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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1906)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, OCToBEH 22, VMM',. SPECIAL I10TICES Adeertlsemeata lor IhMf mlumai will- fee Uhfi until It m. for the ?rli( dllaa nnd Mill m p. an. for sanmlng mm day edition-. Rates i l.Se a word Aral Insertion, la m ward thereafter. Xolhlx taken fa less f)A for the first Inner flan). Tneee advert leeaaenta aanst be ran, enaseeatlvelr. . Advertisers, br - requesting nam d rhetki ran bare answers ad dreaaed ta aaaibered letter la car f - Tba Baa. Aaawera aa.addreaaed will fee delivered aa nreaeutatfoa at rbaek. MISCELLANEOUS . THE FAI.L TERM BOTLKS BLSINK83 COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN. DAT AND NIGHT. Students are admitted any dir. Kew Catalogue Free. Tel. Douglaa 1984. Address H. It. Buyles, President. Boyles Bulluing. OraiihH, Neb. H-K.1 WHERE TRUNKS ARE MADE. Trunks, anil cases and- shopping bags. Old trunks in exchsnge. Repairing. FEELING ft STEIN LE. 4Xt N. lth St. Phone Douglas 4y0. . rw octa OAS k ELEOTMC F1XTUHES JVHQLESALE AND RETAIL BURGESS-GRANDEN CO., Sia S. 15th St.- Tel. Douglas 6 81. R Ma Omaha Safe and Iron Worka make a spe cialty of fire escape, shutters, doors and afea.- O. Andreen, Prop., 102 8. 10th St. . , , R-629 MON FAINTING-fl. H. Cole, 14 Douglas. R 630 TRT Kelly's Towel Supply. Tel. Doug. 3630. , ...... n ji IOWA SanlUry Cleaning Co., 1019 Farnam. R-tas i HEFLIN Locksmith, moved upstairs; en trance, 1324 Far nam. Tel. Doug. 2974. R-636 BUSINESS CHANCES Do You Wish to Make a, Change If you have a farm, home, business or property that you want to sell or ex i change, write us. I GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO.. Omaha Neb., or Sioux City. la. . . V-IOJ Nl. rOR BAl.E, CAHH-riolel furniture ami No charge for treatment,, at . Crelghton Dental college. , Wanted Patients, at Duta! college. Treatment free. Y M041 Novll KOR SALE Doctor's residents and oQlce for price of property; want to retire. Ad dress T 37. Cf re lite. Y MH00 2'SX ITOR SALE Ten. poffce and grocery busi ness; rottee rousting plant In connection; located tu southertl Missouri, in city of Sh.iioo; old fbtabllshed busineHS. Morris- Adams Coffee Co., opnngticld. Mo. X-MToi Ht j IF YOl" want to make money or re seek- j Ins: Information recardlne Nevada inininx stocks, write us for our Market Letter. Sent free on request. Pntrlck Elliott & Camp, Bankers and Brokers. OoldnM, Nev. Y M.TiS :2x MUST sacrifice goed. paying business for leas than half: Invoice $M)0. Address U 32, care Bee. Y 303 2.x FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS TWO Bealey lfetter cablnfts In good condi tion, made of walnut and have tw j drawers each. Call at Bee business of fice and gat a bargain. Q 44U y WHaT IS LEFT of-'mytberauAiful famished homo, must be sold at a sacrifice, so any one desiring; choice high tirade furniture, call at onc ssi 1231 I'.-... Wild Ave.; oods can be aaen till It jially. until sold. W-M226 27 TOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; we lead the world in cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. UruiuwlckvBalke-Collendcr, 407 S. 10 th BL Q 79S, TOR SALE School warrants. Omaha School Supply Co., 1621 Howard St. . . : .t.,- - ' A" 983 BEND us your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lota. Myera-DUlon Drug Co.. Omaha. Q 631 SQUARE piano or sale cheap. Call ltwl SK61 or 2627 No. 16th 81 Q 226 z at ILK cows, easy terms, 43d and Center. Q-M62J ONE very fine Moquette carpet for front room and one fine '.velvet carpet. 1223 Nicholas St. Q 341 22 FOR SALE Two second-lmnd boilers,' 44x 140, with stuck; in good condition. Psxton & Vlerling- Iron Works. U. P. y. & 8. 17th St. tkf 7 Q-M30S 23 FOR SALE Medium size safe, with steel burglar chest, very cheap. H. J. Hill, Wi B St., Lincoln, Neb. Q M319 22 FINE polished quarter-sawed oak -sideboard, at a bargain. Call at 1K1! Daven port Si. Q M3o9 22x LARf.R Peninsular heating stove, in good condition. Call at S12 S. Jtith St. Q-M1&4 22X FIRET-CLAB househild furniture of 5 rooTTts for sale. 102O N. 29th Q-M165 22X w UNREDEEMED overcoats, 4S No. 16th. . . ' v U-U20 O 24 aTINE upright cltlckerlng piano party leav ing city, no rvasonable offr refused. 4U N. 23d. Q-117 22x SODA FOUNTAIN, any slxe. 1S13 FarnanJ Q-.Ji SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed paint, fchmnan' McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. y 7M HALL'B safes, new. td-haud. lV.i Farnam. v--: for Exchange S'O EXCHAHGU-Saj actes 4 miles north of Osceola, KliigsbUry county. 8. D. This ia a well loiproved body or land, nearly all fenced and about Ikw acres under cul tivation. Land lieu IcvpI and can all be cultivated. Will exchange for merchan dise, income proirty or live mock For particulars address II. C. Dunham. Le Smet. 8. D. Z MX91 22 IF YOU do not rind what you want In this column, put au ad ii and you will soon get It. -. Z 32 FOR EXCHANGE-A numtier of good tlrst mortgage lunns and good lands to ex change fur groceiie or a general stock of merchandise, illorw Ijind ft Invest ment Co., Patterson Bldg., umaha, Ny ( y Z-M9 OWN1JH wants to -sill or lrade 2 brick stores, well rented', near Weiister St. de pot. Address U-15. ZM2 S2x 'WANTED- -SALESMEN IALESMEN. to place our Patent Adjusts Mm Umbrellas'. wltlK l' o cigars, or .'. T5. Salet.iuen sell ten and mora a day. For full particulars address Crown Cigar Co., Milwaukee. Wis. L M89 22 - WANTED Eight experienced novelty saleagieu or IS" '7 .-to handle, under can tract. Our exclusive line f advertising wall map hangers. ckel maps, art and business calendars. The best selling line out; liberal commissions, exclusive terri tory, fine samples: atate experience, send ref !.. or doi"i write. - Kenyon Print ing Co.. Des Moines. U. L M71 23 WAM TBI txporlem-ed salesman - for f jr nltum trade, January 1st; give refere iters, axparlence, etc. Adoress U 17. Bee. ; ' Jl-blM :7S WANTED SITUATION XPlJtlENl'ED young lady stenog.-apher desires portion Address U 9. lies. v .-. - . .-; i . A-Mlpin,, r ' . - . - -; - . -- . - TRST-tUASS Uiiv lsiokktTver and steiioe- apber a aula DutHUon. Address I 12, aa -4.-UC3 & , WANTED MALF HELP WANTEI To register with cur employment department com petent stenographers and ma. chlne operators, Hne. several good permanent and tempo rary positions open. Coin In and register at once. ' PMITH PREMIFR TYPEWRI TER CO.. 17th and farnam Sts. ii-uj:: WANTED A steady, r-llabls man to do i rl'tmblng. tinning and Mieet Iron work; n.WareYto. lWoc N" i B-M9I7 23 WANTED 41i1oken pickers: pi work; hens and springs. 9c. Apply Swlth Company, 217 8. Union St., ottumwa, l.i. B-M963 24 WANTED Lumberman, one who Is fast snd accurate In tiillvlng: nlao two boys; Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. fl 945 WANTED Chicken pickers: plenty of work; hens nnd springs. 2c Apply Swift Ac Company. 217 S. Union St., Ottumwa. Ia., B M1M in CHICKEN pickers wanted Ht Swirt and Company. Fiilrbtiry, Neb.; fine new plck li a? room; lots nf poultty; hens. 2c; springs. Jtfs-. Write or come st once. E. ByHesby. Mgr. B M2f4 27 IN tight weeks or less we prepare you as n competent. brhor. Kecure you s ssl Hrlcd position In a tesponrlhle Rhop. Write Amerlcin Barbw College, 12tli snd Don las Sts. B K46 23s WANTED Five boys; good wages; perma nent Job. A. D. T. Co., 213 8. 12th St. B 47 DRl'Q STORES bought and sold; drug clerks wanted. F. V. Knlest. 624 N. T. U CIVIL SERVICE Want young men to pre pare. See Underhlll, S320 N. 24th. B-M774 029 WANTED, SOUND TOUNO MEN. 1 to K, to prepare for firemen and brskemett on new roads and for fall rush; experience unnecessary: firemen $100 proim.ted to engineers 1300; brskemwn 175. promoted to conductors $160; positions now open. Na tional Training association, 620 X Paxton Blk Omaha, Neb. B-M138 NovJ HUSTLERS out of employment can do wnll to call on us: pay weekly. C. F. Adams Co.. 161 Howard. B--M139 Nov2 Tootha:he? Free treatment at Crelghton Dental college. Crown or bridge Work. No charge at Crelghton Dental college except for ma terial. . B alil Novll W ANTED An experienced traveling sales man who has an established trade In the liquor line In the state of Nebraski; good salary paid for a competent, energetlo man. Samuel Westhelmer A Son W. L ; Co., St. Joaeph. Mo. . B M637 23 WANTED Two boys for the soda fountan.. Beaton Drug- Co., 15th snd Farnam Htv B-S CITY agent and manaarcr for Endowment Health and -Accident 'o. .Milan D. M il son. Gen Delivery, Otmtha. D-M30O ITS WANTEI Engineer to run Corliss cimin and make planlna; mill rrpalrs with tire- . man. Lincoln Sash and Dbor Co., Lincoln, Neb B-Mlt 2-J WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Splendid time to begin. Few weeks com pletes. Top wanes paid. Positions wait ing. Rest trade in the world for poor man. Little capital starts business In vestigate. Moler Barber College. 11 IK Far nam St. B-M124 26x WANTED, for the. U. S. marine corps. mn between ages 21 and hii opiiortunlt v to see the wirld. For full Information i see poster In postofflce of any county sent. I In Nebraska for the address of recruiting I officer thereon. B-M129 n WANTED Railroad laborers stationary fireman, iron workers, carpenters, wood ehopr-rs. warehouse men. barn man and corn buskers. Kd Rothery's Information and 1uoor Bureau, lir S. 14th. B-MlfiO 22 WANTED Boys, 15 to 20 years old. Rex, SOS 8. Wth. B-M13) 22 AFTER the show try a t'ei-rep-Ko. ' Ask the bartender. B 362 2'ix WANTED Coat mkrs J. i.1 Oliver I Pear St., Council Bluffs, la. B-358 23X EXPERIENCED collector, single man pre ferred: permanent position: $13 weekly and commission. Hixenbaueh Co., 500 Wnre Blk. Call Sunday,, 3 to 4 i. pi. ' . - S stenographers, young men $ to ISO. Bookkeeper, young man, $j0. Stenographer. $t5. 2 grocery clerks, $50. CaU or write. 1 WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS N INC., Dep't B, .S4H-1-2 N. Y. Life Bldg. . , . . B-M37U 22 BOY WANTED A good opening for an en ergetic boy and a chance to lenm busi ness methods. Short hours and good pay. Need not Interfere with school duties. Steady work all winter. Apply, . aft-'r school, at 181S Capitol avenue. B- M-;! tix WANTEDFEMALE HELP WANTED Fifty girls to work in candy factory; good chance to earn money to buy your Chrlsfnas presents with. The Vcegele ft Dinning Co., 1316 Jones St. C-M793 FIFTY strong girls- for turning bags; girls 15 or 16 years old for clipping threads. Iiemls Omaha Bag Co. C Mto EXPERIENCED chocolate dippers wanted at once. D. J. O Brlen Co., 1202 Howsid. C M2i GIRLS WANTED. Loom Is Co., 916 Farnsm St. . ' - , C M4S0 WANTED A competent girl for genera! housework, small family. Mrs. H. M. McClsuahan. l.'U2 N. 40th St. Tel. Har ney 1402. C 498 WANTEl-To register with our employment department com petent stenographers and ma chine operators. Have several " good permanent and tempo rary positions open. Come in and register at once. SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO., 17th and Farnam Sta C-12S 22 WANTED Salesladies In the cloak and suit department. Ilayden Bros I c mik r I WANTElv-A caretaker and u good Una i dress. The Creche, l!h and Haniev. i C Snw 24x WANTED Jlrl for general housework. 3126 Chicago. C-147 t WANTED Experienced salesladies for cloek and suit department: high salary. S. Fredrick Berger ft Co., 1517 Farnam. C-146 22 WANTED Cook for small family: wages $6 to $8. 2iV17 Dodge St. C 145 22 WANTED Young lady alenographer fnr short time; place m lirht lie perinaneu' ; inns! have hod some experience; t-'null:-lYemler machine; salary reasnnuble. Ap. ply by letter In own handwriting. Ad dress V IS. Omaha Bee. C 1 22x WANTED A competent girl fur general housework: good wages. .'.Ill N. 4th Ft. Tel. I)ougos 3242. , , i C MILT 22x GIRL for general housework, $C per week. 12W 8. 7lh Ave. C-.J&3 ffl WANTED Girl for geuersl housework: no cooking; 13 1 a month. 2727 Cuming p't. , ... C S37 :".' GIRLS wanted to address envelopea; je a I .is. . Address In own .handwriting. K 18f Worthiugton Plsce C 3to 2.X WANTED AGENTS NEW sleeve protector for office and house) work; samples free this week; other novelties. 1-adlea Supply Co.. 32S3 Prairie Ave- O.. Chicago. J-MH35 Novl2x 8AIjAftY und comniisslan will lie paid to en old line life man of experience. Ad diras Box 119J, Llui oln. Neb. - J-773 Novlt . v FLORISTS 4, ifESB ft 8WOBODA.X14li iT t4 U HENDERSON, 151$ Fsma-, 4 Dutlgj UoJ. Tel. 9i AUTOMOBILES FOR RENT OR AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Both Advertised Under "Automobiles" on The Dee Want Ad Par eaTtTaaTaaTaTJR ; FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. E 639 Dong. 611 O. M. E. Haul Trunin E 640 PLEASANT room, modern, prlvste fam ily. 24 So. 26th Ave. E 349 28x CAPITOL HOTEU lth and Capitol Ave.; American or European; steam heat and modern eonvenlences. E 473 FTRNISHKD room In new modern liou.-e. Douglas St. K S77 TWO r-onnectliie; front rooms; stcmn lieat, bath, gs, suitable for four young men. Room So. 1. ii: N. Kth St.. third iti.or. E-110 NEWLY furnished rooms; new house; one block, north of Karnnm car; gentlemen, only; every modern convenience; hot water heat. 107 R. 31st St. E 115 2.:x TWO nicely furnished rooms, new house, hot water heal; hoard If desired. See Mr. McFarland, with Ueorge & Co., idol Fsmam. E M2P9 --'x 1 SOUTH room, gna, bath, furnace heat, telephone, excellent location. 247 Jones Bt- E Miin 22 FURNISHED room, close In. ull modern, private family. "Phone Done:. ItfW. fall Sit S. 25th Ave. E M1A3 22x ELEGANT large south room with nlcove, second floor; suitable for two. 2r I'ar nam. E X14 22x KKWI,Y furnished front room, modern. 2364 Harney. t.M ;'yx NTCELY furnished buck parlor. well heated, good location. 231S Douulas St. F. 1"2 2.1 x FOR RENT Two nicely furnished front rooms, all modern conveniences; use of 'phone. 2652 St. Mary Ave. E 1535 22 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611 O. M. E. Haul Trunk. t F 643 VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. F 644 ROOM and board for two mer. In private family. 2525 Hamilton St. F-.M324 22x PLEASANT SOUTH room, suitable for two. In private family, with best i,on board; refined neighborhood. 5J7 Park Ave. U-i'it 22 x TWO larre. nicely furnished rooms, all modern, with board. W5H So. lth St. F-;i a THE ROSE, 202O Harney St. warm rooms; good board. pleusan'. F4.H0 26X UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TWO rooms for light housekeeping. 535 . 2tn Ave. u &,u 22 2. 8 OR 4 FURNISHED or unfurnished clean, pleasant; furnace heat. 2214 N. 1Mb St. G-M275 22x NOV. 14 pleasant moms, unfurniahed or partly furnished; modern except heat. 1214 N. 25th. G M22R 22x FOR RLNT HOUSES WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglaa 1625. Uchmoller & Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. D-646 IIOTTSF.S ,n i"rt" ot the vity- R- D 647 HOTTKFS n Prts of the city. The "VJUOr-iO O. F. Davis Co.. Bee Bldg. c D 648 HOUSES. Insurance. Ring-wait. Barker Blk. D b49 OMAHA Van tc Storage Co., pack, move, store 11. H. goods; storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. Office, 1C1 K. .'nam. Tel. Doug. 15 D 65'J SiTm? nV Household goods, nier-OAV'A'-'xv-,A-' chsndisu, etc., 1'ted Buli Transfer Line. lt03-5 Farnam St. D Mj'is Nov. 10. WE MOVE pianos. Mnggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. H96. Office. 171S Web ster St. D-CS1 SEE us when shipping household goods to large ci'ies weal, we can save : F.XPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY Sixteenth Ht. Tel. Doug. 11!. D-52 FOR RENT l-room house, all modern; fur nace: $2. C. M. Bachmann, 436 Paxton Blk. D-3 FOR RENT A new modern 6-room house. . . a M Ta..A. f. Putll-nll . Bidr ?T.M:4L. FOR RENT Two first foor and one second floor flat, corner 29th and Douglas. Globe Iand and Investment Co.. Patterson Bl Jg. CODNSM AN-VAN BURGH CO.. storage and transfer. Best storage house In the city. Immediate attention given, 1529-31-33 N. 16th St Tel Douglas-4619. D IU FOR RENT Fine flat, all modern; good furnace; 40T. 8. 26th Ave. William K. potter receiver, &1 Brown Blk. D ! FOR rent, October 16, to responsible ten ant, 7-room house, 2867 Farnam St.; mod ern except furnace; $2660. Apply at u 19th Bt. . P-Mb48 6-ROOM hotise, good repair, modern, $18. South s:d St. Phone Douglas 623. t D 5i2 $32 50 8-ROOM strictly modern brick house. 13H 8. 2th Ft. Tel. Harnoy-17i!7 D 3jl 22 COLONIAL residence, opposite Hanscom park; moflern; after Nov. 1. Phone Douglas 523. D 108 FOR RENT To responsible tenant, modern S-room house in splendid repair. lUnscom Iork district. Inquire 1313 8. 2Sth St. D M273 22X 10-Ri)OM all modern house. 113S South I Sitli Ave. (!. W. lloobler. "Phone Doug, j i.hsi. D-M314 24x FOR HKXT-Iwrr flat. & rooms, modern; price $20. !HVM Leavenworth. D MloU 22 FOR RENT I-room modern house, except j furnace. $J0. C. M. Bachman, 4.W Paxton Blk. li . vi 150 SfX-ItOOM modern, except furnace. 125. 634 South 24th Ave. Inquire premises. D Mil 29 2'-'x FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk room In Bee ofnc. city hall building, 417 N. 25lh St.. South Omaha. Apply to manager. I 134 FOR RENT Large corner store room, 16lh and Vinton Sts., $30. C. M. Bach mann. 43 I axu.ii Blk. I M621 THE two store rooms, with basements, at 701-705 8. 16th street; laO pel month for both. I Inquire R. c. PETEP.S CO.. urouna r lour, cea ciiuk. I-MtSI BUILDING lflni Farnam, will be vacant November 15; 2l'xU, i floors and base ment. Apply 314 First Nat'l Bank Rldg. I-9 FOR RENT FARMS A FARM from SO to ISO acres, situated In Iowa or eastern Nebraska, fairly well Improved and plenty of water; tenant to lake poaat-ssion March 1 next; trive full - tuirticulars wheu answeilng. Addiees I 2. Bee; M 3o7 22s WANTED TO RENT WANTED By man and wife, first class hosrd and room i- Uate family. Ad dress T 4a, Bse, Sia. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE LAI CiAlNS FOR QUICK SALE 4,iut buvs the plr of two-story 7-ruotii frame dwellttigs at 1-10 and 1312 8. 2Sth tit.; all modern except furnace; now renting at IW0 per annum. Ivt.oeo huys 9-room frame dwelling at 2fc0 'oppleton Ave.; fully modern; now vacant; was rented at 34 pr annum. $7,UK) for 5i9 nnd 611 N. 18th St., twoS-rooto fully modern frame dwellings, with 4 room cottage In the rear; rents for $0 per annum. 1 1.20 tor use Clisrles St.; 6-room cottage; full lot. on corner. Apply to W. H. MEIKLK. 2U6 Rnmge Building. RE-90 Quick Sale Bargains lo-ronm house, large lot, rents for $26.00 a month: $.,. 0. 10 rooms, two large lots, shade and fruit, paved street, permanent walk, large barn. room for another large, house; $3.W. 10 rooms, splendid home, walking distance; a bargain at $J.750. 9 ivMiinsj, new, modern, laundry In base ment, corner lot : $3,900.00. 7 rooms on first floor, most homelike home In city; X2..V0. C rooms walking1 distance; rents for $16:00; cheap at $1.M"Ki. National Investment Co. h) DOUGLAS BLK.. 16TH AND DODGE. 'Phone Douglas RE-M317 22 ATTENTION! If yon wart to buy a home or investment property, or If you have n place to sell, tell me sbout it. It yon have a place to rent, 1 make a specialty of taking good care of such property. If you can't see me In the daytime call up and say when you can come. Open for engagement day or night. H R. STRINGER. 227 Neville Blk. 'Phone Douglas 75."4. RE-M936 SEVERAL smull houses ami one large house for sale. 1223 Nicholas. RE-340 22 WANT MERCHANDISE OR INCOME PROPERTY. :l.io0 acres Custer Co.. Neb $30,000 Oil acres. Richardson Co., Neb 21,0"O .iL" lull, Holt Co.. Mo 211.000 2M acres, Ilarriein Co., la 18,000 J. H. ADK1NS. 14 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. Is. RE 3i0 22x S-fltOOM house, modern except heat, per manent wallt. cement basement . bv owner. 816 S 25th St. RE 157 22x ' TWO modern houses at the southwest cor ner of 31st and Cass Sts., with ground on which to build another house. Paved street, east fionl, nice shade trees. Make inc an offer for one or both. C THOMAS P.RENNAN. Room 1. N. Y. Life Bldg RE- M814 AM LEAVING the city and will sell my 8-room thoroughly modern house very cheap. 11. 11. Churchill. 3111 Pacific. RE-907 C. G. CARLBERG, real estate and Insur ance 911 N. Y. Life. Phone Red-7497. RE-M179 BARGAIN Modern residence. In Xountxe Place; 75 foet front, large barn; hot' water heat; cement cellar, laundry; slate roof, must be sold at onoe. See owner, 1921 Wirt St. RE M953 FOR SALE New 6-room cottage. Inquire 3025 Mandersnn Sunday or Monday. a in RE M185 22x TOWNSEND Realty Co., Fremont,-Neb., buy, sell and exchange lands, city prop erty and merchandise; try us for deal. RE M241 Nov.Bx FOR SALE FARMS THREE farm bargains. Write J. T. Camp bell. Litchfield, Neb. H-M915 N16x WELL IMPROVED 80-acre farm; fine land. Address Box 52, R. 5. Council Bluffs. . , II Ml"? 26x THREE farm bargains. Write J. T. Camp bell, Litchfield. Neb. . 11-103 Nov. I MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam, S and ii per cent loans on real estate; no delay. W-067 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W-0M WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. W-669 BUILDING loans on residence property; i per cent. W. B. Mrlkle, Ram go Blk. W-670 LOWEST RATES Betnls. Paxton Block. W-871 PRIVATE MONEY F, D. Wead, 1030 Doug. w i2 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property in Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan, R. 1. N. Y. Life. W-tfrt WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters ft Co. W-674 City & farm loans. O. F. Carson Co.. N.T.L, W-675 LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas. 505 First National Bank Bldg. W 676 WANTED TO BUY ! WANTED TO BUT. SECOND-HAND rurnituie, stoves, carpets, doming ana shoes; pay the best pi lees. Tel. Douglaa S97I. N-684 Novll WANTED To buy a cottage or small two-story house without lot. E. D. Van Court, 1020 N. 16th. N 361 23 WANTED 10 span of work horses, 4 to 7 years old, l,3t1 to 1.5w cwt., well broken, sound lit body and wind. Name cash price per suin and where horses can be seen. Address U-13. Bee. N 148 26 WANTCD to buy, 7 or S-room cottage, j close in, cheap, for cash. State Iricatlon and price by letter. M. Mash, a 30 Harney ! St. N-M331 24x PRINTING LYNG3TAD High Grade 1907 Calendars, a muei. S. E. corner 14th ait. and ft .lOHVfc.. Capitol Ave. 697 COMPLETE line of 1907 calendars. Snell Pruning Co.. 810 S. 12th St. -157 NovJ JOB printing and binding. Springer Print ing Co., 2o5 No. 17th. Tel. Doug. 2071. M569 Nov. 10 CENTRAL PRINT1NQ CO.; fine Job work; typewritten letters. 110 8. 17th St., 1 Mocks north Be Bldg. M644 Novll PATENTS P. J IRSON ft CO.. paK'nt lawyers; patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. -4192 6HARPE MACHINE WORKS-Patenta procured, Inventlona developed, drawings, r tterns, castings, machine work. 6t4 612 loth 8t. -43 PATENTS procured and sold, 1 fee. Nat'l. Investment Co., Douglas Blk., ltith and Dodtfe. M 412 Nov MUSIC AND LANGUAGES MI3S 1RMA SPRINGER, piano lessons 06 cuts. IJJti N. tlat St.. Walnut Hiil car. MuOk Nov. 13 CHATHI.AI.V School of Languages Day and evening classes, French. German, bysjilali. ttUL'lua. D-'iU ra-hav. 1 I aBngjaaajjngBjfsajsjasaf 1 PERSONAL SEWING machines irnted Any make; e per week or $2.00 per month. Second hand machines for sale, S.Y0O and up. Neb. Cycle Co.. 15th snd Harney. li- Ml. DR. ROT. chiropody. Doug. W97. 10O5 Far. PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME. Mrs Dr. King, 2018 N. 21st St. Tel. Doug. " 1 T v-xio ' j PLEATING But.VvK, i l Lift I 111 VJ Knibrolderliig, Dyeing and cicauiiiK. sponging and shrln'K Ing; only 6c per yard, bend tor price list and sample. i , UOLUMAX PLEATING CO , 400 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 1926. U-2 IT -SM THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castoff vioiiuna;; in tact, nnvtiung you oo nvi tjeed; we coll'ct. repair and sell, at 111 N. 11th St.. for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug. 4130 nnd W.r.-,n .111 M IT til wagon will call. U 611 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Modlcal college, 14th and Dav enport Sis.; special attention paid to confinement cases; all treatment super vised by co!'.'o professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or night. THE CITY GARBAGE CO.. office 4lli and Leavenworth Tel. Douglas 13S7. U S32 SURVEYING. Bllckensd-rter, 312 Bee Bl.lg OHAHA Stammerers' Institute, Ramxe Bldg. U 831 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mail; cut B rices; send for free catalogue. Myers- Illon Drug Co.. Omaha. U S25 WE will find good comfortable homes for babies whose mothers cannot care for them. See "Mother Lee, Supt." Tinlcy Rescue Home, 4J Bancroft St. U 700 oct2 MAONT'lTTfltrMtment and bath. Mme. imKIll-,lKj Smith. 118 N. 15. 2d floor. U M4 fAKM Afire. Swedish movement, 410 N. iUAOOAUIi 16th Rooin M noor U M107 novl CHAMPION Carpet cleaning. Doug. 655 102J Leavenworth. U M486 Nov8 ANY POOR GIRL In need ot a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 8824 N. 24th St., Omaha. Neb. U M10O TRY KELLY'S Laundry. Phone Douplaa $520. U-82S PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan San itarium. Tjs First Ave.. Council Blurts, la. Tel. 774. U S22 DR8. VUG EL private hospital for women and for ladies before and during confine ment. 2319 8. 13th St.. Omaha. Neb. U M9s0 031 FOR anything In the sewing machine line go to P. E. Flodinatt & Co.. 1014 Capitol Ave. U M183 Nov3 TYPEWRITER rented. $2.60 per month; all makes; satisfaction guaranteed. Fox Typewriter & Supply Co., 1822 Farnam 8t. U 369 Novo ARCHITECT O. L. Brollne, 618 Bee Bldg U M246 Nov.. A Dollar Free for You. This coupon will be taken as $1 payment on a $10 purchase of shoes', hats or cloth ing; balance paid as you earn It. HOME CREDIT CLOTHING COMPANY, 3o2U Dodge St., Cor. 16th, Omaha. U 118 N18 PENNELL Millinery Co.. 322 North 16th Bt. U M258 Jan5 RUPTURE CURED-No knife, no pain, no detention from business. Call or write for booklet, etc. QUICK CURE RUP TURE CO., 511 Woodmen of World Bldg , Omaha. U 494 Crelghton Dental college. Patients free. Fl at Crelghton Dental col lege U M540 Novll IF LUCKY you get your picture enlarged to life size In genuine crayon free in our drawing contest, every day, 10 a. m. to 6. p. in., guaranteed worth $5. Wallace Bristol ft Co., Artists, 620 N. 16th St. V M570 NovlO C. J. PA LMQU1ST Custom shoe maker. 4124 Hamilton St., and 107 8. 10th St. U M665 Nov. 10 ECZEMA absolutely cured by W. A. Pax ton's salve. B. J. Scannell, agent, & Ware Blk. U M896 Novl5 CHRIST ENSON carpet cleaning! TelT Doug. 1669. U 874 Nov. 14. THE ACORN Press, v Tel. Doug. 3T9J. Commercial Printers. 15M Howard St. U-M999 Novl8 HALSTED Show cards and small signs. 61 Douglas Blk. Tel. Doug. 3606. U M10!) YOU DON'T experiment using Satin skin cream and powder. Their merits are proven. U MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nervs Food Pills" $1 box. postpaid. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 665 DR. PRIES, specialist, women's diseases, weaknesses, discharges, Irregularities, cured painlessly and safely. Withnell block, 10th and Harney. Room 2, Omaha. . OANCING CHAMBER8, 2424 Farnam, now open. Adult beginners Mondays and Wednesdays; children Wednesdays and Saturdas, Juvenile advanced Saturdays and private lessons; terms reasonable, commensurate with advantages and benefit derived In our school. Telephone Douglas 1871. M 6h MR. AND MRS Morand's classes In dune ing and physical culture for children are now open. 210 South Eighteenth St. Be ginners Wednesday, 4:15 p. in . advance Saturday, 2:00 or 3:30 p. in. Tel. Doug las 1041. . 662 Nov. 13 LOST AND FOUND LOST Or stolen, white English bull ter rier, clipped ears snd tail, brass studded collar, no tag. Reward. If found, notify E. Bummers, cigar stand. Merchants ho tel. Lost M 123 22x DRESSMAKING MADAME WOODRUFF Robes. Suite 312 14-15-1 Neville Blk. Tel. Douglas Ml. 34W (J2 DRESSMAKING In family or at home. Miss Sturdy. 'Mii Davenport. Phone Har nty 2811 738 FENCING CHAMPION fences best. Douglaa-1690. 611 8. lth. ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; Wire o per foot. 2oi N. 17th Si. Tel. Kd-i4. 875-Nov 14 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE one Ford model F touring car with lHob radiitor, detachable tonneau, preatollie tnk, gas lamps, tools, etc.; ear Is In fine condition and looks like new. Price, $75n. Walter Beall, Kearney. Neb. M2.6 23 MONUMENTS Great Weatern Granite to. Douglas 6-'l. MM Novll . MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS EASY TO GET A loan on lurniiun, pnio,.. iu'estocg r tirr chattels, left In y ur (Undisturbed Possessioa) IF YOU NEED MONEY to py your grocer, or nny othef bills which may he bothering you. Our plan the nest ss we give you a writ ten copv of tfV enntrset with a G UAH A NTEED R EB ATE If paid before the contract expires. SALARY LOANS made to people ste. dll) employed. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO lEstkblisiicd liH2 1 'el. Doug. li'J l ouia of iraue Bldg. Vel. Doug. 2.90. auto bo. ibin Direct. $ $ t I $ $ S I $ $ $ S MONEY. TO LEND ON SALARIES. FURNITURE. PIANOS. lloKelirt AND WACO.x-S. This is your opiKirtunily to get money and pay those Utile annoying uebt Ar range your affairs now so ll. at when the cold weather comes ou will only have ono company to owe. You con repay us In small weekly or monthly payments, best soiled to mir In come; amounts paid befote due. full rebate Is ALWAYS ahowrd. Reliable Credit Co. liooniH 3'i-;:-s I 'ax ton liloi k Joiner 1 amain and Sixteenth Sts. It$l(tlt$$t X-M678 il DK. PHIBBENOW S MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses, etc.. In any amount; lees than half rates; perfect pnvacy; Immediate attention; anf terms wanted. Payments suapended h-i sick or out of work. ii4 Karbacb U k. 209 South 16th St. X-4-U Bowenr 703iLY7tii eBldgTr Advances prlvste money on chattels or salary: easy to get, no red tape; you gst money aame day askud for at imull cul Opun evenings till 7. X 343 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLB and others without security; easy pay. ments. O dices in 68 principal cities, fjl. S.ii, room 114, New York Life Bldg. X-aU EAGLE LOAN OFFICE; reliable sccom modatlng; all business confidential. IM Dc agios. X 84 MONEY losned on piano, furniture. Jew ell y, horses, cows, etc. C. r . Heed. 310 d UUi. X H4 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loan Dull Green Loan Co., room 8. Baraer block. X 843 CHATTELS, salary and jewelry loans, Foley Loan Co., lao4 Farnam St. X 4tf CHATTEL and salary loar.a Croiu Co.. I'axtou block Phoenix X-847 OSTEOPATHY- johnson Institute, 418 N. Y. L. Tel. Doug. 1664. 69U DR. BOWSER, over 1600 Farnam. Tel. Doug. H.1,0. M11W OL'6 PLUMBING BUY plumbing aupplies direct. Wholesale prices. Save on every article. Only ftrst class goods handled. Prompt attention ti every order. Send for catalogue. K. F. Karol, 225 llarriaon St., Chicago. 111. -err CLAIRVOYANTS MADAME BUDDHA. The leading palmist pf Omaha. Revelations of past and future described. Parlors, 113 S. 16th St.. Opp. Boston Store. S M6-; LAW AND COLLECTIONS J. M MacfarlanU, 309 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel.' Doug. 6858. 624 Nov9 DETECTIVE SERVICE WETMORE de'ective service. 'Phone Red 7401. Rooms 13 and 14 Union Hlk., lfiih and Farnam. M92 N16 SJ4S" FARMERS chean lamia am netting- ai-arc every day. Yo uknow better than p- ... v ".iiiv ... lami n, nu in vestment. The Union Pacific . K. Co., Is selling tme farm and ranch lands In Kansas, Western Neb, Colorado and Wyoming at $: TO ."S run ACKK. EAST TERMS. For Information regarding lands and excursion rates apply LAND AGKXCY I'. V. It. 11. Dept. B, 318 S. 10th Street. UMAHA 2C RAILWAY TIME CARD IMOti STATION IE 111 AMI Mlltt Y I nlon Pacini leave. Overland Limited u 9:40 am Tim China and Japan Fast Mall a 4:15 pm Colo. & Calif. Ex a 4:15 pin California ft Ore. Ex.. a 4:20pm 1os Angeles Limited. .all :30 am Fast Mai a 1 .05 pm Colorado Special a 7:45 am North Plaite Local.... a 8:10 um Beatrice Local b 3:15 pm Chicago at orlhrtern Cedar Rapids Pass a:0uum Twin City Express a7:0oam Chicago Daylight a8:(niam Chicago Iacal all::toam Sioux City Local ll 3: i pni Carroll Local a 4:32 pm Sioux City lxical Chicago Express aa:0opm Fast Mall a 8:23 pm Fast Mall Arrive, a 8:18 pm a 6:10 pm a 9:30 am a 5:10 pm al0:!5 pm a 3:30 pm a 7:44 am a 4:50 pm b 2:00 pm a 6 all' all a :i a 9 a 9 C5 pm pm :10 pm :4f. pm :30 am :5o am :45 pm :: am :;io am Mm pm b 3 a 7 a 8 a 2 a 7 a all ulo bio a 6 a 5 h 5 Twin City Limited Overland Limited . Chicago Limited ... Norfolk-Boiiesteel . Lincoln-Long Pine. Dead wood-Lincoln Casper-Shoshoni Hastings-Superior . .a 8:20 pm .a 8::W pm .all :ii pm ki am 15 am 15 am rfi am i : 4i am ..b :40 am ::t. am a J: pm iti pm ii'i pin a .;:ii pm b :i:0i pm b 6:02 pm lain nd A I'll' EAST. , a 3:15 am a 7:00 am a 8:10 am pin :40 pm r remoni-Aiiuon I h tea go. Hock l12 inc. Chicago Limited a 7:10 am a 4:30 ( in a 8 46 pm b 9:00 pm a 1 :4Ti pm al2:lo pm a 3:15 am a 8:05 pin al2:5 pin Iowa Local Chicago Mail Iowa fxH'iil hi- 10 pm ... . L. . . t a ni t' V I u 111'. ..... Chicago ( ti:26 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Llm...a 7:20 am Colo, and Cal. Express. a 2:ol pm Okl. and Texas Ex a 4 4o pm Colorado Fat Mall a 8:60 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday Missouri Purine St. Louis Express a 9:00 am K. C. and St. L. Kx, ull :10 pm hies a , Milwaukee A M. Pa Chi. and Colo. Kpial. ..u 7 0S am California and Ore. Ex. a 6:45 pm Overland Limited a 8 3-ipm Marion ft Cedar R. iaic.b 6:4f am llllnnie 4 e lit nil a 6. .In ptn a 5 "' pm nl a 7:30 am a 8 :lo pm a tf:2n am bll :oo pro a 3:05 pm a 7 :.'. am a 8:40 am a10:30 p:o hlLitOa.u 7 in pm 11 to pm 9:' am 1 1 :" p::i v.l. 3 1 pin Chicago Express .. Chicago Limited... W a baa li st. l.ouis Kxnreas. ..a 8:0o am , .a ii:') pm .a C.:;o pin 1st Louis laical (from Council Hluffsi a 9:10 am Siaulx-rry I.m il tfroiii Council Bluffs) Ii O.'iOpin I hlrairu ;rtnt Western St. Paul ft Minneapolis. 8:"4pui St. Paul ft Minneapolis. 7.40 am Chicago Limited 5.4upm Chicago Express 7:40 aui Chicago EVpress 3.3opm w EBsTF.H HTTI ISlh A WKBaTKK ( bleaau. Ht. I'aul. Minneapolis A Omaha-- i-n'-. .rr,ve. Twin City Passenger., .h it::) am b 9:10 pm Kioux tlty Passenger... a 2:) pm all So am - ' S l-jlieisoll loc:il b 6:31 pill I) 9 loam Emerson Local es ioaiil c uioO pm fllsaaarl I'nrlgc Nebraska Local, via Weefliif Water blOpm bl2.0 pm j I I RAILWAY TIMECARD"T,M" ! Rini.iMiiin artTn-nh in Harllnalon , . 1 .I'll e. Denver Cnlifoih1....a 4 l r'o Phiek hills 10 I"1' s.,,n,. i Siwclal a I 10 pni line.' a .". ?i ten s pm a !' ' net a 6 ?o pm a 7 40 pm a ! am S12 20 ptl iil".2rt sin s 8 .10 HI ll 7:10 nm a s . am a I."'' pm s 7 :25 sut it 3:e' pot a 7:5 am s1o:f3 pin all 30 SUV a I t urn s 6 10 pm I Noitliwest Kxpieas s11:1pm j Nebrnsks i:Npre a 9 am Nebrak.i Local a 8. W ant I Miii'ln I ocnl : Lincoln Vast Mull.. ! !"" tn I--I. I'riHili A- Pla 1 isin tli b 2:' pm 1 llellevue ,V I 'I -1 1 1 sill ' t ll . . a 7 S Sill ) I lenvrr Lllll'tiMl t ii, n. -vi,.. x. I'nc .lone ..n ? :tn nm t'.rllex un Pnc. . .a K :10 s in 1 hiingii Special a 7 25 am ( hlciino v;xprcs S:4S rm ( hieiig.i Flyer s s or, pm lon l.ocal a :I5 nm St. Louis Exptess n 4 4n pm Kansas Cltv-St. .foe al" 4", pm K:insi l'lty-St. .loe a 9 In am Kanns I'll; -St. .loe s t:k")pni i Dully, h Dally except Sunday, d Daily except Saturday,' r Sunday only, e Daily except Monday. A GUN FIGHTERS' CEMETERY Where Frontier NiifsMe Wrr Planted nllh nnd Without I rri'inosr Every one of Hie little frontier towns ot twenty years ago had Its "Root, Hill." shore those who lived by the gun and died by the g in were laid sway with their boots on. but it is hard to find these unique and romantic burial places today.. The gun lighters' cemetery at Dodge City, Ksn ," IS now the site of a tine school, and school children romp over the ground where many a cowboy was bufjed at the time when the little town nt the end of t,he cattle (mils seldom saw it day pass without It murder. Hut at Billings. Montv If one cares to take a walk of two or th'iee. mlleg to a hill overlooking the flats of the Yel lowstone, there is it frontier graveyard Just ns it was left, years ago. This romantic spot has nothing to d with Billings, which is a ccnipnratively modern town, mor . engrossed iu Us bus iness future than in any romance of Its past. "Hoot Hill" is a survival of he old town of Coulson. which was established on the Yellowstone about six miles ahovg the site of Billings long before the hus tling little center of . the western wool trade was ever thought of. 'on Icon was one of those wonderful mushroom towns of the frontier. Steamboat traffic on the Yellow stone ended there. ' It was here1 General Terry's boats were bound at the time of the Custer massacre, and at Coulson cen tered the picturesque life of southeast! in Montana trappers, buffalo hunters, scouts, soldiers, friendly Indians, half-breeds, gam blers and the riff-raff that always man aged to find Its way to the outposts of civilization. Chief interest In Coulson's cemetery cen ters In the grave of the famous scout nm) marshal, "Muggins" Taylor. This grave Is In the center of the cemetery, surrounded by the remains of a wooden fence. Taylor was one of the celebrated characters on the frontier. He was a scout and Indian fighter whose courage was unquestioned. At the time Custer made his ill-considered da;;h Into the Big Horn country "Muggins" Taylor was one of the scouts. At t lie) last minute he went with Reno. After those terrible days of suspense had been ended by the discovery that nil of Custer'g command had been killed, Taylor volun teered to carry tho news to the outside world. He made a record-breaking ride, through a country Infested with hostile In dians, all made bold hy the Victory over Custer. After killing several horses. Tay lor arrived at Stillwater, scarcely able ta sit In the saddle. Here he was dismayed lo find the government wire down. But Horace Countryman volunteered to carry Taylor's message to Helena, where he ar rived dusty, haggard and "all in." From Helena the news was flashed over the wires and the country wrs apprized cf the fact that the gallant ' Custer and hla men were no more. Through the ride tif Taylor and Countryman the news of the Custer battle was sent out a whole day In advance of the reports filed by the government scouts' at Bismarck on July S. About this time the town was in need of a. marshal who could bring order out tha frontier chaos. Shooting scrapes were so numerous that the most gotid-natured Mon tanans began to object. So. ''Muggins' Taylor was chosen town . marshal, and things began to take brt a different aspect. As soon as a bully began to fortify him self with red liquor 4 he preliminary of a quarrel "Muggins" camped on his trail and took his weapons ' away. ' Sometimes the scout was allot at, hut he generally re plied so quickly thut the gun man bit the dust, for the old Indian fighter was light ning with u Colt. After a few weeks of office holding "Muggins" entirely ciianatcd the aspect of Coupon. The procrtsior to "Hoot Hill" became few and far between. But "Mug. gins' " carver was brought to a sudden ter mination. A l."--i'.less youth, who thought it would biimr lil.-.i much glory If lie could kill Taylor, ftllau up with whisky and be gan to "shoot up (. town." The marshal approached to take the boy's weapons, an4 the youth shot the old scout through, the heart. Owing to the youth of ths slayer he escaped without Ihe customary frontier justice, "Muggins" was burled in state on "Boot Hill." Today "Hoot Hill "' Is In neglect. Most of the cedar slabs used to mark the graves have rotted, tine or two remain, but the painted Inscriptions hsve been so worn bv wind and rain that hey ore hardly legible. At one end of ths ground is a rock on which someone has carved, "In Memory of the Dead." Butte Miner. YOUNG MAN. HERE'S A CHANCE ' I nele Nam Willing to Par High W ages to I'hnic Who tiuallfr as . i Forrst Rangers. ' ' ' Where are all the young men who like lo. work in the fresh a'.r, tramp afield and who are not afraid of cold or hard outdoor work, says Guy E. Mitchell In his article, "A New Outdoor Profession," In Techniral World -Magazine for November. Heie Uncle Hum la willing to pay high salaries to young fellows who can qualify for posi tions in the government's brand new pro fession, forestry, but he cannot find enough men who can do the- work. Iiv President McKinley s first adiulnixirallon, $;io,0 was the ennual appropriation for the forestiy service; today some $'.'.0H0,0iio 1 being an nually spent in protecting and preserving our forests. It ia a new profession, a new lielil. in this country,-mid 1uis dveli ped even to what it is today almost entirely wiihin the tight or" ten years. Who evi-r gave our trees -i thought tru or twelvs years ago'.' Trees? Why, they were thlnss to be cut down, goLen out of the way. Now lumbermen, paper manufacturers, railroads, telephone om panto-, farmers veu. are beginning to lea III- the (mMirt unee cf the quaton. What will become of our forests? Forestry is a held which Is widening every year. Each year enngreta I uc lewises lis aiHropriallon for the cause. Whelp ten years ago there were soma four teen men connected with the service, there are now over 1.400 men employed In the bureau of ft roiry. Here is an opportunity for young men, and many colleges are of fering special couises hi this aork, so Ihit their stuiletits. may yulif by competitive examination. The future of tha prole: ai" is assured, but wbi me bunt