Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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P( In ii.iie lpimn..h.nh. iCflinP IT CM'Tll IkVf ill &
drew li tn attract the a'tminn of some I fil 1 lillVJ Al JUU1I1 VJsailfl
, fugitives crossing through a fild a fe '
Uu'.aj KteJ FortHecMd AnniTtritry fr tnem ,0 rMurn tmvnrd tn, p)k.. .
cf I.innni Datb U Winehutir. th fugitive recognised iiim "i.utie
! Dill" and with a heer ninr bark to tl
f,.,r . , .... ..... i toad nd hecsme th nucleus around which
ONE OFTHE SOLDIERS RECALLS THE EVENT, a i.rge group of str.iers gathered .mi
'' ' lister followed hark up the pti nnd took
Irnnl OmIii trlrran In Haiti .f Ptt battle of the evening.
I erfar Creek, "Which Kama
Purl of Historic
Ha .
. niveraarle
j ai ajxl no
L.JWvoc than
(luring th 1
' the. battle
I wvprii niiiuna veterans were in tn u
I tie. inclusive of which wer Fred W. SI i
on. then of the Tentb New York, i
j John C. C'owln. then a member of
Th mouth of October In fruitful of an-
nfveraarle of kreat fifnn of tli civil
none possesses a mure romantic
t& famous "Sheridan's Ride"
forenoon of October 19, 1M, at
of Cedar Creek, Vi. Friday
wsra iba forty-second annlverxary of the
nt. J
Several Omaha reterans were In th bat-
Twenty-third Ohio, under Colonel It. B.
ll-es. Two jnember of t It Sixth L'nllcd
HUttes cavalry, which constituted a part
f tha escort that rode with Sheridan from
'lncbe.iter, also are residents' of Omaha,
' one of whom la S. 8. Peters of The lice.
I'p from the south at btesk of day.
Wringing to Winchester fresh dismay,
The afTrightwl air with shudder bore.
Lika a herald In haate, to the chieftain's
The terrible grumble and rumble and roar,
Tel Una tha battle was nn once more,
And SherMai) twenty mllea away.
That Is the way Thomas Buchanan Ilead
put 'It In his lurid epic, when. In fact,
Hherldan was only eleven and a half tulles
from the retreating army of the Bhenan
doah when he began his famous ride.
Geseril Kerakaa'a Salate.
Karl In the gray 'foggy morning of Oc-
t tuber IS, 18;4, Colonel Joseph Thoburn's
division of Brigadier General George
Jrook's army of West 'Virginia, which con
stituted a part of the army of the Shenan
doah, waa roused from Its slumbers by
I a ringing volley Of musketry from the con
federate General J. B. Kershaw's infantry
division. Thoburn'a men were panic
atricken and poured out of their tent to
' nee what was up and before they had col
lected their senses their position was swept
' In an Instant, their seven gun, from which
not a. Shot had ben filed, were In tha
hands of Kershaw's forces and over half
of the division was made prisoners. Tha
rest fled to the rear and Kershaw turned
the guns, hn had captured on the fleeing
troops. On csme the victorious Kershaw
I and threw his command agtitnst Colonel B.
I H. Hayes' second division of -the Army of
j West Virginia and the Nineteenth corps.
I tleneral J. A. Karly, the rebel commander
ln-chle. Immediately reinforced Kershaw,
and t. combined rebel forces were hurled
agalfst the Nlnteenth and Sixth corps and
the retreat of Cedar Creek was on In fact.
Confused by Heavy Kosj.
A heavy fog prevailed during the earlier
( hours of the battle and confusion waa
( rampant Inside the union lines and regl
j ments and brigades fled down the Win
' Chester pike, a disorganised mob abso
lutely uncontrollable. There were a few
rcglmenta that maintained their organlca
tion and discipline and no one man is en
J titled to greater credit for resisting th
I victorious rebels and holding them partly
In t'heck than Colonel R. B. Hayes and his
Twenty-third Ohio Infantry. Tha panlo
did not continue long, but a greater portion
of General George Crook's army was tn
full retreat down the pike and was among
I the very first men that General Sheridan
I ran Into on his famous rid.
General Sheridan had Just returned from
Washington from two or three days'
conference with General Halleck and
f lth. About 7 o'clock an officer on picket
i reported. "thV 'distant sound ' of" artillery,
j which was at first supposed to be from a
reconnolssance, and but little attention waa
paid-to It. About t o'clock General Sher
idan, mounting his horse, rode to the out
aklrta of the town, and observing no cessa
tion-in tha artillery firing, became satisfied
that a battle was on. Riding out to Mill
Creek, half a mil beyond Winchester, he
found trains and troops already there from
the Cedar Creek battle field
So far an the ride l concerned. It ended
I upon General Sheridsn reaching the Sixth
: corps at about noon. Krom that time in
lie devoted himself to riding slong the line,
I aeelng sll the troops for himself, snd say
i Ing a word or two of cheer as he went
jalong to encourage them, to which they
resonded with cheer.
Pnn),l:rr. tha Tint Ri Bal'iT af I
the Frct ' smpaien.
Thief Hrlss and George Bradeen
Hate a Mule F.araaatrr Whlrh
Coats th Latter at
3 Flae.
( Sherldan'a Dash tp Pike.
lie gave hurried orders to park tha re
treating trains and to use the spare brigade
at Winchester to form a cordon across tha
pike and fields so as. to stop the strag
glers and fugitives. General Sheridan
dashed up the plk with an escort of twenty
' men of the Sixth 1'nited States cavalry.
'. He called the fugitive to turn about and
face the enemy, and nany of them, In
al'lied by his presence, turned back with
vheer. Thi main body of the retreating
rinv was encountered just eleven and a
half miles from Winchester, and as soon
as Sheridan's presence became known tha
wildest enthusiasm and Joy prevailed. It
was the Sixth corps which was first met
and It had already formed a line of battle,
saving recovered from tha panic of th
earlier morning.,
i "What troops are these?" shouted Sheri
"The 'Sixth corr," cam th reply from
a hundred voices.
"We are all right." said Sheridan as he
swung his old hat and dashed along th
line toward the right.. "Never mind, boys,
we will whip ! out of them yet; we will
whip them yet. and we shall sleep in our
' old quarters tonight."
How well Sheridan kept his promise Is
a nmtter of often-ttd history. Victory
wst wrenched from disastrous defeat. At
1 4 o'clock Bheridan ordered an advance and
' "Karly was snt whirling back down the
valley,'1 never to return with an organised
I fore.
1 Tweaty Mb Witt Hlru.
Th popular conception of Sheridan's ride
has been, that he mad the t:l down the
pike alone. This Is wrong, for his esrnrt
of twenty men accompanied htm under
. charge of a sergeant. MucTi of the -omanr
will be taken out of th ride when it will
; be remembered that the Winchester pike
was a toll road and toll gate were fro
ouent In those eleven and a half miles.
While the union army was retreating back
down th pike th stragglers lowered th
toll gat and tied them down securely
with a view to embarasslng the pursuing
forces as much as possible. It was tha
duty of the. escort to dismount and looaen
these gat, but In some Instances It wss
Impossible to do so la the hurry and Sheri
dan and th escort' would all dismount and
tear down a section of fence sufficiently
for tti horses to leap them and thus go
round the gate. It was in meeting ths
obstacles that . Sheridan manifested the
mast amusing Impatience. Ordinarily h
waa alwaya In the best nl temper ond 'was
familiar and cordial with such nlisted men
as happened tn b close to him. One f th
escort had about half a canteen of apple
Jack and had surreptitiously taken a drink
a few miles from where the Sixth corps
Hn of . battle wss met. Sheridsn gt a
whiff of th aroma, of th liquor and aeked
If th poaaeaaor f th canteen couldn't
spar a drop or two for a dry man. Th
canteen was rompily .handed to th gen
eral, who took a good pull out of It and
handing: It back to th owner remarked,
"Tours ru'X" .
Amlhr Delation Dlsselld.
Sheridan l frequently pictui-ad as carry
ing a cavalry guidon during the ltd up
th pike to gtv dramatic effect to the Incident-
Such was not bo rane. h did
crrry ait officer' cavalry sahre, ut It re
gaaliied la Its evabbard during tb eatlr
Preliminary to the Issue of the year book
of the Omaha Woman's club, the direc
tory hue Issued the. following schedul of
department meeting and nprn day pro
grams for the coming month: October '-,
muslr; November 12, household economics;
November !!, ethics snd philosophy. I)e
partment meetings, name week as club.
Household economics: Harriet MacMurphy,
leader; time, Thursday, 1 a. m. History:
leader, Blanche I McKelvey; time, Tues
day, 2 p. m.
Alternate Week Political and social
wlence: leader, Henrietta I. Smith; time,
Monday, 3 p. m. Ethics and philosophy:
deader. Mry Jf. Newton; time, Tuesday,
p. m. Current topics: Leader, Myrtle
C. Healey; time, Tuesday. 2 p. m. Art:
Leader, Ethel Grlgor; time, Thursday, 10
a. m. Oratory: Leader. Lillian Fitch;
time. Wednesday, 10 a. m. Music: Leader,
Blanch L. Sorenson; time, Thursday,
p. m.
Chairmen of Committees Auditing, De
lia L. Ferguson: constitution. Lillian R.
Harford; courtesies, Madge C. Elliott;
house and home, Lily R. Black; library.
Sirah C. Millen; membership, Ada T.
Walker; educational, Llna W. McGllton.
The social science department of the
Woman's club will present a Tolstoi pro
gram at Its first meeting of the year Mon
day afternoon at S:3u o'clock in the club
rooms. The directory of the club and the
members of Mu Sigma club will be guest
of the afternoon, the program to be pre
sented hy members of Mu Sigma club. An
Informal tea will follow the program, which
will Include: Two vocal numbers by Mrs.
A. L. Sheet. "Pilgrim 8ong" and "No
Word From Thee." Mrs. G. F. Damon will
give a "Pen Picture of Tolstoi;" Mrs. A.
L. Patrlok will give a description of his
home; Miss May Rlale will give a brief
talk on "Anna Karanina;" Mrs. A. BT
Bamers will speak of Tolstoi's philosophy
and Mrs William Alderson will give a
brief review of "Resurrection."
Th projected memorial to Susan B. An
thony, which Is to take the form of a
memorial building for women to be erected
on the campus of the Rochester univer
sity, is progressing rapidly. Over $6,000
lias already been promised, according to
th recent report of the treasurer, Mrs. II.
a. Danfortii of Rochester, and the Interest
is wldespresd. The project received the
enthusiastic Indorsement of the women at
the St. Paul biennial of tha General Fed
eration of Wonnn'i Clubs and they have
passed It on.
Mrs. Sarah Piatt Decker, president, and
Mrs. Phillip N. Moore, vice president of
the General Federation of Women's Clubs,
hav been In Boston recently consulting
with the officers of th Massachusetts Fed
eration regarding plans for the General
Federation biennial, to be held In Boston In
IMl ,
, . -.. i -
Philadelphia club women are making ex
Unslv preparation for the entertainment
of the women delegates to the National
Divorce congress, which is to be held there
November 14. The membership of the con
gress Is largely made up of Judges and law
yers sent from every state in the union.
Club women have long been interested in
th divorce question, snd at the St. Ilus
biennial pledged their efforta to secure a
universal divorce law In this country.
Th women's auxiliaries of the Episcopal
church of Omaha, South Omaha and Blair
will hold their regular monthly meeting
rnaay afternoon of this week at 2:30
o clock at Trinity cathedral. Mrs. F. H.
Cole, president, will preside. There will be
a report of the meeting of the Sixth dis
trict, recently held at St. Paul. Minn., by
Mrs. cnetwood Hamilton, a review of
"Africa Waiting," by Mrs. 8. H. Burnett
and Mrs. Philip Potter, and a discussion
of current mission topics by Mrs. Albert
A program of unususl Interest has been
announced for Tuesday afternoon'a meeting
or in current toplca department of th
woman's club which will be held at !
o'clock in the club room. Dr. Lillian N.
uongdon will give a talk on "Cancer Treat
ment." and Mrs. C. H. Townsend will speak
of th Sunshine society and Its work. A
discussion of current topics will follow by
Mrs. cnaries Rosewater, Mrs. C. R. Glover,
atrs. iara uuroank and Mrs. Henry Mc
Th National Vaasar Alumnae associa
tion will meet In Pittsburg November 2
upon invitation of the local Vassar Stu
dent' Aid society. A large attendance la
expected. The Pittsburg society will an
nounce the offer of two acholarshlpa of
l0 for 197 and 1 Which, It Is expected,
will be supplemented by other grants from
other societies.
The remarks of President Roosevelt In
Hsrrlsburg recently should convey much
to those organisation who have pleuged
their support to child labor reform. He
said the state legislatures must solve the
child labor problem, a th national gov
ernment rnn do little. .
The Soulli Omaha republicans held an
enthusiastic meeting Saturday at Com
monwealth hall. A number of the loral
candidates. County Atorney Slabaugh
snd Congressmsn John I Kennedy sd
dressed the voters on tiie Issues of the
present campaign. The speeches by the
latter two were the principal efforts of the
evening, though all the candidates had
plenty to say.
Mr. Kennedy's speech wss more thsn
usually Important because he committed
himself unreservedly to the policy of a
postal savings bsnk. He said: "Such fail
ures as that a few weeks since In the Mil
waukee Avenue Savings bank have but
one meaning that there must be means
of greater safety to the earners of small
salaries. From statements furnished by
the receivers of the bsnk. It is shown that
the greater proportion of the depositors
were of the laboring class. The fraternal
lodges snd soclftles numbered twenty-six,
all of which losses come from the work
ingmen. These people must have means
of safety. As long as I have any Influence
In congress I shall be In favor of such a
system. I have been abje to get many
things dona for the good or soutn umsna
and the state, and In this respect I leave
It to your Judgment which would be able
to the more quickly accomplish the de
sired ends, I or Mr. Hitchcock, a man who
said of hia own ability while a member
that the only thing he could do was to
distribute gsrden seeds."
In discussing other subjects, Mr. Kennedy
briefly ran over his official acts and showed
their connection with the affairs of the
city and the state. By his efforts the Ex
change post office received additional help
both In the clerk and th machinery neces
sary. The branch ofTic wss established In
Brown park by his recommendation. He
promised that at an early date the salary
of the officials should' be raised to meet
their Just due. This was also true of the
other employes.
He declared that through his efforts the
meat Inspection appropriations were made
higher and kept up to the requirements
of the work; that the efforts of himself
snd a number of the western representa
tives secured the clause of the new law
providing that the cost of government in
spections should be assumed by the federal
government. This provHon he explained
at some length. After dealing with the
history of tils work asj a representative,
he took up the qualifications of the other
candidates. He specially recommended to
the citisens County Attorney Slabaugh, a
man whose work was so consistent and
earnest and the results of his labors so
gratifying. He declared that the one fact
of W. -W. Slabaugh establishing the In
heritance tax had saved already to the
people In Douglas county $75,0U0.
Democrat Would Be Helpless.
Mr. Blabaugh's address was forceful and
exceedingly practical. "What is the use,"
he said, " of sending a democratic delega
tion to the Ifgislature from Douglas
county when the balance of the state is
bound to be overwhelmingly republican.
The prosperity of these year assuredly Is
not forgotten by the rural districts. If you
want home rule can you get it by antag
onising the balance of th alate? They witt
make sport of you and will say to a demo
cratic del. gu tion from Douglas. 'Go buck
home.' If, on the other hand, a republican
delegation is sent to Lincoln they will tw
in a position to ask and to secure almost
anything they desire."
he then discussed the county affairs, till
ing how he fought the case of the Inher
itance tax to the supreme court and estab
lished it with Its great benefits to the
state. One hundred thousand dollars In a
Year mav vrv k , I
- j -v... l..- hi" in i n in i u:u re- i naDj
uum i rurci oi ims U'liolesoiue
law, the burden on the taxpayers tht
much lightr. He Informed his hearecs
that he had fought no less than twelve
cases before the supreme court; that ho
had never employid any special attorney
supposed to have exceptional ability to
represent the county before 1 lie supreme
bench. He hud givfn numerous opinions
and never had a reversal of his Judg nent.
He challenged his present opponent to show
such a record.
The other speskers of the evening were
L. C. Gibson, candidate for re-election for
aenator; Representatives Barnes, F. C.
Best, MIohael Lee, Edward Leder, Wil
liam Christie; Mr. Tucker of Florence and
Prof. Rogers, representing the colored vote
of South Omaha. The speeches were all
brief and marked by much hearty applause
The hall was well filled, every seat being
occupied and many standing at the doors.
Bradeen Draws a Fine.
George Bradeen was .fined $2S snd costs
In police court yesterday morning. The
charge against him was that of Using in-
aeeent language on the public streets and
disturbing the peace. The difficulty arose
from a meeting tietween Biadeen and
Chief i.f Police John Brig after the lit
ter had. been dismissed from the sensa
tional chArges preferred by Bradeen be.
fore the district court. Bradeen failed
to establish the charge of extortion from
the proscribed class of South Omaha, but
the chief took exceptions to some of the
statements which Bradeen made on the
witness stand reflecting on the character
of the officer. When he met him on the
street at Twenty-fourth and N. at 4 p.
m. Friday, as both were returnlna- from
' a host of friends who are wishing her all
i happiness. Dr. Stewart was assistant chief
of the bureau of animal industry here. He
was transferred to Tennessee about two
months ago. Nesrlr all of the government
men received cards announcing the mar
riage. Vtaale City t.osala.
Dr. AbMiy. 2th snd N. Tel. A Ml.
Chattel snd salary loans, 2t304 N 81. All
business confident lal.
P. If. Shields and family have gone to
Red Oak, la., to spend Sunday.
Jetter's Gold Top Beer delivered to all
parts of the city. Telephone No. S.
Kdwsrd I-aiideps Is reported as much im
proved at the South Omaha hospital.
St. Martin's Women's auxiliary will meet
at tne uulld hall Wednesday afternoon. i
The Cecilllan club will meet at the home
of Mrs. Schiller Wednesday, October "4.
K. E. K. RIHgeway went to Wayne last
Wednesday evening to help organise a
club of Eagles.
Claud Armstrong. 1521 Y. and Rees James,
Thirty-ninth and J streets, ach report
the birth of a daughter.
Stop! If you want a splendidly furnished
room, will furnish heat, hot and cold water.
gas and electric light, all at lo.Ti zaa oi.
The Magic City King's Daughters will
give an all-day meeting with Mrs. McCul
lough, 83 North Tm-elnh stn-et, Thursday
Gafford does moving.
(tafford hauls trunks.
Oafford hauls any old thing. Tel. luG,
South Omaha.
Miss Ltnda Langheime and Mrs. Laura
Faublon have severed their connection aim
the South Omaha hospital. They are now
with Bethany hospital In Omaha.
South Omaha lodge No. 66. Ancient Order
of I'nlted Workmen, will give a free en
tertainment to the member Tuesday even
ing, October 23, at Workman temple.
The King's Daughters of the First Pres
byterisn cnurch will give sn apple party
Tuesday evening. October at rhe home
of Mrs. M. Bhults, Twenty-second and U
Subpoenss were served yesterday for
about twelve additional witnesses before
the grand Jury, Involving the actions of
the city officials regarding certain con
tracts. The hearing will be resumed Mon
day. October 23.
Make so offer on the northwest corner of
18th and Missouri Ave. a nearly new
house, east front, and neat cottage, south
front; two new lot. Room for two in' re
houses. Will sell on eav- terms. Price,
K,"0. N. P. Dodge Co., 1714 Farnam St.
For Sale ti.&uu for axlM ft. on east side
26th street, between N and O streets. Join
ing new brick store building Just finished.
Party wall contract, all specials paid; 31.200
for the good t-room house. No. 220 N. 2d
St. City water In house, easy terms. Ocorge
ft Co., loi r arnam umana.
How to Wash Delicate Fabrics-Place a
wash boiler on the stove two-thirds, full of
water and bring to a tepid heat; bil up a
bar of pure neutral soap and mix with the
water; gather together the articles to be
cleansed, roll up your sleeves snd then
telephone Hinchey Laundry. Tel. IIS.
I C. Marsh has resigned his position as
secretary of the local organisation of the
Young Men's Christian association. He is
tn mn tn Krp'tinnl the first of the mOllth.
His place will be filled by G. A. Young of
Denver, assistant secretary of the railroad
branch of the Young Men's Christian as
sociation at Denver. Colo. He Is expected
In the city Wednesday.
Brllllaat Window Display at Bran
dels' Depict Typical Sight at
This Fo net Ion of Fashion.
The corning Horse Show wa fore
shadowed yesterday by the unveiling of
five brilliant windows in Brandels new
store, revealing Horse 8hbw sc4kes and
Horse Show finery in most complete and
beautiful manner. During the entire day
and evening the front of the store waa
bright with American flags, streamers and
Horse Show pennants, while throngs of
Interested pcfP' were grouped about the
Each window- Is complete In itself, de
picting some Important Horse Show scene.
One scene Is laid In the paddock, one at
the arena rail, one in the boudoir, one In
the boxes and another on the promenade.
Everything showji tn the windows, from
the apparel of the women to the bits,
whip and saddle used In the decoration
scheme, Is absolutely'correct In point of
tyle. All! the hats, gowns, fabric and ac
cessories were bought m Europ by Bran
dels' buyers expressly for this style event
and are given their first showing at this
time. Each hat shown Is an excluslv
Horse Show design bought on the Rue d
la Paix.
' A most lifelike picture Is that at th
arena rail, where a horse Is galloping about
tidden by a young woman In correct riding
Magnificently gownsd women lean
on the arena rail. Much comment has been
occasioned by the boudoir scene in which
a Creole maid Is putting the finishing
touche to the costume of her nilMress. The
maid Is gowned In violet, which Is th
very latest correct shade for maids'
boudoir dresses in vogue In London and
New York.
The moving figure of a richly gowned
woman In the center window is a never
ending ource of Interest. The figure
smiles, turns her head and eyes and raises
her lorgnette to look at the horses In the
arena. As a bystander expressed himself
yesterday: "At Brandels' store even the
dummies are live ones."
The window will remain In their bril
liant dress during Horse Show week.
Epithet I OffeaalT.
OMAHA. Oct. Jn.-To the Editor of Th
Bee: It seems our yellow newspaper hsve
causd quite an excitement among the
whit population sine the Rummelhart
murder by publishing numerous fictitious
stories concerning "niggers."
t wish to say that every man who ha a
black face is not a "nigger."
"Niggers" are as numerous these day
among the white a they sr among the
blacks; yes, and even mere so.
Almost every story published about the
so-called "niggers" Insulting white women
on th street ha turned out to be a whit
man. ' few, they had white face, but for
all that they were "niggers" with hearts
as black as Ink.
Women and children have been heard to
y, I am afraid to step out after dark
because of the 'nigger.' "
We wish It to be understood that the
negro I a much of a law abiding cltlxen as
the white man, and that you do him an in
justice when you wrongly accuse and mis
represent him.
As long as the white people respect them
selves we, as a race, also respect them.
We do not attempt to say that MIps
Rummelhart's assnaatn was not a negro,
for no on as yet has been able to say
whether or not h waa black or white, but
we do say be sur you are right before you
accuse him. JOSEPH WRTGHT.
120 South Twenty-eighth avenue.
Objects to t'lerleal Iaterefereaer.
GLEN WOOD. la.. Oct. 20. To the -Editor
of The Bee: As a reader I am glad to
see you publish the Dshlman answer to Mr.
Balrd, and In connection with this let mo
say that I am glad there has been a
stand taken against too much clerical In
terference with seculsr affairs.
Mr. Dahlman could have pointed out to
his critic that people who do not pay taxes
on their property while enjoying all the
benefits of munrlpsl Improvements should
be careful In making wild charges about
the management of affairs to which they
contribute nothing.
If church property and parsonages paid
their share of taxation, or even as much
as the tax shirking railways contribute to
the genral funds of city government, criti
cism of the method of management of city
affairs would be in greater request.
In the long, up-hill fight your paper has
made for years against railway tax shirk
ing I have failed to see you get any sup
port from the pulpits of Omaha. So It
seems, then, that these superior people find
it more profitable to attack petty things
than Ills which are of a much greater order.
I A 4 ' A f X ."' -iK.s e I
Wants to Know -Whether Merchants
Want Ak-ar-Be Featlv
Itles t'ontlaaed.
Samson has sent out the following
tice to the merchants of Omaha:
To Intelligently decide whether or not
the buslnes men of Omaha desire to con
tinue the Ak-Sar-Ben organisation, the
Board of Governors respectfully requests
vou to an.iwer the follov'ng Inquiries and
return the card promptly, thnt proper ac
tion may be taken at the annual meeting:
Does the Ak-8ar-Ben festival Increase
your business?
Do vou consider tho celebration a good
advertWmenl for Omaha?
Are the weekly Initiations and the an
nual parades worth what they cost?
Do you advise the continuation of the
AK-Har-Ben organisation?
What amount will you subscribe to th
parade fund, to he paid after June 1, inu;?
Bee Want Ads always ?ring the best
flood IPoBSOin)
"Primary, Secondary. Tertiary and
In combating the "King" of daageroug dis
eases no time should be lost, no experiment
ing should be done. Our treatment (or
Specific Blood Poison 1 absolutely bate, rapid
and permanent, and loaves no Injurious after
effects. Every external symptom soon disap
pears, while the blood, the tissues, the nerre
fibres and the system are cleansed, strength
ened and restored to health and purity.
By the latest and best methods we treat
and cure to remain cured Nervo-Vltal Debility,
SkJn IHseoiM', Sores, Vlccrs, Swollen Glands,
Varicocele, Hydrocele, Nervous Decline, Pile,
lluplure, Kidney and Madder Diseases and
all diseases of men due to Inheritance, ex
haustion or the results of specific diseases.
Consultation Free, Confidential and Invited.
X. V. Cor. l;li and Farnam St Omaha, Neb.
Leaves Union Station, Omaha, 7:45 a. m.
Arrives Chicago, 10:00 p. m. the same day.
Observation End Parlor Car with Dining Room and First-class
Coaches. Breakfast, Dinner and Supper served in the Dining
Room of Parlor Car a la carte.
till Farnam Strut,
Aard Man, Beaten br Companion,
Displays fireat Aaaoant of
The train had stoppra for water at a lit
tle station in the country.
Th passenger with tho skull rap, seeiua:
a lona native standing on the station plat
form, addresaed him.
"Fnnrs around here seem to hav
been cutting a good deal of hay this morn
ing," he said.
"Yea, air," answered the native.
"Thy'r taking risks. Don't you think
It looks lika rain?"
"Sort o"
"What do you suppose they will do if It
does rain?"
"I reckon they'll have sens enough to
go In out of It, mister." Ohirago Tribune.
DIAMONDS Edholm. wth and Harney.
Oaaana View latprvvera.
Th Omaha View Improvement club held
a hi meeting Friday night, about forty
members balng present. The ordinance In
troduced by Councilman Ziminan calling
tor twenty-live street car tickets for II and
iKa oni Introduced bv Councilman UwtA-
providing for thirty tickets for ri hool chil- , expressed himself to th hinderanr of an
ma irini. rtriggs called Uradeen to task
for th assertions ha had made, charging
that he had told an untruth. When they
reached the alley, in the direction of Twenty-fifth
street. Bradeen Is said to have
made use of the terms rhsrged In th
complaint and to hav dared the chief to
step Into the alley and measure physical
force. Th chief stepped, and Is said to
hav slapped Bradeen' mouth In a nX un
gentle manner. At the conclusion Bradeen
was placed ut;der arrest and brought to
trial Saturday morning. H entered a
general denial of th chargea, saying that
he waa not slven to the us of vile lan
guage. Other proof was introduced to th
contrary. Bradeen pleaded his own caae
before the ti urt until Judge King halted
him long enough to say that he must
confine hlx remarks to the case In hand,
as he (the Judge) had not the time nor
th Indira Hon to listen to th Bradeen
family history.
The Julats also called the chief to task
rather severely for interrupting th 4.
fendant while making his plea. H also
handed down a vigorous protest against
th Interference of spectators, certain of
whom took oicaalon to express opinions of
the defendant. He declared that he would
order th arrest of any party who again
dren foe II were endorsed by th club after
a lenginy aiscussion. rne secretary was
directed to nd a communication to
14 .uri Ziniman and Brtfttrea ,-.,!.-
their work and Mating th action cf the'
i-Iiid in tn mailer, i ne telephone question
wii also discussed and a rmioostrsnc
waa ordered filed with the city
against 111 bulldm of sn eight-Inch sewer
from Thiriy-tbirJ to Thirty-fifth streets
on Maple sxreet. and urging that the sewer
b made a tw.lve-lnch sewer in order that
th whol peorl in that part of th c.ty
may be benefited by iht sewer, rallier
than cue ur tw persona.
orderly trial.
Vies Urrer Wed la Memphis.
Miss Bessie White Greer, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. I H. Greer, was married
October IT to Charles Amery S;ewart.
formerly of th government servlc here'.
Th ceremony took place at St. Mary's
cathedral in Memphis. Tenn. Miss Qreer
waa a popular and respected young woman
of Buuth Omaha for many years, having
spent all her achooj days her, eh bag
Contrary to the expectations of the at
tending physician. Halvert Thorson. th
sged man who was brutHlly assaulted last
Thursday afternoon by l.twrcic.e Ander
son and was was found In a precarious
condition In his home at Fourteenth and
Corby streets Friday night by Officer fiam
ucUon. is expected to recover, although
he still resists all persuasions of being
taken to a hospital, where his Injuries
can be properly treated. Thorson suffered
several broken ribs and on account of hla
advanced age it was thought that he
could not recover from his Injuries, but
Saturday night his condition was reported
to be considerably Improved.
A Delicate Hint.
"They say Miss Sharp csn convey a
hint with such tact that it Is Impossible to
take offence."
"Yes, ah ha quite a gift that way. Th
Inst time Mr. Staylata called there she
aaked him to have some slight refreshment,
and then brought In a plate of breakfast
food." Halilmore American.
K talck ana gaf Bemeay for Bowel
Twenty years ago Mr. Geo. W. Brock dis
covered that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy waa a quick and
at cur for bowel complaints. "During
all of thes years," he nays, "I hav used
It and recommended It many tlmea and th
results have never yet disappointed me,'
Mr. Brock Is publisher of th Aberdeen
(Md.) Enterprise.
Be Want Ad produce results.
w fr the Araay.
Lieutenant Colonel John C. Muhlenberg,
formerly chief paymaater of th Depart
ment of the Missouri, left Friday after
noon for Washington. D. C, where he will
aasume the duties of post paymaater at
the national capital. Colonel Muhlenberg
has been chief paymaster of this depart
inent for over nva years. He will be
succeeded by Major George T. Holloway
is chief paymaster of the department tem
pera rily.
Captain T. B. Hacker, chief commissary
of the Department of tha Missouri, has
lone to points along the Northwestern rail
way to Inspect recent purchases of pota
to ill in iionnrrn pun or iNcnrafka aud
South Dakota for the use of the army I
Private James White. Comnanv t i
ruunii Hiiminj. wwii transferred to
th hospital corps of th army upon th
recommendation of the acting chief tur
eaoa ot tU devarlmtou
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