Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 8

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Till-: OMAHA SUNDAY r.KK: 21. IPnfi.
10 mue them, and ob. others thr congest cn
great l-t even with cars nnd engines
Iumsi t Au'.oir.'..i Fow.?t to Uor.- FRCLICS
tral Wom J'trtnti Life jn qn'or
liamra nf Hosiery la W hich, There Is
Plenty of Kan for Tonne;
and Oli.
Bf - m mtm mMm
1 Mulhern Who Koldr in II unit flls-
Irlt'i Urrp U hrn C'niuprire.l lei
(le I p Their I ti
tle Ultra.
The Juvenile court has the powtr to lae
I niii.i'-ii hyyhjt irimi pureuis vii'j ir;.o.
r'ltvcnrti ,r.v -r-t neeping tnem in unwnoieiome in mi-
COSEQUf-NTLA FORCED TO moral surroundings accoidlng to the do-
SELL. CHEAP clslon of Judge Button Saturday morning
AT THE I in the case of Mrs. Rescnthnl. who liva
I nt Kl event h and Dodge streets. J idge Sul-
I ton ordered her five rhlldrcn be sent t" li e
Detention rchool until she provides a pt ice
fur l hem outside what 1m knoAn as the
I "ml light" dbtrlrt.
i I'rotrsllng sho was too poor to movf.
I tlr T ria.m 1 1. n 1 o rtntnffi4 In fmiirl ttrlth t Wi.
tittornt y. Kd Smith nnd Duncan M.
Ylnsonhalcr, to fight the ense for her. Poth
attorneys appeared to be very much af-
J fected nnd teartt rolled down their chceki
i iid they. tuitriV their plea to the rouit. JudrTe
i Button was Ann In his position, hovi v r.
, and deolnred It to lie within th" rower of
the Juvenile court to remove children f om
llaa UjJbet tLe Omaha Piano j Immoral Influences, lie tnld Mre. Knsciithiil
n- i i Shu could hat the children hack ns soon
i ruuo.
Prices Reduced Lower to
Create Greater Soles
This Coming Week
1011 FAR 1 AM ST.
OMAHA, Neb., Oct. 21st. We are deter
mined to soil every piano In this fine Block,
a. id to that end wa have made an extra
cut on every piano leit, and propose to
move out more pianoa this wee it than we
bavu during this sale, notwithstanding we
have been having a very successful aala
and supplying some of Omaha a beat homes
wlih tine pianos at prices that' astound our
customers. Seeing is believing, and our
atme has buen thronged with piano buyers,
who have bought because they could buy
a fine, hlg.i grade piano at lesa than deal
cm ask for tiie cheapest. Think of buying
new pianos from VS up that dealers ask
uu irom IM up for. Kindly bear In
mind that this sale la nearing a close and
that many tine Instruments have been sold,
and thut your opportunity to take advan
tage of these low prices will soon bo his
tory: so don't delay, but call any day or
veiling this week and make a selection, for
we are going to cut these bankrupt prices
nine more, so that every piano will be sold
tiulclily. Remember, this Is not a lot of
;-.ciii pianos, but Is the stock regularly
entiled by the Porfleld Piano Co.. who for
over 11 years have been known to the peo
P'e of Omaha ns leading in strictly ftrst
I'liiMft pianos, and that each and every
iiIi'.mo Is back by tho manufacturers'
runtoe and Hint you are taking no
chances when you buy here. ,
Don't pay any attention to agents and
t'erilrYs who try to tell you about this
nale and these pianos, for their only ob
ject Is to keep you away, so you will not
know that we are doing Ju( what we say
and selling you a piano for less than they
liy for same, and they know they are In
no way to compete with us during this
Im ill-nipt sale. Call nnd judge for yourself
nnd b" cjnvlnced. Remember the place,
li.ll I'ainam St. Optn evenings. Cash or
r.fy .;iyrm-nts.
ns she had provided quarters In a rep ct
ble neighborhood.
Character of Place Hail
Many wltneyes wire sworn to sll'w the
character of the placs and according to the
storiea of the officers the childri n were ;n
the hutilt of hanging around the police st.t- j
tlon to watch p-lsonevs ns they nr tiken
Into the Jjll. One of the boys win f und
with a bottle of whisky on hint which, It
Is asserted, lie stole from a drug store
Assistant Probation. Officer Carver sold he
, had seen a colored man give one of the lit
tle girls money, when he Interfered. It
was shown there were evil resnrts sur
rounding the building In which Mrs. Rosen
thal lived. The defenss showed the chil
dren were unusually bright In schoi 1 and
have good attendance records.
Judge Vlnsonhaler contended the court
Instead of taking the children out cf the
surroundings should order the dlsselut?
characters out of the neighborhood. Judg'
Button Insisted he had no power to do thli
and declared he would not allow children
to remain In that neighborhood while wait
ing for another branch of the law to clean
It up.
Mr. 8mth gave notice he would take steps
to test the power of the Juvenile court In a
higher court either by appeal or habeas
corpus proceedings.
The children of Morris Tanrobaum, who
lives at 108 South Tenth street, were also
ordered pent to the Detention school until
he finds a new home.
Will Sot Bar Hedhngi that Wa,
Earl Patterson, a little colored boy living
at 1201 Pierce street, promised Judge Sut
ton he would not build (Ires under the lied
to kill bed bups "any more if he were re
leased. Karl was left at home with the
baby while his mother went away to .work
and conceived the Idea of depopulating the
bed uion which the baby was lying. The
fumigation process appealed to him and he
lit a pile of rags under the bed. The neigh
bors rushed in and threw several buckets
of water on the flames and then discov
ered the baby. It was rescued without in
Jury. Earl gave Judge Sutton his hand
that he would not play with fire any more.
"If you see any more bed bugs," said
Judge Sutton, "don't smoke them out; kill
them some "other way."
Emmet Custer and wife, both of whom
were sent to the county Jail for thirty
days for drunkenness and neglecting their
families, took a solemn oath before a num
ber o witnesses to quit drinking for two
h-f s"-h'j i'ntticr puzzle their brain
)l ' i jntiumur and nonsense and
h .rnintj -(ii.'ij
ii'iuor, Moutly maintain,
(it'ccs yenius a beffer dis-
eei'ni n;.
i Froiivonie g:ircs nnd I liose frniiBht with
I mystery. !n .enlm the plrlt that
i prevails on llnllowe'tn nights are the ones
' thut successful histesS4S til in 'or th-'r
guests, for eey irirl who enlertnlns on
i t !.: t incision knows that something out of
' the ordinary is exptrtril l.y tto-1 -h ccs
Invited for fils ftlve eve. N-t to dlsp-
point their expectations, ortetnal pimes nnd
tricks iicproprln'e to the character of St.
Aums, who Is errT'wd to rule on October
I are thought out. :ind old plays are re-
vlved, given n modern setting, end are ns
i attractive us If everyone had never seen
or hetrd of the game .before,
j . simple and unusual g.irie, and on that
Is grently enjoyed where fiftv or a hundred
1 persons nre to play, is called "pumpkin
vine." The object Is for each player to
untie nnd untangle one vine and finally
arrive at the lighted pumpkin nt the end ,
that Is hidden in some out-of-the-way cor- i
ner In the dark. The flrnt who finds his 1
or hor pumpkin wins the prtze. The finding
of the gift should not lessen the Interest 1
other take in discovering their pumpkins.
ior eiicii or. i nese nonow line: ii"i-iu j
tain a box of bonbons or a small favor In i
addition to the tiny lighted taper.
The properties for tiie game of "Pump- .
kin Vine" eonr-lsl of numerous long plecs
of green tape representing pumpkin virus.
The are knotted and twisted together sj
that untangling and untying them will be
J difficult, and tit intervals of every three
or four feet on each tape there will be a
! yellow petal securely fastened and made to
look like a pumpkin flower, dn which the
! word "right" or "wrong" will be prints I.
j If "right" Is on the flower the player wiil
realize that he or she is on the loud to the
pumpkin, and If "wrong" is Been then the
only course Is to go back, find the last
petal stamped "right" lind dincovr aiuther
tape leading out of It, for out of soni" of
the pumpkin flowers there are two tapes,
Introduced to mislead the searcher and to
add zest to the game.
A play that is much like Juck straws, yet !
different, und entirely in k."cplng with the
Hallowe'en spirit. Is enjoyed by first roust- .
Ing chestnuts, and If there Is. a grate lire !
In one of the rooms where this delightful j
task may be done the pleasure Is ho much !
more real. All the guests must toast nuts, ,
and to put life Into the operation an award
should b offered to the person who roasts ,
the greatest number In a given time. When i
enough for the game have been finished (
they should be piled In the center of aev ',
eral small tables around which the players ,
gather, and, urmed with miniature gulden ;
rakes, each one must fish nuts from the
pile, the trick b ing not to move any ex- ;
cept the desired one. Naturally this Is !
difficult, for at the slightest ciuiver a player
loses his or her chance. At the end the j
one who has succeeded In landing the
greatest number of nuts should get a prize.
"Witch" is a game to which there is at
tached a bit of mystery, for the guests, j
Armed with tripods and the proverbial ,
boiling pots, start out In search of the !
witch. The couple lucky enough to find 1
her wins t:ie prlio. and incidentally has
the set complete. Tht tripods used may
he made of three toothpicks, fastened to-. '
gether In tripod fashion with a tiny wire. .
These should be wrapped with brown paper
or stained a wood color, so that they will
look more natural. The pots may be made
of black tissue paper, put on over wire
frames, or tiny metal ones, such us cas '
be purchased for favors, may be used. )
Before the witch can be sought these are .
distributed among the guests. The men 1
are given tripods, and the women the pots,
I II.V ..reSf H l-J
i m fmm J
!; mm and mm
I1H miM
! B VkM:MmmMm Just For a Moment-Thinlc wnai Tnese , ui mmiMmm iiii,ki.iii.
SmPpfel Statements Mean To You- , K3I,,II!It. '"'"lliu
fefelll K They Are True. I (VM J''
ii n ui ii cn r . ij t if
and to each of these playthings Is at
tached some sort of plaid ribbon. Tho
exact colorings of the checks and stripes
are alike on only one pot and one tripod,
nnH tlii,M mimt tie matched before the
ta mm IThsu ik. , . . 1 1 . ,
The Best (or Dome Use
Bottled In bond. The govern
ment supervlaea the distilling,
ageing und bottling; vouches for
Its ag-e, strength aad purity. Look
for the government stamp on
very bottle. For sale exclusively
by us.
rill A booklet containing
over -00 popular toasts. 'Write or
ask us for one. They are free.
- QUAKTS 80O, 1, 1JI9
( omrf
It Must
1309 Farnam St., Omaha
We Ship Poor Quarts Prepaid
Life and Accuracy
You, of course, know that life often
depends upon tbe accuracy with which
your prescriptions are filled, 4nd
many are compelled to go through life
its invalids. And why? . Because
their prescriptions were not properly
(H it HOIlllY Is accurateness. and
we never substitute." We have but one
price, and that's the lowest consistent
with the best drugs.
Fifteenth and Farnam
p, S. -Drop In and sip one of our
(IHIcious bot drinks.
on a charge of neglecting the children. Ac
cording to the testimony, both of them are
accustomed to drink heavily. The children I
were found by the probation officers nt
home without anything to eat. Shortly be
fore this Mrs, Custer, while one of the
babies waa very 111, attended Krug theater
with a friend. As a Justification of her
course she said It was "a particular friend"
of hers that she went with. The children
did not go to Sunday school because she
and her husband Joined a club that held
meetings on South Sixteenth street on Sun
days After both of them had signed the
pledge Judge Sutton said he would endeavor
to have them released from the county Jail
and promised the probation officers he
would assist them In finding the children a
' ! actcrlstic. Is appropriate. A room ornu-
A 16-month-old babe was taken away me!ltei with pumpkin vIikb made of green
from Its mother In a questionable resort at : alld ytllow crPlM. pH(.rj wlth wmal, pump
101 South Ninth street Friday night as a j klns containing lighted candles. Is an effec
result of the crusade of the probation of- ve ,,, for tt uln.n room Au,Umn
flclals In that part of town. The name of J ieaVes stuck In the corners of an useri
the mother Is withheld, but it is said she ! niPnt nnd VH,, flu,,, wlt, lirlBn. ypiw
Is the wife of a railroad conductor living ; golden rod, make an attractive decoration
In lxn Angeles. She said she was visiting j for a St. Agnes' t ve functlor.
Instead of bobbing for apples first core I
them, letting the guests assist with the
work, put In a penny for luck, or some
small favors, tie a stout bit of twine
through the center of each piece of fruit !
and attach the strings to the chandelier or
celling where they will hang free. Put
them at such a. distance from the floor
that each guest will hnve to stand on tip
toe or Jump to get a bite, and when their
hands are securely fastened behind them
let all the hoys und girls begin. The one
who first gets away un apple and gets out
the favcr with his or her teeth should re
ceive a prlie.
Decorations for Hallowe'en parties may !
be elaborate or as simple as a hostess de
sires, for anything, so long as it Is char- '
woman she knew years ugo and who Is
living at the place. She said she did not
know the nature of the house. The child
will be returned to ber when she leaves for
One of Worst In Modern Times, and
that Before the Grain Mor
saent Starts.
One of the greatest car shortages of mod-
Witches. Skelttons. jack - o" - l.internH,
strung on black ribbons and fe-itooned
ii bout a room and ubovc a table, make a
stunning ornamentation. Washington Star.
Arena at A nilttorlum Highly I'rmlsrd
by M.tnoaer Huberts of
Jones' stable. !
1V Ntf w w J;.
i at". tj r ir ;
H v W
o a Q plii
w v' w v
r r m
as t- :
i ii J a
1 Hi ""1J .VK
U JH.. -I.. i fJ'ilCTr., 1
$3 $1 Cash; $1 a Month
Buys This MtS
Just For a Moment Think What These
Statements Mean To You
If They Are True.
We offer you credit that is dignified
and desirable; give youbetter treatment
than you can get elsewhere regardless
of what others may say. There is no
embarrassment, no red taie; just a plain,
cld-fashioned charge account. We give
you finer service than you will get else
where. We nienn by this that you will
be promptly and courteously waited on,
that you will ,NOT BE urged to buy
that if you ' want nn advertised
article you v.ill not bo asked to take sor.iothit.K
"just ns good," that the delivery will bf Just
w hen ytui want It nnd the goods will bo d-liverr I
properly; t'.iat you will not be annoyed wltn
collectors and should sicknffrs or less of employment overtake you. yonr payments will cense dut'lns thnt period.
Lnst. but by no moons lonfet, our pri.-ei t:ic hammered down to the lowest notch; tremendous buylnn facilities en
able us to quote prices beyouJ the resteh nf others, no matter how nnxSons they nilrrht bo to meet them.
Now, if these statements are true, they tan lead yc.u to but one conrltiplon, po we ask you a simple question:
Could the great business prosperity we now enjoy be built upon disi.allsfied or disappointed customers?
$1 Cash;
Buys This
Massive Morris Chair
nrtly like cut.)
Tli frnin in nf no I id nk and liiRhlv .. .. . n.m hwy rat vhI !iru.l nil
nrlil. Ami ll'KN VP 11U1M1 IHI Ifll n 11 H l',"l
selected velours, ha i smooth upholstered sent, over sol t
and comfortable sprlnirs. the ba k is tufted over hiirh
teninered springs and has a pillow top, exactly like
shown in !liutrutlon. Our tremendous piirclwtstng capa
city enab'es us to offer this magnificent .Morris chair at . .
The overiiig l"1 of specially
9 5V .S a-rf
(Kxactly like cut.)
Mude of golden oak, has large roll shupo
seats, the backs and amis are tZ.i
of quartered oak. this rocker Is MJT till
very comfortable and restful, t y
Highly polished. Our special HM
Terms I 50 cents cash, $1.00 a month.
'i'VV , ' 'V : 1' ..'-i v.
Iron Usds
(Exactly like cut.)
A new Bed, made In fancy scroll design,
has heavy bed posts of fxamless tub
ing, very larpe chill work, four coat't
of baked white enamel, II
tan be had in thre- J'tjtl
quarter and full sizes.
Special price
S1.50 50c a
Cah pm Week
Wl !.il-tw".( .-
Just !!S
and dr-
(Kxactly like out.)
This pedestsl extension tahle Is mnde of
solid oak and is highly polished: has 45
Inch top. the base is n t.i
gnn In shape and hat hand
carved feet, very massive,
Our special
We sell out
of town on
very eay
Write for
We pay
200 miles.
r ,
Our Special Steel Range
Is made of cold rolled steel, asbes
tos lined, of a very high q tallty
and a most perfect baker.
Others ask $40 or jyx rgf f(
$45 for ranges of Jjrf vrU
this class. Our rAOS
special price aWS3 Of
Terms, $2..0 Cash, u Mouth.
Easy Credit Terms
On bill of If'.OO
$J..-;() Cash and fr.0O it month
Ou a bill tf $-().()!
$5.MI cuhb and !.()() a month
On a hill of $75.00 cash and i.OO a intuit h
On a bill of ) 100.00
$10.00 cu-li and $H.00 a mtmth
Banquet Oak
(Exactly like cut.)
1'hls Banquet Ouk i.'eator Is
nicely nickel trimmed, has
screw draft reg- -CTsftCT
lster. Our ,V'5
Cook Stoves
(Exactly like cut.)
Our seclal No. 8 Cook Stove, has good size
oven, castings are ground smooth fEfb
and fit finugly. a guaranteed fiRuU
baker, regular $16 vulues.
Oiir special price -
TertiiN. ill. 00 Cash, SOe a Week.
See Our
Three-Room Outfits
Furnished Complete for
$7.50 Cash, SS.00 per month
i c
I Kxactly like cut. )
This handsome home co.-nl base bur
ner Is tlir best low priced h-nttcr cn
the market today, Is heavily nlekil
iriinnieo. i in1 lire ,
llll I" 111 111 Kill I,., 11 I n -m
strong and duralile,
our special '
Terms i 93.00 cash aad 60c a week.
I'f m vt m
rm w rim m- -.
"Til A lirf:lt'A if f li 1st I I Mi'lf ( thsa flllftftl
em time now confront, the railroads, and ! , tv,.r .. fuld MallaJ.t.r Kob, rt8 of th,
this before grain starts to move. There la Jom.s Mu,)1(!4 wM arr,vi.,, ,,rUll,y flr
a marked shorUfc-e of every class of equip- ; ln Horse show, which opens Monday at
ment. tars are not ovaiiaoio ror the move- tllt. Audnorium. "The manaacment was . M . , , , ,
ment of cattle and sheep, apple, potatoes ' ,,.r,n-,. . ..,.,L- u.-wt ...v n,t I U Larj-er hilN in iit.pti tion
. ....... wou HO ,. luniuira win put u in spienuni
starts to move can only be surmised. 8ome am,,,,, Mori ftt. not the man- I
time ago a railroad Had orders In one day ageir.eiU has trouble with the surface of i
Carpets, Rugs
and Bedding
THK HKOri.lO'H I I ItMTlllK AX 1 1 CAIM'KT CO. KM. I8H7.
Inirrsln Carpets, wool tlilel
very (rood ((iiiillty. 6fic vulues,
special price, per yard. . . .
Velvet Carpets, ran be had with ssif-v
or without borders, spe. lal price, "?
per yard
TlKcr llrussels Kiiks, flxll)-i,
choice deKigns ana patterns,
special price
Cotton Blankets, good weight In
Kiay or tan, 11. On vulues, special
r: jf,'ivrri'"i i usm
for o-ver aau cars oer me aysteni ana was; lhe track, for the clay alvcs way and when
able to supply but ebjhty-flve of that num- i tllB tanbnrk Is put on it nilx.s in with tho
ber. The prosperity of the west is un- ! riay ad the liors. ' hoofs sink In too far." i
bounded and all the railroads realiin some- j Mr. Roberta was working out his horses
thing muBt be done to relieve the car short-. Saturday morning and said they had not
age. On some of the roads, even If suffl. had a bridle on since the St. Louis show.
nlmit cars could be had. uowur is hieklnu
Food Kipert's lews on n Brand
that "Paralyses Those Wlio
l'se-.l It"
THS SUA ! !.
t.ml4 mrmt
I11U Is IU4
H. h. 111. Miil
V r'm,tm Ulna KIMW. I mmm mmm.
at' lk... ml ..,m ltm,,mml.l JlJ tek tuf
I fT till Oil fCTKB'S rKVLIalh -S
I t . Ill Mo Sit liW4B I'll La. t
V W i.' -lrJ u fc.
f fca.ll. S-lotf U IO ewl."
. i . . . . , i w ir. I l.fcia rr
Tlumphrcys' SeTenty
ScTcn Cures Grip and
"There's nothing so bad for a Cough
as Coughing. Coughing is like scratch
ing a wound; so long as tt is done, it
will not heal. When tempted to cough,
draw a long breath through tha nos
trils; bold It until It warms tbe air
cells. The nitrogen thus refined, allays
the desire to tough, and gives the
throat and luuss a chance to heal.
Tho use of "Seventy-seven" will
aid nature la ber efforts to recuperate.
At Drusfrists. tl cents or mailed.
iHMlurs I kick t lulled free.
Humphreys lioueo. Medicine to. Cur.
WUUiU anil Julia blreeu. New Vuik.
Joseph Cudahy arrived Saturday from , rhf prohibitionist meets two argements
rliri.kri t'llv ttrllh l-.i ut u 1,1a nf Alo-I.l
i. nraeaa i uy wu.i .... .lHule 01 eigiu wn,ch ,,allRV ,ljm ,nor; ,rolllJi,. t Uliy
anu uoin ne ami airs. t.uuu.iy will ride llio (wo doIeil ot)lpl. arUml.n n(. 1Usi face.
nuniers in ine arena. j ne umana snow
this year will see more women participating
than before.
T'le prize ribbons have arrived and tbey
are surely things of beauty, being smaller
than In previous years. The clasp has
"Omaha Horse Phow 1900" stamped on It
and Is gold plated.
The tents have been pitched for hitching
purposes, two being required this year be
cause of the iacr'oscd numlier of entries
In each event. The floor of these tent
! He Is to'.d that w:iisky will bf sold anyway;
. that pronibltion does not prohibit. To th
i he makes reply that the laws against inu. -'
der and theft and the whole category of
crime do not prevent, cri'i t. Hut he h is
1 little to say when he U told t'.iat under
i inhibition a ry brfd ipiality of whirfky Is
1 sold. "It would be a deal better,
since thcte men wi 1 diink anyway. If tiiey
could get pure whu-ky In a tluun om-
plying with the law. tnstcid nf K'lil"S
pharmacopoeia tuun any ulher 1 have
ever tested. It Is. in fact, the purest
whisky I have ever and therein lien
what you cad its ) It
mak's its usita drunk iulcly bevjuse :t
lias such a his-'ii per cent ot alcohol. Adul
terated lliiiurs ale im rely weaker i:iuois
and no n un cin B,-t oii.n. ru iui' kly on a
doctoied whisky as ou pure whUky."
Dr. l.enh eni t -;i 10 jay he h ul
nev.r yet f iuni". i, aagernus ciemiul ln
dc ctorid w hisky. Vitriol Is too vxpeiis vt ;
111.11 pliine's cist :s so g.eal 1.4 e.A.i'ity t
procluJe its use. T:ic aJulte.'att n ie ir..
Ing to save expense a tut fo ti.iy p 1: :.. juice, ilisoieii liro-11 .-uj.r ami
oth-r bttmless, materials
Chemlcilj would give a bad ta-te ami
wouid not hi1 so cliejn as '.ll, i.arni'ess
udulte: tilts. 80 the nime whl'ity Is idul
teuled the weaker it is Many rsrsonf
- - V 1
lean sm icks In the my rrltorial waters of
Mi xco ro iff:.iln fioiu 'my nniiecesssry
Inlei ft Ii n e with vessels outside the three,
i.iile limit and ta be as lenl"iit as :isllili
In othir rfi':iects. This re.'ults fr'im the
protest of tne etate depirl.n.-nt aijalns;
the action of the tommander cf a Mi xlcan
iuvei 1111. nit suuboa: In r'.upplng an.t
ti..;r..iri 1111 Alii'Tic ill ves-el nn the hiiih
has been ioveeeil with eitnl.,,-.. anA il.uu
u,m vo nn h.n.n ih. 1... T..'.. merphliiH sold III some c mtrabuud ent iu-
increasvd deuiuud for Beats over previous
llshtnent, with 110 reputation to keep up."
years 1 quite an encouragement to thr di- ' Tne tenernnce man has a ,iard time with
rectors, who feel thlr efforts will be re- i thls argument. He usually mnorrs It
warded by a larger attendance. j Some times l.e coneid.s the truth of It.
The arena is a bu.y ola.e these dav. for ! The other day a t.-i.iperum e woman In, 1 AiibiIm hu ,i ihu i "...., western Masiachusetts sent to t!i
- irauj ... . .
blend of vitriol, sulphuric acid, burdock anil drink, not liciuse thty want to drink, bo.
beeuu.-e a roend 01 treats is :n pr iR.ess j
If tlil rcund or trfBts Is a succtsslnn ol
early in the week and ecry day haa seen
fod laboratorv o'f that state a sin pl o!
It well filled with local owners working out particularly dangeiou whisky wnli'i was
their hoises The addition or the Jones being sold In her toon. "It e.! 10 par
string has added new life and interest to 'de those who use It." i e- wr ite "It
the tallhlrds, who are always out In num- makes them drunk yulrkir and more cer When the special train arrives Fun-, ialnly than tiny olher sort of whl:V:y thit
day afternoon from Kants, bringing most has ever binn sold around hert. V'e an
of i lie foreign entries It will be busier thun ' much disturbed .md worried and wish you
ivir. I w-iuld tell us wliat the drug In the Hn'ior
' . is." To this rr. Albert lj-iei-, h ud nf tiv-
If you hive anytldng to tmd earn 1 1. e. n piUtl: "Tin- .vuj.le pf" absky
It In li e Koi i:xeiai,t uviuuut Uf Ttee i-u seal t:ie i, . iy i o n. iei
Dee Want Ad page. iib the standard set by U.t Lolled titaUs
rlas-es of whisky, heavily diluted with
prune Juke, there Is sure to be lets ln
toxlcution ctsoar tht- l.ivy of treaters th::r
If the lhiuor wne pure wli'sliy from th
Ker.'.uiky blue (rrsss region.
One of the Itjurlou o 's! it i Kits com
monly r'aureed up to doctnrid wh's' v If
fusel oil. but this ii n lnse;irib!e no-i-'iinpunliiiriit
cf whisky distlilcg fj,'!.l hi
lsig. r iina'-'l:y In tin pure whi-ky than Ii
tV.e poor va-l-jt'es - t'hleiiro v .
;'nu l iiie, for 'fceu 'llionsnntl Hollars
Kl.od li John Oil Aaaiast
Johu Wl'il.
John Utt, a ncigiibor ol John Wlpf, the
Ifani'.er who c.iiu'a id Jiitiu Sniitii, la
Ibuigla." wi.o v..s I his ln.ute lino
id nv.d two w. u i..s frj.n n.i..ti! s revolver
illl toe puisuit, Ian u (,un t.vo suits for
.e,iX( e.K.i ueii'i'- Wlpf and h:s wife
Anna W'ipf, lor iil'e;-id d tarnation of
hara tir. The a'.li 3- A del million grour
out of tli" hernial y rii !ii nt, ami, a nail
ing to f-.e p-iil oaa hied lu dStr ct curt.
! ( it c!i.i:fcts wi h i. oiding him respo.i-
s b.a fi.r the Ein-ti hurg! iry.
im ui.d W ipl h av '.md sirai- trmilj'.o
over their property and this is supposed,
to b the basis of tiie present dlftlculty.
Wlpf sh inly afler tiie shooting began for l:iva 1(fnlnst 8 nilh, the burglar,
for personal 'n;ur!es.
Thirty or forty Hvslilents of Third
'Ward tr rested to Determine
Thefl of lovtau.
Mei leo to Ite l,en!vtt.
WASMI.v;ton. tier. :'o. The Stn' Ar
partni'-lit has hit n inrurmed t'ie Af'
!e in govt-rii-rt'l't h;'S giM-n lM-tr n tlops ti
'.I. i- ,,i:. ' aa iiJ uvi-aiK cutt- rs w l.lclt I
baa cuiiloed to break up Udhtng by Amir-
II. 'tween thirty and fortv ctdorrd resi
dents of the Third ward v re taken to the
city tail PiMiirday afti rnoon. The reiisoii
for tils whiiiesile arrest was the robbery
ul' ". W II alter of I'eriy, in., in n negro
hotii-e :it KlevinMi : r a t nad Canitol '' '
n :e. nhnrtlv noun Fur.nlay. Ilartir
lost 71'". tiie th!ve ir:pp:n( severil bills
fr u'.i his roll .Td li.vlnt I'ltn with lw.)
K- bills, lie did not not'ee las I ish ill. Ill
he left it.e in lu',n:irln..Ml. and then coul.;
noi reiiiember the home. Hilly 'rutchilel 1
of H e Midw.'y ualo' n s d Ub J ihn.a a
aiv n niiwr those aries.ed. I.. Levy, who
nilis .1 s-llol- 1.1 the li'i'il'.burllO'iJ, w.ij
.aiught In with the nemms.
lie; Waul Ads pioduce re tits.
I - I l Mill. i l
Opera anH! FiM G!nsea
Usn! ii ilrf L'i.o,d 5u: Arr. v j. i flir