Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 5

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Hie heavy selling of last week
proved to us without doubt that our energetic efforts to please the public were fully appreciated. The cnthusi'
asm with which the latest novelties were received could only be indicative of a long felt want realized. It was,
indeed gratifying to us. It is a pleasure to have you call whether you purchase or not. The sale prices on the
articles listed below are doubly interesting, as the purchaser lias the winter season in which to wear them.
16 Lb amd HOWARD
Telephone Douglas 9S1
Monday BargainsinColoredDressGoods
68-lneh medium welftht Melton Cloth, in navy, brown, red.
green, gray mixed and black makes a neat Jacket suit or
separate skirt good value for 85c per yard '5fl
Monday only JUU
Novelty Suitings New Novelty Suitings in the
New Color Combinations.
New Fanry Striped Suitings, new Vlgoreaux Suitings In a va
riety of mixtures and illusion checks, new Mixed Covert
Cloths, all worth $1.00 yard Monday AOr
only -. Oti
Chiffon Finished Panamas.
66-inch ChifTon Finished Panamas, in the new plain colors and
blacks 56-inch Tailor Suitings, In checks, plaids and over
plaids, worth $1.25 per yard Monday's 89c
Black Dress Goods
4 6-inch Black French Tamise, extra fine finish', dust repellant.
This is our regular $1.25 per yard quality O r
Monday only 0Ji
Illusion Check Taffeta.
46-Inch Black Illusion Check Taffeta, one of the prettiest de
signs of the season, never sold for less than $1.50 IHO
for Monday
Ladies' Gloves lor the Ilorse Show
Horse Show Specials
Horse Show Specials In Ladies' Neckwear
Silk Bargains for Monday
Special Sale of Fine Silks.
Beautiful Crepe de Chine fabric, for fancy waists and dresses.
We have 25 beautiful shades, also white, cream and black.
The regular selling price on these goods is 85c per COr
yard for Monday's sale per yard JUL
Peau de Cygnet Silk, splendid value, with satin finish. We
have a beautiful assortment of over 30 shades. This sells
everywhere for 75c a yard for Monday's sale JLflt
per yard tOw
27-inch Peau de Sole Silk. This is guaranteed pure silk and
to give good wear. These comet In elegant blacks and sell
everywhere for 85c per yard. Our price for
Monday's sale per yard
A Black Taffeta Bargain.
19-inch Black Taffeta, with a nice, crisp, rustling finish. This
Is an extra fine piece of Taffeta and cannot be bought' any
where for less than 65c per yard. Our price for Q
Monday's sale per jard jJG
We have just received a complete line of Quilted Lining
Satin, In a large assortment of shades. These will be placed
at very low prices for Monday's sale.
To enjoy the Horse Show a person must feel well dressed,
and to feel well dressed you must have nice neckwear. We
can suit you In this line as we are carrying a beautiful line of
Novelty Neckwear.
Up-to-date Neck Ruffs, made of fine chiffon, long
satin streamers, nt $9.90, $5.90 and
Real Princess Lace Chemisettes.
Baby Irish Crochet Chemisettes, In creams and whites
for this sale Monday, $2.75, $2.00 and
Collars and Sets.
Exclusive line of up-to-date Collars and Sets, In silk chiffon,
allover lace, also sheer linen, prettily trimmed In lace,
braids and fancy embroidery Horse Show price,
from $2.00 to
Imported Face Veils.
Fine Imported Face Veils, hemstitched borders, three-yard
lengths, all the new colorings special price,
$1.76, $1.25 and
Fancy Lace Veils and Drapes, In ten-yard lengths, in
all the new shades, only each, $2.75 and
Don't go to the Horse Show with that old pair of gloves. Coma
In and see the beautiful ones we rmve on sale Monday. Best
French Kid Gloves, Mousquetalre Gloves, Ki-bntton lengths,
in all the new shades, light blue. pink. red. green. Crt
navy, black and white per pair -....iJU
l ofi p if rciohrnfoH Kid Gloves. 16 button Desi wear
ing gloves on the market, black, white and tans
per pair $4.00 and
Short Kid Gloves.
Reynler Gloves, made of the finest French kid, hand
stitched, full range of popular shades per pair. .
Special Chevette Gloves
The new Chevette Gloves for dress wear, gnn metal,
white and tans only per pair
Kayser's Long Silk Gloves.
Kavser's Long Silk Gloves, best Silk Glove on the market;
ranted double finger tips
12-button- 1 rn 1 16-button T flfl
per yard for Monday
Monday Specials in Our Linen Dept.
Pillow Shams and Dresser Scarfs.
Shams and Scarfs to match, made of a fine quality of Armagh
linen, drawn work and spoke stitch, never sold
for less than 59c each, Monday only each JJC
10c Crash Toweling, V2c.
Unbleached Pure Linen Crash Toweling, a regular 10c
quality special Monday per yard , I 2 C
Pretty Flannelettes, Y2,y2c Yard.
A big table full of fine 34-lnch Flannelettes, pretty 11
Persian pntterns special Monday per yard Im2v
$1.75 and $2.00 Bed Spreads, Monday $1.49 Each.
Fringed and Plain Hem Crochet Bed Spreads, good, heavy ma
terial, Marseilles patterns, worth $1.75 and A Q
$2.00 each special Monday each l.T
90c and 95c . Table Linens, 75c Yard
Fine Half Bleached and Full Bleached Table Damask, strictly
all linen, 68 and 72 Inches wide, worth 90c and 7 P
96c per yard for Monday only per yard I DC
$2.25 Napkins, $1.75 Per Dozen.
22-lnch Napkins, our regular $2.25 per dosen on 1 "TP
sale Monday per dozen 1 D
All Linen Hemstitched Table Cloths.
Fine All Linen Hemstitched Tablecloths, bleached and
very neat patterns. We make special prices on them for Mon
day 8-4 Tablecloths at 91. 43
10-4 Tablecloths at $1.75
, 12-4 Tablecloths at $1.05
A Bargain in Ladies' Suits Pony, fitted and Ladies' Wool Skirts Handsome shadow plaids
Prince Chape style of jackets, full pleated and gray checks, also plain black Panama, nine
skirts, in rich plaids in shades of brown, green gores, full pleated panels and folds at bottom;
and wiive, also gray checks and shar Q CA special sale Mon- t A ( r
dow plaids, regular $25 styles, at...IOeJU day ' n?ZD
Ladies' Fleece Lined House Dresses Good Ladies' Long Kimonos Heavy fleeced cloth,
heavy cloth, soft fleece, neat trim-' 1 A A Persian patterns, plain braid trim- AA
mingj, extra full skirt IeUl ming, extra full, all sizes; Monday at.
Elegant Showing of Fancy Hosiery and Silk
Monday will be a day of High Grade Hosiery showing at pop
ular prices. Pure Silk Lace Hose black only L f(
a nair $4.25 and .UU
Pure Silk Clockstltched Hose a pair $2.50,
$1.75 and
Special sale of Brilliant Lisle Hose, new and nobby plaids,
checks and stripes the rage of the season only
a pair I DC
Silk Underwear.
Ladles' Pure Silk Vests, high neck, long sleeves, with Ankle
Tights to match, iu crearn and white, hand finished J f?
garments for this sale each D
Swan Brand High Grade Knitted Swiss Vests, made of
lisle, hand crochet yokes, low neck, no sleeves,
white only each
Men's Furnishing Specials
Wool Fleeced Underwear.
Genuine Jaeger Wool Flanel Underwear, In all sizes,
front and buck, and are extra fine quality.
Special for Monday's sale
Outing Flannel Night Shirts.
Outing Flannel Night Shirts, made of good heavy flannel and
are cut extra full and long. Monday's sale
price, $1.00, 75c and
Fancy Hose, 25c.
Our regular 35c Fancy Half Hose,-very neat patterns.
Special Monday, at. .
Working Shirts.
Working Shirts In plain blues, greys, tans and blacks, also
fancy stripes. These are extra heavy and very J" I
warm for winter. Special Monday HC
Horse Show Millinery Attractions lor
One-fourth Off on Pattern Hats.
.Commencing Monday and continuing the entire week wo
will ofTer all our Paris and New York Pattern Hats at 25 per
cent discount. ,
Our $10 Hat Special.
Many of these hats aro trimmed. with large ostrich plumes,
suitable for Horse Show and evening wear. 10 00
These are regular $15 and $18 values. Monday. . . IU.UU
Our Striking $5 Hat.
A hat at this price Is always in demand, but to be able to get
style, workmanship and materials combined are the points
that should interest you most. These are always to be
found In our hats. A special collection of styles P
Monday at. JUU
Nobby Belts (or the Horse Show
Our tip-to-date nobby Belts make any waist look neat. So be
sure and secure one before they are all gone. Imported
Belts, In fancy broadcloth, leather and silk, steel studded
leather, real Jet elastic; also a beautiful line of plaids,
checks and fine Colored Silk Belts. Styles and
prices to suit everybody. Prices from $7.50 to.
In Our Infants' Department
Infant's Flannel Sacks, fancy stitched edges, (JO
$1.25 quality, Monday .OJC
Lnfants' Long Coats Made of fine Bedford cord, all lined, full
cape, braid trimming, $1.50 styles, t ff
Monday l.UU
Children' Hcliool Apron Fine white India llnon, neatly
va. a, mm M viiiiurrii sj ncuuui .iriin r iiiu nunc inula Jiuon, neaiiy
Prompt attention given to all Mail Orders r.d T. .e.n.r.wfT. V.0. !".r:8:. :?'.u.e.8: ,30c
m m
0) 4
DiTiiio BnperinUncUnt f Weitrn Union
& Viotim of Pneumoni.
( ante to Omaha Klr.t la Drilled
Wnt, aad Hetarned In lfH
Take a Position With the
Trlrajraph Company, j
Afwr au illnt-HR of oih wwk, Charles U.
1 lot ton, ntfed 5, died at hlH home, 132 North
Thirty-ninth street, 8uturdny evening- lit
:. surrounded liy his bereavou family.
have been In constant attendance, but all
to no avail.
Thursday morning- the condition of the
patient took a turn for the worse when he
suffered a severe attack of paralysis of
the heart and left arm, which occasioned
considerable alarm, but lie rallied nicely
from this attack and his death is attribu
ted to pneumonia. Since Thursday the
physicians refused to express an opinion
as to tha chances of Mr. Horton's recov
ery, Vnd the members of his family have
been In constant, attendance at his bed
side since that time, and were all present
at" his death.
Mr. Horton's father died several year
ago, but his mother la still living, her
home being at Beaver Crooning. Neb., but
at present she Is visiting in Chicago, and
Is In such an enfeebled condition, due to
her advanced age, that It Is not believed
she will be present at the funeral.
I. A. Fleming, formerly of this city
paper business In Minneapolis, Minn.
Funeral Tuesday Afternoon.
The funt ral will be held next Tuesday
Mr. Uorton was taken ill last .Baiumay, - irirr ir
but his condition did not excite alarm j Th married a sister of Mr. Horton
until the following Sunday, whn It was "J"1 ' "nie here to attend the funeral.
. . ..... v,- .m ..,rrrn with rmeu-lMr- 1 '' l n8 "ow engaged In the news-
IUUIIU Ul.l ' 1 ' " " " c i
nionla. Saturday he compltiined of revere
puins In hln lungs, but the natijrr of the
.u.uya u-ttH mit known until a I lib yslclan
wan called the next day. Since that time ! at 2 P- m- from the family residence, under
h has been In a very condition ,h "prices of Capital lodge. No. S. An
and the attending phyMclans held out little r!pnt rree .nd Accented Masons to
encouragement for hi. ultimate,' recovery. '' from Mt. Calvary
r.r. JanL, Meu.ton. the fatluf Of Mrs. I commandery of the Knight Templar, of
. .. ., , .,, i,.J... ... ri. I which organlxatlons Mr. Horton was a
--. s. . nnj m nil oniuin
Kplttropal church will analnt at the funeral
Isw Democrat Points Out to Him Iunii
in Etate Campaign.
Something; of the Kepord of the Men
Who Are .Now Managing; the
Democratic Campalsn In
State of Iowa.
While Von Work
That sound paradoxical, bud
Int is correct.
Host tilgullies "comfort," and
fort In working with a clear
nerves. pos' of the con
to "do things." and mill hal
Irolt hs soon as the nature of Mr. Horton's ;
amictU.n was Known T 1 the nhort but Impressive burial ritual
ot uie ...or.,,. ...... - of El)lll.olln, ch,,rrh ., h .H
The death of Mr. Horton has occasioned
the deepest regret In the business ctrcles
of the city, where he numbered his friends
bv thoiiKamls, nod on all sides expressions
of symnatliy and condolence for the be
reaved family are heard. He was one of
the pioneer renldents of Omaha and had
i contributed much to the material advance
ment of the city and was universally es
i lie reason-
. lot of
iliore's com-
lai.i. mi.iu) tewrd by all with whom he came in con
tact In a business or aortal way.
Charles Bela Horton was born In Oonct-a
thought and energy st.ired do for more , N y , jnu:u.y 25. jsjo. His parents move'd
work. ' to Northvllle. Mich.. In 1K17. anrt h nm.
To be ir fashlo.i nowadays me must be j to Omaha in 1K3. He left In 1H In an
able to do somethir.s well that requires ox team for a Journey across the pralrlen.
Strenuous a'tlvliy and corrocjly thought ; but when he reached Denver he enlisted
out plans. ; in the Third Colorado cavalry. Chlvlngton"
The "gentlemen of leisure" .belong to a 1 One Hundred-day men. He participated In
former era not In demand in this country an expedition against th Indians In whflt
St the present lime. Thy modern gentle- j was known as Chlvlngton's massacre,
man la si "doer" not a tiowe "looker-on." , Ijuer he enllftd In ttie Second Colorado
Individuals differ In lltf ir ability to plan cavalry and served with that regiment until
and execute, but hunui energy is largel j mustered out at FVrl Ieavenwort h In Sep
derlved from food. A' that food is best 1 lemb-r, 1).
which supplies all thf requirements with Vouns Horton spent two years at Tabor
the h ast exp nditiiry of bodily (digestive) . college. He afterwards spent three years
rfforl u convert Itinto action. j In the regular army and returned to
Orpe-Nut. thepn.duct of a food ex- i Michigan mid engaged in the mercantile
pert'k esperiment and practical appllca- ' 1'UMiness. He married a daughter of Hon.
tlou during nia'y year, contain (the n) - j Ja if - HutMon. a prominent man In pub
trogenous elenyiits of tteld grain (wheat ; "u JlTalrs of Northvllle. He engaged 111
and bii.-y: tll repair tlssue- ute. This j telegraph In 1873 In Michigan and In 1878
wast? Is graur or lea. In accordance returned la Omaha, where he went to
with the activity of the individual ;work" for the Western Tnlon. He was
It contains also the carbohydrates, or
starch element (changed In making Grape-
Nuts Into soluble sugar for absorption
soon mole in.liicr ot the local ofllee and
later waj promoted to be chief clerk In
thu 1fW of Hupt rlntendent tlckv. to
into the blood 'stream., which the vital ; n ,,onl w" '""r made assistant. ths
forces convert into .nergy. - j ;.r .nmli hi t-ouung June 1. mo. In
It contain slso ihe highly Important!1'"--. ne '" Ui'.isfcrrc I to to suc
phosphate of potash, which the system I eed UeK i 'eie 1'iooks as assistant super
elaborates, by combining with albumen, 'nteiule it, i'r Hr... k i.0t. being general
Into Ihe 'delicate gsey matter of brain and uperlm ' icl tit rf :ui niMern division at
...... v-... New Yoik. J. 'n.i rv 1. in.m ih.
IL'IIITIK . . HI. 11 III. I - . - - ....
the basis of food the digestive oigans do;u'"In 1,1 J imr. y. Mr. Morton mas
returned to umi h hi:! made superin-
thelr work easily and natuially, convert
ing food into stored-up energy and keep,
lug the tissues in perfect repair then they
rest, while this eunrgy is at the command
of the Individual to work with in romfortr
the rest of wholesome activity. Then does
the work count. Head the little book in
pkg. of Grape-Nuts. "The Road to Well
Vtlle." tl'heio's a reudon."
tendent lo sucx-ed Mr. IUcVey in the Third
diurlcl( of Ihe cnlral division. This of
tier he h i 1 until ai dath.
Mr. Uu.'i .i is urU ia b a widow arid
three ioni C. 3 Hrucn. Jr., manug.r
of the Western 1 'i-ion orttce at Lincoln;
l-..y K . i-'mii n,n. manager of the
lime .:;; .4' Hi., t i, hn oltlce, and
L-ouii j , i l. ck. a. lliv i .1 oillvc.
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
DK9 MOINES. Oct. 20. (Special.) An
open letter to William J. Bryan, written
by J. C. Meredith, and In which he says
he has twice voted for the peerless leader
from Nebraska, will be published In the
local papers here In the morniag. In the
letter Mr. Meredith severely criticises Mr.
Dry an for his speech at Sanborn, la., last
Wednesday, In which Mr. P.ryan spoke of
Cummins as having "too uuch conscience
to be a standpatter and too little courage
to be a reformer." Mr. Meredith at some
length Informs Mr. Bryan that he la not
familiar (with the situation In Iowa and
having bten misinformed by the democrats
who welcomed him to Iowa does not know
that the fight here s that of "corpora tlans
agninst C'finimlns." After telling Mr Hiyan
that he lias been deceived, the letter says:
"No man In public life, not even yourself,
has ever) been more bitterly assailed by
the corporations and their truckling fol
lowers thnn Governor Cummins." And
further, ("He and ex-Governor Uirrabee
have In this campaign placed themselves
on higher ground for reform than W. J.
Bryan." After referring to Mr. Bryun's
criticism of G.dntfrnor Cummins on the rate
question, the litter Is as follows:
The man who grasped you by the hand
as you came into Iowa (meaning C. W.
Miller, the democratic slate chairman), and
furnished you with Information as to what
would do mosi harm to Governor Cummins,
fairly represents the whole campaign. He
was lust year u delegate to a convention
In Chicago, where the railroads sent all
their henchmen on free passes and paid
thutr hotel bills and he ioined with otliera
ill adopting a resolution declaring that "we
are uiiaueramy opposed to conierrlng on
the Interstate Commerce commission, or
uny other appointive agency, die power to
preMcrilie rates for transportation. ' Among
ine otners at I lie convention was the man
who has been desigiiatd to no on the
democratic national, committee to repre
sent Iowa. These men are also among
those who made it possible by their billing
to Keep you rrom being elected president.
This crowd which met you and is seek
ing to make use of you In the Iowa cam
paign Is the crowd which sent your ft lend
and admirer. J. B. Romans, into retire
ment; which made it Impossible tor Charles
A. v also to continue longer with Ihe
which you claim as your own which is de
termined (lie lirlllliiiit tJato aeiis.
your lifelong friend, sliull not again have
political life in Iowa; and which denied
to vour old friend. General James H.
Weaver, a nomination for congnas, which
nomination would have meant his election
Where will you be when these people luck
ing rorter have got control of affairs?
We believe you have bi tter friends In Iowu.
These men who Induced you to come lo
Iowa, who are lighting the name against
Cummins, are associated with the no
torious rM Hunter, and if your vulca lifted
in the Iowa campaign should be I lie means
of deciding the contest in their favor, they
would rej. .lee to ihe end of their days.
I hi ton think that these men who have
hwii nvhtina Roosevelt or rate l-glslaliun
and who have been assailing Cummins be
cause he is so active in slirriug up senti
ment for rale, legislation in Ioa. are the
real friends of late legislation? If you
do, you lack the keenness of perception
with which we 'have always credltMd you.
No. Mr. Bryan, much as we love you.
much as we admire your courage and
high mindwlnesa in advocating reforms, it
are not ready to shut our eyes to the fact
that here In Iowa the ftgtit is between
the corporation power ranged on the side
of the organixatlon which has stolen th
name and the livery of the democratic
ii:t. ami on the oilier mle a vast snoy
vl courageous and putiiutlc mull willing to
trust the able governor of Iowa, We shall
not be misled.
Jefferson Man In Jail.
Fred Martin of Jefferson, la.. Is In iuil
here for obtaining money on false pretenses.
He gave a man an order for $H.60 on Cap
tain Head of Jefferson in exchange for a
gold ring. Captain Head refused to honor
the order and Martin's urrest followed.
Championship High School tiame.
What will probably amount to the cham
pionship nigh school foot ball gstrne will
be played at Ida Grove November 3 be
tween Ida Grove- and West High school of
Des Molnea. Arrangements are being made
to tun on excursion from this city.
Corn Reports BIsT.
Director John R. Sage is now receivti.g
the reports from each county of the Mate
on which to base the- estimate of the state
crop and weather service of the co:n crop
of 1906. The reports are above the expecta
tions of Mr. Sage.. One report from Jeffer
son county, which was the dryest county
In the state. Indicates a yield of fifty bushels
to the acre en the average In that coumy.
and on this basis the total yield for tie
state will be far above the 400,000,000 bushels
which has been thought for some weeks
would be the extreme limit of the yield.
Cancels Illinois Dales.
Governor Cummins has canceled his Illi
nois dates for the first two days of next
week because of the condition of hi health
and the necessity of his saving his strength
for the campaign In this state. Hf will
speak at Cedir Ruplds next Wednesday
and then go to South Dakota for two
speeches. It Is expected that he will
ablo to till his Nebraska dates.
A Woman's Back
Han many aches and pains cansed by
weaknesses and falling, or other displace
ment, of the pelvic organs. Other symp
toms of female weakness are frequent
headache, dizziness, Imaginary specks or
dark spots floating before the eyes, gnaw
ing sensation In stomach, dragging or
bearing down In lower abdominal or pelvic
region, disagreeable drains from pelvic
organs.faint spells with general weakness.
If any considerable number of the above
symptoms are present there U no remedy
that w rHjtlve quicker relief or a more per
maient than Dr. Plerce'a FavorlU
PreyJrfoJt has a record of over forty
years of cuhi J Is the mon. poten
lnvlgoraHng;tonc mid r trout then uiBLiiex
vine known to medical icience. It 1 made
ol the glyceric extracts' of native medici
nal roots found In our forests and con
tains not a drop of alcohol or harmful, or
habit-forming drugs. Its Ingredients are
all printed on the bottle-wrapper and at
tested under oath as correct.
Every Ingredient entering Into "Fa
Torlte Prescription has tho written en
dorsement of the most eminent medical
writers of all the several schools of prac
ticemore valuable than any amount of
non-professional testimonials though the
latter are not larking, having been con
tributed voluntarily by grateful patients
In numbers to exceed the endorsements
given to any other medicine extant for
the cure of woman's Ills.
You cannot a fiord to accept any medicine
of unknown composition as a substitute
for this well proven remedy or known
composition, even though the dealer may
make a little more prolil thereby, l our
Interest In regaining health is paramount
to any selCsh Interest of hU and It is an
Insult to your intelligence for him to try
to palm off upon you a substitute. You
know what you want and It la his busi
ness to supply the article called for.
Dr. Plerce'a Pleasant Pellets are the
original 'Little Liver Pills" first put up
by old Dr. Iterce over forty years ago,
much Imitated but never equaled. Little
SJgar-coated granules easy to take aa
(Continued from Third Page.)
i -
Lincoln who are lnti rested with Mr. Mau
pln will be here Tuesday, and they, to
gether with the Commercial club and other
citliens. will visit the grounds and watch
the sinking of the first shaft.
COLUMBt'S Daniel Methenty was
I called to Lincoln this week to look after
I a bunch of thoroughbred hogs that had
; been exposed to cholera. Dan thinks
' that he has a preparation that will cure
hog cholera.
! COLCMHCS Grace Episcopal church
. people have been building a new rectory.
I it will be dedicated Tuesday, October
J 30, by nt. Rev. Bishop A. 1.. Williams
' of Omaha and a number of other priests
of the state.
DAVID CITY Jud.;e Reeder of Columbus
was in David City last Friday and tried
the case for change in venue in the cause
: of Mrs. Lena Margaret l.Illey against the
! Modern Woodmen of America. The motion
I Was overruled.
1 BEATRICE K. T. MrMalian and
l Thomas Liddlcott, who have been attend
ing the grand lodge of the independent
Order Odd Fellows at Omaha, have re
turned liomf. They report the meeting the
best yet held by the order.
DAVID CITY Mrs. Sarah A. Walden
died Monday at the home of her son. D. 8.
I Walden, In the east part of this city, aged
- 70 years. She leaves four sons and two
; duughters. The funerul was held Wcdtiea-
day nt the Methodist church.
VALL.KY Hon. J. N. Gaffln. at one
' time spoaker of the house, had his third
stroke of paralvsis at his home mid was
I taken by Dr. Hsslam In his automobile
I to the hospital at Fremont. Very little
hope is given ror his recovery.
YORK Mayor Sovereign has Issued or
ders to York's only policeman. Chief of
I'ollce lirewcr, to arrest any one riding a
bicycle on the walks. For some reason
bicycle riders- recently have not been paying
much atlention to the ordinance.
HKATKICK Rev. Wiilui.i .;eedy and
bride, who wire married at Oakland. Cal.,
a few duys ago. arrived in the city yes
terday for a visit with friends. They will
locate at Firth, Neb., where Mr. Reedy is
pastor of the I'reshyterlan church.
VAI.LKV Rev. K. K. Zimmerman, pas
tor of the Presbyterian church, accom
panied by Rev. K. Austin of Waterloo,
went to Osceola to take part in the in
stallation services of the nastor of the
Presbyterian church at that place.
NORTH PI.TTR T. J. Foley today pur
chased of Peter Nelson the former Dick
property on the corner of locust and Sixth
streets Tor a consioeiauon in ou-nu
It Is understood that Mr. Foley expects
to erect a business block thereon next year.
HKATRICE--Sheriff Trude has returned
from St. Joseph, having Ix-en Unable to
locate John Sparks, the bridge contractor,
charged with attempting to defraud Gage
countv. It Is reported that he left sev
eral days ago for Mississippi to buy lum
ber. DAVID CITY Charles Harris, a farmer
living near Rising City, is hauling his
potatoes to this city and selling them for
So cents a bushel. He says tbey are going
;oo bushels to Ihe acre and there are r.e,-.
eral in his neighborhood having the same
YORK Clnrcnce Post of this city has
juat returned from Allinta. Ga.. and says
he believes that during th raclnl rl"ts
which occurred when he was there a grtate
iijinhcr of negroes was killed than ie
isirt.d. He was glad to get back to Ne
braska. BKATRICK After being pursued by a
porse with bloodhounda all night and most
of ihe day, James 1,1111. ex-convict, wanted
here for hisnwjy robbery, made Ins es
ape. The trail was followed almost to
Ihe Kansas line, Ihrougti cornllelds and
COIA'MBl'H David Thomas has a
couple of sous who haiiu Just returned
from Oregon. They went out a year also
and took timber claims. They have
proved up and come home again, feeling
happy over tiie fact that they have the
claims. '
COIA'MnrS Mr. Bernard C. HVhroedcr.
cashier of the Germin National ,a-ik.
and Miss Henrietta C. Conahlene wcrv
married at St. JoMeph's church this week.
It was a quiet wedding ceremony ami
they began housekeeping on West Thir
teenth street.
HTKI.LA While Albert and George
Weaver w re coining to town with a load
of apples the Irum ran away, guiug down
(lie steep hill south of the cemetery. In
turning towards town at the foot of the
hill the wagon iifset, throwing Albert
against a post wlih such lorce us to
his collar bone, tits brother jumped just
as the wagon upset end escaped with
only a few minor bruises.
WEST POINT-Hon. K. N. Sweet of the
Meeker (Okl.) Herald has been nominated
a delegate to the proposed constitutional
convention of that state, 'i hlrty-six years
ago Judge Sweet founded nnd established
the West Point Republican, one of the
oldest papers In the slate.
BliATRK E Th- trumi line of the Bell
and the Indi pendent Telephone comminy
of Fllley was completed csterday. From
the Beatrice exchange a patron can talk
for 10 cents over the lines of the Fillev.
Hanover and Danish telephone companies,
which have about 3X subscribers.
WEST POINT Benjamin Kraft, an aged
inmate of the Home for the Aged at West
Point, died In thai Institution niter a severe
illness. He, with his wife." were the first
Inmates of the new home. He leaves an
aged widow and three children. Inter
ment was In St. Michael's cemetery.
COU MBLH Rev. Dr. A. J. Wescott.
the rector of Grace Episcopal church,
who has been attending a meeting il
Ihe diocese of Nebraska this week at
Blair, comes back with further honors,
for he has been elected associate editor
of the Crosier, the uiocemn magazine.
YORK Christian & I.ang. breeders and
Importers of thoroughbred Aberdeen-Angus
cattle, met with unite a loss in the death
of an imported Trojan Erica cow, tired in
King Edward of England s held, a show
iinlmal that cost them several hundred dol
lurs. Death was caused by pneumonia.
YORK Jasper Waldron, a well known
farmer living outh of York, brought tu
samples of the finest quality of ear corn
that was pronounced ta-ltei' "ban the uv
erage seed corn. He said that south York
county had another bumper crop and th-it
corn on his place would go seventy bushels
to the acre and upwards.
NEBRASKA CITY J. A. Kearney, a
well-known grain dealer of this city, Is
dead of catarrh of the stomach niter an
illness of a comparatively short lime.
The deceased was 51! years of age and
had been a resident of tins ctly lor tho
past six years. A wife and four children
John, Joseph, Richard and Edna sur
vive him
WEST POINT Mrs. John BJork. wife of
the former manager of Ihe county poor
farm, living In the north part of Cuming
county, died suddenly Thursday. The de
ceased apparently was In her usual health
up to the time of her death, having visited
at the county seat only the day before.
Heart dlseooe was the cause, of death. She
leaves a husband and eight children.
NORTH PLATTE Ed Aiurphy ot Brady
has- loused his ranch near Brady to several
Japanese for a period of rive years at rn
annual rental of S1.0"0. There are KuO or
more acres, part of which Is hay land and
part iartiMluiid. and it Is the Intention of
the Japs to raise a big acreage of sugar
beets. Mr. Murphy has made investments
in New Mexico and expects to locate there.
COLl'MBl H It Is sad to note the fact
of a family being blotted out, but yueh
is the case of the Jenkins family, which
came here eighteen years ago. Tlley
came from Kalamazoo, Mich., in Is..'
Levi Jenkins, wife and three children.
The last to pass away was Charles D.
Jenkins. His brother. Edward II. Jen
kins, died about a month ago, and no.v
the last of the family Is gone.
NORTH PLATTE Eleven of the female
teachers of the city schools lelt Oi'ciliicx aiieriiouu for Denver, where they will
remain until Sunday evening. They expect
to visit the schools of Denver and to ob
serve the dlfleri lit methods employed, and
expict to receive some benefit (Herefrom,
While this party are seeing- Denver, an
other party of eight lelt fur Lincoln and
Omaha Wednesday night, their object be
ing aiso to visit schools.
NORTH PLATTE Mrs. C. K. Norton
died early Wednesday moiniii',', after suf
fering for over a year fro", internal canc r
ous growth. The funeral services were held
at the Ep.scufwjl church yesterday after
noon, and were largely nt t'lnl'd. :h--Knights
Templar. Ladle auxiliary of the
I roilierhoofl of lycciaoilve Engineer. t'ie
Eastern Star and Lolli ot the M n ( nl,
b ing present. At the giave the b rli.l
rites of the latter o orders were read
YORK For the first lime In many years
the il-moerats and puiaij.-o have dissolved
partnership and each have a leglslnl.e
ticket. A local fu-lun reaper his c-.nie out
straight tins week for Die nominees on
Ihe democratic ticket, claiming there was
not sorllcleut no'lce lo get a representa
tion at the popuilst convmtluti that noia
Inited, and that Ihe chairman and secre
tary l-ad no authority lo cull a populist
convention, ss they did not qualify a year
dgo. '
-NEBRASKA CITY Last Welnl-sdiy
nlglit a horse was stolen from toe Hali
farm, across the rlv-r. Today lxputy
Sheriff lmnovan located the horso at
the camp of a horse IrmV? near this city
The trader ei'-hung. tl horse ,,r ,lo
stolen animal Thursday, but won uuab'.e
to give tho name of the thief. The po
lice found the tracl.T's horse tied m-iir
the stand pipe last night, and today re
turned it to hi in. The stolen ai'ilm il
has been relumed to Its owner. The till :f
Is still at large.
YORK York business men are talking
of organizing for the purpose of pmm dlnn
and taking stock iti small ninutifm t urin
enterprises, with a view to seeming tie ir
location here-. Just now Ihe Commercial
club 1m investigating a newly puteiiicil
wheel, which its Inventor clulius will tal."
the place of ihe pneumatic tire. Effort
are also being made to induce a shirt irel
over.: factory to come to York.
WEST POINT The County board broke
all records Tuesday. It met at ; o'cIock
and by 5 o'clock had adloiirned to No
vember M. Notwithstanding (In- short
ness of the session considerable Im.-nnist
wae transacted. The August Fullmer ro"l
petition was granted; Bancroft townsh n
was ti Mowed $150 for road purposes a:i I
Wlsncr township l.-SO; the countv M tone v
was Instructed lo bring suit to compel i',e
Chicago 4t Northwestern railway to con
struct a culvert through Its roadbed, a i
Jaccnl to the Paul Stcufer farm, north of
west Point, and chums aggregating .,i 00
were audited und allowed.
NORTH H.A1TK--0. E. Eh'er, actlni? i s
agent for the Burlington rn'lroad, yester
day purchased the Arthur Salisbury rerl.
rience on South Dewey street for "u ctii'
sfderutlon ot $L'.onu, toUowin shortly thei.
after by a simllaV contract with C. C.
Hupler for the purchase of his two vacant
lots west of the Luke Healcy resldcncn
for h consideration of tri'io. In both i-i-
( sttim es a siiihII cash payment wa made.
' While the business of buying property f r
the railroad is bcinv kept us qui I ns pos.-- -i
ble, there !s no doubt in ihe min is of th'
people ol INortn I'latte that Ihe pioperly i
being purchased for (lie Burlington and
that eventually the road will pass through
this city. Vuili.g the day Mr. Elder u--p'-ovehert
several other resident owners -if
property on West First street, along which
survey slakes have been s-l, and mm!r
Ihein offers, several of which were taken
under advisement.-
Piles 14 Years
Terrible Case C'uieU Painlessly Willi
Only One Treat nicnt of Pyra
mid Pile . ui
Tree rackage In Plain Wiapper Mailed to
Every One Who WUtes.
"1 write to lliank you una uho pr.t:so
you for the good your meuicmu has Uuue
ine. oh, i can t Hud words lo express lo,
thunks to you all lor such a wonder. ui
ami aptedy cure. i felt relieved ajicr
using you t suniplv, so 1 scut light on to a
(iruggibt and bought a So-ccut bj, which
I believe has cured me entirely. 1 uu
mare myself now than 1 have lelt hi ote
a year, lor 1 have been bothered atiu.
Ihut lung with piles, l have tOid all my
lilt-lids about tins wonderful discovery und
will lecummcnd it whenever I can. iu.,
can ti be my name anywhere you chou-v.
Respectfully. Mrs. C'haa. L. Coleman.
1 uuHiiolli J, Telili."
Any ono sintering from the lerrlblt- lut
tuie, burning and itching of piles will yet
liiblaut relief from the tieainieiu wc send
out free, .at our own expense, in plain,
sealed package, to every one sending nam.
and address.
Surgical operation for piles Is unne.
sary and rarely a permanent success. 11
yon can get u treatment that is i
eaay to apply and inexpensive nnd In
from the publicity and humiliation uu s I
It.- by doctors' examination.
Pyramid Pile Cure is made in the p.
of - easy to use" suppositories. 'Ihe o t
Ing of a cure Is felt the moment -,u -to
use it, and your suffering ends.
Send your nuine ecd artduss at I
Pyramid Drug Co.. 6 pyramid . i,i :;
Marsha I, Mich., and get, by p'ui.i
.t t.jutment we will send you t . . , .
plain, sealed wiMpper.
After seeing for yourself what it i.i-,
you can get a regular, full ;z,- p.., k.u
Pyramid pil Cure rrom any drui---.
CO cents eiich, or, on receipt of pile.
will mall yuu same oursiUt. a I.. -
not have IU