Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 2, Image 14

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    Tim Omaha Sunday Bee
Entered at Omaha posioOiue as second
claca matter. ,
e,ily Bee (without Sunday), one year..!1"
Dally Bee and Sunduy, one year. 6 "
Hunday Bee, on vear 2 5"
Saturday Bee, on year 1-6"
Dally pee (Including: Sunday), per weak.. 15c
Dally bee, (without 8unduy). per week...lue
Evening JBea (without Sunnayi, per '.veil; tic
Evening Bee (with Sunday), per week...l"c
Sunday Bee, per ropy c
Address complaints of irregularities In do
livery to City Circulation Department.
Omaha The Bee building.
South Omaha City Hall hulldiiitf.
Council Bluffs 10 Pearl street.
Chicago 16(0 Cntry building.
New York l&os Home Life ln. building.
Washington 601 Fourteenth atreet.
Communications relating to news and edi
torial matter should be addressed: Omaha
Bee, Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, express or postal order
payable to The Bee Publishing company.,
inly 2-cent stamps received as payment of
rtiall accounts. Personal checks, except on
Omaha or eaatern exchange, not accepted.
8tate of Nebraska. Douelas County, :
Charles C. Rosewater, general manager of
Th Bee Publishing company, being duly
sworn, soya thnt the actual number of full
and complete copies of The Dally, Morning,
Evening and Hunday P,ea printed during
th month of September, 19. was as fol
1 34,430
1 30,360
4 30,830
1 30,480
19 30,880
11 30.340
12 30,430
1 30.3CO
U 30,500
1 30,850
1 30,670
17 30,580
It 30,710
It 80,850
20 30.6G0
21 30,560
22 41.140
21 30,410
:4 30.710
St 30,690
2 30,640
27 38150
21 44,670
29 36,500
SO 30,600
Total. 837,350
Less unsold copies 9,508
Net total sale ...987.843
Dally average 30,028
General Alanagur.
Subscribed In my presence and swor.i
o before m this 1st day of October.
(Seal.) I M. B. HtNGATE.
Notary Public
Subscribers leaving- tUe city tem
porarlly should hare The Bee
mailed to them. Address will be
chanced aa often aa requested.
What seems to be needed along the
South Atlantic coast la a wireless tele
graph system which will work In a
Candidate bhalienborger served one
term In congress, but no one has ever
heard of any anti-pass bill fathered
by' him.
At any rate, Fort KoDinson troops
In Wyoming are likely to have as
much of a taste of real war as the
army of occupation In Cuba.
' Great Britain may raise Us rate of
bank discount, but the remittances
will go to America as Jong aa 'the
British must be fed and clothed.
With Ecuador Joining In the con
teat against yellow fever, the next
American statesman to visit South
America may And no border line he
fears to cross.
When that select committee of
bankers can prepare a law which will
suit all the members of the bankers'
'...association, Ita prospect for converting
congress will be brighter. '
Many persons will think Boss
Murphy unjustly treated If he is re
tuired to "make good" on all remarks
may make during the peculiar
campaign In New York.
Attorney General Moody's deter
mination to intervene in a test of the
employer's liability law shows a de
sire to co-operate with congress, not
always found in executive offices.
Whatever. ela ho .get out of his
tace for the New York governorship,
Candidate Hearst is gathering In the
kind, of free advertising that he could
not get Otherwise for all his money.
The conviction of a. number of di
rectors In a defunct Pittsburg bank Is
proof that ''reform" in Pennsylvania
has substance as "well as noise, even If
the) governor refuses to admit the
- Mexico may be showing leniency to
American fishermen Just to prove that
law should not stand between friends,
with a view to further requests later
for suppression of revolutionary news
papers. if the report from New York to the
effect that President Koosevelt may
run for office again if Hearst carries
that state was true, the trust mag
nates would have difficulty In deciding
how to vote.
Am the Standard Oil jury failed to
specify the number of days that con
cern has been guilty of restraint of
trade, it may escape A he maximum
penalty of $5,000 for each day, and
John D. Rockefeller may yet die rich.
Senator Long of Kansas, in making
political addresses at home, occupies
considerable time "roasting" Senator
LaFollette. Evidently "senatorial
courtesy" Is not elastic enough to
cover both the Kansau and the Wis
consin statesman.
The suppression of the scalper was,
to everyone understood, to be followed
on the part of the railroads by exten
sion of stopover and time limits on
regular tickets and the multiplication
jt excursion rates and reduced fares
n special occasions. Has anyone dis
covered any change in the railroad
ticket business that Indicates fulfill
ment of theee predictions!
'It is reasonably certain that after
March 4 next, neither of Nebraska's
two United States senators will re
side In Omaha. The endorsement by
the republican state convention of
Norris Brown as the preferred can
didate of the party means that with
the republicans controlling the com
ing legislature and all Indications
point that way he will receive the
senatorial commission to Bucceedj the
outgoing Incumbent. Should the leg
islative majority by chance fall to
the democrats, their choice will have
been made for them by the endorse
ment of W. 11. Thompson for senator
in the democratic and populist state
conventions. The senatorshlp. there
fore, which pmaha has held since Ne
braska was admitted to the union,
will In all probability be transplanted
to Kearney or by bur possibility to
Grand Island instead.
' The pro'spective loss of the sena
torshlp 'cannot-fail to make the. rep
resentation from this district In con
gress all the more Important to
Omaha. True, Omaha Is In no dan
ger 'of losing the congressman', too,
but 'without either of the two sena
tors personally Identified with us by
residence, It becomes practically es
sential to all the elements and inter
ests here to have a representative in
the lower house at Washington not
only competent and qualified to look
after our affairs, but also in political
harmony with the administration In
Theodore Roosevelt will occupy the
White House for two years more,
which will cover the entire term of
the congress about to be chosen, and
he will be the dominant force in
every- department of the federal gov
ernment. That the republican candi
date for congress, Hon. John L. Ken
nedy, will surely represent us better
and keep in closer touch with the
Koosevelt administration than could
his democratic opponent, will hardly
be gainsaid by anyone. Mr. Kennedy
has had the benefit of service In the
present congress In which he "stood
with Roosevelt" on all the notable re
form legislation for which that body
has been so universally commended,
and it goes without saying would be
more likely to secure favorable at
tention for Omaha's and South
Omaha's needs from the president
and his department heads than any
democrat we might send, who has
been constantly and chronically carp
ing at the president and Is politically
out of tune with all the powers that
be in Washington.
If the circumstances were reversed,
the people might pass over the strik
ing superiority of Mr. Kennedy to his
democratic opponent in ability, in ex
perience, in familiarity with pressing
public questions and in habits of in
dustry, but even if they were to choose
between them now from purely selfish
motives as to which could accomplish
most for thent as their business agent
at the national capital, Mr- Kennedy
would have the support of every voter
in the district who Is not completely
blinded ty partisan prejudice.
Omaha and South Omaha will be only
standing up for themselves when they
Return John L Kennedy to congress.
A false and dangerous impression
is created by confusing the right of
self-defense with "the unwritten law,"
as is frequently done and as an Ohio
judge has actually just . done from
the bench. The right of self-defense,
even to the extreme of homicide, If
clearly necessary, arises from the
written law, and not the unwritten
law. The statutes of every state in
the union recognize and define the
right, and any man who slays to save
his life from felonious destruction,
the peril being obvious, is Justified by
tho law.
The case is utterly different from
private vengeance, for whatever
cause, even "the one crime," or from
lynching in any form. These and
similar practices are what has been
viciously styled "the unwritten law,"
and what It is sought to extenuate
by classing with justifiable homlcldo
In self-defense or in other conditions
specified by law. But all these prac
tices are unlawful and are punishable
aa Crimea and are in fact the very es
sence of outlawry.
The deceitful and pernicious soph
ism of the phrase, "the unwritten
law," lurks in the term "law," which
glosses un act of substantive and
Bpeclfic crime bo written on tAe statute
book. The courts wisely regard with
suspicion and acrutlnlze with caution
even the plea of self-defence under
the law lest it be carelessly or felon
iously abused.
As to Maxim Oorky, who has
shakeu the dust of this country from
bis feet, it may be truly said that
nothing has become him more than
his departure. The moral phase of his
domestic relations, ' the exposure of
which was almost simultaneous with
his arrival last spring, need not now
be dwelt upon, but it was the occasiorf
of timely revelation of his character,
not as a protestant against political
oppression in his native country, but
as an ill-balanced malcontent and
transcendent egotist. Irritated upon
bis appearance here by the application
to him of the social code which, what
ever he may think of it. Is neverthe
less the decree of our people, and
which he would have taken due ac
count of In advance It he bad been a
wise man, he forthwith began to in
dulge ' in Indiscriminate and con
temptuous denunciations of our insti
tutions, forgetting the cause to pro
mote which was the only excuse for
his coming at all, and which his own
folly disqualified him from serving
here. His embittered railings agaiust
American adjustments and Ideas of
order could do only harm, because of
the tendency to create the impression
here that Gorky was a representative
of the Russian "reformers' and that
their aim Is destructive of all order
lather than of mere abuse.
Our people have profound sympa
thy for any people struggling for re
lief from grievous oppression, and are
ready to extend a helping hand In
Bane and permissible ways to the Rus
sian progressionist!!, and they there
fore resent the more keenly the pre
sumption of a vain pretender like
Gorky, a leveller and moral anarchist, j true hero, though he properly may re
masquerading in the name of liberty, j cejve the marks and benefits pro-
Whether he- can be' of more service
to "the cause" In Europe, 'as he as
serts, he has certainly promoted it
In this country by taking himself off.
for the improvement of our con
fessedly defective currency system any
proposal' representing tho mature and
general judgment of the bankers of
the country would be entitled to nnd
would receive most serious considera
tion. But whatever may be said of
the plan prepared by the legislative
committee of the American Bankers'
association for national bank issues of
credit money, either as n whole or In
its separate features, it does not come
with the prestige of substantial agree
ment even of the association's mem
bership ,nor as a system evolved by
thorough discussion. On the contrary,
the committee's report instantly pro
duced a babel of protests, and after n
brief hour of debate the association
signalized Its indetermination by again
shunting the whole business oft onto
a special committee.
This is only a way, although a signi
ficant one, of confessing on the part
of the associated bankers that they
as a body have yet no plan to suggest
to cure currency evils, particularly In
the point of Inelasticity, of which they
are incessantly and loudly complain
ing. The currency schemes proposed
are indeed innumerable, but they
come principally from individuals,
special interests and localities, and no
two of them agree in substance or in
detail. All the proposals that have
had the greatest vogue, a few having
received considerable endorsement in
one quarter or another, and even hav
ing been pressed in congress, have
also been strongly criticised and re
sisted in banking circles. it Is not
easy to move congress to remedial
currency legislation save under pres
sure of great emergency, but with
bankers themselves in palpable dis
agreement, to say nothing of lack of
general public Judgment on divers
conflicting plans that are most agi
tated, they cannot reasonably expert
practical results.
The various propositions in the
scheme suggested by its legislative
committee to the association, how
ever, will serve to stimulate discus
sion, although like other schemes, the
discussion is likely to remain more or
less academic. Nor is the removal of
that handicap probable in the near
future unless the bankers of the coun
try can bring themselves to substantial
unanimity or some great peril to busi
ness, of which there Is uow no serious
portent, should move congresa to
action, which, however, would as here
tofore represent general public rather
than special banking thought and in
One thing yet remains since the
formulation of the departmental reg
ulations under the pure food law In
order to secure its full benefits to the
people, namely, financial provision by
congress for strict enforcement. The
law Itself Is drastic In its salient re
quirements for protection against
fraudulent and Impure drugs, foods
and drinks, so far as they enter into
interstate commerce, but It goes still
further in conferring discretionary
power upon the heads of the Depart
ments of Agriculture, Commerce and
Treasury in the matter of regulations,
ft is 'agreed by experts and all who
have studied the subject that these
discretionary powers have been most
scrupulously employed to carry out
the spirit and main provisions of the
law, and that the regulations, If con
gress supplies adequate means, will
verily prevent the banned commodi
ties from being carried from state to
The regulations, however, will not
enforce themselves, and Secretary
Wilson, whose zeal for enforcement
is as great as for strict regulations,
will- ask congress for J250.000 for
that purpose from January 1 to June
SO, and $750,000 for the next fiscal
year. It Is credibly reported that
precisely at this point will be mado
the next great opposition eitort of the
wealthy and powerful intetests which
fought first to defeat the enactment
of the law end has now been so thor
oughly defeated in the effoit to se
cure w?ak and loose departmental
regulations. Their very stringency
and efficiency, which is as well known
to those who are hostile to pure food
as to those who want it, will natur-
ally stimulate energy to defeat tho i
neceasary appropriations by congresa.
the sole thing now lacking Within the j
Jurisdiction of national authority to
make the means of honest and whole
some subsistence a fact.
While the possibility of real dan
ger may seem inconceivable, yet the
selfish Interests involved are most for
midable, and the public sentiment
that has HUStalned the movement for I
oure food and honest commerce so far '
ought not at thia critical stae to fail
to assert itself. Such ataeriiou in
favor of adequate appropriations by
congress will also operate powerfully
upon the state legislatures which
ruvtt this winter to forward the slate I
legislation necessary to supplement)
l ll t I ft Sk n 1 stuHitt r n s4 a biases etast tiAtn ulait 1
..UvU.,.u,u.u wulvu,,,
. . . i r 1 1 t-,i-
protection for the public.
cahseoik hi:w nuw Alios.
The distribution of Carnegie medals
and pecuniary rewards for heroic acts
may stimulate the newspaper para
grabber to sarcasm and gaiety, and
not unlikely inequity and absurdity
may afford ground for criticism in
Some cases, but, nevertheless, the ef-
lect. upon tne wnole is beneficial. Cer-
tniulyjio 8Ctf ttue heroism is caused
by hope of money reward, nor will, a
vlded by the Carnegie benefaction, be
apt. to flaunt them or otherwise be a
It is also true that only a few
among, the great total of heroic acts
that are. performed can receive the
benefit of such formal provision, and
that eveu the selection of those few
mrty seem capricious. The -accidental
character of any recognition by the
world is inherent. Circumstances de
termine largely the . notoriety, of atiy
exploit of heroic devotion. Where the
deed of one who saves another-from
imminent peril at peril of his own life
Is blazoned to the world, equal self
sacrifice has be?u shown by a thou
sand, although without the world's
knowledge. The reward of fame and
public approval thus is as fortuitous
as that of honorary medal or more
substantial meed.
But reward in the one form a well
ns In tho other serves a useful pur
pose as an educutlonal Influence bear
ing upon the nobler impulses. These
are exalted and strengthened .by spe
cial, even though in large part acci
dental, recognition of representative
acts of heroic self-Bacriflce. In their
representative character indeed con
sists their whole significance.
The scramble for proxies for the
big New York life Insurance company
elections 13 now on in dead earnest
and the little policyholder has sud
denly discovered how Important is his
voting privilege, which up to this time
he neglected as a valueless asset. It
is theoretically possible, at least, that
the policyholder may actually deter
mine who . Is to manage these big In
surance companies, but in practice the
election resolves Itself, like political
elections, into a cinvass for votes on
the part of the campaign committees
promoting opposing sets of candidates
for positions as directors.
Anent the report of friction between
the Interstate Commerce commission
and the general land office over the
Union Pacific coal land affair, it will
be remembered ' that the land office
maintained that there was "nothing
in the Oregon land frauds" until there
was a change in land officers.
Most of the republican candidates
for the legislature throughout Ne
braska are standing squarely on the
platform pledges made by the state
convention Those who have not yet
declared themselves publicly and un
equivocally should lose no time in do
ing so. . .
The suggestion of a British finan
cier that Secretary Shaw corns to the
relief of the international stock mar
ket would have been timely had the
secretary not previously warned the
speculators that they must take care
of themselves to u greater extent than
The experience of recent years has
led people to believe that a quiet cam
paign means republican votes in t lie
ballot box. There Is no question but
that the campaign in Nebraska this
ear has been more than usually qutet.
Blessed Be the PenremaUer.
Philadelphia Ledger. N
The l" States ia now sustaining two
armies of pacification, which ought to ret
It s. share !n the blessedness that belongs
to the peacemaker.
great nations of the civilized world which
Anxious nays for Itryau. j ,lave not Bdopted the postal savings bank
Philadelphia Press. ' j sygtom. derma ny is the other. That
Colonel Bryan seems disposed to keep J countryi too, may be entitled to the lm
o.uiet for a while until It Is seen whether pllpd testimonial as to the excellence of
there is anything left of Hearst nfter the ! nnancal machinery; but, notwlthstand
New York election. j tnjfi the agitation both In Germany , and
II Ub Ideals Out Weal.
Baltimore American.
Thei democrats In Wyoming have received
rather a blow In the declination of a man
there of a nomination on the ground ths,t
he would rather be a Christian.
Hlne for tOxelnalon. -
Raltlmore American.
It seetiia that the trusts hve conclved i
the brilliant idea of having their office j be of more vu,ue lliun "" quantity of
abroad to evade tho laws here. This is theoretical arguments. Since 1K0 the hank
spoken of as complicating the situation, but j ha" "ubled business and clientele. In
It ought to simplify It Instead. W hy not ! the former yeur the deposits amounted,
exclude them completely as undesirable j round numbers, to $329.OOO.0cO; they ate
Immigrants? now 17 IU, 000,000. Fifteen years ago there
1 j were less than 5.000,000 depositors, or about
Troubles Trnoplns; In. j one In seven of the population; now there
Buffalo Express. j are 10,000,01)0, or about one in 4 33. The
The price of diamonds for Christmas average amount standing to each account
presents will go up considerably, which will la $74.29, which Is lower than It has been,
help to add to tho privations of the deserv- j and is a disproof of the charge rometlmes
Ing poor at the gladsome holiday season. I heard that the postal bank has become the
But as yet no philanthropist has started u i depositary of the property class.
Charitable diamond fund to hrtng them , The regulations limit the amount a de
wlthtn the reach of the needy. positor may add to his account In a sln-
" j gle year to $:'50 and the total hi any time
Prosper! , . nr.vrln Power. t0 n ,. The history of the w hole period
Philadelphia Record. ' r fevew nag 0M lasmtloB
1 he tide of immlgrauon .tills el. strongly flf rN,trlctlonl( umJ lh, llrrtyl((e of fac1.
t-!nn,nV fr ,h8 d'"t anJ "'Oulraw.l of
jr.'n thnt the arrivals for liu will exceed : . ,, , .
J-J" f.Ur -J -'ate ,
mlll, ,nd mnnufaetorle. and for household
.err-iee I'nttt .bereSi. , i.. ... !
great Industrial activity there' will ! o " of ,h'm "ow ,n ,h Unl"'d Kingdom
tailing off in Immigration. ai,d tne overnment guarantees the secur-
I It y of the deposits, and nt the same time
SerstrlnsT What I on Pay for. I wxercises Its utmost endeavor to reduce
San Frauelseo Chronicle. the exprnse to a minimum.
There Is rreat deal of trouble over our j
new pure food law, and the vigor of the
kicks of those who do not like tls term
indicates that they fear that It will be
cUvely enforced, it will undoubtedly
! cause some Inconvenience, and Incongruous
features tire suro to be discovered but on
the whole the good In It is likelv to be Im
mensely' greater than the bad. so we may
felicitate ourselves that It Is on the statute
books, and that we are likely to come
nenrer srettlng What We think We nre hnv.
)ns itMll w, ever did btfort.
PEmoiti, AJin othf,rwib.
Drouth ha caused an Increase In the
( price of milk In Bt. Louis.
Ohio trust busters ire pushing the load
roller over the rocky road. It Is their hour
to smile.
The kaiser referred to the lule llcrr
Krupp. the great giiiiinaker, as "sainted,"
probably hvesuse lie cannonlsed the em
pire. It cost a Missouri man to cull nn
other a liar on a postal enrd. t'nele Sam
Insists on politeness even If It costs (rood
An Unfeeling grand Jury In Tennessee has
. rawn on Indictment f counts against
tho Btnndurd Oil company. Tennessee, liko
Ohio, needs the money. .
A California professor has perfected a
language free from swear words. .'It la
Inbor lost. Mankind mupt have a vocal
note to emphasize real hot air.
Tho fateful word 'comes from SVw York
that whiskers nre once more 111 fashion.
Tho duration of the fuel largely depends
on the result of the election for governor.
St. Louis boasts of a suloun keeper who
does not drink, smoke or use profane lan
guage.. The only explanation of his ab
stemious habits Is the fact that lie was
born outside of - Missouri.
"Al" A damn, the deceased gambling klnif
of New York, is said to have bwn a direct
descendant of John Adams, second presi
dent of tho I'nlted States. Considering his
career the descent was quite marked.
Two young men In Ohio claim to have
solved the problem of aerlnl navigation,
hut maintain secrecy about the details.
'Twas ever thus. Every young man nnd
old ones, too, who have had a high old
time, rarely give It away.
The campaign In Wisconsin is seriously
disturbed by the demand of the state food
commissioner for odorless llnibeigcr. Manu
facturers say fumigation of the favorite
confection is Impossible. Meanwhile the
commissioner holds his nose and persists.
An explorer of Egyptian grave yards finds
that Ramesls II, who died 4,W0 years ago,
chiseled a notice "of one of his mnrrlascs
on the castle walls. Evidently the mes
senger tarried too long et the I bowl
and was unable to reach the city editor in
time for tho regular edition.
James Keeley, niannglng editor of the
Chicago Tribune, earned nnd secured the
reward of Ifi.wo for the capture of F.nnk
Wrecker Stensland, and turned the check
over to the receiver of the looted bank
for the benefit of tho creditors. Mr.
Keeley's Ideas of professional duty bear
the right stamp. More power nnd penetra
tion to his upper story.
Cnlinn 'Tatrlols" nnd the Iteh
Tiltsburg Dispatch.
By degrees the truth about that Cuban
revolution is coming out. It has now
been found that the sensntiotml reports
regarding the destruction of property nnd
the danger of American Interests were
widely exaggerated by certain interests for
tho purpose of Inviting Intervention. And
now the patriotic pose of the insurgents In
taking up arms against gross oppression
with an eye single to the redemption of
their country is being exploded.
A dispatch from Havana describes the
late rebel generals as urgently requesting
Secretary Taft to give them official posi
tions under the provisional government.
They feel, It is said, that their hopes will
be In vain unless they voice their ambitions
before Taft Uaves the itdand, as they think
he Is under obligation to do something for
them because of their assistance In dis
arming their followers. Falling to Impress
thi understanding upon the secretary,
General Castillo has advised his colleagues
to hold their horses, evidently a threat te
return to the field If the jobs are not forth
coming. , -
Castillo nnd his friends will do well to
"hold their horses," not In the sense they
mean, but in the colloquial Interpretation.
They should go slowly. If they attempt to
repeat the bluff so successfully worked on
Talma, they will find the American officers
less sensitive. But, for the moment, the
exposure of these patriots begging and
threatening for office ought to dispose of
the mythical high purpose with which they
were Invested. They were and are simply
hungry ofneescekers, frantic for a place
at the office pie counter and unworthy of
respect or consideration. least,
was actuated by theambition to give the
island a stable government and to establish
his country as a self-governing nation. The
Was actuated by the ambition to give the
Cubans matter for thought before again
mistaking the insurrectionary itch for of
fice for patriotism.
Review of (be System In Operation
in Grent Brttsln.
Philadelphia Lecher.
It Is a pleasant compliment to the man
ner In which the banking business of this
country ia conducted and a testimony to
tho opportunities nlrendy nffifrded the fru
gally minded elements of the population,
that the United States Is one of the two
America for the Introduction of the jye
tem la sufficiently Insistent to cause. won
der as to how long they will maintain
their present exceptional position.
A recent change In the directing man
agement of the British Postofflco Savings
bnnk has been made the occasion for a
review of the opera lion of that Institution
In the country of Ita origin during the pnet
dtCttlf a" '0lf. Such a bhowin wi l
.U 't,, e taduc-met
t t. mMn.
at ,hnd- Tactically every postofflce
Mvliigs bunk-there are clo-e to 15
The time has been when, in England,
the bank earned a surplus to the govern
ment, but while this lit not now the css
the deficit Is klighr. As one observer hns !
r marked, "If an uicount were taken be. I
twee ii til depositor and the taxpayer the '
balance would mill be largely In favor of
the former." Considering the large pro.
portion of women, artisans, .man trade.
nun and domestic servants among the d
pot 1 tors, the vulue of the svstem to Brit'sli
m-nir, .ainfr. .,ul.l liar.llv l. ,'
Here's Splendid Jewelry Values!
Why Hesitate?
Wlu'u you can buy Diamonds on Easy Payments? You have
absolute control over your investment. They are as good as
U. S. government bonds. Remember that A Dollar or Two a
Week Will Do. I deliver all goods on the first myment.
50c a Week
should have atten
tion the moment
they fall you In the
8llKhtes.t particular.
Just to Introduce
our optical depart
ment we propose ti
examine eyes free,
and will plve 10 per
cent discount on
frames if you bring
this ad with you.
Kasy payments here,
$1.50 A Week I
$30 3
I $1.25 a Week I I
No man ever found his father by shutting
out his fellows.
Secrets behind the hand often lire but
stabfi in the back. '
Good wishes often grow up before they
comb home RRiiin.
The hnrp dealing that hurts Is thnt
which cuts into the soul.
The recording angel Isn't wasting any
ink over the good you intend to do.
The sermon is sure to be empty of bleeping-
when the head Is full of business.
People who are short on sense are apt
to think themselves ping on science.
Tho effect of true consecration always
is to cut cleaner the lines of square d a'
Ing. Topular appreciation of your work will
not be created by the depreciation of that
of others.
It Is not the upward gaie of ambition
that makes men dizzy: It is the looking
down on those who cannot climb.
Some people st up nights wondering
whether the Lord knows enough to tell
their pearls from other people's pumpkins.
Chicago Tribune.
Cincinnati Enquirer: The name of Sam
Jones was almost a household word In the
I'nlted States. His death marks the pac
ing of n picturesque character, nlbrdt a
useful one. Like hln early prototype,
Jonathsn Edwards, he painted in lurid
colors the terrors of h'ell nre and dimnt
tlon to the unregenerate. It takes tint
sort of preaching once In awhile to make
people reflect nnd get their bearings again
Boston Transcript: The Rrv. Dr. Mor
rison of Indiana has been Inquiring as
to the cort of converting n tinner in tha':
state. He reports to the . Presbyterian
synod that In Indiana villages convcrMoris
have been effected at the trifling expendi
ture of $27. whereas In Indlanarol's the
cost Is $. But If fn much has to be
paid for the conversion cf an Indianapolis
sinner, no wonder the price at Chicago Is,
nearly prohibitive.
Kansas City Star: The death of Sjm
Jones, the evangelist, closed, -ft. ppectacular
career. There was In hiB public speaking
a certain force that held and persuaded
people. Often he would make a hundred
or more converts in a night. While In oil
probability a majority of these returned
to their former wnys, the good he did was
worth the effort. He talked straight from
the rhoulder and while his language was
neither grammatical nor elegant. It was
always, expressive. He was especially ae
vere In his denunciation of whisky and
hurled Invective upon the heads of sa
loonkeepers and drunkards at every meet
ing. In later years he discarded altogether
the language of an educnud mnn and used
the phraseology of an Illiterate person.
This only augmented his success, for ap
parently he was enabled to get closer to
those who he believed most needed salva
tion. His name wljl not live in history,
but possibly rnnny fashionable ministers
could learn lessons in the saving of souls
from the homely ways of tjils peracher.
A Plain Piano Talk
If it's Hospe's talk it must a plain one, for this is a Btraighfc
from the-shoulder house. - .
We want to put a plain question to you today:
Why don't you settle that much mooted question in ,
In your family by buying a piano -NOW? ,
Talking about It won't put it into your home; will ndt stop
tho importunities of the young folk.
L-t us guess why you are procrastinatinK.
You want a piano; you feel tho need of it, but you can't spara -.
the money to pay cash Just now and you think you can save money ', ,
by waiting until you can spare it. And you wait and wait.
You are wrong. Xo man, no matter what his station
in life, can buy a piano in our store for less money by pay-
hiK cahIi down than the man who takes advantage of our
little-a-niontb plan.
Every piano on our floors Is marked the spot cash price. If
you want to borrow the money to pay for it, we will lend It to you.
Cash or time, the price Is the same.
We will sell you any piano you may Belect at the spot cash
- price and give you 20 to 30 months to pay for it In.
Suppose you tried to save the money to pay cash,
t'ould you do it? Would you do it?
The chances are NO, and In the end you would be without a
Think It over. Buy a piano today. Get acquainted with the
Hospe way of selling pianos and the standard lines handled by tha
Hospe bouse.
Let us talk with you.
No tricks; the only one price, uo-coni mission piano and music .
1513 ; :
Now Have Your Piano
$1.0" Week
$2.00 A WEEK
"Diamonds are goinK up, 1 notice."
"Yes; that's why 1 called."
"Eh? 1 don't understand."
"I want to borrow a twenty to keep my
wife's from going up." Philadelphia,
"What people want nowadays. Miss Perl,
Is a man who rushes ahead without regard
lo consequences. There ore no opening.
left tor a man of only stnyimt power.'
"Why. I'm sure, Mr. Horcly, there s al
ways the front door." Cleveland leader.
"It was a businrss cnn-i'emenr thai
kept me out last night," sild Mounds.
"Indeed:' rrplled Ills wif", coldly.
"Why, yes, you know I wotUun't deceive
"No. Oeorge. you wouldn't deceive me
no mutter what you said." Philadelphia,
Pi esf-.
Inquisitive Boarder You think the world
Is stowing better? (
Philosopnlcal Boarder 1 do. You rnrely
see a mother-in-law Joke In print now
adays. Chicago Tribune.
'Jack's mother-in-law took refuge under
n tree during the thunderstorm."
"And wns struck by lightning?1
"No: It didn't even hit the tree." Atlanta,,
"I don't wonder that prima donnas are so
scrappy." . V
"v hat's the answer?" .
' "They nearly ail gei their early training.
Ill church choirn." Washington Herald
"By the way, dear." began Mr. Bluf-,.
flngton. "I met a fellow today"
"Yes." Interrupted his wife, "I know. "4
"KhV How do you know?"
"1 smelted it on your breath." Philadel
phia Catholic Standard.
"Whii lever hecrmie of llennls Kewrne
ey ;
iou mean tne nan r rancisi o saii-iui
fellow who used to bawl about Chinese
cheap labor?"
"Tnnt's the man."
"Why, he's a capitalist now, nnd kicking
because Chinese labor isn't chen p." Phila
delphia Ledger.
"The woman I marry," lie said, "must be
glad to take me with all my faults."
"Oh. she will be." the jilr 1 replied.
"She ll be so desperate that faults won't "
cut any figure witn her." Chicago Record-,
"I think our new girl will turn out all
right." remarked Mrs. Fubbubs. "Her
name Is 'Aramlnta.' you know.''
"Well?" asked her husband.
"Well, we never had a girl named
minta' before." Philadelphia Press.
I'm longln' for Nebraska, for Nebraska In
the fall. , , .
With the deep blue sky above her, smllln
friendly on us all;
Where the sunshine never hurts your eyes,
the breeze is crisp and still.
And nature reems a broodin' soft as lorlrt'
mothers will
On the orchards full of apples nnd th
Ilelds all full of corn,
Asfd the yellow pumpkins wlshin' Hal
lowe'en had come and gone.
Then the Little Blue a-wlndin' down among
Its changin' leaves,
Where the first mild touch of autumn
leaves a thought that kind of grieves!
Oh,' I'm homesick Just a-tliit.kin' of tha ;
welcome that's in store
Among the kindly scenes and faces that
have greeted mo before;
I'm homesick Jut a-thlnkln' of tho beauty
of it all ,
Oh, I'm longln' fur Nebraska, for, Nebraska
in the fall! ,
Colorado Springs, Colo.
; Douglas St.
Tuned. Only $2.50
SFTrMifii it f i r V
Price $20