Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1906, Page 9, Image 9
THE OMAHA DA IT A HEE: FRIDAY. OCTODER 19, lttft. 9 It. Simmons Ww. 10 steers.. ..h42 I cnws 111 1 V. M Balrd-Wvo. steers.. ..irsn 4 in cow !'" t ' 15 CC. ...I W 1 50 Swan lond and Cattle Co. IVyit, CR11N AND PRODICE MARIET d it WhMt Fntm SaiMptibU to British InfiuMcm PRICES. CLOSE FRACTIONALLY HIGHER (eaelderable Baslaeee Deae 4 Wkea Livery! Cable Can trenerw F Xpert a Afraid of. Hr Mtaatlaa Cars Flra. 4d; futures. Arm; October.' nominal; De cmbfr, 4s 5d; January. 4a Id. , sew Yonk gkikhTi. WAUKF.T eaotatleee an Virltai NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS . J OMAHA. Oct. Is, 19n$. k jMh sentiment prevailed In the wheat Xfn "day and prices were generally shore yesterday's close. Liverpool cshle came fnnallerably higher and considerable trad ing wu done at the opening. Iater trade wss at a etandstllL "hough prices held Msher tn the close. Urgent demand for cvsh wheat .wi not talked a It wu yea Terday and cash prWt were atesdy. Exporter a aid they were doing- little business. On account of the car shortage they are afraid to offer anything for Im mediate shipment. Commission houaea were fairly rood buy er of corn early, but moat of the Melon demand was llirht and little corn was on the market. Prlcea early were up 4c. but later yielded half of the gain. The weather waa wet tn parte of the earn belt and caah demand wan a. little bettaj. Receipts were about aa expected. Primary wheat receipt were l.nM.ono Ruanda and shipments . sTtf.ooO buahela, against receipts last year of 1.809,000 buahela and shipments of 4S8.00O buahela. Corn re ceipts were (64,000 bushels and shipments SSi.ffW buahela, recelpta laat year of JSI.nno buahela and shipments of JaR.WO buahela. Clearance were 194,000 buahela of wheat. JtAflOO buahela of corn. 1.000 buahela of onta. and wheat and flour equal to 368,000 buahela. Liverpool closed. S94d hi grief on Wheat and K4J4d hlrher on com. Argentina wheat ahlpmenta were taioOnO bti"hele and com ahlpmenta l.X,000 buahela. New Tork wired: "Exporters aay the freight situation from Buffalo to New Tork la the moat aeiious we have rvar had. Ex pert era who work through theaa porta can not offer anything- to Vunlted States and , continental buyers. A meeting will be held here today In reward to thle matter.'" Rankin wired Von Dora Commission com pany: "Market Record, coming out today, estimating 17A.OO9.0nO buahela for the three northwest state la very bullish, and ea pvlally when you consider that the durum wheat Is Included In this amount. Wheat continues to go out of this oountry snd this will tell In time. It Is well to own some wheat around theaa prices." Local range ot optional I Articles. C 1 Wheat I , Dec....! Open. High. Low. Cloee. Teey. 'Mar. Corn Dec. May. ...q....'!!tL.!!4l d ft tthi ry liil nli ml f Oman a Caak galea. WHKAT-No. t hard, 1 car, 7Hc; No. 4 hard. 1 car. Mo. CORN Na. 3, 1 car. 8Mie: 1 car. SffVic. n rTS No. 4 white, t cars, ic. mo. . l car. uc. ' Onaana Caak Prleea. WHEAT No. t hard. ttffpWHc: No. I hard. CMffiTc; No. 4 hard. 3c; No. i spring, 844J s.c. corn-No. I. twrttKc: to. t yellow. 3Sc: No. S white, 4Mt3c. OATf4 No. t mixed, SNflflOHc; No. 1 whlta, tic; No. 4 white, OH(880c. RTK-No. t, Bc; No. I, 67He. Carlot Recelpta . Wheat Corn, Oa. Chicago Knaaaa City Minneapolis Omaha Diiliitli 8t. lxiiils M 28S M ace 4S SI 2B6 it 'to 138 af the Day ' ramanae-lilee. KfeW VOR K, Cct. lln.OCR-Re-Celpta, 5.V4 bbla.; exports, 11,777 bbla.; eslca, pksa.; market ateady, with btter In quiry; Mlnneanta patenta, M.loi440; Mlnnc sola bakers, 3.40133; winter patenta. W. ij 44 10: - winter etralaht. iiso3 : winter extraa, U ijt.A; winter low aradca, f. ia tT3 DO. Rye flour, firm; fstr to g'l. IHO: choice to fancy. f-l.Wffi4.15. Buckwheat flour, steady, tl.iMil. a, siKt and to arrive. 'ORXMAt Sloady; fine white and yellow. i.2Ayi.2t; coarac. flldWl 1-. kiln dried, tl.762.6. . . . RYE Klrm ; No. 2 a-eatern. (PHc.'c. I. f.. New Tork. BARLEY-Fteadr:, C'tC f- I BuffaM; malting. m&ic, c. I. f., Buffalo. WHEAT Hecelnta. 1).(K) buahela; x- porla 71.7 bnrhela: aalea. i.n,0ftn hubcla. foot firm; No. 2. 79'4c. elevator; No. 2 rfd, "4c, f. o. b., afloat: No. 1 northern 1m lutn; 7T4c f. o. b., afloat; N. 1 hard win ter. 4c 1. o. b., afloat. Sharp advances occurred arly In wheat on atrong cabl-a. bulltah Argentina news snd commlsalon house buvlnr. On later denlnla of the Ar gentina damage reports, longs unloaded and the afternoon market wna easier, cioaing only We net higher. Bales Included No. 1 red. May, M 7-KHjMV, closed mw; Lie cember, 82Vfi2Hc, closed, 82Hc. CORN Recelpta, 41.0IJ0 buyhela; eximrta, 174,477 bushels; sales, S2.O0O buahela; spot market Arm: No. 2, 64Hc elevator, snd 56ac. afloat: No. t 66Hc: No. 2 white. fH Option market was wlthotit transactions, rlnalng mt unchanged. January closed nt BOc; Mny closed at 49Sc; December closed at Giltc. OATS Recelpta. 72.000 bushels; exports. 1.123 bushels; spot market steady; mixed oats. 2SW32 pounds, 384c; natural white, 3033 pounds, 26c" FEED Firm; spring hrsn, 22.90 for October ahlpment; middlings, 222.35 Tor October shipment. HAT Firm : shipping. smfiSSc; good to choice. tl.ocTi.06. HOP8 Julct; etae, common to choice, 1908 crop. 21fi24c; 1 cron, lOfllfic; Paclllc coast, 1(og crop. lftSl&c; l!of crop. li(S14c. HI1E8 Steartv; Osiveaton. W ta 2B lbs.. 0c: California, il to 2S lbs., 21c; Texas dry, 24 to JO lbs , 19c. LEATHER Steady; arid, UViQile. PROVISIONS Beef, firm; family. 111) 12.50; mess, $0tjj9(: beef hams. n.nfKff fi.SA; packet, 1. 10.S0; city extra India mess, fit. 60 ip 17 00. Cut nieate, Prm; pick led bellies. I10.2M21150: nlckled shoulders, nominal; pickled hams, 112.00. iJird, flrmi western prime. $S.5&fi9 85; refined, steady; continent, J10.20; South America, 210.26; compound, V-WIM. Pork firm; family. Ils.OMrVJ.SO; short dear, l&.SOr3ll.50; mesa, 1.0CV61.75. , TA14OW Firm; city (12 per pkg.), 6c; country (pkgs. free), 6Mr5Sc. RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra. ic: Japan, nominal. BUTTER Firm; Street price, extra creamery, 27c. Official prices: Cream ery, common to extra. l!2iVic; hc'.d, sec onds to extra, 21926c; state dairy, common to fancy, l816c; renovated, common . to extra, WfrV&c'. western factory, common to firsts, PUttflRHo: western Imitation creamery, firsts, 19Vi!&20c. CHEESE Firm; slate, full cream, small fancy, Wad. fair to good, 12ii&12e; state, large fancy, 134c: state; fair to good, 12 nc; atate. Inferior, loHfilMSc. - BOOS Firm; atate, . Pennsylvania ' arid nearby, fancy selected white, SiMfrac; atate. choice. 0iaaic: state, mixed extra. 1j2!c; western firsts, 2625Hc: official prices, 24H 4?26c; western seconds, J2524c. POULTRY Alive, steady; spring chlck ena, lie; fowls, 13c; turkeys, lie. Dressed, easy; western spring chickens, loifjllc; spring turkeys,' 144318c; fowls, lOglJVic St. I.oals Oeaeral Market. ST. LOUIS, Oct. l.-WHrtAT-F1rm: track, No. 2 red, cash. . 7&H'&';fic; No. 2 hard, 'ZThc; Uecembcr TJc; May, 7744J 77e. track, no. z caan, 4411 40Sc; No. t white, 4M tpeotilativt Spirit if at a L01 ThMuchont the Ecuioi. Lbb AMALGAMATED COPPER ONLY FEATURE eBBBaamaaaam Placing tkt stock ea aa Elgkt Per teat Dividend Baala ( aaaes a Sharp I pward Moreaaent. bility this week Is 2770 pared with 36.46 per cent tr cent as corn iest week. 4 1 CIMCAtiO. ORAM AND PHOVIIIOXS Prices aa Board af Trade. CHICAGO. Oct. ll.-Firm cables bad a irengthenlng effect today on the local wlieat market. At the close wheat for Iiecemher delivery was up 4c. Corn and obis mere each up Ho. Provisions wers 2Wi 3c higher. Trading In the wheat pit was active dur ing the ilrst hour and the market had a strong uudertan. -4Mioria and oommtsalon ht-uses wers sctlve bidders, but offerings were light. The demand was based upon the strength of wheat at Liverpool. whl?h aa due, it was said, to continued light receipts st Winnipeg. Receipts at that point today were 122 cars, against 43s cars a year ago. - The market waa also bull lahly affected by a report from Duluth. which claimed an active demand there for export. The report of sales to a consid erable, amount at Kansas City and To peka, also tor exports, save further en cuuragenitnt to the bulls. During the laat hour a number of longs sold moder ately and prices receded somewhat. The close was steady, December opened Httc to Sa higher at 74o to TVc. oid up to 74Sc and then dicllned to 74'4c. The close was at 744074Hc Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 247,700 bushels. Primsry receipts were equal to l.Ottt.OGO bushels, against 1, 804,000 bushels -tor the same day laat year. Minneapolis, I l'uluth and Chlcsgo reported receipts of 1 tfi oars against 639 cars last week and 792 I cars a year ago. Corn was Arm In the early trading, with commission houses fairly active bidders, chiefly for the Msy delivery. Offerings, however, were light. The msrket waa bol'.lehly Influenced by firm cables and wet leather in the corn belt. Profit-taking late In the session resulted In a moderate decline. The close was steady. Decem ber opened 'tO higher at 4244c, sold between 4.'WiH2Hcia4??tc, and closed at 42Hc Local receipts were 205 cars, with 117 cars or contrsct grane. Trading In oats waa fairly active and tl market waa Arm. Commission houses and shorts were the principal buyer. De- t-mber opened Wic mguer at jsc ana .etwetn kJSfc-33'sc, and closed at 233 1SV. --Local receipts were St cars. Provisions were quiet and stesdy, the main features of ths market being, a c advance In the price of live hogs. Pit traders were Inclined to sell, but offerings were not large. Shorts gave the market good support. - At the close-January pork waa tin iH-c st 2170. Ird was up 2H at Ribs were 2HC6e hlgh.r st 27.44. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Whest, (2 cars: corn, fx) cars; osts. 72 cars; hogs, V ) head. The leading futures ranged aa follows: track, No. I cash,- 34c; May, 36c; No. 2 white. red winter patents. $3.?5 CORN-HIher: 44e; December, 4Mi.e. OATS Higher; December, 33Hc; 364J36HC. . . FLOUR Firm: 103.80: extra fancy and straight clear. 2.263 so. , 8EED8-TImoth', steady; 23.j0V4.uo. OORNMEAL Hteadyj 22.60. BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, 279 88c. ... HAT Steady; timothy, J12.00 r l.U'); prairie, $10.00612.60. IRON COTTON TIES 21.02. BAOfllNO 94C HEMP TWINK 9c. PROVISION Pork. steady: Jobbing. PS 60. Lard, higher; prime steam, 20, Dry 1 salt meats, steady: boxed extra shorts, 29.25; clear ribs, I9.62H; short cl ars, 29.67H. Bacon, ateady; boxed, extra shors. 110.50: clear ribs, iio.ikh; snort cieaia, 210.87H. POULTRY Dull; chickens, 9c; springs. set turkeys. 13c; ducks.- 104c; geese, sc. NEW YORK. Oct. 18 Speculative spirit:' was at a low ebb In the stock market to-. u.iy. ine ooara rwm traders nau incieas-i hig ditnculty in sculping a lractiunm pi..ut out ot tne movement ot prlcea as tneli own limited operations were about ail tm-ie was In Mi market. Ihe IncreuiKlng siUi;sisnn-HS ot pi-ires deterred even this ui opera tors trotn acting and the maiset Siina at one time nearer to actual stHgnatl-.ui than has been witnessed st tne stock exchange for many months. Had It not been tor tne stirring of Interest In Amalgamated Cop per tne business would have been even more lncoiinpicuous, '1 he placing of Amal gamated (..oi.pep on an 8 per cent dividend basis by a distribution of 41.50 regular dll dend, fau cents extra per share lor the quar ter, has been so couddentiy acclaimed tn.t tnet action should seem to reave little occasion lor surprise. The Way in which the stock jumpid on the announcement, however. Indicated a surprise on the part of some of the speculating element, i no resistance encountered by the stoc, on every upward movement for some ihne past was the basis for some fesrs tuat men dividend wss not to be Incressed, In spile of the uetnand for copper and the extraor dinarily profitable prices at which llio menu is si-lling. The backward action of Amalgamated Copper in face of the. profitable condition of tne trade and the general belief that Ine dividend was to be increased has formed the principal ground for a b"llef now preva lent that the leading financial powers of me country are doliiK what tney discourage active speculation In storks, while pi Meeting prices troifl any serious Inrosds by supporting measures in Ihe market. Speculative comment generally assigns the election as the probable period tor the termination of this restraint upon the slock market. This attitude Is believed to be due largely to the fact that the Slock market Is made subject ta survey and com ment In political discussions In a wsy that might make Its activities an Influence on the campaign. There has been a. total subsidence of discussion of a number of financial projects which were subjects of rumors and which were looked to aa a stimulating Influence on the speculation. It Is supposed that these also may be held up with the desire to await the passing of the political contest This prospect of lark of ammunition may have Its part In the discouragement of speculation. It Is also evident that the money market la playing Ita part In restraining stock market activity. Call loans went to 5 per cent early today, and held well above 4 per cent, thus precluding the Idea that yesiei day s flurry was due only to temporary stock market exigencies. The time money market gave a etlll more decisive demon stration of the narrowing of resources, the amount of funds offered on time loans be ing markedly less. A downward plungo in foreign exchange to near the gold import point was an incident of this development. although rates lor exchange subsequently rallied strongly. The weekly statement of the - Bank of England shows but a meager recuperation of the bullion supply, the Improvement in cf.illtlon being principally due to the scal ing down of outstanding credits. But this is raising the open market discounts and thus establishing the hank's rate In the open market. Discounts also hardened at Paris today. The effect of the 2H point rise In Amalgamated Copper after the dividend announced . soon passed and the market, closed easy at the reaction. -' . Bonds were steady. Total Bales, par vshie, 21.924.O0O. United Slates 2s and the new 4s advanced M per cent on call. The following was the range of prices on the New York Stock exchange: Baiea. Hlili. Sew York Hewey Market. NEW YORK, Oct lS.-MONET-On call. Arm at W-i rr cent rating rats', 4H per cent; closing h.d, 4 per cent; o fie red at 44 per cent, 'lime loans, elrunger; sixty Vys, i per cent; ninety day.- per cent; -six months, 6 per cent. PRIME MKRCANT1LH- PAPEft-SiHVi per cent. STERLING EXCHANOE-Irregulsr, with actual- business In bankers" bills st 24.84Svtf 4 84:6 for den-and and at 47W54Hii for stxiy-dav hills; ported ffttea, 2l.81fi4.lVi snd f 4f4.aH; coatmerHal b II. 84.7. HILVfciK Bar, 70r; Mexican d.Wlsrs. 63-vc. - BON 18 Oorernnient, "Strong; rellroad, neavy. 1 Quotations on bond! today were as lows: . ,. i S. rot. 4a res 14 t'ti ta. 14 aeries. fol- r. B. rH. 4a res An eowann ...14 V. s, Is, res... !.1SH4 So mpo& ...w.Ui.itaW f. 8. eld 4H, ret H'! 4n eeupen' Hj V. S. n. 4. rg fa coupon 13ot Am. Torsero 4 19 So At-bl4n sen. 4 lot 4 ait). 4a 7 Atlantic r. I 4a t Bal. Ohio 4a mi do as 4 ark. k. T. r. 4a rrntral of Ga. ta 113 do 1st Inc do M Inc n do 3d Inc t a rnea. A Ohio 4Hi....l i nieasn A. la ... T c, B a q nti. C R. I. P. 4 do eel, to rrr. a gt. l. i 4i Colo. tnd. Is. aer. Colorado tDd. ... Colo. A So. 4a Cuba 6a li. A R. O 41... Dtatlllcra' See. t. Brla p. I. 4a do gan. 4a Hockloa Val. 4Ha. Japan 4a 'Offered. . "4 IS f" I0OV, aa :iS li aa JH UI la4 . n Pentl. coot. Ii 1"J Ttaadlna acn. 4a I tftt L. ft M. c. NI..I1I St.-L S r. f 4a. l'4 do 4a rtra An -m ctta . en M aerlas it N. unl 4a Man. e. f. 4a ilea, (-antral 4 do litt Ino Mian. M. L 4a...'. M . K. T. 4a do r N. R. R. of at. c. 4a. N. V. C. I 'a N. J. C. I la So. Pacific 4 da la S. A W. c. la o. 8. L. rfda OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Good Iisd.1 f CktUt Etcady, Otbsr : How t Lowtr. .. HI St. U. S. W. c. 4a. ... 10 f!eabnard A. L. 4 ... K So. raclflc 4a i .lt'IH no '"l " rt'a A. 7) So Railway (a ... 7 Ta P. In ... s.1 It. , st. u A w. ...104 fnlon racitc 4.. ... HU' t". S Steel td (. . ttei . II .H7 5' Wahaah la do d.h. n Western Md. 4a.. W L. K. 4a. Wla. Cantral 4a. t4 . 14 . li ....111 ....li4 4,. M't ....134) ....100 , ....1131 .... .... W 54 .... 14 Boaton Starke Bad Bonds. BOSTON. t)ct. la-Call loans, ift per can to i cenu. lime loans, o''U'' 1 per cent, umciai quoiaiions on siucKc ana nonos wers Atrhlion adj. 4a loi lAtlantlc do 4a M Ininaham Hex. ('antral 4a 7H en Hacia Atchlaon 10?H Ccntannlal do pfd ,.r.7 loiVfc C!npper Ranae BUTT KR Steady: creamery. 2ia27ttc; dairy, lfcaxc. EGGS Steady at 16c. Receipts. Flour, bbla HV10 Wheat, bu RS.fleO Corn, bu 97,ono OaU, bu 139.000 Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Anf. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Mlaneapolls Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. lo.-P'I.OrR-Flrst patents, 4.2oH;M.0; second patenta, 2I.OVS 4-16: first clears, 23.268.36; second clears. 21 404-2.80. BRAN In tbulk, 216.Z&m.6o. (Superior Board of i rao quotations for Minneapolis and Chicago delivery). Tha range of prlcea. aa reported by P. D. Day 4 Co., 110-111 Board of Trade, was: Articles. Oyen. Hlgh.j Low. Cloae. Articles. I Open. Hlgh. low. C1oae.Yea y. awhent t I lec. l74tOal May Corn , Oct. Dec. Mav ' aoata i lec. . May July ' Pork " Jan. May Ird- (Vt. . No. Jan. May ba-' rvt. Jan. ; May 170 6W !43STfcl !4-'iStTa 13 65 is nw 40 la 27Hl I 16 j T KV 74H TV 4S 41" MS 33 13 72' 14 so 40 1714 7 74'4'74VtfN!74 0 7S178'ii'T.7SaWl 44'a 4?4 44t;I 4SI 43HitstrA4i 3ft 4Z4 43', .4t.W 33H'S31K 33MrH 12 S 12 87H I 80 1H t 15 7 40 T0 12 TO U M I7H n 2 16 IT1 16 1.1 13 12 87H 7H T4 2 i:' J !( c4 Wheat .. Dec. .. May .. July .. Flax- Oct. .. Nov. . Dee. . . May .. ,474Vi I 1 12H 1 12 1 10 1 13H T4s 784. 79V4 1 I'-'HI 1 I2i;i i vm 1 14SI Mlnneapolla Cash Prices Wheat: No. 1 hard, 77c: No. 1 northern. 77c; to arrive. 7tmc; No. 2 northern. 76c; to arrive, 744c; No. 2. 78aT4c; No. 1 durum, fi6Vo; to arrive, 44c; No. 2 durum, S3:4c; to arrive, 62 c. Corn: No. 2 yellow, 4Jic; No. 2. 4;c. Outs: No. 3 white, 214c; No. 3, ;!94fe3i4c. Bar ley, 86SHc. Rye. 674fp-ae,c. Max. $1,114. Kaasas City firala aad Prevlaloua. KANSAS CITY. Oct 18.-WHEAT-De-cember. 68TiC! May- No. 2 hard. 704S7:4o ; No. 2. BsStfOc; No. 2 red. lOtlc; No. 2. 6fi4'a94c. CORN December. 27V4c; May. 4c; July. 3.V: cash. No. t mixed, 40c; No. 3 white, 4i'i4c4:'4c. OAT No. 2. 334034c; ,No. 2 mixed, 32(3 C4c- EX3GS Market Arm; extraa. 3c: flrata, S2c: aeconds, 164c. HAY Market atrong: choice timothy, Hiairt2.60: choice prairie, 2',&i',&r0.0o. RYE Steady; 611& 40r BUTTER Creamery, ?6c;. packing, lilc. Receipts. Bliipinenta. Wheat, bu ;. jat.OkX) lthi.too Com. bu 21," m 4:.fiio Oata. bu 8.000 , v 21.000 Pkllaslelplila l-rodace Market PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 1. BVTTFR Firm; extra weatern- creamery, official price. 27c; rtreet price,- Sic; extra neirby prints. 30c. . EfKJS Firm: resrby fresh snd western fresh, 16c at mark. CHEESE Firm; New York full creams, fancy. 13T13c; Nem- York full creams, choice. U,e; New York full creams. c. Adania Rxpraaa Amalgamated Copper .... American C. a- P Am. C. St r. ptd Cotton oil Totton Oil pfd Exproao H. I P'd lea, aacurttlea Llnaetd Oil Unaead oil pfd ... Locoraottva Locomotive Sf4 8. R 8. R. pfd Sagar Reflnlne; Tonacco pfd ctta... Anaconda Hlnlnf Co.... Atchlaon Atchlaon pfd Atlantic Coast Lisa Baltimore 41 Ohio Bal. A Obs pfd Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt. Ohlnmuita 1 iBnanian rariue Shipments . . , ........ It ' Chaaapaake A Ohio ' Chicago Ot. W SS-OO' Chlcaso N. W 5!,10M j Chicago. Mil. Bt. P .. I Chicago T. A T cuioago T. a t. pia (.'., C. C. ft St. L Colorado T. ft I Colorado ft no Colo, ft So. tat pfd Colo. A So. Id pfd Consolidated Oaa Corn Produota, rff Com Producta pfd. rf(.. Dalaa-ara ft Hudaon lialaware. L. ft W Denver ft R. O IV ft R. O. pfd Dlitlllara' SecurlthM .... Erla Kra lat pfd Brla !d pfd Orneral Electric Hocking Vallrr llllnola Cantral - Inurnational Paper ,. Int. Paper pfd bit. Pump Int. Pump pfd Iowa Cantral Inma Central pfd Kanaaa Clt 80 K. C. 80. pfd. Loutftvlllo ft Naab Mexican Cantral Mlnnaapolla ft St. M , 8t. P. ft 8. 8. 14., St. P. ft 8. 8. Mliaourl Paclllc M.. K. ft T M., K. ft T. pfd National iMt National R. R. of M. New Tork Central...., N. T.. O. ft W Norfolk, ft W eat am... Norfolk ft W. pfd North Americas PaclOo Mall Panntvlvgnla People' a Uaa P., 0.. C. ft 1. L. . . . Pnutd Steel Car Prewad 8 C. pfd Pullman Palace Car.. Reading Raading lat pfd Reading U pfd Republic Steal Rrpubllo Steal pfd ... Hock Ialand Co Rock Island Co. pfd . St. U ft 8. P td pfd S. Louta 8. W St. L. 8. W. pfd 80. Pacific So. Pacific pfd So. Railway So. Railwar pfd...... Tenneaeae f. ft I Taaaa ft Pacific Toledo. St. U ft W. T . 8t. L. ft W. pfd. Tnlon Pacific Vnloa PaclAa af4....: .til. too . I.OO oo 100 40 117Vk 4STi lot 344 Low. 11s 46 101 14 3bS 17 404 SOS 744 74 l. tm - 500 Ino 34. WO 7.100 IDS .'i'icO 10O S4.700 t.M 1114 134 10014 t34 1034 10114 iifS !4 04 1UH isa -1114 1H HI (to ims 1014 4!4 74 1404 400 114 41 74 784 794 1 12.l 1 u 1 10 1 134 T44 784 7V4 1 124 1 li 1 104 1 144 TOO 4. tOO 10 ItOO 400 too 1,100 700 700 400 2014 1744 IS U4 last 114 140 H 74 M4 1744 ti U U4 II M4 in to 714 M0 41 1 rio 4.704 H4 44 414 70 44 Cloaa. rt 114 4ft 101 a S4 144 SO l4 a "4 111 IM 111 IIF. i4 H14 iot'4 101 1M4 1:1 . 12 11 110 tit II II fo' 174 11 Mt, K M4 l4 41 44 H 140 " 16 4 1 , SM Boaton ft Alhonr Bnntoa ft Maine... Bnotnn Klevated .'. Pltchhurg pfd Mexican Cantral .. N. T.. N. H. II Per Marquette ... t'nlon Paclgc A mar. Arge. Cham, do pfd Amer. Pnau. Tube.... 14 Areer. Sugar 114 do pfd , . Amer. T. ft T IM4 Amar. Woolen 31 do pfd ms'i Dominion I. ft 8 !4 Edlaon Elae. Ills. ...234 Maaa Electric ... do pfd Mat. Oaa ........ I'nltfd Shoe Macs do pfd V. 8. Steal do pfd .u fnited fruit Adventure Allouei Amalgamated .140 .144 1.M .1U II i4 70 40 71", Bids. aAsked. Iialjr Want Feacklln lOranby' tale Rovala IIS Miw. Mining IHiMkhlgan f I'Mohawk lup oid Dominion .... titaceom Parrot ............ QMlncr Shannon ' Tamarack Trlnllr I'nlted Copper ... C 8. Mining IT. 8. Ol Vtah , Victoria ............ Wlnana Wolverine North Butte il Butte t lit 100 . aa't Nevada .107 Mitchell .107 t'-al. Arlaona... . T4Tecumftefei . 40Arlinna Cam ill iGreene con .. 14 .. tfi ...' .. 2H .. k:4 .. 11 .. 13 .. 14 .. 4 -- .. 174 .. 2 .. aa .. 11 ..lS4 .. it ..14 .. I ..l1i .. 41 .. 10 .. 47 .. 4', .. 11 ..161 ..111 .. 11 .. St 44 ..m .. i', .. S4 .. '. HOG VALUER SHOW SJMt IMPROVtMLNT Reeelpla ( Sheep aad I.aatba l.laht, with Deaaaad (toad aad Trade Fairly Aetlae at Uood lteady ta Strenc Prlcea. SOl'Tli OMAHA. Oct. IS. Ha., l.ecelpts weie; Cattle, ll.igs. bliecp. uiiichi Monday s.w.l a.l.j ii,uu tJliit irfi luesoay ,44 e.u.o ol.laaj m.ciuI eunec-iay lu.fc) 4,ouo OllKkti 'Inursouy , b.W fl steers. ...I.-?:! 4 feeders.. m) 41 corns... S cows. .. 18 steers.. 18.A4J In. WO lt).J li,: Cattle ' .. Hogs .... ISIieep ... K.iXhI it. tan lll.lkM i'l.lna "ih.oM tMJ.K.4 lM.JAj iV,CA4 r'our days this week...t4.4ol 8ame days last wcea Jv.oni bame tau wee ki ago t.n ftaine tniee wetwi SKo..2n,444 ktuine lour weeks aso... .-1.4,6 Hnnic aa-s last year :. ihe louowing table shows the receipts of cattle, nogs and sheep at ttoutu Omaha fur tne year to uate. uumpartd wnn i-iat yeai: v iie. ikoa. ino fci.ji' Te,.l 3n,l. S.Vwi.oJo l.twl.Jut ....l.nltl.lUO l.VM.tiit CATTLE Ot'OTATlONS. yiood to Cti.uce uuin-ted sleeis air 10 gocu co, n-ieu stecia.. Jinnion to Uir vuin-led steers... uood to choice range steers , air tu 800( ranau staeis t-uii.iiMM. to a,r ,,lg. steers. ..... rass cows and 4rut rs...., air to good cows and heifers.... fill'i"yn 10 l,lr -'uw ueircrs. uood to choice stuckeis and fdrs., r air to good Blockers and leaders. toir,lllotl iu ,tock.t Buns, stags, etc Veal calve fe following table shows the ll, rL. , J10 ft Souitt Omaha lor me last oaya, witn compuiiauns; 4 fx' Si cows.. 2 90 J. V. Stetter Neh !'2 2 75 K cows 1! f-W 2 Si K cows VU 7:l 4 16 4 H"'i....lii: I). H. Ingram- Nel. f calves... 11 & 00 Mlll.lKle C. Co. Neh. 101 cows.... 1T1 2 4 cows.... W. C. Brown-Neb. 1. cows 1015 2 1: feeders. W. K. 8"per el. SI feeders.. 71 2 mi :'l htlfers.. Hoas Atnapolter-Neb. 19 feeders.. '".4 2 .Vi rows O. C. McKnrlree-Neh. 9 cows 7V3 2 ;5 1', hclfrs.. K. n Rvun-Neh. 20 steers.. ..111 4 R5 A. B 1a Molt Nrh. 11 steers.. ..130 4 7S T. Andrews Idaho. - I heifers... 7RS 2 W ;I4 1 2 7 t w 4 W 72 2 2 Tlal 4?7 1 sS 2 8 l 1. 1. $: 1T4.; storkeis csu-e.a sod yearlings. cows, tmlls and mi a no leeoers, l It'll 4 is Hi-tie Receipts, :.ii head;, -inkrket io lower, selling ul 4.i )t. 16, i.jIk of aalea, t. Joseph l.le Sinek Market. ST. JOPKl'M. Mo.. tVt. is. CATTI.K Rcccipls, head; market stCHily; nstuea, 4 iti..4i cows and heiteie, 41 iai4 i'i; eaiK'k era and fe. il. is. 2l :f'i4 ". HuUM-Receipt. head; market Sleauy; t,i., -. oh; hulk. l.-tl .. 8li f.KI'-iiecci,ts. l.'iij head; market Steady;, lanihs, fl.jn. 2o.764iti-f , .wio.ia , 4.vutuo.a , 4.ouua.36 , 4.tX-l oD , 4A)I 'J 2.114 , 2.4U41-1-00 , 1 au-i- eJ , 4 uu-j4 S . 8.ivtf 0V , 2.7i'ya.:'0 , 1.7&(3.7 . 4.01a- averiitfo iJ- I WO. jl.lH.19oJ.laVi.i)l.llsAi. Oct Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. I 4 03 s t 6 66 1 4i I 6 11 I I a U61 6 mi 0 4M 7 J 43 I U I a I 44 i, 7 a 4 34 I I I ft 04 a I e 1,, 7 H, a U IU I MHi t Hoi S &3 4 1 ua, tt Hi 4 i I t ixsi 4 Wi a 4l I 4 iai tt lbi 4 kl JJ...I '4. r hi I 6 tn 6 81 I e itl 4 13... 8 214 ft OS ft 17 6 37 7 Wi I 4 3 i. London C'loalnsT toeks. IX)NrON. Oct. l.e-Closlng quotations on tne ttork exchange wers: Conaola, mnnay ... 14 1-14 M-. K. 'ft T.. do account 44 1-11 N. T Cantral Anaconda 14 Norfolk ft W Atchlaon 104' do pfd drt pfd .......109 Ontario ft W Baltimore A Ohio Canadian Pacific ... Che. A Ohio Chicago Ot. W C. M. A BU P.... DeBeera Denver ft R. O do pfd Erie Krle tat pfd do Sd pld llllnola Cantral 12H Paonavlvanla .lMVSand Mlnea ...... . (S Reading . II Southern Railway .111! do pfd zo southern Paclnc ., 4Jtltlon Pacific "11 41 T 714 ' ....-ITS . S7 .1434 . 4 . 14 . 4 . 74 . 4 . T . as .141 . M4 .112 . at ti 47 44 per ounce. do Dfd IT A Steal tfo pfd . . Wahaah ... do pfd .. Loulavllle ft Naah 1 IHpaniah 4a RIM ER-Bar. quiet. SJ4d MONEY-3tJiW per cent. The rata ot discount in the open market, for short bills- Is rr tent; for three months' bills, 44 per cent. tlesros) tpuerr Marttrtrr:- jc: Closing quotations on Boston copper mar ket, reported by", Logan, 4V. Bryan, t Board. cr rraae ouiiaing, omtaitu Oct. 16.. .j 3214, "vi. JO... t it Oct. 17 1 ... 1 6 10 4 He, t lui b lii j 1 1 iui 6 2!i a 15 121 t 4X1 7 00 4 18 1 4 83 I ft Hi - 1 So 1 tt I'll o Ui 4 ii . i 10 ft 02, 7 uo ft iH 1 at' 4 W I I U -'1 1 4 02 Sunday. RANGE OK PRICES. Cattle. linn. Omaha 31.76fcti.uO 26.1u4i.i Chicago , t.Hut-M o.houn.bu Kansas City ..',....... S.lnni.lo n.,umt.Ji St. Louis 2.004.7 AM B.tnrtil.iiO bloux City 2.26(i4i.A .(K4JI16 The official number of cars ot stock brought. In today by esch road was: Csttlc. Hogs. Sheep. J. R. Mnmmen Idaho. 21 cows 2 70 IS cows Ml ! 10 lo heifers... IHvi 2 40 R. H. StocktonIdftho. S feeders.. M2 t 7S 0 cows !W5 2 150 9 heifers... 411 2 25 O. ". 8. Rollnaon-S. I) 48 feeders, .lltvv 4 4 feeders.. 1(177 d 41 . s steers. ...12tH 4 on J H. WhlteS. P. 7 steers....! "31 4 SO HOU8 After being lower for two days In suet eawion, during which time values declined fully 15i the niarset looked up a lull, today. Heavy packing hogs were pos siuiy no better, but the mixed and medium klnus wore sie.tdy to a little sti'onarer. with the best butcher nnd light weight strong and tn some cases posauiiy as much as be higher. The market waa alow and dull throughout, partly due to the fact that buyers were not especially eager and partly to the late arrival of trains. The sverag of all the sales yesterday was fttl.lh. w hich was the lowi st point touched by the market since September 12. uepresentative sales No Av. h it ha. An. SB, Pr. 14 11 ISO I 10 Tl !4 4il I i I" .Ma 10 110 JJJ M 4 SO U It ... 12 71 2Xt Kit 4 20 1 2SI HO I It II .' .(i I : 61 tn: 40 I 14 iM Ml 4 ill 14 375 HO 4 1ft S I! 1:0 I 41 71 4(1 I Ij 70 12t ... 4 10 2 : 411 u 7i sss ... lie 41 ;f lto 4 it 68 ii J40 4 lu 4i :'i ... 4 14 :s in 4 to M toO 1M) li II ilf. 40 I l 11 :! ... 4 11 ' 10 241 io to 31 1174 ... in ;i M ... 4 S!4 47 110 ltO 4 If 71 147 WU I t 271 40 4 11 M 344 S40 4 324 ".. tfii lto I II 41 t(I ... 4 tl 4S -..Ill ... 4 1a tu I5il 4.' 14.. 4 214 40 4 114 l t07 40 4 14 48 40 4 US 40 ..J a 1, 4 ' 2.1 1 III 4 20 io J'l ... I Si aa 2.4 ion 1 20 C. M. & 8t. P 1 1 Wabash 1 Mlasourf- Pacific '. 4 1 V. P. Bystem 67 3rt C. N. Yt east 1 1 C. A N. W.. west 34 1 C, Bt. P.. M. & 0 5 I C, B. Q., east 1 - 1 C. B. Q west 125 15 C. R. I. & P.. east...' 2 C R. I. A P.. west 4 1 . Illinois Central 11 Chicago Great Western.... 1 2 Total receipt .244 77 3 The disposition pf the day's receipts wita as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indickted: Buyers. Cattle, lln-a SHEKP Rectlpts this morning were very light, and although ineie ue.e thuiy-llve to folly cars, the big barn ei-tlned aim St acscited after the heavy runs of the last three days. For the week. However, tne receipts snow a very large gala oec to ! aame period of last week. I fcheep trains were very late In arriv n ai 1 ne yards this morning, so that the roiv mon w-us well advnnceu bifore .litre were enough of either nhe-p or iambs ill s g .t to really mane a market. The. a afoineu to be a very good demand f,.r K.ll. ra . n I packers were anxiously Innali li. lor ia. tun. The market on oe.dinole km. era coi, o safely be uuoted ttion-. 1 ne fac. is ihe ;, t fat sheep nmi Ket - has ien in very g.01 20 ! condition all the week, with pilcts v -.y . firm on desirable kimis. Vui iambs wCl.l j4 j higher en AlonUiiy. but 1 si Inust of tlu ... 1 advance on Tueansy, but wire a little bei- iter analn yesterday, si thut they, t o. .r 4 ! strong as compared with tne c.e tf U 1 weeK. 1 nere were pleniy nt I, 4IMtll Willing . K M4RKKT. 4 ondlllon of Trade and 4antallona na Maple and Kaary Produce. KtlilS-i'cr dog., :c. l.lvK 1MI l.l UY-llens. ste; ronatere, (h ; .uiKi va. Kv; uurk. w, spring chlckena, be. lil'TTEIl Parking stock. 17c; choice fancy Mf(t:lc; creamery, til'lc. Iia V Iticis quoted hy (imaha reed com pany; choice upland. 4-ton; medium, !.i0; iiMiae, (N'ahiMdo. Kye straw, .fu7.0iV, l.iiA.N I'tr ton, $ Vr.iKTAI4LKB. ' 8WKKT 1'O'litliit.h-IVr bbl.. $2 26. itiMAIOKs-liomt' grown, por basket of 20 lls., el.tli. WAX ln-.A NB Per msrket basket of shout IS llis., 75c. Tl'KMl n. Im-.KTS AND CARROTS Per bu., 7oc. LiCaK LETTl'CH Holliousc, por doa., liesds, .lilc. ClM.KUV-Per dog., AtiWc. CI Ci'MHKKB-ltot house, per dns., 1.M. OMONB Heme grown, oil' per bu.; Spanish. t.'i& per crate. UKKCS ONui.SS -I'er dog. hunches. 15c. l1t.lKH.lllH('asc of 2 dog.. l on. RADISH K8 -Per dog . bunches, LVjiJOo. Saw hkanh Per nu., gi ta; No. i. i.7ft. LIMA HKANH Per lb.. 64c. t It KKN PfciPPKMH-Pcr market basket, PARSLEY Hothouse, per dog. bunches, SOc. C.VRBAOK Home grown, per lb., 140. K(M PLANT Per dog. 76a. PO TATt IK8-Per hn., lo.jhoc. rROPICA L KHl ITS. (IRAPK KRl'lT-Hnc 7D to NO. KM. OR A NOES Vulenclss, 96-112 sites, Horidn oranges, H.ifi. LKMONH- Llmonlers, extra else; eti oc; 3"' hIzo, txAo; .WO slse, hratiilH, fW lies. HA NAN AS- P.-r mcditim-slsed $l.7Mi2 2n; Jumbos, '.' M'lia.00. DATKS Per lb.. RnMie. KP.L1T8. PEACH Kit ''oloraito. Nk'Dtl.M; Missouri, per S-bnsk?t crate, $,il.:'5; California Sal s'" y. per box. 31.00. PU'MS Oregon Italian prunes. $1.10. PEARS Winter varieties, per box. son. (J RAPES Home grown, por $-lh. basket. ?5c: Tckiiy. 31.73. APPLES Per bbl., 'IJ.uOiriS.M. CRANBEHRI KB Per bbl., $7.75. CI T BEEF PRICES. No. 1 ribs. Lc: No. 2 libs, 0c; No. 3 rlba. 5c; No. 1 loin. 154c; No. 2 loin. 13c; No. 3 loin, 8c; No. 1 chuck. 6c; No. 2 chuck, 4c; No. 8 chuck. :"VC; No. 1 round, 8c; No. I round, 7c: No. 3 round, :4c; No. l plate 3c; No. 2 plale, 24c; No. 3 plate. 2c. MISCKLLANKOl'S. SfOAR Oranulated cane. (Tl sacks, 15.41; granulated heft. In racks, $5 81. CHfcESK 8wle. new. lie; Wisconsin I brick. , 144c; . WlacouKn limburger, 13c; , twins,. 74c; young Americans. lt4e. I COFFEE Roasted, No. Si, 254c per lb. ! No. 2C, itMc per lb. ; No. 2ft. 1S4c per lb.; No. :h. 15Uc per lh.; No. 21, Kc per In. I NPT8 Pecans, large, per lb, lie; small, : per lb lie. Almonds, scft shells, per ll., ! ir.c; hnrd shells per lb.; 134iHc. t.'ocoanutBt ! 0c Per dr s. ' 8 YRl'P In bbla.. ;7c per gnl 3&.M; fancy, 240 , $M.6i; other bunch. ; In os rex, cans, $1.4-t 'iiil-i Omaha Packing Co .-1111 1 B-,(t K A , Advcotura Allnuea Atlantic Bingham Black Mountain ... Boaton Consolidated Bulla Coalition Calumet ft Arltons.. 140 Calumet ft Heels.. Cantennlal Copper Range Dally Went Ei it Butte I Praaklln j (Ireeno Copper ..... if ran or Helvatta Isle Roval L. S. ft Plttaberg. Maaaachuietta ft : 14 444 MeneWt;.'..: ...... 11 Nevada Conaolldated. K U4 North, Bwta ...... A1A 10 Old Dominion 0 II Oacaola Ill M - Pnau, .Servloa,,,, 14 rnft. n.T' " V. yim... w-- .,li Oulne . 21 Shaaaos . . 41 Tamarack . ia Trinn; . I'nlted Prult ...... . 21 I'nlted State, com . JiH fnltad Siatc pfd.. . 14 t un Conaolldatad . . . 4 rtah Copper , . 14 Victoria ' : t Winona . 4 Wolvtrlae .1M . II .1 . 14 .IS74 . 1 T27 Bwlft and Cnnirtany l.StO cuoany racking Co.... Armour A Co...-. Vansant A Clk it Carey A Benton LobmanA '.... McCreary A.Catey..., W. 4V Stephen.,.'.-, Hill A 8on ...;.. K. P. I.ewls ..7... Huston A Co H. F. Hamilton L. T. Huat ,. Wolf ........ ..... J.' H. Bulla ;.. Mike Haggerty J. B. Root A Co.. T. B. Inrhram Sullivan Bros V. A. Brltton I e timer Bros Other buyers' 'Totals 1,K3 .. UTS .. . SO . ... 2H7 .. 1!B ., 43 .. 141 .. 278 .. 133 ... 24 wo .. 132 . . 801 .. 71' .. 181 .. 254 3 .. 27 S .. 13 ..1.171 1.237 1,275 870 l.t52 Sheo. 2.-5 742 481 192 for feeding sheep and iambs iie s.nue. . a i ''"' ?"ii there has been every day tnls week. I he I ra.",ovfeY 'p -r iran-V, ? tz SO mail t was fullv at.urlv ami io n b n i I HOiM'.i Ht 24 frames, 43.00, eV. .'.,!. ,w...."'Ly . '. NEW CIDER Per keg. $3.75. ski ers Ko - hew "k ' s " ,r'V. CANNED C.OODS-.-orn. standard west- market Is sleaily .with the close o. last week, and, In some spots u little stronger. , Sitiotailoi.s on killers: Uood to choice lambs, $7.o04i7.2T; inlr io good lambs, . 1 su' 7.00; good to choice yearling,., J5. 60ft 6.90; fair to good yearlings, U.25 U 5.50: good to cho.oe wethers, tt.vw a.w; good to Choice ewes. 31.3t-H.!. i..uniM. 3o.204 wethTs, $4.7Vf breedltg ewfs. Sfxi; yearlings, ti.lixtio.oO; 10.361 ft 6. IS; ewes, $3.5X4.i.O; 4. 1..I0.SJ. I No. . native' yearling...'.... 1491 Idaho feeder lambs... 108" Idaho feeder lambs... 1 523 Idaho feeder iambs... I 4M Idaho feeder' lambsv.. 1 142 native wethers I 2So I 7to feeder lambs I $M Idaho feeder Utmbs..... '1 406 Idaho feeder lambs. .. I 44 Idaho lambs Vm western feeder lamb. 1,-X'l ltiaho lamha 99 Idaho lambs Dl Nebraska lambs CATTLE Recelpta of cattle thl. morning ! V ftj " Were Vepv llheral tnr Thii.Ht, K,,e . V.Z. . ?? "yOniing tW 08 . . irains came siragg'ing in so late tht there i , Wvom mi vearilnn ' S1 Zt al BO tlme r"nt numr on sale. I 3 WvSm nl we1he - The market was very lata In opening and ij WyoiX! wethers ' .147 "ZL'LrZ"JrL'"J y- .. m Nebrssks lamb. Statement of Baala of Fraaee. PARIS, Oct. 18. The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows- the following changes: Notes In clrculstion, Increased, 11,750.000 francs treasury deposits. Increased. 18.976.O0O francs; general deposits, Inoreaaed, 68.960.000 franca; gold In hand, decreased. 3.806.000 franca; silver tn hand, decreased 41 2,560,000 franca; bills, discounted. Increased, "4 133.226,000 francs; advances, decreased, ,3M,- 4-14 171 177 L . M. M. !00 lie 7e too too l.tve 3-IM 100 III 171 II '4 44 J?4 147 74 171 14 41 M4 ! 41 144 12 174 pfd. 4.004 N4 M ptd. a No. I. Cssh quotations were aa follows: . FLOVR Steady; winter patents, U-S0Q 1.40; winter straights, $3 HaW fc; spring pat ents. $3.siI3 0: apiing atraiahta. $3u4li.; bakers. ti.0jn.0. ' ' WHBAT No, t spring. 7fr0e; No. I spring. 7244T7o.i No- $ red. n4r7SSc. CORN Na. 3, 464c; No. 3 yellow. 464. OATSNo. . 3c; No. t white, S4Jl)4ic; No. $ whtU. 3i434c. RYE No. 3, IBc RARIeET Oootl feeding. J94; fair to choice malting, 4ti3r. SKEDS-No. 1 flat. Il.; No. 1 north, weatern. 31. 11. Prime timothy. 34.10. Clover. I contract grade, $11 00. PROTKIOo enort noe siaee (lonae), $8.374$T&. Meaa pork, per bbl.. $lau. Urd. per 100 lbs. $ 37 Short clear side (boxed, $i C'441.Ti. . Fbllowlnf were the recelpta and ahlp menta of flour and grain:- Recelpta ghlpmenta Flojr. bbla. - k.?i V heat, bu 73 0Ort 13 4.10 Corn. bu...'. Ih4. 174 4ta. bu $.rt 3JVa Rye. bu U V Barley, bu ?!.i0 Of ihe Produce eicnnnge toaay the but ter market waa steady; creameries. IMX f-V; dallies. 184,c. Eggs, strong; at mark, cixitf mcluoea. isr.ici nnw, xrr; prima ta extras, c, cneeae, atrong. 4,4,134c. Mveriae! Grata aad rra-rlaleaa. Mllwaakee 4; rata Market. MILWAVKFE. Oct. 1. WHEAT Ma r- rt. steady; No. 1 northern. 7fi794o: No. northern. 75078c: December. 744c asked. RYB Firm: No. 1. 4i64c. BARI.ET Firm; No. 2, 65c; sample, 3PH leo. CORN Steady: No. 3 cash, 454i4T,4e: De cember. 42 e asked. LIVERPOOU Oct. 11-WHEAT-Fli js-o t red w eat era winter, is 11 Vd, futui SKejitlv; lw cember. 4a 64d; March, (a 4l. aVaU4-4tioi. ay; America a rm; urea. d. mlaard, 4s Peoria Grata Market. PEORIA. Oct. 13. CORN Higher; No. 3 yellow and No. 3, 444c; No. 4. 434c; no grade, 42c OATS-FIrm; No. S whits. SJ4cj No. 3 White S8ef No. 4 white. 82c. RYE Firm: No. t, 444) 5e. WHIBKT-tl.- - Dalatk Grata Market. , . DI'I.I'TH. Oct. 18. WHEAT No. 1 hard, on track. 1ie: to arrive and on track. No. northern. TTSe; No. 3 northern, 764c; October. TTHc; December. 75Sc; May. 79c; Jnly. T4 . - Toledo Beed Market. TOLEDO O. Oct. 11 SEEDS-Clover. rash and October, 3X.174; December, U Timothy. $19-4 Alslke. $: 30. K-a4Hprated Apple aad Dried Frails. NEW YORK, Oct. 13 EVAPORATED A PPLEH Market continues to show a firmer tone with prime to fancy quoted st 6Att4c a .id common to good at 447T 64c CALIFORNIA PKIKD FRCITS Prunes mmam firm In tone with quotstlnns ranging from I4- to 8c for Cullfomla fruit and from 4c to loc for Oregon. Aprlcota are auU S-nd more or less awiuloal. , 1.000 i . no i.ia i M 400 100 . t4.l 400 ine . too l"0 . 44n . 400 ! "ioo 10 . I 100 '. ""i'li 1(10 . 4,100 TS II 4 1M 47 S 0 1 S4 144 r4 M 11 112 11 . 'ii" M 4 M t4 tl 1 714 SI 111 41 S 14 l4 14 14 sr. M 11 M 213 Ul II ii" i M "4 ,'ii 41 l 70 44 7 44 177 114 171 115 41 13 14 II T) 147 14 47 141 111 M M 114 111 41 at lf. 113 04 n 17 M2 000 francs. . ) Treasnry Statement. WA8HINOTON. Oct. 147. Todsy'a state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,(00 geld reeerve, showa: Available- cash balanc s, $222,222,283; gold coin ami bullion, $107.6 3 000; gold certificates, $38,461,230. Bask Clearlaira.. OMAHA. Oct. 18. Bank clearlnga for to day were $2,040,091.08 and for the corre a ponding date last year $1,532,561.40. Wool Market. BOSTON. Oct. lH.-WOOI-The wool mar ket ia In a aatlafactory condition, with prices steady and trading active in spots. Territories are In demand. Both large and small consumers seek fine and fine medium, aa well aa three-elghtlia and half-blood. In pulled woola there Is a call for a good "A aupera, but the supply Ig limited. Choice' lots bring v84o. Foreign wools, especially crnss-breds, are In active de mand. Leading domestic quotations follow: Ohio and Pennsylvania, XX and above, 334 iB34c; X. 51tif2c: No. 1. 4(41c; No. 2. 30fc Sflc; fine unwashed. 'ihftV:'. quarter-blood, unwashed. 33'i-84c; three-elghthe blood, un- I wsshed, 84(d35c: quarter-blood, unwashed, i S:iiX3c; delaine, washed.. 3V(i37c; delaine, 1 ( n 11 M IJ feeders.. n'Riii iikiu oeei caoiH eonnnue in netii-e ... , .. . demand snd stock of that kind was fully I t w'm " 3 steady. There are. however, a good many , w "f mt. common old range cattle comlns- and It I. 7 ;7,?m'n? .""'? a difficult matter to' ten juat -h.rr itick X ,Z lamh. r"v" of that kind will land. In fact, the way j J$ g "h Dakc da ewe's' b'rV. hhi.,riilr SM ISS h Dakou ew:, ine uener araaes nen sooil catt e are i scarce the other grades naturally sell more ! ruipito ..u ..j WVtllinRD. 11111 11'ii.r- ket as a whole was dull nnd late with lower tendency tw the lexs desirable k'mls. Cows and heifers were In very liberal supply, ns has beer! the case every day this1 week. The good kinds sold Just about steady st the decline yesterday, but the common and medium kinds looked 10c lower. Aa was the caae with pteers the trsde was slow, mticrer the dullness being due to the lute arrival of trains. Oood feeders continue In active demand and nre selling fully as high as any time. Feeder buyers are taking some pretty fleshy cattle, paying better than 36 for an occasional bunch. While these cattle are sold as feeders it must be understood that they are really fat rattle and are Intended for only a very short feed. Common and medium kinds of cattle, of which there was a great abundance, continue to movel slowly. Representative sales: BKKr STEERS breeders .hryeders 1.1 VK STOCK Av. 150 4 -6i . i,7 - 59 104 lo 60 54 5i 4 58' IH . 69 tri Kl . . Ill 70 93 9 67 47 60 49 70 68 76 68 . 73' Pr. 8 10 6 2o I 1 ii 4il C 40 5 i 6 A 3 6 ii 5 40 6 00 701 7 00 7 to 4 s 4 60, 4 50 6 i 6 io I 25 6 M 6 bO 6 AO 00 6 85 86 16' 4 76 4 85 MARKET Lower- em. CG9i4t0c: Maine. $1.15. Tomatoes. 3-lb. cans. $1.00: 2-lb.. f174c4i$l.fK1. Plnespples. grated. 2-lh.. $.' 0-.i3.2O; siloed. $1 90rij i 9; gallon apples, fancv, $.!: Cnllfornla apri cots. $1.0 ii2.25; purs. $l.7n1i2.DO; poaches, fnncv, $f.73''il40: H. C. peaches, ti (aniiil; Alirki silmon, r d. $1. 6; fane Chinook, f., $2.10; fnncv .aockeye, V.. J1.85. Sardines, Vi-oll. $2.: 4,-nuiHiard, 83.00. Sweet pota toes, 1.10iul.2.": snuetkraut. $1.00; pumpkins, stk-ij1.C0; 1 ,-jix beans, 2-lh., 65TvMh?; lima bonus. 2-lb., 75cti$1.3.V, spinach, $1.88; cheaii poms, 2-lb., 6oc; extra, 7oi0oc; fancy, $1.25441 1.75. CI." RED FISH-Famllv . whltefUh, per nusrtor bbl., PO lbs.. $l.iu Norway mack erel. No. 1, $): No. 2. $200; No. 3, $3iVi)0; Irish, No. 2. $11100; herring. In bbls.. 200 lbs , each. Norway. 4k. $12.00; Norway, 8k. $13.00; Holland, mixed. $ll.Ni; Hoi lard herring, in kess. milkers. 80c; k gs. mixed, 70c. F18H Buffalo, larao d rinsed, sc; trout, modluni or large, dressed. 12c: pike, dressed, 11c; halibut, fine stock, lie: cattish, dressed, 15c: bullheads, dressed and skinned, 12c; white perch, dressed. He; Crapples, large. 12c: sunflsh, pan slse, fie: white nass. ertra holoe. 12c; pickerel, 9c; salmon. Chinook, Ho; whlteflsh tfroxen), 12c; mackerel (Span Isfc i. 16c; native, p r fish, lSi2oc;odtlsh, fresh, frosen, 12c: Bounders, fresh, frogen, lie; bluehehf. fresh, frosen. 15c; haddock, freah. frosen, pie- redsnnpper, dressed, 12e; smells. No. 1, per lb.. 12c; lobsters (boiled), per lh.. to?: green. 37c; eel, per lb., IHcj frog lees, per dot., 25c; roe shad. $1 eeuh; shad roe, pair. 45c. t . HIDE AND TALIA)W-Qreen salted. No. I. 134o; No. 2. 12c: bull hides. 94 love; green hides. No. 1. 124c: No. 2, llc; horse. HKji-! 7i; sheep pelts, 60cffl.25. Tal low. No. 1, 44c; No. 2. 34c. WOOL Per lb.. 18(f23c. Cattle Weak to Tea Teats HoKa Strong to Higher. I CHICAGO. Oct. 18 CATTLE ReQefpts, 13.0IO head: market. weAk to 10a lower: I fancy ateera, $i.76ri7.30; common to good. Metal Market. 1 NEW TORK. Oct 18. The London mar ket was 1 5h lower at 198 for snot, and at 197 for futures; market Is locally quiet, soot. 43.0tHi43.O. Copper lowir In the English market, declining 3 2s Sd to 99 ine for spot uml C9 6a for futures, locally strong; lake. .-,Wiin 60; electrolytic, $21. SI f)270o: casting $:l.;5u'2l.75. Lead Quiet. 16.7501 45 In the local market; In I-ondon Rvk i.!i. ia'iiVrfii, uVf !,t'1 higher at 4.19 17s tM. Spelter tm- 6i6. bulls, $2. 4i34.i6j calves $4.67.56; ; changed. $l.2Mi.26, locally: unchanged. U'J:tTT ,VJA. w ' f- '.v lndo.,. Iron unchanged In tha -- -- ---- T,v - cngnsn msrsei siannara iouniry bib ta; -r a-iWi V Ci,ho,"'J he".v)Li!h,S" Clvelsnd warrants. 57s 74l; locally firm pins'. 3b.jiSwi.824 IlKht butchers. .S0itt ifl: . i...... v i e... No. I... 10... 4... 4... 43... Av. .Hal .1J.1 . ir4 . Ml Pr. I 71 4 00 I It I 00 l.etm k ut, Eapr kaallr , Rubber Rubber pfd... lltMl Steal pfd I. MS O0 ms (4, T04 IK I. loo au w 7 47 111 17 14 IM Va. -Carolina chemloal Va. -Carolina lhaa. pfd... Wabaali Walli pfd Wella-rargo Expreaa V'attaighnua Electric .... Western L'nloa Wbaallng 4V It. Wltcousla I'aolrml Wla Cantral pfd Nortaern Paclgc I antral Leatbar rerlral Lawihar pfd Coaa-Sheglcld glavl (jrvat Nanhern pfd Intarburougli alctropolttan. Int. Met. ptd Total aalsa Inr tba day. M lnxi, 1M M 41 114 41 107 unwashed. 2JW2HC. Micnigan Fine un waahed, 33i34c; quarter-bliaid, unwashed, 3Ug3Jc; delaine, unwaahed, 27fl2o. Ken tucky, Indiana and Missouri Combing, three-eighths blood, 33oi35c; combing, quarter-blood, Wu 31c. Texas (scoured basis) Fine twelve months. 724?73c: fine six to 41 I eight months, 676c; fine fall, clean, 6St j W.1C. vauiornia tiM-,ui..t Lemt ivuruici u choloe. eo a ,uv ; norinero aiitu, kko.ui-; mia dle counties, fcifiUSo: southern. 2i3c; falls free, 5tii67c. Oregon (scoured basis) East ern No. 1 staple, 72r74c; eastern No. 1 clothing. tT73ie; valley No. 1. r&2c. Ter ritory staple (scoured baalai Fine. 73o75cs n MA.ii,,n, ftii. 17l j medium. (UiibitlV.. Tr. '!!! I rliorial ordinary (acoured basis i Fine. 704( ijo ! 7c: flue medium. 7'tJie; medium. 65Kc. Pr. No. 4 6 11 4 40 COW 8. 174 (...,.. t It I t Ml iiKlFEKS. I 44 I BULl.B. . I 44 I 101 1 44 4 , SluOK CALVttj. ni i ea a u) ilUl.iliKii A.Nu Jr'4t;a,iic.a8. -i.'iVT . ii-.i-:-.v. 3 3 iv r.D i r.nnn-a ibhabkA. Av ....1131 ....1121 .... no ....1147 .... Ml .... 4ut .,..1400 Kl IK 1444 I 44 44 t 74 1 40 (J 111 K 1M tit. 14 rows PW4 steers ...1(4)8 16 feeders.. KKI3 61 feeders.. Ul S cows 9Mi 4 bulla 13U lb im 4 cawt ufrs 7(a) 31 feeder a.. 972 3 10 3 90 3 70 4 55 3 00 10 4 Ml 2 50 3 86 WYOMING. 24 feeders.. 1104 61 steers. .. 13 feeders. calves.. 29 cows.... t feeders. 43 feeders. .HUS 969 16 939 t30 817 300 404 (00 tut ID I'M 4. 70S too 100 no l.JO-l t-4 0 M 17 4 41 Sll 17 la 73 II l 71 421.104 sharaa 41 II 14 4 IH IT 103 71 Ui 11 w 414 11)7 4 107 loa 30 (M 114 IT 144 ' 111 a; 101 71 III 17 Colorado and New Mexico, spring, scoured. X. bMlTOc: NO. J, wiw. ruiiea wools. (scoured baalsi Extra. ,2ji4c; fins A, tewi , cowa 6.V- A supers. 6iljti4c: H supers, buojbjo. 1 12 cows.. ST. IXJ118. Oct. IS WOOL 8teady; mt- i 45 cows., dltini grades, combing snd clothing. 2313' fi cows.. 274c; light fine. Itvir21c.; heavy fine.. 15lio; tub-washed. 32WT4C- - Sear York Mialasi itorka. Cottoa Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 1$. COTTON Spot closed quiet: middling upland. 1136c; mid dling gulf. 11.50c; sales. 150 ha lew. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 13. COTTON pot, moderate business done, prices unchanarv-d to 4 points higher; American middling fair. itVRrVl: good middling, 4V5?d' middling, Kd; low middling. 4 l.l; gooa ordinary. ordinary. 6.66d. The sales of the day were 74 I 7 000 bales, of which to were for specula I lion ana riiiwi, tnu ii,i.-,w-tw, ,,iw, .Aiiinri- t-sn. Receipts were 1300 bales, all AnLerl- NEW YORK, Oct. .13. Closlnar n,,nt..i ' NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 1 COTTON cks were: " " . li . M . II . 74 .lav .4" . ( I Little CMaf ... OnUrt Uphlr rotoal oavaia larra Nevada Kaaall Hopt .. Slan4ar4 .. 4 ..IK ..IU . . 10 ..110 .. 4i .. as ..401 on mining sto Adaaaa Con Alloa air-tee Bninawlcg Coo . ( oaaetoefe Tunnel l ea. CaL Va. Horn Silver Iron Silver Lawdviia Cm .. Malemeat of Bask of Raglaad. of the Bank of England shows the follow- ,J.t.r"an': . ToU' "V"" Inrrnased. di2.ouu, circulation, drcrcaaod. 4.61a uuu bullion. Increaavd. 65.547; other eecuriiiea' daH-raaHed. 2.(ai.(a); other depoeita, creaieed, 974jj; pubiie depoeita. In- ereased. 1.423.0io; notes reserve, lacr'ased, 4!.ar; government sccurltlea uuchn.eti. The propurtion of the bank reserve to lia- Rnnt closed eteadv: aales. 7.2tl) bales: low ordinary, 4c. nominal; ordinary, c noai. Inal: good ordinary., 9 15-ltc; low middling, 104c: middling, 114c; good middling, llo; middling fair. 12c; fair. I24.C. nominal; recelpta, 1t." bales; slock, 115 aria bales. BT LOl lS. Oct. la -COTTON-Steadr; middling. 114o; aalea. 4s bala; recelpta. 5I bales: ahlpmenta. 10t bales; stock. .r.-a bales. t cowl... ( feeders 7 cows 1073 SOUTH 93 steers...! U0 Iw 17 feeders.. 1123 4 26 4 feeders.. $ feeders.. 7 readers. .12M io-- il feeders.. 1219 1 steers.. ..12bl 3 90 17 steers. ...11K5 24 steers.. ..1134 3 85 19 steers. ...1173 7 feeders.. 9t6 3 S6 17 feeders.. 1M1 39 fenders.. has 4 46 2 feeiiers. .KC3 i 11 cows ... 11)79 3 30 13 cows 933 . 91 3 00 9 steers.. ..Hid . 914 3 00 f cows 1010 .117 I 16 34 cows 1033 . 9 S 66 7 cows 7 . 81SJ 3 70 43 feeders.. 1154 .944 3 00 U feeders . 1IK3 3 10 23 cows liwo DAKOTA. 39 ateera. ...1168 7 cowa kl5 t-UlAJKAlXI. 51 3 10 84 feeders.. 9W 2a 3 nl 33 steers. ...1219 11MHU. 10 steers.... 940 1 66 tB steers.. ..1277 14 steers. ...1220 4 30 Tolland Cattle Co. Wyo 114 feeders. lOW IW ( feeders.. 1061 lit rosi..,. M) 3 26 11 cows 944) 30 bulla 12(7 3 46 8. Moutlmon Wyo. $1 feeders.. 797 Is IK cows 894 Bo per Cattle Co.- Wyo. tl steers.. ..1153 4 30 13 steers.... 10M 27 steers. ...1344 4 76 ,73 ateera. ...12S5 94 oowa 1U07 $ 76 14 cowa S94 T. W. ot 1- w. Mai news w yo. cows sai i'J 3 76 I 00 3 3 35 3 60 3 SO 4 30 4 23 3 76 3 HO 8 uO 3 00 3 06 3 46 6 10 4 35 4 15 4 65 I 4 30 I 3 M 4 06 3 60 8 00 3 10 3 Ml 4 70 3 30 3 96 3 la t 4 46 4 73 3 00 3 0 4 5 2 75 I (Ilia aaial Haailai OIL CITY. Pa., Oct. 13 -OIT44-Credit I Wind River balances. $169. Runs, 124.397 bils.; av-I 30 feeders. .114 $76 erases, bbls.; shlpmenta, 126.243 bbls.; ! 97 feeders.. 950 4 26 svernire. irs.nn onis. SAVANNAH. Oct Arm. 4i4c. bid. ROSIN-FIrm; stock, ,467 bbls.; A."1 B. C. 3396; D, 44 00: E. $4aMlA; F, $4 164 1 18 OI L Turpen t Ine, 6 174: O. $4 , K, 44.SO; iS, $4.10; W Q, leJa); ( 36 feeders. .laS7 so calves. , 81 culvee. . 12 rows.... 19 oows.... X) heifers.. 35 steers... lb' steers... XI cows L. 8. i'o. Wyo 25 feeders. .1104 1W feeders.. !a.l A. B. Marshall Wyo. 34 feedera b'22 4 5n 13 cowa 102S Beckwlth. Bulno aV Co., Wyoming. 351 cowa ... 902 8 36 PJ cows (71 2 60 Adairson PrentK e Wyo. 28 calves... 839 83 oows 931 14 cows 990 I bulls 138 111 steers... 9IS 10 steers. ...1134 T steers. ..13 817 193 7 913 KX3 11 S3 I'll 957 $60 I 00 iS 3 35 3 K 4 16 4 30 3 Of 3 70 425 $ 40 choice light, H 4fVin Sc.: light mixed. $rt.30i 6.10; packing, $5.6(Kii(i.40; pigs, 6.2S(u4i.l5. ' SHEEP AND LAM ItS-Reeelpts, 2J,0n0 neau; msrset ror Dest, steady: o4hera. weak: sheeo. 81 56i5.75: vearllnara. fi,vi i.26; lumba, $G.lJH4j7.60. Kanaaa City live Mock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Oct 18.-CATTLF.- Receipts, 11.000 hesd. Including 1.5(0 head southerns; market steady; choice export and drnvited beef steers, $6.50trt,25; fair to good. $4.0ofi6.4o; western Meeis, $3 6'di.2; stoi-kers and feedera, $2.60454.75;- southern steers, $2.Stii4.25; southern cows, 2.)4i..!Kt; native cows, $2.0013.75; native heifers, $2.50 4(4.75; hulls. $2.15i3.50; calves, $3.(0'uti.6). liOOH Rectilpts. 8.000 held; mtrliet Weady; top. $H.35; bulk of sales, $S.3f4i(!.324; heavy, Kin.3; packers, $6. Wa i.:'5; llgs snd lights. $5.7fVij.2o, BI11.KP AND LAMBS Recelnts. (KiO head; market strong lo 10c higher; lambs-, $5. 7647.76; ewes and year.lngf'. 34.50n;-.B): western yearlings. $6 25i6.5; western shrxm. $4.2fyii6.25: stockers and . fneHera $3.7615.50. St. I.onls Live Stock Market. BT. III'IS, Mo.. Oct. 18. CATTLE Re ceipts, 5.o head. Including 2.26S) Texaus; market, natives, slow; Texans, steady; nu- tlve shipping and export steers. 14 v,i7 hi- dreSFed beef snd butcher steers, llSoiki steers under l.ouu pounds,. $:t.on4.7ii; stock ers and feeders, $iinq45n; cows and heif ers. $2.4046.50; canners, $1.00i2.10; bulls, $J 36 ip-a.ui; raivea. ai.taan'i.bu; "rexaa and lndlaji ateera, $2.75)S.26: cowa and helfera li.liril 3.60. HOGS Receipts. 5.0X1 head: market 10c lower; plga and ilghte, $n.(Hic.4i; packers. KHkUH.40; butchers and beat heavy, Va.Za 4 50. SHEEP AND LAMRR Rflcelptg. ,! head; market ateady; native muttons, $3.60 (iiO.75; lambs, $3.60j7.S(i; culls and bucks. $2.3546.0u; Blockers, $2.5034.00. ew York Live Htock Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 1$.-BEEVE8-Re-celpts, 134 head; market fene, dull; drcsed beef In fair demand; native aides, per pounn; lesaa Deer. 64, 41-. Liverpool and London cattle markets un changed. , , CALVES Recelpta. part late yesterday, 847 head; veals dull and barely gteviiy; westerns and grassers not wanted; veal $4.5oi8.60; culla and lltUe cajves, $350 4 00: weatrrna and graasrrs, nominal; drts(d calves dull; city dressed Vesls, Mile p-r pound: country dressed. 74j12o. HOdS-Kecelpts. 1.9x9 head, alt slaurh terern except i few head: nominally steady SHEEP AND I-AMBS-Heeelpts, 4,ilf head; lambs. 60c lower, ot 8.7Mi7 6) for fair to good; choice not quotable above $7.75. (i? CVHi.0; No. 2 foundry northern. H 4i2?.80; No. 1 foundry southern. 811.50822.0(1; No. foundry southern. 321.nndKt.tV). ST. LOl lS. Oct. IS M ETALS Lead, Strong at $5.y&.!. Spelter higher at $.2f). Coffee Market. NEW YORK. ot. 18. COFFEE Market foe futures opened steady at unchanged prices to a decline of 10 points. In reevjone to somewhat disappointing European ci blcs and a little scattered liquidation. The market Improved a little during the see slon (ui somewhat smaller Braslllan re ceipt" than recently and at the close waa st,eady net unchanged to 6 points lower. Sulrs for the day were reported of 17.T0 bags. Including December at 4.vgil.5ocJ' March, btfic: Msy, B.26c: July, eoo; aep- 9ri7.00c. Spot RIo. steady; No. T 84c. tem,er. Invoice, Kagar and Molasses, NEW YORK. Oct. 18.-SPOAR Raw, steady; fair refining, -$4c; centrifugal 94) test, 4c: molasses sugar, ' 8A4C. -Refined, quiet; crushed, 6.60c; powdered, 6c; granu lated, 4.9oc. HK Al, ESTATE TRANSFERS. Bwentsel and wife lot 18, block 13.' Recelpta clpal weatern 4 do 14) 4 steers.. ..llw ( South Omaha rtioux City ... Kansas City , St. Joseph ... St. Louis Chicago Totals' stork la Slaht. of live atock at the' six markets yesterday: Cattle., Hoaa 6.ini ., l-iO ll.MW 3.112 3.U4) 13.0 5.400 4 f-i 9 0 0 6.(4 6.000 n.uw prin- Bheen. 7.8110 6 00.) 1.7(3 !.() 2X000 William Edward to (ins Kraft, ' Wilcox Karl Crlser and wife to Jessie Jose phine tttiilcy. w59 feet of lot 1, bl(H-k 4. Plamvlew ...a Oak Chatham Redlek to Reuben L relir, part of ne-4 of ne, 9-15-18 Datus M. Shrenk to Sola A. Craw ford, lot 7, block I. Myers, Rich ards 4V Tllden's addltlonr Eiuatern Realty company 'to Klsla M. Hoi mem, lots 9, 30 and 81, Wash ington Square O. W. Wattles and wife to ill!h Butler, part of lot 3, Griffin & Smith's addition Amanda Hazard aisl husband to William Elton, lot 4, s4 of nw4, 15-16-12 William J. Connell and James Forslh, lot 6, Loivenwortn Iwraci . Thomas Dugdate et al. Prusliu and wife, 114 wira ' block to , to Joseph 01 lot 0, Brown Park, South .37.213 M.1U9 41 ,6413 laws City l.tve Stack Market. BIOC; CITY, Oct. 18.-(BpecUil Telegram CAT rLK Receipts. Idea head: , market I weak; aiwckvra steady; beeves, Hwilili block 9, Onwha Bams to Anton Buglewlcg and wife, same Harry M. ('bristle to lialtlias Jotter, lot I, Christie's Place F.niniu C. Johnston to Balthas Jet- ter, lot 1 and n46 fecit of lot 2, - block 2(4, South 'Omaha Mary E. Huge and hUHbaud . to Charlea B. Flint, lot 9, block 7, Kountse Place Ellen Hriardy to Alice Carrick. e4 of lot 8, block 60. Omaha Bertha E. Iuvcnport and liusband to H J. Kane, lot 11, block 6. Alamo Plaxa tjenevleve Tylre to Josef Ytluko and wife. 4 of lot 15, block 3. Has- call's subdivision Harry A. Wolf to Kmtl Tlioinnuon. lot 14 and e2 feet of lot 13, block A. Prospect Place a.. Rust-Owen I. limber company to Harry A. Wold, sains &2S 4S,OX) 11A) L7&U &2 6i $X) 3.700 tWt 6.500 275 ToUi t71i