Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1906, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Streaoeoe Times Expected With the Eiu
eembllfie of Parliament.
Keither Com mom For Lords Chew Ay
Inclination of Yieldine.
Asserts Bit Health i fctcoTerinc. nd He
' Will Boon Ketnrn.
Unlit of Liberal Braneh of l.a-
har Party Mar Hit Serloos
n.aree for th
LONDON. Oct 51. Parliament will re
wnibl mxl Tuesday with two vexatious
conttovorsle before It nnd the meeting
promises to attract renewed attention t
public questions. r Henry Campbeil
Bannerman, th premier, ha returned lo
town aftr long rt. following the death
of hit WIN. Who died at Mar'Nbad last
summer. Ha Intends tu resit' active
direction of parliamentary at! .'-4 merl
in of tha eablnet ha. been ca to
morrow, after which the premier Av$,
an Audience of Kin Edward ana in
of tha session will h definitely u
JoaeDfa Chamberlain" reent Illness prom
lacs to remove him temporarily from the
galaay of bold and brllllHnt parliamentary
orator. . but ha send word that, hi in
disposition will be of but brief duration
"and that h expect to 'return beforo long
and continue hla tariff propaganda.
Ther ha been om talk that A. J. Bui
four will give place to another leader of
tha opposition, but In spile of thla the In
dlcatlona ara that Mr. Balfour will con
tinue In hia old place, with Ixrd Lns
downa directing the opposition force. In
tha Hous of Liorda. i
It li not likely that the government will
Initial any legislation beyond that fore
shadowed In the king' speech, together
with that which waa left over from the
aprtng alt ting.
. Two Flahls In Sight.
The session which begins Tuesday will j
be inarkd by two conflicts, on between
th House of Ird and the House of
Commons over the education bill and tlie ;
ered something of a test Of Ihe govern
tant' ability to hold the svipport of thi
labor member of the House of Common.
Th controversy between the House of
Tv.. mnA the nf Commons over the
duration bUl may lead to serious conse-
quereea nd possibly cause un appeal to
the country, a the two house are f,
parantly lri,ecpnctlab over th menure.'i
lx,rt -7UirAlUnlcn1.Vnd
llene. ' liberal, have glvenoUc,e of
ametidmtut completely altering the char-.' 1
acter of the bill-In the matter of rellglou
Instruction a passed by the House, of ;
Common. The Ilotisr of Lords show tit-1 1
tie disposition to yield to the lower house ;
and th main purpoae of 4 he bill, that of I
giving the country a better edutxttonat
system, is for the' time being, forgotten In i
Urn Intensity of th strife between thu two
houses. j
. . Irish Uneatlen ,WU. ,
The Irish iuetton is n slumU-rlng, vol-
cano which may nreak out, at any mutuant
ii i. t.n.vri i, hi, ii tui-n unrii-r-:
atandlna that it will go over to tlie next
session for full discussion! it Is brlicveti,
however, that James Bryce, chief score-
tary for Ireland, may iiefore the adjourn-
ment disclose the government's proposal
concerning Ireland, although It is consid
ered mora likely that the government will
prefer to postpone agitation by putting off
declaration or it irtsn poury . uiiiu in
last moment. n th meantime the Irish
leader,, notably John Redmond here and
T.' P. O'Connor In' th I'nlted States, are
indicating thai 'the government' conces
sion of anything Short of completo home
rul will be unacceptable to the; Irish
Th nierchnts" shipping bill will come
up before Christmas urn! the mutter f
th Transvaal constitution also will re
ceive further attention. The Indications aie J
therefore that the coming sesslo.i will be
full of activity and contention. j
Chances la ' Cabinet.
According to the Morning Post, the tioso
of th autumn or the beginning of the next
eaalon of Parliament Is likely to nee tin.
porta nt change In the cabinet. Sir Henry
CampbeH-Bannrrmun. the- premier, prob
ably will be raised to the peerage and will
lead the libera! In th House of . Lords,
remaining. liowver. as premier. 'f Thl
would enable the gd martul f Ripou
to retire as leader of th liberal and H.-if
Asquith would becom liberal leader In the
House of Commons'. , Chief - Secretary
Bryce is also expected to go to the House
of lords, succeeding the marquis of Rlpan j
a. lord 'of the pWy ' aval, and Winston
parlr TZfJX i ;tir'; , j under t. of -nco
ttPb bill. During the recess now coming to ranh poie a short distance from the Jail, league at Madison Si.uare gnrde tomo -rclose
the .oeutlletlo wing of the labor I Thar, alolutely no clue to the Identity w night. Mr. Hearst wll deliver the
artv has onnosed the government' candi- of any ihemlKr of the mob. ' ' " principal address. The republicans offer ,
Sate, and th? present laure ls consld-i KANSAS CITY. Mo., Ocl. the a.tra,Uon of a cabinet member a. chief
Spencer Churchill will ruler the cabinet;,
s chief secretary for Ireland to curry out I D.nV rTe rnrn 7Tr-...-rrn
the devolution polled.
Hnsalan Ship Strikes a Kleatlag Mine
In the Vicinity of Yladlso.
' . " ' sleek. '
UONlKlN. Oii. il -r-A dintiatch rei-elvcd
ner from Vladivostok by. IJnyds' agency
ays the Russiun wooileu vaulting ate&mcr
Warjaden alruck a floatirfg win and
foundered on October Some of its p.
aenger and crew rr saved, but 110 per.
sou wr drowned. .
Anolbtr message receited by a new
agency- sy ! passenger perished on
board th Warjagiu, only one being saved.
Jap Bmaggled Into Canada.
VICTORIA, B. C, Oct. J Th, Jap. j
anas gchooner bulan Mai-u I held her
for attempting to run a number ef Jap. ,
an Into Cand. Twenty-tw Japaneae
out of ,Bfty-thre un board were landed
lwpty roll rom her Friday., xin
have DMa apprehended. The, detained
schooner. I llble to confiscation and a
flu of lte for carb man not listed.
Th captain Mid that heavy weather had
blown them . from th Copper Islan ls.
where they bad bn fishing. The schooner
v short of wlt. , - t
. ;, Tribesmen Helso'Tosen.
TANG16R. 1 Morocco. iVt. 1. Heniuro
tribesmen hgr seised the tow cf Artill.
twenty-flv mlU wjuth U Lrr. and aa-
Statement Regarding . Roosevelt Ae
r red I ted to Hla at far
reetly Reported.
NEW YORK, Oct. '.'1. A reception waa
given T. P. O'Connor nod hia aswociste
member! of Parliament from Ireland. Ed-w-ard
Blake. Thomas J. Kettle and Richard
Haal-ton. at Carnegie hall tonight by the
United Irish league. Supreme Court Jus
tice Martin C. Kogh waa chairman of the
meeting and seated with the visiting mem
ber of Parliament were Michael J. Ryan. !
president of the I'nlted Irish league of
Philadelphia; Mgr. Lavelle and Colonel
Duffy and other officers of the Sixty-ninth
Mr. O'Connor was warmly greeted when
he arose to apeak. ' He aald he 'was In
America to obtain Its moral and material
support and then added:
"At this point I must mak a correction
of a report which In one respect I am sure
does not represent what I said In a speech
In Brooklyn last night. I did not state
that President Roosevelt would say some
thing on the Irish question which may
make possible th realization of our hopes.
If I had made any such statement I would
have aald something for which I had no
warrant. What I did say was that the
English masses and the Irish manses both
consider lilsn the man who made peace
between Russia and Japan and that both
regard htm as a friend and that the dny
might come when they would welcome
hgn as one of the mediators In trying to t
end the day or lamentable estrangement j
between the Ktigllsh and Irish p-ople." j
M'bllv Officers Sleep Mab Takes Their
Prlaoner and Hang Him to
Telegraph Pole.
lkv .t.TC. Ala., Oct. "1. Robert Clark,
alias iian Dive, a negrv from Kansas City,
wa hanged from a telegraph pole near the
I.uredHle depot of the Mobile, Jackson
Kansas CUy rallrourt by W masked men
at an early hour today, after being mysfs
Hourly spirited from the Jail of Jnckson
county, Mississippi.
The negro was arrested late Friday night i
V a pose who followed him to within two
miles of Mobile from Lucedale. where be !
had Htteiupted lo assault two white women
r.nd had stolen a horse and shotgun. The
negro offered resistance and was flint In
the- shoulderJ Deputy Sheriff Hlnton of
l.ucedale took the prisoner from the posse
and managed to evude a Mississippi mob
V., I I II..- II... ,1 1 ..... 1 1 .w.. I
' ' - -" ....r.,r,. . " '
' g, ' V IJ . run I ' jn 11 tIIU TV 1 1 1 1 alllUillll
deputy guarded him until early this morn-
lug. when both fell asleep. When they
Clarke, the negni lynched near Mobile to- )
day, had a liail police record hre. Vol'
ten year, up to the time he left Kansas j
City a yelir ago. Clarke wa the prise bully I
ut CVtage Iane, a t.egio settlement her. !
innumernoie seniencen ill'
mewunu- Ju tor pai-iicipaung in cuiing
ff'y- He waint years oldj i . .
"r ' ' i.r "" 11 " '
. ..
MretlHBS ". Sstdsy
'Ihe . t'onyentton ''
, Roatoa,
. -. ,
BOSTON. Oct, ZJ.VTwo meeting, ou of
a devotional character and tb other a
mass .meeting In charge of the Young
Woman's . Christian,- Temperance union
hranrh. brought the proceedings uf the
seven! reconvention of the World's Woman's
I Christian Temperance union to a c!o to-
. The. tit votlona! exurcises were conducted
i by , Mrs. Harrison tec of Australia, one of!
i the World's White Ribbon missionaries,
i and the sermon was delivered by Mis
j Elisabeth dreenworth, world's superinteud-
ent of evangelical work.
There was a special .musical program ar
ranged for the mass meeting, and thn
J speakers Included Mrs. F. H. Waycolt
Canada; Mias Ann. Cummings. Cape Col
ony. South Africa; Mrs.' Ralph Clarkson.
England: Miss Caroline' MarDotishl, Scot
land; Miss Ada Henry, Australia; Frauleln
Julie Kassowlts, Austria, and Mrs. Cora F.
Seberry, America. .
Kplatle Kent Adrift In Art-tie Mean
Picked It br Whaler and
BCKKAIJO. Oct. Sl.-Two buoy lues,
sages sent adrift near Frans Josef Land
by tlie Baldain-Kelgler polar expedition In
Wol have been found and forwarded o
Evelyn E. Baldwin, who la now in this
city. Tlie . messages were picked up on
Jury 10. lew. on M off en Island by Captain
Strcneraon of the Arctic whaler Gotten
frlad and ent to thl country by a United
Slates consul. They were mulled to Mr.
Baldwin from Washington and delivered
to him today. The meaages are tyve
writteu on firm aper ieul show the effects
of their Journey in the Arctic sea. The
message .were an uppcat for a supply of
freed, the expedl-
Shanty Set on Fir and Remains of
1 nfortnnatc Man ' Are
- .....;
CLARKSKL RG, W. Va., Oct. !!. Th
body of George Raschld, the Syrian leper,
waa cremated In a shocking maner at
Pickens. The ahamy in which he had
been staying ws set on fire and hla
body. waa cousuuied with It. It I now
declared bis death was the result of foul
play. Many people at Pickens say the
leper waa given poison In hi food. IVk
n' cltlxen oppeaed the presence of th
man with the loathsome disease. Jf he
waa murdered the persons administering
tha poison well knew that there would
pot be a post mortem examination made
of th body.
Register Friday.
' In ordvr lo vute at the coining elec
tion and at subsequent prtiuaric
every e-lertor In Omaha and South
Omaha mast appear personally before
the registration board for Ills voting
district and have hi name projicii)
m rolled. No previous registration
I hold good thin Year. Friday, October
liO, ia the next registration day. In
' order to vole
You Must Register,
. ... I. v. .. i .. i ! Imnni.tant rirh a n will 1 t hp arMtnerlna I
Empire ft ate the Center of Political Inter
ett at Fretent
greeted by large Crowd.
Ontsldc Speakers Tab.- v
log a Hand.
WA8HINUTON, Oct. IX-Wlth election
day only two wteks distant the campaign
in New Toik state continues to
more active and more Interesting. Both
Mr. Hughes, the republican candidate for
governor, and Mr. Hearst, the Independ
ence league and democratic candidate,
made extended speech-making tours the
past week, and will continue to make such
speeches from now on until the, Saturday
night before election. Not In some years
have candidates In that state been greeted
by such large and apparently Interested
crowds as this year. Besides the candi
dates for governor, other speakers of state
or national prominence will deliver ad
dresses during the coming week, among
theiri Bourke Cockran for Hearst ami Sec
retaries Root and Shaw for Hughis.
Hor Week for t'andldatra
NEW YORK. Oct. 21. The head o' 1 he j
KtntP ticket rested Mdav In New York, in
preparation for a weeks campaigning that
, he a wero test, of physical
endurance If half th program planned for
them Is carried out. Mr. Hughes will
confer with 8Lat Chairman Woodruff and
other party leader tomorrow, working out
campaign details and then hurry awny
In the afternoon for an Invasion of tip-
state counties. Beginning tomorrow niaht , pHt ciirlsllaii lde.ils 3f manhood,
at Kingston his Itinerary calls for 11101 j Tne xervicr of the chun'h has leen of
thnn a score of speeches In four days. the utmost Importance to the world, eepe
... ,, in,, mi. Hnirties re- rlally in the work ol ele-atlng the Ideals
Mr. Hearst, who. like Mr. Hughes, re uoni in their chic end national re.
turned from ail upatate trip early tcd iy,
1 iiLfximr uim r-1 ' . f
energies this week chiefly j
ty. whe.-e a eeries of meet- J
will devote his
to N'ew York Clt
TJ& wTbe.,; .Vh nn- ?Z
uuetute tour, "waking In spvenal cities
nlong tlie New York Central, stopping firs
at Albany and winding up with meetings i
n Buffulo. !
Oh Tuesday the jury will continue Ha ;
Investigation of the charges ni:idr by i
Charles F. Murphy, lender of Tammaiw j
hall, that representatives of the Independ
ence lesgus had attempted to "hold ur"'
democratic candidates for office for which
n..Mli.B,lnna V. .. .1 nl..i l.nAn mail
g,. nA ., Iu, ,.,,,
.v....i..i.i n. ... i.i,i.. .... . -
throughout this city during the week.
democratic standpoint the mrst
speaker at one of their meetings.
" "
Rer. I.rman Abbott Commend the
Work of Serretrles Root
and Tnft. ' v'
V'N'EW HAVEN."' contu Oct.;'a.-kmio
for Secretarle Taft anif Root a- mew
who were doing Christ's work In the world
formed part ot . a ermon by Rev.- Dr.
I.yinan Abbott of New York before the
j Yale student at Battel chapel today. Dr.
Abbott did not mention th name of either,
but rcferreg to one who had "gone to Cuba
nd brought -rfler out of chaos"-and tu
the other as ono "who had made a Journey
through South America harmonising th
j north with the south."
He also referred to the political cam
paign now on In New York. Ue said: "At
the present time there le a great discu.- j
lion in my state over the differences he
twen the trust and the free competition
movement. 1 here Is a great derlre to break
down the. combinations. Both side are
wrong; .the evil Is not 1n th combina
tions, It Is not In the free competition.
The cause of th difficulty ia much the
same as In the old parable.-. Each tree
has too much to do for itself to be the
r roai a
ruler over the rest. Such men as Jones ; " " ""ermine
of Minneapolis. Folk of Missouri and the -Faeta
Colby of New Jersey and Jerome of New' '
York are saying to me that there Is a . ST. LOL'IS. Oct. 21. Chief John E.
way in which thl country can be ruled j Wllkle of the I'nlted States secret ervlce
along the lines of righteousness and peace, j departed for Chicago tonight, after hav
When one of our great statesmen went to I lug been in St. I,ou! for tlie cast week.
Cuba and brought order out of chaos, Before departing he inadeithe first state
when one of our rich men left the pursuit I ment he has made concerning the alleged
of fortune and went Into government work 161,200 shortage In the aubtreaaury and
anu maae a journey inrougn tne states
of South America, harmonising the nerth
with tne sou tn. mat was the - work of
Christ, on earth."
Last Year Mora Than Sla Time the
Ontpnt of Ten Yearn
WASHINGTON. Ocl. a.-No romance is
of keener interest than the story of the
development of the mining Industry In
Alaeka during the last decade. It is at
tes'ed roughly by th Increase in the value
of It annual output from fi'.too.OMi in 189,1
to more than tlo.OOU.noo in 1W6. The gold
production of 196, according lo reports of
the United Bisks geological survey. In
creased probably SO per cent over lHot.
An Important fact in the advancement of
Alaska' mineral Industry during the last
decade, says the report, is the gnat reduc
tion In mining cost that 'has taken place
during this period. The pioneer miners of
the Yukon could no t afford to handle
gravel averaging r9 than Jlo or 115 to th -cubic
yard. In the same district good
wage ran now be made, even by crude
methods, in extracting gold from pay
streaks averaging leas than 15 to the cubic
yard. ' '
Wage on Board Ship Pin SaggeatUe
Tags on Can of th
NEW YORK, Oct. 21. Two big stork In
a handsom cage arrived here yesterday ou
th steamship Amerika from Hamburg ami
created no end of Interest, not only because
they are storks, but because the cage was
addressed to Theodore Roosevelt. Washing
ton. U. 8. A.
Just who aent th storks no one on the
ship knew, though It Is said they caw
from a Berlin firm., On pleasant day the
cag waa placed ou the boat deck or th
Amerika. and one day some one printed on
It a card, ou which was written:
Ladles, beware the birds re dangerous.
Another wag added:
All applications for the service of the
storks should lie addressed to William
Loeb st the White Hoime. If Die eturks
refuse to work it will iLcn be up to 1-oeb.
Th bird will be sent to Washington at
Vice President Hake amra
peerhes f ran Rear rial form
f Train.
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Oct. 21. Vice Presi
dent Clmilcs V. -lrbsnk spent Sunday
In Kansas City and left torlght for the
Fouthweet on a two days' rpeechmaklng
tour through Oklahoma and Indian Terri
tory. Mr. Fairbanks arrived from the enst
this morning and wo entertained by local
politicians. Later lip was taken In charge
by a committee. Including Ch Cade, na
tional committeemen from Oklahoma, and
Congressman Mc-Quire. who will escort him
to the territory. The vice president , Is
liooked to speak tomorrow ut Newkirk,
Ponra City, Blackwell. Medford, Pond
Creek. Enid. Hennessey, Kingfisher. El
Reno and Oklahoma City. All speeches,
except that at Okalhoma City tomorrow
evening, will be made from the platform
of a special train. Oii Tuesday he will make
speeches at numerous Indian Territory
towns. f,
Vice President Fairbanks spoke at the
Grand Avenue Methodist church after the
regular morning Hefrmon by the pastor.
Rev. Daniel 8. McBurk. Mr. Fairbanks
was Introduced by Mayor Henry M. Beards
ley, whom he had. kfeown as young man
In Indiana. When si replying he compli
mented Mayor Be.ardle the vice president
was applauded hear(ily by the congrega
tion, which filled the auditorium to Its
capacity. Vice President Fairbanks In the
crurse of his remarks, aald:
T make It a rule M my life always to
n I tend divine worship It was my privilege
during th administration of President Mc.
Klnlev to worship bt the same church
with him. I have bften heard Ijlm say
that It was a greuf comfort to him to
sit for ah hour Had be refreshed and
strengthened bv I ha services. Mr. Me-
I Klnley was a great Vid good man a great
! rtntesmnn, a true (Christian - gentleman.
rponslbillties. Every Christian should be
eponeioiiiiies. r.very ? innRiian siionin o
ait e-angellsl. r.ot fori a week or u month
1,1,1 for "y
t I I n decided at Preet W hether Maney
Market .Needs Help from
(N. Oc 3.-!
Secretary Shaw
arrlv(.d , washlngtop today from a con
ference with the preMldent. the nature of
which I not known ; He will leave for
New York tonight and tomorrow he will
deliver a political address at New, Ro
chelle, .V Y.
Speaking of the fliiancla' situation, . the
secretary 'ald he Iih not made up hi
mind whether any 'insistence from th
treasury was necessar
He was rather in
dined to believe hel
said; that It was
the matter further
would keep In close
on and act In se
not, but he would -glv
attention. He said he
touch with the situa
cordanre with hi Jud
gment a the condl-
tionn seemed lo' warrant.
Secretary Shaw tad a. conference with
the Dresident tonight. He called at the
White House by appointment at S o'clock.
When the secretary of the Whlta House
tonight, he said he. nad discussed a great
many- subjects with the president, hut de
clined to make any-tlement r tndicaje
the nture of -the nUr taken up. The.
secretsry was asked If the matter of rais
ing the rate on discount by the. Bunk of
England was considered, and he replied
that that' was one subject that was not
He said, however, that no announcement
nor action would result from hi visit to
the White House tonight, adding that this
was the first opportunity he had to talk
with the president for a long time.
As the president is putting his message
to congreew In final shape and expects to
complete It before going to Panama,, It Is
r.gtratd . probable thRt he u,
dl'cuss with the secretary at this time
financial matters- In connection with the
message. Mr. Shaw left for New York on
the midnight train.
Count of (nab In St. I.oala Snbtrens-
i the Investigation now being pursued. I
j "Tlie fact is now. and has been all
along." he said, "that the secret service
; had no connection with the Investiga
tion being made In the aubtreaaury. Un
til the question of whether a shortage
really exists Is finally determined tiie
secret service cannot be called in to make
an inventlgatlou. Tlie existence of a
shortage cannot be determined until all
the money in the vaults I counted. The
only evidence that there I a possible
shortage I the statement of Teller David
Dyer to that effect. It is an Injustice
to the persons interested for anyone to
pass on tills case until more facia are
Commission Spend Two Day on tb
Kaw Before YUltlng
Unaliii . ,
KANSAS CITY, Owt. 31 An Inquiry
Into the methods of handling grain and
the relations of the railroads to grsltt
firms and elavator will be begun In the
United State dirtrlct court here tomorrow
by the Interstate Commerce commission.
Subpoenas have been served upon lif teen
member of the Kansas City Board of
Trade and other who are expected to
testify at the first day' session. Other
subpoenas will be served tomorrow on
witnesses desired for th seoond day'
E. E. Clark and Franklin K. Lane, the
two members of th commission wlio
' will listen to the testimony, are expected
t to arrive In the city Monday morning. The
i Inquiry will lust for two days, when the
i commissioners w ill leave for Omab.
Register Friday.
In order to voto at the coming elec
tion ' and at subsequent primaries
every elector in Omaha and South
Omaha must apear personally before
the registration board for hi voting
dUtrirt and have hia name properly
enrolled. No previous registration
hold good thi year. Friday, October
20, ia Ihe next registration day. lit
order to vote '
-You Must Register.
Lirt of the Eeioned and Injured Orewi at
Kej Wert ia Oirei Out
Some of Them Report n Harrlrana
W hich Swept Oxer the Caribbean
Sen at Same Time Atlantic
Coaat Waa Strnek. '
KEY WEST, Fla.. Oct. 21. Among tlie
rescued who were Injured, some of them
seriously, with their horn addresses, are
the following:
M. T. Martin. Philadelphia; slightly
bruised. t
William Psrmenteer, Dijon, France;
slightly Injured.
John McMsnua, Boston.
!av1d Foriler. Springfield, Mass.; in
ternally Injured.
tieorge Enrey, Palatka. ' Fla.
1.. M. Marlck. Palatka, Fla.
A. H. Wttlden, Burlington. Ia.
V. I. Walker. Rebersburg, Pa
William l. West, Pennsylvania; knee
E. W. Booth; rupture.
William Bremen. South Carolina.
t,uke Iirlacoll, Brooklyn: ankle hurt.
O. W. Franklin, Miami; badly bruised.,
Frank West, Jersey City.
Fred L.a. Rue, Philadelphia.
. W. C.'Fry, Miami; badly bruised.
R. J. Hardman, Ohio; badly bruised.
James Nolan. New York; head hurt.
- Among the Key Westers rescued were:
Carl A..Kwanson. foot hurt.
T. J. Russell, foot and ankle hurt.
B. F. Feter, had foot and arm brula.s.
. Mesdrtlle Feter, bruised.
Terrible liars In the Sea.
Survivor from one of the; boat of the
Florida Coast railway extension along the
keys tell a harrowing tale of death and de
struction caused by the storm of Thur
day. W. P. Dusenberry, civil engineer In
charge of the work on I,ong Key. who
miraculously escaped death, arrived here
on the Russian steamer Jennie, among
other' survivors rescued. He says house
boat No. 4. on which were 150 men. was
truck by the storm at 6 o'clock Thursday
morning and was driven out Into th gulf
through' Sawk's channel. At 6 o'clock the
house boat began to break up, and a the
great waves hit It men. singly and In
j bunches of two and three, were washed
! Into the sea and drowned. Some went
tielow for protection, but when the top
of the boat waa ca tried away the wave
rushed In and the boat soon went to pieces,
thirty or forty of th men being crushed
to death In 'the collapse, the others grab
bing timbers ' to snve themselves from
drowning. Engineer Duaenberry waa In the
hold, but succeeded In getting a log and
floated until Friday night. On one piece
of timber six- men were clinging and nine
were hanging to another. ' The side of the
house boat was crowded with men. It
turned over three' times, each time re
ducing the number of men.
The Russian steamer Jennie sighted the
wreck end succeeded In rescuing the forty
nine men w.ho were brought here. Three
other stesmer with searchlights were pick
ing up dead and alive men when the Jen
nie left the scene. '
. There . was' another house boat with 150
neo on board at Long Key. which Mr.
Dusenberry thinks waa also swept to sea.
There wa in all tan. boat -at Long Kev,
mortar mixers, dredgers and. other boat
engaged In th work. . ,
The survivor were furnished food and
clothing from the East Coast .railway com
missary here and were given' medical at
tendance. '
The -extension work of the railway along
the keys has not been damaged. '
' Delayed Steamers Arrtral.
NEW ORLEANS. Oct. !1. Several
storm-beaten steamers, the first Into this
port from the hurricane district, arrived
here today. One of them the steamer
Brattan' from Celba brought newa of a
great storm In the Caribbean almost sim
ultaneously -with the . hurricane which
swept Cuba and Florida. Big seas had
broken oft the Brattan' smokestack and
washed overboard all It lifeboat. The
pounding wter also twisted many of the
steamer's deck fittings into freakish
The steamer Homer, from Rio da
Jsueiro; Olenarm Head, from Port Tampa,
and the Antilllan, from Liverpool, via
West Indian port, all report having run
Into a hurricane.- They were not dam
aged, but the Antilllan waa nearly thirty
six hour late.
Many Drown In Salrndor.
SAN SALVADOR, Republic of Salvador,
Oct. to, 8 p. m. Telegraphic communica
tion with interior' points ha been restored
and newa of .the disaster wrought by the
terrific storms which swept over the coun
try, is being received. A vast quantity of
sulphur water waa thrown out of the Chulo
volcano and Inundated the town of I'an
chinalro. killing most of the Inhabitants.
From other point also reports of terrible
devastation are .coming. Pimento and
other towns are reported to hare been
swept away by th floods.
Th schooner Aielene, with a number of
passenger on board, ha been lost be
tween Oorlntot Nicaragua, and AmaJapa.
Honduras. Everybody . on' board . was
drowned. The flood have disinterred a
number of corpse from cetneterle and are
carrying them down tream. It is re-
ipoLtedJ.," TlltTO' ,n "on,,ur" h,vo
BUIlt'nsu aPT-i iuu uasiisaajva.
A subscription list to" aid the victims
has been opened. It Is headed by President
EBcalon with a generous donation. .
More 'Workmen Picked I p.
' SAVANNAH. G. Oct. 21.-The . British
learner Alton, Captain Bell, arrived In this
port today with twenty-four survivors of
nous boat No. 4, which wa engagad in
building the extension ot the Florida East
Coast railroad to Ky West. The survlv.
or were picket 'up Thursday. The Alton
waa passing !ast in time and had seen the
signals of distress. The rescued men were
bruised and torn In their efforts to keep
their hold upon the wreckage to which
they -had clung after the bouse bout went
to piece.
Menses All Demolished. . -
MIAMI. Fla., Oct. 21. Report from Long
ley are that every house was demolished
by Thursday's storm and it was there that
so many of the men employed on th
Florida East Coast railway extension lost
their' lives. Damage to the roadbed and
concrete viaducts of the extension waa
very light and there will be no delay In
All th injurd ar in th hospital her,
receiving the beat of medical attention.
Henry M. Flagler telegraphed from New
Toik to spare no expense In taring for the
Dien and their families. Only a few men
were dangerously wounded, most of them
suffning from sprains, abrasions and ex.
posure to the weather.
Throughout Dade county the damage
dun to orang and grape fruit tree waa
large, the fruit being bea'en off tlie trees
and ruined, and In oui cases laigv Inra
wer uprooted or broka oK.
Fair Monday, Preceded by Rain In
Enst Pertloni Tneaday, Fair and Net
So Cold.
Temperature at Omaha Yesterdayi
Hoar. Dea. Hour, Ilea.
a. -n fia 1 r. m
a. m a p. m 4
T a. m 4 1 p. m ! M
a. m 4 4 p. m 4H
a. m 41 R p. m 4
tO a. m 4ft H p. m 4ri
It a. m 4(1 T p. m 41
1H ni 4U M p. m 44
p. m 4(1
Valae In lfHVi Three Million Greater
Than In Any Prerlon
WASHINGTON, ct. Jl.-Slatlstlcs pre
pared by the geological survey of the
natural gas Industry show that In the
calendar year ixr the value ot natural
gas produced and sold exceeded that of any
previous year by $3,068,099. The total valu
of the gaa produced and sold wa I41.K2,
S, The greatest Increase wa In West
Virginia. tl.961,ii6 more than the previous
year. Pennsylvania shows an Increase of
tl.067,441 l4ulslnna appeared for the first
time a a gaa producing state, and notable
Increases over previous productions were
shown by Kansas, Oklahoma and Indian
Territory. Kansas showed an Increase of
4 per cent over Its previous productions,
and the combined production of Oklahoma
and Indian Territory waa 181 per cent over
1904. The great gas fields of Indiana have
sieadlly declined since 1901, and the value
of the output last year was considerable
less than half of the maximum production.
Kentucky and Tennessee also report a
.The statistics show that 22,139 persons,
firms and corporations reported to the
geological survey .their use of natural gas
during 1906. The number of domestic con
sumers supplied was 779.63S. A total of
8.589 establishments. Including Iron mills.
sleol works, glasn works, brick plants, etc.,
made use of natural gus.
During the year 19" the oil fields of the
United States produced i:M.17.B80 barrels
of petroleum, as sgainst 117.080,981) barrels
in 1904, according to a report Issued today
by the United States geological survey.
This waa greater by 17.636,820 barrels than
the production in any previous year, al
though the value of the oil produced was
$17,018,066 less than that of 1904. During
1905 there was a notable Increase of develop,
ment In the mid-continental oil Melds and
the completion of a pipe line from Hum
boldt, Kas.. to Whiting, Ind., marked an
Important step In the transportation of
James H. Mcintosh Sny It Did Sot
Tamper With Blank Proxy
' . Forms.,
NEW YORK. Oct. 21. General Counsel
James H. Mcintosh of the New York Life
Insurance company has cnt a letter to
Superintendent of Insurance Kelscy st Al
bany, making positive and specific denial
of the statement by O. R. Bcrughara, man
ager ot the-, international policyholder'
committee, 'that tho company ' had' mailtd
to policyholders the official statement with
the "Mtsttmtionali . oommlttt'. , ca ndtelejea
scratched off. Mr. Mcintosh aays:
The company caused to be mailed to
each policyholder whose iinme was n the
lints filed In your office and elsewhere and
whose policy waa still In force, at his last
known postoffice address, the official state
ment that you had duly appr.ived. In tho
exact form approved by you, without any
erasures, interlinations, marks or changes
of any kind whatever. Inclosed with the
official statement was also the proxy form
you hud approved and the return envelope.
No other papers or written or printed mst
ter whatever was inclosed In any one of
the said envelopes.
Signal Corp. Officers Detailed to At
tend and Report on the
Pending; Trial..
PITT8F1ELD. Mass.. Oct. 21.-Unless the
weather conditions are again unfavorable.
It is now planned to. have the balloon
race, which waa ' origlnaly scheduled for
yesterday, take place tomorrow, when the
two balloons, the Centaur and Eagle, will
be sent up at 10 a. ni. The balloon were
tn position tonight and the process of In
flation will begin, at 6 o'clock tomorrow
In - the Cen tour, piloted by Charles T.
Walsh, will be Major Samuel Reber and
Captain Charlee F. Chandler, both of the
signal corps, United States army, both
of whom have been detailed by the AVar
department to attend and report on thn
trials. The Eagle will carry Leo Steven
pilot and Captain Homer W. Hedge,
president of the Aero club of America.
Posse Par. ulna the Morderer and
Threatens to Lynch
ARKANSAS CITY., Kan.. Oct. 21 -In th
midst of a crowd of people returning from
church, John C. Moore today shot and
fatally wounded bis wife, Jennie Moore,
from whom he had been separated. He
escaped and is being pursued by a posse
that threatens to lynch him.
Mrs. Moore waa returning from church
with a companion when Moore shot her. A
moment later he lay prostrate on the aide
walk. Moore knelt over hi wife, raised
her head and kissed . her. saying:, 1
. "I told you I would do it, and I have."
Mrs. Moore died an hour later. In her
hist words she forgave her hut-band.
Following the shooting Moore went to
the horn of his stepdaughter and threat
ened to kill her and her husband. They
fled and Moore eecaped to the wood.
Steamer Loat. t'rew SaTed.
NORFOLK. Va., Oct. SI. The steamer
George Farwell. timber laden, from Jack
sonville, Fla.. for New Haven. Conn., la
ashore off Cape Henry and will probably
be a total loss, but all on board wer saved.
Captain J. D. Chlahohn and his crew of
fifteen men ware landed from Ihe wrecked
steamer today by the life saving cr.-ss
rrom tn cape ueniy ana Virginia benrlt
Register Friday.
In order to vote at tho coining elec
tion and at sabaequeot primaries
every elector lu Omaha and Kouth
Omaha must appear personally In-fore
Ihe registration board for hla voting
district and have hia name properly
enrolled. No previous registration
holds good thl year. Friday, October
124), In the next registration a day. In
, tinier lo vole
, - i .
j You Must Register.
Entire Eastern Slop of Rocky Meuntaiae
Covered hj blanket of Enow,
Sheepmen Hare Mat With Heavy Lonaee
from I now god Cold,
Bnildincs Wrecked, Trees Uprooted and
Telegraph Wires Down,
Snowfall Heavy Ennngli to Impede
Movement of Train In Wom- '
Ingnnd Western Part of
This State.
DENVER. Colo.. Oct. 31. A general
storm prevailed along the eastern elope, of
the Rocky mountains from Wyoming, to
New Mexico today. Snow has been fall
ing In Colorado almost Incessantly for t
pnst twenty-four hour and still continue
tonight. Suburbnn electric lines hav
operated1 with difficulty and railroads hav
experienced delay In running tmlns. A
yet no serious results are reported In ths
ectlon. but from ..Mbnqueniue, N. M.,
comes a ' report of . consldershle property
damagt. there from high winds. The sud
den dropping of the temperature, accom
panied by blizzard conditions In northern
New Mexico, has caused heavy losses to
Ihe sheep raising Industry, If rumor Is
In Colorado th storm extended lo th
western slope. In the valley around Bucim
Vista the snow lies two feet deep on th
level and In the mountain throughout th
state the snow varies from two lo flv
feet In depth. Twenty-two Inches of snow
had faJlen at Florence by nightfall. Appl
orchards In that section will surfer con
siderably. The trees, heavily laden with
fruit, are breaking down. The roof of on
of the .buildings at thn cement works at
Portland gave way under the weight of
snow. In northern Colorado the snow Is
twenty inches deep and should a frees
follow heavy loss will result to the potato
Wyoming reports a general storm that
has played havoc with wire communica
tion and Is Interrupting railroad Oniric,
Several minor wrecks hav oocurred. Llv
stock Is threatened from exposure.
The storm, though abated somewhat, still
continued at midnight. '
Worst la Year.
ALBUQUERQUE. N. M., Oct. 21.-Th
w-orst blissarl slijo the great storm of 1
Is general throughout New Mexico tonight.
A high wind is bringing a general faU of
sleet and snow throughout the Qrand vl.
ley and report tonight Indicate that th
.losses to aheep grower will be very hearv.
The torm began, her about 1 o'clock
Saturday, morning with a high wind, which
rapidly increased In velocity until by
o'clock the ga) had reached th propor- '
tlen of a teenadot The wind carried "dens
clouds of sand Snd dust which developed
Into .rajn nd later with rapidly falHnr
temperature. Into sleet and snow. . Tonight
the snow is falling In blinding sheet and
meager report Indicate that It 1 much
more severe In the country. Telegraph nnd
telephone service 1 almost completely shut '
off and railroad traffic Is delayed. Boms
minor damage has been done In Albuquer
que. I Vegas, Socorro and smaller town
south of Albuquerque.
High Wind nt Salt Lake.
SALT LAKE CITY. Utah, Oct. a.-For
the past twenty-four hours this city and
vicinity has been swept by a windstorm
of unparalleled everity. In addition to
three serious accidents to persons, property
over a wide area has been devastated. A
fire fanned by the wind has obliterated
the new plant of the Utah Packing com
pany and a monetary loss of approximately
1260,000 entailed. During the full period of
the storm . trains have arrived Irregularly
or not at all. For much of the tlm the
street car service has been at a standstill
and the electric lighting plant out of com
mission. The burning of the UUh Packing plant
north of th city, which occurred lsst
night. Is th most serious single loss. The
building had Just been completed and wa
to hav been put In use In a few days.
The project waa inaugurated by western
cattlemen and wa in opposition to the
large- packing house of the east. Th
cause of the fir ha not been explained.
Only a small fraction of the loss I covered
by Insurance.
Ruined buildings, fsllen chimneys, broken
windows, loosened signs and toppled trees
throughout this and adjoining town ar
the most common souvenir of the storm
and form. In the aggregate, an Immense
ourc of loss. The wind attained a maxi
mum velocity of fifty-two miles an hour
at o'clock Saturday night and 4 and
o'clock Sunday morning. For hours after
ward It maintained an average speed of
thirty-eight miles. The local . weather
bureau has been handicapped, but expresses
the opinion that the storm I local and
with little effect north of Ogdcn or south
of Provo,Utah.
The greatest sufferer from th storm
were Captain William C. Cahoon ami
Driver Fred Oulbranson of the fire depart
ment. They were caught under a falling
tree as they were driving to answer a fire
alarm. Cahoon had both legs broken and
Oulbranson was Injured Internally. Both
are In a hospital. Other sustained lees
serious Injuries from falling trees and
short-circuited wires.
A beautiful mosaic window, which cost
S3. Oft), lu the new Presbyterian church, was
broken lo bits; the Urand, a Chinese res
taurant on Hecond South street, was de
molished, and the Belmont hotel wa un
roofed. A freight car in a Short Lin train
coming from Ogden was lifted bodily from
the truck.
The only mail received today was from
Lo Angeles, over the San Pedro, Lo
Angeles & Salt Lake. The only telegraph
wire available tonight are two to Denver
along the Rio Oraude Western and on t
Los Angeles. Last night Ihe city waa de
pendent upon a single copper strand to
Denver for outsli communication.
Th wlud Is still blowing tonight, bjt
with its violence greatly diminished.
Snowstorm Dels re Train.
ALLIANCE. Ntb.. Oct. ?l.i8peclal Tele
gram..) From a typical thunder storm,
with the predominance of lightning that I
a feature of this country, to a snow storm
that blocks trains, marked th advent of
winter to these part within the lust twn
ty-four Imjuis.
Tialn No. on the Burlington wa
stuck In the snow Just west of her, gad
in trying to get through got sora cars Off,
which badly laid out vrl pass eng.
train.' Tb country now tea every aaa