Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1906, Image 2

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For habitual and Obatlnata ContUpatlon.
ORDINARY DOSE. A Wineglassul btfore Breakfast.
The good effects of Apenta Water are maintained by smaller
And steadily diminishing doses, repeated for successive days.
A Refreshing and Pleasant Aperient for Morning Use.
Sole Exporters! THE APOLLINARIS CO., Ltd., London.
Bin- of Ihe dead of winter, with the tlrr
i!0iif ter nt 25 a hove.
I'llOKEN BOW. Neb., Oft. 21 -Special
Telegram. (-The first nomorm of the
season struck here during the night, nc
cnivpa tiled by nn extremely old wlnJ.
Trains from the west were over eighteen
hnir late nt thin (mint.
CHETKNNE, Oft. 21.-iSpelal.)-The
snow storm which has prevailed In this
action Via severely Interfered with rall
fuad traffl". A number of trains have
been abandoned nnd other ate greatly de
luyed. Oar Killed at Uiilm,
OtJDEN. Itart. Oct. ,21. One man killed
iiiiJ $lfio.0W In property waa destroyed by a
heavy wlndwtonu that swept over this
section hist night and today. William
Olbbs, while laboring to save the barn
from destruction, nai struck hy flying
plank and killed. The Cnhollc church
damaged to the extent of many thou
sand of dollar snd other large buildings
suffered. Traina between Ogden and Salt
Lake City have been stalled since early
laet night.,
At Meeting of Archaeological .e
eletr He Become Hanorona
Over "pelllna Reform.
, LONDON, Oct. 21. (Special Cablegram
te The Bee.) The ear! of Roeher wn one
of the principal guests at a banquet held
In Hawick town hall the other night, In
calibration of the Jubilee of the Hawick
Archaeloglcal aoclety, of which Dr. Jamee
A. H. Murray, the editor of the "Oxford
New English Dictionary," In president and
one of the original' member.
Rlstng at 11 o'clock to respond to the
toaat of "Kindred Societies." Lord Rose
bery, who waa received with great enthus
liam, said that when he cnjne there he
knew that he ahould hear a great deal that
would Interest him. In that bo had not
been disappointed, but he came to hear one
thing fall from Dr. . Murray's Hps, and
that had not fallen. , lie wanted particu
larly to know and It waa worth coming
some sixty miles in a motor car at the
legal rate of speed-nnd under all the moral
and legal obligations laid down In an act
of Parliament to hear It what was Dr.
Murray's opinion of President Roosevelt.
Might he offer one observation with regard
to the controversy, and It wag .thle. that
the blow struck at the recognlied spelling
of the English race waa a blow struck at
morality Itself. As a well known states
man said on a famtius occasion.- he heard
a smile. . But he thought he could prove
Jbll, vase. ..Who was It who were hampered
hy the laws of spelling? It waa only the
conscientious and the virtuous. The un
scrupulous and Intrepid epelled ahead ac
cording to phonetic rules of their own and
produced a result full of acceptation to
themselves and sometimes understood hy
others. But the man of conscience puizled
oyer his spelling, and he waa not at all
sura that our archaic rules of spelling, laid
down strictly as they were from tradition
and as stereotyped by dictionaries, had not
filled half the lunatic asylums of the coun
try. The unscrupulous man spelled ahad,
but the conscientious man pondered until
his brain got addled: tried the word on
paper In half a dozen different forma be
fore he ventured to commit It to his final
manuscript, and In that way his Intelli
gence reeled. Think of those words that
were epelled "believe" and "conceive," and
those analogous words what miseries had
Lydlm E. PInkham's
Vegetable Compound
la a positive cure for all those painful
ailment of women. It will entirely
ear the worst form a of Female Com
plaint. Inflammation and Ulceration,
railing- and Displacements and conse
quent Spinal Weakness. anef is peottll
arljr adapted to the Chang of Lift.
It will surely cure,
It baa cured more caaea of Female
Weakness than any other remedy the
world has ever known. It is almost in
fallible In suck cases. It dissolves and
xpels Tumor in an early stag- of
development. That '
Bearing-down Fooling,
musing- pain, weight and headache, la
Instantly relieved and permanently
eared by its nse. Under all cireum
stances it acta in harmony with the
female system. It corrects
Suppressed or Painful Periods, Weak
nee of the Stomach, Indigestion. Bloat
ing", Nervous Prostration, Headache,
General Debility. Also
Dizziness, Falntness,
Extreme Lassitude. ' don't-care " and
" want-to-he-left-alone " feeling, excit
ability, irritability, nervousness, sleep
losencaa. flatulency, melancholy or the
" blues," and backache. These are)
aura indioationa of Female Weakness,
sums derangement of the organs. Cor
Kidney Complaints
and Backache of eiAer er the Vegeta
ble Compound la unequalled.
Ton can writ Mrs. Pink ham about
yeireelf In strictest oonUdcnoe
iiu a. masi ait. te., ir, ih,
men and women and children undergone
In studying to spelt tliow ward aright!
I: was strictly true, as they would be
told, that there was a very simple rule
for spelling those word, and that they
could bs guided by their derivation from
the Latin or the reverse. But if you knew
no Latin, what was the use of the rule.
And so he might claim that It was the man
who tried conscientiously to write these
words aright who was apt to fall, to be
distressed In his conscience, and to be
relegated to a lunatic's scene of repose,
whereas the man who had no nerves, no
conscience, no howela, spelled on without
regard to .correctness and . preserved his
intelligence, eucli as it was, Intact, and
might In the last moment of hia life be
honored by the homage of the president
of the United States.
Colonial Agitator latlnatea thai
Congo Government Has Bribed
Seivspapera of German?.
BERLIN, Oct. a.-Speclal Cablegram 10
The Bee.) Herr Eraberger, who has at
tained considerable notoriety throughout
Germany by his criticism Of colonial office
Irregularities, stated the other day that
too much Importance heed not be attached
to those newspapers whlrh attack him In
return, and alluded to the venality of cer
tain press organs ,in colonial afflalrs.
Herr Brtberger's statement created some
sensation, a It waa an Impeachment of the
purity of the German Press. I'rged to
name the newspapers which he accused of
receiving bribes, he now states that If any.
one cannot wait until he thinks the time
I opportune to name two Berlin journal he
i irL-uiiiuiruu. uni application oe maoe to
the Congo government which can supply
I full information. Herr Ersberger's original
statement, therefore, means, not that the
colonial office here haa bribed the Berlin
Press, but that the Congo government haa
done so, presumably ts defend against
British and French criticism.
Refused Accommodation at Hotel In
the Russian Taw a nt
MIKDEN, Oct. 11. Although the' Coming
of Japanese Consul General Haglwara waa
announced in advance, the hotels of Har
bin refused him accommodation. Consul
General Haglwara went to Harbin to de
mand an explanation of the expulsion of
th Japanese officials from the Russian
sphere In Manchuria, while merchants were
admitted: The Russian authorities apolo
gised for the lack of courtesy shown Con
sul General Haglwara and explained that
the Japanese officials were refuead ent
rance Into the Russian sphere owing to
a mistake as to the line of demarcation.'
The Japanese railway terminus Is within
five miles of that of the Russian. The
Russian consul and traders of Mukden are
negotiating with a view of linking ths two
Pamphlets Printed at Geneva Offer
Price for Kllllagr of Royal
GENEVA. Oct. n.-iSpecial Cablegram to
The Bee.) Thousands of pamphlets have
been aecretly printed In Zurich and Geneva
offering J25,0on for the life of the cxar
and half that um for that of hie son. The
pamphlets hare been smuggled across the
frontiers into Russia.
The notice, which does not state how or
by whom the money will be paid, ends as
follow: "Reat assured that the sum men
tioned above will be paid to you, or, If you
die In doing the glorious snd heroic work,
to your relations within three days of the
accomplished set Free us from csardom
and slavery and Russia will bless you."
Government Offers Reward far Retarn
nf Railing Stark I. net la
MILAN. Oct. l.-(8peelal Cablegrsm to
The Beeo Oti account perhaps of the long,
continued fine weather, the number of trav
elers through Italy Increased to such an
extent that the railway service became
much disorganised. This has been the case
particularly since the service has been un
der state management!
An smuslng example of this irregularity
Is the mislaying of no fewer than seventy
railway carriages, for news of which the
railway administration is sending out cir
culars offering substantial rewards.
Farmers In atheaat Dakata
Have a Proaperaaa Year.
fcLK POINT. 8. D.. Oct. II. (Special.)
Vhls has bten one of the most profitable
season ever experienced by itie farmers In
this part of South Dakota. The hsrvest t.f
fruit especially haa been wonderful. On
the Rlverview farm, leased by Wesley Mo
Neil, the gathering of strawberries con
sisted of 11,000 quarts. They were among
the largest ever produced In thla section of
the country. His harvest of Mackberrlea
amounted to 1.000 quart, while hia cher
ries conaiated of l.W qosrts. snd spples
some too bushels of the Wealthy and
Duchesa varieties.
From the fruit fsrm of Daniel Dickinson
Mr." Dickinson marketed tf.ono quarts of
strawberries, and he picked, some SJ.ftCO
quarts of raspberries from six seres. In
ons day ninety-eight cases, or . quart a
wee picked.
From this ststion fifteen carloads of mel-
Cna have been shipped, and tomatoes snd
cantaloupes have been shipped by the hun
dred baskets. Wheat, oats and flax are a
heavy crop.
Trainmen Killed la Wreek.
KVERKTT, Wai.h Oct. zl.-The Bkyke
iiauh passenger tiain, weat-bsund. and a
Great Northern freight train, east-bound,
c Hided head-on today near Monroe.
Frelrlit Knglneer Judson. Freight Fireman
A. W. KesteUe and Pat Aheridan were
killed and Passenger Fngineer George Law
rence and Conductor Wetseil were Injured.
Several frelgtit cara were demellehad. The
freight la said to hsvs been tunning off
audition Oier th fctate Laos Goed te the
Eepnblictn Candidate.
I nlterslty Madeuta Are Week at Pres
ent, bat the High Hcboel Ilo s
Are on the Warpath and
Refaae to Re (.nod.
tKroin a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Oct. :. (Special ) Get.rg L.
Sheldon and Mrs. Sheldon spent the day
in Lincoln at the Lindell hotel. Many
visitors called during the day and late in
the afternoon the two went calling upon
friends. This la about the Ust diiy of net
Mr. Sheldon will get until election, aa he U
booked i:t fur nieetlnes every day. Bf-
'fore election he will sH'nd three -day In
"We have been having good melints,'1
aid Mr. Sheldon, "and 1 am wll satislled.
The people have come out In good num
ber and I appreciate, the courteous treat
ment I hove received. During the last
week most of my time lies been In the
,Third dlstrlft and I believe Judge Boyd
i will be elected with the usual majority. He
j Is strong with the people."
Mr, Sheldon has quit trying to answer
the lale statements in the democratic
i press concerning him. At the meeting tn
' Newman Grove he made the statement
he had received a pass from the Burling
! ton railroad and had given It In person
to Mr. Ager. the political agent of the
Burlington, without using It. The demo
cratic papers reported him faying the pass
had been handed back to him by Mr. Ager.
"What I said was reported in The Bee
correctly, after that meeting," Bald Mr.
Sheldon, "but about three daya later the
World-Herald printed a deliberate false
hood about It.
"I expect to spend three daya in Douglas
county before election and get acquainted
with more of the people of the metropolis.
In the meantime, however, I am expecting
a good vote there."
Rose la Satislled
From a republican standpoint the cam
paign Is progressing nicely and according
to Chairman Rose of the state committee
he is well satisfied and looks for the usual
republican majority In the coming elec
tion. Chairman Allen of the democratic
state committee talk hopefully also and
both committees are starting 'in on a whirl
wind flnlsh. With the aid of the railiouds
the democrats are bending every effort to
elect A. C. Shallenberger governor over
George L. Sheldon and while the repub
licans believe there Is no doubt Mr. Shel
don will be elected hand down, every turn
of the campaign will be watched carefully.
Sad Daya for InlversWy.
Poor old university. It was beaten at
foot ball and It cannot start riots. Ames
turned the first trick and the high school
has shoved It off the riot table. The stu
dents are gentle enough to eat out of the
hands of strangers. It takes a couple of
policemen to keep the high achool boys In
line and they are having poor success. In
fact, the principal of the high school has
to be guarded by policemen while going to meal, while the university professors
walk the atreets unmolested. The melan
choly das hsvs come for the old "unl."
Its old "Hoo! Rah! Rah! Hoo! Rah! Rah!"
sounds like the gentle cooing of a dove.
And there was a time when this old "Hoo!
Rah! Rah!" shook the plate glass windows
In J.he store buildings. There wsa a time
when it struck terror to the heart of the
policeman. Peace-loving men . and gentle
women used to hide under the beds when
the gallant band swept through the streets
to 4hlsdear old tune. There was time
when the high school students used to
follow this bsnd around glad to get the tall
end of the cheers shouted at the big guns
by those who feared them. Do they do It
now? Well, not much. They do say the
university boys tske to the woods when
the high school boys start out. They do
say the university boys talk In whispers
when a high school boy comes along. Is
there any fighting going on between the
freshmen and sophomores over taps and
such things? Well, not as sny one has
heard of; but they do say the university
boy play old maid after dark.
It's all very sad.
No longer do theae terrors drill Into a
soda fountain, get theirs, and walk out
without looking at the check. Not much.
j The whlte-aproned clerk would spank them.
It's a tame set, that.
High Schaof Terrors.
The high school students? Every day at
noon Principal Sanders marches out be
tween two great blue-ooated policemen.
They are there to protect him. The boys
charge he'beoke up their foot ball team,
and they really had a team. The news
papers In Lincoln are calling the boys all
kinds of names. They are getting more
space than the 'university crowd ever got
tn Its palmiest day. They are after Sand
era with a will. Notwithstanding the pres
ence of the policemen, they have succeeded
In balancing a few potatoes and such things
on his hat on one or two occasions. Flv
of them have been arrested and will he
tried In police court tomorrow. They were
up a week ago, but they didn't go to the
alatlon alone. Not much. Over 100 fellow
students went down with them. Mr. Sand
ers wss there, too, but he had policemen
to look after him And the high school
boys have most of ths town agalnxt them.
Several parents have telephoned the police
they will not help the boys oul of their
troubles. No one hsa heard any of them
asking for help, though. It waa Chief
Cooper himself who sent tor a lawyer to
help the boys out. They were willing to
wlr their case by brute strength and
awkwardness. Certainly a new era haa
dawned upon schon' life 'n Lincoln. Aud
the hlsh achool is ,!ng II pace
Llqaors Are Adnltrrated.
At last, man is sbsolutely up sgainst It.
The microbes which Infest the food he
ests are without an enemy. While await
ing the enforcement of the pure food law,
poor man has been murdering microbe
with a little "snort" over the bar. Now
this Is denied him. State Chemist Red fern
ha discovered the "snorts" sre Just as
Impure aa the food he eats. The asms
kind of adulterations found in his glass
of brandy are found in the blackberry
Jam and pure Jellies he like so well. The
ordlnsry Jam smeared on bread will do him
Just as much good ss the drink of brack
berry wine neither ever saw a black
berry, and both are colored with the same
kind of dyes, the blackberry wine having
s little llcorlc In It to make It look
darker. In purified Lincoln Mr. Red fern
exemlued and tested, not in the good old
way. but with chemicals, sn even dosen
If Coffee
causes the
Chang to
There's a Reason
samples of drink fluffs. He found eleven
t these samples contained barely a little
ulcohcl, but lots of iTial tar dye, aac
iharlne and other stuff hot supposed to be
In the real lire-giving intoxicants.
Hut Mr. Redfern holds oul one ray of
Kope. He found one sample of bluckberry
wine which tested pure. Strange tu re
late, this simple was found at a hotel
bar. In order not to start a stampede
around this hotel and break up business at
the others, he will not make public the
name of this oasis, but in a forthcoming
bulletin he will tell what lie found In the
various sample and what' labels of wine
and liquors the toper should look out
I'roaram for Teachers.
Tlie ixecutive committee Oi lue State
Teachers' association has issued a prelim
inary announcement or the program of tlio
annunl meeting, to be held in Lincoln, De
cember i6, 11 and 3. W. L. Stephens,
president, is preseident exofflcla of the n
ccutlve commi:te. 1 ne otner .uinmatec
men are W. H. Gardner of Fremont, A. L.
Caviness of Falrbury snd O. H. Thomas of
President Charge MvKenney of the Mil
waukee state , normal, an educator of
marked power and originality, will address
the Child Study association, the teachers
of history and the general session.
fr. 8. II. Clark of the University of Chi
cago, author of "How to Tesch Reading,"
will deliver an address and give a recital.
He will read "flys-" or "King Lest,"
Trot. T. C. Bliiisdell, head of the depart
ment of English In the State Agricultural
school of Michigan, will address the teach
ers of English and the ,,neral session.
Dr. Reuben Post Hslleck will deliver
three sddresses one before the grammar
school section, one befqre the high school
section and the third before the general
When Baron Krineko, while representing
the mikado at the Portsmouth peace con
ference, was asked to recommend one of
his countrymen to lecture on Japan he sug
gested Toyoktchl Lyenaga. Lyenagu will
give an Illustrated lecture on the "lnd
and Sea of the Mikado's Empire."
Captain Hobson is a forceful and Im
pressive speaker. Hia lecture Is "The
American Navy-Its Brilliant Past: Its
Glorious Future." The teachers will hear
the thrilling tory of the Merrlmac from
the hero's own lips.
Senator Beverldge of Indiana will ad
dress the teachers upon the theme, "The
School and the Nation." He Is one of
America's most brilliant and finished or
ators. The services of the' university glee club
have been secured.
Nebraska Xew otes.
BEATRICD-The- contract for building
the Eaton gas plant has been awarded to
Rutherford A Lee cf this city. Work will
be started on the plant at once.
i-nTT?triA J""vy win -visited this
locality Sunday. The moisture will be bene
ficlal to the winter wheat. There Is a per-e-eptible
drop In the temperature.
BEA TRICK Jerome. Farber. who has
been city editor of the Express for the last
year, departed yesterday for Sioux Cltv,
BiHr.!ir o h5-P. J"cura a position on the
Bioux City Tribune.,
BEATRrCK-Myor Shults has named J.
W. Burgess. Ed S. Miller and B. H. Be
gole as delegates from Beatrice to the
Irans-Mlsslselppl .congress to be held at
Kaneaa City November W to 23.
TABLE ROCK-Inspector Mr. Elda
Treadwell or Beatrice was here yesterday
and met with the locat Woman Relief
Corps st this place. , Inspect the corps.
The attendance waa unusually large.
- BLAIR Three caaes if scarlet fever are
under quarantine inthls city and two
case sbout a mile in the country. Thev
are all of a mild form, but the officials
have taken stringent measures to prevent
the spread of the disease.
BEATRICE The. republlrsna eif southern
Gage held a rousing meeting at Wvmore
Saturday night addressed bv Hon. Norrl
Brown and county candidates. Mr. Rrown
snoke for about an boor, during which time
the issues of the.cajnpaign were presented
In an able manner,. " "
BEATRICE WorJ Was received here
yesterday of the run rr lege of llarrv Spill
man, until recently a resident of Beatrice,
to Mis Helen Blackwood, which oc
curred in Donver.' They will make their
home in Denver, where the groom la em
ployed aa a ahoe clerk.
FREMONT Rev. Samuel Gregg of Jef
ferson, la., has accepted a call to the pas
torate of the Christian church of thla cilv
and will assume hie duties soon. He is
well known In the denomination In Ne
braska, having been pastor of the churches
at Ashland and Harvard.
BEATRICE-Willlam Buchanan, of Llb
ertyvllle, la., who has been visiting at the
home of his daughter. Mrs. Albert Stoll,
southwest of the cltv, died Saturday night
ot pnoumonla after an illness of two davs
He was 72 years of age. The remains were
taken to Llbertyvllle Bunday for interment.
COLUMBUS The .democrats have or
ganised a quartet lo do campaigning In tne
county for the party. The members are
Judge Hensley, J. C. Byrnes. James Gr-l
and John Weenie. They ar candidates fo?
the best ofhcea In the gift of the party
this fall, and none of them want to t
left or thrown over the transom.
FREMONT - Goldle Predmestky of this
city and Harry Simons of Edgar, Neb
were married at noon Sunday ai tne resi
dence of the bride's parents by Rabbi Wld
drunn In the presence of a large number
of guests. Including many from Omaha nnd
Cheyenne. They leave this afternoon for
Kdgar, where the groom is engaged in
PLATT6MOUTH - A C. Shallenberger,
the democratic nominee for governor, spoke
In Union Saturday afternoon, and ail
dreetaed the cltitens of Platismouth In the
Parmele theater In this city In the even
ing upon the Issues of the present cain-
fiaign, the pledges and platforms made
y both parties snd the situation In tide
PLATTSMOUTII Lee Muck, who pub
llMhs a ncwapaner In College View for the
bllna, came to inia city Saturday and took
his niece. Miss Lona Hendrickion, aged lj
years, home with him. The girl eaciiH-u
from a convent In Sioux City, la., aboul
two weeka ago. She formerly resided in
this city with her parents, but alter their
separation her uncle was appointed admin
istrator for their children.
ORAND ISLAND The Grand Inland Gas
company, having also electrical machinery,
has, since the voters carried the mu
nicipal lighting pl.tnt bonds and cona.iuc
lion la well under wav. offered lis enuru
electric pole line to Ihe city and the deui
haa iust been consummated. As soon a
the e-tty la ready to e-onneM't un. whlon win
probably be before the holiday, the gas
company will go out of the electric busi
ness. It retains Ita franchlae In the event
the city should ever abandon the lighting
business The city will now have Its water
and light plant under one , roof and fed
from the same hollers.
FREMONT The old building which has
been standing on Fourth street, near Main
for the liut three week, will be lorn down
tomorrow, ll has made things interesting
for the mayor and fctreet oummttlee for
Ihe most of that time. The owner sold It
last week to a parly who made prcpaia
tions to move it Just adjoining tne tire
limits. The authorities stopped this move.
Saturday the- varloua parlies who at one
time claimed the building, but now shift
the' responHlhllliy, aald that tomorrow the
building would be torn down by them or
someone else. At the tune It waa built,
about forty years ago. It one of the
intmt prvlenilous bulne buildings In the
GRAND ISLAND-Sherlff Dunkle has re.
celved a letter from a woman in New Mex
ico exrrae'ni her belief that there lived
there the man who va guilty of the niur.
der of cue Venk'-n In this city eighteen
yea is ago. Il aaa recalled immediately
the auch a man waa found d-ad in a pitch
of we'da near the round house atout that
time and that no clue to his murderer was
ever found. Robber" npnenred to be the
motive, though between U"" and t"""
found securely sewed In the clothing mi
the dead man's person. The wonmn. However.-
uon further correspondence Indi
cated the poasepidon of no such evidence
as would make further investigation and
arrest and trial warrantable and no action
Will be taken.
ORAND ISLAND The Grand Island
Bualneaa college fool ball team opened thu
season here Saturday hv defeating the
Wood River High school team be the score
of S2 to 0. Only twice during t lie entne
game were the visitor uble to make their
, downs, while the Grand Island harks lore
uiruusu ineir line ann sanieei ineir enev
at will, piling up live louclido n and (un
gual kick during the tlm hall'. At the end
of the llmt hair Cantuin Weailirman of
ihe college team retired, placing McLaugh
lin in hia position. He r:u the teini at ion
speed and amassed six touchdown- dur'.'i
the second half. Sliurleff diHtingulshiiig
himself by kicaing aix goals Next l-'rhlny
the bueineas college team will clHrh Willi
. the Hastings college team.
Farmer Pen iter, Accompanied by Family.
Leaves His jTtnsas Pome.
Family Will Reside at Irontan, Mo.,
While Rnrtttn la ervlua Ont Ills
lx Months' Sentence In the
Jail at that Plaee.
AB1 LINK. Kan.. Oct 21 Joseph Ralph
Burton, former 1'nlted States senator from
Kansas, whose sentence to six months In
the county Jail :it Imnton, Mo., recently
was upheld by the United States supreme
court, lert bis home here today for St.
Louis, where on Mond iy morning he will
surrender to the district court prepared
to go to trlso;i. He was ace-omnnnled by
Mrs. Burton nnd their adopted dnughter.
who will take up their residence In Iron
ton during Mr. Burton's incarceration.
Last evening numerous townsmen ealltd
upon Mr. Burton at his residence here to
bid him adieu. He seemed thorougly e heer
ful and laughingly said:
"I've paid my laundry hill and looked
after some other small matters, but I don't
suppose that would interest the public."
Today when Mr. Burton nnd his family
departed for St. Louis a number of friends
were at the station to see them off.
KANSAS CITY, Oct. 21. Former Senator
Joseph R. Burton, en route to St. Iouts.
stopped In Kansas City a few minutes be
tween trains tills evening. He was met
at the station by numerous friends, whom
he greeted In a cheerful manner.
Mr. Burton declined to talk of the case,
except to reiterate previous statements
that he would not appeal to the president
for a pardon. v When asked if hia friends
would ask for executive clemency for him
he said: "They know better than to do
that." Mr. Burton said tlyit he would not
now nor at any time give out a statement
In answer to the charges of his enemies
against him.
Wealthy Bachelor Fonad Dead In
Old Abandoned Family
NORFOLK, Va., Oct. 51. After having
been missing for eleven days. E. W.
James, a member of cluba of Norfolk,
Richmond and Baltimore, said to be worth
Ifino.OilO, was found dead In a room of the
old James mansion here today. Death
occurred over a week ago and waa due
to asphyxiation.
The police sre investigation hia death.
Mr. James was a member of the Virginia
club here, the Westmoreland In Richmond
and a prominent Baltimore organisation.
He lived alternately at the three places.
No one haa slept In the old mansion at
No. i Fenchurch street, the heart of the
eild aristocratic section of Norfolk, for
about ten years. A room on the main
floor had been used by James for a dec
ade as an office while he waa In Norfolk
keeping his rental accounts. His habits
were queer, according to Joe Wright, a
negro, who has lived in a house in the,
rear of the mansion for fifteen yeara snd
who said Mr. James always locked him
self In whenever he . visited the man
sion. Thursday, October 11. Mr. James waa
last seen alive by Wright's wife. He
came to the house that morning. Today
the negro made an Investigation and dis
covered through a window the dead body
of his employer in a sitting posture In
a chair at his desk. The police found
a gas Jet. In the room wide open. Jamca
was a baciielore
Mill at Mlonx Falls.
SIOUX FALLS, S. p., Oct., 21. tSpe
clal Telegram.) Shortly before 4 o'clock
this morning fire waa discovered In the
four-story frame mill building of the
Fulton Milling company, situated tn the
heart of Sioux Falls. Effort to save the
building were unavailing and the struc
ture and Its content were completely de
stroyed, entailing an estimated loss ef
about $30,000.
William Fulton, the principal stock
holder of the company, la temporarily out
of the city, so no authentic Information
concerning the amount of the insurance
could be secured, but it Is thought the
loss Is fully covered by Insurance.
The fire la believed to have been caused
by spontaneou combustion of the dunt
In the upper portion of the mill. A fierce
northwest wind was blowing, and, had It
not been for the fact that a heavy rain
was falling. H would have been a difficult
task preventing the flames from beinp
e-ommunlcated to other buildings by flying
embers. "
Ills; Banks tn Sen Zealand.
WELLINGTON, N. Z.. Oct. 2l.-The big
gest conflagration in the history of this
city occurred early this morning. The
Union bank wss completely deatroyed by
the' flames nnd the new building of the
Bank of New South Wale was ruined.
The Commercial and Trocadero hotels snd
several Insurance end other business houses
were also destroyed.
Funeral of Captain Rosea,
SIDNEY. la., Oct. '11. (Special.) The
funeral t-ervlce of Captain Henry Bowen
were held Sunday at the Presbyterian
church In thla city. Deceased was one of
the oldest and most prominent citizens of
Fremont county, where he had lived for
almost fifty years. He served In the civil
war as captain of Company K, Twenty
ninth Iowa Volunteer Infantry. He had
held the office of aberlff, supervisor and a
number of other offices. He waa a Mason,
Odd Fellow and a prominent member of
the Grand Army of the Republic.
William Gaedv.
AUBURN, Neb., Oct. 21.-(Special.-Willlam
Gaede, cashier of the Nemaha
County bank of this place, died yesterdey
morning at Lincoln, where he bad gone a
week ago for treatment at the sanitarium.
Mr. Gatde had suffered for yeara from
atcmach troublu and was auhject to ucuio
gastric attacks, but It was not Known that
his trouble was as serious as It proved.
Edward Jamra Hnandersoa.
ARMAGH, Ireland. Oct 21. Edward
James Saunderson, unionist member of
Parliament ror Armagh north, who had
been crlilcally 111 of pneumonia at Castle
Baundoison, died today. He was 5 yen'-s
of age.
Maay lajurrd In olllslan.
ST. IyOUI8. Oct. 21 Fifteen persona
were Injured today In two street car col
lisions, al! of them f-offrlng cut anil
bruises, hut none was dangernuslv hurt.
The more serious of the two accidents re
kiilted from an Easton uvenu" car trying
to cross Jefferson avenue at full speed in
an endeavor to avoid a coMb-nm with a
.1ft'er.r,i av-rn i. t'H r TIim Icftnrmftn MVe.
! nue i-ar wua atnick siiiurely in the middle
1 and almost wrecked, eleven passengers In
It ivelng nuried uiult r tne seats anil all were
injured. The second accident was a rear
end i-olllaioii between two car? on Ihe
I'nloii avenue line.
tlsltors I'll! Pulpits.
, MEMPHIS. Term., fx t 21. I..H-.J pulpits
j e,-re fill d toda by vl- iln hiih-p to the
i-f n vent oii of tiie Pi-other-hii! of St. An
drew. All o-i-il UVI'H llli-etll.: WHS ll'l
t IhU iiflerniMHi, to wiih-n ihe jn-n.-ial pi, lib.-
I was it ii.mI. und ii.pitht sramt rollv
elo-ed the i.e.iv -nr'on. Th- v M inee!!i,g
nill It l.cld in V 'ashlnglon, D. ".'.
"The Wlsard of OuH at the Bad.
"The Wissrd of Oi," an extravagsnsn In
three acts and five scenes; music by
i i irijruii anil v. piinwin ritMnr, mr
by Frank L. Baur; under direction of
Humlln Mitchell. The cast:
Dorothy Gale, a Kansas girl, victim of
cyclone ..Anna Wilk
Imogene, a cow, her companion
Kred Woodward
Cynthia Cinch, a Indy lunatic Rose Gore
The Scarecrow, looking for brains
George fit one
Nick Chopper, a Woodman In (eareh of
a heart Fred Nice
Pastoria II., ex-king ef the Kemerald
City Charle E. Mitchell
Brigadier General Riskllt. ..Wllltim Gaston
The Army of Pastoria .... Maxwell Pargeant
Bardo, the Wlsard' factotum. . .Elbel Bears
Sir Daehemoff Dally, poet laureate
Ethel Green
Trvxle Tryfle, prospective queen of the
Ind of OS Nellie Nice
Iiocastra. witch of the north... Allle Palmer
Ox, the wonderful wlxard, past master
of magic and ruler of tne Land of
Ox , Dan Crimtnlns
Sir Wylle Gyle, a conspirator
Robert Burn
Captain of the Guard William Hosklns
It's a flne thing, you know, te he a
wlsard that Is,' under certain circum
stances. But a king with a ball snd chain
sttached to his pednl extremity and at
tired In a striped suit well, ss Dan Crlm
mlns says, "That's a nice finish for a
king, now ain't It?"
"The Wlsard of Ox" ha come back to
the Boyd this season with added lustre.
Stone and Montgomery, the old scarecrow
and tin man, are not there, but George
Stone and Fred Nice are, and that Is one
reason why yju don't find time to grieve
for your old friends, great as they were.
The tw'o new leaders are funmaker from
the auld sod. Many people sat through
the performance and laughed and shook
and called back this pair. George Stone
la about the else and In every way re
sembles his distinguished namesake, and
Nlee aupplles the part that Montgomery
filled so well with such excellent results
thai In the end there Is nothing lost, not
that you would notice out loud.
The rest of the compsny la good and the
old favorite scenes elicited the accustomed
J applause. The poppy scene was as popular
as ever, but the foot ball scene ecllp-d
It. and Stone and Nice were obliged to
come back half a dosen times. Dan Crim
mlns, Miss Gore and Charles E. Mitchell
were decidedly funny and won great ap
plause and Anna Wllks and Miss Ethel
Green were feted for their singing. Mies
Gore and Crimmlns, the long and short of
It. made one of the real hits of the even
ing. , .
It Is evident "The Wlxard of Ot" has
lost none of Its fsselnatlon for Omaha the
atcrgoera. It will be at the Boyd tonight
and tomorrow night, with a special matinee
on Tuesday.
"Mr. smooth" at the Bnrvrond.
A laughable farce comedy full of ridic
ulous rltuatlons Is presented at the Bur
wood this week In William Collier s "Mr.
8mooth." The play la not merely smuslng,
it is laugh compelling, and It haa move
ment and vivacity from beginning to the
end. The plot Is based on a confusion of
, names caused by Joe Patton's asumptlon
I of the name of his friend, Cornellu
! Smooth, and thereby imposing on the ho
pltallty qf Arthur Chillelgh, Smooth's
I father's) former business psrtner. Jt re
quires a glib tongue and a quick mind to
get htm out of all the trouble he get into,
especially since he falla In love with Mr.
Chillelgh' daughter, but he rises nobly to
the occasion every time much to the merri
ment of the audience. Everything comes
out all right and It is the reel Mr. Smooth
who is denounced st the close Instead of
the lm poster. '
Albert Morrison gives sn excellent In
terpretation of the imposter and Miss Kit
llott Is entirely satisfactory aa Rose Chil
lelgh, with whom the Imposter falls In
love. Marie Hudson has an Important part
in the cast aa Mies Angelica Chillelgh, a
maiden woman with a decided prejudice in
favor of matrimony. Mary Hill also has a
leading role aa Vera Vane, a Chicago girl.
and takea the part' well. Fern Maycllff
makes a very pretty woman's maid. Carl
Fey leavea the villain's role for a week and
appears to good advantage as Dolt, a
thick headed servant. Charles Scoflcld
furnishes comedy In the. part of Glib, a
very funny valet. Grant Simpson, a bash
ful lover, and John Todd, a the' real
Mr. Smooth, are Important factors In the
comedy of the play. Harry Long won
special recognition In a new character,
that of a race track bookmaker, falling
easily Into a low comedy -part.
The staging of thllay under Harry
Long la up to the usual Mandard. "Mr.
Smooth" will run Ale -the -.week with the
usual matinees.
Vaaderllle at the Orphean.
The bill at th Orpbrum offers two nov
elties that ought to secure a great deal o
attention during tiie week. It may not b.
exactly correct to refer to Mme. Edith
Helena as a novelty, for ahe Is not a freak
nor a curiosity, but an artist, with a won
derful voloe. She was In Omsha two
years ago, and since then haa traveled ex
tensively In. Europe, singing and studying
Her voice Is a pure soprano of remarkable
range, and loses none of its sweetness In
its highest register. The lone comes pure
and limpid end apparently without atraln.
Mme. Helena selects such srlas as give her
opportunity to properly display her won
derful organ. Her reception last night was
remarkably enthusiastic, and she shquld
prove a great hit during the -eek.
The other high spot Is Mile. ' Rens shd
her horses. These sre two besutlful ani
mals, well broken, and, with their accom
plished rider, present some very attractive
pictures on the sfage, as well ss going
through some pretty paces. Flske and
McDonough have an Set that Is worth
while. It Is a satlrleal affair. In which the
aatlre la carried Just far enough to send
the shafts home and., not far enough to
spoil the comedy. It la well conceived and
presented. Kates Brothers, eccentric acro
bats, are good, and Bedinl and his dog
present a aeries of stunta that are worth
watching. Ferry, the "human frog," Is
surely the most accomplished of contor
tionists, and seemingly Is boneless. Hi
work sttracta much attention. May holey
offers a condensed burlesque show, Intro
ducing some songs snd dances with the
assistance of a chorus, snd wins much ap
, . ,. , , . - I '
mafia dorse
October 22, 2.3. 24, 25. 26 and 27
Evenings at 8 Saturday Matinee at 2
With Promenade Privilege.
-Tlie World's Best Harness Horses. .
-Kentucky's Best Saddle Horses.
plause. The pictures In. the klnodrome are
good. . ' '
name Implies a musical comedy, an.l Its
chief component parts are funny rungs,
e-rlsp witticism, of the German order and
a -comely set of Thorns' girls who can dance
and sing. A rotund figure of OemiHn na
tionality Is the point around which the
plox-e gravitates snd he Is pretty much of
a fellow. Hia name la Herman Schults,
ot course, and In running for alderman In
New York he runs amuck, turning tip ji.
conglomeration of circumstances that tnakel
his stay upon earth anything but prosnjsicl
for the-1line being, y I
Mr. Harry Emerson as the principal
character displayed much talent In hi wlf-
tlclsm and his popular songs, which were
encored repeatedly. Miss Lillian Horleln
made something ef a hit with her songs,
ui men euere w ere many. i nw i rniru.
on 'the whole might Improve somewhat Ir
the singing. The audience was very lib
eral in It applause snd oftentimes Insisted
upon mor.' than the usual quota of en
cores. ,"Hinkee Dee" proved especially
Hoy Shonta fomnaaiou.
CHICAGO. Oet. 21 Edward BetanskL 1
yenrs old. was shot and Instantly killed to
niaht In the basement of his home hy Stan
ley Loscrynski, 1 f years old. The boys
together with several companions, hnd beet
drinking. LoscrynHkl was arrested. He de
clared the shooting was accidental.
used by
Don't Miss This
You are fitted by grad
uates of Europe at the
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teed. Examination free.
123 N. T. Life Bldg., Omaha. Tel. 6971.
' Fnnff fnP Weak and nervous men
TUUU1UI who find their power li
NAP VftSl work and youthful vigor
Wl WOO gons , result of ex
cesses or Indiscretions should teVee GRAY S
NERVE FOOD PILLS. They will make
you eat and sleep and be a man again,
tl Bosjt 3 Boxes 13.50 by Mail.
Sherman H McCortnell Drug Co
fife Chesapeake
, 1510 Howard St.
Tho Only Popular-Priced
, Restaurant in the City
BOYD'S wguy:.V"' Mgrs.
Tho Wizard of Oz
Commencing Thursday und rest of ths
week Saturday matinee The Dis
tinguished Musical Com- .
v .. . edy Success
Coming Thro' The Rye
Presented by
In Willie Collier's Farce,
SAME) PRICES . 1 to iic.
Next week: "Alle-e of Old Vln
cenne." Monday night, Oct. 21, luuh
P-rfeirninne-e Souvenir Photo oi Mis
'Phone Doug. 491. .'','.
Every Night Matlneea Thur.. ii-. Sun.
PRICEB-lOc, 25c, ' 80C." ,
aj w a wns- lgo-aSo-SOo-TSc
Tonight I:1S That Pretty Muaioul
Pretty Oirl-Nw Dances Funny
Comedians. -
Tuewday McFadden's Flats. v
"Uey ew Vsrk" at the Krn. 4
Two good ajlsed audiences est and shook 1
a large part of the time yesterday after-!
non and evening- hook with laughter at
the many burte of humor In "Gay NvJ
York" at the . Krug. It Is about as It
L Baking S
Powder j
'"j,, Onwiidla with the Par t
I Md Lews of mnlt4U,wA
Ahrgyt .rVamerribar the fall .
i exative Hroxno 01
Cor ftCoM taOnaDay, Obfbi 3
i n