1 Till: OMAHA DA 1 1 A' I.KK: MONDAY, OCTUliT.l. 1 ( t LA J 1 ie J-.. UT May.. m Oct.., A. GRAIN AM PRODICE MARKET Dimiit 1a4w AbraU AfeU Lm1 Tint Pit fORClGN COUKTRILS SHIP HtAVlLY Tkia Oaet rrtr 4 Keea InorlMi KttH awastaosa Dewa I.weavl 1bt) Ttrw LJae aa Mar ls I.Utleaa. OMAHA, October 20, MM. Liverpool took a boat-lab rlrw of th huuailon ud rulad lower. India and IUMraiU bar hipped 1.M4.000 buahel Inm rear aaauiart aV,4M last year and Argentina offerlnaa ara luir, with a disposition to eitad piioa. Add to those factor lha mn ajaoount ratsa Abroad, and II will b understood way th local mark. at opened a trifla waa. Soeoulatlv loose thrnw thalr line Into to Dlt early and Dri-e 7ieiuea temporarily; DuL, on tn punllcaliun of northwest oar receipts expected, mod erate buying appeared, which steadied the market. Th market was llrtlea all dajr and da veld of leaturen. Koreiarn markets were aueer la sympathr with wheat, but no pmesure developed. Trade in the tilt Ufht and fluctuations were confined to a narrow, fractional ranee. -Only the car ehortase stands (n the way of a very heavy I nioTimmi 01 me crop 10 market ana we look for much lower urice. Oats were weak. The feet Id every on baa been a bull on oats from the farmer to the eastern consumer. They nr all loaded with oata. The ear situation la , aatalnst tb price. Receipts are only : limited by the oar supply. , Iftmarjr wheat receipts were 1,08.00) bushels and shipments 678.nm bushel, 'aamlnat receipts last year of 1.144. too bush els and shipments of 472.000 buahel. Corn I receipts were 671,000 bushels and shipments iilW bushels, aaalnst receipts last year of ! 2lT7,OUO bushels and shipments of til.0i0 i bushels. Clearances were 412.0U0 bushels of I wheat, K0U0 barrels of flour, Us bushels of corn, (l.uuo bushels of oats. Liverpool closed Hd lower on wheat and W1 lower on oorn. Tka, U rut--w Ulllf la aAirlaeA that Vlaaiin ( will In all probability Import about 7.00,000 Dusneis ot wneat. owing to tne rauure or th Mexican wheat crop tnia year and It I expected that Import duty will be tem porarily suspended by January 1. Boft winter wheat will be called for. Mexican millers and bakers war not satisfied with hard winter wheat that was imported dur ing last suspension of duty. A Portland (Ore.l correspondent of the Modern Miller wires: "Two cargoea wheat sola mill at Hong Kong cjr local x portera." Local run ire of options: Articles. Open. Hlfh. Low. Clone. Te'y. , -TVTteat I Iec.. May. Corn nee.. May. 7114 7! 17 87 7H 87V, Omaha Cash Bales. WHEAT No. 8 hard, 1 car, 7c; No. spring, 1 car, 8e; No, 4 hard, 1 car, Sbr. ORN No. t yellow, 1 car. 4c. 'ATS No. 3 mixed. 1 car 80c. Omaha Cash Prices. "WHEAT No. 2 hard. fi7e: No. S hard. SJviWc; No. 4 hard, 60664c; No. 1 spring, C3 CORN No. S, 3tt4S)c; No. 3 yellow, S9c; iso. 3 wnite, 4o?jpvc. OATH No. I mixed. iH1;; No. 1 white, 30Hc; No. 4 white, &;. HVK-No. 2, MiVc; No. 8, 67e. Curlot Receipts WheatCorn. Onf. Chlraro Kansas City Minneapolis , Omaha I:luth HU IhjuIs .... 41 BO 231 t 44 314 60 27 51 '3 24 CHICAGO GR All A.1D PROVISIONS Prlcea aa Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Oct. 20 Lower prices for wheat t Liverpool were chiefly responsible fov weakness today In the local wheat market. At the close wheat fer December dtUvery was off 4c. corn was down c, oats showed a loss of Siptc and provisions v. "re s shade to 2V.1 lower. - The ' wheat" mdrkel was -weak all dny. Trading was very -(iilet and price held within a narrow range. The news nf the day was alinoet exclusively In favor of th bears and with no special demand the market showed no rallying power. Prices were affected by a decline of "id at Liver pool, favorable weather in the United ntateH. Increased shipments from India and Australia and predictions nf a lihoral in. croaee In world s shipments. Local longs were the chief sellers and demand came mainly front shorts. The market cload weak, with price nenr the lowest point of the day. December opened MHc to JvSc lower at 731-i&73;,c, sold off to 78c. and closed at 73r,731c. Clearances of whest and flour were equal to 628.900 bu. Primary receipts were l.OM.&no bu., aa against 1.144,V on the same day last year. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported .rerelpfa of 794 car, a against 663 last week and (94 a year ago. Trading In corn wa dull and prices were lower in sympathy with the weakness of wheat. An official forecast of weather la torts of th corn belt increased the bear ish sentiment. The drop in lemperatti'e would, it waa claimed, facilitate the curing of the new crop, and would also put th country roada into better shape for the movement of th grain.- Cash house were th prlnclpul sellers, offerings being taken tv commission house. The market closed weak, with prices near the lowest point of the day: December opened a shade to Vc lower at 42o to 42'42Hc and sold off to 42c, where It closed. I-ocal receipts were VO car, with 173 of contract grade. Th oat market waa Influenced almost entirely by the action of wheat and corn, sentiment In th pit being bearish all day. There waa considerable selling by longs and bit trader. December opened VkffWc lower at Sic. sold between Ho and S3c and oloaed . at $3'c Local receipt wer car. ' Provision wer otilet and easy. There waa scattered liquidation bv the buyer of yesterday, th offerings being taken by pit traders, who were evening up trade. A weak market for live hogs was la rely In fluential In holding down prlcea. At the alo January pork waa off 2c at $1172, lard waa a had lower at $.t06.I2.Vi and rtba war Ao lower at $7.46. Kali mated Meet pis for Monday: Wheat, T car; corn. 2S2 can; oata, 26a car; hogs, 14.000 head. Th leading futures ranged aa follows: Artlolaa-1 Open. Hlh.j Low. Clo. Tes'y. ,Do'..73'if! TjJ TS TMrWaWtfl May... 7Wf.-V 78' 7i 77?!7iib Corn ' M Out.... 44VJ 44 4J 44H Dwa... 4J4r, 4JH! 3 42 43S May... 3 43H Mt Data- I D-o.... $3H 3314 ' $3 ",S3te'S May... UVfruSl H N M July... ii 13 BV K Pork Jan.... II T5 IS 75 1J 72, 1$ It T May... UW'UtO 13 80 UN U K Lard OoL... ti $60 8 45 4S $46 Not... I 80 I 8 87H $ KVi 82V, Jaa.... 120 $26 $2o $2lz24 May... 0 I tlht $ 30 $ 33Vk Rjtsat 11 Oct.... $80 $80 I 30 180 11$ Jan.... 1 4& 1 46 T46 746 7 47ft May... T t-'ftj 7 H'W IS 7 67 ft No. i. Cash euotatlon wer aa follow: rLOUR Steady; winter patents. $3.30 .40; straights, $la436; spring patenta ) Ka.Ui atralgbU, t.lmd.0; bakers, $3.30 WUJ1AT Na. apring, 7$O0o; No. $. 739 Teo; M. no. uxyuita. CORJ-No. I too; No. I yellow, 4VWA.C. OAThV No. I tni; N. $ whit, tspnc; y. I whtt. klgSfta. RTV-FMr to choiua malting. fcg)c. aaCSoe-Xa. 1 flax, tl-ftjft; No. 1 uorth weaiera, $1-1114; prim timothy, $4.06; oloTsr, oontract trade. $13-0$. PROTiaiOWII Short rib side (loose). 3gjMHl.7. Wee pork, par bbL, $1160. Lard, rr IM Ibai. $o. Boort slr aid (boxedi. arsjCCTa, I Th raoWatg aad aaipmD(a of flour and grata wr; Keoeipta Shipments. jur, kbta. 16.8U M.700 WhaaX a... 64 U0 87.iu nra. ba.. 40 4u.3oO ata, k .- tot 1 2IM.140 Ky. k..4. 14 000 t.ono ksritf, bu $t.$uO tf.a) Oat Uta Pradwoa axxthaag today th but ter aaarkat waa ataaay ; craamery. l0J6ftc; dairy, UMTtai'1- Lars, Arm; at mark, ca hvilut, isg-aa; flrwta. Ha; prime flrsta eW; aattWA 80. Cka. ateady. 18rUo. $rkiladlakia rteluf Market. fniAXaLPrTIA, Oat. 3ft. BUTTER .. Uacikaaged; extra wwsiara creumnr, Afll oiaj, prtoa. tic: street lartoa. Uc; rxtia rby prtata, w. . kJbbJb TUm. ut N Xoik full freuit, Udt. lV9l$r; riiolr. 1.1'c; f r '. a1""". itu. 1 X f - K1 1 m. r blcher: tM-arhr fresh and astern freah, T7c at mark. , nun l or k wicb:Ri, Miiikrr eMails f ths Day trls Cosaaaadltiea. NCW TURK. lift. 11-ri.lllH. IIkmii. M,a bhts; tsporta, Ia.i7 bula, iaie, It.iwi pauaages; market steady, but dun. jrfinne- nia paisnts, HHH-M', baser, ")-., winter sauuita. &x .ixj ii): winter siraisuts. H-iM I w. aimer exUs, I. Jwn. s , w inter tow grauea, ai.letta.jo. Rye nour. lair in ood, u.m.su; chuic to fancy, atlwo) ( 4.1a. Biica wn-at nour, steady, M-"J. sput and to arrive. BLlkWHfcAr-Market steady. II. Jt DT 1 pounds o. L f., .New York. ctK-MaiALr-Msrket steady; Ana white and yenow. Sl.iutfl.;: ooarn. ll.lOwl.U; un dried. xu.iboah. HTU Marael tirrn- No. 1 western. U ! . I. f.. New Tork. HAKLkT irtaraat Arm: feedlns. 4.'U c. I f. KurTalo; malting, bkij10 . I. f. Bunalo. WliKA'!' Kecetpta, ljo.000 bu: export", 111.K4 bu; saiea, i0.0 bu. futures and du epoi; nioi, marsei eaey, .kj. 7'o; No. red. t f. n. b. afloat: No. I hard winter, afloat. Hlisrp declines were noted In wheat this morning based on weak cahls, prospects for heavy world s shipments and Increased Argen tina offering!!. A late rally on hlg clear ances left tii" market Anally 'c net lower. May, R44i3Hc, cloned SsSc, December closed 1V- CORN-Receipts, 1I.K95 bu; exports. M$ bu; apot, tnatkat steady; No. I, B4c ele vator and 66c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1' yellow, 63c; No. 2 white, bbv. Option market was without Iranaactlon. clo.lng net un changed. January closed 80c; May closed 49io; December closed 61t-. OATH Receipts, Irtu.liiO bu; exports, 31, 071 bu; spot, market steady; mixed oats, hi to tt pounds, 3c; natural white, 30 to M pounds. ilK9H;, clipped white, 30 to 40 pounds. StSimS'ic. FKKT Market firm: spring bran, $3 10, October shipment; middling. $'.'i36, Octo ber shipment; city, Hl.ftrmi.ln. HAY Market Mrm; shipped, ft08oc; good to chnlce, l ai.06. HOP8 Market steady: state common lo choice, 190S. 'Jiifi'Jdc: 1!6. I'il3c; Pacific cot, VXH, lMflh-; 1906, lL"ei4c. HIOKS Ms'ket steady; Oalveitoe. JO to S pounds, 20c; California, II to i'5 pounds, ale; Texas dry, 24 to 30 pounds, 19c. . LbiATH EUt Market steady; add. 27c. PROVISIONS Reef, mnrket steady; family, H2.oaQIS.6o; mess, $s.fini.i; bef hams, Kl OO&.W; psrket. 110 ofxn 10.it); city extra India mesa. Il 17m. Cut meats, market Arm; plrkled bellies. llci.L'S'o I J.50; pickled hains. Sl'j.t. Iyrd. market firmer; western prime, I9.ii.vg 0 75; refined, firm; con tinent. $10.10; 8. A., $10.76; compound, 7Vd 7i. Pork, market steady; family, $l.i 19.50; short clear, $1 76g 18 50; mw, $18.00 T.76. TALLOW Market Arm: city, ($J.OO per package), 6Hc; country tpackages free), 6 R1CB Market steady: domestic, fair to extra, .TVt ;'": Japan, nominal. BUTTER wuiet; street price, extra creamery. 27c. Official prices: Cream ery, common to exira, lStrCtitic; hc!d. sec onds to extra, 2183tc; state dairy, common to fancy, iRHyS&c; renovated, common to extra, 15.ird!2Ic : western factory, common to firsts, lMtflSHc; western Imitation crenmery. firsts, 19H20c. CHEESK Quiet; state, full crenm, amall fancy, lSc; fair to good. 124ri:c; ate, large fancy, 13n; state, fair to good, 12 flUe: state, inferior, loftllc. EOOS Steady ; state, Pennsylvania and nearby, fancy selected white, 3Mf13c; state, choice, 30fd31c: state, mixed extra, WqZSc; western firsts, 2oid6Hc; official prices, 24ft tiiV; western seconds, 2ij24e. POULTRY Dressed, quiet; western chickens, lOiEflic; spring turkeys, 1620c; fowls, lOfllSc. ft. I.obIs General Market. ST. LOXIS. Oct. 20.-WHBAT Ixiwtr; track. No. 2 red cash, 74ft75'V: No. 3 hard 7r'(t7tic; December, 71T'"u72c: May, 7ftW76V,o. CORN Lower; track. No. 3 cash, 47iftc; December, 4o'c; No. 2 white, 46ft 'j 4..jo. OAJ liower; track, ?o. z eaen, stftc; No. 2 white. 3Sc; December. $3c: May. S4ie. FIjOUR Steady: red winter tatent'i. la.-'S tfft.go; extra fancy and straight, H.2igXD0; char. $2.2ni:.90. hE ED Timothy, steady. $3.50(34.00. "ORNM EAIy Steady, $2 60. BRAN Firm: sacked, east track. S76'Wtc. HAY Steady: timothy, $i:.00S 16.00; prairie. $10.00rl2.fi0. IRON COTTON TIE8-$1.02. HAOOINO PV ' HEMP TWINE 8c. PROVISIONS Pork, steadv: inhblnr. $16.7S. Ijiid. higher; prime steamed, $0.(0. Dry salt meats, steady: boxed, extra short.-$!.2S: clear rlhs. $924: short clears. $!l7ft. Bacon, steady: boxed, extra shorts, li5n: clear ribs, 10.62ft; short clear, $HV87V4. POl LTRT Weak: chickens. 8c: springs. 8c; turkeys, 12ftc: aducks. 10c; eese, . hi i 1 r.K nteaoy; creamery, asr.Tic; dairy, lfi22c. EfrdS Firm at 10c. case count. " ' Th receipts and shipments of flour and grain were: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls , ; ; 8,000 7 o Wheat, bu flo.m wiono C6rn, bu 74.000 6S.000 Uats, bu 88,0iC 46,000 .! Minneapolis Oraln Market. (Superior Board of Trade quotations for Minneapolis and Chicago delivery). The range of prloes, a reported by F. D. Day Co., 110-111 Board of Trade, was: Article. I Open. High. I Low. Close. Wheat Dec . May.... July.... Flax - On. Nov.;.. ' Deo May..:. 73V43H 73ft 7St 73ft 77ft 7S 1 12 1 12 t 10 X lift 77S 78-Y 1 12V 1 12 77ft 1 13 113 1 10 1 12 . 1 13 1 10 1 IU I H) I 14ft 1 13' Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No. 1 hard, ibftc; No. 1 northern, 76 vac ; No. 2 northern. TJTic: No. 3, 71W2f72ftc; No. 1 durum. Ho; No. I durum, 61c; to srrive OOftc. Corn: No. 3 yellow. 42in; No. 3 42fto. Oata: No. 8 white, 30fte; No. 3, 28'4't $1 1. Brley' 85' Ry' 87'868c Fu Kaaaaa City Grata aad Provlsloas. KANSAS CITT, Oct. 20 WHEAT One cent lower; Deombr. 67c; May. 71c; oaah. No. $ hard, tiTOe; No. 3, t&foc; No. t red. (9970c; No. 8. 66069c. CORN-A1HO lower; December. 37ic: May, 3$c; caah. No. ! mixed. 39Vii4bc; Nil $ whit. 4!c; No. $, SS'i'oSSfte. OATS Unohangd to lo lower. No. 2 white. Srj834c. liXKIS Market firm; extra, 23c; firsts, 82c; ootids, l&fto. . - HAT Market atrong; prairi. 6O0 to $1.10 higher; rhoio tiniothy, $12.3b'(rlL60; choice prairie. IU.XU.6& RTB Market unchanged at 636c. BCTTKR Firm; creamery, 36c; packing, Receipts Shipment Wheat btl Corn, bu Oat, bu an 0"n T7.000 87) 12,000 JOOtt) 16,000 Mllwawk Grata Market. Mn.winvin r-wh a nrum Lower: No. 1 northern, T8l79c; No. t, Trif 1 . try-miii uvr, i ao. RTWHlther; No. 1. (CHc RARLET Steady ; No. X. S&c; aampla, 4 Co. CORN txwer; No. S oaac, 444f45c; Do oemUr, 4to. bid. Pwarla firali Market. PEORIA Oct. tu. CORN Lower ; old No $ yellow and No. 8. 4ic; No. 4, 43c;. new. 3fto: no grad. 43c; new. 87a OATS Tower; No. $ whit. 3433o; No. I whit n RTF Firm; No. X 64966a. WHISKT tLB. l.lreraoal Grata aad PravUleas. IJVERPOOL. Oct. WHBAT-Snot, Arm: No. 8 red westarn winter, felled. Future, firm; Doember, (a4td; March, is 6'd. CORN Spot, asy: Ameeiean mixed. 4a 4ftd- Future, firm: October, nominal; Uctmbar, 4 4Sd ". January, a L Datwtk Grata Market. DULUTH, Oct. a WHT-AT-On track. No. 1 hard, TfSc; No- 1 nenhern, 7V: No. 8 northern, 74ftc: Ocaobor. 7Vc; Decem ber. 7fte: May. TT: July. TVftc- OATS To arrlr and October. $Hic. Twlede Seed Market. TOLEDO, Oct. $. SEEDS Clover, cash. $17ft: October. $.17ft; DeKjember, $ 27ft. Tluioihy. PA". Alalka, $L0. agar aad Me lasses. NEW TORK". Oct. $1 UTO A It-Raw quiet; fair refining. ftei untrirunal M test. 4 ; nilasea suxar, iHa Re(ind, steady; No. 6 4.40c; No. 7. 4-$c: N. k. 4---, No. .-$4.XSpJ No. 10. 415c; No. IL 4.rV; No. )2, 4.06c; Na 11. 4c: No. 14. HE.--. runfeoUraeiV A 4 7Uc: mould A. 6.16c; rat loaf, f 6uc; powdered. 6c: granulated, 4.8uc: cube, t lie. MiiLAhSta Snady; New Orleans oim-b kettle, gcud ta choice, 'SSc Metal Market NEW TORK. Oct. . METALS There waa n change of renaequem e in th mi la) markets, business being oiilet. as unual. in tlie Hltaepoe of cslilna. Tin 1 m: ,t.-tt at t4S.laru--48.3tl, iak cu(icr at Jl.7u mov trtlytlr at III loflSic and 'ln et .'!. tr.ii.fr. l-,i aa quiet al .7ifT. at and ittr st lAsnraki Iron nun and uii"lined. PII. Mil I". JB -MKT.4IJ l.l. Hrffl 11 llt4 A. .ipeltrr. arm at tnjv. IIWIHt MHOI.r.ltl.K MtRKKTi ( oadltle f Trad and .atala a magi sad Kaaey Prodae. KtHIH Per dot., 'AK: L4Vkl Ptl LIMV-Hena, irc: rowetera, t:; turkeya, l'V, ducks, re; spring thickens, ku. BL'TTKR PacHInk stu. k. 17c; cholo fancy dairy, amJo, creamery, ZltfUe HAT Prloea uuoled by Miliaria Feed cotn- pany: Choice upland, M; meJtuin. tiMj; cur, Uab. rtye atraw, K WtfT.ou. BKAN Per ton. tii.uw. VEUh-TABLKfl. BWtET PtJTATOfa-Per bbl .. TOAlATOh Home (rown, per basket of lbs.. tl.Ou WAX BluANS-Per market basket ot about 15 lba, 76c. TURNIPS, BEKTS AND CARROT8-Pr bu , 7uo. LEAK LE7TTUCK Hothouse, per do., heads. 36c CElEKT Par dot , 2e(40C. CUCUMBERS-Hut houa. per dot , $1.60. ONION Home grown, per bu.; Spanleh, $1.76 per crate. OREEN ONIONS Per dot. bunches. 16c. HORSERADISH Cat ot 2 dog, $190. RADISHES Per do, bunuhe. U&2UC. NAVY DKANB-Per bu., $1 86; No. 2, $1.76. LIMA BE ANS Per lb.. 6ftc. OREEN PEPPERS-Per market basket. 60c. PARSLEY Hothouse, per dot. bunches, 20c. CABBAOE Horn grown, per lb., lftc. K.OU I'LANT Per dot , 76c. POTATOES Per bu., 40i3t)6c. Faft 11X8 PEACH F-fl- Colorado, 8tc10li; Missouri, per 8-baik-t crate. $1.0091.26; California Bal wiy, per box, $1.00. PLUMS Orenon Italian prunes. $1.10. PEARS Winter varieties, per box, $3.9 100. ORATES Heme grown, per 8-lb. basket. Be: Tokuy, $1 7i. APPLES Per bbl.. $2.&O9.00 CRANBERRIES Per bbl . $7.7$. TROPICAL FRUITS. GRAPE FRUIT-Slte ;o to $0. 86.00. ORANOES-Valenclas. 86-112 sites, $6.00; Florida oranges, $3.76. LEMONS Llmonlers. extr fancy, 210 size, $.60; 800 else, $8.60; 360 site, $8.60; other brands, $1.00 less. BANANAS Per medlum-slxed bunch, $1 76g3 25: Jumbos. $2 6vil3.00. DATES Per lb., 6rd6c. MISCELLANEOUS SUOAR Granulated cane. In sacks, 15. SI; granulated beet. In sacks, $5.21. CHEE8&-8wl, new. 16c: Wisconsin hrtck, 14ftc; Wisconsin llmberger, l$c; twin. Hfto; Toung Americans, 15Hc. COFFEE Roasted, No. 36, c per lb.; No. 80, 23c per lb.; No. 26, 19c per lb.; No. 20, 18c per lb.; No. 21, 13c per lb. BTRCP In bbl., 27c per gaL; In caes, 6 10-lb. can, 11.70; cases, 11 6-ln. cans, 1 SO; cases. 34 2ft-lb. cans, $1.86. HONEY Per 24 frames. $3 50. CANNED OOODS Corn, atandard west ern. 66ii0c: Maine. $1.18. Tomatoes. 3-ll. una tl in ) 1 v. ar. 1 no ti.i 1 ' , . . . . v md , . vlin, 1- - T( v . . . v-. ,..-- apples, grated, I-lb., $2 06 2 80; sliced. $1.80 S'J.20; gallon apples, fancy. $2.66; Callfornln apricots, $l.BOQ 26; pears, $t.753'2.50; peaches, fancy, $1.75132.40; H. C. eachea. t2.0DQC.Ki). Alaska salmon, red, $1.2o; fancy Chinook, F.. $2.10; fancy eockeye. F., $1.96; sardines, quarter oil, 12.76: three-quarter mustard, $3 CO. Sweet potatoes. $1 Wl.a; sauerkraut, $1.0u; pumpkins. VOcQtl.OO; wax beans, 2-lb., SnSeOc: lima beans. 2-lb.. 76cT(11.36: spinach. $1.66; cheap peas, 2-lb., 60c; extra, 96cfi41.10; iancv, n.uyi.m CURED FJSH-Famlly whiteflsh, per quarter bbl.. 100 lbs., $4.00; Norway mack- . . kh 1 n d . . . v 4 ar.a wv. v.. a aniiA Irish, No. $1600; herring. In bbls., 200 iub. vecu. urva.v, m, a?.uu, nvrw. oe. 89.00; Holland herring, In kegs, milkers 80c: kear. mixed. 70e. FISH Buffalo, large dressed. $c; trout, medium or large, dressed. 12c: pike, dressed, 11c; halibut, fine stock. 11c: catfish, dressed, 15c; bullheads, dressed and skinned. 12c; white perch, dreeeed. tc: crapples. larce 12c; aunflsh, pan site, 6c: white bass, extra choice, izc; pickerel, tc: salmon, cntnook 11c; whlteflah (frozen), lie; mackerel (Span- I k 1 Ar n.l,.. iwi flak 1k'?T'9&r m H K frean, froxen, lie; flounder, freah, frozen, 11c: blueflah. freah. frozen. 16c: haddock. freah, frozen, 10c; redsnapper, dressed, 12c; ameira, iso. 1, per to., ix; looater tooiicai, per lb.. 40c: sreen. 87c: eeL per lb.. 18c: frog leg, per doc, 36c: roe shad. $1 each; shsd roe, pair. 4bo. t HIDES AND TALLOW Oreen aalted No. 1. 18.c: No. 1. 12ic: bull hide. ftffl mi - . ..... L. 1 . , 1 ,1 . . V. o 111 ... horse, tl.60fi6.76; sheep pelts, (0ctS$1.26. Tal low, no. 1, 4ftc: iso. z. nc. WOOL-Per lb.. 18JJ28C. CUT BEEF PRICES. No. 1 rlba. 11c: No. 1 rlba c: U0..8 .rlba. 6c; Nix 1 loin, 16ftc; No. 3 loin, llo; Js'o. I luln, 8c; No. 1 chuck. 6c; No. 3 chuck, 4c; No. $ chuck, tc; No. 1 round, $c; No. I round. 7c; No. $ round, tftc: No. 1 plat. ic; iso. z plat, Iftc; iso. liate, zc. Cottoa Market. NEW' YORK, Oct. 20. COTTON Rpot closed quiet; middling uplands, 11c; LIVERPOOL, Oct. '29. COTTON Spot dull; prices, $0 points lower; American middling fair. 6 68d; good middling, 6 29d; middling, 6.1$d; low middling. 6.91d; good ordinary, 6.67d; ordinary, 6.83d. The ealea of tli day were 6.000 bales of which 600 bale were for apeculatlon and export and Included 4,000 bales of American. - Receipts, 28,000 bales, Includ ing 24.1 00 bales of American. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 20 COTTON Steady; mtddllnr. lltao: aales. 170 bales: receipts, 114 bales; shipments, 428 bales; stock, 8.886 bales. NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 20. COTTON Spot closed steady; aalea, 1,400 bales; low ordinary. 7iC, nominal; ordinary, Sc; food ordinary, t K-l6o; low middling, 0o; middling, 11c; good middling lotko; middling fair, llfec, nominal; fair, 13Sc, nominal. Receipt, 26, $06 Dales; slock, 262.144 bales. Foreign Fiaaaelal. LONDON, Oct. 20 Money was In good demand and dearer In the market today. Discounts wer firmer. Trading on tli Stock exchange had :i omewlia: Meadler tone, so far aa British securities were con cerned, owing to th Idea that the Bark of Kngland . per oent discount rule will stop th export of cold. Consols showed no further ioaa, but ioreigner wer weak on continental aalea. Americans were In active. They opened below parity and further declined during (h session under offerings at parity for American account and rears of a poor Near Y i.-k bank state ment. The market ol'iaed weak at the lowest quotations 'if the diy. Japanese Imperial 6s of 1H04 closed at 1'lOft. HERL1N, Oct. 20 Prices on the Bourse today wer somewhat depressed, being ef fected by th action tken by the ftank of England yesterday In raising Its rrt of discount to 6 per ?eat. Cleartag Baas fltateaaeat. NEW TORK. Oct. 30 The statement of the clearing house banks for the week shows tliat the banks hold $".200,860 more than th legal reserv required. Thl Is a decrease of $s.t23,4o0 aa compared with last week. Th statement; Increase. $14,700,700 U.6f6.l0 316900 1.818.XI0 2.115.600 3,834,300 i.m.lM 8.823.4" 7,786,47s Loan Deposit Circulation Legal tender SpU Reserve Reserv required . Hurplu Lx-l". 3. depoatu 'Decrease. .$1 ,002.367.600 . t,0SU14j0 46,471.700 . 71, mew . ,;i.jo . 271.784.W0 . Xo.bH3.lM 6.2u0.!0 . U,793.2U Baik tlaarlag. OMAHA Oct. Jo. Bank clearings for to day were $1,747.6.8.77. and for the corre sponding data laat year $l."7.T58.0i , Monday ... Tuesday Wednesday Thursday . Friday .... Saturday , I 2.043.749 8 $1.9ol,140.S8 t.K,ta..l l.;ii,'tki.44 1,711. t3S 48 1.040.101 08 1.747.5M.77 1,48810.66 1.6:12.662.40 Lt3,n9.27 1,467.7d6.0S Total 811. 37.170 8? 89.513.1S7.44 Increae over th corresponding date laat -ear $3,861,003.38 Waal Market. LONDON. Oct. !. WOOL Th ar rival of wool for the aixth seriea of auc tion aalea smounted to 37.006 bales. In cluding 7,000 bales forwarded direct to spinners. The imports this week were: New South Walea. 8.61)6 bales; Queena- iand. $.100 bales; Victoria, $00 bales; New leajand, 400 bale: Cap of Oood -Hop and Natal, 100 bale, and 500 bales of varloua ST. LOna, Oct. t0 WOOL Steady; medium grades, combing and clothing. 23 !7ftc; light fin. l$xlc: heavy fine, IS 617c; tub washed. IJtfliftc. Oil aad Heal. NEW TORK, Oct 10, OII.8-Cettoneed, firm; prim crudes f. a. K. mill, ItuSftc; prim yellew, nominal Petroieuta. steady; refined New Yer. $7 60; Philadelphia and BaJtimar. $7.46: Philadelphia and Balti more in bulk, $4.36. TurNentlne, firm at ft;?a. Ri.siX Flnu: rained, common to good. $4 -04-lO. OIL CITY. Pa.. Oct. M. OIIA-Cr. i4li Mtancea, , l-e; runs, 104 777 bbls. ; a vera.e, . pnijttiVUi ioi,oa liie., Bl i" OHAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Ctt! for thi Wftk Sudy to Lowtr ia Epots, HOGS EXPERIENCING SOME WEAKNESS Reeelpta f heep aad l.ambe fer Week Large, with Prleee far til Kla rally aa tld a lat Week. SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. JO. 1. Receipt were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 83 $.14) X7.oK $.449 6.610 81.9 10.r0 4. ',i9 O0 6.09.' 10,1)11 4.894 I.WW 8ii0 4.400 Official Monday 4... Official Tuesday ... Official Wednesday Official Thursday .. Official Friday Official Saturday .. Total this week S7.1:fi 27.128 101.963 Total laat week 32.601 24.&M 90.72i Total two weeks ago... .30,641 24U'." IJO.im Total three weeks ago...28,8jtt 26,983 W.i-i Total four weeks ago. ...24.236 3.4 68.K60 Same week last year 31.000 26.6(6 7.J6 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for th year tu date, compared with last year: 19 19"6. Inc. Cattle S24.9I1 793.614! M.Zt Hogs 3.076.1J2 1.891.64s lM.wS Sheep 1.7U8.83S 1.612.012 194.826 CATTLK QUOTATIONS. Oood to choice corn-fed steers $ri.76U6.3e rair to good corn-fed steers o.xuy.ii Common to fair corn-fed steers.... 4. wxu-0.25 Oood to choloe range steers 4.6)6.6 rair to good range steers 4.t"u4.w) Common to fair rsnge steer 8.6114.00 Oood grass cows and heifers 2.8oi3.60 Fair to good cows and heifers i."ui.S6 Common to fair cows and heifer.. 1.40i2.40 Oood-cholce Blocker and feeders., 4uH4 5o rair lo good stockera and feeders.. 3.ii4 00 Common to fslr Blockers 2.7f4j.t.2o Buils. stags, etc 4.0OIQ6.0O The followlna table ahows the average price of hog at South Omaha for th last several days, with comparisons: Date. I 19fi. 1306. 11904. ,1903. 11902. lt01.1800. 6 lKftl 4 99 6 49 6 861 6 16 1 4 91 6 Vfy, 6 07J 6 511 5 311 I 6 ill 4 H:l 6 21ft! 6 01 6 17 6 7 7 06 4 93 I 6 101 6 11' 6 4-ti 7 lo, 6 29i 6 32ft I 6 12; 5 48 7 l 18 4 63 a 27 1 6 111 1 a Hui 91i 6 S!i 4 78 6 16 I 6 UK 5 02 7 , 6 23, 6 301 4 64 6 19 I 5 10; 4 Mi 7 03 6 27 1 4 52 6 20 I 5 )2 6 02; 6 12) 6 23; 4 62 I & 20! 6 H 6 08 , 6 82 ; 6 26 RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. ....t2.0Oruo.65 .... 1.4'g7.30 .... 2.0.UU6.75 .... 2.(4r7.no Hogs. Omaha Chicago t6 804p30 6.8 u6 60 6.766.35 COOfO 6.60 Kansas city St. Loul .... Sioux City 2.50(96.60 6.0uru6.20 The official number ot cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle Hoga H'a's. C, M. & St. I. Ry 4 to. t-ac. Ky... , Union Pacific system C. tt N. W. Ry. (east) C. A n. w. Ky. 1 west) C, St. P., M. O. Ry C, H. Sk Q. (east) C, B. 6c Q. (west) C, R. 1. P. Ry. (east).... Chicago Great Western .... 1 18 t 22 1 17 1 10 Total recelpta II 76 1 The disposition of the day receipts waa aa follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated.' Buyer. Cattle. Hogt. Sheep. Omaha Packing company . 4.4 16 Swift tt Company......... 1J7 Cudahy Packing company 60 Armour t Company Cudahy Pak. Co.. K. C. 69 Armour 4c Co., Denver 110 McCreary & Carey .., 61 I F. Hum 30 J. B. Root at Co 81 Wieamlth Armour Co., Denver.,... 64 Houston Packing Co.... 90 Other buyer 28 1,264 2,01,3 1.474 37 146 2.606 Total 638 6.374 2.647 CATTLE There" were Only a few cars of cattle reported In lday and not enough to make a market. As usual on a Satur day the demand was very light and there was little doing. 'The total receipts for the week wer the heaviest that they hav been so far this year, showing large gains over th heavy ruu.pf week ago and all prevloua weeks. 8trlctly good cortjjed and rang beef cattle have been In good demand all the week. The supply of that kind of cattle haa not been very large, notwithstanding the fact that the total run liaa leen so heavy. Th reault was that the market was In very good condition and at the close of the week Is fully s' high as any time of late. The best coni-feds eold up to 36 35 during the week, with the best range steers at 85.50. The common to medium grades of beef steers, owing to the plentiful sup ply, have shown more or less weakness and hav in spots sold somewhat lower. Cows and heifers were very free sellers at th beginning of th week, with the market, if anything, - strong. In fact, all kinds aold strong up until Wednesday, when owing to the very heavy runs prices took a turn downward. At the close of the week good cowa are probably around 10c lower, with the heaviest declines, on such as have been selling around 12.5163.(11. and they are in many canes Uia25c lower than the first of the week. Considering the very large runs th market haa been upon the whole In fair condition. The best feeders have been sought after all the week and hav commanded a good prices as ever. The light and inferior grades, on the other hand, hav sold some lower tinder the Influence of the very heavy runs. Still, as was said of the cow market, considering th large receipts the market as a whole has been fully aa good aa could hnve been expected.. BEEF STEERS. No. At. Pr. No. A. Pr. 43 ,...1170 8 U NEBRABKA. t feeders.. 750 3 25 S cows 1000 2 60 13 cows..... 869 2 00 - HOGS There waa no great change In the hog market this morning, the trade opening slow and dull, with the best hog veiling at about the same prices as yeaterday. There Waa, however, a weak tone to tli trad and a lower tendency. Some aales were un questionably easier and there were sales men who thouaht they had to take off as much as 6c on some loads. As will be noted from the sales below a good many of the hogs sold at $G.15ftti.20. with quite a sprink ling of the better loads on up to $6 30. Receipts of hogs this week have not shown any very great change so far as number were concerned when compared with last week or with a year ago. The week started out with an advance of 67ftc, but the gain was all lost the day follow ing, and by Wednesday the market was 11" lower than the close of the previous week. On Thursday and Friday there waa a alight reaction, ao that at the close of the week the market .on an average is only 6ii7ftc lower than the close of the previous week. Representative gale: No. av Ba. Pr. -- Ka W M ... I K 12. At. 8k. Pr. ... 4 II ,.. 4 It ... 4 11 0 I II ... I II ... I I7'i ... I 17ft 40 I 17ft ... I 17ft to... 111) ... iw., It.. ...17,1 ...310 ...! ...:: ...271 . .S7i ite mi 41. 67. 44.. 44.. tl.. t4 ..3u6 ... 4 Ot'i ..Il,7 14 It .III 80 I 10 ..'... 4tl 6 10 ..100 1:0 i . I7T M It'i M... ..T ... 1 ll'j 44... ..11 ti 11 tu... .344 144 4 10 .243 20 4 !0 .!4.l 1.1) 4 20 11 40 I l .241 140 I 20 4 Kt lit 134 14... 44 Ill 134' 4 ITft 13... it !t M lift 74... 44 lot 124 4 I1H ?!... 44.., 104 It 13 It... H tt 40 IIU' 4... 0 14 ... tli Irt... 4U ... I It TO... 10 Ut M .4 it 44... 44 -U IK lit - 4.1... 44 115 U III 44... 04 K4 :oe I II, . 14... 41 10 I I la 70... 41 S4I 40 1,11 II. .. 41 171 W 4 II 17... ot m in II 14 .. 44 14 120 I 14 H tU laO U '4... . .240 ..241 ..140 ..tat .864 ..Ml .140 41 I 10 20 I tt4 40 4 23ft 40 12ft .. 18 40 4 It 40 I 31 14 2"4 4 21 .117 100 4 I .121 ... 4 21 .214 ... 4 rift .111 to 8 10 ..IM 40 I 40 M I 10 ..121 .11". I to 8HKEP Thre wer no sheep here today to make a test of value, for th week the receipt foot up over lOO.ono bead, a will he noted frtnn tables above, it being the largest run of the year, with the ex ception ot the week ending October 6. A compared with last week, there was a gain of over 11.800 bead. The market aa a whole has been In most satisfactory condition from atari to finish, the demand being fuUy equal to the ar rive'. and the trade active on every day. Although receipt wer large, they were none too much o to meet the requirement of buyers, and each day' supply eras cleaned up before tb close of the market. The week started out with a vary strong mtrket on fat lamb. deatrabVo stock of that kind veiling considerably higher than th c'ose of the frevloua week. This ad vunce was practically lost th star follow Ing and the week rloaed with fat lambs fully ateady with the cloae of last week. Fat hen, both wethers, yearlings and ewe, were In active demand every d:y with good, strong prices prevailing Pa, k. er wer free buye- and the reeetnta changed bands very readily n th day of Bal. I Fdar lauka war In ltuge ravetpt vrjf Oct. 11... Oct. 12... Oct. 13... Oct. 14... Ori. 15... Oct. 16... Oct. 17... Oct. 18... Oct. 19... Oct. 20... Sunday. dar, but th demstv! waa t negent that t priien ahiaed a good deil ef eirnglh end are at m elre ef the weaa )., Mfner thn im wee gt. Rexlil very Istt nun, bee of small feeders, there hav be1 some of the largest feeder (tuyere In the counter In attendanre. o Ihst the trd has been In a meet healthy rendition, Ibt market being sctive erery day. Hardly enough feeder sheep hat hens, comln to reslly make a test of th mar ket, but snch as were received Sold very freelv at good, strnr f price and the mar. ket l now fully steady with th close of last week. So far as can be learned at th P'eeenl time there d'ea not appear t be any very great number of sheep or lambs In sight an. I nn . 1. l-.LI... .nclhln niAf than a fair run for the coining week. ! With the demand as atrong aa It la, no shipper ran afford to go by this point. Quotations on killers: Oood to cholcg limbs. $: 007.26: fair to good lambs. 84. 78117.00: good to choice yearling. $: 506 Sf; fair to good vearllngs, $5 iy 98 60: good to choice wethers, tl.tt? 6.40; good to choice ewes, $4.wWt'io, Quotation on feelers: Lsmlrn. H0; vearllngs, t6.2HtK.70; wethers. fISIS: ewes. $3.60h4.80; breeding $4.76fl5.3. 8T 2M 34 7Mf we. iniCAt.O LIVR 81WK MARKET lallle Dall. Hog law aad Weak, hee Steady. CHICAGO. Oct 20. CATTLE Receipts, 1.500 heai'; market dull: beeves. 83 Wvfpf ; rows and heifers. $l.ei6.W: Blockers and feeders. $2.50ri4.6O; calves, $2 S04W.00. Hi OS Receipts, 11.0)0 head; estimated Monday. S3.0) head: market slow and weak; good heavy. $.!. 60. rough heavy, 5.ifi'rj6.l5: light. $;.16i.?6; pig", $a.i.'; bulk nf sales. $4.2yr)t.5ti. SHEEP AND IaA MRS- Receipts. 2.8W head: market steady: sheep. $3.204JS.5o; yearling. $5.4ne.; lambs. $4.8ftff7.T5. Kaaaaa City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Oct. 20.-CATTLF--Recelpts, 4.000 head. Including 200 south erns; market steady: choice export and dre"ed beef steers, to.50fi76; fair to good. 14iftt5.40; western steers. $3.606 26; stock ers and Teeders. $2.75(94.75: southern Bteere. $2 atnn.jg; southern cows. $2.00j'3.8'; na tive cown, $20orfi3.76; native heifers. $2.76fc 4.75: hulls. $2.1or3.60; calves. $3O0trt.5n. Re ceipts for the week, 84.500 head. HOOS-Rerelpts. 3.200 head: market steadv lo weak; top, $S.32ft: bulk. $h.2M 6.30; heavy, $ti.3t"ff6 SO: packers, $.20gi.82ft; pigs and light, 85.76if6.90. Receipts for th week, 41.700. SHEEP AND LAMRS Receipt, none; mnrk.et nominally steady; lambs, $6.754f 7.76; ewes and vearllngs, $4.6or(t6.60; west ern vearllngs, $6.25'0.on; western wether. $4.26'i6.26; storkers and feederi, $3.766.50. Receipts for the week, 48,100. New York Live Block Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 20.-REEVE8-Receipts. 555 head; nothing doing, feeling steady: dressed beef slow, but unchanged. Exports. i"t came, hi sneep sua .jmi quar ters of bee!. CARVES Receipts, 118 head; nothing do ing, feeling easier; nominal quotations; veals, $40"'d8 25; grassers. $2.5Oii.VO0; west erns. $2.764.O0; dressed calves, dull; city d Tended veals, 812ftc per lb; extras. 13o; country dressed, 7tfl2c per lb.; latter ex treme. SHEEP AND I.AMB8 Receipts, 868 head; little demand; sheep market nom inal. Falrlv good lambs sold at $7.00; nom inal quotations, 86.5OC7.50 for common to prime. HOGS Recelpta. 2.800 head: none on sale; nominally lower on Buffalo advlcee. t. Lonla Live Stock Market. ST. LOt'IS. Oct. 20. CATTLE Receipt. 1.600 head, including 876 Texans: market steadv; native shipping and export steers. $4.86i7 00; dressed beef and butcher ateers, $4.5ni6.00; steer under 1.000 lbs., $3.60iS4.66: Blockers snd feeders. $2.0O(34.6O; cows and heifers, $2.2tvS6.2u; canners, $l.orjra.30; bull. $2.01 (34.00; calves, $3.on.M; Texas and In dian steers, 62.405.76; cows and heifer, $2.26(53.50. HOGS' Receipts. 1.600 head; market steady; pigs and lights, $.00rffV46; packer. l.2i8.46; butchers and best heavy, $6.36tT 6.60. BHEEP AND LAMBS - Receipt. 600 head; market steady; native muttons, $300 ft-0 26: lambs. $4.ft7.60; culls and buck, $2.26HVd.60; Btockers, $3.00fr4.00. Sleax City Live Stork Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia., Oct. 30.-(8pclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 100 head; mar. ket unchanged; beeves, $4.60j?6.60; cow, hulls and mixed, $2.50(34.60; Btockers and feeders. $3.004.; calves and yearlings, $2.50(3.86. HOGS Receipts, 2.800 head; market ateady, selling at KV064j5.20; bulk ot sales, $6.10a4.16. St. Joseph Live Stock Market.' ST. JOSEPH Oct. 20. CATTLE - Re ceipts, 856 head; market nominal: native, $4.60(6l.40 cows and heifers, $1 604J4.76; stockers and feeders, $3 264.30. HOGS Receipts, 2,6s8 head;' market steady to strong; lights, $6. JOB 6. 36;: bulk of sales. $n.20lg.30. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, It bead; market nominally steady. Stock In fltgkt. Receipts of live stock at the Biz principal western market yesterday: Cattle. Hog. Sheep South Omaha Sioux City .... Kanxas City ., St. Joseph St. Louis , Chicago Totals 850 4,400 2.800 2,200 2.688 It 1.600 300 11,000 2.500 24,688 1,018 ... 100 ...4.000 ... 8n ...1.600 ...1.600 ...8,806 itevr York Money Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 20-MONEY-On call nnmlnul: no loans; time loans strong; sixty day, ninety day and alx months. 6 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 6flft per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Strong, with actual btiKlness in bankers' bills at $4 86158 4.8526 for demand and at $4-8015$4.802 for sixty-day bills; posted rates. $4 BOVxfM 81ft and 14 86ft; commercial bills, $t.7Tvti4.7V SILVER Bar. 70c; Mexican dollars, 64c. BONDS Government, Arm; railroad, weak. Quotation on bonds today war as fol low: I'. . raf. 4o re. do coupon V. S. 4a, re do coupon V. R. old 4o, re. do coupon V. 8. now 4a, rox do coupon Am. Tobacco 4o.. do 4a Atrhlion on. 4a. do adj. 4 Atlantic P. L. 4a Hal. A Ohio )... do Ifti Rrk. R. T. c. 4l. Ontral of Ga. 6 do tut Inc do 54 Inc .104 I Jape to. M serla.. 17ft .104 4a 4e otli fi .(2ft a Oft etia lift 4a 24 oortao I .101 ,1.. A N. unl. 4o... .103 Mas. e. g. 4a .130 Mei. Cantral 4... .Ml e 1st toe . 7ft Minn. A St. U 4a. .!! iM.. K- A T. 44... .tola .100 . 7t . It . nii .101 4a 2 -ft 7 r. R. ft N' T. R. of M. c. 40. lift 4Plft N. 1. C. (. If 1214 . MftINo Pacific 41 102H .11 I da I T .lllftltt. W. e. 4 Mft . 10ft o. . L. rtd. tuft . iPenn. rone. 101ft . lu Raaitlna aen. 4a HI do Id tnr rhae. A Ohio 4fta. ..l"ft tu. L. 11. K. ) t lllft ( hl.-ago A. !,.... 1 Ibi. U. A . t. If 4a Mft r , B. A Q. n. 4t.... V8t L. 8. W. e. 4a ... It C K. 1. A P. 4.... 71 gcakoard A. L. 40.. 14 do ol. to 1 8o. Paeiae 4a. 01 CCC. A 8. L. ( 4a.. 103ft, do 1 4a ctfa M Colo led. ta. arr. A. 76ft so. Railway to 110 toioraoo ana. 41 10 Tcxaa m r. lo 11914 Colo. A Bo. .. 13 T., l. U A W. 4o.. II Cuba to D. A R. O. 4a... HtMlllaiV Bac. to. Kr.a p. . 4a .1011. raloa Paclfje 4a. 101 . r4 V. . Btaal Id ia. ...tooft ...lit, ft ... 10 ft ... 13 ... lift 17ft Wobaah lo .. !4 do dab. B v. .stern M4. 4a .. w. A L. B. 4a.. Wit. Central 4.. do can. 4a... .. ao Hocking Vol. 4fto...ll7 Japan Oa 87ft OITered. Sieve York Mlaiaar Rtoeka. NEW YORK. Oct. 20.-Clolng quotations tin mining viocaa were Adana Cea to Lima Chief ... .. 8 . ..840 .. 14 ..101 .. M .. to Alice Br ear a Brunswick Cb . Comatoi-k Tunnel Ton. t'al. Vs.. Horn SiUar Iron Hllvar Lead villa roe ... Offered. an . 30 . to . 17 . 74 .100 .toO .' Ontario Ophlr Potool 8aTao Hlorra NaTada email Hopao .. ttondard evaporated Apple aad Dried Fralt. NEW YORK. Oct. 30. COFFEE The market for coffee futures opened ldy at unchanged price, which waa a poor bowing In view of th ateady European cables. Thar wa some selling by focal and European longs, and prices eased off a little In th Tat trading, with th cloae steady, net unchanged, to $ point lower. Sale were reported of 11.16$ bag. Including December at 4 40o; March. lie; May, $.7c; July, 6.80.?; September, 4$ 4c Spot Rio, ateady; Na 1 Invoice, $ftc Cgee Market. NEW YORK. Oct. $0. EVAPORATED APPLES Market was ateady, with (hole quoted at sftc for high quality and or dinary choice at 7c to 7c; prime, 64jRc. CALIrXJRNLA DRIED FRUITS Prune re unchanged, with prices ranging front 8ft to $ftc, according to grade, fer Cali fornia fruit- Apricot remain more er lea nominal, with rholo quoted at 14c; extra choice, 17c; fsocy, lfcaloo, PeocLie are Arm, with old crop rheio guoted at Uct extra choice, llgljftc; fancy. Viffllo. Raisin ar unchanged: with loo Mus catel quoted at V9'Sc; seeded raioina. 6tftr; London layera. nominal. r7s aorta aad Imports, M:V T'iRK, Oct. 211 Tot.U lnnKirlo of , lutickauUiao and ilij oocU al ill purt of New Tork fee th weak ending loilsy star eltie at l'i.ltil T1 ltip-rta ef ! at th t-ort ef New Tnrk ft th week red ing todsv tr $.s silver and 84 414 g'lld. ietl ttpert t Bpese from ike MM of New Yeih fer the week ending today -t $4fl..A silver and gvCO iiu. I.aadaa Cllg lata. LONDON. Oof. t. Cloirlnt quetatlest an in picr eacoang were: raaeait, aeeer HV M , K A T .. 84 ..! .. 04 .. .. .44 :: V. raaoaia oeaesat .... "t M T I anlrel .Kerfelk A W AaieaeOO .. 14 ..IM Alrhlaae 4a a4 aaiittaare g Ohio. rtnaSlo PoelBo . 1 ties. Okie I'kleas Ot. W .. r . m. tt. p.. lBaer ieser R. ... 4 '4 4a I4 .104 liMfona g W. .121 jrenearlTanle .III iRn4 kliseo . It geallnt . lift Seuiker Railway .171 1 an pr i" . 1004 Until here Pi. He . t .1 nios Psriic tilft .17 4o l H . 44ft f. Slaol . 74 V4 4a t4 .100 . Tl .Wlba.h II .171 4u pf4 47 ,.l)l Ere 4a let f'i 4 Id '4 Illlaoli Ontrtl .. LeultTtll N'oab SILVER Rar. ateady, 32Sd per ounc. MONEY 4ftMH per cent. Th rate of discount In th open markot for short Mlla I 6ft14 per cent; for three month' bills, 6ft t! 4 per cent. Bsta t egper Market. Closing quotations on Boston copper mar ket, reported by Logan Bryan, t Board of Trade vutiaing, umane: A4Tataro TV. Uuhaak 44 Alteuel Atlantic RinBktn Pixk Mnnntitn 84ftNeT44 t'onMllastea. M II North Batts 110-4 41 UI4 DoiBlal . M .UK, . Hit . r .100 "H .1" ,. .104 . 00(4 . 11 ..IM . .2ft H 0tll Retina ronnll4t4.. Soft Pnu. gerrlre Butte Cotlltlne 14 PnTi. Sent Ira. f4. Ctlumtl Anion. .HI Oulnrt (iiumat g Maria ttl Shtnaoa Ontanntel . tOVTamkrack . 7t Trinity . ltft l-nltea Fruit , HVt'tillad glares, mm ... ft t nlle Statan. M. ,. Mftftnh Cneolltta4. . . 11ft t'tok Topper . Vtrtnrla .. KftWInoee . Mt Wolverine .. Conanaa . 14H t'eppar Ran Pol It watt Hart Butt franklin tlraano Cesser dranky Hflratla 11 RoTil I. . i PIttltiaeg. MiMar-kuoettl Itlrhlfan Treasary Stateeseat. WASHINGTON, Oct. Today's state ment of th treasury balance In h general fund, exclusive of the t160.iW.nno gold re serve, showo: Available cash balance, $222,- Why Not Read a Western Far THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER I.' Ii wilted hj wMtern men and cor ?rs the field of western afpncultttr. - i ... .-...$ Special Feature Articles Five whole pages of each issue are devoted to special article), which cover a field so diversified as to embrace during the year all branches of farm life and activity. Note the prominent yjv tributors to recent numbers: JAMES WILSON, Secretary of Agriculture. F. D. 00 BURN, Secretary Kansas Board of Agriculture. GITF0RD PIN0H0T, Chief of Bureau of Forestry. A. B. STORMS, President Iowa Agricultural College. F. H. NEWELL, Chief of Irrigation Service. W. E. SKINNER, Gen'l Maviiager InUrnflional Lire Stock Show, 0. R. THOMAS, Gen'l Manager Royal Live Stock Show. A. CARLBT0N, Cere&list, Department of Agriculture. GEO. P. BELLOWS, Lire Stock Auctioneer. CHARLES E. BESSEY, Nebraska State Botanist H. R. SMITH, Expert in Live Stock Feeding;. Regular Departments No agricultural weekly maintains more regular departments conducted by editors of practical experienoe, who can tell istel ligibly exactly what the farmer wants te know. ? Feeds and Feeding' .H. R. Smith Lire Stock. .0. W. Harrey Veterinary H. I. Ramaffttl D. V. S. Weekly Markets A, 0. Darespoii Orchard and Gardes . ZX. J. Wraj Poultry Ida II Chepler ' ' , Dairy and Creamery A. L. llaecker ' Legal Queries D. H. Butler Home and Household Isabel Rlchey We Want You to Take The Twetitieth Century Farmer The subscription price is one dollar the year, or 50 ceats for ix months, less than 2 cents a copy. Cenld you ask for a more practical or interesting magasiae than ours for the coming year! Now, more than at any other time, do yon need the seaec-n able suggestions that are found in all our regular Departments which, in each issue, may be worth many times Ihe yearly anb icription price. The Twentieth Century Farmer. "Mil. ttEM. ; 18M8: gM eeln si - kutllnn, l"M Mi ,4 ceiiLncates, ;.. an. WVgTON, (tel. ! -4 all loan. It ff rent, time loans, ',ti't per eenl nfflclsl quotation on stock and bonta war: Oitrktaa t4j. lo.. 4a 40 tm rostrol H 4tiklnn 4a f4 RoMan g AtaaaT .. ireietttoaa ., .. ..to0'o'c 01. S laeia ., I Kafllenalal , .... . . H caayar Ran ,, . lotft Hair Watt II ... lift .. II ... 8t ... I 4 ... M4 ... i .,. ii ... tit ...iw ... r? ...1s ... 11 4 ...I00 ... 4 ... ft ... ... loft ... ... ... 1 ...1T ..JtOft ... B) ... ft ... 0 ...110 ... 14, ... 84ft 40 rrtnkll Raoa g Wales .. Hoatns tlarai llronk? tala Ra.4la M,aa Mm la ,. IK Pitrkkiir r ... 134 ttailras t earrel . . l10iMirklaa N T . N. M H..IM Manev Paro Maraaatte . t'ntaw Paelfle .... M Iktoet. C. a) C.. .. tool) 014 teatle ,. ... I Iripnaota ...11 le.rrat ... lift'Qntsey ...lit bane ...til Ttswror ...130 TrUM. ... 14 I'elta roppar . ...tot If. II Mlklkf... ... n r. i. oil ... ITftlVtak ... rft 'Vtrrerl, ... lift Wlsnao ...h0iWleetn .... ... Tl Nertk Rirtt ... ... fl Rutta Caalltlaa ... 40 iKao4a . ..10HH kltrholl ... T . ! A Arlioeo. ... H Teeak ...Iilft.ureea Cos A mar Ara. t'kam So M A star. Peon. Tuk Amor. uar 4o af4 A mar. T A T Anier. W'aoia .... o M Uaailntn I A Mow. glartrle .... 4o ro Maeo Oil I nll4 rniU I'aitaO (ke Msek. 4o pM V. 8 Steel 4 pro MA4rentur Allouei AawlfSBIOta ..... Atlontle II 1 Bids. Aked. Fo Want Ads produc reault. A l.oag Tlsne Oettlag TkTa. There la a Irua etory of on young worn who bad devoted almost a year to pulling wires and using all poaatbU Influenc 1 gain an Interview with a certain theatrlcRl manager. At laat her hope wee reanaed; she got her appointment and h was Anally ushered Into th manager' private efflce. . He received her most cordially and offevet ber a chair. . "Thank you." she aid. gratefullf. ."I think I will ail down. In been lot teg months getting here and I'm a 11 Ml tired. " And th manager, who Is really a great man and hence has a sens ef humet, promptly f ngaed her. Outing. 1"!' in Magazine? I V " 1 Tf