Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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ufctij khiday, ootobku in. im.
v 9
HPHE locality in which fur-bearing animals are
taken, the time of year, the prevailing cli
matic conditions all make a quality difference
in the skins.
This quality-difference is always considered
in selecting skins for Gordon Fun. :
To the broad experience and infinite skill of
expert furriers, as well as to the. masterly craft
manship of high-class tailors, is due the, supreme
goodness of Gordon Fur-Lined Garments.
Jtsk your dealer for
Offers Beit Opyortuities for Homeieaktri
and Gsti thr 8ettln. -
General Patiemccr Aceat Wakrlff of
Barllagtoa Gives Great Credit
to the Dry Farming
"That Nebraska's offerings of' the best
opportunities for homeseekers are recog
nised all ever the country wes shown Tues
day and Wednesday, when thla gateway waa
taxed In handling the; homeseekers wishing
to find homes In the wt," aald L. W.
Wakeley, general -passenger' sgent of the
Burlington. ,
"The remarkable agricultural develop
ment of Nebraska In the last three yeara
can be no better expressed than by noting
the increase In the acreage devoted to Ita
four principal crops, wheat, oats, corn and
alfalfa. . Hera are some figures, briefly
etatad. which telt the story of Nebraska's
progress in settling up.
The total acreage In Nebraska devoted
to these four erope In 1MB waa 10.S39.400 and
In IMS. U.7M.000, showing an Increase of
1JU.O0O, or between U and 13 per cent In
crease ta the area of Nebraska lands put
under the plow ta three yean operation.
Consider the Increased wealth accruing to
Nebraska people from this additional pro
duction, end the great stimulus to- the
development of areas further on alone the
frontiers; of eouse, thousand of Nebraska
farms In to middle and eastern portion
of the atate have changed ownership, with
the acreage of production In those sections
remaining- the asms, so the additional
acreage put under the plow Ilea along the
outer booms of Nebraska's development.
Dir. Faa-sala Methods.
"No one factor has contributed more to
the making of thla new acreage than the
so-called dry farming methods now being
practiced by the farmers in western Ne
braska and eastern Colorado. True, rain
hae supported this cult during the last
year or two, and. between the more sclentl
flo methods of soli cultivation and preser
vatlon of moisture, surprisingly heavy crops
have rewarded the followers of dry tarm-
'Tha effect of all this has been to In
ereaae prices ot western lands In northwest
Kansas, western Nebraska' and eastern
Colorado that up-to-date have not had a
plow on them. Thousands of acres of
lands, whfch . were - bought two years ago
at from tS to M an acre, -have been plowed
and cultivated and are changing bands this
autumn from 111 to 115 an acre to Incomers,
the raiser keeping the crops. '
"The autumn movement of homeeeekers
Into the west Is assuming very large pro
portions, and homeseekers dates bring out
special parties of middle and eastern states
buyers of some of the large holdings now
being placed, on the market. It took the
eastern people a long time. to realise what
Irrigation meant. Now the farming com
munity of the Missouri and Mississippi val
ley U Just beginning to comprehend the
ooralng value of . western lands and when
tha truth about dry farming hlta them
P"assFaaa w; .
' Every
Cold room.
furnace heat often
Can make boo warm and choartul with tha
Oil Heater
(Equipped with Smokeless Device)
Carry It about from room to room.' Turn wick high or low here's no
danger. Smokeles device prevents smoke and sinelL - Easy to operate
a a lamp. All parts easily cleaned. Brass oil lount beautifully em
bossed. Holds 4 quarts ol oil and Lurns 9 hours. - Gives Intense
Drat, Two finishes nickel and
Every heater warranted- It
Baareai agency wr oescnpnve
erlfM. 'sveesy HM at
wraureout aae iKtu
ww-iaae iiararr. siaiss-resat.
aae satisfactory. Every lasts warraatae, W(he e.
eeeasi agaacy It aet
Gordon FunLined Garments
This is a picture ot a smart loose-fit
ting garment, as comfortable as it is
Made in several qualities of black Ker
sey, lined with Muskrat, Hamster, Aus
tralian Opossum or Squirrel.
Full fur lining in the sleeves adds to
the comfort of this garment, while its
elegance is enhanced by the different
harmonizing furs used in the collars.
Prices vary according to the quality of
the furs used, from $45 to $175. .
good and hard down east they will be here
In coach loads."'
Laachln BUI McXear Gets Himself
a as Froaar BUI Utiles
Oat ot Case.
"Is a man who catches fourteen doten
frogs In one day and sells these frogs for
45 cents a doxen a vs grant T" Thla waa
the question put squarely up to County
Judge Leslie Wednesday morning by
"Laughing Bill" McNear and "Froggy Bill"
Stllen, who were charged by residents of
East Omaha with living without visible
means of support. "Laughing BUI" acted
aa attorney for the pair and so completely
routed the prosecution the Judge discharged
Mrs. Jennie Scherschy of Efest Omaha
was the complainant. Bhe said the two
Bills did no work that she knew of ex
cept chase frogs In the swampy lands
around Cut-Off lake Bhe saw them fre
quently sitting on a box In front of one of
the saloons and once saw "Laughing Bill
come out of a corn field. She Investigated
and found a gunny sack full of corn lying
on the ground.
"Laughing Bill," true to his name,
chuckled with mirth as he heard the atory.
but "Froggy Bill" very sternly denied the
imputation they had been purloining corn.
In defense they placed a man on the stand
who aald he paid them about 15 a month
for frogs for fishing and eating purposes.
and another witness who said "Laughing
Bill" had once worked on an Ice wag-on
On cross-examination It waa brought out
that thla waa a year and a half ago. Judge
Leslie decided the case was not strong
ehough to warrant his sending them to Jail
and let them go. .
Very Low Him Taeedar. '
very Tuesday, balance of the yasr, tha
Chicago Great Western railroad will sell
homeseekers' tickets to Minnesota. North
Dakota and Canadian northwest at about
half rats; to other terr'A-ry. first and third
Tuesdays. Write H. KT Churchill, a. A,
Uli Farnam street. State number In party
and when going.
Oae Wields at Kalfe While the Other
la Basy Frisking the
Charles Fowler of Auburn. Neb., told the
police Wednesday night he waa stopped at
Capitol avenue and Thirteenth street by
, two negro women and that while one of
, them brandished a knife the other took
his cash assets, amounUng to fl.06. Ha
was done no bodily harm, but the menacing
knife wielded by a husky amason of the
bad lands Induced him to stand still until
the highway femalea were through.
Patrolman Frank Murphy was sent out
and after a search arrested Ada Green,
who was Identified aa one of the strenuous
When Fowler was searched at the police
station a large caliber revolver waa found
among his effects and the charge of carry
ing concealed weapons waa placed against
him, for which offense he waa convtoted In
police court Thursday morning and given
a sentence of five days In Jail. The esse
against Ida Green was continued.
To Heat
Cold Rooms
Quickly v
houM hat ita
Abnormal weather
Inadequate clove Ar
result In some particular t
Japin. Handsome, useful, reliable.
out at your dealer's write our
Lamp SSStH
cm frtiy. Mutfl4l vitH
I a ass-awst. Wy rasr s"". L as o
towes. cast Mass ef erase
elate. Mittaaie lor say rpoa
sartoc w aeero . Se
at year sealer a.
Oil Company
Ce-scil Lets tb City Ball Cottract to
VcPosftld k Beck.
Hash Marphy to Re Asked te Prwffd
with Wrk aa Mltaoirl Aveaae
r Drtadsmea ' Will Be
Held Reepeaalble.
The city council . met In- adjourned ses
sion la.t nleht to consider the bids on the
city hall. " The bid of McDonald 4 Bock
being the lowest, the contract was awarded
to them for UZt. allowing them also
for the construction 'of a boundary wall.
The clerk and mayor were Instructed to
execute a contract with the firm. The
limit of time When 'the building shall be
complete is July 15. 1907.
A resolution was paused concerning the
Missouri avenue paving, setting forth that
Hugh Murphy has violated the conditions
of his contract In having ceased to work
on the atreet. ; The council ordered thai
Mr. Murphy be requested to proceed with
the work, but If he should Ignore the re
quest the city should proceed with the
contract and charge all additional cost of
the construction to Mr. Murphy and hla
Building Inspector Kd Trapp gave no
tice to Mrs. Magdalene Plvonka that her
building at 2512 N street had been con
demned and the tenant, Mr. Lefkonch. had
been ordered to move out. In three days
the building will be nailed up.
The first partial estimate for the con
struction of a storm water sewer on Mis
souri avenue was presented to the coun
cil by the city engineer. .The amount of
the estimate was $966.08. It was referred
to the finance committee to be acted upoA
Monday evening .
Charles Remer, live stock Inspector foe
the city, reported that he had condemned
twenty-three head of cattle, twelve head
of nor, twenty-nine head of sheep and
seven head of horses during the past
The mayor appointed appraisers of dam
age In the grading of K street between
Twentieth and Twenty-second, the board
being A. O. Jacoba, John McMillan and S.
C. Shrlgley. The council then adjourned
to meet Monday evening.
Pleaeer Cltlaea Drad.
Frahk O. Oleson, 121? North Twenty-third
street, died last night. Mr. Oleson was one
of the oldest settlors In South Omaha, be
ing a resident here for the past seventeen
years. He was a resident of Omaha
for eighteen - years, before moving
here. He was 62 years old. He has a son
living In St. Louis and a daughter In Kan
sas City. His wife survives him. His
death came after an Illness of nine weeks.
He was a contractor and builder for many
years. He waa a member of several fra
ternal organizations. One waa the Society
Danla and the other Ancient Order of
United Workmen No. M. These fraternities
will have charge of hla funeral, which will
be held next Sunday afternoon. He waa
a member of the Ancient Order of United
Workmen for twenty-five years. .
Benjamin David Killed.
Benjamin David, well known to all South 1
Omaha people who have been long in the
city, waa killed yesterday In a railroad
accident In Oklahoma at - a town called
Shawnee. The details of the accident are
unknown here. 'The body, however, will be
sent to South Omaha for burial. Mr.
David's wife la at present in the city visit
ing ' relatives. She 'was Miss Maude Rob
erts. . Mr. David was secretary of the local
Sheep Butchers' association during the time
of the great strike two yeara ago. He also
held a position as an officer in the Trades
and Labor Council of the city and waa also
a member of the Order of Eagles. This
order will have charge of the funeral ar
rangements and the burial. '
Foot Ball Game Isssar.
A good game, of foot ball Is booked for
Duffy's park Saturday afternoon. The
game is between the South Omaha High
school and Nebraska City High school.
This team recently held Omaha High school
to a low score, while the strength of South
Omaha is shown In wiping up the earth
with the Plattsmouth High school team.
The visiting team la heavy and outwelgha
the locals considerably, but the latter ex
pect to make up for this in speed. Both
teams are faithful in practice and a bard
fought game is sura toa follow.
, Maarie City Gossip.
Chattel a-?d salary loana. 2430H N St. All
business confidential.
Dl I worth Jennings. 1X6 South Twenty
fourth street, reports the birth of a son.
The democrats are expecting a rally and
a visit from Shallenberger Friday evening.
Jetter's Gold Top Ber delivered to all
parta of the city. Telephone No. I.
Ernest Glupe, Twenty-fifth and Jefferson
streets, reports the coming of a sun to his
The firm of Howe & Burdlck has taken
up new quarters at 6M North Twenty
fourth atreet.
A false alarm of fire at Swift's packing
house last night called out all the de
partments at I p. m. .
R. H. Watson, the democratic candidate
for atate superintendent of public Instruc
tion, is visiting friends In the city. He Is
the guest of S. C, Shrlgley.
The death of Mrs. Emtli Kluson, Forty
fourth and W, occurred Tuesday. The
funeral will be this morning at 1:30 at ths
Bohemian church. The burial will be In
St. Mary's cemetery.
Oufford does moving.
Uafford hauls trunks.
Gefford hauls any old thing. Tel. 108.
South Omaha.
The clerk Is prepared for the first day
of registration, which Is today, in all the
polling places of the city. Everyone must
register. The polling places are the same
as at the last primary election.
Mayor Dablman Hldra uoat.
A class of nearly 100 candidates, headed
by Mayor Dahlman, was Initiated into the
svcreis of the Hoyul Achatea undxr tha
direction of the supreme lodge of the
order at Harla-r.t'a halls, Wednesday night
The exemplification of the degree work
was done by the combined degree staffs of
umana loose ;so. 1 ana bucccm lodge No.
Vt of South Omaha. After the conclu
alon of the Initiatory work, snevrhaa
were made by Mr. Dahlman, W. H. Car
mlchael and W. W. Dodge. Dancing and
refreshments were features during the
tiir miL ui lav evening.
Gate City's Growlag latereats Fled
Exaleltatloa'la ' Newspaper
. of the Ma a.
That Omaha Is getting at least some
of the praises it deserves Is evident by
an article in the Boston Transcript of
October IS, written by Chester. A. Legg.
an eastern atudent of economies who has
bees doing staff correspondence work for
the paper. Mr. Legg visited Omaha last
summer and ths. previous aua&iner,. and
the picture he drew of a progressive city
Is taken from hla 'own observations and
Investtgatlena In the city.
This article waa thought by the real
estate men Important enough In the ad
vertialng way to take up part of the
time at the Real Estate exchange at ita
meeting Wednesday. '
O. W. Holbrook, a former resident of
Omaha, waa present, and he also had
acme good words for the city. ! was
especially Impressed by ' the building
activity. - ; ''."
H. T. Clarke and Byron Hastings were
appointed delegates to the Transmlsslsslppl
00 tigress, which meets la Kansas City No
vember 10-3.
C. F. Harrison resigned from membership
In the committee which is to look Into the
Bostles ef arose-tow a atreet car lines and
In Immense Quantities.
We claim that the sale of them in Omaha is larger than any other proprietory medi
cine ever introduced in this city. We are receiving wonderful endorsements of these prep
arations daily from people who have purchased'from us.
We unhesitatingly say that we have yet to see a case where they have not given
complete satisfaction.
To all who suffer from stomach trouble . and rheumatism who will call on us we
we will take pleasure in explaining the nature and remarkable effect of these new
medicinal formulae. . ' 1
D. C Patterson was appointed in his stead.
J. H. Dumont waa made chairman of thla
A letter was read . from the Commercial
club asking information regarding build
ings with floor space ot 1K.000 feet or more,
available for manufacturing purposes.
Dogs at Penitentiary Sacceaafal la
Rnnalngr i Down Convicts
In view of the 'present agitation favoring
the keeping of bloodhounds by the city for
use In tracing criminals Sheriff McDonald
is Interested in the experience of Warden
Beemer, who Just reoently got. three hounds
for use at the penitentiary. . Though he
has had them only a short tlms they have
assisted in recapturing two negroes who
escaped from toe. prison and have proven
valuable 'in soml:'tests ' made by Mr.
Beemer. ," i '
Shortly after the dogs were secured a
practical test was made. A man waa. sent
out from the penitentiary with orders to
do what he ooufd'to throw the hounds off
the Scent. A few hours later the dogs
were turned loose on hla trail. Ths man
crossed and recroased tha bottom country
around the penitentiary, crossed a creek
several times, doubled back on hla trail
and resorted to the usual tricks to beat the
hounds. Finally he climbed a tree, where
the dogs cornered him In a short time.
Not long after that they were put to real
use. Two negroes who were working with
a gang outside tha walla got away and
their absense waa not discovered for' some
time. Two pupa were put on the trail and
they followed it In a algssg course until
they fell exhausted. Thep the old hound
waa put on and In a short time It came
upon one of the' negroes in hiding. Then
the hounds doubled back to where the two
convicts parted company and In a short
time the second was cornered also.
The greatest difficulty Warden Beemer
has had with them la In keeping them In
trim for a hard run. ,They are very savage
and for thla reason are hard to handle.
They ahould be given a hard run every day
or two. If they are not exercised regu
larly they are likely to exhauat themselves
when they go out on a hard chase.
Class of Beveaty-Elght Applicants
Examined for Positions Under
I'nele tarn.
A class of seventy-eight applicants for
the position of meat Inspectors In the
Bureau of Animal Industry, Department of
Agriculture, for positions at South Omaha
waa examined . at the - federal building
Wednesdsy morning and afternoon under
the direction of Assistant Becretarlea
Beecher of Omaha and Johnson of South
Omaha of the Civil Service bureau. The
applicants came from all parts of the atate.
These examinations are being made to All
new positions crested under the pew pure
food law in tha .Inspection service. A
similar examination was held . several
weeks ago with about 160 applicants, but a
sufficient number ot ellgiblea were not ob
tained by that examination, many of those
examined failing to meet the necessary re
quirements, . particularly as regards
previous experience in handling meats and
canned goods.
In addition to the meat Inspector exam
inations a class of pins applicants ia being
examined under the direction of Miss
Viola Coffin of the Civil Service bureau
in another room. Five of these are ap
plicants for ths position of post office in
spector, ons woman for trained nurse in
the Indian, service, two for positions in
the weather bureau and one, for the posi
tion of engineer. ..
Stricken with Aaate Attack of
Kearalgla of Heart and
Thursday morning C. B. Hortou, superin.
tendent of ths Western Colon Telegraph
company, who has been very ill at his
home, 1st North Thirty-ninth street, since
last Saturday with an attack of pneumonia,
suffered an acute attack of neuralgia Of
the heart and left arm. occasioning considerable-alarm
to hla physicians and the
members of his family. Hp recovered
nicely, however, from this attack, "but la
still In a very precarious condition, so much
so, in fact, that the attending physicians
will not give a decided opinion as to the
chances of the ultimate recovery of their
Bee Want Ads produce results.
We Are Now Selling the Celebrated
Coopers' New Disctvery,
$5.00. Cooper. Quick
Bee's frtand Com meaded.
CRETE, Neb., Oct. 17. To the Editor of
The Bee: Permit me to commend you for
tha splendid editorial. "In Honor Bound,"
appearing in your Sunday'a issue, as cer
tainly after the atate central committee
adopted the plan of submitting the choice
ot - endorsement for the office of United
States aenator to the atate convention ot
the republicans of Nebraska, and that was
actea) upon, that action should be binding
and faithfully carried out by every repub
lican elected to our state legislature.
I certainly believe In one keeping their
word faithfully In politics aa much aa in
business and the delegates representing
all the counties of the state by, their vpte
pledged' an endorsement as their candidate,
Hon. Norrls Brown. Tou all know that I
favored as a delegate to the atate conven
tion Hon. Edward Rosewater, but It seems
to me that as long as the plecge haa been
made of this convention, "In Honor Bound"
It should be faithfully fulfilled.
I might add that Hon. George I Sheldon
will have a splendid vote. Many inde
pendent democrats and populists will sup
port him, and I look forward to republican
sucoess all along the Una. Tours sin
cerely, c. B. ANDERSON.
Chairman Broatrh Called.
OMAHA. Oct. lT.-To the Editor of The
Bee: In The Bee of October t appears a
severe arraignment of the colored firemen,
under the following caption:
Colored Firemen Arraigned. Chairman
Broatch Says the Company Has Not Made
Good as Expected.
If it be true that the colored fire company
has "not made good Its record" and in any
way shown Incompetency, why haa it so
long been allowed to remain an organised
body In the department T It seems to have
been made an occasion to unmercifully
score the colored firemen on charges
brought against one of Us members, which
were not oven sustained by your commis
sion, thus placing the entire department
in disrepute; tending also to humiliate and
belittle them In the estimation of the com
munity. Tou aay: "The formation of the
company had been done aa a recognition
of the colored race, but, in the language of
the atreet, they had not 'made good,' giv
ing the commissioners more trouble than all
the rest of the department combined." Tou
score the members of No. 11 for their lack
of discipline and their failure to support
their superior officers. Is It possible that
such are the condltlona of Omaha's boasted
fire department under the control and
management of our distinguished Fire and
Police commission? Why have not the
disturbing elements long since been re
moved and replaced by othera better qual
tiled and disposed to subserve the interests
of our cityT Can it be possible that six
comxietent men can not be selected from
among our large and Intelligent colored
population to fill these responsible post.
tlonsT I would most respectfully suggest
the propriety of quietly removing an of
fensive or decayed branch in preference
to curing the entire tree.
I have resided . within a stone's throw
of O. F. D. No. 11 since Ita organisation,
and take pleasure in testifying to Its gen
eral efficiency and good deportment.
Takes Issae with Da hi ana a.
OMAHA. . Oct. lT.-To the Editor of The
Bee. Noticing In The Evening Bee of Oc
tober It a letter from Mr. Dahlman to
Rev. Mr. Baird, beg to be allowed a apace
In your paper to voice my sentiments, to
gether with several of fny friends.
In the first place, Mr. Dahlman does not
think it out of the way 'for a man to get
drunk, for he says, "When a man la com
mitted simply for being drunk, etc" a
fine example for our young men, when
even the mayor, from whom one looks for
a good example, aaya It Is nothing out of
the way for a man to get drunk. Of
course, a man's actions are always Justi
fied In his own eyes, but not by a long
shot In ths eyes of the cltlsens of Omaha
In this case. There is absolutely no ex
cuse for a man getting arumt and when
q man takea one'a part who does he en'
courages drunksnness, from wblcb most
crimes originate.
I claim the people are getting what they
voted for, because every one knew the
principles Mr. Dahlman stood for, and It
Is not surprising that our city affairs In
regard to crime are such aa they are.
A fine place to Invite people from out
side the city; a good example for a model
city; a place you are glad to ball from
when you are In Chicago or elsewhere. I
claim the mayor la making Omaha a place
li IL M
$1.00 per bottle, fix for
Relief, 50c per bottle.
for criminals when he turns them loose
"simply for being drunk," and on their
promise to reform, etc. What humbug!
Perhaps a cheap political scheme, but a
costly one for the cltlsens.
If the mayor had the backbone and the
moral desire to do it, he could rid Omaha
of Its criminals In three days, but what Is
he doing about It? Perhaps he will want
a second term as mayor, but I predict
his cheap advertising and tha way In which
be is making Omaha famous Is enough,
and the sooner we can have a change
the better. JOHN IL FRANKUN.
Colored Vonth Who Robs New Foand
Friend teateaced to Terns
at Uneoln.
For holding up and robbing Henry Jones,
a new found friend, of $18 ia South Omaha
September 21. Roy Tracy, a ia-year-old col
ored boy, was sentenced to three years
In the penitentiary Thursdsy afternoon.
He protested his Innocence to the last, but
was positively Identified by Jones.
Norman Johnson, a 17-year-old boy, was
sentenced to the industrial school at Kear
ney for robbing hla employer, A. J. Chris
tie, of S6t In cash and $96 in checks. John
son confessed to taking the property, but
said he Intended to extract $10 and return
the money. He found he could not do this
without being detected, so he ran away
and was caught at St. Joseph.
Buter Gets Resided.
Charles Baxter, chief engineer and as
sistant custodian of the federal bulldlna;,
Is nursing a badly scalded face and shoul
Think what thla great saving means.
It will furnish two or tore rooms la
your house In elegant stylo.
It will repaint and repair your bans
and barn, or build an addition to either.
It will boy the best piano made, or send
your son or daughter to college for a year.
You know tbe ordinary stove cannot bo
made proof acalnst air-leaks, because ths
Joints are plastered with stove putty.
As soon as tbe putty dries up, and falls
out, tbe air Is sucked In through tbe cracks
and the gasee wblcb should be burned.
and a large part ot the heat escape up
tbe chimney.
Poor radiating surface and leaky Joints
mean many col
lars' avawv in high
priced coal.
Imperfect com
busilon means a
loss of tbe best
heating bait of
soft coal, the Gas
Cole's Original
Hot Blast Stove
Cole's Original
Hot Blast Stove
aavea all wasted with other stoves. A so
full rnt tin ktopnl CJ, tatliKX , tutdM
Wa arfll aati, rana ntv rtai'lrawl rt ntie and
the manufactarer'a guarantee at prices otber patented features which are eaaen
from lis and up. tlel to ths success of this stove.
Our free booklet on sclent! do combustion will solve tbs fuel problem for you.
and tsU you bow to boat your home twice as comfortably at one-hall tbe present oust.
For aale by Milton Rogers Sons Co., ltth and Farnam: Orchard
Wllhelm. Carpet Co llt-ls-ll S. Uth; John Hussle Hardware Co.. 1407
Cuming; K. U Jones e Co., 170 Leavenworth; U. V. Beavera, 424-41 N.
Mlh St., South Omaha; Herd en Bre., Benson, Neb.; Paddock, Hanschy
Hardware Co., 41 8. Main St., Council Bluffs, la.
to be their beat aaaet. If
money on them, on shorter
they can on anything else.
and should we ssll yon one
back in cash any time witnin
one year from date of purchase
nine-tenths of what you paid
us, should you want It.
der aa a result' of cleaning some pipe at- J
taohments to thebtg boilers of that build- . 1
lng a fsw days ago. The pipes and pack- .
Ins had become closrred and he waa nn -
step ladder repairing the stoppage when
a stream or seaming water shot out se
verely scalding the right side of his face
and right shoulder. The Injuries were not
serious enough to prevent him from re
sumlng his work the day following.
Qnlaay, gpralas aid Swellings Cared.
"In November, 1901, I caught cold and
had the quinsy. My throat was swollen so
I could hardly breathe, t applied Cham
berlain's Pain Balm and it gave me relief
in a short time. In two days I waa all
right," saya Mrs. I Cousins, Otterburn
Mich. Chamberlain's Pain Balm la a lini
ment and Is especially valuable for sprains
and swellings.
Bee Want Ads Bring Results.
Ouy C. Barton, head of the Omaha 4s
Grant Smelting and Refining works, who .
haa been at Wat Win's Olenn most of the
summer for the benefit of his health, re
turned to the city Thursday. He was met
in Chicago by his son, K. C. Barton.
Orand Worthy Deputy President La pen
ski of the Eagles of Hastings spent Thurs
day in Omaha. He has been on an organ
izing tour, having started a new aerie at
McCook of seventy-eight charter members,
Auburn seventy and Wayne sixty-eight.
!R. D. Hobbs of the United 8tatea secret
service bureau has returned to Omaha
after an absence In Illinois of two or
three months on official business. Mr.
Hobbs Is one of the veterans of the secret
service depsrtment and Is the party who
arrested Aqullla Trlplett on the Mexican
border, Trlplett having gone to Mexico to
escape prosecution for his complicity
the northern Nebraaka land frauds. .
Up The Chimney is Where
Half Your Fuel Money Goes
You Can Save $100 to $300 In
The Next Three to Five Years
t We raurowe a aa 1 r brf eMl svl fa Sa
alalrS la fMl ercr sal W- mmIbi Mot.
mwm rwi wt h, a we
auw with sun snl sm
wlU h.14 In witt
ml (khw- kaara
' Hoi withawk .ttMtM.
M kw. kftta Ml a Wm nunAIN UtfMvl
lor wmo a ft. Me.7M4uCfclwlUift
Sua a as anil aula "J. bi aotL er II0N4.
wia taa wm tre-p. r-wiiwiumwijam
S . iwawa tha wa nwla aeaolawlj aU
Mow mm wa kaaat rrwal Srbt m Wat wj awl
a a m Ian aa f w.rtwUilailliii
awralacwUa Ha wt wmI a I aawaa a4 euat prawt
Twelve years' continuous experimenting
has developed Cole's Hot Blast a stove
which burns any kind of fuel, and saves
mil Mie beat.
Avoid imitations
none of them
have tha patented
Hot Blast con
struction, the pat
ented Steel dollar
tkaBsectlon for
tbe elbow casting
to stove body,
ma kins aa evarw
lasting tight joint wblcb cannot open by
actios of the fiercest beat; the patent
ed compound hinge for ash door I the
aruarantsed amoke-Dixaof ftwjd do and
1 1
With ths exception of caih
on hand, diamond! are consid
ered by all well posted persona
necessary one n realise more
notice, with lesa publicity, than
We ha-e them from II to 1600,
or more, we contract to tire you