Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 4, Image 16

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- A
1 ':
I. "
will ke ttkf aatll 1 iw. for fh
evels edltles. Mi aatll n a. m. far
h nerntng aad Insday edition.
Hates 1 1-Sle a ward rst Insertion.
ward thereafter, nothing taken
far leee taaa XA for th first Inser
tlaa. TkfH advertisements sasst be
' eeaaeentl vety.
Advertisers, by reejseetlns; a nam
bered rkrrk, van have answers ad
dressed to a aktrj letter la rat
f The He, taiam ae addressed
Trill delivered aa presentation at
Students art admitted any day.
New Catalogue Free. Tel. Douglas 1984.
Address H. U. Boyle, President.
Boyl Building, omuha. Neb.
Trunka. run cases and shopping bags. Old
trunks In exchange.. Rtpntilng.
410 N. lftb St. P hone Douglas IM.
r vs ucta
313 S. 15th St. Tel. Douglas bsl.
Omaha Safe and Iron Works make
(.laity of Are tecapes, abutter
doora and
safe. U. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. loth St.
, R-J
SIGN PAINT1NG-S. II. Cole. 1302 Douglas.
TRY Kelly's Towel Supply.
Tel. Doug. HhZX
IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co.. 101 Farnam.
HEFLIN Locksmith, moved upstair j en
trance. 1324 Farnam. Tel. Doug 2. 4.
WHAT la worth having la worth going
after; write for catalogue, A. Martin L.
Matlock. Box 637. Pltleburg, Pa.
R 3 21 X
WANTED To register with our
employment department com
petent stenographers and ma
chine operatora. Have several
good permanent and tempo
rary positions open. Come In
and register at once.
17th and Farnam St.
B 111 si
MANAGER cf jewelry department. $iP0
per annrn.; experienced dress goods sales
man Hi week; bookkeeper, $M0 Dor
month; four stenographers and bookkeep
er. $40 to fAo.
840-1-1 N. Y. IJTe Fldg.
B-ir 20
WANTED A steady, reliable man to do
plumbing, tinning and sheet Iron work;
good wages and ateady Job. Addreas
Zuntnl Farelto. Lovelock. Nev.
B MS17 23
WANTED A first class, sober and steady
bread and cake baker at once, til per
week, day work. Address J. Ranner,
P. O. Box :3a, Rockwell City, la.
B Mill 20s
MECHANICAL draughtsman. 1100.
Experienced bookkeeper, grain business,
Architectural draughtsman, $100.
Mgr. Jewelry dept.. 1200.
Flrat-claas dry gooda man. ITS.
S bookkeepers and stenographers. 150.
Experienced telephone men, all lima, ttiO
to $100. ,.
Stenographer. tR.
Dept B. $40-1-1 N. Y. Life Hid
u m a
WANTED Experienced second oand
candy helpers, cn hard good. Balduff
Pure Cmndy Co.. 1114 Farnam.
' B MJ73 50
WANTED Chicken pickers; plenty of
work: hens end springs. 2c. Apply Swlth at
Company. 217 S. union St., Ottumwa, la.
B-M963 24
WANTED Jeweler: young man prererreo. i
Address Lon Smith. Stuart, la
R M94 10
WANTED Lumberman, one who Is fast
and accurate In tallying: also two boys;
On aha Box Co.. East Omaha. B 46
WANTED By a large establishment, mes
senger boys State age. experience and
alary expected. 47. Care bee.
B M994 a
WANTED For large general store, man
with experience with country trade. A
married man. Danish or Norwegian pre
ferred. Sine experience. Address I a.
Car Omaha Bee. b-M9?l
WANTED At once. 10 young men. IS to
years. See Mr. L'.nderman, Men's
Clothing Department. The Bennett Com
pany. B-MS 21
WANTED Chicken pickera: plenty of
work: hns and sorinps Jc Arlv Swift
Company. i!7 8 I'nion St.. Ottumwa, la..
B M15
pickers wanted at fwirt and ;
Fatrbury. Neb.; fine new pick-
Int room; lots or poultry; nena,
intting. 2Hc. Write or come at once.
Byllesby, Mgr. B M-4
-c ;
START a plating burtnesa In your town;
oi money inr vou n name or traveling
with a lfwr plating outfit; no expert -
ence required, simply dip article to be
plated In melted metal and you have a .
beautiful piste, more lasting than silver .
plate ana will never tarnish: demand for
rlMHiiua rnuiuuiun, rtrrj iiomtr. nii'T.
Imp. etc.. has tableware, metal goods,
etc , to replaie; work' la easy, simple and i
very ptvfltable: we teach you free; send j
for circular. Victor Supply House. Chi
cago. B 24 21 x
MANAGER WANTED An Ohio corpors-
lion manufacturing huusehold necessity
desires Nebraska manager; demonstra
tkn In leading department store; office I
furnished, three yesra' contract; salary .
t.f" and commlsvlons; good opening for 1
man of cnaracter and abiutv. Addrea
Manager. 226 Ontario Bldg . Toledo, O.
WE will make you a present of $!. give
your a splendid suit of clothes every 90
days, enlarge your picture free and pay
you a salary of $ per month and all
traveling expenses, with our check for
$50 when ergugwl. to take orders for the
greatest and most reliable portrait house
In ih world; all this will he guaranteed.
Address K D. Mand. Dept. 15. Chl
eafo. III ( B 1 tlx
TWUfl MF.N'-liMrn show card lettering
and deaigning: It's a money maker; sam
ples free. Thompson School, pimtlac.
Mich. B 1S1 tlx
WANTED Clerk for general store In cen
tral Nebraska. Must be sober, of good
haotts and not afraid of work. Give rt- 1
ferenee, agw and experience In first letter. I
Salary $4t per month, ttaeady p.. sit lon
for the right man. Address l -i. Omaha,
Bee. B-17S $1
WANTED Men. everywhere; good pay; to
distribute circular, advertising matter,
laci signs, nr.; lit runvsuuitf auiiiti
National Distributing Buroau, ItX) Oakland .
Bank Bid.. Chicago. 111. B-173 tlx
MAN WANTED by PtilladelpJr.U mill;
work In own town, full or evre time;
salary and hoard paid; experience not es
sential. P. O. Bos 13t. Philadelphia. Pa.
WANTED Reliable men to sell Diamonds
and Watchew to everybody on credit;
good commission: salary to proved buat
neaa genera Walker Edmund Co. lit
State St.. Chicago B IX Bg
WANTED Man and wife to go out on
stock ranch: will ruraian transport-
tioo te responsible people. Add
29. Bee. B 33
WANTED Reliable man as general agent
for eaaiera and central Nebraska; salary
and expense advanced: reference J E.
McBredy A Co., Chlcwgo. B Si
IN eight week or Ias w prepare yeu a
a competent Oarber. becur you a aal- j
arted rwsiiion In a reeponstMe shop Writ'
America a bsv-ber Cv"-- Uth and lig- I
6M Sis, B-44 23x j
What do jou do with your nights
What actual, permanent GOOD do
you get out of Monday, Wednesday
and Friday night eachiweek?
Suppose you could transform the
Monday, Wednesday and ' Friday
nights of this winter Into a position
paying from $800.00 to $1,200.00 a
year? Would you give up Idling,
dancing and theater going for those
three nights each week to qualify for
a position paying such a salary?
Young man or young woman U'g
up to you!
Boyles Night School
offers you a glorious chance to bo
come a telegrapher, a stenographer or
a bookkeeper In one short winter
and It asks you to go to school only
three evenings a week. If you are
sincere In your desire to become ab
solutely Independent to become a
"crack" telegrapher, a well paid
stenographer or an expert bookkeeper,
you cannot excuse yourself for not at
tending Boyles College Night School,
the college that It pays to attend, for
the very simple reason that It is the
college from which Omaha business
men have found It best to obtain their
business assistants.
If In doubt, write for catalogue
today or call upon us to morrow.
Boyles College
H. B. BOYLES, Pres.
of character are invited to cor
respond with us regarding an
exceptional opportunity to rep
resent a leading conservative
company, with an established
business in Nebraska. Several
agencies open, one in Omaha.
Address T 40, The Bee.
WANTED-Firs boys; good wages; perma
nent Job. A. D. T. Co.. 2U 8. Uth 8U
DRVO STORES bought and sold; drug
clerks wanted. F. V. Knlest. 424 N. Y U
CIVU. 8ER VICE Want young men to prt
pars. Sea UnderhilU SE0 N. J4th.
B-M714 07
to prepare for nremen and Wrakemen on
new roads and for fall rash; experience
unnecessary; flremen 1100. promr.ted to
engineers C00; brakemtn ITS, promoted to
conductors 1160; positions now open. Na
tional Training association. X Pton
Hlk.. Omaha, Neb. B-M1SS Nov2
HCSTI.ER3 out of employment can do well
to .all on ua; pay weekly. C. F. Adams
to.. 1G Howard. B-M1 NovJ
J Toothache? Frea tratn,nt at Crelghton
Iental college.
Crown or bridge work. No charge at
I'reighton Dental college excepi ior
terlal. B iii Novll
WANTED An experienced traveling sales
man who has an eatabllshed trade In th;
liquor 11ns In the state of Nebraska; good
salary paid for a competent, energetic
man. Samuel Westhelmar A 8n..-u
Co.. St. Joaeph. Mo. B-M63 22
WANTED Two boys for the soda fountaiu.
Beaton Drug Co.. lSi and Farnam H.
B ota
CITY agent and manager for Endowment
He.ltti ard Accld-nt Co. Milan D. Nil
aon. Oen. Delivery, Omaha. U-M900 i
WANTED Solicitors for the best selling
household articles on the market; liberal
commission allowed and good earnings
guarant.ed ruatlers. Applicants ',n.,e"
viewed from 1 to S p. m. at room II. I . 8
National Bank Bldg B 0l Hx
j WANTED At ence. twenty boys and girls
to be eip.nloyed regularly. Must be over
15. See Mr. Harvey. Main Floor. The
Bennett Company. B MSS7 21
WANTED 2 good coat makers: also pants
maker; steady Job. J. A. Oough. At
lantic, la. B 105 20x
WANTED Engineer to run Corliss engine
; mnd mBEe planing mill reoalrs with fVe-
Lincoln Sash and Door Co.. U renin.
nted everywhere. $11 to
! made weekly, distributing circulars,
Vackaces. overseeing outdoor advertising.
Experience not needed. New plan. No
canvassing. Address. Merchante Out
Door Advertising Co.. 79 Dearborn St.,
Chicago. B M127 Ox
Splendid lime t
to learn barber trade.
o begin Few weeks corn-
Ton waxes paid. Positions wait-
Best trade In the world for poor
man. Little capital starts nusineas. in
vestigate. Moler Barber College. 1116 Far
nam Bt. B Mil 26
BOOKKEEPER experienced In grain busi
ness. $S5 to $lo0. Apply st once or Bunds;-
between s and 11 a. m.
$40-1-2 N. Y. Ufa Bldg.
B 1S6 TO
WANTED Young man to solicit,
a hustler: a aHd propoaltion to right
party; references required. Apply Sunday
morning at lsuS Harney. 11354 tlx
WANTED, for the I. 8. marine corps, men
between sgvg 21 and 36: an opportunity
to see the world. For full Information
see poster In postofflce of any county seat
In N
Nebraska for the ed.lrea of recmttirg
officer thereon.
TAILOR for ladies work; good wages and
steed work. Apply at once. XA7 Far
nam "St. B-14J a
WANTED Hustling young msn to assist
ph ttographer. Apply at ome, lav Har
ney St. B-M'40 x
i WANTEIV-Young man to solielt
must be
a huetlt-r: good proposition to tne rignt
tvriy. Kef. rence lequlred. 1 Harney
St. U-MU1 x
WANTED Young man to learn the cabinet
making trade; prefer one who haa had
some experience; a good opoonuniiy for
the right party. Orchard A Wilhelm Car-
pet Co. B-263 21
MEN to distribute samples, tack signs: $3
dully; steady; no canvassing Ollwr,
Monroe Bldg.. Chicago. B 263 x
Draughtsman, railway city office. Denver
Electrician for electric light plant-T25.
I Stationary Engineer for city block $11.
Consulting fc."ineer for railway company
Aaslaiant Manager, department smre. Den
ver 41.Ww.
Private Secretary, railway official. Colo
rado $1 ..
Botkkeener. wholeeale lumber company.
New Mexico $l.o.
St enteral' her, mining company. Montana
l e
iiox $016, Denver. Colo
First Winter Term
lfrth and Farnnm Sts.,
The more you learn the more effi
cient you become and the mora you
can earn. If you are now In some
position where your Income Is not
sufficient to enable roil to wear
better clothes, or procure more than
actual necessities of life, how do voti
riropoae to ever do any better? There
s really only one way. and that Is
o learn more, so yon can earn more.
The place to do this Is at the Omaha
Commercial college, where "our op
portunities will be first-class. Few
schools are so good, and none better.
It haa enabled hundreds to double
their salaries and can do a well by
Elegant new building, superior
equipment, practical courses taught
In a practical way bv practical
teachers, two expert penmen, a liter
ary society, splendidly equipped free
fiymnaslum. free lecture courses and
iterary entertainments, college or
chestra. lw school and school of
dramatic art.
We have now enrolled In the vari
ous departments more students from
Omaha, South Omnha and Council
PluiTa than all the other commercial
eollegee In Omaha combined. We
have students from more states and
territories 1261 than all the other
schools combined. We have more
university students and high school
graduates than all the other schools
combined. Thla unnrecedented en
rollment plainly Indicates how the
Omaha Commercial College stands at
home and abroad. The reason why la
With practical courses, practical
teachers, a progressive policy, and
splendid equipments, then you will
never ask for the return of your
It will give you an Idea of a good
school. In a good locution, good
building and producing good results.
It la free to any address.
Both are good. Either will help
you. If ynu cannot attend one at
tend the other. Take your choice.
Same teachers In both and equal op
, portunltlea. Begin any time. Call
or write for particulars. Address
UUi and Farnam.
WANTED A hustling young man to assist
photographer. l.i Harney. B-356 21x
WANTED Man each county to advertise
our gooda and leave samples; salary $20
weekly; expenses advanced. Northwest
ern Co., Dept 1-A, 33S Wabash Ave.,
Chicago. B-246 Six
WANTED First -class coachman to work
around yard; Al references. Address
V 1. Bee. B-2S1 2U
WANTED First-class coachman to work
around yard; must have Al references.
170 Farnam. B
WANTED Railroad laborer stationary
fireman. Iron workers, carpenters, wood
choppers, warehouse men. barn man and
com huskers. Ed Rothery's Information
and Labor Bureau, 111 S. 14th.
B M180 S
SOMETHING NEW In health and accident
inurance: a leadlna company, with large
profits, to a good Omaha agent, and alao
for outside agents. Great Western Acci
dent. Des Moinea B
BOOKKEEPER Experienced man needed
for large Florida manufacturing concern;
$1.M0 yearly salary; transportation fur
nished; deserving man advaaced; state
exDerienco. Address Box T7. Jackson
ville. Fla. B 171 a
WANTED Four men to travel - In each
state, distribute samples and advertise
our goods. Salary $21 per week and ex
penses, guaranteed. Expenses advanced.
Experience unnecessary. Address with
stamp, staling age and occupation. Reeve
Co., 407 Dearborn 8t.. Chicago.
B 166 21 X
WANTED 6everal up-to-date hustlers
throughout each Mate to represent a
western firm; will pay $12 per week to
those who qualify: chances of sdvanc
ment; no deposit asked. Address, with
references. T to. care Bee. B 212 21 x
WANTED Wood man in eactfi county to
rwpreaent and advertise hardware depart
ment, put out samples, etc.; salary $21
weekly; expense money advanced. Dept,
A. The Columbia House, Chicago.
B 204 Tlx
WANTED Boy 16 or 17 years old for mail
ing clerk In wholesale house. Address
U. Bee. B-33S $1
WANTED Detective: shrewd, reliable
men for profitable secret service, to act
under orders; no experience necessary.
Write H. C Webster, Indianapolis. Ind.
B 198 2lx
WANTED Experienced pile driver work
men and bridge carpenters $3.25 per da
and pile driver bridge foreman
day.' Free transportation to work in
South laota- jsoara w per ww. . v.
Hauaer, 271 Madison St.. Chtcsgo, 111.
B 217 tlx
W A NT ED Boy , IS to Tar old. Rex.
fc S. 16th. B M130 tt
AFTER the show' try a Ol-Pep-Ko. AX
the bartender. B 6J tx
WANTED Coat makers' S T. Oliver, I
Pear St.. Council Bluff. Ia.
B 366 Sx
EXPERIENCED collector, single man pre
ferred; permanent position; $1$ weekly
snd commission. Hlxenbaugh A Co.. suO
Ware Blk. Call Sunday, $ to 4 p. m.
B $64 a
WANTED Fifty girl to work In candy
factory; good chance to earn money io
buy your Christmas presents with. The
Voegele et Dinning Co., 1316 Jones St.
C M7l
FIFTY strong girls for turning bags; girls
U or 16 )mfi old for clipping threads.
Bemis Omaha Bag Co. C Mud
EXPERIENCED chocolate dipper wanted
at once. D. J. O linen Co., uu2 Howard.
QIRI.8 WANTED. Loomls Co, tl Farnam
8u CM
WANTED A competent girt for general
housswork. small family. Mrs. 11. M.
McClanahao. 1412 N. Xh St. Tel. Har
ney 1402. C 4J
WANTED Good girl for general hcuse
woik. Mrs. S. G. Pettoelk. $319 Haw
thorne An, Bemis park. C 671 tlx
1 .
WANTEI-To register with Our
employment department com
petent stenographer and ma
chine operator. Have several
good permanent and tempo
rary position open. Come In
and register at once.
17th and Farnam St.
C-124 a
WANTED Young girl about la, te assist
with housework In apart rr.ent, small fam
ily. Go home rlghta. Mrs. lel
StroSher. The Barnard. C-MSSS ax
WANTED A round lady of good appearance-
and address for cashier and
single entry bookkeeper, also must be a
typewriter, retervnees desired. Position
i In t su re, loan of 1 . In Nebraska,
balary. r niwolhi Jt later en. Ad
dicas I a. Bee. C Mlvt S
- - - I " " I air- nril CCTATC
ACTIVE lady to work at home; IK p;id
for 11 days tttal: promotion: state na
tivity, religion. Engwall. 37 l.tkesMe
Hide. Chicago. C 1 JlX
LADIES To make Sanitary Tints: mate- j
rial all cut ready to sew; 11 so per nosen;
particular stamped envelope. Inox Co..
It. 272. Chicago. C -V 21 X
IADY newer to make up shields at home:
$10 pe' lot': fun make two an hour: woik
sent prepaid to reliable women; send re
ply envelope for full Information to Tra
versal Remedy Co., Desk B, Walnut St.,
Philadelphia. Pa. C 1 21x
INTELLIGENT woman wanted by Phila
delphia Mill; work In own town, full or
spare time: salary and board paid; ex-
P-rtenc not essential. V. O. box 12.
hlladelphla. Pa. ;
AGENTS handle our English Hearth Rug
Needle. Something new. Women quickly
buy. Pample 35c poetpnld. Ulg prollts.
Brown's Patentees, l!W West broad wa,
.Nw York. C 220 21 x
WANTED Experienced lady clothes
Ironer. City Pteam Lsundry. 211 8. 11th.
C-1H M
WANTED Woman who has experience In
demonstrating. Apply A. D. Hrands.
between S and 10 a. ni. J. L. Brando s ft
Sons. C 97 .X)
WANTED Competent
Park Are.
girl at
-no :i
WANTED Salesladies In the cloak
suit department, liavden Bros.
C-M13S r
8EWER8 Gingham aprons1; make highest
wages; material sent to door free of
charge; stamped addressed envelope for
particulars. I P. Kichartls, 6002 Forrest
vllle Ave.. Chicago. C J4 ax
LADIES for shadow drawing; natural tal
ent unnecessary; J0 weekly easily earned
at home: stamped envelope for particu
lars. .ddress bureau of Commercial Art,
1P17 Indiana Ave., Chicago. C 247 21x
WANTED A caretaker and a good laun
dress. The Creuhe, 19lh and Harney.
C-M2S5 24x
LADIES to work piecework; $3 per dos.;
materials furnished. no canvassing;
steady work: stamped envelope. Best
Mfg. Co., Champlain Bldg., Chicago.
cm 2i x
600 GIRLS wanted to work In ahlrt fac
tory. M. E. Smith & Co.. 11th and Doug
las. C 177 21
SEVERAL young women can secure rl'ice
to study for profession of trained nurse,
by applying to Superintendent Nurses.
County hospital, for application blanks.
Applicants must have good common
school education and be of good mral
character. C 114 21
WANTED Good coat snd skirt hands In
alteration room. S. Fredrick Berger. 1517
Farnam. C 109 21
WANTED Good' girl for general house
work; small family." 201 8. 25th St.
C 149 21
2U Chicago.
for general
C-147 22
WANTED Experienced salesladies for
clouk and suit department; high salary.
S. Fredrick Berger & Co., 1517 Farnam.
C 146 22
WANTED Cook for small family; wages
$6 to $8. 2o37 Dodge St. C 145 22
TAILORESS for skirts and Jackets; good
wages. Apply at once. 220i Farnam St.
C 143 II
WANTED Young lady stenographer for
short time; place might be permanent;
must have had some experience; Smith
Premier machine; salary reasonable. Ap
ply by letter In own handwriting. Ad
dress U 19. Omaha Bee. C ISO 22x
WANTED A competent grlrl for general
housework; good wages. 114 N. 24th St.
Tel. Dougla S24l C M327 22x
GIRL for general housework, IS per week.
ll'W 8. Ttn Ave. , (' 3S3 23
WANTED Experienced chocolate dippers.
Balduff Pure Candy Co., 1114 Farnam.
C M972 20
WANTED Girl for general housework; no
cooking; $30 a month. 2727 Cuming St.
C-337 22
WANTED Second trimmer,
del) Co.
F. M. Seha
C 346 a
WANTED Salesman to introduce and
sell the Gallup Fruit Gatherer. Largs
money to hustltrs. OaJlup Mfg., Co.,
Room 1 Patterson Bldg, Omaha, Neb.
J al620
NEW sleeve protector for office and hous
work; samples free this week; other
novelties. Ladles Supply Co., $253 Prairie,
Ave.. O., Chicago. J M&6 Novl2x
SALARY and commission will be paid to
an old line Mfe man of experience. Ad
dress Box 1196, Lincoln, Neb.
J-77S NovU
AOENT8 wanted In Iowa to sell placket
fastening device: easy seller; territory
s signed without royalty. Security
Placket Co.. 1017 Nr 17th St., Omaha.
J-M132 Bx
PORTRAIT AGENTS Get your work from
the artists, the kind thst delivers: work
guaranteed: service best. Get our pre
mium proposition. L. O. Butcher. 7 Blue
Island Ave., Chicago. J S3 21x
BELL toilet soap; make $10 day; 15c starts
you In business with us; we show you
how. Acme Chemical Co., 66 Fifth Ave.,
Chicago. J $44 Hx
SALESMEN wanted to ell cigars; salary
or commission; experience unnecessary;
enclose stamp. Metropolitan Cigar Co.,
Lowell. Mass. J U2 Ox
AGENTS 30 sample souvenir post card
lftc postpaid; they pell at sight; most
beautiful pbllshVd; new subjects. De
fiance Photo Studio, 66 West Broadway,
N. Y. J 241 Bx
WANTED Agents, men and women, to
make from $4 to $5 a day; 2U easiest,
quickest selling household Sieclalties;
catalogue and terms free. Hula ska Co.,
lit W. 12th St.. Chicago. J-251 21x
AOENTS U our reservoir dustless floor
and carpet brushes In store, schools, res.
Idences, public buildings, hotels, halls;
field unlimited: reduce dust 97 per cent
actual test; gold medal at St. Louis
World's fair; strictly guaranteed; big
margin and great seller; opportunity to
build great trade; exclusive territory; no
competition. Milwaukee Dustless Brush
Co.. Milwaukee. Wis. J-e 21 x
WANTED Agent to handle new patented
name platea, etc.; more talking points;
exclusive territory to right msn: liberal
commissions. Address Montgomery A
Ives. 13 Niagara St , Buffalo, N. Y.
j-rs ax
Inverted Gaa Lamps; latest light out: ex
perience unnecessary: salary; nothing to
sell; samples tree, renecuon uini ir.,
63 River St.. Chicago. J-23 III
AGENTS Farmera, save money using our
Improved grain mill; beat seller: low
price; bustlers wanted: particulars for
si snip. Colerick A Rawlins, Ft Wayne.
lad. J-iX, 21 X
AGENTS wanted
fortunes made
male and female; big
elling up-to-date aw:as
embroidered waist patterns: gret of per-
tuniiy; $1 deposit reouired with crders.
Joseph Gluck. i21 Broadway. New York.
j-itu ax
WANTED Husxllna- agents to sell "Fl
POWDR." A fire extlrg-ulsher even the
poirest ran afford: sells at sight: special
terms and territory givtn. Address Mc
Cumber Extinguisher Co., Adams. N. Y.
J ia 21 x
AGENTS WANTED We are sole manufac
turers of a Urge, new and very saleable
line of hojsvhold novelties and Christ
mas presents; exclusive territory to
hustling agents. nte now for terms
and catalogue Special low prices to In
troduce the line. Agents' Novelty Mfg.
Co.. buffalo. N. Y. J
AOENTS 6u per cent profit. I'M weekly;
newest lo-cent household necessity; send
H cents for sample; particulars On and
Off Co.. 126 Charles St.. New York. J
AGENTS Write now for free sample of
work and terms. Star harness mender;
best 26c seller ojt; we make ot!er qu'ck
s'lling necessities. Columbia Nov. Mfg.
Co. St. Ioui. J
AGENTS to sell clothing on easy termf ; no
reference, no seeuri'y: wer chtMrg
while you pay: small payment down. $1
per month; samples free White Kng
Ci-tr-r C v. 2 "B St, New York.
J-Ul na
IPO. "
WE PAT Mk a week and expense to men
with tls to Introduce poultry compound.
Year's f.nlract. Imperial Mfg. Co., IVpt.
M. Parsons. Kan. J
AGENTS -Receipt for making read at night
luminous nalnt for sisus. etc..
tlonal I'nfnt Works. Knaleavood. Ill
J-9i 21 X
$TS WEEKLY easily made fitting eye
glasses: easy mall course; low fee: write
today for free cnttloguft. t National Op
tical College, St. louls. J-lfl Six
THE AGENT (His Paper) Its DlrTcrent:
Fighting for lower licenses and priv
ileges; I months 10 cents. Salem O.
J 1ST 21 X
TRAVELER for established house: 111 pr
week: expenses advanced; references.
Address, with stamp, J. A. Alexander.
Omaha, Neh. J 1 21x
AGENTS Something extraordinary, elf-
freneratlng gus burners, fitting kerosene
amps: brilliant, white gas light. Liberal
Inducements, exclusive territory, poslttive
monopoly; description free; established,
reliable. Eastern Gas Light Co., 2X)
Broadway, New York. J 170 21x
AGENTS WANTED I will start any hon
est man or woman In a business that
will par them from $W0 to $r) per month;
I furnish tho capital: you simply put
your work sgstnst my capital: If you
don't have plenty of spare change to
Jinele In your pocket, wear good clothes
and start a bank account In S months
It's your own fault.' Chas. W. Kelser.
A Went. Ave., Englewood, III.
J 213 21x
HOT side line: pays hotel hills; consigned
goods; pocket samples; prompt commis
sion American Chewing Oum Co., St.
Iiouls. J 211 Zlx
PATENTED Hitch anywhere; weighs but
few ounces; carry In pocket; effective;
no competition: horsemen excellent
scents. Pocket Hltchpost Co. Muncie,
lnd. J-200 21 X
MEN willing to work positively mnke $:.(
to js.onn per vear selling our lust patented
machine. Eagle; Tool Co., B H. Clncln
nail. O. J-M ax
HUSTLERS wanted to sell best specialty
of recent years: acgresslve workers make
$10 per dsv (no exaggeration!. Those who
MEAN BUSINESS write for full partlc
ularr. SPECIAL: To those wililng to
les? no time we will send sample for 10c
W. V. Chase A Co., Wilcox Bide.. Ix-8
Angeles. Cat. J-32 21 x
AGENTS $3. 000 cleared yearly selling mir
gasoline lighting system, J. Itemonstral
Ing outfit free.. Address Security Light
Co., Chicngo. J-n 21x
AGENTS Portrait and others send name
and get full particulars about our new
picture, portrait on pillow top. The latest
thing In portraits. Hargls Bros.. Sift W.
Madison St.. Chicago. J 216 lax
AGENTS wanted everywhere to sell our
epecialf les. Quick sellers, easily handled.
$J5 to $75 per week for hustlers. Write for
samples and full particulars. General
Specialty Manufacturing Co., loth A
Susquehanna Ave. Room 11,, Phllalel
phla. Pa. J 215 21x
AGENTS Capable hustlers to sell our
sanitarv cooking utensils, an entirely
new line. Good for $S to $8 per day over
expenses. Write for particulars. Victor
Manufacturing Co.. Cambridge, O.
J-214 21 x
WANTED Experienced salesman to sell
Scioto Sign Co.'s calendars, advertising
novelties and signs In Wisconsin. Minne
sota. Illinois. Iowa. Nebraska and Da-
kotas; our salesmen now make $10 to $J
dailv on commission, because we have
best lines. Write Henry Hoffman. Box
143, Minneapolis, Minn. L Hi 21X
SALESMEN, to place our Patent Adjusts
ble Umbrellas, with 100 5c cigars, for
$2.75. Salesmen sell ten and more a day.
For full partioulars address Crown Cigar
Co., Milwaukee, w is. u aasss
WANTED A salesman to travel In eastern
NU and western Iowa on commission or
sell as a side line for washing machines
churns and kitchen cabinets. Address
The Easy Washing Machine Co.. Si.
Marys. Ohio. L M900 21
and expenses to right man: get in tins for
19117 ry connecting now witn a large, wen
established, high-rated house selling an
unusually attractive staple line to retail
trade: experience not essential; write for
particulars; references. Sales Manager,
Box 725. Chicago. 1-243 DX
WANTED Eight experienced novelty
salesmen for 19"7 to handle, under ccn
tract, our exclusive line of advertising
wall map hangers, pocket maps, art and
business calendars. The best selling line
out: liberal commissions, exclusive terri
tory, tine samples: state experience, send
references, or don't write. Kenyon Print
ing Co.. Des Mo4neg. la. L MLT1 23
EXPERIENCED solicitors, tm
month; guaranteed proposition
to r.fX)
43 Ree
WANTED Experienced salesman for fur
niture trade. January 1st; give referencs-,
experience, etc. Address U 17. Bee.
L M261 27x
WANTED Salesmen, experienced, to han
dle Nonrust Tinware In unoccupied terri
tory: liberal commission: rapid seller.
Rochester Nonrust Tinware Co.. Sx-ites-ter.
N. Y. L 257 tlx
REPRESENTATIVES wanted to solicit
orders from saloons druggists, hotel and
clubs for Woodland Whiskv. adopted bv
"U. 8. government for hospital purposes;
easy seller; commission or salary, write
for territory, prleee. samples, etc. Wood
land Distilling Co., 79 8oott BL, Coving
ton. Kr. L
CIGAR salesman wanted In your localltr.
city and country trade: sslsnr snd ex
penses or commission; experlencs unneces
sary; enclose stamp for particulars.
Madison Cigar Co., Dept. 35. Toledo. O.
L 193 tlx
SALESMAN for Nebraska: experienced
traveling man preferred: line staple f r
general trade; position permsnent: t-iS
weekly, advance with commission. Saw
yer. Leslie A Co.. Detroit. Mich.
L 174 Hx
TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska and
Iowa with a full line of soaps, perfumes
and flavoring extracts: furnishing the t2
for $1 selling plan to the retail dealer; $
weekly advance, F. F. Cook. Bale Dpc.
Detroit. Mich. L
WANTED Patent medicine salesman, one
making good In line at present In h's
territory: exceptional opportunity right
man; reolles confldemlM: state age and
present line. Box 656, Chicago. Ill
v i n
SALESMEN to handle ou line in v..
braska: we have men making over $lt
per week: high commissions: permanent
position for capable salesman. McAllts-ter-Coman
Co., 35t. Dearborn 8 . Oil
cao. l-2TC fit
WANTED Side line salesmen to sell fruit
ciders to general stores, grocers and con
fectioner: neat pocKM case iree: nre
commission. Los Angeles Cider Co St.
Uouls. iiq. L-i-
ant position Nor. 1.
general nousewora cr hit"- man !
general work. References. U 11.
A si.j ii
! EX PlSK !.--- r-f 'U"I'? " 'i- ii. K
desires position.
A-M125 six 1
,X I FIRST-CLASS lady bookkeeper and seno
rapher wants position. Address I 12.
KLl A-M122 22x
POSITION As salesman on the road or
In th house, by a nwn 0 years expe
rience In general merchandise Address
U 14, Bee. A-M! ax
LIBRARIAN. $ years' exrierce wants lo
iog-ie private library or similar wj
mmendations f .rnlsi.ed Adlress
L. I
M . 2t'4 North IKth tt
MMK NELSON, the wr.rld-renowned palm-
1st Is here by special rnueft. Mj h j
offers assistance lor troubled or un
fortunate. If you are u-.liappy. have
d'.me.tic or burlneas tfublcs u ni.i J
told how to ocerc.M'e Hem H r. im.i-b
U.?.. Z.U?- tii WIN THE ONE VU
i.v-P fall sr.d swure her oeve filin g
a1vn.e Keea Sltk n Ifoli
f ell Re-iui-ed
r.iles this we-k. 'M
Douglus sse'.
Uth t
S r.i Jlx
The palm.sf of Omaha
Utio... ofV future descrbej
HEWING machines rented. Any '
75c per week or xz.oj psr rnomn. "7-"'
hand machines for sale. $6 00 and up.
Neb. CycU Co.. 15th and Harney.
"ROY. chiropody. Doug. 64ST. Jr-
T l llnar il ftj 71 sit HI. '1 SL VU )
Dyeing and cleaning, sponglrul .nijr'n.;
tng; only 6c per yar. Send for prtc 1
and sanirl. .
400 Douglas Block. T. Dougla m.
i a r i m d v c vv nouV $m
LAUH LV1 I 'tuVlIthSt.
clothing; In fact, snytning y"
need; we collct. repair and. sell.
N. 11th Ft . for cost of collecting to th
worthy poor. Call 'phon Doug. 4136 j sna
wagon will call. U-MI
FREE medical and surgical treatment at
Crelghton Medical college, 14tn anu
enport Sts.; special attention paid to
confinement cases; all treatment uJr"
vised by co' o professors. P0,
Doug. lift. Call answered day of nignt.
U w
THE CITY GARBAGE CO.. offlc 4th aim
Leavenworth eta. Tel. Douaias i
SURVEYING. Bilckensdtrfer, 112 Bee ;BlJg
Stammerers' Institute,
SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut
prices; send for fre mtaiogue.
Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. U $3
WE will find good comfortable homes for
naDies wnose motners cannot car;
them. See "Mother Ie, Supt." Tlnley
Rescue Home, 403 Bancroft St.
U 700 oct2l
M AnVF.TTPtrestment and bath. Mm.
ALA.UAjX1V 6mltn ul N. u. id floor.
M ASv1! All P. SwedUh movement. 410 N.
uth. Room i, l floor.
U-M107 novl
CHAMPION Carpet cleaning. Doug. . 153
Leavenworth. U-M4S6 NovJ
ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend call
or write to the matron of th Salvation
Army Home for Women at $424 N. 24th
6t.. Omaha. Neb. U M10
TRY KELLY'S Laundry.
'Pbon Douglas
PRIVATE home during confinement; ba
bies adopted. The Good. Samaritan San
itarium, 73 First Ave., Councl Bluffs,
la. Tel. T74. U M2
DRS. VOGEL private hospital for women
and for ladies before and during connos
Bient. iai B. Uth St Omaha. Neb.
FOR anything In the sewing machine line
go to P. E. Flodman A Co.. 1514 Capitol
Ave, V Mitt Nov
TYPE WRITERS rented. $160 per month;
all inakrs; satisfaction guaranteed. Fox
Typewriter A Supply Co., Farnam St.
U SW Novi
ARCHITECT O. L. Broline, 61$ Bee Bldg.
U-MJ4 Nov
A Dollar Free for Yon.
This coupon will be taken as $1 payment
on a $10 purchase of shoe hats or cloth
ing; balance paid as you earn It.
1520 Dodge St., Cor. 16th,
U-1U Nil
PENNELL Millinery Co, $22 North ltth
St. U M26 Jan6
RUPTURE Cl'RED-No knife, no pain, no
detention from business. Call or writ
for booklet, etc. QC1CK CURE RUP
TURE CO., 811 Woodmen of World Bldg..
Omaha. U St
Crelghton Dental college. Patient free.
Free treatment at Crelghton Dental col
legs. ' U M6t Novll
IF LUCKY yo get your picture enlarged
to life aiie In genuine crayon free In our
drawing contest, every day, 16 . m. to
6 p. ro.. guaranteed worth $5. Wallace
Bristol A Co., Artists. 630 N. ICth St.
U M57u Novl
C. J. PALMQUI8T Custom shoe maker.
4114 Hamilton St.. and 1C7 S. 15th St,
U M565 Nov. 16
ECZEMA absolutely cured by W. A. Pax
ton's salve B. 1. Scannell, agent. 6 Ware
Blk. Vhtm Novli
Doug. 19.
cleaning. Tel.
U $74 Nov. 14
CARRIAGE CALLERS, with number, fur
ninlied for all private and public occa
sions. My era 1715 Jsckson.
U-MM tig
Commercial Printer.
Tel. Doug. I71S.
1510 Howard St.
U-M999 NovU
HALSTED 8how csrds and small signa
11 Douglas Blk. Tel. Doug. 36.
u Miae
THE SKIN Is beautified, perfumed, pro
tected, preserved by Satin skin powder.
25c. U
FRENCH Canadian girl, part Indian,
pretty, wealthy, educated, would marry
responsible white man. Address Frsncis
Rich, 2S5 Washington St., Boston. Maes.
' U-24 Sx
If the party who lifted a C.avanette coat
from the Pullman "Ottumwa" at T:45 Fri
day evening will return It to 907 N. Y.
Life he will trouble, as his mm Is
known. No question asked. U tti Tlx
YOUNG lady going west, wishes acquaint,
encea of elderly parties going sa..-- di
rection. Address t 27, Bee. 323 Sx
RET1RED MERCHANT. middle aged,
l.inely. kind and liberal, verv wealthy
m ishee to corresirfnd with lady, object
matrimony. Box 42S, 84. Joseph. M-ch
r-2sor.x j
RETIRED gentleman of means, going 1
south, seeks correspondence with refined .
companionable laiy; only matrlTtcnia.Hr
Inclined answer. Robert, S17 North Boid 1
Philadelphia. I' 23j a '
OMAHA Steam Paste Co. manufacture
pure flour rwate. t21 Cuming. Telephone
Douglaa 4ia. it ! !
a ru.Mt, wnne, pint, brunet gossamer
.-ovima iwni oy paiin akin po
iUPERFl.UOUS HAIR, warta and ml 1
perninent y removed bv i-trl-l'T; con. i
suliatton free and cor fMrntlai ; a.
I JJf.
guaranteed. ills Allenoer. 471
MORPHINE, opium. laudrnun. rine
! hat-It: mraelf ruml b-iIi . .
hat-it; nayself cured: will iior y.v ofjCLtB IN BAROtlN IF TAKEN AT )Tim.,,rm. o;i.e i)r, Jary'
i wiawin. pox i.ii tr.icago i;
;-- -
, 1 inr.une win, ruture and pat
.luriisin. or Aiwri, t i
n-nt,er. asirologist. Clalrvovant
St. John. 12 Sheldon St.. Chiracs S.-nd
birth date and stamp. Know
U-1C 3i
i LADY Visltirg city aoa'.d I ke tne ac
rnisir.taace cf reeject-ble middle-aged
gent'.en-an: h.ect sinus.-cm, Adda
I" 1". care liee. U 3 rix
PHYSICIAN Age . would like to meet I
lady of refinement aid so-ne mrtrt T
R. E. Kuley. Hotel Royal. Lincoln. Neh' ;
u-r nx
SALE Owe l. a anther.., f , r quartet rr c-0 u, I
choir ot i"tr .ice Actual va'ue
nesrlr $175 Will s. 11 enure .t for $1 w .
If taken at orce. nil of eir cut
Nel Mltclwll, ;m N lsi St., C. un, r Bluer. !
PEST nerve brscee for men 'Cjrsy Nerv Pll's -II box hiU. nheimen a!
jii v i.ik 'i i.ui v .. v . it a ua
DR. PRIES, spec slier, womeet e 4Ihii 1
wkBfes. eiscl.arge. Iii,(u tn.w.
cured t-slnlessly and safely. ,tan. i '
Viuw. wtu auu ii.ii.r, liMtni vnva a
jDR HlHINSON. 1.1 of t,,
4th Tloor. New Yotk Llfo Bldg.
3112 Mason St., rooms, all
modern, 60-ft. lot. paved street,
furnace, nice shade; owner s
price, $3,000 wants offer.
3221 PoppUton Ave., two
story, six-room house, all mod
ern, paved street, $3,000.
60 8. 85th Ave., new t.x-room
house, with reception hell, nil
modern, gas and electric light;
price, $3,500. . j
Corner lot. 66x132, well im- 9
proved, block and one-half
from city hall, bringing good
Income, eastern owner anxious
to sell. Investigate this.
Fine brick block on Cuming
treet, for $16,000. Splendid In
vestment. Bran new cottage, with Ove
rooms and bath, hot and cold
water, latest plumbing, fine
cellar. Just being completed,
two blocks from car. Will sell
for 1-3 rash, balance on time.
It s a perfect little gem. Price,
18 lots In Denman Place, be
tween S3d and 84th, on Tay
lor and Boyd streets, one
block from Ames Ave. car.
Fine neighborhood. Trice
from $178 to $3M. Owned by
eastern owner who Is clean
ing up bunch for much less
than real value. Don't full to
see these lots.
601-1 N. Y. Life Bldg.
Good Lots J
$2,500 for 60x200 feet on No. Iuth.
St.. boulevard.
Make offer for 125xlS7 feet corner,
near 40th and Harney. WANT OKKh-H.
$1,100 for 11 4x124 V feet corner on
No. 20th, near Manderson St.
$1,600 for 60x140 feet corner on No.
10th. near Manderson St.
$1,200 for 40x1 $2 feet, east front, on
good street, walking distance.
$700 for 70x120 feet, east front, on
No. 26th St.
$700 for 60x112 feet, two blocks north
of Bemis park.
$400 for 43x110 feet, near 27tb, oa i
Fort St. car line, fine, large trees. I
This 1 only a few. Get our list. I
Paxton Block.
1910 Blnney 9t, Is a two
story, nine-room bouse, with
fine billiard room on third
floor and storeroom galore.
House all modern, oak flnt
solid oak. besutlful stair
heavy .sliding doors.
front- nsved atre nei
walk cement steps. VtSUy
cost over $$,000. mortgaged for
tUM and owner wants to un
load at once and w-ill take
mall houses or griod acant
lots for his equity. Price.
K&00. or will 11 dirt cheap
for cash. Here aa oppor
Sole Agent. S01-3 N. T. Life.
Owner wants to move to New York and
must sell at once; 15 acres, finely Im
proved. 3 acres In fruit, excellent build,
lng. close to Omaha snd South 'maha.
$S.KJ. If tha4 Is not cheap enough make
an offer.
0S- N. T. Ufa Bidg. 'Phone Dourls.'IO.
AVE., $i,m.
W have a fine, practically new i-romo
WNf-ae on this bt-autitul street, ruxifin
fl furnace, nicely papered. In egceuer.t
condition. Price Is low for quick sJe
Hastings & Heyden,
17X-4 Farnam Sl
Farms, Ranches and City
j Property
! If you want to bi- or ceil real estate. !t
'ua serve you. Can locate you anyaher-.
mi any site of ranch or farm In the 1 "r.iw i
'Stales. Offer none hut honest, up-'o-rf ,:
services for a reasonable tomiiiSHi ic:..
1 rite or see me.
304 Neville Bide, Gmrut. Neb.
RE 551 .1
Real Homes
$2,600 Six rooms: new. modern.
ner lot; near car; will trade.
$2,260 Fle rooms: new. modern
todte cottar: near P.-mis park:
rent for $22 60, $100 cash end $31 i-
I month
$$,600 S'x rooms; brand
era: near 22d and I 'ran
new. -
See Bemis and be stlffle4.
Paxton Blocta
. Owner mm' leave t liy Insule of tn d . -
I en.l will n.ske a Ka.-,.nce urlce ard lib.:
I lertna ca his splendid res.d.-nce. il. . -.
wouia make a rUr . .... . v.,. .
close to pcetoffr
this investment.
fLvn. cash will har.olJ
63 Douglas Rlk . lfea nil Do.ife
Phone Itoiig tkS.
P.E-I t II
attention; "
If you waat to buy a home or i-e:
rreirt. or if you t.a,e pji'-e '.' '
leU roe about lu If yoo nave a r!-,.
rent. I make a ieo-aHy of ukirx (
.are of a,c prci.ty i; 0u s . -me
In live daUn.e csll tep 4 k
)eu caa coroe. Ojvti tor i i.f(cr.. ' i
vr nigiit
$27 Neville C;t.
TRIXGl-R. lK''
CT-P'te the r.ew Vonhr-. r
I'.. k and ;.,imv
rsnidly iret:I ,
o: a .;; - ;
I rnv i m . r
la lllif 1 .. e 5
ls n. w be c
1st. 1 ,o- .1
" """l " : re r lr;li
Ae ; ptK-e $iwx
I M 1
PsXhm , .r. k
ertaU -...-. a-.1 am U--
RS-i4( t