Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 6

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Took Peruna, Hardly Daring to Believe
So TrnV iVr. Xevchof, of Albany.
Pelvic Diseases in Men.
Many ari invalid is dragin out a mWeraMe exis vlh catarrh of the, luiiicy, catarrh of the
l.idlcr, or 'loth.
Thi-ra is no disease. pjual b catarrh of the bladder
a producing complete wretchedness, absolute,
it-'palr, haggard misery and stubborn weakness.
An army of this sort of victim have ono hv one
covered that Pcruna could be relied upon to ro
ve kucIi case.'.
,'lr.a man tells auother man, and in thU wnv the
now spread nnttlin all parts of the country are
to no lounii men iio have he n permanently liber
ated from tho thraldom of rulirrh nf ih, i,u,i,i.. i,
Nsyourso of Penina.
I Many cuesof catarrh of the ttomayh, kidneys and
other abdominal organs Jiave reported themselves
as cured.
We give below two prominent testimonial which
illustrate the benefit of rerun in these eases.
f I I Mf '-vertd that Pcruna could be relied tipon to re- JIm' F ' M
yce man tells uotlier man, and in thi wnv the Z1 1 ' ? Wil
j. lio no lounu men who have hem permanently liber- & ,v V0V J 'V
e" i.iiuiiu.iiiiim.iiiuauiuui vaurrn 01 uic wauai't hy I II I ' " a IA
S-, Neourso of Penma. t I - ' ? ' L?
i!';$mMA M Charles B. Newhof g&ff?
im?'?s "f'h a Mi tr-
vV(fi ; I Catarrh of the llladdcr.
J A H . L Emory (Djra)
JJ 1 I fntarrli f t!tc Slonuuli and Kidneys.
I 1 il
2 II IintI Mfislrr T ArmM, K. P.'h, of I i
Nw York Cauipaiu h Awjikeiire Coa
iidrabl Ister-st Abroad.
Ibamlrrrr" llpi-trfra Hint prnior ratio
(amltilfXe Mnt llmr Soinr AbllMjr Opinion nf (Mhrrs
tin Mbot.
h iir
in 1 1
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Mr. C. 13. Newhof. 10 Deleware Street. Albany,
N. Y., President Monteflore Club, writes:
"Since my advanced HRe I find that 1 have
been frequently troubled with urinary ail incuts.
The bladder wemed irritated, and my physician
said that it was catarrh caused by a protracted
cold which would be dificult to overcome on ac
count of my advanced years. I took Pernua
hardly daring to believe that I would be
helped, but found to my relief that 1 soon be
j;an to mend. The irritation gradually sub
sided, and the urinary tlifliculties passed away,
1 have enjoyed excellent health now for the past
seven months. I enjoy my meals, sleep soundly,
nnd am as well as I was twenty years ago. 1
give all praise to l'cruna.
Mr. It. 1.. Kmnry. Vice Cliiinccllor
unit Mnslir of Arm. K. P.'h. of
Oinithii, Neb., writes fmni JOS North
Mxticnth street, tlio following words
of praise fur l'eruiiu n.'4 a ionic. ll
"It Is with iilrasurc I reonmincnd
Perun; ns a tonlo" of iiniiHiirf.1 un rlt.
A IuiK" number of pruniiix nt ineni
bers of tlie differi'iit nnlcrs with
which I Iiavo bei-n eonnccl'Ml bavn
been cured by flip use of IVnin.i in
ciuifH of catarrh of tho stomach and
head; al:r In kidney complaint! and
weakness of the pelvlo orgaa.
'Teruna tones up th syfltn. n1i
diRestlon, lnduens sleep and Is well
worthy tho confidence of sufferers of
the above complaint.-'
Mr. luld I., Jayeox. rhaplaln Clarindi
I. (). (3. T and Chaplain 1. A. It., St.".
Hroadway, Oakland. Oil., writes:
"I am an obi war veteran. 1 contracted
sevie bladder and kidney trouble. I
spent hundreds of dollars and consulted a
host of doctors, but neither did me any
"Finally some of my comrades who had
been cured by I'eruna advised inn to try
It. I at once bouifbt a bottle, and found
! It helped me so much that I kept iMins it
I fur nearly tour months.
well known writer and lecturer, writes
from 1 1 South Nicholas St., Chicago, 111.,
us follows:
"I waa In Rood health until about four
years uku, when my back became lame
and Kore. The pulns kept Increasing, with
severe twitches and slow exhaustive.
alies. frlno was htKhly colored and
passes with great Irregularity. I knew
this must bo inflammation of the bladder.
"Having read of Fernna X decided to
try it. I found relief from tho pain
within ten days. The uches gradually
diminished, nnd It was a blessed relief I
"Pemna baa proven the fct medicine I ( U( .,,,,.,. voll within three months I
1 ever used. Kj pains are gone ntnl I be- j WM onca more. My appetite had vi-
Hove myself to be cured. I feel well. . ,.,..,,;. nnd Irritability wern
and would nut be without a bottle in time
of need for ten times Its cost.-'
Mr. Robert K. lUnvey, Treasurer
KnUhts of Industrial Freedom, alto a
things of the past, and for over two years
now I have been a healthy man.
"I give nil thanks to your Peruna. and
believe tliai It is a blessing to muiiklnd."
"MniPlfll RIM IMR flM QflYPnTT
WWIWinha llVklllU Wll UU I WV I
Derision of Washington .Inilue He.
celvetl ly frnlrnl Labor
I nion.
Il-'rlday evening the members of the
piuuha Central Labor union held a meeting
lAbor temple. Fifteenth and Dodge
ects, ITeMdent John rolian presiding.
short closed business sessii.n was held
which several matters of routine lnter-
were discussed, when the body pro
ceeded to tho consideration of Hffulrs of
prn$eraj Interest to tho members of tho local
iimVns and the public.
J A communication from the secretary
hi American Federation of Labor nt
Xvi.shlngton, P. C, was read with which
Wui endowed tho syllabus of an opinion
tif ja Judgo of tho supreme court of the
J)lf'rict of Columbia. The opinion of th
feotirt was read In full by the secretary,
fc'pjg tho latest decision of the courts uf
i4 tho rights of organized labor to f urthei
f cause by the use of the boycott. Th.
j itentiun, so Ktrongly upheld liy urguniil
jior throughout the entire country, wa
ly sustained by the court which held thai
or unions had the privilege of wlth
Idlng their patronage from enemies
ganlzed labor and also had the rlgh:
request their friends to withdraw theli
aronage from such jK-rsons, providing hi-
nldutlon was not used.
In risponse to a ocular letter sent b:
io l:cniral uiDor union recenny i"
10 candidates for office at the coming
lection, replies from more than sixty ot
he candidates wero received, but were not
ad to the members of the body In ses-
Icari Federation of Labor sent a circular
calling for a delegate from the Omaha
Central Labor union to the twenty-sixth
annuel convention of the American Fed
eration, which will be held at Minneapolis,
Minn., on November If. On the first ballot
Louis V. Ouye, secretary of the Ilurbcrs'
union, whs selected a the delegate from
this city. A fare of ono and . one-third
for the round trip has been granted by
the rallrosds to the delegates nnd friends
who desire to attend the convention.
DIAMONDS Edhotm. tnth and Harney.
morality; they cannot cure appetites. I am
for personal liberty. I am for religious
liberty, for which I have done Borne hand
to hand lighting In Omaha. I believe In
national observance of the Sabbath, which
1 am careful to jra tice, as In publlo order,
ut all times, and especially on that day."
LOXlioN. Oct. lo-tSpiclal Cablegram lo
the Hi" . I- Kurope is taking unusual Inter
est In the canvass of William Kandolph
lteaist for the post of governor of the
state of New York. The Idea seems to
obtain that Mr. Ht-arst has succeeded in
placing hlniFcir nt the head ot the "forces
of discontent." which have massed ,i,0iin.'
votes In tiermany under the name of s'
elnllsni. nnd which had they known their
nwcr might even liHve captured the last
I Hrlllsh parliament under the banner of
the lalKir party. And strangely enough the
opinion appears to prevail that Mr. llear.-t,
at the bend of forces of this character,
may !? more powerful lu defeat lli in In
victory that If defe.itid be might be handi- j
capped by the routine of office nnd find j
that patronage Is a two-edged sword thot j
cuts both ways, but that without the
weight of an office upon his shoulders he
might be able to ke' p up a more aggres
sive tight than If elected governor, where,
to a greater or less extent, he might find
his hands tied.
Curiosity a feeling that In victory or de
feat this spectacular young editor may yet
cut a wide swath In the history of the
world, even though he should never be
elected president or governor, appears to
be the paramount opinion as reflected by
the Kngllsh and continental press.
Conimeut of the Times.
That even the "Thunderer" Is puzzled is
shown by the following edliorlul from the
Iyondon Times:
The nomination of Mr. lfenrst ns candi
date for the governorship of New York
by the democratic state convention what
ever else it may 1 is an event of un
questionable pio.unncy. Mr. Hearst Is ono
of the hest-nhuscd men In tho union. He
bus fust been descrilied by the North
American Hevlew as a "living and glaring
reproecb to A met lean civilization." The
New York Kvenlng Post, commenting' on
hif nomination, says there Is no longer
any question of party platforms; It is
enough to point to Mr. Hearst nnd Mr.
Hughes, the republican nominee, mm nm
the eoile looK on tins picture ana on uic.i.
As to Mr. Heaivt's methods of Influencing
the democratic convention, the corre
spondents at Buffalo have exhausted them
selves In denunciation. The charges
brought against him are the same as those
that were bandied about on the eve of the
presidential election . In VM. When Mr.
Hearst carried the democratic convention
of Iowa on that occasion, bis delegates
were sreeted with rrle of "Brass collar"
and "How much did It cost?" It was
lut the same at Puffalo. We are told
that no political body has ever sunk lower
into degradation then this democratic gath
ering. The corruption Is declared to be
so tlaerant ami Mr. Hearst so bankrupt, in
political honor that it Is assumed every
felf-respeeting ' pel son must vote against
him. no matter whst his party. Mr.
ronip. the district attorney, who was Mr.
Hearst's chief rival in the convention, has
already declared that be will support the
renuhUcan candidate. To the disinterested
onlooker nil this is simply bewildering.
Mr. Hearst l. denounced as a traitor, a
disgrace to journalism, a wholesale em
ployer of corruption, an agitator wno ap
peals to the lowest passions.
Foresees Presidential Candidate.
No American politician has been more
widely nnd categorically denounced. Yet
the democratic convention of New York
the most important stale convention In
the whole democratic party oeuoeraieiy
A Purchase of Women's Coats
On Special Sale Monday
led to
is my
i to
, fvU
il my
f and
i tor
11 get
Arrangements were made Friday evening
r the labor primary election which will
le held from 8 a. m. to 10 p. in. next Tues-
.iy at Iibor temple. This primary Is
eld for the purpose of selecting candidates
ly a direct vote of the members of the
cal bodies affiliated with the Central
abor union who will receive the support
If organized labor at the polls at the coni
ng election on November G. The president
equested that a full vote of the members
If the various unions be cast.
President Bumuel Gompers of the Amer-
Dr. Miller as Pioneer lu Clean City
CoirMimrnt, Compared to
Ills eeuers.
"I wish to say a few words with refer
ence to my remarks la-turn Uovernor
Mickey at the hearing on the charges
brought by the Civic Federation against
t ie Hoard of Fire and Police Commissioners
it the Millard hotel." said Dr. George L.
Miller, a member of the board.
"I began my work for laying the founda
rlon for high moral Htamlards In Oniah:i
'.y being a trnsieo of tho first Protestant
hurch that was built in the city of
-malia and was a vestryman in the sec
iiul. more than fifty years ago. I have no
loubt whatever that In all those long and
trying years I devoted more labor and
r,ent more money for the uplifting of those
-.loral standards and for the support of
jhurches and charities and social order In
this town than all the members of this
executive committee of the Civic Federa
tion have ever done, or will ever do, If
these good men of middle age shall live to
be as old as I am.
"For three and twenty years, Hj the
editor of the Omaha Dully Herald, I
preached the gospel of sobriety in that
paper and fought alcoholic evils with an
ungloved hand at all proper times and
made addresses from public platforms in
Omaha, Lincoln and other places, some
times In company with the great prohibition
champion. John B. Finch, differing from
him, however, on prohibition.
"1 am a liberal. Statutes do not create
.1 Quick uml Sufe !;.-uiei!- for Bowel
Twenty years ago Mr. Guo. VV. Brock dis
covered that Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera
and Diarrhoea ltenvdy was a quick and
safe cure for bowel complaints. "During
all of these years," he says, "l have used
It und recommended It many times and the
i t suits have never yet disappointed me.-'
Mr. Brock Is publisher of the Aberdeen
(Md.) Enterprise.
Worth $12
Worth $15
Worth $21
Worth $24
Worth $25
Worth $35
Mm Jilv
Our cloak buyer who is now in the
Eastern markets shipped us by ex
press 350 new stylish coats for wo
men. These beautiful coats were
purchased far below the regular
prices. They will go on sale, com
mencing Monday morning. Please
bear in mind that every garment is
strictly new, being this fall's latest
These handsome garments are made of fine
mixtures broadcloths and kerseys i0-in. long
loose half fitted and tight fitted backs. You will
jind this an exceptional opportunity to buy your
new fall and winter coat and save big money.
Worth $12
Worth $15
Worth $21
Worth $24
Worth $25
' Worth $35
Interstate Commission Knocks Oat
Intension of Tickets for Nick- 1
nesn of Purchaser.
The Interstate Commerce cuuimlsslon has
handed down a decision that the railroads
can -no longer extend the limit of tickets
Ik cause ot sokness. TIib practice of tho
railroads has been to extend the limit of
a ticket provided the purchaser made
Biiliiclent fehowlng that he was utiablu to
contl.iue his travels within the required
time, but this has been changed-. The
commission held that perhaps this shoull
lie done in cases of tmergency, but that
90 per cent of the cases were not bona tide
and were simply a subterfuge to get an
extension on a cheap rate ticket when the
purchaser was not entitled to It.
The Interstate Commerce commission has
ruled that the railroads may continue to
mike excursion rates on the ctrtitlcate
plun for designated societies. Another
ruling Is given that party rates, hereto
fore made by tho railroads for organised
parties one way, such as theatrical par
ti, s und such organizations, must now
apply to the public alike. The supreme
court, under the old law, decided against
this stand, but what it will do under the
new law will have to be determined.
It Is not yet known what members of the
Interstate Commerce commission will visit
Onuiba next Wednesday, but It la presumed
they will be the one who conducted the
hearing at Chicago recently. Commissioners
Prouty, I.une and Clark.
nominates this man for the governorship.
and thereby makes It possible, if scarcely
nrobahle. that -he may become democratic
candidate ror mo presuieocy iwu jrmn
hence, and In the sequel, perhaps, president
nf the union. Are the members of this
democratic convention the only wise men
among a blind people, and have they de
tected a kindred spirit in Mr. Hearst?
It does not seem likely, and yet so gen
eral ij thj abuse of Mr. Hearst that It
Is almost tho only alternative to the
darker stories. Outsiders- are, however,
fairly absolved from offering a theory on
th's extraordinary slfmtlon. It Is enough
for them to express their wondpr, not un
tiuged with other sentiimnts. at the sport
ing instinct of a denriratlp convention
which chooees a candidate for whom no
"decent democrat" will vote.
Who and what Is Mr. Hearst If we put
aside for a moment the epithets with
which lie has been so freely covered? For
so notorious a politician he Is young only
iX" and the stress which Is still constantly
laid upon his youth seems to suggest that
tho American public has net yet got over
the shock or tils nrst appearance. That
may be dated back to lKOo, perhaps, when
at the age of 32 he plunged Into the larger
world of Journalism and polities and bought
tho New York Journal. Till then Mr.
Hearst had been only a young westerner
Always Ready to Eat-No Cooking
is the only malted whole-wheat food, and no other food is
so healthful or so good to eat. The use of pure, rich malt
extract with wheat is the exclusive Malta-Vita process,
and it is this process that makes Malta-Vita so essentially
different from all other flaked wheat foods,-so superior.
The malt extract makes the nutritious whole-wheat easy
to digest by turning the starch of the cooked wheat into
maltose, or malt sugar, a food substance of greatest value,
very wholesome and practically pre-digested. Maltose
gives Maiiavit ucuciuusucaj,
too, not found in any other
wheat food.
Get some Malta-Vita today.
Always fresh and crisp, pure
and clean, sold only in large, air
tight, moisture-proof, germ-proof
Al! Grocers. Now 10 Cents
LJ gsgsmaaa arrmaisnns r
! I ipi
com- I I liLuTS VZZZrrl
Winter tailors' Yv eek Knd Kirir
On Saturdays and Sundays ths
winter the Chicago Great Western railway
will sell tickets to points In Jowa at half
tnrlff rates-. The rates also apply In oppo
site direction, enabling your friends to re
turn your visit. Ask J. A. Kills, General
Agent, i:.12 Farnam St., for luforiautton.
Very Imv nates lo the West.
The Chicago Great Western railway will
sell tickets to points in Alberta, British Co
lumbia, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Wash
iiiKlou at about oue-half the usual fare.
Tickets on sale daily August 27 to October
31, li clubive. Get full Information from M.
II. Churchill. General Agent, lolJ Far nam
bt., on. ana. Neb.
Oct Kid of All Your Face Troubles In
a Few Days' Time With
the Wonderful Stuart
Calcium Wafers.
Very Low Hale Tuesday.
Every Tuesday, balance ot the year, lbs
Chicago Great Western railroad will sell
bonit.eekeri' tickets to Minnesota, Nona
Dakota and Canadian northwest at about
bait rate; to other territory, first and third
Tuesdays. Write H. H. Churchill, a.
lill Fsrnum street. State number in party
g.ui when going.
You cannot have an attractive face or a
beautiful complexion when your blood Is
In bad order and full of Impurities. Im
pure blood means an impure face, always.
The most wonderful as well as the most
rapid blood cleanser is Stuart's Calcium
Wafers. You use them for a few days.
and the difference tells in your face right
Most blood purifiers and skin treatments
are full of poison. Stuart's Calcium
Wafera are guaranteed free from . any
poison, mercury, .drug, or opiate. They
are as harmless as water, but the results
are astonishing.
The worst cases of skin diseases have
been cured In a week by this quick-acting
remedy. It contains the most effective
working power of any purifier ever dls
covered calcium sulphide. Moot blood
und skin treatments are terribly slow,
Stuart's Calcium Wafers have cured bolls
in three days. Every particle of impurity
is driven out of your system completely,
never to return, and it is dona without
deranging your system in the slightest
No matter what your trouble Is, whether
pimples, blotches; blackheads, rash, tetter,
ecsema, or scabby crusts, you can solemnly
depend upon Stuart's Calcium Wafers as
Don't bu any longer humiliated by having
a blotchy face. IXm't have strangers
stare at you, or allow your friends to be
ashamed of you because of your face
Y'our blood makes you what you are.
The men and women who forge ahead
are those with pure blood and pure faces.
Did you ever stop to think of that?
Stuart's Calcium Wafera are absolutely
harmless, but the results mighty satis
fying to you even at the end of a week,
They will make you happy because your
face will be a welcome sight not only to
yourself when you look In the glass, but
to everybody else who knows you and
talka with tyi.
We want to prove to you that Btuart'l
Calcium Wafers are beyond doubt the best
Klabtlug Contagious lliaraae.
WASHINGTON, Oct. ?.-Kcuador and i and 1ulcke'it blood n k'n purifier in
the I'nited States and Panama will enter
Into an agreement providing for uniform
health regulations and inspection to pro
tect the canal lone and the two southern
republics against yellow fever and other
contagious diseases.
F.leetrlrlaus lo Meet al St. Paul.
INDIANAlt LIS, Oct. !XTlie Western
Association of KLct ileal inspectors today
decided to meet next year at til. Paul.
the world so we will send you a free
sample as soon as we get your name and
address. Send for H today, and then when
you have tried the sample you will not
rest contented until you have bought
5oc box at your druggist's.
Kend us your name and address today
and we will at once send you by mall a
sample package, free. Address F. A
Stuart Co., al Stuart Bldg , Marshall,
of ample means. Now he transferred his
activities to the east, or rather extended
them over both side of the continent, for
ho controls papers with great circulations
In New York. Chicago, Boston, San Fran
cisco and ls Angeles. Mr. Hearst's news
papers nave always borne a special stamp.
Notoriety I nenvlable.
Of all "yellow" ioiirnals a term easier to
appreciate than describe none have been
el lower than they, and Mr. lioarst as
their proprietor has earned about as unen-
lahie a notoriety as could fall to any man
In such a position. What he Is, apart from
nis newsjiapers, very lew people seem 10
know. It is ono of the sources of com
plaint that his personal views are entirely
unknown. it is suggemea mat ne aoes
not possess any. Asa member of congress
he did not spc . and hp seems seldom to
have taken part In a division. Yet we are
told that In this campaign ho hus repeat
edly made forcible and successful speeches.
lla.l.,.J rt a. ....A 1.1, Vl I. nill.l t. U V ft
for no man entirely lacking In ability ana i
mntriietlHio enoM enntml the irrcat bust- I
ness Interests w hich Mr. Hearst controls streets. He noticed one of them dropped
nd make his way to the forefront of poll- the nurse, which he nicki-d tin and thpn
tics through a perfect blaze t reprobation. lmstenod on to overtake the women, which
But what Is known about him at present Is '
little compared with the unknown. I'nder . he did toward Farnam street. As he neared
the searching test of the next two years j lhe women he called to them, but evidently
w shall see what he is really made of niiatakln the old man's motive, the women
Betting on the election has already be. .I" ., ,. . . . ,. ,
gun in New York and 2 to 1 is apparently I or"" "no a iuu mm i a nveiy
all that the "decent'' party are prepared i clip, turning neither to the right nor to
stake upon Its chances. In fact, though the left nor stopping to consider what
manner of man had accosted them. The
old man told the chief that some women
are strange "critters."
Chief Donahue has the purse, which con
tained four 25-cent pieces. The chief said
One YVlio Loses Purse Flees
Man Who Finds It for
Tf the owner of a small black leathern
belt purse will call on Chief of Police
Donahue she may receive tho receptacle by
proving ownership.
Among the many strange and curious
things Chief Donahue is enlled upon to
straighten out was one which came to hix
attention Saturday morning by an old man
bent with a rheumatic affliction. The
caller, who would not give his name for
public print, said he was walking behind
two young women at Sixteenth and Harney
Mr. Hughes, the republican, is a strong
and energetio candidate, who made a great
reputation in the late Insurance Inquiry
and is known to be favored personally by
the president, some experienced observers
believe that Mr. Hearst stanas tne Dener
chance. According to some accounts, the
conservative democrats, who mean to fight
Mr. Hearst, are deceiving themselves, lie
has the big battalions of his party with
Position of Tammany.
The "k.isi. tonio" of New Y'ork. a vast
population of Immigrant aliens, barely ed
ucated and the prey of unscrupulous or
ganizations, like Tammany, are expected to
go solid for Mr. nearsi. iarge numoeirs,
both of the lower middle clans and of the
agricultural population, are thought likely
to vote for him and for quite disinterested
motives of reform. That Mr. Hearst and
Tammany are now allies Is perhaps the
most Important fact in the situation, and
it Is also the most remarkable, for a month
or two ago Mr. Murpiiy, the Tammany
leader, was being caricatured as a convict
in Mr. Hearst's papers. What is to be the
outcome of all these paradoxes? If Mr.
Hearst secures the governorship for the
democrats It will be a sign that New York
state may very probably go democratic In
the nresldentlal election. Mr. Hearst.
again, as the successful candidate for the
governorship, might In that case well be
chosen as democratic candidate for the
presidency despite Mr. Bryan's elaborate
combinations. 1 hat was the lot of Mr.
Cleveland in similar circumstances. If
New York state Is then earned by the
democrats they have a chance but still
only a chance of electing a democratic
president, if New York slate goes repub
lican they cannot possibly do so. It will
bo seen, therefore, that there are' a good
many obstacles to be passed before Mr.
Hearst's party can elect a president and
still more before Mr. Hearst himself can
be elected.
the owner could have It If she will not run
away after he hands it to her.
several City Oltlelnla lulled on to
' F.nllghten Grand Jury on
Certain Heals. , '
Twenty witnesses, supposed to know
something about the three South Oninhii
cases now being Investigated by the grand
Jury, have been summoned to appear be
fore that body Monday morning to tastily.
The cases that are being probed relate to
the purchase of the city hall site, tho
paving of Missouri avenue and the con
tracts for the construction of sewers wlilcu
wero reci ntly let by the council. Tho
grand Jury Is said to he going deeply Into
all three cases, with the purpose of fer
reting out charges of crooked practices.
Among the witnesses summoned are F
J. Harrett, Justice of the Tcace P. C Cald
well, City Treasurer C. A. Melcher. Deputy
City Clerk E. P. Hoggin. T. J. O'Nell, iv
real estate man, and City dirk J. 3.
Glllen. Mr. Glllen la ordered to nnpear
with all the records of his oilice relating
to the three cases being Investigated.
Have Root print It
Douglas (641) Printing Co.. lath & Farnam.
nczz r, zzsr
Demurrer In Case Hefore Federal
Court Is Argued and Taken
I ader Advisement.
The demurrer In the case of the Plutts-
mouth Water Company against the City of
Plattsmouth was argued before Judge
Munger in the United States circuit court
Saturday morning. A bill of exceptions
had been filed In a special plea In the
case and It is the demurrer to this special
plea that Is being argued. The suit grows
out of the action of the city of Plattsmouth
by ordinance of its city council declaring
the franchise of the water company for
feited. The attorneys for Plattsmouth' are
Jesse L. Root and Matt Gering. The inter
ests of the water company are being looked
after by Judge Sam Chapman of Platts
mouth Hnd John L. Webster of Omaha.
Judge Munger has taken the case under
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