accom
plished In the way of outlining propoed
reform," said L,uther Drake, president of
the Merchants National bank. "The matter
was left In the hands of a committee
which la to prepare a bllt providing needed
reform, and that Is better than we have
ever done before.
The reading of the report of the bank
ing legislative committee was postponed
until the last day of the session, and it
certainly provoked the most animated dls
cusson, though only an bonr's time was
accorded It: The discussion brought no
definite conclusion and the matter was
given to a special committee, of which the
banking legislative committee Is a part.
It was the best attended convention of
the association,.'3,000 or t.flno bankers being
present from all parts of the country. I
must say, too, that the St. Louis people
ought to be proud of the reception they
gave us."
Blue Lodge of Masons Will Hare
Charae of Services Held
Tuesday Afternoon.
The funeral of C. B. Horton. late super
intendent of the AVestefn Union Telegraph
company In Omaha, will be held Tuesday
afternoon at 3 o"clock from the residence,
13i North Thirty-ninth street. Rev. T. J.
Mackay will conduct the services and Mrs.
A. G. Edwards and George W. Manchester
will aing at the house. The ritualistic serv
ices of the Blue lodge. Masonic order, will
be conducted by tiapltal lodge No. 3 at the
grave. Interment will ba at Forest Lawn
William K. Rhoades, master of Capital
lodge, will be In charge of the caremonles
at the cemetery. Members tf Mount Cal
vary commandery No. 1 will act as an es
cort from the house to the cemetery. The
pallbearers have been 'selected from a so
cial club to which Mr. Horton belonged.
They are:' John R. Manchester, L. H.
Korty, J. B. Blanchard, A. J. lerling, L.
E. Bryson'and II. J. Penfold.
The superintendent's office of the West
ern Union will be closed all day Tuesday
and the office force will attend the funeral
In a body. Officials of the Western Union
from Chicago arrived in the city Monaay
In a special car. They are. i. r. uw,
general superintendent; r . H. biuoDe, ais-
trlct superintendent at Chicago; Mr. Lloyd.
assistant superintendent at Chicago; M.
McKisslck, general electrician. The fol
lowing from Denver are her: S. E. Leon
ard, assistant superintendent; George Law
ton, night manager; E. E. McCllntock. su
perintendent of the. Mountain Telegraph
company. C. A. Parker, prominent In tele
graph circles in Denver, will arrive Tues
day. Mr. Hortort's mother will not be able
to come, but a brother from Rpaver Cross
ing and a ulster from Chicago are here.
V Superintendent Cook Is the official who
will make the appointment of Mr. Hor
ton's successor, but he has no announce
ment to give out now. It Is thought J. C.
Nelson, assistant superintendent under Mr.
Horton will be advanced to the vacancy
and another man from the local office be
made assistant.
Next Session of Federal Coart Prom
ises to Continue Throuah
oat the W later.
The federal court officials are busily en
gaged preparing for the term of the fed.
eral colitis to convene in Omaha Novem
ber 12. Tlie term probably will last through !
the winter, as much Important litigation Is !
pending. No grand Jury will be empanelled
at rhls term of the courts, the grand iury :
business having bee.i disposed of at the '
October term at Lincoln. The pet'V Jury 1
will be drawn during the present wek,
probably about Friday.
The more Important cases to he tried ;
will be the conspiracy cases against the big :
! ranchmen. C'omstock and Richards, en the
charge of seeking to defraud the govern- ,
inent out of title to a vast acreage of .
land in Sheridan and Cherry counties within ;
the Spade ranch enclosure. The Indict-
ments in these cases were returned at the i
Muy term of the federal grand Jury in '
Omaha and embraces several hundred page
of typewritten matter. Several other eon-
kpiracy indlclnienls of a similar character '
will sImo be tried at the November term
and all of the Indictments found at the
October term at Lincoln Just closed arc also
set for trial early In November.
Mem Iter elraka II a mane Norlety
Has ( hleago Man Arrested
for KU-klaa Dog.
Mrs. W. K. Overrneyer of M Francis
street, an officer of the Nebraska Humane !
society, had an unique experience while
In Chicago last week. Bering a man kick .
a dog with much brutality she called a
policeman, had the man arrested, ap
peared against him In police court and
saw tha mull fined K and costs. Members
of the Nebraska Humane society do not
believe In confining their work wiiMn state
(iutek aud Hate V.eiueay tor Bo
Twenty years ago Mr. Goo. W. Brock dts
covered that Chambtilaln's Colic. Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy was a quick and
safe curs for bowel complaints. "During
i of these years." lie saya. ! have u-d
I It and recommended It many times and th
; l n nu reccillllir nuu iiiuii imir, ,uti t
I reuits have never yet dixeppointad me.-'
' Mr. Brock Is publisher of ths Aberden
1 (M J ) lunterprls.
lee's TaHor-Made Ralecoate
liain or thine, larye aortwent ahnty Jtere of the latest, choicest
and deft.
If any Jay i letttrthan another to look them over it's a rainy Jay
If it rain tomorrow come in anJ e our new line. If it ahouldnt
rain com unyway and see what you cun save on the price on reliabU
rain coats.
In Selecting a Raincoat
you want lots of room in a raincoat and you want to 1$ sure your
coat will hLi its shane after the rain is over. 2 hat's ur raincoats to
handsome enough J or dress wear, too.
Raincoats $10 to $25
With Exceptionally Strong Lines at
$10 and $15
Soldiers on the tiround at illlelt
to Suppress the Ha
Two troops of the Tenth United States
cavalry, under command of Major Charles
II. Grlerson, left Fort Robinson at 11 a. m.
Sunday for Gillette, Wyo., arriving there
at 11 o'clock Sunday nlgtit. Two additional
troops are under orders to proceed to the
seme point at once as soon as transporta
tion is available.
The military authorities are not appre
hensive of any serious: trouble. The Hunt
ing force of the Utes numbers about ISO
bucks and, with their families, the party
comprises about l persons. The Indians
were on a visit to the Sioux and Crow In
dians from their reservation In I'tnh,
where a crop failure and lack of sufficient
distribution of cattle by the government
for their sustenance during the winter im
pelled their Invasion of the game preserves
of Wyoming. About the only depredations
they have thus far committed, according
to the information received by the mili
tary authorities, is the killing of a few
cattle and a number of elk.
The state of Colorado also Is apprehen
sive that the Utes will invade the game
preserves of that etate, and Is moving to
prevent the Utes entering Colorado.
Major General A. W. Greely, command
ing the Northern Military Division and
the Department of the Missouri, returned
to Omaha Monday noon to take personal
supervision of the situation and direct the
movement of the troops operating against
the Utee,
Another train of equipment has been sent
by the Burlington to Crawford to move
more soldiers to Crow agency. This trsln
Is a duplicate of the first, requiring twenty
cars, coaches, stock and flat cars. The
equipment of the first train was not avail
able and new equipment had to be fur
nished. The second nsslgnment of soldltrs
will move to the agency at once.
Omaha Unrtr Chairman Committee
on Banks, Conference of Com
missioners for t'nlform l.ini,
Ralph W. Breckenrldge received advice
Monday morning of his appointment as
chairman of the committee on bunks and
banking of the Conference of Commission
ers on Uniform State Uwi. The appoint
ment came from A. M. Eaton of I'rovl.
, jence, R. I., president of the conference,
The conference Is a body delegated by the
governors of the various states and work-
,nK wltn the Amf,rlcan B,,r j,mK,at.on
; Mr Brckonrld8e-8 oppointment as chair.
man of the committee mentioned was the
Weight increased 32 Lbc.
Thanks io Duffy's Pure Malt Whisksy and Plenty of.
Fresh Air.
Mr. Meyer Britwitz,' who was completely broken
down in health and failed until hi weighed only
120 pounds, recovered his health and increased his
weight 32 pounds, and now has no difficulty in
maintaining his weight at 152 pounds.
'...'' ' ' ' ' V.
; j - . ...
j r v-
Mayer BrltwiW, In his t.nt at tlb.rty, v. T., wh.ra ha lld on ytar, taking aa
msdlclna saospt DUriTY'S FVKB MALT WKIBXST.
A constantly growing law practice necessitate my working iiutte hard and assidu
ously. My health lie gun tu tail, hut 1 could nor neglect tlie interests ot my rlieius and
properly iaie tor myself. 1 iM-gan to lose weiglit and developed a dlat reaslng, flacking
tough, which was extremely severe and violent, especially when arising In tne morn
ing, and tlieso paroxyius imuully left me weak and with a leellng or lassitude. My
whole system was broken down, and alter consulting witu u number of eminent physi
cians 1 decided to take drastic measures, and accordingly abandoned my law practice
entirely and took up my residence In Liberty, N. V., where 1 lived tor one )ear lit
a canvas tent.
Karly in . stay In Liberty I was advised by a friend of mine tu try iMirTy's
Malt V hlsKey as a 'onlc. Tins 1 old twice dally, and found Its eflcciM to be invigor
ating and ':-Jicing, Wttli noun of the after ertects or craving usually produied by
intoxii-ants. 1 tumid it sliarpeneu my appetite ropslderahly, enabling ma to raw
While, of course, niy recovery' was due in a measure to niy method of living,
at the same liii:fc i Oei certain that the use of 1 nifty s Malt WlnaKey was a mateiini
tador In my sr.e. ay recovery, aty cure was complete, aa is evidenced by the fai t
that 1 have again i-esumed t lie practice ot law. and whereas berore my Illness I
never weighed above U pounds, tiwlay 1 easily tip the scale at la.' pounrts. ami
ttnd that 1 have no nirtlrulty tu inaiutaining tfi: weight. MLYKK ii!UTW)l.
Attoiney-at-Law. y Nassau ht., New i ork Lily, N. Y., July Ik, 'US.
..Duffy's Pure
Is a promoter or health and long li'e. It
It Is a tuod already digested. Duffy's
und It Is the only whixKey recognised
the best tonic stimulant in ths world.
einmfk. v - .M - w nMw
f .aoiaa. Disboctst dtalsrs. mlnaiul
try to sail yoa ch.sp lmitsvioas aad
g VW u "
i ka hsaltlt. Dai
j " r"1'
Onsui fiuif i, aaa m aura
or dliact, la kottiss
nk. In. ioia Ch.mlat"
I iw cork la uabteksaw Dale's Man Wbiskav on.. B.oih..tar. m. a.
lanfher.skinner &c0.
St. Paul
result of a request from the American
Bankers' esnoclatlon asking to . co-operate
with the conference In securing oertaltt
uniform legislation throughout the country.
The members of Mr. Breckenrldge's com
mlttee arc James Barr Ames, dean of Har
vard law school;. Thomas J. Kernan, Baton)
Rouge, Iji.; A. It. Moore. Minnesota Tal
tolt 11. Russell, New Haven, Conn.; Wal
ter George Smith, Philadelphia. The coin
mltteo will meet In a few months.
Mirths and Deaths.
The following births and deaths were re
ported to the Board of Health during tha.
forty-eipht hours ending Monday noon:
Births E. J. Cross, M12 South Forty-flret.
boy: AV. B. Crou-h, 8&H North Twenty
fourth, boy; E. J. Jayson, 427 Bancroft,
boy; William Wohlers. West Center Btreet.
Rirl; Charles Hchrlner, "V2o North Thir
teenth, girl; V. H. Phllbern, J3 North
Forty-first avenue, girl.
Ie.-iths Herman Henry l'trlng, 12A
North Fourteenth, 42; Nora Klernm. For
tieth and Popplcton. 28; Charles Sullivan,
Kearney. 21; Margaret Jane . Fuller, 85U
North Thirtieth, t.5. ,
Malt Whiskey
makes the old young and the young strong.
1'ure Malt V lilKkey contains no fuse!, oil,
as a medicine, i 1,1: Is a guarantee, it is
m .. Ji wvi.Va- ma m - - w
ef ths aoailsnoe of tixls prapatatloa, wi
aaiistitutss, which ar poslUraly tnlunons to
yua n iv aoia ay sv.ry rauaaia eraa
only; aey.r in aula; si oo a Lotus. x.ocf
oi t rm label ana hi frtmjm tka aaJ &