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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1906)
Tim Omaiia Daily Bee. FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSHTWATER VICTOR ROBE WATER, EDITOR. Entered at Omaha postofflca at second ciass matter, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Dally Hee (without Sundar), one eir..t0O . t'atly Bh and Sunday, one year .0u flunday tfe, one year Saturday lte, on year DEUERED BY CARRIER. Dally Bee (Including Sunday), per weck..lnc IeSly Bee (without Sunday!, per weea...H Eranlna; Bee (without Bunoayi. per week 60 Evening Bee (with Sunday), per week. ..I': Sunday Bee, per copy Address complaint of Irregularities In de livery to City Circulation Department. OFFICE8. Omaha The Bee building. South Omaha City Hall building. Counoll Blufft 10 Pearl street. Chicago liHO Unity building. New iork 16o llomt Life Ina. building. Washington tol Fourteenth street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to news and edi torial matter should be addressed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. remittances. Remit by draft, express or postal order F arable to Tha Bee Publishing company. nly t-cent stamps recelvd as payment of mall accounts. .Personal rhecks. except on Omaha or eastern exrhat ge. not accepted. THE BEE FLBL.I8H1NU COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. ' Stat of Nebraska. Douglas County, ss: Charles c. ft oaf water, general manager of The Bee Publishing company, being duly sworn, nays that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Dally, Morning, Kvenlng and fcunilav Bee printed during the month of September, 1VK was as fol io ws : 1 34,430 0,670 1 30.36S ., 17 Z0,8S0 SLOPS II 30.710 f. ...30.830 13 90,860 I,,,, 30,370 20... SO.ttCO 30,730 21 80,660 T ..30,480 tt ..41.140 1 3040 U 31,410 ...... 30,470 t 30.710 10 ..30JWU ! 30,fi0 11..,.. 3040 It 30,640 II.. 30,430 IT 3150 13..,....., .1060 , tt 44,670 14 30.S00 it 36.800 1 30,160 10 30,600 Total Less unsold copies , Net total sales , W7.4a Dally averag 30.93. CHARLES C ROSKWATUR, General dlantgor. Subscribed la my presence and swor.i to before ma this 1st day of October. It0. (Beat) . M. B. Ht'NGATK, Notary Public WHEX OCT OF IOW. takserlfcere leavlaa; the etty tem porarily shoaliZ bare TUe Bee mailed to thena. Address rrlli be ebeaareJ as often requested. That Alabama sheriff who went to sleep while guarding a negro from a mob must be a candidate for re-election. Omaha is about to entertain a large number of foreign missionaries. There will be room also for a few home mis sionaries. . "Uncle Jake" Wolfe's letter to voters does not tell how uls vote helped to reduce railway taxes when he was in before. King Edward . is ready for the British ; Parliament, but "President Roosevelt has a month longer to pre pare for the real lawmakers. If a workhouse is not within reach, why not a rock pile for the vagrants and suspicious characters enjoying in Idleness the hospitality of our local jails? One Kansas City grata firm has been found with a member carried the payroll of a railroad company, and it may now be necessary to prove that a salary la not a "rebate." While in Indiana Colonel Bryan may have an opportunity to tell Chair man Taggart what he really thinks of the Iowa situation, even though Mr. Taggart may not care to know. In refusing to assume jurisdiction over a political case from Kansas, the United States supreme court has fol lowed a precedent too often overlooked by other courts, state and federal. v Alcohol buyers allege that distillers have united to maintain a high price, arbitrarily, for denaturlred alcohol. Perhaps Mr. Rockefeller has found a way to- preserve the gasoline market. T. P. O'Connor paid President Koosevelt'g powers to ' bring about peace the highest possible tribute when he suggested him as a possible mediator between Ireland and Great Britain. The report that eight of nine suc cessful competitors In Chinese govern ment examinations are graduates of American colleges may foreshadow the eclipse of Europe in another field of progress, - r Candidate Khallenberger is talking lu just about the same vein as Mayor "Jim" talked before he was elected. How would the people of Omaha like to see a counterpart of Mayor "Jim" in the governor's chair? The effects of the Russo-Japanese .war will not be known' until a few more vessels have struck floating mines In the vicinity of Vladivostok. But, as usual, Russia is doing more damage to itself thin to others. ' The discovery that Ue guns of the Dreadnaught are not as-much superior to those of American 'vessels as was imagined may lead Creat Brltaiu to design a bigger ship, which will prob ably result In a similar disappoint ment. . Candidate illubcock's newspaper has ajad the sudden discovery that everything that was accomplished for Omaha during the two years that Con tresmau Hitchcock drew pay at Washington was due to his unaided efforts, while every time Omaha fell Aim ousan proposition the blame rested exclusively upon Senator Mli i Each modesty deserves reward. 'sr.WARVs mLf.r. The official rTl0rt showing IhrvgMd output of Alaska for 1905 in excess of $15,000,000, or nl times what it was ten years ago and an increase of 60 per cent over 1904, throws a strange light on the ridicule that was heaped upon Seward's purchase In 1867 for $7,200,000 of that region, then de nounced as "a profitless land Of im perial dimensions." Yet It is known beyond a ppradventure that only a comparatively small part if Alaska's gold resources has as yet been de veloped. Most -of the gold still comes from placer deposits, whereas richest and by far largest returns will come from quartz, which is only fairly be ginning, to be developed and which ex ists in InexhauHtlble quantities. The annual profit on gold alone thus already exceeds the total purchase price of Seward's "profitless land," and yet gold 'is far from being the most valuable of Its mineral resources, al though they have not yet been equally developed. . Scientific explorations con ducted by the war department and by private capitalists have demonstrated the copper deposits to be so rich and extensive that, as one authority affirms, if copper elsewhere should be suddenly annihilated, the world could be abun dantly supplied from thence. All the useful minerals are alsofound in lib eral store, like copper and gold quartz, awaiting only the transportation fa cilities, which great financial Interests are preparing. To all this mineral wealth are to be added the immense resources of lumber and the Inex haustible series of fishing banks, which stretch for 1,500 miles to the limit of the Aleutian islands, already the basis of an extensive Industry and trade. In Alaska gold, liberally as nature has provided It there, is really to prove, as It has proved elsewhere, only the lure to draw mankind to other and larger good fortune than even the yel low metal itself yields. TRUST DESIQSS ON ALCOIlUL. The apparently authentic report that the Distillers' Securities company has been formed for the purpose of ar bitrarily controlling the price and dis tribution of denaturlzed alcohol will hardly cause surprise, although such trade conspiracies are lately falling into troublous times. It is responsibly alleged that the price of alcohol has been multiplied by manipulation to three times what it was after the trust was dissolved several years ago. If so, it is in short more formidable and oppressive In the reorganized form than before, and the prospective vast consumption of denaturlzed alcohol under the new law exempting it from tax opens up a field that Is tempting to trust greed. It Is a wholesome sign, however, that " such a trust conspiracy is promptly confronted with energetic re sistance 'and determination to prose cute it under the national law. The large buyers of alcohol and other in fluential interests that are associating themselves for self protection against unlawful trust conspiracy are assured that every power of the department of justice will be employed in co-operation. The government, moreover, can go much further than the old 'prosecution of the Whisky trust In the courts for violations of law, for the Treasury de partment should be able, as has been done In Germany and other countries, to facilitate manufacture of . dena turlzed alcohol in local distilleries throughout the farming region, where the raw materials are abundant, so that the chance for monopoly would be greatly narrowed and yet serious frauds on the revenue prevented. The vital purpose of tax exemption for denaturlzed alcohol' is to furnish a cheaper agent In motlyis power, heat and light for the people,, and relief from trade conspiracy controlling pe troleum and Its products. That an ef fort should be deliberately put forth to defeat that purpose before the tax exemption law la fairly In operation shows the lengths to which unlawful trade conspiracy dares to go. But there Is now, fortunately, reason to anticipate that such hardihood wll' be met by a spirit both on the part of the people and of the government adequate to prevent serious damage. : BVRTOX'S rCXISHMEST. ' The Infliction of the penalty of im prisonment and fine upon Joseph R. Burton, former United States senator from Kansas, is a vindication of a just law which forbids a member of con gress, who is trusted with influence for the public Interest, to practice as attorney for private Interest before the departments. On trial and retrial, with the fullest opportunity for de fense, Burton was duly found guilty of violating this law, and the court of last resort sustained the verdict In spite of every technical exception that legal ingenuity could devise. The result helps to remove the grave re proach that high-placed and Influential offenders cannot be reached by the arm of the law, though it may be ef fective to punish the poor and the weak. It may be true that Burton's offense Is no greater than or not as great as those of others now or heretofore serving In congress mho have escaped punishment or even prosecution. This plea has Indeed been made in his be half, but it In nowise excuses him, un less the law was never to be enforced upon any offender because It had not been enforced upon all offenders. The time hM come when the very failure of enforcement emphasized the neces sity of it, and when public sentiment was thus aroused. The evil had grown) far broader than the mere criminal Incident In which Button was Involved. j It had become notorious that men in I both breaches of coDgre&a employed OMAIIA the Influence of that high place as ftr;pnts of corporations Instead of pub lic. Interest, and even against the latter when there was conflict, and some times sought such plsce and were aided decisively in securing it for that very purpose. The punishment of Burton,' following so soon the late Senator Mitchell's esse, is the sign that, however it has been In thepast, public sentiment will no longer toler ate t such prostitution of power, and that It is dangerous for public officials to attempt to defy It, A United .States senator behind prison bars for betrayal of official trust that should have been Inviolate, even In the abneriee of penal threat on the statute book, is a spectacle that should warn every man clothed by the people with authority and should - also strengthen the public demand, never so strong as now, for officials of strict fidelity to public duty. HOME RULE U ASQCERADERS. It is in accord with the eternal fit ness of things for the democratic orators and organs to blossom out sud denly as noisy advocates Of municipal home rule, which Omaha would be en Joying right now except for democratic opposition and double-dealing. The only hope of the democrats to make their present masquerade effective rests on the short memories proverbi ally possessed by the people. The question of municipal home rule in Omaha, as Is well known, has turned chiefly on the location of the control ling authority over the fire and police departments. A brief review of recent history should serve to set present con ditions In their proper light. In 1887 a metropolitan board of fire and police commissioners was estab lished for Omaha by legislative act to consist of four members appointod by the governor to serve with the mayor as ex-offlclo chairman. The moving purpose of vesting the appointment In the governor was to divorce the police and fire departments completely from municipal politics. In this expectation The Bee favored the innovation and looked confidently forward to its real ization. It soon transpired that Instead of taking the police and fire departments out of politics the new plan put them Into the very vortex of political con tention and merely changed the center from the city hall to the state house, while the nonpartisan police board be came an active factor in every political campaign. When Silas A. Holcomb took his seat as governor' In 1895 the republican legislature, to prevent the appointing power passing to the fu slonlsts, changed the law over his veto and created a special board to appoint Omaha fire and police commissioners in which the governor was; only a minority member. When the democrats and fuslonlsts came into undivided power In 1897, In stead of establishing municipal home rule, they simply abolished the special appointing board and restored the ap pointing power to the governor. Worse than that, they forced the governor to name the notorious Herdman-Peabody-Gregory board a few weeks before the election called to fill the places of re publican city officials legislated out of office and turned every resource of the fire and police departments to help the democrats cap'ture the city hall. Al though the democrats failed in this the police board for which the fusion gov ernor was responsible inflicted Omaha with the worst police administration from which it ever suffered. The demand for home rule, which The Bee voiced at that time, was a de mand for relief from a reign of law lessness and .vlclousness. In this de mand, however, the sincere advocates of home rule got no aid nor comfort from the democratic organ, nor from present eleventh-hour democratic con verts. Things went from bad to worse until, acting upon the theory that home rule was a right to which every com munity is entitled under our constitu tion, Mayor Moores appointed a police board to make the Issue by a test suit in the courts. The result of this litigation was a complete vindication of the principle of home rule. The supreme court of Ne braska In a researchful decision held that the right of local self-government was inherent and that any law confer ring upon the governor the power to appoint city officials was inoperative because conflicting with this right. Omaha had achieved complete home rule, but because the mayor, who thus became the responsible authority, hap pened to be a republican the demo crats, and chief of them all the local democratic organ, refused to be satis fied. Through the mediation of the democratic attorney general, C. J. Smyth, they prevailed upon Governor Poynter to disregard the supreme court decision and undertake to commission another governor appointed police board for Omaha. And It was not the fault of the democrats who are now shouting for home rule that the su preme court refused to reopen the case and to accede to their demands. But supreme courts are not immut able. They have been known under sufficient pressure to change their minds. When his accldency. Governor Savage, was later worked upon through his prejudices to usurp the power vested in the mayor of Omaha, his law less action was applauded by the dem ocratic mouthpiece, although The Bee. for protesting against this invasion of home rule and calling attention to the decUlon supposed to have settled the question for all time, had before been cited for contempt and fined $500 and costs. The supreme court, now con trolled by a fusion majority, com pletely reversed Itself. In doing so, however, It gave us almost a repetition of the scandal accompanying the po lice board appclntmeut ty the first fu sion governor. The democratic chief THE DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. OCTOBER IX 1906. Justice hurried home-from an alleged I health resort In Indiana, where he had been sojourning as the guest of one of the expectant democratic police com missioners, and Joined In calling an extra session of the court on the eve of another municipal election In Omaha In order to seat his host In time to put all the police board machinery at work for the democratic city ticket. A dem ocratic court, through an opinion writ ten by the democratic chief Justice, took municipal home rule away from Omaha and again made it a province of the governor at Lincoln, so far as Its fire and police departments are con cerned. In the Interval, however, the demo crats have secured the upper hand In our city government and have Installed the Honorable "Jim" In the mayor's chair. They have espoused home rule and are now hot to dislodge the police board, so "Jim" may be the whole thing and feed the hungry democrats with places on the fire department and on the police force. The mask of home rule, Indeed, comes in quite handy, but we apprehend that the peo ple' of Omaha will see behind It. If all of our out-of-town neighbors, who are putting In a word for Inde pendent telephone connections with Omaha, would agree to talk to Omaha at least twice a week and do all their business In this city in preference to Its competito-s, the new telephone system would be on the highway to success before it was started. Presumably former County Attor ney English's chief anxiety to be testored to the county attorney'a of fice is to help out his Coal exchange friends by putting his official O. K. once more on their scheme of opera tions, so that they may continue un molested for another two years. Before trying to make capital out of "Hlnshaw's 3 per cent, our demo cratic friends should turn their atten tion to the 3 per cent shaving which the democratic campaign fund charac ters are trying to take off of every salary earned in the Omaha city hall. That bankrupt London banker who threw himself In front of a fast train and ended his life should have taken a lesson from a former Nebraskan, now in the Philippines, who is publishing a newspaper to prove that his failure was due to his Intense honesty. According to veracious reports In the local democratic organ Candidate Abbott is making votes every time he speaks. If he makes votes for him self as fast as he made votes for Palmer and Buckner in 1896, he need not worry about the result. Trouble PIlInK I p. WsaMngton Post. The politician' catcher It ooming and going. Ralh ead passes have been abolished, and now there has bten. an Increase In the price of sheen. r i Register If Toa World Kick. Philadelphia Press. It Is the delightful privilege of the free citizen to kick about the election when it doesn't go to suit him. But the cltlsen who doesn't register and therefore can't vote is shut out from such pleasure. Reform with the Dollar Mark. Wall Btreet Journal. A lawyer' Felrctod for a place upon the Hearst Judiciary ticket was assessed 1B, 000. He was told to pay up quickly for their were other men available, ready and willing to pay the prioe. He refused to pay 116,000 for a seat on the bench and was told to stand aside for another man. Enough said. The People Art Catching; Ou. Chicago Record-Heraid. A Jury In Ohio has found the Standard CHI company guilty of conspiracy In re straint cf trade tnd a Jury 'n New York hs found the New York Central Railway com rjanv auiltv of granting rebate to tho Sugar trust eonU-ary to law. Are the cor. poratlon lawyers losing their cunning or are our juries bogtnnlng to find out that the laws of the country are Intended to apply to the big as well as to the little offenders T . Effect of Seed Cora Gospel. Philadelphia, Record. Iowa Is doing what It can to relieve the apprehension of J. 3. Hill, who docs not know where the next generation will get bread to eat. Vrely by the mora careful selection of seed corn Iowa haa increased Ita corn production about 15 per cent. This careful attention to seed corn Is duo mainly to the efforts of Prof. Holden, heartily sup ported by the railroads, who provided him and his assistant with free "seed corn gospel trains" which educated farmers all over the state In better corn culture. There Isn't much danger that agriculture will not .adapt itself from time to time to the neceusltles of the period. Force of Habile OpIbjIob. Ban Francisco Chronicle. A disgusted corporation lawyer In New York has remarked that "you can't defend rebate caaes In the present state of public opinion." It Is not quite clear that he means to Intimate that corporations have no show in the courts when the people are watching them, but It doeo suggest that he thinks things would run smoothly if there was leaa Intereat In the proceedings. The observation is a fine tribute to a force which some cynics ' have asserted has cased to exist In this country, and It holds out tho hope that "public opinion" may se cure slll greater triumphs In the future by keeping up the watchful habit which the lawyer deprecates. A Skirt of Beauty ia m Joy Forovor. DR. T. Folia Oeursud'e Oriental Crti n or Magloal aautiflor. u4 tvtta DuMike kuui?. u4 it kW d..KlWft. P ka fAvtrtl IH W 7 yr to m kinbtca v A cayi loot'UBicf fvll t sVUiliAl Vr. L. A fe-r tWai4 U ttJr f kut (ft " At shd WUi tifM I reuaa4 Httmasl Crmmm m tV. VmI fctntful i i ti.a ttrifMfcii tent t tr U 4'Uf i'U 4 r Mtcjr M AMU DooViSM 1 tfe V eia bis, CitJ fcttf, HOI Ml A HO IT KW YORK. Ripples on Ike arrent of I.lfe la (he . Metropolis. "I never saw -anything like tle human 'ads' to be sww-n In New York sloie wln iloa" exclaimed a southern woman, quoted by the Bun. "What I dis.ike about the exhibits . Is that most of them are women. There s th oriental-eyed girl who slta in Turkish coFtume puffing some new brand of cigarette. . emitting arsbrsque whiffs from her' mouth; there's the girl who lets down her glorious hair and holds out to view nme new Beven Bisters decoc tion; there's the girl who demonstrates some up-to-date collar or belt fastener, and, oh! such a host of others. "I saw two mighty queer ones recently. AProadway window Was veritably be sieged by paswrsby straining to catch a glimpse of a girl drenched by a shower bath operating directly above her head. That shower bath was worse than any thunder plump Uiat ever drenched Broad way, but the girl smilingly peeled off a mackintosh which she wore, and showed the spectators that her underneath gar ments were as dry as powder' or a lecture on mnemonics. "Then the other one. A woman In a win dow In the shopping district makea the as tonished observer believe she's about to perform. In theatrical parlance, the great undressing act. With cool unconcern she unbuttons, unhook and removes her outer garments, one by one, and then applies Somebody's 'Magic Cleaner" and cleans them. ' "But I don't see," concluded the woman from the south, looking down thought fully at her polished finger nails, "why they can't get men and boys to do those 'stunts.' Do you reckon the women psy better? or get paid less?" Golf seems to be a fad among New York Japanese JURt now. With their much ex ploited capacity for Imitation they catch the spirit and the art of the ancient and royal game very quickly, and they go over the links with the same reckless abandon and carelessness of consenuencea that marked their work before- Port Arthur, i The players In front must look out for themselves, and of balls flying from the rear the Japs show supreme contempt. Three Jap' foursomes and a threesome were on the Vsn Cortlandt course one afternoon recently. Among the players were three old men, threa women and two boys of 14. All were clad In the togs that begin ners end gallery players deem Imperative for the links even though they are not comfortable. Within a few weeks New Yorkers will have the benefit of one of the most won derful electrical Inventions of the ae the telharmonlc This Is an Instrument for the transmission of music from a cen tral keyboard to the homes, hotels, restau rants and public places of a city. At a cost of more than $50,000 the central musical "plant" has been established at a convenient point In Manhattan. The In strument Is virtually perfected, and In a short time. It Is expected, the company will be ready to offer Its musical wares to the public. At no great cost the house holder, flat dweller or restaurant proprie tor may have a telharmonlc Installed, con nected by wire with thecentral instrument of Instruments, And by simply pushing a button will be able to turn on the music. The Instrument that will be placed In the homes Is a small affilr, and can easily be hidden by a grouping of flowers or potted pliuatd. Four grades of music will be available grand opera, pipe organ, or chestral or piano. Tests thus far made show that the rich tones of the central Instrument are pre served tn transmission, and there Is no marring of the music by the rasping sound of the phonograph. The Inventor of rte telharmonlc and the capitalists who are backing him are confident that tho Instru ment will not only have connections with thousands of homes here, but will soon be used almost universally by tha restau rant keepers. ' "The gallant Sixty-ninth" regiment of the National Guard moved tha other day from Its old armory at Third avenue and Seventh 'street, which It has occupied for a quarter of a century, to a splendid new building at Lexington avenue, between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth streets. "The finest armory In America," It has been called. Four mnyors participated with the "fighting Ninth" Massachusetts and the First brigade of the New York Natolnal Guard In the dedication of the armory. They were Mayor McCleUan, un der whose father the Blxty-nlnth served; Mayor John F. Fitzgerald of Boston: Mayor John T. Duggan of Worcester, and Mayor James B. Casey of Lowell. A num ber of battle flags were presented to the organisation. The 8lxtyninth u a part of Meagher's famous Irish brigade, which won laurels at Malvern hill, Antietam and Fredericksburg. The regiment was reduced to a remnant at Gettysburg, but after thirty days' leave marched back with full companies, which went through the rest of the war. A striking example ot the tremendous growth of this city, of how the huge en terprises of yesterday are dwarfed by the vaster undertakings of today, Is furnished by the reconstruction of the Grand Cen tral station. Seven years ago the present terminal of the New York Central and the New Haven systems, at Forty-se-yn 1 street, was completed at a cost of t2.60O.OtK. It waa regarded aa a magnificent monu ment to the commercial greatness of the metropolis, adequate for Its needs for many decades, Engineers ranked tt among the beot equipped railroad stations of the world. And yet, afte" only seven years' use, this great structure must be torn down to make way for one of tar vaster proportions. Never In the history of the city haa lt growth made necessary the sacrifice ot a building so large or so costly. In the progress cf engineering the re building of this great railroad terminal will mark a new era. According to the testimony of experts, no such taik was ever attempted as that of laying a new system of tracks without suspending the operation of the regular passenger trains. The entire expense of the construction and equipment of the terminal will be about $35,000,000, or one-half the annual earnings of the entire New York. Central system. With Its thirty express and suburban tracks It will ba able to accommodate four Umea the traffic that now pours through It. It will have twelve miles of tracks In Its yards. Thirty-five electric locomotives, each 1. 30 horsepower and weighing 100 tons, will haul the through trains In and out. One hundred and twenty five motor cars, each of 400 horsepower and weighing fifty-three tons, will be used to operate the suburban service. Although the completion of the station Is expected to take four more yearn, never theless the public will enjoy many of Its benefits before that time. According to the railroad's present plans, the first regu lar electric trains will be iu operation by November 10, There Is a whole sermon In the retire ment of Timothy D. Sullivan from oftlen holding in New York City after twenty years' continuous activity at the public patronage erlb. His last Job Is at a con gressman, but this 1s too esthetic fur his tantes and Sullivan has decided to resign. It was his Intention to return to the slat senate, which is the garden where goldcu crops arc garnered. But Sullivan opposed Hears!, tie baa declined. tb aenatursblp. GORDON FURS THE locality in which fur-bearing aninlals arft taken, the time of year, the : prevailing elf matid conditions all make a quality difference in the skins. This quality-difference is always considered in selecting skins for Gordon Furs. ' To the broad experience and infinite skill of expert furriers, as well as to the masterly crafts manship of high-class tailors, is due the supreme Gordon lit Ajax Jtsk your doalor for GORDON FURS It was really touching to hear Magistrate Finn talk of Sullivan, when the latter refused to be a candidate. Finn said: "Sullivan Is wealthy man. lie made his money honestly and fairly. He is a man with an Income now of $1SO,000 a year. Notwithstanding all our pleadings, he haa positively declined to accept this nomina tion." It should be remembered that Sulli van has only held office and kept a saloon, and yet his Income Is Immense. In Phila delphia la cited the case of Israel W. trur. ham. David Martin and others who grew fabulously wealthy tn politics. THE TBKACHEnOW WILLIAMS. Schuyler Free Lancet We do not be lieve there la a republican in this county who will admit that he will vo-.o frr Wil liams for railroad commlaaloiwr, yet we suppose there are a few hide-bound ores who will. They are not tcllint of it, how ever. Silver Creek Band: Sand feels Justified In supporting George Horst of Polk c.uonty for the office of railroad commissioner, because he has proved himself to ba an honest man, one whom all his neighbors admire and swear by. Scratch that man Williams from off your ticket and give the vote to George Horst. It will do good. Valentine Republican: The Omaha Bee Is strenuously opposing the election ot J. A. Williams, one of the republican candidates for railroad conr.nlssloner. We wouldn't gamble on the chances of a republican candidate after he haa been stung by The Bee. If half of the charges The Bee tnnkes against Williams ba true, ha ought to La defeated! ' Beatrice Bun: The rspuall:n tt the state have branded Judge Williams of Pierce county, one of their cnl'dates for railroad commissioner, as a mn unfit to be entrusted with office, and he will be defeated. This Is a wholesome thlnn; to do. The man who is sailing under false crlors should be defeated, no matter upon what ticket h is running. When the republican party rises high enough above ihe mere matter of getting office to turn out Its black sheep. It will attract a treat niony more Independent voters than It will drive from It. Wlnslde Tribune: We heird Tralto Wil liams make the assertion bet ra a ciov ed house In Randolph that r.e hvd n"t been a candidate for the nomination he got, that ha had never thought of Such a tl lng and never heard of It until he 'ot to the Linden hotel In Lincoln. It would seem that a man must be craxy lo make such assertions In the fact of the proof to the contrary. The, Omaha Bee will probably get a Mttle more Interested In the intller and the forthcoming evidence li liable to retire this man permanently from the political field. rCRSOHAL NOTES. The promoter of the dollar-mark cartoon Is finding how it feels when somebody else adapts the style. It must pain the followers1 ot Hearst and Murphy to note when they call each other liars, how everybody believes tjiem. It would have been Interesting to hear Speaker Cannon's comments when his auto mobile waa held up for speeding while on bis spell-binding tour. Edwin Lv Kressell, formerly of Leydao, .iasa., In charge ot the bridge building for Ins Boeton & Maine railroad, has lived on a railroad car for twenty years. An effort Is being mad by the cltlsena of Spencer, Mua, to got posaewlon of In birthplace of Ellas Howe, inventor of the sewing machine. In that city tor the use of a historic building for the town. Captain George B. Tyson, the Arctic explorer, haa died In Washington. For almost half a century his Ufa waa apent In the Arctic seas, whale fishing axvd in search of the pole, the latter being with tha HaU expedition sent out by the United BUtea In 1871. Frank. L. Butterworth, a noted Yale foot ball player of a few years ago, haa been nominated for state senator to represent the Eighth Connecticut district by the re publicans. Harvard's old-time star half back, Everett J. Lake of Hartford Is the republican candidate tor lieutenant gov ernor of Connecticut. . Secretaries Root and Shaw will addreea the Transmlsalsslppl congress, which will maet In Kansas City, Ma, the latter part of November. . Secretary Root will apeak on the recent Pan-American congress In Rio Janeiro and Secretary Shaw's subject will be "Financial Problems of the United States." F0 OT-SCHULZEMAIDf Sll Men 7 FunLlned Garments This is a picture of a smart loose-fit-ticjj garment, as comfortabla as it is stylish. s Made in several qualities of black Ker. sey, lined with Muskrat, Hamster, Aus tralian Opossum or Squirrel. Full fur lining in the sleeves adds to the comfort of this . garment, while its elegance is enhanced' by the .different harmonizing furs used in the collars. Prices vary according to the quality of the furs used, from $45 to $175. SILVER EJOYIXG A BOOM. WklM Metal Materially rtednees the Lead of Oold. Minneapolis Journal. Colorado Is deeply Interested In the won derful boom In silver which sent the price up to TO cents an ounce. The explanatloi of this spurt In silver appears to be tha while the demand has steadily, thoup. gradually, grown since 1106, there has.,ri; no appreciable .Increase In tha productlo In tha last ten years. While there haa been a large amount of money Invested In mining In that period, tt haa gone Into gold and copper ventures rather than Into the search for the White metal. The gold hunt has been stimulated by the adoption of gold as tha money standard of the gret commercial countries, while copper has been a favorite- object of search because the new uses to which the metal is put dally have found an apparently Inexhaust ible market for It. The price of sliver has atso been stim ulated by the largely noreased demand for It as subsidiary coinage In this country and by the prospects ahead of It in the countries whosa circulating medium Is all. ver and copper. Tha greatest of these it the report that China is about to adopt a mopey system which will, be Imperial. In strong contrast with the old system, which has been for provinces only. The new Chinese coinage may bo based on silver or on gold, but in either event the circulating medium will be silver. Tha Increase In t commerce or tne woria aemanaing meia' money for International exchanges has alo something to do with the buoyant price of tha white metal While it has been assumed that the increased production of gold waa taking care of this, Director of the, Mint Roberts .haa, recently, compiled an estimate of the world's supply of gold money, which Is $160,000,000 less than the usually accepted estimate. He believes the amount of gold which haa been di verted to the art has been understated to something like this amount. ; FLASHES OF FIN. Visitor What are you doing here, my poor man? Convict Time, mum. Baltimore Ameri can. . "You're not the man I thought you weis when I married you?" exclaimed Mrs. Vick-Senn. "No, my dear," he meekly answered, "and I'm not the man I thought I was, either." Chicago' 'Tribune. Uncle Hayrick What were his terms? Uncle Corncrib Ef I'm cured I get mv picture in the papers, an' ef I ain't I gt't the negative. Puck. Bess Jess Is celebrating her golden wed ding. Teaw Tol(ien wedding? Why, phe Just got married. Bess Yes to a fellow worth three mil lionsChicago Record-Herald. "Oh. George," sighed the lovesick mai den, "I'm aure I'm not worthy to be your wife." "Well," replied George, wearily, "I'm not worthy to le your husband, sr we're Jut about evenly matched. Philadelphia Led- r- ; "Do you read the fashion magarlnes?" asked the visitor. "Yes," answered Mlm Cayenne. "Thev often give surh valuable hints on what nut to wear." Washington Star. THE BACHELOR GIRL. Bessie Andrews Dann in Designer. Yes dear, you re inarrl.d hard and faat While I am fancv free. Just think of ail the things you miss That yet may come to me. You have your husband and your home Alack, and none have I; But still fair castles I mny build That almost reach the sky. Mr husband may be dark or fair lie changes every day; Sometimes his hair la gulden brown, Tho next 'tis iron gray. His eyes are black, as dark as night. Or elae are asure blue; And for his living le me think What snail I have him do? At tlmee he Is a business man. With but a month for plav; And then again, with gold galore. All life a liolldav. My house, you know. Is not Ilka yours, But can be moved at will. And oft Is on a mountain ton. Oft by a eliady rill. Or else perched up on a rurged ellft Where waves dash hlg-h snd break. Or yet upon a smiling plain Or by. a sunny lake. And how we travel, ha and I; We visit many lands. While you to your ral fireside Are chained fcy iron bands.. Then ask me not to change my lot, Contentedly I roam. Imagination s fairy realm, ' The unlvorse my burnt, i WI7 footvsy-J-; V AT A . 1 j tr .