A TUB OMAHA SUNDAY BKK: CK TOREK 21. IfMifi. FUSION BOMB b: EXPLODED ttatemaat Concerning Sorrii ferown'a Con nection With Tailed Tank. OWED THE BANK AND 1 HE BANK OWED HIM William, the Heneanrfe I and Ma I for ftallrnnrt t ommlaaloner, a Handlrap tm Ticket la the Third District. 1 with tne stats 1 ended, but Instead he nil, rem o buy h home in IJurrln sni1 remain here until after wh.pol In nut rtiumm'r. The governor u now In the mark! for a hon,e. hut an far ha nnt derided In Just what part of trtwn he wilt locate. Some time hofure the republican state convfMlnn the governor had made up hia mind to re- I move to Omaha and from there look after hla X"brikn and Iowa farm, but whether lie ha Klvn up thla Idea or not he will remain In Lincoln for some months yet. William Prntlat a Handlrap Renegade Williams, the sell-out candi date for railway commissioner on the re publican' ticket, proved a aertoua handicap to the other randldatea during the recent meetings held In the Third district. He tried to attach himself to the coat tails of George L. Sheldon and to the coat tails SHELDON SPEARS IN ROCK Dtiwi a Good Crowd in Epite of Eaia Which Waa Tallinr. TELLS PEOPLE H( tO SECURE RELIEF rrl Brow a Formally Oseaa 4k t amaalan In ( taaatr Wit at a seeeh In Beatrice Klakald at Uai Pin. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Oct. 2n.-(Speclal.)-Chalrman Kine of the republican state committee has issued over Ills signature the followtna statement regarding the charge that Norrls nt U"yd. and by inch means tret a Drown profited by money which former I refpftful hearing before republican audl- Tieasurer Hartley deposited In the failed ",r"("- One of the partlea who attended Kearney National bank: Shehlnn-Royd meettngs told of this F L.INUVLN, Oct. 19. I ask space to give I wnicn occurred at vesi roini 10 l the facts concerning the false report that demonstrate the opinion the people of that iiiunn nnmn, rciiuniican candidate lor Vnlted Slate senator, Was Indebted to the Insolvent Kearney National bank, at the time Its affairs were settled, on notes due ror money deposited therein by former Htate Treasurer Hartley, and that the state lost Its money through Brown s re- Rudlatlon of hla notes. Roliert Payne of ehraska City waa receiver and settled the affairs of thla bank. He la a lifelong dem ocrat and hla Integrity Is known through out the state. To learn the exact truth I wrote, mm as follows: "LINCOLN. Oct. IS. WOfi. Mr. Robert Payne, Nebraska City, Neb. Dear Blr: It hHS been Reported that Norrls Brown had certain unpaid notes In your hands as re ceiver of the Kearney National bank at the section of the state have of Williams: We were talking to several parties be fore the meeting began," said the man. when a prominent republican came up and shook hands with Sheldon. He wished Sheldon well and then happened to aee Williams. Instantly hla whole face changed. What have you got that fellow with you for?' he Inquired. 'If you want a handicap Jiut keep a traitor like Williams with you." We found the same feeling against Wil liams all through the Third district and we were up In a country where the people know him." ' time of the bankrs failure and vnnr se tlement of Its affairs; thai he borrowed the money from state funds d coo I ted by former State Treasurer Hnrtlev; thai the state deposit was $,, which the state h'E '?U'.- orrl" m'1? . nA y the mating, of superintendents and prln- How to Help Tearhera. The subject of the last day's session of ( other to 1255. Will you please give me t.ie tacts in regard t thla matter Very re spectfully. "W. B. ROSE, (('liiMinn Republican Slate Central Com mittee." 'in inls Mr. Payne replied: "NEBRASKA CITY. Oct. 17. 19US. Mr. W. B. Hose, Chairman Republican State Central Committee Lear Sir: Among the assets of the Kearney National bank, placed In my hands as receiver, were notes amounting to about 3i0, signed by Norrls Brown. These notes had no connection whatever with the denoult of IiUkiO by ex State Treasure.' Hartley. As I recollect the facts, they are about aa follows: Norrls Brown owed the bank as above stated. He claimed the bank owed him an account for attorney's fees, and wished to olTset his indebtedness to the bank by the bank's Indebtedness to him. Kquitahly, It looked to me aa though such a compromise would be Just. These, notea, with other asaets of the bank, were duly advertised for sale in the Kearney Hub, and sold with other as aets of the bank In March, 18.18. I do not recollect who bought the notes or the amount nald for them. A common-sense Interpretation of the transaction would be tnat Brown received from the Kearney Na tional bank for services, as claimed by him, an amount equal to the difference between the face value of notes and the amount paid for the notes at publio auc tion, rours very truly, "ROBERT PAYNB" That Norrls Brown did not owe the Kearney National bank, nor the state of Nebraska any sum whatever at the time the affairs of the bank were settled was shown In a recently published Interview with N. P. McDonald, present county at torney of Buffalo county, who was familiar with the racts. 'inn trutn waa aiao pun llshed by Robert Payne, receiver, 1n an Interview given to the Nebraska City Dally Tribune. October 6. 1WI6. Without making Inoulry of Mr. Payne to ascertain the facts and, disregarding the truth which had been published. T. S. Allen, chairman of the democratic stete central committee, has lee.n diligently pub lishing and circulating throughout the state anonymous hand bills containing this false report. I appeal to every fair minded man, regardless of party affilia tion, to resent the disreputable methods employed by the democratic state central committee In their efforts to defeat Norrls Brown and prevent regulation of freight ratea by the election of a democratic ngis lature. W. B. ROSE. Chairman Republican State Central Com mittee. i Governor Awaits Transcript. Governor Mickey has not yet received the transcript of the remarks made at the hearing of the Board of Fire and Police cipals was devoted to talks on "How to Help Twvrtx-rs of Different Types." Vari ous types were talked about and sugges tions were offered by good talkers on correcting some of the evils of tha pro gressive and nonprogressive twentieth cen tury teacher. J. Arnott McLean of South Omaha talked about "The Know-It-All Teacher:" George Burgert of Kearney dis cussed the "Tactless Teacher;" the "Poorly Prepared Teacher" waa handled by A. L. Ca vines of Falrbury. while H. II. Hahn of Blair and Nell Sinclair of Nebraska City discussed the "Specialising Teacher" and the "Laiy Teacher." All the talks were discussed by the teachers present. FOl R.YEAR-OLD TAKES LOJO TRIP Disappear from Home att Hasting; and Foaai nt Holdrea-e. HASTING8, Neb., Oct. 20. (Special Tele gram.) After his parents, aided by the city authorities, had vainly searched through out the city for him, John Greenlee, the 4-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Green lee of this city, was tonight located at Holdrege. The child left home about 11:30 this morning, and when he failed to return at dinner time his parents Instituted a search for him. Late this afternoon Mana ger Knee of the Nebraska Telephone com pany. Instructed his operators to advise all subscribers when they called for con nections that the boy was lost and to ask If they had seen him. The operator on the long distance lines paaeed the word along to other towns, and at 7:30 tonight word came that the boy had been picked up by Bwedeburg Sc Roth In front of their real estate office In Holdrege. The father went to Holdrege tonight to bring him home. How the lad managed to get, as far away aa Holdrege, when he wrs without money, Is a mystery yet unsolved. He rode on a Burlington train, which makes several stops between here and Holdrege, and why he was not put off at the first station is not known here. College Cornerstone Laid. WAYNE, Neb., Oct. . (Special A me morable event In Wayne's history was the laying of the cornerstone of the new main Commissioners and will not pass upon the I building of the Nebraska Normal college demurrer filed until after he haa received I yesterday afternoon by the grand lodge of ( the transcript. The governor, however. will in all probability overrule the de murrer. He goes tonight to Marquette. Where tomorrow he speaks In one of the churches. Mickey Stays In Lincoln. Governor Mickey will not remove to Omaha aa anon aa his official connection 54,600 Meals Did Him Ho Good Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons ' of Nebraska. At :B0 o'clock the procession formed and marched to the college grounds. A large assemblage of people had gathered to witness the ceremonies in honor of President 3. M. Pile, under whose man agement the Institution haa been estab lished. Promptly at 4 o'clock the band played, followed by prayer by Grand Chap lain Frank M. Drullner, after which the cornerstone was laid with regular Masonic rites, ur.der the supervision of Grand Mas ter Z. M. Balrd of Hartlngton, assisted by Grand Marshal Harry A. Cheney of Crelghton, Grand Chaplain F. M. Drullner of Emerson, Past Grand Master Robert E. Evans of Dakota City and Past Grand Master John A. Ehrhardt of Stanton. Grand Orator Rev. E. C. Horn of Wayne How One Man Wanted SO Yearn of Hia Life Thousands Like Him. "What's the use of eatln'. anyhow I" aald tha scrawny dyspeptic to hla rotund, proa, then delivered a short but eloquent address perous looking friend. "Here I've been ln behalf of ,h" arand lodge, which waa eatln" three times a day and some- responded to on behalf of the Wayne lodge times twice a day for fifty years, and nl cltlaena by A. A. Welch, who. in a few look at me, I'm raw-boned and skinny, appropriate remarks, thanked the grand till at tha bottom of the ladder, sour on lxJ" officials for their kind assistance on tha world and a pessimist 1 know It and thla memorable occasion and paid a tribute I can't help It. If I hud it to do over again, though, I would take car of my stomach, for I don't believe I ever really relished a meal in my life, not even mother's Christmas dinner, and I firmly believe that my way of eating, or -whatever It was, brought along with it darkness and impossibility of success." t "You're right," nodded his companion. "Of course, that isn't always the case, But in this age we must not only 'Trust in the Lord and keep our powder dry,' but we must swallow sunshine with our food, Cheerfulness, especially while eating, which Is the most essential act of man, is aa necessary to him aa sunshine Is to the Sowers. Nothing normal can be produced In darkness. "But thla Is what you haven't been do ing, Mr. Dyspeptic. Your brain and your stomachy remember, are twins, and. you have to treat them accordingly. Why not start now and repair the damage you've done. It is never too lute, you know.1 "Vou meun at my age? And suppose you can't always get the sunshine?" "Absolutely, yes. Science has made it possible to get the sunshine, the health and the strength that your stomach needs. all put together In little tablets. They call them Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, tuu most effective tablets ln the world for this very thing. One, ingredient in these tablets digest 1.00U grains of food with out the help of the stomach. Two tablets after each meal can do more work, quicker work and better work- in digesting a heavy meal than the stomach can itself. The stomach need not work at all. Stuart a Dyspepsia Tablets dues all the work, and gives your jaded stomach a rest, the rest It needs. Meanwhile you cure yourself t,f brash, irritation, burning sensation, heart burn, sour stomach, acidity, fermentation, bloat, and the worm cases uf dyspepsia and indigestion. You get rid of the tot all time. And then, besides, you can eat all you want and whuu-ver you want, and you will relish mot iter's Christ- mas dinners If you will lake Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets after eating. That's the unsrine I was talking about. Then your face will reflect the Internal change going on. you'll more energet.?, your mind will be clearer, you will have more con fidence in yourself, you'll be happier, aud you'll be yourself again. "Your heart will change and you'll feel rosy. You'll enjoy our meals and live. Iei'e walk down to the drug store and let ma Introduce you to o:ie little package of these Stuart's Dyspepula Tablets. You can get them at any drug store lu the world (or only 50c a package. It la worth It. Mr. Pysjptic." to the future. success of the college, past and Teaehers la Knox Connty. CREIGHTON. Neb., Oct. (Special.) The annual teachers Institute of Kjiox county waa held here durtng the last week Superintendent F. C. Marshal tried the eiperlment of a fall Institute. The schools of the county were dismissed for the week and ITS teachers attended every session of the institute. At the close yesterday the teachers unanimously commended the fall institute In appropriate resolutions Miss Nellie Msy Schlee of Peru Instructed In primary reading and industrial work Prof. J. W. Searson conducted the worW in civics, school management and round table. In addition to the regular course of Instruc tion a full course of lectures and enter tainments was arranged. The entire senaton was one of keen professional enthusiasm. The teachers felt that the program was so rkh ln good things that they could not afford to miss a single number. The sea- slon attracted a good deal of attention on the part of educators, among whom fa a growing feeling that teachers' Institutes should be held during the regular year's work. GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. Oct. SO.-fgpo-clal.l As John Eggers of the Schumacher A Kggera' saloon waa closing up the place at 12 o'clock last night, and while alone In the saloon, a man came In unmasked, and holding a revolver In Eggers' face, told htm to make himself no trouble, that he wanted no "monkey work." Eggers Is small man, but gritty. He turned from the six-shooter, which was directly In front of him. and grubbed for a lunch knife nearby, giving the intruder emphatically to under stand of what pedigree he was. Mr. Eggers' dog. upon seeing the latter s actions, also been me busy, and the robber had more trouble than Jie had bargained for. With both an irate dog and an irate man tj face he turned, made for the door and was followed by the dug for a block. By the time Mr. Kggers had secured the revolver from back of the bar the man had made good his escape down the street. . Tronble la Batler Tonnty. DAVID CITY. Neb., Oct. SO.-(SpecuU ) At the republican caucus Monday In su pervisor district No. 1 there waa a little scrap on hand- which resulted In the nomi nation of James Prosovec. the Benno post mabter. over J. T. Bvoboda, the Alba banker Bvoboda's friends would not lay donn, but ure putting hlin on by petition as a candidate for supervisor of district No. L BARRETT. Neb.. Oct. . tSpeoal Telegram.)-Hon. Oeorge L. Sheldon, who spoke here last night, was delayed by a late train and did not reach the court room un til after I o'clock. The lateness of the hour and rslny weather during the after noon and erenlfig prevented many from coming out and only about lot! persons were present. Mr. Sheldon spoke about an hour and confined himself principally to a discussion of the regulation of freight and passenger rates. His argument was dispassionate, comprehensive and convincing and he made an excellent Impression on his audience, and none who heard him doubted his fit ess and ability for tho governorship. In his speech he compared freight rates In Nebraska with rates for corresponding dis tance In Iowa and Minnesota and showed that the rates In Nebraska are much higher than In the other states mentioned. He stated that nails are passed from Chicago to Omaha for 27 cents, while 41 cents Is charged from Omaha to Burwell; that the farmer on the Northwestern for a I4ft-mlle haul to Omaha pays 24Vn cents freight charges on hoga. while the Iowa farmer pays but 18 cents for the same distance; that It costs M to ship 1.000 bushels of corn from here to Omaha, while it costs only M to ship the same amount a similar distance In Iowa to Omaha, and that to ship corn from her to tOmah costs one- flfth of the value of the corn, while for a !1ke distance In Iowa It costs one-seventh. How to Get Relief. He said that the railroads In Nebraska wer earning more per mile than In Iowa and Minnesota and that freight ratea In Nebraska are higher than In those states by about 40 per cent. He argued that, no relief can be had from the maximum freight law which candidate ShaJlenberg-r says should b enforced for the reason that It I not practically enforclble without a commission, and hs urged the adoption of the proposed constitutional amendment and the passage of a law' giving the railroad commissioners authority and power to reg ulate and fix ratea. He argued In favor of a I-cent passenger rata, but said tha regulation of passenger rates should be left with the commission er and not governed by a specific statute for the reason that passenger rates might bs much lower on atrm roads than en oth ers, and for that reason the fixing of pas senger rates should be left to, the commis sioner, the aaraa aa freight rat. HI speech convinced hi hearers that he Intends to be fair to all Interests and every statement he made argued for a square deal. He spoke strongly In favor of the election of a republican legislature and the taction of Norrls Brown for United State senator. He also urged the re-election of Congressman Klnkald. William Oorrell. republican candidate for representative, and David Hanna, rpui uoan candidate for state senator, were present MY. Hanna talked a few minutes. H was wall received and mads a rood fan. jyesaton. Opening; la Gaa-e Connty. BEATRICE, Neb.. Oct. 30. (Special Tele gram.) The republican campaign was opened here this afternoon by Hon. Nor rls Brown and the local legislative ticket. Mr. Brown pointed to the prosperity of the country today aa an achievement of the republican party. The question of corporation taxes and railroad ratea, he said, are met fairly and squarely by the republican platform. On these question the democrat are silent. It Is probable the railroads feel they will fare better with democrats in power and so the road are trying to defeat the republican nom inees. It Is not true, as democrats assert, that It la necessary to elect them to sup port Roosevelt. Mr. Brown read from an editorial in the World-Herald of October J, which denounced the president, declared him an enemy of labor, a favorite of the Interests and a recipient of favor from the corporation. The writer coupled these statements with the contention that it la necessary to elect democrats to sup port the president. Referring to state politics, Mr. Brown stated that railroad valuation had been raised upder republi can rule, whereas they had' been lowered by the fualontsts. He recited the history of the Aght In the courts to collect taxes levied upon the railroads. His address waa received with enthusiasm, though the audience was small, due to the threaten ing weather. The legislative candldatea made brief speeches and declared they stood upon the state and county platforms of their party. Klnkald at I.onT Pine. LONG PINE. Neb.. Oct. JO. (Special.) Hon. M. P. Klnkald, the republican nom inee for congress, addressed a large and enthusiastic gathering In the Long Pine opera house on Friday evening. Although the train on which he came was nearly four hour lata, and in spite of the cold, drlssly, disagreeable weather, a large num ber of people turned out to hear him. Judge Klnkald discussed the Issues of the day In a plain, clear-ut talk which went right to the heart of his hearers. M. O. O'Connell at Teenmsek. TECt'MSEH. Neb.. Oct. . (Special Telegram.) Solicitor of the Vnlted States Treasury M. O. O'Connell, who Is an Iowa man, but now of Washington, D. C, ad dressed n Tecumseh audience this evening on the political Issues of the day as viewed from a republican standpoint. Mr. O'Con nell is a splendid speaker, possessed of much political history, and thoroughly con vinced hla audience of the tacts as he pre sented them. The marvelous history of the republican party was reviewed and the speaker thought Roosevelt the best presi dent the United States had ever had. Mr. O'Connell Is a brother of Judge J. G. O'Con nell of Tecumseh, who Is the republican candidate for representative In the state legislature from the Fifth district. Mr. O'Connell will speak in Sterling Monday evening and In Auburn Tuesday evening. 414-lb-IS South 16th St. Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Company Telephone Douglas l A REMARKABLE DRESSER SALE An opportunity well worth the consideration of the most m t- s buyer. To make a Ion story short, we purchasotl liom n manufacturer of iopulnr priced odd dressers, his entire sttek of several patterns in mahogany, bird's-eye maple ami pplden oak, with chiffoniers and washstands to match. His concession to us was such that we are able to offer values that are truly marvelous. Being the largest consumers of good furniture at popular prices, we are the ones that manufac turers seek first in this locality knowing our facilities for disposing of great quantities. Wo were quick to accept this offer as it eives us an opportunity to place before Omaha and vicinity the greatest odd dresser values ever offered. Beau tifully gotten up good ideas, good wood, good cabinet mak ing They are the very cream of goodness at skim milk prices 716 DRESSER (Like cut) Large and maatiive. Base Is 23 Inches deep, 4 8 Inches long. Mir ror 34x28. Comes ln fine figured golden quarter-sawed ouk, hand polished. Ornamentally carved; has claw feet. Regular selling price, $42.00 sale price 33.M 717, same, aa above, except that mirror Is 36x30, and this comes ln blrd'a-eye maple and genuine mahogany veneered. Regular selling price $47.00 sale price $30.0(1 j an r - I Pa-Bk, - ST ... mmu i I...SPM .0-i. r-f. - ii JLL4sSa 705 DRESSER (Like cut) Beautiful figured quarter-sawed golden oak; serpentine front, rich carving. Top Is 22x4 4. French bevel mirror 28x22. Dresser U hand polished. Regular selling price, $27.50 sale price $21. SI 70ft Dresser, same as above, ex cept that mirror is larger. :?0x-M. Comes In golden oak only. Regulur selling price I2S.50 sale price JS'i2.M M freer ' fc-Xifc. hi 700 DRESSER (Like Cut) ' Double swell front; comes In gold en quarter-sawed oak and bird's eve maple, choice figured wool and highly polished hnsrs. -'I tm hes deep, 40 Inches wide; mir ror Is '.'Sxi. French bevel. Regular price, golden oak. fit sale price f 19.60 Hird's-eye Maple $25.00 sain price $30.00 701. same as above, except tlwit mirror Is larger. 30x24. Tomes In pretty figured mahogany and gold en oak. Regular price, golden oak, $2fi snle price 130.60 Regular price, mahogony, J.'T.r.n sale price $31.25 711 CHIFFONIER (Like Cut) Larue sire, 34 Inches wide. JO Inches deep. French bevel pattern mirror, 22x18. Double serpentine front, flue figured wood; tiigm , polished. Comes in quarterv(awed golden oak and genuine mahogany veneer. Regular price golden oak, $2S..i0 sale price $33.50 Regular price manogany, -. " sale price $33.00 Nasal1 si"' nF7"!! nsr hT-T Hit r t, 700 WASHSTANl) SNAPPY CURTAIN VALUES All new and pretty. We're selling them ln great quan tltlea thla week. It'a because they're cheap. Dainty Ruffled Swiss Curtains, with extra full hemstitched ruf- Qr lie, special per pair VJC Cluny Curtains, with wide hem and linen lace edge 2 ir nnlr. Hand Made Cluny and Battenberg, Dainty Brussels Net and Irish Point Curtains per pair (Like cut) A match to these dressers and chiffoniers. Conies In quarter-sawed golden oak. bird's-eye maple and gen uine mahogany veneer: top is .14x1 x inches. HegulMi price, golden oak, $12, sale price. $9.76. Regular price mahuganv and bird's-eye muple $12X0, sale price $10. 707 DRESSER (Like Cut) Full dnublo swell front, richly ornamented with hnnd carving. Mas pattern shape French bcvol mirror 30x24 Inch, top 22x44. Comes In pretty figured, genuine mhhngany veneer and bird's-eye inn pic. licg'ibir rr'.ce $29.ol) sule price $33.00 70K, sume n above, except t'.int mirror Is .12x2. and comes In golden quarter-sawed oak only. Regular price was $33.0i'--snle price $36,38 703 CHIFFONIER (Like Cut) Ixiulile serpentine front, built up solid ends. Comes In fine ngured genuine mahogany veneer ir bird's-eye maple. Top Is ;toxi Inches. I'retty bevel pattern shape mirror, 20x16. A very r tlstle design. Regular price was $2t.0 sal price 930.5 JtaJL t i-si- -III AXMINSTER RUGS Long thick velvety pile. Beautiful, luxurious rugs, reasonably priced to suit modest purses. Lovc! color- 4,75 Arabian, Renaissance, Brussels Net and Irish Point Curtains, y -Tr-wnrth nn to $10 tiair Monday only ' Elaborate Arabian, Renaissance and Point Xppllque Curtains, 4f yn white'or ecru IV. J Saxony Brussels and Venetian Point Curtains, worth up to C( $36, priced for thla sale per pair 6a.,sV Splendid collection of Lace Curtains of various kinds, worth C up to $8.75, special Monday per pair JtJJ Inns, artistic patterns. designs: 36x36 Inch Axininster for. . .W2.."() 2-3x9 ft. Axmlnster for $ft.mi 2-3x10-6 ft. Axmlnster for. ..-.83 2-3x12 ft. Axmlnster for ...37.00 3x9 ft. AxmlnsH-r for yK.OO 4-6x6-6 ft. Axmlnster for....00 Oriental, floral and conventional , 3x10-6 ft. Axmlnster Rug.VIO.OO 3x12 ft. Axmlnster Rug . . .iMI.2.- 6x9 ft. Axmlnnter Hun ;IH.( 8-3x10-6 Axminster Rug . . 22.3 9x12 ft. AxmlnBter Rug . . .sfU7..-0 11-3x15 h. Axmlnster Rug.l3.5U SARATOGA BATH RUGS Guaranteed washable. Soft and velvety, heavy and durable. Rda, greens, pinks and blues combined with while ln pretty and appropriate patterns. 18x36 Inch Bath Rug 91.30 '3x3 ft. Bath Rug 9. 2x4 ft. Bath Rug 92.80 2-6x 5 ft. Bath Rug 94.00 3x6 ft. Bath Rug 85.R0 My t T' I 'I "7' n A111I ApUn A DPCTTC rolls and part rolls the finest Axminsters, Velveta and Tapestry Brussels. olwlAjril 1 L I JJwlljELJ C 1 O These have been out and returned to us. Some of them very slightly soiled, ninny of them absolutely perfect. A chance to secure the richest carpetlngs at a great saving on each and every yard. At each price there's a plentiful variety of patterns. 78c Ingrain 55c and 60c $1.20 Axmlnster 95c Ueninnnts or .Matting une iMlxed Japanese, per 75c Brussels 50c $1.35 Velvet... 88c and 9:tc 18c Japanese Cotton Warn- fl.iu velvets. . 75c and 70c for, yard loo Fine Mixed Japanese, yard 15c Matting Samples, one yard long, each .V 6x6 feet Oilcloth Stovt Rugs, cai h 0.V h jjuinnnnnnivirrci-rri-r - - the home of S. N. Wolbach of this ctt was about to leave the house last evening and before she had even left the yard. ie was grabbed by a man. Thoroughly fright ened she emitted a loud outcry whereupon the assailant ran. The police officials were at once called and were upon the scene In a few minutes, but owing to the darkness could find no trace of the man. McAllister's Death a ttheck. GRAND , ISLAND. Neb.. Oct. . (Spe cial.) The' death of John F. McAllister at Omaha yesterday was a shock to many friends. Mr. McAllister went to Omaha to attend the grand lodge session of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Dur ing Wednesday evening's session he was oompelled to leave the hall, having sud denly been taken with cramps. An exami nation revealed that there waa a rupture of the stomach. An operation was de cided upon as the only possible means of saving hs life and he withstood the same well until the next morning, when he gradually relapsed and the end soon came. He leave a wife and two children, and many brothers, sisters and other relatives tie was an attache of the grand offices of the Aucletot Order of United Workmen In this city and had membership in several other fraternal organisations. Wasaaa's Aaaallaat Ehssm. GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Oct. W.-(tepe-clal.) Wall a young woman stopping at Foster Child Seeks Share of F.etste. MTWit. JI'NCTION. Neb.. Oct. 20.-(8pe- clal.) Hon. George M. Spurlock of York haa heen ar.Dointed by the County board to sit for County Judge Taylor at the hear ing of the ult contemlng tlie will of Aunt Rnrah dmith of this place. "Aunt Bally." as she was familiarly known, was an eccentric character, and at her death bequeathed about $0,000 to residents of Mc Cool who were In no way related to her, cutting off her adopted daughter, r lorenee Wright, whom she had taken out of the Home for the Friendless at Council Rluffs. So far aa known here there were no other living relative. Florence Wright waa adopted when she was a small child, and from the time she was able to work she assisted and for many years cared for the house and nursed Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Judge Taylor was Mrs. 8mith's attorney in the draw tag up of her will, and for this reason requested' that some one else be appointed to try the suit brought on be half of the adopted daughter. limb. The Injured man is 'doing as well as could be expected. Baralara Busy at Plattsmoalh. -PLATTSMOl'TH. Neb., Oct. 20. (Spe. rial.) The grocery store and meat mar ket of Loreni Bros, was entered from the rear door Friday night and the change In the money drawer and merchandise ot different kinds taken. Thursday evening while W. W. Coates and family were sating supper some unknown person thought It would be a fine time to visit the upper story of the dwelling. After finishing her supper Mrs. Coate went upstairs and turned on the light and dis covered a man trying to gain entrance through the window. The police were notified that prowlers were working in the vicinity of Copl's store and the resi dence of Mike BaJek, in the western por tion of the city, and also visited the resi dence of A. W. Dawson, ln the southern portion of the city. Thus far they have been undisturbed in their work, although young woman, who proved herself to be Innocent of any crime, was arresUd and taken before County Attorney Ilawit. Aerlaeat at Falraaaat. FAIRMONT, Neb., Oct. 20. (Special.) While working In the yards here Brake man Lants ot No. 71 slipped while switch ing and caught his foot under the wheel of the engine, cutting It off. Dr. Everett of Lincoln came up and, assisted by Dr. Ashby, amputated the mashed part uf the Xevrs of Nebraska. PLATTSMOUTH Round trip tickets to Omaha on account of the llursa Hhow are being sold for 70 cents. PLATTSMOUTH Mrs- A. C. Godwin gave a linen shower In honor of the briile-to-be. Miss Rose Batton. GFNKVA Geneva Is to have a new clothing store, conducted by Curry Bros. It will open next Saturday. TLATTSMOL'TH -A. J. Porter of Seven Mile Ford, Va., In visiting his son, George M. Porter, and wife In this 'city. VALLKY Prof. Hutchinson of the Val ley High school attended the state meeting of high school principals at Lincoln Fri day. PLATTSMOCTH-H. II. Rist. residing a few miles south of Plattsmouth, has sold his li'ki-acre farm to Charles Troop for llli.CW- 1 GKNKV'A Superintendent C. W. Tay lor, who has bien attending the superin tendent! convention ln Lincoln, has re turned. PLATTSMt Jl'TH The Yrcerville school In Ihls cltv h.is been clnsVd because the teacher. Miss Phrixtina Hanocn, was taken s.tk uitn diphtheria. BEATRICK Chapter Z of the P. E. O. society entertained t'hapter (J of the Vy niore society yesterday afttruuon at the home of Mrs. E. G. Drake. BEATRICE The Woman' club held Its regular meeting yesterday at the home of Alts. A. . Kotnnson. 1 lie program was in mf meraiure uenarinuiit. . I'NION Hon. A. C. Shallenberger spoke 10 iweniy-iuree wumen ana lurty-nve men most of them republicans. He spoke on im' nee pass ana z-ceni lure. BEATRICE H. Luwton, a farmer living east of the lt. had his hand badlv crushed by getting the member caught In me gearing 01 a grading machine. NORTH PLATTE Deputy Sheriff Lowell received two htoodhounua troni Texas lust .light, which will be used In the future for railing burglars and other criminals. WEST POI NT The Northwestern rail way has a larse f.irce of men at work in West Point erecting a water tank and rutting In an extensive system of water works. ui.ATitlCE "Deacon" Burroughs was rrested yaterday 011 the charge of aa aulting his brother, Newton iiurroughs .lis case was continued to next Tuesuay .turning. NORTH PLATTE Attorney Genertl ilrowu, republican candidate for I'nlted itates senutor, will addrens the penpU of ,orth Platte on Thursday evening. Octo ber 25. GENEVA K. Sand.rock has received .rom Governoi Mickey the commission .pointing him a delegate to the Trans ulssissippi congress ut Kansas City next "nuiiih. DAVID CITY The Methodist church has irranged for a revival meeting to begin Sunday. October 2S. The pastor will be iMlsted by Rev. C. H. Randenahleld of Chicago. NORTH PLATTE W. A. Paxton of tmaha spent Wednesday In. town visiting friends and to also look after hia train i,f cattle, which were to go over Cie North . l!ver branch. BEATRICE T. T. Clarke, Jr.. w ho has een at Wymore for the last few days In the interest of his electric light franchise, as retained home. Mr. risrk standa rad to carry out his part uf the ion- Ask For a Ticket East on "The Milwaukee" Insist that it read from Omaha to Chicago via the Chicago. Ftfliiwaukee & St. Paul Railway. THREE DAILY TRAINS Leave Union Station, Omaha, 7.55 a. m. , 5.45 p. in. or 8.35 p. m. ' Arrive Union Station Chicago, 9.30 p. m., 8.35 a. in. or l.25 a. m. Through train service to Chicago from all points on the main line of the Union Pacific Railroad. F. A. NASH, Canaral Waatarn Agant. 1524 Farnam St., Omaha). tract provided I lie city council sees fit ! grant him u franchike. NORTH PLATTE The next game o foot ball In which the local team will fi , lire will be Friday of nxt week, whep tie upp'ineiun win oe toe icxinston mgi. fcciiool foot ball team. PLATTSMOl TH ttherlff Qulnton ha. received a card front t hief of Police Dona hue of (Unarm off. ring a reward cf ?-'.. ir the capture of tue murdeier of Mie JVisephlnc Rummelharl. DAVID CITY The Harry Klmbell she. company played here lust evening to i small house and this mnrntns;. It is said they are lu a hard lx, not having cnoiifl money to get out of town. WEST POINT A young men s club lia been orgnnixed In Went Point under tht leadertrhip of Dr. Hrhwenker. The object of the lub are mental, inoi-al and physic development of Its members. IXiNG PINE C'lvernnient Burveyo George Bates end hla corps of assistant; have completed their work of surveyln I lie south) rn portions of Rock and Bruw.i counties ii nil have left for points east. HEATKH'E Bcrgeaul menu lie i i district of Nebraska and Iowa, I'nltt Btates army, arrived In Die city yesterila morning liom Omaha and snnl the day hecklng up the liooks of Kergeant Lee of lie recruiting station. Hi returned l- rail In the evening. GENEVA Farmers around lcr ar II busy picking and storing the ,u ttp ..le crop, much of which still banns oil lie trees. The fiuli crop in minima ounty this season has been u big one. rlEATRK'E The oflners yenieniay ai fcted Thomas !( i.iin. J. , h-trg.-d v:tt) lejtlni; I. Is al.tler, Lula M-f nnnell Owing u the Illness of the police J'lli-.- a en nuance was taken and McCoiin. ll halved . :a l. t'OHWHl CP These are strenuous imes with the farmers to get thlr grain tireahed and to find loom to house the rain. Mark Hoesley thrc-1,, d out - h,mi usnels of oats and l.oou buthels of a'heat. tSKATRICK The machinery to be use I I boring for oil lias been pieced in posi nn on tne r'arlow farm, two mile south, ist of the city, and J. N. M.iuplu. tie ruspector, says active op. raCons vil hc in next Monday. The first day will ! Vvoled mostly to tening the ii.ui hlnerv ut Tusday the work will begin In rari'i t. A namber of the business men of Coutinued us fourth Kiu ii u t i .1 i s 4 i ; i h 'A I