Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 15, Image 15

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Office, 10 Fearl St. Tel. 4.
latvle. drugs.
C'.ark's, aodn.
. Rtockert (ells rsrpets.
Tine engravings at I effort t.
Ed Rogers' Tony Faust beer.
Get those new photos at Schmidt's.
J Plumbing and heating Blxhy A Bon.
J lwls Cutler. funeral director, 'phone W7.
1 eVoodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. 339.
r 1'lAaiOISDH ah AN I.N VKrfTME.NT.
Kce Stephen Bros, for fire brick and fits
-iay. sewer pipe, fitting and garden hose.
K. A. SPfcNCfcK, lft TV. BROADWAY.
A marriage license was Issued venter.
day to J. bimon, aed U, and Clara fill,
ged 1. both of this city.
Uo you want It done right? If you do let
Koiwick, ill 8. Main, io jour papering,
puimlng and Interior uecoratlng.
1 pay u pr ton for cast iron; mixed,
ll'i; move, i; rags, l'c per lb.; ruuiR-r,
. c; copper, 14c per lb. J. Katelman,
Mdiix, both 'phones 6!').
We have the finest line of sample monu to select tioni In the west. 8hcl y
c Imm Marble and Granite work. 21 i
rtet f.roaaway. Council Hluns, la.
bocm MA I.N STREET. Tfc.l. J4o.
'i:tie genuine BecKwitn Round Oak Heater
l.ikes yuiir roonia " warm and clieeriul.
.Mine geuulne without the name on the
i-K. Bee tuem at Bwaine Mhuui's,
Stand. Strain All K rht Until After Her
Return to the Jail.
Friend of the Family Cornea and
Take Body nf Frank Polls
Back lo the Old Horn
for Rnrlnl.
Ing knight und his promotion caused the person did not vote at the preceding gen-
electlon of Ksteeme.l Loyal Knight Frank eral election.
H. Liggett an esteemed leading knight. , The list of registration places In th
nd listen inrc J lecturing Knight Joe TV. several precincts of the city Is now being
Smith as esteemed loyal knight and Esquire prepared by City Clerk Bapp. who Is ex
D. 10. Stuait as esteemed lecturing knight, perlenclng considerable difficulty In secur
ing suitable locations, owing to the scar
city of vacant (tores. .
We do sell aheet music and books, pi
anos and organs, violins and strings and all
kinds of Instruments which will make
your home happy. Bouiiclus Piano House,
S35 Broadway, Council Bluffs, where the
organ stands upon the bulling.-
Buy Cole's Original Hot Blast and rave
cne-thlrd of your fuel. Holds fire thirty
six hour without attention. Price, 110 to
$.. Paddock-Handsrhey Hardware Co., 41
Eouth Main.
f i
"f never yet have been
able to re-
llnlAa T)a.tt4 l ft
Sound Mind. , i,nrae .nanr wi r rirnu.
Tk. -.i...i. .,,,. ,n, h Clmrlea ! Obseqnlea.
r...n .in ..... in verdict The funeral services over the late John
allxe that Frank Is dead." was th plea I yesterday afternoon finding that Casson Schoentgen. vice president and general
made by Emma Rlpke when she asked to I was ,,ot of sound mind when he executed manager ot the Groneweg A Schoentgen
h". permitted to see the corpse of Frank hi, will. Judge Maey held that the claim company, held yesterday afteraoon at the
iveun ions, the man she stands charged of mlue influence had not been suMalned family residence on South sixth sirecx,
were attended by a large garnering oi
with having shot, when yesterday morn
ing she was Informed that a relative of
the dead man had arrived and would
take tn body eHst for burial. She pleaded
so earnestly that finally Sheriff Canning,
with the consent of Assistant County
Attorney Ross, had the young woman
by the evidence and took that part of the
cult away from the Jury. The suit was
broMght by two daughters of the late
Charles Casson. who left a large estate,
to have the will set aside, alleging that
their father was not of sound mind when
he executed tho Instrument, and further.
friends and business acquaintances of the
deceased, many being unable to gain ad
mittance to the house. The floral tributes
nearly filled a room. Rev. T. J. Mackay.
recVr of All Saints' Episcopal church,
Omaha, an old-time friend of the deceased
nfkT,,l.,t,otV1s:l,n'i.-taw """"" 'n Cha"I, i hat undue Influence had been brought to and the bereaved family, conducted the
or Ieput Sheriff Woolman. , .. v. .,, ,.,. , services, while the music was furnished
l r-a t .1,1 unit vj ui.wivtuit
While In the room where the body lay
the young woman succeeded In controlling
in uadwa
W. L. Thlr-kstun. an old-time member ! hPr f0,.n. . j , ...
or the local newsaper fraternity, will leave- ""' ""' '"-J""" trinn wuriu
shortly tor Aritau. iptuu. Am., wnere ho made no demonstration. On the way
litis secured a position as teacher of muttic I back to the county Jail, howrvor, she
in a college. I commenced to break down and sobbed as
John L. Price. 1M2 South Twelfth street, f nPr h(.art woul(, brpak 0nce nBia
u,;f4 All nil iti nutiuii uts bwici -iii-
Ihw, Myra nartuen, yesteroay, cnaigmg her
wlln ix'iiig ot unsound mind. The com
tiilBSionet a will Investigate the case today.
We are unloading a car of tine unio
potatoes In b una lo-bushul lots, liuc. Here
is a list ot goons Just arrived: Dill pickles,
eour krout, new honey from country,
maple aunar. bluck wainuta, Engllsn, wal
nuts, ralHins. Hurtel A Miller. Tel. HbU.
Have you thought of that winter suit and
overcoat.' tiet them cleaned and made
nice and new. Let us clean your carpets
and make House cleaning eany for you.
Prices leaaonable. Council biuits Cleaning
Co. and Hug Factory, 34 N. 41am St. Both
phones 61t.
F. Klotz of Omaha has written to H.
V. Battey. clerk of the district court, no
tifying him not to Issue a marriage license
to his eon, R. F. . or Raymond Klotx. If
. he should apply for one, as the young man
la not of age. Up to date young Klots has
not pu in an appearance at
. offloa.
f Attorney Richard Organ prepared habeas
corpua papers yesterday In an attempt to
' neoure the release from the county jail of
' IV A. McDonald, bound over to the grand
I Jury on a grave charge, preferred auainut
- him by his stepdaughter, Uoldle Curry.
Judge Macy will hear the application for
a writ today.
Ezra MVker. pioneer ft the Oregon
trail, arrived In Ccunetl Blurts with his
ox team and old nraiiier schooner from
. Omaha. He will camp here for a few I
- days and try to raise a fund for one of
: his monument to commemorate the fact:
' that this city was one of the main points
on the old overland trail.
'. r T L'lWnr. , V. nftn.,.kl. ...
r la-i Indicted for the theft of elahtcen bot'. I as to the manner of Potts' death, Mr.
1 tb-a of whisky from the express office In Cox said he had not and would not care
. . lewnu nrM,i oi inin town, en- fn Pnr... nv. "I have Just learned the
facts aa far as they have been ascer-
the Jail she threw herself down on her
cot and gave vent to shriek after shriek,
which could be heard for several blocks.
"Oh, Frank, why did you shoot your
self?" she cried. "Oh, Frank, I want to
go where you are."
With these and other less coherent ex
clamations she kept up a constant wail'
Ing for more than half an hour before
she could be quieted.
The body of the dead man was taken
to Oermantown, Ta., where tho mother
lives, last evening by Joseph A. Cox of
Philadelphia, u relative of the deceased,
who arrived here yesterday morning.
From Mr. Cox It was learned that Frank
Potta was his mother's only child, and
ahn had been kept In ignorance of the
The nui-Kago re
stated that her
son had died suddenly, and Mr. Cox said
as far as possible he would endeavor to
keep her Ignorant of tho real facts. The
father died about six years ago.
Mr. Cox. 1n company with A. W. Ask
with, one of the young woman's attor
neys, visited the county Jail and hod a
talk with Emma Ripke. Mr. Cox's visit
wu merely for the purpose of ascertain
ing what disposition had been made of
Potts' effects, and no mention was mado
by either of the trigedy.
Asked if he had formed any opinion
the clerk's . true facts of his death.
I ceiveu ny me moiner
his property so far as the plaintiffs were
concerned. It was announced that the case
would be taken up on appeal.
The trial of William Itolph. Indicted on
the charge of breaking Into the Hoag drug
store on West Broadway last Ffbruary
and stealing a miscellaneous assortment
of good.". Including a quantity of phono
graph records, which he Is alleged to have
disposed of in Omaha, was begun yester
day afternoon. Rolph, falling to furnish
bond, has been In the county Jail awaiting
trial since May.
H. L. Freeman began suit yesterday
against the Lund Real Estate company
of Chicago, claiming $.V.66 to be duo him
for salary and expense while In Us em
ploy. Money In the possession of Paul G.
Woerth, former local agent of the de
fendant company, was attached by Free
man to protect his claim. Mwr h(lr,M Ammtmut Rns.ell.
Charles Gregory of this city filed notice ! Th prellmlnary hearing of James Russell,
of suit against the New Nonpareil company wltn img two suit cases In
and TV. L. Thlckstun. a member of the nmaha. belonging to Linn Rubv.
repertorlal staff, claiming JS.OOrt damages prlltwhile champion wrestler of the state
for alleged libelous statements said to have ,f Iowa ,nd now m tne mork business In
been made In the published account of the Oregon, and with trying to cash two forged
recent divorce proceedings brought In the ( in thi, eiy. was continued In police
by a quartet, consisting of Mrs. T . W.
Sherman. Mrs. N. Ward. TV. L. Thlckstun
and TV. 8. Rigdon.
Interment was In Walnut Hill cemetery
and was private, only the Tnemhers of the
family and Immediate relatives being pres
ent. The avtlve pallbearers were O. B. Halgh,
W. F. Green. J. C. Hice, C. TV. Woodford.
C. E. Harmon, E. L. Combs. P. F. Fmlon
and F. P. Crawford. The honorary pall
bearers were William Groneweg, John
Bereshelm, H. L. Cummlngs. John Mehl
hop. Jr.. Thomas Metcalf, Fred Cox. R. F.
Nichols and Andrew Brodersen of Denl
on, la.
I CENTRAL FLOUR-tllU. Every sack
warranted. Central Grocery and Meat Mar
, ket. Both 'phones 24.
district court against Gregory.
court yesterday until today, at the request
L. Jackson began suit for divorce , .v.. .wendnnt's attorney. It was stated
tersid a plea of guilty yesterday In the
district court at Avoca and was sentenced
lo eighteen months In the Denlt.-nllai-v.
one month for each bottle he stole.
M. Flammant. a former resident of Coun
cil tiiiin.i, wnere he has still large prop
trtv interests, hut now In the
merchandise business In Mlneola. Ia., was for burial ana noi nv
the facta.
tained and have not had timo to form
an opinion. In my position It would be
verv easv to become prejudiced. What
yesterday from Bernard M. Jackson, to
whom she was married April 13, 190J, In St.
Joseph. Mo. She alleges cruel and Inhuman
treatment and asks that she bo awarded
the ciutody nf their minor child and that
her former name of Zula L. Meigs be re
stored to her.
C. A. Flower, as the administrator of
his son, 'Robert C. Flower, has brought suit
against the Chicago Great Western rail
road to recover IJn.GK) damages for the
death of his son. H. L. Hurley, engineer
of the train which Is said to have killed
young Flower. b made party defendant.
Toung Flower, who was employed aa a
large prop- i . t t do , to take lho boay back ' nreman ny the Milwaukee road, was killed
'la' la'" : for burial and not have his mother k-um ! August 30 last while going from his home
In the eltv yesterday to attend the fn.r.i .. t Knve it would kill hci. as eariy in tne morning to the roundhouse.
of the late John Schoentgen. Mr. Flam- ,h, .nnr,iv idolized Frank, her only child. I 1 alleged that Flower was struck by a
ZWt" Mo Mrs. Pott, ylslted her r "
young men came together to this country son and returned home bringing glowing the passing train, although at the time
accounts of how well he waa getting
Frank Potts. Mr. Cox said, wa a grad
uate of the University of Pennsylvania,
where he was one of the leading athletes.
. Miss Ripke Is a member of the Ger
man Lutheran church and yesterday Rev.
J. H. Lindemuyer. pastor of St. Paul's
German Evangelical Lutheran church, vis
ited her. The young woman appeared to
be much comforted by the visit of the
minister and waa much more composed
after it.
In 18t on the same sailing vessel, the vov.
age taking fifty days.
Wood or Wood Yon Sol t :
Would you like to uy ' better wood and
more of It for less money? We sell
stove lengths and chunks. Missouri oak
wood at $1.60 a rick. 7his Is a bargain.
Brldensteln &- Smith. 14th Ave. and 6ilt
St. Tel. 18:.
New maple sugar has arrived; ICHo
per lb.; mighty fine to make maple syrup
to serve with pancakes In the mornings.
.TV have all the leading brands. Newly
made, Aunt Jemima's, Advo and Grand
ma's. Bartel A Miller's. Tel. 359.
The grandest opportunity ever known
for saving money on high-class pianos
haa brought many buyers to A. Hoape
company, it South Main street, Co. bluffs.
Pictures for wedding gifts,
ander, 333 Broadway.
C. E. Alex-
For Imported wines, liquors and Bud
weiser beer go to L. Rosenfeld, wholesale
liquor dealer, 61 South Main street.
of the accident It waa thought that Flower
tried to board the train. The claim is
also made by the plaint... that the train
waa running at a greater rate of speed
than allowed.
A. Metsarar A- Co.
New Location of Wholesale Bakery,
518 Mynster Street, Co. Bluffs, la.
Home-mads Bread a Specialty,
Visitors Welcome.
Elks F.leel Ofllcera.
Dr. Gall TV. Hamilton waa elected ex
alted ruler of the Council Bluffs lodge
of Elks lust night to fill the vacancy
caused by the recent death of Edwin H.
Walters. Dr. Hamilton waa esteemed lead-
Orvis Market and Grocery
TNrtTTT mTTSWTXn in . .
New Kraut, per quart
Orvis best Flour,
per sack
Kavy Beans.
6 lbs.
Beat'Uiu-All and Swift's
Pride Soap, 9 bars
Soda and Oyster Crackers
per lb
Good Butter.
per lb
. per lb.
per quart .
Tea Dust.
2 lbs
Good Coffee,
per lb.
Our Saturday Specials Best of tho
Valley flour, per sk., 31.01!; rice, per lb..
5c; ginger snaps, per lb., Rc; new figs,
per pkg. 5c; English walnuts, per lb.,
19c; aauer kraut, per qt., 10c; maple
sugar, per lb., 16c; Wright's old-fashioned
buckwheat, per 10-lb. sack. 50c; dried
Lima beans, per lb., 7c; 35c Rio coffee, per
lb., today, 23c; 1-qt. can maple syrup,
88c; Grandma's pancake flour, 7c; new
mince meat, per pkg.. 8c; 10 bars good
soap, 26c; 10 cans oil sardines, 2sc; red
salmon, per can. 12 He; 2-lb. can Paxton
ft Gallagher's gas roasted coffee, 38c; sour
pickles, per doz.. 5c; universal food chop
per, 69c; wood-lined stove board, 67c; oil
cloth rugs, 57c; elbows, 7c; stovepipe, 10c;
coal hods, 19c; fire shovels, 3c; No, 8
granite teakettles, 4ilc, 59c. 69c; also
beef, pork, veal, mutton, poultry, oysters,
fish, etc., In our meat dept. J. Zoller
Merc. Co., 100-102-106 Broadway. 'Phones
320, Bell or Independent.
that Russell would likely waive the pre
liminary hearing.
An information charging Russell with
forgery waa filed yesterday. Russell, while
in South Omaha with Ruby, called with the
latter at the office of the Cox-Jones Com
mission company, and while there secured
a copy of the signature of P. R. Cox. the
senior member of the Arm. It Is charged
that Russell forged the signature of Mr.
Cox to a check for SSG7.7B and to another
for $15. First he tried to cash the check
for the large amount at the Hospe piano
tore on Main street, and falling to do sr.
then asked Mr. Over, the manager, to cash
the one for $15. Mr. Over was suspicious
and notified the police. Falling to cash the
checks at the Hospe store, Russell at.
tempteid to cash the $15 one at the tailor
shop of Carl Herr and later at the saloon
of Charles Lelbold. Further attempts to
raise money on the checks was stopped by
the police, who took Russell Into custody.
Russell,, after taking possession of Ruby's
suit cases, disposed of some of the articles
In them, but only part have been recovered.
A revolver, watch and the pedigrees of
some of Ruby's blooded horses are missing.
Russell, wnt was formerly a horseman, Is
said to have once been In the employ of
Ruby's brother.
Look Ont for the China t.lrl.
China-a-Lae demonstration. See Peterson
& Schoenlng windows next week for great
demonstrations. China -e-Lac, wonder of
the age; makes everything old look like
new. Get wise. Peterson & Schoenlng Co.
Iowa Leciil stare I till in Its Effort te
I beck Itinerant Merohaati,
Bryan Sends the Commoner Free to
Iowa Voters Vntll After the
Torember Eleetton -Hospital
tnn rolaoned.
, viii ciiaii vorrreponoeni. r j
t'M Mulcts, uct. is. tppeciao By
a decision of the supreme court, handed
down today, the amendment to the ped
dlers' license law Is declared to have
been Improperly drawn and hence Is of no
force and efTect and the old law Is put
In force. The old law allowed county
supervisors to Impose a license of from
$1 to $50 a year on "peddlers," giving no
definition to peddler. The amendment
adopted at the session of the leglsla
ture in 1904 attempted to change the law
so aa to Impose greater fees on peddlers ,
In the Interests of regular merchants.
It permitted a license of from $5 to !
$100 to be Imposed by supervisors and j
attempted to define "peddlers" as apply-
Ing to any "transient merchant or Itin- t
ernnt vendor selling by sample or taking
orders for present or future delivery." j
The title to the act making the amend- ;
ment designated only "peddlers." and the j
supreme court holds that a new class of I
persons cannot be brought under the
law by merely making the definition In
the body of the act, but that the new j
class must be mentioned In the title to
the act as well. It was recognized that
the old law had little effect In limiting j
the number of men who traveled about ,
the state, taking orders for mall order i
houses and the like. The new law was
Intended to do that. The decision of
the court was In the case of State against
Ed Bristow, appellant, of Plymouth
county, who traveled about taking or- :
ders from samples for the Great Western j
Tea company. In the district court the ,
state won and this Is now reversed.
Federal C'onrt t.ets Politician. I
Gary H. Sellars of Jesup. Ia., has I
given bonds for his appearance before
tho United States court at the December
term In Dubuque to answer to the charge ,
of opening a letter and publishing Its j
contents when the letter belonged to otner
parties. The affair Is an Incident of the
late campaign for the republican nomina
tion ot governor. The letter was sent
by Howard Tedford of Mt. Ayr. state
binder, to George Gallnrno, a newspaper
man. who, was doing work with the Per
kins headquarters and campaign commit
tee. The letter was senl to Gallarno at
Jesup and got into Seller's postofflce box j
by mistake. Sellars was a Cummins man ,
and when the letter was discovered to con- !
tain campaign Information and seemed to ,
disclose the fact that money was being
used In the campaign, Sellars showed the
letter to other Cummins men. Mr. Oal-
larno is now press agent for Claude R.
Porter. !
Committee Knmea Goltlob. j
Charles Gottlob of Clinton has bn ;
named by the republican county committee
of Clinton county as the republican candl- !
date for senator from that'eounty, for the j
second time filling a vacancy on the ticket j
since the county convention. Gottlcb's
nnme was certified to the secretary of stat
tndny and certilied back to the auditor of
Clinton countr.
Mnnlclpal Ownership Checked.
Before there can be any municipal owner
ship of street railways In Iowa there must
be a new law. A new law Is necessary also
before tho franchise can be leased to any
concern by a eity. There ir. a movement In
this city to be launched following the suits
determining the question of the franchise
of the Des Moines street railway to have
the city hold or retain the franchise and
lease It for an annual rental to a corpora,
tlon. Before this can be done, however. It
Is discovered there must be a law per
mitting It. Such a bill will be offered nt
the next session of the legislature.
mi VjuiIi li,iliilii Hi m. Iih ilMnlii lull! Mr i i i i lull . I II
Round Steak.
pr lb
Ixjlti Steak.
per it , ,
Porterhouse Steak,
per lb
Fresh Side; Pork,
per lb
Pork Sausage, link or
bulk, u lb
Snare Fiba.
3 lbs
Fresh Dressed Chirkeus,
per lb
Pot .Roust,
per lb
Boiling Beef,
per lb
Charles t'oukllusj; Recovers Reason.
H. V. Battey. clerk of the district court
and ' secretary of the Board of Commis
sioners on Insanity, received word yester
day from Superintendent Wltte that
Charles Conkllng had been discharged from
the state asylum at Clarlnda as cured.
Charles Conkllng la the Des Molncjs young
man who in February of laft year got
Into trouble in this city by attempting to
pass several forged checks. He wss In- I
dieted, but his relatives succeeded In hav
Real Kstate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The Bee
October 19 by the Pottawattamie County
Abstract company of Council Bluffs:
D. TV. Selbj- and wife to Charles V.
Lancaster, lot 11, block 3. Park add..
w. d $'!.10
George GruBh and wife to Henry J.
and John A. Quade, lot 21. block 8,
Steele & Woods add., w. d 1.600
Henry C. Brandes and wife to Mar
garet Harvey, part lots 8 and 9.
Avoca Lund and Ixan company's
subdiv. of part 9-77-39. w. d 1,200
Omaha and Grant Smelting company
to Cherles M. lots 6, 7 and
8, block 10, Benson's 1st add., w d.. 1,000
Executor of A. Cochran estate to Mary
H Aln. worth, lots 15 Hi 17. IS. 19
and 8). block 21, Central subdiv., w. d.
George Crush and wifo to Henry J.
Quade. lot 22. block 3. Steele &
Woods' add., w. d
Peter C. Hansen and wife to Will H.
Marks, lots 11 and 12, block S, Hijulres'
add., w. d
Seven transfers, total...
Do not think because our lumber yards
are In Council Bluffs that we are not In
it. It enables us to handle your lumber
with less cost. C. Hafer.
Voters Get Commoner Free. j
Iowa voters will get TV. J. Bryan's paper.
The Commoner, tree till the campaign j
closes. The democratic state committee has
been notified by Mr. Bryan that the paper j
will be sent free to as many voters as the ,
committee will furnish names and the com- j
mlttee is now busy hustling In the names.
It is presumed that the next two numbers
will contain considerable on the Iowa situ
ation. Eleventh Probably Safe.
Cablegrams were received at Fort Des
Moines yesterday saying that the Eleventh
United States cavnlry had arrived safe ind
had immediately departed for camp at
Santa Clara. It Is believed, therefore, that
the Eleventh was safely ashore and away
from Havana before the big storm that is
reported to have swept tho coast there.
nraes Are Poisoned.
Twenty-five nurses and two interne doc
tors at the Methodist hospital in this city
were polBoned by eating gooseberry pie.
None of the patients were poisoned.
Samples of the food eaten have been de
livered to State Chemist Kinney for
analysis and an Investigation will be made
to ascertain who was to blame.
Inveatlante Bribery.
John J. Hamilton, one of the wltne sses
who is allesed to have seen the money j
change hands in the brilwry charge agalast j
General Manager Hirpec of the Des Moines j
street railway, reiurneu to ues amines to.
A Real Stroke
You can learn to swim in two ways. You can
go down and stick your toes into the cold water
and scream, or you can jump off the dock into deep
water. Ridgway's chose the latter. We jumped
off a ljigh dock-into deep water ami a little chilly.
On our first number we wejit clear down out of
sight and when we came up we had to he putlod
ashore in a row-boat. On our second number we
didn't need the row-boat, but we did a heap of
spluttering and splashing. On this third number
we believe you will discover something that looks
almost like a stroke in our swimming. Read it
through and see if you don't think we are making
some progress.
LINDSAY DENISON, one of our editors, after
a consultation with President Iladley of Yale, has
written an interesting article on "Social Ostracism
as a Curb on Trust "Wrongdoer." In January,
15)00, Mr. Iladley advocated the social boycott a
the best means for stopping the misuse of the Trust
power by Trust and Insurance directors. Mr.
iladley was ridiculed for his suggestion. Since
then public opinion has changed from condemnation
to endorsement.
GEORGE W. OGDEN, contributes a Western
etory entitled "A Ilootored Edition." It is full
of incident with a woman's wit and intuition called
into play.
GELETT BURGESS has gathered a great
assortment of humor for this week. His own con
tribution, a droll Bab ballad, is happily illustrated
by Oliver Ilerford.
printed on super paper, depicting local and national
scenes and incidents in Business, Politics, Finance,
Sports and Society.
swing. Every department of the government is re
viewed in chatty, informing articles by an exclusive
staff of writers.
SAMUEL HOPKINS ADAMS and his associates
in Fourteen cities cover the big events of the week
in strong, forceful editorials, edited by telegraph.
Get Ridgways Today 10 Cents
The Ridgway Company
Publishers of Everybody's Magazine
Ridgway 's is a good medium for advertisers.
You get what you pay for in full measure. You
can advertise locally or nationally, as you wish.
Write for a rate card.
mouth out of the water until the parents,
hearing her screams, finally returned home
and rescued the Infant.
Woman Poisons Herself.
IOWA CITV. Ia.. Oct. 19. (Special Tele
gram.) Anna Bkarka. a domestic, killed
herself today by drinking water poisoned
by match heads.
Frvsh Supply of Fruit ana VeKtables Ktwtvrd Every Morning.
Robber Caught at Work.
FORT DODGE, Ia.. Oct. 19. (Special. )
Ing him adjudge insane, and he was com- i John Cotter, an ex-convict, was captured
mltted to the state insane asylum at by the police after a desperate fight when
Clarlnda in March. 19uC, and was not caught in the net of forcing an entrance day und waa at once subpoenaed before the
brought to trial under the Indictments re-jto the home of Hon. R. M. Wright, mem-i grand Jury. No Indictments were returned
turned by the grand Jury. ' her of the legislature from Webster county, today and the grand Jury adjourned till
Mr. Battey also received notification that ' Inmates of the house heard and tele- Wednesday of next week, when court will
Ben Shonciulst of Cut-off. who had prevl- phoned to the police nation. The officers j open In the new 5j0,0u0 court house.
ously been paroled from Clarlnda. had been hid In the bushes and watched him for a
discharged as cured. j time. He chuckled with fiendish glee as
j ! he went about his work, and when pnunctd
It will pay you to look over my stock upon by three men fought dfsperately. He
of phonographs, bicycles and sewing ma- i. thought to be crazy on the subject of
..Glen Avenue Grocery..
20 lbs. Sugar for $1.00
Extr Fine 8wet Potatoes, per bushel .6.V
Extra I-arge Dry Onions, per peck. 20c; per bushel 'oe
Extra Una Couutry lluttrr, per pound. . . .
Extra Fine Cookiug Batter, per pound. . . .
Extra Fancy Hand Picked Apples, pet bushel
hjiows or w in rasps, per peck . .
Good Cooking Appleg. peck...tOc
Extra Large Squash, each 5c
4 cans Atlantic Corn for 25c
j cana 20c Salmon for s.v
4 pounds Japan Rice for 25c
6 lbs. hand picked Nayy Beans. 25c
2 combs Honey 25c
4 pounds Ginger Snaps 25c
4 pounds Soda Crackers 25c
4 pounds Oyster Crackers. . . ,25c
Lemon Extract, per bottle. . .7lc
Extra fine Sour Pickles, dozen. .5c
50c Tea, p?r pound 25o
Extra Fine Hams, per pound
Yery Large Nice lUnaua. per dozen. . .
A 40 Mottle Maple Syrup for
AU Kinds of Talent Flour, per Back . . .
. . lot
. .2.V
chines before you buy. I have some espe
cial bargains in bicycles. I rent sewing
macliines. 6. M. Williamson. 17 So. Main St.
If you want a good position, finish a
course st the Western Iowa college. Day
!tnd evening school. Enroll at any time.
'Phone tor Information.
Mrs. General Loarau t'onilna.
General Grenvllle M. Dodge, who is ex
pected here Monday to supervise the com
pletion of the program for the entertain
ment of the annual reunion of the Society
of the Army of the Tennessee, to be held
In' tills city November S and . will be ac
companied by Mrs. John A. Logan and
the Utter s daughter, Mrs. Tucker. Mrs.
Logan and Mrs. Tucker will be guests st
the Dodge home and will remain here un
til after the reunion.
N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. r&O. Night. t91
Dales for It esUt rat Ion.
The registration boards will sit Thurs
day. October Jo; Friday, October J8. and
Sat ui day, November I.
Any person who voted at the general
election in 19H and Las not sines changed
his residence 111 not be required to reg
lstr for the costing election. It Is stated
the registration at the municipal election
'uai vpriiu will i.ot s;inVe in cane a
G.O.D. Market
128 W. Broadwaj Both 'Phones 65
Specials for Saturday
CllICKENii, per pound
per pound SVW
per pound iviw
per pound svfW
BEEF, pound "V
BEEF, pound C
per pound MJi
Coal forget, aay and all 9t rot
Boasts, So to eo.
aToae ovei So; regular pries. Bo to
too par pouaa.
Want Concentrating Rate.
Application by a Clarlnda poultry firm
has been made to the Iowa railroad com
mission for a concentrating rate on poultry
at Clarlnda. Such a rate would require the
railroads to haul poultry at a flat rate
from any distance In a given territory sur.
rounding Clarlnda to that potn. the poultry
to be reshlpped from there, in the case
of coal, the attorney general has held, such
a rate would be Illegal.
Blodgett Returns.
V. T. Blodgett, editor end publisher of
The Secretary, indicted for criminal libol.
anoeared in the sheriff's office here pre
pared to give bond for his appearance. Fol
lowing the indictment Blodgett could not
be found. The bond that he had was tor
but .000, and there were three Indict
ments and the bond was fixed at tl.OOO for
each. As a result Blodgett had to go to
Jail pending the securing of the other 11,000.
Iowa ws .Notes.
ATLANTIC Mrs. Otto Johnson and two
children were in a runaway accident th it
may result seriously and perhaps fatally
to the youngest child, who was. run over
and kicked down by the horse-""' The acci
dent wag caused by a team trying to go
around their buggy and catching the
tongue In the wtw'.a of their buggy turn
ing It over. It is not known yet whether
the little one will recover.
LEON Night Officer Forest Leroy wss
run down by the fire engine of the I-eon
five department and the engine, welgMmf
I.OOrt pounds, passed over his body, rap
ing the flesh from his shoulders, breaking
three rlliM and rupturing a blood ve. eel
In the region of the henrt, causing danger
nun internal hemorrhages. He Is In a veiy
critical condition and suffering Intense
pain, but has not lost consciousness at any
BIRMiNGHAMFre which eai--,l '
the Fklnner build n- f ro n a gas' n ex
plosion causud a IjO.iiOO loss last night, 'i e
Icsers were: J. A. Collins ft Co., on' stock,
IS.0Q0; Insurance. tl.OOO; loss on building.
I. T&rt; little Insurance. H. W. Albright,
hardware store: lows, $5,000; Insurance,
II. 000. G. D. Cook, photograph gallery;
loss, toO; insurance small. W. S, Allen,
attorney, and Dr. W. TV. Clark, offloee;
loss slight. W. TV. Clark, building and
residence; loss, t3.(H0; Insurance, 11,000. ,
MUSCATINE William Nagle, who Is act
cused of killing Carl Brady, an old man,'
on an Island In the fiver ahov this city,
escapes the charge of murder by a decision
of the Illinois supreme court. Nagle was
tried at Rock Island. Through negligence
of the county attorney In bringing the
man to trial within the statutory limita
tion, he escapes the murder chsrge, though
he may have to answer to any one of four
other indictments charging the same rf
fense, the penalty In each being life im
prisonment. ,
IOWA CITY The eleventh annual con
vention of the Iowa Order of the King's
Daughters and Sons Is In session her with
a large attendance. A notable feature of
the program this afternoon was a remark
able lecture on "Tli Problems of Tuber
culosis." by Rev. A. E. Kepford. state lec
turer of the Iowa Antl-Tuberculcsis so
ciety. Mr. Kepford la one of the ladlnc
orators of the state and the lecture waa
eloquent and Interesting. In fact,, to many
the subject dlscusaed was a revelation,
and It Is doubtful whether It would be pos
sible to And a lecture of such great human
tnterei. Dr. Kepford Is devoting his en
tire time to this lecture and has dates ex
tending through the year. Th convention
will close tomorrow.
ThreS'Year-Ola Heroine.
LAKE CITV. Lu, Oct. 19. (Spec ial.j The
1-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mra Fred
Etauffer 1 entitled to a Carnegie medal
if any hero or heroine is. for the litt.e girl
saved her baby sbter. a lH-year-old, fiom
drowning, not, perhaps, at tbe risk of her
own life, but with the display of presence
of mind which puts to shame the efforts
of me nvire mature persons.
The baby was playing about a big tub
filled with water In the yard. The parent)
of the children had gone away, and the
Infant fell Into the tub of water at the
pump. No one witnessed the accident, but
the little 3-ear-old sister and he soon dis
i covered that h.c strength did not permit
j her to lift the child from its perilous posi
tion. Instead, with great presence of mind,
he lifted the baby's bead and held lis
entral Grocery
and EUSeat Market
600-602 W. BROADWAY.
Prairie Chickens, each . .
Fancy Fresh Frog Legs, per
Red Alaska Salmou,
per can
Fancy Cream Cheese,
per pound
Winesap Apples,
per peck
Fancy Rio Coffee,
per pound
Large size cans
Pet Cream
Large size cans
Carnation Cream . .
Borden's Kajcle Milk,
per can
dozen 15o
Cat Fish,
per pound
Solid Packed Oysters,
per quart
Dressed Spring Chick
ens, per pound ,
Pork Roast,
per pound
Picnic Hams,
per pound
Goods Lard,
three pouuds.
Try our Central Flour, every sack warranted,
per sack