Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Tilt ( rWltV Itrr
I lib UMAllA UAH A Ir-I
Founded T EDWaVv noSKWAlVV" f rural rtaila company and It chief
. ilianV (ifflur on six Indict turn's for
VlCTon r.uHLWATEH EDlTut; granting rebate on er shlpine-nt
KntWdJi;7lIlf"7r.n7. ! " "l'""l'h of the law over
class matter. I owrful offender. The evidence,
TT:RMfll)K "sri-di in''T' 'x7 ! 'imler the instructions .f the court.
Dally Re (without Sun.lae). one '-ut .. It '' seems conclusively to establish the
luiXy&?in?.T:l 5 i ' ,f violation.. i,.t they ,,-e f a
baturcli.y )tp. one year ' " 1 1 harai trr and Involve Interests which
hi,.,'r1 ve,u S '-t,,.,lr It was reSan,ed as Impossible
iMHy Bee (witiioui Kuiid iyj, per 7 j to bring to hook. If i-onvlctlons can
evening nee i m it noiit BunnMri. .
Evening Hee (with t-jndav). per ee....lie
Sunday Bee. per copy
Address complaints of il reg'Jl iriiies In de
livery to City limitation I) pitmnl.
Omaha The tiee building.
South Omaha-City Hall building.
Council BlufTs 10 Peart street.
Chicago 1S40 Cn!;j- building.
New York-lS" Home Life Ins. building.
Washington 61 Fourteenth street.
Communications relating to new ml edi
torial matter should be addressed: OiP.ana
Dec, Editorial Department.
Hemlt by draft, express or postal order
payable to The Ha furnishing (.mpeny.
2-cent stamps received
unrment "f
niall account!. Personal rhecka. except on
Omaha or eastern exchanres. n- accept;-!
Biate of Nebraska. Douglas rotinty. as:
Charles c. Rosewster, genersl manager of
Tha Be Publishing comiwny. being duly
sworn, says that the ariuai number of full
and complete copies of The Dally, Morning.
Evening and Punday Her tainted during
the month of September, as fol
1 34,430 It 80,670
; . . 30,340 17 0,P60
.....31.080 it
4 ....30.n0 II..... 30,850
30,370 10 30,860
so,73i :i SO.B6S
T 30,430 Zl J-,140
30,t4O II 30,410
30,470 24 30,710
10 ...3080 :t 30,500
11.... -I 30,340 It 80,040
It 30,430 ' 27 80 160
It 30,360 21 i4,070
14 .30,600 2 34.600
It 30,850 10 30,000
Total ....OJASM
Lass unsold coplas 0,603
Nat total sale 017,843
Dally averse 30,028
General Manager.
Subscribed In my presence and iwor.i
, to befor m this 1st day of Octobwr,
(Seal.) H. B. HI' NGATE,
Notary Public
tnbscrlher leaving tb city teas
pararlly shoald hatt Tb Re
changed aa often a reaaeeted.
At this stage of the game Joseph
Ramsey, jr., mty uf. al)ie (J R,ve
Wtuyvenant Fish tome valuable polnt
tia. Hobaon'a tear of the "yellow peril"
Indicates that ho has lost Ms nerve
lnc the day he tried to "bottle"
Cervera. ;
Men who expect to vote "for a con
sideration" will be sure to register
and thia is one reason why the con
aclentioua voter must do bo.
It will take a post-mortem examina
tion to determine" whether new rules
or, new men proved more damaging
to western foot ball enthusiasm this
"You can't defend rebate cases in
the present state of public opinion,"
'remarks a New York lawyer. And It
la doubly difficult when the records
have not been destroyed.
Russia's Manchurlan armies have
been -'demobilised" and the govern
ment Should now turn its attention to
the cities, where a "demobilization"
of excited citizens seems desirable.
French experience indicates that
the practical submarine boat should
be so constructed that members of
the crew tan easily leave the vessel
whoa accident occur under water.
The discovery of a shortage In. the
office of the subtreasury at St. Louis
with the chief officer atill at home, at
least Bhows one brond difference be
tween banking and governmental
Bo long aa a $2,000 reward is huug
up periodic arrests of the Rummelhart
murderer may be expected In various
parts oX the country. One of them
may, however, turn out to be the right
ne some of these days.
If Japan Is really starting trouble
for Great Britain in India, oriental
diplomacy will find some difficulty in
ildestepplng an occidental ultimatum
for he who steps on the lion's tall
Is likely to hear a roar.
The South Omaha city council has
let the contract for building the new
Mty hall, providing for completion
July 15. 1907. "barring Injunctions.'
a iew injunctions snould be kept In
cold storage by the builders for emer
Anomer question mat presents. Is the
protectorate ostablUhod over the so
called "Coal trust" by former County
Attorney English and Candidate Hitch
cock's World-Herald still in force, or
haa It been dissolved temporarily until
after election?
' With American soldiers fighting fire
In South Dakota, yellow fever in Ha.
vans, cholera In Manila, and earth
tuakes in San Francisco, the duties ol
me trooper seem to have become
somewhat varied since the days of the
fathers of the republic.
The finances of Douglas county have
been put upon a cash basis since the
republicans took charge of the man
agement of the county's business
whereas creditors whistled for their
money upward of six months when the
democrats were in control. No Doug
las county taxpayer who wants to keeji
the tax rate down will think of recaTl-
log any of the discredited democratic
bunch to membership on the countv
.ii'mRlk IIFHaTK CO.Y' " j".V
The- conviction of the New York
be secured against the New York Cen
tral and Its officials for unlawful dis
criminations., through which one of
the greatest and most arbitrary trusts
has been built tip, then no transporta
tion corporal Ion or trut can safely
defy the majesty of the law. More
over, every such conviction necessarily
multiplies the means In the hands of
the authorities for successfully prose
cuting other similar offenders and at
the lame time encourages the govern
ment and correspondingly discourages
law violators
No doubt the verdict rendered in the
New York district court will be ap
pealed and resisted by every technical
device known to great corporation
lawyers. It Is. however, not likely to
be reversed or evaded by the Imme
diate parlies to It. Kven If by hook
or by mok some flaw should thus be
found that would open the way of
temporary escape to them, there Is no
escape from the moral and monitory
force of the conviction, or. from the
fact which it tlgnallres that such of
fenses can no longer be indulged as a
tegular practice.
It may be conceded that manipula
tion of elevator, storage and terminal
charges has been one means of great
diversion of grain from New York to
other Atlantic ports and to gulf ports.
No real ground exists, however, for
the hope on which New York Is fe
licitating Itself that the new federal
taw requiring in schedules of rates
separate exhibit of those charges will
either recover this trade or tend ma
terially to arrest further diversion in
the future. The purpose of the
amended law is such publicity by of
ficial record that the shipper shall
know not only the total charge which
he pays, but also In precise detail the
elements of service for which It is
made, no change in the schedule being
permitted save on thirty days' notice,
which requirement bears equally on all
carrier companies whether from New
York or other ports.
Such a regulation in nowise impairs
the advantages of the new routes that
have been developed from the Interior
to ports on the gulf or on the Atlantic
other than New York. The gulf route
especially possesses manifold and great
advantages, outside of terminal consld
cratlons, in shorter distance, better
grades and lower coat of service, which
(ftnnot be wholly overcome by the
eastern routes, and the full measure
of which has not even yet been
utilised. On the other hand, New York
Is under a terminal handicap from
which it can never escape because its
system was developed when as prac
tlcally the solo entrepot monopolistic
terminal charges could be extorted.
and that very system which could not
easily be changed became in time a
stimulus to new competing rontes
which every year are diverting more
In short, under the new law the in
herent advantages of the gulf route
tan be as well expressed In the pub
lished rate schedules as heretofore, the
sole difference being that the truth In
detail as to charges at every port and
by all routes will be known. Thus nil
shippers will be in postlon to choose
Intelligently . between competitive
routes and markets. There will he
Just one way for New York to recover
lost trade and prevent further diver
sion namely, to make equal op lower
charge for the same or better tranupor
tation, storage, elevator and other ter
minal services as are available to the
Interior of the continent over the gulf
route, or to suffer the consequences of
failure in future as It has suffered in
the past.
The announcement that Postmaster
General Cortelyou has included In the
estimates for the next fiscal year to
be submitted to congress provision for
material increase' of pay for postal em
ployes will be welcomed by the general
public as well as by ihe employes
themselves. There Is reason to believe
that the proposal will also be backed
by strong recommendations in the
president's annual message. The esti
mated increase, li is understood, is ap
portioned principally to the mass of
postofflce clerks and other low salaried
employes, who really need it most and
whoso remuneration, is rated din pro
portlonately to their work. In fact
Inadequate pay to this class, who per
form the bulk of the postal work, haa
brought the department face to face
with an emergency, outside of eaul
table considerations. An exodus of
experienced clerks and other employes
has been because they could do better
for themselves outside than inside the
government service, and it Is becoming
Increasingly difficult to secure com
petent men to fill vacancies.
The present scale of salaries, fixed,
for the most part, twenty-five years
ago, notoriously ignores the changed
conditions which are atom realities to
thousands in the postal service. A 10
per cent increase, though it would be
less than the advance of wages in pri
vate employment, would add $9,000,
000 to the expenditures of the depart
ment for labor alone, making on the
basis of the last fiscal year a total ex
cess ol more than 917,000,000 over
the department's revenues. Investiga
tion by the department has demon
strated that magazines and certain
other items of second-class mail which
suae most of Ibis deficiency cost the
government four times as much a
th'.-y pay postage, and it Is well known
that the allowance to railroads for
trsnnpoi tins the malls la grossly ex-
cesslve. r hp more tliun l lie amount
necessary for a reasonable Increase of
siilaries to postal employes can be
provided by (ongress by equalization
of postage rates and revision of postal
ontracts with railroads so that not a
dollar need be added to the burden
upon the general public.
The matter presses for public atten-
lon the more because postal employes
are strictly forbidden from agitating
heir Interest, save through regular
departmental channels, and there is
danger that It will be neglected unless
It be thus forced home upon congress.
The powerful interests that long have
enjoyed unreasonable favor In trans
portation contracts will Assuredly
exert their influence to the utmost to
prevent relief to underpaid postal em
ployes, for the very reason that the
result would necessarily be to focalize
attention upon those abuses.
(.r; rnxTRoLLiyu rfasux.
People who have remarked upon the
apparent apathy of the present polit
ical campaign, especially In Omaha and
South Omaha, will not have to look
far for one controlling reason aside
from the fact that prosperity prevails
and everyone is busy attending to his
own affairs.
People here have certainly had a
surfeit of political diversion since last
spring. In the first place the voters
were called on to participate In the
municipal primaries in which the city
tickets were made up, and then to at
tend the city election to choose be
tween opposing nominees. This was
followed in July with a primary elec
tion to aelect delegates to the various
state conventions and again in Sep
tember with another primary election
to nominate legislative and county can
didates. The voters have, in addition
to this, now to appear before the reg
istration boards for enrollment on the
registration books and then to go to
the polls in November to express their
preference on the voting machine.
As a consequence the people of
Omaha and South Omaha within a per
iod of about seven months will have
had to go to the voting place six times,
hicb, to put It mildly. Is speeding up
faster than comfort and convenience
allow. The citizen who wants to do
his full duty, however, must not per
mit the extraordinary multiplicity of
these demands this year to prevent
him from exercising his elective fran
chise. He will have an excuse, how
ever, if he does not feel like marching
in processions and whooping it up at
campaign meetings.
This ought to be a good time to re
new agitation for a work house, or a
rock pile, or both, for prisoners con
victed in Omaha of petty offenses.
It is well known that the class of
vagrants and suspicious characters that
infests a city constitutes a breeding
ground for more serious crime, and as
a rule furnishes the agents of sudden
outbreaks of lawlessness.
It is also well known that the pros
pect of hard labor in a work house or
on a rock pile Is the most effective
means of keeping a city clear of hoboes
and idlers who are tempted by oppor
tunities for mischief.
If every sentence given a vagrant or
suspicious character In the police court
carried with it a sure period of real
manual labor, the number of guests at
our city and county Jails would with
out question be speedily reduced. The
city authorities should take this mat
ter in band right away without fur
ther dillydallying and let It be adver
Used far and wide that Omaha Jails
are no longer comfortable havens of
rest and recreation with board free
for the asking.
Friends of the initiative and refer
endum cannot be so easily fooled as
our democratic city council men would
believe. The democrats have been in
control of the city administration for
more than five months, but before re'
spondlng to the demands of the direct
legislation advocates they waited until
after the thirty-day limit had passed.
when they knew their pretended ac
quiescence would tail because in con
flict with the requirements of the law
Candidate Hitchcock, too, had five
months to appear before the council as
a special pleader, but he preferred to
wall until the door was shut and
The arrangement of the voting ma
chine so as to provide for free expres
sion of the constitutional amendment
and sun make me straight votes for
the republican, democratic or populist
ticket count In its favor, raises some
novel complications, uy interpreting
the law, however, with a view to prac
tical results rather than unimportant
technicalities, it ought to be possible
to set the machine so as to permit
anyone to vote for or against the
ir h. .i, m a
7 . .1 . 7 Z
register the straight vote In Its favor
unless counteracted by a negative ex-
...j w7...Z;7 ',. r ...
.auu.uai- ...IV.I..-..W .u
policy holders of one of tbe big New
York life insurance companies to let
him handle their proxies on the elec
. . . .... , ...... v- u
tion of officers. Incidentally he would
like alaO to have them let him vote
their proxies so far as they live la this
district at the touaressional election.
The Bee has had numerous en
dorsements of its efforts to arouse
the business men of Ouiahs to
a realization of what the city is losing
by reason of Omahg'a deficiencies in
first-class hotel facilities. Denver al-
most lives off its tourist traffic, while
Omaha Is misHtng Its chance to have
travelers stop over, simply because it
cannot take care of them properly.
Liberal extension of stopover privileges
would be more worth going after if
Omahn had a modern fireproof hotel
comparable with tte bcM in other
cities of Its size with which to attract
Kvery republican candidate for the
Ugislatuve In Douglas county has put
himself squarely on the platform
promises cf legislative reforms made
by the state convention. No one
knows, however, what anyone on the
democratic legislative ticket Is pledged
Colon! Bryan illustrates the pecu
liar disadvantages under which demo
crats labor this year. In Wisconsin
he advocates the election of demo
crats to office, but when looking for
a bright example of political honesty
is compelled to point to a republican
Dealers who have heretofore con
ducted their business with a view to
keeping off the 'black list." of their
trade association inay change their
mind If the ' alternative Is to get
listed on the docket of Uncle Sam's
are ta Do nmelhln(,
Pittsburg Dispatch.
Mr. Roosevelt dors not peem to be worry
ing as to what ex-presldents shall do. He
knows one man who, If he lives to he an
ex-prenhlent. will be sur to do some
An Raroaraalna la-a.
Chlcaao Record-Herald.
There are encouraaMna: signs that tha
reform at Annapolis Is to be thorough
and lasting. A third-class man has been
ordered to explain for applying a nickname
to a follow cadet. Oh, Willie!
Rerlproratlna Frleadly Pavora.
Washington Post.
Vice President Fairbanks haa warmly in
dorsed Governor Cummins In an Iowa
speech. Governor Cummin. It will be re
membered. Is the man who greased the
rails ahead of the Shaw presidential spe-
Gm Way Bark and Sit Down.
Chloag-o Record-Herald. ,
Soma of tha people of Guatemala want
th United States to annex that country.
Recent declarations from the. chief magis
trate tndicste that tha United States Is not
for tha present at least going into the busi
ness of annexing- trouble.
A Welcome- Whoop.
Chlcag News.
Secretary Knot hi pleased and surprised
by the amount of work which haa been
done on the Panama canal.' It Is a relief
to have a capable optimise take an occa
sional look at the big ditch and then emit
a whoop of delight.
Jollylnat aa Emperor.
Chicago Record Herald.
Now and then German editors find a way
to have ' fun at their emperor's expense
without running, the risk of being held up
for lese majesty. They are now denouncing
Nephew HohrtmrwT for publishing hla un
cle's memoirs, t the same time they are
reprinting all the chapters that the em
peror finds objectionable. - It is to laugh.
Reducing; Postofflce Deflelt.
Springfield Republican.
The postmaster-gnneral'a preliminary state
ment of receipts and expenses for the past
fiscal year Is encouraging. It reveals an
Increase of about . $15,000,000 In receipts,
while expenses Increased only $11,000,4100.
This will reduce the deficit by about $4,000,
000 from the 1906 figure, which was 114.
800,0(0. Evidently the agitation of the deficit
question is having some effect upon the de
partment itself. If Mr. Cortelyou's plan is
followed of having each general depart
ment of the government make special ac
count of ita own franked matter or free use
of the mails, tbe consequence la likely to
be a further large reduction In the deficit.
PASlfi or TOM a 4WYRR,
Hero of Mark Twain's Story
I.onarer In the Flesh.
Chicago Inter Ocean.
Tom Sawyer, the early friend of Mark
Twain. In whose' honor the great humorist
named a hero of fiction. Is dead.
Ho died In San Francisco last Friday
mornln at the age of T. Mark Twain and
he were boys together In Hannibal, Mo..
whn the west was young- and the river
town was In Ita glory. Mark Twain became
a steamboat pilot and In later years a news
paper man, an author and a famous humor
ist. Tom Bawjer became a steamboat en
gineer, migrated to California, where he
again fell In with his boyhood friend, be
came a volunteer nreman, a vigilant, fol
lowed for some time the profession of a
marine engineer, ar.d for the five years
previous to his death conducted a saloon,
which was alwo a museum of the relic of
pioneer days.
To what extfcht the real Tom was the
original of the fictitious Tom only Murk
Twain knows, but the chum of his routh
could hardly have suggested to him moreJ
tnnn a Tew of the pranks which he has at
trlbuted to the ,clilld of his Imagination.
There is no doubt . great denl of Tom th?
real In Tom the fictitious, hut the latter Is
necessarily a composite enmacter. and In
the final analysis It would be difficult, per
haps, even for Mark Twain to tell where
Tom gnwyer stopped and 8am Clemens
"--". mn is ueitner nere nor
j Z7''J -Wr,('" 1
man nothing could be more real than the
fictitious Tom Sawyer. He Is not only flesh
i "n mooo. in the ordinary sense, but be I
a nesh and blood relation of everv real
boy in-the land, and of every man Wno haa
been blnswd with a real boyhood and lias
not forgotten It.
It is sad to think of Mark Twain's earlv
! fr'end. Tom Sawyer, lying dead amidst th
! or e stricnen city-o far away In
j mile, and yea., ftom thc old nnd happy
.lay. H liann'bal. when tho steamboat
whittle brought him down to the levee
! hand-ln-land with hia chum, Sam Clemens;
i when piar.a and specifications had to be
! conceived and executed for covering the
i field of sport without neglecting the chores
when fen.-ea had to be painted by con
tract; when d:me literature had to be out
Uvated and the smoking habit bad to be
aor.uirwl under advers but more or less
: d(.1:,hlfu, trcum.u,K..,t ,, f:ld (0 tlllnk
j 0f this old wl.lie-halred nun lying there In
his ceffin u th original Tom Sawver. und
I to fp thBt '' b" Pi 'rom the s.-ene
I forever. All tlila is and
j X)Ul il is itnHNl lr iuiii iriHii m l'.-
of Mark Twain's creation who, when all la
aid, was and Is more real than the original
lives on. and in all likelihotid will never
die so lonr as real boys shall Inhabit the
earth or men hall take pleasure In recalling
lb Joys and suiroas tf their youth.
Minor cenea and Incident Sketched
on the Pot.
The announcement of Attorney tlemtal
Moody that K. B. CriU-hlow, a leadii.g
lawyer of Salt Lake City hail been retained
by th government to assist as specml
counsel to prosecuie suits against the LUli '
Fuel coniany and the Pleasant Vell y '
Con! conipoiiy to n-l aside patents to Inigo
) tritcts or conl land in I'tuh. foreshadows
; the drtctniinatlon of tho Department of
Justice to wrest from coal land rablici s
I the patrimony of the people. The signl
flance of the action of the department ts
I outlined by the Washington correspondent
of the lloston Transcript: "The caa
against th Utah Fuel company and the 1
PIrasant Valley Coal company." the cor- I
respondent writes, "are of particular In
terest In that th two companies are sub
sidiary to the Denver Rio Grande Kail
road company, and, Just as the Denver
Hlo Grand, through the coal companies
It controls, has sought to get possessln of
Vast coal tracts, other railroad companies
In the west are alleged to have employed
methods quite aa obnoxious to the eyes of
the law In the control of th coal lands
In their territory. The suits which the
Department of Justice Is now pressing
and Inst the two coal companies named In
volve the titles to about , acres of
coal lands In Utah, worth In the aggregate
millions of dollars.
"The president lias recently d'cld'-d that
no more coal lands shall be subject to en
try, or. In other words, the government has
eome to recoaiilxe the fact that the coal
supply of the country needs conserving,
and proposes to retain control of It. There
Is no doubt but Vast tracts of coal Innds
in th Rocky mountain region have been
grabbed by the railroads and other large
eerporatlona through doubtful methods,
and tire government Is now busily setting
on foot steps to recover the lands under
laid with coal that have been wrongfully
patented away.
"If the government can recover the coal
lands that hare beer, fraudulently obtained
by such companies aa the Utah Fuel com
pany, the policy of the administration to
prevent further entry of coal lands on tha
public, domain will be of great public
benefit. If uch recovery is Impossible,
some benefits will accrue to the public, but
far less than If tbe same policy had been
Inaugurated earlier and before the public
domain had been looted of Its mineral
properties as it has been looted In many
raxes. The actions against tha Utah Fuel
company and the Pleasant Valley Coal
company will not exactly be test cases, but
they will he among- the first cases of the
kind to be carried through the supreme
court. If the government wins thes casos
there Is little doubt It will be possible to
recover to the public In other suits thou
sands of square miles of coal lands In the
Rocky mountain region. There Is now-
being tried In the circuit court of the Colo
rado district a case against the Trinidad
Coal company which la similar to the Utah
Fuel company and , Pleasant Valley Coal
company cases.
"Th methods employed to get title to
coaj lands on the public domain have been
In a general way th same on th part of
those corporations that have set out to
control vast tracts. As a rule, such con
trol haa been obtained at the Instance of
the railroad companies. Persons of both
sexes hav been deliberately bired to enter
on the land and then convey their title
to the companies retaining them. These
are the methods chargi'd up to the Utah
Fuel company and the Pleasant Valley Coal
company. Tha government, however, has
got to go into the courts and prove Its
allegations in tbe case of each piece of
land th tltl to which la In dispute, and
for this reason endless labor and trouble
for the government attorneys Is Involved.
So far In tho coal land cases there bar
been civil proceedings only, although there
is little doubt criminal action would 11 in
some cases."
Progress calls for the destruction of the
Long bridge, the famous old bridge that.
spans th Potomac river at Washington
and connects the District of Columblt with
Virginia. This bridge was a feature of the
civil war. Both In action and In literature.
In the north it was looked upon aa the
gateway to th enemy's country. In the
south it was the front door to the federal
capital. Most of the man who fought In
th union armies of the east went over
this old bridge to the camp and battle
fields of the south. Many went over never
to come back. The Long- bridge with the
lapse of time and the Increasing weight of
railroad trains and other -traffic came to
be regarded as unsafe. The wooden rail
way bridge passed out of date. The Long
bridge was condemned. The railroads
using it built a modern stone and steel
bridge parallel to It but a hundred yards
higher up the river, and the federal gov
ernment has constructed a new highway
abov th new railway bridge. . The old
Long bridge is now closed to traffic and
th work of demolishing It Is to begin In a
few days..
Th Potomac haa been bridged at this
point for more than a century. The first
bridge was a feeble structure called the
Great bridge of the Potomac. It was
built by a private company and waa a toll
bridge. When the British entered Wash
ington In 1814 some American troops re
treating across It burned It after them
It was rebuilt. The second structure prew
old and the advent of the steam railroad
made a stronger bridge neceasHry, and the
Long Jiridge was built. In the early
colonial days there was no bridge across
the Potomac. Travelers between thi'
north and south crossed by ferry from
the Maryland to the Potomac shore be
tween the present town of Georgetown,
D. C. and Rosslyn, Vs.
"Th plans for the Improvement of tiie
new union station plaza, which hav been
virtually agreed upon by the representa
tives of the railroads and the District gov
ernment, commended themselves t0 the
community as commensurate with the Im
portance of th project," says the Wash
ington Star. "Here Is a station building
with a system of approaches which will
cost. In the aggregate, probably over $15-
000.000, and will transform Washington
from a victim of ruflrond menace Into the
possessor of the finest terminal equip
ment In the United States. Everything
about the station should be In keeping.
The park approach should be worthy of
a city of beautiful reservations. It should
have many trees and broad lawn spaces,
and architectural features, auch as foun
tains and low walls and seats, in har
mony with the beautiful building Itself."
Cnban Mnat Pay the Fiddler
Boston Transcript.
Governor Magoon is going to keep a
very careful account of the expenses of our
occupation of Cuba. Such expenses as
would not have been Incurred but for the
advent of our troops will be defrayed from
the Cuban treaaury. First or last Cuba will
pay the intervention piper pretty heavily
for dancing to th revolutionary tune. It
la only Juat, however, that people who can
not or will not keep order should pay tho
who can. and the bill may hav a very
"useful and aalutary" effect on th Cuban
Plnrhlnar th Robber's Loot.
Brooklyn Kagle.
A farmer In Nebraska is suing a burglar
who shot him for 12.000 damages. Burglar
with clever lawyer calculate on going free;
hut what's th use of burgling If you are
not to b allowed to en toy the gooda. and
have to hire other lawr to defend you
from sultf
Mrnare of Sensational Ktlttaton
f Wronadolna.
Washington HviaUI.
It haa for many years been a matter of
stun illation among Intelligent people as to
why newspaper devoted much space
to crime and wrongdoing of every de
scription. The i-easun commonly given in
that these mutters possess a drnmuilc or
human Interest which attracts the ma- j
Jonly of readers: that the same themes
lend their Interest to the work of the
great masters of literature In Its several
departments. It l true that mnny of
the most powerful novels, some of the
most affecting tragedies, revolve about
crimes or deal with grave faults of char
mter. But these considerations would
hardly seem to justify the wholsal ex
ploitation of crime, and especially of the
misdoings of women, which characterises
certnln American newspapers. '
There are misdeed which form a legiti
mate subject of news and which the most
reputable newspapers feel bound to de
scribe because of their tragic or local In
terest or their Intrinsic Importance. But
such handling of the news is surely a dif
ferent matter from dragging th muck
rake through the purlieus of our great
cities or using the mighty agency of the
telegraph to brine together each morning
all th terrible or shocking wrongdoings
of th people of two or three countlnents.
Th great mass of this matter and the
dally presentations of It In the most allur
ing forms give the press a malign Influence
which, belnp largely psychological, proli-
ahly Is not fully appreciated by those
moat responsible for It. How much of
actual crime, how much of human mis
ery. Is due directly or Indirectly to th
sensational exploitation of wrongdoing,
the constant presentation of an Inflamma
ble public of the suggestion of crlin. con
siderable would seem to be indicated by
the Influence of the press In other an.1
known directions.
tiii ni.RssEn lad of oi ri.
Farnrlna- Providence, Fertile "oil and
Indnatry Invincible Combination.
Chicago Inter Ocean.
The United States government has Just
issued Its October grain report. This gives
a far more intelligent Idea of the bounteous
proportions of the crop of 130C than any
statement hitherto put out It is th last
but on in the series of government reports
for the year, and may therefore be ac
cepted as an accurate estimate of the year's
The report covers the yield In corn,
wheat, oats, ry and barley. The most
Important feature of the document, of
course, is the statement of total which
reveals a total yield of all grains amount
ing to 4.52.:,00O bushels.
This breaks all previous records by 14,
737.000 bushels. The total yield of 105 was
4.518,350.000. and broke all previous records.
Th enormous quantities of winter wheat
and corn raised by American farmers In
the present year are largely responsible
for this wonderful showing, the yield of the
former Increasing (SB.noo.ono bushels and of
the latter 44.000,000 bushels over the record
of 1905. There was also a -aln of 13.000,000
bushels In barley and ,000,000 bushels In
Th oat crop, which fared worse than any
of th other grains, showed a loss of
10,000,000 bushels compared with last year,
while the total crop of spring wheat was
19.000.000 bushels short of the yield of 1905.
Added force la given to these comparisons
when It In remembered that th nation's
yield of grain In 1905 waa exceedingly large
as compared with the amount produced In
formr years.
It Is Indeed a bountiful harvest that the
American farmer haa gathered this year,
and no 'nation on earth haa ever been abl
to count Its Increase of wealth in such fab
ulous figures.
It is an Increase in riches that brings
prosperity not only to the tillers of the
soli, whose hands have garnered th wealth
of golden grain, but It Is a blessing that
falls on all.
It Is a marvelous addition to the assets
of the American people In which every citi
zen may share.
A South Dakota correspondent tells of
an eagle's seising a little girl. And the
eagle season Just opened, too.
Mr. Rockefeller ha donated $26,000 to the
negro Young Men's Christian association,
conditional upon the raising of a similar
sum. Governor Vardaman haa not been
heard from yet.
The sultan of Turkey, Abdul Hamld, ob
jects to ordinary medical precautions.
Under no consideration will he have his
temperature taken, as he is afraid of hav
ing the thermometer put in his mouth or
under his arm lest the Instrument explode.
Prof. Henry C. Adams, the head of the
new department of statistics and accounts
In the Interstate Commerce commission. Is
not a new man In statistical work. 8lnce
IHff he haa been figuring for the Ir'erstate
Commerce commission, and has wtltlen a
number of books on finance and econorr"
J. I. C. Clark, now acting as press agent
for the Standard Oil company and all It
vast allied Interests, has long been a lend
ing newspaper man in New York. So
successful thus far have been his efforts
that other men of large affairs who here
tofore hav scoffed at friends for employ
ing press agents are now casting about
for publicity experts to attach to 'their
permanent staffs.
Vermont's retiring governor. Farmer
Bell, went out of office as firm a believer
In capital punishment as he went In. "Dur
ing my term," he said in his valedictory
message, "It became my duty to see lhat
this law was carried Into effect. In the
general discussion of the aubject thus occa
sioned In the state as well as elsewhere I
have been deeply Impressed with the fact
that Vermont haa more regard for the dig
nity of law than for sickly sentimentality."
The Washington Herald la the latest
newspaper enterprise at the national cap
ital. The first number appeared laat Mon
day, bearing every evidence of a thor
oughly equipped establishment and trained
atari. Scott C. Bone, the editor-in-chief,
haa been connected with the Washington
lest for many years and brings to the new
venture tho experience and ripened Judg
ment which are esseutiul to success In
Journalism. Typographically the Herald
looks very much like the Post.
Is c4ualltH by no lea iu lite matter of delicate flavor, refreshing qual
ity and perfect purity. It has become the tea staudard of the world.,
HcCORD BRADY CO., Wholesale Agent. Omaha.
,nvngo citiuatiov
Striking OTeltle In Hlaher F.dnco-X
tlonnl Circle.
New York Tribune. I
The niarch of 'Improvement Is nowhere
more manifest than In our great Institu
tions uf, learning. .Within the memory of
graduate who have hardly reached mMdl
nae the practice obtnined. even in college
of high standing, of several yourg gentle
men of the second year Informally annex
ing the persons of a few of their colleagues
of the first year, or vice vcra usually
after dark-and driving them In carriage
or otherwise into the adjoining country,
ther to feed them milk or hot beer fro"
a bottle, and afterward to leave them t"J
their reflections and the long walk home 4
There were rushes, t.v, cimcerned with)
canes and foot balls, and sometimes wrest- 1
ling bouts, which were somewhat less In
formal, but still not thoroughly organlted.
But the educators nnd collegians of todajr,-
have changed all that. The modern spliiT j
of scientific organisation has. brought or- 1
der out of the underyraduate chaos In 1
which old-timers wallowed. The proceed- I
Ings at the recent- memorable meeting of
Messrs. Oana and Nelson were not more
admirably conducted, than th "clash"
they are nearly always "clashes." If we
may helieva the newspaper heads between
the young gentlemen of Nsughty-nln ami
Ten of the University of Wisconsin. whl-li
tools place a few day sgo. We iptota
from the account supplied by the versfnu
scribe of the St. Taul Pioneer Presv
"More than 6"" students were il-uUed In
Ike Mendota this nfternoon In Ihe annuo!
rush between the freshmen and sophomore
clasfes. At tlnjos there were us many as
2"tl students struggling In the water at
once. There were few casualties, bc.-s'is
of the effectiveness of the roeasuree hiker,
by President Van Hlse. The rock hone h
had been cleared of boulders, the precipi
tous bank transformed Into a gentle slop
and a 'fair play', committee of iwenty-flvn
husky guards stationed on the rushing M -It 1
to keep the rusher from doing undue dam
age to each other. The freshmen far out
numbered the sophomores, and were will
organised, but. the sophomores, bv frilnltie;
absolute control of the gymnasium doors,
were able to let only a few freshmen out at
a time, and so ducked the beginners In re
lsys, until they beame too numerous.
Then the 200 sophomores were quickly (
soused and trampled upon, and finally i
driven from the field." I
No thoughtful observer eif educational sc- I
tlvttles can doubt that young hion" who ar
trained to dispose of their opponents In
this systematic fashion will be able to glv
a good account of themselves when they
grapple In contest of trade oi' diplomacy
with the effete product of European edu
cation. Why, at Ann Abor the other night
t,600 sophomores and freshmen "fought un
til they were exhausted"- tinder rules
strictly prescribed. What are a few paltry .
Heidelberg duels to that? '
"Th thermometer Is a great teacher, in
Its way, of temperance."
"How so?"
"When It once tske a drop. It generally
goe on falling by degrees." Baltimore
"You evidently knew that lady."
"Yes, I knew her. '
"And yet you didn't apeak. "
"No; our Is merely a glaring acqualnt
aru." (Louisville Courier-Journal.
Kloseman It's an awful thing to dlsoore
just aa th collection plate comes around
in church that you are absolutely without
a pc-r.ny. '
Newitt Ye, becaua then you . hav to
drop In a nickel or a dime, don't you?
Philadelphia Press.
Th Venus of Mllo explained.
"I twisted 'em off trying to fasten th
three middle button in the back," h an
nounced. .
From thia it was easily Inferred that ah
had no. Jiuabaodjriyew. .Y ork. Sun. ,
"How was th man killed?"
"He fell off tho . force and brok hli
"What Is tha Jury hesitating aboutr
"The coroner want them to declara that
the deceased cam to his death by th
new foot ball rules." Cleveland Plain
The young mother leaned fondly over th
cradle containing her first born.
"Clarence," she said, "let's nam hr
"No, dear," answered the young husband
and father. "We ought not to make her
manliest destiny quite so obvious. Let
call her Hope." Chicago Tribune.
Bobb Jonea called Smith a blow-hard the
other day. and Smith did not .resent It.
Jobb That's all . right,; Smith plays the
bass horn In the village choir. Cleveland .
"Th society' of tho Black Hand Is very
rude. Is it not?"
"In what respt-ct?"
"Ita members stem to have such an uncalled-for
way of cutting tholr acquaint
ance doad." Baltimore American.
"Got a new mule, eh?" remarked the
colonel. "How does he work. Mose?'
"'Deed, suh," replied . Uncle Mose, "di
mule he done wuck bofe ways."
"Both ways?"
"Yas. suh; he kin kick des e well wit
his front lalg es hla back one." Philadel
phia Ledger.
He This Is the proudest moment of niy
She What have you done, cear?
He Discharged the Iceman. Indtanapolla
Baltimore American.
Toil walk-along the business stn-et.
And whether they are slow or fleet.
Each friend and fellow vou met.
Hays. --Isn't this fine westher'"
You go Into your office room
And sturt Into the dally boom
Of business, but ere trade talks loom.
Each man says, "Glorious weather.
You go out for vour noontide lunch,
And every time you n t a bunch
Of friends, thev cry with ready punch, ,
"We re getting some good weather.'
And when t home, the day's car dou.
You feel that rest l fairlv won.
Vou murmur .is down sinks the sun.
"This is th" greatest weather!"
None scorns you now for weather talk,
In home or office, tall or witlk;
None row tha one desire will balk
To talk about the weather.
When we seesaw from summer hest
Into winter's cold and sleet.
When Ice and coal hills jostling meet.
It fills all minds Ihe weather.
No wonder then with so much 111.
We're humbly grateful when there will
He given us the season fill
Of grand October weather.
Perhsps the way the earth doth bump.
Has kept th season on th Jump,
Till one day .they'll together tiumn.
' And thore'll he no no more weather!
i 1