x n SPECIAL HOTICES will , uiif HI IB an. tor h " ealtle.ii ! until r. m. for Ik moraine- imdar edition. Rates 1 l-B word rat Insertion. 1 word thereafter. Sethlnsr taken for less than SA for the fleet Inaer tlon. The adrert laemeat mail ha ran eneeelvely. Advertiser. y reejaestleg Mm. nered check, ran harr answer dreaaed to a numbered letter In rare f The Bea. Answer ao addreaaetl will be delivered .. .re.entatlo. . "keek. MISCELLANEOUS . . THE FALL, TERM BOYLKS BUSINESS COLLEQE 18 NOW OPEN. DAY AND NIGHT, students are admitted any day. ' Catalogue Free, Tel. Douglas 184. Addres H. B. Boyle. President. Boyi Building. Omaha. Neb. K-627 WHERE TRUNKS ARE MADE. Trunks, suit cases and shopping bags. Old trunks In exchange.. Repairing. FREL1NU& STE1NLE. 410 N. lth St. Phone lxiuglaa 4WJ. R 48 octzs OAS & ELECTRIC FIXTURES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BURGESS-URANDEN CO., 313 S. 16th St. Tel. Douglas bsl. K-MM Ouiaha 6af and Iron Works make a spe cialty of Are escapes, shutters, doors and safes. U. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. 10th 8t. , K 62 8IQN PAINTING S. II. Cole. 1302 Douglas. R tHltf TRT Kelly's Towel Supply. Tel. Doug. 8531 R-6S1 IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co.. 1019 Far nam. r 632 HEFLIN Locksmith, moved upstairs: en trance. 1324 Farnam. Tel. Doug 2974. R-63& WHAT Is worth having: la worth going after; write for catalogue, A. Martin L. Matlock, Box 637, Pittsburg, Pa. R 223 21 X WANTED MALE HELP WANTED To register with our employment department com petent stenographers and ma chine operators. Have several good permanent and tempo rary positions open. Come In and register at once. SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO., 17th and Farnam Sts. B 112 22 MANAGER of Jewelry department, $1000 per annvn.i experienced dress goods sales man lis per week; bookkeeper, $100 per month; four stenographers and bookkeep ers, 40 to $60. WESTERN REF BOND ASS'N (Inc.), 840-1-2 N. V. IJTe Bldg. B-137 20 WANTED A steady, reliable man to do plumbing, tinning and het Iron work; good wages and steady Job. Address Zunlnl Faretto, Lovelocks, Nev. B M9I7 2J WANTED A first class, sober and steady bread and cake baker at once, $12 per week, day work. Address J. Renner, l P, O. Box 38, Rockwell City. Ia. B-M818 20x MECHANICAL draughtsman. $100. Experienced bookkeeper, grain business, 1100. Architectural draughtsman, $100. Mgr. Jewelry dept.. $200. First-class dry goods man. $75. I bookkeepers and stenographers, $50. Experienced telephone men, all lints, $00 to $100. ' Stenographer, $65. WBBTBKN REF. & BOND ASSN. (Inc.). Dept B, 840-1-2 N. Y. Lite Bldg B 329 21 WANTED Experienced second "hand . candy helpers, on hard good. Balduff Pure Candy Co., 1114 Farnam. - I B M978 20 WANTED-Chlcken pickers; plenty of work; hens and springs, 2c. Apply Swtth A Company, 217 S. Union St., Ottumwa, la. B M963 24 , WANTED Jeweler; young man preferred. Address Lon Smith, Stuart, la. '.... B M9SI20 WANTED Lumberman, one who Is fast and accurate in tallying: also two boy; On aha Box Co.. East Omaha. B 946 WANTED By a large establishment, mes senger boys. State age, experience and salary expected. 47, Care Bee. B M994 21 WANTED For large general store, man with experience with country trade. A married man. Danish or Norwegian pre ferred. Bute experience. Address I , Care Omaha Bee. B-M991 20 WANTED At once, 10 young men, 15 to 20 years. See Mr. L'.ndermun. Men's Clothing Department. The Bennett Com pany. B M9S 21 WANTED Chicken pickers; plenty of work: hens nnd em-inss. Jc. Amity Swift ft Company, 217 8. I'nlon St., Ottumwa, Id., B M16ti 27 CHICKEN pickers wanted at Swift and Com puny. Falrbury, Neb.: fine new pick Ink' mom; lots of poultty; hens, 2c; epring. 2Wc. Write or come at once. E. Byllesby. Mgr. B M264 27 START a plating business In your town; big money for you at home or traveling with a Victor pint In ; outfit: no experi ence required; simply dip article to be t la ted In melted metal and you have a eautlful plate, more laming than silver plate and will liever tarnish: demand for replatlng enormous; every home, store, shop, etc., has tableware, metal goods, etc.. to replate; work Is easy, simple and very profitable: we teach you free; send for circular. Victor Supply House, Chi cago. . . B 2!4 21x MANAGER WANTED An Ohio corporT tion manufacturing household necessity desires Nebraska manager; demonstra tion In leading department store; office furnished, three years' contract: salary $1,800 and rommlsHlona; good opening for man of character and ability. AddreM Mauager, 224 Ontario Bldg. Toledo. O. B- WE will make you a present of $W0. give your a splendid suit of clothes every to dy, enlarge your picture free and pay you a salary of $X6 per month and all traveling expenses, with our check fur $V when er gaged, to take orders for the greatest and most reliable portrait hotiae In the world; all this will be guaranteed. Address K. D. Mattel, Dept. 150. t'hl cajiro. III. i B 189 21x TOI'NO M EN Lea rn show card lettering and designing: It's a money maker; sam ple free. Thompson School. Pont lac, Mich. B 18S 21x WANTED Clerk for general store In cen tral Nebraska. Must be sober, of good hablta and not afraid of work. Give re -ferenee, age and experience In first 1'tter. Salary $4o per month Steady position for the right man. Address U-6. Omulm Be. B 175 21 WANTED Men, everywhere; good pay; to distribute circulars, advertising matter, tack signs, etc.; no canvassing. Ad drees National Distributing Bureau, 100 Oaklitnd Bank Bldg.. Chicago. 111. B ITi Hi MAN WANTED by Philadelphia mill; work In own town, full or mu time; sMlary and board paid; experience not es sential. P. O. Bo 13C2, Philadelphia,. WAKTED Reliable men to sell Diamonds and Watch to everybody on credit; - good comnuawion: salary to proved busi ness gettera. Walker Edmund Co., It 8 State St., Chicago. B IN Us WANTED Man and wife to go out on stock ranch: will furnish transporta tion te responsible people. Address U 19.'Be. B S$2 21x WANTED Reliable man as general agent ! ror aaaiern ana central neorasKa; saiury and expenses advanced; reference. J. E. Mc Brady Co.. Chicago. B 301 21 X IN eight weeks or leas wa prepar you as a competent barber. Secure you a sal aried position in a reaponethle shop Writ American Barber Co11- Uth and Djug IM fta, Ui5 Six WANTED MALE HELP THE INNUMERABLE BENEFITS YOU MAY. DERIVE FROM BOYLES NIGHT SCHOOL IF YOU WILL! What do you do with your nightg now? What actual, permanent GOOD do you get out of Monday, Wednesday and Friday night each I week? Suppose you could transform the Monday, Wednesday and ' Friday nightg of this winter Into a position paying from $800.00 to $1,200.00 a year? Would you give up idling, dancing and theater going for those three nights each week to qualify for a position paying such a salary? Young man or young woman It'a up to you! Boyles Night School offers you a glorious chance to be come a telegrapher, a stenographer or a bookkeeper In one short winter and It asks you to go to school only three evenings a week. If you are sincere In your desire to become ab solutely independent to become a "crack" telegrapher, a well paid stenographer or an expert bookkeeper, you cannot excuse yourself for not at tending Boyles College Night School, the college that It pays to attend, for the very simple reason that It Is the college from which Omaha business men have found it best to obtain their business assistants. If in doubt, write for catalogue today or call upon us to morrow. Boyles Cdllege H. B. BOYLES, Pres. BOYLES BLDQ., OMAHA, NEB. B LIFE INSURANCE MEN of character are invited to cor respond with us regarding an exceptional opportunity to rep resent a leading conservative pompany, with an established business in Nebraska. Several agencies open, one in Omaha. Address T 40, The Bee. B WANTED Fire boys; good wages; perma nent Job. A. D. T. Co., 212 S. 13th St. B-637 DRUG STORES bought and sold; drug clerks wanted. F. V. Knlest, 824 N. Y. L. B-638 CIV1I, SERVICE Want young men to pre pare. Bee UnderhilU 3320 N. 24ih. B-M774 02 WANTED, BOUND YOUNG MEN, 18 to $6. to prepare for firemen and brakemen on new roads and for fall rush; experience unnecessary: firemen $100, promoted to engineers $200; brakemen $75, promoted to conductors $150; positions now orn. Na tional Training association, 620 X Paxton Blk.. Omaha. Neb. B-M1S8 Nov$ HUSTLERS out of employment enn do well to call on us; pay weekly. C. F. Adams Co.. 1618 Howard. BM139 Nov2 Toothache? Frea treatment at Crelghton Dental college. Crown or bridge work. No charge at Crelghton Dental college except for ma terial. B ul&ii Novll WANTED An experienced traveling sales man who has an established trade In the liquor Una In the state of Nebraska; good salary paid for a competent, energetic man. Samuel Westhelmar Bon W. L. Co., St. Joseph. Mo. B M687 22 WANTED Two boys for the soda fountan.. Beaton Drug Co., 16th and Farnam 8t. B 863 CITY agent and manager for Endowment Health and Accldmt Co. Milan D. Wil son, Gen., Delivery, Omaha. U-M900 ?i WANTED-lsollcltor for the best' selling household articles on the market; liberal commission allowed and good earnings guarantied rustlers. Applicants Inter viewed from 1 to 2 p. m, at room 81, I. 8. National Bank Bldg. B-901 21 X WANTED At once, twenty boys and girls to be einnloyed regularly. Must be over 15. See Mr. Harvey, Main Floor. The Bennett Company. B M987 21 WANTED 2 good coat makers: also pants maker; steady jobs. J. A. Oough, At lantic. Ia. B 105 20x WANTED Engineer to run Corliss engine and" make planing mill reoalr with nre nven. Lincoln Bash and Door Co.. Lincoln. Neb. B-M139 22 HI'STLERS wanted everywhere, $2$ to $30 made weekly, distributing circulars, packages, overseeing outdoor advertising. Experience not needed. New plan. No canvassing. Address, Merchants Out Door Advertising Co.. 79 Dearborn Bt., Chicago. B-M127 21x WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Splendid time to begin. Few weeks torn- riletes. Top wage paid. Positions walt ng. Best trade In the world for poor man. Little capital start huslnesa. In vestigate. Moler Barber College. 1116 Far nam Bt. B-M124 Sx BOOKKEEPER, experienced in grain busi ness, $85 to $100. Apply at once or Sun day between 8 and 11 a. m. WESTERN REF A BOND ASS'N (Inc.), 840-1-2 N. T. Life Bldg. R-12C V WANTED Toung man to solicit, must .be a hustler; a good proportion to right party; reference required. Apply Sunday morning at M Harney. 11 S4 21 x WANTED, for the V. S. marina corps, men between aa 21 and 3$; an opportunity to aea the world. For full Information see poster In puetoffice of any county seat In Nebraska for the addreea of recruiting officer thereon. B M129 11 TAILOR for ladies' work; good wagea and Kteady work. Apply al once. 2207 Far nam St. B-142 21 WANTED Hustling young msn to aselst nli it Otf pfi nhr Annlv at nm ttauS I1uv. t ney St. B-M'.tO 20x WANTED Young man to solielt; must be a hustlt-r; good proposition to the right rimy. Reference required, ISO Harnev Bt. B-M141 2Vx WANTED Toung man to learn the cabinet making trade; prefer one who has had some experience; a good opportunity for the right party. Orchard A Wllhelm Car pet Co. B 268 21 MEN to distribute samples, tack signs; $3 dally; steady; no canvassing. Oliver, Monro Bldg., Chicago. B 26$ Jlx Draughtsman, railway city office, Denver $126. Electrician for electric light planr-$125. Stationary Engineer for city block $110. Consulting Engineer for railway company $14. Aaetatant Manager, department avre, Den. ver $1,809. Private Secretary, railway official, Colo rado 41.4U). Borkkeener. wholesale lumber company, New Mexico $1. CM). Stenographer, mining company, Montana II v INTfcRESTATE RI'SINESS EXCHANGE, BOx 101$, Denver, Colo. WANTED MALE HELP First Winter Term OFTHE OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 19th and Farnam Sts., BEGINS MONDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 4TII LEARN MORE. EARN MORE The more you learn the more effi cient you become and the mora you can earn. If you are now In some position where your Income Is not sufficient to enable you to wear better clothes, or procure more than 'actual necessities, of life, how do you firopoee to ever do any better? There s really only one way, and that Is to learn more, so you can earn more. The place to do this Is at the Omaha Commercial college, where your op portunities will be first-class. Few schools are so good, and none better. It has enabled hundreds to double their salaries and can do BJi well by you. FACILITIES Elegant new building, superior equipment, practical courses taught In a practical way by practical teachers, two expert penmen, a liter ary society, splendidly equipped free ftymnaelum. free lecture courses and iterary entertainments, collexe or chestra, law school end school of dramatic art. PRESENT ENROLLMENT We have now enrolled In the vari ous departments more students from Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs than all the other commercial colleges In Omaha combined. We have students from more states and territories (.26) than all the other schools combined. We have more university students and high school graduates than all the other schools combined. This unnrecedented en rollment plainly Indicates how the Omaha Commercial College stands at home and abroad. The reason why Is apparent. SELECT A GOOD SCHOOL With practical courses, practical teachers, a progressive policy, and splendid equipments, then you will never ask for the return of your tuition. GET OUR NEW CATOLOGUE It will give you an idea of a good school. In a good location, good building and producing good results. It is free to any address. DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS Both are good. Either will help you. If you cannot attend one at tend the other. Take your choice. Same teachers In both and equal op i portunltles. Begin any time. Call or write fur particulars. Address ROIIRBOUGII BROS., WU and Farnam. B WANTED A hustiing young man to assist photographer. 1808 Harney. B-356 21 x WANTED Man each county to advertise our goods and leave samples; salary $20 weekly; expenses advanced. Northwest ern Co., Dept 1-A, 338 Wabash Ave., Chicago. B 246 21x WANTED First -class coachman to work around yard; Al reference. Address U 18, Bee. B-281 2lx WANTED First-class coachman to work around yard; must have Al references. $70 Farnam. B WANTED Railroad laborers, stationary fireman. Iron workers, carpenters, wood choppers, warehouse men, barn man and com huskers. Ed Rothery's Information and Labor Bureau, 111 S. 14th. B-M100 S SOMETHING NEW In health and accident Insurance; a leading company, with large profits, to a good Omaha agent, and also for outside agent. Great Western Acci dent, Des Molnea. B BOOKKEEPER Experienced man needed for large Florida manufacturing concern; $1.K00 yearly salary; transportation fur nished; deserving man advanced; state experience. Addreea Box 779, Jackson ville. Fla. B 17 a WANTED Four men to travel - In each state, dletrlbute samples and advertise our goods. Salary $21 per week and ex penses, guaranteed. Expenses advanced. Experience unnecessary. Address with stamp, stating age and occupation. Reeve Co., 407 Dearborn St., Chicago. li-M 21 x WANTED Several tip-to-date hustlers throughout each state to represent a western firm; will pay $12 per week to those who qualify; chances of advance ment; no deposit aked. Address, with references, T 80, care Bee. B 212 21x WANTED Vod man In each county to ropreeent and advertise hardware depart ment, put out samples, etc.; salary $21 weekly; expense money advanced. Dept. A, The Columbia House, Chicago. B 204 21 x WANTED Boy 16 or 17 years old for mail ing clerk in wholesale house. Address 1'30, Bee. B S38 21 WANTED Detectives-; shrewd, reliable men for profitable secret service, to act under orders; no experience necessary. Write H. C Webster, Indianapolis, Ind. B 198 2lx WANTED Experienced pile driver work . men and bridge carpenters $3.26. per day and pile driver bridge foreman $o.50 per duy. ' Free transportation to work In South Dakota. Board $6 per week. W. M. ' Hauser, 271 Madison St., Chicago, 111. B 217 21 X WANTED Boya, 15 to 20 years old. Rex, So 8. 16th. B M130 $4 AFTER th show' try a Cel-Pep-Ko. Ask tha bartender. B $62 t2x WANTED Coat makera. J. T. Oliver, S Pear St.. Council Bluffs, Ia. B-8H 23X EXPERIENCED collector, single man pre ferred; permanent position; $1$ weekly and commission. Hlxenbaugh A Co., 600 Ware Blk. Call Sunday, $ to 4 p. m. B-S64 a WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Fifty girls to work In candy factory; good chance to earn money to buy your Christmas presents with. Tha Voegsle A Dinning Co., 1316 Jones St. C M7IJ FIFTT strong girls for turning bags; girls 14 or 1$ years old for clipping threads. Bemla Omaha Bag Co. C-Mll EXPERIENCED chocolat dipper wanted at once. D. J. O'Brien Co., U02 Howard. OIRI.8 WANTED. Loomls Co., 91$ Farnam BU C-M4H0 WANTED A competent girl for general houaowork. small family. Mrs. 11. M. McClanahan, 1112 N. 40th St. Tel. Har ney 1402. C 4W WANTED Good girl for general house work. Mrs. 8. G. Petlcolaa. $51 Haw thorn Ave., Bemia park. C 871 2lx WANTED To register with our employment department com petent stenographers and ma chine operators. Hav several good permanent and tempo rary positions open. Com In and register at one. SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO., Uth and Farnam Sts, C 128 a WANTED Young girl about 18. to aaalat with housework in apartment, small fam ily. Go home nights. Mrs. Del Btrother. The Barnard. C M989 21 x WANTED A young lady of good appearance- and address for caahler and tngle entry bookkeeper, also must be a typewriter; references dalred. Position la In a store, town of lfl.iico, In Nebraska. Salary, $i per nioolb; Ji later on. Ad Uicta V . Bee. C- Mini 21 THE 0MA1IA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER WANTED FEMALE HELP ACTIVE Inily to work at home; $w paid for U days ttlal; promotion; st.ite nH tlvlty, religion. Engwall, 370 l.keli!e Bldg.. Chicago. C 1H5 21 X LADIES To make Sanitary Melt: mate rial all cut ready u sew; $1 20 per dnsen; Particular stamped envelope, lenoi Co., pt. 272. Chicago. C 2i) 21 x IADY aewera to make up shields at home: $10 per 110; can make two an hour: work sent prepaid to reliable women: send re ply envelope for full Information to l'r.1 vral Remedy Co., Desk B. Walnut St., Philadelphia, ra. C 1 21x INTELLIGENT woman wanted by Phila delphia Mill; work in own town, full or spare time: salary and board pnld; ex- P-rlenc not essential. P. O. Box 1;2. hiladelphta. Pa. C AGENTS handle our English Hearth Rug Needle. Something new. Women quickly buy. Sample 25c postpaid. Big prollts. Brown s Patentees. 198 West Urondwa), .New York. yC 220 21 x WANTED Experienced ladv clothes Ironer. City Steam Laundry. 211 S. 11th. C-101 20 WANTED Woman who has experience In demonstrating. Apply A. D. Hrand-Je, between 8 and 10 a. m. J. L. Brando's (k Bona. C 976 20 WANTED Competent girl at once. 1024 Park Ave. C 110 21 WANTED-Salesladles In the cloak and suit department. Ilayden Bros. C-M135 21 SEWERS Gingham apron?; make highest wages; material sent to door free of charge; stamped addressed envelope for particular. L. P. Richards, 6W2 Korrest vllle Ave.. Chicago. C 249 21x LADIE8 for shadow drawing; natural tal ent unnecessary; $20 weekly easily earned at home; stamped envelope for partlcu Inrs. Address Bureau of Commercial Art, 1917 Indiana Ave., Chicago. C 247 21x WANTED A caretaker and a good laun dress. The Creche, 19th and Harney. C-M285 24x LADIES to work piecework; $3 per doa.; materials furnished, no canvassing; steady work: stamped envelope. Best Mfg. Co., Champloln Bldg., Chicago. C 238 21 X 600 GIRLS wanted to work In shirt fac tory. M. E. Smith A Co., Uth and Doug las. C 177 21 SEVERAL young women can secure plnce to study for profession of trained nurse, by applying to Superintendent Nurses. County hospltnl, for application blnnks. Applicants must have good common school education and be of good moral character. C 114 21 WANTED Good coat and skirt hands In alteration room. S. Fredrick Berger, 1517 Farnam. C 109 21 WANTED Good girl for general house work; small family. 201 8. 25th St. C-149 21 WA NTED Girl for general housework. 2126 Chicago. C 147 22 WANTED - Experienced salesladies for "mi aepanmeni; nign salary. 8. Fredrick Berger & Co., 1517 Farnam. C-146 22 WANTF.D-Cook for small family; wages w iu s. ji Lrauge ot. C 146 a TAILORESS for skirts andjackets; good "-o. . nyvxy ni voce, tan t arnam HI. C 143 21 WANTED Young ludy stenographer for , 1 1 itt , piquet iiiiKiii oe permanent; must have had some experience; Smith Premier machine; salary reasonable. Ap. ply by letter In own handwriting. Ad dress V 19. Omaha Bee. C ISO 22x WANTED A competent girl for general lyuBCWUIK, iwci wages. Jit JM. Mlh St. Tel. Douglas 8242. C-M327 22x GIRL for general housework, 86 per week. i-w o. nn Ave. (: 5o3 23 WANTED Experienced chocolate dippers. rmiuuu ruro nnuy o., lilt r arnam. C M972 20 WANTED Girl for general housework; no cooking; ju a month. 2727 Cuming St.- C-337 22 WANTED Second trimmer. F. M. Scha- dell A Co. C 346 a WANTED AGENTS WANTED Salesman to introduce and sell the Gallup Fruit Gatherer. Large money to hustlers. Gallup Mfg., Co., Room 1 Patterson Bldg., Omaha, Neb. J M620 NEW sleeve protector for office and house work; samples free this week; other novelties. Ladle Supply Co., 82&3 Prairie Ave.. O., Chicago. J M636 Novl2x SALARY and commission will be paid to an oia line lire man oi experience. Ad dress Box 1196, Lincoln, Neb. . J-77S Novll AGENTS wanted In Iowa to sell placket fastening device; easy seller; territory SHSlgned . without royalty. Security Placket Co., 1017 Ny 17th St., Omaha. J M132 21 X PORTRAIT AGENTS Get your work from the artists, the Kind that delivers; work guaranteed; service best. Get our pre mium proposition. L. O. Butcher, 7 Blue Island Ave., Chicago. J 265 21x BELL toilet aosp; make $10 day; 16c starts you In business with us; we show you how. Acme Chemical Co.. 68 Fifth Ave., Chicago. J-244 21x SALESMEN wanted to sell clgnrs; palary or commission; experience unnecessary; enclose stamp. Metropolitan Cigar Co., Lowell, Mass. J 242 21 X AGENTS 30 sample souvenir post card 18c postpaid: they pell at 'eight; moat beautiful published; new subjects. De fiance Photo Studio, 66 West Broadway, N. Y. J 241 tlx WANTED Agent, men and women, to make from $4 to $5 a day; 200 easiest, quickest selling household specialties; catalogue and terms free. Halaskn Co., 1169 W. Uth St.. Chicago. J-261 Six AGENTS Sell our reservoir dustles floor and carpet brushes In store, schools, res. Idences, public buildings, hotels, halls; field unlimited; reduce dust 97 per cent actual test; gold medal at St. Louis World' fair; strictly guaranteed ; big margin and great seller; opportunity to build great trade; exclusive territory; no competition. Milwaukee Dustlean Brush Co.. Milwaukee, Wis. J 268 21 x WANTED Agent to handle new patented name plates, etc.; more talking points: exclusive territory to right man; liberal rommlsMlons. Address Montgomery A Ives, IS Niagara St., Buffalo, N. Y. J-3. 5 ax AGENTS EVERYWHERE To demonstrate Inverted Gas Lamps; latest light out: ex perience unnecessary; salary; nothing to aell; sample free. Perfection Light Co., 63 River St., Chicago. J 239 Jlx AOENTS Farmer. ave money using our Improved grain mill; beat aeller; low price; hustlers wanted; particulars for stsmp. Colerick A Rawlins, Ft. Wayne. Ind. J-2 21 x AGENTS wanted, male and female; big fortunea made awlling up-to-date swlas embroidered waist patterns: gren( oppor tunity; $1 deposit required with order. Joaeph Gluck, 621 Broadway, New York. , J-180 21 X WANTED Hustling agent to sell "FIRE POWDR." A fire extinguisher even the poorent can afford; veils at sight: special terms and territory given. Addreas Mc Comber Extinguisher Co., Adams, N. Y. J 183 21 x AGENTS WANTED-We are sole manufac turers of a large, new and very aaleabl line of household novelties and Christ mas presents; exclusive territory to hustling agents. Write now for term and catalogue. Special low prices to In troduce the line. Agents' Novelty Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. J- AOENTB 50 per cent profit, $30 weekly; newest 10-cent household necessity; send 10 cents for eaniple; particulars. On and Off Co.. 128 Charlea St.. New York. J- AGENTB Write now for free sample of work and terms. Star harness mender; best 26c seller out; we make other quirk S'UIng necessities. Columbia Nov. Mfg. Co., St. Ioui. J AGENTS to sell clothing on eay ternv: no reference, no security; wear cl thing ' wlill you pay: small payment down: $1 per month; sample free. White King riotr-in c-v, 28 "M St., New York. J-lil ax 21, lOOfi. WANTED AGENTS WK PAT W t week and expense to men with rl to Introduce poultry compound. Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co.. IVpt. 64. Parsons, Ksn. J AGENT" -Receipt for making read at nlgM luminous paint for signs, etc.. I)c. Na tionsl Pnlnt Works, Knglewood. III. J-192 21 1 $3 WEEKLY easily mmle fitting eye glasses; essv mall course; low fee; write tolsy for free cntnlogue. ( Notional Op tical' College, St. louis J-li-l ax THE AGENT (His Paper) It Different: Fighting for lower licenses and priv ileges; 3 months 10 cents. Salem O. J-1S7 21 x TRAVELER for established house: $12 per week; expenses ' advanced: references. Address, with Stamp, J. A. Alexander, Omaha, Neb. J-1S6 tlx AGENTS Something extraordinary, self generating gas burner, fitting kerosene lamps: brilliant, white gas light, Liberal Inducements, exclusive territory, posittlve monopoly; description free; established, reliable. Eastern Gas Light Co., 2x0 Broadway, New York. J-170 21x AGENTS WANTED I will atart any hon est man or woman In a business that will pav them from $100 to $M0 per month; I furnish tho capital; you simply put your work gilnst my capital; If you don't have plenty of spare change to Jingle In your pocket, wear good clothe and start n bank account In S months It's your own fault.' Ch.ts. W. Kelser, XH Went. Ave., Englewood. III. J 213 ax HOT side line: pays hotel bills; consigned goods; nocket samples; prompt commis sion. American Chewing Gum Co., St. Louis. J 211 ax PATENTED-Hitch anywhere; weighs hut few ounces; carry In pocket; effective; no competition; horsemen excellent scents. Pocket Hltchpost Co, Muncle, Ind. J 2t 21 x MEN willing to work positively make $2.0Ofl to $S,onn per year selling our Just patented machine. Engle Tool Co.. B 3, Cincin nati. O. J 203 ax HI'STLERS wanted to sell best specialty of recent years: aggressive workeis make $10 per riav (no exaa-gerntlon). Those who MEAN RI'SINESS write for full partic ulars'. SPECIAL: To those wishing to lo? no time we will iand sample for 10c. W. P. Chase A Co.. Wilcox Bldir., Ix Angeles, Cal. J 202 ax AOENTS $.1,000 cleared yearly selling omr gasoline lighting system, $26. Demonstrat ing outfit free.. Address Security Light Co., Chlcag-o. J-221 ax AGENTS Portrait and others send name and get full particulars about our new picture, portrait on pillow top. The latet thing In portraits. Ifargls Bros., 3(6 W. Madison St., Chicago. J-216 21 X AGENTS wanted everywhere to sell our specialties. Quick sellers, easily handled. $25 to $75 per week for hustlers. Write for samples and full particulars. General Specialty Manufacturing Co., 10th A Susquehanna Ave. Room 11 Phlla1el- phiu, pa. J as ax AGENT8 Cnpable hustlers to sell our sanitary cooking utensils, an entirely new line. Good for $6 to $8 per day over expenses. Write for particulars. Victor Manufacturing Co., Cambridge, O. J-214 21 x WANTED SALESMEN WANTED Experienced rlesman to sell Scioto Sign Co.' calendars, advertising novelties and elgns In Wisconsin, Minne sota, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska and Da kota; our salesmen now make $10 to $20 dally on commission, because we have best line. Write Henry Hoffman. Box 143, Minneapolis, Minn. L 343 21x SALESMEN, to place our Patent Adjusta ble Umbrellas, with 100 6c cigar, for $3.75. Salesmen sell ten and more a day. For full particulars address Crown Cigar Co., Milwaukee, Wis. L M8S9 22 WANTED A salesman to travel In eastern Neb, and western Iowa on "commission or sell a a side line for washing machines, churns and kitchen cabinets. Address The Easy Washing Machine Co., St. Marys, Ohio. L M990 21 TRAVELING SALESMAN-$50 per week and expense to right man; get in line for 1907 by connecting now with a large, well established, high-rated house selling an unusually attractive staple line to retail trade; experience not essential; write for Sartlculars; reference. Sale Manager, lox 725, Chicago. L 243 21 X WANTED Eight experienced novelty salesmen for 1907 to handle, under con tract, our exclusive line or advertising wall map hangers, pocket maps, art and business calendars. The best selling line out; liberal commissions, exclusive terri tory, fine samples; state experience, send references, or don't write. Kenvon Print ing Co., Des Moines, Ia. L ML71 23 EXPERIENCED solicitors. $500 to 81. OX) month; guaranteed proposition. 423 Roe Bldg. L 2S6 ax WANTED Experienced salesman for fur niture trade. January 1st; give reference, experience, etc. Address U 17, Bee. L M291 27x WANTED Salesmen, experienced, to han dle Nonrust Tinware In unoccupied terri tory; liberal commission: rapid selle Rochester Nonrust Tinware Co., Rc'nes ter. N. Y. L 267 21x REPRESENTATIVES wanted to solicit order from saloons druggists, hotel and club for Woodland Whisky, adopted by 'V. S. government for hospital purposes; easy seller; commission or salary. Writ for territory, price, samples, etc Wood, land Distilling Co., 79 Scott St., Coving ton. Kr. - Le- CIGAR salesman wanted In your locality, city and country trade; silarv and ex penr or commission: experience unneces sary: enclose stamp for particular. Madison Cigar Co., Dept. 28, Toledo. O. L 193 21 X SALESMAN for Nebraska; experienced traveling man preferred ; line staple for general trade; position permanent; $25 weekly, advance with commission. Saw yer. Leslie A Co., Detroit, Mich. L-174 21 g TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska and Iowa with a full line of snaps, perfumes and flavoring extracts; furnishing the $J for $1 selling plan to the retail dealer; $:0 weekly advance, F. F. Cook, Bulea P-pt., Detroit, Mich. L WANTED Patent medicine salesman, one making good In line at present In th territory: exceptional opportunity right man; replies confidenllnl; state age and present line. Box 656, Chicago, III L 208 ax SALESMEN to handle our line In Ne braska: we have men making over $ino per week: high commissions; permanent position for capable salesman. McAllls-ier-Coman Co.. 356 Dearborn St.. lil caso. tr 207 tx WANTED Side line salesmen to ell fruit elder to general stores, grocers and con fectioners: neat pockt case free: large commission, Lo Angeles Cider Co.. St. Iuls, Mo. L 218 21x WANTED SITUATION MAN AND WIFE want position Nov. 1, general housework or nurse man and general work. References. Adilre.a I' 11, Bee. A M126 ax EXPERIENCED young lady stenographer desire position. Address I.' 9, Hee. A-M125 2ix F1R8T-CLASS lady bookkeeper and stenog rapher want position. Address 1' 12, Bee. A-M122 22x POSITION As salesman on the road or In the house, by a man 20 year' expo. Hence In general merchandise. Addres U 14, Bee. A M130 ax LIBRARIAN. 8 year' experience, want lo catalogue private library or similar work; recummemlatlbn f urnlsl.ed. Address L. M , 2t'4 North 19th Bt. A 267 21x CLAIRVOYANTS MME. NELSON, the world-renowned palm Int. I here by special request. Muduin offers assistance for troubled or un fortunate. If you are unhappy, liuve doniemic or business troubles you will be told how to overcome them. SHE TKLLS Ylll' HOW TO WIN THE ONE Vol' LOVE. Call and secure her neve falling advice. Fees within reach of all. Reduced rates this week, at N. 18th St. Plion Douglu 38. 8315 21x MADAME BUDDHA. Tr.e leading pulmiHt' of Omaha. Revelation of pst and future described. Parloia, IU U. lota til, Off. tioston Store. 8 -MoT 7 PERSONAL SEWINO machine rented. Any ""'' 7c Per week or $2.00 psr rnonth. Beeun,! hand machine for sale. $6 00 and up. Neb. Cycl Co.. 16th and Harnejy DR. ROY, chiropody- Do" 97- 1Xr" PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOMB. Mr Dr. King. 2018 N. t St. TeU IVJgil . ALL KINDS, PLEATING -gsssjsra mro'nirw and anirl. GOLDMAN TLBATINO CO.. 400 Douglaa Block. Tel. Dougl- LAUNDRY c'4 C I T T ST B A M. St. U 3 THE 8ALVATION ARMT solicit clothing: In fact, anything you do not need; we collxM. repair and. sell, at ui N. 11th St.. for cost of collecting to th worthy poor. Call 'phona Doug, f,36,","0 wagon will call. U-611 FREE medical and surgical rtm.enAJ Crelghton Medical college, Uth f"1.?8" enport St.; rpeclal attention paid to confinement eae; all treatment ,UPJ' vised by co'-go professor. p !",", Doug. llf?. Call anawered day p..n,12l" THE CITY GARBAGE CO.. office 4th ami Leavenworth eta. Tel. DouaU fflist SURVEYING. Bllckensdtrfer. 112 B JBldl OHAHA Stammerer' IruUltuta, JRm Bldg. U-t4 SYRINGES, rubber good, by mall: cut Erlce; send for free catalogue. Myars lllon Drug Co.. Omaha, U-824 WE will find good comfortable homes for bable whose mother cannot car for them. See "Mother Ie, Supt." Tlnley Rescue Home, 403 Bancroft Bt. U 700 oct2t M AnMV.TTr!tretment and bath. Mm. HLflUrjii smith. 118 N. 16. 2d floor. TJ-MJ04 f ASiSAOP. Swedish movement, 410 If. iUAOOAUiii ,6th. Room a, 2.1 floor. U M107 novl CHAMPION Carpet cleaning. Doug. V. 162$ Leavenworth. U M486 Nov8 ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 8424 N. 84th St., Omaha. Neb. U M100 TRY KELLY'S Laundry. 'Pbo&s Douglaa $620. U-82S PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan San itarium, 728 First Ave., Councl Bluffs, Ia. Tel. 774. U 382 DR8. VOOEL private hospital for women and for ladle before and during confine ment. 2319 8. Uth St., Omaha. Neb. U-M960 oa FOR anything In the sewing machine line go to P. E. Flodman A Co., 1514 Capitol Ave. U-M183 Novl TYPEWRITERS rented. $2.60 per month; all make: satisfaction guaranteed. Fox Typewriter A Supply Co., 1823 Farnam St. U 369 Nova ARCHITECT O. L. Brollne, 618 Be Bldg. U-M24 Nov A Dollar Free for You. This coupon will be taken as $1 payment on a $10 purchase of shoes, hats or cloth ing; balance paid a you earn It. HOME CKEDIT CLOTHING COMPANY, 1520 Dodge St., Cor. 16th, Omaha, U US N18 PENNELL Millinery Co- $22 North 16th Bt. U M268 Jani RUPTURE CURED No knife, no pain, no detention from business. Call or writ for booklet, etc. QUICK CURE RUP TURE CO., 611 Woodmen of World Bldg., Omaha. U 494 Crelghton Dental college. Patient free. Free treatment at Crelghton Dental col lege, U M640 Novll IF LUCKT rot get your picture enlarged to life else In genuine crayon free In our drawing contest, every day, 10 a. m. to p. m.. guaranteed worth $5. Waliac Brlatol A Co., Artlt, 630 N. IGth St. U-M570 NovlO C. J. PA LMQUI8T Custom ahoe maker. 4124 Hamilton St.. and 107 S. 15th Bt. U-M&65 Nov. 10 ECZEMA absolutely cured by W. A. Pax ton' salve. B. J. Scannell, agent, M War Blk. U-M896 NovlJ CHRISTENSON. carpet cleaning. Tel. Doug. 1669. U 74 Nov. 14. CARRIAGE CALLERS, with number, fur- niwiea ror an private and publlo occa sion. Myers, 1715 Jackson. U-M85I tlx THE ACORN Pres. Tel. Doug. $792 Commercial Printer. 1610 Howard St. ' U-M999 NovlS HALSTED Show card and mall sign (1 Douglas Blk. Tel. Doug. 3606. U-M100 THE SKIN Is beautified, perfumed, pro tected, preserved by Satin skin powder. 25c. u FRENCH Canadian girl, part Indian pretty, wealthy, educated, would marry refponslble white man. Address Francis ftleh, 286 Wahlngton St., Boston. Mass. ' U 248 ax TAKEN BY MISTAKE. If the party who lifted a C.avanette coat from the Pullman "Ottumwa" at 7-46 Fri day evening will rsturn It to 907 N. Y Life he will taw tmuble, as his nmt I known. No quertlons asked. I,:2 2ix YOl NO lady go ng west, wishes acquaint ances of elderly parties going sa,,.e di rection. Address 17 X. Bee. -328 21x RETIRED MERCHANT. middle aged, lonely, kind and liberal, very wealthy wishes 4o correspond with lady, obie?t matrimony. Box 42S, Bt. Joseph, Mich U 260 21 x RETIRED gentleman of mean, going south, seeks correspondence with refined companionable lady; only matrimonially t n;d.".n."wer- Robert. North Rroid Philadelphia. I' 232 ax OMAHA Steam paste CoT" rnVnufncuTre Dr.r.rVa.'1'- C1 CUm'nr Tl.phon. A FLESH, white, pink, brunet gossamer i ..." o.v oaun skin pow- u BCPERFLrOVB HAIR warts and mole permanently removed by electricity con. eultatlon free and confidential: all 'work guaranteed. Mlsa Allenaer. 42$ N Y Life. it ' MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, cocaine habit; myself cured; will Inform you of harmless, perms nent. home cur Marv Baldwin. Box 1212. Chicago. u- FREE Your fortune told, future and paet reveaUd .urprlslng. by America s emj- ST " t , hr' . ? " ro ' 1 " ' Clairvoyant. fit'.i?i,n.' 11 hel,1n St.. Chicago. Bend birth date and tamp. Know thyself C-167 a x LADY visiting city would like the ac iunlntaace of respectable middle-aged gentleman; object amusements Addreas I' 10, care Bee. IT 206 ix PHYSICIAN-Age 39. would like to meet lady of refinement und oine meana Dr H. E. Keiley. Hotel Royal. Lincoln, Neb ' u-2 ax CHURCH MUSIC FOR BALE Over 1 choice anthems for quartet or cl-o u choir of twenty voices. Actual value nesrly $175. Will s-II entire lot for $H If taken at onre, account of leavlnr rltv' Ned Mitchell. :J4 N. 1st St.. Counrl' Bluff' JL: U-S51 2'x ' MEDICAL BEST nerv bracer for men. "Gray Narva wi F'",!"r;n P'Pa'd- Sherman McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. -668 DR. PRIES, rcll!l.woen'sd!Is weaknesses. discharges. In.guaiiiU.' cured painlessly and afely. Withn block, lith and Harney. Roonj 2. On fa "a -4 DR- HCTCHINSOX. specialist of Vont FOR SALE REAL ESTATE PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., 6th Floor. New York Llfo Uldg. 3112 Mason St., $ rooms, all modern. 60-ft. lot. paved strret. furnace, nice slmde; owners price, $3,000 wants offer. 02a Popplcton Ave., two. story, six-room house, all mod ern, paved street, $3,000. 608 S. 36th Ave., new six-room house, with reception hall, nil modern, gas and electric light; price. $3,500. j Corner lot, 86x132, well Im proved, block and one-half from city hall, bringing good Income, eastern owner anxious , to sell. Investigate this. Fine brick block on Cuming street, for $16,000. Splendid In vestment. , Bran new cottage, with five room and bath, hot and cold water, latest plumbing, fin cellar. Just being completed, two block from car. Will sell for 1-3 cash, balance on time. If a perfect little gem. Price, VACANT PROPERTY 18 lot In Denman Tlace, be tween 23d and S4th, on Tay lor and Boyd streets, one block from Ame Ave. car. Fine neighborhood. Price from $178 to $160. Owned by eastern owner who Is clean ing up bunch for much less than real value. Don't fall to see these lot. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., 601-3 N. Y. Life Bldg. RK- Good Lots ! $2,600 for 66x200 feet on No. 2uth" St., boulevard. Make offer for 125x187 feet corner, near 40th and Harney. WANT OKKLK. $1,800 for 114x124V feet comer ua No. 20th, near Mandoraon St. $1,600 for 80x140 feet corner on No. 10th, near Manderson St. 31,200 for 40x182 feet, east front, on good street, walking distance. $700 for 70x120 feet, east fronf, on No. 26th St. $700 for 60x132 feet, two blocks north of Be mis park. $400 for 43x110 feet, near 27th, oil Fort 8t. car line, fine, large trees. This 1 only a few. Get our list. BEMIS Paxton Block. Kli "HE'S CRAZY TO SELL" 1910 Blnney St., ! a two story, nine-room house, with fine billiard room on third floor and storerooms galore. House all modern, oak finish solid oak. beautiful ataim ' heavy .sliding doors, front, paved stree', Pei!'S'5 walk cement steps. VrJrty cost over $9,000, mortgaged for $2,600 and owner wants to un load at once and will take, . small houses or good acant 1 lots for his equity. Price, $6,600. or will sell dirt cheap for cash. Here's an oppor tunity. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., Bole Agent, 601-3 N. Y. Life. RE A $6,000 SUBURBAN HOME TO BE SACRIFICED Owner wants to move to New York and must sell at once; 15 acres, finely Im proved, 3 acre In fruit, excellent build. Ings. close to Omaha and South Omaha. $6,600. If that I not cheap enough muko an offer. J. H. DUMONT & SON, 905-6 N. YLlfe Bldg. 'Phone Douglas-ODO. RU- 5 ROOMS, TEMPLETON AVE., $1,900. W have L flne nr.All.llu c - ' t n nit j tix ww w-itiwill onf tara am t, i t. i i . ... . "v''-o v wi inin urn uiiiui Birffi, MlUflPI n eopt furnace, nicely papered. In excellent ttnnsitr Ion b-lna lu I... ..i. i Hastings & Heyden, 1704 Farnam St. RE Farms, Ranches and City Property If you want to buy or aell real estate, let ua serve you. Can locate you anywhere, on any else of ranch -or .farm In the l ulled States. Offer none but honest, up-to-date service for a reasonable comiienaaliou. Write or ee me. HENRY W. GENAU, 304 Nevlllo Bldg., Omaha, Neb. RB 151 a Real Homes $2,600 Hlx rooms; new, modern; cor ner lot; near car; will trade. $2,250 Five rooms; new, modern, up-to-date cottage; near Bemts park; will rent for $22.60; $100 cash and $31 r month. $3,600 Six room; brand new, gaai ern; near 22d and Pratt. See Bemls and be ntlrfle4. ; BEMIS - Paxton Block RE- CLOSE IN BARGAIN IF TAKEN AT ONCE. Owner mui leave city Inside of ten d.ivs ml will nr.ske a sii.ililce price and llhei'il term cn his splendid residence, whi. h would make a splendid r imlrg hou. , close to pnstnffice; $l.ooj cash will handle thia Investment. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO., 63 Douglas THlk.. 16th and Dodge. 'Phone Doug. tt,91. RE-316 21 ATTENTION! ir you want to buy a home or Investment property, or if you have u place lo s i . tell my about It. If you nave a piece n rent. I make a specialty of taking g 1 care of ' auoti property. If you can't me In tha daytime cn up ,ni av whe-i "nlght001"' r"" t"""a,,n"'nl Uuy , x. ... H R STRINGER. 227 Neville Blk. 'Phone Douglu. 7V.1. UK-M:''.. Investments Opposite the new Northwestern te-minal corii- lot Mix 132. with tr..-k and 2-tory frame- h1w:iv rapidly Increaaln In value. I'nc total ren ;,l. $iai; rrilr v.h ,, s, Ave.; price $l.oi. ralli" r-.'H' c i - 1 i: ' ' BEMIS Paxton Block. RK SEVERAL anioll bouses and on Urn house for sal. 123 Nicholas. RE $40 U