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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1906)
10 TIIE OMAHA DAILY V.LE: TUESDAY, OCTORKR 2.1, 1006. J ..9 Sheet vdsic la Arcade Optical Cept. in Kiw Stcn TUESDAY Positively the most extraordinary bargains ever offered anywhere in America in high grade PORTIERES and COUCH COVERS The tremendous stock we bought was much too large to display in one day. We bring forward new goods in new patterns for luesdafs selling. Bar gams as extra ordinary as on Monday. $25 Veloiir and Velvet Portieres at $2.98 Each In every desirable color no better or more beautiful portieres made to sell at $25 per pair. Rich heavy Irapy T93 effects all in pairs, hut we sell them in pairs or single, at, each $7.50 Extra Large and Heavy Couch Covers at $2.98 Each Oriental and Persian effect couch covers usually sell up to 98 $7.50 each, Monday... w Portieres at $1.93 Pair All the tapestry portieres in va rious styles and kinds, long heavy fringe effects, f QO ' usually priced at $3.50 a pair, at, a pair IU Tapestries, worth up to $1.00 a yard, v at, yard mJv Such wouderful bargains as these may never occur again. Many of these fine couch covers and portieres go at about one-fourth their real value. NOTION SALE Alala fc-Naw 8 tore. 10c DeLong Hooks and Eyes, per card Assorted Lots of Coach Covers at $1.25 Each Vari ous grades and weaves odd lots, 1, 2 and 3 of a kind- big bargain at, - fl25 each I- 17th and Douglas St. Uur . y Bakery Goods & are the finest in the city $ jjj more than this they are al- j ways moderately priced. N 8 we emnlnv nnlv flip mnst pt. $ pert bakers i in our great model kitchen. M Our Meat Market Klelnert's Feather weight drees shields, (sire 3), per I'll pair :.. UC fjc Blx-cord machine cotton, 200 yd spools, at 10c Melba taffeta seam binding. No. 2, at lc ip am 7c Spool silk, black, white and colors, three spools for 15c Warren's silk cov ered featherbone,Ji colors, only, yd . . i C Good quality scissors alt sizes, per pair 5c 9c 5c Three yards cotton tape, all width, f for 1C Pearl head hat pins will go at, 9 each JC Safety pins, all sizes, three dozen for 5c J q saves your meat bill every b day. Housekeepers declare K g they save nearly one-third J in buying their meats here, bj 3 Never were tenderer, juicier, 5 sweeter meats placed on any 2 table. . Everything in this p meat market is sanitary. COVRTNEY SELLS 55 Table Wines $ California Claret, . 25c hot H tie, or $2.75 dozen. 3 Leading Brands of Imported r HORSE SHOW VISITORS will be .very welcome to sprnd a few , minutes in our store. Come In and look around whether you wish to purchaee or not. L.00U for the name S. W. LINDSAY, JEWELER. 1516 Douglas Street. It- IOC fiMlOT '. r" H coq1 delicious, satisfying smoks one that will banish your cares and tnnJks life worth living, be sure and call for the old reliable F. R. Rice Mercantile Cigar Co.. Manufacturers. St. Louis. HOT ELS. Mel mwm Broadway, Filth Ave. and 27Ui St., New York la a mo4arn. flrat-claaa hotal. In the cen ter of the chopping dtetvlot. Complete la all Ita appointments a;a baolutV.y flre- rroaf. Furnishing and decorations irely new throughout. Accommodations for W0 suests; 160 suites with bath. Hot and cold water and telephone In evry room. European plan. Cuisine unex celled. Roorai H 60 a day up, with bath C60 up. The only haul In Manhattan fronting both on Broadway anal Fifth Ave. OKOROB W. IWIBNET Freprtatae LAFAYETTE I IOTBL frrj! Champagnes, quart. 2.65$ y Imp. Cognac Brandy. $1.25 $ I King William Scotch. $1.85 Old Crow (bottled in bond) i at ...... $1.10 q y Cohasset Punch . . ! . .$1.25 $ Man-land "Whiskey (gallon) . $3.00 & g , , ) 3 Separate Cntraneaa te Courtney's- R & 17 St., Douglas St and threugh f'; X Brandel' West Areid. 2 J 17th and Douglas Streets Phone Douglas 647. v; Obrlvate) . Excang.; Connects all Do. Q N parm.nls Q -r- RADIANT HOME 4J a r ' ' 3 r I " ' , I i jf'?MiwY'a '3JSa V"''"1"""" " .i.ii.i.i.w" v .. ; SEHI-ANTHR1C1TE GOES UP , Pries ea Arkansas Coal Half Dollar Mot Than Lact Esatss. TRUST STILL ABLE TO MAKE A MOVE DesU the triad of the Heel of thai Ijlww, Soau Life is l.att tm Ita feat take lea. -. . I Ground under the heel of the law, the Vx-aJ Coal trust still finds It possible to wrljfsle around enough to raJne a price or two, Juet to Ipi It eiipinloa know that It till lives. It Is not no bht'ly disabled by having bon made the subject of offlclul in r(iK.lloii that It cannot movr. It has J out decreed that the prlie of st-ml-anthrn-cite cual brought here front Arkansas khill be 8 a ton Instead of )i.50. Thin advance was made by the exchange lust wi-k. at loaat that la the Information derlvi-d from half a doaeit olTltcn They aald other coal had not advanced In price not yet. ' One Joung mau, when asked why t ti it particular Br. I .yonc PCRFCCT Too.Ii Pgvjcig? Clofinsea and' beatitiflea th tbciix and purines ih.9 breath, TTeed by of refinement tr ever a (Jupiter of a contury. Convenient for tourists. , brand hud gone up, replied perhaps with more truth than he knew "I don't know, unless It was that they could just as well get a half dollar more a ton." Owing to the absence of I'ercy O. IIui rter, a grand Juror from Valley, the grand Jury did not hold a session Monday morning. The train from Valley was lata and Mr. Harrier could not get here until sftrr noon. The witneaeos from Eouth Omaha who were summoned to appear will be ex amined in trie afternoon. One Wltaeas Mlaalngr. County Attorney Blabaugh la having aonie trouble finding H. A. Doud, one of the witnesses In the alleged Building Supply trust case. Mr. Doud la out of the city and haa not been served with a summons yet. One more witness In the Coal trust cage remains to be examined before the Jury will complete that part 6f its in vestigation. County Attorney Slabaugh filed a motion Monday morning demanding a apeedy trial of the civil suit against the Coal trust. The motion declarea the case is one of great public importance Just now, because people are buying their winter's supply of coal, and it Is desirable that a free and fair market be established as soon a pos sible. This motion, together with the one tiled by members of the Coal exchange asking the petition of the county lttorney be made more definite, will be argued be fore Judge Troup Wednebday. STEEL RAIIGES The hundreds of users of the cele brated Kadiant Home Bane-Burners will be glad to buy a steel range of the same reliable Radiant Home quality. Every bit of material and workmanship and design in the best and abso lutely guaranteed by us and the fac tory. Top Quality at Special Low Prices Try one of these for thirty days and if not entirely satisfactory we will I take it back without a cent of cost to you and without a murmur from us. Stoves and Ranges Sold on Payments Hilton Roccrs and Sons Co. Fourteenth and Farnamttg. BENSON IS GIVEN LIBERTY Uuse Flead Basprrted of Raaamelhart Mardar Heleaead Hla Alibi. tioorge Uenson, who was arpeaMed in Lin coln on ausplclon of being Implicated In the murder of Josephine Rummelhart, Oc tober f was given hla liberty Monday morning at the lnntance of CUef of De tectives) Bavage. who repeated the ala clurgB of ths prtbviitir. itenaon has bore bold for aevsraj W) a and was subject to the naoat cairfui xajiilnaUou,' but auc-ceeUi-d In pruning an airtight alibi, as aev il teirted that - be as at Weeding Vater on the day of tha commb- as!uu ut the murder. &Ae WolIcs Adding Matchine Is the latest, most modern, up-to-date Adding and Listing Mac blue on the market. It must be seen to be appreciated. Correspondence Solicited. Trial Examination Free. A. L. McCreary Nebraska Agent, l O. ROX 391. LINCOLN.. R-W-S-D-C la guaranteed to cure all aiunmch and bowrl troubles, indlsestion. ilybfcpsia, catarrh of the etomacri and bowel. cnrin ic conKtipalion, biiiuunneft. neruuanas. bloating of the stomatli, belching of gas, coalet! toiig-ne r-at trth. eti-, ttADisa rKTBiciAMs nsKscxiBa rr ll acts ui'Oii the fiioma'.h, Ihiwiji, llvr and kli ln-. ll slunuiten tlie appeiue. puritint lite blood, r.-gulaiea and tones up tlie eutlre yieiu. una box qutrklv piuven v Vii'.ue. price io a tMjx. tto r llruiid ! Ftuie anJ ak lor Kun U Wal ki a ture-W tf'xt-Curn. . OMAHA WKATIIFJl FOKKCAST Tnfeday, 1 air and Warmer J J YCUa MSMET'S WORTH 0 11IM M TOUR M3.1ET CACX. 111! ! UJiiio) li mm aUb ai.iai Jk PeBv mJm Again! Again! Aga For the Third Year in Succession We Win fWL Ve Congratulate Our Competitors and Ex tend Greetings to All Horse Show Visitors Here's Hoping This Great Fashion Event Will Be the Greatest and Best of Any Yet Held. Isiiiieffs Jig . tocery The People's Popular Grocery .25c .20c ..Bennett's Capitol Coffee, potiud package. ... A 2Ac And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Tea, your choice, pound , .48c And Forty Green Trading Stamps. 1 1 Diamond S Preserves, large jar 2Kc jn uu ivsuiy uirru iiauiu o ua uhih. - Navy Beans, eight pounds Red Cross Cream, two cans , And Ten Green Trading Stamps. i ; jBurnham's Clam Chowder, large can 20c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Ginger Snaps, pound 4c Corn, can Be Peas, can . . ' 7c String Peas, can He .Wax Beans, can 8c '. Grape-Nuts, package Bennett's Capitol Oats, package . '. And Ten Green Trading Stamps. ,. Bennett's. Japitol Pancake, package ' And Ten Grten Trading Stamps. Velvet Cocoa Toilet Soap, six cakes Egg-O-See Breakfast Food, package. And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Dr. Price's Breakfast Food, package. . . . , . , And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Honey, pure, pint Jar ' ' c'. And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. " " " ' ' BEXNKTT'S CANDIES. KPECIAI-Criocolatc Chips Several hundred pounds, as long supply lasts, pound-. 20c . " Sold Everywhere at 40c. .10c ,10c- .10c . .25c . . lOc , .10c . .2.c as I1 To every buyer of one dollar's worth A Souvenir or over in Dry Good3' Laies ciaks etc., and Millinery during Horse Show Week (at least 'till supply is exhausted) we will give a pretty French gray finished Souvenir dessert size Spoon. Come early and make sure. FULL DRESS JEWELRY FORTEEnORSESIIOW PEARL STUDS PEARL LINKS PEARL TIE HOLDERS NECKLACES LA VALUERS BRACELETS Crown & Borsheim .. JEWELRS . 222 Sooth IStk St g3gs"" 1 "i ' ,.,.y..'i'a.res,JSs Misses Shoes it K you Js. over-! worked? Feal tired and run down? Troubled vr!th indlges tlun? Restless at night? Are your cheaks pale? Is your blood thin? then Ktora Malt Extract would b a boon to you. It la a delicious, non alcoholic, concentrated liquid tooi and tonic It haa been endorsed . by tha leading- physicians of tha west, and was awarded Gold Medal lor purity and excel lence at rtortland. Ore., Exposition, 10. Write us today for our beauti fully liluatrated booklet (a work of art). It's free. Eurs hbm !Kp't, Onuih. B3 Fur SUa by AH Loading Drusalnts. THE OMAHA DEC West A girl's foot, if properly fitted, will be neat and trim when she is a grown up woman. If we were permitted to fit all the young girls' and misses' feet in Omaha, as we fit shoes, there would not be so many women with 111 shaped feet. - Fitting shoes correctly is an art, and few shoe salesmen can do it as it should be done. We have made it a study for 20 years and employ none but the most competent salesmen, who fit shoos as they should be. Misses' shoes, $3.00 to $2.50. Young women's shoes, $2.60 to $3.00. We've a width and size for every foot. 8 Drexcl Shoe Co. 1419 Farnarn St. - YOUR FIGURE Attend Our Famous Hour Satesl ticadquar'etj fol Speca Sate of Pzttcrn Hals luesday mi THE RELIABLE STORE Ladies' Long Cloves Sample Umbrellas at Half A Great Umbrella Bargain Opportunity, A general clean-up of manufacturer's samples., Several hundreJ to select from, best of rainproof covers, RiVch as CravenettosJ Ami Silk, Silk and Linen, etc., plain or taped"1 edge, fancy wood, metal or born handles, all sizes, worth up to $3 iQ while they last, in 3 lots, St $1.59, 98c, and. . . t! Special Tuesday Hour Sales: : . From 8 Till A. M. Ladies', men's and children's tJolf Gloves, silk lined, fleece lined or unlined, OC regular 50c values, pair . . .a From 8 Till 10 A. M. Ladies' Hose In fast black and grays, good heavy ' weight, regular 15c values, at, per pair Ut Limit of 5 pairs to customer. Cotton Dress Goods Sate From 10 to 11 A. M. We will sell tha best flannelettes made, goods that sell at 12 c and 15c a yard, T'i one hour only I From 10 Till ll'A. MLadi' Knit Corset Covers Pure white, all sizes. regular 39c value, special -f f" - ...J alb. for this hour, at . WOOL DRKS8 tiOODH RALK From 2:30 to 3:80 P. M. We will sell 100 pieces of Jamestown novelties that sell at 69c per yard one )7, hour only, at t .......... t .aC7C LINKN SALF I-Vom 10 to 11 A. M. We will Bell 100 patterns strictly all linen German damask, silver bleached, 2 yards square, border all around sells regularly at $1.86, on this sal at .... , . $1 From 11 A. Ml Tilt WM. Men' ma draa shirts good, clean stock, new patterns, all sizes, regular )r ' 76c values,. a. choice aC Curtain and ; Drapery Salt From 10 to 11 A.--M. we will sell 100 pairs of curtains that we are now selling for 85c a pair, one hour only, at, per pair From 2:S0 to 3:S0 P. M. We will sell 100 pairs of ,or $1.00 curtains only two pairs to customer, CQd at, a pair DOC For All day we will sell: 75c Drapery Silk, fT1 at DUC $1.00 Drapery Silk , iTO t .,. , ...,pyc C7 irqnly, 'Zjr ... i ....D 1 2t In Our Great Bargain Room From 8 Till .1. M. Amoskeag Apron Check Ginghams Limit of 10 yards to a customer, will go at, lit per yard ijC From 9 Till 10 A. M. Huckaback Linen Towels 20x40 size, fancy borders, regular 17 He value, limit of one dozen to customer, Of at, each j .O3C From 10 Till ll'A, M Hopq Bleached Mui.lln,- regular 10c value,, limit of ten yards to a customer, ' T at. par yard 7C From 11 A. M. Tiil 12 I 7 4c Cream Shaker Flannel, extra heavy qual ity, limit of 10 yards to a cua- 13, tomer, at, yard . .7tC Silk Underskirt Free Tuesday To every purchaser of one of our handsome pleated ekirts, at $8.90, we will give absolutely free a fine silk underskirt. Don't miss this opportunity. Children's Coats In bull's-eye bear skin, all colors, $6.60 values, T QC Tuesday at JJD Children's Cravenette CoatsJust tb thing every child should have, $5 and $6 values a..2.95- Women's 7-8 Length Coats Handsome new styles In plain or fancy Q (f mixed fabrics special sale price Tuesday. . SsU Hay den's the Greatest Grocery Dept. in Omaha Owing to the bad weather Monday the bigrocery, butter and cheese ad will be continued Tuesday. ' . 5 ' OV1XCES AM) SWKKT APPLKS. Extra Fancy New York Quinces, at, per dozen 25c Extra Fancy Sweet Apples, peck. .SOc PEARS AXI PEACHES FOR CAN MAC. 6 basket crates fancy Canning pears . .$1.10 Single basket, each 19c Extra Fancy Colorado Elberta Freestone Peachea. per crate... 75c FRESH VEGETABLES AND FIU1TS Pie Plant, per bunch 4c Fancy Sweet Potatoea, pound Fancy Fush Beets, pound lc Fancy Fresh Turnlos, pound .... lc lc lc Be ..... Rc lOo Ho Fancy Fresh Carrots, pound Fancy Fresh Parsnips, pound 4 neads iresb Lettuce . . 6 bunches fresh ItadUhes Fresh Spinach, per peck 2 heads fresh Celery . . . Fancy Red Onlonaper pound. . .1 Ho Cape Cod Cranberries, quart,.,. 7Ho Hair lb. package: Cal. Figs Ac 6 ox. package Cal. Figs 80 Fancy Jonathan or Wine Sap Apples, per peck ,2Ao Large beads fresh Cabbage 4e Fancy White Onions for Pickling One-third bushel basket fancy Whlta ' Onions, for pickling 50 M ' 1 "'t S""lk o)q) Li LA THE distance from the shoulder to the waist line the proportion of your neck and shoulders is different from anyone's else. That's why it takes so much accur ate meaDurment and study of your Individual figureto produce a gar ment that will lit you perfectly. Some handsome new effects in today. Trousers 55 to SI 2. Suits 520 to 550 TO Fortiland" ...iTAIILOK WILUAM JEBRCMS' CONS. " "i'Otr-ll bv. lSlb bt."" " Erory day, to October 31,, 1906, you have tho privilege of this low one-way rate from Omaha to Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and other points in the Northwest, via th Union Pacific the , hort line ta Portland. Inquire now for any further reservaiionB at .., , CITY TICKET OITICE,.. 1324 f ARNAM STREET Thoao Douglas 334. 'it. ' V ) r