Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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Conference in white house I s
Pr.dttt Ccssultj lfeiirs. Taft tad aco
b Condition in Cola
Treible io Santo Tomiiro f aid to B Du
U Lawbreaktn.
and the number of the or
t 5. moil may be Incteasod: to
The secretary declined to tat what I
proortlon of the expense of thf army
will be charged against the Cubn rev-
i enuos. hut mid tint that matter will he
I treat ed to a special order, whloh he will I.
so iiinii.
He remarked that he will make n written I AMERICAN SUPERVISION IS NOT LIKED
report to the president of the result of hi
llcclslna to Appoint tmrrknil
Minister to the Hennulle nn.l
n liorrnor fur tanal
BtlrHac I a Politic! Ilse mlon
mnler Hope to f hanae the
(;nrermueat and Have
Greater Freedom.
work In Culm. He was prevented from
pre)rin thin on hi northward trlr by
the lad weather. The Louisiana wn tossed
about like u cork hi two violent storms.
the worst :t had experienced "hire Ms
launching and tvn tlio plate glass frott
' of the inurtermter"s stem tower on the ,
W A8HIXOTON, Out. 1. - President ridge was smashed Iti by the water whleli ( TPASHTNOTOV. Crt. IS. - Pmueslers are
.. ...snvelt had V hut conference today i ,h" '"'P ,ook tl,r i Ht chief promoters of political 'ii-seneion
lt!i S-erMary Taft and Assistant 8'vre- ! a l.onaer redcd. In Santo Pomlnto. according to reports ro-
,.,v n.ron who madr a full report of i There l no lon,jr need for maintaining : cevi at the Ktate department concerning
all that occurred In Cuba since the t'nlteil '
Ktates government Intervened to restore
order. Condition in the Island and the
views of the official as to the future wer
dlseuad, the president desiring a thorough
understanding of the situation. The finan
cial feature of the Intervention also wa
t ilen up and the possible nppolntnient of a
t'.scnl ugent for the I'nited States dls
i u.d. It In t-xpected that onii' responsi
ble banking Institution will be selected foi
this purpose. None of the conferees wa
willing to make more than a general stnte
nient regarding the conversation.
Panama matters ware also riiscti.wd. It
has been derided to appoint a governor
as well ia un AmrMcan minister for Pan-
:i nnvnl force of any amount In t'ut-n ;i
waters, so Secretary Taft has recommend"d
to the president, who has approved the
suggestion that all warships there be with
drawn with the exception of two or three
gunboats. The necessary orders to this
effect will go out at once. The army trans,
pott service will lie maintained.
Secretary Taft said he believed it will be
impossible for him to make the projected
trip to Panama with the president, ho
president, however, will go as originally
planned, and II Is understood that the.
voyage will be made with the two armored
the unsettled condition In the little republic
and the failure of revolutionary leader" to
enter Into an agreement to surrender and
keep peace.
Monte Christ! Is the headquarters for
smuggler and Is the center from which
all recent revolutionary- movements have
developed. It is located the Haytlen
boundary, across which it has formerly
been the custom of merchants to smuggle
large quantities of good?. Taws of the In.
minican republic have seldom been en
forced near Montu Chrlstl until recently
and that city has practfo-ally maintained
V if OP
Jf """""" ffiiTT! ""' rv
Enfoynt'estt f
He a It t
atns. although the reslUent l not 1 1 . urtm.,,i.,r.,ml rl,ni .,, serietan.-
rrily to amiiiitnce the nam. a of liie per- I .rr. val(, ,, hn(, hn,. Hecldel to divide the
offices between two persons. The exped!-
crulaera, Tennessee and Washington, which ! '""p'f lh center of nn Independent prjv
ate only awaiting crews to be transfe-red
to them from the Minneapolis. Newark and
Texas In order to be ready. As to tile
norm selected. Wicn Governor Manoon
was at the isthmus In- filled both positions.
Secretary Taft will not accompany the
president to the Isthmus. The present ex
pectation la that the president will be un
accompanied by any member of Ilia cabl
rt or other high offiilul.
When Secretary Taft founied bis duties
at the War department after his conference
with the prepldent, ho found a great ac
cumulation of matters requiring his at
tention. The- first business, however, was
to give the necenry order to carry Into
affect the plana he bud formed relative
to Cuba, and which had received the ap
proval of the president.
Tatt Talka of Ilia Mission.
Kpeaking generally or the results of bis
mission to Cuba and the prospects for the
Inn. edlate future of that country, the re.:
retury aald that success had been obtained
In one Important point at least the fight
ir.k' had beeii stopped, and he did not be
1 ! o that It would be renewed even after
t!i withdrawal of the American forces.
Jt had baen a difficult ami dangerous sys
tem for soma time, as the commission hud
to deal with an undisciplined force of per
haps 20,000 motv under arms and scattered
nbout the Island, making it difficult to
reach them directly.
It. was the real purpose of HUuituwitiiR
General Funston to Cunn to assist In this
work, for which he was peculiarly quali
fied, owing to his acquaintance with many
of the lending spirits on both, sides, and
In which he was entirely successful. There
had never been any Intention of placing
Wm In command of the entire American
forces, and when his work was clone n
connection with the cessation of hostilities
ha returned to the t'nlted State, according
to the original plan.
Fnnston In lllb Favor.
A mark of the favor In which General
Funston. Is held by the president, the sec
retary said. Is to be found In the fact that
he waa to have been placed In command
of a division of the army, although only a
brigadier general, which Is without prece
dent. Secretary Taft said that he Ik anxious to
have. Genorar Bell return to Washington as
Boon aa possible, as he Is tieeded here: In
connection with business of the general
staff. But that, officer. had worked no long
and well In the Philippines In the solution
of precisely auch problems as now con
front us In Cuba, he speaks Spanish with
uch fluency and understands the methods
of doing bUMincsa with such eopIn a the
Cubans so thoroughly that the secretary
feels he Is the best representative be can
have In Cuba. The secrelary hoped, how
over, that 4t will be possible to rei all Gen
eral Hell to Washington In the course of
A month or two. The report that General
rershlng will, succeed In commund of the
American forces In Cuba Is erroneous, ac
cording to Secretary Taft. as the command
la too large for a Junior among the briga
dier generals.
Ila la IntlrMnlle.
The secretary preserved his usual atti
tude when the queMion of the length of
time of American stay in Cuba was brought
up and said It is ImposMhlc to make any
prediction. When the bad feelings stirred
up by the revolution have subsided and
there IS ample asurancc that elections can
be held without violence and with a dis
position to abide loyally by th results on
all sides, then only will the. retirement of
th American forces lie in order. Score.
tary Tall said It will take three or four
weeks to Install the new govornment after
the elections.
Relative to the deposition of the military
and navu! fores In Cubs he sold thai It
lias been decld-d to withdraw an soon as
possible a number of nririiies. About
?," marines are there and nil but about
&0 ire to be withdrawn, most of them re
tuning to navy yards In the I'nited
HI urn.
The marines will be vrpluced with aol-
ency of making Mr. Stevena governor ns
well as chief engineer lias been canvassed.
The animating purpose la to diminish the
importance of the offlue of governor, while
enlarging those of the American minister
at Panama. The secretary stated that he
expects to take tip with the president very
soon the question of appointing a Philip
pine commissioner and vice governor, which
place was to have been filled hy Governor
Mogoon before his assignment to Cuba.
Teat Case at Boston aatalna Conten
tion of Government In
(he Matter.
Since the T'nlled States has undertaken to
coiled the customs at Dominican norts a
strict enforcement of customs duties b
resulted and smugglers huve been much
annoyed by collectors stationed along the
boundary between Santo Domingo and
Haytf. Several months ago two customs
office employes- were killed by pmugglcr
and the friction between the officers and
smugglers has since been verv intense.
By stirring up political dissension and
promoting revolution It is said the smug
glers hope to overthrow the government of
President Caceres, which Is co-operating
with the American officii in collecting all
duties on goods entering the republic, ru
der another president the smugglers feel
that they might enjoy greater freedom,
and at any rate the confusion caused by
revolutionary movements enables them to
continue their occupation.
ROSTON. Oct. 18. A verdict, of guilty
waa returned today in a test case brought I
hy the government against William Ellis,
a local contractor, who was charged with
violating the federal eight-hour law on
work at the Charlestown navy yard. The
trial was held In the United States district
The case resulted from complaints made
by labor leaders, who held that Ellis was
employing men nine houra a day on gov
ernment work. The defense claimed that
emergencies made necessary nine hours'
work. The penalty in the case is Impris
onment for six months or a fine of II, QUO, or
both. Judge George granted counsel twenty
days to file exceptions.
"took holder Authorise Issuance
Stock to Extent of Handred
Million Dollars.
Rnnntna Water Wins the Rainapo
Handicap at Belmont Park.
NEW YORK. Oct. 18. Running Water,
the heavily-played favorite, at 7 to .1,
won the Ramapo handicap for 3 year olds,
one mile and a furlong, at Helnioni purk
today. Hot Toddy set a fast .iace ant
was leading by two lengths at the turn.
In the stretch Miller brought the favorite
up. and, catching Mot Toddy in file tlmil
furlong, won by one and a half furlonic.
The time. 1:51 S. is a track record.
T. S. Martin won the Harbor Hill cup,
steeplechase, by three lengths after mak
ing the pace all the way. Higglnbotham,
a 10-to-l shot, won the third race, five fur
longs straightaway, and set a track record
of 0:.SSH. In the first race True Win,
heavily backed, finished second, hut wps
disqualified for interfering wltn John
Iv.vie. Results:
) First race, one mile: Welbourne won,
I John Lyle serond, Onatas third. Time:
! 1:SH.
j Second race. Harbor Hill cup, steepl?
I chase, about two miles: T. S. Martin won,
Sanctun second. St. Kevin third. Time:
Third race, five futionrs. stralshtawav:
Higglnbotham won. Fire Opal second,
Hancock third. Time: 0:58-
Fourth race, Ramapo handicap, one mile
and one furlong: Running Water won.
Hot Toddy second, Nealon' third. Time:
Fifth race, one mile: Consistent won.
Robbie Kean second, Bivouac third. Time:
Kixih race, five furlongs, straightaway:
Crlenham won. Work and Play second,
.Sandy Oeeker third. Time: 0:59.
I.OLISVILK, Oct. 18 Results:
First race, selling, five and one-half fur
lonKs: Sally M. won. Malta second. Miss
Martha third. Time: J :H Va -
Second race, selling. 6 furlongs: Hard,
ing won, Mias Leeds second, Daring third.
Time: 1:14H.
Third race, free handicap, all ages,
seven furlongs: Hannibal Bey won. Dr.
Spruill second. Ievout third. Time:
Fourth race, the Vie Korch nip, selling,
two miles: Miss Rillle won. Mamie Algol
second. Inflammable third. Time: 3:J4?k.
Fifth rarp Avit uurl nne.hrilP fii.l.,ntpk'
considering huildlnir . All nflioimiu T.ii,tta en..,i,.ni...',
an K.lks- home, costing I1S.00O. second. Fair Pagnt'thlrd. Time: 1:08,.
Rl'lO The apple crop Is so large that I Sixth race, selling, one ami one-six-fsrmers
are not repaid for picking. Care- i teenth miles: Anna Day won, Joe Covne
fully selected fruit brings 80 cents a barrel, second, Crownsliade third. Time: l:50Vi.
one grower shipped a car to Kansas and
le-.irs tie win not get enough to pay freight BKM.KYIF. I IP
barges. The Falls City vinegar factorv i
If working day and night.. A. F. Randolph ' ' "
ban 4.000 bushels piled In hla orchard and i Presbyterians Working Hard for fin
can find no market. with Romanists.
COM'MKrS-Repuhllcans of this -cilyi Realizing the game of th" season takes
and county are to make an active can- , plnro Saturday at the Vinton ctret park
vass from now on to the close of the ; wltr. the team of Cn Ignlon .university,
campaign. A big rally Is to be held at the Coach Whltmoie has utilized every mo
North opera house on the afternoon of ment this week drilling the ftellevue team
October 27. and Governor Cummins w ill he In defensive work ano trying out several
th- principal speaker, together with our new men wno were unable to get Into the
candidate for governor. George I.. Sheldon Tarkio game. The results of last K.itur-
i r i oiiiinuui. moo riniif counry. ; aay a gHme snowed wnere i-icnevuo hud
erf!! M
Pdpd Ar QtTMrnA TI7r4t that every one who drinks
Jiiia, ivj-iltC. u aanttO ,pPP will he Interested In
CHICAGO. Oct. 18 -Stockliolders and vot
ing bondholders of the Chicago & North
western railroad at the annual meeting
today authorised the issuance of lnt).oiK),nno
of stork, doubling the present capital. At
the same time the directors were given
power t' Issue certificate at whatever
time added funds might be necessary. Seven
directors were re-elected.
At the. close of the meeting' President
Huahitt said: "Tho new stock Issued will
constitute a surplus on which we can draw
for future needs. Our business I Increas
ing, the country Is growing and we desire
to be In a position to keep pace with any
demands that may come upon as."
(Continued from Third Page.)
lodge No. 10;'t. Till 1 the youngest lodsa
of K!ks In Nebraska and h a membership
of 117. The Klks are considering huildine
nK f,d;f.
When beer is made right, of the right ingre
dients, it is distinctly a healthful drink.
There is no question about that, because the
highest medical authorities stand back of that
statement. Your own physician will tell you
the same thing.
Naturally, the beer that is made of the best
quality of the right ingredients and brewed in
the most scientific and hygienic manner, is
bound to be the best beer.
Now, "LUXUS" is made of the right ingre
dients that is, it is made of barley-malt with
some rice added instead of being made with
corn, or other cereal as some beers arc.
Ask any responsible authority and he will
tell you that barley is the right cereal for beer
and that rice should be used in a pale, light
beer to make it more wholesome and more
easily digested.
Our malt is made from the fiaest barley
grown and our rice we import from India
the best in the world.
.The hops we use for "LUX US" come from
Bohemia and are selected expressly for us by
our own expert. It is the superior quality of
these hops the lupulin they contain, that
gives to "LUXUS" its unequalled value, as a
digestant and general tonic.
As to the Purity of Luxus it seems hardly
necessary for' us to urge the point. Of course
' it V -if I .
"LUXUS" is pure the purity of beer 9
largely a matter of care and facilities in the
brewery and there is not another plant in the
world that can surpass ours in any . particular
except, perhaps as to size.
The Yeast used is an all important factor
in the quality of the beer. A beer gets a great
deal of its individuality and "character" from the .
yeast and there is not another brewery whose
yeast can compare distinctive characteristics
with ours. We guard it against all contam-
mating influences with infinite cai:e
might be called the very spirit of our brewer)'.
You might not realize the importance of all ,
these details but each and every one of them
has a direct bearing upon this beer of quality.
It is all these little details combined into a
perfect whole that ' '
Gives to "LUXUS" a flavor a snap a re
freshing and permanent strengthening quality,
that has never been equalled in beer making
before. TRY IX AND SEE. ; '
Have a case sent home today. ' v
Let us know if you can't get it and we will
see that you are supplied promptly.
Fred Krug Brewing Co.
Omaha, Nebraska', V.
Exponents oi the "Fine Art of Brewlna "
one holes; Kniwls, Vale. 'defeated Wilder,
Harvard, 4 up and 8 t piny; West, Prince,
ton, defeated Van Pyt, Prlnreton, 1 up;
Abbott. Yale. defearnT,J?rown, Harvard,
3 up and 2 to play.-'""- -
''- " ,
CoinUkry Add Fifteen Thousand Dol
lar io Player' Eioheqaar.
Base ball Is uomettmea a paying proposi
tion for players if you happen to be ity a
world's championship team and have nil
owner as generous ' Charles Comiskey.
After the gamo yesterday Comiskey walked
up to Manager Jones and put Ms band Into
his inside pocket, says.'llio Chicago Chron
icle. ,
"Here, fielder. " he. kajd. , drawing out a
slip of paper. "I havo a little testimoti i!
for th" players and wish you would divide
it among them, i only.wisli I had hundred
times t.s much to glv;. hem, to show how
much I appreciate jyij value their work
this season, both In tlm regular eanon and
in the world's sejiejs.", ',,
Jones took the impel- and on unfolding
it found a check for, SLVfeA This will be
divided among twenty-two. men, as Comis
key desired Catcher Roth to tie included in
the list of recipient?.. The president of the
Sox has much praise to bestow on this re
ervit from M'lwaukee for his vork in the
season recently closed.
"I believe that Kolh'Tliid a great deal to
du with winning two ?;inies for us. True,
he- did not work in the- post-season games,
but prior to that, in rhn few matches while
Sullivan wh on the sick list, he did heroic,
work behind the bi. Il Udstered up this
dlffleul. pivotal point to the satisfaction of
nil of us and should be included In the list
of thote who are to rtc.i:e the prize money.
with the Cleveland American League club
for 1D07. The commission decided that
the title to the player Is vested In tho
PortsmqutU ejub,-
fighting trim. The normal's team is il
moat without exception made up of areeii
men. but the majority of them are already
rouiulliiK into good foot ball form. It is
considered that Peru has made quite a Hud
In the person of Swenson from Shlckjey,
who Is playing center, lie Is Over fix
. ,..i lu n iir..i. Ki.,.. u , 1 1 1 1 ., feet tull. weigh close to pounds and
Canadian e feats Slosson Brilliant ( (( t,ie BWfl,Hl nlni),.,. oll ,,, tt.UI T,c
Work.. local followers of lh panic are predicting
NEW iUKKi Oct. is. ticorge Mittnn ot , oik iniiiKs ror i ne nig ,-wcie.
Chicago Is now the' acknowb dg"d world's
champion at 1K.2 balk line billiards.
In a match game for this title he de.
feated George 8loson of this city at M ull
Practice ou luna Field
IOWA CITY. la.. Oct. pi (Sie-clal Ti-lc-
iri'jim 1 tx n n t rl ,-, .tirhaH a o,:jI f., Ihu
on Square Garden Conceit hull tmiluhl Hrs In the practice toninht and Van Mctei
by. tho score of B to 37". duplicated the tvlck for the freshmen just
Jn the tournament held here la.t April lfme the dav's work closed. In the meiin
Kutton made the world's record run ol tr-t time the regulars had M-ored several toin-h-and
an average of 100. Sutton (unluht downa ainnst the scrub and freshmen
showed Koine of the most brilliant billmidH team, which were secured largelv through
ever seen In this city. His best run was the line bucking of Kirk. Ktiowlt'on. Ko. k
in the tentli inning. wood nnd Washburn. Allen circled for hev-
Sutton was 7S points behind when he etal fair gains. Van Meter. .Mciiean- and
started the tenth inning, but he nettled Crow starred for the freshmen. (Yesco
down to steady billiards and worked his White was in 'In- line up for the first time
famous nurse to perfection. When be since he was Injured two weeks ago. He
scored seventy-four and passed Slosson played his old posiiion at rittht. and Miller
he was warmly applauded and then- was and llniKeinan worked at quarter for the
a rousing cheer when he clicked off loi. s. iuIim. Itrugeman being moved to the re
He went along rapidly. His lHHtli shot was nlats when Kent left the game.
a hard line, but he got out of the dililculty :
by a spli-nrlld cushion carom and con-j I nnrsinur nt Hot Sirliui.
tinned until be failed on a single cushion. m)T springs, S. !.. I let. IS iSpecinl
carom close to the top rail after a run of; T, K, a,,,. I The lllieenth day of the na
2"2. Scores: ,,.....,.. coursii.i., meet drew line weather
, 8m,: Xi- - 4' 11,,';',?- V'!""d I1" I1'" "ere fast.
1, .1,. &S. 4-'.si;i. AvtM-age: ..1 l-lt. Hisli ! willlame llurke. .-hallenge cup. rirrt
I una: a.. i, round: Hnppv Free F. Fsshotu. la-nvcri,
Hlosaou: M l), .A .14. 21. 8, I", U, 2.i. 0. ! f,,..,, rjegc (Jneeii lltlake. Tonkin At
8. !. oJ 3.. Average: 2j. limb runs:, smith. Oenveii. 1 to 0: Wild tins Hl.ike.
75, 62. 4o.
as well as those of nearbly counties, will I again put out a strong and snappy team. I Anyway, he will get his portion of the little
' It 1 r tha H r . . n . .. .. ...... .,..11- . t I ..... . .............II.. i . ... . . V. k.. - u ' ' I
did remarkably well, tearing through Tar- According to the llt of eligible player , I he Htora niu Ribbons won tluo- uann
klos strong line at will and scoring M published bv the national commission, i r om Hamlltons last nlKhl on ilu as-i
points to 0. Fullback Harte's line bucKlng ' Roth's name did not appear, as he joined sociation alleys. In total pins they came,
luily demonstrated the fact that as mucii the team after fleptomHr 1. Rut Comiskev 1 near duplicating their record match ot :t.ll. ;
l-el.ance can he placed this year upon mass ! will do all In bis power to pet him into the , trade two weeks ago. Anderson w.i.-i hmh
playj as was last season. I distribution of money 10 the winning mBn, or totals, with (hi. and tor the b. si
Many of Kellevwes oid stars are in the plavera. . single game he ril.-d tin- b-aguo recoril
game. Tne two IK nsons Hai tc. Marvxl H. I With tills additional amount to be dl- for this season to 2T.4. Onlnio.lM;
i'unga, Tolles, Maunders ana Rice have i vided among the White Hox the total is I agnlnst Cudihys. Score:
be present.
FAM.S CITY The Jury In the damage
suit of John H. Beery nuiilnst Charles K.
N'lms. in which M". Rei ry sued Mr. Xinis
for 2.i because Mr. .N'lms hit hlin and
knockwl him down, brouaht in a verdict
last night for damages for Mr. Beery In
the sum of to. This is just hvv enough
to make Mr. Nlms pay the coats in tho
case, amounting to about $."m. Mr. Hoe.v
is a preacher and Mr. Nlnia an elder In the
same church at Humboldt.
COl.lMP.CB-Thls city had s splendid
Young Men's Christian association about
flften years ago. The hard lime came
tn utirl It n.duflil Int., IniiiUiiiAiia .4..A ..,1..
ti, ,i r,.i. i . i i.. ,.; I tielght.ins victory over Cornell last Sal
., ...I...I..- i i,t w '1 , urday showed the Bellevua team whai It
m li li i. ...i . '. ' "na was ud against. It aervert an an ,.v..n,,r I
mif. ri.-ui.. fi," nnitjriKci. I lie lueeillla I i . " - , ... . . I
nrnii otiBnrieri rnn.n.iiiu. i Incentive tor work and tins week the sound I
. i on worneo nun a spirii,. energy ami
Tonkin A: Smith), heat Affection (Alien Ar
Wilson). 5 to 2; Mr. Ware t Rowe ,Vr
Xoalli, beat Contender i Blake, Tonkin A
Siii'thi, fi to 0; Itartagus f. K. Carter).
beat Pine Elf (F. Essliom), 1 H( to'l;
Bartagus (I). K. Carter), beat Lady Hid
erts (H. Horan. Cripple CreekV, 10 to 1;
JLa, fllircbi 'D. K.:C.irter Mnnsrer'. Mul
don it. 'Hassenpriig"rrippleiPreel,.;
n ri eecor d heat, I.a Garcia won. 3 to 2:
Muster Fair (Thomas Foley's Nomina
tion I, beat M. Rowe (Rowe fir Nonll). V
to 1; Mr. Paston (W. H. Smith's Nomina
tion). -beat- Flue Knvoy (F. tlssbomi,'
6 to 3.
Second round: Happy Free beat Wild
Gus. 4 to :!; Hnrtusus b-at Mr. Warl, 'II
to !i; Imp patched l'p beat m ;arcla. t
to 0; Mr. Paston beat Alasfr Fair. 14 to 4.
Third round: Happy Flee bent Barti
gim, S to 1 ; Patched l'p beat Mr. Paston,
li to 1 ; Parched, l'p bent Happy Free and
won the cup,- 4 to II.
CiiirnliiK Knila at Arapahoe,
ARAPAHOK. Neb.. Oi't' ,1S. The Arari
hoa coursing meet closed! here today with
the running of the nil-age and consolation
gtiiko lac. ..... i
The all-age stake was Won by Diamond
Chain, owned by J. J. t;ivin of St. I,ouls,
Mo. Came Sport, owned by liiarlts Ron.
of New Richland. Mjnn.A. wm the cuusol.i
tton st-iki. .
J. iiorlliB Itrevlllcs.
Ilell. will hang up in his Wichita hoinu
as a souvenir tltut hat with which he nuiije
the four two-baggers hi one ginie.
From made by Alouzo Stone,
while In the city Wednesday ho thoroughly
Intends to return to St. Louis next year
and not uuit the Kailie us aniiouiiced by
some e.-, sfrn papers.
The foot ball team of Fort Omaha- would
like to hear from any team in the city
or vicinity, who huve open dues, after
and liicludinK October 20. Address Nor
man Mciiles. Fort Uinnfia. Neb.
piayed varsity loot ball betore. Several I swelled to almost $4iMWt or slaiut a
new men are making a greut tight for posi- , player no mean s-im io Tome In a bunch.'
lions and hid fair to win. .sone of the This, together with th amount earned in
team is in the lioapital from last week's j salaries, will make ihe season's work a
game and great care, i obsitved in the paying one to the white-hedooked. It will
ually scrimmage i eclipse by far th itiiouni received by til
- champion Giants lat
was well attended
pointed, and as soon aa
Heeretsre Huilev of the Riui vnl,. f.,,.-. ura mai nas ne' er uetore Ix
I Christian association here to tell them how I ne "ellvue gridiron. Between ;hlrty and
lit will be a sure go. """".forty men have regularly reported for
r'AI,T.R CITY The eooo.v ! f"1'" i -p.' . ' h."V ,,aVf! P" through
Richardson county has used up fwo' Voiv! ' 'ph - i'.l m keuT ffl'lvh I?'
enger books, with 300 pages In each book. l"orV ail(iPAas slatu tWI J.
! V'J'.f """!hr:. ir.h.teh. r"! S i Jf "feilur'ln" defend
is Back of
,3iJ (iSSanl lSe5iJ
Hiller's Old Standard
lottlrd in Booa
It' a pine. licb. v Kentucky
Whn-k-y. Bottled I(i bocd. SKK
THA I' IT'S IN Voi'U liuMK.
Hiller's Whiskies
Full Quarts 80c-$l $1.25
X-'UKK A b-.-. e t contali;iii ; oc
ular lousi. Ask tor one.
"vr Hiller's
1309 Farnain St., (hnahi
VVs abiy Fcur (juurta PrtpAid.
nil-d before the scavenger list of this
i comity is completed. There are de-
rt liptirnis entered now and when the list
. Is completed thi-re will be between Jo.Oul
I and Ji.'Mi descrlitions of land to be sold
, for back tax-s. The most of the property
j is In Rulo. Aragn and Malciii, although
Falls ( Ity has a large list.
RF.ATKICF.-At a meeting uf Hie lire
, department last night u committee con
' sisiing of Fire Chief Al White as chair
, man and the foreman of each hose i-oni-I
tny. was appointed and authorized to push
the n in k of raising the tumis necessary
for the erection ot a monument on the
firemen's lot in Kvrgrtcn Home cemetery,
i The monument will int liiiiii and it
i Is ih Intention io have it readv to no-
cil al ihe ttreinen's memorial service thv
U!Kei in' iie,'L4. VSI !
FAM.S CITY-'onsideruble cxcliei i-nl j
eime.i in r.nn viiy pieioay an r i
1 1 . ... ul.r.1,1 - 1 . . ..In. b k'Kuh I. . . .. .11-
........ ..-.. V -. . ., I vr. li" 1 1 ti mm J 1 1,
and by Saturday the line will be nearly
perfect. The ends this year are much
stronger, both In weight and speed, than
they wer last, and from their showing
made against. Tarkio. will make good next
After much trouble Coach Whit more, rep
resenting Bellevuc. and Manager Iiwver of
Crelghton. hsve secured rho officials for
Saturday's game, men known for their
fairness and knowledge of the game. They
are: Crawford, referee; Burn and Kllick,
Bellevue college expecis to turn out
'"enmass" Saturday and, if possible,
drown Crelghton rooters. Arrangements
nre oemg inaoe io secure
Chance ot Hla me.
T. J. Iwifius. once manager of the Cnl
cag3 National league' team arid la lev at
the head of the Washington American
league, gave one of the most Intelligent re
sume of the series during a fanfest on
the world's acrte.
"The Cubs were thoroughly whipped be
fore the Sunday game ever started,-' said
Mr. 1' fins. 'Putting Hrown Into the lox
wnen he had pitched hut two day before
whs an admission that the Cubs' hopes
were banning by slender thread. And
Brown got what I expected him ,o gel.
'the Mux were tull -of confidence after me
way they had slaughtered ihe Cub pitchers
on the day before, and I doubt if any
pitcher in the business could have slopped
them thai day. '
"1 see that Chance Is being charged
with bad judgment in not putting Overall
in to pitch at the start of the Sunday
game. Some of the West Sld rooters
maintain that Overall, after his fine show
ing on Saturday, should have been the
logical twirler for Sunday. That's all toni
myroi. Chance played the best card when
he sent Brown In. Brown liaj laen their
Cochran .
Weber ...
Renikt .
Nlcoll ....
llgett ..
21 K
Tot. I
b 1
...l.omi icq
1st. 2d
1.070 3.1.7:!
i-.i I
snecial ial-ft in r
the new electric road, which is comnleio.t ikIia irtri . nil' uniDiiiflf luinr 1 In it m uni
8?iV.da,v,innjr,n,rT W V 11. I a,'"' "'vl'- has as yet bee,, Iio piled up the vIotoiK In the pennant
e. i.l Mini. U in June. li. w . l Jackson. I established. race contest and in Mm the team h i.i
honorary memlH-r.. was pretent and ad-j , iW moft to'n"."!'.-' '
tKADS t fiol.K M lit Hi
o urn Mmniliiaia to loaiiir
Flr nt the Elaht Kanlism In Medal
iocrcd that a Lain of mules hitched tu
Ihe rack south of the cuarl house had b li
stolen. Th- owner of the team, GottU-ib
Krschke, went to th rack to
and found the team gone. He
notified tin- sheriff and that
Totals m;2 Ki2
The Life Malts look three games from ,
the Black Kals on the .Metropolitan alleys, i
Walenz. who was the premn r bowler l-itt I
year, .is not cutting much of the mustard'
this year, although he was high man on i
his team. Drlnkwater of the Black Kals ;
was high on single game, with 212, also ;
high on totals, with 527. Tomorrow night i
toe Falstafls against Oi'.rleus. Score: j
, 1st. :.l. .M.
Walenz I7u t:..'i lti
Sutton ' l.j; IHi l:s;
Nelson 172 III
Staenhorst 2ti 172 Pi;
Lehman 173 HW 177
litiS S42
Play Wear the Bloe.
GAKl'KN CITY. Oct. lS.At the 1.,..
start home of ',ay ' t," l"tvr. cllegimo golf -rcle
linmedlutelv ! tmimament. Yale seemed to have a ivyil Fltzsir
oin.ei li .1 I chance of duplicating Its double I. lot v of face,
onuei Uliu ; . , ,.,. .. -i. a 1 1 n L ..r .1... a ......
Answering th- en treat lea of hi Cali
fornia fiMUMl tu re-enter rhe prise rin.
Jim Jeffiu has informed -Iheui that he
lnt:nls to away from tlie equ.ircd
te iinut a man of liie cinir ot Mod
simmons apneurs on the pugilistic sur-.left-
consider I ne I'.irnUhmni Ih.
! Borne of bis iMputies slatted out to find the j !uM. 'e.r ou U" l'P ut ,h" Garden Cltv greatest untei lie has ever tackled and
I t-ani nnd thief. Thrv found the t-am l'll'10- . fJ ,y'.,r ,"' ho," '' team I aside from Tom Sharker me only man who
(about nine mile north of town, where It J."'1 '"'ilvldual honors. Ycs.cidav -lit j compelled him to extend himself.
Ibad hem taken In by a farmer. U criilN,ew Haven collegians ugain won the team "I rgard the i.resent day fighter a a
I tuot the farmer found the team lieU to too i chanipionshlp. and when the rirsr round lot of second ratcr.- said Jeff, -and 1
I fence near hi house, and as waa elgliteen-bole match play for the in- . do not care to try Ui deceive the sporting
I with it and .10 person came to gel' It he I dlvldiiul i hamptonsulp was oi., luilid to- I public int. believing they have a chance
look It uiel .-ut it in his barn. It devil- 'my flv ,h eight survivors were Yale . against me. 1 have receded many natter
oped ibis in. lining that a fellow living men. two being from Princeton and the 1 lug offers to meet men like O'Brien. Kmilt
: ti.utli of here was in loan in the after- "j?1" from Harvaru. ! in.. n and Rerg-r. but I have rejected Inein
. noon and t.s.k on too mm h Uquor. and. . , None of the ot uoll players got through I because nave no desire to enter the ling
i wh.-a be was readv to go home, decided it the qualifying round in the morning. T. I with nieti of their class. Bob Fitsslmmous
' was too far to walk, so be went u the I Coanlu of Harvard made the lowest ! t bis besl could have whipped ihe wbola
iiak and took the rtrst team be cam to. ! medal score, Hi. He wa defeated, ho, i huurh In on- night. If a heavyweight pos
which huppencd tu bcloug to Mr. Res.hke. j ever, in the first match round bv Dwlght j sesslng r'iiz s tignting mialtties comes for-
miirnic or laie. two ol closest
innicht wer tliose lij which Clow of l"le
won irom or Princeton. I up in twen-
tue(laa (sstsslgs Faad.
CINCINNATI. Oi t. It. An accountina of i iv.ii.. imie anil Hiiitifs ..f a
thes-.un of 1170.162, alleged to be the amount j feated R. Peters. Jr.. of Princeton. I up in
of the republican campaign fund for last nineteen holes. The match jday. tirst
year In tins city, was demanded in a suit
tiled today by Louis II. Keuis. M former
city employe, who aays he contriljuied flS
tu the tund. The petition asks for an ac
connlltg and (or ihe distribution aicpn
the contributor ot fltJ.uuu. believed to have
leen on baoa aftsr th xanipaign exrenses
wcic paid.
round, resulted follows
Borup, Ysle, defeated Clark, Harvard, I
up; Barrows, Princeton, defeated Holan.
Yale. I up: Partridge, Yal. defcued
Clartin. I-tan'srd. u.- and i to plat;
Erigg. llaiMr.l. defeated Petvrs, Prtie-t -Ion.
1 up la nlaei.H-n iioles: Clow. Yb
defeated Gc, Princeton, t up iu iwtiuy-
ward I may Meld to the wlsnes of th
public lo don the ni:its. ugalu. My wy
strongly opposes sny plan having for its
purpose my rv-entry into Hi ring and you
limy rest assured that am giving little
tliougiit to the n. alter."
Kay BeluaK to Portsiauntu.
CINCINNATI. Oct. The National
Cominisslon gave it dwtdslon In reference
to the claim of th Portsmouth iV
club I...- Ihe "v',- ,.f I'Uy,.- Wlllluin
Ky. who accept...! term with h --. i,h
nuivr leuorle.L ki aitviwaids sigusd
Ba. br
KrtiK Patks ...
Mtorz Blue
O. 1. K
Diets Athletics
1 I'l
1 ).
2, I'd i
Tot. :
tiy i
i'. t.
. a
Varicocele: I'nder our treatment this Insldlo-is
disease disappears. Pain cease almost Instantly.
The stagnant blood 1 driven from tin dilated
vein and all soreness and swelling subside.
Lvery indication of Varicocele vanish-, ind In.
s'ead comes th pleasure of perfect I.eaith. Many
sJlmeiits sre reflex, originating from ithei dis
eases For Instance. Innumerable blood and nerv
ous diseases result from poisonous iaints In (ha
system. Varicocele and Hydiocele. jf neglect -d.
will undermine the physl -il strength, depress t.n.
mental facullle. derange the net-ven system, and
produce complicated results. In our treatment we
alway cure the effect as well as ihe ca-tse. tivery
person afflicted Willi these dlsea:-es should call on
us to lern our methods of cure, widen are saf
and permanent. Consultation Is free, and o if
charge for a perfect cure are no more (ban you
will be able und willing to pay for the hoti-.-tVa
Certainty of euro Is wat you want. We gu irante to cure you.
X. V. Cor. laih Jind I'arnam Nt.. Omaha, Xrli,
fwa-raoii' f UT'Jll fTll lit it
conf eerred.
Corcoran to Hauaar Baltimore Trim.
BALTIMORE. Md.. Oct. In Manager lid
ward Hanlon of the Clnclc.tiail hare lsill
tuant. alios.- home is in this city, lou.iy
sAid that Thomas Corcoran, short stop of
thu Clncltiimtf team for the last eleven
years, will be fcsk"d to manage the Balti
more Kasu-ru league club next scison,
Corcoran has not bem approached on He
subject as yet. but it is believed there will
lie no difficulty lu coming to terms Miiii
normal Foot Ball Team Hot),
PF.Rl', Neb.. Oct. Is. (Soe. ial ) Hi.
Scherer. the. Peru normal' physical di
rector, has been putting the foot ball
team through very stiff work all th's
week In preparation for the cumlng name
wWh Doane on Friday. Doane Is expe. t, d
to be the stiffen! tnn on the normals
schedule tuts ear. and In. S.-lo-rc. i
lviu uotlilug umioiiw tu ael his naui in
A Chicago Train for Omaha People
Walla for do other train. Leaves Ouiaba llnloa
Matlea promptly nt 0t4O vry anlog. crl
tiLlcio 8:15 tbo next morning. Electric Llgblrd
Ibroaghout. CuIIiuaa Drawlag Boou Sleeping
Cara. Froo Becllntng Cbalr Cara, Obaarvatlba Fad
Parlor Car tsllb Dialog Room, aarviag Dlaaar aatl
Breakfast a la cart.
TlckttM al 1312 Farnain St., Omaha