Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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A Change of Weather Moans
Change of Underwear
Wc are ready for the cliaiitM Iioiiovc r you aio, with u com plete
stock of undorwpiir. Wliothfr you want si single pannent or
;i complete underwear outfit, the chances nre we can suit you to a
. . . , . .. i 1 ' K'1 'l oil's. 1MX IHI-HIC 1:1c iief-. u-i
nicety. We strongly emphasize the merits of ourdiflYrcnt lines of i inaction. Kxrcssiv,. union wns not r
underwear. Thev were rclcctctl with the efontest-of care over a (,"r7,',ar'1 'T ,1r'T v,",', "h;
. . . . . .- i f out being held. The. horses it Julrd
year ago, beiorc.tho advance in yarns. This means cood under- i tor ronformanmi. .uic. mi round Mon.
wear at lat-t year's .riceS. Horn atoTc failed to do this, which
means higher prices. Buy your underwear at the store that uses
a little forethought and enjoy thcpe low prices. Buy now, hefore
the real firpf cold gnap conies'. ; .
1- For Men , 'J
Natural "wool iinflerwear, shirts etr well.
marl?, ribbed tali; drawer made with
nender straps and double gurnet, all sizes;
extra value at $1.00 each, v ; .
Fin camel's hair tinderwear. shirts fin
ished extra well, ribbed tall; drawers liuvo
double gusset, satin finish at top, woven
srRma and aiispejidcr atraps; all sizes, good
value at 11. TS enth. .
Open Saturday
Howard, Corner
three matinees were Riven; this yenr there
will be a matinee only on Saturday.
Tonight in Eyuth Omaha night and many
visitor fro ti t he Magic City are expected.
HOME! OF THE II KJ HE ST M,A Have it Hard Time of It
Picking; the Winners
Brilliant beyond expectations, with the
beat of horses ever shown lii the west,
with the Auditorium filled with the
largest crowd which, ever gathered on
the Brat night at a Horse Show In Omahi,
the third annual Horse Show opened last
night under moat favorable circumstance
In aplte of the rain, which kept many
away. The crowd was splendidly gowned,
the judging waa satisfactory," the entries
high-class, the Auditorium beautiful and
everybody vim happy, ' ,
Th official VnHlnv 4ha vnnlr 1 . cr I n
ning lMfnlghtwa O, P. Uplegra'ft. mat- !
tr of eeremonles; .AV. A. Austin, super
intendent of arena, ' and George IT. Wll
klna, general manager. The Judges were
Hpeocer Borden of Fall River, Mass.;
Harrtnon L. Van Bchalrk of Chlcano and
3. M. Kuykendall of Denver. The vet
erinarians are J. H. McNeil of the Iowa,
Agricultural -college at Amea and J. H.
Gain of the -University of. Nebraska at
Lincoln.. -.' ' , 1
Promptly at' 8 o'clock Bugler Kennedy
sounded the call,' the band playtd, the
gates were thrown open and the crack
four-horse tea-m of Swift and Company
entered the arena. Hounds of applause
greeted the magnificent grays as they
were driven around the. arena. They were
followed by fours, from1' the fltori Brew
ing company and ftiinMetx Bros.' Brew
ins company, v.
The ribbon went where It was expected
by the wiser heads, as the Swift team had
been winning all over the country. These
horses average over rj!. 00' pounds . each
and were procured a.t jn great expenacs,
aa many pairs of hofsefc were bought and
separated before the right ' ones - were
chosen. These four are. part of .a team
of. alx which will be shown later In the
week. "Met' Bros, -were given seoond.
prlxe for their niagirtflcerit blacks.
Saddle Horses Popular.'
The second class of the evening' brought
forth five entriea, being for cobs under
saddle. Miss Helen Cuduhjr rode 1 Con
tralto, a post entry. Touchy,' a chestnut
adding from Arbor Lodge, was ridden by
Mrs. Joseph Cuda-h;.-, while Mr. Cudahy
,ul. DnhK.. riintafn V 1 1 i i im rtht. oCbnel
Galley of South Omaha. Russel Inman
showed ' Dandy. The horses were put
through the required gaits and some splen
did horsemanHhlp was shown, the horses
responding well to the command for a
ihangi! of gait. The Judges experienced
their first difficulty of the week in decid
ing the class, as the entire ring was high
cinss. '
The,' blue ribbon -was tied upon Dundy,
amid "rounds of applause, for Russell was
the only boy In the rlr.g who hnd a good
teed, which lie showed we-ll. Miss Helen
Cudahy with Contralto was given second
prias nd Josi ph Cudahy third with Rub
ber. One of the nioai thrilling sights to the
spectators waa the tandem cIhsb, which
ron oven sisrr ybar.
tua. voruoiri sooTKiira srxirr.
u mt lor er CIXTf YEAH8 b kH.Lto.vt
f li K ( WINU COUU. MKI u tk bat rwaaar it
blAKKHOKA. U14 br Urunl.l. la yu i
la orl4. Ma aura aaa aak lar
uaa a kkaJ - M aaaia a katua
iJO-ll Ho. 13th St. '
Sri atowry ox half
-up into two and one
KaN cua oi bHUa water.
ak ' aa tade sad boll IS
auntitca. M loo thick adj bo3-
mf water. Snn Ho4 wah crean
A. i lia. . ii . i
'. BHifuv v. nm cvta n aakea a
ilfJitioua lttacheua duh, fnrd and aerej
with sj-jp. N'lneriiut d.wi.y duatr oVm
aa Ur pr,itd wait trua i.i
nee, October 22, 1906. t
j- !
. . : : ; . . For Women
.-'Fine . ribbed all' wool veetd. light weight.
su-lhiirh net k. Ions nlwwi drawers to match.
ankle length, made with French bands,
natural color; $1.0 each.
, Fine ribbed vests, heavy weight, high
lierk, long sloeves: drawer to match,
stiklo length, r-tt Mr r frtam or natural color;
tec encli.
Mnln Moor.
Sixteenth Street.
was brought Into the ring promptly on the
scheduled time. The Ove entries were A.
V. Brandels. Omaha; W. H. McCoid,
Omaha, Lawrence Jones, Loulsvllle, Ky.;
George Pepper, Toronto, Can., and Crow
Murray, Toronto. Here again was the
competition strong, for the large stable
had brought forth the best they had to
win the plnudits'of the assembled throng.
The JudREB had to .call on each entry for a.
second time before any decision could be
reached. Measurement was alsn. railed for
the Crow & Murray and the Brandes
entrica, for the cla called for the wheeler
to be 15.2 hands or under. The Brandels
wheeler was found to be too tall, but foxy
"Jim" Murray had his horse stretch fo as
to bring him within the limit. W. II. Mo
Clord waa given the blue ribbon with
Rajah and Lord Cecil, Murray got second
wun ins i-resident and Honor Bright, the
OTm3 w'--h won last week at Kansas City
uiu liu Baltimore, the crack of the
stabler The.
Jones entry
third. , , .
.ld Hand for Roadsters.
The long-tailed roadsters were given a
rousing reception when the call waa mado
for this class. --Three -pair- were 'entered"-'-Harry
M. and tiarry Grattan, belonglnv
to W., g. Cowles of Ashland, 111., and
driven by himself; Emma R. and The
King, Don Riley's famous winners, from
St, Joseph, driven by H. TV Price. The
other pair was a combination being Alice
Wilkes, belonging to I. C. Byrne of
Omaha, and Mlsa Pickwick, belonging to
George Pepper of Toronto. The blue rib
bon was given to Don Riley, the red. to
Mr.' Cowles and h yellow to Mi, Byrne.
The main event of the -evening was
in class seven, for a purse of 1500, given
by the Union Stock Yards company of
; South Omaha for the best gig horse. The
, horses In this class bad to be practically-
sound and wore Judged by their adapta
' blllty to a. for heavy harness work.
Style, . action, pace, conformatjon. and
j manner were especially considered.' Eight
norses racea tne juages, and here was
the real . congest of the evening. Mrs.
Thomas MiUon drove Bonnie . Briar, the
horse which had won tbe event at the
St. Paul Horse Show.' Weir & Rogers
showed The Laird O'cochpen, W. 11. Mo
Cord had Lord Oeell atid Only One en
tered and Lawrence Jones exhibited Gal
lant Lad. Oeorge Pepper had Crelghton,
the winner In many a ring the horse
bought from C. H. Crelghton of this city
and named after Mr. Crelghton. . Crow A
Murray chon Honor Bright from their
stable to try for honors In this class, for
this .was the horse which had won for
them at Kansas City last week before
a large field, beating the cracks of the
Gallant Lad of the Lawrence Jones stable
was chosen as the beet. Only One, belong
ing to Mr. McCord, second, and Honor
Bright of Crow & Murray's stable third.
When asked wherein Gallant Lad had ex
celled that ling, of horses one of. the Judges
said: "His manners, his conformation, his
way of going. In fact, he's a gentleman,
that fellow.'; That there were two horses
in this cliis which won over Honor Bright
demonatrates the quality of the horses
which are being shown here this week.
, First Local Uveat,,
Omaha women appeared in the
arena for the .next
event,'i which whs for
saddle horses, 14.3 hands or over,
to be
ridden by a woman, all entries to be local.
Mrs. Joseph Cudahy of Nebraska City
rode Toughy, Mrs. K. A.i Nash rode her
horse Bijou, Miss Franoet Nasb rode Lady
Bubble, Mrs.- L. F. Crofoot rode Gena B
and Miss Helen Cudahy rode Contralto.
Some good horses were shown In this class
and Speiieer Burden, who wa sole Jude'
for tbis rln.xB, had to tis his little book
Just as soon as the Kousekeerjers of
America, know that
Cereal VITOS. the
of the Wheat, can
grocers, that one 1
12 lbs of creamy white delicious
rood, its consumption may even over
tax the production of the mam
moth Pillsbury - Washburn
the world.
a .N
has it
ngurlns; out the winner. He finally .1.-
cliWl to give tii blue ribbon to Mi Nash.
tli red to Mli-s "n.l tli- anj the V'lipw to
I Mr. Joseph CimImIiv. .v
II i he nmn In
this Ihks wer. i tili ndiil horsewomen mid
j hamllnl the'
moiiiMs In a p'ttnticr never
oerote seen
In llu' wrff. All have brut
cuns'rletialili. V 4 1" rt in i' In li.linu nnd flrlv-
Ins; and handled tlv UikM rplrlted ln.isis
i with ins? and grtv c.
Tbe locsl riinthout c'ha- lirmiitit our
th n?ja!r.. '1,
with cmt si Naimb. tit Arbor iik-
entry from Nehraskn " 1 1 y
driven by Jo-
senh Cudahy, was third. j
The cnmblmit! . minus debited rounds,
ff applause for the i(Trrmt horses shown.
The horse was required Id bo suitable j
for foth snddlo and harness purposrs. and
ws fliTt shown to an appropriate vehicle
and Judged ns a harness horse; he Was
then unharnessed In the rltiK and fhn?n
and Judged under saddle at w.illt, trot find
canter. The horse bent suited for both
purposrs was to be piljudg-ed the winner.
Poetry of Motion, the unbeaten rheslnut
gelding of the Iwrence Jone stable, rid
den by Mr. Roberts, was declared trje win
ner; Morning Glory, shown by O. L.
Crawford of St. IxjuIh, was second, and
Glcndale, eGoipe Pepper's brown e;eldini,
was third. Other entries were Kllisrney,
Adoph Stnra, Omaha Rubber. Joseph Cud
ahy; Highball, a. W. Mrsrcflth. Omaha,
and Gladys L., Hull Bros., Versailles, Ky.
Fonr-ln-llnnds Kirltln.
Plenty of excitement was furnished
when the four-ln-ljands were brought In.
The Jones entry, with Mr. Roberts driving,
waa the first to appear and, a' line being
cntiKht, he pearly tore a porner from the
Auditorium. After Mr. Roberts had been
-extricated the McCord entry appeared with
Mr. Marshall of the firm of Tlchenor &
Co. of Chicago driving. A new horse in
the lead became fractious and excited by
the music and raring, cut his tongue, which
made him unmanageable and he ran away.
Mr. Marshall was unable to handle the
four and they were given the gate for
manner An exciting episode occurred
after the ribbons had been awarded In this
class. The Jones entry was given first
and Murray second. After the ribbons had
been placed Murral started his four at a
road clip midst the cheers of the crowd.
He was called down by the Judges and
ordered back to the ring to drive at a
park gait, ..which Is slower than the road
gait. Murray responded ml'drt the loudest
applause of .the evening.
The Jumpers excited the usual Interest
and several of the Jumps wert made clean-.
so tbe Judges had to make their decisions
on the conformations of the hor?es. The
final event each plght is a Jumping class
and this seems to take well with the peo
ple of the west,, where not, as many Jump
ers are seen as In, some of the eastern com
m unities. It Is really a thrilling sight to
tc the powerful hunters and Jumpers
carry a heavy man over the bars when six
feet in the air.. The style of this event' Is
changed each niRhfr
Class 75, Business Horses First prlxe,, ISO
cup, Swift and Company; second prise,. $
euo, !ets nrewina; cornpanv.
50, Dandy, ridden by the owner, Russell
Inmnn: aeoona prixe, xw. Contralto, ridden
by Miss Helen Cudnhy; third priise, lliO,
Rubber, ridden by Josenh M. Cudahy.
-Class 8a, Tandeme-Flrst prize. $100, Y. II.
Aiccora, ?niry nriven oy w. it. Mccord
second prixe, lt',0, Crow & Murray, entry
.driven by "Jim Murray; third -prixe, li,
Lawrence Jones, entry driven by W. . D.
Class 4, RoadKters. Standard ' or Non
standard Trotters First prise, $HX)Emina
iv. biiu j ne imfik. ifon xtuey, i. josepn;
onven dv ii. a. t rice, second prlxe, tm,
Harry M. and Harrv - Orattan. W. J.
Cowles, Anhlund, ill.; driven by Mr. Cowles.
Third prixe, 40, Alice Wilkes and Mis
'ickwlck. owned by Mr. Byrwe . and Mr.
r-enper: driven by atr. Byrne. .
Class 7. HarneHS Class, Single Horse to
Gig, Style, Action, Pace and Conformation
Clnsiaered First prlxe, l.itX). Gallant Lad,
Lawrence Jones, Louisville, Ky. ; driven by
m. ji. rumens, fieconn prize, i;t, uniy
One, W. 11. McCnrd. Omaha; driven by
James Forehead. Third prixe, $75, Honor
Bright, Crow & Murray, driven by James
Clasp 59, SHddle Horse to be Ridden bv
a Woman. Local First prixe, $3, ljidy
jsonoie, miss iHsn, rumen nv miks isasn
second prlxe. $15. Contralto, Fl A. Cudahy
ridden by Miss Helen Cudahy; third prize,
l. loughy. Arbor I-iodge, Nebraska City,
ridden by Mrs. Joseph Cudahv.
Class 31, Runabout Clus. "Local First
prlxe. Sao. Rd.iah. W. H. McCord, driven
dv Mr. Aiccord; second prize, $30, CaBbier.
A. D. Brandels, driven by groom; third
prize, ijii, inuoou. Arbor Lodge, driven by
JoHoph Cudahy.
Class lil. Combination Horses, Suitable
for Harness and Buddie Purooses. Rlddnn
and Driven First prize, J75, Poetry of Mo
tion, Lawrence Jones, Louisville, shown
by Mr. Roberts; third prize, $.ri0. Morning
Glory, G. L. Crawford. St. Iuls; third
prize, tJa, liienuaie; lieorge Pepper, To
ronto, Canada.
Clnus 87, Four-ln-Hands, Horses 60 Per
Cent, Appointments 60 Per Cent First
rise, rw, iawrence jones; entry driven
by .v. H. Roberts; second prlxe, IslO. Crow
x nurray, entry ariven ry James Murray
v.iass s, minvrs, ugnt Weight, to
Carry up to 16 Pounds First rjrize. K..n
Toy, E. H. Weatherbee. New York; second
prixe, tav, wasp, crow ft Murray, Toronto
third prize. t-W. Myopia, George Pepper. To
roniu, unaoa
All of the Klahty-Three Ot-capled
llirnlnx Mwht.
Following is a list of the occupants of
the boxes on the opening night at the
Horse Show:
Box 1 Mr. uiid Mr. Thomas J. O'ltiion
Pillsburv's Best
White Heart
now be had at all
5c. package makes
the largest in
M1r Grace Iv.ran. Mis Vn to O'Brien.
H.'X Z-.Mr. II. M. Peters, Dr. 8. 'N. Hoyt,
.Mr. and M. II. N. I'eters.
Hnx JA Mr. .and - ir. S. Fredrick
Hn S Mr. -h'irl F. t?h w.'Mrs, t'harles
Shew, Mi !,: Slisw. ,
M'X -A. Hiiiants. j Hi-ynoMs. C.em ae
'VUltnms, li AlelSRer., ,'W. Kims, Mrs.
Mr-tsar-r. Mrtter Mvpin fclios. - .
Box .V-W. L. Park. Mrs. W. L. I'srk. Mrs.
C. A Dill.
Box 1-P. K. Her. Captain and Mrs. R. 1
Box l..-Dr. snd Mrs. Gllmore, Mr. and
Mix. A. .?. Hrntoii.
Box 11 Mm, 11 MrCormlik. Miss Mo
t'orniick. Miss Alice MrCormlck, Mr. W. A.
C. Johnson of St. Paul.
pox IS John I,. Webster. Mrs. John K
Wfbfter. MlM Peck of Chicago, Miss Web.
st or. Karl Gannett.
Box 1-Mr. snd Mrs Charles Metx. Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Met. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Mia. Richard Metx 8lemnn, llernnn Metx
B.TX lf Mrs. A. Wiedemann. Mrs. II.
Colliding. Mrs. Altert King. MIbs Catherine
King. Mr. William King. Mr. Albert King.
Ir. Howard Gouldlng.
itox in iwr. una mix. c. m. npeim. wun
.,. a, i.i i n. , . I-,. Lintllll.' .
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. O. Beem. Mis Kntherlne
leenon snd Mrs. Miller of I,afnyette, Ind
ri'A 1 1 s en. won Mrn. . . r,. luni, tnr,
lid Mrs. George F. Bldwell.
Box 1 Mr. and Mrs. Byrne. Mr. and
Mrs. C. D. Kelkr, Miss Esther Byrne, Mr.
i Byrne.
riwriiil Mr. and Mrs. Edward I'udike.
Miss Cpdlke, Mr. nnd Mrs. N. B. I'pdlke.
nox is Mrs. iiargens. Miss Monicr, Mt,
and Mrs. A. L. Mchlrr. -
Box 20 Mr. and Mrs. Jdhh N. Paldwln.
Miss Geneve If. Baldwin. Mrs. Charles
Stewart of Council Bluffs., Mr. K. W.
lart of Council Bluffs. Mr. George F.
Wright of Council Bluffs.-' ' '
Box 21 Mr. and Mrs. C. 'N. Robinson,
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Hatpmer.
Box 22 Mr. and Mrs. O. P. lStoorhesu,
Miss Gertrud" Moorhead. Miss Ruth Moor-
ead. Mr. E. A. Crelghton. Mr. H. L.
Box 23 Mr. and Mrs. It. 11. Bramlls. Mr.
nd Mrs. A. D. Brandels, Miss Ruth Bran-
eis, Mlsa Gladys Hlonian, Mr. r,ueiman.
Box Hi Mrs. -Mil PimuHh. Mrs. r . 11.
Davis, Miss Davis, Miss Brady, F. H.
Davis, T. L. Davis.
nox as Mr. and Mrs. v. ixxmiis.
Mrs. Frank B. Johnson, Miss Marlon John
son, with Mr. and Mrs. A. I.. Keen.
Box 28 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Cudahy,
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Kountze. Mr. and Mrs.
larry F. Wilklns, Mr., and Mrs. George
I. Palmer.
Box 27 Mrs. J. E. Summer,- ir., mips
BiMhop, Mr. and Mrs. R. U- II. Bell, Miss
Louise Perk, Mr. W. F, McMillan, Dr.
Brldgi-s. Mis. Peck.
Box 31 Mr. and Mrs. W. D. uancKer,
Mis. R. C. Howe. R. 8. Howe.
Box SIA'-Mr. and Mrs. I F. Crofoot. Mr.
and Mrs. J. M. Daugherty, John and Fred
rick Dmigherty.
Hox 82 Mr. and Mr. F. s. cowgm, Mr.
and Mrs. W. II. Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs.
. P. Oulou. '
Box 33 Mr. and Mr.' W. J. C. Kepyon,
Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Poppleton. Mrs. F. A.
Nash, Mr. .Jerome iMagce, Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Cotton.
Box 33A Miss Jeanne Wakefield, Miss
Ella Mae Brown. Mr. Heth. Mr. Cockee.
Box 34 Mr. and Mrs. William O. Gilbert,
MrsL LeRoy M. Taylor, New York; Mr.
Hurry K. O'NclU. ' -
Box 34A Mrw. J: PC. Clafknon. Mis Grace
Clarke, Papilliiii: Miss. Helen Forbes, Miss
Msrgnret MoPhersn.
rlox A-Mrs. w. t:. iiarxe. misk nor-
ens Clark, Mr. and Mrs. William Gordon,
Sioux City. IfU
nox 3 Mr. and Mrs. J. w. unmin. ur.
and Mrs. F. j. Conner. -
Hot St.A Mr. anif- Mrs. H. I.. Danforth.
JdiSM Bee Taylor, R, H. Manley.
Hoi I'-Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bmitn, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Smith.
Box 38A Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Yates,
Mrs. Edward C:''Smth, H. W. Yates, Jr.
nox 3D Mr. a-na airs. rj. A. tjuanny.
General and Mr ' Cowln, Miss Helen
Cudabj-; Mlas'Allqe , Cudahy, Miss Florence
Curtahp.- , '"'-"'.,. .. ;
Hox 40Mr; attd Mrs. G. M. Hitchcock.
Mips Ifitchcock, Miss .Balcortihe, Mr. and
Mrs.. H. Poorly. '
Box 42. rs. J. M: Metcalf. Mrs. Harry
P. Whitmore, Mrs. J. H. Hertsche.
Box 43 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Darlow, Mr.
and Mrs. Victor White.
Box 43A Mr. and Mrs. u. W. Wattles,
Mr. and Mrs. J. R, Scoble.
Box 44 Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Davis, Omaha;
Dr. and Mrs. ,T. P. Livingston.-' Platts-
mouth. ' r." . "j ..
Box 44A-Mr. ;and Mrs. . A. H. Rawltzer.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Thelnhardt, Mr.
arid Mrs. N. F.iftohrer.
tjox .'-mv. naniiier.nosrora, nr. vt niara
D. Hcsford, Mollne, III.; MIbs Faith Pot
ter. Mls-s Marie Crounae, Mrs. George N.
Peck, Mr. M. Peck.
Box 40 Mr. aud Mrs. Merrlam. Marion
Hughn, Miss Merrlam, Nathalie Merrlam,
Barton Millard 'Junius Brown, Arthur
Ja-nm. , v(. ,
Box 47 Mr., and Mrs. .John M Larson.
Mr. and Mis. Frank Barrett.
Box 4 Mrs. Bfei-kenrldae. Mrs. Baker.
Miss Peters; Mrs, Rappal, , Chicugo; Mrs.
Box 4 Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Burns. Mrs.
K. C. McShane, Miss Mary Lee MoSbane.
rea llHiiillton. Mr. and Mrs. w. J. Foye.
Box oo Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard Baldrlge,
Mr. and Mrs. XV. J. Connell; A. C. Gould,
Boston. Mass.; Miss Marlon Connell.
Box 51 Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Paxton. Mr.
and Mrs. H. T, Clarke, Jr.,, Mr. and Mrs.
AV. r . Allen.
Boxv 62 Mrs. .Toseoh Barker. Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Barton. Harrv T. McCormlck.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Remlngion.
Box 53 Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stewart. 1r. ;
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Meeeath, Frankllm
Pa.: Mr. nnd Mrs. Ward Burgess.
Box 54 Mr. and Mrs. M T. Barlow. Mr.
and Mrs. W. B. Meikle, Mr. and Mrs. W.
T. Page. '
Box 55 Mrs. J. H. Pratt. Mr. and Mrs.
Vlnsnnhaler, Milton Williams. Mesera.
Hox 5i Mr. and Mrs. c. II. crelghton,
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Crelghton. Dr. and
Mrs. C. C. Allison.
Box 5i Mr. and Mrs. Ed Swobe, Mr. and
Mrs. A. Q. Klmler.
Box 68 Mr. and Mrs. Gejrge A. Joslyn,
Mr. and Mrs. Coutant, o. A, Seabeny,
Milton Darling. '
Box 59 Mrs, William Hayden. Mrs. Ed'
ward Hayden. Mrs. Sweeney, Misses Hay
den, Master Walter Hayden.
Box tw Mr. and Mr. C. R. Tyler. Mis
Marion Tyler,; Mrs. Ryburn of Council
Bluffs. .
Box H-.-Mr. and Mrs. XV. H. White of
Cincinnati, A. tl. Moore srd wife of Kan
sas City, Mr. and Mrs. George Robert of
Box w Mr. and Mrs. Clement Chase. Miss
Citrmelltu Chase. Miss Mildred Rogers.
Box 71 Mr. and Mrs. C. J. lngwersen,
Mr. unrl-Mrs. II. O. Edwards.
B'.x 73 Mr. nm; Mr- M. Rtiirlny. Miss
Sophie Shirley. Mrn Flora Scott of Crelghton.-
Neb.; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mil her.
Box 7i Mr. und Mrs. J. C Marl in, Mr.
tj,wrence Sldwcl, Mr. Clifford Peck of
Concordia.' Kan.
Box 77 Misa Pauline Scheuck. Miss Digs
limbofer of Siiiuyler. Noli ; Mr. R. S.
Green, Mr. O. A. Charters of Chicago.
Box 7-Mr. and Mrs. Edward Riley, Mr.
and Mrs. A. L. Meyer.
Box fnv-Mias Martin of Council IVuTs,
Dr. Claude Lewis of Council Bluffs, Mrs.
Millie Ryan. Mr. E. T. Ryan.
Box S2 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Tanner.
Mr. and Mrs. Ci A. Melciier of South
, Box Kl Mr. and 'Mr.. Edward Munshaw.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Caver of South
MKht Brlasa Oat Via)
Ntaanlnar .
In point of costuming, the third Horse
Show surpassed anything that has pre
ceded it. Some of the handsomest costumes
that have ever been worn in Omaha were
seen in the boxes and on the promenade
nnd worn by uiemliers of tbe fashionable
set, establishing a standard that promises
a week of unsurpassed brilliancy.
Mrs. Arthur Crittenden Smith was one o'
the most striking figures of the evening lo
a rich costume of red velvet made in prin
ters, trimmed with baby Irish lace, with
a novel coat of the velvet falling over the
'boulders ill cape effect, and a large red
velvet hut with sweeping plumes. With
this was worn a diamond nwklace and
sable furs. Mrs. F.dwsrd Smith of St.
Jnxeoh. who came up for the Horse Show
and is the gurft of her mother, Mrs. Henry
W. Vales, was the guest of Mrs. Arthur
Crittenden Smith and was also In red,
her costume being of red broadcloth. Mrs.
l-ioyn rbiiith cbo.-, gray for her gown, and
v.ore a handsome suit of broadcloth witli
silver tiinimingk and a hat to match.
One of the handsomest costume noticed
during the pronnnadp was that worn by
Mrir Alfred J. Beaton, it was a princess
oti f renaissance lace ov-r shell pink
thlfTon. The skirt was ornamented with
u turked flounce with bands of the lace
above snd panels of the lsce Inset vertic
ally. The waist had a yoke of tucked
e'nilTon with bertha of lace, on the left
side of which were little ptnk satin roer,
while the right was adorned with loops
of pink satin ribbon wlih touch- of black
velvet. Over the short puffed leeve rln-
Irhcd at the elUiwa with Imiks of pink
satin ribbon, the lace fill in rippiea and tne
I waist was outlined with heavy cream lace
' i oca. A Ure while lace rmt trimmed
j Willi fold of pink silk and long shaded
' f li'k (.luiiies, wlih ahell pink feather boa
j und muff completed lief costuice.
Miss Marlon Connell. one of the de
I buiantes, who is mood to be Introduced, was
in vellow silk ti limned w!lh Irish lace in
I jacket ifft-Lt, with bioan gloM-a and brown
This is tli week of Onialm' reat Horw 8how, It in lso tlif Rpr-rlal Harpnln Wrfk ( onr new Psjllght
Iiopnrtmrnt Store. Itrmrmbrr we hre n) old Mk, cverytlilnfc 1 new and up-to-date. Vou are Invited to
rail and inspect our new fall lines whether yon imrt hnse or not. HOUSE SHOW RPKC1A1.S FOR Tl'KSnAY:
diiiaranteed Rain Proof, latest full models, colors ox
ford gray, tan, mid-gray, London smoke, olive and
black, geml-fltted, tlht fiulnj? and full black; prices,
$25.00, $22.50. $ 1 8.50, $13.O0. $12.50 Q Qfl
and aaaU
A Great Bargain for Tuesday The $3.50 gray mixed
and plaid Mackintoshes, velvet collar, AQ
double faced, at laT'O
The Stork Catch-all Bibs, line rubber cloth, everything
drops Into the pocket, cleaned in a minute Cfl
after using; price..? ..UC
The largest stock ever shown In Omaha, ages 6 to
14 years, full lengths; prices from f Qt
$16.50 to '. . l.JJ
Be on hand Tuesday and get your choice of three big
lace bargains about 160 bolta of
ciennes lace and insertions. Be to 10c Qual
ity while they last, per yard
Two. and three Inches wide, regular price Be Z
per yard while they last JC
Ladies' and Gents' warranted all linen handkerchiefs,
hand embroidered initials, that will sell every
where for 19c each; special Tuesday, Ifl
each - IUC
Fine bed comforts, prettily covefed, filled with th
finest white cotton, lamb's wool and choice g rjrt
down; each $9N90 to Iv"
hut with long ostrlrh plumes. Over this
was. worn a coat of white chiffon velvet
trimmed with lace and ermine.
Mrs. Edward Porter Peck wore a hand
some gown of i black net and lace over
white Hlk with white hat adorned with
pinnies and white feather boa.
Mrs. J. C. Cowln was attired In a gray
suit elaborately embroidered with bodice
of white lace trimmed in gray, and lnre
black velvet hat, ornamented wih rose
colored plumes and velvet. '
Mrs. LeRoy Taylor of New York, the
guest of Mrs. W. O. Gilbert, wore a hand
some gown of white luce, with while pic
ture hut. trimmed in plumes.
Mrs. W. O. Gilbert was gowned in black
crepe de chene, trimmed In chiffon and vel
vet, with hand embroidery and white lace.
With this she wore a black bat trimmed
with foliage.
Mrs. W. 8. Poppleton was a noticeable
figure In a black velvet princess gown
adorned with Cluny lace, with a large black
hat trimmed with plumes.
Miss Mildred Merrlam was an attractive
figure in a pretty gown of champagne silk
hand embroidered in the same shade, with
touches of light blue velvet. Willi this was
worn an imported champagne hat with
plumes, and a long scarf.
Miss Natalie Merrlam was all In white,
her gown being of white silk,. trimmed nmn .
, . ... n.i.,, (,.., uli), ,,l,,tiien cum-
lace, a io.iiv w.m-c .. , -
pleling her costume. '
Noticeable on the promenade was the
costume worn by Mrs. J. H. Pratt an Lin
plre princess gown of violet satin. Hie
skirt, made with tunic effect, had a wide
i,i nf vi, .let luce over while satin above
the hem, bordered with bands of chiffon
velvet. The bodice was adorned with a
vest of lace edged with silver und laven.
der lace and, velvet, and the short puff
sleeves were of velvet, chiffon and lace.
Over this was worn a short coat of chltTou
velvet, trimmed with silk cord and tas
sels, silver braid and buttons. Au ermine
collar, and imported black mullne turban,
with sweeping black plumes, completed her
costume. , .
Mrs. James Love Paxton was much ad
mired in a princess gown of Alice blue
velvet with bodice of Irish luce over silver
cloth, trimmed in velvet. A smart touch
was given the coat by the vest and collar
of absinthe ireen velvet, braided with gold
and silver. A picture hat of black molie.
with one long, sweeping plume, completed
her costume. .i,it
Mrs. K. 11. Sprague Gown of white
silk and lace, with white luce tout and hut
of white lace, trimmed with plumes..
Mrs. A. R. Kirk of Chicago, who Is tbe
guest of Mrs. K. H. Sprague, and was
with Mrs. A. L. Reed, was gowned in
white silk, with white feather boa, and
black velvet hat, with plumes.
Mr. XV- J. Connell White tin (Ton
rown embellished with Irish lace.
white hat. trimmed Willi bl
Mrs. Henry W. Yates Handsome gown
of durk blue velvet, heavily braided, with
flower hut in shades of blue.
Mrs. Robert F. Gllmore Suit of Bor
deaux, radium silk, in princess styb.
trimmed with Irish crochet luce, and
black bat, trimmed with plumes and
roses; Marihout boa and handsome ecru
1UMrsW. F. Allen Suit of white Pan
ama cloth adorned with baby irisu i.u
und having a waist of Irish lace; black
but. with plumes. '
Mists Anna Bishop- Costume of llu' K
and white radium silk, trimmed with
bands of black and white;, black hut. with
blue feathers. .
Miss Louise Peck Pretty gown of
green and blue changeable voile, trimmed
with luce; black hat, with plumes.
Mrs. Robert H. B. Bi ll AH bliuk cos
tume of net over sill. and black hat, with
Jong plumes.
Mr. O. P. MiKiiin ad -Black reniilance
hue gown over white satin, trimmed wi'h
velvet an.l Jef black hut, adorned with
ellver braid and aigrettes.
Miss Ruth Moorhead Gown of lavender
chiffon cloth, trimmed with lace and ittlt
braid; pink hat. with long plumes: while
cori, trimmed with fur und old rose vel
vet. , .
Miss Gertrude Moorhead Gown of white
taffeta and voile, trimmed with luce; black
velvet hat, with white nlumes.
Mrs. K. McCormlck Black taffeta silk
gown, trimmed with black appUiiue: black
tulle bonnwt.
Miss McCormlck Suit of white broad
cloth with haiidsomi: coat of white Irish
lace: 'pink picture hut, with long plumes.
MWa Alice MeCormtck-lmported gown of
grav voile, trimmed In applique In tiie
coral shades; while brorulclntii eout and
while lace hat, with pinnies.
Mrs. Nathan Merriam Costume of blue
trimmed with plumes; black broadcloth
Miss K'la Mae Brown wore a beautiful
gown of pink figured crepe de chine, elab
orately trimmed with Valenciennes lace in
sertion and rutlles. t nibruidcrcd in yellow.
with large pink hat, attorned wltn
France ruses. A pink feather boa and blue
broadcloth coat completed her ,su1''''-
m-nrn liv Mrs. W .1. '. Kf-fMI-? v l"e OS
rtiwn of k- linmeilng pink IK, ttlinmed w h
late with touches of yellow. With tins was
worn s brown velvet turban trimmed with
long, iilark plumes and gold Imckfe, brown
a r
"There's Reason.'
Our $10.00 Hat Special.
Our regular $16.00 and $18.00 hats, some of these
are trimmed with beautiful ostrich CIO
plumes; special this week vlU
$5.00 Hat Special.
A hat at this price is always in great demand, and to
make it' possible for every lady to have a new hat
for the Horse Show, we have put this re- C C
markable price on these; special ihls week. . . tysJ
We will place on, sale Tuesday ladles' extra heavy
combed cotton soft fleeced vests and drawers, a
good value at 66c; sale price Tues- A.fl m
day, each ,,i.,.,,,.tOC
High trade pure silk ladles' underwear. The
first requisite of dressing well is comfort. Under
wear that fits perfectly ki the foundation of comfort.
Swiss ribbed wool and Swiss ribbed silk underwear Is
admitted to be perfection in fit and finish.
Our Ladies SwIns Ribbed Heavy Weight Union Salts
in pink, blue and white sell at $7.00, J.nA
$5.50. $4.50 and xUlf
Our Ladies' Swiss Ribbed All Wool Union T C A
Suits, white(and natural, sell at JDf
2 -pound feather pillows, covered with good ticking
and filled'With fine feathers, worth 75c AC
each; Tuesday only, each TT JC
72 and 81x90 sheets, made of a soft finished - Afl
muslin, worth 59c each; for Tuesday, each. T"0C
imported Valen
October 22. 23, 24, 25, 26 2nd 27
Evenings at 8 Saturday Matinee at 2
With Promenade Privilege.
The World's Best Harness Horses.
Kentucky's Best Saddle Horses.
Means Money In Your Pocket.
w ara th only school that provides eomplBtt,
prat-tii-Hl, mo'iry -earning and moncy-aavln train
ing by mall, in operating, repairing, cona'ructliig
and deiignlng avary kind of motor vthtclt.
to drtM Motor fur. to ope
rata th Bttrriug Wheel. Lav
em tad Pedals, but you .-an
uavar t a competent rhauffaur,
never be aafe on the road,
never able to (Iv your auto
tun bile proper ca ra u n laaa you
have a thorough knowledge
of moior-rehMe, construction
and mechanism. Our eya
teoi offer the only practical
Klnlehlna: leuona oti the road
method of lAumlng.
or In our ehooe If desired. Our Kmployment Bureau
provurea lucrative poattlona for our graduate.
To Chauffeur. Driver. Automobile Englneere, Me.
chaolfB, Repairmen and IteKtgnera. 10.000 motor
vehicles sold In the Vnited rHatee tlita year. Greater
prooductlou' lu lfw.7, creating great demand for com
petent automobile men. Writ fur termi with free
nample of Leenons Pepr. Dictionary of Motoring
With atreet, New . Yurk City.
Fingers roughened by needlework
catch every stain and look hopelessl"
dirty. Hand Sapolio removes not only
the dirt, but also the loosened, injured
cuticle, and restorew tbe tlagtn to
their natural beauty.
Hloves and black ostrich feather boa and
One of the handsomest costumes worn
was the American Beauty (town of MIsm
Flora Welwter. It was of chiffon, trimmt-d
with wide, bands of American Ileauty velvet
and ermine. With tills was worn a picture
list and ermine furs.
Mrs. Ada tVirnlsli llertMchft White gown
lth white hat trimmed in plumes arid
ermine furs. -
Awarded Highest Honors for Beat
Decorated Horae Ihon Windows.
The Bennett company won first pile for
the b?st decorated Horse Show windows,
this being the third successive triumph.
The management of . the Omaha Horse
Show nssiM-ltttlon offered six prises to en-
i courage the merchants to decorate their
I windows ami the competition has been
keen. J. M. Gillati, manager of the Audi
torium, who was In Kansas City lnt week,
said the windows of thjit city In no way
equalled the diuplay made by the Omaha
The winners were:
First Prise-Eight-seat box. lh Bennett
conipat y.
Hi rood Prise 8lx-sht box, Bir,.1e!s.
Third Prise Four-seal box, Thompson &
Fourth Prixe Two season tickets, Brown
Inu'. King & Co.
Fifth Prlxe -Two season tickets. Black,
the hatter.
Hlxth Prlxe Reason ticket to decorator of
firnt-prlxe window. Ambrose.
Piles I vrtd In u to I Das.
' Paso Ointment Is guaranteed to cura any
i case of llchlng. Blind, Bleiliig or ProiruU
' lug piles in to to 14 daya or mun-y jefutidad.
I toe.
Diphtheria In Maaaarhiiaelts.
WORCESTER. Mass. Oct. r.-The mi
serious aiiidemic of tliphtherla In tlii
t I
sane IT a-H MiL iiert I
boii rd of
health fur U.e vfk ju-t
in on
SZ3 Bg3. vs. tggiax
to All
laierse mbu
The Wizard of Oz
Commencing Thursday and rnst of ths
week Sat ijrday matlnne Thi DIs
UiisTUished Musical Com
edy Success
Coming Thro' The Rye
Presented by
In Willis Collier's Farce,
Next week: "Alice of - Old Vlu-
cennes. Monday nlslit. Oct. 29, liOiti
Monday night
Performance Souvenir
Photv vl Miss
"Phone Doug. 494. .
Every Night Matinees Thur., Sat., Sun.
p.ROS. and the KINODRoME. .
PRICES 10c, ffic, 6oc.
Touight 8:16. Matluas Wednasdsy
The play that has matle millions '
McFadden's Flats
3 L -rs rJZ "iK-
1510 Howard St.
The Only Popular-Priced
Restaurant in the City
For Lunch fterthe I!or9 Show
dav eiirht riws came to the notice, of the
oti'iciaia and firtv-to fainllU-s arc now In
quarantine effecting tiie attenlane of fif
teen schools in the city. The total noni-
...uu I 14 lit- I 'lurk.
I .T- .t . , I " ' ' I " - . . .
man of the Hoard of Hnlth, says that the
tilseiiae is virulent. -V
To Caire Col.l Oae Day
Tike Laxative Bromn Quinine Tasiets.
Iirot--rlte refuud raoney If It falls to cura.
l . Vf. Cruvs's algnaturs is on aach bo. 2o