Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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drt. Ids Ysum; Jataraui lUtlti with
Guslis tad Appliti Msto'n.
I lt t'wnrelves Idea of Kidlnt Life
tij th station. Taming
i.n. a ail Thtir Chanifi
Her mad.
V juhif. who l. employed by tt. Sparry-1
Hutchinson Trading Siamp company. 21
..North fll.tteenth street, and rooim-d n( lot
Vertii F.ightcenth street. Temporary
Ini-mily ascribed us tl: cause Tor '
ti.e li -d. Aftef her hitKbiind luid gone to
.! nik Thursday morning one attempted
commit will lile by turning; on the gas
ici fn lief room, -but In her delirium con
t ived l lii Idea of burning liere!f, whli'h
ma neeefully carried out.
The" Young orrupled a loom fur ligiil
!jOi;ek',,,t'iii(i; iairpoties mi t n- second floor
of the hnie nl the rurnt-r of
I lMv-!urt uri-ela. a wide Valcony x-
ding (u front of the boiuie. Mrs. Young I
"rfMently saturated her clothing with the
cno!iii which aha liad for us In a gnso
"ive siie in their room and tstepped from
' : window to the balcony, there, setting
j -iV-e ti" herself. Mrs. Arthur Stover, who
I iives In th bouse, wa stand ng on the
'rrwf. perch and heard the screnm t.f the
fylhg woman and hIso s.i- the flames on
lie balcony, fche turned In the fire' alarm
and then ran upstalra and threw wnter on
I 'ha burning woman,' hut her efforts were
' in vain, a Mra. Yonns waa practically In
' !nernfed hefora her arrival. Th fire de
partment thfn arrived on the acene and
notified Coroner Pralley. who took charge
f the remains. The terrible work of the
flames had burned off the Vps and hnir
of tha victim and the flesh of her was
f to badly burned that it fell tiff at the
. 1,Itc There- T Yrara.
Sir. and .Mra. Toung had lived tit So6
North Kightcenth atreet for more than two
eara. during which time Mr. Toung had
been employed by tha trading stamp com
pany. Prior to thai time they had lived In
HiMith Omaha and during their residence In
that cltj- Mrs. Toung became entirely de
mented, neceasltatlng her removal for a
J vcrlod ef Stveral months to the Insane asy
. ;.lum at Lincoln. She also wis sent for a
short period to 8t. Bernard' hospital In
Counrti Hluffs for treatment.
Threats of suicide had been made by the
v.oman many times on account of severe
! i ndadhea to which he was subject, the
moat recent, of which was Inst Sunday,
whea she told her friend, Mr. Stover, that
lie would surely end her life Boon if she
dhl not get Immediate relief from her head
acnes. 1i house where th! woman lived I
i rented Vy Mra. J. Pickett, who sublet the
' rooma for light housekeeping. Mra,
Pickett said Mra. Toung waa of a very
morose and sullen disposition and during
'their two yeara' residence in her houaa aha
had not spoken to her more than two or
threa '. times.
' It la not believed an Inquest will be held.
as the coroner la satisfied It waa purely a
rdaa of suicide of -which there can be no
question. Mr. Toting waa absent from
home at the time, but went to the cor
oner's office aa anon aa ha could be found
by hla employer. Ha la prostrated over tha
occurrence. .
' Aceldeat Barely Averted.
A secoftrt tragedy from' the effect"
burning gaaollne waa narrowly averted
Thuraday morning, occurring only a short
time after the suicide of Mra.. Toung at
Klghteenth and Davenport street. Mra.
Handlfor, who resides at 1124 Pacific street,
came nearly belnc the second victim, but
waa aaved by her presence of mind. While
fining w gasoline atove In the kitchen of
her home a bed spring, which had be n
left leaning against the wall near where
lha atove waa placed, toppled over, strik
ing the can of gasoline, which Immediately
rxploded. Mra. Sundlfor threw her arma
54,600 Meals Did
Him Ho Good
How Out Man Wasted SO Yrara of Hit
- Life Thousands Uke Him. '
"What's the us of ealln. anyhow?" said
the scrawny dyspeptic to hla rotund, pros
perouj looking friend. "Here 1'va been
catln' thrs ' times a day and some
times twlra a day for fifty yeara, and
look at m. I'm raw-boned and skinny,
still at tbe bottom of the ladder, sour on
the world and
I a pessimist. I know It and
It. If I had It to do over
1 can't help
again, though, 1 would take car of my
stomach, for I don't believe I ever really
ielihd a meal In my life, not even
mother'a Christ maa dinner, and 1 firmly
believe that my way of eating, or what
ever U was, brought along with it darkness
and Impossibility of success."
"You're right." nodded bis coinimnioo.
"Of course, that , Isn't always the case.
Hut In ihi ag w must not only 'Trust
in the Loid and keep our powder dry.' but
must swallow sunshine with our food.
Cheelf ulneea. especlall) while eallng.
which is the moat eantlal act of man, la
as necessary to hit : a sunshine Is to the '
a,, wets. Not'j ng normal cai. be produced
in darkness.
"But thli I wha'. you heu i lieen do
nig, Mr. Dyspeptic. Your brain snd your
siomavli. remenitiri-. are twin, and lou
liava to treat them'. Why net
atari, .low and repair tha dainago you've
i'.ouc. lt I never too late, you know "
You mean at my age.' And suppoa you
w,.m-uu.j aiui.ui. "''", llc th Fimi.i i-nt Man were exchanging
, ' I -lid S-'olhic. Mr. Idt Young, aged . : ,.nUrtes,s ,,d liicl.irntnllv settling the af
I ..n to.l her fi:irir.rt, ,u, i matcli and j .,.., of ,ut , ,h(,. own imfgctlon.
win-. to death nboul W: Thursday , T,,c Morl Fat Mal, busily engaged
I i.j-rnlng. unit the wife of Unity V. i ,.i.i . ir, ... oi-..r freh from
I l... i in .i.c uu-hu.;
1 V "Absolutely, j.a. gcieuca lias made it
L ,, stlhle i get Hi sunahlns, the healtu
1 and the stieugth tbst your stomach needs.
V -ut lofelber lu little tablets. Tlly call
U tuem Stuailu Dy.pep.m Tb;ei, th-
t ruse-, effective tablets In the world for
this very One Ingred.tnt lu the. ,
tablets digest. giam. of tood
out the help of the stomach. Two labiate .
""I " '..ore work.;
i.uiie... .bi..b
a neavy iiiviu yiti m aioiuavn can hsvk.
Th stomach ned not work at all. iStuurl'
ljipep4-'fblu does all the work, and
gives your jaded stomach a real, th real
il used. Meanwhll you cure yourself cf
iiraalw .irritation, burning . ntou, liaart
hum, sour stomach, acidity, fermentation,
bloat,' and the worst casts of dyspepsia
and nulgstioti. Tou get rid of these
for all time. And then, htsl.1, yuu can
uat all you want and whenever you want.
tid eu will also rsllsh mother's Chiist
iiiaa dinners if you will take Smart a Dy
pepala Tablets after eating. That th
unarm I ' talking about. Then your
fav will reflect th Internal change going
n:i, you'll te more eoergsilc. your mind
will be clearer, you will have more con-
i! dene in yourself, you'll b happier, and I
)ou'U be yourseu again. '.
"Your heart will changa and
you U fell
i and live. J
,jsy. Teu'Il aajoy your meaia-and live.
that's walh down to tn drug ator and let t Th following blrh and death were r-!,-,
Introduce you ta on llttl packag of parted to the Bord of Hell b during the
thas gtuaxt's Dyspapsla Tablets. You can
gat tbarn at ar.y drug atora lu th world
tor only Mo a paukag. It la warth II. Mr.
Driw'Ue." .... ...
to her face and ran- out of the room ami
In' kily cr.ipe, withnu; Injury bcyon.l
singing of lier h.-iit. Tlic fire department
extinguished me flaim after damage lo
the extent of bout hud b"-n d-ine
Jo the u-n and content.
Canrinrtnr far Mn1trinn that
a lira IrMwa the
Wednesday morning while on the irur
i platform of a Hansom pnrk car bound
(for downtown Ihe Conscientious Conductor
tb ropf, fctorv. hOF brand had bwn
eXfnf Ivelv advertised In the newspapers
for WVPIa, WPr,B M9 b0(tlg anl.l at an
enormooii reduction In pilce. and while en
Jovtng the fragrance of the hemp and
wondering what could pn.aihly be causing
the remainder of liln fellow pflseetigera to
glower dt him with baleful eye, relieved
hlmeeif of eeverel aphorletna, which evi
dently Iik.1 lieen kept under ewer during
an tended period of fermentation.
The (.'ointf tnmlini Conductor waa busily
einsg d In lartilrg by rote the new phrase,
f "Transfers"' when Florid Fat Man aaid.
! eaudlrg H cloud of vnpor In the effort.
"Say, Con, did you v.r notice that women
always get oft the car hack wards." The
Conscientious Conductor found time to
reply. "Did ou ever see 'cm get off or
fall off sny othr wn for I'll give ynu
one. cold hard plunk fur every woman you
gee get off facing forward if you'll agree
to separate yourself from one bone for
every one that geta off backward." The
Florid Fat Man said, however, that he
wasn't any charitable Institution, but Just
a a matter of scientific research he'd
watch tha women getting off during the
remainder of his Journey downtown.
P-y this time I he car had reached Six
teenth and Ivcnworth streets and a num
ber of woni'n alighted to transfer to the
car which would convey them to South
Omaha. Seven Women got off and In hla
anxiety to watch the proceedings lha
Florida Fat Man dropped hi rope as every
one of the seven got off the steps facing
' Seven fur your'n'" shouted the Florid
Fat Man to the Conscientious Conductor,
who wn then pulling the bell at the In
stance of a woman plentifully endowed
with corporosity who desired to alight at
Jackson street. She was In too much of a
hurry, however, and stepped from the ear
backward narrowly escaping severe dam
age. At this Juncture the Florid Fat Man re
marked that. he had found a clue to the
reason for the phenomena Just observed,
which he delivered for the enlightenment
of the attentive throng.
"It la my theory that In stepping off the
car all women, being naturally more or
less vain, desire to face the passengers,
most of whom are of the sterner sex, who
are on the platform. .Possibly at tlmee the
heels of thin shoe my be run down, of
their back hair may be coming down."
The Concientlous Conductor replied.
"You're wrong, friend, she la actuated
by the aame principle that makes a hen
want to cross the road."
Two-Thirds of Xnraber Pat Dowa Are
Republicans, bat Interest
la Flaln.
The first registration day for the fall
election opened at S o'clock Thursday morn
ing with favorable weather conditions and
a hat appeared to he a flagging . Interest
The registrars In the flfty-four precincts
In Omaha' were not jueesed very hard
Thursdsy morning, the rush coming be
tween B and In the evening.
With but few exceptions the registrars
were all on hand. Those who failed to
qualify were persuaded to appear before the
mayor and city clerk by two police officer,
who went out Wednesday afternoon with
summon. Thera were only five vacancies
Thursday morning, these being filled later
In the day.
City Clerk Butler made a round ot everv
precinct to ee the registrar had every
u I w"rK,n orner na ,n compliance
found a vacancy, he looked Into the matter
and discovered the missing registrar was at
I the lme out with a wagon peddling vege
I tables. Mr. Putler promptly explained to
j Mr. Peddler tha law on the subject, which
i Prides for a heavy fine, and within five
minutes the peddler waa serving his coun
try on the registration hoard.
A usual, the registration lists Thursday
morning showed that nearly two-thirds of
those registered were republican, which
t was attributed in a larg measure to the
activity of tha republican county com
I mittee.
a i srae m m . . .
I ,1Z . ' e repum,oan
comn1,tt l5 Thursday morning hi com-
iiiiiiiT imu mmiuy riii oui over tne county
18.U0O cards to voters urging the Importance
of registering and registering early.
"We will know better Friday Just where
we are at In the matter of registration,"
aaid Mr. Woodland. "The first day's reg
istration will give us something to work
on and will bo something of a criterion."
Repre-aeatatlvee of British t.otrra.
meat laapert American Plants
ta Report ta Parliament.
The fact that John Bull 1 taking more
than a panning Interest In the .meat pack
ing Industry of America wss suggested to
Omaha and South Omaha Thuraday In the
visit to tho big picking plants here of rep
resentatives of the British government on
tours uf Inspection. Among the agents
I are Sir Waiter Foster, member of Purlin.
, men, from in Dr. Rmdeurr, K,,
,m rhemlit o London. W. A. Johns of Chi.
I cat0 w wllh ln, Engal,men
, 81r Waltrr ty,,ttr u on. of tl ro, ,
, ai,voo,lr.s of th labor movement lu Par- Tlie lKJrpoe of his visit here is
tu mv..tl1,te the labor conditions aa ro-
i , ,h. ,,.H. .,,.. ,7.
m- vi,ilt(, p,,,.,,, , tn eBd
,ue. in the country, with a view to
, p,,,, ,Ilvtig.tlon.
..Th. .ltutlon u nipy
iof glr Walter a party
"The English peo
ple ar great meat aau-rs and a a result
of the recent charges of uncleanllnesa made
gainst American meat the sale of them i Honor, la requested to meet at Sister An
nas materially fallen off la Kugland. The ' derson's residence. Kit Douglas street, at
price ar almost prohibitively high and In- i ! '" Frid'r' to niuke arrangements for
ti-rested parties are determined ta keen tin
the agitation for private gain. Sir Wal
ter Foster determined to come to America
and make a personal liive-vigation for
himself and will present hla observations
to Parliament. Dr. Klduer, who accom
paules hti.i. I hi private su retary and Is
assisting lit tha Investigation from a acien-
tiao point of view. Thus far Sir Walter's
Investigations have been very satisfactory
and tnly the best results wiU come uf
upon hi return lo r.ngland. We go from
her t Kaunas CUv and SJb. Louis.
Msngtira ft Co.. LEfyfcK EPKCIALI8T8.
' llnu sad Heath
iniy-iour nxrara ending TnursUuv iicnai:
liinh te-.-llf Welt. 3IC4 North Tmenty
fourth, boy. , ,
DAih Je y. Mtn-n. iHll Cuming.
7; Kdga' liucet Hi svUlh Irmu -lifitn
avou. , '
Larger Hnmber tf fcuparior Asinialt Ibti
Ertr at ht ladiUriam.
Seat fa If la t.olaa Hi at Lively
( Ha, All Part of the His
Hnlldlaa Beta la
To rtallze that Interest In the UorVa
show, which upens si the Auditorium Mon
day, is greater thun In former yeara one
has only to visit the Auditorium at any
time during the day and see the large
number of horsea which are being worked
out by local owner and being accustomed
to the tan bark arena. So large a vatiety
of horses is being worked out the man
agement tins considered granting a sopaiatc
time to the saddle and tho harimss horses.
This probably will be done sfter the spe
cial train arrives with the outsiders Sundiiy
nltei noon.
That some really good horses will be at
the Omaha show was shown at Kansas
City, when the horses that will enme to
Omaha look all the leadlnx rrlres. One of
the Mitprises of Hie week, lit the Kansas
City show was the defeat of Lord Balti
more, 0. YV. Wtun's superb horse, by
Honor Brlaht, Crow AV Murray entry
When Murray was here last year he had a
fine young horse, the President, and now
he has a mate to him In Honor Bright.
I which Is ii hie to take the prises from the.
best In the country. The victory of Honor
Bright over Lord Baltimore, which has
been considered one of the best horses In
the United States, was most popular, aa
"Jim" Murray la always a hit wherever he
show. He I the clrcn clown of the ring
and none can handle tha road four around
the ring at a livelier clip than Murray.
Decorations Are F.xeellent.
"8plendld!" "Superb:- "The finest dec.
oration ever placed In the Auditorium!"
Thesa exclamations are heard on all sides
aa people who go to the Auditorium to buy
their tickets glance at the interior of the
big building and see the change wrought
by the decorators' art.
Ticket have been going at a lively clip
and the aale Is not confined to any one
part of the building, but patrons are buy
ing all claase of seat.
The larg Horse Show kite is agaJn soar
ing over the city 1,W0 feet In the air carry
ing a banner with 600 square feet of can
vass. Many new local horses have lieett added
to the stables since the Horse Show last
year, and some of these will furnish ur
prise before the week Is over. E. P. Peck
has scoured the country for a good mate
for his splendid chestnut mare. Besslka,
and has finally secured one In Henna, of
'good bone and free action.
W. H. McCord has a new horse In Lord
Cecil, a heavy harness horse weighing 1,050
pounds. He will be used In a pair aa the
mate of Only One and has a mark of
Ward Burgess has a new team called Chief
and Dearborn. Tlila pair ranks high and
will be among the ribbons.
T. C. Byrne has a new roadster pair 15.1
hands high which will be hard to beat In
any company." Dr. Gall W. Hamilton of
Council Bluffs ha a cream-colored gelding
for the roadster class which Is the pride
of the Bluffs.
Kesrrea Falls to Appear ti
When Wanted for
f -
Mrs. Nettle Antokal. charged with as
saulttng George Woods with . Intent to
wound, who was released on a tiTO bond
signed by her husband and his brother.
failed to appear for trial In district court
Thursday morning and her bond was for
feited. She Is the wife of the proprietor
of a lodging house at 101 South Twelfth
street and when nn officer waa Bent thera
It was learned she had packed her trunk
week ago and left the city.
Mr. Antokal waa one of the principal wit
nesses against Harrison Clark, who waa
convicted of the murder or Street car con-
ductor F,ury and lt who g,ve the
of Clark. It was to her Clark entrusted the
money he secured from the saloon holdups
he took part In on the night of the murder.
The case against Henry Murphy and
Chief of Police Brlgg will come up before
Judge Sutton Friday and Monday John
Smith, the burglar, wlio shot John Wipf,
and who later tried to escape from the
county Jail will be placed on trial.
Five Months Old Child Dies at la
atltnte and Police Ara
Looking- (or Parent.
The police have been requested to assist
In finding the parent of Maggie McKinney,
aged S months, who died at the Child's
Saving Institute Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Hoy McKinney, the mother of the In
fant, placed the child in the institute about
teu duya ago. an she was not able properly
to provide for her. It Is believed the mother
now resides in South Omaha.
A aalck and Safe Remedy far Bowel
Twenty years ago Mr. Geo. W. Brock dis
covered that Chamberlain Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy waa a quick and
safe cur for bowel complaint. "During
all of these yeara," h says, "I hava used
It and recommended It many thnea and th
results have never yet disappointed me.'
Mr. Brock is publisher of tbe Aberdeen
(Md.) Enterprise
Turner-Ellla-Cuscadeti concert tonight at
gvhmoller ft Muller's building.
tard at Thaaka.
We desire to expr our moat lucer
thank to our many friends, the Ancient
. Order of United Workmen No. ITS, Tit uev-
olent Order of Railroad Trainmen and the
switchmen's union for their kindness and
aympathy and beautiful floral offerings
during our recent sad bereavement tha
loss of our beloved husband und father.
Nwrth Omaha lodge No. Degree uf
I tu funerel or Bister Krenn.yre.
Funeral notice later.
l8igned) J. A. ANHLYX.
Chief of Honor.
MIN'Nlt: MUANN. Recorder.
Very Law Rate ta tha West.
Th Chicago Great Western isilway will J
sell tickets to points In Alberta, British Co-
lun,bU, Illllh,, Montana. Oregoi and Wa.h. !
..., .. .h..i o...-h.if .k. ......i .
It I Wck,t, on ie d,Hy August V to October
VI. Inclusive. Get full Information from H.
H. Churchill. General Agent, lill Faraain
St., O.r.aUa. Neb.
Tunir-Klll-Cucadn concert tonight at
Bchmoller ft Muller's building.
Y. M. f. a. Open March I.
March 1 I now the dale set when th
new Young Wen Christ la n association
!;u.he,r',d vxrjyvz::
lu data originally l, but numerous delays
'n !ting mat. rial and letting contract
lm put ilio il.iy two months further
ahad. The cfliii ii-.'l the vmn iln:n will
be i.-,npicd emly l-i Xi'Vi-intiei .
liarnaeata villa Mala and Heat llnals
for Motloa for r Trial
of eraeil.
BeciitiBt- a Moodv shirt ai d tilled !
with long knife rents were flourished he
fore a Jury In district court by TVpuiy
County Attorney Murdock. Alex But kits,
the Ijthuanlan who was convicted of ns
saultlng Peter Kriscrumi at the wlinlup
of a wedding celehratlon, has filed a motion
demanding a new trial. J. J. Breen. his at- I
torney. allearea In the motion the evidence
did not show Butkus had anything to do)
with the coat or shirt, but that they were I
used to prejudice the Jury. The aarmcnt' '
were the uikb KrUcsunas wi re when he
was assaulted. ,
The mot Inn also chnra error In not try
ing John Polvis and petrr, who
were Indicted with Butktt. first. It Is al
leged they are the real criminals, and if
their cases had been disposed of they would
hava testified for Butku. Polvla went on
the stand, but when advised that his testi
mony mlfrht be used nsalnst him, rcfufed
t" testily. Butkun was c'i?irael with the
rest with assault with Intent to kill, but
was found guilty of plain assa.ilt.
tiate Ity t olled earlr All Pe
and Xeve York Scarcely
County and City Treasurer Fink Is Inter
ested in a newspaper Item from New York.
which discloses the difference In the ef
ficiency ot methods of collecting personal
taxes in (he metropolis and In Omaha. The
Item stated the. city was about to issue
l.fS.ono.Ono stock to cover the deficiency In
personal tax collections for the last thirty
years and closed with a suggestion that
owing to the fact personal taxes could not
be collected. It would be only a matter of
time when all taxes would he on real estate
and property that cannot be concealed.
Tho total tax levy In New Tork Is ti.- of which J3.00ft.ono Is personal. The
figures show that So per cent la the highest
percentage of personal taxes collected In
any one A-ear. In Douglas county 8S per
cent of tha personal taxes of the last tax
year have been collected and In the city
5 per cent Is -paid In. Compared with the
maximum of SO per cent In New York, this
la considered a remarkable record.
Says President Mast lasoe Orders for
' Sappresalon of Vte Indians
la Wyoming.
Major General A. XV. Oreely, command
Ing the Northern Military Division and the
Department of the Missouri, arrived In the
city Thursday morning on official business
connected with the Depsrtment of the Mis
souri. He will reniaiu in Omaha unti
Friday evening..,.,.. .
In reference to the application of Gov
ernor Brook of Wyoming for federal
troops to sid in preserving order snd to
arrest and remove a hand of Uta Indians
now lit the vicinity of Gillette, Wyo,
General Greely sad; ..
The order for tlje Use of federal troops
for any purpose jn.ust come from the
president direct, an he alone takes the
initiative, no orders nave yet been re
celved from him for any movement of
troops Into the disturbed section, and we
cannot do anything until we . receive ordera
from the presldepj..' . . ...
J. J. I.yoa. Who Beata Woman,
Sentenced try Police Jndge
CraW'ord. '
. Confinement for the next sixty days In
the county Jail was the sentence handed
out by Judge Crawford in police court
Thursday morning to J. J. Lyons, an ex
pressmsn of S410 North Twenty-fourth
street, who shamefully beat Mrs. W. 8.
Dann VY'ednesdny morning at her 'home,
191 Cuming street. Lyon struck Mr.
Dann when she attempted to call an officer
a he became Insistent over the payment
of a bill owed by another woman, who
lives In the house on' Cuming street. Mrs.
Dann appeared In police court and her ap
pearance waa the most damaging testimony
against her assailant as both both her eyes
were bruised and swollen and she was In
such a weakened condition that she fainted
In the court room before her case was
called, but was revived.
Superintendent and Seven Instructor
Visit the Pabllc School
la Omaha.
Paul Go, superintendent, and seven
teachers of the North Platte public schools
visited In Omaha Thursday. They called
on Superintendent Davidson and inspected
tha Lake and Pacific schools. The North
Platte teachers take two day off each year
to vUlt schools of other cities. The dele
gation which viwited Omaha will perd
Friday in Lincoln, where they will attend
a teachers' meeting. Twelve of the North
Platte teachers went to Denver. Those
visiting Omaha were Paul Gosa, L. W.
Slayton, Florence Antonide. Oertrudo
Baker, Murrle Johnton. Sylvia Watts, Ma
bet Donehower and Laura Irish. Superlu
tandent Goss reported a total attendance of I
1,100 In tha North Platte school, with a j
teaching force of twenty-eight teacher!', j
Man Wha Sue for Divorce Lacked Is
for Crael Trcatmrat of
With many bruises on her face caused
by the brutality of her husband, from
whom aha has been separated for th last
two months, Mrs. J. C. Lindsay, who works
at Binney street, appeared in police
court Thursday morning against her hus
band, who had been arrested last Tuesday
on the charge of assault and battery. Mrs.
Lindsay testitled that her husband came to
her place of- work last Tuesday and beat
her with an Iron stew kettle which she was
ulrg. The difficulty occurred over the dis
position of their four children, aa Lindsay
has sued for a divorce. Judge Crawford
sentenced Llndxav lo sixty days in th
county Jail.
Kaasa t Ity Men Have Faith la ller'a
laleation ta Crcct Bin
V'tn h'"'- of K ,'ur ""d 1
ready to lea Peier IJ. Her projiosed big
hotel whenever he builds It, according to
an Oiiisha bus.nesa man who was lu Kan
sas City a few days ago and talked with
t "e Dean. They informed him they were
Jin dally correondr nee wiih Mr. Her and
j acre confident the taller would begin the
(lection of the new structure a ,ion a
i b could obtain posHeuinn of the Her
I Grand Rom Miller. Th Deans aaid
- .od Puc
c1- and i aukiou to get a hotel.
252 Snug, Snappy Shoes for Women 2
niMBTi Comfortable to Both Foot and Purse Miwwwa
The ven leaf shoe proposition that yon poib!i can entertain " our line of "Xebra
hi Special at $1.,0." Xo matter what ha been said or what you have reaiU regard
iit shoe value, yon owe it to yourself to investigate thit exceptional line of Woman
Shoe. When ire say that $3.00 end $3.o0 buy n better shoes outside this depart
ment ue are more than positive in our assertion. Shoe department on main Jfoor
east section.
This Is How Our Woman's $2.50 Specials Line Up:
Patent, Corona Colt. Royal and Paris Kid, also Gun Metal Calf Laee. BluchsT.or
Button style. Newest style toes ard heels all on Goodyear welts, and guaranteed to
retain their shape permanently. In a nutshell, the best $2.50 shoe in tha world for women.
252 xR
illsced Combinoi Art Mow Under Barstiij
of CorjitT Graid Jury.
Investigation of the Insarance "Itna-
tlon Ordered by Jndae Sattoa
on (ironnd of Monop
oly of Rates.
The alleged creamery trust and the In
surance combine are undergoing a severe
probing by the county grand Jury, the first
Itnesses In the creamery case being sum
moned before the body Thursday. Four
porsens reputed to know something about
an Illegal combination to control the whole-
sale price of milk and creamery products
were called to testify Thursday morning,
but their name have been withheld from
the ptiblie. Charges have been made by the
smaller dealers that the big creameries
have entered Into a deal to force the litllo
fellows out of business.
The investigation of the Insurance ques
tion is in accordance with Judge Sutton s
Instructions. Rumors have been circulated
to tha effect the Insurance companies have
formed an organisation for tha purpose of
establishing arbitrary rates and the grand
Jury will endeavor to get some light on
this matter.
A report on the Coal and Ice trusts In
vestigation I expected almost any minute
at the court house. The actions of the
grand Jury are very closely guarded, but
from the evidence secured by deposition by
Judge Slabaugh It Is believed indictments
will be returned In the Coal exchange at
The trust Investigation has been Inter
rupted repeatedly by small criminal cat-ea
which the Jury is forced to clear. This has
delayed the,report on the special trust in
quiry. ;
Ana-rrer In Coal Trast.
The firat answer In tha Coal trust In
junction case waa filed Thursday afternoon
by Smyth ft Smith for the Updike Lumber
and Coal company, N. B. Updike. Edward
Updike and C. L. Babcock. Theao de
fendants assert they have never entered
Into any conspiracy or connivance with
anybody fox the purpose ot creating a
monolopy in anything, fixing prices or
hindering or injuring competition.
The answer also declares this firm does
not belong to the Omaha or South Omaha
Coal exchange and that It knows nothing
about the workings of these organisations.
It aska to be dismissed from the suit.
John Salllvan, laborer, Planaes from
Top of Cnr Throngh Coal
While unloading coal from a car In the
rear of the power house of the Omaha
niectric Light and Power company at
Fourth and Jones street. Thursday morn
ing John Sullivan, a laborer In the employ
of the company, slipped and fell from the
top of the car, striking his head on the
track below and temporarily rendering him
unconscious. After falling to the track the
force of his fall precipitated him down a
coal chute adjoining the track, causing
further Injuries. j
He was taken in an ambulance to the
Omaha General hospital, where his Injuries
were dressed by Drsv Schleler and Hull,
when It was found bis head and nose were
badly bruised and it Is possible he"may ,
huve sustained Internal Injuries.
DIAMONDS Edholm. 16th and Harney.
New CroH-'I'on I.loe.
Tim nw T wont v.f.inrt Ii at rpl ,u li,,u
In practically completed from Vinton street
to the viaduct. The tracks are laid for
this distance. A big force of men Is ut
work paving Twenty-fourth street from
I-eavenwot th to the viaduct, though thu
center of the street Is left open for the
street car tracks.
Johnnie Wrlsht'a Place Robbed j
Burglar successfully raided the saloon
of John Wright. Twelfth and Dodge
streets, Wednesday right, gaining entrance
by breaking ln the rear door with a crow
bar and rltllng the chhIi drawer of $84. The
burglars overlooked a diamond ring valued
I at $175, for which fact Mr. Wright la duly
I thankful.
Bob Haaker
Over sll competition are the
suuerb Worsted Suitings we are
showing. London's latest word
baa recently come to ns from on."
eastern correspondent tbst browns
are coming to tbe front again.
Some swell browns have juat been
received. Better come quickly be
fore tbe choicest ones are gone.
Brown suits to order. 925 to .4.
Overcoats to order, $25 to $-o.
'Phone Doug. 180. aiM-3i S'i. liih Ft
Next Door lo Wabash Ticket OfrUe.
Every day to October 31, 1906, you
have the privilege of this low one
way rate from Omaha to San Fran
cisco, Los Angeles, San Diego and
other points in California, via the
Union Pacific
Inquire now for further information
and make berth reservations at
City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam St.
'Phone Douglas 334.
l -.-' l
' . V ' - V ' f
I : "i - - I
The Reliable Specialist
ft aj nana a a Many of you are suffering from physical weakness and loa
ll, J Ill r aual vigor, your ni voua ayatom u being deplmod and
VlEihVBll your mind weakened and impaired, Llta I noi what H
should he. leHponuency and gloomy foreoodlnga liava lagu:
tin piacc or unght prospects and happy ambition. You no longer enjoy your
daily laliors or duties; your nights are restless and unrof resiling and each
morning you awaken again to th cheerless realisation of your pnyslcal Im
pediments and weaknesaes, and you hav neither tha ambition nor the power
to maintain your position among your fellow men.
- ln many cases abusive habits, night loss snd day drains are the cause of
your condition, while in others lt Is some sMcret disease. Gonorrhoea nr con
tagious blood poison, or frequently th result of m-gleete! or Improperly
treated private diseases, which cause Htrlctur. Var1-ofle. Proetatlc, Kidney
and Bladder Diseases. The disease (or symptoms of disease) cannot be
cured until tlrst their cause Is removed snd cured. Men. don't delay. fon't
give up If othr have failed yon. Com today to the M KVB TKl'K 81'KCIAL
ISTS and learn your true condition. Get th right treatment hist and be cured
eafelv and thoroughly.
For a safe rum of the diseases that o 1n1d1ouly detry fh Intellect,
strength and verv manhood, a""1" the services of th eminent specliillst of
the State Medical Institute. They wilt stop these nuatural drains, with thtr
terrible remits, and restore to health the pitiable victim of Nervo-Sexual De
bility, Brain Fatigue and Wrecked Manhood. We cure safely and thoroughly:
Stricture, Varicocele, Emissiona, Nerro-Sexu&l Debility,
Impotency. Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal,
Kidney and Urinary Diseases,
and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to evil habits, self-abu.e, excesses
or the reault of specific or pilvat diseases.
Free Consultation and Examination - TomtS ZVr u ?onZotmJrfc
1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb.
1 B
' lnxiJIlJlMJMlUJiJ III III IIMWIIIB I tim-, .mmmmmmmmmmmm
I k ntmtmm tmimnmi,TMmtmKWMmm i uaui i i ihtt ir MnnnTmirnnWTiifffirii -Triii I
Golden State
Limited . . .
It U contemplated to reauun dally service of this popular
train on Novembtr 11. 1906, for tbe fifth secson.
We take pleasure In announcing tbat it will be composed
of entirely new equipment throughout the latest designs
from Pullman shops, including many new features.
Mission style dluing cars, stateroom snd drawiug-rooiu
sleeping cars, and new unique buffet-observation cars
also finished ln Mission style.
Daily from Chicago, St. Louis snd Kansas City to
a Anseles, Santa Barb-.ra and San Francisco.
A Quality train for the "Quality."
Won't YOl' plan to try It this season?
F, P. Rutherford. D. P. A.
1323 Farnam St..
&x )')
Ly-Uld u.
t rnrlX
"""ehsawaasassansnaasv a - dpaaan as i aa -anaaasnasaaaiBanaanaaai