Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 11

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Office, 10 lerl
Commercial Giuo tttcidea to T& Up
Prtpiitin of Mr. iteeko?.
piah of. Raising money not decided
rhnnl Children I'mlmlil) Will He
hfd to t onlrlhnte small nni
-Hnndred Dollar Thnnghl
Be F.noaah.
i Kara Mr
trail, met
Meeker, the pioneer of the fire..,n
and talked with the executive
committee of the Commercial club yester-
uuy arternoon and the committee will as
sist in raising a fund sufficient to erect a
monument In this city to mark the end
f the trail. It la figured that $mo will
w ample to erect the desired, monument.
. Although the- plan of raisin the money
w.uj not decided upon at yesterday's meet
ing. It I ilknly the- children of the public
Kohoola win he given nn opportunity to
assist, wif"Tnli .contribution of 6 ur 10
cent will be permitted.
The members of -the executive o.n.niit
t"e wero much Interested hy Mr. Meeker's
J--seriptliiH Of. his, crossing the Missouri at
till iolnt in the early i'h. There were
several place where I he emigrants crossed
the river at, t.hla point, win rtt. civilization
then practically ended, One of these places
Was opposite r Florence,,' Another was the
Busha ferry, near .where the Illinois (Vn
trnl bridge low M, al,a K,m HIltlK.r WH(
ferry operated at Trader's, point, about
tix mires' south' 'of' Council Bluffs and
.nearly opposite what in now South Onialiit.
It was at Trailers point ferry that
Merker ami his young wife crossed the
river. Council Hluffs was then known as
Kanesvllle. When Mr. Meeker arrived at
the ferry he found several hundred ox
tanu and wagons crowded together In
the greatest conf union. Seeing the Impos
sibility of getting across the regular ferry.
Meeker and his .associates secured a skin!
and rowed across to the opposite side,
where he found nn old ferry sow half
burled In the nnd. They dug It up. patched
-It and succeeded in bringing It across to
this aide of the river, and bv digging a
runway through the hank finally got their
team and wagons safely across.
The monument which Mr. Meeker hopes
to erect here will he the last and it will
mark the end of the trail. From here he
For Governor.
, Centervllle. la.
For Lieutenant ('.overrun-.
1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 e . la.
For Secretary of State, i
J. H. Mi'M'RK, 1
Guthrie Center, la.
For State Auditor,
Oskaloosn. la.
For S t a t e T rea s u rer, .
Lake City. la.
For Attornev General,
Alhin. la.
For Judges of Supreme Court,
F.. M. OA Hit.
Manchester, la.
I.. M.,
Da nport, la.
For Clerk of Supreme Court,
.Shenandoah. la.
For Report r of the Supreme Court,
1(. W. PARKS,
Muscatine, la.
For Railroad Commissioners,
, , . . Iv-s Moines, la. ". .
Mount Pleasant, J.
For Superintendent of Schools,
Rock Rapid s. la.
For Congressman. Ninth lows.
- Harlan, Ia.
For Judge of the District Court,
Pottawattamie County, la.
For Representatives,
Council Bluffs, la.
Oakland, la.
For Treasurer.
Council BlutTa, la.
For Auditor,
Neolu, la,
For Sheriff,
Council Bluffs, la.
For Clerk of District Court,
' Walnut, la.
For Recorder,
FWKD I' Ei'liK,
Mlnden, la.
For County Attorney,
Avoca, la.
For Superintendent of Rehoola,
Oakland, la,.
For Surveyor,
Council Bluffs, la.
For Coroner,
, DR. J. F. SPR1NK,
.Council 'Bluff a. la.
For Supervlsora,
Macedonia, la.
1 )OM 1 N I C K G ROSS,
Pleaaant, la.
Valley, la.
Council Bluffs, la,
Carner Township.
For Judge of Superior Court.
Council Bluff a. la. ...
' For Justice of 'the Peace,
' Council Bluffs, la
gAMl'KL, A. tlREK.V.
Council Blurts, la.
For Constable-.
v Council Bluffs, la.
- Council Bluff, la.
For Clerk,
H. C I.l'CHOW.
Council Bluff. la.
. For Aawisaor.
Kane Township.
' - For Trustees,
. J 11. IABBF.N.
Kaate Township.
" "U U GARREl'doN.
fCane TownahJp.
. Oar business was established nearly SO year ago (1HH8).
We loan on horses, rattle, household furniture and other chattel.
-Our reputation and the business we enjoy ia the result of fair and libersl treat
ment of our patrons during these 20 years, our rate are uniformly lower th-.n
. other ortWs. Our loans ar mads in our own name and never sold or negottKted.
Remember our new onTces sro opposite side of the hall from our old are
'onvenieiitly arranged with private consulting rooms. We wish to wsrn the public
that we havs no connection with the tiiiu doing business undr the name of ths
Clurk Mortgage Co.. now occupying our old office. It 1 a compliment ws appre
ciate giving our name to their buiinea, but it Is confusing to the public.
CHir 'I'tione la 817 lKwi't confuse. It with lhe Tel. if Clara Mtg. Co. ,
St. Tel. 43.
will continue his Journey In hi wngon
to Indlan.vJ.olls. which he hopes to reach
before wlni. r m ts In.
Mr. Me
eeker Is camped In the lurce vacant i
lot at Seventh street and First a venue.
where he pltohid hi tent. His wagon anil
team were the center of attraction on the
streets yesterday, hs was the veteran lo-
in er nimscir. w ith his long, white hair and I
More Coles original Hot Blast stoves
lining satisfactory service In Council Bluffs
than of all othir kinds together. Don't buy
an experiment. We hnti the tested and
trld Cole s Original Hot Blast Stove for
ull kinds of ful In twenty-four styles Hnd
kI.'.cs. Paddock Hamlscliy
Main St.
lbiw. Co.. II 9.
It n I II nay you to look over my stock
of phonofrrsphs, bicycles and sewing ma
chines liefore you buy. I have some cspo
clul bnrg.ilns in bicycles. I rent sewing
machines. 8. M. Williamson. 17 So. Main St.
P.ring your jewelry repairing lo u. We
) remodel i,ld jewelry Into new styles.
All work done promptly and satisfactorily.
LKFFK.RT. the tt.Hable Jeweler.
Pictures for wedding giru.
aiffier, SIS Brondway.
C. E. Alex-
poi i.imj An ri:;itr tio placfji
lerk Mau Complete 1. 1st
oember Klertlon.
City Clerk Sapp announced yesterday the
location of the polling and registration
booths for the election to be held Tuesday.
Novcmler . The boards of registration
will ! In Bessl.ui Thursday and Friday tf
this week and Saturday. November 3. They
will also be In session on election day
for thw purpose of registering those who
by reason of absence from the city on the
three rcgulnr registration days were un
able to git their names on lhe books, or
foreign'. who may have received their
nnturalizat ion papers since the last regis
tration day. v
The following are the hx'atiiffis of th
polling und registration booths:
First Ward. First Precinct 132 East
First Ward, Second Precinct 207 East
Second Ward, First Precinct 23 Bryant
Second Ward, Second Precinct 2S4 West
Briiadwa v.
Third Ward. First Precinct 101 Fourth
et reel.
Third Ward, Second Precinct 821 South
Fourth Ward. First Precinct County
court house.
Fourth Ward. Second Precinct 1302 South
Mfth Ward. First Precinct County
building, corner Fifth avenue and Twelfth
f treet.
Fifth Ward. Second Precinct County
building, corner Thirteenth street and Fif
teenth u venue.
Sixth Ward. First Precinct County build
ing, corner Avenue B and Twenty-fourth
Sixth Ward
Second Precinct Fifth and
First Ward, First Precinct 218 East
First Ward, Second Precinct 217 East
Second Ward, First Precinct City build
ing. Second Ward, Second Precinct "t6 TVest
Third Ward, First Precinct 29 Fourth
Third Ward. Second Precinct 811 South
Fourth Ward, First Precinct Court house
(election day, Sta Pearl street).
Fourth Ward. Second Precinct 1212 South
Main Btreet.
Fifth Ward. First Precinct County build
ing, Fifth avenue and Twelfth street' (elec
tion day, U3 Fifth avenue).
Fifth Ward. Second Precinct Countv
building. South Thirteenth street (election
day. Ihii2 Thirteenth street).
Sixth Ward, First Precinct County bitild
Ing. Avenue B and Twenty-fourth street
(election day. 2P.I5 Avenue D).
Sixth Ward. Second Precinct Fifth and
Locust streets.
These are the registrars appointed by the
city council:
First Ward First precinct. Bruce B.
Dentler. J. S. Blanchard: Second nreclnct.
Carl J. Pryor. E. J. Abbott.
Second Ward Flrwt precinct, J. N. Cas
ady, Jr., J. W. Blanchard; Second precinct.
William Hlggeson. H. A. Balrd.
Third Ward FirM precinct. John J.
Frainey, Forrest Smith: Second precinct,
M. J. Hughes, V. J. Whlttaker.
Fourth Ward First nreclnct. Georae A.
i Haynes, C. G. Robinson; Second precinct.
diiitkb noysen. noren v uson.
Fifth Ward First precinct, Charles Dob
bins. J. F. McAneny; Second precinct. C.
Weslev. William McNItt.
Sixth Ward First precinct, John Mtkesell,
TV. II. James; Second precinct, John Han
sen, L. R. Bloedel.
Gentlemen's IO. ;ld Killed
Handsome engraved cases, with Elgin,
Waltham or Illinois new model nickel
movement. Guaranteed or money refunded.
LEFFERT, the Reliable Jeweler.
We do sell sheet music and books, pi
anos and organs, violins and strings and all
kinds of Instruments which will make
your home happy. Bouriclus Piano House.
3.15 Broadway, Council Bluffs, where the
organ stands upon the building.
Do not think because our lumber yards
are In Council Bluffs that we are not In
it. It enables us to bundle your lumber
with less cost. C. Hafer.
Two Meals a Day for Prisoners.
Prisoners In the city Jail will In future
get but two meals a day In place of the
three they now receive. There Is no work
now for the prisoners and Chief Richmond
has decided that two meals a day will
suffice. Brewkfust will be nerved about 'J
Cups of Cheer These
Hot lemonade ..
Hot Chocolate ..
. . lOc
. . lOc
. .10c
! Hot Malted Milk
t rierved with Whipped Cream and
! Saltln lliscuit. y
I Hot Beef Tea , . '. I0e
Hot Clara Bouillon 10e.
! Hot Tomato Bouillon lOc
Tasty, Nourishing and Ilefrenhinj.
Hot Chocolate and Egg . ... . . . . I3e
Hot Malted Milk and Egg ISe
Oyster Cocktail l.v
Oysters always fresh.
b. m. iind dinner and supper obmblned at
about 4 p. m.
Caterer Brook In paid 15 cent each for
menls furnished Inmates of the city Jail,
making In th pt 4S rent a day ths
rout of feeding ch prisoner. The cutting
nut of on? meal will make a material re
ducllon In the rout of feeding city prison
er. The meals furnished by Caterer B not
hm - e l.een nil ihut mnM i. H,irr.t hi'im
well eookert. wholesome and substantial un I
u sojourn In the city bastlte. especially In
i the whiter months hag proven a Godsend
'to manv a tramp.
Bring your tine watches to us for re
pair. We employ only the most skillful
watchmakers of many years' experience In
both Swiss and high grade railroad
w.itchis. Hatlsfnetlon absolutely guaran
teed. LEFFERT. the Reliable Jeweler.
CENTRAL FI.OUR-$t.1. Every sack
warranted.- Central Grocery and Meat Mar
ket. Both 'phone 24.
N. Y. numbing Co. Tel. 3. Night. 91
ttnnday Service.
First Presbyterian church. Rev. Marcus
V. McClure pastor. Morning service at
10:5) o'clock, sermon subject, " s III a
Mirror." Blblo school at noon and Young
People's meeting at H l p. m. Evening
worship at 7:10, sermon subvert, "Able to
Save." Midweek prayer meeting Wednes
day evening.
St. John's English Lutheran i hurch, Rey.
G. W. Snyder pastor. Preaching service
at 11 a. m. and 7;3i) p. m. In the morning
the pastor will take as the subject of his
sermon "The Cnlversal Magnet" and In the
evening "An Important Admonition." Sun
day school nt 9:45 a. m. Tonng Tcople's
meeting nt 7 p. m.
Broadway Methodist church. Rev. James
O'May pastor. Preaching services at l":.1"
a. in., when the imator will take aa the
ubj-'t of his sermon "Wages and Gifts."
Sunday school will be at noon and meeting
of F.pworth league at 6:30 p. m. At 7:30
p. m. Rev. T. C. Webster will preach on
the topic of "Salvation." There will be
special music at both morning and evening
At the Second Presbyterian church Rev.
Wilson TV. Talt of Odebolt, Iu.. will fill
the pulpit both morning and evening, serv
ices being at 10:H a. m. and 7:30 p. nt. Sun
day school will be at noon.
First Church of Christ, Scientist, will
hold services In Temple ' Emmanuel on
North Seventh street at 11 a. ni., when the
subject will be "Probation After Death. "
Sunday school will be at 12:15.
Second Church of Christ, Scientist, will
hold Bervleee at 10:4S a. m. In Woodmen
hull. Merriam block, when the subject will
be "Probation After Death." Sunday school
at 11:45. Regular midweek testimony meet
ing Wednesday evening at 7:45.
First Congregational church. Dr. Otter
beln O. Smith pastor. Morning services at
10:30. Evening vespers at 6 o'clock. Young
People's Study club at t p. m. Sunday
school at noon. Prayer meeting Wednesday
evening. 'Morning subject, "The Holy Spirit
and the Messages of Jesus;" evening,
"Spiritual Athletics." In addition to the
special music by the choir Miss DeGraft
of Omaha will sing a solo In the morning
and Miss Edith and Miss Alma Smith will
sing a duet at vespers.
Owing to the absence from the city of the
rector, Rev. H. W. Starr, and the Illness of
Lay Reader E. J. Abbott, there will be
no services today at St. Paul's Episcopal
church. Sunday school, however, will be
held at the usual hour.
Ladles' 15JM Gold Killed TVatehe
In beautifully engraved cases. Your choice
of Elgin, TValtham or Illinois movements.
Guaranteed to be good time pieces or
money refunded.
LEFFERT. the Reliable Jeweler.
Commercial Clob Regret Deaths.
At the meeting of the executive commit
tee of the Council Bluffs Commercial club
yesterday afternoon the following resolu
tions relative to the deaths of E. II.
Walters and John Schoentgen were adepted:
Resolved, by the executive committee of
the Council Bluffs Commercial club. That
the unsellish devotion of Mr. E. H. Walters,
and of Mr. John Schoentgen, during their
lifetime, to every cause in the Interest of
the development of our city, and the ad
vancement of our commercial prosperity,
marks their death as a serious and great
loss to our city and to this organization.
Mr. Walters and Mr. Schoentgen were at
all times earnest and enthusiastic support
ers of everything contributing to the best
Interests of the city, scrupulously atten
tive to every duty assigned to them and
earnestly watchful for every opportunity
In which they might be of service They
were men of most excellent ludgmeiit, and
their every effort was frte from the lest
Influence of selfish ambition or hope of
personal gain, prompted only with that high
Idea of duty for the good of the community
as a whole. They were at all times loyal
to a high Ideal and fearlessly opposed to
any standard of citizenship other than the
upright and honorable.
Resolved, That on behalf of the Council
Bluffs Commercial club, devoted to our
municipal development, we acknowledge
the Indebtedness of our community to the
steadfast nnd unselfish devotion to Mr.
Walters and Mr. Schoentgen during the
years of their residence among us.
Resolved, That the secretary be, and he
I hereby, directed to convey 10 the fami
lies of Mr. Walters and Mr. Bchoenttfon
the sympathy of the members of our or
ganisation, and cause these resolutions to
be spread upon our records, and published
In the dally press.
Look Oat for the China tilrl.
China-a-Lac demonstration. See Peterson
& Sohoening windows next week for great
demonstration. Chlna-a-Lac, wonder of
the age; makes ever thing old look like
new. Gel wise. Peterson Schoenlng Co.
TVe can sell jou a beautiful engraved,
best quality, guaranteed gold tilled brace
let for $C.0O. Othrrs us low as $1.50.
LEFFERT. the Reliable Jeweler.
Marriage License.
I.lcenney to wed were issued yesterday
to the following:
Name and Residence.
Walter G. Paul, Harlan, Iu
Mable Culllson Ross, llurlan, la..
Jens Soretiseii, Mlnd -n. In
Elsie Chrisferoon. Mlnden, Ia
Edgar B. Jones, Council Bluffs ...
KMella M. Dunlap. Council Bluffs.
Karl Allen. Council Bluffs
Clura Johnson, ghenanduah. Ia....
F. J. Swobnda. Omaha
Ethel M. Andrews, Omaha
... so
... 20
... 4
... 'Jo
... l
... -x
... IM
... I
... X
. Metsaar A- Co.
New Location of Wholesale Bakery.
516 Mynster Street. Co. Bluffs, la.
Home-mad Bread a Specialty.
Visitors Welcome.
Let us show you the patented Ecftps
grate. It never clogs. You will find it In
the Red Cross base burner only. Bwalue &
Mauer. ii and 333 Bdway.
Fancy rombs. in many new designs and
style, from 75c up to $10.00.
LEFFERT. the Reliable Jeweler.
Matters la District Coart.
Judge Macy yesterday discharged the
petit Jury, and there will be no more trisl
eases this term of court. The business of
the term is practically completed, but
Judge Macy will hold court two or thrte
duya during the week to dispose of pro
bate and such equity matters ss come be
fore him. The nnt term of court opens
Tuesday, October 30, with Judgs Green
pr siding.
The Jury In the case against William
Rolph. charged with breaking and enter
ing the Hoag drug store on Ixiwer Rroad-
1. v anil al.alin v i,
1 .. k.n,,uk I. . ....
j ' w. w -
nulttal last night, after being out nearly
nine hour.
In the case against William Rufus Jack-
eon, the negro charged with assaulting
with Intent to kill his wife, who recently
secured a divorce from him, brought In a
verdict last evening of guilty of simple
The case against 8. C. Whlttaker, In-
dieted on the charge of attempted crim
inal assault on little Anna Pallimaa. has
been continued until the next term.
Rosana Taylor commenced suit for dl
vorce from Zacharlah Taylor, to whom she
wa married August 17. 1S.VN In lxigan. Ia.
She asks to be awardi-d the custody of
their four nlror children. The defendant
has frequently of lt appeared In police
and the Justice courts on complaint of hi
wife. , She charges him with treating her
In a cruel and Inhuman manner so aa to
endanger her life.
Swanaon tlnale Co.
Pianos, organs and iiiuhIchI merchandise,
407 West Bdwny.
satisfaction guarantee'd.
The grandest opportunity ever known
for saving money on high-class piano
has brought many buyers to A. Hospe
company, 26 South Main street, Co. UlufTd.
. , - , 7 . . i
For Imported wines, liquors and Bud-
weiser beer go to L. Rosenfeld, wholesale i
liquor dealer, 519 South Main street. I
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The
October 20 by the Pottawattamie County
Abstract company of Council Bluffs:
Elliott l.owe to Allen C. Abbott, part
"4 se't. part ne sw4 and putt
seU swi 11-77-44. w. d $ 8,0n0
People's Saving Itank to TV. N. Cllf--fonl.
lot 2, In hlock S, in Kiddle s
subdivision in Council Bluffs, w. d. 3.t25
F. J. Duerr and wife to Edward
Blakley, lot 7. in block 4, In Pierce's
subdivision In Council Bluffs, la.,
w. d l.oeO
Henry L. Morehouse to Emma 11.
Jensen, lot . in J. F. Wilcox's sub
division In Council Bluffs, la., w. d. 1,200
Marv Stllen and husband to J. W.
Bell and i. P. Muliiueen, lot 1. In
block 43, In Beers' subdivision In
Council Bluffs, la., w. d 1,100
Cora A. West et al to S. M. Mo
Knight, lot 1. In block 9, In Street's
addition to Council Bluffs. Ia., w. d. IKK)
Christian Petersen and wife to John
Peterson, lot 5, In block 3. In Pierce's
addition to Council Bluffs. Ia., w. d. 150
Elmer L. Fehr to Frank Linden, part -of
lot 55, In Johnson's addition to
Council BlufTs. Ia., w. d ' 41i
G. M. Anderson and Wife to T. B.
Huff, lot 14, In block 18, In Mullln's
subdivision In Council Bluffs, Ia.,
w. d 300
F. J. Sohnorr and wife to S. M. Mc-
Knight, lot 1, in block i. In Street's
addition to Council Bluffs, la., d. .. 200
Ellen Flury to Theodore Campbell,
lot 10. In Mnry J. Moss' addition to
Loveland, la., w. a
Verne Benjamin to Frank Linden,
part lot 55. In Johnson's addition to
Council Bluffs. li. q. c. d 1
C. J. Mess-more and nusband to A. L.
Riche, lots. 4. 6 and , in diock. i.
In Quick Park addition to Council
Bluffs, la., w. d 1
Thirteen transfers, total
Wood or Wood Ton Xotf
Would you like to buy better wood and
more of It for less money? . TVe sell
stovo lengths and chunks. Missouri oak
wood at $1.60 a rick. This Is a bargain.
Brldensteln & Smith, 14th Ave. and 61U
St. Tel. 182.
If you want a good position, finish a
course at the Western Iowa college. Day
nd evening school. Enroll at any tin,
'Phone for information.
Week Inasnally ProlHIe of Recep
tion and Other Gathering.
Mrs. A. M. Weaver has gone for a visit
at a number of Colorado points.
The Ladies of the Maccabees will give a
card party In their hall Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mr: Kd Rogers of'TVillow ave.
nue left Thursday evening for a tii. to
Mrs. C. L. Cory of Berkely. Ca.1.. Is
visiting Miss E. M. Colburn, 164 Graham
Mrs. Clara O. Brown, 7! First avenuo.
Is home from a visit with her daughter
in St. Paul.
Mr. J. W. Laid left Thursday evening
for an extended trip to points on the
Pacific coast.
Miss Maud and Miss Stella Searlght
have returned from a three weeks' visit
to Branson, Kan.
Mrs. N. E. Hough of Neola Is the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. G. TV. Steele,
lWi Fifth avenue.
Miss Marguerite Roe left Tuesday
morning for Crete. Neb., where she will
enter Doane college.
Mrs. Buckley of Shelby. Ia.. is in the
city visiting at the home of her brother,
Rev. Charles Mayne.
Mrs J. H. Arthur entertained the Oak
land Avenue club Friday at her home, 111
West Washington avenue.
th. K-hitt.r Wluh was entertained Fri
day afternoon by Mins Josephine Blxby at
her home on East Broadway.
Mrs. A. S. Hazelton entertained the
Euchre club lust Wtdnesday nfternoon at
her home, Oakland avenue.
The C. M. L. club will be entertained by
Mrs. J. J. Hughes, Tenth avenue,
Wedmsday afternoon, October SI.
Mrs TV. II. Flndley of ' Lake Geneva Is
visiting at the' home of her brother, Mr.
Thompson, on South Firfct street.
Mrs. E. J. Gllliert and Mrs. H. A. Qulnn
will give a candy party next Friday after
noon for the benefit of tile creche.
Mr. and Mr. Clarence Hough b-rt
Wednesday for a visit of three weeks
with Mr. Hough's brother In Lawton,
Mr. Charles rituff and sister, Mrs. E.
A. Blunchard, left Thursday for a visit
with relatives iu Oregon, California and
Molilalia. .
Mrs. Irving Parsons, and son, Georv
or Malvern, ia., are visiting air, rtt -
son s mollier, Mrs. h iiuamsun, on Har
rison street.
Mrs. Charles Pruden of Boulder, Colo.,
Is in the city, the guest of her uncle,
Mr. O. IX Beswick, Seventeenth avenue
and Sixtli street.
The Little Bridge club was entertained
Tuesday afternoon at the homt of Mrs.
H. A. yulnn, 220 Oakland avenue. Mrs. Van
Ingewene won the prize.
Mr. Robert J. Huntington, formerly of
this city, but now a resident of Grauts
ville. I'tuh, Is visiting his sister. Mis. R.
A. Jamt-a, 104 West Broadway.
Mrs. Cantleld, 812 Avenue A, will enter
tain the Jolly Members Kensington Thurs
day afternoon. She will be ansisted by
Mrs. 8. Newton and Mrs. J. Nugent.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Evers went to
Valparaiso, Neb., to celebrate the golden
wedding of Mrs. Evers' parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Hnrtch Behmerwald, last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Batley of Denver
w. re guests of Mr. and Mis. II. . Battey
Friday, w hile en route to Poi turnout h. la.,
to visit their brother, Mr. George Baltey.
Mrs. V. TV.- Spies entertained at dinner
last Wedmsday evening. Those piexent
were Mrs. O. O. Smith. Mrs. Cass, Mrs.
Theodore Davis, Mrs. liaveralock and Mr.
L. E. Rue.
Mrs. Morris L. Petersen of lSHi South
Seventh street celebrated her twentieth
birthday last Tuesday by the entertainment
of about twenty guests, must of whom
wero relatives.
The St. Paul's guild was entertained Mon
day afternoon by Mr. Thompson. South
First street. About twenty members wire
present. After the meeting a dainty lunch
eon was served.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H Nelson snd 2011
left last Tuesday for Oakland, Cal., where
they expect tu make their home for about
two years, after which they expect to
return to the Bluffs.
Mrs. W. E. C rearm r and Vilas Ruby
Creamer of Chllllcothe, Mo., arrived yes
terday evening for a several week' visit
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thomp
son of 411 South First street.
Mrs. F. J. Thompson of South First
street entertained at cards last Tueaday
afternoon. Three tables were used, there
being sixteen guests pnsent. After cards
a dainty luncheon was served.
A high five and dancing ptrty was given
at the Royal Arcanum hall Monday evening
t which about fifty couples were present.
Mrs. Miller wus the women's prise and Mr.
G. J. Jackson carried off the Men's prize.
Ml Beat He Hooker has gone lo Hoo
ver saest her huh her. who Is returning
Li,v"" i' i..c ....
jcoaet siaiss oa Brilnu Vviuaihia. ib.y
.21. .IDOfi.
will together visit a number of Colorado
points before returning home.
The Woman's eluh cnt , rtalned la.-U
Wednesday afternoon ai the heme of Mrs.
A. P. llimhett, r.n South Sixth street. It
will continue to meet at Mrs. lluiicliett s
home every Wednesday afternoon for tin
remainder of the month of October.
The Knljhts of Columbus gave a dancing
farty last Wednesday night In their hall
n the Brown building A Utrae crowd of
young people were present and a long
prcgram of dances was given. They will
give a scries of dances during the winter,
this being the first.
The I'nivcrslty club met with Mrs. Mat
Williams, 7lt Madison avenue Wednes.ia.,
afternoon. .Mrs. Thompson acted as leader,
'lhe next meeting will be at the home of
Mrs. Meyer Hansen of Sherman avenue,
next Wednesday, when Mrs. Hansen will
give a demonstration of a Danish soup.
A very pretty event of the week was the
"linen shower1' given In honor of Mls
Clara Olson, at her home on Damon streH.
who Is to bo married in Los Angi-les. C.u..
in about a month, to Mr. MagniM Sumlin.
u, former resident of this city, where they
will make their home. Those prewtit were:
Miss Lydia. Bergiulst. Miss Manna Rcr'
qutst. Miss Henrietta Helgren, Miss Mab.e
Mnllne. Miss Jeckel. Miss Helga Petet'ii. ; p
Mr. Lcetlc Jnhns-ui, Dr. Thornholm, Mr.
tins Westertierg. Mr. Fred Wmte.hci
,e,g. Jtr. !
loin arc 1
YVulllie I
Collins ami Mr. Ryan, nil of whu
from Omaha; and Miss Vina tlunnls
Miss Minnie Gunnison, Mi.- Anna Wallnc
ft.!.. - vtruli... ln. M. .....I lt-a (1 V
;,,nlsnn i.r im, eitv- Mnnv lieauii'ful anil
' usvful linen pieces were presenttd. Tin' '
'evening was spent at games, utter which
, a supper was served.
One of the lending events' of the week '
was the reception given bv Mrs. E. C, :
Slnith. Ml,. Vleorgo Turner Phelps and I
Mrs. Edward H. White, nt the residence of ;
Mrs. Smith, 717 First avenue, Wednenl ty
afternoon. Mrs. Frank Kecline. Mis
Dodge, Mrs. Ernest K. Hart and Mrs.
W. Bushnell presided in the dining reoai.
assisted bv Mrs. Bert Pinney mid
Georgia Mitchell, while Mrs. A. P. Han- !
i-hett, Mrs. Parmelee, Mrs. Donald Macro.- I
and Mis Key assisted about the ro uiis. !
Ati. Ernrst Johnson. Mrs. J. G. Wadsi- '
worth. Miss Helen Baldwin and Miss Daily
presided over the punch bowl In the .Ibrary, ,
which was handsomelv decorated with
Amirlcan beauties uhd autumn leaves. The
drawing room was decorated In green and
pink, while the dining room wus decorated
in green and white.
Davis, drugs. ,
Clark's, sodas.
S-tuckeit sells carpet.
Fine engravings at l.effert's.
Ed Rogers' Tony Fuuat beer.
Get those new photos at Schmidt's.
Plumbing and. healing. Blxby & Son.
I-wls Cutler, funeral director, 'phone 9U7.
Woodrlng I ndertuklng company. Tel. &U.
Hot and cold drlnk.i. Fresh oysters 011
hand. Clark Drug Co.
See Stephen Bros, for (Ire brick and fire
clay, sewer pipe, tilting and garden hose.
Do you want It done right? If you do let
Boiwlckv ml S. Main, do your papering,
palming und Interior decorating.
Concordia lodge, Knights of Pythias, will
give a smoker TucMluy evening for its
members and their friends In Pytnlun hall.
I nay tiz r r ton tor Iron; mixed,
$10; stove. $5; rugs, lVfcC per lb.; rubljer,
I'c; copper, 14c per lb. J. Katelman, M)i
Main, both 'phones ti50.
We have the tinest line of sample monu
ments to select from in tho west. Shucb y
& ljine Marble and Granite works, 211
East Broadway, Council Blufls, la.
Winifred, the s-year-old daughter of Mrc.
H. A. Arnold, 3o.tH Avenue C, died yester
day morning. The funeral will be held
this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the leel
denco und burial will be in.Falrview ceme
tery. '
Frank Starr of the Cltisens' Gas and
Electric company has been called to Waco.
Tex., by the serious illness of hlB father.
Rev. F. R. Starr, who, with Mrs. Starr,
recently returned to Texas from Council
On complaint of his brother-in-law, John
Leonard, Frank like was yesterday placed
under bonds of $100 by Justice Field to keep
the neju'. Leonard complained that Pike
hud beat, bruised and threatened him and
that he was in tear 01 mm.
Have you thuugut of that winter suit' and
overcoat f Get them cleaned and mude
nice and new. Let us clean your carpets
and make house cleaning easy for you.
Prices reasonable. Council .Bluffs Cleaning
Co. and Rug Factory, 34 N. Main St. Both
'phones 610.
Ed Silkett, employed at E. L. Shugarfs
country residence, east of the elty, while
in the city last evening fell over a wagon
tongue and in some manner fractured tho
two bones of his right limb. He was first
taken to police headquarters and later re
moved to the General hospital.
L. Sharer, the Phllllplne campaign vet
eran, who has been woralng on tn Plumvr
farm, in Keg Creek townsuip, und against
whom an Information has been (Wed
charging lilui with being mttally deranged,
was yehlcrday temporarily committed to
St. Bernard s hospital for observation by
the commissioners.
Judge A. B. Thorneil, who has been hold
ing court at Atlanta., was in tne city yes
terday en route to his home in Sidney to
attend the funeral of the late Captain
Henry Bowen, who died last Friday. Cap
tain Bowen had been a resident of Fremont
county since 1x56 und was onu of the moat
prominent residents in tho county.
A party consisting of P. Gunnode, F.
Becbe, H. Hehurs. F. Fox, C. .Hafer, C.
Hamil, Dr. West, E. Watfrmun, I'. Knox,
TV. Keellne, R. Robblns and H. Mayne will
leave today for McPaul, la., ten days
or longer will be spent In decimating the
ducks, snipe and other game venturesome
enough to come within range of the hunt
ers' guns.
Hugh H. 8evmour, who at the recent
term of the federal court wus sentenced to
thirtv days In tho county Jail at Red Ouk
and "to pay a Hue of HuO nnd costs, was
brought before 1'nited States Commissioner
N A. Crawford yesterduy. Styniour took
the Mor debtor's oath und was released.
He pleaded guilty to impersonating a gov
eminent land agent.
James Muginnls, brought back from Mis
souri Valley two days ago to answer a
charge of forging a time check, preferred
against him by Ed Sage, for whom he had
worked, was discharged in Justice Oardl.
ner's court yesterday. Sage was unable to
produce the order allowed to have been
altered by Maginl. as tne cout in which
' tile ellp of paier was placed had been
; Htuleii
1,,.,,.. nii.ell. churned with attempting
to puss forged checks, waived a preliminary
hearing In police court yesterday morning
and was bound over to await the action
of the grand Jury, which convenes October
30. In default of bail placed at $ he
was committed to the county Jail It ha
been learned that Rucscll succeeded in
passing a forged check for $:tl.50 on A.
Gillnskl of 215 South Main street. He tend
ered the check In payment for a stove und
a dresser costing $20 and received the
change $11.50 In cash. He ordered the goods
delivered to what proved a fictitious ad
dress. Frank Parker, the Illinois Central fire
man who wss slashed Thursday by Aus
tin Cusheiiberry. a negro, was reported
.l rd-iv to lie In a critical condition and
his relatives have been sent for. The arm.
i ui in tne bone Just above the
ill 1st, has commenced to swell and It 1b
feared that blood poisoning has set In. The
negro, who is thought to have tied to
Omaha after the cutting, was reported to
have la-en seen at two different place In
this elty yesterday, but the police were
unable to put thflr hands upon him.
Men Tbooabt to Be Atlantic Hobbers
Arrested at Waluat.
ATLANTIC. Ia., Oct. 20. (Special.) Two
men accused of being the robbers who en
tered seven stores in Atlantic last Thurs
day nlKlit have been captured near Walnut
with nearly ull the stolen goods on their j.
person and $..& In money, consisting of
$1.75 in pennies, $20.40 In nickels and dinie-i
and $35.40 In other money. Besides the
money und stolen articles a full kit of
burglar tools was found in a grip thrown
sway by one of the men, and one of ths
bits In this outfit exactly tits all the holes
made tn the doors of ths stores entered.
Both men deny their guilt. One, John
PfebHinger Is a tailor, who was working j
around here and Walnut, and had noth
ing on his person at the time of his cap
ture. The officers, however, have strong
nroof of his connection with the robhrv.
V . . . . I
The other man gives his name as John or a treet xteullng robes, etc., from bug
Johnson and claims be was robbed of his j ui, g. Police on a clew followed him to tlis
clothes and a gold wu-h sod afterwards : country. When they came uiii bun lie
giyen the clothes hs wore when captured, j Jm-w a revolver and lit d. The buih t
t-'-i e.a Hi.. ult tr ken from the Charles I pawed thipngU the lower part of ti.e'coe.t
Blcvk sU'ie hns. Thus aie uisa iw d(;aud U outer life, not cuunu buj. it as
L !
...We Trust
P. C. De Vol
lvmik&J&W$ il'.l '-'Tv-? rsf-Vsr w
1 CKFOaT on your own fcj
1 JliliWR
rv r.rh.!; i.--.? wZ$9
U sr - -,- i- - ,r.vf Ti lI"'-e f-". f.-, ' . it'.ft - "l ir.Aj WI'F.S, '"
1 ni s.k MsT ' I III aV.-lf- t 31 Ml' -.W Tr ."w I
8 Cook Stove Made of solid planished steel. tjn ' n'
1 O -n .. .. , 3 r ..... 1... 1- nr1 V t'i
Cook Stove Made of solid planished steel,
lS-lnch oven, guaranteed perfect baker, as
bestos lined, large firebox; a range in every
way except the wanning closet; a $20 utove;
on sale Monday, $12.75. .
S,i-VW', .! J
- - - TC-- . usl jj '
Y .
Dresser This solid oak Tiresser,
highly polished, swell divided top
drawers, hard pine drawers ideated
and glued with shellac. Lare
bevel plate mirror: a good value
at $13. &0, on sale Monday, $9.75.
testify they saw him throw away tho over
coat and grip that was secured by the
officers. This man showed fight when sur
rounded, but was soon captured. Their
preliminary hearing wll be held Monday.
Homesteader OrioUf l.odtte.
WOODBINE, la.. Oct. 2o. (Sp. ciul.) The
local lodge of the I loin slcaders was or
ganized here this week with the following
officers: President. Ralph KeeiK-y; vice
president, John Lennox; secretary. Earl
Shorett; treasurer. Dr. J. TV. Stockman;
marshal, George Fite; lady of entertain
ment, Mrs. Goodnp; lady of charity, Mrs.
Herring; man-at-arms, Thomas Parker;
berald, OwenMahoney; chaplain, P. Parker.
Thra ofllcers will be Installed on the even
ing1 of November 6.
Child Crashed tu Ilea Hi.
WOODBINE. Ia., 0 t. Sl.-(Hp -cial.l-A
fatal accident occurred this wtik lo liny
Mefferd, the 5-yiar-old si u nf l.i-wls Mef
ferd. when he was playing near a pil of
six sacks of dried clover s-oil. The pile
toppled over upon the, child and - he wa
ciushed to death b.fore ustd-tance ould
be ecured.
Thief eboola at I'olleeniaii.
WEBSTER CITY. la.. Oct. 2.-(tipei tal
Telegram.) Chief of Police Ash was fired
upon lust night, while attempting tu urrcht
a thief. A strange man made th rounds
Vj I.
ivjl'T ' '
iwiA-ia'fcl..t..'jNii :.V
The Art Garland
Base Burner
The Dest ill the World
The sjir-clnl (uitenteii foal tires
on the (tiirlmiil mako It tho snc-
Ct'S it Is. TlX'SO piH-cilll fl'H-
tuit'S ate fouiiil mi (iarlnmls
tnl. The I'fvulvlns firo pot
crToctually clonus tho nshos
from tho ttppor pdit timl pront
lv assists Hie iitdiatliin of lioHt.
Tlir shaKIni! rlus and duplox
Ei'ntos catiso the coal to bo
bttinod tloan. It is not notos
sary 1o uho n coal screen on
the ashen nflor they have pass
ed tii roil Kh the Carlanil flro
pols. Kitully call untl let ua
tell you more about those ex
clusive features found on Gar
lands only.
the People...
la one of the many
methods that has
this pvo
tredit in
to tho
front rank. TVe show
all that Is new and
novel, useful nud
ornamental, stylish
nnd substantial, pro
uucea oy me coun
try's moit promi
nent Manufacturers.
volves the highest
standard of mercan
tile honor.
l'HICKS always
lowered to the low
est possible iioint
consistent with re
liable Merchandise.
TF.KMtf are made
to meet your Indi
vidual requirements.
Combination Eookoass
and Writing Desk, in
beautiful golden oak, 5
roomy shelves, one large
and ono small drawer be
low writing desk,
French plate mirror; a
$20 case, Monday, $14.75.
Extension Table This beautiful six
foot Pedestal Extension Tablo Is made of
iiuarler-sawed oak, tl Is hutiil robbed,
piano polish, massive and beautifully
carved legs; an $18.00 table Monday,
Iron Bed Brass top rails and knobs,
heavy chilled posts, our great $7.50 bed
leader, on sale Monday, $4.75.
Hlngle Curtains, in fine Nottingham,
sold as high aa $2.00, Monday, 63c.
Extra fine curtains of Imported French
Valenciennes, sold up to $3.60, Monday
only 800.
Kxlo, rluest 10-wlre body brusscls, In
scores of patterns, oriental, flower and
beautiful design; the best $17.50 value in
Omuliu; Monday's special price, $11.95.
- I 9 o'clock und the man having a team
ATLANTIC George Clarence Aker. ths
man who was kicked l,v u h...... u ...
days sgo, the Injury being directlv Over
.1 wound caused ly an operation for ap
pendicitis, died of Ills Injuries at the At
lantic hiwpltsl I -ml ninhi. He was 2 years
or ago and highly n-speeted. He leaves a
widowed mother, nlnu brothers und onu
WEBSTER CITY-Chlcf of police Ah
was lircd upon lust ninhl while attempting
to arrest a thief. An uiudmitilled man
hud la-en making the rounds of ihu HM-e. ti
stealing robes, etc.. fi-oin buggies. Whea
the police followed biin into the country
and were almost upon him he drew a re.
vulver and lired, tho bullet passing through
the lower part of the coat and trousi i
leg but not entering the body of Chief of
I ollee Ash. I'he man leaving the team cs
cajied. ATLANTIC Officers from the Jefferson
l it y. Mo., penlientiiiry arrived in th,- tltv
t.sUy und took buck to that institution
wilh them a man named N. M. Jillss. who
was wanted there for making his escape
last June. Ho had been sent up for live
year for forgery and had scried two
;nd a half years of Ids sentence wln n he
made bis escae, while working on u
boiler under guard. He had been In Anita
but a lew day whin he was captured
having come there from Grlswold.
Twralr Passenger are Said lo He
Injured Tlurtera Miles
from lloasloa. ,
JIOI'STON. TlX .' Oct. Ai.A . passenger
train has ben wrei-kl eighteen "miles
north of tills i lly un.l iwrnly passsugers
Injured. A n eciul ti ulu bus bci-u Seal h4
ih VMta . -