Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1906, Image 1

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    Omaha Daily Bee
lits.endr-ohielids' Gomp'.ij Coitroli Traffic
Ovar Milwanaao Eotd at Ktatat Oitj.
All Grain Eh'ppr Duiriac Cart Mrut
Satify Tbii rim.
Charrt of $5 Far Car Made oa Taoia from
' Otbr Soada,
l.rori r. Flack ' Defends Elevator
tllorenuc from t ulna ParlHe nod
Uajie Other Firm Get Conces
sion, that Are Concealed.
KAN HA a CITY. Oct. 22. The Interstate
Commerce commlsslou here today began an
Investigation of tha relation of rall-oads
to grain dealers and elevator comr -
"We can't tell how many Kuk 4.
dealora will be witnesses," said J.
xt-rfci. .fnrnv Inr he commission,
teen grain men have been subpaeanea
appear this morning. Whether more w.
be asked to testify depend on the tCbar
atter of the testimony given."
X. P. Blmonds of the Simouds-Shiclds
Grain company, members of the Kansas
City Board of Trade and buycra and sellers
of grain, testified thRt hla partner. E. W.
Uhlelds, la manager of an elevator In Kan
sas City, a portion of storage tanks of
which his . firm leases from the Chicago,
Milwaukee k St. Paul railway.
On direct examination Mr. Blmonds said
that Mr. Shields waa employed as manager
of an elevator by the Milwaukee road and
received a stated monthly salary. This
salary, lis said, waa not Increased It. any
manner by any concessions received from
the railroad. Later, In reply to a question
from Commissioner Clarke, Mr. Blmonds
admitted that there were no switching
, charges made by the Milwaukee railroad
on grain passing; Iri and out of the etevator
If It came over that road, but that a charge
of to a car waa made If handled by any
other road.
Bidding- un Country Urala.
Mr. Blmonds denied that the faot that
Mr. Bhlelds waa manager of the elevator
had anything to do with the reasonable
ness of hla firm's lease on the elevator.
Mr. Blmonds said that In bidding for
grain In the country his Arm did not deal
nllrely with what are termed regular ele
vator men, but said they did not like to
bid for grain owned by Independent Hr
ator men for fear It might create a "feel
ing" with the regulars. They had. prior to
two years ago, received a few Isolated let
ters from Oklahoma and Kansas persons
asking them not to place bids with certain
grain men, but had not let It Influence
their action.
Mr. Blmonds Is, not now actively engaged
in business, and wm not familiar with all
the. firm's .desrilmrs, jy -ijartre r.. E. TV.
Shields, he said, was In St. Louis or Chi
cago, and Commissioner Clarke requested
that the. Utter be wired to bo on hand to
morrow morning to testify.
Frank O. Cromwell, vice president of the
Hall-Baker Grain company, engaged prin
cipally In exporting grain, which leases
elevators In Ksnsus and Nebraska, was
"Has your company been In any agree
ment to fix prices?"
"Not now. I have no doubt that up to
about two years ago the predecessor of thla
company had been a party to such agree
ments." Mixiua: Urala la Klevatora, j
O. H. Hunter, a miller of Wellington,
Kan., said that' the? effect of mixing grain
In the. elevator was detrimental. He said
he had mixed grain to sell himself. Hla
object was to aell It, with no consideration
of ths effect it had on flour.
T. J. Gordon, a grain broker of Bt. Jo
seph, Mo. said lis had ben notified not
to buy from independent dealers In ths
country. The last notice of this kind cam
from Naln-aska year ago. Gordon'a re
plies to certain questions regarding ship
ments made by him from St. Joseph to
eastern points did not satisfy Commissioner
Clark and wltnee was requested to bring
his books Into court tomorrow.
On .Company Controls TraWc.
In the . grain Inquiry this afternoon the
Chicago, Milwaukee & fit. Paul's method
of managing Its big elevator was the
question around whicb most of the In
terest centered. The rule that shippers
Who desire to send grain over tho Milwau
kee must notify a competitor, the Slmonds
Shields Grain company, was proved and
finally admitted. George B. French, gen
eral freight agent of the Mil waukee, testi
fied that he wished the company was out
tit the elevator busings.
C I.. Wlnton ttstlried that he was tin
ployed jointly by the Milwaukee Elevator
company and the Simonds-Shielils Grain
"From whom does the foreman get his
vidnra regarding grain to be handled?"
"Mostly from Mr. Shields."
Hlmonds-Khlrlds Grain company had no
preference, witness textifled. Ha said ship
pers alio wanted to send out grain over
tho Milwaukee road must order cars
through either himself "or Slilel.ut. Me
finally said that ho had sometimes had to
decide, whn there Was a shortage of cars
who should have the cars
panjr got most of the cars.
To what do you attribute the fact that
so much of the grain gulng over the Mil
waukee belong to the Himond-Shield
Uroin company?"'
Witness did no1 explain.
Mr. laik took the witness In hand, .tuy
Ing: It i sm piisitig how many nicn them
are In this business who do not k.sjw auy-
nun a w-.-u v nn- iMim.rss. pin who are
making a great siicccrs of it."
II- H, l.A On,,
. . , : iithi limn ine -nmencsn iLatinn ,.n
m ne guv ma own employers preference, but .,, ,.,,, "
.Hi that per c en, of the grain ,.
,. , b"n8" t''l,n ,ler lrl"- "n1 ''"""'ant friend, America.
feliitoiids-Btiielda, so, of course, that cjin- . -,nrrK"-
T fwni
Witness aiiowed considerable ia,.k of In
formation nr.t Mr. Marble naked how he!
gt tH)kkeper had told him o. His duties'
rore liie sums In the Joint employment s '
tfcey were fore. He did net know who
woum wi relating to charge
Iliads by me eit vator con-puny for h; ? dlmg
the grain, but agreed to try to find out.
teaer ta Defends Allowance.
Oewige P. l'i k of the Midland rieau,
branch ff the Peavey grin inleisis!
teatlrteU tha'. th c"iniuny has flfiy-six , li .
toru on tne ' 'nloa Pacific and nn-mwn
un Its branches. He ssid 1.1 tin "liu Unci
t- think" hi- cump.,, ww. .he la,...
Shipper un Hie
I 11I. in Fd Iho. iir.
About Five Thousand Troopa Are
Golns; Through KtoUiUm Be
far Forelou Officer.
" CHANOTEFU. Province of Honan.
China. Oct. 22. The aut'inni' maneuvers of
the Chinese Imperial army began today
in the neighborhood of Chantefu. About
.000 troopa from the privities of Honan,
Hupeh, Chill and Phang Tung are en
gaged, under the command of Tuan Shlkai,
commander-in-chief of the ChlneKe forces,
and General Tlhllang, Including cavalry.
Infantry and artillery, the latter arm con
sisting of VA guna. According to the
scheme of operations, a aoulhevn army
composed of the Rupeh and Honan force"
la supposed to have landed in the Yangtse
vall-y and one wing la endeavoring to
reach Peking by way of the Peking &
Hankow railroad, and a northern army,
composed of the Chi LI and 8hanglung
troop?", Is compelled to defend tho capital
at short notice.
The troop enraged In the operation are
equipped with the most modern accountve
ments. rifles and gun, and present an ap
pearance highly creditable to the foreign
officers who have drilld and trained them.
The maneuvers have evoked the greatest
Interest In foreign countries No less than
thirty military attaches of foreign coun
tries are closely following the operations
which will conclude with a grund review
and entertainment of the foren jurats
me omeiais 01 tne province .m
.the Chinese army.
railed Bask Throws Him-
la Front of Taaael .
1XJNDON. Oct. 22.-P. MacFadyen, head
of MacFadyen Co.. bankers, whose sus
pension was announced Saturday, com
mitted suicide within an hour after posting
the notice of the failure on the door of
the bank, by throwing himself before a
train In a tunnel about half a inile away
from his place of business.) ,
Mr. MacFadven appears to have gone di
rect from his bank to a station Of the City i
& South London railway, to have entered
the tunnel unobserved and deliberately
laying down In front of an approaching
train. Trie engineer reported hav(ng re
ported running over an obstruction In the
tunnel and a search revealed a shockingly,
mutlllated body, which today was Identi
fied as that of Mr. MacFadyen. It Is ru
mored that the failure of MacFadyen &
Co.. tha London house of Arbutnot & Co., I
bankers of Madras, was connected with the j
, . ' , ,
cotton market, but as Mr. MacFadyen was ,
the sole partner In Europe It Is difficult to
obtain Information on the subject.
Tariff Experts to Be Sent by secretary
Root May Solve the
BERLIN, Oct. 21 The announcement
that Secretary Root has decided to appoint
in... c,.-., ,.;: r :',,
two tariff experts to v(pit Germany and ,
" ..- --..w AI ..., -a
" " w.w, ,,.ii- i
hoard of trade for Uie purpose of obtalnljlg
- , , . . . - T
materiel for pofcSible .modifications of ad- i
wtlelaitaai1vaa SVO f llfatsl nf thaw AmAripAn ttt flfY 1
laws which have been the aubject of much I
complaint on the part of the German ex
porting Interests, was received at the For
eign office here In the most friendly spirit.
The fact has been that the group of offi
cials at the Foreign office dealing with the
subject of the proposed new commercial
arrangement between Germany and '.he
United States did not know precisely what
step to take next in reopening the question
which In Its normal course must be settled
by June 30 next.
It Is believed here that Secretary Root's
decision Is likely to contribute greatly to
an ultimate understanding on the subject.
Orders Improvements aad Extensions
Made for Care of Insane
In Havana.
HAVANA, Oct. 22. Gov.-nor Magoon, mm
a result of the depiorab'e condition of
things which he discovered yesterday at
the National Aaylum for th Insane, has
ordered the Immediate repair of the old
building and the erection of in w ones.
The governor found that while hundreds
of patients were sleeping on the floor the
management saves ti.OOO from the food ac
count, which Mr. Magoou has ordered ap
plied to the Immediate purchase of bed
ding and clothing. Though the Cuban
congress appropriated a sum of money for
the Improvement of the condition of the
Inmates of the asylum, fo- some reason
unknown the money was not expended.
The governor has oMered on Investigation
of the affair..
Anti-Japanese Seatlnient oa Pnrlfle
a fcnrprlse to the People
of Orient.
LONDON, Oct. 22. -The Tokio correspond
ent of the Times cables that the Japanese
press and people are beginninr to express
profound regie: and surprise at the antl
Japanere attitude of Americans on the Pa
clfl." slope, especially the expulsion of
Japanese children from the schools of San
Ieadti Japanese Journals, however, ile-
cline to regard this as an Index t,f the
Modus Vivendi Passible.
NICE. France, Oct. i2 While disclaiming
U apeak by the authority of the popo.
Bishop Chapron. In an Interview today,
flatly declared his conviction that If the
helrarchy, througli the bishops, la given
the right by tho council of state to decide
en the regularity of the cultural arsorla-
lions in France to which church property
may be surrendered a modus Vivendi be
tween the cbiirch snd the governirent
poemb'.s and U.e vat loan will not insist upon
parliamentary action in this connection!
Register Friday.
j In prtlfl" vole at Iho coining- clec-
I (ion aud t MiliM-qucHit iiiiinariea
every riot tor ir Oiuulua aud Houtli
Omaha iiiut lipprar jtcraonaJly before
the registration board for bis voting
j district ud ImVC his name proper Ijr
j i'lirollcd. X tic itms registration
; h,u good lh year. Friday, October
! , , t -
U 1,,p "Mt 'r,l day, In
I " "or "
j You Must Register.
BUrm Conditioai Prevail frana Missouri
Ritar to Mountains.
Telearspa Wires Down aad rasaengrr
Trains Are I ate Two Mea
Freese to Death In goath
Da kota.
DENVER, Oct. 'U, Snow, wind and cold
ve extended over nearly the entire coun
ry betwet.i the Rocky mountains and the
Missouri river today, causing heavy losses
of live stock and Iste fmlt. Telegraph
wires have been prostrated and railroad
aihedulea disarranged.
The storm Is almost unprecedented for
severity at this season of the year, and
takes rank, according to the weather bu
reau, with the snowfall on April 13 and 23.
1MB. t'p to S o'clock this evening about
twenty inches of snow had fallen In Den
ver, much of which had melted, and Indi
cations were that snow would continue to
fall tonight.- Clearing and warmer weather
Is predicted for tomorrow. Some places on
the eastern slope of the mountains report
a snowfall measuring lhre to four feet.
While the temperature on the plains has
fluctuated from 20 to JO'degrees above xero
It has been much colder at higher altitude.
At Corona, the highest point on the new
Moffat Denver-Salt Lake railroad, 2 de
grees below aero early today waa reported.
At Em-ry Gap, near Clayton on the Colo
rado tt Southern railroad, snow drifted nine
feet deep and traffic was completely tied
up today. Two rotary snow .plows were
sent out to open the road.
Fa nt a Fe passenger train No. 7. west
bound, was derailed between Wagon Mound
and Springer, twenty miles from Trinidad,
last night and the road was blocked for
several hours. The heavy mow caused the
msti coach and two baggage cars to Jump
the truck and they roiled down an em
bankment. Only one man, the mall clerk,
was hurt and his Injuries are not severe.
Telegraphic service throughout the west
is badly hampered and trains Indefinitely
F. H. Brandenburg, head of the local
weather bureau, today furnished the fol
lowing account cf the storm and Its cans?:
The crest of the antl-eyclone remslned
for twenty-four hours over no-hern Colo
rado, with the barometer low In the south
west. This distribution of pressure cued
strong winds In Wyoming, eastern Colo
rado and eastern Isew Mexico. Wltn the
low temperature the precipitation spread
southward. The scone of the storm In
r,,"jf! "out hern Wyoming Colorado and
northern New Mexico. This condition re-
p,a)nr(l steady for twenty-four hours, but
there came a change Sunday, which
brought a break in the storm very shortly,
although the low temperature will probably
Hunters Freese to Death.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D.. . Oct. 22. -David
Ganaway and Hubert Brown, young sons
of prominent residents of Chamberlain,
were found dead on the prairie today, vlc-
! tlms of the storm that swept central South
j Dakota yesterday. They had been hunting
near Red lake.
OGDBN, L'tah, Oct. 22. The windstorm
of thlrty-alx hours' duration that ended at
, , , - ,
o'clock this morning, killed one man and
Uijured many .and caused tjoo.floo. property'
" , .;. . . .. .,
damage.. Hiram llibbs, .while attempting
" , .
anchor hit. barn, was struck by a. flying
lmnly killed Barns were
j uiruuiuw, iisuiB vi uuuBrn uiowil oil, plate
giuss winnows smasnea, trees uprooted anu
telegraph and telephone poles firostrated.
The old Catholic church was blown down
and the new one's roof was blown off and
a costly mosaic window demolished.
Passenger Trains Delayed.
ELLIS, Kan., Oct. 22. Colorado's snow
storm Is passing east and prevailed today
In western Kansas. Passengers reaching
here this morning on belated eastbound
trains repoi t a heavy ssow storm In
progress between Ellis and Denver, at
some points assuming the proportions of a
bliszard, with four Inches to one foot of
snow on the ground. The temperature Is
moderate, however. The snow Is drifting
badly at a good many points. A twenty-four-hour
ra'.n storm preceded the snow.
PCEBLO. Oct. 22. Tht blixjurd
had slightly abated this morning. Railroad
and street cur traffic Is badly crippled. The
Rio Grande west of Pueblo has suffered
most from the snow, which is unusually
heavy along its line. Trains from the east
also are late. Cattle and other stock on
ranches suffered from the wet snow and
DCLVTH. Minn.. Oct. 12 A blanket of
heavy snow, six Inches or more, fell last
tilght (n northeastern Minnesota, cover
ing the Vermillion and Mesaba ranges and
extending as far west as Fossto.
The severe blizzard that has been In prog
ress for the last forty-eight hours broke
thla morning. Heavy snow Is reported In
the mountains, and trains are somewhat
delayed. The temperature in Colorado
Springs this morning was 15 above aero.
Wind Carries Snow
KANSAS CITY, Oct. 22. A blizzard pre
vails today In western Kansas, the most
aovere for this time of the season In many
years. The eastern boundary of the storm
appears to be Ellis, Kan.. Jno miles west
of Kansas City. It has been snowing
steadily for twelve hours in that part of
the state and the snow, driven by a heavy
wind, is piling up In the cuts, stopping
railway traffic and playing ha vow with tele
phone and telegraph wires. All trains are
late and wire communication with point
west of Ellis was for a time lost com
pletely shortly after noon today. A hard,
cold rain preceded the auow tor twent
four hours. It Is believed that heavy los.-i
to stock which were caught unprotected on
the nlaina will result. 1
Wyoming; Stork I ulnjared. i
CHEYENNE. Wye. Oct. 2i-The storm
w hich began In northern Wyoming Friday
aud which spread generally over the state I
Saturday and Sunday, continued without
abatement In this section today. About a
foot of snow had fallen and all trains have
been delayed. Stix-lc on the range is In good
condition and there vrili r little losa un
less extremely low teni)irtures follow.
In Dakota.
P1KRRK. 8. D.. tvt. 22.(,ieciai Tele
gram.) Sance last evening prac i ically three
Inches of prrclpltuiiun In the I' of rain
snd siiow has fallen In tills c:);, . The storm
. begun with heavy rain last uUtt.t and has
! been followed by snow all toOi.;'. All con -
' s ruction work on ti riii-,,. . west
I been stepped, as reported froir out along
tho line, indicating !(-. conditl :, u be us
bad west of isr as In this ).?. It Is the.
Hrt snow of the season sti'.-'i cams Just a
year after a like storm lost fall
gleet la CcuMal Nebraska
t .lvmT.V the! All l,.i,.. r,...,.. ,.
west wer-- ial. today many hour on uc-
count of snow aud slertetoruis In Ni-
braska, Kansas and Colorado. The siorpi
I WIU responsible for a freight wreck on
I the fcurllngtmi mar Heinlngiord. No oia-
. jnJurB1, ,Mll lhe trftw hi,(ily
A 1-uU eleilaturiu prevailed in ,
jJouUauoil oa XUixd 144 j
Visit Panama (WIII Be Made la
Owpasr with "Jew War
PHILAHKI.PIIIA. i U.-T. - Official
notice Iihs hwn powiM at Ieiiane Inland
navy yard to the effect that the cruisir
Wsshlngton will leave on or about No
vember 1 for Hampton Roiids. The Ten
nessee. It Is expected, will pass out a
couple of days Inter, and the two warships
will act as escort for President Koosevclt
on his trip to Panama.
The president has selected the new bat
tleship Ixiulslana for' bin flagship during
the voyage. His plnn'now Is to go aboard
tho Ixnilsinna at New York on November S
and to Join the convoy at Hampton Roads.
It Is posNllile, however, that he will go
down the Potomac on the yacht Dolphin
and meet th Iotilslana.
The trip will reuulrf about six daya each
way. The sailors and marines on the
Washington and Tennessee are elated at
hnving been chosen the president's escort.
The two vessels are the newest and among
the finest cruisers In the navy. Neither
ship has Its full complement of men. but
when the Minneapolis and Brooklyn Hr
rlve front Havana part of their crewg will
be trs inferred.
A farewell ball glvcri by the officers snd
men of the Tennessee will take place to
morrow night. Four hundred invitations
have been Issued, and guests will be pres
ent from ss far distant as Tennessee.
Attempt Will Be Made to Form Asso
ciation to Handle alra
of Crops.
TOPEKA. Kan.. Oct. '12. The Farmers'
Co-operative Business congress, with a largo
attendance of delegates from the western
and southern states, met here today, C. W.
Peekham of Haven. Kan., president of the
Farmers' Elevator association ' of Kansas,
speaking of the congress said: "Our pur
pose In calling this kind of meeting is to
more closely unite the tisrrlcultural Inter
ests of the west and south. It Is not our In
tention to organize a trust of the farmers.
It has been said that we propose to Increase
the price of wheat a stated amount. This
we intend to So. but iot by orgs nixing
and demanding that the consumer flay
more for our produce. If we can sell our
products to the southern associations at a
higher price than we receive from the mid
dlemen and can enable the southern pro
ducers to hold their produce, we will work
out a plan whereby the price of farm pro
ducts will naturally work higher."
C. S. Barrett of Georgia, president of the
National Farmers' union, in an address
"In the south we have raised the price of
cotton to II cent, we have built ware
houses and hold our cotton until the price
Is right. We gin our own cotton and have
cotton mills, woolen mills and canneries,
all owned by the farmers. The farmera In
the north can do the same with their
Prominent Workers and several
, . ' Bl'skopa to Address- Methodist '
Convention; -
PITTSBt'RG,' Oct. 22. A religious con
vention of unusual magnitude opened, here
tonight with the first session of the in
terconference missionary convention of the
Methodist Episcopal church. . The conven
tion will continue until Thursday and l.OuO
delegates- have been provided for. These
delegates will represent Pittsburg, east
Ohio, Erlo and West Virginia conferences
and world wide missions will be tuken up
at tho various sessions.
Bishop K. G. Andrews and Rev. Dr. A.
B. Leonard of New York were the speakers
at tonight's session. Bishops W. F. Oldham
and James W. Bashford will speak on
Tuesday night and Bishops J. C. Hartxell
nnd M. V. Harris on Wednesday. Bishop
J. M. Thoburn of India will speak at one
of the afternoon meetings.
A feature of the convention Is a Porto
Rlcan exhibit by Rev. George Milton
Fowler, formerly a tnislsonary to that
country. One entire church edlfloe has been
given over to this exhibit, which takes
up i.OtO square feet of floor space.
Indiana Commission Mskrs Report
After Marine Modted Ques
tion for n Year.
INDIANAPOLIS. Oct. 22.-A special com
mission appointed by the governor, which
has been Investigating the office of the
auditor of state for a year with special
reference to mutual and stock life insurance
companies, today submitted Its report to
Governor I la nicy.
The general conclusions of the commission
are that "the cost of life insurance to the
public is too high.. The present maximum
premium rates for Insurance are so much
In excess of needs as to permit of extrava
gant management of companies, theft of
their funds, division of profits and other
great abuses wiNhout rendering the com
panies insolvent. Indiana Insurance com
panies, like many companies of other states,
have been guilty of extravagances and
abuses though they have maintained sol
vency. There Is no real difference between
Insurance and other business nad no reason
why it should not be conducted on as eco
nomical basis, according to definite prin
ciples. '"
William t lee. Wanted by I nion Pa
clhc Detectives, is Taken
la California.
MADERA. Cel., Oct. 22. Wlllhuii Vice,
the defaulting Union Pacific railroad clerk
for whom the railroad detectives have been
searching for years, was taken into cus
tody lust night, lie stated ut the Jail
that he had Intended to surrender him
self. Vice had been living In this city, where
he was known s Thomas ftysn. eince May,
19i. He denies that he ever left the state.
and expects to be released on bail imniedi-
J utcly on his arrival in San Francisco.
Register Friday.
In order to vote at the coming eleo
j lion avnd at subsequent primaries
! every elector iu Omaha nnd Houth
! Omaha must appear p vnaUy before
! mfUtrmtion board for bis vojjlfc.
I district and luive hia uauie nrM-rl
j enrolled. X prevl
. ,u year,
! , . .
is th neu n Ki
ious registration
... 1
riday, October
st rat Ion day.
order lo ote
You Must Register.
Majoritj OTarridei Tbaia Who Want Pro
testa to Eailroada' Policy Public.
ot Only Rock Island. bnt Other
Railways Are Doing Their Best
to trash Oat Local
After debating twenty minutes on the
advisability of allowing reporters to attend
their deliberations, the Omaha grain mi n,
who met yesterday afternoon in an antl
rallroad demonstration. Invited the reporter
for The Bee to withdraw, giving him the
assurance he would te told after the moot
ing as much as wan good for the public to
know. Similar Invitations and promises
were then- for other reporters. After the
meeting he saw E. C. Twsmley, who acted
as secretary on the occasion and who said
to him:
"1 am authorized to say to the press that
a number of active grain dealers of the
Omaha Grain exchange, believing some of
the charges entcrced by the rnilrosds are
discriminatory and detrimental to the wel
fare of the locul market, met this after
noon and outlined action calculated to In
duce tho railroads to abolish 'these evils."
Thla was all the information offered of
ficially, but the reporter heard pome Inter
esting things brought up casually In the
debate caused by his presence. Georgo C.
Thompson called the meeting to order, say
ing he did so at the request of a number
of those present. After he had stated the
object of the nieetlng he wus elected chair,
man and Mr. Twamley was chosen secre
tary. Jaqulth Recites the Case.
A. B. Jaquith was ready with a set of
resolutions, which he read. They recited
the wrongs of the grain men, especially
the commission men, at the hands of the
railroads. They suggested a committee be
appointed to call on the directors of the
exchange and enumerate their grievances,
asking the exchange to take action for re
dress. They provided, In case the exchange
failed to do anything, for the permanent
organisation of the men present for the
purpose of taking up the firht against the
Mr. Jaqulth said the railroads were
slowly but surely killing the grain business
In Omaha. They had promised at the In
ception of tho market to stop grain in
Omaha free of charge, seeking to conciliate
the exchange, which they feared would be
gin a fight for lower freight rates In Ne
braska. He said that to their discrimina
tory rales the roads had added switching
charges of f2 to 17 a car, reconsigning
charges of $2 a car and were attempting to
enforce unreasonable demurrage regula
tions. "V
He said his company had received notice
at noon Monday of the arrival of a car,
with the announcement that it would be
charged 12 for switching If ordera for the
disposition of the car were not given by 4
Another Gross Injustice.
He cited another case where Iho railroads
had charged 1160 for hauling a car of grain.
'from Genoa, Neb.,' to Omaha, had assessed
$2'swltchlng charges on 'the bar the day 'It
arrived and the next day attempted to
collect demurrage.1 The same car could go
from Genoa to Chicago, he said, fore one
half less money and no charges would be
made for switching or demurrage.
"The Rock Island is not the only road
trying to Injure Omaha, but the North
western and others are," declared Mr. Ja
qulth. ' '
It wag about this time that John Kuhn
of the Cpdlke Grain company raised an
objection to the presence of the repoer.
Then the discussion waxed warm, Mr. Ja
quith and J. H. Hamilton leading the fight
for publicity and Mr. Kuhn and Nathan
Merrlani declaring against it.
In support of his position Mr. Kuhn said
the railroads would he more disposed to
grant reforms if waited on quietly, while
In cases where a flght In taken up In the
newspapers the officials often grind their
teeth in defiance. Mr. Kuhn was a freight
agent of the Northwestern for years until
recently. The other side remarked that
times have changed In the last few months,
especially since the passage of the Inter
state commerce law and the railroads are
being forced gradually to come down off
of their high horse snd yield to public
opinion and public demands. As long as
the roads had Ignored their individual com
plaints. said the advocates of publicity,
their attitude ought to be published, and
public opinion would then help the grain
dea lers.
The antl-publiclly men won their point.
Grain Mea at ikt Meeting;.
Those present at the meeting were: N.
Merriam, , A. B. JaquKh, J. H. Hamilton,
C. Vincent, James Walsh, E. E. Huntley.
E. C. Twsmley. O. C. Thompson, John
Kuhn, C. L Babcock. C. F. Davis, 8. F.
McWhorwr, C. C. Crowell, E. R. Thresher,
Cockle' and W. B. Burna. E. J. McVann
was present as secretary of the Grain ex
change. . ,
Another meeting is scheduled for an early
Contract Surneon McPheeters Or
dered to Daty at Fort
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Oct. 22. (Special Tele
giani. I Contract Burgeon Samuel B. Mc.
Pheeters will proceed from St. Louis to
Fort Robinson for duty.
-P. F. Kelley, Arthur Asher, K. J. Hynch,
B. H. Headley, E. B. Raymond. H. 8.
Lcary and A. M. Larsen have been ap
pointed letter carriers at Omaha.
Rural carriers appointed: Iowa Alna
wor'h, rnita 2; Harry D. Haalett, carrier;
WootV Dawson, substitute. Charles City,
route 1; Darius F. Bell, carrier; Royal
Wilts, substitute. Huxley, route 1; Thomas
J. Seaboc, carrier; Albert Johnson, sub
stitute. Mellxjurne, route 2; John O.
Debutts, carrier; Flossie Debutts, substi
tute. Mount Pleasant, route 5; Maurice
O'tVnnor. carrier; Elwood H. Williams,
suhatliute. Slater, route 1; Peter O. Ole
son, carrier; Isabella Oleson, substitute.
South Dakota Brookings, route 6; Carl M.
Chrtatuferson, carrier; Olaus Dyubdahl.
substitute. Wessnlgton Springs, route I;
John F. Spencer, carrier; Harry A. Vesey,
Survivor of Recent storm Bays Men
Drusa on Hu u.e boat Off
MOBILE, Ala.. Oct, 22. Joseph McIhoii.
1 une of six roen rescued from tiie recent
lniaionii 'id brought here today, said he
1 .......... tt . .. ....I -
In" li at IK. l KUKU a aJi.e
hjy. s'ia
Fair In Western and Rain and Colder
In F.sat Portion Tnradny. Wednes
day I'alr nnd Warmer.
Tern pern to re at Omaha Yesterday!
Hour. Dear. Ilonr. Dea.
ft u. m 4 4 I p. m
s. m in 'J p. na ...... 4T
T n. m...... -4A ;t p. m...... 4H
a. m 45 4 p. m 47
n. ra 4T ft p. m 47
10 a. ra 4N p. si 47
11 a. m 4r 7 p. M 47
lit m 44 M p. m 47
p. m 4l
Sehraakua Tours Southern Psrt of
tste nnd Confers with
Tom Taaaart.
INDIANAPOLIS. Oct. 22.-Vllliaiii Jen
nings Bryan wound up the first day of hi
Indiana tour speaking before a large crowd
at Evansvllle tonight. He will arrive in
Indianapolis tomorrow morning at ti:60 and
will leave almost Immediately on a special
interurban car. visiting a dozen cities in
the central section of Indinna. The prin-
ripiil address will be made at Indianapolis
at S o'clock tomorrow night.
Thomas Taggart, chairman of the demo
cratlc national committee, met the train
at Mitchell anil wiis cordially greeted by
Mr. Bryan. The two retired to Mr. Bryan's
stateroom and were In consultation for
thirty minute. At Bedford Mr. Bryan re
ferred to the work of President Roosevelt
In bringing peace to Russia and Japan. . In '
w, w . , , , . .. ' ' I
nin ra.iriifii speecu Air. irnn win.
"President Roosevelt has wild that I
dared not say six years ago that If the
railroads did not gut out of politics there
will lie no alternative than the government
must own the railroads. I said the same
thing six months before President Roose
velt said it. Ho Is today more radical
than I was six years aro. The only dif
ference between us Is that he uses if" and I
move to atrlke that word out."
Secretary of War Will Make Address
Here Wednesday Afternoon,
October 31.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 22,-It was an
nounced today that Secretary Taft would
speak in Representative Wacht's district
in Baltimore next Friday night. Next
week he will go west to inspect a number
of army posts with a view to carrying for
ward his plans for the abandonment of
small posts and the concentration of troop
in regimental and brigade posts. He will
spenk at Decatur, 111., Tuesday afternoon,
October 30, and at Danville, Speaker Can
non's home, in the evening; at Omaha
Wednesday afternoon, Denver Thursday
evening, PocateKo, Idaho. Friday evening;
Boise, Idaho,. Saturday evening.
On his return trip the secretary will
make an inspection of the army posts at
Forts D. A. Russell, Wyn.. Robinson, Neb.:
Riley and Leavenworth. Kan.; Sill. Okl.,
and Sam Houston, Texas.
Eastbound Limited Over Milwaukee
(Rosil Struck by Another Train
In Chicane, Yard. ''''
' ' . '
CHICAGO. Oct. 22. One man was seri
ously Injured and two other passengers
were seriously hurt, when the MudUoil
train on the' Chicago. Milwaukee & St.
Paul railroad ran Into the rear end of the
enstbound Overland train on the same road
In the freight yards at Rockwell street to
night. Injured:
George Atkinson, yardmaalcV. Chicago;
Mrs. A. Newstcad, Omaha; bruised and
Anton Nowlck, Chicago; bruised and cut.
e name of Mrs. A. Newstead Is not in
the Omaha city directory.
Passenger Crashes Into Freight Train
at I.oaan, Mont., and Kills
HELENA, Mont... Oct. 22. Passenger
train No. 7 of the Northern Pacific, run
ning between Helena and Butte, via Logan,
crashed into the rear of a freight train
switching in the Logan yards, at an early
hour today. Thomas Woiieln, conductor
of the freight train, was crushed and
burned to death In the caboose, which was
destroyed by fire. Engineer Ross of the
passenger train was Injured and the lire
man, who Jumped from the cab, waa but
slightly hurt. Worleln was recently mat
rled and was to have left on his wedding
trip today.
Governor Is Pleased with Expression
of Sympathy from the
Chief Fxeeutlve.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 22 The president
today received the following telegram from
Governor Broward of Florldl in response
to a message of sympathy for those who
had suffered by the recent storm,- and an
offer of federal aid, If necessary:
LEE8BCRG. Fla., Oct. 22 I express to
vou the sincere thanks of the rs-onie of
Snd sincerely thank 'you for your offer . 't
national aid in any practicable wav. Will
advise you further after Investigating mat-
Several People Reported Killed, bnt
o Details of Accident Are
NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 22. The Sunset
Umiteil on the Southern Pacific, which left
New Orleans for California at 11:15 this
niornli jr, waa wrecked near Boulte. La.,
twenty-flve miles from New Orleans, this
A number of people are reported killed.
Beyond the fuel, that lhe train was de
railed. Southern Pacific orrkials .Hid they j Swift's. Meti s ajii r'torxa giant fnor
had 110 information. t horse teams strode proudly Into the an-ii.t
jat the bugle's hist ca'l until the iilm.l.
I hunters came scurrying, interest ami hi-
I7rfiter t-rirlav ' 'huslnsm were evidenced on all sides.
l'lr aIUciy. j tVjr onc thing, the present shuw proves
In order to vote at tho coming elec- that Omaha, is Incoming better known as
tiou mad at subsequent privuaric ! a "" horp now ,ow" Stables that
. ' , . . ., i were not represented In the Mist and si c-
rvery rlector iu Omaha and Houth I oBd ,,,,, Btnt ,,., to 0mill
Omaha mut appear personally before ( thl- u that furnished entries
lhe regiatration board for his voting a year aa are comix-ting again, with th'i
district aud have hla ha me properly ! alngle ex-ptlon f tho Rule A; libreoU
... . . . ,, 1 stables ut Kansas Cit). Mr. Ashbrook is
enrolled- o pretiou. regUtratkii. MA lh- , t)0 roi,on 0m,m
holds good this year. Friduy, October , OVefs cun none of his animnls ibis
SO, is the tiext rcnUI ration day. In ', week.
ottler to vole
j You Must Register.
Baoiatr Ont in Full Fares for tbe Framitr
Society Erent.
Early Evening; Formality Ceon Vfaari Off
aid All EnUr Spirit of Oooailan. ,
No Hitch ii tho Einc Perfermanca ail All
Rani femoothly.
Pleasant Contrast with the Bare,
luflnlshrd Walls' Which Greeted
iiprctators at First
Society meek par excellence of lliw year
has ueaun and one evening of dress parade
uas pasacd.
With more entries than ever before, wllii
larger aggregate prise money, wltn mani
festly greater entnusiasm on the part oi
the Omaha public and with more vlsltoia
from the distance, Omaha's third annual
I l J . Mhru ........ r. I 1. , . , . A. ,.,.
Bad weather considered, the attendance
was good indeed. The boxes and the seals
on the lower floor wore full and only the
pi 'piuar priced seats in the balcony ut
tered. In the back rows of the balcony a
good many seats were vacant. Last fall
the statuilng room only sign was hung out
several times in the course of the week.
and with favorable weather tlyre. Is rvasou
to Doncvo tne same sign win do aispiayca
oflener this week.
The spectators came on time, most of
them, for they were people who cared for
horses as well ns good clothes, and they
didn't want to miss a single event, evou
the first on--. They all seemed to take a
genuine Interest in horee flesh. Of course,
they admired dress, and wanted to see and
be seen, but there was the promenade for
that sort of thing, and one didn't need to
come trailing in a halt hour after the show
began In order to be observed. Then they
stayed until the end, too, for, with charac
teristic foresight, thu management hud
placed one of the very best events last on
the program, and no one waa going to
miss the sight of a handsome bunch of
hunters just td go prosily to bed on time.
Jam of Carriages.
Streets In all directions were thronged
with carriages for an our before the bugle
announced the first event, and In front of
the Auditorium they lined up doaena at a
time, the white-gloved policemen buatltng
here and there to direct the coachmen who
strove with each other to get to the end
of the canvas tunnel called the carriage
entrance. With eager eyes a crowd of
people, .unfortunate not to be able to gain
entrance, stood in front of the building
Intent on the display of fashion and ele
gance pouring -from the carriages, or
watching to- cutch lhe first sight or the
handsome beasts of the arena as they
wn driven into, the building.
The casual observer Inst night could see
that two year's expeiienro has given
Omaha society that unconscious air of cul
tivated case and thut !horough!y-ut-hom
itppenrnuce which characterises Hny highly
tuccessful social event. From lhe easiness'
of manner, the sociability and the evident
cosmopolitan familiarity with the horse
world, one easily could have Imagined
himself to be In an eastern city where the
show has been a fixture for a score of
yeurs or more. Chatting In the boxes and
leaning over the arena mil along the prom
enade, society could not have prerent'd a
more charming picture than it did last
fiortu Arc Kluuulua,
Gowns of the most stunning description
were worn; silks and laces and ermine wet
them in great profusion. Woman wa
ijucen and lorded It proudly over mere
mini, who could put show such fine feath
ers. Woman In the boxes, with her graces
of feature and figure and her beautiful
dress, tho noble horse. In the arena with
hta neauUful shiny trappings they made a
striking picture.
The promenade was not lined very iduch
early in the evening, but after the Ice was
broken by1 a few the others followed, and
by the time' three or four events were by
the promenudo was a scene of gay activity.
Decorat'ons were more elaborate and
more beautiful than on the occasion of
any former show, the whole Interior, oit
slde of the arena and the very soats being
a muss of red and while. The menu rail,
I the lxxes, the Millars, the walls were guy
witli the bright buntine;, emblematic: of
the occasion. From tho girder ubove
hung Ihikc inns of the red and white bunt
ing, while .'ilteriiately between them
gleamed flags of th same color. Each
box nnd each pillar was embellished with
a shield displaying a prancing horse and
the monogram letiets, O. 11. (". Tha
celling of the lobby wus' resplendent with
a sunburst of color reaching from tl.a
outer t-ptrnnce to the ticket door and bunt
ing also covered lhe walls. This was some
thing never attempted before. Its bright
nnd cheery appearance gave the show,
gjers a much more comfortable feeling
than they expel lnced a year ago, when
tho bare walls cf the lobby greeted their
j fl,!4t "P '""" ,tM building. .
Whatever was possible In lhe way of
I p!1 puration for the accommodation of the
t ,iH.i.t ae,.n ti t,k hnve lie,, fl,,.,w L
the nl?hl was raw. th" steam was tuned
on for the first time, this fiill and. wh'U
tho mists flouted without, nil wai com
fortable within. Then the abundant llgh;
and color added to the pleasure. Courteous
usherH In evening dress waited upon tit'
thousands and xhowrd tlnm to their seuis
and hoxc with tho least potslbli d-jy.
I'maram Is Kntara-ed.
LaHI evening there were two nioi" events
than on the oeiiiiig nii;ht Inst year, but
the program moved oft with reasonable
I dispatch, and tho events wi re so vaiie.l
and the eutiiea so numerous. Hint no on,
thought of being Hied. From the time that
More cnii lis are schcdulid (hail laj-t falL
alttioiigh Iho number 01 pc rforinhiiccs la
lu la uuutivr V. ta At Ui awoal